The difference between retesting and regression testing is

Every programmer strives for an error-free program. And to enhance this process, Software Testing comes to the rescue. But there are various types of testing, and amid this, the biggest scuffle lies in the difference between retesting and regression testing. They very much sound similar and bear similar functionalities, yet they have their own set of differences.

So, let us get into this set of differences and analyze what retesting vs regression testing is all about!

Retesting vs Regression Testing

1. Basic terminology

What is regression testing? Regression testing focuses on the software application, especially when it undergoes changes in the code. This testing helps determine whether the code is working or is adversely affected by the changes.

On the other hand, the name “retesting” says it all! Once the tester finds a defect and fixes it, they must confirm whether it is wholly eliminated obviously with the help of retesting.

2. Types

When it comes to types, retesting comprises two types – automated and manual.
On the other hand, types of regression testing comprise functional testing, manual testing, unit regression testing, load/stress tests, integration testing, automation for regression test, planned testing.

3. Advantages

Regression testing

  • It thoroughly checks whether the latest software versions have any bugs or not.
  • Analyses whether all functions and features are stable.
  • Check on the changes in the design.
  • Keeps a tab on updating of databases and ensures that the data entered by the users are stored safely.
  • Ensures that the website looks good on all types of devices.


  • It ensures that all the bugs are fixed, and the application is working aptly.
  • It takes meager time as the issue is limited to a specific part of the program.
  • Once the retesting is done, the bug is closed officially.
  • Retesting plays a pivotal role in retaining the quality of the code.

4. Disadvantages

Retesting in Software Testing

  • Every time for verification, it needs a new build.
  • Test cases of retesting can be acquired only while testing and not before that.
  • It can take ample time and extra effort because of the repeated execution of failed tests.
  • The test cases cannot be automated, thus becoming tedious.

Regression testing in software testing

  • Regression testing, if done manually, becomes a tedious task. It takes away immense human efforts and time.
  • Regression testing has to be done in every minute code, and one has to stay very attentive while undertaking it. It is because a tiny bug can lead to issues in the software.
  • When the timeliness is constricted, achieving maximum test coverage with limited test cases becomes tricky.
  • The purpose has to be precise while undertaking regression testing. If the testing team fails to acknowledge the goal, they might implement wrong steps leading to problems.

5. When is it performed?

Regression Testing is undertaken when there is added functionality, change requirement, change in environment, or a performance issue.

After fixing a defect in the software, retesting is carried out and done before regression testing. It is specially performed when the defect changes its status to “awaiting retest.”

These were some fundamental differences between retesting and regression testing. But let us get in-depth and explicit information with this tabular format.

Regression Testing Retesting
Regression testing works only on introductory issues that may create unrest in the program or application. Retesting ensures that the failed tests are working up to the mark after tackling the issues or bugs.
Regression testing ensures that new changes do not hamper the application’s overall functionality. Retesting ensures that all the bugs are dealt with and functionality works supremely.
On the grounds of resource availability and type of project, regression testing can work in parallel with retesting. The initial bug-finding is the most crucial task, and that is why retesting is undertaken on HIGH PRIORITY. So, it always comes before regression testing.
The test cases in regression testing can be automated because the same test is carried out repeatedly, and manual execution makes it time-consuming and tedious. The automation in retesting is not performed.
When it comes to the verification of bugs, regression testing has no role to play.  Verifications of bugs undertaken in retesting.
A generic style of testing is implemented in regression testing. Retesting is undertaken in a planned manner.
The tests passed during regression testing are executed again. Retesting focuses only on failed tests, and only they are re-executed.
Regression testing is also done to identify and analyze any side effects. Retesting ensures that the original issue is working appropriately and has no bugs.
Test cases of regression testing can be acquired from documentation or bug reports. Retesting test cases can be acquired only after the testing kick starts.
Regression testing is done on the last released version of the software. Retesting is done on all the releases of the software. 
Regression testing takes more effort as the tester has to be watchful about the wrongs in the previous version.  Retesting requires less time.

We are positive that you now have ample information regarding regression testing in software testing and retesting as well! Both have their share of advantages and disadvantages. But while choosing a career path in these fields, having absolute knowledge is very important and that’s when software testing certification steps in! Wondering where to opt for this course and what it is all about, then read on!

Cyber Success, Best Software Testing Institute in Pune

Software testing institutes are responsible for imparting knowledge and showing a path that leads to success. One of the pioneers in this industry and software testing certification is Cyber Success. The courses are designed by industry experts that ensure that the students get comprehensive knowledge about various software testing concepts. It helps students make sound decisions about their careers and future.

Besides, this is augmented by live projects, workshops, mock interviews, placement assistance, and more. So, what are you waiting for? Grab this golden opportunity and enroll in Cyber Success by calling on (+91) 9168665643, (+91) 9168665644, or dropping an email at [email protected]. If you are a working professional, then we have special weekend batches. If you are fresher and confused about which course to choose, we have demo batches!

What is the difference between retesting and regression testing Mcq?

The main difference is that regression testing is designed to test for bugs you don't expect to be there. Retesting is designed to test for bugs you do expect to be there.

What is difference between regression testing and system testing?

System testing- checks end to end flows works as expected. Acceptance testing- to validate the system is developed as per business requirement. Regression testing- performed to check the integration of all modules and modifications or enhancements in Module 1 has not led to code break.

What is the difference between smoke and regression testing?

' Smoke testing establishes the software's safety or faultiness before further testing. 'Regression testing' measures the software performance after a few features get added or altered to ensure existing functionality is not broken by the new or altered features.

What is the difference between retesting and confirmation testing?

Confirmation testing or retesting is the same with different names. The purpose of confirmation testing is to confirm that the detected bug is retested and it is fixed by the development team, which means there are no live bugs in the software.

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