Sửa lỗi apple mobile device service is not started năm 2024

Hi, I just installed the v2.1.12 and still have the error but everything is fine, I can connect with cable to apple devices with no problem. So uninstalled and reinstalled the v2.1.12 again but problem still persists.

“Apple Mobile Device Service/Process is not running. Please download and install iTunes.”

February 20, 2024 at 1:33 am

Hi @s-h-e-i-k-h, based on your previous replies, you said you uninstalled Itunes. have you reinstalled it before trying the new version?

if you previously downloaded Itunes from their website, could you please uninstall it together with apple mobile device support. you can uninstall them in Control Panel > programs > uninstall a program -> then proceed to install Itunes from App store -> try the latest version

February 21, 2024 at 5:10 pm

Hi, due to some problems with my previous windows, I clean-installed windows 11 23H2 version and then installed apple devices app from microsoft store (so there is no effects of iTunes on my windows). Then tried connecting my iPad to my pc and after windows auto-driver installation (windows updates) and some restarts, checked iPad connection with windows and everything was good. After that, downloaded and installed v.2.1.12 but still have previous problem with the “Apple Mobile Device Service/Process is not running. Please download and install iTunes.” message. Today morning, tried to connect with USB again and client version of spacedesk on iPad could not recognize USB connection. So I turned off and on the “USB Cable iOS” option in spacedesk server app on windows, then I had the pop up on iPad and everything was fine. So I think the bug still persist =D ——————— I also have an other issue on every versions from old to new one. I’ve set windows (power plan) “turn off screen time out” on 3 minutes and “sleep timeout” on “never”. After 3 minutes, my laptop screen goes black; but it’s still working. On my iPad I receive a message that says “connected – screen off” and the message is permanent until I move my mouse so my laptop screen is turned on again. I think in future I will have the burn-in problem on my iPad screen (the burn-in issue is a common problem in LCDs and you will see a shadow of some permanent elements of UI e.g. battery icon on status bar even you change the background). please add an option to the client spacedesk app to turn off this message, so it will be only a blank screen on second display and it will be healthier for LCDs and AMOLED displays. ——————– thanks a lot for your excellent support.

February 22, 2024 at 1:58 am

Hi @s-h-e-i-k-h, For clarification, after you clean install your windows, you only installed the Apple devices app from Microsoft store and not iTunes, is that right?

If your iTunes app is from the Microsoft Store, you must still open it for Spacedesk Console to detect it.

For your concern about the burn-in, we already forwarded this to our iOS developer. we will let you know once there is an update about this issue.

The Apple Mobile Device Service is known to be as one of the things that make iTunes as a whole. This is used for recognizing and communicating to another iOS device like an iPhone, iPad, or an iPod once that it is connected to a certain computer.

If you do not have the Apple Mobile Device Service on your computer, then your computer will not be able to recognize any iOS devices such as your iPhone, iPad, and your iPod and will also not be able to sync with your iTunes. That is why the Apple Mobile Device Service is important for the iTunes program to start and run properly.

Part 2. How to Fix Apple Mobile Device Service Fail to Start?

Now as what we have mentioned above, without the Apple Mobile Device Service, you will not be able to connect any iOS device to your computer and that they would not be detected by the iTunes programs. So because of that, here are some solutions that you can do for you to be able to fix "Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start":


1: Have Your Computer and iPhone Restarted

Once that you have encountered that your Apple Mobile Device Service Failed to Start when you install your iTunes or when you are trying to connect your iPhone, iPad, or your iPod device to your iTunes, the first thing that you need to do is to restart your computer as well as your iPhone or iPad device. So all you have to fix"Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start" are the following.

Step 1: Have your iPhone or iPad disconnected from your computer and then restart your computer.

Step 2: And once that your computer is back up, go ahead and reinstall your iTunes program if you have not installed it properly on your computer.

Step 3: Then, go ahead and restart your iPhone or your iPad device as well.

Step 4: And once that your iPhone or iPad device is up and running, go ahead and simply connect it on your computer once that the installation of your iTunes is done on your computer.


2: Have your Apple Mobile Device Service or AMDS restarted

If in case that the reboot process on your computer, as well as your iPhone or iPad device, did not solve the problem you are having"Apple Mobile Device Service Fail To Start", then you can go ahead and simply try to restart your Apple Mobile Device Service. And for you to be able to solve "Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start", all you have to do is to follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go ahead and launch your Windows Menu on your computer. You can do this by clicking on the Start button located at the lower left-hand corner of your screen.

Step 2: After that, go ahead and enter .msc service in the search bar on your screen.

Step 3: And once done, go ahead and press on the Enter button.

Step 4: The from the Services window that you see on your computer screen, go ahead and do a right-click on the options Apple Mobile Device Service.

Step 5: And then from there, go ahead and simply choose the option Properties.

Step 6: Then after that, you will then be able to see the status of the service on your screen. Once that you see this running on your computer, you can go ahead and simply restart it. You can do this by hitting on the Stop button and then click on Start.

Step 7: If in case you see an error message on your screen that says Apple Mobile Device Service failed to start or error 1053, go ahead and simply check on the Status option. From here, you have to make sure that Automatic is chosen from the given option on your screen and then hit on the Apply button which is located at the lower part.

Step 8: And once that you are done doing all of the steps above, you can ahead and restart your computer. Also, you have to reinstall your iTunes program and try to connect your iOS device to your computer as well and see if it works.


3: Have your iTunes and its Components Reinstalled on your PC

As what we have been saying earlier, being able to reinstall your iTunes program on your computer will resolve this issue"Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start" that you are having. However, before you go ahead and reinstall your iTunes program on your PC, you have to make sure that the Apple components should have been removed from your computer.

And for you to remove the components of your iTunes, all you need to do is to go to your Control Panel. After being in the Control Panel, choose on Programs and Features in Control Panel. And from there, you can then go ahead and remove the following. But you have to make sure that you remove them in this exact order.

  • iTunes
  • Apple Software Update
  • Apple Mobile Device Support
  • Bonjour
  • Apple Application Support (32 bit)
  • Apple Application Support (64 bit)

Once that you were able to delete all of the components that we have mentioned above, you also have to remove these following data in order as well.

  • C:\Program Files\iTunes\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\

After deleting all of the components of iTunes on your computer, then go ahead and restart your PC. And once that it is all up and running, you can then go ahead and proceed to reinstall your iTunes program. And with that, there are two methods on how you can do this.

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1: Have the Apple Applications Reinstalled on Computer

Here are the steps that you need to follow for you to be able to reinstall Apple application on your computer to solve "Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start".

Step 1: Go ahead and have the latest iTunes from the Apple Store or the Microsoft Store downloaded on your computer.

Step 2: After that, right-click the iTunes package for installation.

Step 3: Then from there, go ahead and select the “Run as Administrator” option.

Step 4: Then, simply follow the steps that you will see on your screen for you to complete the installation process. However, before you go ahead and hit on the Finish button, you have to connect your iOS device using your USB cable to your computer and wait until such time your PC can detect your iOS device. Doing this will let your computer to install any USB drive that it needs for your iOS devices.

Step 5: You will be able to know that your iOS device has been detected by your computer once that you see a notification message that will appear at the lower right-hand corner of your screen. And once that you see that notification, go ahead and proceed on clicking on the Finish button to complete the installation process.


2: Get a Specific Version for Your Computer (Windows 7 64-bit)

If in case that reinstalling your iTunes program on your computer does not work, then you can go ahead and get a specific version of the iTunes program for the computer that you are using. All you have to do is do the same process as Solution

3 above so that you will be able to make sure that all of the iTunes and as well as Apple components are removed from your computer.

After that, simply go ahead and download the version of iTunes “iTunes 12.1.3 for Windows (this is for 64 bit and older version of video cards)”. The said version is known to be compatible with those older versions of a computer with the old version of video cards.

So from there, go ahead and simply download the special version of iTunes by clicking here. And once that you have downloaded the version on your computer, you will then be able to install iTunes normally.

Make sure you download the correct version of iTunes. Thus, you will no longer see the error message “Apple Mobile Device Service Failed to Start” on your computer screen with the help of the version of iTunes.


4: Look for any Corrupt Window System Components and Correct It

There is a chance that your computer is refusing to start the Apple Mobile Device Service because there might be several numbers of Windows system files that are corrupted. Now, for you to be able to fix "Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start", here are the steps that you should follow.

Step 1: You have to make sure that your Windows computer is updated.

Step 2: You also have to make sure that you are logged in as a Windows user using the administrative privileges and be able to start an instance when it comes to Command prompt. And for you to start a Command prompt, just simply hit on the Windows start menu and then key in cmd.exe in the search bar.

Step 3: After that, you are need to run as administrator. Thus, go ahead and right-click on it and then select the option “Run as Administrator”.

Step 4: Then in the Command prompt window on your screen, go ahead and enter the following command: sfc /scannow then press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Step 5: Once done, your computer will then start to look for all of the corrupt files of your Windows system and have them corrected as well if necessary. And once that your computer was able to find all of the files that have issues with it, it will then automatically have fixed "Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start". And once that all of the files with issues"Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start" had been fixed, then you can go ahead and try to install the iTunes program on your computer once again and see if this will work.

Part 3. Conclusion

The Apple Mobile Device Service that you have on your computer is the one responsible for letting you use the iTunes program and have your iPhone or iPad device be connected and recognize by the iTunes program on your computer as well. So once that you have the Apple Mobile Device Service failed to start problem, then that means you will not be able to have an iOS device connected and be recognized by your computer. And with that, you will no longer be able to use your iTunes program with the error message, "Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start".

We know that in this type of situation, this could piss you off as this is the only way for you to be able to back up your iPhone or iPad device using your iTunes on your computer. Also, this is one way for you to be able to get the music that you want and other programs that you need as well.

That is why with that, we have come up with all the solutions that we have indicated above and we do hope that this could help you with this issue"Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start". We know that with all the solutions above, you will be able to fix the error and no longer receive the message that says “Apple Mobile Device Service failed to start”.

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