Argumentative essay topics for elementary school

Writing an essay is the best activity for kids, which enhances their knowledge about the world. Educational institutes can organize essay competitions and provide guidance to write each topic. Through their guidance, kids can enhance their writing skills. Likewise, the teachers and parents can help to provide essay topics for kids. It is essential to bring the thought of kids through their writing that enhances their creativity. Various educational institutions present essay topic ideas for kids through their competitions and contests. The main aim of making children write an essay is to enhance their various skills.

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Importance of Argumentative Essay Topics for Kids

Argumentative writing is essential in the cognitive development of a kid’s personality. Through providing guidance to write each topic, teachers can develop their personality and ideology about a specific topic. It helps in enhancing various skills. Different essay topics for kids helps them to understand the process of writing and benefits them if they want to become a writer in future. It helps in the critical thinking of kids about a subject. Argumentative essay topics for kids helps them to understand the persuasive nature of society through the internet, television, and other social media.

Moreover, essay topic ideas help them influence others with their ideas which may result in changing other’s views about a specific topic. Due to lockdowns, children forget the writing due to more minor writing tasks. So, teachers are there to provide guidance to write each topic. It will decrease their boredom productively.

How to Write an Argumentative Essay

Various steps help kids to receive guidance to write each topic. Some of these steps include:

  1. Teachers can help children research the topic and teach different phrases and techniques required to write persuasive essays.
  2. The students should choose a persuasive topic so that they passionately write their essays.
  3. Students can use statistics supporting their point in the essay and write the simple language.
  4. Students can use some facts and examples to powerfully present their thoughts in the essay.
  5. Summarizing is an essential part of the persuasive essay, so students need to summarise their essay.

These are some of the steps a student should keep in their mind while writing an argumentative essay. It helps in developing various skills in a child. In addition, essay writing enhances some unique skills in kids, which make them unique across the globe.

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Essay Topics for Kids

Various educational institutions are focusing on essay writing competitions to enhance the writing skills of kids in this era of boredom and lockdowns. There are various essay topics for kids, which helps in bringing their creative thought out. It is essential for their cognitive development. Some of the persuasive essay topics for kids are listed below:

  • Do people have a right to internet access?
  • Is it even fair for minorities to receive special treatment or consideration?
  • Does reality television accurately depict real life?
  • Does nature or nurture play a significant role in who we are?
  • Is arts education as crucial as other curricula?
  • What is the greatest challenge of a student’s life?
  • Is the common core good for students?

These are some of the essay topic ideas for kids. These ideas help bring the thought of children on paper across the globe. In addition, it helps enhance skills such as creative skills, critical thinking, writing skills, and much more. In the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns era, essay writing is the best activity for kids and helps reduce their boredom productively.

Example of Argumentative Essay

Importance of Dance for Kids

Dance is the most popular activity among kids. Dance is the art of expressing one’s views creatively; It has the essence of physical fitness with excitement. It is a fun learning activity as children can perform steps with counting. It helps in the cognitive development of a child’s personality. Parents encourage them to perform it to maintain their physical health. In the era of the COVID-19 and various lockdowns, dancing is the best way to release stress and enjoy life with family.

Dance has various forms and benefits associated with it:

  1. It helps kids to express their feelings without hurting anyone’s sentiments.
  2. It helps kids to maintain their physical health.
  3. It is an essential advantage in this era of COVID-19 and various lockdowns; it helps maintain a good atmosphere in the home.

Various Dance Forms:

Dance is categorized in various dance forms across the globe. Kids can choose a particular dance form and practice it regularly. Dance is the skill that distinguishes them in the crowd. Some of the popular dance forms of the world are as follows:

  • Salsa Dance: Salsa dance is a couple of dances originated from the US. It helps kids to maintain physical health through various dance steps. It is beneficial in the cognitive development of the brain. It is taught to students by performing steps with counting.
  • Ballad Dance: Ballad dance is mainly performed on narrative songs. It originated in France in the 18th century to produce lyrical ballads. The kids can perform steps with counting in the ballad. It helps in the flexibility of a child. It helps in maintaining their physical health.
  • Hip-hop Dance: Hip-hop is a fusion of various dance forms. The children can perform it anytime. This dance form has various benefits for kids’ development; It helps maintain their physical health.
  • Bhangra Dance: Bhangra is an energetic dance form performed in Punjab. It helps in enhancing the stamina of the kids. It helps maintain physical health in an individual; It is a famous dance and does not have complex steps. It is performed in celebration and a moment of happiness.
  • Kathak: Kathak is a famous classical dance form performed in India. Kids who perform Kathak have better physical health. It helps in improving the patience and concentration level of kids. It is performed by doing steps with counting.
  • Bharatanatyam: Bharatnatyam is one of the popular classical dance forms. It originated from Tamil Nadu and is one of the oldest dance forms of India. It helps children to maintain physical health.

The market size of the dance industry has grown 3% per year from 2015 to 2020. The earliest finding shows that Dance is with us from 9000 years ago and evolved through time. Today, professional dancers are regarded as athletes.

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Benefits of Dance

Dance has various benefits associated with it. It is essential for a lavish lifestyle of children. Various institutions use Dance as a technique of creating fun learning games for their students. Some of the benefits of performing Dance daily are as follows:

  • Dance helps in improving heart and lung conditions. Hence, it helps maintain the health of an individual.
  • Dance helps in maintaining physical health by increasing flexibility, stamina, strength, and much more.
  • A person can use Dance as a technique to manage their weight, such as aerobic classes.
  • In the era of COVID-19, Dance helps release the stress and pain of an individual resulting in their relaxation. It also helps in lightening the mood of a person.
  • Remembering the steps during the performance plays a significant role in improving the memory of an individual.
  • A dance involves some complex steps which help in improving the balancing skills of an individual.
  • It makes a person feel good and reduces the chances of depression in individual. Dance is the best way to improve the immune system of a person.

Dance is an essential activity for kids. It has various physical and mental benefits associated with it; It helps in the cognitive development of a child’s personality. Therefore, it is beneficial for parents as well as kids in these series of lockdowns. Parents can teach their kids Dance by releasing all their stress and relaxing. At the same time, kids can learn steps to counting and enjoy their time with their parents. During these lockdowns, Dance is the best activity as it helps maintain physical health by enjoying each step. Moreover, children love to dance with their parents, which helps them to create a strong bond.


Dance is a creative activity in which an individual can deliver all his pressure and unwind. It helps in beating different issues and improves one’s abilities. Dance is a practice that anybody can perform anyplace, whenever. It doesn’t need any instrument or equipment. Dance isn’t a source of entertainment; it’s a complete exercise for the kids to maintain their physical health. Dance is getting essential to battle the vital illness of COVID-19. Explore another world by rehearsing Dance.

Also Read: What are Fine Motor Skills in Child Development? Examples of Motor Skill Activities for Kids

An argumentative essay is commonly assigned to high school and college. Professors assign these essays because it allows them to analyze the student’s ability to support a certain argument. However, without a proper argumentative essay writing guide, it is difficult for students to craft a perfect argumentative essay.

The first step to writing an argumentative essay is to choose a good topic. Here we have presented some good argumentative essay topics to help you get started.

Choosing an Interesting Argumentative Essay Topic

Interesting argumentative essay topic ideas are those that intrigue the reader and are attention grabbers. While choosing a topic to write an argumentative essay, keep the following things in mind. Your argumentative essay topic should be:

  • Debatable
  • Passionate
  • Researchable
  • Up to date

The topic you choose for your academic paper should allow you to express your knowledge about a particular issue.

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Argumentative Essay Topics For Middle School Students

  • First aid and medical advances
  • Role of teachers in building the kids’ personality
  • Is phone and internet regulation necessary for kids?
  • Parents should be a child’s best friend. How far is this statement correct?
  • Violent video games affect a child’s mental health and stability.
  • Boys and girls do not have equal opportunities, Agreed?
  • Schools should be in a session year-round.
  • Religious conflicts have caused wars.
  • The government should provide health care facilities.
  • Is homework helpful or harmful to students?

Argumentative Essay Topics For High School Students

  • Are SATs effective?
  • The Pros and Cons of doing an MBA
  • What secondary languages are worth studying nowadays?
  • Causes of Obesity in the US.
  • Is NCAA participation negatively impacting academic performance?
  • Should forest destruction become a punishable act?
  • Monarchy and its Pros and Cons.
  • Should there be a ban on violent video games?
  • How important is a high school in a student’s life?
  • What does it take to become a politician?

Argumentative Essay Topics For College Students

  • Is a College degree worth its price?
  • College professors are paid more than they should.
  • Not everyone needs to go to College.
  • College students shouldn’t live at home.
  • College is a way to make money.
  • Social media usage should be regulated in young adults.
  • Children should be given the freedom to design their own curriculum.
  • Real-life skills should be added to the college syllabus.
  • Students should be taught to grow their food.
  • Medical marijuana has proven positive effects on many diseases.

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Argumentative Essay Topics For Kids

  • Are uniforms essential for public school students?
  • Do curfews keep kids out of trouble?
  • Schools should include a game period for kids.
  • Is cheating out of control in schools?
  • Parents love the younger child more
  • Test scores are important to impress the teacher
  • Tom and Jerry are the best cartoons
  • How a toy changed my life
  • Lunch break should be 1 hour long.
  • Are boys too dominating?

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Things that your driving instructor never told you.
  • The reason why the customer is not always right
  • Why do people have an abundant amount of mismatched socks?
  • Why do cats act so entitled?
  • Do dogs really smile? Explain that expression in detail.
  • What makes Charlie Chaplin an iconic figure?
  • Why do nice girls date morons?
  • Why social media friends are better than real-world friends
  • How to get rejected on a first date?
  • CEOs paid too much

Sports Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should College Athletes be paid?
  • How do tennis players stay fit?
  • Student-athletes and their struggle with time management
  • Is football dangerous for the players?
  • Can football fans become obsessive?
  • Involvement in extracurricular activities is a key to academic success.
  • The foundation of female athletes.
  • Female athletes are equally capable as their male counterparts.
  • Bullfighting should be banned and made illegal everywhere.
  • Being a great athlete and being a great coach are different things.

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Best Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The use of marijuana should be illegal.
  • The regulation of alcohol drinking.
  • YouTube channel owners should edit foul language in the comments.
  • Social media plays an important role in business communication.
  • When it comes to news, Twitter is more beneficial than Facebook.
  • The effects of Instagram on today’s youth
  • Does freedom of speech give people the license to say hateful things?
  • Can competitive behavior lead to issues in the long run?
  • Should criminals get second chances?
  • Ignorance is a blessing. How far is it true?

Psychology Argumentative Essay Topics

  • A good diet means good health
  • Hygiene is key to health
  • Is there a need for better health policies?
  • Does therapy help in the long run?
  • Having a pet makes us mentally and physically fit.
  • Fad diets are effective in fast weight loss.
  • Good sleep is important for good health.
  • Bedtime storytelling is a dying art.
  • Playing outdoors helps in building a kid’s immunity system.
  • Psychologists should not share the details of their patients.

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics

  • How is type 2 diabetes related to foot ulcers?
  • The impact of diet on type 2 diabetes patients
  • Issues surrounding organ donation.
  • The problems associated with organ donation in the black market
  • Plastic and its linkage with Cancer
  • The issues associated with obesity.
  • Herbal medicine is better than mainstream medicine.
  • Doctors should be given the authority to end their terminally ill patient’s life.
  • Euthanasia should be legal for patients in vegetative states.
  • Junk food should be banned for kids up to 18 years

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Good Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Are punctual people more successful?
  • Why is time money?
  • Is knowledge power?
  • Everything is fair in love and war.
  • Hunger is a tragedy.
  • How to help children maintain a healthy weight
  • Is sugar bad for you?
  • Middle school students should be given less workload.
  • How can colleges encourage recycling?
  • How much time does a commercial movie take to complete?

Argumentative Essay Topics On Technology

  • Technological advancement has made people's life easier.
  • The advent of smartphones has turned us into digital nomads.
  • Is technology causing isolation amongst students?
  • Pros and cons of electronic voting
  • The evolution of cell phone
  • Advancement in technology making people lazy
  • Technology advancement causing the unemployment
  • We are reaching a point where there is no advancement in technology left.
  • Young people lives are totally dependent on computer and google
  • What will the world look like in the event of a technological explosion?

Argumentative Essay Topics On Social Media

  • Should social media usage be limited?
  • Is the world more focused on material happiness after the introduction of social media?
  • Social media, a place of great awareness
  • Social media in the United States
  • Social media platforms are great for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Facebook and other social media platforms give unwanted access to child abusers.
  • Pros and cons of allowing kids to use social media
  • The increase in drugs and substance abuse is partly due to social media.
  • Social media has become a significant part of people's life
  • People are earning money from social networks

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Easy Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The problems associated with global warming
  • Was Ted Bundy an influencer?
  • Is sleep necessary to regulate health issues?
  • Is swimming an overall exercise?
  • Is there a possibility of someone being above the law?
  • Capital punishment should be ended for juvenile prisoners.
  • Why are funny cat videos so popular?
  • A house is a child’s first institute. Discuss the claim with factual proof.
  • Strict mothers have well-behaved children. Discuss.
  • Human beings caused depletion in the ozone layer.

Music Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Music helps the students to study better. Support your answer with proven facts.
  • The mafia controls the music industry.
  • Which music genre is most loved by youngsters?
  • Why does rock music lose its credibility?
  • Can a blend of different music genres be termed music?
  • Music is a medicine to the mind, soul, and body.
  • ‘Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’ the famous international celebrity
  • Music and psychology have a strong relationship.
  • Why do people listen to sad songs when they are depressed?
  • Why do people become addicted to music?

Argumentative Essay Topics About Animals

  • Animal testing for beauty products should be banned
  • Do dogs understand what we are saying?
  • How does watching funny cat videos affect our brains?
  • There is no need for animal medical experimentation.
  • How do emotional support animals help in releasing stress?
  • Why are dogs so loyal?
  • The restriction on hunting should be dependent on environmental areas.
  • Aggressive animals should not be allowed as pets
  • There should be a law for animal protection
  • Bunnies are the most beautiful creature

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Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Like pregnancy tests, HIV tests should also be made available in drugstores.
  • Social media leads to isolation.
  • Dating in the workplace is ethically wrong.
  • There should be a death sentence for sex offenders.
  • Dating in the workplace should be discouraged.
  • Women are less healthy than men.
  • Women should be given the right to abort.
  • Journalism has reduced money-making games.
  • Thoughts on same-sex marriage.
  • Should there be a restriction on the sales and production of tobacco?

American History Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Civil rights movement in America
  • American foreign policy for the 21st century
  • Donald Trump has become the most hated president in the history of the united states
  • The effects of the Great Depression on American people
  • How was the North American continent discovered?
  • Will there be a 3rd World War?
  • The winners write history, and this makes it biased.
  • End of slavery in America
  • Why was Barack Obama the best American president?
  • Discuss the key causes of the American revolution

Argumentative Essay Topics About Education

  • Education should be free of cost for everyone.
  • Education is considered a business now. How far is this statement true?
  • Boys and girls should be given equal education and job opportunities.
  • The link between technology and education
  • The Education board should review the college syllabus on an annual basis.
  • Different methods of coaching and the issues associated with them
  • Jails should have a developed educational and skills training system for prisoners.
  • A college education is a base for future career success.
  • There are many success stories of college dropouts. Analyze these examples and discuss if college education really is useless.
  • Shakespeare is the greatest poet of all time. Discuss the reasons behind it.

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Unique Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Can we live without the internet and cell phone?
  • The issues related to gambling in sports
  • Is technology turning people into zombies?
  • Children should be educated about the dangers of smoking in schools.
  • Why is it so frustrating when the computer freezes?
  • Women still suffer from the glass ceiling effect.
  • Are obesity and hunger both malnutrition problems?
  • Student-athletes should be given financial support in colleges.
  • Can drinking milk regularly make the bones stronger?
  • Discuss the elements of tragedy and whether the Shakespearean tragedy comes close to it.

Argumentative Research Essay Topics

  • Early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise
  • Every student should have the right to pick the discipline they are interested in.
  • The aftermath of the Tsunami.
  • Kids learn more in Smart schools than in traditional schools.
  • Is censorship on the internet necessary?
  • Hockey is a dangerous sport and should be played in a controlled environment.
  • Young adults must be given equal rights as far as their decision related to the military is concerned.
  • Can gun control help in regulating crime? Discuss your point of view.
  • MBA is not as effective as it used to be.
  • Learning multiple languages should be added to the college syllabus.

Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Parents should have no control over the life of their adult kids.
  • Kids should be allowed to sleep 10 hours a day.
  • Video games are dangerous for kids’ health.
  • Should there be a ban on energy drinks?
  • At what age should individuals be given the right to vote?
  • Is justice present for everyone out there?
  • At what age can people start drinking and smoking?
  • Medical marijuana prescriptions should be allowed to all doctors.
  • Parents should not give smartphones to their college children.
  • Religion and politics should be kept separate.

Check out these argumentative essay examples to get an idea of what kind of topics make strong argumentative essays.

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Tips to Write an Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essays are like persuasive essays where you have to persuade the reader by presenting the facts and logic.

The following tips from expert writers will help you craft a perfect argumentative essay:

  • Choose a focused and debatable topic
  • Go for a controversial topic and avoid any obvious argumentative topic
  • Avoid sensitive topics like; race, religion or politics
  • Do research to collect updated information from the most credible sources
  • Decide between the types of argument structure you want to follow.
  • Create an outline. An argumentative essay outline will help you organize your thoughts.
  • Pay attention to the beginning and start your essay with a compelling hook
  • Write a convincing introduction paragraph
  • Provide a brief background that is necessary to understand the argument
  • Come up with a thesis statement that presents a strong argument
  • Craft a conclusion that provides a call to action
  • Proofread, edit and revise

Our essay writers’ tips on how to write an argumentative essay will surely help you make your essay flawless.

However, if you still feel like you need more guidance, you can seek help from our rgumentative essay writers. has a team of professional essay writers who are experts in crafting high-quality and 100% original papers. Your dedicated essay writer will take care of everything from research to composing a thesis statement to text citations.

Feel free to contact us whenever you want. Our customer support representatives are available 24/7 to assist you in all of your academic writing queries.

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