Dont bite the hand that feeds you là gì năm 2024

She was very angry with her boss, but she decided to keep quiet and not bite the hand that feeds her.

No one ever helps him anymore because he always bites the hand that feeds him.

Pop Quiz:

Who would say “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!”?:

  1. A parent whose child is misbehaving.
  1. A waiter who gets a big tip.
  1. A dentist who has a nervous patient.

To see the correct answer, click on “Continue reading”:

The correct answer is A. Parents usually spend a lot of time and money on their children: they buy their clothes and provide them with food and a room. So if a child is mean to his or her parents, his or her mom and dad could definitely say “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!”

(tục ngữ) ăn cháo đái bát

  • bite: [bait]danh từsự cắn, sự ngoạm; miếng cắn; vết cắnsự châm, sự đốt; nốt đốt (muỗi, ong...)miếng (thức ăn); thức ăna bite of foodmột miếng ănwithout bite and supkhông cơm nước gì cảsự đau nhức, sự nhức
  • data feeds: Từ điển kỹ thuậtnguồn dữ liệu
  • offset feeds: Từ điển kỹ thuậtLĩnh vực: điện tử & viễn thôngtiếp sóng lệch tầm

Câu ví dụ

thêm câu ví dụ:

  • Abstract for: Time to Bite the Hand that Feeds You Eng is:To bite the hand that feeds you(cắn cái tay đã nuôi mình)
  • You don't bite the hand that feeds you. Bạn không thể cắn vào tay cho bạn ăn.
  • Don’t bite the hand that feeds you: the cost of poor governance Chương 2: ĐỪNG CẮN BÀN TAY ĐANG CHO MÌNH ĂN: GIÁ PHẢI TRẢ CHO QUẢN LÝ TỒI
  • Don’t bite the hand that feeds you: the cost of poor governance Phần 2: Đừng cắn bàn tay đang cho mình ăn: Cái giá phải trả cho quản lý tồi.
  • … Never bite the hand that feeds you. Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You = đừng bao giờ cắn vào bàn tay đã đút cho ta ăn

Những từ khác

  1. "bite one's nails" là gì
  2. "bite one's thumb at somebody" là gì
  3. "bite plate" là gì
  4. "bite the dust" là gì
  5. "bite the dust (ground, sand)" là gì
  6. "bite without barking" là gì
  7. "bite-raiser" là gì
  8. "bite-wing" là gì
  9. "biteable" là gì
  10. "bite the dust" là gì
  11. "bite the dust (ground, sand)" là gì
  12. "bite without barking" là gì
  13. "bite-raiser" là gì

Also: Never bite the hand that feeds you

Used as an idiom as early as 600 B.C. and in English since at least the 16th century.

Meaning of Idiom ‘Bite the Hand That Feeds You’

To bite the hand that feeds you is to attack, harm, show ingratitude toward, or otherwise turn against someone who is helping you.

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This idiom is illustrated in one of Aesop’s Fables, The Gardener and his Dog:

“A gardener’s dog, frisking about the brink of a well in the garden, happened to fall in. The gardener very readily ran to his assistance, but as he was trying to help him out, the cur bit him by the hand. The man, annoyed at what he considered such ungrateful behavior towards one whose only aim was to save his life, came away the left the dog to drown.”

Some dogs, like this military dog, are trained to attack on demand. But they would never bite the hand that feeds them!

Examples Of Use

“People say you shouldn’t criticize your employer because you’ll be biting the hand that feeds you. It’s you who does the work, so who really feeds who?”

“I cannot stand this client, said Ed, I’m going to tell him to stop being such a pain!” “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” said Chris.


This idiom was used as early as 600 B.c. as by the Greek poet Sappho. Its earliest known recorded use in English is 1711 by writer Joseph Addison. The expression draws on the metaphor of a dog biting its master, just as in the example from Aesop’s Fables, above.

The term "never bite the hand that feeds you" means don't act negatively towards a person who provides for you. (It is also commonly seen as "Don't bite the hand that feeds you.")

  • Don't shout at Anne! She's letting you stay at her place for nothing. Never bite the hand that feeds you!
  • Be kind to your boss in your speech. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
  • Did you steal that money from the family who took you in? Where are you going to stay now? Never bite the hand that feeds you.

The origin of this proverb is unknown, but it was used as early as 1718 (evidence). A version of the saying was used on several occasions by British politician Edmund Burke, who served as a member of Parliament (MP) between 1766 and 1794. Burke used similar words to today's proverb to warn his fellow MPs that the electorate was fickle and would quickly turn against the government (the "hand" that feeds the people) if things went wrong.

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