13 reasons why book review essay

Every Action Has a Reaction: An Analysis of Key Events in Jay Asher's Thirteen Reasons Why That Support the Idea of Cause and Effect

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Every Action Has a Reaction: An Analysis of Key Events in Jay Asher's Thirteen Reasons Why That Support the Idea of Cause and Effect

Ramiro Balaguer Claudia Reyes English 05 12/12/14 Thirteen Reasons Why Does every action cause a reaction? The novel Thirteen Reasons Why, written by Jay Asher, is about a teenage boy named Clay Jensen who received a set of tapes made by Hannah Baker that reveals Hannah's thirteen reasons why she committed suicide. At first, Clay doesn't want to listen doesn't want to listen to the tapes because he believes her secrets should be buried with her. Then, Hannah calls out Clay's name in one of her tapes, and consequently, he wants to find out why Hannah thought he was one of the people responsible for her death. All in one night, Clay listens to Hannah's voice in all of her tapes, and at the same time follows her words all around his own town. This novel supports the idea that every action has a reaction when Tyler Down stalks Hannah Baker, when Courtney Crimsen makes Hannah think they were friends, and when Jenny Kurtz crashes into a stop sign after leaving a party. One of the incidents that the author portrays for the idea that every action has a reaction is in cassette two, side B. Here, Hannah mentions that she's being stalked by Tyler Down on her way home, as well s when she's inside her home, and then takes pictures of Hannah through her bedroom window. "For example, you'd better be quiet- extremely quiet- if you're going to be a Peeping Tom. Because what if they heard? Guess what, Tyler Down? I found out." In reaction to this and Hanna's death, Marcus Cooley bullied Tyler Down after he listened to Hannah's tapes as they were

passed down from person to person. In chapter six of 13 Reasons Why, Clay found Marcus in front of Tyler's house and said "You're on the tapes too, right?" Marcus answers, "So are you, Clay." This shocked Clay, so then he said "What makes us different from him?" Marcus answers, "He's a Peeping Tom. He's a freak. He looked into Hannah's window, so why not break his?" In response to Hannah's action of accusing Tyler of being the Peeping Tom, Marcus would begin to throw rocks at Tyler's bedroom window for what he did. Another of the incidents is when Courtney Crimsen made Hannah believe that they were friends by going with her to Hanna's house to catch the Peeping Tom. In Hannah's cassette three, side A, she says "Posed. What an interesting word to sum up Courtney's take. Because when you're posed, you put on your best smile. I don't think you do this intentionally, Courtney. And that's why I put on these tapes. To let you know that what you do affects others. More specifically, it affects me." When Hannah found out Courtney was only using her to get a ride to a party, Hannah took a picture of them together at a party and was later made public when it was posted in Monet's Cafe to backfire Courtney's rumor of Hannah. Courtney did not like this very much. Also, in cassette three, side A, Hannah says "And yet the whole time Courtney was using me, she probably thought she was polishing up her image in my eyes." As the party goes on, Hannah was told by a guy a rumor of Hannah and says, "Ready for this everyone? Our little Miss Crimsen told this guy, and whoever else was standing within earshot, that I've got a few surprises buried in my dresser drawers." A few moments later, she tells Tyler Down "I want you to take a picture of me. Me and Courtney." Then, Hannah tells Courtney to take a picture with her, but Courtney doesn't want to. Hannah responded, "Why not, Courtney? Why did you invite me

here? Please don't tell me I was just a chauffeur. I mean, I thought we were becoming friends." Courtney says, " We are friends". They took the picture together, but during the picture, Hannah tells Courtney " If you want to borrow anything from my dresser, Courtney, all you need to do is ask." After that night, Hannah never respected Courtney the same way. The last of the few occasions tat the author portrayed to the idea in the novel that every action has a reaction, is when Jenny Kurtz offered Hannah a ride home from a party and she had already left, she crashed her car into a stop sign, and never reported the hazard to the police. In Hannah's sixth cassette, side A, she mentioned, "And then it hit..." "The front wheel on my side slammed into and jumped the curb. A wooden post smacked into your front bumper and snapped like a toothpick." A few moments later, Hannah said that this is how Jenny reacted to the crash, "Nobody obey the stops signs anyway. They just roll on through." But Jenny was wrong. That hazard caused a fatal car accident of the owners of Hannah's house after she died. The novel Thirteen Reasons Why supports the idea that every action has a reaction when Tyler Down stalks Hannah Baker to her house and takes pictures of her through Hannah's bedroom window, when Courtney Crimsen makes Hannah think they were friends and only used Hannah to go to a party, and when Jenny Kurtz crashes into a stop sign after leaving a party and caused a fatal car accident. The author portrayed the idea with Tyler Down because after Tyler stalked Hannah and Marcus knew about it, Tyler started to get bullied by Marcus. Since Hannah found out that Courtney was just using her, Hannah made Tyler take a picture of them together at a party having fun, and posted the picture at Monet's so many people believed they

What is the message of the book 13 Reasons Why?

Thirteen Reasons Why suggests that when men take advantage of women, feeling that they're entitled to view, touch, and judge women's bodies without their permission, they help to maintain an environment of gender inequality that disempowers and distresses women.

What is the short summary of Thirteen Reasons Why book?

She was a seventeen-year-old female high school sophomore who was sexually abused and harassed which led to her taking her own life and leaving behind seven double-sided cassette tapes. These tapes reveal the thirteen people and events during the course of a freshman-sophomore year that had led to her suicide.

What is the main idea of the book 13 Reasons Why?

The novel Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher follows the main theme surrounding reputation and how rumors can affect people and their lives in ways much more larger than simply hurting the person. Hannah Baker suffered the change in how people saw her, how people treated her, and how she saw herself and acted.

Why is 13 Reasons Why a good book to read?

Reading Thirteen Reasons Why, not only reminded me that little things, especially the ones we overlook matter the most sometimes, it was a wake up call to pay more attention to people around, and to how I deal with them, or what I say. How many cases of suicide or depression would we avoid if we paid more attention?

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