Linux Mint Mate remote desktop

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Would you like to remote desktop access yourLinux Mintfrom a Windows PC? Well, now you can using xrdp.

I dont useTeamviewer cause, I got hacked before with it, and VNC cause its Slow and a pain to setup.

On Linux Mint open the terminal and run the following commands to install xrdp, enter the following:

Xfce Edition

sudo apt-get updatesudo apt install xrdp xorgxrdpsudo apt install -y freerdp2-x11echo env -u SESSION_MANAGER -u DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS xfce4-session>~/.xsessionsudo reboot


xfreerdp /v:

Cinnamon Edition

sudo apt-get updatesudo apt install xrdp xorgxrdpsudo apt install -y freerdp2-x11echo env -u SESSION_MANAGER -u DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS cinnamon-session>~/.xsessionsudo reboot


xfreerdp /v:

Once done installing xrdp run ifconfig to obtain the Linux Mint IP address:


Then open Remote Desktop Client, and type the IP address of your Linux Mint.

If you are prompted that The identity of the remote computer cannot be verified check mark Dont ask me again and click on Yes button.

You will see a new RDP session window pop-up, asking you to enter your Linux Mint username and password.

Click Ok and youll be logged into the Linux Mint desktop:


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