How do you dance in the rain?

Vivian Greene Author, motivational speaker

Rising Above

Pass It On®

Pass It On®

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Your Comments

Muhammad Imran from Sargodha APRIL 7, 2022
Very nice

Anonymous DECEMBER 23, 2021
LIFE isn't about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the RAIN!

Elisabeth from Hamburg  DECEMBER 9, 2021
It's exaxtly the motto of my life! 🙂

Izze from Laporte, TX 77571 NOVEMBER 12, 2021
It is a perfect quote.

Mary from Ca JUNE 25, 2021
Thank you for the inspiration to pass on

Mary from Gi JUNE 25, 2021
Thankyou for the inspiration

Levi from Eldorado MAY 23, 2021
Not do live and wait for the storm to pass but to learn to dance in the rain🖤

Chrissy from Greenwith, South Australia MAY 11, 2021
I adore this quote, it is so deep yet so simple. If more people followed this advice, they'd be less stressed and anxious and enjoy life more.

Pema Singh from Bhutan APRIL 7, 2021
Life is full of ups and downs and full of negative society

issac pheaster from Crossville, Tennessee  JANUARY 7, 2021
pain is a part of life but remember, "live thru the storm to see the rainbow" just remember that life does get better

Dawn Hawkes from Cape Coral, Florida  AUGUST 27, 2020
I Happened upon this Quote yesterday at doctors office probably more relevant to my Florida friends❤️

Lady D from North Carolina MAY 19, 2020
I absolutely love this quote!!

Reg W from Wellington, New Zealand APRIL 6, 2020
Under these exceptional times I have shared this quote with my team and asked them whether they are learning to dance in the rain

Jimmy landburg from Lancaster ,texas APRIL 4, 2019
This quote took me through a very difficult time of my life ,I said it to myself every day as I woke up and sat on the edge of the bed ,before I started each day .it made me go out there and face challenges head on ,stay positive ,and made that situation part of my life ,cause that to will pass .

Emma from emm AUGUST 20, 2017
Face it bravely.

Anonymous JULY 29, 2017

Life have the chance to do but the death can't.

Sophie from Oregon JULY 27, 2017
This is something I still work on. Whenever I am down, I think about how I am going to have a wonderful future

sandor from denver JULY 26, 2017
I have learned to embrace the storm. Not to run from it , but to look for the value it brings, than learn from the experience. I may not always see the sun from the storm , but I know its up there.....

Glenn from Houston JULY 25, 2017
Even in the midst of a storm, you can find joy

Arlene from Parañaque, City JULY 18, 2017
absolutely, It is . Thanks to this ☺

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…It’s about learning to dance in the rain. — Vivian Greene

Life is hard, depressing, terrifying, heartbreaking, and messy. It’s also joyous and beautiful.  One thing I know for sure is that it’s certainly interesting.

If I’ve learned one thing through my life, it’s that life tends to present “opportunities” when you least expect it. And when I say “opportunities”, I’m not talking about the good stuff. I’m talking about extreme challenges, such as:

  • A cancer diagnosis.
  • A parent being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
  • A good friend passing away unexpectedly (and too young).

There are any number of awful things that occur in life, many of which you have zero control over.  That’s when you’re given the opportunity to choose what to do with your hardship (and make no mistake, you have a choice).

  • The Choices You Have
  • The Gift of Life
  • How to Dance in the Rain Amidst the Storm
    • When Times Get Tough
    • Finding a Path Away From the Edge

The Choices You Have

You know the phrase “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? It may come as a bit of a shock to you, but I’ve always hated it. Maybe it’s because the phrase has been overly used.  Or perhaps it’s because so many people who say it don’t ever follow it.

But regardless of how I feel about the phrase, there’s truth in it.  When hardships occur, how do you choose to be?  Do you choose to…

  • Wallow in self-pity and get stuck in misery?
  • Learn what you can from your experiences, while finding joy in the process?

The Gift of Life

Life is a gift. A gift that includes the messy stuff – the fear, the sorrow, the anger, the difficulty. You learn from and grow because of the hard stuff.

And you’re more capable of feeling joy and seeing the beauty in life because of the messy, tough, fearful moments.

This is important to keep in mind, because it opens the door to a new, better way of thinking.  It helps to create a mindset permitting you to learn, grow, and continue moving forward no matter what’s going on in life.  And it’s what will allow you to enjoy even life’s messy moments.

Adopting this mentality is what will encourage you to dance in the rain instead of moaning about getting wet (and you might just find that dancing in the rain brings out the sun a bit sooner than expected).

Besides, there are inklings of good throughout even the hardest times.  You just need to be open to seeing them.

How to Dance in the Rain Amidst the Storm

When Times Get Tough

When tough times occur, own where you are and how you feel.  The worst thing you can do is to hide from your feelings or pretend they don’t exist. Finding joy in the journey doesn’t mean ignoring the bad stuff and pushing your feelings to the side. If you don’t allow yourself to feel, you’ll never move forward.

Be careful not to stay in your feelings for too long, as there comes a time to move on. Figure out what you’re learning from the experience and use that to move forward.  Always move forward.

I know that sometimes the tough times get to be almost unbearable. I’ve been there. But you still have a choice. This is YOUR choice. Find the path that is there for the taking – a path away from the edge.

Finding a Path Away From the Edge

How do you find the right path – the one that will lead you away from the edge? First, don’t ever forget how beautiful, important and worthy you are. 

Second, remind yourself that you’re still ALIVE.  Own up to it and start acting like it.

On my cancer journey, I met some beautiful people who were dying. But they were still here, still alive.  And they lived.  You could say they danced (rather beautifully). If they can do that, so can you.

Finally, get help.  Talk to people you love and trust. And if that doesn’t help, then reach out for professional help.  There’s no shame in that – sometimes it’s part of what it takes to dance in the rain.

We’re  all on a journey. A journey with many surprises – both good and bad – and numerous challenges (or maybe one huge challenge that never leaves our side). The ending to our journey is a complete unknown.

Even if you think you know what you’re dying from, you don’t.  Because something else could always take you first. Kind of scary, right? But isn’t it just a bit exciting too?

Your life’s journey is a tapestry woven from your many experiences – a tapestry filled with rich colors and textures. It’s messy and absolutely beautiful. When you think of it that way, it is difficult not to find joy in the journey.

Until next time…

Is it okay to dance in the rain?

A little rain won't hurt you, and many of the situations that arise you may not like won't either. They'll only make you stronger. Dancing, singing, kissing in the rain are all common phrases heard -- and for good reason.

What does it mean to dance in the rain?

But, what does it mean to dance in the rain? To dance in the rain is a metaphor. It means: “that a person has learned not to allow circumstances deter them reaching their full potential. They don't wait for bad things in their life to go away.

What is dancing in the rain called?

In the 20th century Balkans, a ritual known as Paparuda (Romanian) or Perperuna (Slavic) is a type of rain dance. The Cherokee tribe, an ethnic Native American tribe from the Southeastern United States used rain dances to both create rain and to remove evil spirits from the earth.

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