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How to Write a Google Review Without a Gmail Account

If you own a local business, you know how important it is for customers to be able to easily find it online. Making sure your Google My Business page is up to date and that your business is generating consistent positive Google reviews are key ways to help people find you. In fact, getting reviews on Google can be crucial to your businesss success when it comes to showing up in Google search results including the Map Pack. Likewise, responding to those reviews both good and bad! is critical to your reputation.

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The stats back it up: Did you know customers spend 31% more money with businesses that have great online reviews? Of course, its always important to respond to each and every review no matter if its positive or negative. Responding to negative reviews helps to repair miscommunications and win back business. Responding to positive reviews helps to nurture those happy customers and win repeat business.

But you need to actually get reviews first and not having an actual Google account does not mean you or your customers cant leave a Google review. Read on to find out how to write a review on Google without an actual Google account.

2 Simple Steps to Write a Google Review Without a Gmail Account

You do not need a Gmail account to leave a Google review. Your customers do not need to create an account just to leave a review, and once you educate them on this, you have the potential for a huge increase in reviews and better search engine results.

Whether you are using an iPhone or Android, you absolutely can leave a Google local review without having Gmail. How? Simply follow the steps below:

Step 1. Search for the business you wish to review

Begin by Googling the business you wish to review.

Step 2. Write A Review

Once you have the business pulled up, scroll down past the map until you find starred reviews. You should see five stars with gray outlines this is the reviews section where you can contribute your own star rating.

After you give a star rating by clicking the number of stars you want, you will be prompted to write more about your experience and share an image if you want.

At this point, you will be prompted to sign in this is where people get (understandably) confused and think they need a Google account to leave a review. If you want to continue without signing in, simply click on create account, choose for myself or for my business.

On the next page it will give you the option to use my current email address instead. No Google account, no problem!

Thats really all it takes!

Final Thoughts on Google Reviews

Getting Google reviews is imperative if you want to boost word-of-mouth referrals online. Can you believe 85% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations?

And thats not all. Even your negative reviews can result in more trust between your business and customers. According to a 2016 report by Power Reviews, too-perfect reviews can lead to distrust and consumer skepticism. The thinking clearly is if its too good to be true, it probably is!

Keep in mind that all reviews are public, and Google will not allow customers to leave anonymous reviews, either good or bad. This means anyone can see what you post in your reviews not just what you say but any photos you post, other reviews you have posted, and your name on your About me Google page.

With reviews, potential customers can see how their own neighbors liked an experience. They can make decisions based on real events (with the exception of fake reviews). This social nature requires input from you, the business, and it can be hard to keep up. If you need some help with handling it try review management software to save you time and keep those reviews coming in automatically. The more reviews you get, the more Google will respect you as a trusted brand, and the better you will rank in their search results.

Now that you know how to leave a Google review with or without a Gmail account, there should be nothing holding you back from a great online presence. Start taking authority in your community and boost your local business on Google the other guys wont see it coming!

Do you need help getting more reviews and earning more business? Broadly can help. Schedule your free demo today.

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