Computer usb ports randomly stop working

Why do my USB ports keep turning off and on?

A port that continuously turns off and on may not be broken, this maybe a "Power Management" feature of the device. USB ports can hibernate just as a computer or laptop do. If it’s dozing off is not in your best interest, you can disable this feature.

Why is my USB mouse disconnecting and reconnecting randomly and often?

Sometimes this Mouse keeps disconnecting problem occurs simply because you’ve plugged your mouse in a faulty USB port. You can plug it out and insert in another port to see if it fixes the problem. Try a different (and functioning) mouse.

How do I find out what is disconnecting from my USB?

Identify the device responsible for the random sounds by its name or by observing the change of colored buttons if you cannot identify the devices by their names. Right-click on the device you found and click on ‘Disconnect Selected Devices‘ from the options. See if that resolves the problem.

How do I fix USB disconnecting and reconnecting?

How to Fix a USB Device That Keeps Disconnecting & Reconnecting in Windows 10

  1. Quick Fixes. …
  2. Reinstall the USB Drivers. …
  3. Configure Your PC’s Power Management Settings. …
  4. Disable the USB Selective Suspend Setting. …
  5. Run the Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter. …
  6. Use the DISM and SFC Tools.

Jun 21, 2021

How do I stop my USB ports from turning off?

Click the “Change advanced power settings” link here to open the advanced settings window. Scroll down and locate the “USB settings” option in the list of advanced power settings. Expand this section and set “USB selective suspend setting” to “Disabled”. Click “OK” to save your settings.

How do I fix a faulty USB port?

How to Fix USB Port Issues

  1. Restart your computer. …
  2. Look for debris in the USB port. …
  3. Check for loose or broken internal connections. …
  4. Try a different USB port. …
  5. Swap to a different USB cable. …
  6. Plug your device into a different computer. …
  7. Try plugging in a different USB device. …
  8. Check the device manager (Windows).

Why does my USB mouse keep disconnecting Windows 10?

If the mouse is plugged in a faulty USB port, perhaps the mouse randomly disconnects. So, plug it out and insert it in another port to see if the problem is fixed. Also, you can connect the mouse to a different computer. If the issue also happens, it’s clear that the mouse is damaged and you need to purchase a new one.

How do I reconnect a disconnected USB?

In Device Manager, right-click the device that the uninstalled device was listed under (Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Controller) and select ‘Scan for hardware changes‘. It will scan for hardware and automatically connect all USB devices back to your system, including the drive that you unmounted/ejected.

Why do my USB ports randomly stop working?

Power management settings in your computer may be disrupting your USB ports. USB Selective Suspend can deactivate a USB port when not in use in order to save battery life, but can also sometimes disable the port when you’re trying to use it. When this happens, you can go into Power Options and turn off the setting.

How do I know if my USB port is damaged?

Symptoms. If you quickly and repeatedly insert and remove a USB device, the USB port may stop responding. When the port is in this state, it no longer recognizes any USB device, and the USB device will not work.

How do I stop my mouse from disconnecting and reconnecting?

If you notice that your mouse tends to disconnect during idle periods, chances are you will be able to resolve the problem by disabling Automatic USB suspend from the Power Management tab of your mouse properties.

How do I refresh my USB ports?

How to Refresh USB Ports

  1. Click the "Start" button, type "devmgmt. …
  2. Expand the option labeled "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" by double-clicking it.
  3. Right-click a USB port and click the "Properties" option.
  4. Click the tab labeled "Advanced."
  5. Click the button labeled "Refresh" to refresh the USB port.

Why all USB ports stop working?

Power management settings in your computer may be disrupting your USB ports. USB Selective Suspend can deactivate a USB port when not in use in order to save battery life, but can also sometimes disable the port when you’re trying to use it. When this happens, you can go into Power Options and turn off the setting.

Why USB ports stop working?

The USB device may become unresponsive because of a race condition in the Selective Suspend feature. The Selective Suspend feature suspends the USB device to efficiently maintain battery power by enabling the computer to turn off the USB device. However, sometimes this feature may not correctly wake up the USB device.

How can you tell if a USB port is bad?

Method 1: Use Device Manager to scan for hardware changes

  1. Click Start, and then click Run. …
  2. Type devmgmt. …
  3. In Device Manager, click your computer so that it is highlighted.
  4. Click Action, and then click Scan for hardware changes.
  5. Check the USB device to see whether it is working.

What is Code 43 problem in USB?

Error Code 43 is a Device Manager error that means the following: Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. ( Code 43) When you get this error with USB devices it’s because one of the drivers controlling the device notified the operating system that the device failed in some manner.

How long does a USB port last?

Standard USB has a minimum rated lifetime of 1,500 cycles of insertion and removal, the mini-USB receptacle increases this to 5,000 cycles, and the newer Micro-USB and USB-C receptacles are both designed for a minimum rated lifetime of 10,000 cycles of insertion and removal.

How do I fix a malfunctioned USB?

Connect the USB to the PC, right-click on This PC/My Computer, and select Manage. Enter Device Manager, select Disk Management, locate and right-click on your malfunctioned USB, and select Format volume… Finish the format process and set the file system to NTFS or FAT32.

Posted 01 December 2017 - 12:40 AM

Hey, so as the title suggests, I was just using my computer doing nothing special and randomly my USB ports disconnect then reconnect a few seconds after. I didn't think much of it, but then 1 minute later, the USB ports all disconnect and don't reconnect. I've restarted my computer multiple times, tried replugging keyboard/mice into different ports (back and front), have let the computer sit for a while then tried, but nothing is working and my USB ports just don't seem to work. 

I fear this is a hardware related issue, potentially with the motherboard or a fried USB controller - none of my ports work with any type of USB input (microphone, keyboard, mouse)

I have heard of doing a CMOS reset or tinkering with my BIOS settings but am not sure how or if it will even be helpful or even what those are. 

I'm really lost and my computer is basically unusable. I would genuinely appreciate any help possible.

Important Details:

-I've had my computer for around 2 years with overall crappy USB problems (ranging from ports that randomly stop working for a few days, to audio problems, to other random crap) so i feel as though my motherboard is not good
-My computer is prebuilt: //
-Right when all the USB ports stopped working, I had a video in the background and for some reason, my headphones through a USB to audio jack converter stilled worked and I could hear the video
-I think this may be an electrical issue, partially because a portion of my apartment's breaker went off prior (i don't think it affected the computer, because it was still on) and I had to reset it
-I have been running pretty graphically/CPU intensive games in the past few weeks (PUBG) and had to tinker with some computer settings to allow for maximum game performances 
-Every other aspect of my computer works fine, just the USB ports

I just need someone to guide me through what I should do. I am very desperate, help a college student getting ready for finals. Thanks.

USB ports are quite durable, having a minimum lifetime of 1,500 insertion and removal cycles. A USB port will sometimes stop working much faster due to various causes, such as defective parts, overuse, or improper handling.

If all USB ports randomly stop working though, the issue isn’t that serious in most cases. Here is everything you need to know about why your USB ports stop working randomly, and what you can do to fix it!

Why do my USB ports randomly stop working?

If all your USB ports randomly stop working on Windows 10, it’s typically related to some update issues. However, there are various other reason why your USB ports randomly stop working, even on different OS.

Here are the most common causes why all USB ports stopped working on your PC/laptop.

1. Faulty cables/adaptors

First, you need to check out all your USB ports to be sure that you aren’t dealing with a single USB port failure. USB port failure is relatively rare, so it’s best to make sure that the device you are trying to connect to your USB port isn’t damaged.

If your device is good, check its USB cable, and inspect it for any damage. If you are using an external USB port slot extender, check it’s adaptor or USB cable as well.

2. Wrong USB port

Another common reason why your USB ports stop responding, might be because you are trying to insert a device to the data-only ports, instead of the recharging ports.

Some USB ports, for example, are specially designed to charge your laptop or other devices, however, not all of them do this, and maybe you are just simply using the wrong USB ports.

3. Debris accumulation

In case you don’t perform regular maintenance on your PC/laptop, chances are, at some point, the USB ports will accumulate debris and prevent the cable from plugging in all the way as it should.

If the situation is serious, it’s possible that all your USB ports stop working randomly. This is especially true for USB port extenders. You can quickly get debris inside all of the ports if you drop it in certain locations or transport your device regularly.

4. Power supply failure

If your USB ports stop working randomly, it might be related to your power supply. This mainly applies to laptops, as in some models, the power supply transmits power to your USB ports, or in other cases, it will deactivate USB ports connections to save energy.

5. Power management settings

Sometimes, your power management settings might have some inconvenient configuration. If all USB ports randomly stop working, your Windows power management settings may have the switch USB controllers off activated when not in use.

Even though you want to use your USB ports, the system won’t set them back on. This often happens as Windows has some bug issues when it comes to managing power.

6. Outdated or faulty USB drivers or system updates

If all USB ports randomly stop working, it might be due to your USB drivers. Some drivers might get glitched and need to be reinstalled. Other drivers get outdated. Specific system updates can also cause some glitches on your PC/laptop.

Windows 10, for example, had some updates that provoked the randomly malfunctioned USB ports issue. If you don’t keep your OS constantly updated, these issues will arise sooner or later, and not just to your USB ports.

7. Damaged USB ports

Damaged USB ports can randomly start working. For example, if your USB slot extender was trampled, the damage might surface later, causing random issues.

In other cases, if you spilled a drink on your laptop and didn’t properly clean it up, your USB ports will randomly stop working sometime later.

How to fix USB ports that randomly stop working?

Your USB ports randomly stop working for various issues. From configurations, outdated drivers to glitchy updates, or external damage, here is how to fix USB ports that randomly stop working on most devices:

1. Check other USB ports

The first thing you need to do when your USB port stops responding is to check all the other ports available. Try connecting different devices to your USB ports to establish if the fault is with your device or the USB port itself.

If the other USB ports work fine, you will need to repair that faulty USB port sooner or later. Consider buying a USB port extender if you want to have more USB ports available on your device.

Finally, make sure you connect the right devices to the proper USB sockets. Some USB ports are strictly used for charging, while others are for data. If you try, for example, to connect your laptop charger to any USB port outside the one designated to charge it specifically, it won’t work.

If you noticed that all of your USB ports randomly stopped working, then skip the next tip and read about how to clean USB ports, or consider the other tips.

2. Try other cables

A USB port extender is quite susceptible to damage. Your USB cable or adaptor might be faulty, hence the reason why your USB ports randomly stop working.

USB port extenders can be trampled, or you can easily spill drinks on them, resulting in these issues. A few drops are enough to cause some degree of damage.

If you believe the USB cable is damaged, you might be able to replace it in some cases. However, if your cable is already integrated into your device, you might need to buy a new USB port extender.

3. Clean out the USB ports

When USB ports stop working randomly, it might be due to poor maintenance. If you work in a dusty environment or store your PC/laptop in such places, debris can accumulate on your USB ports, resulting in them stopping randomly.

If this is the issue, don’t worry, you can easily clean your USB ports by yourself without taking your device into service. The best way to tell if your USB ports are dirty is to check and see if you can plug a USB cable all the way through.

If something is blocking it, grab a flashlight or use your phone light to see what is blocking the socket. You will need a toothpick and a canned air product to clean your USB ports. Use the toothpick gently after switching your device power off, and carefully try to clear whatever is stuck there.

Use the canned air to get rid of dust; however, don’t place its plastic nozzle into the USB port. It might create condensation and thus more problems later. If what you connect to the USB port works after wiggling it, then there is an issue inside.

This is most likely also related to debris. Open your device and inspect the USB ports. Try to see if there is anything wrong. You can look up your PC/laptop model and compare the arrangements.

If you don’t want to take a risk, then it’s best to take your PC/laptop to a professional for review. If you began your cleaning operation, here is how you can adequately clean your CPU fan.

4. Check your power supply

This next tip generally applies to laptops. The power supply is essential for USB ports on laptops as it delivers power to them. Sometimes, this powerful device can fail, or it isn’t connected correctly.

Inspect your power device and see if there are any issues after unplugging it and your laptop. Restart your laptop, connect any USB device, and connect the power supply or vice versa. See if the USB ports randomly stop working again.

5. Change power management settings

If, despite cleaning and checking your power supply, your USB still randomly stop working, then it’s most likely to some power management settings. USB ports randomly stop working on Windows 10 primarily due to this reason.

The power management settings ensure that your USB ports stop working when they’re not in use to save power. However, sometimes this feature might get glitchy, and it’s best to turn it off. You need to press the Windows Key and type Device Manager to do this.

Once here, click on the Universal Serial Bus controllers branch, and click on the first USB Root Hub. Click on the Power Management tab, and un-check the Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power box. 

Click OK, and repeat the process for the rest of the USB Root Hubs. Once you are done, you can reboot your PC and see if your USB ports randomly stop working once more.

6. Update USB drivers and your system

If the USB ports stop working randomly again, then it is most likely related to your USB drivers and updates. To check the status of your USB drivers, click on the Windows Key, type Device Manager, and search for your USB drivers.

Once you find them at the Universal Serial Bus controllers branch, right-click on them and select Update. Reboot your PC/laptop and see if the problem persists. You can also uninstall your USB drivers and reboot your PC in Windows 10 or higher.

If you do this, Windows will automatically reinstall your USB drivers once your restart your computer. If you fall behind with your system updates, it might also cause some issues, such as USB ports not responding.

To solve this, you might want to check your system update status. Go to Start>Settings>Update and Security, and check if any updates are available for your device. Once you’ve installed everything, reboot your PC/laptop and check if the problem persists.

7. Take PC/laptop to service for inspection

If any of the advice above didn’t work, and your USB ports are not responding, or all USB ports stopped working, then the best solution is to take your PC/laptop to service. Have some professionals take a good look at your device and sort out the issues.

Most USB ports have a minimum lifetime of 1.500 insertion and removal cycles. It’s entirely possible that your USB ports are too damaged or overused, and they might need complete replacement.

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