Đánh giá asus xonar d2 pm masterpiece audio card năm 2024

Asus xonar d2/pm for allround use?

  • Thread starter jangodog
  • Start date Aug 13, 2013

Hi i got a good deal on this soundcard for just 40$ used only a few months. I have the creative Aurena live and sennheiser pc323d for gaming. The xonar d2/pm is a little old but will it still work with nowadays computers and drivers?

Forgot to mention there are no accessories,wires,or cd with the card but i will still be able to use it with drivers from asus download site right?


Hi i got a good deal on this sound card for just 40$ used only a few months. I have the Creative Aurena live and Sennheiser pc323d for gaming. The Xonar d2/pm is a little old but will it still work with nowadays computers and drivers?

Asus last updated the D2's drivers 10 months ago (Win 8), also the third party "Unified Xonar Driver" can be used and they were last updated less then 4 months ago. So the D2 should work just as good as any of the newer Xonar sound cards. The only thing you might consider getting is an external headphone amplifier to plug into the D2's green jack. but updating the headphones first would be better before adding an amplifier.

Hi Purple Angel. Well thats my goal a better headphone in the future like the beyerdynamic 770pro

But the sennheiser pc 323d i got now and the creative Aurena must in some way sound better than the on board sound right?

One last thing i'd like to be able to use both, onboard and the xonar d2/pm card so i don't have to disable onboard sound? Meaning switching between the two sound device,Is that possible?

Tanks for your answer


Hi Purple Angel. Well that's my goal a better headphone in

the future like the Beyerdynamic 770pro

But the Sennheiser PC 323d i got now and the creative Aurena must in some way sound better than the on board sound right?

One last thing I'd like to be able to use both, on-board and the Xonar d2/pm card so i don't have to disable on-board sound? Meaning switching between the two sound device,Is that possible?

I would recommend looking into getting the Audio Technica ATH-A900X closed headphones or ATH-AD900X open headphones, over Beyerdynamic DT770s. Maybe sell off the CALs and PC323D and put all cash towards ATH-A900X or ATH-AD900X and buy a $15 add-on mic

You can use more the one sound card in a computer, never done it myself. Personally I can't see one good reason someone would keep using on-board audio when you have the Xonar D2.

Have you tried plugging the PC323D directly into the Xonar D2, for gaming?

Hi no i haven't got the xonar d2 yet till monday

But i definitely will use my sennheiser 323 with the asus card and see how it performs

Wonder if the surround effects are better with the xonar over the usb 7.1 surround card that came with the pc323d?

As for the headphones i'll look on the ones that you recommend when the money is there and also maybe af amp also.

Thank you again for your help to a newbie in the audio/headphone world


Wonder if the surround effects are better with the Xonar over the USB 7.1 surround card that came with the pc323d?

Could be the Xonar D2 and PC323D use the same Dolby Headphone software driver, both running of the computers CPU. I would think the Xonar D2 comes with a way way better DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) chip, then the PC323D's USB adapter.

I'm a bit confused? You say there are an buildt in dac in the xonar d2 but do i need an external AMP/dac for better/deeper sound output on my headphones ? Is it even noticable with extern dac/amp?

And what are the difference between dac and amp?


I'm a bit confused? You say there are an build in DAC in the Xonar D2 but do i need an external AMP/dac for better/deeper sound output on my headphones ? Is it even noticable with external dac/amp? And what are the difference between DAC and amp?

Audio is stored and processed in a digital (zeros & ones) format. Amplifiers and the human ear are analog (wave). So you need to DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) to change the digital audio signal to an analog audio signal, before the audio signal can be sent to the amplifier.

The Xonar D2 and the PC323Ds USB adapter contain a DAC chip. The Xonar D2 should have a DAC chip that is way way better then the PC323Ds USB adapters DAC chip.

The analog audio signal that comes out of a DAC chip is not strong enough to power a diaphram (diaphragms are in speakers and headphone cups), so the analog audio signal needs to be sent to an amplifier to increase the signal strenght enough to move the diaphram inside speakers and headphones. The diaphragm is what creates the audio sound wave ours ears can hear.

The Xonar D2 output jack does have enough power to drive some headphones, but kind of in a crude way. (headphone plugged directly into the Xonar D2 may have a more bloated (louder but less detailed) bass. Where as a true headphone amplifier will create audio that is more detailed and balanced.

That's ok I'll just stay with the card and maybe later get me an amp if i find the sound insufficient.

Really excited and wonder how much difference there is with over the onboard sound


That's ok I'll just stay with the card

and maybe later get me an amp if i find the sound insufficient.

Really excited and wonder how much difference there is with over the on-board sound

The PAV2V (Pocket Amplifier 2 Version 2) is sold on eBay for around $60 and ships from Canada. Might also looking into buying a O2 (Objective 2) headphone amplifier.

Check the Head-Fi "Amplification for Sale" thread, a fellow European might have a good deal on a used headphone amplifier. //www.head-fi.org/f/6551/amplification-for-sale-trade

Hi I'll check it out

Thank's PurpleAngel i'll let you rest for a while

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