Which of the following would be an example of extinction in classical conditioning?

Learning can be best described as

A relatively permanent change in behavior

Michael noticed that whenever he moves his dogs food dish, his dog would come into the kitchen and act hungry and excited. He reasons that because he feed the dog using that dish, the sound of the dish had become a (n)

Which of the following statement is essential to classical conditioning?

The CS and UCS must come close together in time

Ever since she was scared by a dog as a young child, Angelica has been afraid of all dogs. The fact that she is not only afraid of the original dog but all types of dog is an example of

Helen has overcome her fear of toy snakes. However, on one occasion her fear returned when she found a toy snake in the cushions of her couch. Such a reaction is called

In Watson's experiment with little Albert, the conditioned stimulus was

Which of the following would be an example of vicarious classical conditioning?

As a young child, Tony frequently observed his older Sisters jump around and scream whenever any of them saw a spider, as they were very afraid of them. Subsequently, Tony experiences feelings of fear when he sees a spider

Cindy had cheesy tacos at a local Mexican restaurant. Later she became terribly ill and suffered bouts of nausea and vomiting. What might we predict based on conditioned taste aversion research?

Cindy will probably get nauseated the next time she tries to eat cheesy tacos.

Rescorla found that the CS must __________the UCS for conditioning to take place

Which of the following is an example of Thorndike's law of effect

John, a teenager, gets compliments from Carla for wearing a nice shirt. Subsequently John wear the shirt whenever he thinks he will be seeing Carla

To a dog______ is an example of a primary reinforcer, wheras_______ is an example of secondary reinforcer.

Edgar cannot sleep because he is terribly worried about his research paper. So Edgar decide to get out of bed and continue working on the paper. Although he stays up to nearly 3 a.m. he is relieved that it is done and easily fall off to sleep. In the future, Edgar will be more likely to finish his work before going to bed so that he can avoid the worry and sleeplessness. Such behavior is an example of

With operant conditioning, ______are important in forming an association, or as with classical conditioning, _______are important in forming an association.

Consequences; antecedent stimuli

You own a small repair shop. Each day, he would check the mail to see if any of his customers mailed in a payment for the work he had done for them. Some days, he would receive a check or two. At other times, he would have to wait days before getting another payment. What schedule of reinforcement is evident here

Little Jimmy's mother was upset to find that Jimmy had not picked up his building blocks after repeated requests to do so. The next morning, Jimmy found all his blocks had been picked up and put into a bag on the top of the refrigerator. Jimmy's mother told him that he couldn't play with his blocks for the next two days. Which type of discipline did she use?

The study by Keller and Marian Breland sound that instinctive drift in animal behavior is

Genetically determined and not under the influence of learning

Tabatha's signed up for a new credit card that offers reward miles for every purchase. Tabitha plans to make as many purchases as she cancel that she can accumulate enough miles to go on a trip over spring break. Such an approach is an example of

Which of the following is the best example of applied behavior analysis?

Agatha observe the child to see what purpose a disruptive classroom behavior serves, and identifies and you replacement behavior. She then implement the training program for the new behavior, reinforcing often at the simplest level and gradually removing reinforcers as a child demonstrates the behavior independently

Neurofeedback is a form of_______ and works to change a persons_________ through a series of reinforcements.

Biofeedback; brain activity

Entenmann's may study, the fact that the group of rats receiving reinforcement only after day 10 of the studies solve the maze for more quickly than did the rats who had been reinforced from the first day can be interpreted to mean that these particular rats

Had already learned the maze in the first nine days

Lisa's parents have decided to take a three week trip to Europe. Consequently Lisa's mother will not be able to make her famous pies for the upcoming bake sale. When her mother encourages Lisa to bake the pies yourself, Lisa panic at first but then she finds that she knows how to put the recipe together. Her ability to prepare the recipe is an example of

Which theory is commonly referred to as the "aha!" phenomenon

Research by Stephen Maier suggest that learned helplessness may be due to a higher level region of the brain known as the_____ which helps subjects determine what is controllable

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC)

Pandora studies found that learning can take place without actually performance. What is this referred to as?

Learning/performance distinction

What is the correct sequence of the four elements of observational learning

Attention, memory, imitation, desire

Sheila almost got hit by a car at a street corner because she was too busy texting on her phone. From that day on, she does looks before she reaches the street corner. Her change in behavior as a result of

At home, you rattle a chain on your dog's leash every time you prepared to take him for a walk. After several episodes like this, you find that your dog comes running to the front door even when you pick up the lease to put it back in the closet. In this example, what is the conditional stimulus?

A child has been classically conditioned to fear a white rat. If the child does not show fear when shown a black rat, this is called

During the cold winter, you have stopped taking your dog for walks. What's more, you dog has gotten used to the fact that when you accidently rattle his leash, he isn't going for a walk, and subsequently he doesn't come running to the front door. What has occurred?

Ronda have tartar sauce with her fish one night. The next morning she was not ciated and sick for much of the day. And next time she was offered the chance to go out for fish, she felt queasy and decline. And her queasiness at the thought of fish with tartar sauce is probably due to

A conditioned taste aversion

Kevin works in the psychology department rat lab. In her studies, she found that many of her lab rats would develop a condition taste aversion to certain foods after as little as one trial. Caitlin psychology professor refers to this as a classic example of

Blake find them if he washes his car prior to going out on the town, more of his friends want to ride along with him. What theory would best explain his willingness to always wash and clean his car before going out?

In classical conditioning, behavior typically is________ wheras operating conditioning, behavior is________

Where do secondary reinforces get their power from?

Pavlov's classical conditioning

Positive reinforcement results in a______€ in the target behavior and negative reinforcement result in a________ in the target behavior

Melinda has a terrible headache. If she take some aspirin so as to make her headache go away, this would be an example of

Ben gets paid every two weeks. In one to eat., he works a total of 20 hours. During another two week., he worked a total of 50 hours. Regardless of the total number of hours he works each week, he is paid every two weeks. What schedule of reinforcement is being used

Denise is grounded for coming up home after curfew. Additionally, her parents have taken away her cell phone for a month. Losing her cell phone privileges an example of

What is the relationship between negative reinforcement and punishment?

Negative reinforcement strengthens a response while punishment weakens a response

Which of the following is an example of the use of extinction with operant conditioning

A mother ignores her child's temper tantrum so that the behavior ultimately goes away

Studies by Keller and Marian Breland found that many animals exhibit instinctive drift. What does this mean?

The animals studied would learn skills through reinforcement but eventually revert back to the genetically control patterns of behavior

Jose was lying in bed when I suddenly realized how he might deal with a fast approaching deadline at work when his coworker asked how he came up with his idea, he said, it just came to me out of nowhere. Psychologist would refer to this as

Jodi failed repeatedly in college algebra. Finally, she gave up and was seriously considering dropping out of college. One day, her best friend offered to personally help her if she signed up for college algebra again, but she refused. What content might explain her reluctance

Attention, memory, imitation, desire

Darla have noticed Health some of her friends have lost weight and glide trim by exercising one to two hours each day. However, she has no plans to imitate their behavior. What component of Bandura's model of observational learning will explain why Darla has not started a simular weight loss program?

Darla is not motivated nor does she have to decide to begin the program.

What is an example of extinction in classical conditioning?

The process of extinction is used in therapy to treat phobias. For instance if you were afraid of heights, a therapist might use the concept of extinction by exposing you to various heights and eventually the stimulus of heights would no longer elicit the same response of fear.

What does extinction mean in classical conditioning?

Extinction is the decrease in strength of a learned behavior when the conditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned stimulus (in Pavlovian learning), or when the behavior is no longer reinforced (in operant or instrumental learning).

Which of the following is an example of extinction?

An example of extinction is when you tell someone to stop smoking cigarettes, and the person stops. Behavior that has been reinforced on a continuous reinforcement schedule is more persistent during extinction than behavior that has been reinforced on an intermittent reinforcement schedule.

What is extinction in Pavlov's theory?

The term “extinction” was first used by Ivan Pavlov in reference to his observation that the conditioned response to a cue that predicted food delivery decreased and eventually disappeared when food no longer followed the cue.

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