So sánh giữa myprotein isolate và myprotein casein

Whey protein contains protein, fat, carbs, vitamins and minerals. Due to its strong amino acid content and its ability to be absorbed by the body, it’s ideal for building muscle. It has been shown to promote muscle protein synthesis, support fat burning, and suppress appetite.1 It has also been shown to increase the production of glutathione, which is anantioxidant.2

Protein powders are available in the form of whey concentrate or whey isolate. Both contain protein; however, isolate, which is made from whey concentrate, undergoes further processing to yield a product with a higher protein concentration.

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What is whey concentrate?

Whey protein is produced when liquid portions of milk are pushed through a refined filter. The material left behind dries to form whey protein concentrate. This form of whey varies on the amount of fat and carbohydrates in the form of lactose.

The protein content varies between 30-80%, and it can include numerous protein sub-fractions.

Whey protein concentrate benefits:

  • Tends to be cheaper than whey isolate.
  • Is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids.
  • Is low in carbohydrates and fats.

What is whey isolate?

While concentrate has a protein content of approximately 80%, isolate’s is approximately 90%. This is due to cross-flow microfiltration, which causes the protein to separate from fat and lactose. Whey isolate is a popular choice for people on low-fat diets, as it’s lower in fat compared to concentrate.

Whey isolate is also much lower in lactose, making it ideal for those with an intolerance. As whey concentrate is further processed and purified to make whey isolate, the structure becomes degraded and loses some of its biological activity. However, the amino acid structure and sequence is unaffected, which is what’s important for building muscle. All large proteins are broken down into amino acids during digestion anyway, so whether this happens in your gut or during a manufacture makes no difference at all.

The choice of whey you choose should depend on your goals, budget and allergies. As whey concentrate has a significantly higher amount of lactose, it’s better to opt for isolate if you’re lactose intolerant. However, as isolate requires more processing than concentrate, it is also more expensive.

Whey isolate benefits:

  • Is lower in carbohydrates than whey concentrate.
  • Is lower in fat than whey concentrate.
  • It also has higher protein content than whey protein concentrate.
  • Is lower in lactose than concentrate.
  • Is also a complete protein source.

Flavour & Gain Control

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What is whey concentrate?

Whey concentrate is created by pushing liquid portions of milk through a filter. The material left is then dried to form whey concentrate, which consists of around 80% protein.

What is whey isolate?

Whey isolate has a protein content greater than 90%. It also has lower lactose content than whey concentrate.

What is the difference in fat content between Impact Whey Protein and Impact Whey Isolate?

Per 25g, Impact Whey contains 1.9g of fat, while Impact Whey Isolate contains 0.1g.

What is the difference in carbohydrate content between Impact Whey Protein and Impact Whey Isolate?

Per 25g, Impact Whey contains 1g of carbs, while Impact Whey Isolate contains 0.6g.

How many calories are there in Impact Whey and Impact Whey Isolate?

Per 25g, Impact Whey contains 103 kcal, while Impact Whey Isolate contains 93 kcal.

Take home message

Whey protein concentrate and isolate are both excellent sources of protein. However, isolate is slightly purer, resulting in a higher protein concentration with less fat, carbs, calories and lactose. The difference in price (isolate is slightly more expensive) reflects the extra manufacturing steps it takes to purify the whey protein.

Article edited and fact checked by dietician Claire Muszalski.

Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Adding a protein supplement/powder to your health and fitness routine can help you maximize your gains. Whether you want to show off your muscles at the beach or just replace your junk-food snacks with a healthier alternative, either whey or casein protein may be a good option.

Here, we'll take a deep dive into the differences between casein and whey, so you can decide which works best for you and your workout routine.

To best promote , you should feed your muscles more protein than they need. Between whey and casein, whey is the "faster" protein supplement because its amino acids are absorbed quickly by your body. While casein is the "slower" supplement — since it’s digested more slowly — both proteins can help your muscles grow when you work out. That’s because they re-form fatigued muscles after exercise.

Regardless of which type you choose, the most important factor is how much total throughout the day.

The main benefit of whey protein is that it allows you to quickly reap the results of the work you put in at the gym. That's because your body can break it down and absorb it in only 20 minutes. So your body can more quickly rebuild and grow the muscle that was broken down during your workout.

Just like whey protein, casein protein provides all the essential amino acids your body needs. As opposed to whey, casein can be thought of as a "time-release" protein since it’s digested more slowly. After you consume casein, your body’s absorption of amino acids and creation or synthesis of proteins will peak after roughly 3 to 4 hours.

Depending on what your are, casein protein may be a better option. For example, if you’re getting ready to go to bed and won’t be eating for a while, casein can provide your body with a slow-release source of protein over several hours.

Casein protein doesn't boost your amino acid levels as high or as quickly as whey protein does. But it slows the speed at which proteins are broken down in your body. This protects your muscle mass and makes you feel full longer, which is great for curbing your late-night hunger.

The fast-acting quality of whey protein makes it the clear choice before or after a workout. On the other hand, the slower-acting casein is the best option for days when you're not exercising or before bed.

Other things to consider:

  • Casein protein powder tends to have a higher price per gram than whey protein powder, meaning you get more protein for your buck
  • Whey protein powder is easy to mix with liquids, while casein protein powder may form clumps
  • Whey protein powder tends to have a better taste and texture than casein protein powder

If your fitness routine involves daily strength training with few days off and you don’t have late-night cravings, whey protein is probably the best option for you. If your workouts tend to be less strenuous, and you tend to go longer between meals, maybe you should go with casein. Or, use both in your daily routine: take whey protein after a workout and take casein protein before bed.

Both whey and casein provide plenty of the essential amino acids your body needs for protein synthesis and muscle growth, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Despite their differences, both are healthy for your body's muscle growth.

Remember, the most important thing for muscle growth or gain is consuming more protein than your muscles use up, regardless of whether you get it from whey, casein, or some other protein source. Whatever your fitness goals are, your progress depends more on your workout and dietary habits than on your choice of protein supplements.

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