What are the elements of sales presentation?

A sales pitch or presentation is a great method to sell an idea, a product or a project. But sometimes, a presentation does not meet the mark to convey the right message. But this is a skill that can be learned and get better with more practice.

We highlight key elements for a successful sales pitch or presentation that can help you engage with other people better.

5 key elements a successful sales pitch and presentation include

1. Verbal, tone and body language

During a presentation or a sales pitch, the most important thing is to engage with your customers all the time. We can do that through 3 different ways:

  1. Verbal
  2. Tone
  3. Body Language

Verbal is the actual words you are saying, these are the words that explain what your products/ services are all about. Very often, people only remember a small percentage of the words you say. What they hear, is the words you stress on during the conversation.

Therefore, your tone is important because the words you use aren’t that critical to what you are trying to explain.  What the customers hear is what they want to hear, and they hear the words you stress on and not the words in the middle.

Body language is the hand and body gestures you portray during the presentation. Always arrive at the meeting early, so that you can be relaxed and ready during the sales pitch, and your calmness will be shown through your body language.

2. Meeting preparation & agenda

  1. Dress with respect
    Be better dressed than they are, wearing a belt, dress with respect for the other person
  2. Be early, so that you can arrive composed, relaxed and
    You will make everyone else more relaxed too, and it brings a certain tone to the meeting. Also, arrive with positive energy and set that level within the room.
  3. Make sure your technology work
    And always have a technology backup plan
  4. Set expectation in advanced
    Let them know what we are going to do together during the meeting. For example, “first we are going to understand more about your business, then we going to go through the demo, then we will have a Q&A at the end. But if there is anything important you see along the way, feel free to stop me”
  5. Smile, make eye contact, make them feel welcomed
    Make them feel welcome and relaxed. If they are in your office, offer them coffee or tea. Do the sort of things you would do in your home.

3. Understanding your audience

Always start by asking your audience questions, to understand where they are at and to better cater to their needs during the sales pitch. Questions to ask the prospects:

  1. What types of business they are in?
    To make the presentation relevant, focus on the parts that meet their needs.
  2. What are the problems they face?
    In every product or service, there is a problem, then there is a solution (you). Understand the pains they have, show them how you can help them solve it.
  3. Are they looking at other vendors as well?
    Understand who you are competing with, this is good research to pass on to your marketing team or person. Highlight what you are good at but never go negative about your competitors.

4. A clear message

Tell > Show > Tell

During a sales pitch, you are asking people to attain a lot of information in a short period of time and the best way to do that is to tell, show and tell. Tell them what this is, show them what it is, then tell them what it is again. Always remember that the customers are not familiar with your product and services.  Many times, we go through a presentation again and again, and we are comfortable and familiar with it, understand the elements. But your customers are seeing it for the first time.

5. Q&A Session

Allow time for Q&A, this is an important time for you to address all the doubts they still have.

  • Allow customer to speak
  • Leave plenty of time for silence- Biggest mistake is to fill the silence
  • Only show them something more if they ask to see it
  • Ask if they saw everything needed to see
  • Clarify if that is all they need
  • Ask if they can see themselves using your product or services.

And finally, end with a call-to-action. What happens after this presentation? Clearly state what is the next steps from here. For example:

“After this meeting, I will send over the additional information you requested for, and since you need 5 days to discuss this with your partners/ team, I will give you a call after 5 days at 10am, is that okay?”

Even after a good sales pitch, you might still face rejections. We discuss how to handle sales rejection in this article to turn “No” into “Yes”.

What are the five elements of sales presentation?

Five Elements of Sales Presentations That Wow.
Focus on Your Audience, Not Your Product. ... .
Make Your Presentation Visually and Mentally Simple. ... .
Design Your Slides for the Sole Purpose of Supporting a Conversation. ... .
Tell a Story. ... .
Be Passionate, or Don't Do the Presentation..

What are the elements of sales?

The 12 Elements of a Winning Sales Organization.
Sales planning, forecasting and budgeting..
Generating product demand..
Market research..
Product planning..
Recruiting and onboarding of sales people..
Training of sales people..
Management of sales people..
Handling orders..

What are the 4 sales presentation methods?

The four categories, namely memorized(structured), persuasive selling(semi-structured), need-satisfaction(unstructured), and problem-solution(centralized), are presented in a zig-zag fashion to make ample space for the additional details.

What is sales presentation and its components?

As a selling technique, a sales presentation or sales pitch is a line of talk that attempts to persuade someone or something, with a planned sales presentation strategy of a product or service designed to initiate and close a sale of the product or service.

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