What are the 11 types of agriculture

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Welcome to all farmers, now we are back with three major types of farming and its procedure. Farming is an important activity for any country. It includes growing crops, vegetables, fruits, flowers. The economy of any country only depends on farming. Farming depends upon the geographical condition, the demand for a product, labor, and level of technology. 

Farming are three types:-

There are three types of farming/types of agriculture and they are as follow:-

1. Subsistence farming

  • Subsistence farming is described as family farming because it meets the needs of the farmer’s family. It required a low level of technology and household labour. 
  • These types of farming produce small output. They do not use high yielding varieties of old seeds and fertilizer.
  • Facilities like electricity and irrigation are not available for them. Most subsistence farming is done manually. 
  • Subsistence farming can be classified in two types:-

Intensive subsistence farming:- 

  • It includes a small plot of land and for growing crops, simple and low-cost tools, and more labour. The word intensive means hard work, so it means it requires more labour. 
  • The climate of this farming with a large number of days with sunshine and fertile soils permit growing more than one crop annually in the same land.
  • Rice is the main crop of this farming. Other crops include wheat, maize, pulses, and oilseeds.
  • This farming is spread in the thickly populated area of the monsoon regions. These regions are south, South East, East Asia.

Primitive subsistence farming:-

It includes shifting cultivation and nomadic herding.

Shifting cultivation:-

  • This cultivation spread in thickly forested areas like amazon basin, tropical Africa, Southeast Asia, and northeast India. These are the areas of heavy rainfall.
  • It is a quick regeneration of vegetation.
  • The process of shifting cultivation is that first of all the land is cleared by falling trees and burning them. Then the ash of the trees is mixed with the land soil. 
  • This cultivation farming is grown on crops like maize, yam, potatoes, and cassava. Crops are grown in this land for 2 or 3 years. Then the land left out because fertilizer of the soil decreases. 
  • The farmers move to the other land to repeat this process. This is also called ‘slash and burn agriculture’. 
  • Shifting cultivation is known by different names in different parts of the world – 
  1. Jhumming North East India 
  2. Milpa Mexico 
  3. Roca brazil
  4. Ladang Malaysia

    Nomadic Herding:
  • This type of farming is done on the semi-dry area and dry area. Like central Asia, some parts of India like Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir.
  • The process of this farming is that the herdsmen move one place to another place for feed and water, along defined routes.
  • The most used animals in this farming are sheep, camel, yak, and goats.
  • The product of this farming is milk, meat, and other to the herdsman and their families.

    2.  Commercial Farming

  • In this farming, crops are growing for sale in the market. The main purpose of this farming is to do business.
  • It required large areas and a high level of technology.
  • It’s done with the high cost of tools.
  • Commercial farming is 3 types.

Commercial grain farming:-

  • This farming is done for grains.
  • This farming is done in the winter season.
  • In this farming, only a single crop can be grown at one time.
  • This farming spread in North America, Europe, and Asia.
  • These areas are populated with large farmers.

Commercial mixed farming:-

  • This type of farming is done for growing foods, fodders crops.
  • In this farming, one or more crops are grown together.
  • It has good rainfall and irrigation.
  • The crops are cared for carefully.
  • The crops are done almost at the same duration.
  • This farming is most used in Europe, eastern USA Argentina, southeast Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. 

Commercial plantation farming:-

  • This farming required a large amount of labour and large areas.
  • It used simple crops like tea, coffee, cotton, rubber, banana, and sugarcane.
  • The products are processed in the farm itself of nearby factories.
  • These products do not directly go to the sale. After growing these products, the leaves are roasted in the factories or farms. These are all tree crops.
  • This farming required large transportation because the products of this farming are transported to one area to another area.
  • Areas of plantation farming in tropical regions of the world – 

1. Like rubber in Malaysia.
2. Tea in India.
3. Coffee in Brazil.

  • This farming is mostly done in hilly areas like sub-Himalayan, Nilgiri and west Bengal.
  • This farming takes a long period to mature the products but these are produced for long periods.

    3. Home Farming:-

  • Home farming includes terrace farming, gardening.
  • It required small space and small tools like a garden rake, pruning shear, etc. 
  • This farming has the ability to grow any vegetable, fruits, flowers, and small trees in the same land. 
  • This farming is also used as a decorated thing for the home.
  • It required small labour. 
  • This farming used as both commercial and subsistence. 

There are two types of farming:-

Do you know how many types of farming are done in India? If not, then we are classified below types of farming in India. Have a look for detailed information about types of farms.

1. Container Farming:- 

This farming is used when you have limited space in gardens, be it a small yard, courtyard or balcony. This farming has the ability to grow almost any vegetable, fruit, and flowers.

2. Vertical Farming:-

It is described as a window garden. Most vertical farming is used for small plant crops and vine crops. It includes gheeya, Loki, tomato, chili, coriander. The production of vine crops is less in the traditional way, vertical farming is very useful for vine crops. 

Types of Farmers in India

Farmers are the annadata in India. They work hard to provide food to the world. The farmers classified according to their landholdings. Following, we are showing the types of farmers in India. Check out the Farmer type.

  • Marginal Farmers – Farmers who have less than 1 hectare of land are called Marginal farmers.
  • Small Farmers – Farmers who have 1 or 2 hectare of land are called small farmers.
  • Semi-medium farmers – Farmers who have 2 to 4 hectare of land are called semi medium farmers.
  • Medium Farmers – Farmers who have 4 to 10 hectare of land are called medium farmers.
  • Large Farmers – Farmers who have 10 hectare and above land are called Large farmers. This is also a type of farmer.

Conclusion – 

In India, farming is the major source of income and there are many types of farming. so, these are all the types of farming with detailed explanations. I hope you like this post, for more updates like this stay tuned with us. You can also update yourself with daily Agriculture news with us. 

For information related to Crop Farming stay tuned.

What are the types of agriculture?

These 9 different types of agriculture in India are listed below:.
Commercial agriculture..
Plantation agriculture..
Subsistence agriculture..
Shifting agriculture..
Extensive farming..
Terrace agriculture..
Intensive farming..
Wetland farming..

What are 4 types of agriculture?

What are Four Types of Agriculture? Shifting Cultivation, Subsistence farming, Pastoralism, and Intensive farming are the four types of agriculture.

What are the 10 types of crops?

Crops grown: Intensive subsistence farming yields two types of crops- wet and dry. While the wet crops include paddy, the dry ones vary from wheat, pulses, maize, millets, to sorghum, soya-beans, tubers, and vegetables.

How many types of agriculture What are they?

Depending upon the geographical conditions, demand of produce, labour and level of technology, farming can be classified into two main types. These are subsistence farming and commercial farming.

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