Top 8 skin care tips your dermatologist hope you know năm 2024

Healthy skin doesn’t happen overnight. A consistent skin care routine is essential to optimize your skin’s health, fortify its defenses and maximize your results.

Skin Care Steps

To select a skin care routine, we highly recommend booking a facial with a knowledgeable, certified professional. Estheticians have the experience and training to recommend professional treatments that boost your results as well as educated guidance for your home skin care routine.

To enhance your knowledge, we’ve compiled the essential steps for a skin care routine as well as additional recommendations tailored to your unique skin type and concerns.

Apply your skin care products in the following order for optimal results:

1. Cleanse

Twice per day, morning and night. A thorough cleanse clears your skin of oil and debris that can lead to clogged pores and dullness. It also prepares your complexion for further treatment, making it easier for your skin to absorb the beneficial ingredients in the rest of your routine. Whether you choose an oil, balm, gel or cream cleanser will depend on your skin type and the concerns you hope to address.

2. Tone: Essence, Facial Mist or Toner

Twice per day, morning and night. Toning completes the cleansing process by conditioning your skin and adding beneficial vitamins and minerals to your complexion. Unlike alcohol-based toners of the past, today’s toners, essences and facial mists support the effectiveness of your cleanser by adding replenishing ingredients that support your skin’s health. Cleansing and toning work together like shampoo and conditioner: Both steps help keep the skin as healthy as possible.

3. Exfoliate

Once or twice per week. Exfoliating is essential to encourage healthy skin cell turnover, eliminate buildup and relieve pore congestion. Exfoliants comprise gentle chemical, enzymatic and physical varieties for home care, as well as more potent peels and treatments which must be administered by a professional. We recommend consulting with your esthetician to determine the best approach for your skin type and concerns.

Watch the video below to learn how to exfoliate properly.

4. Mask

Once or twice per week. An additional treatment to indulge in is a face mask. Face masks contain high amounts of concentrated vitamins and nutrient-rich ingredients which absorb efficiently into the skin, making it appear healthy and resilient. In addition to their hydrating and firming benefits, masks can be used to control more persistent skin concerns like acne, large pores and dark spots.

5. Treat: Serum, Concentrate or Facial Oil

Twice per day, morning and night. Your daily routine should include a serum, concentrate or facial oil. These potent formulas contain concentrated amounts of active ingredients to target concerns and neutralize the effects of environmental stressors. The serum, concentrate or oil you choose will depend on the particular concerns and conditions you hope to prevent or correct.

6. Eye Care

Twice per day, morning and night. Some areas require a lighter touch. The skin around your eye area is seven times thinner than the rest of your face and needs to be treated with special care. Regular eye cream application not only maintains the health, thickness and elasticity of this delicate area, it also reduces the look of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness.

Watch the video below to learn how to apply an eye cream correctly.

7. Moisturize

Twice per day, morning and night. Used daily, moisturizers keep skin soft, supple and protected. Moisturizing not only targets and treats specific issues in the top layers of the skin, it also provides necessary support for the skin’s natural lipid barrier. A strong and healthy barrier enables the skin to better retain moisture and repel external irritants. Remember, even oily skin needs moisture and hydration!

8. Protect/SPF

Daily, or as required. The final and most crucial step in every skin care routine is sun protection. Daily and consistent sunscreen use helps protect skin against the damaging rays that contribute to skin irritation, premature aging and the formation of certain skin cancers. Year-round, apply a broad spectrum sunscreen or SPF moisturizer to shield your skin from exposure.

9. Body Care

Daily, or as required. Skin care doesn’t end at your decollete. The rest of your body can also display areas of discomfort depending on your skin type and skin concerns. Extend your skin care routine by applying nutrient-rich body products that keep your skin looking strong and youthful from head-to-toe.

How To Customize Your Skin Care Routine

Once you have mastered the basics, you and your esthetician can customize a routine for your particular skin type and concerns. This will determine the type of product you choose for each step of your skin care routine.

Skin Types

Skin types are determined by genetics. Your genes determine the amount of oil your sebaceous glands produce, the size of your pores and the texture of your skin. Each of these factors contributes to the overall dryness or oiliness of your complexion. While your skin type cannot be changed, it can be easily managed with proper skin care.

Skin types generally fall into one of five variations:

Skin Type Test

Are you unsure of your skin type? This skin type test is an easy way to determine whether you have normal, dry, oily, combination or sensitive skin.

Normal Skin

“Normal” skin is best described as well-balanced. It has even moisture and hydration and uniform texture, with small pores and no apparent problem areas. Those with normal skin types may experience occasional dryness or oiliness as well as the odd breakout. Overall, normal skin looks and feels healthy but may experience mild dryness or oiliness as well as the occasional breakout, particularly when exposed to environmental stress.

For this reason, a normal skin care routine should focus on keeping skin healthy and protected. In addition to fortifying the skin with antioxidants, make minor adjustments to your routine depending on concerns and conditions of the moment. During periods of dryness, opt for products aimed toward dry skin; for oiliness and/or breakouts, choose products that will balance your complexion and target blemishes.

Dry Skin

Dry skin produces less oil than normal complexions. This skin type lacks the lipids needed to retain moisture and keep skin soft and supple. Skin feels dry and tight, and flakes sometimes appear on the cheeks, chin and forehead. Those with dry skin often have nearly invisible pores and may display more prominent fine lines around the eye and lip contour areas.

It is important to use moisture-rich products like oil or cream cleansers and daily moisturizers to replenish skin throughout the day as well as a rich night cream to repair skin while you sleep. Weekly moisturizing masks are also advised to plump and soften skin as well as reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Oily Skin

Unlike dry skin, oily skin has overactive sebaceous glands which produce an excess of sebum. While sebum is necessary to lubricate skin and keep its moisture barrier intact, overproduction can lead to an oily complexion that has visible pores and is prone to spots and blemishes. Fine lines and wrinkles do not show as easily on this skin type, but it does need to be maintained to prevent breakouts and control shine.

The goal for an oily skin care routine is to control excess oil and maintain skin’s hydration. When dehydrated, skin will react by producing more oil; you can counteract this activity by hydrating skin with a lightweight moisturizer containing humectants like botanical hyaluronic acid. Also, consider adding an oil cleanser to your skin care routine. While it may seem counterintuitive, the oil in the cleanser will attract excess sebum, allowing you to rinse it away without stripping your skin.

Watch the video below to learn how to add an oil cleanser to your routine skin care routine.

Combination Skin

Combination skin is characterized by non-uniform oil production and appears neither overly dry nor oily. With more active oil glands in the T-zone and less active glands elsewhere, combination skin will tend towards oiliness on the forehead, jaw and nose, and dryness on the cheeks, jawline and hairline.

The best approach for combination skin care is often to divide and conquer, treating different parts of the face with different products and techniques. For morning, a gentle foaming cleanser will absorb excess oil. At night, a cream-based cleanser will replenish lost moisture. Multi-masking can be extremely beneficial for combination skin. This skin care technique involves applying two or more face masks, such as a clay-based mask and a cream-based mask, to different areas of the face so that multiple concerns are addressed at once.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is quite common and, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, affects 50% of people. This skin type has fine pores, can be easily irritated and is prone to redness. Often, it will react negatively to poor lifestyle habits, climate and weather changes, hormonal imbalances and harsh cosmetic ingredients.

With its wide variety of symptoms, sensitive skin does not manifest the same way for everyone, and its severity and frequency can vary. In general, sensitive skin should be treated with gentle and soothing skin care products that will heal skin and relieve symptoms. Opt for gentle peels to exfoliate without exacerbating sensitivity, and reach for calming natural and organic ingredients like chamomile and calendula to comfort reactive skin.

Skin Concerns & Conditions

A skin concern or condition is different from a skin type in that it is not genetic and can be improved over time. Often, symptoms are triggered by external factors such as climate changes, lifestyle habits and environmental stressors. Skin concerns and conditions can be uncomfortable, but the right treatments with active herbal ingredients can produce amazing results.

Common skin concerns and conditions include:


Up to 80% of people will experience acne at some point during their lifetime. This concern can affect skin at any age, from adolescent to adult, and every skin type. Acne is caused by a number of factors, including pore congestion, excess oil production, hormonal fluctuations, bacteria and genetics. The good news is that it can be alleviated over time with results-driven skin care that keeps skin clear and healthy.

Salicylic acid and clay are two of the best ingredients to treat acne-prone skin and prevent future breakouts. Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid that penetrates deep into pores to clear blockages and neutralize acne-causing bacteria. Clay works like a magnet, using its negatively charged particles to pull positively charged impurities from pores and the skin’s surface.

Watch the video below for a recommended routine to tackle acne and breakouts.

For those suffering from moderate to severe acne, professional spa treatments can be extremely beneficial. Acne facials are deeply cleansing. They employ professional-level peels with a high concentration of active ingredients to clear buildup as well as extractions by a licensed esthetician to clear blackheads and whiteheads.


Sometimes confused with acne, rosacea often presents as inflammation and reddening on the nose, forehead, cheekbones or chin. Inflamed capillaries on the skin’s surface give skin a red, blotchy or bumpy appearance. While this condition is usually genetic, certain factors are known to aggravate it, including extreme temperatures, alcohol and sun exposure.

In addition to avoiding triggers, you can follow a sensitive skin care routine that employs gentle products free of harmful chemicals like added parabens, petrolatum, mineral oils, propylene glycol or sodium lauryl sulfate. Look for comforting ingredients like chamomile, calendula and stone crop which heal and soothe redness.

Large Pores

Large pores are another common skin concern. While pore size is largely determined by genetics, dead skin cell buildup, loss of elasticity and excess oil production can cause them to expand and enlarge. Large pores often accompany oily and combination skin types, which suffer from over-productive sebaceous glands.

Regular cleansing and gentle exfoliation are essential steps for large pores. These actions remove sebum from the skin’s surface and relieve pore congestion, allowing pores to shrink to their normal size. Clay and charcoal masks are also beneficial, producing a gentle astringent action that tightens and minimizes pore openings.


Dehydrated skin is deficient in water. Hydration is essential for the skin to function optimally, and symptoms of dehydration can include itchiness, sensitivity, dullness and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Dehydrated skin can be caused by external elements, an unhealthy diet or poor lifestyle choices, all of which deplete the skin’s water content. All skin types — even oily — can suffer from dehydration.

Watch the video below to determine whether you are dealing with dehydrated skin.

One of the best ways to replenish dehydrated skin is to add products containing hyaluronic acid to your skin care routine. Products that contain hyaluronic acid keep skin hydrated, plump and looking healthy. This ingredient can hold a thousand times its weight in water, making it a powerful humectant. That means hyaluronic acid draws moisture from the environment into the skin for increased hydration and a complexion that’s plump, smooth, and luminous.

Signs Of Aging

The primary signs of aging include fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin, each of which is a direct result of the body’s aging processes. Over time, production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin slows, causing skin to lose volume, density and elasticity, triggering the visible signs of aging. This natural depletion accounts for only ten percent of skin aging; the remaining ninety percent is brought on by long-term exposure to free radicals. These cause oxidative stress that damages skin cells and accelerates the aging process.

While an aging complexion is inevitable, visible effects can be minimized with a targeted skin care routine. As aging skin also tends to be dry, we recommend following a dry skin care routine with a few adjustments. Serums, oils and concentrates containing botanical peptides, hyaluronic acid and natural retinol alternatives will help plump, lift and firm skin. Antioxidant-rich products will provide additional benefits by protecting skin and minimizing the damage done by environmental stress and free radicals.

Lack Of Firmness

An additional side effect of aging is loss of firmness. Over time, the muscles throughout the body, including the face, can lose their tone and elasticity. As muscle fibers and elastin begin to lengthen as a result of aging, lifestyle and nutrition, the skin can start to sag. And, lacking strength and elasticity, it loses the ability to bounce back. The result is drooping of the eyebrows and eyelids as well as looseness and fullness (jowls) under the cheeks and jaw.

Lack of firmness can be treated with a targeted skin care routine that improves skin tightness and elasticity. Adjust your aging skin routine to include face masks and moisturizers that contain natural firming agents like bamboo. Facial massage techniques can also be beneficial in toning the muscles beneath the skin, keeping them healthy and firm.


Hyperpigmentation is one of today’s leading skin concerns and is characterized by the appearance of dark spots, freckles, scarring or an uneven skin tone. This condition is induced by an increase in melanin production by the skin’s melanocytes, caused by a number of factors including sun exposure, stress, aging, hormonal changes and post-inflammatory pigmentation. Hyperpigmentation can affect any skin type and widely varies in severity.

This is one of the most difficult skin conditions to treat and requires dedication and consistency with a targeted skin care routine. Certified Esthetician Alicia Hawthorne advises: “Look for serums and moisturizers that contain ingredients that help to brighten and prevent pigmentation or assist with resurfacing the skin.” These include stone crop and natural hydroquinone alternatives as well as licorice root, willow bark, arbutin and zinc hyaluronate.

Watch the video below for more tips to diminish dark spots.

Sun Damage

UV exposure can result in both temporary and long term damage to the skin. One of the most common conditions as a result of sun exposure is immediate dehydration and painful, itchy redness. Over time, accumulated exposure can permanently stretch small blood vessels, leading to a red and blotchy complexion.To minimize and prevent the negative effects of sun exposure, keep skin protected and hydrated year-round. Apply an SPF moisturizer or mineral powder sunscreen daily and protect your body from head-to-toe with natural body sunscreens. After exposure, replenish lost moisture with deeply hydrating balms and body lotions.


Dull skin is characterized as skin that has lost its natural radiance. It looks tired, ashy, lackluster, patchy or dry — qualities due to determining factors.

These factors include environmental or lifestyle choices, like a poor diet, insufficient exercise, seasonal changes or sun exposure. One of the most effective ways to revive tired-looking skin is a diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which can improve the skin’s natural radiance. Similarly, adding antioxidant-rich products to your skin care routine can also improve the appearance of a dull complexion. Skin care products with superfruit ingredients, like mangosteen, provide unique and potent antioxidants that give the skin a more luminous appearance.

Dullness can also be caused by dead skin cells, which fail to reflect light uniformly and lead to a lack of luminosity. Exfoliation can rekindle the skin's natural glow by gently resurfacing your skin while also minimizing the appearance of pores. This skin care step removes the barrier of dead cells clogging the skin and uncovers fresh new cells below. If you want to find out how to achieve brighter skin, watch our Lead Skin Care Trainer, Natalie Pergar, as she does a deep dive into identifying dull skin, and the best products to incorporate into your routine.

Product Recommender

To help select the skin care products that are right for your skin type and concerns, we have created the Product Recommender tool. Simply select your skin type and your number one skin concern for our suggestions.

Spa Treatments

In addition to an effective home care routine, customized professional treatments are crucial to elevate your skin’s health. Spa treatments combine professional techniques and products with the technical skills of a licensed esthetician to provide enhanced results. These treatments can be customized to your specific skin type and concerns, and their effects can be easily maintained by your daily, nightly and weekly routine.

Steps In A Professional Treatment

These are the steps you may experience in a professional spa treatment:

  1. Assessment: The esthetician learns about your skin concerns and skin care routine.
  2. Cleansing: Removal of makeup and surface buildup.
  3. Skin Analysis: The esthetician examines your complexion, often using magnification, to identify your skin’s current state.
  4. Steaming: Steam is incorporated to soften pore congestion and assist with extractions, if needed.
  5. Exfoliating: Application of a professional strength exfoliating treatment, such as an AHA or BHA peel, to remove dead skin cells.
  6. Extractions: If needed, professional extractions are performed to clear blackheads and whiteheads.
  7. Facial Massage: Gentle but thorough massage to relax facial muscles and assist skin with absorbing further products.
  8. Masking: One or more face masks suited to your skin type and concerns are applied.
  9. Finishing: Application of toner, serums, moisturizers, eye care and SPF to condition and protect skin.

Find A Spa

Nothing takes the place of a one-on-one consultation with a licensed esthetician. They can provide in-depth recommendations and suggestions to help get the most out of your skin care experience. To find a spa partner to help you in your area, click here.

What is the No 1 brand recommended by dermatologists?

La Roche-Posay The brand has a strong reputation for developing skincare products that are gentle, effective and suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. That's why dermatologists can always rely on its formulas as a trusted skincare solution.

What do dermatologists recommend for skincare routines?

Less is more when it comes to skin care. Using too many products, especially multiple anti-aging products, can irritate your skin. Instead, focus on the basics, such as a gentle cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer. Establish morning and nighttime skin care routines that work well for your skin, and stick with them.

What are the best skin care tips?

These general skin care tips from dermatologists can benefit just about everyone..

Apply sunscreen every day before you go outdoors. ... .

Don't smoke. ... .

Check your skin for skin cancer. ... .

Use a self-tanner if you like looking tanned. ... .

Use skin care products that match your skin's needs. ... .

Resist the urge to scrub your skin clean..

What are the 3 most important skin care products?

Three Essential Elements in a Basic Skincare Routine.

Step 1: Cleanser. Choosing a cleanser that's specifically formulated for the face (rather than the body) is the first essential step in a basic skincare routine. ... .

Step 2: Moisturizer. ... .

Step 3: Sunscreen. ... .

3 (or 5) simple steps to beautiful skin..

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