Ahead of time nghĩa la gì

ahead of time nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm ahead of time giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của ahead of time.

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • ahead of time


    early: before the usual time or the time expected

    she graduated early

    the house was completed ahead of time

    Synonyms: too soon

    Antonyms: late

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ahead of (one”s)/its time

More advanced or innovative than is or was typical in a particular era. That 19th-century scientist was definitely ahead of his time with his detailed plan of space travel. I can”t believe that movie is from the 1950s—it”s so progressive and way ahead of its time.See also: ahead, of, time

ahead of (someone”s or something”s) time

More innovative than can be properly appreciated during the time that someone or something is producing such innovation. He was really ahead of his time with this music—critics in the 1970s just couldn”t see it. That show was really ahead of its time tackling issues like that.See also: ahead, of, time

ahead of time

Earlier than a given deadline. If we get to the theater ahead of time, we”ll have our pick of good seats. My term paper isn”t due until next week, but I finished it ahead of time.See also: ahead, of, time

*ahead of one”s time

Fig. having ideas or attitudes that are too advanced to be acceptable in the present. (*Typically: be ~; think ~.) Sue”s grandmother was ahead of her time in wanting to study medicine.See also: ahead, of, time

*ahead of time

beforehand; before the announced time.

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(*Typically: arrive ~; get there ~; leave ~; show up ~.) If you show up ahead of time, you will have to wait. Be there ahead of time if you want to get a good seat.See also: ahead, of, time

ahead of time

Earlier, sooner, as in The meeting was scheduled for three o”clock, but most people arrived ahead of time. See also: ahead, of, time

ahead of/behind ˈtime

early/late: He arrived ahead of time, and had to wait. ♢ The trains are running behind time again today.See also: ahead, behind, of, timeSee also:

ahead of time

early We started the meeting ahead of time so we could go home early.

ahead of time|ahead|time

adv. phr. Before the expected time; early. The bus came ahead of time, and Mary was not ready. The new building was finished ahead of time. Antonym: BEHIND TIME.
agonize (oneself) over agonize over agony agree agree (up)on agree in principle agree on agree to agree to differ agree to disagree agree with agreement agreement in principle ah a-ha moment ahead ahead of ahead of (one's)/its time ahead of (someone or something) ahead of (someone's or something's) time ahead of one's time ahead of schedule ahead of the curve ahead of the game ahead of the pack ahead of time ahead of your time ahead of your/its time ahead of/behind the curve ahead of/behind time ahold a-hole aholic aholics ai aid aid (someone) in (something) aid and abet aid and abet, to aid in aid in doing aide AIDS aight AIIC ailment aim aim at aim at (someone or something) aim for aim for the sky after hours after one”s own heart after the dust clears against the grain against time agree with ahead of ahead of the game ahead of time air one”s dirty linen in public air shuttle airbus airquake albatross around one”s neck alive and kicking alive with all along

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– Từ đồng nghĩa, cách dùng từ tương tự Thành ngữ, tục ngữ ahead of time