Lỗi error less than 2 connections at node n20087 năm 2024

As far as I can tell, this one is not an Error and not even a Warning. It is a status message. That's all it is. LTspice is telling you that it is not saving (i.e., it is ignoring) the pin current shown, because there is no current to be saved. So, when you go looking for that current into pin VM, you can see why it doesn't even show up in the list.

I have a solution for not wanting to see those messages: Don't open the .LOG file. Then you won't see them. Good enough? The .LOG file also tells me how many resistors and how many diodes there were in the simulation, and how many seconds the simulation required, but I can not think of any good reason for NEEDING to make it not show me that. Still, if you can't bear to look at that, then don't look at it. Problem solved.

Oh, and they are not warts.



Hi Vlad Yes. I know that the Lest-than-Two-Connections and Empty-Pin-Current messages are benign. At this point I am into aesthetics. I did eliminate the 15 Lest-than-Two-Connections warnings by loading with 1Meg resistors but can find no way to eliminate the Empty-Pin-Current messages. I just wanted this thing to look good before I release it to the world. Having 267 needless messages to scroll through before you can get to the meat of the error report seems silly to me. There should be an .options switch to turn off the Empty-Pin-Current messages. The programmer(s) knew enough to put the message there but ignored any way to eliminate them. It's like having benign warts on your face. You know that they are harmless, but that does not stop everyone from staring at them.

Thanks Vlad

-Original Message-

From: imbvlad@... Sent: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 08:59:20 +0000 To: ltspice@groups.io Subject: Re: [LTspice] WARNING: Less than two connections to node

Hello eewiz

WARNING: Less than two connections to node X1:N68620.

Just like the empty current pins, these, to, are harmless. Safe to ignore. I get the impression that you think that, as long as the error log spits out messages, they need cut down at any cost. If so, that is not the case. Just because it says "warning" it doesn't mean it's about to blow up. Maybe they should say "notice", instead, to not scare people.

-- Vlad ______________________ ltspicegoodies.ltwiki.org v2: quite universal analog/digital filter, power electronics, signal processing, easy to work with math functions, digital models, and rants.


Hello eewiz

WARNING: Less than two connections to node X1:N68620.

Just like the empty current pins, these, to, are harmless. Safe to ignore. I get the impression that you think that, as long as the error log spits out messages, they need cut down at any cost. If so, that is not the case. Just because it says "warning" it doesn't mean it's about to blow up. Maybe they should say "notice", instead, to not scare people.

-- Vlad ______________________ ltspicegoodies.ltwiki.org v2: quite universal analog/digital filter, power electronics, signal processing, easy to work with math functions, digital models, and rants.


"Does anyone know of a way to eliminate the warnings short of hanging resistors from all unused nQ block outputs?

ok this is the schematic of a simple op-amp simulation that I whizzed up based on my memory. It is basically the same with the earlier post on ‘simple op amp simulation’. however when I try to run the ‘bias point’ simulation….

this kind of error appears. “less than two connections at node xxxx”. from the output log, I can’t understand what could have gone wrong.

from the output log, the node of the problem looks like the one that I marked here. I compared this schematic with the one that I posted earlier and I found that I missed out the capacitor and ground connection at the output port of the op-amp. So I included this if this could solve the problem.

voila! the simulation seems to have run just fine.

and I did get the bias point results.

From this, I guess one way to tackle this “less than two connections at node xxx” error is to connect a capacitor and a ground to the malicious node. I think I’ve heard that PSPICE does need this kind of redundant connections in order for the calculation to function properly.

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