training wheels là gì - Nghĩa của từ training wheels

training wheels có nghĩa là

In reference to someone's job that is considered to be the "good life" or they do very little for the amount they get paid.

Ví dụ

She does absolutely nothing all day and gets paid for it. That is definitely a Gravy Train with Biscuit Wheels.

training wheels có nghĩa là

salt and lime added to a shot of tequila. Usually, these come with a less expensive tequila or are added for "rookies" who don't know Corazon from Twilight Zone

Ví dụ

She does absolutely nothing all day and gets paid for it. That is definitely a Gravy Train with Biscuit Wheels.

training wheels có nghĩa là

salt and lime added to a shot of tequila. Usually, these come with a less expensive tequila or are added for "rookies" who don't know Corazon from Twilight Zone

Ví dụ

She does absolutely nothing all day and gets paid for it. That is definitely a Gravy Train with Biscuit Wheels.

training wheels có nghĩa là

salt and lime added to a shot of tequila. Usually, these come with a less expensive tequila or are added for "rookies" who don't know Corazon from Twilight Zone

Ví dụ

She does absolutely nothing all day and gets paid for it. That is definitely a Gravy Train with Biscuit Wheels.

training wheels có nghĩa là

salt and lime added to a shot of tequila. Usually, these come with a less expensive tequila or are added for "rookies" who don't know Corazon from Twilight Zone "Do you want to down that shot of Cuervo like a man or do you need training wheels? Little wheels that are installed in the back of bicycles, to the left and right, for kids who want to ride a bicycle but can't balance yet. With these wheels, they can ride without falling down. Eventually, they'll get rid of the training wheels when they get older, and they'll need to do that if they want to go faster and turn better. Little Timmy is too young and keeps falling down with his bicycle, so we put training wheels on it. (noun): A girl or guy friend who patiently teaches you everything from how to make out to properly pleasuring future sexual partners of the same genders so that you don't embarrass yourself when you score a hot date by being inexperienced. Steve was so lucky to have Jessica as training wheels, otherwise this new girl would be way out of his league sexually. Related to the popular slang term: wheels.
However instead of "wheeling" (seducing or trying to get with) people your own age, or people around your age. Training wheels is aimed for people who have a nasty habit of flirting with younger guys/girls.

Ví dụ

Training wheels: to wheel people that are way to young for you.

training wheels có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

Bobby was worried about his date Clarissa, so he asked Tammy and George to be his training wheels.

training wheels có nghĩa là

Training wheels: someone who has an uncanny ability to befriend little children.

Ví dụ

A: Whoa, Jessica has some crazy training wheels!

training wheels có nghĩa là

B: I know right? Those kids are basically her slaves!

Ví dụ

A: Goddamn, I wish I had those kinda wheels. A couple who accompanies a new couple on a date to ensure that things move smoothly. Bobby was worried about his date Clarissa, so he asked Tammy and George to be his training wheels.

training wheels có nghĩa là

(noun): Friends to put your arms around for balance when you are too drunk to walk.

Ví dụ

Steve was so wasted last night, he needed training wheels to get out of the bar.

training wheels có nghĩa là

When older males or females "fake" wheel/chop little children for entertainment or to get something that they want.

Ví dụ

Stefanie: Damn, you got all of that Boys Cabin #1!
Emily: You know I like 'em young... ;)

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