Android display refresh button on top of recyclerview năm 2024

Android RecyclerView, a powerful and flexible widget introduced in the Android Lollipop release, has revolutionized the way developers handle large datasets within mobile applications. As a successor to the ListView and GridView components, RecyclerView offers enhanced performance and customization options, making it an indispensable tool for creating smooth scrolling lists and grids on Android devices.

At the core of RecyclerView’s prowess lies its ability to reuse view elements that are no longer visible on the screen, significantly reducing memory consumption and improving app responsiveness. The RecyclerView also supports various layout managers such as LinearLayoutManager and GridLayoutManager, enabling developers to create different types of layouts with ease.

In this article, we delve into the world of Android RecyclerView by presenting a collection of carefully selected interview questions covering essential concepts and practical use cases. These questions encompass topics like ViewHolder pattern, adapter implementation, item decorations, animations, and more. This comprehensive resource is designed to equip you with a solid understanding of Android RecyclerView and empower you to create highly optimized, visually appealing, and user-friendly mobile applications.

1. Can you explain the purpose and key features of Android RecyclerView and why it is important for modern Android app development?

Android RecyclerView is a UI component designed to display large data sets efficiently. It improves performance by recycling views, reducing memory usage and increasing scrolling speed. Key features include:

1. ViewHolder pattern: Ensures efficient view reuse by holding references to the necessary UI elements. 2. LayoutManager: Determines item arrangement, supporting linear, grid, or custom layouts. 3. Adapter: Manages data binding between dataset and ViewHolder instances. 4. ItemAnimator: Handles animations for adding, removing, or updating items. 5. DiffUtil: Calculates differences between old and new datasets, optimizing updates.

RecyclerView’s flexibility and performance enhancements make it essential for modern Android app development, providing smooth user experiences even with complex data displays.

2. What are the main components that an Android RecyclerView is made up of, and can you explain their functionality?

An Android RecyclerView consists of three main components: Adapter, ViewHolder, and LayoutManager.

1. Adapter: Responsible for providing data to the RecyclerView by converting each data item into a view that can be displayed on screen. It manages the creation and recycling of ViewHolders, which hold references to individual views.

2. ViewHolder: A lightweight object that holds references to the views within an item layout. It caches these views to avoid expensive findViewById() calls during scrolling, improving performance. Each ViewHolder represents a single item in the RecyclerView.

3. LayoutManager: Determines how items are positioned and laid out on screen. It supports various layouts such as linear, grid, or staggered grid. The LayoutManager also handles smooth scrolling, animations, and other visual effects.

3. Describe the ViewHolder pattern in Android RecyclerView and the benefits it provides in terms of efficiency and performance.

The ViewHolder pattern in Android RecyclerView is a design principle that improves efficiency and performance by minimizing view inflation and redundant findViewById calls. It achieves this by reusing views for list items, reducing memory consumption and improving scrolling smoothness.

In the ViewHolder pattern, a separate class (ViewHolder) holds references to all necessary views within each item layout. When binding data to a view, RecyclerView checks if an existing ViewHolder can be reused; if not, it creates a new one. This process reduces the number of times views are inflated and findViewById is called, as they only occur during ViewHolder creation.

Benefits include: 1. Reduced memory usage: Reusing views minimizes object allocation and garbage collection. 2. Improved scrolling performance: Smooth scrolling experience due to fewer layout operations and reduced CPU overhead. 3. Simplified code structure: Separation of concerns between data binding and view management.

4. How do you implement a RecyclerView with heterogeneous content, where different item types need to be displayed and managed?

To implement a heterogeneous RecyclerView, follow these steps:

1. Define multiple view types by overriding getItemViewType() in the adapter class, returning different integers for each type. 2. Create separate ViewHolder classes for each item type, extending RecyclerView.ViewHolder and initializing respective views. 3. In onCreateViewHolder(), inflate appropriate layouts based on viewType parameter and instantiate corresponding ViewHolder objects. 4. In onBindViewHolder(), cast ViewHolder to specific type and populate data accordingly.


class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {@Override public int getItemViewType(int position) { return items.get(position).getType(); // Different integers for each type } @Override public RecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { if (viewType == TYPE_A) { View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_a, parent, false); return new ViewHolderA(view); } else { View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_b, parent, false); return new ViewHolderB(view); } } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) { Item item = items.get(position); if (holder instanceof ViewHolderA) { ((ViewHolderA) holder).bindData((ItemA) item); } else { ((ViewHolderB) holder).bindData((ItemB) item); } } }

5. What is the role of a RecyclerView.LayoutManager and what are the common implementations of it? Can you provide an example of each?

A RecyclerView.LayoutManager is responsible for measuring and positioning item views within a RecyclerView, as well as determining the policy for when to recycle item views that are no longer visible. Common implementations include LinearLayoutManager, GridLayoutManager, and StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

1. LinearLayoutManager: Displays items in a linear scrolling list (vertical or horizontal). Example:

LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context); recyclerView.setLayoutManager(layoutManager);

2. GridLayoutManager: Arranges items in a grid with a fixed number of columns/rows. Example:

GridLayoutManager layoutManager = new GridLayoutManager(context, 3); // 3 columns recyclerView.setLayoutManager(layoutManager);

3. StaggeredGridLayoutManager: Positions items in a staggered grid, where items can span multiple rows/columns and have varying sizes. Example:

StaggeredGridLayoutManager layoutManager = new StaggeredGridLayoutManager(2, StaggeredGridLayoutManager.VERTICAL); // 2 columns recyclerView.setLayoutManager(layoutManager);

6. Compare and contrast Android RecyclerView with ListView, mentioning their respective benefits and limitations.

RecyclerView, introduced in Android Lollipop, is an advanced and flexible version of ListView. Both are used for displaying a list of items, but RecyclerView offers better performance and more customization options.

Benefits of RecyclerView: 1. ViewHolder pattern: Ensures efficient recycling of views, reducing memory usage. 2. LayoutManager: Allows different layouts (linear, grid, staggered) without subclassing. 3. ItemAnimator: Simplifies animations for adding, updating, or removing items. 4. ItemDecoration: Provides easy separation between items with dividers or spacing.

Limitations of RecyclerView: 1. Requires additional setup compared to ListView. 2. No built-in support for item click listeners; must be implemented manually.

Benefits of ListView: 1. Simpler implementation: Built-in adapters and item click listeners. 2. Familiarity: Widely used before RecyclerView’s introduction.

Limitations of ListView: 1. Inefficient view recycling: Can lead to poor scrolling performance. 2. Limited layout options: Customization requires subclassing and overriding methods. 3. No built-in support for animations or decorations.

7. How can you implement click and long-click interactions for items in a RecyclerView? Explain your approach for handling these events.

To implement click and long-click interactions in a RecyclerView, follow these steps:

1. Create an interface with onClick and onLongClick methods inside the adapter class. 2. Implement this interface in the ViewHolder class and override both methods. 3. Pass the interface instance to the ViewHolder constructor from the adapter’s onCreateViewHolder method. 4. Set OnClickListener and OnLongClickListener for itemView in ViewHolder’s constructor, calling respective interface methods. 5. In Activity or Fragment, implement the adapter’s interface and handle events.


public class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyAdapter.ViewHolder> {// ... public interface ItemClickListener { void onClick(int position); void onLongClick(int position); } private final ItemClickListener listener; public MyAdapter(ItemClickListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } @Override public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { View view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_view, parent, false); return new ViewHolder(view, listener); } public static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener { ItemClickListener mListener; public ViewHolder(View itemView, ItemClickListener listener) { super(itemView); mListener = listener; itemView.setOnClickListener(this); itemView.setOnLongClickListener(this); } @Override public void onClick(View v) { mListener.onClick(getAdapterPosition()); } @Override public boolean onLongClick(View v) { mListener.onLongClick(getAdapterPosition()); return true; } } }

8. How would you handle pagination in a RecyclerView for a large dataset loaded from a remote server? Explain your approach with possible optimizations.

To handle pagination in a RecyclerView, implement the following approach with optimizations:

1. Use an endless scrolling listener on the RecyclerView to detect when users reach the end of the list. 2. In the listener, check if more data is available and trigger a request for the next page from the remote server. 3. Utilize a Loader or ViewModel to manage data retrieval asynchronously, preventing UI blocking during network requests. 4. Cache received data locally using Room or another persistence library to minimize redundant requests and improve offline usability. 5. Optimize server-side by returning paginated results with appropriate limits and offsets, reducing response payload size. 6. Implement DiffUtil to efficiently update the adapter’s dataset, minimizing UI updates and improving performance.

9. What is the Android DiffUtil class, and how can it be used for updating a RecyclerView’s dataset efficiently?

DiffUtil is a utility class in Android that calculates the difference between two lists, specifically for RecyclerView updates. It helps optimize dataset changes by identifying items added, removed, or modified, minimizing UI refreshes and improving performance.

To use DiffUtil, create a custom callback extending DiffUtil.Callback, implementing required methods: getItemCount, areItemsTheSame, and areContentsTheSame. Optionally, implement getChangePayload for partial updates.

In your RecyclerView adapter, replace the update method with one using DiffUtil:

public void updateList(List<NewItem> newList) {MyDiffCallback diffCallback = new MyDiffCallback(this.currentList, newList); DiffUtil.DiffResult diffResult = DiffUtil.calculateDiff(diffCallback); this.currentList.clear(); this.currentList.addAll(newList); diffResult.dispatchUpdatesTo(this); }

This efficiently updates the RecyclerView’s dataset, reducing unnecessary redraws and improving user experience.

10. Describe the process of implementing a custom RecyclerView.ItemDecoration for applying different spacings or dividers between items.

To implement a custom RecyclerView.ItemDecoration for different spacings or dividers between items, follow these steps:

1. Create a new class extending RecyclerView.ItemDecoration. 2. Override getItemOffsets() method to define spacing logic based on item position and view type. 3. In getItemOffsets(), use outRect.set() to set the offsets (left, top, right, bottom) for each item. 4. For dividers, draw them in onDrawOver() by calculating their positions using child views’ coordinates and canvas.drawRect(). 5. Instantiate your custom ItemDecoration and add it to the RecyclerView using addItemDecoration().


class CustomItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {@Override public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) { int position = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view); // Set offsets based on position or view type outRect.set(left, top, right, bottom); } @Override public void onDrawOver(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) { // Draw dividers if needed for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount(); i++) { View child = parent.getChildAt(i); float dividerX = child.getRight(); float dividerY = child.getBottom(); c.drawRect(dividerX, dividerY, dividerWidth, dividerHeight, paint); } } } // Usage CustomItemDecoration decoration = new CustomItemDecoration(); recyclerView.addItemDecoration(decoration);

11. How does RecyclerView handle the recycling of views, and what should developers be cautious about when implementing this pattern?

RecyclerView efficiently reuses views by employing ViewHolder pattern. It recycles off-screen views, reducing memory usage and improving performance. Adapter creates new view or reuses existing one via onCreateViewHolder() and onBindViewHolder(). Developers should be cautious about:

1. Correctly implementing getItemViewType() for multiple view types. 2. Avoiding complex layouts to prevent lag during scrolling. 3. Properly handling click events within ViewHolder. 4. Ensuring data consistency between adapter and underlying dataset. 5. Utilizing DiffUtil for efficient updates. 6. Preventing memory leaks by releasing resources in onViewRecycled().

12. What are some common performance improvements when using a RecyclerView, such as onCreateViewHolder optimizations?

To optimize RecyclerView performance, consider the following:

1. Implement ViewHolder pattern: onCreateViewHolder should create and return a new ViewHolder object, while onBindViewHolder sets data to the views within the ViewHolder. 2. Use setHasFixedSize(true): If RecyclerView’s size doesn’t change with content, enable this for better performance. 3. Optimize item layout: Keep layouts flat and simple, avoid deep view hierarchies. 4. Utilize DiffUtil: Efficiently update items by calculating differences between old and new lists, updating only changed items. 5. Load images efficiently: Use libraries like Glide or Picasso to load and cache images asynchronously. 6. Enable view recycling: Reuse views by overriding getItemViewType() if multiple view types are present.

13. Explain how to implement drag and drop reordering of items in a RecyclerView, and what additional components might be required for this functionality.

To implement drag and drop reordering in a RecyclerView, follow these steps:

1. Add ItemTouchHelper to your project as it simplifies touch interactions like swipe and drag. 2. Create a custom callback class extending ItemTouchHelper.Callback, overriding necessary methods: getMovementFlags(), onMove(), and onSwiped(). 3. In getMovementFlags(), specify the supported drag directions (e.g., UP, DOWN) using makeMovementFlags(). 4. Implement an interface for communication between the callback and adapter, defining a method like onItemMove(fromPosition, toPosition). 5. In onMove(), call the adapter’s onItemMove() method with start and target positions, then notifyItemMoved(). 6. Attach the custom callback to RecyclerView using ItemTouchHelper and its attachToRecyclerView() method.

Additional components: – Custom ViewHolder implementing OnTouchListener or OnLongClickListener to initiate dragging when touched/long-pressed. – A visual cue indicating draggable items, such as a handle icon.

14. How can you integrate a Swipe-to-Delete gesture within a RecyclerView, without using any third-party libraries?

To integrate Swipe-to-Delete in a RecyclerView without third-party libraries, follow these steps:

1. Create an ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback subclass and override onMove() and onSwiped(). 2. In onSwiped(), remove the item from your data source and notify the adapter. 3. Attach the callback to the RecyclerView using ItemTouchHelper.

Here’s a code example:

class SwipeToDeleteCallback extends ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback {private MyAdapter mAdapter; public SwipeToDeleteCallback(MyAdapter adapter) { super(0, ItemTouchHelper.LEFT | ItemTouchHelper.RIGHT); mAdapter = adapter; } @Override public boolean onMove(RecyclerView recyclerView, ViewHolder viewHolder, ViewHolder target) { return false; } @Override public void onSwiped(ViewHolder viewHolder, int direction) { int position = viewHolder.getAdapterPosition(); mAdapter.removeItem(position); } } // In your Activity or Fragment: MyAdapter adapter = new MyAdapter(data); RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(; recyclerView.setAdapter(adapter); ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(new SwipeToDeleteCallback(adapter)); itemTouchHelper.attachToRecyclerView(recyclerView);

15. Discuss any one of the RecyclerView-related components from the AndroidX Jetpack library and its use-case.

The ListAdapter component from the AndroidX Jetpack library is a powerful tool for managing RecyclerViews. It simplifies data handling by automatically computing differences between lists and updating items with minimal UI updates, improving performance.

ListAdapter uses DiffUtil to calculate changes in the dataset efficiently. By extending ListAdapter and implementing the required methods, developers can harness its capabilities without manually handling notifyDataSetChanged() calls or writing complex logic for item animations.

A common use-case for ListAdapter is displaying a list of messages in a chat application. As new messages arrive, ListAdapter ensures smooth insertion and removal of items while maintaining optimal performance.


class MessageListAdapter : ListAdapter<Message, MessageViewHolder>(MessageDiffCallback()) {override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MessageViewHolder { // Inflate view and create ViewHolder } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MessageViewHolder, position: Int) { holder.bind(getItem(position)) } } class MessageDiffCallback : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Message>() {override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Message, newItem: Message): Boolean { return == } override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Message, newItem: Message): Boolean { return oldItem == newItem } }

16. What are the factors that might affect the smooth scrolling of a RecyclerView and how can you tackle those issues?

Smooth scrolling in a RecyclerView can be affected by several factors, including layout inflation, view binding, data processing, and image loading. To tackle these issues:

1. Optimize layout inflation: Use efficient layouts like ConstraintLayout to reduce nested views and minimize hierarchy depth. 2. ViewHolder pattern: Implement the ViewHolder pattern for efficient view recycling and avoid unnecessary findViewById calls. 3. Data processing: Offload heavy data processing tasks to background threads using AsyncTask or coroutines to prevent UI thread blocking. 4. Image loading: Utilize libraries like Glide or Picasso to efficiently load images asynchronously and cache them for faster access. 5. Payloads: Use payloads in notifyItemChanged() to update only specific parts of an item instead of refreshing the entire view. 6. Pre-fetching: Enable RecyclerView’s prefetch feature to prepare items ahead of time, reducing scroll lag. 7. ItemAnimator: Customize or disable animations if they cause performance issues during scrolling.

17. Explain the usage of ItemAnimator in RecyclerView, and how to create a custom ItemAnimator to achieve specific animations for adding, removing, and changing items.

ItemAnimator in RecyclerView is responsible for animating item views during operations like adding, removing, and updating. It enhances user experience by providing smooth transitions between these actions.

To create a custom ItemAnimator, extend the SimpleItemAnimator or RecyclerView.ItemAnimator class and override necessary methods:

1. recordPreLayoutInformation: Store initial state of view before layout. 2. recordPostLayoutInformation: Store final state after layout. 3. animateAdd: Define animation for adding items. 4. animateRemove: Define animation for removing items. 5. animateMove: Define animation for moving items. 6. animateChange: Define animation for changing items. 7. runPendingAnimations: Start pending animations.


public class CustomItemAnimator extends SimpleItemAnimator {@Override public boolean animateAdd(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) { /*...*/ } @Override public boolean animateRemove(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) { /*...*/ } // ... }

Finally, set your custom ItemAnimator to RecyclerView:

LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context); recyclerView.setLayoutManager(layoutManager);


18. How can you add sticky headers to a RecyclerView, while ensuring that the headers’ visual appearance and behavior are consistent with the overall app design?

To add sticky headers to a RecyclerView, follow these steps:

1. Choose a library: Select a suitable library like StickyHeaders or Epoxy that supports sticky headers in RecyclerView. 2. Implement the adapter: Create an adapter class extending from the chosen library’s base adapter and implement required methods for binding header views and item views. 3. Design header layout: Define the header view layout XML file, ensuring it matches the app design guidelines. 4. Bind data: In the adapter, bind header data to header views and item data to item views. 5. Attach adapter: Set the custom adapter to the RecyclerView instance in your activity or fragment. 6. Handle click events: If needed, handle click events on header views by implementing appropriate interfaces provided by the library.

19. How would you handle dynamic content updates in a RecyclerView, such as inserting, deleting, or updating individual items, without disrupting the user experience?

To handle dynamic content updates in a RecyclerView without disrupting user experience, use the following approach:

1. Utilize DiffUtil: This class calculates differences between two lists and outputs a list of update operations to convert the old list into the new one. It helps optimize RecyclerView updates by only refreshing changed items.

2. Implement Adapter methods: In your custom RecyclerView.Adapter, implement methods like notifyItemInserted(), notifyItemRemoved(), and notifyItemChanged() to inform the adapter about specific changes.

3. Animate item changes: Use RecyclerView.ItemAnimator for smooth animations during insertions, deletions, or updates.

4. Manage data source: Keep your data source up-to-date with any changes made to ensure consistency across the app.

5. Handle click events: Update the data source and call appropriate adapter methods when users interact with individual items (e.g., delete button).


LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context); recyclerView.setLayoutManager(layoutManager);


20. How do you implement a RecyclerView adapter that can handle multiple view types within a single list, ensuring efficient view recycling and clean code separation?

To implement a RecyclerView adapter with multiple view types, follow these steps:

1. Define constants for each view type in the adapter class. 2. Override getItemViewType() to return the appropriate view type based on position. 3. In onCreateViewHolder(), inflate different layouts depending on the view type returned by getItemViewType(). 4. Create separate ViewHolder classes for each view type, encapsulating their specific logic and views. 5. In onBindViewHolder(), cast the ViewHolder to its corresponding type and bind data accordingly.


LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context); recyclerView.setLayoutManager(layoutManager);


21. What strategies can be applied to optimize the fetching and rendering of images within RecyclerView items, considering performance and memory consumption?

To optimize image fetching and rendering in RecyclerView items, consider the following strategies:

1. Use a third-party library like Glide or Picasso for efficient image loading, caching, and memory management. 2. Implement ViewHolder pattern to recycle views and minimize inflation overhead. 3. Resize images according to target ImageView dimensions to reduce memory consumption. 4. Utilize appropriate image formats (e.g., WebP) for better compression without sacrificing quality. 5. Apply lazy-loading techniques to load images only when they’re visible on screen. 6. Optimize network requests by batching them or using a prefetching mechanism. 7. Monitor memory usage with Android Profiler to identify potential bottlenecks and improvements.

22. Is it possible to have nested RecyclerViews within a parent RecyclerView? If so, explain the considerations and potential issues you need to keep in mind.

Yes, it is possible to have nested RecyclerViews within a parent RecyclerView. This concept is known as a “nested” or “hierarchical” RecyclerView.

Considerations: 1. Performance: Nesting can lead to performance issues due to increased view inflation and recycling. 2. Scrolling behavior: Nested scrolling may cause conflicts between the parent and child RecyclerViews. 3. Item animations: Animating items in nested RecyclerViews can be complex and may not work smoothly. 4. Touch handling: Handling touch events for both parent and child RecyclerViews might require custom logic. 5. Adapter management: Managing multiple adapters for each nested RecyclerView adds complexity to your code.

Potential Issues: 1. Memory consumption: Multiple levels of nesting can consume more memory, leading to potential OutOfMemory errors. 2. LayoutManager limitations: Some layout managers may not support nesting well, causing unexpected behaviors.

To mitigate these concerns, consider using alternative approaches like ConcatAdapter (API 27+) or merging data into a single adapter with different view types.

23. How would you ensure the accessibility of a RecyclerView for users with disabilities, considering screen readers, touch targets, and other accessibility features?

To ensure accessibility of a RecyclerView for users with disabilities, follow these steps:

1. Use descriptive content descriptions: Assign meaningful content descriptions to each view in the ViewHolder using android:contentDescription attribute or setContentDescription() method.

2. Implement custom actions: For complex interactions, add custom actions to your views using AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.addAction() and overriding onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo().

3. Adjust touch targets: Ensure touch targets are at least 48dp x 48dp by setting appropriate padding and margins.

4. Support keyboard navigation: Enable focusable attributes (android:focusable and android:focusableInTouchMode) and handle key events using View.onKeyDown() or View.onKeyUp().

5. Utilize TalkBack’s grouping feature: Group related items using android:accessibilityTraversalBefore/After or setFocusable()/setImportantForAccessibility() methods.

6. Test with accessibility tools: Regularly test your app with screen readers like TalkBack and Switch Access, as well as Android’s Accessibility Scanner for potential improvements.

24. Explain the process of creating a custom RecyclerView.LayoutManager for a non-standard list presentation, such as a circular layout or staggered grid.

To create a custom RecyclerView.LayoutManager for non-standard list presentations, follow these steps:

1. Extend the LayoutManager class: Create a new class that extends RecyclerView.LayoutManager to implement your custom layout logic.

2. Override necessary methods: Override onLayoutChildren(), generateDefaultLayoutParams(), and canScrollHorizontally() or canScrollVertically() based on scrolling direction.

3. Implement layout logic: In onLayoutChildren(), handle initial layout and adapter updates by positioning views using layoutDecoratedWithMargins(). Calculate view positions considering circular layout or staggered grid requirements.

4. Handle scrolling: Override scrollHorizontallyBy() or scrollVerticallyBy() to update visible views during scrolling. Use offsetChildrenHorizontal() or offsetChildrenVertical() to move views accordingly.

5. Recycle views: Utilize detachAndScrapView() and recycleViewsOutOfBounds() to remove off-screen views and add them back to the recycler pool.

6. Add new views: Call fill() method in onLayoutChildren() and scrolling methods to add new views from the adapter as needed.

7. Measure child views: If necessary, override onMeasure() to measure child views according to your custom layout’s requirements.

25. Can you discuss any experiences where you faced challenges while implementing or optimizing a RecyclerView, and the steps you took to resolve those challenges?

In a previous project, I faced challenges while implementing and optimizing a RecyclerView for displaying a large dataset with varying item types. The main issues were related to performance and smooth scrolling.

How do I add refresh to RecyclerView?

Step by Step Implementation.

Step 1: Create a New Project..

Step 2: Adding dependencies..

Step 4: Create a new layout file list_item. xml for the list items of RecyclerView..

Step 5: Creating Adapter class for RecyclerView..

Step 6: Working with file..

How do I update items in RecyclerView?

To efficiently update the RecyclerView with new data, we have to call functions notifyItemInserted(position: Int) , notifyItemChanged(position: Int) , notifyItemRemoved(position: Int), and similar (avoid notifyDataSetChanged() as the docs state that is inefficient and should only be used as a last resort), which notify ...

How to add images in RecyclerView Android?

Note: Make to rebuild your gradle before adding code to MainActivity..

Note: In drawable add a vector image of the search icon..

Note: Change color codes accordingly in the values folder > colors. xml..

Note: Always use jpeg URL for the image. It only supports jpeg image URLs..

How to load more data in RecyclerView android?

Step by Step Implementation.

Step 1: Create a New Project..

Step 2: Add the below dependency in your build.gradle file and allow internet permission in the manifests file..

Step 3: Working with the activity_main.xml file..

Step 4: Working with Modal Class..

Step 5: Creating a layout file for our item of RecyclerView..

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