Attack on titan that day review năm 2024

I never thought that watching an episode of Attack on Titan would drop me into a debate on morality and the appeal of violence as entertainment, but here we are. “That Day” takes us through Grisha’s memories and gives us some insight into just exactly is going on in this world.

After finally learning what’s in the basement, “That Day” shows us a little of the history of the world. There is a longstanding battle between the nations of Eldia, whose people have the ability to change into Titans, and Marley. Looking past the obvious bias of Grisha’s perspective, it’s difficult to decide who is the villain in this situation. Marley’s treatment of the Eldians – forcing them to live in ghettos as second-class citizens as punishment for the sins of their ancestors – is appalling and unjust. But Grisha admits that he can’t read the scripture, so he is only assuming that the Eldians did nothing wrong. His hatred comes from trauma. He isn’t a noble hero fighting the “real enemy”. Yet the Marleyans are hypocrites for vowing to rid the world of Eldians while using Eldians for their own purposes. It just goes to prove that life is not black and white.

It goes even deeper than that, though. This knowledge makes the entire series up until this point infinitely sadder. The Scouts’ last, desperate charge was ultimately unnecessary. Humanity hasn’t perished; it is thriving outside the walls. Not to mention, everyone living inside the walls are descendants of Eldia, which means that the “evil” Titans they’ve been killing are their own people. The walls aren’t meant to keep the Titans out, but to keep the Titans in. This flips the entire series on its head.

It also makes Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt’s crimes even more grave; they are Eldians who became official Marleyans and now look down on their own people because of it. I don’t know if they can really be held responsible, as they’ve been brainwashed from a young age, but they still caused the deaths of thousands. (It also makes you wonder what was going on with Zeke, that he would turn on his parents like that, then go ahead and obviously become what they wanted him to be.)

This episode also proves just how amazing this series is at foreshadowing. Grisha’s friends who become Titans in “That Day” are the same Titans who attacked in season 1. (His first wife is the Smiling Titan – the one who ate Eren’s mother, and was then killed on Eren’s orders. And you thought your family was messed up.) The season 2 ED also revealed a lot of the information we learned in this episode, even though us anime only people would have no idea what it means.

There is also a moment of breaking the fourth wall when Gross, though speaking to Grisha, addresses the audience when talking about the entertainment value of watching people get eaten by Titans. After all, we do that on a weekly basis when we watch this show.

I’m very curious as to what Eren will do with this information. We’ve gotten the Marley propaganda, and we’ve gotten Grisha’s biased interpretation, but we still don’t really know the truth.

This show just keeps getting better and better. I’m on pins and needles waiting for the next episode! (How long until I cave and read the manga?)

Have you seen “That Day”? What did you think?

Author: Jamie Sugah

Jamie has a BA in English with a focus in creative writing from The Ohio State University. She self-published her first novel, The Perils of Long Hair on a Windy Day, which is available through Amazon. She is currently an archivist and lives in New York City with her demon ninja vampire cat. She covers television, books, movies, anime, and conventions in the NYC area.

Grisha Jaeger lived within the walls of the Eldian internment camp with his family. Seeing a blimp fly overhead, he decides to see where the aircraft lands. As Eldians, they are forbidden to leave the confines of their prison without permission, but after making a break for the outside world with his sister, he experiences a tragedy that changes his life. What happened “That Day?”

I remember a time when I was in the dark about the world of Attack on Titan. Well my friends, this is the episode I’ve been waiting for. After watching three seasons worth of material, we finally get to see what happened on “That Day.”

Okay, okay. I’ll try to stop making that pun now… But it will not be this day ;P

Many times, flashback episodes are tedious, terrible, and entirely worthless. Somehow, a writer’s ability to craft narrative completely goes out the window, and the quality of a given narrative goes downhill. Attack on Titan bucks that trend and we have an extremely compelling story arc that connects so many of the scattered dots that a bigger picture comes into view.

The episode begins ominously, as Grisha’s narration, and the pulsating musical chords give us a strong sense of foreboding. Young Grisha and Faye are outside the wall in an unfamiliar city. There is no intro, so you know that there’s going to be some serious stuff going on. The citizens on the other side say that they have devil-blood as they are shoved and pushed around. Grisha finds the place where the blimp lands and they make their way over. What happens there changes the course of Grisha’s life forever.

Did humanity literally make a deal with the devil?

Because AoT has only given subtle hints about the wider world outside of the walls, our assumptions have been as informed as the forces fighting for humanity’s survival. That is to say, we were just as clueless as everyone else. For example, why Ymir worshiped as a goddess? We now know that, according to legend, Ymir was the name of the first to acquire the power of the titans. It’s interesting that the legend calls back to Eden.

Essentially, the Eldians oppressed the world, and the nation of Marley overcame the titans and became the oppressors. It’s fascinating and eerily true to what humanity has experienced through its history. Grisha gets pulled into a movement to take down the Marley government, and quickly becomes its leader. However, nothing ever goes according to plan, and everything he worked for was destroyed.

The most intriguing aspect of all of this is the deeper history and how it changes what you thought about everything. Things that you might have forgotten from past episodes like Ymir’s background come flooding back, and I suspect that this episode was constructed in such a way as to work like a memory. You go, “Wait! I remember that from season one… AND season two! Oh… so that’s what that meant!”

I mentioned irony at the beginning, didn’t I? Well, the final moments of the episode are thick with it.

Okay, I can’t not talk about it. That last bit of the episode when the resistance is turned into the titans that ultimately achieved their ends was crazy, as was the revelation that Dina is the one who eats Carla and ends up being killed by Eren. I was like

The past consumes the present which is killed by the future… or something like that 😛

Is this hinting at who Zeke became?

I have some lingering questions though. What happened to Grisha’s other son, Eren’s half-brother? Are the special titan powers derived from the nine titans? And what happened during the Great Titan War? Did the titans who knocked the holes in the wall come from Marley?

“That Day” lays out some jaw-dropping revelations about the Attack on Titan universe, and shows how circular its world really is. I’m looking forward to the next episode, that’s for sure. More secrets are sure to be revealed, that’s for sure.

Is Attack on Titan final good?

Word got out that most fans were disappointed with how Isayama ended AOT, mainly targeting the ending he wrote out in the manga before the anime was released. However, other fans, along with myself, say this was the most perfect ending.

What is the most popular episode of AOT?

Being considered one of the best television episodes of all time both within the fanbase and for its IMDb rating, Attack on Titan Season 3, Episode 17, "Hero" is one that will go down in history.

Is Attack on Titan the best anime ever?

Attack On Titan is finally over, and the ending cements it as one of the greatest anime series ever made. Offering something for almost every type of anime fan, Attack On Titan is an undisputed masterpiece, and Hajime Isayama's legacy will forever be remembered because of it.

Is Attack on Titan ok for 13 year olds?

Attack on Titan is for kids and teens that are mature The show has a great plot. I would say to start watching around 12 years old because there is a lot of blood and gore. There is smoking and drinking, but little amounts. The show has the B and S words but no F word.

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