Summer bucket list Craft free printable

It’s Memorial Day here in the U.S.A! That means two things. First, it’s the day that we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We remember you all today! Secondly, it’s the unofficial start of summer! The weather is warm here, and all the kids are out of school. It’s time to mark a few fun items off of our must-do list before summer kicks the bucket! We look so forward to summer, and it’s gone in the blink of an eye.

I’ve discovered that my daughter is a very goal-oriented person. She likes planning and knowing what to expect. I have no idea where she gets that from (cough-cough). To celebrate her last day of school, we made this Summer Bucket List printable. These are all the things that I’ve PROMISED her that we will do before she heads back to school. And we already have a few checked off.

I looked around for a Summer Bucket List printable before making one, and I didn’t see any that had everything I wanted. For one thing, VBS is a must-do on our list every year, and I didn’t run across any printables that had VBS on the list. And I didn’t see any that had “Go to a Yard Sale” on them. Am I the only one who remembers hitting up summer yard sales as a kid? Or is that a southern thing? At any rate, you’ll find both of these, plus 26 others, on this FREE Summer Bucket List printable for a total of 27 fun things to do this summer!

To grab the printable, right click on the image below to save it to your computer. Print it off however you would normally print something off of your computer.

Add your own spin to any of the items on the list. For “See a New Movie” maybe you like to see an outdoor movie every year or go to the drive in. Make it your own!

What is one thing that is on your family’s must-do list every summer? Happy Summer!

A printable Summer bucket list is the perfect way to get kids outdoors and more active.

With school out, it can be hard to get the kids out of the house (it seems like that in our area anyway). It's like as the kids get older, there aren't many that enjoy going outside to play anymore.

Video games seem to be all kids really want to do this Summer. Granted, there are a lot of kids that do enjoy the sunshine and don't like to be cooped up inside all Summer. Which I certainly encourage!

I remember not being able to play many video games at all during the Summer. We lived in the country and had to find ways to entertain ourselves. So, my brother and I would run around the yard for hours making our own outdoor games, swinging, climbing trees, walking through the woods to find rocks, and making our own binoculars to play with.

But what do you do when your child just wants to sit inside all day and not enjoy the outdoors?

Give them this printable Summer Bucket List!

Go on! You may get a funny look when you hand this to your child. Or the dreaded "ugh!" sound, but it'll be worth it! They'll thank you later.

There are a lot of fun activities they can do on this checklist. There is even a section where they can list other things they'd like to do this Summer, activities that aren't listed.

As you can see there are a lot of activities that involve kids getting out of the house and enjoying the warm weather. There are also tasks that will help them with chores and getting involved with the community by volunteering.

A few items on the list include Summer crafts, which can be such a fun experience for kids. It'll help them learn (even though they won't know they're learning), it will encourage creativity, and giving them hands-on experience with building and creating different things.

Need some crafts ideas for Summer?

Download the Free Summer Bucket List HERE

Plan your summer fun with this free printable summer craft bucket list, either fill your own or choose from a fun list!

Hey friends! Do you love a good bucket list as much as I do? I love to look at them, but I also have to keep reminding myself that it’s totally ok, if I don’t cross every single item. Although I know for some of you, completing the entire list is part of the fun and that’s cool too!

There are already a ton of summer bucket lists that include things like “go to the beach” and “play in the sprinkler” and those are certainly fun ideas, but today we’re only talking about summer crafts! The kind of fun crafts you can do outside, or using natural materials or just crafts that scream SUMMER!

I created two free printable summer craft bucket lists. One is blank and you can fill it in with your own crafty summer ideas. The other list is pre-filled with ideas that I came up with that I think you will enjoy. Try some, try all, do whichever interest you, that’s the beauty of summer!

And it goes without saying that these are mostly family crafts you can do with kids, but hey, I’m not going to lie, most of these are super fun for adults too, so don’t let that scare you off! Adults can plan crafty summer fun too!

All you need to do to download your own free Summer Craft Bucket Lists is enter your email in the box below and you will get an email containing the download links in your inbox in just a few minutes. Don’t forget to check your spam/junk/promotional folders and then add me to your safe sender list for the future so you don’t miss out on any crafty goodness!

But wait, after you enter your email and get your downloads, KEEP SCROLLING DOWN, I also compiled a whole list of example projects, the best, most fun summer crafts from the internet. You can use this list for instructions or to get inspirations! So don’t forget to check that out too!

Summer Craft Bucket List Inspiration

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