The origins of the psychodynamic perspective are linked to

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The psychodynamic approach emphasizes unconscious thought, the conflict between biological drives and society’s demands, and early childhood family experiences.

The psychodynamic perspective derives from the work of Sigmund Freud and his students and followers. Its defined by unconscious, the part of mind that contains hidden desires and motivating forces. The main method of investigation in the psychodynamic perspective in psychoanalysis which attempts to uncover the unconscious elements that affect a person. Through the analysis of a person dreams. So in psychodynamic perspective, the model of the mind is as an iceberg, with only the tip visible.

Freud proposed that our thoughts, feelings, self perception and personality is composed of 3 elements. The ego which represents our conscious thoughts, the superego which represents our social conscience and the id which represents our subconscious, pleasure-seeking and inner desires. The id isn’t logical or reasonable, the ego tries to satisfy the id in a safe manner and the superego keeps track of our guilt and social norms.

Those 3 elements are known as our psyche and Freud says that the primary energy i our psyche was the libido and libido is energy created by survival and sexual needs below constantly seeking satisfaction of the desires to be safe and experience pleasure but as we grow, the need of want/needs comes in conflict with id. According to Freud, there are five stages of pschosexual development:

  1. oral stage- birth to 18 months
  2. anal stage- 18 months to 3 years
  3. phallic stage- 3 to 6 years
  4. latency stage- 6 to puberty
  5. genital stage- puberty and beyond

Also, according to Freud the ego develops strategies to defend you from daily conflicts that may cause stress or anxiety due to our id’s desires and your superego’s attempts to control those desires. These protective strategies are called defense mechanisms.

A strength of this approach is actually providing a better understanding of dense mechanism.

Did you know that our behavior and feelings as adults are rooted in our childhood experiences because of the psychodynmaic theory??

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Psychodynamics, also known as psychodynamic psychology, in its broadest sense, is an approach to psychology that emphasizes systematic study of the psychological forces underlying human behavior, feelings, and emotions and how they might relate to early experience. It is especially interested in the dynamic relations between conscious motivation and unconscious motivation.[1]

The term psychodynamics is also used to refer specifically to the psychoanalytical approach developed by Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) and his followers. Freud was inspired by the theory of thermodynamics and used the term psychodynamics to describe the processes of the mind as flows of psychological energy (libido or psi) in an organically complex brain.[2]

There are four major schools of thought regarding psychological treatment: psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, biological, and humanistic treatment. In the treatment of psychological distress, psychodynamic psychotherapy tends to be a less intensive (once- or twice-weekly) modality than the classical Freudian psychoanalysis treatment (of 3–5 sessions per week). Psychodynamic therapies depend upon a theory of inner conflict, wherein repressed behaviours and emotions surface into the patient's consciousness; generally, one's conflict is unconscious.[3]


In general, psychodynamics is the study of the interrelationship of various parts of the mind, personality, or psyche as they relate to mental, emotional, or motivational forces especially at the unconscious level.[4][5][6] The mental forces involved in psychodynamics are often divided into two parts:[7] (a) the interaction of the emotional and motivational forces that affect behavior and mental states, especially on a subconscious level; (b) inner forces affecting behavior: the study of the emotional and motivational forces that affect behavior and states of mind.

Freud proposed that psychological energy was constant (hence, emotional changes consisted only in displacements) and that it tended to rest (point attractor) through discharge (catharsis).[8]

In mate selection psychology, psychodynamics is defined as the study of the forces, motives, and energy generated by the deepest of human needs.[9]

In general, psychodynamics studies the transformations and exchanges of "psychic energy" within the personality.[5] A focus in psychodynamics is the connection between the energetics of emotional states in the Id, ego and super-ego as they relate to early childhood developments and processes. At the heart of psychological processes, according to Freud, is the ego, which he envisions as battling with three forces: the id, the super-ego, and the outside world.[4] The id is the unconscious reservoir of libido, the psychic energy that fuels instincts and psychic processes. The ego serves as the general manager of personality, making decisions regarding the pleasures that will be pursued at the id's demand, the person's safety requirements, and the moral dictates of the superego that will be followed. The superego refers to the repository of an individual's moral values, divided into the conscience – the internalization of a society's rules and regulations – and the ego-ideal – the internalization of one's goals.[10] Hence, the basic psychodynamic model focuses on the dynamic interactions between the id, ego, and superego.[11] Psychodynamics, subsequently, attempts to explain or interpret behaviour or mental states in terms of innate emotional forces or processes.


Freud used the term psychodynamics to describe the processes of the mind as flows of psychological energy (libido) in an organically complex brain.[2] The idea for this came from his first year adviser, Ernst von Brücke at the University of Vienna, who held the view that all living organisms, including humans, are basically energy-systems to which the principle of the conservation of energy applies.[12] This principle states that "the total amount of energy in any given physical system is always constant, that energy quanta can be changed but not annihilated, and that consequently when energy is moved from one part of the system, it must reappear in another part."[12] This principle is at the very root of Freud's ideas, whereby libido, which is primarily seen as sexual energy, is transformed into other behaviours. However, it is now clear that the term energy in physics means something quite different from the term energy in relation to mental functioning.

Psychodynamics was initially further developed by Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and Melanie Klein.[5][6] By the mid-1940s and into the 1950s, the general application of the "psychodynamic theory" had been well established.[citation needed]

In his 1988 book Introduction to Psychodynamics – a New Synthesis, psychiatrist Mardi J. Horowitz states that his own interest and fascination with psychodynamics began during the 1950s, when he heard Ralph Greenson, a popular local psychoanalyst who spoke to the public on topics such as "People who Hate", speak on the radio at UCLA. In his radio discussion, according to Horowitz, he "vividly described neurotic behavior and unconscious mental processes and linked psychodynamics theory directly to everyday life."[13]

In the 1950s, American psychiatrist Eric Berne built on Freud's psychodynamic model, particularly that of the "ego states", to develop a psychology of human interactions called transactional analysis[14] which, according to physician James R. Allen, is a "cognitive-behavioral approach to treatment and that it is a very effective way of dealing with internal models of self and others as well as other psychodynamic issues.".[14]

Around the 1970s, a growing number of researchers began departing from the psychodynamics model and Freudian subconscious. Many felt that the evidence was over-reliant on imaginative discourse in therapy, and on patient reports of their state-of-mind. These subjective experiences are inaccessible to others.[15] Philosopher of science Karl Popper argued that much of Freudianism was untestable and therefore not scientific.[16] In 1975 literary critic Frederick Crews began a decades-long campaign against the scientific credibility of Freudianism.[17] This culminated in Freud: The Making of an Illusion which aggregated years of criticism from many quarters.[18] Medical schools and psychology departments no longer offer much training in psychodynamics, according to a 2007 survey. An Emory University psychology professor explained, “I don’t think psychoanalysis is going to survive unless there is more of an appreciation for empirical rigor and testing.”[19]

Freudian analysis[edit]

According to American psychologist Calvin S. Hall, from his 1954 Primer in Freudian Psychology:

Freud greatly admired Brücke and quickly became indoctrinated by this new dynamic physiology. Thanks to Freud's singular genius, he was to discover some twenty years later that the laws of dynamics could be applied to man's personality as well as to his body. When he made his discovery Freud proceeded to create a dynamic psychology. A dynamic psychology is one that studies the transformations and exchanges of energy within the personality. This was Freud’s greatest achievement, and one of the greatest achievements in modern science, It is certainly a crucial event in the history of psychology.

At the heart of psychological processes, according to Freud, is the ego, which he sees battling with three forces: the id, the super-ego, and the outside world.[4] Hence, the basic psychodynamic model focuses on the dynamic interactions between the id, ego, and superego.[11] Psychodynamics, subsequently, attempts to explain or interpret behavior or mental states in terms of innate emotional forces or processes. In his writings about the "engines of human behavior", Freud used the German word Trieb, a word that can be translated into English as either instinct or drive.[20]

In the 1930s, Freud's daughter Anna Freud began to apply Freud's psychodynamic theories of the "ego" to the study of parent-child attachment and especially deprivation and in doing so developed ego psychology.

Jungian analysis[edit]

At the turn of the 20th century, during these decisive years, a young Swiss psychiatrist named Carl Jung had been following Freud's writings and had sent him copies of his articles and his first book, the 1907 Psychology of Dementia Praecox, in which he upheld the Freudian psychodynamic viewpoint, although with some reservations. That year, Freud invited Jung to visit him in Vienna. The two men, it is said, were greatly attracted to each other, and they talked continuously for thirteen hours. This led to a professional relationship in which they corresponded on a weekly basis, for a period of six years.[21]

Carl Jung's contributions in psychodynamic psychology include:

  1. The psyche tends toward wholeness.
  2. The self is composed of the ego, the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious.[22] The collective unconscious contains the archetypes which manifest in ways particular to each individual.
  3. Archetypes are composed of dynamic tensions and arise spontaneously in the individual and collective psyche. Archetypes are autonomous energies common to the human species. They give the psyche its dynamic properties and help organize it. Their effects can be seen in many forms and across cultures.
  4. The Transcendent Function: The emergence of the third resolves the split between dynamic polar tensions within the archetypal structure.
  5. The recognition of the spiritual dimension of the human psyche.
  6. The role of images which spontaneously arise in the human psyche (images include the interconnection between affect, images, and instinct) to communicate the dynamic processes taking place in the personal and collective unconscious, images which can be used to help the ego move in the direction of psychic wholeness.
  7. Recognition of the multiplicity of psyche and psychic life, that there are several organizing principles within the psyche, and that they are at times in conflict.

Bowlby and Ainsworth[edit]

John Bowlby was originally a follower of the Freudian tradition at the Tavistock Clinic in London, but broke away from Freud's key ideas. Bowlby's inspiration came from reading the work of Konrad Lorenz, the Nobel Prize–winning founder of the field of ethology or animal behaviour. In particular Bowlby was struck by the phenomenon of imprinting, which Lorenz had studied in birds, and he saw the possibility that infants might imprint on their mother in a similar way. Along with his student Mary Ainsworth he studied infant behaviour, and developed what he called attachment theory. He rejected Freud's ideas of damage caused by frustrated impulses, in favour of the idea that maternal deprivation is a major cause of disturbed development and later psychological problems. Later he argued that infants need a stable, safe person or persons to provide a feeling of security from which they can venture out and explore.[23]

See also[edit]

  • Ernst Wilhelm Brücke
  • Yisrael Salantar
  • Cathexis
  • Object relations theory
  • Reaction formation
  • Robert Langs


  1. ^ What is psychodynamics? — WebMD rehashing Stedman's Medical Dictionary 28th Edition (2006), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  2. ^ a b Bowlby, John (1999). Attachment and Loss: Vol I, 2nd Ed. Basic Books. pp. 13–23. ISBN 0-465-00543-8.
  3. ^ Adapted from Corsini and Wedding 2008; Corsini, R. J., & Wedding, D. (2008) Current Psychotherapies, 8th Edition. Belmont, CA.: Thomson Brooks/Cole. (pp. 15-17).
  4. ^ a b c Freud, Sigmund (1923). The Ego and the Id. W.W. Norton & Company. pp. (4–5). ISBN 0-393-00142-3.
  5. ^ a b c Hall, Calvin, S. (1954). A Primer in Freudian Psychology. Meridian Book. ISBN 0-452-01183-3.
  6. ^ a b Psychodynamics (1874) - (1) the psychology of mental or emotional forces or processes developing especially in early childhood and their effects on behavior and mental states; (2) explanation ! or interpretation, as of behavior or mental states, in terms of mental or emotional forces or processes; (3) motivational forces acting especially at the unconscious level. Source: Merriam-Webster, 2000, CD-ROM, version 2.5
  7. ^ Psychodynamics Archived 2007-11-16 at the Wayback Machine – Microsoft Encarta
  8. ^ Robertson, Robin; Combs, Allan (1995). Chaos theory in Psychology and Life Sciences. LEA, Inc. p. (83). ISBN 0-8058-1737-9.
  9. ^ Klimek, David (1979). Beneath Mate Selection and Marriage - the Unconscious Motives in Human Pairing. Van Nostrand Reinhold. p. 3. ISBN 0-442-23074-5.
  10. ^ Carlson, Neil, R.; et al. (2010). Psychology: The Science of Behaviour. United States of America: Person Education. pp. 453–454. ISBN 978-0-205-64524-4.
  11. ^ a b Ahles, Scott, R. (2004). Our Inner World: A Guide to Psychodynamics and Psychotherapy. Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. (1–2). ISBN 0-8018-7836-5.
  12. ^ a b Stephen P. Thornton. "Sigmund Freud (1856—1939)". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 2013-05-26.
  13. ^ Horowitz, Mardi, J. (1988). Introduction to Psychodynamics - a New Synthesis. Basic Books. p. 3. ISBN 0-465-03561-2.
  14. ^ a b Berne, Eric (1964). Games People Play – The Basic Hand Book of Transactional Analysis. New York: Ballantine Books. ISBN 0-345-41003-3.
  15. ^ Grünbaum, Adolf (1984). The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique. University of California. ISBN 978-0520050174.
  16. ^ Popper, Karl R. (1962). CONJECTURES AND REFUTATIONS The Growth of Scientific Knowledge. New York: Basic Books. p. 38.
  17. ^ Crews, Frederick C. (1975). Out of My System: Psychoanalysis, Ideology, and Critical Method. Oxford. ISBN 0-19-501947-4.
  18. ^ Crews, Frederick C. (2017). Freud: The Making of an Illusion. Metropolitan. ISBN 9781627797177.
  19. ^ Cohen, Patricia (November 25, 2007). "Freud Is Widely Taught at Universities, Except in the Psychology Department". New York Times. Retrieved 6 February 2020.
  20. ^ Walsh, Anthony (1991). The Science of Love - Understanding Love and its Effects on Mind and Body. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books. p. 58. ISBN 0-87975-648-9.
  21. ^ Hall, Calvin S.; Nordby, Vernon J. (1999). A Primer of Jungian Psychology. New York: Meridian. ISBN 0-452-01186-8.
  22. ^ Archived 2007-06-26 at the Wayback Machine Outline of the Major Points in Carl Jung's Contributions to Psychology
  23. ^ //[bare URL PDF]

Further reading[edit]

  • Brown, Junius Flagg & Menninger, Karl Augustus (1940). The Psychodynamics of Abnormal Behavior, 484 pages, McGraw-Hill Book Company, inc.
  • Weiss, Edoardo (1950). Principles of Psychodynamics, 268 pages, Grune & Stratton
  • Pearson Education (1970). The Psychodynamics of Patient Care Prentice Hall, 422 pgs. Stanford University: Higher Education Division.
  • Jean Laplanche et J.B. Pontalis (1974). The Language of Psycho-Analysis, Editeur: W. W. Norton & Company, ISBN 0-393-01105-4
  • Raphael-Leff, Joan (2005). Parent Infant Psychodynamics – Wild Things, Mirrors, and Ghosts. Wiley. ISBN 1-86156-346-9.
  • Shedler, Jonathan. "That was Then, This is Now: An Introduction to Contemporary Psychodynamic Therapy", PDF
  • PDM Task Force. (2006). Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual. Silver Spring, MD. Alliance of Psychoanalytic Organizations.
  • Aziz, Robert (1990). C.G. Jung's Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity (10 ed.). The State University of New York Press. ISBN 0791401669.
  • Aziz, Robert (1999). "Synchronicity and the Transformation of the Ethical in Jungian Psychology". In Becker, Carl (ed.). Asian and Jungian Views of Ethics. Greenwood. ISBN 0313304521.
  • Aziz, Robert (2007). The Syndetic Paradigm: The Untrodden Path Beyond Freud and Jung. The State University of New York Press. ISBN 9780791469828.
  • Aziz, Robert (2008). "Foreword". In Storm, Lance (ed.). Synchronicity: Multiple Perspectives on Meaningful Coincidence. Pari Publishing. ISBN 9788895604022.
  • Bateman, Anthony; Brown, Dennis and Pedder, Jonathan (2000). Introduction to Psychotherapy: An Outline of Psychodynamic Principles and Practice. Routledge. ISBN 0415205697.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Bateman, Anthony; Holmes, Jeremy (1995). Introduction to Psychoanalysis: Contemporary Theory and Practice. Routledge. ISBN 0415107393.
  • Oberst, Ursula E.; Stewart, Alan E. (2003). Adlerian Psychotherapy: An Advanced Approach to Individual Psychology. New York: Brunner-Routledge. ISBN 1583911227.
  • Ellenberger, Henri F. (1970). The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry. Basic Books. ISBN 0465016723.

Hutchinson, E.(ED.) (2017).Essentials of human behavior: Integrating person, environment, and the life course. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Who did the psychodynamic perspective originated with?

Sigmund Freud (writing between the 1890s and the 1930s) developed a collection of theories which have formed the basis of the psychodynamic approach to psychology. His theories are clinically derived - i.e., based on what his patients told him during therapy.

What is the psychodynamic theory based on?

Psychodynamic theories focus on the psychological drives and forces within individuals that explain human behavior and personality. The theories originate from Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, which focused on the unconscious mind as the source of psychological distress and dysfunction.

Where did psychodynamic therapy come from?

Psychodynamic therapy grew out of the theories of Sigmund Freud. However, it has evolved considerably from the 19th-century model. Early leaders in the field who contributed to the development of this approach include Carl Jung, Melanie Klein, and Anna Freud.

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