Which type of styling product is also known as mousse?


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1. The first step in the hairstyling process should always be a : pg.444 client consultation
2. shaping and directing the hair into an S formation using a comb, lotion, and the fingers. pg.445 finger waving
3. in creating horizontal finger waves, the waves are placed: pg 446 sideways and parallel
the stationary foundation of a pin curl is the : pg:446 base
pin curls formed in a shaping should begin at the: pg447 open end
pin curl bases are referred to as a rectangular, triangular, square, or pg 448 arc base
pin curls sliced from a shaping and formed without lifting the hair from the head are known as pg449 carved curls
the panel of hair on which a roller is placed is the pg451 base
hair between the scalp and the first turn of a roller is the pg451 stem
the point where the curls of opposite direction meet forming a recessed area is called the pg452 indentation
to smooth hair that is backcombed, the teeth of the comb or brush should be held at a _____ pointing away form you pg454 45- degree
which type of styling product is also commonly known as mousse pg458 foam
a benefit of using ______ is that it offers firm pg459r texturizer
which of these styling aids is applied to damp wavy or curling hair to create a straight look when the hair is blown dry pg459 straightening gel
to remove dirt, oils, and product residue from the barrel of a thermal iron, use a dampening towel with a soapy solution containing a few drops of: pg462 ammonia
which of the following is a technique used to temporarily used straighten extremely curly or unruly hair until the hair is shampooed. pg467 hair pressing
applying a thermal pressing comb through the hair a twice on each side to remove curl is a pg467 hard press
a tight scalp can be made more flexible with hair brushing and the systemic use of : pg469 conditioning
when executing an undo, always inspect the shape you are building from every angle to ensure that it is: 461 balanced and well porportioned
after heating the iron to the desired temperature, you test it on: a piece of tissue paper pg 461
when using a roller, one and a half turn will create: a wave pg451
hot rollers are to be used on: dry hair only pg pg452
clients are most likely to request a pleat for a special event pg473
how long do Velcro rollers need to stay in the hair 5 to 10 minutes pg453
wrapping can be done on wet or dry hair pg456
the technique of drying and styling damp hair in one operation is called: blow dry styling pg 456
the _______ is a nozzle attachment with a directional feature that creates a concentrated stream of air concentrator pg 456
thermal waving is also known as marcel waving pg 460
nonelectrical thermal irons are commonly favored by stylist who cater to clients with _________ hair. excessively curly pg461
what is the best way to practice manipulative techniques rolling the cold iron in your hand first backward then forward pg 463
thermal curling is effective for all but which of the following wigs made of nylon hair pg 463
end curls can be used to give a finished appearance to ends of ___________ hair long, medium, or short pg465
full base curls: provide strong curls pg 465
who can diagnose scalp skin disease a dermatologist pg 468
coarse, extremely curly hair requires extra heat to press pg 468
when tempering a new pressing comb you should not : cool the combing the freezer pg 468
which of the following is usually recommended along the front or facial hairline to prevent breaks or splits in the finished hair style rectangular base curls pg 448
which type of curls are suitable for curly hair styles without much volume and lift can be used on any part of the head and will comb out with lasting results triangular base pin curls pg 448
where are skip waves typically found on the side of the head
pin curls placed immediately behind or below a ridge to form a wave are called
which type of curl are also know as stand up curls
which type of curls have large center openings anf are fastened to the head in a standing position on a rectangle base
which roller position is recommended for the least volume
which of these is used to build a soft cushion or to mesh two or more curl patterns together for a uniform and a smooth comb out
which of these involve combing small sections of the hair from the ends toward the scalp causing shorter hair to met at the scalp forming a cushion or a base
a _______ is a half-round rubber base brush
a _______ is generally an oval brush with a mixture of a boar and nylon bristle
a______ is a thin nylon styling brush that has a tail for a section along with a narrow row of bristles
a ______ is a brush used to speed up the blow drying process
finger waving was a very popular during the :
arc base pin curls are known as ;
which h part of a roller curl is also known as the circle
how many times do you turn the roller to create a c shape
Velcro rollers can be used
a hood dyer is recommended if you want
when you use a comb with teeth spaced closely together it
which type of styling product is also known as wax

What is styling mousse?

Hair mousse is a super versatile foam that you can use to give some hold and definition to strands, as well as protect and tame your hair and give unruly curls some control. Mousse helps keep frizz in check and helps make your curls bouncier.

Why is it called hair mousse?

Mousse, which means foam in French, holds hair in place without the stickiness of hairsprays or the wetness of gels. Its makers claim that it is easy and quick to use: Just a dab in the palm spread through dry or damp hair is supposed to give hair control, shine and body without sacrificing softness.

Is styling foam the same as mousse?

As for the difference between foams and mousses? It all comes down to consistency. Both types of products are similar, except foams are usually more lightweight than mousses which tend to have a texture closer to whipped cream.

Is gel the same as mousse?

Main Differences Between Mousse and Gel Mousse is used to make the hair extra voluminous and shining, whereas, Gel is used to provide the hair with a strong-hold. Mousse is foam-like, while the gel is sticky. Gel gives a strong and long-lasting hold but the mousse is unable to hold the hair for a longer time.

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