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Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

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Chiến tranh với Việt Nam trong Chuỗi Trò Chơi Red Orchestra: Các trận đấu nhiều người chơi lên đến 64 người chơi; hơn 20 bản đồ; Quân Đội & Thủy Quân Lục Chiến Hoa Kỳ, Quân Đội Nhân Dân Việt Nam/Quân Đội Bắc Việt (PAVN/NVA), Mặt Trận Giải Phóng Miền Nam Việt Nam/Việt Cộng (NLF/VC); lực lượng Úc

Rising Storm 2, like its predecessors, is a tight, realistic multiplayer shooter with a robust community of players and balanced asymmetrical gameplay that feels fair. The sound design creates a suspenseful atmosphere while the iconic rock music of the era sets you squarely in the time period. Graphically, the game is not the best looking title around, but it's good enough not to adversely affect one’s enjoyment of the action. While not exactly noob friendly, the community will help you get your swamp legs and, as a team-based game, you will have to communicate with others if you don’t want to simply be in the way. If you are looking for something more realistic than Call of Duty or Battlefield, but faster than Arma, look no further than Rising Storm 2. I will see you in my sights.

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is a unique game that explores the territory between casual and simulation shooters while focusing on a brutal and gritty scene. The outcome is an addictive and refreshing shooter.

This is hands down the best FPS game released since Battlefield 2142 (Maybe Battlefield 3 at a push). A game for the proper Gamer, where a modern Call of Duty approach of 'Spray & Pray' will be met with a swift bullet to the head at 50meters! If you are considering purchasing and are exacerbated by the ever reducing quality and dumbing down of games (CoD, Battlefield 4, V etc..) then please give this a shot! The realism is top notch and the mechanics are very balanced. Yes it is challenging, but it makes it all more the satisfying when you manage to get a kill on the other team! Those that have been negative about this game I would lump with the idiots that ruin modern mainstream games these days :(

Campaign makes it finally worth buying. Epic combat, great teamplay, great for fans of RO2. Only downside is outdated UE3 engine.

Rough edges and thin map selection aside, Rising Storm 2 offers up an intense and immersive recreation of the Vietnam War that will thrill, terrify and occasionally infuriate anyone brave or patient enough to get past its initially steep learning curve.

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is an intense shooter that stresses teamwork over running-and-gunning. The chaos on the battlefield truly shows you what it's like to be under fire.

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam manages to carve itself a place in an already flourishing genre, all thanks to the semi-simulation war combat. The Vietnam War makes for a distinct battleground that has been smartly incorporated into the game’s mechanics, which bring slower paced matches with more emphasis on team work and survival combat than rushing out to be a solo war hero. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is aimed at a specific group of first-person shooter fans who are lured by the prospect of an experience more closer to the realism spectrum, and by looking at the server browser, there seems to be enough players to give this game legs. If that sounds like something enjoyable, then I can see Rising Storm 2: Vietnam becoming the multiplayer shooter of 2017 for those people.

Low content quantity and some roughness around the edges might keep this game from being a premier shooter of 2017, but it's still a wonderful breath of fresh air that has arrived just in-time for the Summer drought.

It's the only modern multiplayer FPS based on the Vietnam war, and its developers used all their past experience to create a fun, stylish and very gory shooter. That being said, next time Tripwire will have to come up with something more original than that.

Best Shooter of 2017 firefights are intense, gameplay is amazing. This game has great free custom maps created by the community.

This game is really fantastic. It's the game Battlefield wants to be. It's tough and will kick your ass, but it's such a blast to play. It's not perfect. The game never feels "stable," and stuff like ping is constantly all over the place across the board. But it doesn't really detract from the experience too much. It's really a good time. There are some aspects that aren't ideal. The community is pretty toxic at times, but it's not something that plagues the entire player base. There are also a lot of classes where you will not be able to play 99% of the time. A lot of the classes can only have a certain amount of people select it at once, and it's based on a mostly first come, first serve basis around how quickly you load into the game. If you don't have the best SSD & setup, prepare to play rifleman and whatnot most of the time. Even then, it's still great fun.

Another solid and intense shooter from Tripwire. Has a couple of little weird bugs and frame rate issues but overall if you have enjoyed Red Orchestra and are looking for something with enough difference this is worth a look.

The gameplay itself is not that bad... but the developers made very dumb choices regarding the game. For example the cartoonish style of the characters (yet it's supposed to be a game where it feels like real war) , only few maps are actually good and therefore played by the users while the other maps are basically never voted (at the end of the match the players must vote for a map). For some reason, the developers implemented the possibility to chat with the enemy team... without being able to mute users tho, so far too often you will encounter toxic users on the enemy team who spams insults ruining the game experience. Shame as it could have been far better.

Imagine Vietnam war but you have severe cerebral palsy and a russian guy shoves **** at your face.

Summary Red Orchestra Series' take on Vietnam: 64-player MP matches; 16-player Skirmish; M16, M79, Hueys and Attack Helicopters; the AK, Double-Barrel Shotguns, Toe-Popper Mines, Tripwires, Tunnels and more. Brutal. Authentic. Gritty. Character customization. And napalm in the morning.

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