So sánh cool edit audition gwave năm 2024

Right now, I'm kinda torn. Audition has a few new features that are neat but they're not anything that couldn't live without. CEP is my rock. I've spent some good years with it. I know that they're pretty much the same but sometimes those subtle differences can make for a bad experience.

For instance: if you want to destroy a track in CEP, you get a single message that asks if you are sure you want to do it. In Audition, you get two messages... I know it's not that big of a deal but it can get annoying from time to time. Audition offers VST support but CEP (stand alone) doesn't. Audition has a few more effects that CEP didn't but I don't think that they're enough to sell the product.

I do have to say that Audition is a bit more stable than CEP but not by much.

What do you think?

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The upgrade was worth it, just for the single click remover tool. This is the only way I have found to remove finger squeaks from acoustic guitar tracks.

Second would be integration with an external controller. Although this was implemented in CEP 2.1, my computer suffered a catastrophic power failure that wiped out everything...and the only software I hadn't saved a copy of was the 2.1 upgrade. 2.0 would work with the Red Rover (and I had one) but to go from that to a Tascam US428 was a major deal, and required 2.1. I now use Adobe Audition 1.5 with a Mackie Control Universal, and it would be very difficult to go back to using a mouse/keyboard for mixing again. If all you record is guitar/vocal, probably it wouldn't be that big a deal, but with multitracks with alternate takes, the mouse gets old really quickly.

There are other conveniences and changes that I don't use much, but I like having access to the parametric EQ from Multitrack View. And, in my experience, AA 1.5 has been a LOT more stable than CEP 2.0...but then I typically run a fair number of tracks on each song.

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My reply is that 1.5 DOES have features that you can't live without. I used cool edit pro 2000 (a tiny bit) and audition 1 (A lot)...

Once I got 1.5 I was like WHOA... i can create things faster with some of the new features and tools. Looping samples and audio tracks is so simple with 1.5 which I dont think audition 1 or cool edit supports?

Plus the new time expansion tool, I couldnt live without. As long as you don't expand a small sample 200%+ it sounds really good still...

Again, I use it mainly for making beats right now but I love audition 1.5 I've noticed a lot of things in it that I use and do that Audition 1 didn't/doesn't have. And it makes work that much faster.

Not to mention VST Plug In support! Integrated Cd burning right in the program! Thats ill!!

And the volume and pan envelopes! DOPE! 1.5 is definitely better then any version of cool edit pro or the version 1 of audition..

I'm sure you looked at the feature list at adobes site, but if not. Check it out. //

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How do you connect the Mackii

How do you use the mackii with Adobe audition, what I mean is how to you connect it to your computer?

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You set it up in the device manager...

From adobes site: Hardware controller support Remotely access hundreds of commands with keyboard shortcuts or via MIDI triggers. Plus, Adobe Audition supports popular controllers such as the Mackie Control, Tascam US-428, and Event EZbus.

I just wish you could make midi tracks with Audition.

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The Mackie Control Universal uses MIDI to control Adobe Audition, so you need MIDI ports on your computer, and a pair of MIDI cables. Edirol makes several MIDI/USB devices that you can plug into a USB port on the computer. Many sound cards and interfaces include MIDI ports, so that should not be a problem.

The Mackie has to be version 2.1.2 to work with Audition. Mackie has a download for it at their website, with a Readme file that tells you how to configure the Control for upgrading. Basically, you play a MIDI file into the Control to upgrade the firmware, and this is a problem because Audition won't play the MIDI file! So you use Windows Media Player instead, which works fine, as long as you have selected the correct ports for it in Start/Control Panel/Sounds and.../Audio (MIDI out).

Once the firmware is the right version, go to Audition/Options/Device Settings and select the Mackie in the "External Controllers" tab. Click on "Configure" and then "OK." Then go back into Options/Device Settings/MIDI and select the MIDI ports you have on your computer as the I/O (you need both, since the Mackie and the software talk to each other).

When you get ready to record, turn on the Mackie before you start up Audition, so that Audition will recognize that it's there.

I've been using the Mackie and it's great. Very well made, good looking (for what that's worth) and intuitively laid out, with the help of the Lexan overlay (which is still labeled "Syntrillium Cool Edit Pro"). I went from a Syntrillium Red Rover to Tascam US428 to Mackie, and it was a big step up each time.

Now if only Adobe would allow you write volume/pan envelopes from the Mackie....

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    lpdeluxe said:
Now if only Adobe would allow you write volume/pan envelopes from the Mackie....

so....what do you use if for specifically? Don't be afraid to be too detailed!

I use AA 1.5 btw too.

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so....what do you use if for specifically?

I use it to avoid using the mouse/keyboard in both recording and mixing. The Mackie won't do everything, but let me give you two words for "doing everything:" **Microsoft Office**. Believe it or not, I expect to use some brain power/effort to record and mix a song. It's nice to have a device that handles the repetitive tasks, like muting a track during playback, or setting basic level/pan positions, but I don't worry if it doesn't do everything. That's what I'm there for. If it still takes a mouse to do certain things, OK, it takes a mouse.

Seriously, I am dubious about all-in-one solutions, owing to my perception that the capabilities of such devices tend to reflect the limited imaginations of the designers.

I have a stick-shift car, so that ought to tell you where I'm coming from.

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cool edit pro is adobe audition

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    cubanorocker316 said:
cool edit pro is adobe audition

We know that they're similar, but Adobe is the 'spruced-up', newer version, with a few new features. Right- I mean, just to keep the record straight.

I suppose they are 'effectively' the 'same'... mostly.

Call me a nitpicker.

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see ive never use cool edit before. this was the first software i actually learned to mixdown track in. well i used audcaity first but i could never get that down right.

Do people ever get on you for using CEP/AA instead of a "real" software like pro tools and what not

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There are uninformed idiots who assume I record with Pro Tools when they hear my recordings....

Nobody ever asks why I don't record with a Les Paul and a Marshall stack either. I guess it's because they're for looks, not sound, and 99.9% of people (including musicians) can't tell one amp from another unless they are looking directly at it.

I mean, "no."

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I first read that as "uniformed idiots"...must have had something else on my mind...

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    Havoc said:
I first read that as "uniformed idiots"...must have had something else on my mind...

Staying out of trouble there, Havoc?!

AA and CEP are "real" software apps. ProTools is one, too. Real is more about how you use something, and your results, I'd venture.

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It's like word processing software. Using one over the other doesn't make you a better writer.

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I voted for AA 1.5. I like it with the TASCAM us428.

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i dont know if u guys remember that site called loopology, which was closed down after adobe bought cool edit. anyway

i use those loops that i had downloaded from that site, and they only work with CEP2. i remember trying adobe audition, and the loops would not work. very annoying.

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    Anthrax said:

i dont know if u guys remember that site called loopology, which was closed down after adobe bought cool edit. anyway

i use those loops that i had downloaded from that site, and they only work with CEP2. i remember trying adobe audition, and the loops would not work. very annoying.

I have a Loopology Library CD that came with AA 1.5 . All the file extentions are .cel . Which I beleive means Cool Edit Loopology .

Example C:/ Adobe Audition 1.5 / Audition Theme / Sawbass 60bpm /.cel

BTY , they don't work in CEP 1.2a which I have .

The thing I miss the most between CEP 1.2a and AA 1.5 is the master volume control in the multi track view . I wonder why AA took thet feature out ??

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    rudibass2 said:
The thing I miss the most between CEP 1.2a and AA 1.5 is the master volume control in the multi track view . I wonder why AA took thet feature out ??

I don't know why they took it out. Probably because they thought it was more approprietly located with the other volume controls in the mixer volumes dialogue...

Love that little box. Can control all the volumes of all the tracks plus the master volume.

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In CEP 2.1 you can dock the mixer window on either side of the multitrack and everything except the master volume control will be hidden, to access the rest of the mixer you just drag the edge of the multitrack out of the way.

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