How to turn off autoplay videos on Android

How to turn off autoplay videos on Android

Autoplay videos can be extremely irritating and potentially harmful to your computer. I am sure you have logged into Facebook, Twitter, Firefox, Reddit, or other sites only to have a video begin to play as soon as you load a page or (if sometimes even more concerning when you begin to scroll through a page). Autoplay videos can be turned off for many of the sites you visit. Here is how.

Autoplay Videos on Facebook

Autoplay Videos on YouTube

Automatic Play Videos on Your iOS
Meanwhile, turning off automatic play videos is not hard if you have an iOS. Look below for the steps.

Click the menu button on the bottom of your screen.
Once youre there, tap Settings & Privacy, then Settings.
Scroll down until you find Media and Contacts, then tap Videos and Photos.
Finally, once you find Autoplay, you can turn off the feature.

Autorun Videos on Your Android

Likewise, turning off autorun videos on your Android is just as easy as turning off autoplay videos on your iOS. Here is how to do it.

Click the menu button at the top right of your screen.
Once you are there, scroll down and tap Settings & Privacy, then Settings.
Scroll down until you find Media and Contacts and tap on it.
Tap on Autoplay and set it to Never Autoplay Videos.
Twitter Autoplay Video Settings

Disable Video Autoplay in Instagram

If you want to turn off video autoplay in Instagram, unfortunately, the Instagram app doesnt allow for autoplay videos to be turned off. If you are in your browser, the videos dont autoplay. You will want to pay attention, however, since you may be used to using your mobile devices and there is currently no way around it. You will be stuck listening to a video without selecting it to play.

Autoplay and Your Browsers

In addition to what we have listed above, what about your Internet browsers? Do they all allow you to turn off autoplay? Well, the good news is that some do. The bad news is that they all may not give you that flexibility.

Let us take a look at those that give you that flexibility first. Below is the list.


Microsoft Edge Since it is also based on the Chromium open-source design, Edge does let you turn off well, at least, limit video autoplay.
Mozilla Firefox yes, for the most part.
Safari Safari makes this very easy. Their assumption is that you want it disabled.
Brave Browser Even though Brave is a Chromium-based browser, it does offer more controls for turning off that pesky autoplay. Here is how: click the three-line menu button > Settings > Additional settings > Privacy and security > Site and shields settings > Additional permissions > Autoplay.
Opera MashTips points out that Disable HTML5 Autoplay is one of the extensions available in Opera for turning OFF video auto-playing. This extension is available in their Add-ons and installation is easy.


Vivaldi Browser As much as I love using Vivaldi, I am disappointed that Vivaldi does not give you an option to turn off autoplay videos. The most recent update I was able to locate was that they have labeled this in their Pipeline. What I understand is that they will visit this sometime in 2021.
Google Chrome If you ask most people which browser they use, they will usually reply, Google Chrome. It is one of the few browsers that does not have built-in tools to stop video autoplay. Chrome used to have a flag setting that allowed you to disable autoplay videos, but it has since been discontinued.

Nevertheless, Chrome does block some auto-play videos. The bad news is that there is no control for the user.

I know this has been quite a lengthy post for turning off autoplay videos, but there is so much information. For that reason, I am going to refer you to The Verge where they do a comprehensive overview more than we can include here. We are here if you have any questions, so dont be bashful.

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Categorised in: Technology Information

This post was written by Megabite