Giáo an tiếng anh 6 global success hk1

2. Read the conversation again. Then write True/ False.

Step 1: Transfering the learning task

- T explain the strategies of doing True-False exercise to SS: Read each statement carefully, identify and underline the key words in the statements, locate the keywords or similar words in the text, and then evaluate if they are the same, or the opposites of the information in the given statements. If the information is the same, it’s True (T). If it is opposites or different, it’s False (F)

- Ask ss to work independently to choose the correct answer to the questions, then share the answers with a partner.

- Ask ss to read aloud the answers.

Step 2: Performing the task

- Ss work individually to answer the questions

Step 3: Discussion

- Ss share their answer before discussing them in groups or as a class

Step 4: Conclusion

- T confirms the  correct answers

Ex 3:Write one word from the box

Step 1: Transfering the learning task

- T may instruct Ss how to do do exercise; Read the sentences and identify the kind of word to fill the blank. T model with the first sentences

- Ask Ss to work independently to fill each blank with the right word

Step 2: Performing the task

-         Ss listen to the techer and complete the exercise individually

Step 3: Discussion

- Ss compare their answers

- Report the result to the class

Step 4: Conclusion

- T checks the answer

Ex 2. Key:

1. T      2.F     3.T     4. T     5. F

Ex 3.Key:

1.Wear     2. Has    3. Go

4. Uniforms     5. Subjects

Năm học 2021 – 2022 sắp bắt đầu, là năm học đầu tiên triển khai chương trình giáo dục phổ thông mới. Trong đó môn Tiếng Anh 6 với nhiều giáo trình khác nhau do mỗi trường tự chọn. Tài Liệu Giáo Dục xin gửi đến các thầy cô Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success. Đây là bộ giáo án học kì I dược nhà xuất bản biên soạn để làm tài liệu tham khảo cho các thầy cô. Hy vọng các thầy cô có thêm nguồn tham khảo để soạn giảng cho Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success.

Dưới đây là một giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success mẫu nhé. Bài soạn Unit 1 My New Shool

Bộ tài liệu bổ trợ Tiếng Anh 6 cần thiết cho giáo viên và học sinh

Combo bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 chương trình mới

Để tải giáo án này các thầy cô chịu khó để lại email bên dưới phần bình luận nhé. Mình cũng muốn gửi link trực tiếp cho các thầy cô. Nhưng mình cần bài viết có sự tương tác khi các thầy cô để lại bình luận. Và chia sẻ bài viết này giúp mình nhé. Xin cảm ơn các thầy cô. 


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STK: 1088.7309.1559 – NGUYEN MINH HOANG

"Cho đi là còn mãi" - Chỉ mong bạn thấy những chia sẻ này hay và hữu ích thì đừng quên share nó đến với nhiều người khác.

Published on Aug 31, 2021


Planning: ..../..../.....

Teaching : ..../..../.....



  2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to have knowledge about

- using the lexical items related to the topic ‘My house”

- listening and reading a dialogue about someone’s house

- Vocab: Types of houses, rooms and furniture.

2. Competences: - improving self-learning competence, creative, communicative and cooperation competence

+ Use the lexical items related to the topic: “My new house”.

+ Talking about where Ss live

  1. Quality: Cooperation, respect, having right and friendly attitudes with friends, teachers in the new school

T : Textbook, lesson plan, a projector, a laptop

Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 8: Getting started


  1. WARM UP: ( 5’)
  2. Goal: Review some names of subjects
  3. CONTENTS : S name their favourite subject
  4. Expected result: Ss can tell the names of subjects they know.
  5. Performance

- T. asks Ss to talk about the names of the subjes they like.

- Ss discuss and tell the subjects they like: history, math, literarure,...

- Ss report

- T asks other ss to comment and gives the result.

  1. PRESENTATION : Pre-teach Vocabulary (10’)
  2. Goal: Provide Ss necessary vocabularíe related to the types of house
  3. CONTENTS : Ss learn new vocab
  4. Expected result: understand using and meaning of the vocabularies
  5. Performance:



Step 1: Transfering the learning task

- T gives the task:

+ T elicits the words from SS

+ Ask Ss to repeat, read and write the words

Step 2: Performing the task

- Ss do the task: repeat in chorus

Step 3: Discussion

- Ss report: read individually , take note

Step 4: Conclusion

- T remarks if necessary


- town house (n): nhà ở thành phố

- country house (n): nhà ở nông thôn

- flat (n): căn hộ

- living room (n): phòng khách

- bedroom (n): phòng ngủ

- kitchen (n): bếp

- bathroom (n): phòng tắm

  1. PRACTICE: Activity 1( 10’)
  2. Goal: to help Ss to undestand the conversation better
  3. Contents : T asks Ss to listen and read the conversation between Duong and Mai about sports and games. Then, Ss get knowledge to finish the exercises
  4. Expected result: understand using and meaning of the vocabularies
  5. Performance:



Ex 2: Put a tick

Step 1: Transfering the learning task

-T asks Ss to give answer withour reading the conversation again, then ask them to read the conversation anf check their answer

Step 2: Performing the task

-SS do as appointed to do the task

Step 3: Discussion

- T invites some SS to give answers and their envidence

Step 4: Conclusion

-T confirm the correct answers

Ex 3: Compplete each sentence with one word

Step 1: Transfering the learning task

- T gives the task: T asks Ss to read the sentences carefully and then refer back to the conversation for the context of the words they need to fill the gaps (ex3)

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the word web about types of house. Tell SS to read th text again to get the words and use the words they know

Step 2: Performing the task

- Ss work individually to complete the task then share their answers before they discuss them in pairs

Step 3: Discussion

- T asks some Ss to write the correct answers on the board

Step 4: Conclusion

- T and other Ss give comments and correct.

Ex 4: Complete the word web

Step 1: Transfering the learning task

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the word web about types of house. Tell SS to read th text again to get the words and use the words they know

Step 2: Performing the task

- Ss work in pairs to complete the task then have Ss exchange their word webs

Step 3: Discussion

- T asks two pairs with the most numbeer of words to draw their word webs on the board.

- Other pairs look, comments and add any words they know

Step 4: Conclusion

- T gives feedback

Ex 2:Key

Ex 3: Key

1. sister 2. TV 3. Town

4. Country 5. Three

Ex 4: Key

  1. PRODUCTION: (7’)
  2. Goal: to help SS practise asking and answering about where they live
  3. CONTENTS : Work in groups to ask and answer where you live
  4. Expected result: Ss can memorize the learnt words and the way of using.
  5. Performance:



Step 1: Transfering the learning task

- T has Ss work in groups to take turns to ask and answer about where they live.

- T models with one student to make sure Ss know how to ask and answer. Ask one student in each group to be the secretary and to take notes of other Ss answers

- T moves around to observe and offer help when needed

Step 2: Performing the task

- Ss work in pairs to do the task

Step 3: Discussion

- T invites some Ss to ask and answer in front of the whole class then asks the group secretaries to report their findings

Step 4: Conclusion

- T and other Ss give comments

Ex 5: Work in groups. Ask your friends where they live.


  • Learn the vocabulary by heart

- Prepare UNIT 2 A closer Look 1

Planning: ..../..../.....

Teaching : ..../..../.....



  2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students extend the vocabulary related to the topic “Room and furniture” and PRACTICE pronouncing the sounds /s/ and /z/ in isolation and in context.
  3. Competences: + Develop communicative competence, discovery, cooperation competence and thinking competence.

+ Use the lexical items related to “Room and furniture”.

+ Pronounce /s/ and /z/ exactly.

  1. Quality: Develop honest, responsible qualities for students.

Teacher: Textbook, workbook, laptop, projector.

Giáo án Tiếng anh 6 kì 1 sách Global Success

Một vài thông tin:

  • Giáo án tải về là giáo án word, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa
  • Giáo án có đầy đủ các bài và tất cả đều được soạn chi tiết như bài mẫu
  • Chuyển phí xong là nhận đủ giáo án cả năm ngay và luôn

Phí tải giáo án:

Cách tải:

  • Bước 1: gửi phí vào tk: 10711017 - Chu Văn Trí - Ngân hàng ACB (QR)
  • Bước 2: Nhắn tin tới Zalo Fidutech - nhấn vào đây để thông báo và nhận giáo án

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