Mg gundam age ii magnum review

First of all, the color and separation of the Magnum is simply brilliant. Unlike our Cheddar Cheese build from our previous post, this kit is much more easier on the eyes and flows smoother. The deep purple with the light gray, accented by orange and green lets the builder easily discern pieces and separation.

The next think I really enjoyed about this kit was how well everything fit together and was snug. For example, the arms are tight enough that you won’t have to worry about droopage, but not so tight that it is hard to move. The legs bend well and don’t slide. Even the feet, while I hate the heels look, help support crazy stances with out a base!

There are 8 stickers that come with the Magnum. If you really wanted, a green metallic paint would work just as well, but the stickers aren’t terrible. The Magnum also does transform into a flight mode known a “phoenix mode”. It’s a bit more complex than most HG kits we are used to. You take off all the limbs, fold the center, attach the weapon, then readjust and reattach the limbs. The phoenix mode did give a pretty sweet look to it, but I decided to keep it in normal mode after instead.

All in all, I give the 1/144 High Grade Build Divers Magnum a fantastic 8.5/10. Again, I hope to see the rest of the build divers line come out this good and am stoked to get my hands on the 00 Diver and Grim Beret next week!

Mecha Gaikotsu dives into the AGE II Magnum in this two-part video series! Check out both his unboxing and review, right here.

Pick up your own kit here: – 1/100 MG Gundam AGEII Magnum

MG Gundam Age II Magnum Unboxing

MG Gundam Age II Magnum Review

Level 75 Marketing Mage. Editor, admin, and occasional code monkey. Stand User in her free time. Though she does build kits when time allows, time doesn't allow often. Her favorite lines are Hasegawa's Mechatro WeGo line, Meng's World War Toons Pinky line, and weird miscellany like Platz's bonsai tree kits. In general, if it's a detailed miniature that's too small to be useful for anything other than taking up space, she'll probably love it.

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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Review by Hobby no Toriko



What is the hardest Gundam grade to build?

The grade will always determine how many pieces make up a model, and therefore how hard it is to build. The real toughie of the bunch is Crossbone Gundam (Master Grade 1/100). As a Master Grade, it has the most parts, and these parts have been manufactured with the finest quality.

When did Gundam Age 1 normal MG come out?


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