How to write a travel review năm 2024

Travel reviews/guides are among the best resources for tourists and travelers because they provide necessary details about a specific geographic location, tourist destination, or itinerary. Most travel reviews are now in the form of travel websites rather than printed books, though not everyone has access to the internet wherever they go.

How to Create Your Travel Guide

  1. The first step of writing a travel review or guide

is to have an introductory paragraph about the destination or the geographic location. Basic fasts such as the flag, the people, the religion, the ethnic groups, climate and landscape should be included.

  1. The second main part of writing in this genre is to include a lot of instructions for your travelers/tourist. Those instructions could be classified as:
  2. Where to go: This includes providing all the information about the recommended site or location. Those major locations should be the most famous places to go based on your research results or personal experience. Many readers would prefer more personal experiences, because it’s easier to refer to as a good reliable guide. This section should also be the first door for undecided travelers to choose which cities or countries to visit.
  3. What to see: This section should be a follow up for the previous step. After the traveler decides to pick the place of their destination, they would want to know more about the well-known places in their destination. The writer of this guide should include places such as museums, major places to visit (historic sites), national parks, ….etc.
  4. What to do: At this point, your traveler is ready to start using the most important information as I would consider it. This will help guide your readers to know about the things they should not miss while they are in their destination. Information such as activities in that area should be mentioned, such as golf parks, skydiving units, amusement parks, nightlife at that specific destination. This also would include knowing about places to shop and tour.
  5. Where to eat: Many destinations are not only known for their tourist sites and activities, but for their local or famous food sites. Many travelers would prefer to be eating at new places such as local food restaurants or famous type of food rather than eating at a fast food place.
  6. Important events/dates: This information could be really useful for your readers especially if they need to plan accordingly. Some of the activities or sites are not available all year-round, and this would help guide them through their timing process when it comes to planning. Writers should include information such as local events, parades, activities. There is even the possibility for the occasional super-start sighting, entire trips can revolved around wanting to see one's favorite celebrity.


A successful travel guide would begin by containing an article that gives general information about the country. However, there would then be an index that details the following:

  1. Facts
  2. Where to Go
  3. What to see
  4. When to Go
  5. Where to Stay
  6. What it costs
  7. Currency (if traveling overseas)
  8. Transportation
  9. FAQ

Furthermore, the sources that are used must be cited so that the guide’s credibility cannot be questioned. The only disadvantage printed guides have is that they risk being outdated.

Tips, Do's/Don'ts

The guide needs to be short and concise. Important points need to be highlighted and easy to find. A guide that makes people literally have to search for information will not be successful, because people do not have the time to go around looking for vital knowledge.

Many of the readers/viewers would appreciate all types of multimedia available such as pictures, videos, and audio. This will ensure that your readers enjoy your webpage/book throughout the reading.

There should be many sections to a guide, including one for maps and directions for those that are traveling to foreign places where they really will need the help.

The guide should also not be afraid to add many different facts about an area, including local customs, language, geography, history, ecology, religious beliefs, politics, etc. Many people are interested in different things, so adding all of this would cover all bases. Also people would know what to expect if they’re traveling alone, or with friends or with family.

Also, it would be wise for a travel guide to not add disturbing statistics or write down discouraging facts. For example, unless an actual travel advisory was not issued, a guide should not include things such as the number of homicides, crime rate, acts of terrorism, government corruption and the sort. Though it should still be honest due to the safety concerns of tourists.

How do you write a travel feedback?

Tips on How to Write Travel Reviews That Engage Readers.

Authenticity and Detail..

Know Your Audience..

Engaging Storytelling..

Structure and Organization..

High-Quality Visuals..

Practical Information..

Embrace Uniqueness..

Positive Tone and Constructive Criticism..

How do you write a good tour review?

Highlight what makes the place special, and try to share something unique and new. Be authentic: Review your own experience, and explain what the place was like and the service you received. Try to be as accurate as possible, and include both the positive and negative aspects of your visit.

How do you write travel experience?

3 Know the general rules of travel writing.

Be written in first-person..

Tell the story in the past tense..

Be conversational in tone (dialogue can be useful here).

Contain sensory details..

Give the reader value in some way, whether that's providing useful tips for navigating or insight into a culture..

How do you write a holiday review?

Try to make your writing interesting for the reader. To do this, you can make it personal with your own memories and experiences..

Use adjectives to add detail to your descriptions..

Write clear and simple sentences and organise your ideas in short paragraphs. ... .

Use so, but, and, because and other linking words..

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