Lỗi game rome 2 error staus oxc00000 7b

I would check to see if any of your Start up programs are conflicting with Rome 2 ? Try closing them.

List of things that I know have worked for me in the past. -- Run Windows Upate Utility to make sure Windows is up to date - Also Make sure video drivers are updated.

First option is to Verify game Cache. Next if that didn't help. Did you try any of these Delete the hidden Rome2 %AppData% Folder below. - Then verify Game Cache. It's a hidden folder. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/show-hidden-files-and-folders-in-windows-vista/

C:\Users\Jerry\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Rome2

Another way to find the %AppData% folder is to click on the Windows Desktop Start Icon - In the Search Box type - %AppData% - Click Enter - The Roaming Folder should Appear - Click on it - you will now see The Creative Assembly Folder - click on it - find the Rome 2 Folder and Delete it - verify the Games Cache and reboot - then you can uninstall and re-install for a clean install. If this doesn't work something else is going on.

If you have used Mods in the past did you uninstall them ? If so check the Data folder to see if any remain and have to be manually deleted - Or better yet just delete in Data folder and then verify the games Cache.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome2\data

Make sure after any of the above actions you verify game Cache and reboot.

If none of the above steps don't work the only other option would be to a complete uninstall/reinstall -- Just make sure you delete the Rome2 %AppData% folder after you uninstall the game as it stilll may cause a crash. Delete the \Rome2 folder - C:\Users\Jerry\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Rome2

then verify games Cache and reboot.

----------------- Log Out of Steam and Log back in - Uninstall Steam and reinstall - Also If you get a error message, do a seach here and on Google for possible fixes. ----------------- I haven't tried this but it worked for a few players.

For those of you having issues with installs on Windows 10, where you run the launcher, hit 'play' and steam doesn't do anything, I've just managed to get it working after a lot of pain and struggle.

The key to fixing mine was the followng...

Step 1. Go to your Rome2 Directory

e.g: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War Rome2

Step 2. Right click on the awesomium_process.exe and go to its properties.

Step 3. Under the compatability tab...

- Set compatability mode to Windows 8 - Ensure the 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings' checkbox is ticked - Select 'Run this program as administrator' - Hit Apply.

Step 5. Apply the same changes to the Rome2.exe file.

My game now loads correctly after I hit play on the launcher. I've seen similiar solutions posted but I personally haven't seen anyone suggest editing the compatibility settings on the awesomium_process file. Not certain its going to be everyone's fix but it worked for me so I thought I'd post here. ---------------

do you have any 3rd party software running ? One guy had a video capture program running and when he shut it off Rome 2 worked fine. I believe it was called FRAPS ? ---------------

Thanx for your advise. Step by step manual gave me a clue on how to fix the problem. Running the game as an admin failed, but an error appeared saying than MSVCP100.dll library was missing. Reinstalling the C++ Visual package from the Steam folder itself helped to fix the problem. ---------------- Game won't Start -

Solved it by repairing the Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 installation. Both the vcredist_86.exe and the vcredist_x64.exe. (As I have a 64 bit OS)


Seems the update messed with that package after Windows update ? ---------------

1. Reboot your computer 2. Open the folder C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome2 3. Delete the following files

awesomium text awesomium.dll awesomium_process Rome2.dll Rome2.exe

4. Verify game cache and make sure your antivirus and windows firewall is disabled while doing so. Launch the game once it's finished downloading the files. ------------------

How i got Rome 2 to Launch. Checked Fire Wall Exceptions. Ticked Public. It Launched. Maybe this will help somebody. ?? ---------------- Turn off Steams game overlay and the AMD Gaming Evolved "In Game Overlay if a AMD card is installed. AMD Cards - Known Issues ◾A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled. A temporary workaround is to disable the AMD Gaming Evolved "In Game Overlay" ---------------- Find the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War Attila\redist folder Location that he listed above - click on any file that ends in .exe in the redist folder to install. Open the DirextX folder in the redist folder and click on the DXSETUP.exe file to install DirectX . Then I would verify the games cache to make sure all files are there and O.K. Here is the .exe install files in my \redist Folder -

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome II\redist\vcredist_x86-80-sp1.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome II\redist\vcredist_x86-90.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome II\redist\vcredist_x86-100-sp1.exe"

DierctX Folder - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome II\redist\directx\DXSETUP.exe"

--------------- If Rome 2 doesnt start try this It seems that a lot of people have a problem that Rome 2 won't start. There is a sticky with a list that contains a lot of useful tips that can help. But if nothing there will fix the problem try this:

A friend of mine had the same problem that her game didnt start. She tried everything in this list and nothing helped, but we found another solution.

It seems that the Launcher is causing the problems. Just open your Rome2 folder in Steamapps. Open the folder "launcher" and rename the launcher.exe to something different like launcherOriginal.exe. Then get the Rome2.exe, put it in the folder launcher an rename it to "launcher.exe". The Game will now start without the launcher causing the problem. :)