Force Stop Android system S10

Phones are a real revolution, whether it is to stay in touch with friends, watch multimedia content, manage emails, use favorite applications ... Nevertheless, these are small computers which can, like any electronic device, encounter bugs. . If your mobile phone is ever blocked, you should know how to force shutdown your Samsung Galaxy S10. Or you will stay on this screen until you run out of battery ... Not really practical when we know that most French people spend about 4 hours a day on their phone!
To do this, we will, first of all, show you how to force stop an application on your Samsung Galaxy S10, then how to force stop the mobile phone by realizing a restart of a stuck Samsung Galaxy S10.


How to force stop the application of a Samsung Galaxy S10?

Before showing you how to force a Samsung Galaxy S10 to turn off , we will first explain how to force an application to stop. In fact, most of the bugs that your mobile phone will encounter will come from a specific application. It is therefore not necessarily necessary to turn off your mobile phone to resolve them, a simple shutdown of the problematic blocked app may therefore be sufficient to resume normal use of your Samsung Galaxy S10.

If ever one of the applications on your Samsung Galaxy S10 bug, you will probably have a blocked screen, and not be able to activate the touchpad on your screen. We will therefore show you how to force the shutdown of this application that is causing you concern:

  • Press the touch key of your Samsung Galaxy S10 with the three small vertical lines which symbolize the » Task Manager »
  • Drag the thumbnail of the application in question upwards or press » Close »To stop it
  • If it is still active in the background, there is another technique
  • Go to the " Parameters »Of your Samsung Galaxy S10
  • Click on the submenu » Applications »
  • Find the bugging application in the list and select the
  • Click on " Force stop »

How to force shutdown a Samsung Galaxy S10?

If, on the other hand, you notice that despite the first solutions proposed above, your Samsung Galaxy S10 is totally blocked, and that you are forced to proceed to forced shutdown of your Samsung Galaxy S10 , in this part we will show you how to get out of it and regain control of your mobile phone.

If you are ever the victim of a Samsung Galaxy S10 which does not react to any of your manipulations (locking the screen, attempting to turn off the mobile phone with the power button, going through the task manager, etc.), you are faced with to a real software problem and your entire operating system crashed ... We will therefore have to force the extinction of it, to do this, we will pass by a forced restart of your Samsung Galaxy S10. It is the easiest way to unlock a mobile phone.

Normally you will only have to keep your Power button pressed to turn off or restart your Samsung Galaxy S10 . Unfortunately, during a freeze, you will have to use the "emergency" solution to force the mobile phone to switch off. For that, it will be necessary simultaneously maintain , depending on the Android version of your Samsung Galaxy S10, the Power button volume up , or Power button and volume down for a few seconds. You can release the buttons as soon as you see your mobile phone logo on the screen, which will confirm the success of the procedure.

If you ever have problems with your physical buttons and you are looking for how to turn off a Samsung Galaxy S10 without the Power button, we invite you to read our guide on this procedure.

If you ever want a lot of tutorials to become the king of the Samsung Galaxy S10, we invite you to watch the other tutorials in the category: Samsung Galaxy S10.