Laptop shuts down when overheating

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So recently my laptop just keeps on shutting down when im playing games and it only shut downs when im playing games and plugged in to the wall at the same time. I've tried lowering the maximum processor state to 75% when plugged in and the mininum to 5%. I've tried cleaning the fan and it seems there is no dust there. But the funny thing is i've just noticed that my dad change the head of the charger not the brick but the thing that goes in the socket wall from a different charger. Could this be the problem that my laptop keep on shutting down when playing games plugged in?

But the funny thing is i've just noticed that my dad change the head of the charger not the brick but the thing that goes in the socket wall from a different charger. Could this be the problem that my laptop keep on shutting down when playing games plugged in?

Maybe. Are you referring to the power cable (the one that goes from the wall outlet to the brick)? It does sound like something is tripping/shorting.

Yea the power cable. I've done another thing though. So i test again without the battery but plugged in and the laptop didn't die I tried with battery only not plugged in and the laptop didn't die But when i try to play with battery and plugged in at the same time it died around 5-15 minutes into the game

So im confused what part is the problem that caused my laptop to suddenly died

What may be causing this is the wire from your laptop to the brick! Try replacing that wire and see what happens. Also, when your laptop is plugged in and you are using it, it may get really hot. When your laptop gets hot it will die a lot faster!

But the funny thing is i've just noticed that my dad change the head of the charger not the brick but the thing that goes in the socket wall from a different charger. Could this be the problem that my laptop keep on shutting down when playing games plugged in?

Maybe. Are you referring to the power cable (the one that goes from the wall outlet to the brick)? It does sound like something is tripping/shorting.

But the funny thing is i've just noticed that my dad change the head of the charger not the brick but the thing that goes in the socket wall from a different charger. Could this be the problem that my laptop keep on shutting down when playing games plugged in?

Maybe. Are you referring to the power cable (the one that goes from the wall outlet to the brick)? It does sound like something is tripping/shorting.

Yea the power cable. I've done another thing though. So i test again without the battery but plugged in and the laptop didn't die I tried with battery only not plugged in and the laptop didn't die But when i try to play with battery and plugged in at the same time it died around 5-15 minutes into the game

So im confused what part is the problem that caused my laptop to suddenly died

The laptop pulls a little more energy to charge the battery (assuming the battery isn't fully charged), so the extra power draw might be tripping something. I would try another power cable, if you can, and if that doesn't work, then consider that there may be a problem with the motherboard.

What's the make and model of the computer?

The laptop pulls a little more energy to charge the battery (assuming the battery isn't fully charged), so the extra power draw might be tripping something. I would try another power cable, if you can, and if that doesn't work, then consider that there may be a problem with the motherboard.

What's the make and model of the computer?

Its a lenovo G40-45. It works on battery and plugged in if im not playing games though. I'll replace the power cable tomorrow and see what happens.

Laptop shuts down when overheating

But the funny thing is i've just noticed that my dad change the head of the charger not the brick but the thing that goes in the socket wall from a different charger. Could this be the problem that my laptop keep on shutting down when playing games plugged in?

Maybe. Are you referring to the power cable (the one that goes from the wall outlet to the brick)? It does sound like something is tripping/shorting.

Yea the power cable. I've done another thing though. So i test again without the battery but plugged in and the laptop didn't die I tried with battery only not plugged in and the laptop didn't die But when i try to play with battery and plugged in at the same time it died around 5-15 minutes into the game

So im confused what part is the problem that caused my laptop to suddenly died

What may be causing this is the wire from your laptop to the brick! Try replacing that wire and see what happens. Also, when your laptop is plugged in and you are using it, it may get really hot. When your laptop gets hot it will die a lot faster!

But the funny thing is i've just noticed that my dad change the head of the charger not the brick but the thing that goes in the socket wall from a different charger. Could this be the problem that my laptop keep on shutting down when playing games plugged in?

Maybe. Are you referring to the power cable (the one that goes from the wall outlet to the brick)? It does sound like something is tripping/shorting.

Yea the power cable. I've done another thing though. So i test again without the battery but plugged in and the laptop didn't die I tried with battery only not plugged in and the laptop didn't die But when i try to play with battery and plugged in at the same time it died around 5-15 minutes into the game

So im confused what part is the problem that caused my laptop to suddenly died

What may be causing this is the wire from your laptop to the brick! Try replacing that wire and see what happens. Also, when your laptop is plugged in and you are using it, it may get really hot. When your laptop gets hot it will die a lot faster!


Changing the power cable back to the original one didnt help. Still shutdown after 5-10 minute into the game

Laptop shuts down when overheating

But the funny thing is i've just noticed that my dad change the head of the charger not the brick but the thing that goes in the socket wall from a different charger. Could this be the problem that my laptop keep on shutting down when playing games plugged in?

Maybe. Are you referring to the power cable (the one that goes from the wall outlet to the brick)? It does sound like something is tripping/shorting.

Yea the power cable. I've done another thing though. So i test again without the battery but plugged in and the laptop didn't die I tried with battery only not plugged in and the laptop didn't die But when i try to play with battery and plugged in at the same time it died around 5-15 minutes into the game

So im confused what part is the problem that caused my laptop to suddenly died

What may be causing this is the wire from your laptop to the brick! Try replacing that wire and see what happens. Also, when your laptop is plugged in and you are using it, it may get really hot. When your laptop gets hot it will die a lot faster!


Changing the power cable back to the original one didnt help. Still shutdown after 5-10 minute into the game

Try one of the other options I listed earlier!

hmm - this is interesting because I'm fighting a similar issue on a Lenovo ideapad 700. I assumed it was overheating at first and cleaned out the insides and also redid the thermal paste. I go programs to monitor the temps and the clocks and the usages. What I have found is that the Lenovo is turning the GPU to a lower power running state when I unplug from A/C and run only off battery. It takes the clock from 1200 to 1000 for the GPU and 1000 to 800 for the clock on the memory. It seems to do this regardless of my various power settings in NVidia and I think 2 places in windows. Further it seems that when it runs at this lower setting it can stay bellow whatever is the trigger to shut down. But if I plug back in A/C and the GPU gets full power then soon the temp rises on the GPU to ~52 (or if I let it go fast to 47 or so) and then pow it shuts off. So it acts like over heat, but its weird because the fan isn't even at full speed yet, and 52C isn't screaming hot either - and supposedly GPU high temp should result in throttling not a shut down -- sooo I guess I'm still seeking an answer, but I find it interesting you have nearly same description, and I thought I would share the extra info I have learned so far. I too had everything working fine up to a week or two ago - so its really like a new update or driver, but I also tried reverting NVidia driver..

ok - I was working on my issue some more and noticed that Nvidia just posted a new driver. I was a little surprised as I thought they had posted one not too long ago - so I grabbed this 3-20 driver, and as best I can tell everything is back to working. Where as before the fan wouldn't run faster than about 1/2 and the PC turned off when GPU got to 52 to 53 now it runs up to 60 with the back back on and fans seem to be running maybe 75% - sooo it sure looks like Nvidia messed with us somehow and I wasted many many hours on this issue and started to think I was going to have to retire this 1.25 year old Lenovo and never buy from them again..

What may be causing this is the wire from your laptop to the brick! Try replacing that wire and see what happens.

These cables usually aren't modular like the one that bridges the brick to the outlet. The entire adapter would have to be replaced - which is another option to troubleshoot this, BTW.

Its a lenovo G40-45. It works on battery and plugged in if im not playing games though. I'll replace the power cable tomorrow and see what happens.

When you play a game, the laptop draws more power. Basic usage allows the CPU to sit at its base speed, a game pushes the CPU into its "Turbo" speed and forces the GPU to work harder, which pulls more power. I'm guessing the problem is either with your AC adapter (the brick) or with GPU on the motherboard.

muzakkynur - I recommend trying the new NVidia driver which just came out. I really had symptoms very similar to yours and had many of the same steps and suspicions - It got resolved last night when I updated that driver. Besides that not much had been changed - so I'm pretty sure - I guess I could revert driver and replicate - hmm that would be super conclusive and maybe not too hard - or you could try the new one and if it works for you then I wouldn't need to bother.. ----- edit----

well - I tried reverting to the Feb driver, and it still seems 'fixed' -- so now Im left scratching my head what fixed this

I was messing around with the fan - I was driving one off a separate power supply , but found I still had the problem even then - so Im trying to think if there was anything concrete which got it working again. I fear now its some H/W intermittent thing like bad solder joint on the GPU or such..

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Laptop shuts down when overheating
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