Why is Tsukis Odyssey rated 17 +?

- I’ve been playing for 6 months but I will never stop

I’ve had the game for awhile and obsessed over it in my first couple of months. I unlocked all of the locations quickly and filled up my decoration space fast. I love that I can change my decor from one season to the next and my separate garden is divine. Though, I wish there was a way to display gatchas without taking up so much space. If there could be a bookshelf that you could add the gatchas to and then they would shrink to fit on the shelves, that would be perfect. I know we can see them in the app but I want them to be on display. Also for the punchcard rewards, I have received the Sakura Scroll item like 8 times now. Please give us a new seasonal update or fix the punchcard algorithm. Another small qualm is that I have not received recongnition for completing different challenges. They do not appear in my Game Center though I know I should have received them. I have few questions too. What does the mailbox really do? We can’t actually send any letters or respond. We can collect coins seasonally and our items when there’s updates, so I get that. But it’s not much of a mailbox. Is there going to be an update that allows us to travel out of MV? There’s appears to be space in the top left for a train station and there are already tracks. Please allow travel!! Could tsuki actually post the pictures that we take to parsnaps? That would be really cool. Thank you so much for making this game!

Potato (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ - Amazing!! But a few nitpicks 💛

Okay I just got this game and I absolutely adore it, it’s honestly one of the most relaxing and cute games i’ve ever played! If you like home decorating, good game design, and a relaxing atmosphere I 100% can not recommend this game enough. However, I do have a few nitpicks. 1.) It would be nice if you could re-purchase items you’ve already bought in the furniture store instead of having to wait for them to appear again, I like waiting for the new furniture to appear but it can get annoying if you want a specific item but it doesn’t show up for several days. 2.) It would also be nice if when you catch a fish that’s worth a bounty it tells you, it can get quite annoying going back and forth between fishing and the town hall. 3.) Another thing about the furniture that would be nice is if you could buy multiple of the same piece at once, again it’s kinda annoying having to wait to buy 3 chairs for a table separately. 4.) If you could preview what the different floors/walls would look like in your house before that would also be really nice 5.) This isn’t a nitpick as long as something i’d like but i’d love if y’all upped the storyline element of the game, i’d love to have more interactions with the characters and really learn about them and the town. Other than those 4 things I absolutely love this game fantastic job!

Biit3.me - REQUEST 2 BUY WINDOWS @ DAWNS/ Train Station?

Came from Tsukis Adventure here :). in my opinion some of these requests to have Yoris sell more things at once is kinda dumb.. i like that element of coming in for new items or waiting for them to come in reminds me of the Adventure. The only thing i would like to add on that note is that it would be nice if some of the chairs could be bought in sets of more than one at a time. When I saw that you guys were making a second game i absolutely flipped. I was so excited to go back on that adventure and re-exploring the hidden forests and the Great City and all of that. When i downloaded Odyssey I know you guys were still in developmental stages and were just putting it out for review and was so honored and excited to be a part of the first to join the experience. But obviously some time has gone on and the train station never showed. I was wondering if you guys were ever planning on bringing that in, or if this version of Tsuki was more intended to just get a deeper look into Mushroom Village? Regardless, still in love your guys work, the art, the characters, everything really :). Oh yeah and I’d like some more windows plz.. :P

Ckbrandt23 - Aaaalmost

This is so cute! The graphics are lovely and I love the witty comments and descriptions. That being said, here are my nitpicks: -Carrots are verrryyy hard to accrue a large amount of. The options to get carrots via tasks/ads are so glitchy and often don’t end in getting anything even after fulfilling the requirements of the ad. And I don’t want to go through the hassle of reporting and issue every time so I’ve given up on that. It would be cool if you could get more carrot seeds to farm. -I wish Tsuki would interact with more things. A lot of the furniture goes untouched even though it’s a functional item like a bench or the Festive fort, etc. -I know I still have more places to unlock, but the pace at which the game allows this is sooo slow. I am all for leisurely pacing, but it’s bordering monotony in this respect. -I wish there were more active things to do besides fishing. I like that this isn’t an Animal Crossing-like game where you have to fulfill quests all the time; that’s why I stopped playing. But a little more interaction with the environment would be fun. Maybe like a mini game sort of situation at the different businesses/locations, with some rewards like items (like how you get fish when fishing, but maybe in these games you could make other things to fulfill “bounties”?) or carrots? Again, really cute game, there is a lot of potential here.

Sillywafflefries - Great game! (One suggestion)

It’s truly a unique experience. It feels like there’s a little village living in my phone. Each character moves on their own and has their own cute animations. It’s Really fun and relaxing to just check in and see what everyone is up to. Also the art style is perfect and I love how the main tune changes instruments depending on where you are. I’ve only been playing a couple days but I know this one’s a keeper. Just one suggestion. When characters ask Tsuki to help clean or go for a swim with them I wish we had the option to accept. I know Tsuki already has a cleaning animation and a floating one for the bathtub, so I don’t think it would be too hard to have the screen fade to black like when we go fishing but instead they are joining their friends in the activity. It just feels so rude to decline. One a similar note, it would be cool if when visiting friends houses Tsuki stays in the same room as that friend. It feels a little awkward to visit there house only to be in another room entirely. However that’s just a small nitpick in an otherwise wonderful experience :) P.S. please add rugs to the game. My floors look so empty :(

AvaBoo918 - looking forward to future updates!

I absolutely love this game, I enjoy the genuine slow pace of it and how each day you uncover more about the characters. since the game is it its early stages I figure it out as a frequent player I could give a few meaningful suggestions to the creators. For one, I would love to be able to give the villagers gifts or mail them things in order to gain more friendship with them. I also wish there was a way to expand your house or garden or attain more property as the game goes on. it would be really cool for the map the two continuing more locations to be unlocked, but from the layout it seems like you might already be going in that direction. I also wish that tsuki was able to Buy tea and Ramen from the stands. I really love how Tsuki interacts with the objects that you give him randomly ,And I also wish that he could have for interactions with his environment as well, for example, an animation of him in the festive tent. also the inclusion of an exotic goods salesperson who shows up occasionally would be amazing I just want more characters and more stuff to buy, always!!!!!

Bxkxh - i love this game but i’m so sad😭

when i say i adore this game, i mean i would spend SO much time on it. i even spent money on carrots multiple times. i’ve had 2 issues with it recently tho. the snow piles that spawn during the winter event stopped spawning after i had collected about 7 of them. i was really sad as my goal was to have as many of the snowmen as possible! and the second issue, i don’t think it’s fixable. the game will no longer open. it just freezes on the loading screen. it’s done this for about a week now and i’ve tried everything i can think of. the only thing would be to reinstall the game, but it does not save your progress if you delete it. so either i 1) hope to god an update comes out that fixes it or 2) lose all the time, money, and effort i put into this game and start from the beginning. devs, please create a way for the progress to be saved if it’s deleted! i’ve missed playing it so badly and i really don’t want to delete it😭

Autshi - Really like it so far!

Omg, I love this game already. A little slow at first and a can be a bit boring, but it’s so adorable. I love how Tsuki goes about his business doing whatever he wants with the items you collect for him and absolutely love the decorating aspect of it. The furniture and graphics are just too cute. It’s like a more relaxing and laid back version of Animal Crossing, but without all the annoying crafting. I just wish items weren’t so expensive in relation to how many carrots you harvest and there were more things to do than just fish for a free minutes, automatically collect carrots, and watch ads. A few other reviewers suggested quests, daily goals, and mini games, which I think are great ideas. I feel like this is such a cute game, but many people would probably get tired of how little there is to do in it. I understand it’s an idle game, but it seems a little TOO idle. Maybe some things to keep the players more engaged would help. Anyway, look forward to what’s to come and future updates! Also crossing my fingers there’s some Halloween, fall, and Christmas related activities or items in Yori’s shop!

Eeweston22 - Super cute but want a little more…

I love all the new aspects that came out with Odyssey but after playing it for about 6 months, I’m left wanting more. I wish the devs would update more for one, the game feels a little abandoned sometimes. I did really enjoy the Halloween and Christmas events though so maybe I got a little spoiled with those… I was really hoping for a Valentine’s or Lunar New Year event. I’m also currently having problems with Rosemary’s spider mission, there seems to be a glitch and I’ve seen other people complaining about the same issue online. Secondly, I think it’s great that I get to decorate Tsuki’s home and some areas of MV, but I think it’s ridiculous to have to pay $15 if you want more than 200 slots of inventory in your backpack. Please make bigger backpacks to purchase !for carrots! at Yori’s store. Lastly, I am BEGGING for Tsuki to be able travel in this game like he does in Adventure. There seems to be an area for a train station in the top left corner of the map so I’m crossing my fingers. It would be really nice to explore outside of MV and meet new (or already existing) characters.

Mixtape211471 - Love it for the most part

Overall a super cute game. I love the characters and how everyone has their own personality and I adore that Tsuki is his own individual person. Also enjoy that there are no ads if you don’t wanna watch them. The only minor details I could say are that Yori should have more in his shop at once or it should cycle through items more frequently and the price for wallpapers and floors should drop slightly. There should also be a bigger purpose for Rathews place and Bobos/ Momos area. You can go and talk to them but that’s about it n they shoo you away quickly. Maybe more dialogue options for everyone as well. Missions would be kinda nice so the game has more purpose cause it gets kinda repetitive after 5 minutes. Overall I love it though. However with this new winter update I haven’t been able to play. I try to open the app and it closes after being nothing but a grey screen for 30 seconds. Idk if that will fix itself but it makes me sad. I do love the game though as it’s a very nice way to relax and not worry about anything but my rabbit and his treehouse

Irllyjustwantsomefreedom - I love this game so much!! Only a few cons.

This game has been my life for months now and I couldn’t be happier about it. I love the dialogue and decoration aspect, but I would love to see some rugs. The floors are very plain and I would love to add something to them! Another con would be the fact that Chi and Moca don’t recognize all the decor I’ve bought and placed for them. I feel like it would give the player more motivation to continue playing the game! Another con would be the weekly rewards. I keep getting the same Sakura rewards. If the weekly rewards fit with the seasons it would add much more variety to the game and keep players coming back everyday to see what new decor item they can receive. Lastly, I wish Yori’s shop wouldn’t continue selling the same items over and over again. Sometimes I have to wait weeks to buy an item because the shop keeps circulating the same items.

DomesticDeeva - Just keeps getting better and better!

I love this app. It’s so relaxing and I’m constantly delighted with its unexpected character dialogue - ranging from humorous to tender moments; it’s definitely an interactive app designed with young to older adults (which I prefer). As an addict of any game that allows for interior decorating and added dens to decorate, this game really delivers. The items are so thoughtfully and artfully designed - even the object explanations can be so precious. I also love the added ability to switch up the music in each den. And I love the variety of items available for purchase as well as the beautiful weekly if not daily freebies! And I love that they don’t constantly bombard me with purchasing carrots. I can easily earn carrots within the app with very little effort making shopping and decorating both a budget-friendly and super fun endeavor.

Ms Foxtrot - My new favorite game…

I used to be a “serious” gamer, but like many of us I don’t have the time to sink into playing for 50+ hours any more, sitting and diving in for 2+ hours or whatnot. Tsuki is perfect! I love that the main character seems to have no gender, for one. Maybe they’re supposed to be male? I can’t tell, and I don't want to. Tsuki is genderfluid in my world! (But I come from a place where “dude” and such are gender-neutral epithets and give no clues, your mileage may vary.) I only started playing about three or four weeks ago, and I’m definitely not bored yet. I’m craving to see more, but it’s fun to just dither about Mushroom Village and play with my toys and furniture and talk to folks. I can’t wait to see where things go from here! I know you can decorate your friends’ houses and the pier (though I haven’t gotten there yet) but I’d still like to make my own house and farm grander. Looks like there hasn’t been an update since the holiday season, so I’m really looking forward to what spring and summer bring…more, please! I don’t need any extra carrots (I’m actually having a really easy time getting them now that I have goat manure), but I’m thinking I should buy some just so that the devs have more money to build this world with. Good job, folks, keep it up!

RustyLakeFan - 💞Love that it’s not Fast Paced

I loved the original Tauki Adventure game, so I’m super excited to play it in a brand new style!! It’s so cute and the music transition from scene to scene is top notch. For those who think the game is slow, remember that this game is of the relaxing idle genre, not action arcade! It’s the perfect game for busier people as it doesn’t require much attention: just spare a few minutes a day, let Tsuki go about his business, fish, enjoy the company of fellow villagers, fish some more, buy a thing or two, then call it a day. In my opinion that’s the perfect amount of interactions. It’s supposed to be a simple game, so trying to make it “less boring” would defeat the whole purpose. If you want more action…try plucking out the carrots one by one, that’s always a fun thing to do…Anyways, thank you Tsuki team for such an amazing Odyssey!! 👏

JessyBot - Cute game, but needs more to do.

Pretty much what the title says. It’s adorable, with cute characters and funny dialogue, but there’s limited activities and a bit of redundancy, so it may be hard to hold some people’s attention. I get that it kinda prides itself on being an “idle” game, but doesn't seem sustainable. Some furniture customization colors would be sweet, as well as some mini games and more character/atmosphere interactions. I have so much stuff in my bag that seems to just sit there. Additionally, the carrot prices can be kinda outrageous, particularly for wallpaper (considering you only get one wallpaper per wall). I guess that’s to encourage people to spend actual money on carrots or to do/pay for one of their “free carrot” activities via their sponsors…but it’s a lot of work for little payoff. Despite my complaining, it really is a good start for a cute game that has a lot of potential. I hope the creators make it a more immersive, meaningful experience.

RegineFilange - Incredibly Underrated Game

I don’t normally leave reviews for games, but this one is just so fantastic that I felt the need to express my adoration of it. I am a grown women with three kids, and while there are several games on my phone that my eldest plays, I only have two games for myself- this game is one of those two. The storyline is subtle and develops over time. I love the fact that it’s difficult to “binge” on this game because you can’t force anything to occur, things just happen as the time passes. The graphics are so cute, the music is relaxing, and the item descriptions are absolutely brilliant and perfectly cheesy. I often find myself laughing at things the NPCs say- everything is so cleverly written. Overall, just a great game. I would definitely recommend it if you enjoy a really cute, relaxing vibe.

Woody Bombay - Favorite game!

I really love this game. All the characters are adorable. They have the sweetest and funniest dialogue. The home furniture is super cute and easy to buy. The animations and setting are so freaking adorable too! The entire atmosphere of the game is wonderfully relaxing; there’s no pressure to login everyday or to find things before deadlines pass. The storyline of the game is super chill and sweet. It’s not really busy and the storylines are more easygoing rather than cluttered - it’s just a calm game to play through. You can gradually unlock new characters with their own storylines who are always a joy to meet. In the meantime, you get to stick around with old characters and strengthen your bond with them. It’s not an addictive game. Just a chill game to login to every once in a while for a quick break to be in your own nice little universe. Totally recommend. Being said, I still have a few recommendations for the game that might make it even better! -an exotic goods salesman who shows up every once and a while offering new things to buy -a way for Tsuki to send gifts to friends -a way for Tsuki to plan outings with friends -a way for Tsuki to order food at Momo’s and Bobo’s -maybe like a cooking thing where Tsuki can make recipes??

Star Shard - Really great, hoping for an update

The game is so so great! Its a more serious version of animal crossing with a heavier focus on furniture collecting. The game really needs a better source of income other than fishing and daily sign-ins. It would also be really nice if we could eventually update our houses and make them bigger. Tsuki's Odyssey is really lacking some stuff but it shows so much potential I can't bring myself to go below 5 stars. The characters are charming and have pretty in-depth personalities and writing.(Personally my fav character is Scarlet) Dont get me started on the soundtracks for each location in the game. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE how you can even hear Scarlet's humming when she's on stage. The atmosphere is just so perfect. I'm really looking forward to the future of this game! I'm cheering for you devs :D

ZdogDaBoss - The most simplistic, relaxing, 11/10, best mobile game I have ever played.

Tsuki's Odyssey is an absolute gem. Similar in art style, fishing, inventory, people, and environment to animal crossing, made with a level of quality and just simple fun you rarely, if ever, see in a game. I don’t quite know why it’s rated 17+, but it should probably be only 3+ with how easy to understand the game is. The little details, with how Tsuki is doing something different each time you visit your house, to the clock and time of day matching up with reality, this game is stellar, and something other game devs should look up to, and strive to be. The music, too! Absolutely beautiful, and since every different area has a different “remix” of the song, it never ever feels repetitive. 11/10

Padma Tang - Favorite game ever! Plus some wild expectations.

This is really a PERFECT game that I’ve ever played. I like the style, the plot, the characters, the cute gestures, the delicate details and everything! Thank you so much for realizing the ideal game in my mind! There’s only one thing that bothers a bit —you can’t put stuff in a complete free way. Like, the book can’t be on the bed; the pen can’t be on the book; the book pile can’t be piled on another pile... I think it would feel so good if you can pout those tiny cute stuff everywhere. Besides, while enjoying the idyllic life in the game, I also start wondering the life of other bunnies. How do other fellow players decorate their houses? How many parrots do they own? So is it possible to add friends and visit their places in the future?

BlondieBarbieDoll - Love the game, but want more…….

I love this game, I have been playing for some time and have accumulated a lot of things. But I am concerned that there will be no more room to store these items. My home and garden is filled after that, where would you put these items that we buy. I would love it if my bone had more rooms like an actual kitchen, bathroom etc. Also more places to go and explore more places to fish. Waiting every day or two to get something new and get a little annoying. He should be able to travel to different towns interact with different people and have other ways to make money ( carrots ). The characters in the game are a little obnoxious and self-centered but it’s ok. Love the game and will continue to play.

Tmh20816 - Good, but...

This game is really cute and entertaining, but I've already had this for a week now and I already have some issues with it... 1) it would be nice if there was more story/depth to the characters. This would definately make the game more enjoyable!! 2)completing mutiple quests throughout the day to earn money/carrots or items; fishing and clicking about all day and waiting for carrots to come every 2-3 hours is not very fun :/. 3)I do like waiting for different items at Yuri's store, but it would be nice if we could upgrade the store to have more items or like bigger catalog that changes everyday. Other than these things, the game and art style are very cute, this game has so much potential to be greater!!!

RaevynReaper - This is 100% what I wanted the original Tsuki to be!

I’m so excited for more to be added to the game and I’m already super invested in a few characters. I can’t wait to see how their stories unfold. You can customize your house, fish, visit different shops, and even customize your little carrot garden. There are new characters, as well. It’s still sort of an idle game, where Tsuki will go on about his day while you are away, but you can actually interact and move easily between different places. The addition of the phone was a great little idea, too! Definitely check it out. Don’t plan on spending hours at a time here, just a few minutes every so often through your day. Nice to wind down with!

Jchick84 - Started strong then faded

I liked this game at first. Wasn’t familiar with Tsuki but after loading the Adventures game I’d say this one has better animations. Or did. Haven’t been able to help Rosemary with her spider problem even though Yori admonishes Tsuki to get on it every time we visit the store. Two goals are to get closer to Chi and Moca. Why? Chi is self-absorbed, a wanna-be intellectual, and Moca is a dead boor. There are others in the village who were far more interesting to hang with until the game ground to a halt a few weeks ago. I’m giving this game 3 stars because I can appreciate the talent behind the launch. If it ever gets the regular updates it deserves I’ll change my score. If I check back in a couple of weeks to find nothing’s changed, then I’ll deduct a couple of stars. That would be a pity. A game this clever deserves better.

VaughnNor - So much potential

This game is pretty cute and was fun for a little but there’s just not much to do at all, it looks like my map is filled but most of the locations are decently empty people wise. They give you carrot seeds, which would lead you to believe there are other seeds and things to plant, right? Wrong, you can place decorative flowers and bushes but you can’t expand your garden in any way shape or form. You can also collect these little figurines which have an attack and defense but as far as it seems these are just decorative also. Like I said it’s fun for a little but other than that I wish it had more

JadeSkrilley - Reindeer

I love this game! I usually do t write reviews but I just want so much more from this adorable game! One thing i have to mention is the reindeer at the pier. He has told me time and time again he can give me gifts for other people and when I’m done giving them all out I get my own prize. But I have given two gifts so far and now he won’t give me anymore and just goes through the same long dialog every time and I have never gotten my prize. I don’t know if it’s a glitch or something but I really hope I’m not missing out on something or furthering in the game. And I don’t want to redownload the game and lose my progress!! Anyway. If I’m doing something wrong with the reindeer hopefully I can figure it out. Hope this helps us both!

Julaid - Waiting for more..

I’ve had the game for over a year now and I definitely have a lot of the furniture and all the plants- even all the Sakura punchcard decor! I would love if there was a new locations and items update. I’ve bought a few carrot packs to support the devs, but I’d honestly love more game. The extra soundtracks you can find are all SO LOVELY, (I do dislike mochas mixtape though lol) and I’m loving trying to complete the fish entries. I think I’d love a house expansion if it were available- I think it would be cute if it built up more, or even downwards, since you are a rabbit! I love putting on the music at night too, and it truly is such a charming game- if you’re thinking of getting it, do it! And once you have, ask for an expansion as well!

Whimzical879 - Will you contact me back now?

Contacted support about a package that arrived in the mailbox and wouldn’t let me claim! Still have not heard back AT ALL! The Christmas update is super buggy. Half of the time, the app won’t open and closes out on itself. Delivering gifts to Tsuki’s friends for Rudolph works on/off. When I go to the correct person, it won’t pop up to give them the gift and just does the usual conversations. Have to close out of game and restart it for it to work, but like stated above, half the time the game will start loading and close out! I check/play the game daily and it’s becoming not worth it for all this trouble, otherwise besides that the game is entertaining and like that they offer holiday events. Biggest issue, in my opinion, for any game developers/companies- is not contacting people back for support!! If your game is having issues, wouldn’t you strive to learn about what could be fixed and improved?? Not to mention, good support keeps customers coming back and continuing to invest in your game. Apple support contact me and pointed me in your direction, and contacted twice now with no response and issue still not fixed. Apple support followed up with me as well within a day. Even though there wasn’t much they could do to help, they still took their time to try! Get with it!

Jade Giokas - i love this game but…

i updated my phone & now the app stopped working. just gives me a black screen. it was working totally fine a few times after i updated my phone but then it stopped. i figured maybe something happened to the app, so i turned my phone off then back on; nothing. then i deleted the app. part of me said don’t do it but i figured it’d be saved on my icloud so i deleted then re-downloaded. it opened 1 time just for me to have me start all over again. all of the items i’ve purchased & my house/garden set ups, gone. i had over 300 items in my inventory. i did so many things in this game, i’ve literally been playing it since the day it came out! i still have my unlimited bag but none of the items that were in it. i’m beyond upset about this. especially because i’ve been playing like crazy lately. oh, & i also bought the $7.99 coin package a day or so ago & can’t get that back either. please please please tell me there is a way i can get all of that back!!! 😭😭 i don’t want to have to start all over again. i won’t have my halloween or christmas items anymore 😕


DO NOT MAKE ANY IN-GAME PURCHASE RIGHT NOW, INCLUDING THE TEMPTING HOMECOMING SET. For some reasons they just erase the log in using email account feature with the newest update???? I don’t know why they even bothered with linking your Game Center account/asking for your Apple ID email considering there’s no option to “recover” your cloud save on a new device’s account currently. I just downloaded the same game on a new iPad (not androids aka also an iOS device) to test out the so called “cloud saving” and I'm Forced to start again from scratch, with no way to recover all of my progress i have made the past couple days on my old iphone. How can I even feel safe giving money to this game with this issue not squashed out? If my old phone broke and I somehow have to redownload this game on a new device I would lose everything. $15 (the homecoming set) is a pricey purchase for an idle mobile game with no data insurance.

Toebeans11 - app keeps crashing!

The game is really cute and fun and I’ve enjoyed playing it as a nice way to pass time, but starting a few weeks ago I couldn’t open the app properly without failed attempts. Like, I’d click the icon to launch the game and it would stay on a black screen for a minute and then crash, but usually the game would load after a few more tries so I ignored the issue. Since the new update though I’ve only been to open the game maybe two or three times through some miraculous means, since no matter how many times I’ve tried to launch the app and even restarted my phone, it’ll always stay on that black screen and crash instead of loading the game. I really enjoy this game and I would love to keep playing if possible especially with the holiday update out

Carsongreen - So Cute🥰

I don’t normally write reviews, but i love the Tsuki Adventure game and the Odyssey another hit. I wish there was more to do, i’m waiting to see if i can unlock more areas or if i got them all. it would be cool if it showed new areas but maybe blacked out so you know if there’s more to come. i love the social aspect of this game and how your friendship increases. However, i had to delete the app and reinstall it because it literally would open to a grey screen and then exit… i was scared i would lose my progress but luckily it saved. so if you’re having the same issue, i think if you reinstall the app, it should be fine. But also don’t quote me on that especially if you lose progress.

Natkaneda - So cute! Just a bit of feedback :)

This game is wonderful! So sweet and simple, for a relaxed experience. However, I would have enjoyed a few options to customize the game to fit some of my personal style. For example, I think it would be nice to have a few house designs to choose from, and not just the default treehouse. I would have also liked to have designed my own Tsuki ( perhaps an option to change the clothes or to change the species that Tsuki is), and to have customized my carrot farm more! In the end though, this game is definitely worth a spot on anyone’s phone!

The wild Niko - Love it!

Ok, I really love this game! The only problem is that I can’t find Dawn anymore. And Benny and Bobo are stuck on the same response about the “This Will Warm Your Heart” news article. And Dawn went missing a few days prior to this, so I can’t talk to her like Benny keeps insisting. This has been happening for 3-4 days now… I’m on the news article of “Something’s a Stewin’” and I still can’t find her… this is rather concerning, and I can’t seem to find any solutions on the internet about this. Can you please help me? Should I delete and reinstall the app? Should I give it a few more days? Are you guys gonna allow an update for the app to get rid of the bug(s)? I don’t know. Sorry

Jweaver1982 - Am I missing

Am I missing something. Cute game don’t get me wrong but I have no earthly idea what to do. I have items in my backpack like carrot juice, a book about carrots, etc and it doesn’t tell you what you do with them. I have only been able to purchase a handful of decorations for my home because beyond collecting carrots in your garden and non stop fishing there is no other way to get carrots which is used to purchase items. Unless I am missing something this game consists of logging in, collect your garden, and fish. Sorry but that’s not what I consider a fun time. Yes I know you can watch a few ads for carrots but it’s never enough it seems. There is tapjoy but that hasn’t worked since I downloaded the game it just has a blank page that says no offers available 🤷🏼‍♂️.

PIGYEYT - Absolutely adorable

Fantastic game. From the music the graphics and the charm, to the story line gameplay and design, there is nothing this game is lacking. This is the child of the best parts of animal crossing and stawrdew valley, and better yet it’s in portrait mode. The (optional) adds and monetization are done simply and unobtrusively, to the point where it feels completely natural. I am truly astounded at how good this game is. All my credits to the devs. The one thing I will say is this game definitely should not be rated 17+, as there is next to no inappropriate content. Thank you for reading this review and try the game out for yourself.

Uknown--user - From original Tsuki to Tsuki Odyssey

Some of the reviews definitely haven’t played the original game and it shows!!! The reason so many who played original and waited for this one where you can actually more closely interact with Tsuki and other animals, and not just in 2D kind of format! Customizing what animal Tsuki is? Tsuki has always been a bunny and the best one, though sometimes mischievous. Or treehouse? Dawn has all the goods to improve, and Yori now sells furniture which is a definite upgrade! Only the OG players will know the good stuff! I am so happy that I get to enjoy this game after waiting it to come to iOS!!!!!

Bruhh -.- - Love the game :)

This game is so adorable. I still have, i think, one to two more locations to unlock, but it’s still fun going around, talking to everyone. I especially love the decorating part. I love being creative so this game lets me do so. I have seen other walkthroughs and gameplay of Tsuki’s Odyssey and saw there are some updates/features that I haven’t seen yet. Hopefully throughout the days of playing I’ll get to it, like getting to decorate other people’s places/the pier or changing then bed cover colors. Other than all that, this game is so much fun and I 100% recommend it.

Opesanwo - It’s a great game, but few suggestions

I really love the game. It’s so calming and the graphics is amazing. The game needs to be updated. I wish we had deeper conversations with the folks in mushroom village, so we get to know them much more. You talk about socializing in the game, but your not really socializing. My second suggestion is we should be able to explore outside the mushroom village, cause this game is about exploring and seeking adventure. The mushroom village is great in all, but I think we should add more fun to the village, cause after a while you get bored. Overall, I enjoy the game

Lidul cheasit - Cute and relaxing game

this is honestly the most relaxing game and all the characters are so cute, just at the floor and wall shop you can only buy one wallpaper or one floor tile and then no more of that one and it could take forever to get the same one especially over and over until it’s every floor tile or every wallpaper, but other then that it’s great! But one more thing...why is it 17+ there’s nothing inappropriate about it it should 4+ but this game is great! Again, this game is so relaxing and peaceful, it’s probably the best game ever and the characters are adorable

Sergie.xx - Love, Love, LOVE This Game!!!!

This Game Is Soo Fun! Tsuki is Super Cute!! I love decorating the house full of cute furniture, and his friends are the Best!! I do wish that we could expand his house with another room or two. I also wish we could expand on the farm area, and the yard around his house. I need more room to decorate! Oh and I would also love to see a store where Tsuki could buy clothes, shoes, hats, glasses Ect. Maybe meet a nice lady bunny and start a family one day? Just a few suggestions. Thanks for hearing my thoughts, and please give this game a try! I bet you’ll Love it too!! Peace out, Ginger

Dancemomsisgreat - This game is so good

So I just got this game about a week ago and I love it! I love how there is a story line and you actually understand why you are getting all these things. Also it is really nice not to have to have wifi to play. And the character's are so different and funny I really enjoy this game. And the things is that I would change is that you can type what you want to say to the other characters. Also I think it would be nice if you could expand your house. And the last thing is it would be kind of cool if you could drag and drop the characters. Thank you for reading this Review! Bye🙂

Sceadwian - Downgraded for ZERO support

Edit: to possibly fix the black screen on load, turn OFF notifications for the game. Won’t let me edit my original review. I completed a paid offer and did not get my “free carrots”. 6 weeks of back and forth with the advertising company Tapjoy and they said they couldn’t fix the issue and I’d have to contact and work with the app’s publisher. Over the last month, I’ve emailed Hyperbeard and sent a DM on Twitter, contacted RapBot via Facebook, email, and even the help section on Tsuki’s Odyssey Discord server. Nothing. Not even a “sorry, we can’t help”. I’ve spent a little chunk of money between Tsuki’s Adventure and Odyssey, but they’re getting nothing else from me. The game is cute and I like it, but I’m not going to continue to pay people that can’t be bothered with app support.

0persephone0 - Amazing! however…

It’s an amazing game, love the seasonal events and fishing. The characters are amazing and have their own personalities. Also love the timed fishing that you can only get during certain hours! However every time the game updates I can’t get the game to load. It opens to a gray screen, then crashes. I’ve tried to restart my phone, however it doesn’t help. I’m scared to redownload the game, as I don’t know if it’ll keep my progress or not (I’ve spent around $20 on the game and months playing) because I’d rather not start over. If there’s a fix for this, please let me know! It’s a 5 star game, but a 3 star rating because I can’t even open it most of the time.

I Jus Play Games - Buggy after the Christmas update

I love the game but it definitely has its bugs. The most recent being that the game hasnt loaded in over a week due to the new update. Everybody is having this same problem. I’ve held off giving it a review until it got resolved but I guess thats not happening anytime soon. One star until this gets fixed. **update** Soooo I was looking through the reviews again and I saw one where the person said they deleted the game and redownloaded it. The game actually loaded and asked them if they wanted to start from their last cloud save. I tried it and it worked for me too. I really wish i knew this sooner.

Scarypersonlolorami - Amazing! But lately-

I absolutely loved it! It’s a wonderful, peaceful, game that is perfect for relaxing to. I love fishing on it and making conversation with the adorable townspeople. But lately the game has been crashing a lot. It may just be an issue on my end but in case it isn’t I’m putting this review up for the developers to see. Anytime I open the app it will load, be a grey screen, then close. If this is an issue with the game, please try to fix it soon! Otherwise I absolutely loved the game. One of the best, peaceful, games I’ve ever played.

InfernoVeil - Great Game but a few bugs

This game is really good and provides a lot of content for me to play around with. However, there are a couple of bugs. One, when I open the game, sometimes the game takes a while to load and then crashes before it has a chance to finish loading. Two, when I attempt to open up my first letter in the mailbox, the envelope opens and makes the screen fuzzy, but no letter shows up on the screen so I have no idea what the letter actually says. I can then tap the screen again, the letter closes, and I am back to where I started.

KittyKat1900 - Let me give benny his pen back, please

I love this game. The characters have a lot more personality than the first. Moca is now a moody teen. The rivalry between bobo and momo is fun. And i like the new characters like ratthew and elsie The 2.5d is a nice touch to explore more of the town, and the artwork is a better resolution and clearer than the last game. A request for items: Let me give items to characters, and get reactions from them. Theres lots of food and toy items, but no way to use them. Id like to be able to drag one onto tsuki and have him use it, or drag one onto a character and have them say something like “no thanks” or “this is great!” And increase my friendship with them. Also, I accidentally took benny’s pen from the desk, i didnt know i would keep it. I kept trying to drag it back onto him but nothing happens, it would be nice to atleast get a bit of conversation from him to see his old pen back.

Miasoko - Looks cute, doesn’t feel as cute

Art is really cute and it’s fun to decorate in this game. But the UI needs some improvements like others have mentioned. Would be nice if we got info on what fish we’re catching/if there’s an active bounty on it that day. Also the jokes and item descriptions can be straight up mean sometimes…idk I almost deleted this app last night after a long convo with Moca 😂 We get it, he’s a non-self aware grouch, but did we really need a 3 minute conversation to click thru to illustrate that point? I play games to have fun but that was a depressing chore. Still. It’s usually a good way to pass the time for a few minutes every day.

Jahjitsu - Literally nothing to do

Was pretty excited to play an animal crossing-like game. Graphics are cute. However, there is literally nothing to do but collect your carrots every hour or so and to fish. Maybe other features unlock as days go by but for now..it’s a 1 star. Ok, I had this game in my phone for 10 days and my rating still is 1 star. There is literally nothing to do in this game. Yeah, a few more NPCs unlock as days go by, but there’s no way to upgrade your farm, the fish are barely worth any money, and there seems to be a timer on the fish; there have been times where I would have to wait at least a minute (yes I timed it) to get a fish. The only saving grace for this game is the cute art style but that’s it. Literally a pointless game to have on your phone

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Tsuki Lover - I highly recommend this game

Tsuki is so cute! I love seeing the different activities he does every time I log in. This game is super casual and reminds me of animal crossing except each character you meet has their own unique personality and backstory. Even some of the themed furniture have intriguing stories related to it. There are no ads in the game besides the ones you voluntarily watch. There’s nothing more you can ask for, this is the perfect casual game

Scooberdoober - Cute but gets boring

First of all I want to say that this is a super cute and really chill game. It seems to be a bit like animal crossing in that you buy decorations, fish for money and can say a few words to different townsfolk. The early game is chill and fun, but I found that after I’d decked out my house with cute furniture there didn’t seem to be much else to do. I did start buying all the plants to fill up the garden, but I stopped meeting new people so I was only left with fishing and harvesting me crops. To improve I think they just need to increase the frequency of developments in the plot line to keep me interesting in playing. Otherwise I actually love this game so I recommend it

Cikicat - Great game but bugs leave me stuck

I love this game it’s so cute and wholesome and a relaxing time. BUT the Christmas updates left me with a ton of bugs that won’t allow me to progress the storyline in any way. I can’t get past Rosemary’s spider quest because the item I need never showed up and there seems to be no way to acquire it. And every time I talk to the shopkeep he just says “best get on it Tsuki, rosemary can worry herself into a circle if left on her own” This has been going on for months and idk what to do. Still a cute game tho. Just extra boring now I can’t actually do much.

Tsukierr - Christmas update

Disclaimer: I do love the app but there are major bugs in the Christmas update I got a brand new iPhone 11 nineteen days ago and when I first downloaded this application it was the ordinary version of the app and noticed that at least twice a day the application wouldn’t open but it wasn’t a marjor problem. I received the Christmas update late but nevertheless I still got it but noticed MAJOR FAULT when trying to open the application. The applications would COMPLETELY shut down after trying to open it a numerous amount pf times. Pls help, I really like the app but this bug isn’t letting me ist the application 😭😭

Tealy73 - Highly Recommend

I just absolutely love this game, the art style is very cute and the game is perfect for unwinding at night. But one thing I would suggest is maybe having some more things Tsuki can interact with such as: when he wakes up being able to interact with the bed to make the bed, I also would love it if you could add more restaurants. Thank you to the creator of this game for a well done game, Also MERRY XMAS 🎄

Brönt - The most lovely game (+some fixes)

the sweetest game, lovely slow story progression and development of your home. i especially love how you develop little relationships with the townsfolk. a few things that could be fixed: - there are a few buildings that have white patches at the edges of walls etc that show up especially at night? i think this is just because the background maybe hasn’t been painted all the way to the edge so hopefully an easy fix - I would love gender neutral pronouns for tsuki in the instagram posts I noticed one where tsuki is addressed by he/him pronouns and i think it would be nicer to have them be gender neutral :) other than that I absolutely adore this game and still rate it 5 stars

HootHootOwl_99 - Great game but one problem?

Everything’s super cute and it’s one of my favourite games, but I think the newspapers a bit fast compared to what’s actually happening in the game? A few days ago there was an article saying the turtle’s favourite plant was vandalised, but when I went to his house it was fine, and now today it actually is vandalised, but I can’t find the item I need to help him because it arrived the same time as the newspaper. Help?

Mintbby - And the Tsuki Journey continues!

Been playing the other Tsuki game for 2 years now, really grateful they made an upgraded version. I love how every few days, you meet someone new or a new function comes up - it keeps the game interesting and it keeps me logging back in. I also love how you may decorate your tree house when you weren't able in the other Tsuki game. May I mention, I have a love-hate relationship with earning carrots. It's not easy collecting carrots, but again, it keeps the game interesting as you need to farm for ads + fish 😂 Amazing graphics and music - this game is my go-to the first thing I wake up and the last thing I do before I sleep! Keep it up, Producers! 😍👏🏼

KuzoFubby - The figurines are haunted..?

Adorable and beautiful game, it’s a game you check in on every few hours or so to collect carrots, fish and find the chameleon. I have a question though: whenever I place down one of the figurines from the gacha machine in my house, I find that it rotates when I’m not there. Is this a feature or a bug?

Mika The Reveiwer 🤩 - Not clear on storyline

Although art and characters are cute, the storyline isn’t quite clear yet. I have been playing for a week or so and still till now, I don’t get what I am supposed to do. Yes, fishing is nice and all but getting carrots take a bunch of time and, how do you expand your farm. Tsuki doesn’t have a lot of space to adventure and i really wish it was faster to customise the tree house! Overall, great art but needs improvement on speed of play.

Lazy pigy - Great game but big bug!

After the game is updated to the newest (Christmas version) it starts to clash every time I open the game. (My phone system is IOS15) I have to open it, wait for it to clash then open it again and then it works. Sometimes I need to repeat these steps a couple rounds for it to open. While the game is great and I enjoy playing it so much, I feel like it is just a minus when clashes happen, especially when it happens almost every time I open the game. Please fix the bug!

Xana724 - Please Please fix the IOS Christmas Update

This is a great addition to the series and I have been absolutely addicted to Tsuki Odyssey ever since I got it. That being said I simply haven’t been able to access the app since the Christmas update. I’ve personally spent some irl money on this game and would hate to continue to be unable to play. This issue seems to be affecting many IOS users, please fix soon. thanks

L_G_Mack - Cute but…

This game is so cute I love it However ever since I have updated my phone, it has struggled to open the app and reach the loading screen, sometimes crashing. Today I updated the app to the newest what looks to be Christmas version, and it continually keeps crashing I cannot open the app at all. Please developer fix this issue

Horselover1035 - Highly Recommend - Lovely Game

Tsuki is an excellent game! It’s similar to animal crossing, which makes me love it even more. The graphics and art style are both beautiful and adorable. It’s a relatively calming and slow-paced game as well, which is good if you have anxiety or get overwhelmed easily. The time in-game matches your in-real-life time, which I think is a cool concept! I also like how we can keep track of the furniture, fish and items we discover in a journal (I love collecting, so this feature is a dream come true). So if you’re searching for a game and want to know if it’s worth downloading, it definitely is!

Taylahash - Sweet but not developed enough

I really like this game! I’ve read things about this game being new and not having enough people to work on it to further develop it, and my game personally has a lot of glitches. For instance when I got a letter I wasn’t able to see it at all, or every time I open the game it crashes first. I really like this game though but the glitches are off putting.

V0110 - A little bug that I noticed

I found out that the decor that I put on top of the countertop/dresser (picture frame or the figurines) will somehow rotate themselves to either left or right, which is strange. Hope you can look into this because it's kinda bothersome for a detail-oriented people like me. Thanks ~

🌺Small Rose🌺 - This app is amazing

This app is so good I recommend buying this app. If u don’t like apps with a lot of adds then this is the game for you. There is a little animal who asks if u want to watch an add or not. Plus the music is amazing and very calming. The animals are very cute as well. Good job for making this game. 💕

Lui bah - Highly recommended game!😍

Tsuki’s odyssey is a fun and cute game to play as I have experienced the many activities within it. The characters are very cute and I love the way the houses are created. It’s quite nicely set up. My only suggestion is that you could change the way you have to collect carrots. Like maybe you can earn a job at an antique store and earn carrots as a reward. there are many ways. I thank you for reading this review and hopefully you can upgrade the game and take my advice. Sincerely, a very good person!🤗

Chavsjun loves tsuki - adorable

I played the first game and can definitely appreciate new features, characters and the really cute art. I love idle games like this, thank you for the game. Also the dialogue can range from really funny to really heart wrenching - amazing.

Not-a-peasant - Cute but buggy

Such a cute game! Unfortunately quite buggy and there have been no updates to the game to fix this or offer new content. Feels very limited in gameplay particularly when the daily play rewards are buggy and do not reset. Really wish there was more to this game.

Jazzydolly - I love the Mushroom Village fam!!!

I can’t reli explain the compulsion, but every day I check in to harvest from the farm and check the board, talk to the gang and I’m saving for a flashy new fishing rod. It’s flamin’ fabulous! I LOVE visiting the bar at night and listening to Scarlett vocalise, sounds beautiful <3

Biibū - Adore this!

This is such a gorgeous little game if you enjoy something more slow-paced and relaxing. The little characters are so lovable and the art style is just perfect. Thank you for making this🥺

001juno - Soooo adorable!

This is the cutest game I have ever played, it brings me unparalleled amounts of joy. The music is so wonderfully calming, each character is distinct and loveable and the animation is amazing. Hands down one of the best games I’ve ever played

Marshtomp10101 - Updates featuring more content beneficial

Tsuki Odyssey is a great game and features many charms of Its predecessor; Tsuki Adventure. However, the content quickly goes bland after a few days of playing and with no updates in 3 months, there is little promoting players to come back for more.

Teyharose - Love this game

Love this game it is so cute love the town if you want to change any this we should be able to customise our charters and if we have enough carets buy a bigger house

AK18989 - Amazing! But needs urgent fixing!

This app is my absolute favourite and I find it so calming! But, I’m trying to get my mail from the mailbox in the game and it won’t let me access it, please help!! :((

Chloeoeoeoe - amazing

literally obsessed with this game, I just think some of the fishing times are too difficult to obtain such as the 3am fishes, but I love this game and it’s characters!

Yuckierduck1 - Updates are awful

Each time I have updated, something goes wrong. First time, the app would not open. This latest update now has the app open but freeze. Please fix!

~ Maru ~ - Adorable but the camera feature doesn’t work

This game is so cute but every time I try to use the camera feature it crashes

Leilei <3 - So cute!!

I’ve only just playing and it’s so cute! This is a really simple and adorable game :) I really recommend getting it! :D

W0d - Crashes regularly

While it’s a lovely game, every day when I come back to it, it crashes to the Home Screen requiring a full force quit. There’s also no way to submit bugs/feedback in the game itself so I guess I’m writing it here in a review.

LordSummer012 - Review

Honestly it is a really good game the only thing I dislike is how grind the fishing is but otherwise pretty good

Phantomzzz - Slight issue

I love the game I think it’s very cute, but whenever I try to open the game it keeps kicking me out and I’m not sure what to do

Gabe123456677 - This game good

Honestly I wasn’t sure about this game but it’s just so fun and cute. Great for boardedm

Pauvijo - Bug after the Christmas update

Please fix the bug! The app cannot be opened after the Christmas update

Yoyo278 - So much potential

Would easily be 5 stars if it wasn’t so ridiculously bugged. I’ve tried on so many occasions to contact the developers over game-breaking bugs that make my hard earned save unplayable. These devs don’t care about you. Don’t bother.

Jk385734;rush - Great game but

Can Tsuki have better friends?

Marley133 - Amazing game

This game is relaxing and feels a lot like animal crossing

TheRussellMundy - Latest update bug

App will not open since last update it seems?

Sippaph - Might be good

I don’t know if the game is as good as it looks cause of a glitch in the game. The reindeer doesn’t give me any gifts and the dialogue just restarts. I’d like to be able to play

Adsever - Fix the bug pls

After the latest update i cannot open this app🤯

Jensnsnana - so freaking cute 😭😭

nothing else to say bUT IM SO IN LUV W THIS GAME !!!!!

Fix this right now 😑😑😑 - Won’t work!

Won’t stop crashing everytime the game is opened 🙃

Ya mum with coco pops - PLS HELP!! Great app…

This app is great and I highly recommend it, really chill and fun,Love it! Dear app designers, I think this game is great but if you could add more locations would be sooo much better.Also I bought some things a few days ago and placed them in my home but then when I logged on today it just went back to a few days ago stuff and erased that stuff from my backpack. Last thing it keeps kicking my sister out, don’t know why but if I were you I would try and check on some of the code!😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️🤗🤗🤗🤗🫠🫠🫠🫠

✨c a t t✨ - Amazing game!

A very cute and cool game! I’ve just got in to it and I can tell it’s gonna be an awesome game, the storyline is nice, and you can decorate your house, grow carrots, and just chill, plus I like that you added a phone with different apps, like a real phone! But more useful and less game style, but still cool! this app 100/10

Payoneer 💰

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_grxce_ - Amazing Game!

I only have a couple critiques; So first off I would love a cute store to buy rugs and clothing from! Carpets would rlly improve my home! More shops + ways to unlock shops more easily! More floors that aren’t wood!!!!!! Great game tho, super cute!

Tridoys - App kept crashing after update

After updating the game it’s keeps on crashing and game freezes

KayAure - I lost my carrots

I love this game, but with the winter update I had to delete and redownload the game again (because the app got crashed every time) so I lost all my progress. Then I started again and saved up to 54,125 carrots. And then today when I logged in, I only had 12,687 carrots!

Haee_y - Crashes

Can someone fix this please 😭🙏🏼 I can’t even try the game because it crashed the first time I opened the app… Tried a few times and it never worked! It always showed a black screen… Please fix the crash and let me try playing the game 🥲🥲🥲

Chenqihong - 优化有问题


Waykeeuhp - Game doesn’t load after update

When you attempt to open the app, nothing loads. Just a black screen for ages, then crashes.

Miss.Juee - App crashing

Got issues before. The app was crashing but then would open on second try. Though it would be fixed on next update, but now the app is just not opening.

Distractatease - Help! Fix this bug.

I absolutely love love love this game but I think there was an update today and I just won’t open 😭

Petalfire - i found a problem…..

So when you go on to the ‘decorate’ thing, if you put something outside on the far left, you cant get it out bc it’s blocked by your inventory. PLEASE fix this asap bc i now have a jade bonsai stuck there AND I CANT GET IT OUT……

Themeperson - Boring

It’s cute but there’s nothing to do but fish

Exo-l❤️ - Waiting game

So from what I understand from this game you can only fish and wait. I have not seen anything else to do the garden does not look like it can be bigger nor accelerated and the store only carry like 4-5 items at the time. It’s a beautiful game but somewhat boring.

Snubxx - Fatphobia

See, I love this game. It’s so cute, from the music, to the graphics. Heavily Stardew Valley/Animal crossing/Harvest Moon inspired. I downloaded this to relax and have a cute time while in recovery for an eating disorder—but the dialogue is rich with fatphobia. At least once every five interactions is someone making a comment about Tsuki’s body/weight, or their own body/weight, or their diet, or exercise. I hate it. It’s despicable. To me, this negates all the positives about this app.

Hoessmaddd666 - BEAUTIFUL

This is such a beautiful little game I am so happy to have this game it really calms my anxiety down with the sweet music and cute characters! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this beautiful work of art:)

BCFHUB CED392WXJIU - love it

this game is super cute and doesnt have any ads! Its really peaceful and relaxing. reminds me of animal crossing.

Starwitchie - drop the ost

love the music so calming and peaceful please i want to listen to it on repeat

Bhgtfvbh - UPDATE!!!!!!!

When is a new update coming, too many bugs in the game that need to be fixed!

Jojo Super - little content

i mean its really cute but there doesn’t seem to be anything to do and idk if i just dont know how to play…? i harvest my carrots n fish n visit the different buildings but there’s hardly any story or dialogue and i feel lost honestly 😭 i want to spend more time on it bc i enjoy the visuals and the music alot but theres nothing to do :(

NakinaD5 - Parchat!!

I can’t use parchat!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭fix it please!!!!!

Harl2420 - Great game

Would 5 star but doesn’t work on my iPhone 5s even though it says it’s compatible. Game just won’t load. Tsuki Adventures does

Leliajobin - WoW

Trop ciut

Mr. Cheng the man of the hour - Not enough content

Not enough random events, after a while you've got over all the interesting stuff, and the incentive to play just fades away after a few months.

Kggtdethhf - Crashes

First of all it can be a good game but it crashes way to much and gets so frustrating also it will glitch a lot when you try to post a photo on the fake phone so I don't know if you should get it 😐🤔

Hi am Happy!. - 🤩🤩🤩Amazing

I absolutely love this game It’s so calming and cute I love my house and my animal friends It’s just awesome

Keykey🥓 - Great game but….

This game is wonderful and relaxing and not many ads but I wish there was challenges or more ways to make money!

H eduadyjddidjsbs dhda - Tsuki Odyssey

щ лет назад и не надо мне тут не в курсе что у меня тебя не было и я тебе не нравится лучше не надо было бы неплохо если бы ты была рядом со своим парнем я не знаю что ты мне очень понравилось я не могу понять что ты мне очень приятно с вами не 🌷💗

Rrenna - Crashes on MacOS

Seems like it crashes during the Game Center splash screen.

Julieb632000 - Crash on startup

Would not load, frozen black screen, had to force restart

Dontblinkss - easter???

i really wish there was an easter update with like an egg hunt or something similar to the rudolph gift event at christmas. easter is my favourite holiday and so pastel! perfect for this game (not to mention the main character is already a bunny). ofherwise, i adore this game!!!

Danaerra - Won’t go past loading screen

It has been months and this is still broken since the last update…

Bobthebobberbobbiest - I really wish they add a auto fishing item

Fishing gets boring after a while and i wish i can buy an item for like 50, 000 carrots that allows auto fishing

Zoeoftheshire - Please never stop updating!

This game brings me so much joy. It doesn’t take up a lot of my time, which I love. I always open the app with a smile and look forward to seeing what all my little animal friends are up to. Fishing is a great idle activity for when i’ve got stuff on the go. This app is just perfect and I hope it continues to grow and add new things! (rugs & tanks for fish would be nice!) ❤️

Nshsjajabehahjwneudid - Gets boring fast

Downloaded this game thinking it was going to be cute and a bit of an adventure/Simulator game. Don’t get me wrong, adorable artwork, cute ideas and relaxing feel overall, but I would play this game if there were more things to do instead of once a day you pick it up for 45 secs to collect dailies and do your garden to ultimately work towards buying things for your house. I think it’s a super good base game, and if expanded on could be absolutely captivating. But there was really no ‘hook’ for me to stay on the game.

Rednagate - love this game

i’m not sure if it was intentional but on the ceramic tiles “ these tiles get cold easily. you a fan if popsicle toes?” is the “if” supposed to be “of” ?

TheMs.Goose - First review ever

PLS! Could you guys make a widget for iphone?? Maybe just showing what Tsuki is doing at the moment?? I love this game so so so much! I’d love to see Tsuki in my screen constantly!

Thomasmalllet - Why 17+

Why is the game 17+ is a kids game 💀🤚🏻

Nobimay - What this could be

If you took the layout and programming of this added own clothing options,and options to be different caricatures this could be amazing. more close up view to see everything in detail and options to chose what you do, it would be another reality.😂‼️but it would be work not gunna lie but this game is already good itself offering a relaxing get away idea and not chaotic achievements

Tantheman-10 - Amazing

Honestly, its just simple fun. Great characters, good concept — theres not much for gameplay, but you just hang around the village and talk to the others. It reminds me of animal crossing, but done in a more adult way (ie. swearing) my only complaint is that there really isn't much to do outside of talking, buying, fishing, and decorating. Little mini-games would do this game wonders in my opinion

Kaakeface - Christmas is over!!

It’s almost February and it’s still Christmas in this game! Please update it away already!!

Janes bartholemu the 3rd - Not a good game

Kept crashing and freezing not the best DONT even know what the game looks like is about cause it froze right away

Abbaimhost - Love it! Although..

Absolutely love the game i have 9 building in my village at the moment and have had a lot of fun decorating my house! Is the game supposed to be growing still? I know it’s a very passive game but it’s getting a bit too slow i haven’t had anything new in a while :(

AnthonyMC1 - this game is actually amazing

Very fun and time consuming, glad it isnt a grindy game!

Improvement need - It’s pretty good but..

The app is good but it can get a little boring sometimes where you have nothing to do. It’s still a good game. I rated it 3 stars because sometimes you have nothing to do and it’s Boring. I hope this helped! <3

Moon light hyur - So cute

When I first got it, I thought it would me a boring game…. But actually very fun to play. I loved the animals they were just too cute, and if you want an relaxing, cute, and fun game, I recommend this, it’s da best. [| :3 |]

Mewthreee - Great game

I absolutely adore the graphics, music, and characters. Decorating my home is so fun, and I appreciate being able to check in and complete new tasks every day. Definitely recommend!

NgaPTQ - Freeze at launching

The latest update makes the app freeze at the startup screen, I can’t access the game. Please fix it.

Splatterbat - I want to love it

Man, I really would love to give this game 5 stars. It’s graphics are so nice, the characters are enjoyable but there is absolutely no progression. I understand it’s an idle game, but you only get 400 carrots an hour and quests you cannot even finish. I was gifted a gift from Reindeer in the beginning of the game on the dock to give to Elfie, but he never appeared anywhere. I don’t understand how I’m supposed to get things done and progress without a way to do it. There needs to be opportunities. I can’t just waste my time coming back to different locations praying for something different to happen. Overall though it has amazing opportunity, just needs some work!

Max110404 - Too many bugs

This game is relaxing. But as you keep going, it tells you soil hydration without a way to do it. Achieving anything is impossible because friends stop at 50%. Achievements on their wiki even if you do it, don’t show up. Makes it frustrating if you’re into seeing progression

Awosms - Pls fix

I love this game but after the update it keeps crashing when I try to reopen the app :(

MIKA .N - App crashing

I love this game but everytime i try to open it it crashes my entire phone and i cant even close the app. i have to shut down my entire phone. i’m disappointed because i really love this game.


Crash occurs every time I tried to launch the game. No way can open it anymore.

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Why is Tsuki's odyssey 17 +?

Surprise Creepy: This game has a 17+ rating for a reason! In the Great City, Tsuki can sometimes see a bear in a trench coat walking by. Taking a picture of him provokes him into shooting a window near Tsuki. Exploring deep into the Jugafuchi Forest can lead Tsuki to Ed, who is heavily implied to be a serial killer.

What's the point of Tsuki's Odyssey?

Tsuki's Odyssey is a passive adventure game that immerses you into the world of Tsuki and the oddball characters of Mushroom Village. Decorate your home, make friends, catch all kinds of fish and so much more!

What is the difference between Tsuki adventure and Tsuki Odyssey?

In the first game, Tsuki's Adventure, Tsuki leaves the big city to take over their recently passed grandfather's farm. Now, in Tsuki's Odyssey Tsuki returns home to Mushroom Village in order to catch up with old friends and continue work on the farm.

What time does Tsuki Odyssey reset?

The shop restocks every three hours. Parsnap Entries connected with Yori's General Store: miyopi: Somebunny is back in town hehe! (when you first talk to Pipi)

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