Difference between societal marketing concept and holistic marketing concept




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The holistic marketing concept looks at marketing as a complex activity and acknowledges that everything matters in marketing. The holistic viewpoint follows that systems—in this case marketing—somehow function as wholes and that their functioning cannot be fully understood solely in terms of their component parts. Therefore, a broad and integrated perspective is necessary in developing, designing, and implementing marketing programs and activities. The four components that characterize holistic marketing are relationship marketing, internal marketing, integrated marketing, and socially responsive marketing.

Difference between societal marketing concept and holistic marketing concept

  1. Internal Marketing: Internal marketing is based on the theme that employees are the internal customers of a firm and their satisfaction is of utmost importance in order to achieve the goal of customer satisfaction. Internal marketing ensures building a skilled and self-motivated workforce and that every member of the organization properly understands the company’s marketing orientation and philosophy towards the customer satisfaction. Internal marketing is also about maintaining harmony and co-ordination among various marketing functions and activities within the organization. Conflicts should not exist within the marketing department and other departments as this may result in negative external marketing.
  2. Integrated Marketing: Integrated marketing is based on the proposition that the marketers instead of deciding for individual marketing activities should make an integrated marketing program with the purpose to create, communicate and deliver value for the customers. The aim of integrated marketing is to gain synergy out of all marketing activities and it is only possible when an integrated approach is adopted. It is basically about designing an effective integrated marketing mix executed well to derive synergy.
  3. Relationship Marketing: Relationship marketing is concerned with building long-lasting relationships with various parties connected to a business including the customers, employees, suppliers, financial institutions, regulatory bodies, competitive firms and the society in general. Relationship marketing is about building relationships with all those who can affect the firm’s success or are capable of adding value to it at any level. The traditional selling approach where the customers and firm interacted only during sales is no more acceptable in current environment. Today the firms need to maintain a regular contact and keep reminding of the brand to the customers. Repeat purchases by the customers demand a strong relationship with them. Relationship marketing suggests not only building relationships but also enhancing them over the time.
  4. Societal Marketing/ Socially Responsible Marketing: Holistic marketing suggests that the marketer’s responsibility is not limited to the customers but it extends to the society in general. Societal marketing suggests that marketing should consider ethics, society, laws and the environment while designing activities. Marketing activities like these which are economically viable but socially detrimental are strongly restricted under societal marketing of holistic marketing. The marketing should not adopt an irresponsible behavior towards the society. The increasing popularity of societal marketing aspect can be well understood by the larger evidences of corporate social responsibility activities undertaken by most firms now days.


Marketing is a fundamental part of any company. This is the method by which a company promotes its products and services to the public. There is more than one approach to product marketing, however, and choosing the most effective approach for your company is key to developing a marketing campaign that succeeds. Two basic marketing methods include societal and traditional concept marketing, both of which can be effective. Your company's business strategy and philosophy will help you determine the method to use.

Societal Marketing Characteristics

  1. Societal marketing places emphasis on the long-term well-being of society as a whole, incorporating this goal into the overall marketing plan of a company. While product and service marketing is still a key function of this type of marketing plan, the focal point of societal marketing is society. It is a combination of consumer wants or needs, company requirements, and the long-term good of society.

Traditional Concept Marketing Characteristics

  1. Traditional concept marketing is a marketing strategy a company uses to determine if it can produce a viable product consumers want or need, whether the company can produce enough product to fill the need, and the marketing method by which the need can be filled. Traditional marketing concepts rely on the concept hook to sell a product, with the end goal being to reach a target audience in such a way that the company makes its product or service attractive. This most commonly means tailoring advertising to fit the demographics of consumers.

Societal and Traditional Marketing Similarity

  1. While the two approaches are different in focus, there is a similarity between them. The societal marketing campaign focuses on the well-being of society, but this approach is actually a marketing concept or ploy. Many companies are sincerely interested in marketing with a goal toward being socially conscious, but the end goal is still to sell a product, making this approach a high-concept strategy that often wins public approval.

Types of Societal Marketing

  1. Societal marketing includes green campaigns that focus on environmental issues and ensuring company products are safe for the environment. A green marketing campaign puts the focus on environmental safety rather than the product itself. Food companies that place the emphasis on the health of consumers rather than the product also fall under this category. Any cause-related marketing strategy can be considered a societal marketing strategy as long as the focus is on a cause beneficial to society’s well-being.

Types of Traditional Concept Marketing

  1. There are numerous examples of traditional concept marketing. TV, radio and magazine advertising that focus on the product and the needs of customers based upon demographics are concept. Tying a product to carefree activities associated with the target audience, using sex as a marketing tool, or focusing on short-term wants and needs rather than taking into account how the product affects society are all ways a company uses the traditional concept approach in marketing.

A business may choose to use a holistic marketing approach when they are under the strong belief that all aspects of its marketing strategy are interrelated. Development of marketing programs such as the marketing mix, the design of marketing campaigns, and the implementation of marketing processes are not isolated business functions under a holistic marketing concept. Instead, the business makes marketing decisions and implements campaigns based on reaching a common organizational objective.

The process of holistic marketing takes into account the considerations of stakeholders, customers, employees, suppliers, and the community as a whole when creating and implementing marketing strategies. Holistic marketing has gained in popularity due to the high saturation rate and increased competition in the marketplace. Businesses realize that they can set themselves apart through a holistic marketing approach, while at the same time creating synergy among departments in the organization.

Although strategies for implementation differ from one company to the next, every holistic marketing approach includes four main components: relationship marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing, and societal marketing.

The goal of relationship marketing is to build strong, long-lasting relationships with various stakeholders and other important parties connected to the business. Customers, employees, financing entities, suppliers, vendors, regulatory agencies, and competitive firms are all necessary partners for a business to have and keep. Each has a significant impact on the success or failure of the company. Relationship marketing focuses on establishing relationships with a stakeholder, and it also requires the retention and growth of each relationship over time.

Within the integrated marketing component of a holistic strategy, businesses work towards making marketing decisions that create value for stakeholders through a clear, concise marketing message. All activities within integrated marketing, including advertising, public relations, direct marketing, online communications, and social media marketing, work in sync with one another to ensure the company's customers and business partners have the same experience with and perception of the company.

Internal marketing is aimed at catering to the specific needs of the business's own employees. Internal marketing ensures that employees are satisfied with the work they perform each day as well as the philosophy and direction of the organization as a whole. Greater satisfaction among employees leads to increased customer satisfaction over time, making internal marketing a key aspect of the holistic approach.

In addition to working towards employee satisfaction through internal marketing, businesses use this component of holistic marketing to achieve improved coordination among internal departments. The objective is to reduce departmental conflicts across the business, which leads to greater synergy in marketing activities presented to consumers.

The last component of holistic marketing is societal or socially-responsible marketing. This component extends a company's reach beyond the customers consuming its product or service to society in general.

Societal marketing is aimed at creating marketing initiatives that are based on ethically sound business practices, such as environmentally-friendly production or meaningful interaction with the surrounding community. Marketing campaigns that are intentionally socially responsible provide another method for businesses to build long-lasting, beneficial stakeholder and partner relationships.