What are the top 5 questions to ask an interviewer năm 2024

We know that a job interview is an opportunity for an employer to learn more about you. But it’s also your opportunity to learn more about the role, team, company culture, and more—so you can make an informed decision about the job.

So, after you’ve brushed up on common interview questions, and the types of interviews, be sure to prepare some thoughtful questions to bring. Your interviewer will ask if you have any questions, and they'll expect a few from enthusiastic candidates.

Plan to prepare 3-5 questions ahead of time, as some may be answered during your interview. You may also think of new ones during your conversation. Below are some examples to get you started.

Learn more about the role

These questions are good to ask the hiring manager.

  • Can you describe a typical day for the person in this role?
  • What are some of the first projects the person in this role will work on?
  • What skills or qualities do you think are most important to succeed in this role? At this company?
  • What do you think are some challenges that the person in this role will face?

Learn about the employer

Familiarize yourself with the employer before your interview by reading their Handshake page, company website, and searching for recent news online. Avoid asking questions about things that are readily available online, and show the interviewer that you’ve done your homework.

  • What are the most important company values?
  • What are the biggest goals for the company?
  • How does this team/role contribute to the company goals?
  • What excites you most about the company's future?

Learn about the team you would join

  • Can you tell me more about the team? My manager?
  • How would you describe your management style? (If you're meeting with the person you'd report to)
  • Who will I work closely with?
  • Do you plan to hire more people for this team in the near future?
  • Which other teams work closely with this one?

Learn about the interviewer’s experience

  • How long have you worked here? Have you had any other roles?
  • Has your role changed since you’ve been here?
  • Why did you come to this company?
  • What is your favorite part about your job? This company?

Learn about professional development

These questions can be asked of the recruiter or hiring manager.

  • Are there training programs available to employees?
  • What professional development opportunities are available to employees?

These questions are good to ask the hiring manager.

  • What are the advancement opportunities for this role?
  • Have employees previously in this role advanced in the company? What kinds of roles do they have now?

Learn about performance evaluation

These questions are good to ask the hiring manager.

  • What do you want the person in this role to accomplish in the first six months? Year?
  • How do you measure success in this role?
  • What is the performance review process like?
  • What metrics or goals are used to evaluate this role?

Learn about company culture

  • What is the company and team culture like?
  • Are there employee resource groups?
  • How would you describe the work environment for the team/company?
  • What kind of team/company events do you have?
  • What is something unique that you like about the company?
  • Has the company changed since you’ve joined? How?

Finally, learn next steps before you leave

  • What are the next steps in the interview process?
  • Is there anything else I can give you that would be helpful in making a decision?
  • Can I answer any final questions for you?

Want to practice your interview skills? Contact your school's career center and ask if you can schedule a mock interview.

The opportunity to ask questions at the end of a job interview is one you don’t want to waste. It’s both a chance to continue to prove yourself and to find out whether a position is the right fit for you. In this piece, the author lists sample questions recommended by two career experts and divides them up by category: from how to learn more about your potential boss to how to learn more about a company’s culture. Choose the ones that are more relevant to you, your interests, and the specific job ahead of time. Then write them down — either on a piece of paper or on your phone — and glance at them right before your interview so that they’re fresh in your mind. And, of course, be mindful of the interviewer’s time. If you were scheduled to talk for an hour and they turn to you with five minutes left, choose two or three questions that are most important to you. You will always have more time to ask questions once you have the job offer in hand.

What is an intelligent question to ask an interviewer?

If I want to do well in this role, what skills can I focus on? Learn what hard and soft skills are essential to the role by asking this question. This question gives your interviewer the opportunity to elaborate on what abilities can help you succeed in this role.

What is an excellent question to ask the interviewer?

7 good questions to ask at an interview.

What does a typical day look like? ... .

How could I impress you in the first three months? ... .

What opportunities are there for training and progression? ... .

Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years? ... .

Can you describe the working culture of the organisation?.

What is the one question you should ask at the end of an interview?

1. How would you describe the company's culture? Asking this question shows the interviewer that you care about finding the right cultural fit in your next position. You can also gain a broad overview of the company's philosophy on how it prioritizes employee satisfaction.

What is a unique question to ask in an interview?

Are there any tasks that this person would be required to do that aren't included in the job description? How would you describe your management style? How would you describe a typical day or week for someone in this role? Is this a new position?

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