Awarding institution dịch sang tiếng việt là gì năm 2024

(Định nghĩa của institute từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

institute | Tiếng Anh Thương Mại

the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

the Institute of Directors

(Định nghĩa của institute từ Từ điển Cambridge Tiếng Anh Doanh nghiệp © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của institute


The first is the period when a government institutes its first modern welfare policies.

After the campaign an intensive surveillance system was instituted and physicians were required to notify suspected cases.

The structural problems with which the academic institutes have had to contend, are of a passing nature.

Interviewers were required to achieve a kappa of at least 0.6 ; otherwise, retraining was instituted.

At neighbourhood level, the gang had similarly instituted a veritable regime of terror.

In many cases the authorities instituted hereditary family occupations and probably determined patrilineal succession.

We instituted a number of additional controls on the selection of the stimulus set to ensure interpretable results.

In the following fiscal year there were 55 such investigations, and prosecutions were instituted in 12 cases.

1911, when he was asked to join a group of experts in order to discuss the founding of biological institutes.

Studies of the impact of specific conferences are occasionally planned and conducted in collaboration with cosponsoring institutes.

There is also exclusion from reimbursement for certain drugs not included in a recently instituted positive list.

Delegates discussed the details of the provision on powers without commenting on the major change that had been instituted.

Since the institute's creation, some improvement in planning projects has been observed (20).

Preparatory offices were set up for four additional institutes, and directors and deputy directors were appointed.

Low-trusting individuals cooperate most when and only when such a framework is instituted.

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Các cụm từ với institute

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independent institute

It is my intention that the centre will be an independent institute under the control of a governing body with its own constitution.

institute proceedings

If by chance or by design a person is libelled or slandered, legal aid is not available so that he may institute proceedings.

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