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HKdtt UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner (or Refugees Haut Commissariat des Nations Umes pour tes refuges Submission Checklist Before submitting your application to UNHCR, please use this checklist to ensure that your application is complete. El Completed information form (all 4 pages) El Passport and other relevant documents copied and attached (For example: evidence of previous registration with UNHCR, UNRWA documents, military booklets if applicable, all pages of passport including visa, entry and exit stamps, divorce/marriage/birth certificate) If you need additional assistance or have any questions, please consult a UNHCR staff member for further clarification. Please note that all relevant documents must be submitted in order for your application to be processed. C ■’ - BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL Page 1 Information Sheet

  1. Full name of main applicant: BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL
  2. Main applicant's father’s namei^^^^^^^^^lO'CONNELL 3 Main applicant s mother's name
  3. Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy): 27/10/1970
  5. Marital status: SINGLE
  6. Are any of your relatives livinq in Mala\ rsia? If yes please provide the following: Name Relationship Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) _It | / A M /A M / /A i M / / Y
  7. Are any of your relatives listed above registered with UNHCR? If yes please provide their UNHCR file numbers Name UNHCR file number
  8. If you are under 18 and your parents are not living in Malaysia, who are you living with?
  9. Sex: El Male CD Female
  10. Nationality (please provide all nationalities): AUSTRALIAN
  11. Religion: ROMAN CATHOLIC
  13. Full address of last place of residence in home country:|
  14. Current address in Malaysia: Western Australia KUALA LUMPUR, 50200
  15. Phone number: +60 10
  16. Email address: [email protected]
  17. Departure date from home country (dd/mm/yyyy) 24/10/2016
  18. Arrival date in Malaysia (dd/mm/yyyy): 24/10/2016 PLEASE TURN TO NEXT PAGE Page 2 Identification Documents / Other Documents Provided Document Type, Number Place of Issue Date of Issue (dd/mm/yyyy) Date of Expiry (dd/mm/yyyy) Passport Number^mHHH AUSTRALIA 11/03/2015 11/03/2025 Travel Documents/Legal Permits (e.g. passports and visas): If the above list does not include your passport, please explain why not and with what document you entered Malaysia? Do you CURRENTLY have a legal permit or visa for Malaysia? □ Yes El No -4f-ee,-whet 4ype-aed 4»ewKJ^yeu-ebte(r>-E3^9«iet/V(6iH3-St«ctent43^»pleymerrt-H-BependanH3-P«>fe99ten«t B MMSH-Ebettrcr- Have you ever applied for refugee protection with UNHCR or with any Government? 0 Yes □ No If yes, when and in which country? IRAN - SEE APPENDIX 5 - "Travel Route/Diary Decision or status you obtained? □ Refugee El Asylum Seeker UNHCR file number: N/A Please explain your travel route from your home country to Malaysia, including, if applicable, why you moved from any previous countries of asylum or transit. PLEASE SEE APPENDIX 5 - "Travel Route/Diary" for detailed particulars. What was your occupation in your home country? (please provide all occupations) B/A Nursing, Edith Cowan University - Western Australia Mining industry - I.T - Video Editing Have you ever been part of an armed group? □ Yes 0 No If yes, please name the group and explain your specific duties. Also provide your dates of service, rank(s) obtained and name the unit(s) you served with: Have you ever held a government position? □ Yes DD No If yes, please explain your duties: Have you ever been a member of an organization? 0 Yes EH No If yes, please explain your role in the organization: "Friends of Palestine" - was to video edit and assit in public awareness campaigns. This was cut short by my arrest in 2009 - never formally joined - verbal agreement with Alex WHISSON, FOP organiser. Have you ever been arrested or detained? 0 Yes 0 No if yes, please explain why, by whom, when, where and for how long: Three years jail. "Racial villification". See multiple Appendicies in document for full explanations. Page 3 PLEASE TURN TO NEXT PAGE Why did you leave your home country? Please explain in detail. I left Perth, Western Australia on 24th October, 2016 and landed in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur the same day. The details are long and trace back to 2009 and earlier- 2005. Specific details are contained in attached documents - appendix 5 - "Travel Route/Diary" My case involved charges of racial viliification and three years jail- repeated police arid high’ level. harassment.,Break in's, death threats,.suspicious deaths, complete marginalization from society. A simple altercation at a Friends of Palestine rally turned into an international incident as I sought to expose Jewish racial and religious supremacism and israeli espionage at the high profile trial Beginning in January 2011. The Israeli state came out against me directly, very publicly, at the highest levels. I became a targetted individual. I brought out massive corruption allegations in Western Australia including drugs and weapons trading and m o n e y I a u n d e r i n g. j have had repeated psychiatric evaluations and always passed with flying colours. I always end up in a conversation on.Israel and Jewish Power and the psychiatrist agreeing with me- though suggesting I "tone down the rhetoric". I was granted asylum (verbally) in Iran in October 2016 by a Mr. JAVED of the Iranian Foreign Ministry. I was to work with government analysts at an NGO - "The Persian Gulf Studies Center". Only a very long and detailed accounting can show the UNHCR what has occured and my genuine claim for refugee status,. I recieved a series of emails from former Congress woman Cynthia MCKINNEY indicating she would use her contacts in the government of PM Mahathir to encourage the granting of permenant residency here in Malaysia.. I had a meeting with Dr Kevin BARRETT, formally a member of faculty of the University of Wisconsin, USA He asked .me.to assist with organising, conferences on .finance .reform in Malaysia. His strong links to Russia, jran.(.and Chi pa).made me back ayyay from contact with him. J, have. this, alj on video.. i have interacted with numerous state and federal institutions in Australia to no effect. The close relationship between Australia and Israel appears to be preventing my return to society and the chance to expose fuljy yyhat has gone on, I have been approached by levels of the Australian policing and intelligence community to, "handle things quietly.". Everything is documented. Audio visual. Emails. Images. I have been openly critical pf my own behaviour. I was threatened by local Western Australian police- in my own home-from then it wasopen,warfare. i am emotionally unstable- though improving-1 am not’in any way tineritaliy ill. I am extremely’distrustful of governments. This UNHCR paperwork is part of an 800+ page document. please turn to next page Page 4 What do you believe will happen to you or members of your household if you return to your home country? There are three outstanding warrants for my arrest. All charges are ridiculous and laughable and described in detail in the 800+ page document attached to this paperwork. I wili be arrested and jailed- cut off from the outside world. Perhaps psychiatrically admitted and forcibjy medicated. I yyill remain marginalised from society yyith no hope of employment or a stable life. The Israeli state is too powerful. And I have, through simple open source information- made known major facts about lsraeli poyyer and ability to inhmidate gqYernments. As stated to me in email.by then Inspector Barry. SHELTON.of W..A counter, terrorism,. "We all.respect your yy.qrk.". I havet the Israeji.state.coming out against me by name- there is a reason for that. And it is not because Jam "mentaJJy.i.U".and J.have jt.ajl documented.. Did you fill out this form by yourself? El Yes El No If no, explain why: .N/A. Declaration: I declare the information I have provided (including any attachments) is complete, correct, and true to the best of my knowledge Applicant's signature: Date (dd/mm/yyyy): Any other comments: Extensive supporting documentation supplied. With enough pressure from a major body such as the UN, the Australian government can be forced to commence a full, open and transparent public enquiry into the debacle of their own making. I like Malaysia immensely. However, it's growing ties to China and (ironically) Israel, is something I cannot remain silent on. If the Australian government will not play ball, I would like the relative safety of a UN Refugee designation as I fly to Qatar ASAP. Page 5 MAIN DOCUMENT INDEX PAGE 12.APPENDIX 1 - PASSPORT PAGES PAGE 23.APPENDIX 2 - WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DRIVERS LICENSE PAGE 24.APPENDIX 3 - STATEMENT OF ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT PAGE 26.APPENDIX 4 - NATIONAL POLICE CERTIFICATE PAGE 28.APPENDIX 5 - TRAVEL ROUTE/DIARY OF LAST THREE YEARS PAGE 116.APPENDIX 6 - FEARS FOR SAFETY - RETURN TO HOME COUNTRY PAGE 221.APPENDIX 7 - POST PRISON CHARGES PAGE 601.APPENDIX 8 - HIGH COURT SYNOPSIS PAGE 868.APPENDIX 9 - MY PRECISE ATTITUDE TO JEWISH ISSUES PAGE 913.APPENDIX 10 - SIGNED STATEMENT FROM TONY SAMI (TEWFIKALI SOUROUR) PAGE 937.APPENDIX 11 - MY FRIENDSHIP WITH ROGER REAVES PAGE 940.APPENDIX 12 - MEETING WITH DR KEVIN BARRETT, KUALA LUMPUR, JUNE 2019 Page 6 of 1018 PAGE 975 APPENDIX 13 - COMMUNICATING WITH COMMANDER | ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY PAGE 976.APPENDIX 14 - ASSAULT OUTSIDE 'COURT HOTEL' - PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 12 th , 2016 PAGE 996.APPENDIX 15 - SUSPICIOUS DEATH OF MY SISTER, JACQUELINE ANNE O'CONNELL PAGE 1003.APPENDIX 16 - CONTACTED BY ASSOCIATE OF STEVE BANNON - ANTHONY POULTER Page 7 of 1018 OVERVIEW, INTRODUCTION, GUIDE TO DOCUMENT This document is large. The case is detailed. A claimant to Refugee status from a first world country such as Australia, demands a high degree of supporting documentation. It is made up of 16 Appendices with supporting documentation and links to the internet and internal pages with the electronic PDF version. Discs containing electronic versions of the pdf are supplied as are versions of the document with the links "embedded" into the pdf document itself. This means no internet connection is required though the file is large. In high resolution, the PDF document is approximately 100MB. All versions are available online in redacted form. Only the printed version to the UNHCR is not redacted, to make sure private details, names and addresses are not leaked to the public. In short, a simple altercation at a Friends of Palestine rally on May 2 nd , 2009, turned into an international incident that continues to unfold, ten years on, which included three years in jail for "offending" the Perth Jewish community at a political rally in support of the Palestinian people. Previously - 2016/17 - the Iranian government saw fit to grant me asylum based initially on the United Nations Convention against Torture (UNCAT), though the process was never formally processed and completed. Before completion, I decided to leave due to the utterly bizarre behaviour of the Iranian lawyer assigned to me. Also, I was to work with government analysts at The Persian Gulf Studies Centre and it appeared the soul remit of the supposed "NGO" - staffed by government analysts - was to attack Saudi Arabia and the GCC all day. This I refused to do. The enemy is racist apartheid Israel - a powerful, viscous, racist attack dog in the region, whose sole purpose appears to be the testing of new weapons on Arabs for the Israeli Military Industrial Complex; as well as expanding its borders to fulfil Biblical prophecy of "Greater Israel". (See page 60) With the above in mind, it appears the Iranian government under the guidance of President ROHANI and foreign minister Javed ZARIF, have ably assisted Israel and the American neo-con movement in the breakup of Pan Arab nationalism. The Middle East is well on the way to the fulfilment of the Oded Yinon Plan and various other neo-con think tank documents. This includes The Project for the New American Century, which should be renamed, The Project for the New Israeli Century. If my words sound over the top, I urge you to read the well referenced information contained herein. I make a claim under UNCAT and "Membership of a particular social group" within the context of Article 1A (2) of the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees. As stated in UNHCR documentation on what constitutes a social group: "...a particular social group is a group of persons who share a common characteristic other than their risk of being persecuted, or who are perceived as a group by society. The characteristic will often be one which is innate, unchangeable, or which is otherwise fundamental to identity, conscience or the exercise of one's human rights." The possibility of "Internal Flight or Relocation Alternative" is not a viable alternative due to the clear federal government involvement in covering up the affair and refusing to liaise with me. The close Page 8 of 1018 personal relationships of Benjamin NETENYAHU with specific members of Australia's political class was unknown to me until very recently. (See page 145) It may be possible however, for a large body such as the UN to pressure the Australian Federal government to begin the process of a full and transparent investigation into what has gone on. If done, it would allow me some faith I could return to my home country with my criminal record cleared and a return to Nursing or similar health care vocation. There is still the matter of the vast corruption I have sought to expose in Western Australian and the ramifications to come. (See page 149) I have been exposing the Israeli states rampant institutionalised racial and religious supremacism, steeped in their religious texts of The Babylonian Talmud, Shulkan Aruk and Zohar/Kabala for twenty years. I have been exposing Israeli cyber technology domination for a similar time, as well as espionage by Israel and the subversion of United States institutions by the Israeli state in co-operation with the former Soviet Union and present-day Russia. (See page 54 & 601) In an unprecedented international incident, the Israeli state came out against me in the lead up to my trial by organising a "Friends of Israel" rally a week before the trial. No FOI rally had been held in my home state before. The main complainant in my case - Stanley Elliot KEYSER - was a key note speaker and I was reported by name as being the reason for the rally. This is criminal contempt of court and in international incident. (See page 467) I have utilised all means to bring closure to the entire debacle. I have found nothing but corruption, death threats, break ins, car brake line cutting, farcical trials and endless incompetence. I was placed in maximum security settings though classified a minimum-security prisoner. I was badly beaten unconscious and suffered a badly broken arm left untreated for a month. This was literal torture. It is all documented. (See page 119) I received enormous support privately from various officials including police, lawyers, military, prison officers, politicians. I was welcomed at the airport by Royal Malaysian Police on December 19, 2017 with the words, "You are always welcome in Malaysia Mr O'Connell. Relax!" I was approached by former congress woman Cynthia MCKINNEY with promises of assistance to gain permanent residency in Malaysia. She stated in email... "You have a body of work to be proud of." (See page 58) I have been approached by high profile political dissidents like Dr Kevin BARRET formerly of University of Wisconsin to assist with conferences in Malaysia. He meets with Russian intelligence in Iran. I refused to assist him. Interview on video. (Page 940) However, Malaysia is now an impossible place for me with the Malaysian governments clear goal of suppressing information on the extremely close Israel/China relationship. Given the previous 1MDB Page 9 of 1018 scandal by the Chinese Intelligence asset Low Taek JHO, aka "Joh Low", it is reasonable to assume a large swathe of the Malaysian business and political class are hopelessly compromised and in the pocket of the Chinese Communist Party, and Israel. The advanced social control technology used by China on its minority Uyghur Muslim population came from Israel. It was tested extensively on Palestinians. The Malaysian government is bending over backwards to ignore this for the sake of Chinese investment. Perhaps understandable - but perhaps not sustainable. The Malaysian government is reasonable in its concerns as to social cohesion in Malaysian society with a large Ethnic Chinese population. It is a difficult political situation for the Malaysian government. (See page 115) In conclusion, I have been critical of my own behaviour from very early on - on the record - in letters and audio-visual content. I have tried to seek the peace, but have found massive resistance. Lower level staff in the Australian foreign office have promised calls and interaction and never followed through. Top lawyers paid to facilitate my High Court appeal expressed over and over, on camera, how much they feared the Israeli state and their own personal safety. This is all recorded and contained within the document. I am ostracised from a normal dignified life. I cannot get work. I am constantly harassed by local and federal law enforcement with their desperate infantile charges. I have been rejected from attempts to gain entry to universities. All because I expose the VILE racial and religious supremacist state of Israel and its well documented activities you could hear about at a Professor Norman FINKELSTIEN talk
  19. but not in the highly controlled state of Western Australia. Where Jewish Power and Masonry reigns supreme. At the very least, a UN Refugee designation would allow me to fly, with some confidence, that warrants for my arrest cannot be acted upon. My current plan is to head to Qatar where asylum applications are accepted and the offices of Al Jazeera are located. I have received no official assistance from the Malaysian government excepting their approval of my return to Malaysia from New Zealand with a free air ticket. This I appreciate. Malaysia is in no political position to assist me with Israel and China dominating the region at this time and a Trump/Netanyahu/Adleson/AIPAC government in power in the United States, working with the Israeli state to drive Malaysia into the arms of China - and Israel. In 2018, then Sec.Def James MATTIS met with his Malaysian counter part re-affirming the close relationship between the US and Malaysia 1 . Prime minister MAHATHIR moved closer to Japan, ending corrupt Chinese Belt & Road contracts. When Mr. MATTIS resigned the TRUMP administration, Dr. MAHATHIR was rebuffed by TRUMP officials and Malaysia was forced back into the arms of China...and Israel...and The Belt & Road, which Israel heads. (See page 56) I must thank an endless number of ordinary people from all over the world who have supported me. Without their validation and financial support, I could not have continued. A special thank you to 1 Readout of Secretary of Defense James N. Mattis' Meeting with Malaysian Minister of Defense Mohamad Bin Sabu https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Releases/Release/Article/1644001/readout-of-secretarv-of-defense-iames-n-mattis- meeting-with-malavsian-minister/ Page 10 of 1018 "Magical Unicorn" whose considerable financial support enabled me to get offline and complete this document. Also, my landlord for two years, "Yannick". Finally, your consideration on this matter greatly appreciated. If a concerted, honest, UN attempt to assist me is made, I will follow instructions with regard discretion in the short term. Sincerely, Brendon Lee O'Connell October 26 th , 2019 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia THE REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN (1967) The heavily footnoted report concluded that peace was not in the interest of a stable society, that even if lasting peace "could be achieved, it would almost certainly not be in the best interests of society to achieve it." War was a part of the economy. Therefore, it was necessary to conceive a state of war for a stable economy. The government, the group theorized, would not exist without war, and nation states existed in order to wage war. War served the vital function of diverting collective aggression. They recommended "credible substitutes" and paying a "blood price" to emulate the economic functions of war. Prospective government-devised alternatives to war included reports of alien life-forms, the reintroduction of a "euphemized form" of slavery "consistent with modern technology and political processes", and - one deemed particularly promising in gaining the attention of the malleable masses - the threat of "gross pollution of the environment". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The Report from Iron Mountain "I'm not into Western morality, wage war the Jewish way. Kill men, women and children, destroy their holy sites." Rabbi Friedman of Chabad Lubavitch, New York. 2009 - During 'Operation Cast Lead', Gaza Close associate of Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu & Vladimir Putin Page 11 of 1018 APPENDIX 1: PASSPORT PAGES FOR BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL L Page 12 of 1018 Page 13 of 1018 ’1835189 '‘•MUWlKtlKsTl " K.L WTERNATinm, li A 1»1B1T36 /‘PHILIPPINES' § <1769> - £ ? i APR 3 0 2017 j , 7 ; MALAYSIA IMMIGRATION . K.L. INTERNATIONAL VISIT PASS Ref. 11, Imm. Refs., S3 18 NOV 2016 o ■ ■ ■ ’ ■ “ permitted to enter end remain <Jin West Malaysia end Sabah £<or ninety (SO) dey» on social visit only from ; the date shown above. g :iet£888£teicMi my^kurNMiSKfe cm MALAYSIA .MMI GBWION DEPA RTMENT^ o rtii (- V •NTERNATIOHAIL 7 j VISITS eta t — 1%t 0*1 1! ? it. « ^ 2 ,v. g,ijeiDavn above. v ufiMUMP Page 14 of 1018 EXIT VISA V i * , \6 / V\ / V>c>-
    » uijb

    r V’ Page 15 of 1018 B3543S5423543254385433543854B854B8548854^ MALAYSIA IMMIGRATION K.L. INTERNATIONAL VISIT PASS 11, Imm. Regs., 63 \ IoTJUN 2018

    - t • -n (t c t-'&.J < t- Permitted to enter end remain in West Malaysia and Sabah for ninety (90) days § t on social visit only from g <v',the date shown above. ...Tsasri^sBTsaBKagvsaairsafiwea^swtMi ... •,„n.049-O404O4C40*04O-(H0 n M ,GR*HON I"’ visa exemption a 1)1 S'JCIPTO 2018 Il8 3tt,vv '“T ., o> U' •ifW/HL
  20. . »*P»■’ / V?, 0 7 JM '13 IMMIGRATION INOONiWA VISA EXEMPTION ADI si ■J 0 V JUN 2818 «rr . «>«n 'V'eoeenr-ee^onr''V'' nr ..

    3 Permitted to enter and remain f in West Malaysia and Sob/iH | for ninety (90) day? 1 on social visit only from S the date shown above.



    B97B97B97B97B97B9/B97E s S MALAYSIA IMM K.L INTER l*crmitted K^ntorand remain ' in West fcfelayslo and Sabah for ninety (90) days visit only from the, rfale shown above. i6a/63i&ai6a46ai6946EU.6ai6ai60i6aiG3 L Page 16 of 1018 DO NOT STAMP THIS PAGE This document contains a contactles 1 to tho normal care and rospect afforded a trav please regard th as you would any other portable eloclj by ensuring that it does not i Ided or mutilated. Abuse may adversely affect ti of the chip and reduce its utility to the bearer a i to border personnel Page 17 of 1018 dGE A PUCE NE PAS APPOSER DE TAMPONS SUR CETTE PAGE it contient une puce d circuit integri sans contact, i-dire un disposilif elect/onique. Sjs des precautions d'usage, il convient de traiter locument comme tout autre disposilif eloctronique portablo e qu il ne soil ni mouille. ni pl»6. pndommaoe. Un usage negligent pent nuite eu bon ,IcuZZt de la puce e, en toduee tan pour le titulaire qoe pour les employes charges de ixfrontieres. Page 18 of 1018 Page 19 of 1018 Page 20 of 1018 Page 21 of 1018 PERSONAL DATA AND EMERGENCY CONTACT Please enter in pencil below your Australian residential address Please keep this information updated ±601 iolp'i of prolv^mQ) I. U)(v\ In case ol emergency, please notify the nearest Australian diplomatic mission or consulate or the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade consular emergency hotline on 461 2 6261 3305 I authorise DFAT to notify the emergency contact as detailed below Name--- Telephone_ ANYONE FINDING THIS DOCUMENT IS REQUESTED TO HAND IT TO THE NEAREST AUSTRALIAN PASSPORT OFFICE, AUSTRALIAN DIPLOMATIC MISSION, CONSULATE, OR LOCAL POLICE STATION. Page 22 of 1018 APPENDIX 2: WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DRIVERS LICENSE O'CONNELL BRENDON LEE 55 CENTRAL AVE MAYLANDS WA 6051 EXPIRY DATE 30 Mar 2016 CLASS wmmmm DATE OF BIRTH 27 Oct 1970 Page 23 of 1018 APPENDIX 3: STATEMENT OF ACADEMIC RECORD Tsl '09) 273 303': DATE! 08/07/93 COURSE : 310 BACHELOR OF NURSING COURSE COMPLETED 08/07/96 UNIT CODE UNIT TITLE YEAR/SEMESTER RESULT AUS1103 Sense ot Society (Sociology) 92/1 N Fail AUS1103 Sense ct Society (Sociology) 92/2 c+ 66 Pass MNT111Q Nursing Theory 1 82/1 c 51 Pass MSP1110 Nursing Practice 1 92/1 c 58 P-3 S S NST1101 Nursing Studies 1 92/1 c 57 Pass SCN1110 Health Science 1. 92/1 c+ 63 Pass NNT1210 Nursing Theory 2 92/2 c+ 60 Pass NSP1210 Nursing Practice 2 92/2 N 48 Fail MSP1210 Nursing Practice 2 93/1 C-f 65 Pass NST1102 Nursing Studies 2 92/2 c 58 Pass 3CN1210 Health Science 2 92/2 c 55 Pass BHS1101 Introduction to the Study oT Behaviour 93/1 c* 46 Pass (Conceded) NST2203 Nursing Studies 3 93/1 B 74 Credit PHI1100 Critical Thinking 93/1 w Withdrawn PHI1100 Critical Thinking 93/2 N 36 Fail SCN2310 Rea 11h Science 3 93/1 C 56 Pass ADS1151 Addiction Studies: r undamental Concepts 93/2 c+ 64 Pass NNT231G Nursing Theory 3 93/2 c+ 64 Pass NSP2310 Nursing Practice 3 93/2 P Ungraded Pass NNS2101 Nursing Science 1 94/1 c 57 Pass NNS2401 Nursing Science 2 94/1 C-F 63 Pass NNT2410 Nursing Theory 4 94/1 c+ 65 Pass NSP2410 Nursing Practice 4 94/1 P Ungraded Pass NST2204 Nursing Studies 4 94/1 c 53 Pass NMI3101 Nursing Issues 1 94/2 w Withdrawn ' 'N13101 Nursing Issues 1 95/1 c 53 Pass NNS3501 Nursing Science 3 94/2 w Withdrawn NNS3501 Nursing Science 3 95/1 c 57 Pa s s NNT3510 Nursing Theory 5 94/2 w Withdrawn NNT3510 Nursing Theory 5 95/1 c 50 Pass VSP3510 Nursing Practice 5 94/2 w Mithdrawn USP3510 Nursing Practice 5 95/1. p Ungraded Pass ■3T3305 Nursing Studies 5 -4 ,' 2 w Withdrawn • iST3305 Nursing Studies 5 9 5/ 1 6 74 Credit •4NI3102 Nursing Issues 2 95/2 c 52 Pass NNI3603 Nursing Issues 3 95/2 !“ 73 Credit NNT3610 Nu rsing Theory 6 85/2 c+ 67 Pass ;;SP3610 Nursing Practice 6 95/2 p Ungraded Pas; NST3606 Nursing Studies 6 95/2 M 48 Fail C 0 N T I N U E D 0 N N E X T P A G E ISSUED WITHOUT ALTERATIONS OR ERASURES SEE OVER FOR LEGENDS AND EXPLANATORY NOTE hum 362/10/94 EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY CHURCHLANDS CAMPUS .Pears'on Street, Churchlsnds WA 6018 STATEMENT OF ACADEMIC RECORD 0821127 Mr Brendon Lee O'CONNELL Unit 7/4 Waterway Court 3 CHURCHLANDS 6018 Page 24 of 1018 EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY CHURCHLANDS CAMPUS Pearson Street, Churchlands WA 6018 STATEMENT OF ACADEMIC RECORD 0921127 Mr Brendon Lee O'CONNELL Unit 7/4 Waterway Court CHURCHLANDS 6018 DATE •'O' •UURSE: 310 BACHELOR OF NURSING COURSE COMPLETED 08/07/96 UNIT CODE UNIT TITLE YEAR/SEMESTER RESULT N3T3606 Nu rsing SEMESTER AVERAGE END OF RECORD — Studies 6 = 58.00 COURSE AVERAGE = ANY INFORMATION AFTER THIS LINE : S INVALID ISSUED WITHOUT ALTERATIONS OR ERASURES SEE OVER FOR LEGENDS AND EXPLANATORY NOT! ■Ill 362/10/94 Page 25 of 1018 APPENDIX 4: NATIONAL POLICE CERTIFICATE NATIONAL POLICE CERTIFICATE AFP Ref: 3993647PC Client Ref: 12 February 2018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL CHINA TOWN INN, 52-54 JALAN PETALING KUALA LUMPUR KUALA LUMPUR 50000 MALAYSIA Australian Federal Police Criminal Records Locked Bag 8550 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6140 6502 ABN 17 864 931 143 Standard Disclosure All recorded unspent offences released Name Check Only This is to certify that the following disclosable court outcomes are recorded against the name of: O'CONNELL, Brendon Lee born on 27 October 1970 Court Court Date Offence Court Result Perth District Court Of Western Australia 18 Nov 2016 Threaten To Kill Pending charge. No appearance. Warrant issued. Perth Magistrates Court 28 Oct 2016 Disorderly Behaviour In Public Pending charge. No appearance. Warrant issued. Perth Magistrates Court 28 Oct 2016 Prohibition Of Publication Or Communication Of Private Conversations Or Activities Pending charge. No appearance. Warrant issued. Perth District Court 22 Mar 2016 Use Carriage Service To Menace/Harass/Offend Convicted. Released on entering recognizance self $1,000 to be of good behaviour for 2 months. Perth District Court Of Western Australia 31 Jan 2011 Conduct Intended To Incite Racial Animosity Or Racial Hatred (4 Charges) On each charge: Imprisonment for 2 years concurrent. Perth District Court Of Western Australia 31 Jan 2011 Conduct Intended To Incite Racial Animosity Or Racial Hatred Imprisonment for 2 years cumulative. Perth District Court Of Western Australia 31 Jan 2011 Conduct Likely To Racially Harass Imprisonment for 12 months. ♦Total: Imprisonment for 3 years. Perth Magistrates Court 15 Jun 2010 Disorderly Behaviour In Public Conditional release order for 12 months with $1,500 undertaking. Perth Magistrates Court 27 Apr 2010 Obstructing Public Officers Fined $500. Perth Magistrates Court 10 Feb 2010 Breach Of Bail Undertaking Fined $500. Perth District Court Of Western Australia 27 Aug 2003 Prohibited Plant Cultivate With Intent Imprisonment for 2 years. Sentence suspended for 2 years. ,* I Tho infnrmatinn rnritainoH in thic Hnnimont ic valiH ac at Hate Hicnlowarl Page 26 of 1018 N I NATIONAL POLICE CERTIFICATE AFP Ref: 3993647PC Client Ref: 12 February 2018 Australian Federal Police Criminal Records Locked Bag 8550 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6140 6502 ABN 17 864 931 143 in the records of the Australian Federal Police and the police in all Australian States and Territories as at 09 January 2018. This document is not issued as a form of identification. Authorised by: fe- Co-ordinator Criminal Records Thp> i.nfnrmptinn caDiain&d. i.n thi.c .doa imjanl is va.li.d.ac at dalA rlicnlAvort.
  21. Having been enmeshed in never ending court battles, police raids, malicious prosecutions, endless court delays, I decided to leave the country and seek asylum in either Malaysia or Iran. Alternatively, my first choice was that the Australian government cease and desist from the political witch hunt they were engaged in, disguised as a series of criminal prosecutions. This decision was on or around, early October 2016 after a court date. On that court date they delayed-again-sentencingfor a "threatto kill" charge. They demanded (another) psychiatric evaluation. It was my understanding they were having difficulty getting a psychiatrist to do the evaluation - such was the notoriety of the case.
  22. From 2005 to the present day, I have been involved in publicly discussing the Israeli high technology sector and its technology domination world-wide; illegal U.S technology transfers to both Russia and China; the particulars of Israeli espionage and the particulars of an Australian Jew, Mr. Leon WENDE - former Israeli Defence Force and most likely current Israeli military intelligence and graduate of either the elite Israeli Unit 8200 or Talpiot program - or both.
  23. The particulars of Mr. Leon Wende are more fully explained on page 604 of my High Court Synopsis, "Leon Wende-Collins Class Submarine and Other Military/Civilian Contracts." An addition to the end of this appendix.
  24. I was trying to see the current round of legal process's through. But I had had enough. I realised they were never going to stop delaying proceedings for as long as possible to keep me off the internet 2 .
  25. I had received $17,000 several months previously from criminal compensation for my assault in jail. I gave most to my family and paid many bills accumulated. I had to borrow $3000 to leave the country and await being paid back by my sister who was in dire financial trouble at the time.
  26. I bought my ticket and hotel accommodation at a travel agent in the suburb of Mt Lawley, Perth, Western Australia. It included a return ticket.
  27. Prior to this I had gone to the Malaysian consulate and let them know what I planned to do. They were fully aware of my case. I asked for a temporary protection visa. They stated this was not necessary and I should simply use the 90-day tourist visa to relax and decide what I wanted to do.
  28. I left Perth on the afternoon of 24 th October, 2016 after signing into a police station as part of my bail conditions. ARRIVING KUALA LUMPR, MALAYSIA
  29. I arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia the same day and booked into the Hotel Istana.
  30. I prepared paper work and went to the Iranian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. I found out that there were recent changes to Iranian entry visa requirements. This meant that as an Australian, I did not need to apply for a visa beforehand. I was told simply to fly directly to Tehran and apply at the airport as was now normal for certain countries. The man seemed to know who I was and shook my hand smiling and said, "Good luck."
  31. I had met a Dutch/Australian man through a mutual friend in Perth, WA. He worked in Kuala Lumpur, it was suggested I ring him and catch up. We did and I was invited to a birth day party. It was his Malaysian girlfriends' sister in law. His girlfriend went by the name of "Gloria". 2 Appendix 8 "Sentencing Submissions" Page 265 Page 30 of 1018
  32. It was Gloria's brother's wife who was having the birthday. We shared the same birthday, October 27 th , 1970. They told me over food that their next-door neighbour was Malaysian military intelligence. They explained that Israel was dominating technology. I replied, "Really! Well! What a coincidence. I write a lot about that." They invited me out for a bike ride and exclaimed their anger at Malaysia's notorious corruption.
  33. I thanked them for their hospitality but did not catch up with them and flew onto Iran. I did however catch up with Gloria several times when I returned from Iran. She had an uncanny ability to contact me when I was highly stressed. I have no doubt, absolutely no doubt, I was being listened in on 24/7. Either through listening devices in the apartment, or via mobile phones which are notoriously easy to compromise.
  34. Gloria also told me her brother and sister in-law were members of the Catholic religious order Opus Dei. Intelligence recruit heavily from that order. I was not interested in getting mixed up with infantile secret society type organisations. I am geared towards clear, open, concise, transparent, adult conversation and action. ARRIVING TEHRAN - FRIST TRIP
  35. I arrived in Tehran on November 2 nd 2016. I travelled straight from the airport to hotel Firouzeh, in South Tehran, near the foreign ministry.
  36. I walked into the foreign ministry on Saturday 5 th of November. There were holidays when I arrived. I had assorted paperwork with me and asked for political asylum. I spoke with a pleasant government official. We had tea/chai. He asked me who I thought would win the upcoming US elections. I replied, "Trump." He agreed. We spoke for about thirty minutes. He shook my hand and told me to return to the hotel and someone would call me soon.
  37. I was running out of money and had been speaking with Iran Press TV senior international correspondent Hamid FARRAJOLAHI. He sent a friend to exchange cash for me and get me a SIM card which meant I could walk around the city using Google Maps.
  38. On November 10, the Iranian foreign ministry called me and confirmed an appointment for the 15 th of November, 2016.
  39. Around mid-day on the 15 th November, 2016, a Mr. JAVED came to the hotel Firouzeh and we sat in the dining room. His English was ok - just. My Farsi was non-existent. We talked over basic matters. He told me I had political asylum 3 . Please remember, I was known to the Iranian government from my hunger strike in jail in 2012 through Iran Press TV contacts. 3 Diary Entry, Political asylum - Page 69 Page 31 of 1018
  40. He asked for all the documents I had. He seemed particularly excited about the police raid video's I had with me. I had some difficulty conveying Farsi for "submarine" when trying to describe how I first began this journey back in 2005. At the end of the debrief he asked me, "Are you happy here?" I replied, "Yes, it's ok." With that he shook my hand and said he would get back to me.
  41. It was then I realised I should have asked for assistance with accommodation. I only had five days of money left.
  42. I called Hamid Far raj o 11 a h i of Press TV and he was happy they had given me asylum. He asked if they were looking after me, finding me a place to live etc. I said "No." I had no idea what was going on and I was running out of money. That was when Hami exploded with his frustrations with Iran. He stated Iran was a third world country. The right hand did not know what the left was doing. Iran Press TV were incompetent and he had not been paid for two months while working in Berlin. He said they had probably embezzled the money.
  43. It should be noted that Iran had treated many activists badly with the new government of ROUHANI and ZARIF. Many who had fought hard to promote Iran were being told they could not get a visa. One was told Iranian officials thought they were a spy.
  44. I was to share a room with activist Ken O'KEEFE and Mark GLENN some time in 2014 after I got out of jail. Mark was told he was refused a visa and that meant I would not be going either. I was devastated as was Mark. I felt totally betrayed after the incredible fight I had put up including jail for three years. The Iranian government is known for it's fickle attitude to foreigners.
  45. After Hamid's tirade I decided to leave Iran. I could not stand the uncertainty. I was also worried about my personality clashing with Iran. I was worried they would try to overtly control me and manipulate me. This is exactly what ended up happening on my second trip. RETURNING TO KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA
  46. I booked a ticket with some difficulty and flew back to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on November 18, 2016.1 stayed at the China Town Inn, China Town, KL. 27 After two days back in Malaysia I received a call from David (Homayoun) T. LASHGARI. A lawyer out of Atlanta/Marietta, Georgia, USA. He is an ethnic Iranian American. He apologised to me and stated, "this is not how things are done in Iran." He asked me to get immediately on a Page 32 of 1018 plane back to Tehran which I did. I wrote a letter addressed to the Iranian foreign minister ZARIF explaining the situation and took it with me. RETURNING TO IRAN
  47. I arrived back in Tehran on Friday 25 th of November, 2016. 29 It took three hours to get through border security and obtain a visa. They were very busy. Packed with Swiss and German tourists and students as well as many Chinese business people who went through another door.
  48. I was greeted at the airport by two females and two males. Mid 20's. Limited English. I was surprised when I got in the car. I was handed a full to the brim plastic cup of vodka. The driver yelled out very loudly, "No freedom!" I was so shocked I looked around for camera's in the car. I thought, "Is this a test? Is Iranian intelligence watching?" I decided in the interests of international relations I would drink the vodka. It was 2 degrees Celsius outside and I was in a thin cotton long sleeve shirt from balmy KL, Malaysia.
  49. David, the lawyer, could not be in Iran at this time and would follow later when his affairs in the U.S were finished. He would handle my asylum application when he got to Tehran in the next month or so. 32 I was driven to a house in a nice part of Tehran. I am not sure where. This was the house of David LASHGARI's sister, Shokat LASHGARI. She was very nice and we got on very well. Her English was reasonable. She had been a high school teacher, now retired. I met a child psychiatrist while I was there. Very interesting. We talked about mental health issues in Iran, PTSD in soldiers from the Iran/Iraq war and Iran's gathering drug problem. 33 After three days David rang and instructed me to go a real estate friend of his in Tehran where I would receive money and organise a bus ticket to Khansar, Iran. Home of the foreign minister Javed ZARIF. TRAVELLING TO KHANSAR, IRAN
  50. I arrived in Khansar, Iran on 29 th November by bus. I stayed with the lawyer's other sister, Zeeba LASHGARI. Zeeba's son worked in Zurich in Swiss banking. Zeeba, like her sister was in her early 70's. David was in his early 50's.
  51. Zeeba was well travelled. Entertaining. Well read. Looked after me very well. But she appeared to be suffering a slight dementia. She asked me if I would go to Syria to fight. I replied, "Urn, no, but I would work in some sort of medical field. I guess I would have to learn Arabic as well as Farsi now?" I laughed it off. She was serious. She asked me to convert to Islam repeatedly. This I found annoying and insulting to both myself and Islam. As if conversion to a religious faith - a very personal thing - was what appeared, a political convenience.
  52. Zeeba would tell me with no notice we would be travelling. I had asked to remain stable and have access to the internet. I had been offline for two years except for a few days in Kuala Lumpur. I had obligations to people back in Perth, Western Australia to do with corruption in the state. This, I could not fulfil without an internet connection. 37 We travelled variously by bus and car to Tehran, then to a house on the Caspian Sea. Then, I was suddenly sent back to Tehran, then back to Khansar. I complained to David about this, he stated his sister may be suffering complications from heavy cortico-steroid usage for her asthma. Regardless, I enjoyed her company and was well looked after.
  53. I was keen to learn Farsi, meet people, begin attacking Israel along the lines of it's racial and religious supremacism and high technology theft and illegal transfer of that technology to China and Russia - without realising the close relationship Iran had to both countries. 39 The owner of the apartment block I was staying in was a very nice man. Zeeba LASHGARI rented the apartment off him - or her son did. He was based in Zurich, Switzerland, in banking. Page 33 of 1018 40 The apartment block owner and his family invited me for tea and food often. No one knew much English. He ran the telecommunications network. It was clear as I walked for exercise, I was followed. When Zeeba LASHGARI went to Switzerland and left me in the apartment, she would call and ask what I was doing? I was walking. I found this disturbing. Perhaps there were things my naive self was unaware of in the region? Regardless, it appeared I was closely watched. MOVING BACK TO TEHRAN TO STAY WITH LAWYER
  54. David LASHGARI arrived in Tehran in mid-December. I was in Khansar. I travelled to see him and stay with him and prepare the paper work for asylum. 42 David was in a well to do area, a northern suburb of Tehran. Not far from the well-known suburb of Tajrish. The old palace of The Shah was at the bottom of the street.
  55. David T. LASHGARI told me he had been sent to America when he was 13 for study, just before the revolution. He stated his family were well known and his father was with former president Rafsanjani when they both went to see The Shah to inform him they were siding with Ayatollah Khomeini.
  56. I was shown an apartment block owned by Zeeba LASHGARI's son who worked in banking in Zurich, Switzerland. It was enormous and situated under Milat Tower. It was clearly worth many millions of dollars. I realised David LASHGARI's family knew the foreign minister ZARIF. 45 I suspected Zeeba LASHGARI ran errands of some kind for Iranian intelligence to Switzerland. Switzerland and Germany are very close to Iran. 46 Here is an email from the 12 th of December 2016 from David LASHGARI while he was still in the US. I had emailed previously I was not happy with the arrangements - being shoved from one city to another. Limited internet access. I will quote the email in full. It shows plainly I have asylum - which I had been told verbally on my first trip - but are waiting for paperwork. LASHGARI had removed the original email - it was clear I was extremely unhappy with the arrangements. I had spent years gagged and unable to speak plainly in Australia - and now I was finding the same in Iran. Though Edward SNOWDEN may be happy to make a hypocrite of himself by complaining about conditions in the US, then seek refuge in a country that is vastly worse - I was not prepared to do it. lawlash <[email protected]> ft RE: I Dont Know If I Can Stay David Brendon O'Connell <meeting@bocrocks> # Yes. I know you have been through a lot during the past nine (9). I have represented i to operate as a RICO enterprise (Racheteering Influenced Corrupt Organization). My c< as its, "legal conclusion" was later framed with having committed.
  57. Please stop writing anything I do not need anything now. I am familiar with PTSD.
  58. JUST try to workout and see if you find a good swimming pool to swim. The worst c and then to the County seat, Gol-paa-ye-gaan. I think you should get out more often t should know many KA-BAA-BEEZ (the kabab eatery places) in Tehran on their banner s 12/12/2016 Yes. I know you have been through a lot during the past nine (9). I have represented clients framed by LAPD - Los Angeles Police Department, proven in court to operate as a RICO enterprise (Racheteering Influenced Corrupt Organization). My colleague who successfully forced a federal court to make the above finding as its, "legal conclusion" was later framed with having committed.
  59. Please stop writing anything I do not need anything now. I am familiar with PTSD.
  60. JUST try to workout and see if you find a good swimming pool to swim. The worst case scenario would be hopefully taking a taxi or minibus once every now and then to the County seat, Gol-paa-ye-gaan. I think you should get out more often to see both Khounsaar well and the surrounding areas. By the way, you should know Page 34 of 1018 many KA-BAA-BEEZ (the kabab eatery places) in Tehran on their banner sign hanging from top of storefront claim to be "ka-baa-beh Gol-paa-yeh-gaa-nee." :)
  61. You have to understand that your temporary living situation, I have been told, is only temporary. The most important thing you need to remember that due to the emergency situation and they not be used to fasttracking such cases, one criteria to find a living quarter for you that was not used was wether the people around you are of progressive and informative group :) In fact the luck of the draw, or lack thereof, I believe has landed you on the other side of the political spectrum.
  62. Hopefully, in future, when you get your more permanent place, you have total freedom in finding the place and neighborhood that you want.
  63. You can write about anything you want. I think you would soon realize that there is much diversity in mainstream media in Iran than in US. I don't know anything about Australia. So. you can write in anyway you please; however, I was just giving you a viewpontjoconcerning PR and attempt to market the brand in a strategic manner. 6 Credibility is very serious. Please read some his stuff in depth. Do you totally agree 100% with the last 10 documents he has published on the Internet. Do some those that you do not approve of, sound really farfetched and unhinged? There are a lot of credible progressive organization that when you publish the 3rd or 4th draft of your document with them with your name on it, you will even gain more PR.
  64. We will talk more Give me a call. Full email page 74 47 Later, David made sure I was well looked after. I met people from the university, Press TV and a NGO called The Persian Gulf Studies Centre run by Mr. PARSAPOUR. This was at a very nice restaurant in Tehran. Most of the night the complaints were about Saudi and the GCC. It was here that I began to learn that Iran hates Saudi far more than it hates Israel. And vice versa, under the Rouhani government. THEN PRESIDENT MAMOUD ARMEDINEJAD SEEKS UNITY BETWEEN SUNNI AND SHIA - 2013? I had no idea how large the split had become when I arrived in Iran.
  65. I liked Mr. PARSAPOUR very much though he spoke no English and I spoke no Farsi. We just

    seemed to click. Two other people were involved with the PGSC, (Mr. M. Rezaei) I got along with them well also. It was clear they were 'government analysts' (Intelligence) and I forced a confession out of lawyer David LASHGARI on this point. I was to assist with promotion of their website and political analysis. I presumed also, to help them with English. -Original message- From: lawlash <[email protected]> Date: 1/11/17 11:01 AM (GMT+03:30) Page 35 of 1018 To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Request for meeting To: Mr. Tahami Reference to telephonic conferences of yesterday and today between Mr. Bardia Honarvar and Mr. Rouzbeh Parsapour of Persian Gulf Strategic Studies Center, this is a request for a meeting. Mr. Brendon O'Connell, a pro-Palestinian Australian political activist who was imprisoned for 3 years in Australia for his BDS activities is also with us outside of PressTv lobby now. David T. Lashgari, Esq. Attorney at Law Mr. Brendon O'Connell's passport number: David (Homayoun) Lashgari code melli: §mm| My cell number: 0912 Mr. Parsapour cell number: 0912 Full email page 73

    , 49. My main aim was to highlight my case and force the Australian government to acknowledge what they had done, especially the incredible incident where the Israeli state came out in support of the claimant in my case, Stanley Elliot KEYSER at a 'Friends of Israel' rally in August of
  66. David stated, "I am not trained in things like that." It was clear they wanted my asylum, and asylum only. At this stage relations with the Obama administration were good. The NYT were sponsoring tourist packages to Iran. Sec. State John KERRY was on very good terms with foreign minister ZARIF. I was contacted by a high-level Facebook employee. She was in her early sixties. I did not respond to her friend request. David was extremely annoying and it soon became evident he was on drugs. I suspect a stimulant like Adderall - amphetamine - commonly prescribed to children with ADD. He would talk continuously when I was obviously trying to edit video. I was to get a job at Press TV and we were doing projects to show off my amateur video editing skills. I worked extensively in night clubs whilst studying for my Nursing degree. I have taken amphetamines and I know how people appear on them. I worked in emergency departments and handled drug addicts. Drug and alcohol rehab has always interested me, including prison reform. It was obvious he was drug affected. Absolutely no doubt. It disturbed me; this was Iran. I continually moved the subject onto Israel and going after them on their domination of high technology and theft of American high technology to sell and supply to Russia and China. David showed little interest. He appeared only interested in Saudi and the GCC. He loved videos of the Houthi rebels fighting in Yemen. He said Iran was supplying them with weapons. 50 .
  67. Page 36 of 1018
  68. David would rub my back. I found this very creepy. He would tell me I was traumatised. Needed to relax. He would say I would be having a wonderful life in Iran. A beautiful wife.
  69. David clearly read books on amateur psychology and manipulating people. I have been deeply involved in mental health and varying psychological approaches to healing since the age of 22, especially the works of carl Gustav JUNG, James HILLMAN and many others. His amateur psychology techniques were again, creepy, and extremely annoying.
  70. We filmed in varying places including at the head of the Rafsanjani funeral procession and on Rachael CORRIE street near the Australian Embassy in Tehran. This was meant to be practise for employment at Iran Press TV.
  71. I looked David T. LASHGARI up online and found he had a terrible reputation as an "ambulance chasing" lawyer. He appeared short of money despite his seeming internationalist lifestyle. I was pleased to have found this information as it re-enforced my first instinct about the man
  72. "bullshit artist". I began to see why so many people we met in Tehran did not seem to like him. I became friends with friends of his family, they told me stories about him and his greed with regards money. Judge Posner Rips Litigant A New One, Calls His Brief 'Pathetic' https://abovethelaw.com/2014/03/iudge-posner-rips-litigant-a-new-one-calls-his-brief-pathetic/ https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/david-LASHGARI/marietta-georgia-30067/david-LASHGARI-mv-familv-i- are-victim-marietta-georgia-713086 http://mywrecklawyer.com/ https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/david-LASHGARI-at-law/marietta-georgia-30Q67/david-LASHGARI-at- law-david-LASHGARI-he-is-fraud-and-a-scame-artist-marietta-georgia-700178 The Committee to Expose Dishonest and Incompetent Judges, Attorneys and Public Officials http://www.noethics.net/News/index.php?option=com content&view=article&id=7361:-attorney-david- LASHGARI-of-marietta-ga-moronic-loser-<emid=100 Page 37 of 1018
  73. While filming with the PGSC at the apartment in mid-January, David made an admission to me that was startling and I felt immediately I knew what was going on. I had known about the giant China led (really Israeli) Belt & Road Initiative linking Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. But how it all came together in the Middle East conflict and Israel's high technology "juggernaut" status was not clear to me, but now it was. David said to me, "Look, we (Iran) will be handling 'The Stans' 4 in the future. It's a big deal." I had wanted to reply, "Have you asked the Pashtun of the region about being 'handled' by Iran?" I said nothing. Because I realised what was going on and why this clique of Iranians were fighting me tooth and nail to leave Israel and it's high technology sector out of the equation - Israel was leading the Belt & Road with high technology it was supplying Russia and China - Iran was benefiting from high tech obtained from Israel by Russia and China. Israel was and is, deep in bed with both major BRI nations. Iran was being used to break up pan Arab nationalism and fracture the Middle East into a thousand pieces that Israel could easily control as per The Oded Yinon Plan and A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. Iranian forces under the Rouhani government were assisting Israel, not fighting Israel. They were promoting the giant Israeli military based high technology sector, which, without a formidable enemy, could not be justified. The Iranian threat kept the highly diverse Israel population in lock step as it did with the Iranian general population. The ongoing wa destroying the state and ensuring the Assad Benjamin Netanyahu's best friend Vladimir Putin. Iranian proxy forces on the borders of Saudi ensured the Saudi Arabian government could be pushed into an overt or covert co¬ operation deal with Israel and more weapons could be sold by both the Israeli and Russian military industrial complex - as is now being discussed with both Saudi and Turkey. The disaster of continual war and terror in the Middle East ensured an easily managed, highly fractured Muslim population that would not resist the expansion of Israeli borders to Greater Israel, allowing the Israeli state to take its preeminent role as technological, cultural and crossing point of the enormous pan Eurasian/African trading block. I said nothing, decided I was in no position to quibble and besides, I did not know for sure the exact nature of what was going on and I did not have the money to leave. Besides, I liked the PGSC guys and I saw an opportunity to change their minds and influence them. A chance like this was a once in a life time opportunity.
  74. David admitted the same day, the reason Iran Press TV did not go after Israel on its racial and religious supremacism, based in The Talmud and Orthodox Judaism, was because when they did, they lost their satellite for two years. I asked him who owned the satellite? He said, "Its an Israeli satellite." I replied, "Are you kidding?" He replied, "They are probably all Israeli!"
  75. David's behaviour became more and more erratic. One minute he was vague and distant. I would ask him a question; he would simply walk away. A few hours later he would come out of his room or return from an outing bounding with energy! You could not shut him up. I was to learn later from Iranians who contacted me that Tehran has a major drug problem. Both methamphetamine and heroin.
  76. We attended an interview at passport and border control, LASHGARI interpreting. Col. Houssine and one other man spoke. After three hours he exclaimed that I appeared "sane" to • in Syria was a blessing for Israel, completely regime was kept under lock and key with 4 Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan... Page 38 of 1018 him. He had received a letter from the Australian Consulate in Iran stating there was a mentally ill Australian man on the loose in Iran. This is a typical official correspondence from the Australian government. Despite - at least -10 official psychiatric reviews over the last five years, I was constantly labelled mentally ill despite every mental health interaction being deemed positive and told I was merely under stress. This is the standard response from Australian authorities - they never deviate because they are utterly incompetent embarrassing liars and fraudsters. Col. Hosseini promised to assist me in every way. Both men hugged me and thanked me for defending the Palestinians.
  77. We completed asylum paperwork. I had done most of the work. We just organised it together. Made copies. David wrote a cover letter to foreign minister Javed Zarif. 5
  78. David left for a few days to Isfahan to see his girlfriend. It was a blissful two days with him gone. He returned and I accompanied them all to Imam Khomeini airport to see them off on a trip to Kuala Lumpur. She was very attractive, half his age. She was in tourism. She had never been out of the country and travelled with her mother. David LASHGARI's relationship to her appeared distant, strange.
  79. Its clear LASHGARI forms some sort of low-end intelligence "gopher" role to either the US or Iran. I suspect the US. Perhaps Israel. His "mentor" is an Orthodox Jewish lawyer back in Georgia, USA. He never tried to hide this from me.
  80. We began to make video's featuring members of the PGSC, their mission and goals. It was all spoken in Farsi, I never did edit it. David LASHGARI made a fool of himself in his behaviour while filming. I would look at Mr. PARSAPOUR, Mr. PARSAPOUR would look at me, and we would roll our eyes.
  81. I exploded at David LASHGARI twice in front of people. His distant and moody behaviour. Ignoring my conversation while insisting I listen to his every word. His total disinterest in Israel and it's high technology sector. Twice I warned him, if his Iranian handlers did not show an interest in Israel and insisted I go after Saudi Arabia and the GCC, I would leave Iran and publicly embarrass them.
  82. At one stage I asked for $5000USD and I would leave and say nothing, returning to Kuala Lumpur after clearly having my time wasted by a drug addict, ambulance chasing con artist and his foreign ministry clique of intelligence handlers.
  83. I was admittedly quite stressed. Having experienced a profound degree of PTSD to the point I was having panic attacks coming out of jail. Would find my face would twitch, my eyes blink uncontrollably and jaw open and close as if to speak but nothing would come out. I was looking for some stability in Iran. Ultra conservative Iran? Of course, I will find stability there? All I found was illegal drug and alcohol use, a creepy immigration lawyer and seeming incompetence. This made me extremely uncomfortable given my situation and my status as "guest" of a nation state in a war footing with its neighbours.
  84. The last ten years had been bizarre enough in Australia, all I could think of was, "what next?"
  85. Finally, by mid-January 2017, I was ready to leave. I had $300 left. I did not want to be put in the position of attacking Sunni Saudi Arabia and the GCC and assisting with the Israeli led Belt & Road Initiative.
  86. I would have to get someone to buy a plane ticket for me. Just then, David LASHGARI told me I had permission to organise a conference in Iran on the Israeli high technology sector and the implications for the world and in particular the Israeli/U.S alliance. Something I wanted to break, as did many other high-profile people including retired high-level intelligence and Pentagon people. 5 Lashgari Letter To Iranian Foreign Minister page 71 Page 39 of 1018 70 Here is the video I recorded before leaving Iran. It is a good video that explains a lot of what has gone on and indicates the level things have been operating at: https://archive.org/details/tehranconferencesupportbdsisraelihightechnologvexportsisraelispying72 0 £ CONTACTING DR ALAN SABROSKY - US ARMY WAR COLLEGE DIRECTOR OF STUDIES
  87. I contacted Dr Alan SABROSKY, former Col. USMC Retired. Director of Studies, US Army War College for five years. He was one of the first high profile DOD people to state that Israel did 911 for the purposes of enacting the Israeli Oded Yinon Plan and "neo-con" think tank documents such as A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. This is more than re-shaping the Middle East for the benefit of Israel, it is about re shaping the Middle East to facilitate the $20 trillion "Belt & Road Initiative" economic development plan over a thirty- year period, unfolding as we speak. Israel will be at the centre of the project linking Asia, Europe and Africa. Israel is stealing US high technology at an overwhelming rate to supply Russia and China with the technology is needs. Facilitating the rise of Donald Trump is a part of that plan. This is the discussion I wished to implement as when I raised it I saw with my own eyes the absolute panic in the Israeli state as I sought to introduce this type of material into my high-profile trial.
  88. Dr Sabrosky was very interested and suggested we get moving. I began making a publicity video. At the same time, we were to go to the Iranian passport and border control office and extend my visa to 90 days while the Iranian foreign ministry considered my asylum application.
  89. All the while, David LASHGARI's behaviour became more and more erratic, showing signs of extreme fatigue and then appearing bouncy and talkative one hour later.
  90. On the Thursday night before appearing at border control offices in Tehran, LASHGARI appeared completely intoxicated. Mumbling to himself. Laughing. Unable to peel a carrot. Grossly unsteady on his feet. He had been to South Tehran that morning and I suspected he had bought heroin. Page 40 of 1018 75 On the Friday morning while in the taxi going to the passport office, I confronted LASHGARI about his drug taking. He denied it, like a child accused of stealing cookies. He was a poor liar. 76 Whilst at the offices LASHGARI contradicted himself on an issue and I exploded at him and his erratic, and illegal behaviour. I could not believe it was possible I could have been lumped with such a self-evident piece of contradictory garbage.
  91. I took my passport back. I was then 31 days over visa. I did not care. I went back to the apartment and booked into a hostel near Tehran University and waited to fly out Tuesday 31 st January to Kuala Lumpur.
  92. I had managed to secure $300 off David LASHGARI via a ATM card he had given me. 79 He had no idea that I was leaving the country, just that I was sick of being around him. 80 At the Imam Khomeini airport, I expected to pay a hefty fine of around $300AUD. The border control agents insisted I return to Tehran and speak with border control where I had been interviewed previously. I refused and stated the Iranian government had wasted my time, my money and lumped me with an incompetent drug addicted retarded idiot and I was getting on the plane. I was happy to pay the fine. I told them to call Col. Hosseini at passport border control.
  93. They rang the appropriate office. I was allowed to leave there and then with a $65USD fine. The border control agent kept stating in English, "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! No one can do this!" I replied, "luck of the Irish." I had had enough of this particular Persian carpet ride.
  94. I flew out that night and arrived in Kuala Lumpur on January 30, 2017 6 . BACK TO KUALA LUMPUR - JANAURY 31, 2017 83 I landed, relieved, but worried about money and in shock at the three month long utter and total debacle. I booked into the China Town Inn. A cheap windowless hotel room.
  95. I had to raise funds and was extremely worried about the future. I did interviews and made video's highlighting the dangers of Israel and its domination of the worlds high technology sector. I spoke about the debacle of Iran. 85 David LASHGARI texted me and asked when I was going to the passport and border control office to get my 90-day visa extension? I told him I was long gone and he had a serous personality problem. All texts to and from him after my return are on page 75. 86 Mr. PARSAPOUR texted me a very kind Telegram message expressing his sadness at my leaving. 87 I managed to get support from all around the world. A Queensland man who had served ten years in the Australian army organised a lawyer for me - Anthony MORRIS Q.C. I was also contacted by former high-level trade union movement people. We began the process of organising the Australian High Court appeal 7 from Malaysia and lobbying the Australian government to come clean on what they had done - or not done. Despite repeated promises by “Leon" 8 at the offices of then Australian foreign minister Julie BISHOP, that the issue had been "passed up the chain", I received no official reply from the foreign minister's office - ever. Not in four years of letter writing, emails and phone calls. All I got was a police raid. It was only later I found out she was close personal friends with Benjamin Netanyahu. SEE APPENDIX 6 - "FEARS FOR SAFETY" FOR A FULL ACCOUNTING OF MY INTERACTIONS WITH THE AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN OFFICE - DFAT. 6 See PDF blog posting "Why I Left Iran" page 78 this appendix. 7 See Appendix 8 "Australian High Court Appeal" page 601. 8 See Video series "Calls To Foreign Minister Bishop's Office" - page 137. Page 41 of 1018
  96. A contact in New Zealand suggested I try for political asylum there. I had gone to the government district of Kuala Lumpur but was not allowed in to hand in documents. The Malaysian government knows who I am. They were then, under prime minister Najib RAZEK, deeply enmeshed in the ongoing 1MDB scandal I had landed in the middle of. Clearly Malaysian politicians had other things on their mind.
  97. Malaysia close economic relationship with China worried me, knowing that China was deep in bed with Israel. Simply Google ISRAEL CHINA TECHNOLOGY and refer to these videos, HERE. I was worried my highlighting this issue could upset local Muslim Malays and create unrest with ethnic Chinese Malaysian community.
  98. I was also concerned that Malaysia was a high value target of Israel in the region due to its strong dislike for the racist apartheid state of Israel. I found an online Jewish Zionist journal article that stated Malaysia was the only Asian nation actively resisting them in the region.
  99. This was why I considered New Zealand for asylum - close enough to Australia for my high court appeal, supposedly "progressive" and with the new Labour government of Jacinda ADHERN about to be elected - deeply against the Australian Liberal government and publicly rebuking Israel. She also has a deep personal dislike of Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop. 92 My contact in New Zealand gave me the phone number of second in charge of The Crown Solicitors office in Wellington, New Zealand - Virginia HARDY. He said to use it only in an emergency. Work - +64 4 494 5568 Mobile +64 272 235 577 93 I told only one person about leaving for New Zealand for asylum. I kept it very quiet to show that I simply wanted an "out" and a chance for a new life while preparing for the High Court with lawyers on board. 94 I left Kuala Lumpur international airport on Thursday 12 th of October 2017, and arrived in Auckland on Friday the 13 th , 2017. ARRIVING IN NEW ZEALAND - OCTOBER 13™, 2017 95 I had made arrangements to meet a NZ immigration lawyer that morning at 9am. At the customs gate I could have walked straight through, instead, I decided to follow their procedures and make my criminal record known. I was interviewed and asked for asylum. 96 I was refused entry after approximately 12 hours and told I could be "turned around" back to Malaysia or I would face detention in a high security prison. I chose to stay and fight the case knowing with all the facts I had behind me, my prepared paperwork, I could win the case for asylum. I had no idea the supposedly "progressive" New Zealand government immigration employees would stoop to. Lower level NZ Immigration staff told me I had to make complaints and that the interference was coming "from the top". 97 I spent three months in Mt Eden high security prison - remand centre. A violent place. I had to move out of mainstream into the protected area where all asylum seekers are encouraged to go.
  100. I noted several of the asylum seekers had been attacked. One had been brutally thrown from his top bunk of complained of an extremely painful back. He was ignored, told to shut up and that he was attention seeking. After two weeks he was finally taken to the hospital for x-rays Dear Mr. Brendon I was very unhappy, Because you have left Iran. I hope wherever you are good luck Iran has always been your home Thanks best regards TELEGRAM APP MESSAGE FROM MR PARSEPOIR "PGSC” Page 42 of 1018 where it was found he had two fractured vertebrae. I encouraged him to make complaints. He did, this did not make me popular with some staff at this "progressive" New Zealand prison which also houses the mass murderer, Brenton TARRANT - murderer of over 50 Muslim worshippers. 99 My carefully prepared paperwork, ready to hand over to immigration lawyer Carol Curtis, was "disappeared" along with ALL my property for over one month.
  101. On my release, people had noted my phones being switched on and off - from the WhatsApp "LAST SEEN" feature. This was while my property was "disappeared" along with all my paperwork. I was reduced to writing up material by hand, often with a pencil.
  102. After a month of complaining and the end of the hunger stroke, low and behold, my property was "found" and my paperwork was dumped to my lawyer Carol Curtis - MINUS the carefully crafted Index for easy reading. 102.1 made official complaints to New Zealand government department's AND a well-connected immigration detainee's lawyer took a letter directly to the then immigration minister detailing the violations of the UNHCR Refugee protocols.
  103. The prison stated my paperwork was never removed because it was in the hands of New Zealand immigration, given to them at the airport. This is again a lie. I had multiple copies of my paperwork and I gave one copy to NZ immigration. When I was transferred to the initial local detention centre, I saw my other copies in my property as it was checked in. I was then transferred with my property AND paper work to Mt Eden Maximum security Remand Centre from which it was all "disappeared". HUNGER STRIKE IN NEW ZEALAND PRISON
  104. I completed a two-week hunger strike in protest at the complete lack of facilities at the prison to complete paper work and the harassment methods utilised on asylum seekers to prevent materials being presented.
  105. As a former Registered Nurse with acute care setting experience, I can state with a great degree of accuracy, that the medical centre and staff attitude were an absolute joke. It's not that the staff were "nasty", they appeared to be poorly trained, glorified medication dispensers. They did not even bother to take my blood glucose level as a matter of course for someone on a hunger strike. After three days I nudged one of my prison officer escorts that they might want to include a Blood Sugar Level on the medical observations.
  106. As a form of punishment for instigating the hunger strike, I was placed in an observation cell. This is a specialist cell that is completely "smooth" with a specialist coating. It has a plug hole in the floor for easy cleaning of human faeces and blood.
  107. There is a mattress on the floor. You are naked except for a stiff over coat. The blanket is made of stiff material. I was on strict 15-minute observations, which meant I must show movement, 24/7, every 15 minutes. In other words, I was made deliberately sleep deprived. There is also the screaming of prisoners through the day and night.
  108. After a week of this I stated to the mental health staff, "Are you worried about my mental health?" The Mental Health Nurse replied, "Of course." I replied, "Then why are you practising the torture technique of sleep deprivation on me that can lead to mental health break down and psychosis?" Within a few hours I was transferred to a normal isolation cell and left undisturbed for the following week of the hunger strike. 109.1 managed to hear many stories of how asylum seekers are treated in New Zealand prisons. I can guarantee, after my public comments on what I found in the treatment of refugee applicants in New Zealand, we will NEVER again here a squeak from the New Zealand government criticising Australia - ever again. Page 43 of 1018
  109. I wish to make this clear - New Zealand is the most backward, disgusting, vile proponent of

    refugee torture in a supposedly modern first world country - quick to criticise other nation states the world over. https://publicpolicvclub.com/2018/07/04/blog-protection-or-punishment-new-zealand-asvlum-and- refugee-policies-under-the-spotlight/comment-page-l/?unapproved=1544&moderation- hash=ee2c94beff737374c2b2f5a709a695b9


  110. I have friends who work with refugees. I am well aware of Occ health & Safety regulations and legalities of patient care and basic rights. New Zealand was and is an absolute disgrace and should be hauled across the coals. I found myself in complete shock when I saw what they were doing and remember - I had spent three years in a Western Australian jail - much in maximum security. I am not easily shocked.
  111. Australia is LITERALLY paradise compared to New Zealand where refugee detainees have access to civilian clothes, their luggage, single rooms, unlimited phone calls, paperwork, computers and printers and faxes - New Zealand gives you NOTHING but a pencil and paper. Many staff agreed with my complaints and encouraged me to keep pushing the management -which I did.
  112. After three months, with New Zealand performing every trick in the book to get me to withdraw my application and leave the country, I did. 114.1 withdrew my asylum application and requested to be returned to Malaysia. Malaysian Airlines had never been contacted by NZ Immigration as is the norm and other asylum seekers pointed out my paperwork was different and missing specific material related to airlines.
  113. NZ authorities stated they could not send me back to Malaysia. I stated I would fight them to the death (literally) if they tried to return me to Australia. They stated I only had minor Magistrate Court matters and I should not be worried. I told them that was a lie and an Indictable offense of a "threat to kill" was on the warrants. They later admitted this was true, Australian authorities were hiding this.
  114. After two weeks Malaysia agreed on my return and paid the airfare. I was escorted in chains under guard to Auckland international airport. I was escorted back to Malaysia by three airport security officials.
  115. My passport was stamped as a "turn around" and not a "deportation". I can thank New Zealand for at least something.
  116. 1 want to add, the vast majority of the NZ airport staff, police officers and prison officers were kind and polite. One set of lower immigration officials told me to make complaints as it was, "coming from the top." (QUOTE).
  117. The flight flew out of NZ on 19 th of December 2017 and arrived at KL International airport on 20 th December 2017. RETURN TO MALAYSIA FROM NEW ZEALAND 120.1 was greeted at the airport by the Royal Malaysian Police. I was interviewed. I told them what had happened and handed over paperwork - mainly my High Court Synopsis. I was told I was always welcome in Malaysia and that I should "relax".
  118. I had spent eight months before New Zealand in the windowless China Town Inn hotel, Kuala Lumpur, before New Zealand. As I had always believed the Australian government would back down and admit to the debacle that had occurred; investigate the Friends of Israel rally organisers for criminal contempt of court; rebuke the Israeli state for interfering in my trial; accept my late application to the High Court and allow the matter to be heard freely; and finally, a Senate Hearing Committee into what had gone on; I had never bothered to put down roots in Malaysia. Page 44 of 1018 122.1 found and rented a room in a security guard condominium in the centre of the city for $110AUD a week with everything included. I liked the high security. HIGH COURT DEBACLE - LAWYERS UNETHICAL BEHAVIOUR
  119. By the 1 st of January 2018 I realised just how much lying had been done by Queens Counsel Anthony MORRIS, QC. Despite claims by Mr. Morris's assistant Callum THWAITES that they were moving rapidly to produce the first draft of paper work to the High Court to explain the On 9/14/2017 2:13 PM, Calum Thwaites wrote: Hi Brendon, Just a quick email updating you on Mr Morris QC's progress. We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave application to the High Court of Australia. This requires articulation of reasons why the application is being filed out of time and then articulation on why special leave should be granted. The drafting of the application is probably the most critical component, as if we don't get it right it can be all over. Once we have a substantive draft it will be sent to Kevin and yourself for feedback. Kind regards, Calum Thwaites Managing Clerk - Anthony J.H. Morris, QC Level - 7, Inns of Court 107 North Quay Brisbane Qld 4000 long delays - nothing, I repeat, nothing, had been done. The evidence for this is stark...
  120. The email above is dated 14 th September, 2017. Quote: "We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave application to the High Court of Australia." Note the positive note of the email. I was extremely happy at this stage.
  121. This email had led me to the decision to head to New Zealand as it "appeared" I had excellent legal representation on board and contacts in the NZ Crown Solicitors office.
  122. I had already done the basic 'brief' for Morris in the form of my High Court Synopsis which analysed all aspects of the case. They had not even ordered the appeal and trial transcript, despite assuring me three months earlier they were moving rapidly with the paper work. They had actually asked me, through solicitor Kevin FOLEY, to provide them with the appeal points while I was locked up in Mt Eden high security prison in New Zealand. Imagine! They had been paid $10,000, admitted they were onto things and moving rapidly, they had then done...nothing. Then when I was in prison with zero access to resources, my paper work, phone calls (they were expensive and hard to get through to Australia), "I" was asked to do the job of an instructing solicitor and Q.C? Both of whom had copies of my central High Court Synopsis. I could not believe what I was hearing. Here are quotes from the email sent to my asylum lawyer in New Zealand, Carol Page 45 of 1018 ••••o Telstra 4G 4:57 pm Share Payment successful Done FOLEYS LAWYERS TRUST ACCOUNT 062-614 10431159 $ 10 , 000.00 From Smart Access 062-614 1 045 0640 Date 21 Aug 2017 04:57 PM (Syd / Melb time) Description Brendon Oconnell Receipt no N082172647343 A Home Lending Specialist is ready no matter what stage you're at Book an appointment Curtis on Saturday the 11th of November, 2017-57 days after I received the above mentioned email from Callum THWAITES indicating they were...QUOTE: "We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave application to the High Court of Australia." In the below email quotes, I am being asked by the instructing solicitor working for QC MORRIS, to basically write up the paperwork for them - from a New Zealand prison with zero access to paperwork, the internet, phone or fax after they had been paid $10,000AUD on the 21st of August, 2017 - 57 days earlier (see left). • Carole would you please ask Brendon to state to you succinctly • His grounds for appeal to the Western Australian Court of Criminal Appeal (WACCA) • His grounds for application to the High Court of Australia for special leave to appeal from the decision of the WACCA which decision I note was given on 13/12/11 • His full and frank explanation for the six-year delay. The time limit for filing an appeal from WACCA is TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS • His financial position. To support a submission that the HC not make a costs order against him should it dismiss his application... IMAGE OF EMAIL 9
  123. The above is major misconduct. But indicative of dealing with matters with the Israeli state, hovering in the background.
  124. When Anthony Morris's assistant, Callum THWAITES, emailed me with responses that were totally contrary to initial emails, I told them to forget the appeal. I was devastated. Dear Callum, This email has been CC'd to Kevin FOLEY and Carol Curtis as well. I'm ending the case. I have no faith in the legal process itself nor Mr Morris's commitment to the case as it is clear nothing has been done - at all. Not even the lower court transcript ordered after three + months of having $10,000 in the trust. Please note an email from you from the 14 th of September, 2017: Hi Brendon, Just a guick email updating you on Mr Morris's QC's progress. We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave to appeal application to the High Court of Australia. This reguires articulation of reasons why the application is being filed out of time and the articulation of why special leave should be granted. The drafting of the application is probably the most critical component, as if we don't get it right is can be all over. Once we have a substantive draft it will be sent to Kevin and yourself for feedback. I'm not sure how you could be drafting anything when you don't even have the lower court appeal transcript. When you reguire a long-sworn affidavit by me - which you never asked for. Ever. It should have been the very first things asked for, with my obvious input. I have no wish to enter into any discussion. I wish to simply get on with my life in exile. An ending of any legal process will remove the current excuse of the Australian foreign minister that she can make no comment on the Israeli state interfering in my trial due to sub judice. It is clear Kevin had some anxiety as to his safety and that of his office in taking on the case. He is guite right given the level of involvement of the Israeli state. Perhaps MR Morris and yourself do too. Carol Curtis stated she would send the $5000 back to Kevin and the trust account. I'm not sure this has been done. In total there should be $7,800 in the trust account with the return of the 9 Page 93 of document - "Email Sent to my Asylum Lawyer in New Zealand Page 46 of 1018 $5000 from Carole. Kevin is well within his rights to charge fees for actions he took while I was incarcerated in New Zealand. Brendon. Subject: Ending Of Legal Case - Refunding Of Money From: Brendon O'Connell <boc©boc.rocks> Date: 1/9/2018, 4:26 PM To: Calum Thwaites <morrissec©qldbar. asn.au> CC: kevin©HH|^H:om.au, Carole | BCC: Richarc* Dear Callum, This email has been CC’d to Kevir^^Jand Carol^^^^Jas well. Em ending the case. I have no faith in the legal process itself nor Mr Morris’s commitment to the case as it is clear nothing has been done - at all. Not even the lower court transcript ordered after three+ months of having $10,000 in the trust. (FULL EMAIL IN PDF) page 94
  125. Instructing solicitor Kevin FOLEY was also upset with the way the case was treated. We had discussed who would be handling what, and, that was Anthony MORRIS, QC. It was agreed he would be doing all the work; Kevin FOLEY would operate as liaison. Morris Q.C was to order the transcripts and begin drafting the leave to appeal application. PHONE CALL WITH LAWYER - FEARS FOR SAFETY FROM ISRAELI STATE - EXTREMELY IMPORTANT
  126. In this video and audio recording, highly experienced instructing solicitor Kevin m repeatedly states he has fears for his safety with regards the Israel state. Kevin's friends are well versed in the reputation of the Israeli state and Kevin was well aware via his son about all that had gone on. Richard Kevin's son, is a friend of mine and former ranking Union organiser and small business owner. Kevin is a highly respected instructing solicitor with over 50 years' experience and close retirement. Kevin has a close friend who has been to occupied Palestine and is a legal activist. Skype call made 14th July 2017 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia • KF: "Seems to me that from what I'm seeing they'll stop at nothing to...try and cut it off." (11:10 minutes into main video.) FULL UNEDITTED MAIN VIDEO -1 HOUR 18 MINUTE SKYPE CALL HERE Page 47 of 1018 • BOC: "Wow, this is it. Big. And I have no doubt the money is going to flood in. I'm just more worried about a sudden bombing of..a sudden terrorist cell being discovered in Wagga Wagga, and that Israel starts bombing in Wagga Wagga, that's what I'm worried about [laughing]." - KF: "Well that's a matter that concerns me. It does concern me. That's a bit of a worry [not laughing]." ( 16:40 minutes into main video.) • BOC: "I just wonder whether, if you contact the office of foreign affairs to say,...look...I have fears for my safety. I have fears the Israeli state is a known intimidator of entire governments and I want assurances from the department of foreign affairs that this incredible case...where the Israeli state has already come out once with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel, the ambassador, the Australian foreign minister, that you need to make a public statement, for my [Kevin] physical protection. I think that's a very valid thing to do. What do you think?" - KF: "Well I'm very worried about it actually. I'm deeply worried about it. I'm worried about it." ( 19:54 minutes into main video.) • KF: "I'm concerned about violence to me, quite frankly. That's a worry." ( 21:36 minutes into main video.) • KF: "Are you suggesting DFAT (Foreign minister - Department Foreign Affairs and Trade) might do anything about it? Would that be the situation going into the court then?" (24:20 minutes into main video.) • KF: "My biggest concern is not even the work. My biggest concern is my own personal safety." - BOC: "And I don't blame you. You can always come and live in Malaysia, pretty safe here [laughing]." - KF: "Well, that also goes for Tony Morris (Q.C)." (26:40 minutes into main video.) 19 MINUTE SHORT VERSION OF PHONE CALL WITH ELABORATING COMMENTARY
  127. Not long after my return to Malaysia (22 days), on January 10th, 2018, a device resembling a bomb was found at street, in an alleyway, just near Kevin's office in |§d ||§im§||3|§!§!§| street. You can see Kevin's office in the background of the media photo below - sealed off to the public. JANUARY 10 2018 - 7:29AM |bomb threat: suspicious package to undergo forensic testing f SHARE 9 COMMENTS A bomb threat onl Street on Tuesday saw a section of the street dosed and reinforcements flowr i from Sydney. Right at Home Providing specialised care to f ot' 9hl people in their homes. I I Ihome
  128. 0259... Show Number Foodworks Turvey Tops Fresh Food try Foodworks Turvey
  129. 0269.. Show Number M&V 2nd Hand Furniture Worth a LOOK Find out More M&V 2nd HAND FURNITURE https://www.dailvadvertiser.com.au/story/5159246/suspicious-package-from-wagga-bomb-threat- to-undergo-forensic-testing/ Page 48 of 1018
  130. My emailing with Mr. Morris QC's assistant Callum THWAITES was on January 1, 2018 and January 8, 2018. The "bomb hoax" was on January 10, 2018. You'll note I laughed about Israel bombing Kevin's office in our 14 July 2017 Skype call.
  131. The above is a vital piece of information to understand, with regards the particulars of a UNHCR Refugee claim. Even Australian lawyers are intimidated by Israel - just the thought of taking on the case brings about much anxiety in a supposed sovereign first world nation like Australia. My attempts to resolve the issues as a political dissident were foiled at every turn. I was polite, I used legal argument, I called, I wrote and I emailed every government department I could think of, both state and federal - and all I got was police raids, more charges, banning offline, break in's and endless harassment and interference in my communications. 10
  132. I now realised that any return to a "normal" life was impossible and I would have to approach the issues professionally with less anger and infantile rage which I often found impossible to contain. I would have to make my case known by producing professional video and audio material, seeking interviews, writing blogs and proceeding with the court case if possible, some other way.
  133. 1 transferred the rest of the BTC I had left into my bank account. $7000AUD. This took some pressure off, worrying about money. I bought a video editing laptop and assorted equipment.
  134. I bought professional editing software and document software.
  135. I produced a video explaining the basics of my case and the ramifications called, "Israel's Secret Weapon, The Talpiot Program.' It gained rapid popularity and it appeared Google was actively sharing the video. It reached over 240,000 views before I pulled my YouTube channel down in early March 2019. COMPUTER HACKING
  136. It was clear that video upset someone. Three days post uploading (early March 2018), I suffered severe and ongoing hacking of my computers.
  137. I have highly secure laptops. Knowledge I have gained after 10+ years of online harassment ensure no third-party team targeting my laptop could possibly compromise it. I have the best 10 Refer to Appendix 7 - page 265: "Sentencing Submissions" - for details on how I was treated. Page 49 of 1018 corporate level software firewall and anti-malware product on the market. It is never advertised. It has export restrictions on it. I have an ultra-strict firewall setting not allowing updates or KERNEL of SVCHOST access to the network. I update every three months from scratch and make operating system "images" so I can rapidly re-install the O.S within 5 minutes of experiencing problems - online or off.
  138. I have customised the Windows operating system by removing specific parts of it involving networking, remote desktop, real time telemetry, Windows Management Instrumentation. Despite this, I experienced months of "memory exception" errors and "blue screen" crashes - constant. Constant crashing of audio-visual software. 141 I did not use wireless. I had removed the wireless card from my laptop - I know what "they" can do and I had experienced high-level hacking since early 2009 at the highest levels since involvement with Western Australia's State Security Investigation Group.
  139. Edward SNOWDEN's release of documents showed a piece of malware called IRATEMONK. What an interesting name.
  140. In 2007-2008 I had been sending nasty web mail messages to DSD - Defence Signals Directorate. Now called ASD -Australian Signals Directorate. I had noted that DNS servers had been changed in the Telstra Network. This was confirmed by high level IT people I had contacted. I had noted the strange geo-physical locations of my IP's and incorrect DNS and home IP's of the Australian Telstra network. I showed these to Telstra employees. They stated the data I was showing them was not standard Telstra DNS servers. IMO, my online data was being re-routed via ASD - hence my often mocking and nasty web mail messages to them.
  141. In those web mail messages I would note I had re-imaged my Operating System and all was fresh and new and I hope I wasn't inconveniencing their malware attacks.
  142. Since 2005 I had been highlighting Israeli technology and specifically Mr. Leon WENDE
  143. but not by name until early
  144. On the 22 nd of February, 2008, Detective Colin HUSH and an associate from the State Security Investigation Group (SSIG) came to my home and asked to talk with me. Detective Hush stated Mr. Leon WENDE'S wife had made a complaint to them stating that by naming her husband online, I was "stalking" them. I laughed and gave the detectives detailed information on Mr. Wende and Israeli programs. Detective Hush asked me to be quiet about their visit - I immediately posted publicly to an online forum police had been to my house. Unfortunately, I do not trust the WA police...ever.
  145. I later heard that Mr. Wende had been interviewed by the Australian Federal Police. 147.1 then flew off to Canberra and then by car to a Russian Orthodox Church Monastery in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales with the intention of entering the monastic life. The Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Father Alexus Rosenthal was then the Abbot. Formerly the Abbot of the ROCOR (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia) in Jerusalem. / V {As/AY A ■iwr $ Western Australia Police .ReberfMart i n :• f $ ■VbVbVmVVbVbVVVJ Page 50 of 1018
  146. I was accepted as a guest and was allowed to stay over a week into Great lent which is strictly forbidden for guests looking to be accepted as novices. Father Alex has originally considered allowing me to stay over the entire Great Lent period. I had explained to him my personal experiences, commitment to inner work, familiarity with the works of Carl JUNG, dream work etc. And long¬ term commitment to celibacy. guest house roc, blue mountains
  147. I left the monastery in late March 2008 by car with a newly ordained priest for Sydney where I was to seek work before heading back to the monastery after Great Lent. As fate would have it, I ended up back in Perth awaiting to return to Nursing via a three-month re¬ registration course.
  148. The hacking, strange events and my nasty web mail messages to ASD continued. Much later, after release from jail on January 2014, I became familiar with the Snowden revelations about NSA malware and spying - IRATEMONK is specifically "persistence malware" designed to overcome targets who regularly re-install or who re-image their Operating system. It came out in late 2008.1 am immensely proud of having this malware named after my alter ego which
  149. I contacted cyber security legend Bruce SCHNEIER on matters of Israel and cyber security, he replied "Thanks." This one-word reply is akin to a blessing from The Pope in the cyber world.
  150. The hacking I experienced three days post upload of 'Israel's Secret Weapon The Talpiot Program,' could only have come from a high-level intelligence outfit like the NSA, GCHQor Israeli Unit 8200. My next video "Israeli Drones World Wide" was even better, but the constant hacking and crashing made it impossible to finish properly and I uploaded a cut down version. It was still very good and a personal favourite. It lays out the basic problem with Israel and its national security threat to the entire planet and its close relationship with Russia and China and its leadership in The Belt & Road Initiative. comes out with every hacking episode. TOP S€C«CTflCOMWT«EL TO USA. FVFY

    IRATEMONK ANT Product Data (T$

    SWRtl) T

    IWMWW(r(l<Wminit>>M. S KQMt. Utoto) and Sarminq hanj i»rv« III
    URorMHa vytttmt art FAT. NWS fiXTJ and UF$ (TVrXV.Vtl) TTvoufFt ramoat actnt or r—dgacn. UMTEDAAKE. or STRAJT»AZZAPt aw WM4 coquncton «m» mjck»wv>cam to upload d» hard cVv taawrt onto th* targ* machrw to r*4irt MATE MONK and «t paytoad (V» •nptor* null!) One* «ripi*r«d MATE MONK karpMocy d aiacuaon (i»oppng TOP MC*€T»CO»AKTimei TO USA FVEY Page 51 of 1018 THE TIMES OF ISRAEL t MOMXK ’ nuTTlJ) 1 SUCLCMM Bunting’s map and Israel on China’s new silk roa 12 1 Yoswf Borfansky, an Israeli American political scientist and senior editor of GIS, Defense dr Foreign Affairs Daily, wrote an Insightful article in their September issue regarding the convergence of China's Afro Eurasian integration project and Bunting’s map of the world as a clover leaf. In State of the Union, Trump warns 'ridiculous partisan’ probes derail progress Bunting’s map and Israel on China's new silk road https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/buntings-map-and-israel-on-chinas-new-silk-road/
  151. The hacking got worse. Worse than the lead up to the trial. My phones were affected. Passwords were changed. Emails disappeared. People I was in contact with were hacked, bank accounts messed with, Skype accounts changed.
  152. Communications were cut off - Skype calls etc.
  153. Sometimes the harassment would cease for a few weeks. But as soon as it was known I was working on a major audio visual, scripted project, it became impossible to work and even upload the finished product.
  154. I noted over Easter the hacking would stop completely for four days. I joked it must be Catholics hacking me.
  155. I was talking with more and more radio shows online. Subscribers hit over 20,000 but in March 2019 I deleted the account. Sick of the hacking and exhausted trying to encourage people to engage in the political process and seek new markets for the information in street work, flyers, banners, lobbying politicians directly. Few, if any would disengage from the internet and engage in adult behaviours and make contact with government departments including the Department of Defence, FBI Counter Terrorism, CIA, DIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Think Tanks and media outlets.
  156. White nationalist groups, and other race-based individuals constantly contacted me. Online personalities would assure me they had nothing to do with the W.N movement and then they would make a point of interviewing these very same people. I have always felt the W.N movement in the U.S especially is an Israeli operation. 11 CONTACTED BY * NEPHEW OF FRED SMITH, FOUNDER OF FED EX
  157. I was contacted by Nephew of Fred SMITH, founder and CEO of Federal Express - FedEx. Fred SMITH was former USMC. He is a close friend of both Senator John KERRY and George W. BUSH. All are members of the Yale secret society "Skull & Bones" and the Council on foreign Relations. Fred SMITH was tapped for Secretary Defence under Bush JRN and presidential nominee Senator John MCCAIN. Fred SMITH is a well-known high-level intelligence asset. His daughter Molly SMITH is cousin. She is a Hollywood Producer 11 Please see page 627 of my High Court Synopsis "Sayanim - Local Jews Act as 'Helpers' for Israeli Intelligence" Page 52 of 1018 with a production company called 'Alcon'. She produced with her father the "Sicario" series of films and many other films. Joseph produced an excellent website featuring a lot of my information called "Securing Our Interests". I considered Joseph contacting me a good sign high levels of the US establishment were seeing Israel for what it is, a major, high level, clear and present danger to the United States and worlds security and especially the world economy with it's domination of cyber security and penetration of the U.S high technology sector and access to state of the art technology which it was passing onto Russia and China.
  158. Just two weeks after I uploaded "Israeli Drones World Wide" and highlighted theft of US technology by Israel to China, president Donald Trump dragged out the head of Lockheed 12 on March 22, 2018, and insisted no more technology was going to be lost to China and other places.
  159. The look on the face of the CEO of Lockheed is priceless. She is being humiliated. I believe this was directly related to my videos. Especially when I showed extracts of a lecture 13 (18:25 in) given by leading cyber security technologist "Mudge", Peter ZAITKO, "strongly inferring" that US military contractors were deliberately lowering their security to allow theft of their technology to build up enemies they could then use as the excuse for more US taxpayer funding for military contracts.
  160. In the same video I call Homeland Security (29:18 in) and lay out for the call taker how Israel transfers technology to enemies of the United States. I target Lockheed as the main offender.
  161. My efforts to highlight this problem is, I believe, the reason Fred SMITHS nephew made contact and worked with me and others for a year to highlight the problem.
  162. The video Bl Bl's Got A Kill Switch and He Likes to Use It," is the final version of that series and details Israel's close relationship with Russia and China and the fact the biggest US high technology corporations are moving to Israel including Microsoft. Windows core code is now entirely written in Israel. This is a security catastrophe as the vast majority of the computer coders and scientists are Russia or ethnic Russian as I repeatedly point out in my videos. These Russian's filling the Israeli technology world have full access to the planets most popular Operating System giving free and unfettered access to %88 of home users and %94- %96 of corporate computer users. Russian FSB GRU/SVU are filling the Israeli high technology sector with intelligence assets to steal US technology granted to Israel. "KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel's Army, Business, and Political Leadership." Also, "Why Russia 12 You Tube video - https://voutu.be/KEuORpdqXte?t=662 13 Video - https://archive.ore/details/israelidronesworldwideupdatestart Page 53 of 1018 should take over Israel's Defence from America." Then there is this 2016 Guardian article, "Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country." 14 ISRAELI ESPIONAGE IN CO-OPERATION WITH RUSSIA & CHINA
  163. The largest and most advanced Intel CPU design and fabrication foundry is in Israel. It is full of Russian technicians. Recently, Intel, unexpectantly, withdrew funding of $11 billion dollars for an expansion of their most advanced facility. Interestingly, the Israeli press made this comment... Intel, which started operations in Israel in 1974, is a critical player in Israel's high- tech industry. It is the country's largest private sector employer, with some 12,000 staff, and unusually for a foreign tech company its local operations include both manufacturing and research and development . https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/intel-delaying-construction-of- new-israeli-semiconductor-plant-1.7377422
  164. This is quite correct, the United States blue chip company NEVER allows a foreign country to have its most advanced R&D lab in house - this is a major national security risk with intel processors forming the core of the internet, government and military. But they did it in Israel
  165. in 2006. And now Intel is a giant mess with "design flaws" through it's product range. They aren't "design flaws", they are deliberate backdoors and the security implications are enormous. SkyLake was developed mostly in Israel at Intel's Haifa research & development (R&D) center, the latest example of an unusually long and close relationship with one of the world's biggest makers of computer chips. Indeed, in Start-Up Nation — the moniker Israel has adopted for a cluster of high-tech companies that is among the largest in the world — the most important player isn't an Israeli company. It's not even a start-up. It's the American semiconductor giant Intel. (2014 article) https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/intel-israel-old-relationship-faces- new-criticism/
  166. The latest lOnm "IceLake" processor designed in the Intel Israel fabrication facility is a major disaster for the company 15 . Years overdue, it has finally been abandoned - completely - turning to a whole new process. Intel cannot get it's lOnm process working correctly, while AMD and Chinese companies are doing just fine on the process. Intel are filled with "flaws". Hardware backdoors that researchers are identifying and demanding "patches" for which in turn slow down the processor markedly. AMD in China, Intel's main rival, now easily beats Intel on price and performance - this was unthinkable, only a few years ago. US tech giant Intel Corp. said Tuesday it has released a new generation of processors that bring broad-scale artificial intelligence to the PC for the first time. The processors were developed by Intel's Israel team in Haifa. https://www.timesofisrael.com/intel-launches-new-processors-that-bring-ai-to- the-pc-sired-by-haifa-team/
  167. Intel was to invest a further $11 billion in Israel. Just a few months later... Intel Delaying Construction of New Israeli Semiconductor Plant 14 Page 63 for full list of Israeli/Russia/China co-operation articles. 15 YT Video - LEO Invited to INTEL FAB I - Leo Says 40 @ Kiryat Gat Page 54 of 1018 Local suppliers say U.S. company is seeking to reduce costs by putting off development amid a tough global business environment. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/intel-delaying-construction-of-new-israeli-semiconductor- plant-1.7377422
  168. Few people realise that the top Israeli computer scientists, missile technicians, aeronautical engineers, electrical engineers (who work at Israel Intel and the F35 contractor Elbit Systems), are Russian born, the sons and daughters of Russian immigrants, many from the Soviet era. They gain Israeli citizenship, then get easy access to US visa's and work in sensitive Military Industrial Contractors. It's a massive security breach. The million-plus citizens of the former Soviet Union who migrated to Israel in the past 20 years have not only made new lives of their own but they have transformed their adopted country. They have influenced the culture, hi-tech industry, language, education and, perhaps most significantly, Israeli politics. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/17/israel-soviet-immigrants- transform-country
  169. Major components for the Lockheed F35 and designed and built by Israeli military contractors like Elbit Systems. They are filled with Russian technicians.
  170. Microsoft is bidding for the Pentagon Could Server system. Guaranteed it will be coded in Israel - filled with Russian FSB and GRU officers. See THIS VIDEO for a full account.
  171. "Former" Russian GRU officer Eugene KASPERSKY is basing himself in Israel. In this news article, he brags Israel leads the world in cyber security. The security implications are frightening as Kaspersky security products were removed from all U.S government computers. And no one at the US Department of Defence noticed this article?
  172. After 12 months of fighting to have the issues addressed by both the main stream media and so called "alt-media", I gave up and deleted my YouTube account and focus on a refugee claim with the U.N. The hacking was almost unbearable. I was not getting anywhere with the supposed "alt-media" online who either failed to pick up the issues at all, actively avoided them, or were clearly mentally ill or pretending to be, or were racist white nationalist groups such as the large YouTube channel Red Ice Radio which contacted me. I refused to go on. They have previously interviewed Roger Stone. It is generally agreed they are a ADL/FBI run operation with a huge viewership, allowed to stay online as a honey pot. Page 55 of 1018
  173. As I prepare this refugee claim, I have been contacting multiple well- known Think Tank groups specialising in cyber security and asking them why they focus so much on China and never, ever, ever, talk about Israel's extremely close relationship with China and Israel's central role in the massive Belt & Road Initiative project. LINK TO LINKS CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL TO DR KFIR CLICK HERE FOR .MP3 OF CALL TO DR KFIR
  174. Interestingly, two days after contacting Dr Isaac KFIR and sending him an email on the security implications of Microsoft and other high technology companies moving to Israel, this article appeared in the Israeli daily newspaper, Haaretz. Malaysia has become a hub for Iranian activity Western intel suggests https://www. haaretz. com/middle-east-news/iran/.premium-malaysia-has-become-hub-for-iranian-activitv- western-intel-suggests-1.7043358
  175. Shia Islam is banned in Malaysia. Iranian tourists are welcome. Three flights per week Kuala Lumpur to Tehran take place. The article seemed nothing more than sniping at the Malaysian prime minister with corruption allegations after my call and email to Dr Isaac Kfir at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
  176. I have no support network here, in Malaysia. The purpose in coming to Muslim dominated countries was to inform their leadership of Israel and high technology and seek a powerful advocate to pressure the Australian government to admit to what they have done and cease blocking me online, offline and in official communications. I have attempted to contact the Malaysian government, then under Prime minister Najib Razek. They ignored me and I presumed they were engulfed in corruption scandals and matters of the economy.
  177. The Malaysian Prime minster, Dr Mahathir Mohamed stated recently on Turkish television (TRT WORLD) that Malaysia was a small country and had to make concessions to survive. I note Pakistan is working towards recognising Israel and I expect Malaysia will be working in that direction too in the very near future. Israel is ultimately in control of the giant Belt & Road project, directing China and supplying technology and political expediency. Opinion: Why Pakistan should recognize Israel "We can no longer blame the US, India and Israel for anything and everything that happens in our country," writer from Pakistan states. https://www.ipost.com/Opinion/Opinion-Why-Pakistan-should-recognize-lsrael-432728 Imran Khan says Pakistan 'will not recognize' Israel Responding to a guestion from Middle East Eye over speculation that Pakistan was considering a foreign policy shift towards Israel, Khan, who is currently in the United States to attend the United Nations General Assembly, said he was not aware of where these reports were originating from, Presstv Reported. Page 56 of 1018 https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/imran-khan-savs-pakistan-will-not-recognize-israel/ar-AAHWU25
  178. Successive Muslim governments are taking the money and via China, teaming up with Israel. Pakistan is of course, %100 lining up with Israel. Pakistan ISI has been working with Israel for years. Israel supplies details of US troop movements to The Taliban as it does to various Shia and Sunni militias in Iraq. The goal is to exhaust the United States in endless wars that, despite its incredible technology advances, cannot seem to win. In fact, the United States doesn't appear to even try to win as it goes out of its way to alienate local populations by siding with local drug trafficking war lords and arresting and killing simple farmers who speak out against the corruption. Israel runs all the drug trafficking out of Afghanistan, into Pakistan, on into distribution points in Thailand and around the world, ably assisted by Vladimir PUTIN and Eric PRINCE of the notorious Blackwater mercenary company - all deeply involved with Israel.
  179. Current P.M Dr Mahathir Mohamed has been busy defending himself on the BBC for calling Jews "hook nosed" and "in love with money". I would have thought focusing on the Israeli states blatant, in the open, racist public statements from supremacist Rabbi's 16 would be a better option for the Malaysian Prime minister? Fighting ingrained Orthodox Jewish racial and religious supremacism and exposing Israel's "technology juggernaut" status? One on One: Exclusive interview with Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad 117,443 views 2.6K 4fl 111 A SHARE =+ SAVE 181 Recently Prime minister Mahathir was interviewed by Turkish television (TRT World) and stated openly that Malaysia was a small country that must survive. He was alluding to the USA/China showdown and great shifts in the geo-political climate. Notably the emerging Israel, Russia and China alliance.
  180. The Israeli press reports Pakistan may be readying itself to recognise Israel - Is Pakistan Preparing to Recognize Israel? - I would expect Malaysia will follow suit. In January 2018, the UN Habitat Program was held in Kuala Lumpur. Prime minister Najib Razek was told if the Israeli delegation could not travel and take part on their Israeli passports, the conference would not be held in Kuala Lumpur. For the first time the Malaysian government allowed Israeli pass ports to be used.
  181. My highlighting the great Israel/China relationship may be a thorn in the flesh for the Malaysian government. It may well be catalytic of civil unrest in Malaysia with the sometimes- simmering ethnic Malay/Chinese Malay, racial tensions. Recent reporting in a Malaysian newspaper - The Sun 17 - highlights government needs for more hate speech laws. As 16 See Appendix 8, page 639, High Court Synopsis "Racism Within Israeli Society" 17 Page 115 Page 57 of 1018 Malaysian Muslims realise the extent of the China/Israel relationship, the Malaysian government may require new laws to maintain order and assure ethnic Chinese Malays of their place in Malaysian society.
  182. Malaysian authorities have had all my paperwork for some time and know the issues. I've never received any support or encouragement from them. Except for one overt time - from the Royal Malaysian Police and at other times by individual Malays. Perhaps this is a matter of legal and political considerations. I am learning slowly the art of diplomatic relations on sensitive subjects. I expect little to no assistance from Muslim nations and if I had known how despicably sold out to Israel they have been for years, I would never have bothered ruining my life assisting people who drop rapidly to their knees for a deposit into their Swiss bank accounts. CONTACTED BY FORMER CONGRESSWOMAN CYNTHIA MCKINNEY
  183. There was however, an indirect approach through former Congress woman Cynthia MCKINNEY. She stated in an email to me (30 th March 2019) she had influence with some of Dr Mahathir's top people and she would try and assist me with a permanent residency permit. She ended with, "You have a body of work to be proud of." (Full email page 112)
  184. 1 was initially happy that the former congress woman had contacted me. I had admired her for a long time and we had been in contact after my return from Iran. She had suggested I assist her in Bangladesh where she was working in a university. I was initially interested, and then communication was lost.
  185. Ms. MCKINNEY had seen fit to link up with a former CIA asset Robert David STEELE. Mr. STEELE stated on the notorious online news outlet Infowars, to the equally notorious show compare, Alex Jones, that children were being kidnapped and being used as "sex slaves on Mars". I found Ms. MCKINNEY'S association with this clear disinformation idiot perplexing and frustrating. Mr. STEELE had an organisation called UNRIG with which Ms. MCKINNEY participated. Subject: Ri' I Icy, do you want.. From: ’I K?' <hq2600tfgmjil.com:> Date: 3/30/2019, 6:26 PM r< Brvndon CConnell <talpU>ttfpix)taranaiLcotn> Cool, take your time, As long os Mahathir is in pkice, my connections should be OK. Look, it took 27 years for folks to realize the truth of what I said about Israel controlling every candidate for Congress. Sad thing is. we don't hove another 27 years for people to woke up You have o body of work to be proud of. On Sat. Mar 20. 2019 at 2:S7 AM Brendon O'Connell <-.j|pot^a fi::onn » jil.c: r-i> vxrote: Hi send more segments ard update in next 24 to 48 hours. In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to 'marry Israel's technology with China's capacity' On second day of state visit, prime minister, Chinese leaders agree on upgrading economic, tech cooperation By RAPHAEL AHREN r 21 Mach 2017.8 08 am | 120 2017^3^210 + i • Jb Marc 31,2017 Beij : - China \ / r Jr BEIJING — On the second day of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit here, Israel and China took further steps to strengthen economic and scientific relations. Page 58 of 1018
  186. I was also upset with the Malaysian government's ignoring of my plight. Though, this, on reflection, was not entirely true. There had been clear approaches by local Malaysians to assist me. I believe they were government instigated. I felt uncomfortable with the slight feeling of being manipulated. I am used to open and clear communication. My subtle and overt rejection of these approaches was perhaps not wise.
  187. The rejection of Ms. MCKINNEYS offer was also perhaps not wise, but it reflects the frustration I felt at trying to seek political and legal solutions to easily solved issues - like Israel and it's role in the Middle East. I had hoped to do this without the issues being caught up with rubbish conspiracy theories and UFO sightings.
  188. I understand the political and economic pressure that the Malaysian business and political class must be under to maintain the Malaysian economy and stimulate investment, especially by China and the massive Belt & Road Initiative which is in fact led by Israel.
  189. I request UNHCR Refugee status to ensure (hopefully), I am not arrested at airports or here in Malaysia (with no valid visa) because of the politically motivated outstanding arrest warrants, issued by the corrupt Western Australian political, legal and policing class. END Page 59 of 1018 USEFUL LINKS ON ISSUES OF ISRAELI ROLE IN CHINA/RUSSIA RELATIONS, TECHNOLOGY THEFT & THE BELT & ROAD INITIATIVE VIDEO'S 1 - ISRAELS SECRET WEAPON THE TALPIOT PROGRAM How Israel totally dominates cyber security and has planted high level corporate spy's all over the world via their Talpiot Program . Havatzalot Program and Unit 8200 run under Israeli military intelligence. https://archive.org/details/israelssecretweaponthetalpiotprogram 201908 2 - ISRAELI DRONES WORLD WIDE
  190. How Russia China & Israel work together for the One Belt One Road Project.
  191. How Israel steals US technology and passes on to China, Russia and Iran.
  192. How this is impacting on the Middle East.
  193. I ring Homeland Security to make a complaint about Jewish Zionist spying in America - it a good one-hour watch. https://archive.org/details/israelidronesworldwideupdatestart
  195. Just back from being locked up in New Zealand. I hit the streets of Kuala Lumpur and describe the simple process of Googling hundreds of articles showing Israel and Russia deep in bed together and the ramifications for the region and American politics. https://archive.Org/details/5.israelrussiaandchinadeepinbedonthebeltandroad 4 - ISRAEL HAS A HIGH TECH KILL SWITCH | AND THEY LIKE TO USE IT TO USE IT
  196. Israel has kill-switched the entire planets critical infrastructure. From banking to hospitals to power grids to the Internet of Things and Military Industrial Complex of the United States.
  197. Israel is a cyber technology juggernaut and most people have no idea what is going on and the job losses in the United States to Israeli employees, most of whom are ethnic Russians who travel back and forth to Russia with minimum security checks. Page 60 of 1018 https://archive.Org/details/6.bibisgotakillswitchandhelikestouseit 5- KOMPRAMAT | HOW ROGER STONE WORKED WITH ISRAELI & RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE
  198. Detailing how Roger Stones worked with A Wall Street sex worker to compromise targets of interest for the Israeli and Russian state intelligence apparatus. https://archive.org/details/kompramat2 6-DID RUSSIA & ISRAEL "RE-SHAPE" THE MIDDLE EAST FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE BELT & ROAD INITIATIVE?
  199. The Oded Yinon plan was first postulated in the 1970's as a way to "re-shape the Middle East" for the benefit of Israel.
  200. What it was really about is long term Soviet era strategic planning to "re-shape" the Middle East for the benefit of The Belt & Road economic development headed by Israel Russia and China.
  201. 911 was meant to happen in 1992-3. The Israeli company lost the security contract in 1988. The 911 operation was over ten years behind schedule along with the Belt & Road Initiative.
  202. All praise to the U.S Department of Justice employee who spotted war criminal Avraham Shalom Bendor and Zvi Malkin. https://archive.org/details/lrussiaisraeldid911 7 - CHINA & RUSSIA STEAL U.S TECHNOLOGY VIA ISRAEL The B.I.R.D, is the word.
  203. The Bi-national Industrial Research & Development foundation.
  204. The greatest security penetration...ever.
  205. This is a catastrophe for the United States.
  206. The Soviet Union got Israel to set up the Bi-national Science Foundation (B.S.F) in 1973 under Nixon and Henry Kissinger.
  207. The B.I.R.D was set up in 1978, around the same time they set up The Talpiot Program.
  208. And then they have the B.A.R.D - Bi-national Agricultural Research & Development foundation.
  209. Here it is the relevant legislation forcing the US to send technology to Israel. http://uscode. house, gov/view, xhtml ?req=%28title:42%20section:17337%20edition:prelim%29
  210. So when you see Bi Bi bragging about how clever Israeli scientists are, what he's really saying is his Soviet era immigrant scientists are very good at stealing US technology. https://archive.Org/details/9.chinarussiastealu.stechnologyviaisrael Page 61 of 1018 8 - KILL SWITCH | ISRAEL & MICROSOFT - SUBVERSION OF AMERICA
  211. Using Microsoft's move to Israel as the example, we show how Israel now has full and total access to all home, business, corporate, and soon, military computers - The Pentagon Cloud Contract (JEDI).
  212. Microsoft Windows 10 is now fully coded in Israel. The Windows Security Centre. Updates. R&D. Its all done in Israel. The NSA has to mess about to get their malware implanted in %90 of the worlds computers. Not Israel, they just include it with a forced update.
  213. It's official, Windows is now officially fully malware in it's own right.
  214. What are the implications for Israel's relationship with Russia and China and the national security of The United States of America? https://archive.org/details/10.killswitchisraelmicrosoftsubversionofamerica 9 - KILL SWITCH | ISRAEL & UNIT 8200 TAKE OVER NEW YORK & PENTAGON
  215. New York is teaming with 5000 Israeli high tech start up I.T personnel. A large portion are graduates of Unit 8200 and other Israeli military intelligence programs. A good portion are formally or informally associated with Russian intelligence and pose a huge security risk.
  216. We discuss the implications for Israel being the center of the coming Pentagon Cloud JEDI - Joint Enterprise Defence Infrastructure. Microsoft and Amazon are head to head.
  217. This is a looming, embarrassing, gigantic security catastrophe. And WHERE is the discussion on this issue?
  218. Assaf Rappaport, CEO of Microsoft and graduate of both the Unit 8200 and Talpiot Program is highly likely to be handling the Pentagon Cloud contract.
  219. Israeli R&D centers of Microsoft, Amazon and Google are filled with Russian coders and FSB and GRU assets of Russian intelligence. https://archive.org/details/microsoftkillswitchisraelpart2unit8200.mp4
  221. Greg & Jeremy ambush Beto O'ROURKE, Kirsten GILLIBRAND, Tulsi GABBARD, Bernie SANDERS, Kamala HARRIS & Cory BOOKER in Iowa in early June 2019.
  222. Jeremy blasted them with facts and figures. Amazing job. And the cracks are showing in Israel's facade - the truth is getting out there. https://archive.org/details/45.democratsambushedoverisraelmicrosoftpentagoncloudsecurity
  224. Yisrael Hasoon was the 2IC of Israel's Shin Bet internal security. He threatened European governments in June 2014, that they would face a Jihadi crisis if they failed to support Israel. Hasoon is the Shin Bet's number one recruiter of Arab intelligence assets. https://archive.org/details/61.israelthemaddogoniihadthreat ARTICLES ON ISRAEL AND HIGH TECHNOLOGY SUBVERSION Israel is a cyber technology juggernaut. They code Security Centre For Windows 10 https://www.timesofisrael.com/bill-gates-israeli-tech-changing-the-world/ https://www.israel21c.org/microsofts-bill-gates-israel-is-a-vital-resource-for-us/ Israel was heavily involved in setting up the CDMA, 3G and 4g networks. And now...5G. They lead the way. https://www.timesofisrael.com/qualcomm-founder-a-fan-long-before-start-up-nation/ Israel put all the back doors in Intel CPU's. At the 2006 top level design and fabrication factory in Israel. "Meltdown" and "Spectre" and the dozens of other design flaws are not flaws, they are deliberate hardware backdoors. DEF CON 26 - Christopher Domas - GOD MODE UNLOCKED Hardware Back doors in redacted x86 https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=jmTwlEh8L7g Intel Delaying Construction of New Israeli Semiconductor Plant Local suppliers say US. company is seeking to reduce costs by putting off development amid a tough global business environment (It can be argued that my groups consistent lobbying has affected Intel USA's investment plan. The 110 series of Intel CPU's are a disaster. Based on the lOnm process, no desktop version is expected before 2022. Laptop versions expected by the end of 2019 in low power version. A procession of "hardware vulnerabilities" has plagued Intel CPU's designed and manufactured in Israel. "Vulnerabilities"? Or, deliberate backdoors? Please note this quote from the article linked below... "unusually for a foreign tech company its local operations include both manufacturing and research and development." This USA premium tech company NEVER does R&D outside of the United States in it's fabrication factories world-wide. The risks are self-evident to a premium product installed in sensitive government and corporate environments and server farms. But, someone in Intel decided to change that in 2006. The Intel plant in Israel is dominated by ethnic Russian Israeli's. A clear and present danger to US national security. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/intel-delaying-construction-of-new-israeli-semiconductor- plant-1.7377422 ISRAEL CHINA & THE BELT & ROAD INITIATIVE LINKS http://www.china-israel-investment.com/ In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to 'marry Israel's technology with China's capacity' https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-beiiing-netanvahu-looks-to-marrv-israels-technology-with-chinas-capacitv/ Trump must warn Israel on its China trade https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/trump-must-warn-israel-on-its-china-trade Page 63 of 1018 Unlikely partners? China and Israel deepening trade ties https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44697662 Public Data Doesn't Capture Extent of Chinese-lsraeli Deals, Says Investor Having spent the past decade living and working in Hong Kong and Beijing, investor Amir Gai-Or is one of the early pioneers of the tightening business ties between China and Israel https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3740209,00.html Chinese investment in Israeli tech is growing, and it's 'quite welcome' for some https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/19/chinese-investment-in-israel-technologv-is-growing-expert-says.html How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China http://www.newsweek.com/china-israel-militarv-technology-beiiing-ierusalem-saul-eisenberg-weapons- 607117 Bunting's map and Israel on China's new silk road Israel as key node on China's New Silk Road https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/buntings-map-and-israel-on-chinas-new-silk-road/ Chinese Investments in Israel Could Pose Security Threat, Shin Bet Chief Warns Nadav Argaman says Israel needs legislation to supervise Chinese involvement in country's projects - State Looking into tighter control over foreign investment following U.S. pressure (It took over ten years of massive Israeli-China investment to admit this?) https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/chinese-investments-in-israel-could-pose-security-threat- shin-bet-chief-warns-1.6827146 9/11 Designed to "Pivot East" With China's Belt & Road Initiative https://www.abeldanger.org/9-ll-designed-to-pivot-east-with-chinas-belt-road-initiative/ China is hungry for advanced Israeli technology https://www.globes.co.il/en/article-china-is-hungrv-for-advanced-israeli-technology-1001038847 China's tech money heads for Israel as U.S. welcome wanes https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-investment-israel-idUSKBN187080 China's Deepening Interest in Israel http://www.thetower.org/article/chinas-deepening-interest-in-israel/ Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China https://www.military.com/Defencetech/2013/12/24/report-israel-passes-u-s-militarv-technology-to-china Scaling Chutzpah by the Billions — Israeli Ingenuity Hits the Ground in China http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/scaling-chutzpah-bv-the-billions-israeli-ingenuity-hits-the-ground-in-china/ Israel-China affair blooms even as culture gap weighs on rapport PM says new bilateral partnership on innovation underlines China's readiness to apply Israeli technology for the benefit of its people; also says he discussed Chinese role in rail route from Asia to Israeli Mediterranean ports https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-china-affair-blooms-even-as-culture-gap-weighs-on-rapport/ China's New Generation Sets Its Sights on Israel http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/chinas-new-generation-sets-its-sights-on-israel/ YifengZhou on China's interest in Israeli innovation https://www.timesofisrael.com/yifeng-zhou-on-chinas-interest-in-israeli-innovation/ Israel, China set up first accelerator program in Beijing Program aims to help Israeli tech firms penetrate the Chinese market through training, meetings, guidance https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-china-set-up-first-accelerator-program-in-beiiing/ Page 64 of 1018 Mobileye, ReWalk to attend Shanghai conference About 100 Israeli high-tech and startup firms expected at Goforlsrael event to woo Chinese investors https://www.timesofisrael.com/mobileye-rewalk-to-attend-shanghai-conference/ Chinese-lsraeli fund to invest $250m in med tech Joint announcement between Neusoft and Infinity Group made at start of China-lsrael Investment Summit in Tel Aviv https://www.timesofisrael.com/chinese-israeli-fund-to-invest-250m-in-med-tech/ YifengZhou on China's interest in Israeli innovation Editor of the Times of Israel's Chinese edition speaks about the historical and business links between the two countries https://www.timesofisrael.com/vifeng-zhou-on-chinas-interest-in-israeli-innovation/ Israel aims to become world's 15th largest economy by 2025 — minister 'A country's strength depends on the strength of its economy,' Eli Cohen says at start of Beijing trip with prime minister https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-aims-to-become-worlds-15th-largest-economv-bv-2025-minister/ Co-hosting trade conference with Netanyahu, China's VP hails Israeli technology 'Our bilateral relations are at a new height,' Wang Qishan tells innovation summit; PM also meets Alibaba's Jack Ma and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt https://www.timesofisrael.com/co-hosting-trade-conference-with-netanyahu-chinas-vp-hails-israeli- technology/ Positioning the Israeli Tech Industry for China 2.0 Last month's congress of the Communist Party of China heralds the nation's re-emergence as an economic superpower https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/positioning-the-israeli-tech-industrv-for-china-2-0/ Israeli Al tech to help avert accidents in China by tracking drivers' drowsiness EyeSight signs a multi-million dollar deal with China's Exsun to outfit trucks with its tech in light of new safety regulations https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-ai-tech-to-help-avert-accidents-in-china-bv-tracking-drivers- drowsiness/ China Buys Its Way Into Israel's Tech Scene https://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-26/china-buys-its-wav-into-israel-s-tech-scene.html China makes massive investment in Israeli lab meat technology $300 million deal sees Chinese partner with Israeli high-tech companies battling global warming https://www.timesofisrael.com/china-makes-massive-investment-in-israeli-lab-meat-technology/ Israeli firm caught up in US-China rivalry over military robots Israeli firm Roboteam battles Massachusetts-based Endeavor Robotics over a series of major contracts to build the US Army's next generation of ground robots https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-firm-caught-up-in-us-china-rivalrv-over-militarv-robots/ Israeli model holds the answers to China's quest for technology and innovation Yasheng Huang says having learned from Singapore's development experience, China should turn to a more tech-savvy nation for inspiration for its next stage of growth https://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1919673/israeli-model-holds-answers-chinas-quest- technology-and From infrastructure to innovation in China & Israel https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/from-infrastructure-to-innovation-in-china-israel/ Page 65 of 1018 15 Israel firms parade technologies to investors in China Life sciences and ICT companies pitch products in Changzhou, Shanghai and Beijing as delegation seeks investments and other forms of cooperation https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-firms-parade-technologies-to-china-investors/ Technion opens Israel's first university campus in China Site includes 13 buildings, 29 classrooms, and over 60 laboratories; 3,000 students expected to attend over the next decade https://www.timesofisrael.com/technion-opens-israels-first-university-campus-in-china/ Officials warn of risks in warming business ties with China With Beijing's VP set to visit, observers tell Economist that Israel would be wise to regard attention from the Asian giant with caution https://www.timesofisrael.com/officials-warn-of-risks-in-warming-business-ties-with-china/ Pompeo warns US could curb security ties with Israel over China relations Secretary's statements come as Israel steps up trade and business ties with Beijing, which has made key investments in Israeli economy, including strategic Haifa port https://www.timesofisrael.com/pompeo-warns-us-could-curb-security-ties-with-israel-over-china-relations/ Israeli tech set to quench China's growing thirst A joint project brings 'made in Israel' technologies to a water-challenged region of China https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-tech-set-to-quench-chinas-growing-thirst/ An Economic Powerhouse and a Rising Hi-Tech Superpower - 25 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between China and Israel This January, Israel and China marked 25 years of diplomatic relations, a move that enabled cooperation in a variety of fields, peaking in recent years with joint activity in trade, tourism, healthcare, academia and technological R&D https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/an-economic-powerhouse-and-a-rising-hi-tech-superpower-25-years-of- diplomatic-relations-between-china-and-israel/ Israeli tech to power a robot revolution in China With the establishment of the Si no-Israeli Robotics Institute, Israel is a major part of Industrial Revolution 2.0 https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-tech-to-power-a-robot-revolution-in-china/ An Israeli sunscreen policy towards China? An Israeli colleague recently asked this author an interesting guestion: to what extent can the commercial relations between Israel and China harm Israel's special relationship with the Trump administration? https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/an-israeli-sunscreen-policy-towards-china/ Chinese Trade Offices in Israel: New Resource to Accelerate Sino-lsrael Business https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/chinese-trade-offices-in-israel-new-resource-to-accelerate-sino-israel- business/ After quiet 2017, Chinese investors seen resuming Israeli tech shopping spree Low interest rates, Mobileye, Chinese curbs on investment and US tax reform impacted the local tech world this year https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-quiet-2017-chinese-investors-seen-resuming-israeli-tech-shopping- spree/ PM lauds 'growing friendship' between Israel, China as he hosts vice president Wang Qishan, the most senior Chinese official to tour the Jewish state since 2000, visits Western Wall accompanied by Israeli officials during trip focusing on economic cooperation https://www.timesofisrael.com/pm-lauds-growing-friendship-between-israel-china-as-he-hosts-vice- president/ Shanghai mayor visits Israel to deepen cooperation in innovation and key industries https://www.shine.cn/news/metro/1806086024/ Page 66 of 1018 Why Israel is the new promised land for Chinese investors China's total investment in Israel almost tripled last year to US$16 billion, largely in the hi-tech industry. So what's behind the soaring demand? https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/business/article/2121498/whv-israel-new-promised-land-chinese-investors China's Vice President to Visit Israel Wang Qishan will be in Israel October 22-25 to head the fourth China-lsrael Innovation Committee. He may be joined by Jack Ma, Alibaba's founder https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/china-s-vice-president-to-visit-israel-l.6534400 'Trump Will Be Furious': Tension Between U.S. and Israel Over China Infrastructure Projects Tightening Israel-China ties have not yet reached Trump's desk, but one U.S. official warns he will not take to it kindly https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-trump-officials-furious-at-israel-over-chinese-infrastructure- projects-l. 6636151 RUSSIA ISRAEL LINKS Trump, Fox News - "Putin loves Israel and Bi Bi" https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=bQYosxXNgK0&feature=youtu.be&t=123 Borscht Belt: Will Israel Spurn America for Russia? https://observer.com/2015/01/borscht-belt-will-israel-spurn-america-for-russia/ Israel to lure Soviet Jews from Germany https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/nov/27/israel.germany Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/17/israel-soviet-immigrants-transform-country Why Russia Needs Israel https://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/russia-needs-israel/ Why Russia should take over Israel's Defence from America http://theweek.com/articles/562830/why-russia-should-take-over-israels-Defence-from-america As Putin Becomes One of World's Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/55179/how-russian-iews-helped-shape-life-worlds-most-powerful- leaders-jewish-world/amp/ An Emerging Alliance: Russia and Israel https://spectator.org/an-emerging-alliance-russia-and-israel/ Shin Bet Withheld Iran Secrets from Lieberman [Sec.Def Israel] as Security Risk https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2011/ll/lQ/shin-bet-withheld-iran-secrets-from-lieberman-as-securitv- risk/ KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel's Army, Business, and Political Leadership https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2016/12/lQ/kgb-infiltrated-highest-echelons-israels-armv-business- political-leadership/ Like Putting the K.G.B. Into the Pentagon https://www.nytimes.com/1987/06/30/opinion/like-putting-the-kgb-into-the-pentagon.html 'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died https://www.haaretz.eom/.premium-nostalgic-for-the-ussr-on-the-kibbutzim-l.5233153 The KGB's Middle East Files: 'Illegals' in Israel - Russian agents and assets in Israel and elsewhere https://www.vnetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4869996,00.html Page 67 of 1018 LOCATION OF FIROZAH HOTEL - TEHRAN Page 68 of 1018 DIARY ENTRY POLITICAL ASYLUM, IRAN
  225. lAflrti /M 10 tW ZOlb C' rY Of^ ^ Q) Q v/. \iO/v\p ^oon er LqjCji. , fa- . . <ko up. U;K zee r 'l - waii’jj.ff.crt M- nu-aY^ 1 v w ^cl 'i5'i' vv j. H£ hAl^l li.V'it'ld e/)t\li5 L . I lv t Y no^ ba&±. Bbicl rvuL X k« i V Ji i Tk*t i/O^. A hJ$c fL|i£.f.v IL/t oi £WL r lJIl na$MM U-^ Mtft ffiZE 5 E 3 . ; i opt iAT £ • ffflKV A/*C IL G%\ t^oL£ii_ iuN'. . .a.:, i <n he f :Q{ -ji\JC A TO/"' "f h-

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    i \/ (MwtxbtfA 0/\ /A&VfyL Page 69 of 1018 LAWYER DAVID LASHGARI NEWS ARTICLE BIGLAW SMALL LAW LAW SCHOOLS IN-HOUSE LEGAL TECH JUSTICE GOVERNMENT CAREER CENTER INNOVATION 7TH CIRCUIT, BENCHSLAPS, FEDERAL JUDGES, QUOTE Of THE DAY, RICHARD POSNER Judge Posner Rips Litig ant A New One, Calls His Brief ‘Pathetic'^^^^^H When a federal judge uses the word "pathetic" to describe anything about you, you know you're in trouble. By STACIZARETSKY Mar 13.2014 at 3:34 PM Him The defendants’ appeal brief is a gaunt, pathetic document (there is no reply brief). Minus formal matter, it is only eight and a half pages long. Brevity is the soul of wit, and all that, but still: the first seven and a half pages are simply a recitation of the history of the Georgia lawsuit, the settlement negotiations, and the present suit, along with questionable and irrelevant facts; and the tiny argument section of the brief — 118 words, including citations — states merely, without detail or elaboration, that the defendants do not possess the settlement funds and therefore can’t restore them. — Judge Richard Posner, in an opinion ripping apart a brief submitted by David Lashgari, a Georgia lawyer attempting to appeal a contempt citation. Posner called Lashgari’s behavior “outrageous,” and his appeal “frivolous,” and issued a show-cause order as to why Lashgari should not be sanctioned. (Keep reading to see Judge Posner’s entertaining opinion.) SPONSORED CONTENT 2019 State of Corporate Law Departments Report Download this report to learn ways to improve the performance of your law department. THOMSON REUTERS SPONSORED CONTENT International Arbitration and Disputes Partner AmLaw 200 firm is on a search for an international arbitration and disputes partner. KINNEY RECRUITING https://abovethelaw.com/tag/david-LASHGARI/ Page 70 of 1018 LASHGARI LETTER TO IRANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER - CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE APPENDIX 5 ] Lashgari & Associates, p.c. Attorneys at Law 2470 WINDY HILL ROAD, SUITE 214 MARIETTA, GEORGIA 30067-8617 U.S.A. FACSIMILE: (770)612-9455 Tehran, Iran Office* Telephone: 021-22-83-30-41 Facsimile: 021-22-83-27-42 *practice limited to U.S. & international law Via Facsimi le: 021-66-74-40-73 & 021-66-74-31-49 Via Hand Delivery January 8, 2017 Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif The Honorable Foreign Minister of The Islamic Republic of Iran Imam Khomeini Avenue P.O. Box 1136914811 Tehran, Iran PE- Supplement to the Petitio n fo r Asylum in the Islamic of Republic of Iran In the Matter of Brendon Le e O Connell <.Australian Citiren) Honorable Dr. Zarif: This law firm represents the above-named client in his petition for asylum in the Islamic of Republic of Iran based on Convention Against Torture (CAT). 1 This is a request to supplement the above-referenced petition with the sworn Affidavit of Brendon Lee O’Connell along with its exhibits. The above Affidavit and its seven (7) exhibits (numbered 1 through 7) were hand-delivered to the Foreign Ministry of The Islamic Republic of Iran on January 8, 2017. It is respectfully requested that the temporary visa issued to Mr. O’Connell be extended TELEPHONE: (770)612-9400 E-MAIL: LASHLAW@AOLCOM 'Mr. O’Connell initially presented his application for asylum by appearing in person and submitting his initial petition along with supportive documents at the Honorable Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran on October 27, 2016. On November 5, 2016, Mr. O’Connell appeared at the Consular Section of the Foreign Ministry of The Islamic Republic of Iran on Imam Khomeini, Tehran, Iran, and again submitted Ins petition and documents to the staff of the Consular Section. ( See 23-25 & 27-28, Affidavit of Brendon fee O'Connell ). Page 71 of 1018 Page 72 of 1018 IRANIAN LAWYER LASHGARI EMAIL TO IRAN PRESS TV Fwd: Request for meeting Subject: Fwd: Request for meeting From: lawlash <lawlaslKWaol.com> Date: 11/1/2017, 3:51 pm To: Brendon O’Connell <[email protected]> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone -Original message- From: lawlash <[email protected]> Date: 1/11/17 11:01 AM (GMT+03:30) To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Request for meeting To: Mr. Tahami Reference to telephonic conferences of yesterday and today between Mr. Bardia Honarvar and Mr. Rouzbeh Parsapour of Persian Gulf Strategic Studies Center, this is a request for a meeting. Mr. Brendon O'Connell, a pro-Palestinian Australian political activist who was imprisoned for 3 years in Australia for his BDS activities is also with us outside of PressTv lobby now. David T. Lashgari, Esq. Attorney at Law Mr. Brendon O'Connell's passport numberl David (Homayoun) Lashgari code melli: 049 My cell number: 0912 J g§t|| § l j Mr. Parsapour cell number: 0912 HdH lofi 24/10/2019,11:04 am Page 73 of 1018 EMAIL FROM IRANIAN LAWYER PLAINLY SHOWING I HAVE ASYLUM RE: I Dont Know If I Can Stay David Subject: RE: I Dont Know If I Can Stay David From: lawlash <lawlash<®aol.com> Date: 12/12/2016, 6:43 am To: Brendon O’Connell <[email protected]> Yes. I know you have been through a lot during the past nine (9). I have represented clients framed by LAPD - Los Angeles Police Department, proven in court to operate as a RICO enterprise (Racheteering Influenced Corrupt Organization). My colleague who successfully forced a federal court to make the above finding as its, "legal conclusion" was later framed with having committed.
  226. Please stop writing anything I do not need anything now. I am familiar with PTSD.
  227. JUST try to workout and see if you find a good swimming pool to swim. The worst case scenario would be hopefully taking a taxi or minibus once every now and then to the County seat, Gol-paa-ye- gaan. I think you should get out more often to see both Khounsaar well and the surrounding areas. By the way, you should know many KA-BAA-BEEZ (the kabab eatery places) in Tehran on their banner sign hanging from top of storefront claim to be "ka-baa-beh Gol-paa-yeh-gaa-nee." :)
  228. You have to understand that your temporary living situation, I have been told, is only temporary. The most important thing you need to remember that due to the emergency situation and they not be used to fasttracking such cases, one criteria to find a living quarter for you that was not used was wether the people around you are of progressive and informative group :) In fact the luck of the draw, or lack thereof, I believe has landed you on the other side of the political spectrum.
  229. Hopefully, in future, when you get your more permanent place, you have total freedom in finding the place and neighborhood that you want.
  230. You can write about anything you want. I think you would soon realize that there is much diversity in mainstream media in Iran than in US. I don't know anything about Australia. So. you can write in anyway you please; however, I was just giving you a viewpont joconcerning PR and attempt to market the brand in a strategic manner. 6 Credibility is very serious. Please read some his stuff in depth. Do you totally agree 100% with the last 10 documents he has published on the Internet. Do some those that you do not approve of, sound really far fetched and unhinged? There are a lot of credible progressive organization that when you publish the 3rd or 4th draft of your document with them with your name on it, you will even gain more PR.
  231. We will talk more Give me a call. lofl 24/10/2019,11:10 am Page 74 of 1018 LASHGARI - THREATENING TEXTS These are the Iranian lawyers ranting, threatening texts, after I had returned to Kuala Lumpur. I had posted audio of him calling me a "mother fucker" after I had told him I was leaving and he had a drug habit. I have never met a more creepy, shallow, sociopathic personality in all my life and I doubt I will again. His history of being rebuked by judges and allegations of fraudulently promising Green Cards to the USA speak for themselves. Message i & Message < D □ A D □ A D □ □ D B « 0 “il <33 04:06 B 3 S i 0 o-> “|| (13 04:06 B 3 B f 0 Or “|| <33 04:06 «■ > David T. Lashgari (Iran) : • •• typing * '' David T. Lashgari (Iran) : David T. Lashgari (Iran) ; • ••typing I will not rest until you're behind bars. You are disgusting low class piece of shit. You're the type that if someone gives shelter to you out of their kindness and let you in their home, you would go in and then attempt to rape their minor daughter. You have no Idea about the Iranian culture and what it means when we take a stranger into our home. I have no time now for you dishonest thief. THIS IS A DEMAND FOR YOU TO CEASE AND DESIST ALL COMMUNICATIONS WITH ME AS OF THIS MOMENT. YOU ARE NOT TO CONTACT ME ANYMORE. IF YOU HAVE ANY STATEMENT, YOU SHOULD MAKE IT AT THE UPCOMING HEARING ON MY BEHALF FOR YOUR ARREST AND PROSECUTION IN KUALA LUMPUR. $4 T- o , v YOU ARE NOT TO CONTACT ME MALAYSIAN AUTHORITIES WILL CONTACT YOU SOON. Are you ok? 03

    You are a thief, a fraud, a fugitive, a criminal. You sound really stressed. ASK YOUR QUESTIONS FROM THE JUDGE AT THE HEARING. ■ v y Would you like me to call you or post iu I WILL SEE YOU SCUM BAG LOW LIFE CRIMINAL IN COURT!!! OVER. FINISHED. I WILL BE AT THE HEARING MYSELF AFTER OUR MALAYSIAN LAWYERS FIX THE DATE FOR YOUR HEARING!!! I AM JUST WAITING SO I CAN FLY OUT THERE AND FACE YOU SCUM BAG CRIMINAL THIEF AND FUGITIVE IN COURT. I'll pull it down. But, if you're fantasies continue you leave me no choice. I've filmed everything David including withdrawing money with the card you gave me to use rill I left. I gave it to Hamid to give to Mr Parsepoir. Your claims are ridiculous. v You've said the Malaysian authority. Page 75 of 1018 (5^1 04:06 I BB fl i O ’ 1 David T. Lashgari (Iran)

    ••• tvDina Your claims are ridiculous. You've said the Malaysian authorities are coming and you're flying in. So, I guess I have no choice David. You can ring me and calm down and sort it out or you can escalate. I always believed you were a shyster. The stuff that people dug up for me confirms that to some degree. If you continue to threaten me, you leave me no choice. 04 02 // CEASE AND DECEASE ALL COMMUNICATIONS IMMEDIATELY. 0402 Ej 0 O’ jil (“3 04:16 O E shgari (Iran) . C D D % G5 Or jil fasti 04:16 David T. Lashgari (Iran) — typing Quite sick in mind. No David, it is what it is. You're a fully fledged bullshit artist. I have a dozen emails and Whatsapp messages stating exactly that to people. You drove me insane. That's why I left. So anyway, I'm busy right now and you keep saying don't contact you. David, if you don't want me to contact you, why do you keep messaging me? Do you think you might be a little but mentally ill? Mate. I am record a dozen times stating to people you were wiered. You David T. Lashgari (Iran) online to go away and stop contacting me. I have thing to do. But, back me into a corner and we ll, I'd say you and your antics which I documented in my diary and emails goes online. Simple as that. 0414v4 , We are done. I will pull the video down, but leave it in the hands of friends. Goodbye David. cw iSv' David, I just screenshot these and send to people. Stop it. Take the same stuff you took on the night of Tuesday the 24th of January. Ok. 1 take it you will escalate. So be it. j 04:03 v*' and that was enough for me. Now, I've put in the hands of people 1 feel so ashamed for my sisters. My poor and disabled and sick sisters. 1 should have never trusted you. But 1 was gullible. Perhaps because of the fierce loyalty of Iranian friends. But, you are so different. You have no idea what you have got yourself into. © > these texts. It all foes online David the moment you play games. v B Yps I’m tprrifipd .Inst nnctinn now for Now, I'll delete your details from the $ Message


    Message $ |/ Message $

    A D □ < A □ A D □ a-H- .O 0 O* “ill dg 04:26 9 B B J 1 0 0 O’ “la! dg 04:27 a a B £ 4 0 0 O* “ || d3 04:27 David T. Lashgari (Iran) — typing S David T. Lashgari (Iran) . N —typing David T. Lashgari (Iran)


    i ot January. uac men db yuui ueiense in uuui i yuu criminal thug! Like you firing your 8th lawyer and telling your trial judge in Perth that he should be tried for treason!!! WXt 1 feel so ashamed for my sisters. My poor and disabled and sick sisters. 1 should have never trusted you. But 1 How much is that worth? w ... y/ was gullible. Perhaps because of the fierce loyalty of Iranian friends. But. you are so different. Your poor sick sister? The one with apartments in Khansar and Tehran? With the Swiss Banker son who owns this entire apartment block and more... 04:18 -jy Message 1 / Spoke with Hamid and his family. They laughed when I told them about you. You have quite a reputation. # You piece of shit lying bastard. Everything else you say and put out is exactly like the above. Based on no facts but secretions of a sick mind. Your sister Zeeba told me her son was in banking in Switzerland. She flew out there. Hamid showed me this apartment block and said that's where Mrs Zeeba has ANOTHER apartment. The entire block is owned by her son. The Swiss Banker. " v Use that as your defense in court you

    Message $ if/ Then, saying AT YOUR CRIMINAL TRIAL that your jury should be changed into a GRAND JURY TO INDICT THE JUDGEHvU You are just an uncultured, uneducated criminal. The progressive angle is nothing but a smoke screen to cover up your crude, unappreviative, raging, angry deep inside, criminal, dishonest personality. David, you're behaviour was bizarre. I could not stand you. You said things like, 'Hey, I bet you like hanging aroun ' with this masculine man." David, I v thought you were a closet gay. Page 76 of 1018 □ Savina screenshot... . ■ x David T. Lashgari (Iran) \ ... typing unappreviative, raging, angry deep inside, criminal, dishonest personality. David, you're behaviour was bizarre. I could not stand you. You said things like, "Hey, I bet you like hanging around with this masculine man." David, I thought you were a closet gay. You were certainly generous. Giving me a phone and laptop which I gave straight back to you. I even filmed all that stuff and withdrawing money from the bank each time to the tune of $320 Australian dollars over 4 days. You said to pay you back. Mate, I spent nearly $2000 in total in two wasted trips where in the final one you spent all day diverting me from my work. You were especially keen to see me not talk about Orthodox Judaism. x Ok David. As you wish. 17 v*' & Messa ge @ I' <1 D □ Page 77 of 1018 BLOG POSTING - "WHY I LEFT IRAN" (POSTED FEBRUARY 1 st , 2017) BRENDON O'CONNELL LEFT IRAN ON 30 JANUARY, 2017 - WHY?| MrrCi February 01.2017 NOTE: HERE IS LAWYER DAVID (HOMAYOUN) T. LASHGARI WANTING TO KNOW IF I WOULD BE PROCESSING THE THREE MONTH VISA EXTENSION - O Yes. I do get the messages. Thu 1202 V' Good morning. Sobh bekheir. Do you need to have the visa receipt that Mr. Rahimi would need to process your 90-day extention? Yes. Rather than pay the $300 fine. But to be honest I have no wish to speak with you or interact with the Iranian government anymore. I’ll just pay the fine at the airport and beg for donations online. I will meet Mr Parsepoir somewhere on Monday to give back the card. I will owe it $320. 2 mr V © Send unsecured SMS IN CASE PEOPLE THINK I WAS KICKED OUT OF THE COUNTRY". I LEFT BECAUSE OF THE BIZARRE BEHAVIOR OF MY HOSTS. The following long, though detailed and interesting post, explains the circumstances under which I left Iran. I did so with a great deal of sadness. Opportunity lost. You can decide who lost the opportunity. It was originally an email. I never sent it to the lawyer. He recently accused me of a mental illness...you decide. Apparently he still thinks I’m in Iran. The Bell Tower Boy charm conquers all. I slipped past the visa section 35 days over. Thank you Colonel...you people are so damned polite.... Dear It's time for a long email that lays out what you have done. Your unacceptable behavior. At times, you're weird behavior. Despite me repeatedly trying to get you to look at yourself all I got was "giggles" and..."u>/wfs wrong? Wliat have I done? Why are you so angry?" I think you are either mentally ill, a bom sociopath or on drugs - maybe prescription Zoloft. I know this will all come as a complete surprise to you - it always does. A sign of the sociopath, narcissist, is he simply Page 78 of 1018 The Committee to Expose Dishonest and Incompetent Judges, Attorneys and Public Officials DAVID (HOMAYOUN) T. LASHGARI - Ambulance chasing con artist. The man has an obvious drug habit and history of fraud. Why did Iran use this man? My anger is ultimately based on lack of money and feelings of powerlessness. Because, when the fuck up began, 4 days after I got here the second time - at your invitation -1 would have left there and then with a wry smile on my face, "Oh well. I guess that's not meant to be. " But I did not have money. I was also determined to give things a go. To give it everything I have. Not just simply remove myself from the situation as I usually do. I gritted my teeth and said, "tomorrow is another day. See past this ." I told you repeatedly I was warned not to go to Iran. That it was at war. Busy with Syria. Busy securing it’s borders. Busy doing deals. US election on. I was happy not to go. Was very comfortable in Malaysia. Loving it, just beginning to work up a program to force my case into the High Court - get a lawyer and Crowd Fund the case. But it was nagging at me - "Iran is the peak. The final stage. The last man standing." Mark Glenn told me while 1 was in jail on a hunger strike in 2012, then president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had said to Press TV contacts my political asylum would be welcomed with, "open arms”. That’s no small thing. It didn’t impress you at all. Maybe you knew something I never knew? So I woke that morning with the words clearly in my head, "I must go to Iran." You kindly wrote this cover letter for the asylum application. That’s ALL you did. Took you 5 minutes. You were in Iran on other business anyway. I had all the back ground information collated and we got together for a printing session which you said was ’’cheap". So please don't go on about all the "work" you’ve done. Page 79 of 1018 MY FIRST DRINK IN THREE MONTHS...IN IRAN... The first sign of trouble should have been after landing the second time; the three hours to get through the Visa section. Then the piled up baggage -1 take it Iranian's at the airport have not been taught "How not to throw bags in a pile up against a wall?" It makes the average tourist feel a little unwanted. It also might pay to teach a few staff English. It's just that English speakers will bring more English speakers and its the English speakers who will ultimately be dropping bombs on Iran. Most likely very soon. So, if you have more of them visiting, they might tell all their friends about how wonderful Iran is. Iranians told me its not respected to learn English. That the English schools are "crap". Well, if so, someone might want to fix that because Americans will not be learning Farsi any time soon. But they might be dropping bombs soon. Suggestion - learn English. Then getting into the car. The first words, shouted loudly! "No freedom!" Then the plastic cup of 100 proof vodka shoved in my hand. Sighhhhh, this was the second sign. Drank it though. But only because I was being polite. I tried to explain that there was no freedom in Australia either. Except to shop, get in debt and pay a private banking system back a mortgage for the rest of your life. But apparently, alot of Iranians feel getting plastered in the street is a sure sign of freedom. So be it. These were the people you sent to pick me up. You said the original guy had a sore back and he sent his 'freedom fighters' instead. One cup of vodka at a time. When you placed me with your sister in Tehran, 1 was very happy. I was laughing at her inquisitorial mind. A typical woman. She was already lining me up for marriage to a local Iranian girl. I met an Iranian child psychiatrist who was very interesting. I liked your sister. We were not politically aligned but she agreed the first thing I should do is learn the language. We discussed enrolling in an intensive Farsi language course. Keeping busy. PODUNK KHANSAR, IRAN You suddenly took me away from that and sent me to podunk Khansar where no one spoke English except your other sister - limited - but tolerable. Khansar is nice if you want to hide out or watch the snow fall on the beautiful mountain peaks - but it is positively miserable for a man on a mission with limited time to get it done. 1 hated it. But what a great place for a B&B. Your well meaning older sister - under different circumstances - would be a delight. A well read older woman who is living three cultures. Iranian, Swiss and American. She has maintained her Khansar roots. Believes in the revolution and keeping out the worst of western 'liberal' habits. How ever, as you agreed, she is not "all there”. Most likely the high doses of cortisol affecting her cognitive function. Affecting memory. She was organizing me to go to Syria; get married to an Iranian girl; convert to Islam. This really pee'd me off. Then dressing me up like a freaking doll and parading me around. Sorry, I was not there for a holiday - or "convert". I was in Iran to “continue doing what you are doing", as the mysterious Mr Javed from the Foreign Office stated. "Doing" meant being online. I could not be online as your sister dragged me from Khansar to Tehran, from Tehran to the Caspian Sea - then back again. On a whim. Seemingly. I thought she was taking orders from you. 1 thought maybe a limpet mine was about to be attached to the taxi window or something. I just tagged along. What else could I do? You told me you had no idea it was going on. NO INTERNET FOR ME... In the end I had to tell her I could not move around any more. I could not have my face stuffed with food any more as I had the beginning stages of diabetes. I needed stability. I needed a preferably, fast, internet connection. I had obligations to people back in Western Australia who had been feeding me information on corruption in the state. I was meant to make video's, post to my blog. Have a daily online presence. Build my audience up. Yell and scream and rant - from Iran. I’ll Page 80 of 1018 I lost that online presence in Iran - and later on, you seemed determined to finish the job. But of course your demands to make the perfect "production" always ended with, “But of course, you Jo what you want to do. “ Then you would 'pout'. Of course you will deny this, say you meant what you said. You are an alpha male controlling personality though I'm sure you do it for the best interests of your clients. In the end I had to repeatedly tell you - and scream at you with my jaw clenched - that a "continuous online presence" was what was required to draw an audience. In the last eight years I had been online for the grand total of 18 months. But you insisted - every day - that a Hollywood production would have to be done because I was such "star material". I mean...really? Or were you aiming me for a job at Press TV as a reporter as was mentioned? Your sister did what she could. Got the internet connected. Then she left. While I waited for you to arrive I got online. But I couldn't - most of the time. Iran requires a VPN to get around the great big kebab firewall of persia. Most of the time mine wouldn't work - a bought and paid for good VPN service. It was continually cut off - a sign of a man in the middle attack - something the software is designed to do. No blogging, no Facebook, no you tube. This was Iran. OFFLINE IN IRAN Make no mistake, if I had wanted to be offline in Iran -1 would have stayed in Western Australia and dropped the subject and hung out with Minister Joe Francis and ex special forces commander James McMahon. Maybe got a job at his IT Penetration Testing company. In hindsight, a much better option. I got out of Australia so I could tell my story - two years offline being accused of mental illness, a personality disorder, being a liar...it really pisses you off when you cant correct the record. 1 had people like that prick Dr Frederick Toben bad mouthing me everywhere he went. The man who tried several times to associate me with white supremacist racist. Jack Van Tongeran. The very man who the legislation was designed for, the legislation I was charged under. Frederick did not do that accidentally - twice - he did it under orders and with me offline had been bad mouthing me ever since. Thats what I wanted to counter - but could not. i nW^ V?7ff^ /?r^ rT>n^ In the above picture we see Dr Frederick Toben standing with Van Tongeran with a painting he had entered into the Archibald Prize. That very same pdture was front and center of an Adelaide Institute Paper where Toben writes to me in a "letter" format and mentions "our friend" JVT. Toben knows JVT is no friend of mine. Previously, Tobens side kick Peter Hartung, had tried to get me to interview Van Tongeran 6 weeks before my trial. He had flown me over without mentioning this - then, just as I was picked up from the airport he states, "Jack is waiting for you. We want you to interview him.” I said, “Peter. JVT is an un repentant violent thug, devoted to racial division and supremacism. I do not think l>eing seen with this man six weeks before my trial is a good thing. Do you ?“ Well, it got real frosty...and 1 was glad to leave there a few days later. I had thought Hartung had wanted to talk about utilizing the trial to push knowledge on the persecution and jailing of historical revisionists. Get Toben on the stand. Neither of them were interested. Toben went to the US despite knowing the trial was on. He asked me to play sick to delay it. I refused. I complained to Toben that Hartung had tried to set me up with JVT. Toben apologized and stated Hartung had not thought about that. Well, what did Frederick Toben do two years later? He tried to tie me up with JVT AGAIN with his obviously, specifically, crafted letter insinuating we were all friends. That was not an "accident". Prison staff were so concerned they came to me and warned me about it and gave me a copy of the news letter. So 1 ask The Revisionist Movement - at great personal cost -1 challenged the beast by offering Toben to get on the stand and in front of a jury state what he wanted about 'The Holocuast TM” with the full protection of the law, being on the stand. Toben showed little interest. Peter Hartung would not even discuss the subject and appeared specifically disinterested. So, there ya go. BLASTING TOBEN I blasted Toben and never spoke to him again until I sent him an email stating he could have had me badly beaten associating me with such a hardened racist asshole as Van Tongeran. I noted if he wasn't so old I would have thrashed him to within an inch of his life. Toben is known to associate with ASIO. He told me that straight to my face. That they would "pop" over and have a cup of tea and would he be so kind to have a look around Tehran and tell them anything of interest. He stated to me that he always told them they could read it all on his blog? I believe he was trying to get me shifted to protection where I would not have been able to complete my High Court synopsis. This was in 2012. These are the games that have been played - a thousand times. Toben also tried to line me up with a 60+ year old woman called "Elaine" who we were all sure he was having sex with. He then claimed that I had treated this woman "badly" when she was trying to help. No, her husband was Military Intelligence and she had an Australian Federal Police friend across the road she knew well enough to borrow clothes from for someone. She was also audited after I was sent to jail and she refused to give me my phone list so I could call reporters in the US. She also told all the people around me that I was insisting on "no visitors" when I was in fact screaming for people to visit me. That's what one woman managed to do - totally destroy me while I was locked away. Had she been a man show would never have walked again and I still might post her full nme and details in the future just for good Page 81 of 1018 MINISTER IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA AFRAID OF HIS OWN PRISON OFFICERS When you're forced offline under threat of arrest. When you have a notoriously corrupt state from the Premiere and his dodgy land deal son, to the notorious Western Australian police to the drug addicted dodgy lawyers and sexual deviate pedophile judges. Who do you turn too? Well, Minister Joe Francis of course and his un-abashed, widely known anti¬ corruption stand. Backed up with an ex SAS special forces commander to boot. But he saw fit to bleat his worries out over the phone to me on October the tenth, 2014 in a 32 minute phone call. Where he stated -
  232. I’m more scared of my own prison officers than I am of the bikies after I stopped their drugs getting into the jail.
  233. My staff are lazy and incompetent. My accounts person cannot tell the difference between $100 million dollars and $1 million dollars in the GPS sex offender tracking budget. 3.1 had to fight tooth and nail to get cameras that record into the Hakea Remand Center punishment unit to stop prison officers beating up prisoners. 4.1 would stand around for 20 minutes in prisons in my suit with Commissioner James McMahon waiting for a prison officer to ask who we were and if they could help. But they were to busy playing angry birds on their phones. 5.1 believe prison officers organized the break in of my home. MINISTER And on and on. That call is not in dispute by the Department of Public Prosecutions. See the above? Thai's the lawyer telling me the DPP prosecutor does not deny the 32 minute phone call from Minister Joe Francis took place. Now, what did we talk about? 1116 weather? For 32 minutes? I've never had a soul ask me, "Hell! The Minister rang you! Wow! Tell me all about it!" Never. CRAZY PROSECUTOR CARMEL BARBAGALLO I finally got Senior Prosecutor David Thiering to admit to it after yelling at my then lawyer Simon Frietag to demand a phone record from the telecommunications company to prove it took place. Coz that's what you do in legal cases - you apply pressure. You get dirt. You negotiate them down. I threatened with ONE EMAIL to expose the national scandal that is the Stagno/Kovacs/Naumovski murder case. Senior Prosecutor David Thiering got back to me the next day and offered to lower the charge to a "threat to harm" and take it back to the Magistrates Court where there was no chance of jail. The lawyer at the time - Stephen Gabriel - then very kindly did NOTHING and I sacked him. I had told Thiering I wanted to take the deal but it had to go through the lawyer. By the time Simon Frietag came along the new prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo stated, “/ don't care if it's l>een lowered. I will still be asking for jail!'' With that, I said lets go to trial then! The chance to end the debacle ended right there because of one NUTCASE prosecutor who is utterly notorious. Simon Frietag tnl.l mp not In wnrrv about ( armpl Barhapallo Hp -;hp AI WAVS tor iail ami pop*; ahpa.l with ■ a^*; «;hp rjnnnt_ Page 82 of 1018 B'ARB'A'G'AUirOliiSENIORiRRQSEGLJjTiQR AUSTiRAlM'AN WM?L JEfaPJ? Judge outrage at prosecutor's 'abuse' of law http://wwvv.lheagc.com.au/victoria/judge-outrage-al-prosecutors-abuse-of-law-20100929-15wrg.html A judge has this morning slammed the office of prosecutions for trying to upgrade a charge against a man who has already pleaded guilty to and been convicted of a lesser offence in a lower court. Judge slams OPP for reneging on accused man's deal littp:7/www.her.ildsun.coin.uuAicws/vutori.t/judge-sl.ims-opp-fofrrneging-on-jc«ised-nuns-dt , jl/.story-« , 6frf7kx-12259.^795399 Judge Coghlan refused to accept the indictment, calling it “a fundamental abuse of process”. "The abuse is contained in making the deal and then going back on it," Justice Coghlan said. "I don't understand how the director (of public prosecutions) would u>ant to come to this case and put as a proposition that he can't be taken for his word." The softly-spoken Ms Barbagallo was repeatedly interrupted by Justice Coghlan, who said he had not seen an OPP backdown like this in his 42 years in the legal industry. "My first reaction to this is horror that we can come to his, quite frankly," he said. POLITICAL ASYLUM NOT NECESSARY But I have to argue and beat down lawyers all day, every day. Then they mouth off 1 am a "difficult client". No, I just know what I'm doing and who I am fighting and how to win. You lot know how to lie, obfuscate, play the court rules all day and do the work of the relevant establishment when you get the call to do as you are told - not listen to your client. You are a smart little lawyer too - in the recording attached, you are saying..."that's not the training I received..." when 1 ask you repeatedly to confirm that I had re peatedly requested political asylum was not necessary . That the Iranian government could easily bring pressure to bear on Australia with Australia knowing they were considering political asylum and the embarrassment it would cause. That the behavior of Western Australia is SO BAD, one decent honest lawyer would rip the bastards to bits in five seconds flat. But you just went about things your way. Claiming that's not the way things are done and you didn't receive any "training" in that way - when that IS the way lawyers work all day - doing deals behind the scenes. You lying little prick. I hate lawyers more than I hate the police. THE ISRAELI AMBASSADOR AND DEPUTY FOREIGN MINISTER COME TO TOWN All that was required was to talk to someone from the Iranian government - openly - and honestly. There was no need for political asylum except as a stunt to be used for publicity. My case was so utterly transparent and criminal in nature it would fall apart with the mild intervention of a player like Iran who have decent relations with Australia - Iran's foreign minister and Australia's foreign minister know each other well. I provided detailed documentation of everything. My case Page 83 of 1018
  234. Steven Smith. 30 local and federal members of parliament turned up in person. Over 100 expressed written support for the event. That's over one third of the countries politicians - supporting an event that was a BLATANT criminal contempt of court and internation al incid ent. Unheard of - anywhere - any time. I think after the A1 Jezeera special on Israel Intelligence infiltration and creating these groups we know how "spontaneous" the FOI rally was;-) Why Is The Media Ignoring My Story? https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2014/06/whyis-media-ignoring-my-story.html Israel's parliamentary plot against UK politicians https://www.youtube.com/watch7vsBCMKkmG2M8s But...none of the above, or ANY detail of it was of any interest to you. I told you over and over again, if you were going to represent my interests you needed to at least skim over the 235 page High Court synopsis. You needed to skim over the 30 page sentencing submissions with the 90+ pages of annexures. It would take you 90 minutes. Just to get an idea of the breadth and scope of what had gone on and the blatant criminality of those involved. How easy it would be to get funding to the High Court of Australia with a lawyer on board. But not you - not interested. To busy, High Court synopsis - 2.5MB PDF Document https:/Avww.dropbox.com/s/ozmugdrz30e4igt/High%20Court %20Notes%20-%20Index.pdf https://www.dropbox.eom/s/ly4cscnmxsz20zh/High%20Court%20Notes.pdf Sentencing Submission - 72MB PDF' Document https://drive.google.com/open7id-0B7BDtVgo7LasTVowdVpwQmE3WU ONE GOOD LAWYER COULD END THE DEBACLE IN FIVE MINUTES I told you over and over political asylum is purely a stunt - though certainly deserved. The case was a joke and with just ONE good lawyer and the Iranian state watching they would make the Australian government pull Western Australia and their corrupt police and judiciary into line. Drop their ridiculous prosecutions and fund my case to the High Court. Israel sure had no problem "applying pressure" on a court case? Maybe I should convert? I would be quiet - go to university. Pull down the blog. Jews would be removed from the racial vilification legislation in Australia, without question. We won that directions hearing back in 2010 under Judge McCann on jews not eligible for the legislation. John Bougher - my lawyer - turned to me in total surprise and said, "Dear God! We are going to win!" This was after comments stated by Judge McCann as he left to make a ruling. He said, ” Some very interesting things have been said here today. But. if the expert witnesses stack up. 1 will have no choice but to proceed to trial. The next thing that needed to be said by my then lawyer was, “Your honor, clearly the expert witnesses do not stack up. Professor Of Jewish Civilization Studies Professor Andrew Marcus and his 'report ’ are pure hearsay and totally inadmissible. It simply states what he claims are the views of jews who are not on the stand, under oath or even identifiable under a anonymous questionnaire. Rabbi David Frielich is also totally hearsay evidence, commenting on what he ’thinks’ a jew is aitd is not as a member of the Orthodox jeivish congregation of Perth. Western Australia. From the evidence you have seen your honor that jews can never be considered a race or ethnic grouping under any common sense application of the legislation. " And that would have been that. But I said no to John. "Lets go to trial. Get everything on the record." But they were never going to allow me to get anything on the record. And for the record, the man who prosecuted me, Antony Eyers, stated to me four years later he agreed that there was no way they should be under the legislation. Hidden Video Of Trial https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2014/06/hidden-video-of-trial.html ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY DICK... The above is an important issue as the United States tries to install similar legislation - "conduct likely to offend." But it’s not of much interest to you . You're too tired. You have a business to run back in the US. You have mouths to feed. Then go away and get me a lawyer who isn't tired. Since when is it about YOU? Its about 300,000 dead Syrians and total destruction of that countries infrastructure over large swathes of it. Its about 2 million dead Iraqi's and incalculable suffering of these people at multiple levels down to the long term side effects of depleted uranium - deliberately seeded like Rome would "salt the earth" of those who would oppose it. Its about 70,000 dead Afghani's and US "kill squads” and opium poppy fields. Why is it all about YOU? Who are you? Where did they pull you from and why have you cost me nearly $2000 and two months of my time? You put this RIDICULOUS note over my head where I worked from, I was fuming - Page 84 of 1018 Let us caste our minds back a while. A "blind" Chinese dissident. Annoyed the Chinese government one to many times. Ran from his 'house arrest' and made it to the American Embassy. After a stand off he was given political asylum in the US and a university placement. I can just imagine his hosts (who were Jewish btw) putting a note like the one pictured above, above his head. The Barefoot Lawyer': Q&A With Blind Chinese Activist Chen Guangcheng http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2015/03/18/the-barefoot-Iawyer-qa-wth-blind-chinese-activist- chen-guangcheng/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chen_Guangcheng Your excuse for that note was that it will require money for "the staff' and the "office space" etc. Heck, why shoot so low? What about a ballistic missile and a centrifuge too? We can run it in the basement. Don't think so small David. But watch for USB thumb drives from traveling salesmen. Are you for real? 1 was thinking of a few English speaking Uni students. Maybe a guy or gal with experience in web design and Adobe After Effects - working as "interns". Forgive me. I'm a humble man with humble expectations. You called me "mutha fucker". I recorded you all that morning. Because I knew people would not believe what 1 had been putting up with. You are a smooth Pierre lawyer who complained 1 would be more grateful if I was "paying". Mate, I NEVER asked for you. YOU begged me to come! And I have those phone calls and emails. "This is not the way ire do things in Iran." you said, with regards being left in the hotel to rot. “Please get on a plane as soon as possible! You might of added 1 would not be posting alot online except your approved hollywood style productions and I would have to ditch all my online friends as a man of my "star appeal" does not interact with the public. YOU said that, closely paraphrased. You leam't well young Jedi from your "Jewish mentor" as you stated frequently. He's a "good guy" and you'd hate to upset him with all that info I was giving you on Orthodox Judaism would you? No, you would not want to upset poor precious Chosen Persons. Lets just let their brethren keep on killing all over the Middle East and don't call them out on their psychotic religion of racism and hate - it might upset "Chosen People". How come they know all about this in Pakistan, America, England, Europe, Malaysia the Middle East...but not Iran? Am 1 missing something here? You can buy books in Pakistan - "Israel Did 9-11". Malaysians will talk about it at the drop of a hat - in 2012 they had a "Israel Did 9-11" conference. It only cost them two missing Malaysian Airlines aircraft - you know those aircraft fly themselves - literally. Cheap at half the price, but Iranians seem blissfully ignorant and un-interested. Maybe you are just too damned nice? The Malays are a feisty people. Their 20+ year PM Dr Mahattir Mohammad helped make it that way - but you don't even know who he is do you? That surprised me. The legendary high level leader with balls of steel who came right and said Israel did 9-11 and "Jews" were deceiving people into fighting their wars for them. A 2003 speech that will go down in history. One you missed. You missed the 2012 "Revisiting 9-11 Conference” conference too in KL. Dr Mahathir took on Soros in 1997 - well before the current crop of people who want Soros arrested as a "menace". This quote from 1997 - Lashing out at currency traders like Mr. Soros as "morons," Mr. Mahathir castigated them on Saturday as "a group of ultra-rich people." "For them wealth must come from impoi>erishing others," Mr. Mahathir said, "from taking what others hai>e in order to enrich themselves. Their weapon is their wealth against the poverty of others." Page 85 of 1018 http://www.nytimes.com/1997/09/22/world/premier-of-malaysia-spars-with-currency-dealer.html Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad's Full Speech http://www.smh.com.aU/articles/2003/10/20/1066502121884.html Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad 2003 on "The Jews" https:/Avww.youtube.com/watch?v-UGWJ7tVr47o THE MYSTERIOUS COLONEL "H" AT PASSPORT, BORDER CONTROL I'm sure Colonel "H” knows all about the enemy too. You translated for me, 'That ideology has no place in this world." Meaning Orthodox Judaism. Maybe Col "H" should be President? At least the "barefoot" President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Something might get done. Maybe too many Swiss bank accounts out there and "nice liberal lefty progressive banking jews" giving to many assurances to the Tajrish Swiss Alps ski'ing crowd that their Swiss bank accounts are safe if they will just ensure no one mentions..."The Jews". At least "Orthodox Jews" and their psycho racist, homicidal, ethnic cleansing based religion that wants to rule the world from Jerusalem. Hey! Their words not mine. Don't shoot the messenger - or maybe just ignore him. Keep trying to make him a travelogue producer and wannabe Croc Hunter. Yeh, keep doing that. That will defeat Israel and the homicidal rabbinate. Any other side shows and dark narrow alley's you'd like to take me down David? Or was that an overly narrow alley but well lit - because you said I had "star material". What, you running a casting couch? You said at the gym words to me like, 7 bet you are glad to be hanging around a masculine man" I cant even remember the context, I just remember thinking, “Is this guy gay? I thought 'The Good Doctor' said their ivere no gays in Iran?" What the hell was that about? Are you on drugs David? Coke? Meth? Zoloft? Dex¬ amphetamine? What are you on? Or just borderline functional bi-polar? You cant see it can you? But you called me "mentally ill" just an hour ago - Mate, I’m not in Iran. No, I don't need the 90 day extension. I got through the visa section with a $60USD fine, 35 days over stay. Luck O' The Irish I expect. Guy on desk could not believe it. Thanks to Colonel H perhaps? I think I'll post all of that exchange later with all the details. 1 get really annoyed when people call me mentally ill - especially someone who Page 86 of 1018 I do think I have a theory now on all the "mass migration" of alleged Muslims into Europe. Part of the deal NOT to mention "The Jews" and Orthodox Judaism from the liberal, progressive, lefty jew banker set in Europe, is that if the Islamic elite say nothing, they get a Swiss Bank account and the perceived added bonus of filling the ghetto's of Europe with their poor and desperate. This works for lefty, progressive, liberal banker jrws in Europe because they can set Muslim against Christian. Muslims get the fantasy that they are out breeding the people who seem to love throwing bombs and depleted uranium at them and a little revenge for Syria and Iraq...every one is happy. Except the majority white Christians who Jews feel to be the bigger threat when they find out who took their Christmas tree's and Nativity Scenes and their tax dollars and their dignity after they gave them all that hospitality. German Christians may do worse when they find out the truth and the guilt trip that has been laid upon them, not to mention the black mail payments. "The Jews" never forget
  235. especially that Jew called Jesus who called the Jewish Elite out..."Children of hell, sons of your father the devil!" They will just never forget that. Some of us Christians also don't forget. And sanctions? What sanctions? If I had a dollar for every Porsche I saw in Tajrish I'd have enough for a couple of cappuccino's a day and they aint cheap in Tajrish. I want to start a new "meme”. When you are doing really well despite all the odds you say, ” Sanctioned baby! Iran style! “ No one gets credit other than me. Prices in the shops on luxury goods, computers, technology, phones - same price as Australia. Not bad for the masters of the Silk Road. Someone tell Donald to try harder. All those cranes, building. Sanctions? Ballistic missiles and centrifuges? Sanctions? But...
  237. NO MONEY TO HOLD A CONFERENCE ON ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITY AND THEIR INFILTRATION AND DOMINATION OF THE HIGH TECHNOLOGY SECTOR WORLD WIDE FACILITATING THE ABILITY OF THEIR INTELLIGENCE SERVICES TO TARGET, BRIBE AND BLACKMAIL PERSONS ON INTEREST. Lets just hijack one of those Tajrish Alfa Romeo's and sell it in Serbia at a good price. That will fund the first phase of the conferences. No need to put a ballistic missile on hold or lose a few pounds of uranium. Done. Worth it's weight in 20 nuclear warheads. As former President of the Barefoot South Tehran Republic once said, 'This is the age of peace and dialogue, not bullets and bombs." The Good Doctor is right. Let him have a second term. Clearly being "moderate" to 'lefty liberal nice banker jews" in Europe is not working. Let Mr Ahmadinejad do his thing. This time no holocaust conference...just the facts that come from their own racist, supremacist, potty mouths. Its like stealing a Talmud from a blind, deaf and dumb Yeshiva student. Dead easy. You never know when you'll be short of toilet paper. “uto ©as3 O3S&0® ©dT ito (SnuFc, ®fisGE3fito Ebb flatf “USEes So&gseO ■00)37 Ktea3 KBs And the hours and hours of your speeches on the great ancient persian culture of the last 4000 years. It is indeed interesting David, but it wont defeat Israel. You probably did not notice this but after you had wafted on long enough 1 would interject with, “You know the Rabbi's regularly call non jews their 'staves' and call for the death of men, woman and children according to their holy books that include specific instructions on killing new born babies to make sure the entire race is wiped out. They call people they want to wipe from the face of the earth ‘Amelakites which is taken from the Jewish Old Testament

    'Book Of Samuel 1' and elaborated upon in detail in the Babylonian Talmud, Shulkan Aruk and Zohar. It calls for the getiocide of all enemies of The Jews so that their military messiah will 'incarnate' and The Jews xuill rule as a 'master race'from Jerusalem and be a 'light unto the Gentiles'. But if they (Gentiles/Goy/Cattle) refuse ruler ship of The Jews, they are to be wiped from the face of the earth. Their words not mine.

    JERUSALEM POST Yosef Gentiles exist only to serve Page 87 of 1018 RABBI OVADIA YOSF.F: 'The Rabbi For All Jews". Bigger than "The Pope". Where is the western media? http://www.tiniesofisr.iel.com/jcrusalcm-closes-down-for-rabbi-ovadia-yosefs-funcral/ It seems the Palestinians and Iraqi's and almost the Syrians were practice. Well, it took me a while and muchos teeth grinding but FINALLY 1 got your attention on that one. I think it was when l mentioned the conversion process for a female to orthodox Judaism, where she lies naked in a "Mikvah" - bath of water cleansing water - and two Rabbi's (not one but two because they like to be thorough) get to stick a white cloth in her vagina to make sure she is not menstruating. One might wonder what the cry throught the land might be David, if this was the conversion practice for a female to Islam? But of course, only the crazy brave will take on Orthodox Judaism. The majority (%80) of religious jews. Easier to club Islam when we're not clubbing them with Daisy Cutters and 19 yer olds on meth with M-16's with their functionally autistic Marine Corp privates, damaged from vaccines and online gaming. Like the British Army circa 1915, it took 50,000 casualties but I advanced one intellectual mile through the mud. A great victory. 1 think. Finally, after weeks of screaming, you appeared to organize with the Persian Gulf Studies Center, something along the lines of an Israeli Intelligence conference in Tehran. I almost cried. Thank you Lord! So, I busy myself with a video announcing the event and the need for organizers and a beginning dialogue. I contact Dr Alan Sabrosky, former head of the US Army War College. A guy you have never heard of despite him being a regular guest on Press TV. I guess you missed his appearances. He was dead keen. I told him I was an "instigator" and not an "organizer" but I would get the ball rolling because it seems NO ONE in IRAN has heard of Christopher Bollyn, Dr Steve Pieczenik and Dr Alan Sabrosky. I guess if they had they would of organized a conference pronto. Here's our interaction - his responses redacted - Persian Gulf Studies Center http://persiangulfstudies.com/en/index.asp7p-NEWS2 The dream began, ~A conference on this subject first. Then a conference on Orthodox Judaism as the foundation for the racist, homicidal apartheid state of Israel. Michael Hoffman and Reverend Ted Pike leading. E. Michael Jones close Mind. A bunch of Revisionist in there too maybe. Dr Tony Martin on 2J3rds of all slave owners in the American South being “jews", acting on their religious instructions and 'The Curse Of Ham.' “ You think Press TV or the Persian Gulf Studies Center might do a story on that? No, of course not. You might "offend" precious "jews". Dr. Tony Martin & David Irving - The Jewish Role In The African Slave Trade Page 88 of 1018 CONSTANTLY DISTRACTED All I had to do was hang on till you left so you would not be constantly distracting me, looking over my shoulder, telling me how the video should go and talking loudly even when I put my head phones on to make the point I WAS WORKING! Trying to work out how to use the insanely complicated Adobe After Effects 17 so those graphical effects would maybe bring a crowd. How would you like it if, as you studied a complex legal matter, I kept interjecting, giving advice, making grand plans as to how the project will go? How would you like it? I tell ya what, if I need a complex legal suit begun I will come to you. If you want an event organized at the level of who should come and the basic theme - come to me. Because you don't have a due about the subject I have been living, breathing, bleeding for and suffering broken bones and imprisonment over for 17 years. Defer to me. If I want your damned opinion I'll ask for it. Just find me someone who speaks English. Because that's the people you have to convince NOT to bomb you into oblivion. More Iranians might want to learn it. The fact Iranians seem to want to convince the world what a wonderful culture you really are shows how utterly out of touch your academic, intellectual, political and religious elite are. The homicidal, nut case Rabbi's of Israel have been lobbing atom bomb grenades at you without pulling the pins. You can throw right back but you all missed it. Why are you on the back foot, defending yourself from the Zionist controlled western media? They lie, we know that. But Israel and Orthodox Judaism are a filthy rat bag group of psychopaths that actually brag about it. They are giving it away! And what are you all doing about it? Well, nothing. You said you were worried about "offending" your "loyal Iranian Jews". Press TV is scared of losing it’s satellite again for two years, apparently. JEWISH POWER AND ISRAEL SHOULD BE ON THE BACK FOOT, NOT IRAN AND ISLAM When will the Ayatollah simply order/suggest Michael Hoffmans "Judaism Discovered" be translated into Farsi and Arabic. THAT would be a good start. . Judaism Discovered How about Arabic and Farsi subtitles on the Reverend Ted Pikes excellent video's - "The Other Israel" and "Why The Mid East Bleeds". That would be a good start. Then get Press TV to start a long line of investigative pieces on Orthodox Judaism and how the Rabbinate in Israel order the killing of men, women and children and "nursing babies". How about that? How about the Israeli Kill (Defense) Force chief doing religious spells with the utterly notorious (not Biggie) Chabad Lubaintcher Ultra Orthodox Hasidim for the protection of IDF troops during Operation Kill Palestinian Civilians Men Women And Children And Nursing Infants -1 mean Caste l^ead. Its all online in living color. Its not a secret. Except in Iran. How about that Russian "pretend jew" Israeli politician, who stated the mothers of Palestinian resistance fighters should be killed. Believe me, when you have labelled the Mothers to be "killed", you have labelled the Palestinians "Amalek”. She did not get that piece of "logic" from the sky. She got it from the Jewish Old Testament and Balrylonim Talmud - the religion of "peace and tolerance". Then we have Hannah Kasher, Israeli academic researcher from Bari Lam University, Tel Aviv, stating in an academic paper that you can justify the killing of "innocent" men women and even children in the war against the Palestinians (Amalek) by the application of Jewish holy books from the religion of "peace and tolerance". Those FEW examples (thank you Michael Hoffman) give you the DIRECT APPLICATION of Jewish Religious Law from the religion of peace and tolerance onto a set of human beings who stand in the way of a few peaceful Jews and their military messiah and Greater Israel. Stop calling it the "Zionist State”. It's the "Jewish State". Please listen to British Jewish activist Paul Eisen - The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed Page 89 of 1018 http://www. righteousjews. org/article 7 O.html Hitler screamed from the podium, “Woe to he who is weak!" Indeed. And “woe to he/she who has been lalvlled Amalek“. That’s all of us who wont submit to the fraudsters from the hack alleys of Kracow Poland pretending to be "semites" in the Middle East. They are the victims of the Rabbi's and the ghetto system they insisted were put in place so they could control "jews" - who just wanted to marry a blonde haired German beer hall beer server and become Catholic, or Communist. So no one should tell you ’Israel" is not controlled by the Rabbinate. It is Jewish religious law (halakah) that decides who is a Jew and who can make "Aliyah" (Ascend) to Israel. Preferably blonde haired blue eyed Russians with a PHD in physics and CPU and software design - who are actually Orthodox Christians pretending to be "jewish” so they can lay on the fine sand of a Tel Aviv beach and take plenty of XTC and meth and coke at the excellent Tel Aviv night clubs. The running joke in Occupied Palestine is that half of the "jews" managing the checkpoints for the Israeli Kill (Defense) Force are Orthodox Christians from Russia, asking for blessings from the Russian Orthodox priests as they walk through. Even a hardened Ruskie needs some beach time in the harsh Russian winter. And besides, it's great for Israel's "image" as in being "Judeo-Christian" and "just like America". All the better to convince Americans and Europeans and British people that the Jews of Occupied Palestine's fight to thieve Semitic lands is a 'just' fight and also the fight of "white Christians” who value their "Judeo-Christian" heritage and democracy and "orderly transfer of political power". THE ENEMIES OF CHRIST AND CHRISTIANS The grand irony is that these people are the sworn enemies of Christ and Christians. They have vast Rabbinic Academies (Yehsiva's) dedicated to teaching young "jews" how to hate Christ, call Him a "bastard" and His Mother a "whore". They finish up with Jesus "boiling in hot excrement in hell", justly pondering His crimes. They spit in the faces of the Orthodox Christian priests in Occupied Palestine. They punch them. They strip search the Russian Orthodox Monks for fun as they come through the airport. They break the Church windows. They spit on the Cross when they see it. They "curse" all Christians when they see a Cross. Muslims revere Christ as a "Great Prophet" and His Mother as "Blessed". The ones in Dubai and Kuala Lumpur and Tehran who put up Christmas Tree's and nativity Scenes while Jews all over the world demand they be taken down! Then the cunning "Jews" who play Muslim Cleric demanding Christians be killed and Cross's taken down. All those "secular" and "communist” and "atheist" JEWS who run the “Atheists For The Removal Of All Religious Symbolism From Government And Public Buildings “ Read up on your Soviet era jewish communists and their tactics in Russia and the Ukraine - demanding the pulling down of Cross's from the side of roads that commemorated the war dead. Who do you think was asking for that? Muslims? The jig is up and I wish you luck *" I hope your government in Iran cease "playing dumb" and just go in for the kill. To not do so now will make alot of people wonder about who is running the show here and how such an educated and progressive population of academics and others can be so dead bones stupid and ignorant while a goat herder in Pakistan and Afghanistan knows Israel did 9-11 and Jews hate Christians - if they are Orthodox and/or secular communist. You missed it. But then, to be fair, where are the Catholic Academics and Russian, Greek, Romanian, Serbian Orthodox Christian Academics and priests? They KNOW all of this stuff too. But they are not about to be possibly bombed to oblivion if Trump does not turn on his handlers first. I'd get "conferencing" ASAP. I was just in the beginning stages of organizing a conference on the subject of Israeli Intelligence activity. Their domination of databases and the high technology sector. The movement of the American Silicon Valley sector to Israel and "Silicon Wadi". I'd made contact with Dr Alan Sabrosky and I began a video to publicize it. I'll finish it up and post it for the content - _ Page 90 of 1018 do not know. The Intel guys seem onto it but all this lawyer guy wants me to do is have a travel show. I am distinctly uncomfortable here. CONCLUSION Right now, I don't have time nor the energy to convince you or the Iranian government of anything anymore. I don't have time for trench warfare. A stressful victory, one bout of cortisol inducing stress hormone cancer causing bout of frustrate rage at a time - dealing with you is something I cannot afford at 46. I've had eight years of it. I beat probable cancer last year with the ketogenic diet and I am not going to allow it back. I want to get married and start a family on my hippy Christian commune/kibbutz with permaculture garden at Israelite Bay in the isolated south of Western Australia. OT Jews and Muslims welcome. Just have a sense of humor and irony and don't tell me how to video edit. This email is of course not meant to educate you. You are past educating. This email is going to those people at the Persian Gulf Study Center and Press TV. I am not going to let you control the battle field narrative after I have left it. Have a nice day. PGSC Dear Mr Brendon I was very unhappy, Because you have left Iran. I hope wherever you are good luck Iran has always been your home ESI Messa < 2 comments Google Add a comment Top comments v © <3 Brendon O'Connell via Google* nths aqr snared c> itii.dv BRENDON O'CONNELL LEFT IRAN ON 30 JANUARY, 2017 - WHY? The following long, though detailed and interesting post, explains the circumstances under which I left Iran. I did so with a great deal of sadness. Opportunity lost. You can decide who lost the opportunity. It was originally an email. I never sent it to th... *2 *1 Reply Bob McDonald sim/ini pub: '• Vpc Innn hill interpctinn anrt HetaileH arrniini nf unii leav/inn Iran eppme like (harp arp ctill manv npnnlp that talk the Page 91 of 1018 Popular posts from this blog ISRAEL - THE GREATEST SPY MACHINE OF ALL TIME November 20.2016 To Understand Globalist Zionist Power And How It Rules From Israel, You Must Understand These Words - 'OPERATION TALPIOT’ and 'THE TECHNION' "Information Is Power" IN THIS BLOG POST YOU WILL LEARN - READ MORE Why Are Countries So Terrified Of Israel? February 21.2014 There are a few reasons. Below is a picture of the Perth District Court - where I was tried. I had a hearing on January 11 th 2 - READ MORE CONSERVATIVE AUSTRALIAN POLITICIAN LIVES IN TERROR OF ISRAEL March 20.2017 We need to help Minister Julie Bishop. An Australian fair maiden is up against "The Beast From The East”, where are the manly men from Oz? We must help Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop stare down Israel and Netanyahu. How < - READ MORE QJ Powered by Blogger Theme images by Michael Okam Page 92 of 1018 EMAIL SENT TO MY ASYLUM LAWYER IN NEW ZEALAND, CAROL CURTIS, ON SATURDAY THE 11 th OF NOVEMBER, 2017 From: Kevin Foley Saturdav^^Novembe^017 6:48 p.m. To: Subject: Brenaor^^Lonneii Carole would you please ask Brendon to state to you succinctly
  238. His grounds for appeal to the Western Australia Court of Criminal Appeal (WACCA) 2 His grounds for Application to the High Court of Australia for special leave to appeal from the decision of the WACCA which decision I note was given on 13/12 /ll., 3 His full and frank explanation for the six year delay The time limited for filing an appeal from WACCA IS TWENTY EIGHT DAYS ,
  239. His financial position To support a submission that the HC not make a costs order against him should it dismiss his application -Please advise details of the charge or grounds on which he is being held in custody And an outline of the charges uiid prospects re the two day hearing in December Carole whilst I shall do what I can for Brendon I think his prospects are not good re his application for special leave to appeal to the High Court Can he return to Malaysia or will he be deported to Australia if the Tribunal hold against him in December ? Thank you Kevin Regards, Kevin Foley Page 93 of 1018 EMAIL TO CALLUM THWAITES ENDING CASE Ending Of Legal Case - Refunding Of Money Subject: Ending Of Legal Case - Refunding Of Money From: Brendon O'Connell <boc<4 boc.rocks> Date: 8/1/2018,9:26 pm To: Calum Thwaites <morrissec<«qldbar.asn.au> BCOpMMMM—MM Dear Callum, This email has been CCd to Kevin Foley and Carole Curtis as well. I'm ending the case. 1 have no faith in the legal process itself nor Mr Morris's commitment to the case as it is clear nothing has been done - at all. Not even the lower court transcript ordered after three+ months of having $10,000 in the trust. Please note an email from you from the 14th of September, 2017: Hi Brendon, Just a quick email updating you on Mr Morris QC's progress. We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave application to the High Court of Australia. This requires articulation of reasons why the application is being filed out of time and then articulation on why special leave should be granted. The drafting of the application is probably the most critical component, as if we don't get it right it can be all over. Once we have a substantive draft it will be sent to Kevin and yourself for feedback. I'm not sure how you could be drafting anything when you don't even have the lower court appeal transcript. When you require a long sworn affidavits by me - which you never asked for. Ever. It should have been the very first things asked for, with my obvious input. I have no wish to enter into any discussion. 1 wish to simply get on with my life in exile. An ending of any legal process will remove the current excuse of the Australian foreign minister that she can make no comment on the Israeli state interfering in my trial due to sub judice. It is clear Kevin had some anxiety as to his safety and that of his office in taking on the case. He is quite right given the level of involvement of the Israeli state. Perhaps MR Morris and yourself do too. Carole Curtis stated she would send the $5000 back to Kevin and the trust account. I'm not sure this has been done. In total, there should be $7,800 in the trust account with the return of S5000 from Carole. Kevin is well within his rights to charge fee's for actions he took while I was incarcerated in New Zealand. Brendon -Forwarded Message- Subject:Re: Update Date:Mon, 1 Jan 2018 10:50:49 +0800 From:Brendon O’Connell <boc@ hoc.rocks> To:Calum Thwaites <morrissee<«qldbar.asn.au> Hi Callum. laid he had rung Tony and he said we needed to talk. Its my understanding little has happened in the 4 months since the $10,000 was deposited? Kevin was asking about me sending the WASCA - Western Australian Supreme Court of Appeal - transcript. I will look for it. I’m surprised it was not asked for immediately. 1 of 6 4/10/2019,12:00 pm Page 94 of 1018 Ending Of Legal Case - Refunding Of Money Also, I sat for a long time with no instructions from you. Waiting. I note this email to New Zealand lawyer Carole Curits asking me for things which should have been done six months ago. I have no idea why this has occurred. I have limited funds and the 2 BitCoin I monetized is now worth $40,000, not $10,000. So I have lost out on multiple levels including the $1000 a month 1 spend in Malaysia surviving. From: Sent To: Subject Kevin Foley day. 11 November 2017 6:48 p.m. aturdav^Novembe^OJ Brendor^FConnei^™ 93|would you please ask Brendon to state to you succinctly
  240. His grounds for appeal to the Western Australia Court of Criminal Appeal (WACCA) 2 His grounds for Application to the High Court of Australia for special leave to appeal from the decision of the WACCA which decision I note was given on 13/12 /ll., 3 His full and frank explanation for the six year delay The time limited for filing an appeal from WACCA IS TWENTY EIGHT DAYS ,
  241. His financial position To support a submission that the HC not make a costs order against him should it dismiss his application —Please advise details of the charge or grounds on which he is being held in custody And an outline of the charges oiid prospects re the two day hearing in December Carole whilst I shall do what I can for Brendon I think his prospects are not good re his application for special leave to appeal to the High Court Can he return to Malaysia or will he be deported to Australia if the Tribunal hold against him in December ? Thank you Kevin Regards, iFi I hope their is some good news on progress - soon. As 1 feel very depressed and anxious about the whole process. 1 need concrete answers from you. Here are my questions:
  242. Why, after 4 months since monies were deposited ($10,000) has there been no letter of engagement singed?
  243. Will the Israeli state directly interfering in my trial - along with 135 local and federal Australian politicians - be front and center of the appeal? This is the most extraordinary aspect of the trial. It is the event that will push the appeal into the High 2 of 6 4/10/2019, 12:00 pm Page 95 of 1018 Ending Of Legal Case - Refunding Of Money Court even with the time difficulties. The "public interest" is overwhelming. ( I have attached a letter I addressed to the W.A police demanding charges be laid of criminal contempt of court against the organisers of the Friends of Israel rally where I was named as the reason for the rally. The complainant in the case - Stanley Elliot Keyser - was a key note speaker along with the Israeli Ambassador Yuvel Rotem, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith - amongst many others. In my "lay opinion", this is the biggest single issue the High Court will want to consider outside of the specific farcical trial itself.)
  244. The lower West Australian Supreme Court falsified records and claimed my submissions were too late for the appeal and lawyer Dr John Walsh argued, literally, nothing at the WASCA. His argument was that I had "learned my lesson." I am not joking. As a layman in the issue of law, is this not the greatest hurdle we have to over come apart from time? The fact that nothing was argued? How can the High Court hear argument on matters never argued in a lower court?
  245. Will you be contacting the office of the foreign minister Julie Bishop to demand she rebuke the Israeli state for interfering in my trial? Her office has been ignoring me for 4 years. When I recorded a call to her office I was raided and charged with, "Making a private telephone call public.) Here is the video which is pulled from YouTube constantly - https://vimeo.com /214286193 I’m hoping you will be assuring me things are well in hand. I am hoping you will be assuring me you understand the case - in it's entirety. You need to understand it because it is no ordinary, run of the mill case. The Israeli state is all powerful and capable of bringing enormous pressure to bear. I am the only human on the planet to be named by the Israeli state in such a way and to have them violate state to state relations in order to intimidate the entire Western Australian establishment. This after Inspector Barry Shelton of state counter terrorism emailed me - "We all respect your work.” I would also remind you then Minister Joe Francis (Corrective Services) rang me for 30 minutes and exclaimed his fear for his safety in Western Australia. That call is not in dispute. October 10, 2014. Money is not a problem - a good leave to appeal claim that is successful will bring in a huge amount of money. There is ZERO need for "charity work". I repeat, there is ZERO need for charity work. You need to be paid and paid well. I understand the difficulties with this appeal. But I also understand the extraordinary nature of the appeal and the INCREDIBLE details of what has gone on. Most of it documented. The High Court of Australia will have to tell the Australian public that the appeal cannot go ahead because of "time"? Or some "other" technicality. This is why politically AND legally the Israeli state and it's direct and clear interference in my trial must be front and center. It is one thing for Brendon O'Connell to raise this issue on his obscure blog and YouTube channel - it is quite another for the High Court of Australia to "fob it off' as an irrelevancy. I will work with you %100.1 will follow your advice. I will stick to the notion of "privelege" and keep correspondence from you private. But I must feel you are with me %100 and 1 cannot deduce that if we do not communicate. I am under some pressure online. People are asking, "What have you done with the 5 BitCoin Brendon? What is happening with the lawyers? Where is the appeal paperwork? Are you a fraudster Brendon?" On July 23rd, 2017, that 5 BitCoin was worth $20,000. It's now worth $100,000 and I am being accused of lying about the case and your involvement. People ask - rightly - "where is the letter of engagement?" People ask, "Where is the case at Brendon?" 1 have to tell them, "Nowhere. Lawyers dont even have the lower court appeal transcript." Since gaining that BitCoin and paying the trust $10,000 I have received zero income from donations. As far as I can tell there is zero progress. I have lost $1000 a month twiddling my thumbs in Malaysia. I have lost at least $40,000 in BitCoin profit by cashing out immediately to pay the trust, only to find, as far as I can tell - no progress towards the High Court has been made. I went to New Zealand to secure a long term future. I have many replies from NZ politicians. Most recently - yesterday - from the office of the NZ defense minister. My asylum application would have been successful. 1 had good support from well connected people. I simply had no idea NZ threw asylum seekers in high security jails and totally cut them off. I thought at worst 1 would have been held in a "progressive" NZ immigration detention center with access to the internet and phone calls to whomever I pleased - just like Australia. Instead I found NZ to be the WORST country on the planet in their treatment of asylum seekers. I'm sure the new government will seek to correct that. Just so you know my application for asylum was not a pipe dream and was well thought out. I have been severely depressed and at times suicidal. Given the extreme events 1 have been through it should be no surprise. I have followed the rules and done things by the book only to be treated as a deranged, mentally ill man by a bevvy of Australian government departments keen to please Jewish Zionist Power and the Israeli state. Callum, Tony, I need to know you are with me %100 and I need to know we are moving forward aggressively. The trust account has to be topped up. Before 1 even bother with that - and spend more BitCoin - 1 need to know we are on the same page. I need to know there 3 of 6 4/10/2019,12:00 pm Page 96 of 1018 Ending Of Legal Case - Refunding Of Money has been some progress. 1 will search through my backup hard drives for the W.A appeal transcript from late 2011. I have attached the High Court synopsis I completed with Index, and also the contempt of court claim against the Friends of Israel organisers. Looking forward to our phone call. Brendon On 9/15/2017 8:59 AM, Brendon O'Connell wrote: Many thanks Calum. Appreciated. I have uploaded 9 video’s of the August 8th, 2010 Friends Of Israel Rally held eight days before the start of my trial. We sought for and gained an adjournment due to this rally and it's impact on myself and John Bougher seeking expert witnesses on my behalf. Tine Israeli Ambassador and deputy foreign minister as well as Australia's foreign minister attended as well as 135 local and federal M.Ps in person and via letter. I was mentioned by name as the reason for the rally and the complainant in my case - Stanley Elliot Keyser - was a keynote speaker. I made complaints about the rally as an attempt to intimidate the legal process and stifle our ability to get expert witnesses to appear on my behalf. 1 was ignored. 1 later made two attempts to have the organisers charged with criminal contempt of court. I contacted both the DPP and then Attorney General Christian Porter. They insisted I contact Inspector Nick Anticich to make a complaint via police channels. Anticich was in fact the head of security for the event and a major organiser. I have attached my letters to him which are excellent -1 was again ignored. I have a card from a police sergent stating I have handed the documents to the office. The document is attached in a separate email. Here is the link to video’s of the Friends Of Israel rally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZhZlPgsCUU&list=PLtbKEVmlxwm4m4WhbUGNEeYCvisDS9PgA Here is a link to an excellent 4 part A1 Jazeera series on the Israeli state using Friends Of Israel groups to influence British politics. They did it first with my case. A1 Jazeera Investigations - The Lobby PI: Young Friends of Israel h tt ps :// www.youtube.com/watch ? v=ceCOhdgRBoc Here is a screenshot of an admitted Mossad Case Officer based at the London Embassy asking for certain UK politicians to be removed due to their pro-Palestinian views. Part 4 of series. I put this hear as an example of how the Israeli state intimidates and attempts to remove people of influence it does not like and it makes a strong inference as to their intentions with my own case and the FOI rally in Western Australia which was quite incredible. 4 of 6 4/10/2019,12:00 pm Page 97 of 1018 Ending Of Legal Case - Refunding Of Money Al Jazeera Investigations • The Lobby P4: The Takedown 552.490 views it «« Al Jazeera English © Published on Jan 14.2017 in part four of The Lobby, the senior political officer at the Israeli Embassy in London discusses a potential plot to take down’ British politicians - including a Minster of State at the Foreign office who supports Palestinian civil rights SHOW MORE Many thanks. Brendon On 9/14/2017 2:13 PM, Calum Thwaites wrote: Hi Brendon, Just a quick email updating you on Mr Morris QC's progress. We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave application to the High Court of Australia. This requires articulation of reasons why the application is being filed out of time and then articulation on why special leave should be granted. The drafting of the application is probably the most critical component, as if we don't get it right it can be all over. Once we have a substantive draft it will be sent to Kevin and yourself for feedback. Kind regards, Calum Thwaites Managing Clerk - Anthony J.H. Morris, QC Level ■ 7, Inns of Court 107 North Quay Brisbane Qld 4000 T 07 3221 3996 E [email protected],au Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation 5 of 6 4/10/2019, 12:00 pm Page 98 of 1018 EMAIL TO DR ISAAC KFIR - AUSTRALIAN SECURITY POLICY INSTITUTE Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russia & China From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 4/10/2019, 12:25 pm To: Brendon O'Connell - Talpiot <[email protected]> Dear ASPI, Please find below important information on Russia, China Israel and cybersecurity. -Forwarded Message- Subject:Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russia & China Date:Tue, 19 Mar 2019 11:40:29 +1100 From:Brendon O’Connell <talpiot(Sprotonmail.com> To: peteriennings(a>aspi. org.au ATTENTION: Mr Peter Jennings PSM | Executive Director-Australian Strategic Policy Institute [ASPI] (+61 2) 6270-5100 - https://www.aspi.org.au/bio/peter-iennings REGARDING: Failure of "Think Tank" Organizations to report on self evident national security matters. Dear Peter, I note three glaring omissions from your organizations analysis. In fact, they are worse than "glaring". On reading your general analysis you are all clearly competent people with a wealth of experience in matters of national security. I must head down the conspiratorial path and infer a informal notice has gone out to leave the subject alone. That subject is Israel and it's glaringly self evident relationship with both Russia and China. Both of whom are the primary economic and military competitors to the United States. There have so far been three major news outlets to raise the issue starting in June of 2018. The Washington Examiner. The BBC. CNBC. All three articles were "milk toast" but suggested the public bromance between Netanyahu and Russia and China should cease. In the email below I highlight one particular glaring security threat to the entire worlds cyber security
  246. meaning the entire world economy - Microsoft moving it's R&D, core coding and security, update and feedback analysis department to Israel. Russia, via Israel, now has full access to the very inner workings of the Microsoft Windows environment. Not only that, the most advanced Intel design and fabrication plant is in Israel. Again, Russian technicians have the full run of the place. Please read the rest of the email. I am "on the run" with three warrants for my arrest and am currently applying for UN Refugee status. I 1 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 99 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... expect to get it. I was granted political asylum in Iran and was to work with government analysts. I left after some particularly bizarre behavior from Iranian officials. I stayed with friends and associates of the former Iranian foreign minister Zarif in his home town of Kahansar, Iran. Here I am at the head of the Rafsanjani funeral procession, January 2017. My case drew the attention of the Israeli Ambassador to Australia Yuvel ROTEM, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny AYALON and the Australian Foreign Minister Stephen SMITH + the entire Australian political class. Please see the bottom video links for the video, "Israel's Secret Weapon, The Talpiot Program" for further information on my case. With regards the fact (few seem to know), Windows 10 is written almost entirely in Israel - by Israeli's with extremely close ties to Russian and China - what are the implications for both the Home and corporate, government and private end user in this age of Intellectual Property theft and Cyber Warfare? The issue is of particular importance when considering the fact Microsoft is bidding for the Pentagon centralized cloud program. Israel is practically run by Russians and the sons and daughters of Russians and Ukrainians. Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country The million-plus citizens of the former Soviet Union who migrated to Israel in the past 20 years have not only made new lives of their own but they have transformed their adopted country. They have influenced the culture, hi-tech industry, language, education and, perhaps most significantly, Israeli politics . htt ps://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/17/israel-soviet-immigrants-transform- country I have spoken with high level Australian authorities with regards this issue and attempted to integrate 2 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 100 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... it into a high profile court case. I found out just how powerful Israel is and the reach of it's arms all the way to my little isolated home town of Perth, Western Australia. I was welcomed by the Royal Malaysian Police when entering Malaysia. Regards, Brendon Lee O'Connell Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia +60 17 365 6462 mrTT^rrnT? Pf TrfTTTT1[rr^ gpittrim 0 https://www.timesofisrael.com/bill-gates-israeli-tech-chaneing-the-world/ 3 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 101 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... BASICALLY - ISRAEL RUNS EVERYTHING - LITERALLY And nobody bothered to ponder the high tech iOT, 5G, self driving car, Smart Cities implications? Microsoft's free antivirus developed in Israel The new Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus program ivas developed at the Microsoft Israel R&D center. https://www.israel21c.org/microsofts-free-antivirus-developed-in-israel/ What are the security implications? Security center of the worlds biggest computer operating system? Microsoft Israel is run by a graduate of 'The Talpiot Program’ and 'Unit 8200' - Assaf Rappaport In Surprise Move, Microsoft Israel's R&D Center Names New 34-year- old CEO 4 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 102 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... the location of specific developments, we looked into our archives to create this list of firsts, significant developments and model practices to have emerged from Microsoft Israel.
  247. R&D Center Microsoft was first established in Israel in 1989 as one of the few outposts abroad fully owned and operated by the US company. Two years later, the company officially launched its first R&D center in Haifa and today has activities in both Herzliya and Haifa, with sales and marketing in Ra'anana. One of three strategic global development centers situated around the world, the Israeli branch specializes in cloud technologies, business intelligence, consumer analytics and more.
  248. Windows operating systems Microsoft Israel has long been credited for contributing significantly to the development of major parts of the Windows software as well as its IT security and telecommunications technologies.
  249. Free anti-virus Development of the Microsoft Security Essentials anti-virus suite began in December 2008 at the R&D center in Herzliya. Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection against viruses, spyware and other malicious software.
  250. Kinect Kinect, Microsoft's line of motion-sensing input devices, uses range camera technology by Israel's PrimeSense. "All the face-recognition technology being used with Kinect was developed in Israel," Yaacovi told the Times of Israel. "If you see an application with face recognition, you know it was made here."
  251. Microsoft Ventures Accelerator Tel Aviv Microsoft Ventures Accelerator started in Tel Aviv in 2012. Today it is considered the world's most successful corporate accelerator, with additional branches in Bangalore, Beijing, Berlin, London, Paris and Seattle. |7 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pnil Page 103 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ...
  252. Think Next Think Next - where chosen startups demonstrate their innovations to tech leaders, developers, R&D managers, VC funds and researchers — has become one of the leading technology events in Israel, and has been so successful that Microsoft has replicated this festival of ingenuity in the US, China and India.
  253. Cyber solutions/cloud security In 2014 and 2015, Microsoft acquired Israeli startups Aorato, Adallom and Secure Islands to enhance its security technology. Takeshi Numoto, Microsoft's vice president for cloud and enterprise marketing, stated in 2015 that the Israeli startups' technologies will be used in Microsoft's cloud services such as Azure and Office 365, and on Windows. Numerous reports suggest that the multinational company is transforming its Israeli R&D centers into the nucleus for global development of cyber-tech for Windows and Microsoft cloud services.
  254. Bing search Israeli researchers have played a prominent role in Bing, Microsoft's search engine. Herzliya's innovation labs have also been credited with adapting Bing for mobile phones. At present, Bing is the second-largest search engine in the US next to Google.
  255. Content analytics Microsoft's content analytics solutions are powered by numerous platforms, including Israeli-developed technologies.
  256. Forefront Unified Access Gateway Although Microsoft discontinued its Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) in 2014, the computer software developed by Whale Communications in Rosh HaAyin was an important solution for secure remote access to managed and unmanaged PCs and mobile devices during its lifespan. Microsoft bought Whale Communications in 2006 for $76 million. The technology is still used as the basis for newer solutions. 8 of 19 4/10/2019.12:25 pm Page 104 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... https://www.israel21c.org/10-great-reasons-why-microsoft-loves-israeli- ingenuitv/ Please consider, the worlds number one computer operating system used by %90+ of all end users world wide, is a total Israeli Russian military intelligence coded software backdoor. Windows is not infected with malware, Windows products ARE malware. Russian GRU malware. Has the MSM or alt media guru of choice told you this? Amplified this? Made known - repeatedly - and with great vigor, the immediate dangers of these simple self evident facts lying in plain view? Here are a pile of articles. Just a few. Have a look at the titles and ask yourself HOW it is the MSM and "alt media" missed all this and continue to play dumb... Microsoft Set To Win Secret Clearance Ahead Of Pentagon Cloud Bid October 10, 2018 I Author Cyber Security Review Microsoft is battling Amazon's AW/S for the multi-billion-pound deal, after Google pulled out due to ethical concerns Microsoft said this week it is set to receive the US government's top security clearance early next year, as it prepares to bid for a Pentagon cloud contract worth up to $10 billion (£7.7bn). The announcement follows on from the company's announcement last October that it was developing a cloud service to handle secret government data, called Azure Government Secret. https://www.cybersecurity-review.com/news-october-2018/microsoft-set-to-win-secret- 9 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 105 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... | clearance-ahead-of-pentagon-cloud-bid/ Israel to lure Soviet Jews from Germany An Israeli intelligence organisation is to send its agents to Germany to try to persuade tens of thousands of Jews from the former Soviet Union to settle in Israel. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/nov/27/israel.germany Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country The million-plus citizens of the former Soviet Union who migrated to Israel in the past 20 years have not only made new lives of their oivn but they have transformed their adopted country. They have influenced the culture, hi-tech industry, language, education and, perhaps most significantly, Israeli politics . https://www.theguardian.com/world/20n/aug/17/israel-soviet-immigrants-transform- country 'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died Incredible as it may seem, Stalin's Soviet Union ivas once at the center of Israeli identity. When David Ben Gurion returned from the Soviet Union in 1924 he cried, "I'm a Bolshevik!" https://www.haaretz.eom/.premium-nostalgic-for-the-ussr-on-the-kibbutzim-l.5233153 KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel's Army, Business, and Political Leadership https://www.richardsil verstein.com /2Q16/12/10/kgb-infiltrated-hig hest-ec hel ons-israels - army-business-political-leadership/ Trump Fox News - "Putin loves Israel and Bi Bi" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOYosxXNgKO&feature=youtu.be&t=123 Borscht Belt: Will Israel Spurn America for Russia? https://observer.com/2015/01/borscht-belt-will-israel-spum-america-for-russia/ Why Russia Needs Israel htt ps://besacenter.o rg/ perspectives-papers/russia-needs-israel/ Why Russia should take over Israel’s defense from America Putin desperately wants Russia to be a world power again, to be consequential and at the center of major global decisions. The country that protects Israel is guaranteed a seat at the table when it comes to many of the biggest, most high-profile challenges in the global 10 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 106 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... What are the security implications? Israel is all over the US high technology military industrial complex? Look at any large and powerful seemingly U.S technology company and I will find you the Israeli teams running them - overtly, or covertly. These Israeli teams are largely Russians. Infested with GRU and FSB personnel from Russia. Look at Kaspersky, he is "former" Russian GRU - military intelligence. From Jerusalem shall come forth cyber-security, says cyber guru What is needed is an army that will have the weapons to battle cyber-criminals and cyber-terrorists - and we intend to build that army in lerusalem." https://www.timesofisrael.com/from-jerusalem-shall-come-forth-cyber-security-says- cvber-guru/ What are the security implications? "Former" Russian military intelligence officer Eugene Kaspersky is moving to Israel and assures you Israel is dominating cyber security - should that be cause for concern? Israel is all over the US high technology military industrial complex. Do you know what this means? Do you understand the implications? Netanyahu is close with Putin. Russia, Israel and Iran want to sign a pan Eurasian trade deal. Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone 13 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 107 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... After two rounds of negotiations, Jerusalem close to agreement with Eurasian Economic Union; separately, Tehran also set to sign deal 'in the near future' htt ps://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-and-iran-both-set-to-join-russia-led-free-trade-zone/ So, both Israel AND Iran are working with Russia? and China too. What are the security implications? Israel is all over the US high technology military industrial complex. Corporations. Small, medium and large businesses. The vast majority - if not all - use Windows based software. Active directory being a key component to control user "end points". Where the computer sits at the end users desk. Universities. Research labs. The Pentagon. The White House. It’s a long list. Its the entire planets core computing power, in the hands of Israel and the majority Russian Israeli's who do the programming . All of whom travel regularly, back and forth to Russia, and American security services have no direct knowledge on who is going where and when - talking to who. It is the most giant security disaster - catastrophe - in history. It makes Jonathon Pollard look like a 12 year old broke into the Pentagon outer perimeter guard house toilet for comparison. And that is just one issue. Just one of dozens of high security catastrophes . Intel’s most advanced design and fabrication CPU foundry - is in Israel - and it is full of Russian Israeli technicians, who, travel back and forth to Russia with impunity. Putin has a direct line into the Israeli Intel factory where the latest CPU’s are designed and the hardware back doors and put in. Such as, the Intel Management Engine and dozens of registry entry "flaws" like the infamous Spectre and Meltdown back doors. Look at the below picture of prime minister of Israel Benajmin Netanyah and Xi Jingping the Chinese Communist government premiere. 14 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 108 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... Trump must warn Israel on its China trade https://www.vvashingtonexaminer.com/opinion/trump-must-wam-israe1-on-its-cliina-trade Unlikely partners? China and Israel deepening trade ties https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44697662 Chinese investment in Israeli tech is growing, and it's 'quite welcome' for some https://www.cnbc.com/2018/Q7/19/chinese-investment-in-israel-technology-is-growing- expert-says.html How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China htt p://www.newsweek.com/china-israel-military-technology-beij in g - jerusalem-saul- eisenberg-weapons-607117 In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to 'marry Israel's technology with China's capacity' https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-beiiing-netanyahu-looks-to-marry-israels-technology-with- chinas-capacitv/ China is hungry for advanced Israeli technology htt ps://www.globes.co.il/en/artide-china-is-hungry-for-advanced-israeli-technology- 1001038847 15 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 109 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... China says it will host Israeli-Palestinian 'peace symposium' http://www.timesotisrael.com/china-says-it-vvill-host-israeli-palestinian-peace-symposium/ China’s tech money heads for Israel as U.S. welcome wanes https://www.reuters.com/article/iis-china-investment-israel-idUSKBN187080 China's Deepening Interest in Israel http://www.thetower.org/article/chinas-deepening-interest-in-israel/ Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China https://www.military.com/defensetech/2013/12/24/report-israel-passes-u-s-military- technology-to-china Scaling Chutzpah by the Billions — Israeli Ingenuity Hits the Ground in China http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/scaling-chutzpah-by-the-billions-israeli-ingenuity-hits-the- ground-in-china/ Israel-China affair blooms even as culture gap weighs on rapport https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-china-affair-blooms-even-as-culture-g a p-weighs-on- rapport/ China's New Generation Sets Its Sights on Israel http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/chinas-new-generation-sets-its-sights-on-israel/ Yifeng Zhou on China's interest in Israeli innovation https://www.timesofisrael.com/yifeng-zhou-on-chinas-interest-in-israeli-innovation/ Israel, China set up first accelerator program in Beijing https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-china-set-up-first-accelerator-program-in-beiiing/ Russia is inseparable from Israel. Israel was and is, always, a Russian Jewish Bolshevik gangster paradise. Founded by Bolshevik Jews out of the Russian Empire. Remember Israel’s first PM, David Ben Gurion in 1924? "I’m a Bolshevik!" His love of Stalin? It never wavered - the Israeli press reports this, they are worried about it. Stalin's biggest fan is Putin. Netanyahu and Putin are thick as thieves. What are the security implications for the United States and the world? 16 of 19 4/10/2019,12:25 pm Page 110 of 1018 Fwd: Fwd: Notes On Microsoft Israel & Close Relationships With Russ... in Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=babgv2qRf4k ISRAELI DRONES WORLD WIDE - HOW ISRAEL STEALS U.S HIGH TECH L
  257. How Russia China & Israel work together for the One Belt One Road Project.
  258. How Israel steals US technology and passes on to China, Russia and Iran.
  259. How this is impacting on the Middle East. 4.1 ring Homeland Security to make a complaint about Jewish Zionist spying in America - it a good one hour watch. https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=hfHYIPebq4c 19 of 19 4/10/2019, 12:25 pm Page 111 of 1018 EMAIL CHAIN FROM FORMER CONGRESS WOMAN CYNTHIA MCKINNEY Re: Hey, do you want.., Subject: Re: Hey, do you want... From: "HQ" <[email protected]> Date: 3/30/2019, 6:26 PM To: "Brendon O’Connell" <[email protected]> Cool, take your time. As long as Mahathir is in place, my connections should be OK. Look, it took 27 years for folks to realize the truth of what I said about Israel controlling every candidate for Congress. Sad thing is, we don't have another 27 years for people to wake up. You have a body of work to be proud of. On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 2:57 AM Brendon O'Connell < talpiot(5)protonmail.com > wrote: I'll send two more segments and update in next 24 to 48 hours. The background is a monster to complete. So much has happened with so many twists and turns I feel I have to explain everything. Especially Iran which was bizarre. I have main high court synopsis online. It always grabs the attention. Many thanks. Would work for pennies at UN. Been there a couple of times. Looks like they need some help. I need to get out of this little room with the air conditioner. I've been here two years and don't socialise. Sick of the issue. Sick of begging for money online. Worried about visas and upsetting some government bureaucrat. Found out the asshole government officials in Australia are all close personal friends of satan himself Netanyahu. Ahhhhhh. Now the viciousness all made sense. I have everything recorded. Every phone call. Every bit of assistance appreciated. So, give me till Monday and I'll have a more complete version. Many thanks Cynthia. I'll send you a high profile instructing solicitor telling me on a Skype video call how terrified he is of Israel. Classic. How goes it with you? B — Always In The Public Interest l of 5 3/31/2019,2:47 PM Page 112 of 1018 Re: Hey, do you want.., -Original Message- On 30 Mar 2019,14:29, HQ< hq2600(a>gmail.com > wrote: Do I have permission to share this version or do you want to share the final with me? I cannot guarantee outcome, but I can share with my contacts in KL who are at the highest levels. Let me know what to do: . wait for the final or send the draft. On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 2:06 AM Brendon O'Connell < talpiot(a>protonmail.com > wrote: Sure. Doing UNHCR Refugee claim at moment. Extract attached. Complicated, Malaysia desperate for economic development with China and China deep in bed with Israel...not sure they want me. The top anyway. They have mouths to feed. Regards, B On 3/29/2019 10:47 PM, HQ wrote: permanent residency in Malaysia? | _o CONTINENTAL CRITICAL MASS | come ride with me I ()/() | Bike4Peace Across the USA Cynthia's Books 2 of 5 3/31/2019,2:47 PM Page 113 of 1018 Re: Hey, do you want.., How the U.S. Creates "Sh*thole" Countries Ain't Nothing Like Freedom The Illegal War On Libya Cynthia's Socials https://twitter.com/cynthiamckinney/with replies https://www.facebook.com/CvnthiaMcKinnevOfficial http://www.allthingscvnthiamckinnev.com/CvnthiaSpeaks Silence is the deadliest weapon of mass destruction. OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING! "You get to the top and you realize it's only the middle." Tom Dawkins, UK Prime Minister in the 2012 TV series. Secret State. "My weapon is media, lectures, protest, organization." Kenneth S. Carr (Dedon Kamathi) "It's organized crime. All you do is you call the Republicans the Genoveses and you call the Democrats the Gambinos. The people at the top, they treat it like a crap game. It's their crap game, like they're making lots of money. Occasionally, somebody at the table shoots each other, but the moment anything threatens their crap game, they all unite to protect it.... They're both controlled by the same financial, economic and corporate interests." -Michael C. Ruppert (excerpted from the film America Freedom to Fascism) "We as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "The biggest weapon in the hands of the oppressors is the minds of the oppressed." Steve Biko "Make your spirit flexible, and nothing will ever bend you out of shape." Wisdom by Taro Gold | o CONTINENTAL CRITICAL MASS | _ come ride with me I ()/() | Bike4Peace Across the USA Cynthia's Books How the U.S. Creates "Sh*thole" Countries Ain't Nothing Like Freedom The Illegal War On Libya Cynthia's Socials https://twitter.com/cvnthiamckinnev/with replies https://www.facebook.com/CvnthiaMcKinnevOfficial http://www.allthinoscvnthiamckinnev.com/CvnthiaSpeaks 3 of 5 _ 3/31/2019,2:47 PM Page 114 of 1018 LAWS NEEDED TO CURB HATE SPEECH Time to act Law needed to curb hate speech, racism: Minister JFV ASHWIN KUMAR AND KEVIN DAVASAGAYAM newultskt^thcsundiuly com P ETALINC IAYA: A more stringent lav, to prevent racism and hate speech is needed. Housing and Local Government Mtntstei Zuraida Kamaruddin said yesterday There were 'significant planned eflorts to indie racial tensions in die country: site said in suppun of Minister in the Prime Minister » Department Datuk Seri Dr Mujahid Yusol Rawa's call for die inclusion of a hate speech provision in the Sedition Act 1943. *1 fear that racial issues and religious sentiment, if left unchecked will spread to a level that will lead to hatred and could potentially destroy the country.' she said '1 will propose that the government enact a stronger and more stringent law against offenders and those who spread hate It is tunc (to slum) die government's commitment ami seriousness in addressing this dangerous situation.’ . , DAP adviser Dm Kit Siang urged |>olitiral leaders to heed the advice of royalty on the threat to national unity due to hate speech. The hkandor PuMri Ml' ms responding to a call by the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Na/rin Shah. to foster unity instead of issuing or fanning slanderous statements that could jeopardise peace and security. 'Opposition Icadets must play their part to curb fake news and hate speet h,‘ said Li in, who also slurred a l aceirook post by the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Shantfuddin Idris Shah, on the need foi Malaysians to practise tolerance and strive to understand each other. Meanwhile. Bukit Aman C1D director Comm Datuk Huzlr Mohamed has warned that Turn to police will take action against parties which disrupt security page 2 and public order. No need to remove rear tints for Puspakom inspections PfTAUNC Mk Vehicle owner! are not required to remove tinted film on rear windows for Puspakom inspections Through its Communications and Customer Service Department Puspakom said the decree of tint on rear car windows was not among the criteria for passing inspections Puspakom was responding to a complaint ftom a vehicle owner who told theSon that he was asked to remove the rear window tinting during an inspection recently as they were deemed‘too dark 'If customers come across such requests (from vehicle examiners), we encourage them to report to us. (The public may) refer to our website or Facebook page for any information related to inspections' Complaints may be submitted via 1-300-63-6927,03-2052 8989 or at eaduaapuspakom com my Puspakom said following the Transport Ministry's new visible light transmission (VlT) guidelines announced In May. instructions had been issued to vehicle examiners at aH Inspection centres to disregard VLT checks on rear windows. Under the new rules, there will be no limit on VLT for rear windows, compared to 30% previously, VlT levels for the front and rear windscreens remain at 70% and 50% respectively PEOPLES XING The Vang di Pertuan Agong Al 5uItan AbdulUh Rl'eyatuddm Al Mustafa B»Uh 5hah waving to revdenfs of Vampung Otentik w Trrwau yesterday during Ns vtsd to inspect restoration work after a recent fire at the village BffWAMAPIX ■ INSIDE Govt urged to have re-employment policy page 2 2 held over fight with Immigration officers page 3 Page 115 of 1018 APPENDIX 6 - FEARS FOR SAFETY - RETURN TO HOME COUNTRY PAGE 119.ASSAULT CASUARINA PRISON, PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA PAGE 121.THE FINKS BIKIE GANG PAGE 122.IMAGES OF JAIL ASSAULT PAGE 123.SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF POLICE AND PRISON OFFICER CORRUPTION IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA PAGE 124.POLICE RAID Det. PAINI PAGE 125.THE BIGGEST LEGAL SCANDAL IN WA HISTORY PAGE 127.VIDEO - I CALL THE WA NEWSPAPER CHIEF OF STAFF PAGE 127.POLICE SERVICES AND SECRET SOCIETIES PART 1 PAGE 131.THE CASE OF LAW PROFESSOR ROBERT CUNNINGHAM AND CATHERINE ATOMS PAGE 133.LEAVING JAIL - HARASSMENT PAGE 134.PHONE CALL WITH MINISTER JOE FRANCIS PAGE 136.FOREIGN MINISTER JULIE BISHOP AND MAKING A PRIVATE TELEPHONE CALL PUBLIC PAGE 137.EMAILS TO THE AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN OFFICE PAGE 144.POLICE SERVICES AND SECRET SOCIETIES PART 2 PAGE 145.Was Netanyahu Packer's Mystery Helper? PAGE 146.LAWYERS IN FEAR OF ISRAEL PAGE 148.ISRAELS SECRET WEAPON THE TALPIOT PROGRAM PAGE 148.ISRAELI DRONES WORLD WIDE PAGE 149.Bl BI'S GOT A KILL SWITCH AND HE LIKES TO USE IT PAGE 149.SECERET SOCIETIES | GOLD MINING | CHABAD LUBAVITCH & BENJAMIN NETANYAHU & FRIENDS PAGE 150.W.A mining boss Anton BILLIS turns on internet troll Terry MCLERNON PAGE 150.THE MYSTERIOUS W.A BORN, DRUGS, ARMS DEALER & OCCASIONAL GOLD INVESTOR - "MICK MANY NAMES" PAGE 152.Dirty laundry: Chabad Lubavitch Adherent Launder Millions for Israeli Politics Straight Out of Australia PAGE 152.A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud PAGE 152.How a Melbourne boy became a Mossad spy Page 116 of 1018 PAGE 153.'Spot on': Lebanese MP AGREES with Peter Dutton that most terror suspects are Lebanese-Muslims - as it's revealed he 'smashed' colleagues who disagreed PAGE 153.Fifteen things you didn't know about Peter Dutton PAGE 153.Allegation Misconduct to CCC : By Former QJd Police Officer Mr Peter Dutton PAGE 154.SUMMARY AND CLOSING APPENDICES PAGE 157.CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT CRIMINAL COMPENSATION $17,076AUD PAGE 159.IMAGE OF LETTER FROM ROYAL PERTH HOSPITAL - REPLY TO SENIOR INVESTIGATOR "KEN CUMMINGS" WHEN HE ENQUIRED HOW MY BADLY BROKEN ARM WAS MISSED PAGE 161.REPORTING OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES CORRUPTION IN LOCAL MSM (26TH MARCH 2016) PAGE 162.SCREENSHOT OF CARL CASILLI'S REAL ESTATE WEBPAGE PAGE 163.LETTER TO CHIEF JUSTICE WAYNE MARTIN - "WHY IS THE STAGNO MURDER TRIAL TRANSCRIPT SUPPRESSED?" PAGE 168.REPLY FROM CHIEF JUSTIC WAYNE MARTIN AFTER ASKING FOR ACCESS TO THE TRANSCRIPT PAGE 169.SCREENSHOT OF THE NOTORIOUS MERCANTI FAMILY "TRIBAL BATTLE" - NEWSPAPER REPORT PAGE 170.IMAGE OF NEWSPAPER ARTICLE - INSPECTOR STEVE JANCEC SHILLING FOR NEW RECRUITS TO WESTERN AUSTRALIAN FREEMASONIC LODGES PAGE 171.SCREENSHOT NEWS ARTICLE - WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLICE JOIN "FRATERNAL" INTERNATIONAL POLICE BIKIE GANG PAGE 172.SCREENSHOT NEWS ARTICLE - MINISTER JOE FRANCIS SECURITY SCARE ON GROUNDS OF PARLIAMENT HOUSE BY GPS TRACKED SEX OFFENDER PAGE 173.EMAIL 1: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 12TH MAY 2017 PAGE 175.EMAIL 2: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 26TH JUNE 2017 PAGE 178.EMAIL 3: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 14TH JULY 2017 PAGE 181.EMAIL 4: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 20TH SEPTEMBER 2017 PAGE 183.EMAIL 5: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 23RD JANUARY 2018 PAGE 200.EMAIL 6: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MARISE PAYNE) 10TH MARCH 2018 PAGE 205.EMAIL 7: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MARISE PAYNE) 6 th DECEMBER 2018 Page 117 of 1018 PAGE 208.EMAIL 8: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MARISE PAYNE) 25TH DECEMBER 2018 PAGE 209 . EMAIL 9: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MARISE PAYNE) 10TH OCTOBER 2019 PAGE 212.NEWS ARTICLE NETANYAHU SAVES PACKER - CORRUPTION CHARGES (OCTOBER 9TH, 2019) PAGE 213.IMAGE NEWS ARTICLE - OWNER OF WA NEWSPAPERS AND SEVEN NETWORK MEDIA GROUP - KERRY STOKES - REVIEWS THE ROTHSCHILD BIBLE HE HAD JUST BOUGHT FOR $15 MILLION DOLLARS PAGE 214.WEB PAGE REPORT - "MICK MANY NAMES" AND HIS ACTIVITIES PAGE 217.NEWS ARTICLE COMMANCHERO BIKIE BLOWN UP PAGE 220.SCREENSHOT NEWS ARTICLE - CHABAD LUBAVITCH JEWISH RELIGIOUS CULT, DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING FROM MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA FOR THE LIKUD PARTY IN ISRAEL Page 118 of 1018 ASSAULT CASUARINA PRISON, PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA September 11, 2012 TO® KMM338 £s§smir 0 ®ke kmms vmv msm mtw m ®G5MKm mim kk®3 emj Grnxm? Please note at bottom of letter, page 1: .—— CLICK TO FULL SIZE LETTER PAGE 159 "The pain in Mr O'Connell's right arm was noted and he received an x-ray on 11 September 2012." "The emergency department doctors were not able to see the small fracture in the right elbow 18 ; however, it was noted by the radiologist the following day and was reported." "Based on information available, the fracture in Mr O'Connell's arm was very minor. The treatment for this type of injury is generally conservative pain relief and an arm sling. Surgery or immobilization is not usually reguired." 18 This is another fracture. The main displaced fracture is in the right ulna. Page 119 of 1018
  260. I should never have been placed in maximum security - but that is where the Western Australian department of corrective services placed me despite me being a minimum-security prisoner - over ride to medium - then placed in maximum. I presume they wanted to "tech me a lesson".
  261. The above x-ray is two months post break . You can see the "very minor" displaced fracture above - two months post break . It was badly displaced both laterally and vertically. The bone both distally and proximally was shattered with radiating fractures not visible in the above x- ray. This is why previous x-rays were "disappeared". They show a bad displaced fracture of my right ulna that required an immediate operation.
  262. I took a photograph of the x-ray film with an expensive camera, held against a translucent wall after being released from jail in January of 2014. The original x-ray taken immediately post assault has "disappeared" and no record of me ever having an x-ray at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) is recorded. It was the very first x-ray they took as I complained I was in extreme pain at the location of the break.
  263. The x-ray "film" taken one-month post assault, after having been transferred to maximum security Albany Regional Prison, was also "disappeared". It showed the "shattered" bone and hairline fractures radiating both distally and proximately up and down the fractured bone.
  264. I had to threaten to "throw my own faeces" at staff if they did not give me an x-ray of my arm. I had exclaimed continually for one-month post assault that my arm was, "badly broken" and I could, "feel the fracture". I explained that I was a former Registered Nurse who had worked orthopaedics. I was mocked and told it was only bruised. 197 After one month I could stand the pain no more, especially at night. When I forced them with threats to become an unmanageable prisoner, to give me an x-ray at Albany Regional Hospital, the radiologist audibly "gasped" when she exposed the x-ray film and stated I would have to remain at the hospital to be reviewed immediately by the "orthopaedic team" for an immediate ORIF - Open Reduction Internal Fixation. Prisoner escort staff refused to comply and drove me immediately back to the prison. By their demeanour they had clearly been briefed on this because the prison KNEW my arm was badly broken. I repeat, the prison KNEW. They were briefed to bring me straight back, regardless.
  265. As a former Comprehensive Registered Nurse, I know my health, in this case a displaced fracture of my right arm, comes first, unless there is a pressing major security issue. I was a minimum rated prisoner, over ridden to medium, housed in maximum, being denied the immediate medical care I required.
  266. Medical staff at Albany Regional Prison called me to the infirmary one hour after my return and apologised profusely for my lack of treatment. They stated it would require an ORIF and it was to be arranged. I was given a temporary splint and sling. These events took place on or around October 12, 2012. I could see the shattered bone clearly from 10ft away as I approached the xray display. When I was transferred from maximum security Albany prison, to minimum security Wooroloo prison, I stated specifically to health care staff I must have al| Page 120 of 1018 x-rays transferred with me, especially the October 12 x-ray first taken as I knew this was the key damning evidence to how bad the break was and how prepared the prison was to cover it up. I knew they would disappear that x-ray as they did the Royal Perth Hospital Emergency Department x-ray taken the day of my assault.
  267. After one week I was returned to Albany Regional Hospital and told I would not be having an operation and the break could be treated with a simple above elbow cast. I presume the one-week delay was so prison officers and support staff in both the Perth and Albany prison system could get their stories straight. 201 This is why the one-month post break x-ray was "disappeared" at Albany Regional Prison, as well as the original taken post assault at Royal Perth Hospital. Prison authorities were trying to "minimise" my injuries as "minor" to both avoid litigation and a full enquiry into my assault which involved major corruption scandals. But briefly, it came to light, the organised criminals operating within the jail who organised my assault with prison staff, were part of a large drug dealing network within the Western Australian prison system. This was reported in the West Australian Newspaper in repeated articles and re-inforced by the phone call from Minister Joe Francis in charge of prisons on October 10, 2014.
  268. I had confronted a notorious major organised criminal - Stephen WALLACE. He was a senior member of the ultra-violent outlaw motorcycle gang, "The Finks". He was continually stating to me as I sat at his meal table, "Look at these black junkie cunts! Look at these black junkie cunts!" Why he chose to do so I do not know. My father's maternal Grandmother was a full blood tribal Elder in the northern New South Wales area of Australia. He could not have picked a worse confidant to his deeply embedded racism. He is an unstable and sociopathic personality. THE FINKS BIKIE GANG
  269. He was bringing in drugs to the jail quite openly - "Subbytex". A synthetic opioid. He would then laugh at the Native Australian prisoners fighting over the drugs. I confronted him in the meal line and strong words were exchanged about his racism and cowardice. I Page 121 of 1018 humiliated a major organised crime figure. It was Stephen WALLACE who organised the assault along with key prison officers. The "gang he used was known as 'The Mixed Blood Gang' made up of Native Australians of Anglo Irish/Indigenous descent.
  270. One of the prison officers involved was, in my opinion, Liam Samuel CASHMAN. It was his decision to move me from isolation to the Unit where WALLACE'S associates were based. I was immediately warned by fellow prisoners I was being set up to be assaulted - perhaps severely, as prison assaults are rarely minor. I had only just arrived on the unit. For fellow prisoners to already know I was to be assaulted can only mean it was a pre-planned operation between prison officers and high-profile organised crime prisoners. Booked well in advance, as it were.
  271. I went straight to the then senior officer on duty. Knowing the corruption between prison officers and organised crime figures I stated these exact words, "So, I hear you're setting me up to be bashed?" The senior officer denied the accusation and we chatted about various issues for thirty minutes. He assured me no harm would come to me and I should return to my cell. I stood and said these exact words as I pushed in the chair, "Well, I better get out there and take my beating then." He laughed. Five minutes later I was set upon by at least 5 prisoners. Hit from behind, I have no memory of the event and was told details by prisoners six months later at another jail who were aware of the event. One prisoner noted they thought I was certainly either dead or severely injured given the frenzy of the assault.
  272. I was struck from the side as I emerged from my cell. At least five prisoners then set upon me kicking and punching. The prison has no cameras that record 19 . IMAGES FROM JAIL ASSAULT
  273. Sixteen hours after the assault - which occurred at approximately 5pm the day before, 11 th September 2012 - Senior prison officer Liam Samuel CASHMAN and one other officer from senior management came into my infirmary cell with paper work. They stated, "Who did this? Just tell us, you can have minimum (security) a work camp, whatever you want?" I had the obvious knowledge it was Stephen WALLACE though I had no idea at the time exactly who did it. Knowing the corruption within the jail I declined to make a statement as I had no direct recollection of the assault. I told the staff I had nothing to say. They asked me to sign paperwork stating "I" expected the prison to make no further attempts to get to the bottom of the matter. I did not want to sign but I was still grossly affected by my severe concussion, was unsteady on my feet and nauseous. I signed. You are not in any position to argue when at the mercy of corrupt WA prison officers.
  274. I was charged with "threats to kill" surrounding this officer after repeated official attempts to have him investigated. He later "resigned" according to my sources, though he 19 Minister Joe Francis told me he fought tooth and nail to force that cameras that record at least into the punishment wings of a single prison. Prison officers do not want recordings of them beating prisoners. Page 122 of 1018 faced no criminal or internal investigation that I know of. I made every effort, post my release, to have the entire matter resolved peacefully via official channels. I attended conferences with investigators - they clearly expressed no desire to investigate one of their own. Both prison officers and police are legendary in Western Australia for covering up for their colleagues. One investigator walked into the conference room and threw his folder on the table, slumped into his chair, folded his arms and exclaimed, "What do you want!" We then had a physical altercation. He came off second best as did his colleague. They made no report to police despite our physical altercation which resulted in an injury to one of them. They made no report because they are so officially corrupt and incompetent, he was terrified I would get him in the newspapers. Which is exactly what I planned to do. Please see page 223, Appendix 7 - "Indictment Threat To Kill", for full details. SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF POLICE AND PRISON OFFICER CORRUPTION IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA
  275. The Western Australian prison system is notorious for Indigenous Deaths in Custody. The prison environment is obviously stressful and some latitude is given to both police and prison officers. But I saw clear behaviour that exposed a highly organised clique within the system dedicated to feeding drugs into the jail to keep Indigenous prisoners addicted and vulnerable. The same is true outside the prison. Western Australia is one of the most resource rich areas of the world with large tracts of land either claimed under Mabo Native Title legislation or under judgement along with a specific treaty between the Western Australian government and the south west based "Noongar" people being negotiated. The treaty and associated funds run into the billions of dollars.
  276. It is stated W. A's mining magnates such as "Twiggy" Forrest and Gina Reinhardt treat Western Australia like a "personal fiefdom" with serving and ex police and military - special forces based at Campbell Barracks (SAS) - as their security and private army.
  277. An endless list of corrupt WA police have <0(33 UgSjS [n3K32l millionaire property developer status. Inspector Tom CLAY is wsEmmlr one of them. Utterly notorious. Nothing happens to them. He is in charge of the "Meth Task Force" which is a bad joke on all West Australians. Inspector CLAY should have much experience with Meth, he and his colleagues have dealt enough of it on the streets of Perth and rural Western Australia. Tfecca Page 123 of 1018 POLICE RAID Det. PAINI, MAY 13™ 2009
  278. Above is the detective who arrested me, Timothy Richard PAINI. He was involved with the arrest of Joseph MICALIZZI and Jameson SANTOS at a local Perth domestic airport. Det. PAINI and his colleagues took the 22kg of methamphetamine at %80+ purity and made it 22kg of methamphetamine at %10 purity - they stole at least 16kg of the drug. They also took 5kg of high purity XTCand replaced it with low quality seized XTC. I know intimate details of this case, like so many, as prisoners gave me the details, often with transcript. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-02/pair-iailed-over-drug-bust/3808002 213 This is another detective who arrested me, Brandon SHORTLAND - below. He had just been kicked out of the drug squad before joining state counter terrorism - SSIG - State Security Investigation Group. I was told by a trusted source he was disciplined for frolicking naked in a public water pond (Bell Tower public landmark), with two sex workers, high on drugs, while a member of the police drug squad. This is pretty routine behaviour for the WA police.
  279. I made his history known publicly and he was duly punished. He was forced to resign. He was then made acting head of the WA police union. WA police are rarely, if ever, made accountable, despite a constant stream of revelations about corrupt behaviour. You can see Page 124 of 1018 Brandon SHORTLAND mentioned in the news report - left. Sgt Mark MCKENZIE was part of the Major Crime Squad in Perth. They were “disbanded" over a massive corruption and murder case. Some left the police service; some were re-assigned. Sgt Mark MCKENZIE took a job in the outback of Australia with a large Indigenous population. He was reported by two young and honest police officers as having open hand slapped twice, a young Native Australian youth. The youth was handcuffed and sitting on the kerb. He "got off". He was protected. So, he knows some serious "players" in Western Australia. It's not known what happened to the two decent police officers who reported the assault. Their professional lives have a high chance of being ruined.
  280. Note - it is preferred Indigenous Australians be drunk, drugged up and or dying of diabetes related complications. Working in Indigenous health was one of my goals on my return to Nursing via a re-Registration course which never happened due to the court case and repeated police raids post release from jail. Western Australia is an isolated cess pit of neglect and abandonment of Native Australians. mu ®lr*1 Xattratu, Police fail to prove r cop assault I m ■ Tim Clarfcc I Into the returning cer during I Acquitted: Sgt MjrV M<Kenrit 1 O'iyef »t th, . 1 Inlmnt lhi> i 1 tnvi weyp 1 |inuincimc vos in court as a Sgt McKenzie told Perth Magistrate's Court career THE BIGGEST LEGAL SCANDAL IN WA HISTORY
  281. Further to police corruption in Western Australia, the infamous case of the murder of drug dealer Mite NAUMOVSKY by criminal informant Paulo Nunzio STAGNO. It involved another Major Crime Squad detective, Carl CASSILI, pictured below. Detective Carl CASILLI is indicative of the fact that no matter how bad the behaviour, West Australian police never go to jail. Though it was stated Mr. CASILLI lost an appeal in his quest to avoid jail, my sources tell me he never served a day of his nine-month sentence. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-04/not-guilty-plea-for-naumovski-murder/4295828 https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/a/21817595/couple-guilty-of-manslaughter/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/aap/article-2695476/WA-drug-dealers-death-callous- court-told.html Page 125 of 1018 http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/danielle-kovac-who-lured-convicted- drug-dealer-mite-naumovski-to-his-death-has-no-remorse-prosecutor-tells-perth- court/story-fnhocxo3-1226992487787
  282. Carl CASILLI was never brought to account for what he did. I have the exclusive facts from a direct source. CASSILI was found guilty of very minor charges. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/ex-wa-detective-iailed-for-corruption https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-07-15/police-officer-convicted-of-passing-information- to-lawyer-lover/5599022
  283. Whilst incarcerated I became friends with the man who was originally framed for the murder of Mite NAUMOVSKY. I am still friends and am in regular contact with him. Here are the facts 20 - ■ Detective CASSILI had a major heroin and cocaine habit. ■ He was running criminal informant Paulo Nunzio STAGNO. ■ STAGNO was caught three times with 2 ounces of methamphetamine and a loaded handgun. A very serious offense in Australia. ■ Every time STAGNO was caught, he was released on bail - three times. For extremely serious offenses. ■ On the third bail for the same offense, STAGNO murdered Mite NAUMOVSKY. https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/opening-day-of-paolo-nunzio-stagno-and- danielle-kovac-murder-trial-accused-of-killing-mite-naumovski-ng- Cl09fe925ae011f8ef9df6e2dfd5037d ■ It has been stated to me Detective Carl CASILLI gave the "green light" for the murder. ■ The first trial lasted a few days and was then abandoned on August 21 st , 2013. https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/shooting-murder-trial-called-off-against-danielle- kovac-and-paolo-nunzio-stagno-ng-35a4e91b082b5dll5fcf89de89bce8b9 ■ A new trial began in February of 2014. Instead of wilful murder, STAGNO and his girlfriend were charged with murder with an option for manslaughter. ■ Despite shooting Mite NAUMOVSKY twice in the head, back and testicles for a total of six shots, the jury found the pair guilty of manslaughter for what was an obvious planned murder. https://www.news.com.au/national/breaking-news/former-couple-guiltv-of-wa- manslaughter/news-storv/22a416a58al9e44b4fc438b557f98d51 ■ It was clearly planned because the man originally to be charged with the murder gave evidence to the Corruption and Crime Commission that STAGNO had rung him the night before and asked him to take part. He hung up the phoned and went back to sleep. ■ Four other people were accessories after the fact including STAGNO's mother as they tried to get rid of the body. No one else was charged. ■ Detective CASILLI was having sex with witnesses to the murder. ■ Detective CASSILI was consuming drugs with Paulo Nunzio STAGNO's group. ■ After the first trial was abandoned a suppression order was placed on the case. ■ The DPP prosecution team was sacked for misconduct. ■ The entire Major Crime Squad was disbanded. This included Detective CASILLI and then Detective Mark MCKENZIE who was re-assigned to the states remote outback community policing 21 . 20 See page 163 of this appendix for details with letter to WA Supreme Court Justice Wayne Martin. The letter was also CC'd to the state Attorney General and Police Commissioner. 21 Mentioned in a news article on previous pages. Page 126 of 1018 ■ The Major Crime Squad was a debacle of corruption, planting evidence, drug trafficking. This included then Detective Carl CASSILI. They had also all been involved with the notorious Lloyd RAYNEY murder case where "evidence" was planted. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-04-19/llovd-raynev-defamation-trial-ex-detective- accused-of-lying/8453470 VIDEO - I CALL THE WA NEWSPAPER CHIEF OF STAFF https://mega.nz/#!5m5VUKSJ!WkZq9h50pozeN6lkkuWliE2oPWQI-RQ8MVxZrSh5aEI
  284. In the above recorded call, you hear me speak with the female in charge of the news desk. I tell her about my case - threat to kill - and the August 2016 sentencing. I tell her about the call I received from Minister Joe FRANCIS and all the details of his fears for his safety that precipitated the police raid on October 30, 2014.1 then go on to explain the STAGNO v CROWN case, the murder of Mite NAUMOVSKY. She is very quick to end the call. Despite full knowledge provided to police, the state Attorney General, Corruption & Crime Commission, Police Commissioner, WA Newspapers, Chief Justice of the WA Supreme Court - not a single point of interest has been expressed to expose this self-evident fraudulent, corrupt and disgraceful case. Why? Because of the nature of the "personal fiefdom" known as Western Australia. Everyone from politics to the judiciary to policing to lawyers to the media knew what went on and covered it up due to the states continuing deeply entrenched co-operative corrupt establishment. This is a cornerstone to my UNHCR Refugee status claim. My home state is engulfed in widespread and well-known corruption and nobody, no government agency, whether within the state or without, will tackle it. This despite repeated media exposes on corruption within the state. What has Western Australia in such fear? Such control?
  285. Disgraced former detective Carl CASILLI laughs and jokes in his dynamic real estate business video. He is a common criminal. Drug trafficker. Professional liar under oath. Planter of evidence. Perverts the course of justice routinely and is now a successful real estate developer where it is presumed, he launders his drug money. Let me explain that control, by returning to my prison assault. POLICE SERVICES AND SECRET SOCIETIES PART 1
  286. I received information prison officer Liam Samuel CASHMAN is a member of a masonic order in Perth Western Australia. It was noted that at least one third of prison officers were members of a masonic order. I am not sure of the statistics for police. Prison officers wore their lapel pins quite openly and I struck up a conversation with more than one prison officer who was a mason-some were clearly decent people. I also spoke with then Minister in charge of prisons Joe FRANCIS about it - October 10, 2014, in a thirty-minute phone call. He noted the high number of prison officers in masonic orders wearing their lapel pins when he gave them their twenty-year service awards.
  287. As a result of my assault, authorities outside the prison system exposed the drug dealing gang in prison on the front pages of the local West Australian Newspaper. It involved Finks bikies being granted special privileges whilst kept in the Special Handling Unit (SHU). CLICK TO SEE FULL SIZE SCREENSHOT Page 127 of 1018
  288. Troy MERCANTI was receiving steroids, XTC, methamphetamine and mobile phones

    whilst incarcerated in the highly secure SPU. The prison officer who was supplying the contraband was a senior prison officer named Paul JARRETT. He was also supplying to MERCANTI's notorious side kick enforcer "Bam Bam". Senior Officer JARRETT was also caught hugging Troy MERCANTI in the official prisonsarea exclaiming, "Mr brother! My brother!" This was reported in the local West Australian newspaper shortly after my assault by prisoners on September 11, 2012.

    nio^lMccj^aurJarrettpl B In c hafgcIoft'tn e?c^Sdn| pnson r SpeciaT'HandlinqUnitM He was ca'uqh ?oyidir lsteroids M DMA and metfiamphetamine I to prisoners inUfvatlunit* *rwsrth,s directtyTbyTMmister Joe I Ffancfe Hz !w M RISMflnSFI SENIOR PRIpK>FFICER PAUL>ARRETT IN BALI WITH BANDIDO'S. PERSONAL FRIEND OF NOTORIOUS ORGANISED CRIME FIGURI 7ROY MERCANTI . _
  289. Senior Officer JARRETT was the "Sgt Arms" of a military based motorcycle club called "The Veterans". I received information Senior Officer JARRETT was a member of a local masonic order.
  290. Sgt Arms of The Finks gang in Western Australia is Troy MERCANTI. I received information he was a member of a local masonic order. It is known that MERCANTI's father is a high-level Mason in Perth, Western Australia.
  291. Troy MERCANTI is notorious throughout Australia as a violent murdering criminal. He is the product of a private school and known as the "silk shirt" brigade of organised crime. Beards, Harley Davidsons and rough upbringing optional. The gangs are businesses first, criminal outfits second. They have strong links with high profile lawyers, police - both state and federal, and the banking and financial class that facilitate their money laundering. Troy MERCANTI is notorious in Western Australia for having filmed himself having sex with a goat. His wife, who he beat viscously and was subsequently jailed for six years, is notorious for having been accosted on the streets of Perth with the information on her husband's sexual assault of a goat. She replied, "At least it was a she goat!" Such is the classy dignity of the streets of Perth, Western Australia. No one blushed. Page 128 of 1018
  292. Troy MERCANTI is also notorious for the sexual assault of underage girls as young as 13. He and his childhood friend, last name "SILVESTRI", are well known and have never faced prosecution - because Troy MERCANTI is the son of a high-level Freemason in Perth and the states number one criminal informant for police. He is also a mason himself. Hence the attempts at blackmailing individuals with video footage of sex with goats. MERCANTI has been a long-term criminal informant for both state and federal police for at least twenty years. He is a sociopathic sexual deviate who needs life in prison. His life of crime has been facilitated by his family, business social network and state and federal police.
  293. Here is the former Master Mason of Perth, Inspector Steve JANCEC. He "retired" when I alleged he was involved with organised crime in a YouTube video in August of 2014.1 had just been broken into - again - and had my laptop power cord "removed" and also underwear. Almost my entire collection. Why? Because the WA police think they are "very funny" and/or, being made up of compromised sexual deviants, perhaps they were affected by my irresistible charms. Regardless, their reputation precedes them, members of the elite Special Air Service who regularly assist local police in the busy duties of harassing dissidents who call out their cowboy behaviour. Amongst "other" nefarious activities to numerous to go into in this application for refugee status.
  294. Organised crime, Masonry and policing have long been closely associated. Freemasons enter era of Facebook Silence on wfatf UndtMP in trouble as does the reputation of serving and retired ©IM)KPKM)i:XT O JOIN US’ SUBSCRIBE REGISTER NEWS POLITICS VOICES FINAL SAY SPORT CULTURE VIDEO INDY LIFE INOYBEST LONG READS AIDSFREE INDYIOO VOUCHERS Newt > UK > Crime Revealed: How gangs used the Freemasons to corrupt police angsters able to recruit rflircniimriuiEiEu] secret society, says investigation for Scotian ;fcYT7! oo© Revealed: How gangs used the Freemasons to corrupt police https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/revealed-how-gangs-used-the-freemasons-to-corrupt-police- 9054670.html Gangsters able to recruit police officers through secret society, says investigation for Scotland Yard Page 129 of 1018 Support The Guardian search jobs e sign m o. search- “ nal News Opinion Sport Culture Lifestyle More^ The Guardian view Columnists Cartoons Opinion videos Letters Opinion Police Whv the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us Duncan Campbell f tf B Successive Met commissioners have tried to end t tie society's influence. It is as clear as ever that membership of both bodies is incompatible with public service Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/ian/02/secret-handshake-police-freemasons
  295. In Western Australia it was noted that 12 West Australian police officers had joined a secretive 'police only' bikie gang. They were under investigation in May of 2016. The outcome is unknown. 22 Twelve law enforcement officers who secretly joined an international police-only bikie gang are under investigation https://www.dailvmail.co.uk/news/article-3578491/West-Australian-police-ioined-Gunfighters-MC-bikie- gang.html# Freemasons are blocking reform, says Police Federation leader https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/dec/31/freemasons-blocking-reform-police-federation-leader Steve White, who steps down on Monday after three years as chair of the Police Federation, told the Guardian he was concerned about the continued influence of Freemasons. Police face questions over the influence of the Freemasons after it emerged match commander and his boss were both members https://www.dailvmail.co.uk/news/article-3559607/Police-face-questions-influence-Freemasons-emerged- match-commander-boss-members.html Families of victims say that officers who were Masons were promoted into powerful positions despite being ill-equipped, including match commander David Duckenfield. Sadiq Khan refuses to make London police declare if they are Freemasons after Flillsborough questions raised https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/masons-freemasons-Masonry-in-the-police-corruption- cover-up-conspiracy-theories-united-grand-a7333116.html The refusal is also unlikely to calm decades of anxiety about the possibility of police corruption stretching back to at least to the 1960s when Detective Chief Superintendent Bill Moody, then head of the Obscene Publications Squad, reportedly helped a pornographer join his lodge. 22 Screenshot article Page 171. Page 130 of 1018 THE CASE OF LAW PROFESSOR ROBERT CUNNINGHAM AND CATHERINE ATOMS
  296. As a further example of the unique nature of West Australian police harassment, there is the case of law professor Robert Cunningham and his partner, university lecturer Catherine Atoms. They were roughly handled by police for literally no reason, thrown to the ground, hand cuffed and then tasered, while lying on the ground...handcuffed. oerth tiMVI Robert Cunningham and Catherine Atoms, who were tasered by WA Police, awarded $1 million in damages Hanson's caiti for cant toads'plan https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/robert-cunningham-and-catherine-atoms-who-were- tasered-bv-wa-police-awarded-l-million-in-damages-ng-48a04a5d63fc715bl64c09dcf44d43a7 The magistrate said police grabbed Ms Atoms' arm for "no lawful reason" and when Dr Cunningham intervened, he was handcuffed and both of them were shot with a Taser gun.
  297. This is a very well-known case in Western Australia. Both Professor Cunningham and Ms. Atom's were lucky. They are white, upper middle-class professionals, well connected and respected. It took them eight years to get any form of justice. The WA police resisted them at any and every turn despite the overwhelming evidence against the police defendants. Even when the courts ruled overwhelmingly in the pairs favour, the Police union and police defendants fought on. They have no shame, no honour, no regrets and no moral or ethical restraints on their behaviour. WA police are rouge due to some unique geographical reasons, cultural norms, wealth within the state, military bases present, closeness to Israel and domination of Judeo Masonry in the state over and above any "norms". Drug use amongst WA police is rife as well as drug dealing.
  298. It must be understood, what happened to Mr Cunningham and Ms. Atoms is "normal" for WA police. They have done it to me several times - malicious prosecution. If you are black or Muslim, you will have a much harder time. WA police are completely and utterly immersed in overt, foaming at the mouth hatred for Muslim's. There is no level of corruption they will not stoop too. One particular case involving a Mr Ali AMMOUN is so bad I refused to believe it was possible until I read the transcript of the trial whilst in prison with him. Further to Mr Cunningham et.al: Page 131 of 1018 Two bids to stop $lm payout to tasered couple (Wednesday, 1 February 2017) https://thewest.com.au/news/perth/two-bids-to-stop-lm-payout-to-tasered-couple-ng-b88371713z An eight-year battle by a law professor and his wife who were tasered by police is set to continue, with appeals lodged in the Supreme Court against their $1 million compensation win.
  299. The WA police never, ever, ever give up. They will harass and intimidate - including physically. They will plant evidence on you. Make up charges against you. Throw vague throw away charges against you to over whelm you. They will use criminal informant networks to stalk and harass you. They will break your windows. Damage your property. Advise you to leave the state via lawyers. They are in fact a criminal thug group. I know what they do because I experienced all of it. I am not aware of the final outcome of the Robert Cunningham and Catherine Atoms case two years on. But further: From shock to outrage: Cases of WA Police taser abuse follow a depressingly familiar pattern (Updated March 24, 2018) https://www.abc. net.au/news/2018-03-24/shock-to-outrage-wa-police-taser-abuse-follows-fa miliar- pattern/9582582 But while many aspects of the case of Fremantle couple Robert Cunningham and Catherine Atoms — who were tasered after a night out in Fremantle in November 2008 — have followed this familiar pattern, they are yet to see any results from their battle for justice. It could be argued this is because there has been no video released showing their tasering. Police took the camera from one witness who filmed the incident from a hotel room nearby but chose not to download the footage. The witness deleted the footage after the camera was returned to him. Mr Cunningham's office was also broken into and a hard drive containing video footage was stolen many years ago.
  300. Professor Cunningham had obtained the "un-edited" CCTV footage from a street surveillance camera showing his clear assault. Police had previously handed over, at the discovery stage, edited footage. They do this routinely despite the fact it is clearly unlawful and easy to spot. But it must be understood, WA police do as they please. They simply do not care how badly they behave and how many times they are caught and how bad it looks. When Professor Cunningham finally obtained the un-edited footage, did the WA police give up? No! They simply broke into his office and stole it! They entered my house and removed paperwork and materials routinely. I had to carry my laptop and paperwork everywhere I went in the lead up to the trial (2011) - 18 months. I went nowhere without my legal materials - nowhere. Even for evening walks, my backpack stuffed full of heavy materials went with me to the point I had permanent bruising where my pec muscle intersected my shoulder. To this day I go nowhere without key materials in my backpack.
  301. The case of Professor Robert Cunningham and Catherine Atoms is but a tiny window into the collective psyche of the WA police who routinely tell new graduates from the police academy, "We're your family now!" I know this because serving and retired police contact me. My father was a police officer and the former superintendent of recruiting in WA was Graham family friend.
  302. I hope it's clear I am not anti-police. I am anti corrupt police, anti-unethical police, anti-immoral and criminal police. WA police are well paid. They are not unpaid volunteers. We all give some leeway to police due to the stressful environment in which they work, horrible sights and sounds, PTSD, fear of violence. But the WA police are a rogue institution and make sure the label "police state" is well earned by Western Australia. The WA police enforce a strict psychological warfare program of "fight to the death" no matter the circumstance. This is designed to intimidate ANY person wishing to cause the WA police to be brought to account. It is a SPECIFIC tactic. Hardwired into the institution. This is why even well connected white Page 132 of 1018 upper middle-class professionals were so publicly assaulted, humiliated and intimidated over a ten-year period. Ironically, during much of this time from 2015 on, disgraced detective Brandon SHORTLAND was the head of the police union co-ordinating this tactic against Professor Cunningham and his partner. LEAVING JAIL - HARASSMENT
  303. When I left jail on January 24 th , 2014, I was severely harassed. Followed. House broken into - passport and assault evidentiary material stolen. I had rocks and various other objects throw at my head and body while outwalking by passing cars-someone was watching my house. I found members of The Veterans Motorcycle Club pulling up on their Harley Davidsons in various locations. I violently confronted them - verbally -1 never saw them again, ever. Members of the elite SAS special forces barracks based in Perth frequent this club. It has long been said serving and retired SAS personnel indulge in organised crime such as drug trafficking and other illegal activities. There is also a large contingent of South African special forces, kill squads and intelligence services "retired" in Western Australia.
  304. I note "retired" South African intelligence, Mr. Bill BOSHE, was head of Serco security at Acacia prison in Western Australia. When I found out he was former South African intelligence I asked him in front of Native Australian elders in the prison, if he had signed off on any death warrants on black activists whilst in his previous employment? He turned and walked off. From then on, he had a two-person security escort around the prison. I was immediately transferred to maximum security "management unit" at Casuarina Prison where I became cell mates with The Rock Machine Outlaw Motorcycle Gang. This was supposed to intimidate me. Please know, I was a "minimum" security rated prisoner at all times, "override" to medium and held mostly in maximum security. Why was that?
  305. It should be noted that I had completed a 79 day hunger strike in jail and had received word via Press TV in Iran that than President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had received my letter written from jail and "loved it". It was also relayed to me that he had stated any application for asylum in Iran would be welcomed with "open arms". This needs to be noted
  306. the level things were operating at. Page 133 of 1018
  307. In June of 2014 I attended the Gaza Rally's in Sydney and met Hamid Farrajollahi of Iran Press TV. He promised he would make a documentary on my case as I had shown him my High Court Synopsis (page 601) written in jail. He was flabbergasted at what had been going on. PHONE CALL WITH MINISTER JOE FRANCIS
  308. By October of 2014 I was still in a homeless shelter and Perth "Legal Aid" had refused funding to the High Court of Australia where I was assured a quashing of conviction and a presumed rebuking of the West Australian legal establishment for the debacle they had created. I expected a rebuking of the Israeli state via the office of the then foreign minister Julie BISHOP as well - it never came 23 . I had made all efforts to see prison staff brought to account. I made a blog posting direct to the then Minister for prisons Joe FRANCIS. I threatened to kill officer Liam Samuel CASHMAN if his investigatory staff continued to lead me in circles 24 . Minister Francis first emailed me then rang me on the evening of October 10, 2014 at approximately 10pm. We spoke for thirty minutes.
  309. Minister Francis is an ex Royal Australian Navy submariner, which is synchronistic as this is the issue that brought me to the attention of the states counterterrorism unitwhen I exposed that Israeli modified weapons and sensor systems were used in the submarine which had never been officially noted 25 . His Commissioner of Corrective Services is James MCMAHON, pictured above. Mr. McMahon is an ex special forces commander, Colonel, SAS. Retired. Mr McMahon has deep roots into the Australian intelligence and armed forces community in his various roles in physical and cyber security.
  310. When Minister Francis called me, he stated these six main points.
  311. He stated, seriously, "I'm more scared of my own prison officers than I am of the bikies after I stopped their drugs getting into the jail."
  312. He asked me to calm down and I had nothing to fear as Commissioner James McMahon "had his back". (He required an ex special forces commander to protect him from his own staff).
  313. He believed prison officers had organised the break in of his home by a well-known prisoner.
  314. He noted the high number of Freemasons in his prison officer staff as they would wear their masonic lapels to their twenty-year service awards.
  315. He stated I would be "having a beer" with himself and Commissioner James McMahon.
  316. His staff were so incompetent they did not know the difference between $1 million dollars and $100 million dollars in the GPS sex offender tracking budget.
  317. He had to fight "tooth and nail" to get cameras that record into the maximum-security punishment cells to discourage prison staff from beating up prisoners. 23 The Israeli ambassador to Australia and Israeli deputy foreign minister had interfered directly in the trial. 24 See page 265 - Appendix 7 "Sentencing Submissions" 25 Please see page 605 - "High Court Synopsis" in Appendix 8 Page 134 of 1018
  318. It must be noted that the state Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP) senior prosecutor David THIERING admits a call took place and is not in dispute. Screenshot of email from defence lawyer Simon FRIETAG. 4* Re: Sentencing Submissions • Simon Freitag £ last email for today - DPP accepts that the phone call was received. • Simon Freitag Fror Simon Freitag last email for today - DPP accepts that the phone call was received. To Me <[email protected]> - I have now had a reply from Mr Thiering which includes the following: Simon Freitag Barrister Albert Wolff Chambers Level 7 33 Barrack St PERTH WA 6000 Phone: (08) 9218 9200 Fax: (08 ) 9218 9300 M o b i I e: J2EI323 Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
  319. I was worried about the minister's candour. I kept calling him minister, he kept insisting I call him Joe. I knew the WA police would be monitoring the call. Within 13 days, Masonry of Perth struck. Minister Francis was confronted by a GPS tracked sex offender in front of parliament house that was declared a "security scare" by The West Australian Newspaper. They titled the large article describing the incident: "Minister naive about security". That was a threat directed at the minister by the powerful masonic network within Western Australia. I'd remind you; he had made a specific statement about GPS tracked sex offenders in his phone call to me 13 days before. Corrective services minister Joe Francis clashes with notorious sex offender TJD https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/corrective-services-minister-ioe-francis-clashes-with-notorious-sex- Offender-tjd-ng-393f932e8dle3d9cb26b8a5cb0482bfa
  320. Afterthe initial phone call on October 10 I did not pull the blog posting down with the threats to kill officer Liam Samuel CASHMAN. I wanted it left up as I knew the power of Masonry and the local Jewish community in Western Australia. I wanted that record of events public, even with assurances from Minister Francis.
  321. A large wave of South African Jews immigrated to Perth post-apartheid. South Africa, especially the South African Jewish Community, have a long well recorded history of extremely close co-operation with Israeli special forces and Israeli intelligence. I would find out only very recently that prime minister Netanyahu of Israel has extremely close ties with Western Australia which I will place on the record in the next few pages. Hence, why the WA masonic network was so confident it could attempt to intimidate a serving state Minister with the backing of a former special forces commander. This is how brazen this highly organised criminal element within Western Australia is. Its tentacles are in fact Australia wide. CLICK TO SEE FULL SIZE SCREENSHOT - PAGE 172 27/07/20164:25 PM 27/07/2016 1:40 PM 4 Reply Forward Archive Page 135 of 1018
  322. Just six days after the minister was confronted on the grounds of Parliament House, I was raided by WA police and charged with threats to kill and making a private telephone call public. I was happy for the publicity after the threats against the minister 26 . FOREIGN MINISTER JULIE BISHOP AND MAKING A PRIVATE TELEPHONE CALL PUBLIC
  323. I was not aware at the time that then Australian foreign minister Julie BISHOP was a close personal friend of Benjamin Netanyahu. Not just a political associate on good terms as I had thought. Here is the video I was arrested for 2 Note I am polite at all times. The call is clearly in the public interest, all things considered. Though lawyer Simon FRIETAG did not think so.
  324. I had exhausted all forms of communication from letters to emails to phone calls and presenting physically at her office. The state DPP did not want this case heard before sentencing on the "threat to kill" charge. Why? Because I was to defend vigorously as a national security whistle-blower. They were delaying constantly. After almost two years, on April the 14 th 2016, the prosecution asked for and got another six-month delay. The presiding Magistrate was obviously keen to see this happen also. I initially protested that it was another deliberate delay because now, the prosecution realised the gravity of the matter. I suspected they wanted to wait until after the "threat to kill" charge was heard when I would either be in jail, or, heavily gagged, again, under a strict community corrections order.
  325. Magistrate ATKINS agreed I must present my material to both her and the police prosecutor for a hearing on its admissibility. This is an interesting transcript - TRANSCRIPT HERE-page 439.
  326. I had written a detailed letter 28 to the new Magistrate WOODS (previously ATKINS) and Senior Constable CROOK, explaining my Defence and admission of "evidence" which Senior Constable CROOK stated he must see first. Mr. CROOK was a thoroughly obnoxious individual - mocking. He would often taunt me and he would smirk at me in an overt way as he passed me in court - looking directly at me. When I produced a cover letter and evidentiary material to put in front of a jury in the Magistrates Court, I never heard a word from the police prosecutor again and on passing him in the court he would not look at me. His humble demeanour was a complete opposite from previous to the presentation of materials. This is a common occurrence when interacting with police and the court system. The endless gossip in my home state is that I am a well-known mentally ill man suffering delusions. The trouble with this, is that I document everything. In written and audio and video form. Record all calls. Newspaper clippings. And now the police prosecutor has had his arrogant wings clipped when he viewed the material I had presented to be put before a jury to show my defence.
  327. My defence was sound based in the WA Criminal Code: 26 See Appendix 7, page 430- Indictment, Making a Private Telephone Call Public" 27 Mega Drive - https://mega.nz/#!M65HRaxS!l lfflxaE2cnauA2WIRQTa xE8iCR-hR6Zv-ouKiEU8 28 Page 457. Page 136 of 1018 WA CRIMINAL CODE (vi) for the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication or communication; (c) where the person making the publication or communication believes on reasonable grounds that it was necessary to make that publication or communication in connection with an imminent threat of serious violence to persons or of substantial damage to property. (3) Subsection (2) only provides a defence if the publication or communication — (a) is not more than is reasonably necessary — (i) in the public interest;
  328. It is clear the particulars surrounding everything that had happened were quite extraordinary. With that acknowledged, it was clear / had a sound defence. But what mattered most to the Western Australian establishment was that I receive no more publicity as the media would be sure to report my court appearance as they had done previously, many times. This matter is also discussed in Appendix 7, page 431. EMAILS TO THE AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN OFFICE
  329. To this day, despite at least ten more detailed emails, phone calls (recorded) and a new Minister for foreign affairs - despite promises of calls to sort matters out - I have never received a single official reply from this government office. Ever. Despite repeated phone calls and promises (recorded). The new foreign minister - Senator the Hon Marise PAYNE - and her staff have behaved in the exact same manner as the previous foreign minister Julie Bishop. They have behaved deceitfully at every stage and refuse to communicate with me except when I directly phone call. I am always told someone will get back to me. No one ever does. This has been going on for five years - nonstop. Ironically, here is a February 2019 speech by the new foreign minister Marise PAYNE. Australian Foreign Minister Marise PAYNE "Democracy, the rule of law, individual freedom and the right to all to dignity and respect - these values have guided Australians for generations. And these are the values which Australia has sought to promote as a member of the UN Human Rights Council. Five fundamental principles are guiding our advocacy on this Council:
  330. Gender equality;
  331. Freedom of expression and association, freedom of religion;
  332. Good governance and robust democratic institutions;
  333. The rights of Indigenous peoples, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians; and
  334. Strong national human rights institutions." https://foreignminister.gov.au/speeches/Pages/2019/mp sp 190225.aspx
  335. In an email dated 12 th May 2017 I ask for a dialogue with the minister for foreign affairs or her staff. I had rung the office that day and was advised to email. To whom it may concern. I just spoke with the Foreign Ministers office. I was instructed to write to this email to begin the process of opening a dialogue about my return to Australia and sorting out the international incident that has taken place over the last eight plus years. Page 137 of 1018 Although I cannot claim saint like status in the unfolding events of the last eight years - government, policing, judiciary and legal personalities have behaved at the very least incompetently, if not utterly and totally corruptly. CLICK TO GO TO FULL EMAIL - PAGE 173 OF DOCUMENT
  336. I received no official reply from DFAT (Department Foreign Affairs and Trade) so I wrote again on the 26 th June 2017 after gaining Instructing Solicitor Kevin FOLEY and QC Tony Morris for the High Court of Australia. I would like a discussion between both myself, my lawyers and DFAT, as to how the Australian legal process in the upcoming High Court appeal will be protected from the incredibly powerful Israel and Jewish Lobby ? CLICK TO GO TO FULL EMAIL - PAGE 175 OF DOCUMENT
  337. Again, I received no official reply from DFAT and I wrote again on the 13 th of July 2017 and rang the office in Canberra to make sure they had received it. "I have emailed your office since 2014 at least 7 times, directly, and never received a response. Ever. I have written three times. No response, ever." "I have rung three times now since 2014. The latest call to "Leon", on 7 July, 2017 where he stated to me the matter was being passed "up the chain" - paraphrasing. I have recorded that call for the protection of my own lawful interests and the public interest." CLICK TO GO TO FULL EMAIL - PAGE 178 OF DOCUMENT VIDEO OF CALL "FOREIGN OFFICE" - 13 MINUTES - 7 JULY 2017 https://mega.nz/#!5vxTiQBJ!NyJHSx2 INi 9WJn2Njg7CNtYXEXC70QFDNMwCSw5u4 I talk to "Leon" in the Ministers foreign office. In this 13-minute call I am polite. The details are laid out. I am assured I will receive an official response - and as usual -1 never receive one. This is the constant routine with the Foreign Office of Australia whether under then Minister Julie BISHOP (a close personal friend of Benjamin NETANYAHU) of the current Minister Marise PA YNE.
  338. By the 20 th of September I had received no reply from DFAT despite assurances I would be called by phone. By now I was low on money and had decided my best option would be asylum in New Zealand where I had some good political contacts. I had received a positive email reply from Senator Chris JJJHUH in charge of New Zealand intelligence. I emailed DFAT on the 20 th September and called the next day to make sure they had received it. Dear Minister. I continue to receive no correspondence from you. No indication your office are willing to rebuke the Israeli state for interfering in my trial? No indication you understand my perilous mental state. My mental state continues to deteriorate. The stress is unbearable. I have no faith in the high court to withstand the pressure of the Israeli state. I remind you that solicitor Kevin FOLEY fears for his safety with regards the Israeli state. The high court has at least three major reason to toss out the appeal on various grounds to do with procedure - not to do with actual matters of fact and justice. Will you be continuing to ignore me? I have to ask - just what have you all been told about me? What do you expect me to do? Slink away into the night? I will force this issue. I warn you now. I might consider relaxing but for the simple fact I have limited funds - I have to leave this country who's political class are mired in corruption allegations and vulnerable to the United States and Israel Page 138 of 1018 and who might just send me on my way. Do you understand? Do you understand how I'm feeling? My sense of humour is a ruse. It covers the intense anxiety I feel. Because of YOU and your incompetent colleagues - including police and minister Joe Francis -1 am in the position I'm in. Everyone else is leading a comfortable life except me. I'm not prepared to just go guietly into the night. I feel helpless to get across to you how far I am prepared to go to force this issue and force your office to do it's job. CLICK TO GO TO FULL EMAIL - PAGE 181 OF DOCUMENT 261 After my return to Malaysia from detention in New Zealand, I ended the court case after finding out the lawyers had done nothing despite four months passing and $10,000 being deposited. They had failed to even send me a letter of commitment despite repeated requests. EXPLAINED IN APPENDIX 5 - "HIGH COURT DEBACLE - LAWYERS UNETHICAL BEHAVIOUR"
  339. With the legal matter finished, I again wrote to DFAT on the 23 rd of January 2018. This time in both email and registered mail. I called the office as well to make sure they got the email and informed them of the registered mail. I sent copies to opposition foreign affairs spokesperson Penny Wong. Again, I received no reply in any form from either the foreign minister or shadow foreign minister despite calling twice. Dear Minister, Below is a pasted in copy of the letter I have written to you regarding a major political event I must insist you comment on. It's my understanding you have up to three months to do so. I have also attached the letter in PDF form. I have posted the letter via registered mail from Malaysia. I have also posted a copy to Shadow Foreign Minister Penny Wong. I look forward to your reply, Regards, Brendon Lee O'Connell CLICK TO GO TO FULL EMAIL - PAGE 183 OF DOCUMENT
  340. With a change in government I emailed DFAT again, on 10 th March 2018. DFAT was now headed by Senator Marise PAYNE. I called as well. I never received any reply in any format. Dear Minister, I have been personally welcomed in Malaysia by the Royal Malaysian Police at Kuala Lumpur airport. I have tried repeatedly to sort out a major incident, embarrassing to both Australia and Israel and all I have found is deceit by the former Ministers office - Julie Bishop. Now, with a change in managerial style, perhaps I hope to find a Minister more willing to admit to the facts as they stand in my matter that reached to the highest levels of the Australian policing and intelligence community. As a Minister known for a "hawkish" response to China as the former Defence minister, I'm sure you would find the video I just uploaded of interest. It is a incomplete draft of a major work. Extremely rough, but it highlights the close working relationship between China and Israel which it seems very few nation states are willing to point out. I will ring your office shortly to ensure you have received the email and it is being considered. I request a detailed and ongoing dialogue into what has been done to me - especially on matters of police corruption in Western Australia which may be why the former Minister Page 139 of 1018 Julie Bishop was not keen to interact. Western Australia is awash in corruption of which I have intimate details. I will call tomorrow to ascertain that the email has been received. I also invite you to instruct the local Australian consulate in Kuala Lumpur to begin a dialogue with me. I have a specific amount of excellent legal documentation and letters to show I have acted with integrity in my attempts to sort this out. I will email this in attachment form once clear communication has been established. If I am dealt with openly and honestly, I am willing to co-operate fully. I have been extremely frank about my own behaviour which has at times embarrassed me. I was pushed to the point of suicide. It's time for government officials, police, lawyers, and the Jewish community to accept some responsibility for the debacle that occurred and I promise Minister it will come out. I will consider pulling down all material online immediately if I am dealt with honestly and openly. This includes not just making social media accounts private - but deleting them completely. This can only be done when I am satisfied I am being dealt with openly and honestly. Two previous attempts at this occurred in 2010 and 2014. There was unfortunately a huge backend to why this failed. Mostly due to my complete distrust of the Western Australian establishment - especially police. Sincerely, Brendon Lee O'Connell +6010 422 8077 CLICK TO GOTO FULL EMAIL - PAGE 200 OF DOCUMENT
  341. I again contacted DFAT on the 12 th of July 2018.1 had obtained an immigration lawyer in the US. She had previously worked for Senator Diane FIENSTIEN of California. I had planned to complete detailed and highly structured, easily navigate-able documentation on my case and fly to Los Angeles and apply for asylum in the United States. I knew this would most likely end up with myself detained in the LA Immigration Detention Centre but I concluded that with a highly experienced and connected lawyer, combined with a passionate local support group, I could garner much publicity with my case. I did not end up flying out for a multitude of reasons. As expected, despite phone calls and promises of a returned call by "Charles", I was never contacted. Dear Minister PAYNE/Assistant, Below is an email surrounding my asylum application and who I am talking too. It was addressed to a media group in the US. This includes the network of Fred SMITH, founder of FedEx. USMC. Tapped for Sec. Def under presidential hopeful MCCAIN and Trump. I am friends with his nephew Joseph Davies. I expect no honest dealings with you, just as I had no honest dealings with the previous Minister Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop. She is of course close friends with Mason, Australia media mogul and Israel lover, Kerry STOKES. Mr STOKES is contained in links below buying the Rothschild Bible for $15 million dollars. He visits Israel regularly. I have recorded every call with screen recording software. I ring from Skype. I note twice I was assured I would be called by a "Charles". Just as I was promised by the previous minister in four years of dealings. Page 140 of 1018 The key to a successful asylum application is being marginalised from society due to political beliefs and threats to safety. I can show that not even Minsters are safe in Australia from organised crime by the words of minister Joe Francis to me on October 10,
  342. I can show that despite repeated offers of talks the Australian government refuses to engage with me and runs me in circles. CLICK TO GO TO FULL EMAIL - PAGE 205 OF DOCUMENT VIDEO OF CALL "FOREIGN OFFICE" - 2 ’/ 2 MINUTES - 10™ OCTOBER 2018 https://mega.nz/#!Ev4BHAba!LQYvQHuHXL5UIQRleAUxJlwsg75h88A3fotKliuv a94 As usual. I'm told the email has been received and the "relevant person" will "action it". The P.A even states, "I know you've heard this before."
  343. On the 23 rd of December 2018, I emailed DFAT yet again - just before I planned to fly out on or around January 31, 2019. I have emailed repeatedly and rang repeatedly over four years and been promised a call by a member of staff to discuss my situation. It never happens. Previous email at bottom. Here is my asylum application lawyer in the United States. I repeat my offer of pulling all material down offline when I am satisfied you are dealing with me openly and honestly. There needs to be a Senate enquiry into what has gone on. The UTTER incompetence and stupidity and corruption I witnessed in amongst decent police officers and others who shook my hand and thanked me for fighting on. CLICK TO GO TO FULL EMAIL - PAGE 208 OF DOCUMENT VIDEO OF CALL TO FOREIGN OFFICE - 24 th DECEMBER 2018 - 13 MINUTES https://mega.nz/#!JiZRHIJJ!81TUu87g7xvkmslfuCsKluuQlgT36i7vuP8glF7Ycys This is a detailed and well-done call. As usual, despite promises of follow up, I never get any.
  344. On the 14 th of October 2019, I called DFAT once again to confirm they had received an email demanding an official response to me emails, letters and phone calls. I had emailed the day before and CC'd copies to the Australian department of defence, prime minister's office, department of trade and commerce and media. Recorded call. Dear DFA T staff, My case is well known to you. I will call to confirm receipt of the email. I am currently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Attached is an "extract" from my 1000-page UN application. It details large scale corruption within Western Australia including drug trafficking, drug money laundering (via mining companies), weapons trafficking, and strong inferences at state and federal police participation in that network. This also includes the countries banking system. Further, there is strong evidence that these networks have links to extremist religious cults based Page 141 of 1018 in Melbourne, Chabad Lubavitch - a literal Russian organized crime gang, close to Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. I also note Minister Josh Frydenberg is fond of this group. I've also attached my High Court Synopsis detailing aspects of Israeli espionage against the United States and Australia. I've also attached the latest news article on James PACKER, Kerry STOKES (best friends of former foreign minister Julie BISHOP), Benjamin NETANYAHU and the head of Mossad Yossi COHEN. I will then give you a few days to make contact with me. I have been contacting your department for five years. I have never, not once, received a call or email in reply to my gueries. I was promised calls by "Leon" and "Charles". Perhaps Mr. Benjamin NETANYAHU'S notorious network supersede the sovereignty of Australia? I've CC'd this email and attached documents to various other government departments including office of the prime minister, DOD, and department of industry and trade as well as Shadow Minister foreign affairs Ms. Penny Wong. I have also CC'd to Paul Murray of the West Australian Newspaper. I will ring asap to confirm receipt of this email. If your department continues to avoid responding to my 20+ interactions over the last five years, I will be off to Qatar and Ai Jazeera. Sincerely, Brendon Lee O'Connell
  345. £0 iy * See page 209 for full email Most recent phone calls to Australian government departments Call Department Of Industry Innovation And Science 14 th October 2019 https://mega.nz/#!VuoThKYB!VNiip-F0G2PS7cKFtC4nUrisVDI9iE4H2ZEaVM8wzkc Call Foreign Ministers Office 14 October 2019 14 th October 2019 https://mega.nz/#!M65HRaxS!l lfflxaE2cnauA2WIRQTa xE8iCR-hR6Zv-ouKiEU8 Calling Electorate Office of Penny Wong 14 th October 2019 https://mega.nz/#!NuhznaLK!FlvnbfLwgUNvpoMmfClqlu3 iozOS2EIDBuFlbik7STdA Calling Department of Defence For Email 14 th October 2019 https://mega.nz/#!B653nQoa!Y3hnwSBtel3iqypOKTRSU4uhYg3azbRhptwnKTDb2Y8 Calling the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 14 th October 2019 https://mega.nz/#!Fmpn3KDB!5tQQvzLYiV0kXDLvd7gr-9ebFIG4kWddibdkZgffnlpg
  346. The Perth District Court is replete with Freemasonic symbolism like this pyramid on its main front face. This is where I was tried in a farcical show trial worthy of the Chinese Communist government. 29 29 See page 601 Appendix 8 "High Court Synopsis" goes into the trial in great detail. Page 142 of 1018
  347. This is unmistakable. It is nothing else but a grand statement of who runs Perth, Western Australia. POLICE SERVICES AND SECRET SOCIETIES PART 2 - BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, KERRY STOKES & AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN MINISTER JULIE BISHOP
  348. Here is the Israeli Supreme Court building in Jerusalem.
  349. Here is a major masonic monument near the Israel/Egypt border. Page 143 of 1018
  350. Kerry STOKES, Australian media mogul and local West Australian personality is freemason. He is the owner of the most popular media outlet in Australia, The Seven Network. He is the owner of the local West Australian Newspaper. In September of 2014, whilst I was in the midst of a dog fight with the West Australian establishment, Mr. STOKES chose to spend $15 million dollars buying The Rothschild Family Bible 30 . This was almost one month to the day before my call with Minister Francis.
  351. One month before I had featured a close friend of Mr. STOKES, then Inspector Steve JANCEC of the WA police and Master Mason of Perth mentioned previously. He had "retired" that same month.
  352. Current world banking financier, Lord Jacob Rothschild, paid for and commissioned the Israeli Supreme Court building. a high-level 30 Page 213 Page 144 of 1018
  353. If you did not know before, the links between Masonry and Jewish mysticism are well documented in numerous online and offline sources.
  354. This is what I was up against in my home state of Western Australia. But it gets better. Mr. STOKES is a close and very personal friend of Benjamin Netanyahu.
  355. Here is Mr STOKES talking about his very powerful friend prime minister Netanyahu. Kerry STOKES tells how he rescued James Packer from financial ruin at The Price of Fortune book launch Mr STOKES, who is the chairman of Seven West Media, has also told how Mr Packer had received help from the "highest possible person" in Israel as Mr Packer slumped into depression amid fears he was on the verge of losing his empire. Mr STOKES told an audience of senior business figures how the senior person in Israel had told Mr Packer that he needed a friend, and that friend was Mr STOKES. Asked later if that person was current Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr STOKES declined to elaborate. https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/kerry-STOKES-tells-how-he-rescued-iames-packer-from-financial-ruin-at- the-price-of-fortune-book-launch-ng-b881000761z Was Netanyahu Packer's Mystery Helper? http://www.thestarfish.com.au/was-netanvahu-packer-mysterv-helper/ That's when the "highest possible man in Israel" came into the picture, providing a trusted voice of reason. "If James was going to take note of anyone he needed some reference point." The important caller from Israel made it clear he believed James should allow Kerry STOKES, an old friend of James, to come and help him. It's well known, though, that James Packer and the Israel PM have enjoyed a close friendship, so much so that Mr Packer became the target of an Israeli investigation over lavish gifts he'd given Mr Netanyahu. In November 2017, Mr Packer was interviewed by the Australian Federal Police about the gifts, while Israeli investigators listened in. Page 145 of 1018 AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN MINISTER JULIE BISHOP (MIDDLE LEFT) WITH AUSTRALIA'S MOST POWERFUL MEDIA MAGNATE (AND ROTHSCHILD FAN) KERRY STOKES
  356. Then foreign minister of Australia, Julie BISHOP, is both a very close friend of Mr STOKES and also Mr. Netanyahu. I repeat, Mr. STOKES is a high-level Freemason. He is close to China and Henry KISSINGER. This does not make Mr. STOKES "evil" or a criminal by default. In fact, Mr. STOKES is much beloved and has to a large degree sought to expel corrupt Freemasons from Western Australian lodges. He did this very publicly-just after I was seriously assaulted in prison - by allowing a large full-page news article in his newspaper with the title "Prison officers may be using their freemason connections for crime." That article is impossible to find online. Many news articles I had collected in prison were taken from me as my property was searched before release. Many prison officers shook my hand and thanked me for "giving them hell" and exposing corrupt practises. I had given them hell, and "they" had responded in kind.
  357. More recent reporting on James PACKER, Kerry STOKES, Benjamin NETANYAHU and the former head of The Mossad. Page 212.
  358. It would seem I was in the middle of a lion's den in my own home state. Even serving Ministers with ex special forces commanders can be intimidated.
  359. The foreign minister refused (both Julie BISHOP and more recently Marise PAYNE) to communicate and ensure, in writing, that my then attempts to the High Court of Australia (2014-2018) to have my conviction quashed, would be protected by the federal government by rebuking publicly the ultra-powerful state of Israel not to interfere in Australia's legal process again. LAWYERS IN FEAR OF ISRAEL
  360. I had secured the services of Queensland Q.C Anthony MORRIS for the High Court appeal. $10,000 had been placed in the lawyer accounts. A highly experienced Instructing Solicitor was on board, Kevin I spoke with Kevin for 80 minutes. He expressed his fear of the Israeli state and fears for both himself and his staff. I recorded the call with his permission. A full accounting of the attempts to get to the High Court is Page 146 of 1018 contained in Appendix 5, page titled "Getting to The High Court of Australia." Full video of the call is online, HERE. Please remember, Mr. Kevin is a highly respected and well-known Instructing Solicitor in Australia. He states repeatedly he has fears for his safety in dealing with Israel.
  361. More detail on lawyers fears for safety were gone into in Appendix 5, page 47.
  362. It should be noted that James Packer, being mentored by Kerry STOKES (page 21), and instructed to "hang out" and recover with Benjamin Netanyahu, is the son of notorious old school media mogul Kerry PACKER. Packer SNR was good friends with Jewish mafia don Abe SAFFRON.
  363. Abe Saffron was an agent for the state of Israel. An expert blackmailer using his string of brothels and prostitutes to compromise high level politicians and leaders of industry. He was Jeffrey EPSTIEN, before Jeffrey Epstein and the Lolita Express. The documentary "Mr Sin: The Abe Saffron Story" is available HERE.
  364. My grandfather was friends with the then personal pilot of Kerry PACKER. It was well known, an "open secret", that Kerry PACKER and Abe SAFFRON - Israeli Intelligence asset and Australia's chief sexual blackmailer - were running heroin into Australia. They were utilising Mr Packers string of cattle stations in the north of the country to land aircraft filled with drugs.
  365. Mr. Packers notorious reputation, rough and tumble business practises earned him the code name "SQUIRREL" by the Australian NCA - National Crime Authority. Packer was frequently the target of serious allegations of criminal activity but was never indicted - because he was a major intelligence asset. Especially with regards Crown Casino empire which his son James took over.
  366. Casinos are major money laundering points and are always closely monitored by authorities. They are always managed by intelligence assets. James Packer is, as previously discussed, extremely close friends with prime minister of Israel Benjamin NETANYAHU. Mr. Netanyahu is extremely close friends with American casino mogul Shelden ADELSON, who is a Jewish American, dual national Israeli/American citizen. Mr. Adelson is a close personal friend of president Donald TRUMP and was the main organiser and financier of the Trump campaign along with the likes of Edgar and Charles BRONFMAN and Ronald LAUDER -to name a few of the most powerful Canadian and American Jewish billionaire corporate sponsors behind Donald TRUMP. They've all headed the Israeli intelligence outfit known as The World Jewish Congress which is heavily affiliated with the UN in Geneva Switzerland. They are also known as "The Mega Group". Here is another excellent article: https://www.mintpressnews.com/mega-group-maxwells-mossad-spy-storv-ieffrev-epstein- scandal/261172/
  367. They are the core of the Israeli Firster/AIPAC lobby in the US which also operates as a huge intelligence gathering outfit for Israeli Intelligence. They have for many years formed part of the intelligence network that handled such Israeli spy's as Jonathon POLLARD who caused immense damage to the United States. Ostensibly spying for Israel, he was in fact "tasked" with gathering specific data that benefitted the then Soviet Union. The extremely close relationship between Israel and the Soviet Union is rarely discussed. Page 147 of 1018
  368. Added to this international group of common criminals, drug money launderers, intelligence assets are the extremist religious sect of Chabad Lubavitch. A Russian based sect of Orthodox Judaism, they have open and self- evident close relationships with Russian president Vladimir PUTIN, Israeli prime minister Benjamin NETANYAHU and American president Donald TRUMP. Chabad Lubavitch is in fact a worldwide organised crime intelligence outfit posing as a religious group. President Trumps daughter and son in law are devout members of this organised crime cult. The tentacles are long, all the way to Crown Casino's James PACKER and West Australian based, Australian media mogul, Kerry STOKES and his good friend the former Australian foreign minister Julie BISHOP. The issues mentioned briefly (above) tie in with China's Belt & Road Initiative, a truly mammoth economic development which is actually being handled by Israel, not China.
  369. Please watch these videos to understand the issue and how it relates to my case for refugee status via the UNHCR. 1 - ISRAELS SECRET WEAPON THE TALPIOT PROGRAM How Israel totally dominates cyber security and has planted high level corporate spys all over the world via their Talpiot Program run under Israeli military intelligence. https://archive.org/details/israelssecretweaponthetalpiotprogram 201908 2 - ISRAELI DRONES WORLD WIDE
  370. How Russia China & Israel work together for the One Belt One Road Project.
  371. How Israel steals US technology and passes on to China, Russia and Iran.
  372. How this is impacting on the Middle East. 4.1 ring Homeland Security to make a complaint about Jewish Zionist spying in America - it a good one- hour watch. https://archive.org/details/israelidronesworldwideupdatestart 3 - Bl BI'S GOT A KILL SWITCH AND HE LIKES TO USE IT Israel has 'kill switched' the entire planets critical infrastructure. From banking to hospitals to power grids to the Internet of Things and Military Industrial Complex of the United States. Israel is a cyber technology juggernaut and most people have no idea what is going on and the job losses in the United States to Israeli employees, most of whom are ethnic Russians who travel back and forth to Russia with minimum security checks. https://archive. 0 rg/details/ 6 .bibisgotakillswitchandhelikestouseit
  373. When you understand Israel's "technology juggernaut" status and The Oded Yinon Plan that saw the rape and destruction of Iraq, Libya, Syria and potentially, Iran - you will understand Page 148 of 1018 my highlighting these matters in a high profile court case brought out the Israeli state against me personally and saw to it I was beaten badly on September 11 th , 2012 and my right arm broken. Palestinian rock throwers receive the same treatment. They throw rocks at tanks; I throw words and images at "technology juggernauts". The Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky on his website Global Research reproduced Shahak's translation in April 2013, arguing that it threw light for the concept of a Greater Israel in the policies of the Likud-led government coalition led by Benjamin Netanyahu and circles within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. http://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815 SECERET SOCIETIES | GOLD MINING | CHABAD LUBAVITCH & BENJAMIN NETANYAHU...& FRIENDS
  374. A great deal of organised crime time and effort goes into investing in gold mining and mining in general in Western Australia and Australia. Stating on your Australian Tax Office (ATO) income statement you are a "gold prospector" is popular. Stating that you found a nugget and sold it for cash to a guy called "Bill" in the outback of Australia is often done. This is also done with opals and other precious stones. It could be argued the entire precious stone industry world-wide is artificially propped up by the drug money laundering industry. It moves onto more sophisticated scams from there. BTC has replaced precious stones to some degree.
  375. Of interest is West Australian based gold mine operator Anton BILLIS. He is indicative of the ongoing organised crime free for all that is Western Australia. His history explains a lot about how both state and federal police, as well as the ATO and Australian Securities and Exchange Commission (ASIC) are incapable of policing the country and providing a safe environment for citizens who speak out. https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/anton-BILLIS-finally-starts-splashing-the-cash-ng- b88502519z
  376. Mr BILLIS is the CEO of three of the richest gold mines in Australia. He served seven years in jail for fraud. He recently hit some trouble with regulators when it became known he was hoarding over $300 million dollars in gold. Sources close to me state he was in the process of finalising some sort of "swap" agreement in gold for a large African iron ore mine. This never went through, as local newspapers and shareholders questioned Mr BILLIS's corporate practises.
  377. ASIC have taken control of a billion dollars in shares that were illegally under his control.
  378. Mr BILLIS spends a lot of time in South Africa where he appears to feel most comfortable. Mr BILLIS's friends include organised crime associate Dominic SUNJIC. Well known to police and various government authorities. He is a close associate of previously mentioned notorious organised crime figure and freemason, Troy MERCANTI. In fact, Mr. ANTON BILLIS SUBSCRIM > (CUf Ml rst Australian© OCUIMoi i nxfjnM TTmxI* 24 Jimmy XB9 HOME LATEST VIDEO CRICKET NEWS SPORT BUSINESS POLITICS OPINION LIFESTYLE ENTERTAINMENT TRAVEL S3 | W LIVE: Sri Lanka bowled out for 144, Jhye takes three wickets CRICKET ■ irvi rati MO no | NEWS >WA NEWS Anton Billis finally starts splashing the cash Stiurt McKinnon I Tta« West Australian SKiaday, 10 >UM 20171:31AM Page 149 of 1018 according to my sources, Mr. SUNJIC purchased $500,000 worth of shares for Mr. MERCANTI in Mr. BILLIS's companies. Those shares are now worth $5 million dollars.
  379. Here is Mr. BILLIS in his glory days, thirty years ago. A "respectable" business man.
  380. Mr. BILLIS has a baseball bat in his hand. He is about to attack a former police officer and his car and attempt to injure him. At a later date, the respectable Mr. BILLIS and his friends will firebomb Mr. Terrence MCLERNONS car and office. http://drstoxxman.blogspot.eom/p/anton-BILLIS.html https://www.gangsterismout.com/2018/06/anthonv-byron-BILLIS-worlds-largest.html No glitter, just gold in Anton BILLIS 1 Rand and Tribune Resources https://www.smh.com.au/business/no-glitter-iust-gold-in-anton-BILLIS-rand-and-tribune-resources- 20131110-2xa08.html
  381. Mr. MCLERNON has written numerous books on corruption and cover up in Western Australia. Mr. BILLIS and a group of his rather "dodgy" friends, finally decided to sue Mr. MCLERNON for defamation. To detail the levels of corruption that went into the legal case would take too long, but in the end, Mr. BILLIS and friends won their case and the largest damages ever given in Australia - $700,000.
  382. I formed a relationship with Mr. MCLERNON as we were both interested in ending the states reputation as "The Wild West". I am mentioned in this news article: WA mining boss Anton BILLIS turns on internet troll Terry MCLERNON https://thewest.com.au/business/wa-mining-boss-anton-BILLIS-turns-on-internet-troll-terrv-MCLERNON-ng- b88782171z Similar material written by Mr MCLERNON was also sent to various media outlets and politicians by Brendon O'Connell — another blogger previously jailed for inciting racial hatred in a video posted online. THE MYSTERIOUS W.A BORN, DRUGS, ARMS DEALER & OCCASIONAL GOLD INVESTOR - "MICK MANY NAMES"
  383. A close friend of Mr. BILLIS, "Mick" (MMN) has allegedly laundered drug money most of his life. He has multiple ways of spelling his name, here are two - Michael Mihran SHEMESIAN/Michael Mihran SHMAZIAN.
  384. Moving up through the ranks, and making legitimate mining exploration money along the way, he is now an alleged international weapons and drug trafficker with offices in Dubai, Moscow and Brussels, not far from NATO headquarters. He operates under EXCHANGE MINERALS. A large mining company specialising in oil, gas and mining investments. Page 150 of 1018 303 . His close associate, Ahmad "Jay" MALKOUN, was recently blown up in Athens, Greece, and survived. Ex-Comanchero president seriously injured in Athens car explosion https://www.9news.com.au/world/australian-man-iniured-car-explosion-athens/ca363bl0-a0bf-4431-ba67- 5f2clfaadcf7 Link to screenshot of article within document page 208 NINE NETWORK REPORTING OF ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT Please remember, this is an extremely close friend of one of the heads of a top international mining and exploration company. They are intimately linked business partners. Organised crime, weapons and drug trafficking. Blatant. WA born and bred. And both state and federal police protect these people. https://mega.nz/#!RylRHaTY!-X-hPxLFx7cnw0nnsdsUiK9beX2W2SCdF6KkaVtTtA 304 . Information passed to me indicates Mr SHEMESIAN/SHMAZIAN/MMN and his friend Mr. MALKOUN are close to MALKOUNS brother who operates a large aircraft out of Mexico and the US, allegedly for drugs and weapons transportation. We can all remember Iran Contra in the eighties and Col. Oliver NORTH and Barry SEAL. See page 937 Appendix 11, "My Friendship with Roger Reaves". 305 . I was offered a job in Brussels if I were to remain quiet about Mr. SHEMESIAN/SHMAZIAN - Link to screen recording, Whatsapp messages. 306 . Mr. MALKOUN shared a room with a Mr. Wayne SCHNEIDER, a member of the Hells Angels bikie club/business. They were organising a one-ton load of meth-amphetamine to Australia. Mr SCHNEIDER was kidnapped and murdered. Mr MALKOUN fled to Dubai the next day to be with his friend Mr. SHEMESIAN, who's on the board of directors of Exchange Minerals. Nothing to see here. Murdered Hells Angel bikie Wayne Schneider may have died by accident, inquest hears https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/murdered-hells-angel-bikie-wayne-schneider-mav-have-died-bv- accident-inquest-hears-20171207-h00esz.html Web page report on the activities of Mr. "MICK MANY NAMES" - page 214. 307 . These particular Western Australian circles of business and organised crime are explained in more detail in Appendix 14 - ASSAULT OUTSIDE COURT HOTEL. 308 . Both state and federal police, Australian Securities Investigation Commission (ASIC), Australian tax office (ATO) etc, must explain how people such as these operate with seeming impunity in Western Australia, interstate, and overseas? 309 . Mr BILLIS's love for people of less than high character brings to the fore Chabad Lubavitch's local Australian chapter based in Melbourne, Victoria, and their most famous product, 'Diamond' Joe GUTNIK. Mr. GUTNIK is famous for his gold mining and diamond "find" investments. He would often say his religious leader - Rabbi Menachem SCHNEERSON - would psychically, through mystical powers, find the diamonds for him. These were of course "blood diamonds" from the conflict zones of Africa. Blood Diamonds and diamonds in general are a way to transfer drug profits across borders before the new method of crypto currencies were invented by Israel's NSA equivalent, Unit 8200. Mr GUTNIK loves South Africa. Page 151 of 1018
  385. As mentioned previously, Chabad Lubavitch is an organised crime intelligence outfit first, and a psychotic religious sect second. Melbourne, Australia, is a hot bed of Chabad activity. The most famous case and best example of Chabad's criminal - and completely "normal" activities - is the money laundering of a Chabad member, Nachum GOLDBERG. Dirty laundry: Chabad Lubavitch Adherent Launder Millions for Israeli Politics Straight Out of Australia http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/00/10/SMH141000b.html
  386. The money that went into the hundreds of millions of dollars was destined for the coffers of Israeli banks and Arial SHARON and Benjamin NETANYHU's "Likud" political party. A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud https://larouchepub.com/other/2Q03/3003likud usgangsta.html Joseph Gutnick: the Australian mining magnate and corporate predator, reputedly the richest man in the ultra-orthodox Jewish world. Following the Nov. 4, 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Gutnick poured over $1 million of his personal funds into the Likud election campaign of Benjamin Netanyahu. Gutnick also financed a 5,000-person "get out the vote" effort by the Lubavitcher Chabad cult. Netanyahu had a razor-thin margin of victory over Labor Party leader Shimon Peres. Since then, Gutnick has poured additional millions into building Jewish settlements in occupied Palestine and has constantly agitated for conflict with the Palestinians.
  387. Melbourne is a hot bed, also, as you would expect, of Israeli Intelligence activity. No more famous a case is that of 'Prisoner X" - Ben ZYGIER. Australian born Mossad Case Officer who "allegedly" committed suicide in an Israeli jail. He was educated at a Orthodox "Yeshiva", Jewish Day School in Melbourne - where Israeli firsters are manufactured for the targeted nation of choice. Another allegedly Australian citizen who attended the same school as Ben Zygier is Federal M.P Josh FRYDENBERG. He is tapped for prime minister of Australia one day. He is very close to the former Australian prime minister Malcolm TURNBULL, former head of Australian Goldman Sachs. He was also, co-incidentally (or not co-incidentally) top legal advisor for Australia's most famous heroin importer and friend of Israeli Intelligence (Abe SAFFRON) Mr. Kerry PACKER. They keep it in the family Down Under. We presume Kerry Packers son, James Packer, Crown Casino boss, close friend and "money provider" (under corruption investigation) for Benjamin Netanyahu is keeping the tradition of working for foreign governments alive and well and in "The Family". How a Melbourne boy became a Mossad spy https://www.theaustralian.com.au/arts/review/how-a-melbourne-bov-became-a-mossad-spv/news- Story/0ccl37c54d968b4db84265dl6680b482?nk=aflc50e2feb305d3cce30ea2f62b7cd6-1548313029 Page 152 of 1018 313 . 314 . Both M.P Josh Frydenberg and Israeli spy Ben Zygier were, and are, close to foreign spy outlet Chabad Lubavitch. In keeping with the theme of “dodgy coppers" and money laundering in Western Australia and Australia in general, I give you "Dutto". Federal M.P Peter DUTTON, tapped for bigger things. He also left his police department in Queensland with a stacked property portfolio, much like the previously mentioned police drug dealer, Inspector Tom CLAY in western Australia. 'Spot on': Lebanese MP AGREES with Peter Dutton that most terror suspects are Lebanese-Muslims - as it's revealed he 'smashed' colleagues who disagreed https://www.dailvmail.co.uk/news/article-3960670/Lebanese-Christian-MP-Michael-Sukkar-agrees-Peter- Dutton-s-comments-Lebanese-Muslims-terrorism.html Fifteen things you didn't know about Peter Dutton https://thenewdailv.com.au/news/national/2016/01/04/15-things-didnt-know-peter-dutton/ Allegation Misconduct to CCC : By Former Qld Police Officer Mr Peter Dutton htt ps://www. change, org/p/australian-royal-commission-into-institutional-responses-to-child-sexual-abuse- case-studv-34-roval-commission-call-peter-dutton-mp-others-to-testifv-in-sex-abuse-case-study- 34/u/19631906 But Kernot's attack backfired when ALP leader Kim Beazley requested she withdraw the comment and, on election day, he won the seat and his ticket to federal parliament with a 6 per cent swing. Peter Dutton has been in national politics since the 2001 John Howard comeback election, when he scored a six-point swing over Labor's "celebrity" MP Cheryl Kernot. It was one of the biggest Page 153 of 1018 swings in the country despite the fact both sides got down and dirty. The Labor team made snide suggestions about why Dutton had left the Queensland drug sguad - something that has never been heard of since and looks like what it most certainly was, a gratuitous slur.
  388. Peter DUTTON and Josh FRYDENBERG are very close. Both professionally and personally and share a hatred for Muslims and a great love for Israel and no doubt prime minister Benjamin NETAYAHU.
  389. It was in this environment I stepped into a high-profile court case to expose Jewish religious and racial supremacism and a major national security issue. Had I known the rats nest I was stepping into way back in 2009,1 would have at least thought twice. SUMMARY AND CLOSING - APPLICABLE TO ALL INFORMATION IN DOCUMENT
  390. In the following four pages at the end of the statement, you will see paperwork from the 'Criminal Injuries Compensation Board'. The sum is $17,076.90. I received $17,000 compensation for "very minor" injuries. "Based on information available, the fracture in Mr O'Connell's arm was very minor.
  391. As the initial letter featured in this section states clearly, basically, nothing happened. I was compensated $17,000 for something that apparently "never happened".
  392. It should be noted that subsequent Freedom of Information documents showed the patient notes at both the Casuarina Prison Infirmary and Royal Perth Hospital showed a level of assault commensurate with 'hitting one's head at the end of one's bed'. In actual fact, I was rushed to RPH with a "blown right pupil" and suspected serious head injury. It was a priority two lights and siren event. The blown right pupil is never mentioned anywhere at any time in any notes. I know about it because the senior Nurse Manager at the Casuarina Prison Infirmary told me the facts about what happened -1 got on with all the Nursing staff, having worked in the same, or similar areas, as the Casuarina Infirmary staff, and knew the same people.
  393. I was unconscious or semi-conscious for up to 90 minutes post assault. Official staff and prison officer accounts are laughable. One prison officer has me chatting routinely post assault. Another has me slipping in and out of consciousness. Page 154 of 1018
  394. I had a hairline fracture of the jaw. A hairline fracture of the distal end of the right humorous. Severe bruising down the right side of my body from my waist to me neck. Multiple bruises and abrasions to my face. On reading FOI documents from both Royal Perth Hospital and the Casuarina Prison Infirmary, there is zero correlation with what occurred and paper work to a laughable degree. The participants in the initial event, it's lead up and those involved later appeared not to care about how ludicrous the record of events was - they don't call WA “The Wild West" for nothing.
  395. I was placed for eight months at medium level security, "override minimum". Acacia Prison. This is maximum security with cooking privileges-most of the time the cooking pans are removed due to the popularity of prisoners using them to assault other prisoners. Then twenty months maximum security "override minimum" at both Casuarina and Albany Regional Prison. Then I then demanded my minimum security and was granted it. Eight months minimum. Wooroloo Prison. I had to threaten the prison with gross misbehaviour.
  396. In Appendix 5, "Letter To Iranian Foreign Minister - Convention Against Torture," we see the essence of what went on - intimidation and torture. A clearly, self-evident badly broken arm prison officers refused to treat. Had I not fought tooth and nail and threatened Albany regional prison staff with complete and utter non- compliance by me to the prison system - including throwing my own faeces at staff-they would never have acquiesced to a repeat x-ray. The badly broken displaced fracture would have gone un¬ treated, completely. This event was an organised assault by corrupt prison staff and organised criminal associates. An ongoing ten-year period of constant and never-ending harassment by associated state actors at the highest levels. Constant violation of prison and policing, legal and judicial protocols - often done in full view with no concern by the perpetrators anyone would care. Simply study the assault on leading law professor Robert Cunningham mentioned previously and you will begin to grasp the strange and ongoing attitude of the Western Australian establishment and their "little isolated fiefdom" they call their own. As one highly connected figure in Perth told me, "Brendon, they all grew up together, attended the same schools, university of WA, fuck each other, same coke dealers, same secrets."
  397. I hope this section of the UNHCR Refugee application gives you some indication as to the lengths a supposed "1 st world country" will go too, to cover up their corruption and incompetence. That it is infested with a dangerous secretive network with international outreach. Composed of organised crime mixed with corrupt police, drug trafficking, money laundering, intelligence gathering.
  398. You can see all of my approaches to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the ministry of foreign affairs. My willingness to negotiate. My willingness to discuss pulling all of my online material down. Phone call recordings whereby I am promised calls from "Leon" and "Charles". Calls that never come. This is highly damning of DFAT. I have them recorded, but they never follow through? The fact that then Minister Julie Bishop is a close personal friend of Prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu goes some way to explaining the core problem I faced - asking the fox to assist in securing the chicken coop. I only found out about her close relationship with the Prime minister of Israel in January 2019.
  399. You can see I have never, not once, ever received "official documentation" or an official email response from DFAT at any time in the last five years. Tess Courtney LASHGARI LETTER TO IRANIAN FOREIGN MINISTER ■ CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE Lashgari & Associates, p.c. Attorneys a! law 2470 WINDY HILL ROAD. SUITE 214 MARIETTA, GEORGIA 30067-K617 APPENDIX 5| Tehran. Iran Office* Telephone: 021-22-83-30-4] Facsimile: 021-22-83-27-42 •practice limited to U S. & international law Via Facsimil e: 02l-G6.7J.4n.7T A (V»l M Via Hard Delivers' Dt. Mohammad Javnd 2arif The Honorable Foreign Minister of The Islamic Republic of Iran Imam Khomeini Avenue Page 155 of 1018 Randall, P.A to then Minister Julie Bishop stated to me over the phone in a recorded call that the foreign minister had replied to me via email -1 never received that email. This is a major sign of the cover up.
  400. You can see all my emails sent to DFAT in this document or links to the high-quality versions online.
  401. You can see I was suicidal at one stage, back from Iran with no money, asking for assistance. DFAT sent me an email to a local Malaysian counselling service.
  402. Despite having three warrants for my arrest; with "threatening emails" to DFAT; supposedly "mentally ill" according to every government department I've interacted with; and situated within Malaysia; with an extradition treaty with Malaysia - Australia has made no attempts to extradite me.
  403. I hope the material I have produced in this document indicates to you that I have conducted myself well under the circumstances. I have addressed every issue with polite well written documents to all the right places and gained no relief, instead I have been ignored and harassed at both the state and federal level.
  404. I have been critical of my own behaviour. At times been thoroughly embarrassed with, "Did I write that?" Or, "Did I say that in that video?" Been reflective. Sought counselling on my own with no recommendation from any government authority.
  405. I am emotionally unstable, without question, though improving. I am not by any reasonable measure, mentally ill.
  406. Dr Sherell FITZCLARENS is one of the main local prison focal points for the cover up. Brendon Lee O'Connell 29 th October 2019 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Page 156 of 1018 CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT CRIMINAL COMPENSATION $17,076AUD For a very "mild" assault that is made out as if I bumped me head on the end of the bed. Page 157 of 1018 'NT! IK MAI IKK of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 ("the Act”)
  407. and - IN THE MATTER of an application by BREN HON LEE O'CONNELL for a compensation award (File CI/2015-001925) COMPENSATION AWARD WHEREAS BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL, born on 27 October 1970, has made an application under section 17(2) of the Act in respect of injuries and losses suffered by him as a consequence of an alleged offence on 11 September 2012 at Casuarina and no person has been charged with the commission of the alleged offence; I, ROBERT GUTHRIE, an Assessor as delined in the Act, pursuant to the powers vested in me, being satisfied as to the relevant matters as required by section 17(4)(a) of the Act, award BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL the sum of $17,076.90 compensation for those injuries and losses in respect of that alleged offence and order that:
  408. BRENDON LEE O’CONNELL be paid the sum of $16,500.00;
  409. Central City Health Professionals be paid the sum of $490.00; and
  410. Central City Medical Centre be paid the sum of $86.90. DATED 26 May 2016 R GUTHRIE ASS ESSO R OF CRIMI NAL INJURIES C OMPENSATION Page 158 of 1018 IMAGE OF LETTER FROM ROYAL PERTH HOSPITAL - REPLY TO SENIOR INVESTIGATOR "KEN CUMMINGS" WHEN HE ENQUIRED HOW MY BADLY BROKEN ARN WAS MISSED Government of Western Australin Department of Health South Metropolitan Health Sorvico C 0&y Mr Ken Cummings A/Senior Investigator Operational Support Department of Corrective Services Level 8, 141 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Dear Mr Cummings RE: Prisoner Brendon O’Connell Thank you for your email of 18 November 2014 expressing your concerns regarding the treatment Mr Brendon O'Connell received at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) on 11 September 2012. While you have asked that this matter be reviewed by our ethical standards area, it was important to determine whether the treatment provided to Mr O’Connell was clinically appropriate. Accordingly, the Head of Department of the RPH Emergency Department undertook a clinical review 1 . The A/Executive Director of RPH reviewed this work and as a result, I would like to confirm the following: • The pain in Mr O'Connell's right arm was noted and he received an x-ray on 11 September 2012. • The Emergency Department doctors were not able to see the small fracture in the right elbow: however it was noted by the Radiologist the following day and was reported. • As per usual practice the Radiologist called the doctor in the Emergency Department with the findings. . It is documented in the medical record that the doctors phoned the nurse at Casuarina Prison on 12 September 2012 suggesting she inform the prison doctor and request a follow up x-ray in seven to 10 days. Based on information available, the fracture in Mr O'Connell's arm was very minor. The treatment for this type of injury is generally conservative pain relief and an arm sling. Surgery or immobilisation with a cast is not usually required. ’ Mr O'Connell's patient notes wcro utilised In order to conduct U»ls review. Qff ice of the Chief Executive 16 Ogilvie Road MT PLEASANT Western Australia 6153 Locked Bag 8 CANNING BRIDGE Western Australia 6153 Telephone (08) 9318 7500 Facsimile (08) 9318 7515 vwwv.southmetropolitan.health.wa gov au Page 159 of 1018 As a result of the clinirai a“„rr : he ■- «« Pri^n 9 Pat ' enl records - <he relevant^™ T dlag " ose ,he '"W FuitHer. SOn ' nt inforTT1 ation was conveyed to the Casuarina their treatment of Mr O'Connelf 6 j 0rn ? eci lhat that staff behaved inappropriately in was not to the satisfaction nf Mr nr un or } unate ' however, that the care provided distress that may have been caus' 8 " d ' W ° U ' d ,ike t0 apol ° 9 ' lse for an Yours sincerely ProfessorFrank Daly '/ A/Chief Executive SOUTH METROPOLITAN HEALTH SERVICE \0 February 2015 Page 160 of 1018 REPORTING OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES CORRUPTION IN LOCAL MSM (26 th MARCH 2016) JAILHOUSE SHOCK Prisons insider blows whistle on waste, mismanagement EXCLUSIVE ■ Gareth Parker State Political Editor Senior executives at the Depart¬ ment of Corrective Services were paid on-call and after- hours allowances they were not entitled to and hundreds of thousands of dollars of invoices were paid to contractors for work that had not been done. These incidents are amont; a litany of failures of governance and financial non-compliance Prisons waste exposed ◄ FROM PI surplus material appear to have been disregarded.” the memo says. The upshot was that the 2014-15 Budget of $1,278 million for uniforms blew out to $2,353 million. In another failure, on-call and after-hours allowances, a fea¬ ture of some government indus¬ trial agreements, were being paid to senior executives who were not entitled to them. The chief financial officer sought advice from the Public Sector Commission, which con¬ firmed that senior executives were expected to take on after- hours and on-call duties as part of their positions. Shadow corrective services minister Paul Papalia said the leaked memo had exposed "staggering and disturbing failures of the highest order". "Millions of dollars of tax¬ payers' money has been wasted or put at risk by cavalier if not dishonest financial mismanage¬ ment." Mr Papalia said. "The Government must bear respon¬ sibility for these examples of se¬ rious breaches in financial governance and accountability. “It is not enough to be 'work¬ ing towards’ addressing these failures. They must be properly investigated by the Auditor- identified in an explosive inter¬ nal DCS memo leaked to The Weekend West. The memo, sent to the top ranks of DCS including Correc tive Services Commissioner James McMahon, was written in July by the department s then- chief financial officer, who took the breaches so seriously that he refused to sign the annual financial reports because he believed he would be in breach of the Financial Management Act. Treasurer's instructions and accounting standards. The four-page memo appears to have been written in frustra¬ tion after attempts by the chief financial officer to report direct¬ ly to Mr McMahon were not progressed. The memo outlines many examples of waste and misman¬ agement. including poor con¬ trols managing the payment of contractors and the botched implementation of new uni¬ forms for prison guards. An internal report on the allo¬ cation of the department's 2014- 15 budget, which was set at $841 million in Treasurer Mike Mahan's Budget, included $51 million of spending over the approved limit. "This action incorrectly implied that DCS had a revised total budget allocation of $892 million.” the chief financial off¬ icer wrote. "There was no sup¬ porting documentation of how this $51 million was calculated and there appears to have been . a fundamental assumption that the funds would be allocated through the mid-year review." A proposal to change the col¬ our of guards' uniforms from khaki to blue was justified inter¬ nally on the basis that they were "off the rack” and would cut costs by 75 per cent because they would not need to be individually tailored. But this was contradicted by the supplier, who later advised the only difference would be the colour. "Further, additional costs associated with obsolete uni¬ forms and the buyback of ► CONTINUED P6 Tie We*tAu slr<iffonA_

    S J6 march JO 16 I BLOWING THE WHISTLE FAILURES OF ACCOUNTABILITY What the leaked Department of Corrective Services memo sard about non compliance and failures of governance of its $890 million budget PRISON UNIFORM CHANGE DCS' uniform committee recommended changing the colour of prison guards' uniforms from khaki to blue because it would save $200,000 a year in reduced materials and tailoring costs. The $1.4 million uniforms budge! was exceed by $1.1 million ■ What the chief financial officer said: ‘There appears to have been a misrepresentation on the benefits of changing the uniform colour ..It is not know on what cost analysis this figure was arrived at. The uniform proposal was justified on the basis that the items were off the tack, thereby reducing the cost by 75 per cent. This contradicts the odvice by the supplier, that the only difference will be colour. ' THE 2014-15 BUDGET In August 2014, an internal report was circulated with budget allocations for DCS' divisions for the 2014 15 financial year. The Government authorised a DCS budge of $841 million, but the report made provision tor an extra $51 million that was not approved by Governmem ■ What the CFO said: There was no supporting documentation of how this $51 million was calculated and theteoppears to have been... a fundamental assumption that the funds would be allocated through the mid year review' ON CALL ALLOWANCES On-call and out of hours allowances were paid to Senior Executive Service staff who weren't entitled to them There was no monitoring of this. ■ What the CFO said: ‘ The Public Sector Commission has odvtsed that SES staff are expected to lake on the duties and responsibilities of the seniority of on SiS position and should not be paid on on-call and out of hows allowance. ’ THE SOCRATES' PROJECT Socrates is a program to decommission shared corporate services provided by the Department of the Attorney General. Invacesfor $447,467 and $44,000 to contractors were submitted for payment for work that had not yet been done. The biggest of these exceeded delegated approval limits ■ What the CFO said: " The difficulty with the (5 44 000 ) invoice is that it appears to have been an attempt to clear the remaining 20B-M budget, rather than for work octually undertaken.’ THE WORKERS COMPENSATION CONTRACT In a bid to bnng down workers compensation claims. DCS employed an external consultant for a six month pilot program worth $19,000. DCSgX an exemption from tendering rules to engage the consultant, but then the contract continued on without scrutiny" for three years, with fortnightly , nvoices paid to a total of more than $300,000. ■i What the CFO said: '(The consultant) did not operate within the parameters of the project, however, notwithstanding this issue the contract .. on firmed on without scrutiny for three years’ Si Hi CCr P0 "♦s, General, if not the Public Sector Commissioner, immedi¬ ately. The time for financial advice and assistance has long gone. The warnings raised by the CFO a person of obvious integrity in the briefing note demand urgent investigation and disciplinary action. "Under the current Minister, and the Commissioner he appointed. Corrective Services failed to follow the most basic tenets of financial management by inflating its budget allocation by S51 million without any sup¬ porting documentation." Questions to Corrective Ser¬ vices Minister Joe Francis were referred to Mr McMahon, who said better financial controls and procurement practices had been implemented. "A perform^ssaatidit a committee waet'ifet] obtain RreaufreMrsigRr Snd includes a representative from

    the Office of the Auditor-Gener¬ al," Mr McMahon said. "There is no question that to the past our systems were noh® to scratch. Itake the respond corned when the depart® received a qualified audit.” Page 161 of 1018 SCREENSHOT OF CARL CASILLI'S REAL ESTATE WEBPAGE Od C D GQ 2! O D O c 03 — c


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  413. . "D A3 fu U jO CO-— X Page 162 of 1018 LETTER TO CHIEF JUSTICE WAYNE MARTIN - "WHY IS THE STAGNO MURDER TRIAL TRANSCRIPT SUPPRESSED?" Barrack Street PERTH, WA 6000 CC: Office of the Attorney General CC: Office of the Premiere CC: Shadow Attorney General, John Quigley CC: Colleen Egan, The West Australian Netospaper CC: Paul Murray, The West Australian Newspaper CC: Hamid Farrajolahi, Iran Press TV RE: Access to transcript - Crown v Paul Nutizio Stagno INS 130/2012 Dear Sir, It is my understanding on speaking with the SCWA Transcript Officer at approximately 10am this morning (March 16th), that there is a suppression order on the above case. The case was composed o! iwo trials. The first ran from the 19th of August 2013 to the 21st of August 2013. The trial was subsequently abandoned. The original charge was wilful murder of Mite Naumovsky by Paul Nunzio Stagno. A new trial took place from the 5th of February 2014 to the 4th of March 2014. The new charge was murder, with an option for manslaughter. Mr Stagno was subsequently found guilty of manslaughter. A good result. I must note the name of his lawyer. I am an ordinary member of the public but I find myself greatly interested in this case due to my friendship with a man who was almost charged with the murder of Mite Naumovsky. Mr Stagno and four others had tried to frame this particular person. I was present at Wooroloo Prison Farm when the man in question stated that officers from the Corruption and Crime Commission had come to interview him. He was asking me for advice. Page 163 of 1018 ■ | 2 nH MH ‘° r u !| mterVieW With CCC officers man in question came to my room and told me what had been said. He gave me a full and total run down on what is in fact a '! scandal - that the Western Australian judiciary, media and political class are covering up le assassination of a man by a criminal informant (Stagno) with the possible approval of his police handler, disgraced detective Carl Casilli. Casilli was supposedly going to jail - according to the CCC - "for a very long time." Instead, he was charged with relatively minor charges (in comparison) and supposedly given a nine month sentence. No one is quite sure if he served a day of it. It is of note that Casilli is the detective who was involved with the infamous Loyed Rayney matter and allegedly promised "hitman" Johnny Montani a minor sentence for murder if he would state Mr Rayney tried to get him to murder his wife. To call former detective Casilli a "piece of garbage" would be an insult to garbage everywhere. Rayney cop leaked police files to lover The West Australian Newspaper Tuesday, July 1, 2014 Page 164 of 1018 13 It is further noted that Paul NunzioStagno had been released on bail three times just prior to the murder. Two of the bails were Schedule 2 bails - almost impossible to get - but Paul Nunzio Stagno got them, in short order. This leads one to believe the only course possible - Stagno was a very valuable criminal informant for detective Carl Casilli. All three charges that subsequently led to an immediate bail were based on large quantities ol Methamphetamine and a hand gun. Extremely serious charges but Stagno got bail immediately on all three - then committed a murder on the third. This is quite frankly unbelievable and a national scandal. During the original trial the entire Major Crime Squad was sacked for misconduct over this affair. This was the final straw in a long line of misconduct and outright corruption by this particular unit. At the same time, the DPP prosecution team was sacked for misconduct. This has all been covered up. At Stagno's new trial the charges had magically lowered from Wilful Murder to Murder with an option for Manslaughter. Amazingly, no one remembered the opening statements of the prosecutor at the first trial where the opening address was correct - Stagno had arranged the assassination of Mite Naumovski over a drug debt, his personal dislike of Naumovski and the fact Stagno's girlfriend Danielle Kovacs has been having sexual relations with Naumovski. It was alleged at the first trial Danielle Kovacs "lured" Naumovski to the house where the murder subsequently took place. According to my source, Naumovski was shot six times in total - twice in the head, testicles and back. ro My friend - who Paul Nunzio Stagno had originally tried to fame for the murder - was rung by Stagno on the night of the murder and asked to take part. He hung up the phone, believing Stagno to be high on drugs. This statement was given to the CCC. That put paid immediately to any claim by Stagno that he acted in self defense. My friend was never called to the witness stand during the new trial despite his statement being available. There were also four others who took part in the murder. This included Stagno’s mother. These four had gone to my friends work shop believing him not to be there in an attempt to dump the body in his premises I le was in fact present and watched for some time as the four attempted to gain entry. Not knowing the exact nature of their presence, he confronted them and some excuse was made on returning some property. During the exchange my friend was asked to touch several objects which led him later to believe he was being set up for the murder as his own dislike of Mite Naumovsky was well known. Why were these four people never charged with being an "accessory"? Their presence was known to investigating officers? Page 165 of 1018 ^ ' K • I 4 My friends girlfnend was ultimately charged with "perjury" over this affair. She took a liking to the investigating officer Carl Casilli and the two had a sexual relationship. So, just to clarify, I will attempt to sum up this extraordinary case -
  414. Detective Carl Casilli arranges bail on three separate occasions for his criminal informant Paul Nunzio Stagno despite three very serious charges.
  415. On the third bail, Stagno murders in cold blood - pre-meditated - Mite Naumovski.
  416. Stagno and at least 4 other people try to frame another man for the murder.
  417. Detective Carl Casilli investigates the murder of Mite Naumovsky - by his very own criminal informant who he had gotten out of jail three times.
  418. Detective Carl Casilli has sexual relations with the girlfriend of the man who was originally going to be framed for the murder.
  419. Entire prosecution team and major crime squad sacked over affair.
  420. Cold blooded assassin is rewarded with a lowered charge for..."keeping quiet”?
  421. Suppression order slapped on case after Brendon O'Connell begins investigating getting hold of the transcripts. To say, "heads will roll" is just not strong enough language to describe this debacle - worthy of Western Australia and its reputation as The Wild West". A place of disorder, corruption and cover up on an epic scale. 1 find this particular matter indicative of the special place Western Australia holds as the most corrupt state in Australia - :i- JQl-% 1 in Former derl isanity 7 ho- CO ■ ho o
  422. I cannot think of any other state in this country where the Stagno/Kovacs/Naumovski case could take place and I cannot think of any other state in this country where a high ranking member of parliamentary staff could be caught red handed with a disguise, balaclava, tracking device, latex gloves, black hoodie and black shoes and a base ball bat near the house of his boss - and he's pleading insanity. You simply could not make this stuff up and what’s more fascinating than the current crop of farcical matters coming to the surface in this state; is the fact the Western Australian establishment continue to deny the need for a Royal Commission into entrenched organised crime - whereby the very state and its various government departments ARE organised crime. From the police to the political and judicial class, there is seemingly no boundary to bad behaviour. Page 166 of 1018 In closing, 1 would like to know’ the exact nature of the suppression order and when it was first put in place - the exact date. I ask this because when 1 first asked about this matter one year ago there was no mention of any suppression order. I would like to know how this suppression order affects me - a member of the public - and the right to know the state of the states judicial and legal system? When will the transcripts become available for ordinary Western Australians to gain an insight of the levels of corruption tax payers dollars appear to be funding? Sincerely, Brendon O'Connell ho CO o> ro Page 167 of 1018 REPLY FROM CHIEF JUSTIC WAYNE MARTIN AFTER ASKING FOR ACCESS TO THE TRANSCRIPT “ CHIEF JUSTICE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA ChiM Juttm i Oiwnbwm SocxtifTM Coutl of Wvvtitm Autttafi* SiMthg Onntom Biwracft Srrnv PixtiV Wimtwn Auitiat* 6000 Tsiophon* >( 00 ) 9421 6337 Fax <(06) 0371 3033 Fftiail cfmf w»t>c* cfwrMKiQjuitcs wa oov au 6 April 2016 Mr Brendon O'ConneU d- ’The Beacon’, Perth Business Centre PO Box 8034 EAST PERTH WA 6004 Dear Mr O’Connell Your letter addressed to the Supreme Court Registrar has been referred to me for reply. There are many assertions made in your letter upon which it would not be appropriate for me to comment. In response to your request with respect to details concerning the suppression order made in the case to which you refer, I can advise that the order was made by Justice Corboy on 12 February 2014. The order suppresses the publication of all evidence given by the witness Shane Lawrence Russell. The suppression order was made in the interests of justice and applies to the world at large, including you. Yours sincerely //A / / JL —— The Hon Wayne Martin AC Chief Justice of Western Australia Page 168 of 1018 SCREENSHOT OF THE NOTORIOUS MERCANTI FAMILY "TRIBAL BATTLE" - NEWSPAPER REPORT SUBSCRIBE > cThr Oiliest Australian «T» LISTEN NOW: Claremont serial killings: New podcast episode out now NEWS HUM NEWS Inside the Mercanti family’s tribal battle for millions Tim Clarke, Legal Affairs Editor I The West Australian Saturday, 15 April 2017 12:30AM ft Yvonne and Michael Mercanti It was to be the ultimate hostile takeover. On July 30, 2013, Tyrone Mercanti is in China on business. That business was running the sprawling and successful shoe empire that had been started by his father Michael exactly 50 years before with a repair kiosk in the Dianella Plaza shopping centre. Mercanti family at war Today, Michael was about to put the boot in. Accompanied by his wife Yvonne, his other sons Jamie and Jason, his solicitor and his IT man, the 80-year-old patriarch marches into the Gladstone Street, Perth, offices to take back what he had built. At that very moment, then chief financial officer Larry Thomas is talking to Tyrone on the phone. Page 169 of 1018 IMAGE OF NEWSPAPER ARTICLE - INSPECTOR STEVE JANCEC SHILLING FOR NEW RECRUITS TO WESTERN AUSTRALIAN FREEMASONIC LODGES (A copy of this article was left in my locked cell at Albany Regional Prison, on my pillow. In a sealed envelope. On my return from the education section of the prison) M 0 o CD U a> | n lisa! 168*1 re ''S 6 •s re ”5 P 0) C 1 Pc ! £ X gj 2
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    M Si £ 2 S. m-2 01 o 01 01 01 Page 170 of 1018 SCREENSHOT NEWS ARTICLE - WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLICE JOIN "FRATERNAL" INTERNATIONAL POLICE BIKIE GANG Thursday. Jan 24th 20t$ :l - UUtilOnline News Home U.S. Sport TV&Showbu Australia Femail Health Science Money Video Travel DailyMailTV welve law enforcement officers who ecretly joined an international police ana are under investigation L Era • As many as 12 officers were members of the Gunfighters Motorcycle Club • The gang is exclusively for police officers with a passion for motorbikes • The officers have since quit the gang after their membership was revealed • WA'i Police Commissioner has launched an inquiry into the gang By STEVEN TRASK FOR DAILY MA'l AUSTRALIA PUBLISHED: VI v . . UPOATED ' Vi v,.. G OsMM 0 Wov H MUM © ffl E 79
  428. Gamma CoGint threatened wrth legal action by Dancing On Ice fudge Jason Gardiner' amid ongoing row Ctwn Police officers who secretly joined a bikie gang are facing an urgent inquiry after it was revealed they were members of an outlaw motorcycle group. ' Salma Kayeh. 42, craves some beach gtam' as she shares As many as twelve Western Australian police officers joined Gunfighters MC when it established a chapter in Perth Gunfighters MC was established in North America in 2005 and describes itself as a 'fraternal organization for law enforcement officers who share a passion for riding motorcycles' Page 171 of 1018 SCREENSHOT NEWS ARTICLE - MINISTER JOE FRANCIS SECURITY SCARE ON GROUNDS OF PARLIAMENT HOUSE BY GPS TRACKED SEX OFFENDER perth GE2I Corrective services minister Joe Francis dashes with notorious sex offender TJD https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/corrective-services-minister-ioe-francis-clashes-with- notorious-sex-offender-tid-ng-393f932e8dle3d9cb26b8a5cb0482bfa Page 172 of 1018 EMAIL 1: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 12 th MAY 2017 Brendon Lee O'Connell - Opening Dialogue Subject: Brendon Lee O'Connell - Opening Dialogue From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 5/12/2017,12:30 PM To: [email protected] To whom it may concern. I just spoke with the Foreign Ministers office. I was instructed to write to this email to begin the process of opening a dialogue about my return to Australia and sorting out the international incident that has taken place over the last eight plus years. The scenario is best explained via paperwork available on my blog which includes a "High Court Synopsis" and "Sentencing Submissions". https://isolatebu t preserve.blogspot.m y/20 17/02/brendon -oc onnells-le g al-docum e nts.html Here is a specific post I did on getting to the high court and the foreign ministers lack of action. There is much material there and many links. htt ps://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.my/2017/03/conservative-australian-politician.html My blog is here - https ://isolatebutpreserve.blog spot.my/ Although I cannot claim saint like status in the unfolding events of the last eight years - government, policing, judiciary and legal personalities have behaved at the very least incompetently, if not utterly and totally corruptly. As an example of the circus like clown levels that have been attained, I was rung by then serving Minister Joe Francis in charge of Western Australia's prison system. He related to me many things, one of which was his fear of his own prison officers. This was October 10,
  429. That call is not in dispute by senior prosecutor David Thiering of the states DPP. It was 32 minutes long. We did not talk about the weather. Here is a specific post on WA. I have outted a major cover up within the legal and policing fraternity - the murder of drug dealer Mite Naumovsky by criminal informant Paul Nunzio Stagno. I urge you to read the blog post and watch the video. Suspend your disbelief about just how bad the foreign ministers home state is. https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.my/2014/08/corruption-in-wild-wild-west.html I urge an urgent end to this debacle. When I am satisfied that the Australian political class will move ahead to the High Court to have my conviction quashed and aspects of the racial vilification act removed from state and federal legislation -1 will permanently delete all blogs, YouTube accounts, Facebook accounts, Twitter accounts and websites under my control. I will require employment, a place to live and some hope that this utterly ridiculous debacle will be resolved. Otherwise, I will continue to do what I am doing. 1 of 2 3/23/2019,8:27 PM Page 173 of 1018 Brendon Lee O'Connell ■ Opening Dialogue I look forward to your reply. Brendon Lee O'Connell \2 of 2_3/23/2019.8:27 PM| Page 174 of 1018 EMAIL 2: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 26 th JUNE 2017 I have resent this email to myself recently to allow me to alter picture size and make the email easily readable. Please note what I am offering DFAT. I called, they promised a return call from "Leon" - it never came. Perhaps there are to many Zionist Australian Jews who work in the Ministers office? Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia Subject: Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 13/10/2019, 2:01 pm To: [email protected] -Forwarded Message- Subject:Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia Date:Mon, 26Jun 2017 12:51:40 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <boc(Sboc.rocks> To dulie. Bishop. MP(5)aph.gov.au Name: Brendon Lee O'CONNELL (Australian citizen) D.O.B: 27th October 1970 Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Mobile: +60 Signal encrypted app available Email: boc(5>boc.rocks Email 2: meetinglSboc. rocks (attached to phone for faster reply)
  430. With regards upcoming High Court appeal that involves the direct interference of the Israeli state in my 2011 trial.
  431. My case is well known to the office of the department of foreign affairs.
  432. The court process will officially begin at the end of this month.
  433. Solicitor is Mr Kevin Foley and Barrister Mr Anthony Morris S.C - letter of engagement to be signed.
  434. A blog post explains what has gone on including the extraordinary international incident whereby the Israeli Ambassador to Australia, Israeli deputy foreign minister, Australian foreign minister and 135 local and federal members of parliament came out directly against me in an August 8, 2010 Friends Of Israel rally organised by Jewish community leader Steve Lieblich. - https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.my/2017/03 /conservativc-aus tralian-politician.html
  435. A high court synopsis and sentencing submissions give a full run down on the last eight years - https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.mv/2017/02/brendon-oconnells-legal-documents.html
  436. This video explains the corruption and direct threats to my safety and that of my family - https://www.voutubc.eom/watch?v=vqOalvXvvaY - it also explains the 30 minute phone call 1 had with then Minister Joe Francis whereby he explained he was more scared of his own prison officers than he was of the bikies after he stopped their drugs getting into the jail. Below is an email acknowledgement from Senior Prosecutor David Thiering that the call took place. I did not talk about the weather with then Minister Joe Francis. We talked about how corrupt the state of Western Australia was. 1 of 3 13/10/2019,2:01 pm Page 175 of 1018 Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia Re: Sentencing Submissions • Simon Freitag 27/07/2016 4:25 PM $5 last email for today - DPP accepts that the phone call was received. • Simon Freitag 27/07/2016 1:40 PM From Simon Freitag u last email for today - DPP accepts that the phone call was received. Me <[email protected]> -
  437. Reply Forward 0 Archive (i

    1 have now had a reply from Mr Thiering which includes the following:

    1 accept the offender received such a call as it is noted contemporaneously on his site and referred to in his emails." Simon Freitag Barrister Albert Wolff Chambers Level 7 33 Barrack St PERTH WA 6000 Phone: (08) 92189200 Fax: (08 )9218 9300 Mobile Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
  438. In this video - https://vimeo.com/214286193 -1 recorded ringing the electorate office of Minister Julie Bishop (September 2014) asking for an explanation of why I had received no correspondence from her office despite repeated emails and letters. I was arrested and charged for this video; making a private telephone call public. As I left the country before the completion of the legal process I was found guilty of the charge. Legal advice to me stated I would easily beat the charge under public interest and personal lawful interests. Due to the extreme nature of the events, it is clear to me that the office of Foreign Affairs owes myself, and the Australian people, a forthright explanation as to how it is a foreign nation was able to so blatantly interfere in the West Australian legal process? There is no incident anywhere on the planet, at any time, that matches such a blatant disregard for another countries sovereignty and sanctity of the legal process. It was clear that this was an event designed to intimidate the West Australian establishment after Inspector Barry Shelton emailed me, "We all respect your work," and invited me out for a coffee to discuss Israeli spying in Australia and elsewhere. This video discusses the exact nature of my allegations against the Israeli state - https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=g6iF2xTcVYO This blog posts also goes into detail - https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.my/2016/ll/israel-greatest-spy-machine- of-all-time.html I would like a discussion between both myself, my lawyers and DFAT, as to how the Australian legal process in the upcoming High Court appeal will be protected from the incredibly powerful Israel and Jewish Lobby? I would also like some assurances that the incredibly corrupt West Australian police and prison officers - and their dose links with powerful organized crime figures - will be investigated by the relevant authorities and my immediate family and friends protected to the greatest degree possible. If I am treated honestly and with integrity, I will operate with the utmost discreteness one can, knowing how many departments outside of Australian authorities have already read this email. You may, when lawyers are officially engaged, operate directly with my legal representatives if you feel the inherent nature of certain matters requires it. But I require two things. These are not negotiable as they go to the very heart of the sovereignty of Australia -
  439. The public rebuking and acknowledgement that the Israeli state directly interfered in my trial in 2010 in the biggest criminal contempt of court case in Australia's history. This will be complicated as a large segment of the my own countries state and federal political establishment took part in it - fawning at the feet of the Israeli state.
  440. A full and very public parliamentary inquiry into what has gone on these last eight years, and still ongoing. 2 of 3 13/10/2019, 2:01pm

    Page 176 of 1018 Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely, Brendon Lee O'Connell

    3 of 3 13/10/2019, 2:01 pm
    Page 177 of 1018

    EMAIL 3: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 14 th JULY 2017 This email was re-sent to myself recently to allow enlarging of the text. Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia Subject: Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia From: Brendon O'Connell <boc


    Date: 13/10/2019, 2:11 pm To: [email protected] -Forwarded Message- Subject:Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia Date:Fri, 14 Jul 2017 10:17:57 +0800 FrormBrendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To: Julie. [email protected] [email protected], Tim Clarke <[email protected]> Dear Minister, I have emailed your office since 2014 at least 7 times, directly, and never received a response. Ever. I have written three times. No response, ever. I have rung three times now since 2014. The latest call to "Leon", on 7 July, 2017 where he stated to me the matter was being passed "up the chain" - paraphrasing. I have recorded that call for the protection of my own lawful interests and the public interest. In this current video available on You Tube I discuss my mental state, anxiety and fears for my safety. I discuss the endless delays and avoidance of your office in addressing my concerns with specific regards the direct interference of the Israeli state in the high profile legal matters I was involved in. Suffice to say, what occurred was an unprecedented international incident and criminal contempt of court. Arrested By Counter Terrorism Officers For Recording Call To Foreign Office https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSLDsd CNZI I believe your office are deliberately delaying ANY official response to me until the start of legal matters to the high court of Australia. Once begun, you will state that you cannot comment on matters that are "sub judice" - before the courts. I am wondering if any of you have an honest bone in your body or are you only capable of deflection and political self interest? I remind you Minister Bishop, that you are the direct "employee" of the Australian people and your role is to watch over the specific sovereign interests of the Commonwealth of Australia which includes directly confronting any other nation state that attempts to interfere in Australia's sovereign institutions. The Israeli state sought to directly intimidate the state of Western Australia by it's massive show of force on August 8, 2010 which involved Israeli state representatives including Ambassador Yuvel Rotem, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith. I will not go into the details of the event as they are explained in the links below, but, it was without doubt the greatest criminal contempt of court case and international incident in Australia's history - without question. The fact that 135 local and federal members of the Australian parliament gave written support for the event and 35 appeared in person further complicates matters. I also note the incredible amount of co-operation between Australia and the racist apartheid state of Israel. A state where the top religious leaders, heads of government departments and secular academics routinely call for the deliberate targetting of Muslim men, women and children in accord with Jewish religious texts. Those same texts state directly, page after page, that "Jews" are divine beings with a "human soul" while all "non-Jews" are "animals". Their own top religious leaders regularly demean woman, gays and blacks. But the Australian government appears desperate to do business with this odious creature from some three thousand year old dark past? I will remind you also Minister that I have completed detailed documents on the Israeli states spying and domination of the high technology world; It's clear involvement in terrorist attacks (including 9-11); and its blatant theft of U.S tax payer funded technology which it then passes on to Russia, China and India. This was so concerning to representatives of the Australian 1 of 10 13/10/2019, 2:12 pm Page 178 of 1018 Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia intelligence and policing networks I was invited out for lunch with then head of West Australian counter terrorism Inspector Barry Shelton. It is noteworthy that your fellow West Australian state politician - Joe Francis - invited me for "beers" with he and ex special forces commander Jame McMahon to discuss the gross corruption present in Western Australia. He was then threatened not long after - such is the corruption of WA police and prison officers who many in Western Australia put down to the high levels of South African Jews who have settled in Western Australia and the large numbers of ex South African special forces (kill squads - killing blacks) and intelligence people. The close ties between South Africa and Israel are legendary . Perhaps this explains the callous disregard police and prison officers in Western Australia have of being caught in grossly corrupt activities? I would also remind you of your close friendship with Australian media magnate Kerry Stokes. Mr Stokes, just after I was released from prison, crowed loudly of his purchase of The Rothschild family Bible. The Rothschild dynasty is the most powerful Jewish banking dynasty in history. Streets and buildings are named after the Rothschilds and they were instrumental in the setting up of the racist apartheid state of Israel. I believe these "contacts" and social networks of yourself make you incapable of any honest dealings with myself and these matters of incredible public interest . I describe your friend Kerry Stokes and his purchase of the Rothschild family bible here - 0MF 030® CHSQS7 Su®3S= ’wosazmp https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.mv /2014/09/pert h-media-magnate-buvs-rothschild.html It is clear you have been stating over and over to concerned parties that there is an ongoing court matter and you cannot make public comment. This is a lie - and you know it is a lie. There has never been an ongoing court case. I have been harassed and prevented at every turn from pursuing a court case and you know this. You and your office have been dealing with an incredible amount of dishonesty and lack of good faith. I wonder if your own staff, who may have a vested interest in keeping my case out of the public and political eye, have been acting corruptly by keeping my concerns from you? Do you think this is possible? I look forward to a face to face meeting with representatives of DFAT in Malaysia to be told in no uncertain terms that my bank accounts and ability to survive away from corrupt Australia will be maintained . It is clear to me that the Liberal party of Australia is deepening ties with the racist apartheid state of Israel and opening up Australia to the Israeli high technology sector which was set up under the Talpiot Program. A method to infiltrate a foreign nations core infrastructure and gain leverage over that country in the realm of 'real politic 1 , to further that aims and means of the most vile nation on earth - founded on principals of racial and religious supremacism so utterly gross and out of step with the rest of the world it is testimony to the Israeli states power that nation states such as Australia appear utterly terrified and incapable of criticizing the Israeli state. This is the situation I currently face in my 8 year battle to expose Israel and Jewish Zionist Power for what it is
  441. a 5000 year old anachronistic dark age alleged religion (really a political program) of racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing.Here is a video I have completed on the obvious theft of US high technology by Israel and it's high technology sector being dominated by Russian Jews. Many of whom are not even Jewish by any standard measure. Russia And Israel Control Trump - Theft Of US High Technology, Passed Onto Russia https://www.voutube.com/watch/v-g6iF2xTcVYQ Minister, I hope you realise the gravity of the situation and it is clear to you I have operated in good faith and used all of the usual methods of conversing with government agencies to untie this incredible knot of political and legal intrigue that has unfolded. You should be very careful in taking the advice of advisers who have a vested interest in maintaining my current 2 of 10 13/10/2019, 2:12 pm Page 179 of 1018 Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia status of simple "mentally ill extremist". There has not been a single ounce of honest reporting of my case since the reporting by former editor of WA Newspaper Paul Murray on the ridiculous nature of my jailing in January of 2011.1 have attached those articles. I look forward to a speedy and honest reply. My mental state is one of anxiety and anguish. It should be apparent from my video's I cannot continue this debacle which is the making of YOUR department who has refused time and again to engage with me. Brendon O'Connell -Forwarded Message- Subject:Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia Date:Mon, 26 Jun 2017 12:51:40 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To: Julie.Bishop.MP(g>aph .gov.au Name: Brendon Lee O'CONNELL (Australian citizen) D.O.B: 27th October 1970 Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Mobile: +60 10 422 8077 - Signal encrypted app available Email: boc(5)boc.rocks Email 2: [email protected] (attached to phone for faster reply)
  442. With regards upcoming High Court appeal that involves the direct interference of the Israeli state in my 2011 trial.
  443. My case is well known to the office of the department of foreign affairs.
  444. The court process will officially begin at the end of this month.
  445. Solicitor is Mr Kevin Foley and Barrister Mr Anthony Morris S.C - letter of engagement to be signed.
  446. A blog post explains what has gone on including the extraordinary international incident whereby the Israeli Ambassador to Australia, Israeli deputy foreign minister, Australian foreign minister and 135 local and federal members of parliament came out directly against me in an August 8, 2010 Friends Of Israel rally organised by Jewish community leader Steve Lieblich. - https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.my/2017/03 /conscrvativc-australian-politician.html
  447. A high court synopsis and sentencing submissions give a full run down on the last eight years - https://isolatcbutprcscrvc.blogspot.mv/2Q17/02/brcndon-oconnclls-lcgal-documents.html
  448. This video explains the corruption and direct threats to my safety and that of my family - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqOalvXyvaY - it also explains the 30 minute phone call I had with then Minister Joe Francis whereby he explained he was more scared of his own prison officers than he was of the bikies after he stopped their drugs getting into the jail. Below is an email acknowledgement from Senior Prosecutor David Thiering that the call took place. I did not talk about the weather with then Minister Joe Francis. We talked about how corrupt the state of Western Australia was. 3 of 10 13/10/2019, 2:12 pm Page 180 of 1018 EMAIL 4: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 20™ SEPTEMBER 2017 This email was re-sent to myself recently to allow enlarging of the text. Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia Subject: Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 13/10/2019, 2:18 pm To: [email protected] -Forwarded Message- Subject:Re: Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia Date:Wed, 20 Sep 2017 17:33:53 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To: foreign. [email protected]. AHCKL Consular <AHCKL.Consular(S)dfat.gov.au> Dear Minister. I continue to receive no correspondence from you. No indication your office are willing to rebuke the Israeli state for interfering in my trial? No indication you understand my perilous mental state. My mental state continues to deteriorate. The stress is unbearable. 1 have no faith in the high court to withstand the pressure of the Israeli state. I remind you that solicitor Kevin Foley fears for his safety with regards the Israeli state. The high court has at least three major reason to toss out the appeal on various grounds to do with procedure - not to do with actual matters of fact and justice. Will you be continuing to ignore me? I have lost all faith in the system. Are you trying to drive me to suicide? My online presence is in part a form of a diary. It has been downloaded by people and I have ensured all sorts of material including footage 1 took in Iran is available to a documentary maker. Would you like me to kill myself? Is that the intention? Will that finally make you and your office happy when you have not responded ONCE in nearly four years of letters and emails? Its possible you did not receive some as former Federal A.G Nicola Roxon did not receive registered mail from me on a similar matter. I repeat, I have NEVER received a single piece of correspondence from you - ever. I have attached a PDF where I pull apart the contempt of court case that I have made ever} 7 effort to proceed through the corrupt Western Australian system. Your home state. I have an elephant by the trunk and I am pointing to it - you appear determined to proceed with your "three monkeys" routine - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Well, I wish to keep prodding you until I get an official DETAILED response from your office. I am 46-1 have no future. No hope of work. I have been told I am not a fir and proper person to attend university. I was told to go on a mental health pension. I want a family and a future. It has been robbed from me. All I have left is suicide as the final say and you explaining yourself at the coroners inquiry as to why your office left me to rot. I want a response and I want to meet with DFAT representatives who will explain to me how your office is going to return me to a normal life in Australia with my reputation fully restored, financial compensation and a parliamentary inquiry into this gross and over the top debacle. A message was sent to me via Doctor Sherrelle Fitzclarenz while I was still incarcerated. "These things are handled quietly Brendon." I'm afraid I dont operate that way and the people of Australia expect free and frank discussions on matters in the public interest. Not cover up. 1 of 6 13/10/2019, 2:19 pm Page 181 of 1018 Fwd: Meeting With DFAT Representatives In Malaysia I have to ask - just what have you all been told about me? What do you expect me to do? Slink away into the night? 1 will force this issue. I warn you now. I might consider relaxing but for the simply fact I have limited funds -1 have to leave this country who's political class are mired in corruption allegations and vulnerable to the United States and Israel and who might just send me on my way. Do you understand? Do you understand how I'm feeling? My sense of humor is a ruse. It covers the intense anxiety I feel. Because of YOU and your incompetent colleagues - including police and minister Joe Francis -1 am in the position I'm in. Everyone else is leading a comfortable life except me. I'm not prepared to just go quietly into the night. I feel hepless to get accross to you how far I am prepared to go to force this issue and force your office to do it's job. On 7/14/2017 10:17 AM, Brendon O'Connell wrote: Dear Minister, I have emailed your office since 2014 at least 7 times, directly, and never received a response. Ever. I have written three times. No response, ever. I have rung three times now since 2014. The latest call to "Leon", on 7 July, 2017 where he stated to me the matter was being passed "up the chain" - paraphrasing. I have recorded that call for the protection of my own lawful interests and the public interest. In this current video available on You Tube I discuss my mental state, anxiety and fears for my safety. I discuss the endless delays and avoidance of your office in addressing my concerns with specific regards the direct interference of the Israeli state in the high profile legal matters I was involved in. Suffice to say, what occurred was an unprecedented international incident and criminal contempt of court. Arrested By Counter Terrorism Officers For Recording Call To Foreign Office https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=YSLDsd CNZI I believe your office are deliberately delaying ANY official response to me until the start of legal matters to the high court of Australia. Once begun, you will state that you cannot comment on matters that are "sub judice" - before the courts. I am wondering if any of you have an honest bone in your body or are you only capable of deflection and political self interest? I remind you Minister Bishop, that you are the direct "employee" of the Australian people and your role is to watch over the specific sovereign interests of the Commonwealth of Australia which includes directly confronting any other nation state that attempts to interfere in Australia's sovereign institutions. The Israeli state sought to directly intimidate the state of Western Australia by it's massive show of force on August 8, 2010 which involved Israeli state representatives including Ambassador Yuvel Rotem, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith. I will not go into the details of the event as they are explained in the links below, but, it was without doubt the greatest criminal contempt of court case and international incident in Australia's history - without question. The fact that 135 local and federal members of the Australian parliament gave written support for the event and 35 appeared in person further complicates matters. I also note the incredible amount of co-operation between Australia and the racist apartheid state of Israel. A state where the top religious leaders, heads of government departments and secular academics routinely call for the deliberate targetting of Muslim men, women and children in accord with Jewish religious texts. Those same texts state directly, page after page, that "Jews" are divine beings with a "human soul" while all "non-Jews" are "animals". Their own top religious leaders regularly demean woman, gays and blacks. But the Australian government appears desperate to do business with this odious creature from some three thousand year old dark past? I will remind you also Minister that I have completed detailed documents on the Israeli states spying and domination of the high technology world; It's clear involvement in terrorist attacks (including 9-11); and its blatant theft of U.S tax payer funded technology which it then passes on to Russia, China and India. This was so concerning to representatives of the Australian intelligence and policing networks I was invited out for lunch with then head of West Australian counter terrorism Inspector Barry Shelton. It is noteworthy that your fellow West Australian state politician - Joe Francis - invited me for "beers" with he and ex special forces commander Jame McMahon to discuss the gross corruption present in 2 of 6 13/10/2019, 2:19 pm Page 182 of 1018 EMAIL 5: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (JULIE BISHOP) 23 rd JANUARY 2018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... Subject: Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee O'Connell From: Brendon O’Connell <[email protected]> Date: 1/23/2018, 1:04 AM To: Julie Bishop <[email protected]> Dear Minister, Below is a pasted in copy of the letter I have written to you regarding a major political event I must insist you comment on . It's my understanding you have up to three months to do so. I have also attached the letter in PDF form. I have posted the letter via registered mail from Malaysia. I have also posted a copy to Shadow Foreign Minister Penny Wong. I look forward to your reply, Regards, Brendon Lee O'Connell 21 st January 2018 The Honorable Julie Bishop Brendon O'Connell Mr Australian Foreign Minister China Town Inn c/o P.0 Box 6022 52-54 Jalan Petaling House of Representatives Kuala Lumpur Parliament House Malaysia CANBERRA, ACT 2600 50000 Ph:+61 2 6277 7500 1 of 17 3/23/2019,8:38 PM Page 183 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... CC : Honorable Penny Wong, Shadow Foreign Minister REGARDING:
  449. Case of Mr Brendon Lee O'Connell and Israeli State interference in trial.
  450. Your lack of correspondence. Dear Minister, PROLOGUE Brevity is always best, but that is not possible with this matter. The excuse given from your electorate office four years ago - "matters are before the court" - is no longer available to you and your office as an excuse to not make comment on the matter. This was mentioned by your electorate office secretary-Tess Courtney RANDALL-as a possible reason for your office not commenting. Regardless, in four years I have never received a written response from your office regarding the Israeli state interfering in my trial. All legal matters were ended by me on 9 th of January 2018. After six months of engagement with lawyers, no progress towards the High Court had been made. No legal material with regards a special leave to appeal application had been produced. For over four months, despite $10,000 of funds deposited in a trust account and detailed documents sent to both Mr FOLEY (Instructing Solicitor) and Mr Anthony MORRIS (Q.C), not even the ordering of the lower court appeal transcript had been done. In fact, matters became obscene, with Instructing Solicitor Kevin FOLEY emailing my immigration lawyer in New Zealand asking me (his client) to provide the grounds for appeal to the High Court (SEE ANNEXURE A) - 11 November 2017 Carole would you please ask Brendon to state to you succinctly
  451. His grounds for appeal to the Western Australian Court of Criminal Appeal (WACCA)
  452. His grounds for Application to the High Court of Australia for special leave to appeal from the decision of the WACCA which decision I note was given on 13/12/11 I might remind your office that at this stage I was held in a maximum-security remand center in New Zealand. Not only is Mr FOLEY asking his client to provide legal advice to himself and a highly experienced Q.C (Mr Anthony MORRIS), he does so casually, expecting I will simply pop my laptop on 2 of 17 3/23/2019,8:38 PM Page 184 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... and email him my "expert legal opinion". This is worthy of an episode of Rake, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation comedy drama about the Australian legal profession. By November 11, 2017, five months had passed since Q.C Anthony MORRIS had spoken with Instructing Solicitor Kevin FOLEY and stated money was not the issue. Time was not on our side and we had to "get moving". By August 21, 2017, $10,000 had been placed in a trust account managed by Mr Kevin FOLEY. Several phone calls and emails indicated matters were proceeding rapidly and I was to let the lawyers do their work and wait for instructions regarding sworn affidavits etc. Here is a reply from Callum THWAITES, assistant to Mr MORRIS Q.C, dated 14 September, 2017 Hi Brendon, Just a quick email updating you on Mr Morris QC's progress. We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave application to the High Court of Australia. This requires articulation of reasons why the application is being filed out of time and then articulation on why special leave should be granted. The drafting of the application is probably the most critical component, as if we don't get it right it can be all over. Once we have a substantive draft it will be sent to Kevin and yourself for feedback. Please note this particular passage - "We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave application to the High Court of Australia." This is two months before Mr FOLEYS email to lawyer Carole CURTIS dated 11 November 2017 asking me to provide both he and Anthony MORRIS Q.C the legal opinion they were paid to do - 11 November 2017 Carole would you please ask Brendon to state to you succinctly
  453. His grounds for appeal to the Western Australian Court of Criminal Appeal (WACCA)
  454. His grounds for Application to the High Court of Australia for special leave to appeal from the decision of the WACCA which decision I note was given on 13/12/11 I doubt there is a case anywhere on the planet whereby a highly experienced (or inexperienced) legal team (who have been paid), have asked their client to do their work for them. Its bordering on the absurd. Despite all requirements being fulfilled by myself and supporters to see a rapid movement towards the High Court, and the drafting of leave to appeal paper work, nothing had been done. Not even the lower court transcript had been ordered from the West Australian Court of Criminal Appeal - the very first thing lawyers should have done. Instead, while I was in jail months later - they have the nerve to ask me to provide it. That is not a "mistake" - that is deliberate. It was clear neither Mr Kevin FOLEY nor Q.C Anthony MORRIS had any knowledge about the details of my case despite me sending copious material detailing the background and specifics of the matter. Neither had read a word I had provided to them. To add insult to injury, Mr FOLEY took for himself, on ending the case, $5000. This is what Mr FOLEY believes a few phone calls and emails to fellow lawyers is worth to him. I have demanded a detailed invoice. This is worse than folly. This is worse than laughable or incompetent or corrupt - this is macabre. It is the twilight zone. But here we are. In finalizing this prologue - It is important it is made clear all court matters are finalized with legal 3 of 17 3/23/2019,8:38 PM ••••( Telstra 4G 4:57 pm -f 60% ■ > Share Payment successful Done o FOLEYS LAWYERS TRUST ACCOUNT 062-614 10431159 $ 10 , 000.00 From Smart Access 062-614 1045 0640 Date 21 Aug 2017 04:57 PM (Syd / Meib time) Description Brendon Oconnell Receipt no N082172647343 A Home Lending Specialist is ready no matter what stage you're at Book an appointment Page 185 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... advisers - Mr Kevin FOLEY, Mr Anthony MORRIS - having deliberately (in my opinion) sabotaged the case. Given its sensitive nature and the fact Mr FOLEY had indicated he had fears for his safety and that of his office, this is not so far-fetched. INTRODUCTION Minister, it's my understanding my case is well known to you. I am the only person to have had the Israeli state - Ambassador and Deputy foreign minister as well as Australian foreign minister-come out against them directly, by name, at an event, held eight days before the expected start of a high-profile court case. Video Playlist Of Friends Of Israel Rally https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq22liGuz ANFS4P78RXIg It was in fact, a clear criminal contempt of court case and international incident- never before seen, breaking all basic protocols of state relations. After four years of lobbying your office, I have never received a single piece of written correspondence - just vague references to matters being "passed up the chain" by your office assistant "Leon" when I called last year - twice. Here are the facts.
  455. WHO SHOWED UP AT THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL (FOI) EVENT? Over 2000 people attended the event held at the Victory Life Center in Perth, Western Australia. A screenshot of a major online Jewish publication (J-Wire) describes the event (ANNEXURE B). Main political players included Danny AYALON, deputy foreign minister of Israel via video link; Yuvel ROTEM, Israeli ambassador to Australia; Stephen SMITH, Australian foreign minister. These three were the tip of the political spear fully present at the event. An event admitted to be organized in direct response to me, eight days before the start of my original trial, a man who was homeless with no money. Minister, does that sound right to you? Even the complainant in my case, Stanley Elliot KEYSER, was a key note speaker. You must know the significance of this event. It is utterly extraordinary. 4 of 17 _ 3/23/2019,8:38 PM Page 186 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... Western Auttralu Police Barry Shelton Intpector SECURITY Oft HAT IONS COUNTER TERRORISM ft STATE PROTECTION 2 SwWur Ro*l l«s«n*> (Ot)tP McMe 0*0 J 14. Emt4 .VWAW W.VJ ' — r WHY DID THIS EVENT HAPPEN? I ] Its open to conjecture, but given the | fact I was one man against the system, | homeless, no money, no job, reported I in the media as variously mentally ill, a racist, neo-Nazi and violent extremist; it is hard to believe the Israeli state thought it necessary to draw attention to the upcoming trial unless "something" had them especially anxious. Their appearance gave me much credibility. To place this FOI event in perspective you will have to understand my subject matter of choice - Israeli intelligence activity and the installation of highly compromised hardware and software systems in Australia's policing, military, government and private sector. This is no small matter and Israel is described as a "technology juggernaut" by industry commentators. Inspector Barry SHELTON of the West Australian police had not long asked me out for coffee to discuss these matters. Then the FOI event was organized. MmMUfn Here is a blog post that describes some of the issues. https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.mv/2016/ll/israel-greatest-spv-machine-of-all- time.html Here is a link to a blog posting with links to my High Court synopsis which details not only the 2011 trial, but also the extensive back ground to the case. https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.mv/2017/03/conservative-australian-politician.html Here is a link to a blog posting made by me describing the FOI event in their own words with a list of attendees'. 5 of 17 3/23/2019, 8:38 PM Page 187 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... https://isolatebutpreserve.bloRspot.mv/2014/06/whv-is-media-ignoring-mv-story.html Thirty-five local and federal members of parliament attended in person. One hundred local and federal MP's sent written support for the event, including yourself, in your previous capacity in the shadow Liberal government. Despite contacting your office numerous times, you have failed to indicate to me you have an opinion on this extraordinary event. In my last phone call to your Ministerial office I spoke with "Leon". He stated to me my concerns had been, "passed up the chain", and he was waiting for a response. Minister, does it take 4+ years to pass something, "up the chain"? This is not a small matter. It is an extraordinary matter. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE A CONTACTED YOUR OFFICE? I have interacted directly with your office via various methods over a period of four years. I have received verbal confirmation from your staff that correspondence has been received, but I have yet to receive a reply from your office in that time. In one call - dated August 2014,1 spoke with your electorate office and Tess Courtney RANDALL. I recorded that call and published to You Tube. I was raided by police and charged under the surveillance devices act on October the 30 th , 2014.1 currently have a warrant for my arrest on that charge. I am residing in Malaysia. Minister, now that all court matters are ceased, will you comment on the extraordinary nature of the events? Will you make a public statement outlining the event itself, it's extraordinary violation of state to state protocols and how you take seriously, protecting the sanctity of our countries state and federal institutions? Of note are recent changes to laws regarding foreign nations influencing Australia's public affairs - 6 of 17 3/23/2019,8:38 PM Page 188 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... What took you so long? Experts predict China's reaction to foreign influence laws Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was careful to stress that "these reforms are not about any one country [and] foreign interference is a global issue". That's absolutely right but as foreign policy experts point out, China is far and away the biggest concern for Australia. Indeed Mr Turnbull in the same breath noted Australia had "recently seen disturbing reports about Chinese influence", referring to recent Fairfax Media stories. http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-opinion/what-took-vou-so-long- experts-predict-chinas-reaction-to-foreign-influence-laws-20171205-gzzdiu.html Please note this quote from the above article Minister - Mr Turnbull in the same breath noted Australia had "recently seen disturbing reports about Chinese influence", referring to recent Fairfax Media stories. Disturbing reports about Chinese influence? Minister, if the Chinese Ambassador to Australia, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister and the Australian Foreign Minister got together before a major high profile trial - at a Friends Of China rally - in "direct response" to Brendon O'Connell; and the ethnic Chinese Australian who was the complainant in the upcoming high profile case was a key note speaker; and just prior to the rally, the Inspector of counter terrorism (Barry SHELTON) had arranged to have a coffee with you to discuss Chinese intelligence (and influence) in Australia; we'd all realize fairly quickly that a major, epic and over the top international incident had just taken place. Not to mention the specifics of a criminal contempt of court charge against the organizers of the rally. It is your government which maintains a close relationship with the Israeli state and in particularly the government of the notoriously violent and racist Netanyahu administration. Here is an example of the current Israeli mindset as exemplified by the Israeli deputy defense minister Eli BEN-DAHAN as reported in the Israeli press. The Times Of Israel- even if he is a homosexual," he said. Ben Dahan has made controversial remarks about Palestinians. While discussing the resumption of peace talks in a radio interview in 2013, Ben Dahan said that "To me, they are like animals, they aren't human." 7 of 17 3/23/2019, 8:38 PM Page 189 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... Ben Dahan said that his opposition to the bill was not based on discrimination, but stemmed from his commitment to uphold the Jewish character of Israel. http://www.timesofisrael.com/new-deputv-defense-minister-called-palestinians-animals/ He is indeed upholding the Jewish character of Israel as exemplified of their holiest of texts. The above is but one of the hundreds of quotes available that exemplifies the extreme racist and supremacist notions of a significant portion of Israeli Jews. For further elucidation of matters, I have included the two-page editorial comment by a man you know well, former editor of the West Australian Newspaper, Mr Paul MURRAY. He sums up the absurdity of my case and jailing for three years perfectly where he notes (ANNAEXURE C)- Justice Wisbey, labelling O'Connell an "intelligent man with an irrational hatred of Jewish people", said the only appropriate form of punishment would be an immediate term of "severe” imprisonment and, strangely, that he was sending a message to people who might share the convicted man's views. I hope they're trembling in their boots in Tehran, Cairo, Riyadh, Amman, Khartoum, Damascus, Tripoli, Sanaa, Baghdad, Beirut, Kabul, Islamabad, not to mention Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, or anywhere else in the Middle East and Muslim world where O'Connell's views are mainstream for tens of millions of people. I have included a 18 page complaint to Inspector Nick ANTICICH demanding charges be laid against the organizers of the Friends of Israel event. It is a detailed document on exactly what contempt of court is, and is not. It details the failure of the W.A police to act. I had also taken my complaints to the ODPP and A.G and was told to go to the W.A police. (ANNEXURE D) I respectfully ask you again to comment on the extraordinary event that took place on August the 8 th , 2010. Eight days before the original start of my trial. A Friends of Israel rally whereby one of the most powerful, racist and extremist state on the planet, chose to intimidate Western Australia's entire establishment from politicians to lawyers to judges and myself, a private citizen. Admittedly, you were not in office at this time. But here we are, and I ask you to comment and indicate what you will be doing to safe guard the sanctity of Australia's state and federal institutions? Sincerely, 8 of 17 3/23/2019,8:38 PM Page 190 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... ANNEXUREA DearCallum, This email has been CC'd to Kevin Foley and Carole Curtis as well. I'm ending the case. I have no faith in the legal process itself nor Mr Morris's commitment to the case as it is clear nothing has been done - at all. Not even the lower court transcript ordered after three+ months of having $10,000 in the trust. Please note an email from you from the 14th of September, 2017: Hi Brendon, Just a quick email updating you on Mr Morris QC's progress. We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave application to the High Court of Australia. This requires articulation of reasons why the application is being filed out of time and then articulation on why special leave should be granted. The drafting of the application is probably the most critical component, as if we don’t get it right it can be all over. Once we have a substantive draft it will be sent to Kevin and yourself for feedback. I'm not sure how you could be drafting anything when you don't even have the lower court appeal transcript. When you require a long sworn affidavits by me - which you never asked for. Ever. It should have been the very first things asked for, with my obvious input. I have no wish to enter into any discussion. I wish to simply get on with my life in exile. An ending of any legal process will remove the current excuse of the Australian foreign minister that she can make no comment on the Israeli state interfering in my trial due to sub judice. It is clear Kevin had some anxiety as to his safety and that of his office in taking on the case. He is quite right given the level of involvement of the Israeli state. Perhaps MR Morris and yourself do too. Carole Curtis stated she would send the $5000 back to Kevin and the trust account. I'm not sure this has been done. In total, there should be $7,800 in the trust account with the return of $5000 from Carole. Kevin is well within his rights to charge fee's for actions he took while I was incarcerated in New Zealand. Brendon -Forwarded Message- SubjectiRe: Update Date:Mon, 1 Jan 2018 10:50:49 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <boclS>boc.rocks> To:Calum Thwaites <[email protected]> Hi Callum. Bjorn Larsen said he had rung Tony and he said we needed to talk. Its my understanding little has happened in the 4 months since the $10,000 was deposited? Kevin was asking about me sending the WASCA - Western Australian Supreme Court of Appeal - transcript. I will look for it. I'm surprised it was not asked for immediately. Also, I sat for a long time with no instructions from you. Waiting. I note this email to New Zealand lawyer Carole Curits asking me for things which should have been done six months ago. I have no idea why this has occurred. I have limited funds and the 2 BitCoin I monetized is now worth $40,000, not $10,000. So I have lost out on 10 of 17 3/23/2019,8:38 PM Page 192 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee ... multiple levels including the $1000 a month I spend in Malaysia surviving. From: Sent To: Subject: Kevin Foley Saturday. 11 November 2017 6:48 p.m. Brendon O 'Connell Hj^nvould you please ask Brendon to state to you succinctly
  456. His grounds for appeal to the Western Australia Court of Criminal Appeal (WACCA) 2 His grounds for Application to the High Court of Australia for special leave to appeal from the decision of the WACCA which decision 1 note was given on 13/12 /ll., 3 His full and frank explanation for the six year delay The time limited for filing an appeal from WACCA IS TWENTY EIGHT DAYS ,
  457. His financial position To support a submission that the HC not make a costs order against him should it dismiss his application ''ease advise details of the charge or grounds on which he is being held in custody And an outline of the charges o.id prospects re the two day hearing in December Carole whilst I shall do what I can for Brendon I think his prospects are not good re his application for special leave to appeal to the High Court Can he return to Malaysia or will he be deported to Australia if the Tribunal hold against him in December ? Thank you Kevin Regards, I hope their is some good news on progress - soon. As I feel very depressed and anxious about the whole process. I need concrete answers from you. Here are my questions:
  458. Why, after 4 months since monies were deposited ($10,000) has there been no letter of engagement singed?
  459. Will the Israeli state directly interfering in my trial - along with 135 local and federal Australian politicians - be front and center of the appeal? This is the most extraordinary aspect of the trial. It is the event that will push the appeal into the High Court even with the time difficulties. The "public interest" is overwhelming. (I have attached a letter I addressed to the W.A police demanding charges be laid of criminal contempt of court against the organisers of the Friends of Israel rally where I was named as the reason for the rally. The complainant in the case ■ Stanley Elliot Keyser - was a key note speaker along with the Israeli Ambassador Yuvel Rotem, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith • amongst many others. In my "lay opinion", this is the biggest single issue the High Court will want to consider outside of the specific farcical trial itself.)
  460. The lower West Australian Supreme Court falsified records and claimed my submissions were too late for the appeal and lawyer Dr John Walsh argued, literally, nothing at the WASCA. His argument was that I had "learned my lesson." I am not joking. As a layman in the issue of law, is this not the greatest hurdle we have to over come apart from time? The fact that nothing was argued? How can the High Court hear argument on matters never 11 of 17 3/23/2019, 8:38 PM Page 193 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... argued in a lower court?
  461. Will you be contacting the office of the foreign minister Julie Bishop to demand she rebuke the Israeli state for interfering in my trial? Her office has been ignoring me for 4 years. When I recorded a call to her office I was raided and charged with, "Making a private telephone call public.) Here is the video which is pulled from YouTube constantly - https://vimeo.com/214286193 I'm hoping you will be assuring me things are well in hand. I am hoping you will be assuring me you understand the case - in it's entirety. You need to understand it because it is no ordinary, run of the mill case. The Israeli state is all powerful and capable of bringing enormous pressure to bear. I am the only human on the planet to be named by the Israeli state in such a way and to have them violate state to state relations in order to intimidate the entire Western Australian establishment. This after Inspector Barry Shelton of state counter terrorism emailed me
  462. "We all respect your work." I would also remind youthen Minister Joe Francis (Corrective Services) rang me for 30 minutes and exclaimed his fear for his safety in Western Australia. That call is not in dispute. October 10, 2014. Money is not a problem - a good leave to appeal claim that is successful will bring in a huge amount of money. There is ZERO need for "charity work". I repeat, there is ZERO need for charity work. You need to be paid and paid well. I understand the difficulties with this appeal. But I also understand the extraordinary nature of the appeal and the INCREDIBLE details of what has gone on. Most of it documented. The High Court of Australia will have to tell the Australian public that the appeal cannot go ahead because of "time"? Or some "other" technicality. This is why politically AND legally the Israeli state and it's direct and clear interference in my trial must be front and center. It is one thing for Brendon O'Connell to raise this issue on his obscure blog and YouTube channel - it is quite another for the High Court of Australia to "fob it off" as an irrelevancy. I will work with you %100.1 will follow your advice. I will stick to the notion of "privelege" and keep correspondence from you private. But I must feel you are with me %100 and I cannot deduce that if we do not communicate. I am under some pressure online. People are asking, "What have you done with the 5 BitCoin Brendon? What is happening with the lawyers? Where is the appeal paperwork? Are you a fraudster Brendon?” On July 23rd, 2017, that 5 BitCoin was worth $20,000. It's now worth $100,000 and I am being accused of lying about the case and your involvement. People ask - rightly - "where is the letter of engagement?" People ask, "Where is the case at Brendon?" I have to tell them, "Nowhere. Lawyers dont even have the lower court appeal transcript." Since gaining that BitCoin and paying the trust $10,0001 have received zero income from donations. As far as I can tell there is zero progress. I have lost $1000 a month twiddling my thumbs in Malaysia. I have lost at least $40,000 in BitCoin profit by cashing out immediately to pay the trust, only to find, as far as I can tell - no progress towards the High Court has been made. I went to New Zealand to secure a long term future. I have many replies from NZ politicians. Most recently - yesterday - from the office of the NZ defense minister. My asylum application would have been successful. I had good support from well connected people. I simply had no idea NZ threw asylum seekers in high security jails and totally cut them off. I thought at worst I would have been held in a "progressive" NZ immigration detention center with access to the internet and phone calls to whomever I pleased - just like Australia. Instead I found NZ to be the WORST country on the planet in their treatment of asylum seekers. I'm sure the new government will seek to correct that. Just so you know my application for asylum was not a pipe dream and was well thought out. I have been severely depressed and at times suicidal. Given the extreme events I have been through it should be no surprise. I have followed the rules and done things by the book only to be treated as a deranged, mentally ill man by a bevvy of Australian government departments - keen to please Jewish Zionist Power and the Israeli state. Callum, Tony, I need to know you are with me %100 and I need to know we are moving forward aggressively. The trust account has to be topped up. Before I even bother with that - and spend more BitCoin -1 need to know we are on the same page. I need to know there has been some progress. I will search through my backup hard drives for the W.A appeal transcript from late 2011. I have attached the High Court synopsis I completed with Index, and also the contempt of court claim against the Friends of Israel organisers. 12 of 17 3/23/2019,8:38 PM

    Page 194 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... Looking forward to our phone call. Brendon On 9/15/2017 8:59 AM, Brendon O'Connell wrote: Many thanks Calum. Appreciated. I have uploaded 9 video's of the August 8th, 2010 Friends Of Israel Rally held eight days before the start of my trial. We sought for and gained an adjournment due to this rally and it's impact on myself and John Bougher seeking expert witnesses on my behalf. The Israeli Ambassador and deputy foreign minister as well as Australia's foreign minister attended as well as 135 local and federal M.P’s in person and via letter. I was mentioned by name as the reason for the rally and the complainant in my case - Stanley Elliot Keyser - was a keynote speaker. I made complaints about the rally as an attempt to intimidate the legal process and stifle our ability to get expert witnesses to appear on my behalf. I was ignored. I later made two attempts to have the organisers charged with criminal contempt of court. I contacted both the DPP and then Attorney General Christian Porter. They insisted I contact Inspector Nick Anticich to make a complaint via police channels. Anticich was in fact the head of security for the event and a major organiser. I have attached my letters to him which are excellent -1 was again ignored. I have a card from a police sergent stating I have handed the documents to the office. The document is attached in a separate email. Here is the link to video’s of the Friends Of Israel rally. https://www.voutube.com/watch ?v-nZhZlPgsCUU&list-PLtbKEVmlxwm4m4WhbUGNEeYCvisDS9PgA Here is a link to an excellent 4 part Al Jazeera series on the Israeli state using Friends Of Israel groups to influence British politics. They did it first with my case. Al Jazeera Investigations - The Lobby PI: Young Friends of Israel Al Jazeera Investigations - The Lobby P4: The Takedown 552.490 views m ft :si a

    1 Junta English ' PuMihad an Jan 14.2017 in part four of The Lobby, the senior political officer at the Israeli Embassy m London discusses a potential plot to lake down British politicians - including a Minster of State at the Foreign office who supports Palestinian civil rights SHOW MORE 13 of 17 3/23/2019, 8:38 PM Page 195 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... https://www.voutube.com/watch ?v=ceCOhdeRBoc Here is a screenshot of an admitted Mossad Case Officer based at the London Embassy asking for certain UK politicians to be removed due to their pro-Palestinian views. Part 4 of series. I put this hear as an example of how the Israeli state intimidates and attempts to remove people of influence it does not like and it makes a strong inference as to their intentions with my own case and the FOI rally in Western Australia which was quite incredible. Many thanks. Brendon On 9/14/2017 2:13 PM, Calum Thwaites wrote: Hi Brendon, Just a quick email updating you on Mr Morris QC's progress. We are at the stage where we are working on the drafting of the special leave application to the High Court of Australia. This requires articulation of reasons why the application is being filed out of time and then articulation on why special leave should be granted. The drafting of the application is probably the most critical component, as if we don't get it right it can be all over. Once we have a substantive draft it will be sent to Kevin and yourself for feedback. Kind regards. Calum Thwaites Managing Clerk - Anthony J.H. Morris, QC Level - 7, Inns of Court 107 North Quay Brisbane Qld 4000 T 07 3221 3996 E [email protected] Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation 14 of 17 _ 3/23/2019,8:38 PM Page 196 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... ANNEXURE B J-Wire Digital Jewish news daily for Australia and New Zealand front page melboume national Sydney the arts nz sport BRIDGE EMPLOYMENT HAVE YOU HEARD? READERS'LETTERS THE ARTS CONTACT US Browse > Home / News / Friends of Israel WA launched n Perth., w*h astounding success - J-Wire Friends of Israel WA launched in Perth...with astounding success E3 Email This Post J August 8. 2010 by Henry Benjamin Print Q 3 Comments 1500 West Australians, including over 100 Federal and Stale Parliamemanans and community leaders converged on the Victory Life Centre in Osborne Park to stand up and support Israel In May. 2009. rootage shot by 39-year-old Brendan O'Connell sent waves or anguish throughout the city's 9.000 strong Jewish community. O'Connell, took his viewers on a trip across the Swan River to a demonstration in South Penh being held by the Fnends ol Palestine, protesting outside an IGA supermarket selling Israeli Jaffa oranges O'Connell told Iks 'viewers that he was hoping to find some Jews

    at the scene and he did He videoed himself harrassing two young Jewish men and creating an argumentative situation. He faces tnal In Perth this month. In only the second case in WA invoking the Racial Vilification Act The Fnends of Palestine group distanced itself from O'Connell Brendan OCormef wth text - YouTube SU Community leader Steve Lleblich told J-Wire: The Jewish community wanted to show support for Israel after O'Connell had been charged and a group of us got together with one purpose In mind.. .to find support for Israel not Just from the Jewish community but from all Australians. Today's event was the culmination of this initiative. Instead of the usual 300-400 diehard Jewish supporters we got 1500 of which about 75% were not Jewish.' Steve Lleblich reports: ANNEXURE C 15 of 17 3/23/2019, 8:38 PM Page 197 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... I I i Opinion Have we become so politically cort High price to pay in defence of i PAUL MURRAY M ake sense of this.

    Someone reacts to words said In a Perth nightclub and slashes the offender’s face open with a broken glass. Court penalty: 18 months jail. Another person reacts to words said outside a South Perth supermarket and gives the offender a nasty racist spray which he later posts triumphantly on the Internet. Court penalty: three yearn jail Is that balanced Justice? It's an unfortunate consequence of defending the principles of free speech that you sometimes end up appearing to be in the corner of people with whom you disagree violently — and disrespect even more. That’s pretty much the case with Brendan Lee O’Connell, who this week became the first person to be jailed under WA’s racial vilification laws. O'Connell seems to be an unpleasant prat with some extreme political views and very poor judgment in not getting a good lawyer who could haw provided a sane legal defence rather than the rovings he offered on his own account But that doesn’t mean he should be behind bars. And it certainly doesn't mean he should get a sentence so out of kilter with that regularly handed down by WA courts for crimes of extreme personal violence. As editor of this newspaper in the 1990s. I opposed the institution of these laws, fearing that in an increasingly politically correct society they would end up being misused. I got pretty tough treatment by the Jewish lobby nt that time and expect nothing different for this effort The day that I feared arriwd on Monday when Justice John Wisbey sentenced O’Connell harshly after a jury found him guilty on six of seven charges of racial vilification. Justice Wisbey. labelling O'Connell an "intelligent man with an irrational hatred of Jewish people", said the only appropriate form of punishment would be an immediate term of “•evert" imprisonment and. strangely, that he was sending a message to people who might share the convicted man’s views I hope they're trembling in their boots in Tehran. Cairo, Riyadh. Amman. Khartoum. Damascus. Tripoli. Sanaa. Baghdad. Beirut. Kabul. Islamabad, not to mention Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, or anywhere cLse in the Middle East and Muslim world where O’Connell’s views are mainstream for tens of millions of people Not right, just unexceptional O’Connell Is a member of a group called Friends of Palestine which decided to hold a protest outside a South Perth , supermarket in 2009 against the sale of Israeli oranges. Pathetic, provocative and t free speech ANNEXUREC 16 of 17 3/23/2019, 8:38 PM Page 198 of 1018 Copy Of Letter Posted To Minister Julie Bishop From Brendon Lee... Guilty: Brtnd .111 O'Connell qeti three yean jail ect that we can't separate Victim: Stanley Keyser faced offensive words. ultimately meaningless — but completely within his democratic rights. Stanley Keyser. a member of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students, attended the demonstration with a friend. Timothy Peach, to observe and hand out leaflets supporting their side of the argument. It's also their democratic right to engage in a political discourse, which is what they did by entering the fray. Mr Peach. 19. told the court he was "angry", “confused" and ‘'offended" by O'Connell when he started to film the two Jewish men and argue with them about their religion. What should a Jew expect at an anti-Israel protest? It’s obvious that what was happening was essentially political in nature, even though It came to be poisoned by racism. Legitimate political discourse should be protected by a number of High Court rulings, but unfortunately O'Connell doesn't appear to have had the wit to use them in his own rambling defence. Some of the reporting of this case highlights the extreme sensitivity in the community to issues of race, merely reflected — if not magnified by the media. "A Perth man who posted a video online showing him arguing with a Jew ish man and calling him a ‘racist, homicidal maniac' has been found guilty of racial hatred." was the first paragraph in the AAP report of the judgment. &> is it now r.u i-i to call someone a racist? Or isTTracist to call someone a homicidal maniac? Or is it only racist to call a Jew a racist homicidal maniac 9 Surely not. Have we become so instinctively PC that we no longer distinguish between what is racist and what is just stupid? This newspaper reported that the offending words by O'Connell to Mr Keyser were that Judaism was a "religion of racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing". I^ater. he filmed himself at the Perth Bell Tower calling Judaism a “death cult" before posting the video online. When I debated this issue on air with Steve Lieblich. the director of I public affairs for the Jewish Community Council of WA. he said O’Connell should have drawn a distinction between the Jewish religion and the state of Israel. Frankly; that’s n line many opponents of Israel are unwilling to make. In fact, it's a distinction that Israel itself doesn't appear to concede. Mr Lieblich refused to accept that O'Connell's protest was political or that the sentence was out of kilter with those for extreme personal violence handed down by WA courts. "I think it was a victory for decency and against bigotry and prejudice," Mr Lieblich said. So does all criticism of Israel inexorably find its way to being racist unless those who disagree with it watch every word they utter? Must opponents meticulously pull apart the threads of religion and politics when arguing about Israel? And is that the real game here — silencing dissent against Israel and not protecting Jews from a legacy of verbal vilification? Paul Murray presents the morning program on 882 6PR from 830am weekdays. Attachments: 22th January 2018 - Foreign Minister.pdf 3.5 MB 17 of 17 3/23/2019, 8:38 PM Page 199 of 1018 EMAIL 6: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MARISE PAYNE) 10 th MARCH 2018 This email was re-sent to myself recently to allow enlarging of the text. Fwd: Australia's National Security - Interference In Legal Process By ... Subject: Fwd: Australia's National Security - Interference In Legal Process By A Foreign Power From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 13/10/2019,12:54 pm To: bocCfboc.rocks -Forwarded Message- Subject:Australia's National Security - Interference In Legal Process By A Foreign Power Date:Wed, 03 Oct 2018 12:22:45 +0800 From:Brendon O’Connell <talpiot(5)protonmail.com> Reply-To:Brendon O'Connell <talpiot(5)protonmail.com> To: Foreign.minister(Sdfat. gov.au ATT: Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Marise Payne - (02) 6277 7500 REGARDING: Foreign state interference in West Australian legal process. Australian national security. FROM: Brendon Lee O'Connell DOB: 27 October 1970 LOCATION: Australian citizen in exile in Malaysia. Three warrants for arrest. Dear Minister, 1 have been personally welcomed in Malaysia by the Royal Malaysian Police at Kuala Lumpur airport. I have tried repeatedly to sort out a major incident, embarrassing to both Australia and Israel and all 1 have found is deceit by the former Ministers office - Julie Bishop. Now, with a change in managerial style, perhaps I hope to find a Minister more willing to admit to the facts as they stand in my matter that reached to the highest levels of the Australian policing and intelligence community. As a Minister known for a "hawkish" response to China as the former defense minister. I'm sure you would find the video I just uploaded of interest. It is a incomplete draft of a major work. Extremely rough, but it highlights the close working relationship between China and Israel which it seems very few nation states are willing to point out. HOW ISRAEL RULES - "BARBARIANS INSIDE THE GATES" - Unfinished first draft-introduction only htt ps://www. you tube.com/watch?v=gI-ONWWvI5iO I include the above link to show I am no slouch in the video production stakes. Minister, I am continually accused of being "mentally ill". I urge you to refuse that description and simply have your staff watch the video's I produce on security issues. Links are at the bottom of the email. I am certainly emotionally unstable - but not mentally ill. 1 would also remind the Minister that I was granted political asylum in Iran where 1 was to - apparently - attack Saudi Arabia and the GCC all day via Iran, Press TV. This I refused to do and returned to Malaysia. 1 of 5 13/10/2019,12:55 pm Page 200 of 1018 Fwd: Australia's National Security - Interference In Legal Process By ... I will ring your office shortly to ensure you have received the email and it is being considered. I request a detailed and ongoing dialogue into what has been done to me - especially on matters of police corruption in Western Australia which may be why the former Minister Julie Bishop was not keen to interact. Western Australia is awash in corruption of which I have intimate details . I have spoken with former state Minister Joe Francis. A 32 minute call on October 10, 2014. In that call he stated he was scared of his own prison officers and had to have former special forces commander James McMahon come in as his Commissioner of Corrective Services to, "watch his back”. The call is not in dispute by the West Australian department of public prosecutions. Re Sentencing Submissions last email for today - DPP accepts that the phone call was received. • Simon Freitag • Simon Freitag 27/07/2016 «5 PM 27/07/2016 1:40 PM From Simon Freitag it Reply ^ Forward A Archive C last email lor today - DPP accepts that the phone call was received. Me <boc$bocrocks> I have now had a reply Irom Mr Thiefing which includes the following: Simon Freitag Barrister Albert Wolff Chambers Level 7 33 Barrack St PERTH WA 6000 Phone: (08) 9218 9200 Fax: (08 ) 9218 9300 Mobile Liability limited by o Scheme approved under the Professional Standards legislation In 2010 I had the Israeli state come out against me directly as well as most of the Australian political class. Minister, I invite you and your staff to begin a dialogue to sort this matter out. It should take 5 minutes to work out this was and is a giant international incident. I strongly suggest you read my materials on the matter first before succumbing to any lower level mud smearing against my name as it will un doubtably come back to bight you in tim. 1 am working closely with former high level trade union organisers to highlight this matter. Here is a blog post and summary of events. htt ps://isolateb ut preserve.blo gspot.com/2018/04/what-hap pened-with-hi gh-co urt-case.html I will call tomorrow to ascertain that the email has been received. I also invite you to instruct the local Australian consulate in Kuala Lumpur to begin a dialogue with me. I have a specific amount of excellent legal documentation and letters to show I have acted with integrity in my attempts to sort this out. I will email this in attachment form once clear communication has been established. If I am dealt with openly and honestly I am willing to co-operate fully. I have been extremely frank about 2 of 5 13/10/2019,12:55 pm Page 201 of 1018 Fwd: Australia's National Security - Interference In Legal Process By... my own behavior which has at times embarrassed me. I was pushed to the point of suicide. It's time for government officials, police, lawyers, and the Jewish community to accept some responsibility for the debacle that occurred and I promise Minister it will come out. I will consider pulling down all material online immediately if I am dealt with honestly and openly. This includes not just making social media accounts private - but deleting them completely. This can only be done when I am satisfied I am being dealt with openly and honestly. Two previous attempts at this occurred in 2010 and 2014. There was unfortunately a huge backend to why this failed. Mostly due to my complete distnist of the Western Australian establishment - especially police. Sincerely, Brendon Lee O'Connell +60 ioHBH VIDEO LINKS - NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUES. ISRAEL'S SECRET WEAPON - THE TALPIOT PROGRAM How Israel dominates the planets high technology sector. VIMEO [Main Account] - https://vimeo.com/261809752 YOU TUBE [Backup Account] - https://m.voutube.com/watch?v=rYE9UgmVrfUS ISRAELI DRONES WORLDWIDE
  463. How Russia China & Israel work together for the One Belt One Road Project.
  464. How Israel steals US technology and passes on to China, Russia and Iran.
  465. How this is impacting on the Middle East. 4.1 ring Homeland Security to make a complaint about Jewish Zionist spying in America - it a good one hour watch. VIMEO [Main Account] - https://vimeo.com/261811415 YOU TUBE [Backup Account] - https://voutu.be/U4ce3NllAig HOW ISRAEL HARDWARE BACKDOORED EVERYTHING [The Intel Management Engine] https://voutu.be/mvYZfLhtOZc TRUMP IS A PRODUCT OF ISRAELI MILITARY INTELLIGENCE Alex Jones states publicly Trump was recruited by US Army Intelligence to run for office. His regular high level guest Dr Steve Pieczenik - psychological warfare specialist for US State Department - admits this also. But who's army Intelligence? The US or Israel? VIMEO [Main Account] - https://vimeo.com/261812891 YOU TUBE [Backup Account] - https://voutu.be/ Hmg9geOzMO HOW DONALD TRUMP WAS COMPROMISED BY ISRAELI/RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=IKe32JerYws&t=ls RUSSIA CHINA ISRAEL LINKS CHINA Trump must warn Israel on its China trade https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/trump-must-warn-israel-on-its-china-trade Unlikely partners? China and Israel deepening trade ties 3 of 5 13/10/2019,12:55 pm Page 202 of 1018 Fwd: Australia's National Security - Interference In Legal Process By ... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-4469766Z Chinese investment in Israeli tech is growing, and it's 'quite welcome' for some https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/19/chinese-investment-in-israel-technology-is-growing-expert-savs.html https://www.timesohsrael.eom/topic/china-israel-technologv/# How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China http://www.newsweek.com/china-israel-military-technologv-beiiing-ierusalem-saul-eisenberg-weapons-607117 In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to 'marry Israel's technology with China's capacity' https://www.timesohsrael.com/in-beiiing-netanvahu-looks-to-marrv-israels-technology-with-chinas-capacitv/ China is hungry for advanced Israeli technology https://www.globes.co.il/en/article-china-is-hungrv-for-advanced-israeli-technology-1001038847 China says it will host Israeli-Palestinian 'peace symposium' http://www.timesohsrael.com/china-savs-it-will-host-israeli-palestinian-peace-svmposium/ China’s tech money heads for Israel as U.S. welcome wanes https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-investment-israel-idUSKBN187080 China's Deepening Interest in Israel http://www.thetower.org/article/chinas-deepening-interest-in-israel/ Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China https://www.militarv.com/defensetech/2013/12/24/report-israel-passes-u-s-militarv-technology-to-china Scaling Chutzpah by the Billions — Israeli Ingenuity Hits the Ground in China http://blogs.timesohsrael.com/scaling-chutzpah-bv-the-billions-israeli-ingenuitv-hits-the-ground-in-china/ Israel-China affair blooms even as culture gap weighs on rapport https://www.timesohsrael.com/israel-china-affair-blooms-even-as-culture-gap-weighs-on-rapport/ China's New Generation Sets Its Sights on Israel http://blogs.timesohsrael.com/chinas-new-generation-sets-its-sights-on-israel/ Yifeng Zhou on China's interest in Israeli innovation https://www.hmesohsrael.com/vifeng-zhou-on-chinas-interest-in-israeli-innovation/ Israel, China set up hrst accelerator program in Beijing https://www.hmesohsrael.com/israel-china-set-up-hrst-accelerator-program-in-beiiing/ RUSSIA Trump, Fox News - "Putin loves Israel and Bi Bi” https://www.voutube.com/watch ?v=bQYosxXNgK0&feature=voutu.be&t=123 Borscht Belt: Will Israel Spurn America for Russia? https://observer.com/2015/01/borscht-belt-will-israel-spurn-america-for-russia/ Why Russia Needs Israel 4 of 5 13/10/2019,12:55 pm Page 203 of 1018 Fwd: Australia's National Security - Interference In Legal Process By ... https://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/russia-needs-israel/ Why Russia should take over Israel's defense from America http://theweek.com/articles/562830/whv-russia-should-take-over-israels-defense-from-america As Putin Becomes One of World's Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/55179/how-russian-iews-helped-shape-life-worlds-most-powerful-leaders- iewish-world/amp/ An Emerging Alliance: Russia and Israel https://spectator.org/an-emerging-alliance-russia-and-israel/ Israeli firms invest in Russia https://www.ita.org/2007/ll/06/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/israeli-firms-invest-in-russia US blacklists Israeli company over Russia intelligence links https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/176941-180611-us-blacklists-israeli-companv-over-russia-intelligence-links Israel to lure Soviet Jews from Germany https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/nov/27/israel.germanv Israel’s former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/17/israel-sovlet-immigrants-transform-countrv Shin Bet Withheld Iran Secrets from Lieberman [Sec.Def Israel] as Security Risk https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2011/ll/10/shin-bet-withheld-iran-secrets-from-lieberman-as-securitv-risk/ KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel's Army, Business, and Political Leadership https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2016/12/lQ/kgb-infiltrated-highest-echelons-israels-armv-business-political- leadership/ Like Putting the K.G.B. Into the Pentagon https://www.nvtimes.com/1987/06/30/opinion/like-putting-the-kgb-into-the-pentagon.html The KGB’s Middle East Files: ’Illegals’ in Israel - Russian agents and assets in Israel and elsewhere https://www.vnetnews.eom/articles/0.7340.L-4869996.00.html ALWAYS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST 5 of 5 13/10/2019,12:55 pm Page 204 of 1018 EMAIL 7: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MARISE PAYNE) 6 th DECEMBER 2018 This email was re-sent to myself recently to allow enlarging of the text. Fwd: Brendon O'Connell - Asylum Claim To U.S Subject: Fwd: Brendon O'Connell - Asylum Claim To U.S From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 13/10/2019, 2:34 pm To: [email protected] -Forwarded Message- Subject:Brendon O'Connell - Asylum Claim To U.S Date:Thu, 6 Dec 2018 13:26:00 -0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To: Foreign.minister(S>dfat.gov.au CCtlulie Bishop - Foreign Minister <Julie.Bishop.MP(5)aph.gov.au>, senator.dodson(Saph.gov.au , Brendon O'Connell - Talpiot 1 <talpiot(5)protonmail.com> Dear Minister Payne/Assistant, https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=M56 Below is an email surrounding my asylum application and who I am talking too. It was addressed to a media group in the US. This includes the network of Fred Smith, founder of FedEx. USMC. Tapped for Sec.Def under McCain and Trump. I am friends with his nephew, Joseph Davies. I expect no honest dealings with you, just as I had no honest dealings with the previous Minister Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop. She is of course close friends with Freemason, Australian media mogul and Israel lover, Kerry Stokes. Mr Stokes is contained in links below buying the Rothschild Bible for $15 million dollars. He visits Israel regularly. 1 have recorded every call with screen recording software. I ring from Skype. I note twice I was assured I would be called by a "Charles". Just as 1 was promised by the previous minister in four years of dealings https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2017/03/conservative-australian-politician.html https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2014/09/ringing-office-of-julie-bishop-oz.html 1 of 17 13/10/2019, 2:35 p m Page 205 of 1018 Fwd: Brendon O'Connell - Asylum Claim To U.S I will keep ringing so I can show you have zero interest in resolving this matter and the fears for my safety in Australia. A place where serving Ministers like Joe Francis express fears for his safety despite having the protection of ex special forces commander James McMahon. Links describing that phone call to then serving Minister Joe Francis are contained below. I cannot return to a country with such corrupt police and prison officers and where serving Ministers with powerful support are threatened. Details included below with other details of what has gone on. Please note recent media reporting in Melbourne and massive police corruption. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/dec/05/gangsters-cops-and-lawyer-x-the-police- informant-scandal-that-has-shocked-australia Thirteen years later, a royal commission has been announced into what has become one of the biggest legal scandals and most appalling cases of police misconduct in Australian history. There is a bigger case in Western Australia - the murder of Mite NAUMOVSKI by criminal informant Paulo Nunzio STAGNO. Under orders from then Det. Carl CASSILLI. Covered up by lawyers, media, judges and police. The tip of a giant iceberg of police and prison officer corruption in Western Australia. I know the details of the above case because I am good friends with the man originally to be framed for the murder. https://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2014/08/corruption-in-wild-wild-west.html The key to a successful asylum application is being marginalized from society due to political beliefs and threats to safety. I can show that not even Ministers are safe in Australia from organized crime by the words of Minister Joe Francis to me on October 10, 2014.1 can show that despite repeated offers of talks the Australian government refuses to egage with me and runs me in circles. I repeat my offer to you. Meet face to face with DFAT officials here in Kuala Lumpur to discuss my return to Australia, clearing of all charges, investigations of BLATANTLY corrupt police, and a Senate Investigation into what has gone on including the blatant international incident and criminal contempt of court that took place when the Israeli state interfered in my trial. Details below. It appears on the surface at least you are more interested in maintaining good relations with the state of Israel, a place where their head religious leaders have debates over whether non Jews can be murdered to take their organs, and how God created non Jews to be their slaves. THAT is the country you support, particularly under it's odious P.M, Benjamin Netanyahu (real name Milekowski from Poland), here is a quote from the deputy defense minister of Israel... Later that year, while discussing his opposition to Knesset legislation that would offer same-sex parents the same tax breaks as their heterosexual counterparts, Ben Dahan told Maariv that homosexual Jews were superior than gentiles — gay or straight. "A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual," he said. https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-deputv-defense-minister-called-palestinians-animaIs/ You would rather talk to that homophobic racist bigot than myself? Wouldn't you? How about this little "taster" of Israeli psychopathology... 2 of 17 13/10/2019,2:35 pm Page 206 of 1018 Fwd: Brendon O'Connell - Asylum Claim To U.S
  466. The purpose of Gentiles — to serve Jews: "Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world - only to serve the People of Israel." "In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With gentiles, it will be like any person - they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one's donkey would die, they'd lose their money. "This is his servant... That's why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew." “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an ejfendi and eat... That is why gentiles were created." — Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010 https://www.timesofisrael.com/5-of-ovadia-yosefs-most-controversial-quotations/ You have no problem with the head Serphadic Rabbi of Israel do you? he's now dead. 2013. You have no problem with his friend Benjamin Netanyahu (Milekowski) do you? I was jailed for pointing out their filth. My former life, dignity, reputation - taken. You have no problem with this do you? I will keep ringing every week till I leave Malaysia on Feb 1, 2019. I will be filming at the Australian consulate and "Drifters Bar" where Australians like to drink. I will most likely head to Los Angeles where I have a support group that includes former director of studies at the US Army War College Dr Alan Sabrosky and the nephew of Fred Smith is not to far away in Memphis Tennessee. I know how bad the immigration detention centers are in L.A. I will do whatever it takes to publicize my case and the pathetic behavior of government officials, police, lawyers and judiciary in both Australia and Western Australia. This is my last offer. I am calling you to make sure you have received this email. I will be posting this material to every politician in Australia. My reply to an associate in the US is below. 3 of 17 13/10/2019, 2:35 pm Page 207 of 1018 EMAIL 8: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MARISE PAYNE) 25 th DECEMBER 2018 CLICK FOR FULL HIGH-QUALITY ONLINE PDF OF EMAIL Brendon O'Connell | Malaysia | Asylum Lawyer In United States Subject: Brendon O'Connell I Malaysia I Asylum Lawyer In United States From: Brendon O'Connell <talpiot®protonmail.com> Date: 12/25/2018,5:11 AM To: Foreisn.ministerwdlat.Rov.au CC j I .com > l!t <- .Brendon O'Connell - Talpiot <talpiot2Mprotonmail.com> I have emailed repeatedly and rang repeatedly over four years and been promised a call by a member of staff to discuss my situation. It never happens. Previous email at bottom. Here is my asylum application lawyer in the United States. Gloria was formerly a lawyer for Senator Diane Fienstien, California. Graduate University if Chicago. I am good friends with her daughter. I give you this opportunity to discuss matters with her. I will be flying to the United States on or around January 31,2019. I make comments below in a video about corruption in Western Australia and Terence McLemon. He has exposed massive corruption to do with some of the richest gold mines in Australia and CEO Anton BILL1S. An odious character involved with organized crime and major players in Western Australia. He is protected by both Australian Federal Police and State Police. One of his associates is notorious bikie Troy MERC ANTI. A major organized crime figure, Australia wide. A man well known for drugging and raping teenage girls with his childhood friend Mr SILVESTRI. Prez Of Turkey Is Telling Trump What To Do? I :-D https://www.youlube.com/watch7v-m0m819vgtF4 I make fun of things in the above video. It expresses my contempt for the last ten years and contionual government incompetance worthy of a "Yes Minister" episode. This is the state I left out of fear for my safety. I repeat the phone call to me by then Minister Joe FRANCIS on October 10,2014 where he stated he was in fear for his safety and required ex special forces commander James MCMAHON to "watch his back." 10 days after that phone call. Minister FRANCIS was threatened on the grounds of parliament house by a notorious sex offender with GPS tracking. We discussed GPS tracked sex offenders in our phone conversation, listed below. iM IN IST.ERll NfGH'AR'G EQ FjP.RISQ N SlIQ ElF R^NglSi IQUOTE - Joe Francis] "I'm more scared of my o wn prison officers than 1 am of the bikies after 1 stopped their drugs getting into the jail." [END QUOTE] https://isolatebulpreserve.blogspot.eom/2014/0S/corruplion-in-wild-wild-west.html The Minister also told me -
  467. His staff were so incompetent, his accountant in charge of the $900 million dollar prisons budget did not know the difference between $1 million dollars and S100 million dollars for the GPS sex offender tracking budget.
  468. He had to fight tooth and nail to get camera's that record into the Hakea Remand Center punishment section to stop prison officers beating up prisoners.
  469. For fun he and Commissioner James McMahon would rock up to a prison unannounced and stand around in their suits waiting for some one to notice them. Staff were to busy playing Angry Birds on their phones to notice them.
  470. The Minister believed prison officers organized the break in of his home - we all know they did.
  471. The Minster said he and I, and commissioner James McMahon, would have a beer and I had nothing to fear about telling him about what I saw in the jail over three years - and I saw plenty. He said specifically ex Special Forces Commander James McMahon "had his back".
  472. He was more scared of his own prison officers than he was of the bikies after he stopped their drugs getting into the jail. After continual stalking and harassment and police raids with ridiculous charges and corrupt, incompetent police, I left Australia for Malaysia, then Iran where I was verbally granted political asylum. I left there when I was asked to work with Government analysts who claimed they would be liberating Jerusalem and the holy sites of Mecca. I thought they were crazy. I was being handled by family friends of the foreign minister Zarif. Kept for b weeks in his home town of Khansar, Iran. I repeat my offer of pulling all material down offline when I am satisfied you are dealing with me openly and honestly. There needs to be a Senate inquiry into what has gone on. The UTTER incompetence and stupidity and corruption 1 witnessed in amongst decent police and others who shook my hand and thanked me for fighting on. 1 of 5 3/23/2019,8:41 PM Page 208 of 1018 EMAIL 9: MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MARISE PAYNE) 10™ OCTOBER 2019 Israeli High Technology & Espionage | Brendon Lee O'Connell Subject: Israeli High Technology & Espionage I Brendon Lee O'Connell From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 11/10/2019, 2:22 am To: [email protected] CC: Brendon O'Connell - Talpiot <[email protected]>, Brendon O'Connell - Talpiot 2 <[email protected]>, Sanator Wong - DFAT <[email protected]>, Department of Defense - DOD <[email protected]>, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet <[email protected]>, "Department of Industry, Innovation and Science" <[email protected]>, [email protected] Dear DFAT staff. My case is well known to you. I will call to confirm receipt of the email. I am currently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Attached is an "extract" from my 1000 page UN application. It details large scale corruption within Western Australia including drug trafficking, drug money laundering (via mining companies), weapons trafficking, and strong inferences at state and federal police participation in that network. This also includes the countries banking system. Further, there is strong evidence that these networks have links to extremist religious cults based in Melbourne, Chabad Lubavitch - a literal Russian organized crime gang, close to Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. I also note Minister Josh Frydenberg is fond of this group. I've also attached my High Court Synopsis detailing aspects of Israeli espionage against the United States and Australia. I've also attached the latest news article on James PACKER, Kerry STOKES (best friends of former foreign minister Julie BISHOP), Benjamin NETANYAHU and the head of Mossad Yossi COHEN. I will then give you a few days to make contact with me. I have been contacting your department for five years. I have never, not once, received a call or email in reply to my queries. I was promised calls by "Leon" and "Charles". Perhaps Mr. Benjamin NETANYAHU'S notorious network supersede the sovereignty of Australia? I've CC'd this email and attached documents to various other government departments including office of the prime minister, DOD, and department of industry and trade as well as l of 3 10/10/2019,2:25pm Page 209 of 1018 Israeli High Technology & Espionage | Brendon Lee O'Connell Shadow Minister foreign affairs Ms. Penny Wong. I have also CC'd to Paul Murray of the West Australian Newspaper. I will ring asap to confirm receipt of this email. If your department continues to avoid responding to my 20+ interactions over the last five years, I will be off to Qatar and A1 Jazeera. Sincerely, Brendon Lee O’Connell +60 izr — Bi Bi Stokes Packer Newspaper Article_Editted_2.jpg Israel PM ‘saved’ billionaire Packer after br MARG INCUl WILL GLASGOW & CHRISTINE LACY Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saved James Packer's life after the Crown casinos billionaire broke up with his fian¬ cee Mari ah Carey. Has a more extraordinary sen¬ tence ever been written about an Australianbusinessperson? J Bibi '5 saving of one of Austra-" lia's richest sons is the latest stun¬ ning revelation from "Case* 1000". the high-stakes investigation into Netanyahu's proclivity for accept¬ ing gifts from rich associates, in¬ cluding Packer and fellow casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson. Netanyahu insists the gifts were expressions of friendship and nothing more. The new antipodean-themed scoopette comes ahead of a pre- indictment hearing into the saga and as Likud leader Netanyahu tries to form a government after .an in conclusive Israeli election. According to Israeli billionaire and Hollywood producer Amon Milchan. Bibi was pivotal in get¬ ting Packer to come to Israel in 2016 after his relationship with pop star Carey came to ;t sudden end. less than a year after they were engaged “I asked Bibi to pick up a phone and call Jimmy to save his life." Milchan told Israeli police when he was interviewed over his role in the saga, Haarcty news- paperreports. “1 and other people were wor¬ ried; we thought if we didn’t act quickly, his life would be in. l inger. eak-up with Mariah Bibi was the only one who man¬ aged to convince him to come to Israel. 1 think that saved his life,” Haaretz reports Milchan as saying. The comments clarify an in¬ triguing comment Kerry Stokes made a year ago at the Perth launch of our colleague Damon Kitney’s Packer biography The Price of Fortune. Stokes said a per¬ son in “the highest possible pos¬ ition in Israel’’ made a telephone — Attachments: call to Packer after the break-up, telling him to listen to the Seven billionaire’s counsel. Margin Call deduced at the time that there were three contenders for the caller. Netanyahu, former Israeli president Shimon Peres or the head of Mossad Yossi Cohen, all of whom were close to Packer. Clearly Stokes wasn’t exaggerating. BUSINESS P17 ‘Life saved’: Packer Bi Bi Stokes Packer Newspaper Article_Editted_2.jpg 2 of 3 472 KB 10/10/2019, 2:25 pm Page 210 of 1018 Israeli High Technology & Espionage | Brendon Lee O'Connell |3 of 3 High Court Notes_Updated_Addition To Appendix 5.pdf 2.7 MB SPECIFIC_EXAMPLES_OF_POLICE_AND_PRISON_OFFICER_CORRUPTI 1.3 MB ON_IN_WESTERN_AUSTRALIA.pdf 10/10/2019, 2:25 pml Page 211 of 1018 NEWS ARTICLE NETANYAHU SAVES PACKER - CORRUPTION CHARGES (OCTOBER 9 th , 2019) Please note last lin e..."Margin Call deduced at the time that there were three contenders for the caller. Netanyahu, former Israeli president Shimon Peres or the head of Mossad, Yossi Cohen, all of whom were close to Packer. Clearly STOKES was not exaggerating." Israel PM ‘saved’ billionaire Packer after br MARGINCALL WILL GLASGOW & CHRISTINE LACY Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saved James Packer's life after the Crown casinos billionaire broke up with his fian¬ cee Mariah Carey. Has a more extraordinary sen¬ tence ever been written about an Australian business person? . 1 Bibi’s saving of one of Austra-' lia s richest sons is the latest stun¬ ning revelation from "Case 1000’’, the high-stakes investigation into Netanyahu's proclivity for accept¬ ing gifts from rich associates, in¬ cluding Packer and fellow casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson. Netanyahu insists the gifts were expressions of friendship and nothing more. The new antipodean-themed scoopette comes ahead of a pre- indictment hearing into the saga and as Likud leader Netanyahu tries to form a government after an inconclusive Israeli election. According to Israeli billionaire and Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan, Bibi was pivotal in get¬ ting Packer to come to Israel in 2016 after his relationship with pop star Carey came to a sudden end, less than a year after they were engaged. “ I asked Bibi to pick up a phone and call Jimmy to save his life,” Milchan told Israeli police when he was interviewed over his role in the saga, Haaretz news¬ paper reports. "I and other people were wor¬ ried; we thought if we didn’t act quickly, his life would be in danger. TOIMJJfuTMUM] ° ©a®« % W)W eak-up with Mariah Bibi was the only one who man¬ aged to convince him to come to Israel. I think that saved his life,” Haaretz reports Milchan as saying. The comments clarify an in¬ triguing comment Kerry Stokes made a year ago at the Perth launch of our colleague Damon Kitney’s Packer biography The Price of Fortune. Stokes said a per¬ son in “the highest possible pos¬ ition in Israel” made a telephone call to Packer after the break-up, telling him to listen to the Seven billionaire’s counsel. Margin Call deduced at the time that there were three contenders for the caller. Netanyahu, former Israeli president Shimon Peres or the head of Mossad Yossi Cohen, all of whom were close to Packer. Clearly Stokes wasn't exaggerating. BUSINESS P17 ‘Life saved’ Page 212 of 1018 IMAGE NEWS ARTICLE - OWNER OF WA NEWSPAPERS AND SEVEN NETWORK MEDIA GROUP - KERRY STOKES - REVIEWS THE ROTHSCHILD BIBLE HE HAD JUST BOUGHT FOR $15 MILLION DOLLARS Page 213 of 1018 WEB PAGE REPORT - "MICK MANY NAMES" AND HIS ACTIVITIES https://www.gangsterismout.com/2019/09/mick-names-shemesian-invades-venture.html
  473. Gangsterism Out Home Neer Do Well WolfPack Fentanyl HA Canada Famous Gangsters US Mob Montreal Mafia HA World HA C RCMP Most Wanted Cocaine Twitter Mexico Fraud Pmterest BndgeMark DrStoxxman Trump Saturday, September 14, 2019 Mick "many names” Shemesian invades Venture Australian securities regulators cracking down on the worst of the scuzzybaggians means Mirtian 'Many Names' Shemesian "Actus Minerals Corp (TSX VENTURE AAC) is pleased to announce that at the Company's recent Annual General and Special Meeting of shareholders, the Company’s shareholders approved all items presented for voting "Mr Shmazian (sic) has over 25 years in the mineral exploration industry and is the Founder and Chairman of Exchange Minerals Limited, a pnvate, Belgium based, equity investment company established in 2005 Through a strong global network of consultants and companies. Exchange Minerals has been involved in the successful acquisition, exploration and development of a number of mineral and oil and gas projects in Australia, Europe and Africa ” Exchange Minerals Limited, a private, Belgium based, equity investment company established in 2005 " approved the appointment of Mr Michael (Mick) Shmazian (sic)to its board of directors, to fill the positions of Mr John deHart and Mr Daniel Coch, both of whom did not stand for re-election PROTECTING AUSTRALIANS FROM RIPOFFS http //www exchangeminerals com/ Our obvious connect to gangsterism is Many Names' deep links to the Comanchero bikies At one point the notorious Jay Malkoun called Dubai home and Mick his boss Shemesian's deep links to the Saudi royal family are said to be forged by his mercenaries/killers in Africa There is currently a Saudi prince at the helm of garbage Artemis Resources The Matich team of Paul and Brett along with Michael Mihran Shemesian have controlled many ASX listed companies such as ACCLAIM, AZTEC, FOX, RANGE to name just a few All were involved in the failed YANDAL float with Michael James Giovinazzo Latest discovery is Mick's website where he misspells his own name, but that's nothing compared to the 13 different ways in various ASIC filings http://mickshmazian com/ And what a master of self promotion or what "Schmazian (sic) has had more than luck, he has a track record of success that can only be achieved through intense study and mastenng your craft" The phone number for Actus (AAC v) is the same nMna nnmhflr f r\r Qz-nmir. ClnlH QCNI alffl Page 214 of 1018 SCORPIO GOLD CORPORATION Peter J. Hawley So whats the fukkin deal? No clue what It means precisely, yet, but its appearing there are many, many venture fingers waiting for this flow of 100% fully dirty mob cashola Work continues and now we are looking at what 0924682 B C. Ltd ("NumberCo") is all about First thing is a confirmation of what we knew already i.e. "The pnncipal of Anel Partners, Benjamin Hill, is a qualified hamster with a background in private practice and in-house roles with a vanety of globally based investment banks before joining RAB Capital in 2004" This came from Shoshom Gold 2012-09-10 Significance? "NumberCo" is part Many Names, along with Anel Partners Supposed massive financiers for Actus AAC v, Anel Partners LLP appear little more than a newly created shell Trails lead back to Oz and WA, naturally Albion Petroleum Ltd ("Albion") (TSX VENTUREABPH) is involved with our boys and recently announced a qualifying transaction David Shaw is the President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of Albion (and a director of FR to) Allegation? Nada so far (for now pffffft) Mr. Shaw is keeping some DAMN scuzzy friends and FR.t is sticking its arse around some 1000% dopey corners is all http://pennystockjoumal blogspot ca/2014/07/first-majestic-silver-corp-fft html "Albion Petroleum Ltd (the "Corporation" or "Albion") (TSX VENTUREABP H), a capital pool company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange Inc (the "Exchange" or "TSXV") announces that it has entered into a letter of intent dated May 15, 2014, as amended (the "LOI”), with Sundance Minerals Ltd ("Sundance"), First Majestic Silver Corp. ("First Majestic") and 0924682 B C Ltd ("NumberCo") pursuant to which (i) Sundance will acquire all of the issued and outstanding securities of NumberCo and all of the issued and outstanding secunties of Mmera Terra Plata, S A de C.V ("Terra Plata"), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of First Majestic" Damian Antony Conboy - holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia Mt Lawley High School He began his career at Potter Warburg stockbrokers in Perth, Western Australia He moved to UK in 1999 More recently, he worked as Managing Director of Exchange Minerals Limited of which he was a director In August 1999, Mr Conboy was barred by the Australian Secunties and Investments Commission f ASIC") from acting as a representative of a secunties dealer or an investment adviser in Australia for a penod of two years ASIC found that Mr Conboy did not perform his duties efficiently, honestly and fairly and was not a fit and proper person to be a representative YEMEN After not very much work at all we figure out the Greenland authorities are talking about Flange Resources. "Flange holds a 20% working interest in two Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs) for the Nugaal and Dharoor Blocks These concessions encompass two highly prospective hydrocarbon basins covering an area of approximately 40,000km2 " Page 215 of 1018 "Late last year, Greenland MP Sara Olsvig wrote to the country's minister of industry and minerals, Jens-Enk Kirkegaard She Range Resources, another company tied to Shemesian was accused of paying the demanded details about GMEL's shareholders d | Sputed government of the Puntland State RANGE after Australian media outlets had raised allegations about both the company and mining prospector Mihran Shemesian, also known as "Mick Many Names” In 2009, Fairfax media reported that Shemesian controlled more than 20% of GMEL stock Sadly the 10 new corpses were not necessary because all the boyotards found was water I doubt any of em are losing sleep Another interesting connection in that Horn Petroleum of the Lundin stable had the arrangement with these boyos in the area as operator Talk about getting the very dirty work done by others of Somalia, linked to Somali rebels, more than $US6m for resource rights to the region " HORN PETROLEUM One man in Beletweyne, when asked why people were being executed, told Human Rights Watch: “You must know one thing, in Beletweyne nowadays killing someone doesn’t need whys, it needs the militiamen to decide to kill you, and that is it'http//www hrworg/news/2012/03/28/somalia-pro-govemment-militias-executmg-civilians Too interesting is the matenal that came out of Greenland, which coincided almost perfectly with Many Names move into the Venture http //www information dk/482124 (translated) Greenland rejects study of mining company : Brokerage from the Mafia According to an article which appeared in Information 28 November, the Australian parent GMEL's' founder, former and possibly current majonty shareholder "a tarnished reputation He has' been a central figure in the Italian-Australian mafia as a mediator in civil law disputes, "it is claimed He also, according to the Chronicle control of an oil company who paid 'the disputed government in Puntland province (in Somalia, ed) Nearly 50 million dollars "Money that chronicle the ears claim has 'funded' militias allegedly _responsible for 10 local Somalis died after clashes with locals, "who responded to Puntland militia and the oil company's violations of its temtory" Chronicle ears whereas what is wntten on the relevant shareholder in the Australian press Chronicle does not mention the name, but in the case of the Australian businessman Michael Mihran Shemesian, according to articles from 2009 in newspapers The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald at the time owned 20 per cent of the shares in GMEL Information has asked GMEL whether Shemesian is part of the company It rejects GMEL This person is not a shareholder in Greenland Minerals and Energy," wntes the company, which also denies that he is the founder, although he at one time been a "minonty shareholder" GREENLAND MINERALS AND ENERGY LTD The official count of misspellings in ASIC documents stands at 13. Michael Mihran Shemesian has been linked to a number of Australian companies, although the spelling of his name has often changed Shemesian is listed as the sole director of Clara Resources under the name "Mihran Chammassian" and was listed under the name "Mick Shmazian" after the sale of his Cape Lambert Iron Ore stake in 2008 He also faced drug charges under the name "Mihran Shemessian" in the 1990s and was listed in court documents as "Shamazian"

    http://www highbeam com/doc/1G1-211507713.html j ASX LIMITED • ASX ASX vmJ CAPE LAW BERT RON ORE LWITED - ASXCFE FOXRE SOURCES LWITED - ASXFXR MOUNT G6S0N RON LWITED . ASXUGX AZTEC RESOURCES UNITED PAL ADR ENERGY LWITE0 -ASXPDN CLARA RESOURCES PTY LTD GREENLAND MWERALS AMD E NERGYLWITED • ASX GGG WESTRP HOLOWGS LIMITED EXCHANGE MRERALS PTY LTD Michael Mihran Shemesian PKF Australia limited GREENVALE MINWG NL - ASX GRV BOSS ENE RGY LIMITED • ASX BOE AUSTRALIAN ROYALTE S CORPORATION PTY LTD GREE NULL CAPITAL PARTNE RS RANGE RESOURCES UMfTED -ASXRRS FRST PERSON MEDIA OPES PRIME STOCKBROKING LIMITED POWER UNITED LWITED AUSTRALIAN PENSIONERS FUNO PTY LTD GCM NOM WEES PTY LTD Page 216 of 1018 NEWS ARTICLE COMMANCHERO BIKIE BLOWN UP • •• 9 NEWS National Latest Politics World Videos Live Today Show ACA Ex-Comanchero president seriously injured in Athens car explosion f FeccOock A former Australian bikie gang president has been rushed to hospital after his car exploded in an Athens car park. He had just left the gym where he attended the same time every day. Amad 'Jay" Malkoun, 56. is understood to have been seriously injured in the blast. Greek media reports. 60 Mlnutas 19 Page 217 of 1018 A form* Australian txkaa gang prasidant has baan rusbad to hospital attar ha car axptodad m an Athans car pant. (EPA) Amad ‘Jay* Malkoun. 56. a understood to hava baan sarKxrsfy injuroo in tha biast Creak mada reports (l PA) Malkoun. a reported resident of Glyfada. was attempting to start the engine of his Porsche when an explosion tore through the vehicle which had Australian number plates. The explosion may have been caused by dynamite, with a police bomb squad reportedly finding residue from an explosive device. The blast was so severe it burned four other cars and resulted in the surrounding area being closed off. A witness told 9News he saw the Incident happen from his apartment two kilometres away. RELATED ARTICLES • Ancient, unlooted tombs unearthed in southern Greece • Body found after British scientist disappears on Greek island during run • American killed in Greece hit by car to immobilise her before rape "There was a loud explosion, a big plume of smoke, a few more loud explosive noises and then thick plumes of black smoke for some time before emergency services arrived." Sammy Alderson. who is also Australian, said. "It was quite remarkable to see the whole thing unfold from start to finish while sitting on my balcony." Page 218 of 1018 ■ is beiievod th# explosion may hove been caused by dynamite alter authorities reportedly located residue from an explosive device nearby, (f PA) Black smoke was seen tMBoeeng out over Athens foBoeiwig the explosion (Bnews) Malkoun was described by police last year as an influential presence among the Australian Comancheros. Malkoun reportedly resigned as Comanchero president back In 2013 and was living In Thailand and Dubai prior to his arrival in Greece two years ago. Police sources claim he is currently embroiled in an internal Comanchero war with the gang's national president Mick Murray, with members aligned to either man going to war with each other in Australia. Malkoun fled Australia in 2013, first to Thailand, then to Dubai, where he is suspected of cultivating Russian organised crime contacts. O Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2019 Greece | | Accidonts j j Emergencies | Notional | | world | a contact us Send your photos, videos and stories to 9News contact p 9news.com.au Page 219 of 1018 SCREENSHOT NEWS ARTICLE - CHABAD LUBAVITCH JEWISH RELIGIOUS CULT, DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING FROM MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA FOR THE LIKUD PARTY IN ISRAE Dirty laundry Right: Rita Goldberg leaves court. (Below) Her husband. Naehum Goldberg, counts the money on a bank surveillance tape. Photo: JASON SOUTH A Melbourne judge lifted a suppression order yesterday, allowing an extraordinary tale of a master money launderer to be told. Paul Barry reports. Naehum Goldberg is not a man one could hide in a crowd. With his long black coat, big black hat, bushy grey beard and wire-rimmed glasses, he would stand out on any street. And at the ANZ Bank in Chapel Street. Prahran, the staff had plenty of opportunities to notice him. Page 220 of 1018 APPENDIX 7 - POST PRISON CHARGES - INDEX PAGE 223.INTRODUCTION PAGE 224.INDICTMENT. "THREAT TO KILL" (OCTOBER 30TH 2014) PAGE 224.ATTENDING DEPARTMENT CORRECTIVE SERVICES OFFICES PAGE 226.THE INFAMOUS CALL WITH MINISTER JOE FRANCIS PAGE 227.ISRAELI AMBASSADOR INTIMIDATES WESTERN AUSTRALIAN COURT-VIDEO PAGE 228.POLICE VIDEO - RAID ON MY HOMELESS SHELTER ROOM, OCTOBER 30TH 2014 PAGE 229.VIDEO OF POLICE INTERVEW - ONE HOUR LONG PAGE 229.EMAIL FROM MP DENNIS JENSEN & A VERY PUBLIC FIGHT WITH MINISTER JOE FRANCIS PAGE 231.EMAIL TO LEGAL AID COMPLAINING ABOUT LAWYERS PAGE 235.INDICTMENT PAGE 260.TRANSCRIPT OF POLICE RAID - 30 OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 263.LETTER FROM LAYWER GRAEME ALLEN PAGE 265.MY SENTENCING SUBMISSIONS - PERTH DISTRICT COURT "THREAT TO KILL" CHARGE (CURRENT WARRANT FOR MY ARREST) PAGE 393.LETTER PERSONALLY HANDED TO SECRETARY OF FORMER AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN MINISTER STEPHEN SMITH - LAW PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA PAGE 397.EMAIL - "REPORT ON LATEST COURT APPEARANCE" PAGE 411.FOI REQUEST TO DEPARTENT OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES PAGE 413.LEGAL AID REFUSAL TO FUND HIGH COURT PAGE 424.MINISTER JOE FRANCIS AND MP DENNIS JENSEN - FRONT PAGE PAGE 425.EMAIL TO M.P DENNIS JENSEN PAGE 425.EMAIL TO LEGAL AID COMPLAINING ABOUT LAWYERS PAGE 431.INDICTMENT - MAKING A PRIVATE TELEPHONE CALL PUBLIC (OCTOBER 30TH 2014) PAGE 432.STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS PAGE 434.UNIFIED WTNESS LIST PAGE 435.TESS COURTNEY RANDALL POLICE STATEMENT PAGE 436.POLICE EVIDENCE LIST PAGE 439.POLICE PROSECUTOR BEHAVIOUR - TRANSCRIPT FEBRUARY 29, 2016 MAGISTRATES COURT PAGE 457.IMPORTANT LETTER - TO MAGISTRATE WOODS AND POLICE PROSECUTOR CROOK PAGE 466.PICTURE OF EVIDENTIARY MATERIAL FOR MAGISTRATE WOODS AND POLICE PROSECUTOR PAGE 467.LETTER TO INSPECTOR NICK ANTICICH DEMANDING CHARGES BE LAID FOR CRIMINAL CONTEMPT OF COURT AGAINST 'FRIENDS OF ISRAEL' RALLY ORGANISERS PAGE 485.INDICTMENT - UTILISING A CARRIAGE DEVICE TO CAUSE OFFENSE (DECEMBER 23RD, 2014) PAGE 486.Depressed Gallop quits as premier PAGE 486.STEVEN LIEBLICH STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS (23 rd DECEMBER 2014) Page 221 of 1018 PAGE 488.TRANSCRIBED CALL WITH DET. VULETA (21ST NOVEMBER 2014) PAGE 488.JASON HODGKINSON STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS (23RD DECEMBER 2014) PAGE 489.NOTES TO PROSECUTOR PAGE 492.QUOTES FROM TRANSCRIPT PAGE 495.JASON HODGKINSON CHARGE GOES TO TRIAL - MARCH 2016 PAGE 509.SHOOTING UP OF PERTH MOSQUE BY NAZI RACE HATE GROUP PAGE 512.POLICE INTERCEPT UNIT - Robert CRITCHLEY PAGE 512.Sentence delay for former cop over tip-off PAGE 514.STATEMENT MATERIAL FACTS ALL CHARGES - DECMEBER 23RD 2014 PAGE 515.CHARGE SHEET PAGE 516.LIEBLICH STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS PAGE 517.LIEBLICH POLICE STATEMENT PAGE 522.STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS-JASON HODGKINSON PAGE 524.DET. VULETA - NOTES TO PROSECUTOR PAGE 525.EMAIL - "YOU GOTTA READ THIS, EXAMPLE OF LYING POLICE" PAGE 539.TRANSCIPT - DECEMBER 24TH - MAGISTRATE TEMBY PAGE 554.CCC CORRUPTION - NEWS PAPER CLIPPINGS PAGE 557.MUSTAFA ATI EH - STATEMENT TO CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMMISION PAGE 560.MUSTAFA ATEIH - SUMMARY OF POLICE RECORDINGS PAGE 562.ORINGINAL FACEBOOK POSTS - SCREENSHOTS PAGE 572.TAMPERED WITH EVIDENCE - COMPARE WITH MY SCREENSHOTS (ABOVE) PAGE 575.PICTURE OF PACKAGE I PREPARED FOR DEFENCE LAWYER SHOWING TAMPERING PAGE 576.EMAIL CHAIN - DEFENCE LAWYER STATES NO CHANCE OF AN APPEAL PAGE 584.EMAIL FROM LEGAL AID - COMPLAINT FORM AGAINST LAWYER ANTONY EYERS PAGE 586.EMAIL TO DET. VULETA WITH FACEBOOK POSTS PAGE 599.EXAMPLE OF FINE LOCAL REPORTING OF COURT CASE Page 222 of 1018 INTRODUCTION
  474. It is important to address, in detail, all the charges, convictions and warrants 31 post release from jail on 23 rd January, 2014. It was stated repeatedly by Judges, police and prison officers' words to the effect, "You have an extensive criminal record." This included a Judge in New Zealand assessing my claim for asylum. My 'record' prior to this political dissident witch hunt was "disorderly conduct" in 1995 while protecting my then girlfriend from a drunk idiot; and in 2003, "Cultivation of a prohibited plant with intent." All the doctors, lawyers, nurses and professionals I supplied were extremely disappointed when their supply was cut short by the WA police. In that case, I have to say, the WA police acted professionally and we were all laughing around my kitchen table as we swapped stories about Western Australia. I was cheered by court staff when the sentence was passed, a three-year suspended sentence. It was a highly sophisticated hydroponic operation. My lawyer at the time was in hysterics as I recounted how the whole situation had developed after I left Nursing in disgust. I don't personally like marijuana and I do not believe it is "harmless". But then, car exhaust fumes are not harmless either. I believe in total drug de-criminalization as has been done in Portugal with great success.
  475. It should be noted I am 'pro-police'. I am 'pro law and order'. My father was a highly regarded police officer. A close family friend was the Super Intendant of Recruiting in Western Australia for many years. I do not aim my invective at them for the fun of it. I saw nothing but incompetence and lies and stupidity. Many police shook my hand privately and apologised stating, "This case is a load of bullshit." Court security stated to me, "I've been here twenty years. This is definitely in the top ten of stupid cases brought to trial."
  476. I want nothing more than an accountable police service as any public servant employed by the tax payers should be. I want them highly paid and highly trained. We also give some leeway to police due to the hazards of the job, high stress and often disturbing experiences that police are exposed too.
  477. With the above in mind, the details of the cases post jail are laid out below. 31 National Police Certificate page 26. Page 223 of 1018 INDICTMENT, "THREAT TO KILL" (OCTOBER 30™ 2014)
  478. Both the 'threat to kill' charge and 'making a private telephone call public', were conducted under the same warrant and police raid on October 30, 2014 in Perth, Western Australia. I was in a homeless Shelter.
  479. There are three warrants for my arrest. Two are very minor. One is the more serious, "threats to kill a prison officer". The background is complex but fully backed up and on the record from very
  480. Post release from prison in January 2014,1 had been to Sydney and attended rally's for Gaza and met Hamid FARRAJOLLAHI 32 from Iran Press TV. I had given him my High Court Synopsis and he was impressed enough to state he was applying for funding to Press TV for a documentary.
  481. I had also been to the Iranian Embassy in Canberra where I was immediately offered a visa to travel to Iran. This was before the relaxed visa status for countries like Australia. I told the consular officials I was happy to stay in Australia and fight to get justice in the High Court and force the Australian political establishment to rebuke the Israeli state for interfering in my trial. I asked them to merely observe and allow me to write publicly about the small meeting we had at the Embassy. They stated it was fine to write about what was discussed. early on. n M nfl HAMID FARAJOLLAHI BERLIN ATTENDING DEPARTMENT CORRECTIVE SERVICES OFFICES
  482. On returning to Perth sometime in September/October 2014, I began the process of demanding the Department of Corrective Services mount an enquiry into my beating in jail and the subsequent cover up and lack of medical care. I was advised by Adrian RIVERLAND of DCS to come into their central Perth office to give a statement.
  483. Prior to this, whilst in jail in minimum security, Wooroloo Prison, a female representative of DCS had come to the prison to ask me for a statement as to what happened with regards my assault in jail one year earlier. When I realised what she wanted, I immediately walked out and stated, "/ have met some absolute assholes in this prison system, but also many good people." In jail, even in minimum security, if it was to become known I 32 Hamid on Iran Press TV from Berlin - https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=looDrU-lmeU Page 224 of 1018 had been giving statements against major organised crime figures my life would be very difficult.
  484. When I arrived at the offices for the interview, I had my large backpack with me and a small baseball bat I keep handy in case a game of children's T-Ball breaks out un-expectantly. I had just gotten off the train from the small wheat belt town of Northam. Mr MILWARS asked if it was ok to remove the baseball bat and not have it in the small interview room. I laughed as I had not given it a second thought.
  485. Mr Paul MILWARD came in the room with another man. I cannot remember his name but it may have been Mr Ken CUMMINGS who is present on paperwork. Mr MILWARD was timid and polite. The other man was highly aggressive and belligerent. He tossed his file onto the desk, dropped heavily into his chair, crossed his arms across his chest heavily slouched in the chair and exclaimed loudly and aggressively, "What do you want!" Considering it was DCS who asked me to come into the office I was not expecting this kind of reception.
  486. I restrained myself from breaking his jaw. Literally. I snapped. Got up and screamed at them, "I am sick of you corrupt bunch of bastards!" It was obvious nothing was going to come of this meeting. I felt personally intimidated and the belligerent gentleman came very close to going to the hospital.
  487. I gathered my belongings and went to leave. The baseball bat was outside the room, I grabbed it, at that stage for no other reason than to leave. As I walked out into the main waiting area of the very plush office, I noted the utter shocked look on the secretary's face. I continued to exclaim loudly exactly what I thought of DCS and their corrupt practices and criminal behaviour. At that moment I threw the baseball bat with all the force I could muster at the wall of the office-wanting it to embed in the wall. It bounced and struck the belligerent DCS employee in the knees. I was extremely pleased with this. Satisfied, I walked to the lifts. The man struck in the knees attempted to enter the lift. I 'palmed' him hard in the chest and he flew back into the wall. I am perfectly capable of inflicting serious injury - he went home with his pride and knee hurt. He should be grateful.
  488. Expecting now to be jailed for assaulting a prison officer, I waited downstairs for police; in the centre of the busy city with my camera ready to go. No police came. At that stage I was ready to fight to the literal death. Extreme? Call it a protest for ALL the people shafted by the un-accountable Western Australian establishment and their notorious well-known reputation for cover up, intimidation and physical violence against dissidents. If not me, who? If not now? When? They had been caught a hundred times in serious breaches of multiple civil and criminal laws - front page news. And NOTHING changes. Just a small percentage is documented in this UNHCR Refugee application.
  489. I waited twenty minutes. No police came. I considered they may be waiting for me to cool down, out of such a public place. Regardless, I knew they would not allow what happened to go un-punished. On the way home on the train I received a call from the Perth District Court
  490. "out of the blue". It was a female voice stating to me that the court was ready to allow me to correct the trial transcript and compare with audio. The female stated that I just had to hand over my original transcript first. I replied I did not have the transcript, Legal Aid did as I was applying for funding. I hung up.
  491. I had been trying for four years to check that transcript as I knew large portions were missing and/or altered. I had initial permission in jail when first sentenced but had sent out the transcript to my then appeal lawyer interstate, believing the trial to be such a farce I would be out in a few months.
  492. I suspect the secretary at DCS had rung a friend at the Perth District Court and it was decided, before I created a major incident and things got out of control, they would kindly supply to me what they had been keeping from me for four years - but first they wanted my Page 225 of 1018 a- copy of the transcript to make sure I had no original copy of their alterations. I eventually did get an audio recording out of them with great difficulty. The alterations were obvious in the opening comments of the trial when they blatantly altered my very first responses to the lack of confirmation to my name.
  493. In the end no police came after that incident. One month later I did get a note from the WA Police Lost Property Section stating they had a baseball bat they believed belonged to me and I could pick it up. Never say the WA police don't have a sense of humour.
  494. DCS did not make a police complaint because they are fearful of coming under any blowback from their behaviour. Also, they knew I had considerable public support and their reputation was dirt. They also knew I would fight them to the death. They are used to dealing with drug addicts and the mentally ill. If a person is well regarded, they are usually easily intimated. I live by the credo, "If not now when? If not me? Who?" Acts of physical aggression are never my first option. After years of dealing with corrupt state employed officials, I realise it is the only language they understand.
  495. I cannot remember the exact date of this confrontation. But sometime after this I wrote the email to then Minister for Corrective Services Mr Joseph FRANCIS. The email "bounced" due to bad language. So I placed the email into my blog and sent the Minister the link. It was never initially intended to be made public. The Minister rang me a short time later
  496. sometime on the evening of October 10, 2014. We spoke for 32 minutes. THE INFAMOUS CALL WITH MINISTER JOE FRANCIS
  497. The Minister insisted I call him Joe and not Minister and as mentioned previously, the Minister stated these things to me in a very frank phone call.
  498. Direct quote: "I'm more scared of my own prison officers than I am of the bikies after I stopped their drugs getting into the jail."
  499. The Minister added he had retired Special Forces commander James MCMAHON as his commissioner, for his protection. (SAS, Colonel)
  500. The Minister believed prison officers had organised the break in of his home.
  501. The Minister stated his staff were incompetent with his accountant, in charge of a $900 million-dollar budget, did not know the difference between a one-million-dollar project and a hundred-million-dollar project. This was in relation to the GPS sex offender tracking program.
  502. The Minister stated he had to fight "tooth and nail" to have cameras installed in Hakea Remand Centre to prevent prison officers beating up prisoners.
  503. The Minister stated his staff was lazy and he and his corrective services commissioner James MCMAHON would arrive un-announced at prisons and "stand around" and wait for someone to ask them if they required any assistance. The Minister added they all appeared to be busy playing 'Angry Birds' on their phones.
  504. The Minister noted the high number of Masons who wore their Masonic Lapel Pin when he awarded them 20-year service awards.
  505. The Minister assured me he would personally oversee the investigation into my assault in jail and cover up. Page 226 of 1018
  506. The Minister also mentioned Peter SHACK. Liberal party powerbroker. I had met him in jail. This was in relation to an escaped prisoner Bernd NEUMANN. Mr. SHACK had relayed to the Minister that he was a decent person. Which is true, I had also gotten to know him well. Escape of Bernd Neumann from WA prison prompts changes https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western- australia/escape-of-bernd-neumann-from-wa-prison-prompts-changes-20140525-zrnml.html Former federal Liberal MP jailed for fraud https://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-04-26/former-mp-iailed-over-fraud/4653344
  507. Minister FRANCIS stated I was to relax and he wanted to speak to me about my experiences in jail. He stated he and James McMahon would be "having a beer."
  508. At the end of the call I stated that seeing as the Minister had been so open and honest with me, I would take down the blog. He replied, "I'll leave that up to you."
  509. I had in front of me a video camera which was switched on, ready to record. In seconds, I could have placed that call on speaker and recorded it. I did not. If people play straight with me, I play straight with them.
  510. I was a little disturbed with the Ministers forthright tone. But I was happy. He had a reputation for honesty. So too did his commissioner James McMahon.
  511. For reasons that escape me to this day, I left the blog post up. Part of me wanted it up until I saw something moving. I should have taken it down. Remember, I have an outstanding warrant for a "threat to kill". All I had to do was take it down and there would have been no charge.
  512. On October 23 rd , 13 days later, the Minister was confronted by a notorious sex offender upset about his GPS tracking and home detention rules. The Minister had related his frustrations of the GPS tracking budget of sex offenders to me over the phone. It was not a co-incidence. Corrective services minister Joe Francis clashes with notorious sex offender TJD https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/corrective-services-minister-ioe-francis-clashes-with-notorious-sex- Offender-tjd-ng-393f932e8dle3d9cb26b8a5cb0482bfa
  513. Previous to this, three days after the call, on or around October 13 , 2014 , recently retired Inspector of police Mr. Stephen JANCEC appeared on the Seven Networks "A Current Affair" to state how wonderful Masons are. I remind you the Seven network is owned by high level Mason Mr. Kerry STOKES who bough the Rothschild family Bible in August 2014 . M. JANCEC, the Master Mason of Perth, "retired" shortly after I posted this video on YouTube after my apartment was broken into and the power cable of my laptop stolen. ISRAELI AMBASSADOR INTIMIDATES WESTERN AUSTRALIAN COURT - VIDEO https://mega.nz/#!UqZ3ACgZ!gRQikOrDvoXawirCmLLp934eD2xb3CexllBgz-li2UE Page 227 of 1018
  514. Mr. STOKES has indeed done many good things for the state including allowing his newspaper to report on police corruption. He is also a close personal friend of Mr. Benjamin NETANYAHU and then foreign minister of Australia Ms. Julie BISHOP. Please see Appendix 6 and the sections of Masonry for background.
  515. I received another call from Mr. Paul MILWARD asking for myself to come into the same office as before. To speak with the same people. I refused stating the Minister had promised me he would personally oversee the investigation - and I was being sent back to the same people. POLICE VIDEO - RAID ON MY HOMELESS SHELTER ROOM, OCTOBER 30 th 2014 https://mega.nz/#!R6ZTXIAJ!IWqg6-Wd43E3ercMpmc5zpXnqvTDGW7IZ6mYdiBBP58
  516. I considered going but a friend stated it would not be wise to go in alone with no witnesses. On October 30, 2014, Paul MILWARD rang me four times in quick succession. Around 2pm that day. I refused every time stating I would not go back to the same people who had behaved so badly as before and were clearly, in the case of Mr. MILWARD, exhibiting extreme nervousness. I had expected a personal invite into the office of former SAS Commander and corrective services commissioner James McMahon.
  517. At 3.43pm that same afternoon - according to the raid transcript page ?? - police raided my room at the Homeless Shelter I was staying at and charged me with a "threat to kill" and "making a private telephone call public." They had no warrant and stated they were acting on an "imminent threat."
  518. I related to Sgt Mike SMIRK that the "threat" was issued 19 days before and I had spoken to the Minister about it the same night I posted it. If it was "imminent", they were 19 days late. He was in complete shock. I was chuckling, "Here we go again, another debacle coming up."
  519. Sgt Mike SMIRK was very professional and polite. At that stage, so too was Det. VULETA who was also present. We had a recorded police interview where I explained to them, I wanted to provoke a confrontation to gain publicity to my case and force a full enquiry into everything that had gone on.
  520. I related how a person who had threatened the premiere of the state with "death" over a proposed "shark cull" had made the front page of the main West Australian newspaper.
  521. In the police transcript of the raid (Page 260 of document):
  522. SMIRK: Okay, And we were let in by, uh, someone from administration. Okay. Urn, now at that time I did advise you that you were under arrest on suspicion of making a threat to kill and — Page 228 of 1018
  523. BOC: Well, not suspicious. I did make the threat to kill.
  524. SMIRK: Okay. I-
  525. BOC: Assistant Superintendent Security CASHMAN. The man who oragnised my beating via his organised crime links. The man I've been trying to get in trouble for a, two years now and have been completely fucked around.
  526. SMIRK: Okay.
  527. BOC: Great.
  528. SMIRK: So-
  529. BOC: Finally, something will be done.
  530. During the police interview video, you will note Sgt SMIRK state at the end that it had not yet been decided to charge me with any offenses and they would have to consult with a supervisor (Det. PAINI) before moving forward. Please note, I repeat, police had NOT YET decided to charge me with any offenses. They KNEW they did not want to go to court. They knew I wanted the publicity. VIDEO OF POLICE INTERVEW - ONE HOUR LONG https://mega.nz/#!Y35IVCBC!vFbSMt9PISV55XCvFbUaTLTzlRi9LhJwPoZOHM78Q-g
  531. They subsequently decided to go ahead, I presume as a strategy to keep me quiet.
  532. The next day I walked to the Parliamentary offices of Minister Francis and asked to speak with his staff. I was greeted cordially and escorted by three men in a black late model Range Rover 4WD and taken back to the DCS main office in the Perth CBD.
  533. I made a statement to Paul MILWARD. I cannot remember the details.
  534. I expected all the charges to be dropped, they did not. I made sure to leave up the blog post. If they wanted it down, they could drop the charges and mount a real investigation.
  535. After six months, Mr. Paul MILWARD and Ken CUMMINGS, investigators from DCS sent me a letter stating nothing was being done. I exploded at them. Telling them they were directly ordered by the Minister to mount a proper investigation. They stated in a face to face meeting that it would be better to get all the people involved on the stand and under oath in the W.A Supreme Court in a civil action. Of course, the corrupt WA legal and judicial establishment would just love me to waste as much time as possible - with zero money - trying to organise a civil action against a giant organised crime outfit in Western Australia.
  536. I was shown the letter from Royal Perth Hospital describing my care as perfectly fine with a self-evident displaced fracture in full view. It was clear Mr. Paul MILWARD feared for his safety - as did the Minister. EMAIL FROM MP DENNIS JENSEN & A VERY PUBLIC FIGHT WITH MINISTER JOE FRANCIS
  537. In late September 2015 I received an email from the P.Aof M.P Dennis JENSEN. He stated his interest in my case. I have since lost that email. Jensen was bom in Johannesburg, South Africa. He was educated at RMIT University, the University of Melbourne and Monash University, from where he has a PhD in materials science. He worked at the CSIRO as a research scientist and for the Department of Defence as a defence analyst before entering politics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis Jensen
  538. It seemed obvious to me the content of my High Court Synopsis and the Israel China relationship had caught his eye. Appendix 8 page 605 of this document. Page 229 of 1018
  539. Immediately Mr. JENSEN came under intense Liberal party internal attack, led by none other than Minister Joe FRANCIS himself. A huge front-page news article had then Minister Francis likening Mr. JENSEN to his dog. Page 424 of this document.
  540. There had already been a great deal of friction over the leadership of then prime minister Tony ABBOT, but I cannot help but feel Mr. JENSENS original writing to me was the instigator in the concerted attack. Liberal MP Dennis Jensen calls on Tony Abbott to resign https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/liberal-mp-dennis-iensen-calls-on-tony-abbott-to-resign-20150203- 1358jm.html MP Dennis Jensen dumped by preselectors in safe Liberal seat Jensen made headlines last week after it was revealed that several years ago he pitched a novel, involving graphic sex and a fictional war between Australia and an Indonesia-China coalition, to a publisher using his parliamentary letterhead. He admitted it was a mistake but questioned the timing of the leak. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/apr/Q3/dennis-iensen-dumped-preselectors-safe-liberal- seat Former MP Dennis Jensen fails in legal bid to find out who leaked erotic novel to journalist https://www.watodav.com.au/national/western-australia/former-mp-dennis-iensen-fails-in-legal-bid-to-find- out-who-leaked-erotic-novel-to-iournalist-20181124-p50i2u.html Dennis Jensen, West Australian MP, blames 'dirty tricks' after being dumped by Liberal preselectors https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-04-03/dennis-iensen-furious-at-losing-endorsement/7295310
  541. On seeing the final outcome of the political stoush, I sent this email to M.P JENSENS office. I find it interesting that Minister Joe Francis came after you two weeks after I made contact with your office - likening you to some sort of "dog". I have no idea what is going on. All I know is that I'm grateful you showed some support by indicating your interest in my case. On June 21st, Minister Joe Francis will be called to the stand to be asked questions about a 32 minute phone call he made to me. I sure hope he tells the truth when he puts his hand on the King James Bible. I find the whole affair distasteful. The Minister, btw, indicated he didn't care to much about my "israel stuff". I care about it, and it seems you do to. I wish you the best of luck. Regards, Bren don Link to original email - page 425 of this document
  542. I attended the August 9, 2016 sentencing for the threat to kill charge. I produced sentencing submissions - on page 265 of this document - that then lawyer Simon FRIETAG stated were "too controversial" to hand in and I should leave the entire process to him. Page 230 of 1018
  543. Mr. FRIETAG did not present my case well at all, completely mis-representing facts. I wrote this email to Legal Aid to request an investigation into all my recent lawyers. My email to Mr. FRIETAG is contained within it. I am not just being “difficult". All of the lawyers to a great and lesser degree were failing miserably to do the simplest things or answer my questions: EMAIL TO LEGAL AID COMPLAINING ABOUT LAWYERS 1 wish to make complaints against - Stephen Gabriel. Antony EYERS Simon Frietag Previous emails to Frietag are below. Legal Aid had previously asked me to formalise a complaint against Mr Antony EYERS. 1 refused to do so stating 1 had a complaint against every lawyer 1 had ever had starting with Rod Keeley in 2009.1further added 1 simply wanted the case over so 1 could leave the country as soon as possible. It has become obvious that the court system is holding me to account for things that previous lawyers should have corrected and fixed from the beginning. With a commencement of the complaints process 1 will gather all emails and materials reguired. Many thanks, Brendon O'Connell
  544. Forwarded Message - Subject: Fwd: Re: Simon Freitag - Appeal Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2016 14:04:59 +0800 From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To: Simon Freitag <[email protected]> This is my third email to you regarding the appeal against my conviction for utilizing a carriage device to menace, threaten or cause offense. It is indisputable that Detective Vuleta tampered blatantly with the Exhibit A evidence. 1 repeat to you that Judge Bowden was beside himself with anger when he realised the extent to which Detective Vuleta had tampered with the Facebook posts. The appeal was due months ago. You have never replied to me. Because of this endless delay, Chief Judge Sleight will be sentencing me with a conviction for "menacing" someone with a carriage device. This will add to his decision to jail me when the charge was a in fact a joke by inept and corrupt police who saw fit to tamper with evidence to get what they wanted - you have done nothing about this. 1 am extremely angry about it. 1 also want to make known to you that 1 am not happy with your legal representation at sentencing. Despite me handing to you a detailed sentencing submission it seems you did not take to much of it in. You told me over email that it would be better you put your own version in. 1 agreed to it Page 231 of 1018 with the hope of ending the debacle as soon as possible. But you failed on several basic fronts Simon -
  545. You failed to tell the judge the reason for the "threat". I had emailed the Minister because I felt my safety threatened and that of my family. It was an act of desperation. But you did not say that to Chief Judge Sleight. You told Chief Judge Sleight that I was merely "frustrated". Why did you do that when it was my clear instruction that I had grave and very real fears for my safety and that of my family from corrupt police and prison officers? It is admitted that I received a 32 minute phone call from Minister Joe Francis who told me he was more afraid of his own prison officers than he was of the bikies after he stopped their drugs getting into the jail.
  546. Much was made by senior prosecutor Thiering about my "late" plea of guilty. It is clear that for a year I had been trying to plead guilty. That is CLEAR from the emails and in fact it is also clear that Thiering had offered to take the matter back to the Magistrate court on a reduced charge of "threat to harm". It would seem lawyer Stephen Gabriel had made "no firm offer" to Mr Thiering. This is part of the reason why I sacked him. Antony EYERS then stated we should go to trial on the threat to kill when I told him I wanted to plead guilty. This was terrible advice and the reason Legal Aid wished to investigate Antony EYERS. NONE OF TFIIS FtAS BEEN RAISED on the public record. You have not mentioned it.
  547. Much was made of the terrible stress poor Mr Cash man - friend of The Finks with his mate Senior prison officer Paul Jarrett sacked for hugging Troy Mercanti - was under when I had immediately posted a blog posting after the call with Minister Joe Francis saying I had had a good result and an investigation was going to take place. I gave this to you in my submission. That was important to mitigate any garbage that Cashman was guivering with fear under his bed. Fie was afraid of being investigated - he is not afraid of me.
  548. No mention of the fact that the "threat" was known of and spoken about directly to me by Minister Joe Francis himself. I was not raided and charged until three weeks later and ONLY because I refused to attend a meeting with DCS investigators. Two hours later I was raided. Why was this not raised at the sentencing? Pretty important dont you think?
  549. You made no effort to call me to your office before the sentencing to speak with me. Simon, its clear you want no part of this matter. Thats clear to me. I am not going to be stuffed into jail by your piss poor effort at sentencing.
  550. Forwarded Message - Subject: Re: Simon Freitag - Appeal Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 07:44:53 +0800 From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To: Simon Freitag <[email protected]> Will you be looking into the appeal? Judge John Bowden was apoplectic when he saw what detective Vuleta had done. With regards complaints against Antony EYERS, it was Legal Aid that sent me the forms for that, I never asked for them. So it indicated they thought he had acted inappropriately as well. Whatever. It is 5 months since the trial and two months since this last email. Page 232 of 1018 Detective Vuleta has acted incredibly corruptly and tampered with evidence in a major way. As Antony EYERS said, police had raided my house, taken all of my computers, forensically examined them and THEN, she had produced highly edited exhibit A evidence, given to her by the complainant via email? Simon, I cant let this go. I makes an utter mockery of the whole process. Press TV are sending a full crew in a few weeks to Perth. They are going to be asking questions to a whole lot of people about what is going on. Including ringing the office of Minister Joe Francis. Simon, I am very tired and sick of all this. I feel nauseous every time I eat now. My tests for bowel cancer start September 6. Detective Justin Robinson and "Adam" came around a month ago begging for a ceasefire. In return they would organise a meeting with the Perth Islamic Council via a detective Paini who had previously threatened me and lied under oath about it - he got promoted. Nothing happened with regards the meeting. When I emailed DrJnied myself they had a mosque firebombed the same night. They know I'm talking to notorious ex copper and private investigator Terrence McLernon who has several books on police corruption and talks with Loyed Reyney from time to time. I feel distinctly unsafe in this state. I have high levels of anxiety - so forgive an "tone" you pick up in the email. Simon, I just need a yes or no with regards the appeal and holding Vuleta to account. The whole court process is a mockery right now with what she did. if I do not keep asking you about this the court of appeal will ask why I have not followed things up. On 21/06/2016 8:29 AM, Simon Freitag wrote:

I have not looked at the appeal matter yet and will let you know when I have. I agree that I need to look into it sooner rather than later.

A couple of things though, if a lawyer does not agree that you have arguable case that is their opinion, it is not evidence of misconduct.

Also talking about possible complaints against other lawyers could be misconstrued as intimidation so please leave that out of your correspondence with me.

Simon Freitag Barrister Albert Wolff Chambers Level 7 33 Barrack St PERTH WA 6000 Phone: (08)9218 9200 Fax: (08) 9218 9300 Mobile: 0417 911 352 Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation From: Brendon O'Connell[mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, 20 June 2016 5:25 PM To: Simon Freitag Page 233 of 1018 Subject: Simon Freitag - Appeal

Simon. There is the matter of a WASCA appeal. The reason for my falling out with Anthony EYERS and why I'm in your office.

The trial in question took place on the 21st of March - IND1741/15. "Utilizing A Carriage Device To Menace Threaten Or Cause Offense."

The Exhibit A evidence was grossly tampered with. Judge Bowden was apoplectic. Anthony EYERS stated, "Your honor, detective Vuleta raided this mans house, took his computers and conducted a forensic examination of them and then utilizes an email from the complainant to gather the evidence?" Anthony EYERS then went on to tell me after he had done his "research" that there was no hope of a successful appeal because I had signed off on the evidence

Legal Aid even sent me the paperwork - un-requested by me - for a complaint against Anthony EYERS for misconduct.

I refused to take part. I found it rather interesting that Legal Aid were so keen to go after him.

I am worried the longer it is left, the easier it will be forgotten. The charge is minor but detective Elizabeth Vuleta must be held to account.

B Full email page 426 of this document

  1. At the sentencing, a final decision was again delayed. I was fuming at Simon FRIETAGS "piss poor effort" in his mitigating points to the judge - contained above. Chief Judge SLEIGHT ordered another three-month delay and a psychiatric report.
  2. I knew they were going to keep this delaying process going on forever. I decided to leave to Malaysia and/or Iran and request assistance and/or asylum. END Page 234 of 1018 INDICTMENT FORM 4: CPR r!4 _ | Criminal Procedure Act 2004 riminai Procedure Rules 2005 District Court At: Perth [Number: 1243 of2015 T ■ [ " ■ ■ - -— ■ Indictment 6 Parties State of Western Australia " r.y rJ <2 'Sfcxf Zo>b
  3. j i// Brendon Lee O'Connell

    Z. tPi-J Details of 1, an authorised officer, allege that j Charge CRC 338B(a) (1) On HI September 2014 at Maylands Brendon Lee O'Connell made a PE 110475/14 threat to unlawfully kill l.iam Samuel Cashman. e/t'’ < c C U-,. Accused's Name: t Brendon Lee O’Connell [details Date of birth 27 October 1970 Male Address 8 B Wesley RISE, Joondalup WA 6057 Witnesses The prosecutor intends to summons the people on the attached list to give evidence Authorised Name: David Justin Thiering DPP No: officer Title: Senior State Prosecutor 14/6196 L Office: Director of Public Prosecutions for WA Level 1 International House 26 St Georges Tenact' PERTH WA 6000 Signature: Date: 23 September 2015 L ( to'-si') Page 235 of 1018 Page 236 of 1018 1>a * c 2 BRIEF No: STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS

    _ (CONTINUE D)

    SUMMARY OF OFFENCE assaulted by other unknown prisoners. 1301122 1 Page 237 of 1018 Page / Page_of

    Issue 2 - Blog “Isolate but preserve” post “My email to Departm ent Of Corrective Service - Western Australia’ CiSneS C u-id delailed ' n lhLS ' SSUC
    idcn,ificd by First Class Consl; ‘hle PATTULA of the Computer The following information was obtained from the URL http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com.au This website is a weblog name “Isolate but preserved”. The posts on this blog are publically available, a username and password is not required to view the posts. The following is a post posted on the 10 October 2014 titled “My Email To Department Of Corrective services Western Australia This post contains text, images and hyperlinks. A 'persona Aefdom” run m a comtxnabon or Jews*) Power and Masonic interests - or ooat molesters as i e lo caa them Whether mey are Kerry Stokes (news papers) or Gna Reignhardt or Twiggs Forest (mrtngi or inspector Steve Jancec (potortg> or Chier judge of me Supreme Cout Wayne Marin gudKiay) or anv one of a rtumoer of hign roders ntown including major organised enme Agues - tney nave one common pond untt mat bond is exposed • until cs foeofogcat foundation n Jewish Power is revealed - we w« nave no peace We w« nave no justice We w not have Trutn nnp isotatebut preserve Nogspot com70iAl)2Ayrry^<ountnes so-temV^of tvaei ntml htip MsolateOutpreserve Nogspot corrv20 1 4/06/Wfty meUa^gncrog-rny -story ntrrt http tsoiateOut preserve Nogspof conv 201 ADi ts-tnrs best-wntmg^n-jewish power Wmt Captures File Click on the following object for a larger image of the above screen capture. 0 14-10-2014 9-55-24 AM - post 10 oct w ur PRIVACY \ND C ONnOtNTULm NOTH I uirmfetl for Kulke um ll nMUlni privileged and cuifWWnUnl infornMUixxi for law enfoitetanit parpen* If yui *n mil »n intended rvriptonl. UAv Mi| bU>w In irUliun In H. If Um nwlrnnl i« tued foe u*i»er Utan Umm fide L> enfoet eiuent purpuic «n» peevua • »» j ui mmmi. tuple. »*rnle oe adtfeUm nt t*e gutlli of mi nflenre under Um ( rtnnn*J < ode ue Um (lMltkalium IPutklicwUoo*. I llmi ami < nmpUlM CmM

    — Page 238 of 1018 / Plea.sc retain this copy for vi »ur record s J.: Page 239 of 1018 ACCUSED: ADDRESS: ARRESTED AT: DEFENCE COUNSEL: Interviewing Officer: Video Interview Length: 1 , 't.'t.)lSNI;.l,l, HreiidonLee .55 CenUii! A.yc, Maylands WA 605 1 Maylands . AGE: .44. TIME: 3:35 I’M DATE: W10/2014 . PHONE: . A video l«|)«l interview win conducted with die accused by SM,klv M Rank Sergeant. No: 10 307 65 minutes UMMARY OF OFFENCE ACCUSED I O'CONNM I ltiemlonl.ee OFFENCB: Threaten to Kill Section 338B(a) Criminal Code Ki l l KI WI NUMBER 1010Ml61X110307 VICTIM I: CASHMAN Liam Samuel In January 2014 the accused was released from prison after being convicted and serving 3 years for racial vilification offences. The offences related to the on-line posting of a video and subsequent blog posts that were racial in nature After his release from prison the accused created a blogging site entitled "Isolate But Preserve." On this site he up loads video and written content containing his theories on police and judicial corruption and what he calls Jewish racial and religious supremacist!) On the 10th of September 2014. die accused up loaded to "Isolate But Preserve" an e-mail that he attempted to send to the Minister for Corrective Services, the Honourable Joe FRANCIS In this e-mail the accused made a threats to kill the complainant (CASHMAN) who is currently serving Prison Officer Continued Next Page

    —— - —-— - INVESTIGATING OFFICER fO STfTON/SQUAD I haveimiMated the cooler... of lhi» tine! .( apCDval officer ho SUPERVISING OFFICER N\ • ■■
  4. nv lii-e-ded to the Ouecl ItaowSgclicvc n»r « ot “ • ,NEGATING OFFICER STA riON/SQUAI> COMMITTED FOR SENTENCE/TRIAL SMIRK. M ( AAA l *v ) - Rank Sergeant No 10307 Surname <t Initial " Signature Suite Security InvcMiitatlon Group Bate 51/103014 d cntily IM Ihe • W f..|»i«lr tl.nrjf /1 h«w bee n (Helmed Wd tli.il Ujiud’li ludioenl evidenee lo .uppon die cfc "J -— Rank IW Sergeant No <>082 Surname A Initial Signature MICK1.H, C Rank Dei sen. Sergeant_ No 6848 Surname A Initial Signature r ( . llW ,e M., .11 duomwiu. (twtenal. end other info.n»Uo« cooee.ee., .11 popped ^uecuueo ih* <crcit «o ciiliet tltc pfmcculioo or defence Rank - - No

    Surname <4 Initial Signature Date FROM


    Magistrates TO .COURT .SESSIONS Man th/Ytar Ditlrici/Supr eme Page 240 of 1018 23 . 02.2016 STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS

    (CONT INUED) SUMMARY OF OFFENCE In part the e-mail states, I have not forgot a single thing, A single face. A single insult. A single corrupt act. Not one - ami “f, 11 bU Assislam Superintendent Security Unit CASHMAN The man who set me up to Ire bashed. If , Ht IAN thinks I ve forgotten about him he belter think again. It’s personal now. No amount of Masonic lodge connections. No amount of organised crime links and favours is going to save him. He is going to be the first to die You think I 111 joking'.' Fucking try me. CASHMAN is a walking dead man. He can be investigated - publicly, his best option or he can tucking die. You think I’m over reacting? I could have been fucking killed. He set that up and he’s going to pay lor it. Hither through you and the rule of law or through the fucking law of Brendon Lee O’Connell. No one sets me up to be brutally bashed and is going to get away with it. Finding his location ischilds playr On the 30th of October 2014 the accused was arrested on suspicion and his premises searched under die powers of Section 133 of the Criminal Investigation Act The accused was conveyed to Perth Police Station where he participated in a video record of interview, in which he admitted to authoring the e-mail and up loading it to his blog site. In explanation he stated that the complainant was responsible for sending him to unit 2 at Casaurina Prison where he was assaulted by other unknown prisoners. Page 241 of 1018 3 I-iam Samuel CASHMAN STATES
  5. I am 61 years of age and reside at a location known to police.
  6. 1 am employed by the Department of Corrective Services (DCS) as a Prison Officer and hold the rank of Senior Officer.
  7. 1 have worked for DCS since July the 19 th
  8. 1 have worked at Casuarina since January the 4 ,h 2011.
  9. In my current role at Casuarina 1 am employed in Unit 1 and my role includes the management of standard supervision prisoners and the management of prisoners on lesser privilege regimes.
  10. On Monday the 27 th of October Detective Senior Constable SMIRK from the Western Australia Police came to my residence to speak to ;ne about Brendon O’CONNELL CO
  11. 1 had no immediate recollection of O’CONNELL.
  12. He then mentioned that O’CONNELL participated in a hunger strike whilst at ipf Casuarina.
  13. This triggered my memory as to who he was but I could not remember ever having any (fjr- issues with him. / /J Y / XO • jm - Page 1 of 4 'OSCr? 3q//o//V Page 242 of 1018
  14. II. Detective SMIRK read a highlighted paragraph from a document entitled My Email to Department of Corrective Services Western Australia. He said the document was allegedly authored by O'CONNELL.
  15. In that paragraph it stated in part “and the first to get it will be Assistant Superintendent Security Unit CASHMAN”, “II CASHMAN thinks I have forgotten about him he belter think again. It’s personal now", “He is going to be the first to die”, “CASHMAN is a walking dead man”, “He can be investigated publicly, his best option or he can fucking die" and “No one sets me up to be brutally bashed and is going to get away with it. Finding his location is child’s play.”
  16. On the 28 th of October 2014 whilst on annual leave I attended work to look at the Total Offender Management System (TOMS) to refresh my memory as to my dealing with Brendon Lee O’CONNELL W |4. As 1 originally thought he did not come to my attention in any adverse way at all.
  17. Front my inspection of the IOMS system I can say that O’CONNELL was assaulted whilst he was in Unit 2 and at that time 1 was working in unit \ XO • ( 0 ' ' Page 2 of 4 Page 243 of 1018 5
  18. 1 have also never acted in the position of Assistant Superintendent Security but 1 have acted in the position of Assistant Superintendent Prisoner Management.
  19. 1 have never worked in the Security Department of the prison. IX. My reaction to these threats is that 1 am shocked and threatened for mine and my wife’s personal safety.
  20. 1 am also very concerned about the statement that says I’m a dead man walking and the statement that he could easily find my address.
  21. Particularly, that in my opinion, he has no reason to hate me as there was no adverse interaction between us in the prison.
  22. In my line ol work I have been threatened numerous times for multiple reasons by prisoners but 1 have never taken it personally because the threat is usually aimed at the uniform I wear.
  23. But I take this threat differently because it has been written down, published online by a convicted prisoner who is now free.
  24. 1 am worried about the unknown and this has affected my wife greatly ./ Page 3 of 4 Page 244 of 1018 1 declare that this statement is true to the best <>f my knowledge and belief and that I have made this statement knowing that if it is tendered in evidence I will be guilty of a crime if I have wilfully included in this statement anything which I know to be false or that I do not believe to be true. Signed^^a ''-'Z'j&s/ 3d • lQ - l </- Page 4 of 4 Page 245 of 1018 WESTERN AUSTRALIA POLICE Computer Crime Squad THIS REPORT MA) h.SSlVE MATERIAL Analysis Report Task 3047-14 & 3048-14 Created By You PATTUI.A First Class Constable PD 12352 Computer Crime Squad (D >61 8 9220 0770 (F) you. pauulad police wagov.au Date 07 January 2015 l*KI\ v. •. VMM I'M II.I SUV! tn MUK I ih# (nferinjCkM In life report b Intended for Police It contains pri»il*ed confi.kntfcl Information foe enforcement purycno. If >ou are not an leUmM recipient. , ' tmitf ....tribute or take an; actfeo in relation to lL It Che rraterlal b e<d for other t hi* bxio flrtc b« enforcement purpose* $} penoo «ho pa«<ve». coplev ' denKHMtratcv It ad.Wl be* may be guilt i of an offence under the Criminal Code or the ClMsificatiom (hafcScttiom. and Computer Games) 1 ' Enforce mens Art I Page 246 of 1018 •’age 2 Page_of. 17 Fable Of Conteni TABLE OF CONTENTS. IMPORTANT NOTES. ... 2 Documents retained at tub Computer crime Squad Reports may contain offensive material. . . Jtems in this Report may attempt to connect to'the Internet. “? Re-naming oeeil&s. . . rZn'l ™ S , SESS e ' 0N " IIS XWOR I MAY TONS, n , U an oh^nc-,: .3 Compu rbH Crime Squad numbering scheme OVERVIEW OF TASK. .. ’ S™ “ISOLATE BUT PRESERVE” POST “EMAIL TO FOREIGN MINISTER jUUF .... END OE REPORT. .10 ANNEX! RE A - TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. PRIVAC Y \ ND rONFIDCXflALITY NOTICE Ibt loformocSoai in Ihit report it intended fee Pcfcce in* II containt pHttttged »«jI confidential Infoerrul/un foe Ian enforcer,-! purport If >oo ut NX an i.Mtndtd mipn - jw mutt rrA copy. distribute or lake am action in relation 10 It If the material fa uted (it other than botia fi.fe tiv* mforceimnl purport any fritco Mho j.ctvcv co*4ev «. tupphet. tntminitv lrn.-aw4ral« or adttrtfies m> be a» nfTrcKc under the Criminal Coile or the Clattincatiam (Putbcal/om, I Unit and i‘.«r.jxir <r (-.«», i EAlMnmiX Art 1996 Page 247 of 1018 My I ..rail To Department or Corrective Services - Western Australia htto:/<i S r»t»tebutprcserve.blo| 31 10th OctoberMy Email To Department Of Corrective Services - Western Australia I went through three years of hell in one of the most corrupt states in Australia A "personal ftefdom" run by a combination of Jewish Power and Masonic interests - or "goat molesters'" as i like to them Whether they are Kerry Stokes (news papers) or Gina Reignhardt or Twiggy Forest (mining) or Inspector Steve Jan (policing) or Chief Judge of the Supreme Court Wayne Martin (judiciery) or any one of a number of high rollers in l including major organised crime figures - they have one common bond Until that bond is exposed - until its ideological foundation in Jewish Power is revealed - we will have no peace We have no justice We will not have Truth http //isolatebutpreseive blcgspot conV2014/02(why-are-countries-so-ternfiedof-israel html |http /ftsolatabulp reserve blog spot, com/2014/02fwhy-3re-coubinGS-so-teinlKKJo, -Israel html] http //isolatebutpreserve.blogspot corrV2014/06Avhy-is-media-ignoring-my-story html [http//.solatebutpreserve biogspot q 014. , 06/v.hy-is-media-ignonng-my-story html] htlp //isolatebutpreserve blogspot conV2014/03Tis-this-best-wrjting-on-jewish power html Ihllp rnsolalcbutpreserve blogspot comfitO 14/03te-lhis-best-wr,ting-on-|ewish-power html) ho GO o ho h!tp ,74 j, p t 5 iogspotcom/. 9 z<lR«y'd 8 <WOd 7 CQWi- , ,, -r.nnrnnf.ni? Ole' eB r f " 519f-i1e3-b7b4-89041ea37fi3!ljpg) ql/AAAAAAAAC4g,DI99hLUs2l S1600/5060 • Joe Francis wlh former SAS Cdonel James McMahon s a loaner ™n*r o. .he Ro,a, Na„ -I knee is w kmy. « IS Submarine which for those of you w o published that its weapons and sensor systems ns Cass see U* slaOeO 1W. -V «. » «»* » sli modified and no doubt in the han s specia i forces commander JAMES MCM w Australian Defence Force buddy on board m «»Jom J^^OU^khnMi ■rwwvwatoday.com au wa-news When Woorol oo Prison Staff put food all through my pn rmssioner of Corrective Services He was ve* he kindty came down to the prise r they sen, me off to Greylands Hospital for a mental M «•» . (hep went T ha, ;ed along <he line at morning and muster and gave me a wmk V zote of confidence » ,ead a«,n, ho„ a, r,-;r:r:rr»sr l , „. - —- ll/t* Page 248 of 1018 ton mnniw Simms \W-slcnt Attstritli* hllpV/isola pot com/ »4/bl «clciyMWd*0 jSm: Aoo»h;Io30u|H3<I< {*)! Loon Wondc luack spy •' private company How he installed the weapons and sensor systems on the sub and ensured the software was working I know this is true because I saw dozens of ptioto's and video of him in the sub doing exactly that - before there was a single image online of tlie interior When you searched for "l eon Wende" online you would find instantly his photo and articles related to him now you find zero O often forget there are huge numbers of people who have only recently found out about my case and them is no good summary about how it all started I will seek to rectify that I tie new Corrmssionet and Minister for Corrective Services must be doing a good job because they are almost universally despised by prison staff • not all - just most Why wouldn't they be’ DCS staff have been getting away with literal murder tor years - totally unaccountable They have been flogging millions of dollars worth of food building materials power tools dealing dtugs. mobile phones and flogging prisoners for years Along the way they harass prisoners for an extra milk bladder - its funny when you think about it Let me tel you a funny story - one ot literally hundreds I have • I was getting harassed at Wooroloo Orison Farm 1 because they would not allow me to ipot com buy calcium supplements so I would barter extra milk bladders and they would scream at me about it and threaten me with this or that i had done everything right and written letters etc Finally I snapped and got in the face of one of the bastards and said 'Shut your htckmg mouth 1 You lot of corrupt bastards have been flogging that much food from here its a wonder we get any meal at all!' With that he turned around and walked off and I never heard another word again about an extra n«lk bladder or two (250ml of mlk) But whats funny is this • alter being lucky to find two pieces of tiny chicken in the stir fry all of a sudden we had more neat than we could poke a stick at 1 Meat was piled high in the kitchen area and rt could not be refrigerated and was going oft Why’ Because for 20+ years staff have been helping themselves hand over fist to meat and other products, and with alt the reforms and treat coming on them they had to stop flogging everything that wasn't nailed down - that included the meat from Karnett Prison Farm They couldn't suddenly stop ordenng %40 less so they let it pile up as they stopped flogging It out of fear one story I have hundreds like this CO Prisoners are bashed literally at the jail and metaphorically In the media as "cnms" while the "other” cnms (log and rob the 0*5 ,„rn Australian tax payer at will Whal about all the powoi tools that go missing’ The private work done (or prison 'dsrs in the industry sections ol (ails with tax payet funded materials WHOIE KITCHENS' This has been going on for years meanwhile the prisoners get harmxired for the slightest infractions Do people understand why the cnms get [hey know they're "crims", what about the ones in blue and karkhl’ A-r I kid I renumbered the film •Brubaker" staring Robert Redtord A Hue story about a Prison Warder reformng the Brubaker is a 1980 American ,/pfl starring Robert Radford ll/IV/2014 10.1 Page 249 of 1018 ■>M.' li<IV|MiimentOI ( mn-clm- Scmm Wtoslern Auslralia Imp V<s<il.tl< l>iji|>ri--.crv<- 33 Itiilii'i'l Itidtoril "ItIUlHAKfiK" .-.i i itanif t>H " wi a I'H'HV'I III l\l lilViNMH 1 " • • flMUiOlm <1 M [h«p /ft bp btogspot coro/uf _tmGIFtcl/VDeDORrMXBi /AAAAAAAACz8Ml|TW7JkqR98/Sl6Q0/250p-Bfubai<&F mov*post*.--']pgl ' ( ■; Kotto [https tem Wikipedia otgAmhiiYooho: Kollo] and David Kc/tii ■•■■■, ■ • k ; \xxkvOavKI_KeithJ The film, winch was directed by Stuml Rosenberg [https/fan mr-woia om \ Rosenberg] . is a fictionalized account of a 1967 prison srunoo ; • , , . .iiouHPi so yscnndallin Arkansas [hlh>s//on waaicdKi ,:gAv, :/A - : :s[. It charts the attempts ol a reforming warden to clean up a corrupt and violent penal system The film features a large supporting cast including :.f nt!ir ki.tllmo Gcoige [https//on v,ikipedia on}\viki/Natt\an_Geoiriel . Everett McGill [intps/fan w-ieedio.org • ■ : ■ Mi.Gilll , Mltnay Hamilton [http* Hen wikipedui org/v.ihuiiiunay Ho-n-un • . M Emmet Walsh and an early appearance by Morgan / , It was nominated for Best Original Screenplay / "/ r- .- , • . at the >98 1 In 1969 a mysterious man (Robert Radford ’ ■ • n »•.; ) armies at Wakefield Slate >.i m wnaptidiu .»..»'/.>» ' in Arkansas As an inmate he immediately witnesses rampant abuse and corruption, including open and endemic sexual assault, torture, worm-ridden diseased food, insurance fraud and a doctor charging inmates for care Brubaker eventually reveals himself during a dramatic standoff involving a deranged prisoner who was being held in solitary nntiiir.-mi'iit ■>«».. Hon wikipmU.i nigrwtkiASMitiy . ■ ■ntmnnumtl to bo tho now pnson warden to the amazement of both prisoners and officials alike With ideals and vision. Iw attempts to rofonn tlw prison, with an oyc towards prisoner rehabilitation and human rights lie recruits several longtime pnsoners including trustees pulps rron wiknwfm erg liii-.lv system • yZSpiisniiV./')[ Latiy too Button (David Keith fiil'm- v.ikiiiviko o«;Avrkt/Uik«/ Kodhl ) and Richard "Dickie" Coomhos (Yaphel Kott<‘ 7•■■■ • ' • ■w.ki/Y.whut, km- ,;). to assist him with the reform. Their combined efforts slowly improve tho pnson conditions, but Ins stance inflames several cornjpt officials on tho pnson board who have profited from graft (httpr. /nnwib.-.iidiauig , at couiiijiioi)/ for decades When Brubaker discovers multiple unmailmd grave:- ii'i:>i>M-" ■■■•i ip'in : • a , - . on pnson property, ho attempts to unravel tho mystery loading to political scandal A trustee decides to make a run 11 '19/2014 10 I Page 250 of 1018 mail to tapnrtmciu Of Corrective Services ^teroAustraHa tap://i W h«eb«pre*^^pota 'Z VTn 'Tr " Wf "" n " f "" 1,0 heM acc °'" lteW ° '""><> on inmate the resetting gunfigh, ,n Z Du "« n k , ' l ; P™°s <o be the clincher that the prison born, need (acting with ,ho Jtlpp,L, of II ie governor) lo fire Brubaker A statement before the credits explains that two years after Brubaker was find, 24 rnmate s led by Cttont res, sued the prison The court ruled that the treatment of the prisoners was unconstitutional and the prison system was ultimately reformed Meanv/hile the governor was not re elected I bought the movie on DVD and donated it to the prison when I was still there It was a very popular movie But getting back to my ema.l to the Minister for DCS here it is I focus especially on my medical treatment (or lack thereof) and the cover up of my organised bashing by Assistant Superintendent Security Unit CASHMAN of Casuanna Prison N5 Minister several months ago I tiad the displeasure of meeting a member of your staff in the offices of the Justice Intelligence Service I cannot recall live exact date but Im sure there will be a full report somewhere Adrian R.verland (very pleasant and the not the target of my complaint) first contacted me after emailed your office He was polite and respectful and I felt trappy that at last I might get some raction in the ongoing process of exposing what was done to me while under the care' of DCS especially the gross cover up of my assault and subsequent removal of medical records ncludmg xrays On that particular point I walked around with a completely untreated Jisplaced fracture of my right ulna for a month pleading constantly it was broken (, am a ormer Registered Nurse) liven after be.g diagnosed as such, and requiring a pm and plate. it ,as deerted to leave it and snrply put an above elbow cast on .t All this after I had told a It IVJ0I4 10:1 Page 251 of 1018 cp.ii tnient < >1 Corrective Services Western Australia ht(p://jsi>latcbnlpreserve.bl<)gspoix< Scnio. Officer in Un.t 2 (Casuarlna Pnson) that I l»ad been set up by staff to be bashed I was told not to worn/ and go back to my cell 5 minutes later I tay brutaHy assaulted unconscious with a blown pupil and rushed to hospital where I was treated like human garbage and not given close to the appropriate care I know I used to work in that Emergency Department I know what a fresh and moving fracture looks like I saw that x-ray Minister - it required a pin and plate but I was refused it and told it had been healing to long This was a blatant lie as I had been in extreme pain for a month with the bone constantly moving preventing it from healing THIS IS WHY THE FIRST X-RAY TAKEN ONE MONTH AFTER THE ASSAULT AT CASUARINA PRISON WAS "DISAPPEARED" This xray was taken at Albany Regional Hospital on October the 12th. 2012 I received after much complaining - a digital image of that xray on disc Minister, it is my sincere opinion that xray on disc has been doctored to make the bone appear more knitted' I remember the xray film on the wall of tfie surgery at Albany Regional Prison I remember the shocked look on the face of the staff They immediately said it would require a pin and plate obviously The shattered bone was self evident, the freshness (still) of the break self evident because it had been moving constantly causing me great pain This is why that particular xray film was disappeared The reason for the refusal for a pin and plate may well be based on my Special Prisoner Profile rating and lack of staff to guard me in hospital I note that in FOI documents I was not to leave the prison grounds without the express permission of the Superintendent and with minimum 3 prison officer escort Amazing - little old me worse than a mass murderer or Guantanamo Bay terrorist suspect I take the compliment with full honors - Truth is indeed dangerous Perhaps the addition of an operation being required would also make the paperwork and results of a possible legal action more comp'icated and expensive’ Whatever the reasons what was done was done, and Minister I have never seen nor heard of a more incompetent fuck up Of a cover up in my life Do the people that have lied and stolen medical records etc think I am going to walk away from this’ Quite clearly Minister I am an extremely resourceful and focused individual I am also extremely forgiving and tolerant of the failures of human beings We are all ’sinners'm the true sense of the word We all make mistakes We all are in need of forgiveness both professionally and spiritualty But what I experienced over 18 months in the lead up to the trial, and 3 years in jail, and the last 9 months since being released, tells me there is a co-ordinated and well resourced and well informed group of individuals in this State who believe they are thoroughly way above the taw and any accountability what so ever The people who have followed me, tracked me, traced me. intercepted my phone calls, broken into where I am living, stolen evidence, messed with electronic coninunications equipment and destroyed evidence are clearly well resourced at the STATE level Who might that be’ By what intellectual, moral and group bonds are they operating minister’ What 'TribaF bonds Minister’ Minister do you think this is going to end well’ The immoveable object meets the irresistible force Its not going to end well Beware someone with nothing to lose I am single and have been for over 13 years I have been alone that entire time I own nothing. I owe nothing And I've shown Minister when push comes to shove I will not back down go and ask some of the staff who have had to deal with me When it comes to the Truth - let it be known, though the 11 / 19/2014 10:1 Page 252 of 1018 xvrmi 7-n>iniii;f hltp //isolatcbutprcs? rvc .blog*po4.c< 1 l l,1W ' , " S ,a " " s 901 ng 10 come ou > 1 will never back down I will never go away and I am

    prepared to use violence in the attainment of the goal of complete Truth in this matter Make no mistake do..t say you never saw this coming I have said the exact same thing in erreil communication with the Foreign Ministers Office I know the law and what the state can do to me by the uttering of the words - "use violence With that full knowledge I will repeat it again I will use violence in my persuit of the Truth of this matter to bring to the public's attention not only the gross corruption and cover up I experienced while in prison but also the corrupt actions of the legal system and political system that saw vast numbers of politicians attend a rally one week before the original August 16th 2010 start of my trial to support the opposition in my case In attendance were the Israeli Ambassador to Australia and Israeli Deputy Foreign minister (via video link) and Australia's very own Foreign Minister Steven Smith It was an international incident on an epic scale - just 6 weeks after inspector of counter terrorism Barry Shelton emailed me • "We all respect your work " He also related he wanted to meet with me after a counter terrorism conference in Melbourne at which Hillary Clinton was attending as then Secretary of State to talk about Israeli intelligence activity in Australia and elsewhere I take it he knew what tie was doing when he placed that email on the Gmail server of which the Israeli state has full access - hence the Israeli Ambassador turning up 6 weeks later http /Asolatebutpreserve btogspot corrV2014/09/ringing.otfice-of-julie-bishop-oz htm) |bttp //rsolatebutpreservo blogspot com/7014i'09/ringiiv|-office-of-|u!> 0 -bislx>p-O/! him;] http /hsolatebutpreserve blogspot conV2014r06/v/hy-is-medra-ignoring-my-story trtmi

    http itisolalebutpreserve Dlogsoct corn/2014,QQ/why is media ignoring my story htmf
    httpV/isolatebutpreserve.blogspot com , 2014/02/why-are-countries-so-terhfied-of-israel htmi

    (http insolatebutpreserve Dlogspotcom/2014/02/wnyare-couniries-so-territiedot-isiael html) Minister, I hope I do not have to spell all this out for you? I hope you grasp the gravity of the situation? I put the previous sentence in bold and bigger letters m the hope it adds to the effect Brendon O'Connell is not going to go away not with out a bang any way Pun intended I have no choice but to consider extreme action if I cannot get any one to listen to me lam being ignored minister -1 will not be ignored Minister • deal with it One way or another you are going to have to deal with me It can be the hard way or the easy way. but you're going to have to deal with me It is not going to be done quietly, it is going to be done with full accountability. In public. If someone in your office, or the office of the Foreign Minister, or the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions think they have it over me. that they can "play a game" and win - think again If you or anyone else Mimsler thinks you can out Machiavellr" me - think hard on that one They laughed at me in jail when wenl on a hunger strike they wern't laughing /9 days later Never doubt my resolve nor my willingness to carry through with actions Never It may take me a while to make up my mind on important issues - 6 weeks for hunger strike - but once made. its going to happen I think part of the problem is that I appear way to "sane" I'm sure Pastors. Counselors, Nursing 11 / 19/2014 10:1 Page 253 of 1018 mi tnit'iit Ot < omvtivv Services Western Australia hUp://isolat6butprescrv(;.hlog>pot.c( and Mt ' dlcal s,afl ,rom ,he P"son system have assured relovant departments that Brendon OConiwII is a nice person l-to reads Jung, the Bible and has a deep arvd reflective caring peisonality Minister, believe me, you are playing with fire Talk is cheap'? Try me they tried nx? for 18 months in tl>e lead up to the trial and I gave it back They tried it during the trial and I made it clear how far I would go They tried to break me over three years in the prison system and failed and although I will forget DCS. DCS will never forget me Minister, I have been to the CCC and I was told to go away That is was 'Your word against his", to do with threats by Detective Timothy Richard Rami (subsequently demoted) I went three times to Agent Steve Lamborn at the AFP and reported what was happening the break ms, the harassment, the communications interference, the hacking, the harassment of a friend in the US He told me "I cant wave a magic wand and fix all this " I was devastated This was the Australian Federal Police He looked nervous These were the people on the telly who tell the Australian public they are in control Well, clearly, on this issue they were not - they looked positively terrified On this same issue I will remember the words of Detective Steven Hawkes at Hakea Remand center when he came to see me along with Detective Glenn Frame of Tasmanian Police over a video I did of the Port Arthur massacre in 1996 Detective Hawkes said - "I'm nst a drono", and shrugged his shoulders Meaning - "I cant do anything, dont expect us to do anything." This was in relation to Israel and various issues surrounding spying, assassination and military contracts Its good to know who is really running things in Australia and it appears it isn't the government of Australia nor its agencies When I think of our 'brave soldiers'' in the ADF I think of "weak cunts" who do as they are told More scared of being on the "outer" than of dying Thats weak, tliats not strong Real men stand up for Truth Any coward can do seemingly brave things because they are terrified of being ostracized and atone that is in fact a psychological state the army deliberately promotes. To "stand by your mates", even when your government is sending you to fight and die and murder for the Israeli State and the economic interests of the 'Jewish Power run American Empire This psychological manipulation was pioneered by the German Army in WW2 and has taken root in all armies ever since - 'if you cant justify fighting, dying and killing with a great moral purpose, fight for your mates " Nice one Is that the way you think Minister? Put your mates before Truth? Put your political career before Truth"? Put your social and financial comfort before Truth"? You wouldn't be the first nor the last Minister, in closing, when I attended the Justice Intelligence Service office I was greeted in a hostile manner by one of your staff The other member of staff was quiet I believe that was Adrian Riverland - the man who first invited me to the office I recorded his ptione call to me and I sent it on to Colleeen Egan of The West Australian Newspaper' by the way The other member of staff was belligerent and clearly hostile His tone of voice, body language and demeanor spewed forth ulter hatred of Brendon O’Connell He despised me and it was written all over his face Clearly, "looking after his mates" was high on his priority He opened with, "What do you want?" My jaw dropped Not just the words but the tone and inflection I wanted to break his head open Make no mistake - 3 years of hell was about to break out onto his skull and he can thank his lucky stars for my fear of doing 20 years for a piece of garbage like himself Talk is cheap - but I want to re-iterate it - lie was close to not making it home to his wife and kids but he will no doubt laugh at the proposition He might well think again before he opens his mouth in such a manner to someone off the street Clearly he nistook me for the usual "drug fucked enm" he deals with daily I dont want to go into the altercation Suffice to say it ended with a base ball bat around his knee's I must ask - he was assaulted by me Why did'nt he insist on charges being laid Minister"? Let me make it clear - in front a 4-5 people (including secretaries), a member of your 11/19/2014 10:1 Page 254 of 1018 Western Australia lill(t://iMilaiL'l)titprcserve.bln;r,|w)t u 'iii tiiK'tn t >1 t oho live Services stall had a base ball bat thrown full force at his knees which hit them Then as he came at that poison in the lift he was "palmed" in the chest (hard) and shoved out Bui he is to weak lo press charges ? He sounded pretty tough in the office interview room Come on Minister 1 Lets liave it out in public 1 One of your staff was assaulted - what followed? I’ll tell you why he kept it quiet, he knows what he did. He can lie till the cows come home I did'nt over react I was treated with disdain He wasn't their to get the Truth, he was there to protect his mates. Do you even know what happened? Is this the tirst you've heard of (his? What "version" of events did they give? He is fucking lucky - and I mean LUCKY - I didn't fake his fucking head off I was tortured for three years in that poxy, corrupt and inept government department known as Department of Corrective Services Run like a "PERSONAL FIEFDOM" as one Pnson Officer told me I haven't forgotten a single thing A single face A single insult A single corrupt act Not one and the first to pet H will be Assistant Superintendent Security Unit CASHMAN The man who set me up to be bashed Are you so naive that you think this does'nt go on? Minister - staff do this all the time Its hardly a state secret Because the victims are "crims" it rarely (if ever) gets reported No one beleives them and they are simply used to it corrupt police, corrupt prison officers - thats "normal" for them Why would they complain? If CASHMAN thinks I have forgotten about him he better think again Its personal now No amount of Maso nic Lodge connections , no amount of organised crime links and "favours" is going to save him He is going to be the first to die You think I'm joking? Fucking try me I'll repeat it - fucking try me CASHMAN is a walking dead man He can be investigated • publicly, his best option - or he can fucking die You think I am over reacting? I could have been fucking killed He set that up and he is going to pay tor it Either through you and the rule of law - or through the fucking law of Brendon Lee O'Connell No one sets me up to be brutally bashed and is going to get away with it Finding his location is childs play Minister - fix it You have the power to order all the FOI documents and gather staff and ask how it is there are 4 different staff members giving 4 different accounts of my assault One has me talking casually in the Office at Unit 2. Another has me drifting in and out of consciousness I'm subsequently rushed to hospital with a blown pupil • unconscious Which is it? EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF STAFF at Casuanna Prison knows what weni on EVERY SINGLE MEMBER including prisoners But nothing happens? Instead I am run in circles I am threatened, I am held in maximum security I am told to shut up I am told. "Deal mth it. get on with your life " I have documents and xrays disappear When I get out of jail they are stolen again including my diaries There is no one to turn to The police are corrupt DCS is corrupt Politicians are so terrified of my case they send "little em miseries" to ask me to "handle things quietly" As if - this is about Truth, the public interest and whether we live in a democracy with public accountability or a personal "Boss Hogg, Hazzard County" red neck, backward corrupt and beyond salvation personal fiefdom. Which is it Minister? A community built on lies, that prefers big screen tv's and fantasy to public reality does not deserve to live Those entrusted with preserving the integrity of institutions do not deserve office if they are too gutless to persue the Truth If there is another "power'' than that of the "public interest" then let us know Minister so we can plan accordingly After all - the founding document of Monarchical Parliamentary Decmocracy is the Magna Carta which states quite explicitly that "the people” may put things back into there "due state' by any and all means nescessary including violent revolution The United States Constitution lays it out even more explicitly as do the so called "Founding Fathers" of the modern state of the United States of 38 11 / 19/2014 10:1 Page 255 of 1018 i'I'.ii ciK-nl i >1 ( orrectivc Services Western Austral hi http//isolate America George Washington was a '•terrorist" Minister until he and his friends wrote the history books - then they were hero's History is written by the victors and the newspaper publishers Minister but we will see what the future holds Right now Minister it is people like me warning others that no matter how angry and frustrated people get with corruption in this state we still have many options for peaceful change Your response and that of many other government institutions to my matter will be a litmus test of whether things can be handled peacefully • utilising democratic principals or whether people are going to have to die because powerful people refuse to adhere to the rule of law and the principals laid out in the Australian Constitution These principals are only as good as the people willing to fight and die to keep them I repeatedly sought the peace with DCS and I was spat on I was laughed at I was mocked (■tumours were circulated I was targetted for organised harassment Your own colleague Terry Redman was directly in on it I was brutally bashed by a high ranking member of your staff via his organised crime connections ■ My brother 1 My brother'" A cry that will live in infamy The Goat Molesters of Perth have many members from many walks of life On the surface at odd's but beneath the surface "my brother 1 My brother'" http //isoiatebutpreserve blogspot conV20l4/09/laboi-mp-embarrassesaustraltas hlml

    htip //isoiatebutpreserve blogspot com/20M/OtT'labor-mp-embarrasses-australias html
    You can fool the plebs some of the time Minister - but not all of the time And the plebs are waking up and they smell the roses and they want their democracy back and if you are unable to do the job get out If you are unable to take on the hidden power that rules - get out Be honest, you're not up to it The ANZAC SPint' is a farce ■ reserved for easy targets like Muslims, Turks and Arabs An easy prey with the 6th Fleet backing you eh Minister? But the real 'ANZAC Spirit' is for those individuals vailing to fight the enemy within - unrestrained power IrtbCl.eDc/VDeFFR3mhEI/AAAAAAAACOM'cWkyliiMOb2c [http //3.bp blogspot com .IF ANZAC SPIRIT |pg] What is that image in the top left of your web page’ What did they die for’ So a small group of goat molesters and bankers could hold say over the rest of us making a |oke out of any notion What is that image in of public accountability? 11 / 19/2014 10:1 Page 256 of 1018 "Uil 1.11 Vp.iilnuilt i Ml ViHH nvi' Svivucs Western AiKtrallii liitp/ZisoUiebuprcscrve hlogtpolci IS to good to pass up as is Ins 'crack wlxire' wife Kirsten Ctohessy You can read all about it here 40 I litlp //tsolalelnilpreserve blogspol comau/:>014/08fcorruption-in wild wiki-west hlml ( ntp msolatebulproseive blogspol com au/?0 14r08icorruptK)n tn wtd w'id oi*i html] There is no one to turn to Mmistei What should I do 1 ? Put my tail between my legs and scamper off like a beaten mangy dog? Iranian Press TV are hell bent on interviewing me but I know the games tire Iranian Government will play They have 40 million people to feed Australia will give them a good deal on wheat and meat like they did one week before I got out of jail - S600 million dollars worth There is no one Not on this plain of existence anyway I guess I will have to fix things myself But before that, there is you A former submariner who appears sincere in his efforts to clean out the filth that has built up over ire ny years within DCS Will you deal with me open and honestly 7 Will you meet with me and discuss these matters like a grown up or is it going to be submarine warfare, breaking out into open conflict and full scale war and none of you will be ablo to say you didn't see it coming? The choice is yours Minister nothing gets handled quietly - all out in the open I will be mounting a leafloting campaign soon to highlight my case I have recordings of interactions with DCS staff I have hidden video of my trial and arrest including the raid video's and court transcripts They are all about to be utilised including truck and trailer advetising bill boards I dont fuck around Minister -1 am going to win and I am going to win publicly I give you this chance purely because I feel you are an honest individual Copies to Colleen Egan. Brian Steeles, Premieres Office and Harm from Iranian Press TV I will come to your Ministerial Office/Front Desk to recieve a letter indicating you have recieved my email and are considering things I have no faith this email nor your reply will get to its destination I have not recieved one reply from politicians and have had to ring to confirm reciept - now WHO could be interfering in emails Minister 7 Any ideas? 7th Floor Dumas House 7 . Havelock Street West Perth WA 6005 Ph: 6552 6500 Fax: 6552 6S01 » Sincere Regards Brendon O'Connell honically. the Minister is very sensitive as are all WA politicians and my email was rejected lor the use of the word Tuck" M/ell "fuck” the government I'll take my case to I ho people directly The Minister can read about it when I turn up at his Suffice with banners, flyers and 50 people .^an Press TVs reporter in Sydney got a copy of the email Posted 10th October by Brendon O'ConneH C lit)/2014 10:1 Page 257 of 1018 1 . 2 .
  25. IDENTIFY 41 Michael Stanley SMIRK STATES I am a Detective Senior Constable currently attached to the I ic|uor Enforcement Unit. 1 was previously attached to the State Security Investigation Unit. On Thursday the 30 ,h of October 2014 I attended a facility for homeless men located at 55 Central Avc, Maylands in company with other members of the State Security Investigation Unit. Those other officers present were Detective First Class Constable VULETA (Exhibits officer). Detective Senior Constable CUNNINGHAM (Video Officer), Sergeant MACKEY (Search officer) and Senior Constable SLOAN (Security Officer). 1 spoke to the Manager of the facility Razif ISMAIL who accompanied me to Unit 3 in Block 6 of the complex, which was a room occupied by the accused. At about 3:36 pm 1 arrested the accused (Brendon Lee O’CONNELL) on suspicion of committing the offence of making a threat to kill and publishing a private conversation. I afforded the accused his arrested suspect rights and advised him that that his room Page 258 of 1018 42 ' ■ The search was executed under the powers of section 133 of the Criminal Investigation Act.
  26. I seized four CD's that were located in a backpack in the room.
  27. EXHIBIT The search was recorded on video and I produce the video of the search.
  28. The search was completed at 4:46 pm and the accused was conveyed by myself, Detective First Class Constable VULETA and Senior Constable SLOAN to the 1’erth Police Station.
  29. In company with Detective First Class Constable VULETA I conducted a video record of interview with the accused.
  30. EXHIBIT 1 produce a copy of the video record interview. 13 . At the completion of the video the accused was arrested and the present charges were preferred. 14 1 declare that this statement is true to die best of my knowledge and belief and that I have made this statement knowing that if it is tendered in evidence 1 will be guilty of a crime if 1 have wilfully included in this statement anything which I know to be false or that I do not believe to be true. Page 259 of 1018 23 02.2016 15:10 TRANSCRIPT OF POLICE RAID - 30 OCTOBER 2014 1 Copyright in this document is reserved to the State of A . „ thereof, in any format) c\ccw with the nri r ". Australia Reproduction of this document (or part that under seLoT43 on hc CODvr £ h, P Z <>T “TH is Prohibited Please Tote » ... . - 55 transcript of wa police r ecording SEARCH WARRANT/CRIMITsCENE INTERVIEWEE: BRENDAN LEE O'CONNELL INTERVIEWERS: SENIOR CONSTABLE MIKE SMIRK DETECTIVE VALETTA AT UNIT 3, 55 CENTRAL AVENUE, MAYLANDS, ON THURSDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2014, AT 3.43 PM POLICE REF NO: xxxxxxxx DPP FILE NO: 14/6196 DPP TRANSCRIPTION REF NO: DPPT2603567 WordCount: 3,441 Auscript Page 260 of 1018 ■ S/CON SMIRK: October 2014. called. And we Ihe time now is 15:4 We're currently at 3 on Thursday, the 30 th of a premises, Central it's name is Detective Seni nr^nlo^ki° f , that Premises. Uh, my Security Investigation GrouD lke , Smirk f rom the state here are also from State Security' B . 1 ; end n ' the other officers the tape can yon state your fnU^ameT'pfeLe ° £ O CONNELL. Brendan Lee, the family O'Connell. S/CON SMIRK: Okay. And your date of birth. O'CONNELL: Twenty-seventh of the tenth, 1970. S/CON SMIRK: And your current address. O'CONNELL: I'm at this homeless shelter. ?h«° SMIR K : ► ° kayi Alri( J hr -- Now Brendan, um, we came in the door about seven minutes ago. Do you agree with that? O'CONNELL: Approximately. S /CON SMIRK: Okay. And we were let in by, uh, someone from administration. Okay. Um, now at that time I did advise you that you were under arrest on suspicion of makinq a threat to kill and - - - O'CONNELL: kill. Well, not suspicious. I did make the threat to S/CON SMIRK: Okay. I O'CONNELL: Assistant Superintendent Security Unit Cashman. 'T* K m — r\ a V\ /\ /% v* n a r. /4 m a tv V Aa a a, m • v L « a* — .. — . . a — J
  31. - - X w wwww. jr VI »A »- waOKUIfli I The man who organised my beating via his organised crime links. The man I've been trying to get in trouble for a, t years now and have been completely fucked around Brendan - - - wo S/CON SMIRK: O'CONNELL: S/CON SMIRK: O'CONNELL: S/CON SMIRK: O'CONNELL: S/CON SMIRK: your say. O'CONNELL: S/CON SMIRK: O'CONNELL: S/CON SMIRK: WordCount: Okay. So now you're here that's great. Okay. Great. :'11 get nething will be done. through this bit and then you can have Okay. Okay. We've got the, the procedures - - - Sure. To follow you know. Auscript Page 261 of 1018 Rut I have a raid video to put online. S/CON SMTRK: Okay. I know you will. Urn, so a - - - O'CONNELL: „ . . my- gStS handled If it gets handled with S/CON SMIRK: And then » nm , of committing an offence aaaTncir I1 l £ll f you're under suspicion section nine which is publishing-, " he Surveillance Devices Act, conversation which ias be ienn 9 pr ate ' «h, telephone And .,11 get t„S P "““- 0 CONNELL: I'll get Lloyd [indistinct] to defend me You've aot a he rinh, t -. ‘ -° contact a lawyer,

    ve got a, ..ne right- to communicate with a friend or

    . 8s s^ssssst^ssijr sars that, uh, applicable. And the right to privacy, uh Y reasonable privacy from the mass media. Urn - - - O'CONNELL: Is that a new one? neSftffet'me taoiT execcise a"? < “>ose rights you

    O'CONNELL: What, what's that one about the mass media? S/CON SMIRK: You have the right to reasonable privacy from the mass media. O'CONNELL: When did they bring that one in? S/CON SMIRK: Uh, when the CIA, CIA came back in. UNIDENTIFIED MALE OFFICER 1: '06. 2006. S/CON SMIRK: 2006. O'CONNELL: Oh no. The more mass media the better. S/CON SMIRK: Okay. Alright. Urn, alright. I also need to you have the right to be cautioned before I ask you any questions and I'll give you that caution now. You're not obliged to say anything unless you want to. Whatever you do say is being recorded on that video camera and this video can, the video may be played in evidence in court. Urn, do you understand that caution? O'CONNELL: Uh, sure. S/CON SMIRK: Okay. In your own words what does that mean? O'CONNELL: Oh well, it's alright. Just carry on. S/CON SMIRK: If I, if I ask you a question do you have to answer it? O'CONNELL: WordCount: No, no. 57 Auscript Page 262 of 1018 LETTER FROM LAYWER GRAEME ALLEN GRAEME ALLEN

    BARRISTER S & SOLICITORS Graeme Allen —— - MOBILE: 0448 624 414 Level 3 EMAIL: [email protected] ,,, 524 Hay Street Fax: 92213281 Western Australia 6000 22 January 2016 Mr Brendon O’Connell To be collected Dear Brendon. 1 refer to your appearance in the District Court today before his Honour Chief" Judee Sleight. 1 confirm that prior to the commencement of Court you advised me that you had no confidence in my ability to represent you to be standard, and in the manner.” which you sought. In view of that. I informed you that I would advise the Court that you had effectively terminated ray instructions and that a one week adjournment to allow matters to be sorted out w ith Legal Aid. I informed you that I w ill contact legal aid today to advise them of the situation. The matter was then called on before Chief Judge Sleight and 1 informed him that I was no longer in a position to act for you. Your matters with an adjournment to a trial listing hearing on 5 February 2016. Your bail was renewed in the existing terms. On my return to my office I contacted Legal Aid to advise it of the situation in relation to your representation. I also accessed their electronic lodgement system and confirmed that 1 no longer acted for you and that you sought to have your grant of legal aid transferred to another lawyer. In accordance with what you told me. I indicated that Mr Anthony Eyres may be prepared to act for you. With this letter I return to you:
  32. the brief of evidence for the prosecution being conducted by the State DPP;
  33. the brief of evidence for the prosecution being conducted by the Commonwealth DPP (2 volumes); Page 263 of 1018 1 PAGE 2
  34. bundle of email correspondence x 2; Statement ot Material Facts for an offence under the 1998 and attached documents. Surveillance Devices Act I suggest that you contact Legal Aid early next week to find out the transfer request. progress of the Yours sincerely Graeme Allen Barrister and Solicitor Page 264 of 1018 MY SENTENCING SUBMISSIONS - PERTH DISTRICT COURT "THREAT TO KILL" CHARGE (CURRENT WARRANT FOR MY ARREST) BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL-IND 1243/15 ~- CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT 23rd July 2016 Mr Brendon O’Connell 6051 0431 04S 594 boc&boc.rocks [email protected] Chief Judge Of The District Court Sleight. Statement, plea in mitigation - IND 1243/15 Your Honour, To keep my letter to you brief, I have included a disc containing a 235 page PDF document 1 . This document was completed while in prison. It is a "synopsis" of events designed to assist a lawyer with bringing my previous conviction under the state's racial vilification legislation to the High Court. It is an excellent and informative document and will bring to light - in detail - what was done to me and how my state of mind was affected by events over a period of time starting in May of 2009. I'm sure the states establishment have a different view. I'd say my version of events was the more accurate. 1 think your Honour will understand the extraordinary nature of the events leading up to the current charge by pointing out that the Israeli state came out against me - one man - on August the 8 th , 2010. This came after Inspector Barry Shelton, head of the states counter terrorism department email me, "We all respect your work", and told me he would speak with me when he returned from a counter terrorism conference in Melbourne. The subject of our discussion was to be Israeli intelligence activity in this country and elsewhere. The Israeli Ambassador and Israeli deputy Foreign Minister came out against me two months later. As did 100 Australian state and federal parliamentarians who expressed written support for the rally organised in "direct response" to me - Brendon O'Connell. The name of the rally was "The Friends Of Israel". Thirty local and federal politicians attended in person. It was reported widely. I was assessed for "delusions" when pointing these events out to prison staff. The fact that the event was thoroughly documented with screen shots, video and newspaper articles on a previous blog - now deleted - seemed to escape everyone. There were several "assessments". I simply pointed the psychiatrist to my blog at the time 1 Annexure 1 Page 1 of 129 11 Page Page 265 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - IND 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT and that was that, but, this is indicative of how I am being portrayed at every level of the Perth establishment. This rally (F.O.l) was held eight days before the original start of my trial - August 16, 2010 - and was designed purely to intimidate myself and the states judiciary and legal fraternity 2 . It is a massive criminal defamation case and international incident. It is a matter of discussion in a twenty minute segment being produced by Iranian English language News, Press 7V. They are aligned closely with Russia Today. Filming was completed on Christmas day 2015. Because of bail conditions, it is being prevented from being aired as I am threatened with incarceration. I have included a blog posting that describes the event in question 3 . I have also included a mass mail out email I sent to every state and federal politician describing the dangers of Israeli intelligence activity in Australia and elsewhere. This is the issue Inspector Barry Shelton wished to discuss with me 4 .1 received personal responses from several politicians thanking me for the information. Unfortunately, I note that a recommendation is proceeding that recommends a high technology agreement between the state of Western Australia and Israel. The states politicians and policing agencies have been duly warned and are fully informed of the security breach they are creating. Israel has been outed by several American Universities as spying on the United States and sending sensitive high technology secrets back to Israel via their researchers they send to the US to work in joint high technology programs. 5 I include this material in the hope your Honour will see clearly I am not suffering from "delusions" as described by the West Australian police to the DPP in a note contained with the police prosecution brief. This note - by the incompetent and corrupt detective Elizabeth Vuleta - was disgusting in its accusations. She is a thoroughly obnoxious individual who is the subject of a complaint that she blatantly tampered with evidence in a previous trial heard in March of this year. It is the subject of an appeal. With regards the current charge of a threat to kill - the charge is serious. It is more so when directed at police and prison officers. Liam Samuel Cashman is suspected (strongly) of organising my beating in jail. I had tried to have the matter dealt with through the usual channels and was insulted by investigation staff. 1 knew of the close relationship between prison officers, police and organised crime figures. This is hardly a state secret and has been bom out in subsequent media reporting. I received a badly broken arm in the assault and was unconscious for up to an hour. RPH denied ever taking an x-ray of my arm when it was in fact the first x-ray they took - it has been "disappeared". I had to beg for a month for a 1 Annexure 2 - letter to Inspector Nick Antidch to press charges of criminal contempt of court on F.O.l rally organisers. 3 Annexure 3 - email - "Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A W.A Court Cose?" 4 Annexure 4 - email - ”Israeli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia ". 5 Annexure 4 - email - "Israeli High Technology ■ Major National Security Risk For Australia". 6 Annexure 5 - email - "Ya Gotta Read This, Example Of Lying Police" 2 | Page Page 2 of 129 Page 266 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - IND 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT new x-ray. The radiologist at Albany Regional Hospital audibly gasped when she saw my arm x-ray and insisted I had to stay and be seen immediately by the Orthopaedic team for an immediate ORIF - Open Reduction, Internal Fixation. A "pin and plate" 7 .1 was returned to the prison and given a 'cast' instead. The x-ray taken at Albany was also "disappeared". It is a disgusting state of affairs and indicative of the standard cover up by prison staff to excuse their rampant corruption and incompetence. I am in the process of legal action against RPH and DCS over this incident. At the time of the current offence I was homeless, had been threatened by police, stalked and harassed. I had no money. My life and the lives of my family threatened - my sister Jacquie dying under suspicious circumstances in 2010*. I was diagnosed with PTSD and a G.P suggested I apply for a mental health pension. My email to the Minister, which subsequently became public, was an act of desperation to provoke Minister Joe Francis into doing something. It was also designed to bring me some publicity and protection. I had noted that a woman had made the front page of Vie West Australian Newspaper after she threatened Premiere Colin Barnett over a shark cull. That was my intention. Minister Joe Francis emailed me back via his Apple IPhone within an hour asking me to ring him. I emailed back it was late and he could ring in the morning. I supplied my phone number. He rang me straight away. We spoke very frankly for 32 minutes. The date was October the 10 ,h ,
  35. Around 10pm. Here is what the Minister related to me:
  36. He was more scared of his own prison officers than he was of the bikies after he stopped their drugs getting into the jail.
  37. He asked me to call him "Joe" and not Minister.
  38. He stated that his commissioner for prisons and ex-special forces commander - James McMahon - had "his back" and I had nothing to fear in relating to him what I saw in jail with regards prison officer corruption.
  39. He stated he was sure prison officers had organised the burglary of his home. I agreed.
  40. He stated his staff were largely incompetent He related his chief accountant in charge of the $900 million dollar prisons budget did not know the difference between one million dollars and one hundred million dollars. This was in relation to the dangerous sex offender GPS tracking budget. It took his accountant six weeks to 7 Annexure 6 - x-ray and pictures post assault - two pages. X-ray is two months post assault. 8 Five people linked directly to me died under suspicious circumstances. Two via fire in their offices. An American friends brother in the US, two months later Eddy AI'Wally, best friend of my best friend. Accountant with dealings with Perth's Jewish community. He died in an "office fire". Police reports state a curtain had stuck his office door shut as he played with petrol. It was deemed an "accident". At the same time, less than four hours after gaining employment at 'Laser Mail' - the owner was knocked off his bicycle and nearly killed. He "mass mailed out” both the Jewish Moccabeon Paper and Freemason Magazine. The car was never found, the driver never identified. It was dearly an attempt to kill him. 3 | Page Page 3 of 129 Page 267 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - IND 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT work out it was costing one million dollars and not one hundred million dollars to run.
  41. He related how he and James McMahon would visit a prison un-announced and "stand around" in their suits waiting for someone to ask them who they were and if they could be helped. He noted they all appeared busy playing "Angry Birds" on their phones.
  42. He stated he had to fight "tooth and nail" to force cameras that "record" into the punishment section of Hakea Remand centre to prevent prison officers beating up prisoners.
  43. Minister Francis assured me he would oversee the investigation of my claims, personally.
  44. I told the Minister as he had been honest with me 1 would pull the blog post down. He replied, "I'll leave that up to you." I left it up for reasons, that to this day, escape me. I had become so numb to the last 5 years (at the time) that 1 just saw it as a public diary entry. If s relevance insignificant. Had I simply pulled it down we would not be having this 'courf exchange. 1 had mixed feelings when I hung up the phone. I felt a little uncomfortable with the Ministers frankness. But I was optimistic. I would have preferred a private meeting where he could of discussed the above points frankly - not over an open phone. 1 could have easily recorded the call - my camera was on and directly in front of me. He was on speaker phone. His direct honesty made me leave it off. I admire Minister Francis and am touched at one level with the level of trust he showed me. But, his frankness was not a wise decision at his level, being Minister in charge of prisons. That being said, 1 doubt anyone but himself and James McMahon could have cleaned out the utter cess pit that is the Western Australian Department of Corrective Services. I hope Minister Francis becomes Premiere though I am not overly fond of Liberal party politics. I hope James McMahon is made Commissioner of police so that particular cess pit can be cleaned out. Many police would like the same - just as many prison officers told me they wanted their own department cleaned up and the corrupt dead wood dispensed with. Three days after the October 10 phone call, the Minister was approached by a GPS tracked sex offender on the grounds of parliament house creating a 'security scare'. The West Australian Newspaper reported it as "Minister naive about security". 1 have no doubt, and I'm sure the Minister will agree, that elements of the WA police organised that interaction with the sex offender. The WA police monitored the call. You may recall your Honour where a WA police officer from the electronic surveillance section was charged with warning a neo- nazi group (Combat-18) their mobile phones were being monitored in 2010. This was at a time when a Mosque in the Perth suburb of Queens Park was shot four times with a high powered rifle by members of the same neo-nazi gang. They received a suspended sentence. 4 | Page Page 4 of 129 Page 268 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL- IND 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT A named terrorist gang (the official INTERPOL status of "Combat-18") shoots up a religious building in a bid to cause terror and distress in the Perth Muslim community and they are given a suspended sentence? Unbelievable. There is clearly something very wrong in Western Australia. The WA police clearly have ultra right wing leanings of a most self evident kind. These four men from this terrorist gang (Combat-18) were merely charged with "discharging a firearm in public" and "going armed in public". It was a terrorist attack, pure and simple, by any definition. This should indicate the political leanings of the upper echelons of the WA police. The extremely close and palpable relationship the WA police have with the states Jewish community - in particular Mr Steven Leiblich, is also cause for concern. It seems when Steve Lieblich instructs the WA police to jump - they jump. Your Honour, a serving Minister was threatened by elements of the WA police. I have heard from police sources that former Premiere Geoff Gallop was also threatened by elements of the WA police causing him to resign and fear for his safety some time ago - in part over the Mallard affair exposing police corruption. We all know about Shadow Attorney General John Quigley and the WA police harassment of himself - also in part over his direct involvement in exposing police corruption in the wrongful conviction of Andrew Mallard. His intimate knowledge of police corruption due to his past role as lawyer for the police is a constant concern for elements of the WA police who have no wish for their past to become public. You can imagine - knowing what 1 know about the WA police - how the security scare involving the Minister made me feel. It is indicative and representative of my state of mind before the threat was made by myself against senior prison officer Liam Samuel Cashman - a clique of prison officers, police and major organised crime figures treat Western Australia like a "personal fiefdom" where they deal drugs, launder drug money and intimidate individuals at any and every level. I have been told by retired police officers that the WA police keep dossiers on politicians, judges, lawyers and media personalities to use when they see fit. Police, both state and federal have full access to every phone call, internet browsing search and credit card purchase of every single Australian. There is no over sight or mechanism to stop individuals within these departments using this information against persons of interest Zero over sight. They are a law unto themselves. Donna Clifford over see's the "front end” of a massive database available to WA police with access to the records of every Western Australian and government department. This makes the police drivers license database appear insignificant. One wonders at the level of scrutiny the Minister for police (Liza Harvey) and Commissioner Carl O'Callaghan proffers the public as to who is accessing that database and for what purposes. 1 doubt she knows it exists. I was rung by Paul Milward on October 29“', 2014 and asked to attend a meeting to discuss an investigation. I initially agreed. My friend suggested I not go without some form of representation or a witness. I agreed not to go. I was also being sent back to the same people 5 | Page Page 5 of 129 Page 269 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - IND 1243/15 —- CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT who had insulted me the last time I attended -1 was not happy about this. Paul Milward rang me the next day four times and asked me to attend. I was polite but firm and refused to attend as 1 had been promised the Minister would personally over see the investigation. Two hours later 1 was raided by police - three weeks after the "threat". Sergeant Mike Smirk had no idea that I had spoken with Minister Joe Francis over the issue. He appeared shocked when I told him and pointed out the "imminent threat" was posted three weeks before and the next blog post - posted a few hours after the first - stated clearly that 1 had been contacted by the Ministers "office" and I was happy. That negated any "imminent threat". 9 1 would like to add your Honour that SGT Mike Smirk was one of the police officers who acted professionally towards me. I liked him. There was nothing personal in his demeanour. Unfortunately, I abused him twice. The last time outside the Magistrates court earlier this year after 7 police officers attended the small court room while I was by myself on a separate charge. This intimidatory tactic was noted by Magistrate Atkins who demanded to know why so many police were in her court? 1 would like to use this letter to you as an opportunity to apologise to SGT Mike Smirk for my behaviour towards him. I was extremely stressed at the time. It is police and prison officers like himself who remind me that the persistent stench of corruption within policing and corrective services in this state is but a small though powerful clique. I attended the office of Minister Joe Francis the next day and was greeted by four investigating officers. I gave a statement. Subsequently, both Paul Milward and Ken Cummings of the DCS Investigation Unit told me - after six months - they had done little to nothing to further the investigation and 1 should take the people to court myself and get them under oath. 1 abused them both as incompetent, "gutless arseholes" who had failed to follow the direct instructions of Minister Joe Francis. I wrote a note to Minister Francis. A few weeks later Ken Cummings sent a letter stating the results of the investigation had been provided to the Minister. I asked for a copy. This was refused. Tlie above events caused me a great deal of anxiety and re-enforced my continuing direct experience that WA government departments appeared intimidated by a shadowy clique of powerful people. I had been privy to detailed information by high profile drug traffickers about how elements of both state and federal police ultimately run the drug trade. I already knew some of this. After three years in prison, I had learned that the corruption in the WA police was industrial scale, highly organised and involving close relationships with organised crime figures and the banking and financial sector. Accounts are kept overseas in Indonesia, Hong Kong and Singapore. Large quantities of drug money flood into the real estate market and mining sector. Unsustainable businesses are propt up by the liquid flow of drug money. How many 9 Annexure 7 - blog post, “Minister contacted me - good result - donations appreciated". 6|Page Page 6 of 129 Page 270 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - INO 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT detectives have large rental property portfolio's and why is it they are never investigated and forced to explain their wealth? How is it high quality drugs at the point of arrest become low quality drugs by the time they get to the testing lab? How is it the clear, close relationships between detectives and billionaire mining, earth moving and other business proprietors is not investigated or noted in this state? I can name you a top investigating officer in charge of a high profile 'Task Force" who has a very close relationship with a well known billionaire - he also has a large property portfolio not sustainable on a detectives salary. Why is it I know this? How is it the CCC, ACC, Police Commissioner, police Minister and police internal affairs do not know this? This detective is indeed a fox, and he is indeed in charge of the chicken coop. How is this possible? It can only mean two things - large segments of the government departments at the highest levels are incompetent. Or, they are corrupt. It is one or the other. The West Australian public need to know this. 1 can quote you exact names and particular arrests where detectives have clearly helped themselves to large quantities of drugs. This would explain how it is that despite repeated arrests, the quality and amount of Meth amphetamine available on the streets continues to grow. 1 became good friends with Medellin Cartel 'transporter' - Roger Reaves - while in jail. He was convicted of the importation of one ton of cocaine into this country. The blatant discrepancy between the high quality cocaine seized and what was tested was to the tune of over 250kg of missing cocaine. The states Tactical Response Group officers stole that cocaine and sold it on the streets of Perth, Sydney and Melbourne. They were investigated at the 2004 Kennedy Royal Commission. No charges laid, no police in jail, no justice. Meanwhile, nice, pleasant, non violent family men and women rot in jail for long periods of time because they were not paying off the right people. The poor and desperate street level drug addict and dealer rot in jail - the police and their vast criminal informant network walk around with complete immunity. I cannot stand this injustice. Drugs need to be licensed and dispensed by the government under strict medical supervision. The only way to end this corruption. Roger Reaves laughs at my naivety on this issue telling me this is the way it has always worked all over the world. He himself witnessed US government level drug trafficking in Colombia and the United States. His employee, Barry Seal, is the subject of a major Hollywood movie starring Tom cruise which will address the rampant corruption involving the state of Arkansas and a small airport in the town of Mena where arms were swapped for tons of cocaine in a CIA sanctioned operation which became known as Iran/Contra. The name of the movie is "Mena". 1 completed a interview with Roger over the phone on this issue. Available here - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7BDtVgo7LasRm9wND12RnZESDA Then there is the matter of the Stagno/Kovacs/Naumovski affair whereby a criminal informant - Paul Nunzio Stagno - was granted bail three times on three separate charges of 7 | Page Page 7 of 129 Page 271 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - IND 1243/15 CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT large quantities of drugs and a handgun s. Two of the three bails were Schedule 2 bails. He murdered a man on his third bail and attempted to frame another man for the crime. He even rang that man that night and asked him to take part - he refused. Police know this as do the DPP. Stagno's mother and four other people were also involved in disposing of the body but never charged. The man almost framed for the murder subsequently became my friend while in jail. This is the only reason this national scandal is going to become public. Had I not been sent to jail - this scandal would still be buried. Stagno, along with his girlfriend Kovacs, "lured" Mite Naumovski to his residence and shot him twice in the head, back and testicles. A total of six shots. He was initially charged with wilful murder. The trial was abandoned after three days and reporting suppressed. When he was brought back for trial the charge was murder with an option for manslaughter. He was found guilty of manslaughter. The jury was not told that the original DPP prosecution team was sacked for misconduct and the entire major crime squad disbanded over this particular incident. The key detective involved in this national legal scandal and cover up was disgraced detective Carl Casilli, who was also central to the Loyed Rainey case. I asked my friend if Casilli had given the "green light" for the murder. He gave a wry smile and stated, "What do you think?" This case is an upcoming national scandal that will have to explain how the media, judiciary, legal fraternity and police covered up a blatant assassination by a criminal informant released on his third bail - in as many weeks - for serious drugs and fire arms offenses. My friend was told by the Corruption and Crime Commission that detective Casilli would be going to jail for a "long time". He hasn't served a day. All of the above your Honour, goes some way to explaining my state of mind and the extreme anxiety I felt - knowing what I know. I know how bent, corrupt and downright dangerous, elements of the WA police and prison officers are. I hope my email, which was initially meant to be private, is now more clear to you in its tone and content. It is no longer public. In fact, on re-reading it over twelve months after my arrest, I was shocked and embarrassed at its contents. 1 could have most likely provoked the Minister with less "gutso". It is truly a "rant" and quite embarrassing, but indicative of my desperate state of mind at the time. I continue to hold fears for my families safety. I was offered a Visa by the Iranian Consulate in Canberra in February of 2015 and could have left for Iran the next day. I was offered political asylum in Iran via information provided by Press TV representatives in 2012. The specific words used at the time were, "with open arms". I cannot leave my family behind knowing what I know about Western Australia, police and prison officer corruption and the incredibly powerful hold the Israeli state seems to have on politicians in this state. It would almost seem Jewish community leader Steve Lieblich - who was instrumental in organising the Israeli Ambassador and Israeli deputy Foreign Minister against me - has the WA police at his beck and call. One central figure in the Perth ethnic community related to me, "Three 8 | P a g e Page 8 of 129 Page 272 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - IND 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT thousand members of the Perth jewish community have the political class by the balls in this state." Considering the extreme and over the top political fire power directed at me - without blushing -1 would have to agree with the above statement. I'm not sure how the Western Australian establishment think this issue is going to go away considering the very public style in which I was hounded, harassed, vilified, defamed and intimidated. To this day, 1 am speechless at how elements of the states elite thought they could possibly get away with it. I have been told by fairly high up people in this state it was hoped I would run to Iran and away from Western Australia. I would be "on the run" and unable to return with a warrant for my arrest. Clearly, "exile" is still a valued method of resolving matters unpleasant for powerful people in this state. In mid 20111 was offered "exile" as an option by forensic psychiatrist Dr Mark Hall at Acacia prison. His exact words were, "Would you leave the state?" I nearly fell over. I have been immersed in the history of the Soviet Union and as a clear political dissident myself - being offered exile -1 was now living it. I stated to him I had considered it for my own safety but now being offered a blatant deal to be allowed out of prison in return for leaving the state - an indicator of the guilt of the WA establishment -1 told him I would be staying to pursue justice and a parliamentary enquiry. Needless to say I served the full three years jail, most of it in maximum security, no parole. After this "assessment" by psychiatrist Mark Hall I was transferred to Casuarina maximum security prison and the "management unit". I was never told why this occurred as I was a minimum security rated prisoner "over ride" to medium. It is believed when I confronted Serco head of security - Bill Bosche - as to his activities whilst a member of South African Intelligence, and the deaths of black activists during his employment, he panicked and wanted me assessed for "propensity for violence." Just another short chapter to go into my book. The book will have to be over a thousand pages to fit every macabre and bizarre incident that occured. I am here to stay. I want nothing less than a parliamentary enquiry into what has gone on. I want the states establishment to cease with the accusations of mental illness and delusions. I want multiple government departments investigated for incompetence and corruption. I want my case in the High Court where I am advised it would be well received - in particular Section 80B of the states racial vilification legislation, Conduct likely to offend. Legal Aid refused to fund the case stating it had no chance of success. I will "Crowd Fund" the case and go online to solicit funds if that's the case. It is hard to be conciliatory your honour when such blatant incompetence, lies, deceit and outright thuggery have transpired over the last seven years - it never ended. Just as one chapter of idiocy ended, another began. I admittedly did not help. I am naturally combative 9 | Pa g e Page 9 of 129 Page 273 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL-IND 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT when threatened. On several occasions senior prosecutor Justin Whalley tried to defuse the situation and stated he would take the case - 2011 trial - back to the magistrates court. This never happened. I am not good at "taking a hint". I would certainly do things far differently the second time around. You will note from emails supplied that senior prosecutor David Thiering offered to lower the current charge to a threat to harm and take it back to the Magistrates court 10 . He inferred he would not be demanding jail. In the emails supplied you see I agree I want to take the offer (over a year ago) and am seeking legal advice. You will also note that David Thiering states he never received any offer from my then lawyer - Stephen Gabriel - agreeing to the threat to harm. I subsequently sacked him. I mention this to show you how keen I was to see the matter ended. You will note the polite tone of my emails. I have been rude previously but always apologised. It is hard to get lawyers to do what you want without being labelled "difficult" - even when I'm acting in my own best interests. Lawyers don't go to jail - we do. My cases are loaded with political ramifications which makes things difficult. But, I was always open with lawyers stating I knew they would be under some pressure but they needed to be honest with me or we would be parting ways. David Thiering subsequently went to Sydney to be with his dying mother. Carmel Barbagallo took over. She stated to new lawyer Graham Allen that she would be seeking a prison term. I told Graham Allen if she was reneging on the deal offered by David Thiering we will go to trial and Minister Joe Francis could be examined under oath regarding the phone conversation we had. I note Carmel Barbagallo has a habit of doing this and was severely rebuked by a Victorian judge over it. Graham Allen constantly refused to guarantee he would call Minister Joe Francis to the stand. I sacked him. I took on Antony Eyers. He prosecuted me in 2011.1 liked him and did not take his prosecution personally. We fell out when he stated the Supreme Court would most likely not find in my favour my appeal on being found guilty after detective Elizabeth Vuleta had so blatantly tampered with the Exhibit A evidence in a previous trial". Apparently it was my fault I did not notice, despite being under strict bail conditions not to log onto any social media sites. How could I check? I told Anthony I was extremely unhappy and wanted the cases over and done with and I was sick of lawyers. He stated he could no longer work with me. 10 Annexure 8 - emails ■ "Email 10 - dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court". “Email 12 - dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court". : ' Annexure 9 - email - "Kant Man " And His Sentence ■ Threats To Kill Muslim Man Coes Unpunished". 10 | P a g e Page 10 of 129 Page 274 of 1018 BRENOON LEE O'CONNELL-IND 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT Legal Aid sent me paper work to fill out to investigate Anthony Eyers. I refused stating I have a complaint against every lawyer I have ever had. I just wanted it all over and done with as soon as possible for the sake of my own mental health. And this is where we stand today your Honour. I am known as a "difficult client". 1 am not "difficult". 1 expect the truth and straight forward communication. This is how adults communicate. I wasn’t trusted with patients lives in an ICU and Emergency Department because I was a little child. The last seven years have taken a toll on my health. I am undergoing tests for cancer. I maintain a good sense of humour. But it is at its end. 1 hope your Honour will see fit to dispense some penalty other than jail. I realise the standing of Liam Samuel Cashman means the threat is seen in far greater seriousness as he was a prison officer. All be it a highly corrupt one, in my opinion. 1 have heard he has since "fallen on his sword" and resigned. I do have genuine sympathy for Cashmans wife and family who have no doubt heard his version of events and would no doubt be concerned and anxious. Having had threats directed at my family I know how this feels. The threat was initially, always meant to be private via email. Cashman states in his statement to police he did not remember who 1 was. He knows exactly who I was. 1 was extremely well known by staff in the prison system and I interacted with him frequently. Cashman was the officer who came to me the day after my beating - while I was still concussed and un-steady on my feet - and demanded I make a statement to police and said, "You can have minimum, a work camp, whatever you want." 1 refused stating, "1 don't have a problem with the people who did this. I have a problem with a system that put a minimum security prisoner into a maximum security environment." Because of what happened, no minimum security prisoner may be housed in a maximum security prison for longer than two weeks after they have attained a minimum security rating. It is my belief the beating was arranged to intimidate and shut me up as 1 had vocally rebuked prison officers for their flagrant corruption and abuse of prisoners and regular violations of the Prisons Act. It was like something out of the movie "Brubaker" with Robert Redford. I could write a book on what 1 saw on a daily basis. Some of the physical conditions in Casuarina prison and Hakea Remand centre are like those of a third world country. I am not exaggerating. I am a "tough cookie" who thrives on challenges to my physical and mental strength. Leaving prisoners in an non air conditioned small cell for 15 hours a day in 40c+ heat - closer to 50c in some cells baked by the setting sun as was mine - is torture. Pure and simple. At times my cell wall was too hot to touch - literally. I barely 11 1 P a g e Page 11 of 129 Page 275 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - IND 1243/1S — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT slept for two weeks. I could not do my paper work as 1 was drenched in sweat. This was at Hakea Remand centre. Casuarina was only slightly better. I explained to prison staff the Prisons Act also applied to them as I attempted to complete the simplest of tasks to prepare for an appeal. At one stage in Hakea prison they became so upset with prisoners quoting the Act back to them they removed the Prisons Act from the legal library. Such is the utter, blatant, and outright arrogance I witnessed in three years across multiple prisons. 1 also explained to prison staff they could not throw out prisoners legal material and prevent them using computers to complete legal paper work as this constitutes a crime - Impeding, Obstructing, Perverting the course of Justice. Your Honour, I wish I had more time to explain in detail to you what was/is going on in the prison system with regards the flagrant violation of the law on multiple levels. The vast thefts of food, tools and general prison supplies - walked straight out the gate in full view of the prison. When 1 confronted prison officers over their theft and corruption in several heated exchanges, they quickly turned silent, turned and walked off. The thefts stopped. Food piled up in the kitchens as the vast thefts of meat and other materials ceased out of fear of exposure. There was no room to keep it. Tens of millions of dollars are being walked out the prison gate every year. Perhaps this is why the privately run Acacia prison can run a prison at half the cost of a publicly run jail? I have become convinced a well supervised, privately run prison system is the best option for greater accountability. I have also become convinced the police should be privatised too. I would never had held these views until 1 experienced directly the flagrant waste, incompetence, unaccountability and corruption that was overtly present in the prison system in WA. ,! One prison officer explained this had been going on since day dot. No one had ever confronted them on it. Meanwhile, prisoners were harassed for the slightest infractions including me being pursued for gaining extra "milk bladders" for the calcium for my broken arm. The prison refused to allow me to buy calcium supplementation despite the bad break in my arm. Such was their pathetic, petty and infantile attitude to prisoners and requests for the most basic of things. The public needs to realise the prison system and "prisoners" are not their personal "flogging therapy", whereby we all make ourselves feel better by making conditions in the jails as bad as possible. I was told by prison officers they wanted to do more for prisoners but there was no votes in happy prisoners more ready to re-integrate into society. As the general public feels the pinch of stressful economic times, the desire to see prisoners fed bread and water appears to be popular and increasing. Prisoners are an easy target - highly vulnerable, at the mercy of their captors and generally drug addicted and suffering mental health issues. u I found Albany Regional prison to be well run. Hakea and Casuarina as well as all the minimum security settings are running an open 'help yourself". They seemed proud of their corrupt and criminal behavior. 12 | Page Page 12 of 129 Page 276 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - IND 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT Despite what I have seen and personally experienced, I have also met many fine serving and retired police and prison officers who have encouraged me to continue to expose what is going on. Lawyers stop me in the street to ask how things are going. Academics involved with social justice encourage me to calm down and take it easy and acknowledge that change takes time. Judges indicate to me they are fair and balanced under the circumstances and limits of the legal system - not everyone is against me, though it feels that way sometimes. It is certainly an extraordinary case and I have explained but a tenth of it here in this letter to you. More is contained in the 235 page synopsis supplied on disc. I appreciate you would at best have time to skim over it. I urge you to do so. Even recently, strange events take place that make me feel intimidated. I was recently offered a meeting with Perth's Islamic Council via the states counter terrorism squad. This never eventuated. I emailed the Islamic Council themselves via their head Dr Jneid. There Mosque was firebombed later that night. 13 I am burnt out. I leave matters in your hands. Any orders potentially issued by you will be followed to the letter. I have stuck strictly to my bail conditions and when I have found out people are not following my instructions to keep my correspondence private, I have taken them off my email list. In closing, I hope this letter to you is not seen as self indulgent or in some way avoiding taking responsibility for my actions. I hope it explains my "state of mind" and that 1 was suffering a great deal of distress. 1 hope you will take into consideration that I made every effort to resolve issues via all "appropriate methods". Any briefings you may be getting that are in any way sharply contrasted to what I have written here are a he. Pure and simple. I have been getting nothing but lies and defamatory statements made against me nonstop by police, the media and Jewish community and it needs to stop. I have included much information which address some of the aspects of my convictions under the state's racial vilification legislation. I feel strongly if 1 had not been harassed on leaving jail, and stalked and intimidated, 1 would have been through the High Court by now and the conviction quashed. Many things would not have transpired. I include one further email 14 addressing the incredible statements of Pentagon insider and former head of the United States psychological warfare operations department Dr Steve Pieczenik - the ultimate in Pentagon insider. In the email I quote him stating Israel did 9-11. Links to his interview are supplied in the email as well as a transcript of his exact words. He also stated that there will 1J Annexure 10 - email - "Links Regarding Australlo/lsrael High Technology Sector And Mosque Bombing" ! Annexure 11 - email - "Top Psychological Warfare Planner From Pentagon Soys Israel Did 9-11". 13 | P a g Page 13 of 129 Page 277 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL-IND 1243/15 CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT be peaceful change via a Trump presidency or the American military will have to intervene. He was talking about a coup. That is front page material in major news papers from all over the world. He said exactly what I said about Israel and Jewish/Israeli spying. I was vilified, called an anti-semite, mentally ill and ultimately jailed. It is important your Honour, that you understand my statements at all times are backed up by solid information in the public domain. Something Judge Wisbey refused to allow me to do at trial in 2011. I am ashamed of some of my behaviour. Embarrassed. I cringe when going over paper work and transcripts of the last seven years. I earnestly wish the West Australian establishment felt they could simply come out and say, "sorry, we made a mistake. We have treated you badly." One detective attempted this. It is an ongoing process to restore my trust in police which has been shattered. Literally shattered. When I was Nursing, a public debate emerged whereby patients and families who had suffered under Nursing and Medical negligence stated they did not want to automatically litigate. They wanted an atmosphere where human frailty was acknowledged and free and open discussion was possible to make "systems" better and more responsive to human needs. If an atmosphere of revenge, recrimination and law suits pervaded the general atmosphere, it would stifle this goal. We would become like the Soviet Union - a society of over legalised paper work pushers keen to tick boxes while the actual daily outcomes for society led to its ultimate break down - but the paper work looked good. Currently, people from all walks of life including police, prison officers, judges lawyers and the office of the DPP are under enormous pressure to be "perfect". No one is perfect - least of all me. But after Nursing many people and being present at their deaths I feel a strong need to leave something positive in this world. My own present, possible early mortality has accelerated this thinking. I want nothing more than peace and ultimate good will to all human beings in these extremely troubled times. But not at the expense of Truth. I appreciate you reading this letter and taking the accompanying material into consideration. Also included in this package -
  45. Letter of support from my mother.
  46. Letter of support from Hamid Farrajolahi
  47. Letter of support from David Ford - this is a draft letter. David is overseas. He has sent a copy via express mail but it will not arrive on time when the package is due. It may well arrive at the Perth District Court within a few days in its final version. Until then I include a draft version - un signed. David was supposed to photograph 14 | P a g e Page 14 of 129 Page 278 of 1018 BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - IND 1243/15 — CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT and email me his letter but I have not heard from him and cannot contact him. He is currently in Norway. I have a very wide social network. Many people expressed some reluctance to write on my behalf due to what has occurred and the harassment people around me have recieved. Sincerely, Brendon Lee O'Connell 15 | Page Page 15 of 129 Page 279 of 1018 LETTER FOR CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT - BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL IND 1243/15 18th July 2016 Road igtnail.com Chief Judge of the District Court Sleight RE: IND 1243/15 - Letter of support for Brendon Lee O'Connell. Your Honor, My name i I am Brendon O'Connell's mother. I re-married after the death of Brendon's father - Brian O'Connell - in 1987. Brendon was 16 years old when his father died. Brendon had three sisters. One has since died - Jacqueline O'Connell. She died of a massive stroke in the middle of Brendon's court case in 2010. He has two surviving sisters ten and eleven years younger. Brendon's early life was not settled. We moved frequently as my husband was a police officer. Brendon, like his father, has a very sensitive antenna to un-faimess and what he perceives as injustice. My husband was one of fifteen children and the eldest son. The family had obvious Native Australian ancestry on his mother's side and they suffered from poverty and discrimination in rural New South Wales. This affected my husband greatly and he never forgot his past. He was gifted academically and won scholarships. He was one of the top recruits for the WA police. He was known as a compassionate police officer and the Native Australian community in places like Gnowangerup (W.A) sought him out for conflict resolution even when he had left the police force. Brendon was also gifted academically but disliked school. He did however complete a Nursing degree. My friends had worked with Brendon and noted what a good and well liked nurse he was. Brendon left Nursing after four and a half years stating it was as corrupt and incompetent as any government department and he could not stand it, despite loving the basic job. Brendon is a people person. I am well aware of what has gone on in the last seven years. I am still shocked that the matter even got to court under 'racial vilification’. Perhaps this is just my older generation 1 I Page Page 16 of 129 Page 280 of 1018 LETTER FOR CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT - BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL IND 1243/15 attitude to things. Regardless, 1 noted the attention of the entire Israeli state against my son. This was quite disturbing to myself and extended family and Brendon warned us to be very careful. Brendon told us he had been approached by the head of counter terrorism (Inspector Barry Shelton) to discuss Israeli spying in Australia and this was the reason for the appearance of many politicians from Israel and locally from W.A and Australia. 1 still find this quite amazing. I know this caused my son a great deal of distress as did the sudden death of his sister (my daughter) Jacquie, three months after death threats were issued via the internet against us all. Your Honour, Brendon has explained that the "threat to kill" charge is very serious as it involves a prison officer. Brendon told me he was told by both prisoners and prison staff that this person had organised my sons beating in jail. My son told us he had exhausted all avenues to have the man investigated and all he had gotten were insults from investigation officers at the department in charge of prisons. The insults were so bad my son had a physical altercation with staff in the middle of their offices in St Georges Terrace in mid
  48. My son told me about all he had seen go on in plain view inside the prison barbed wire. He was utterly disgusted. He said prison officers were totally unconcerned their corrupt behaviour was being noted. It is clear there is a big problem in the prisons. I hope the current Minister continues to clean it up. All I can say is that Brendon told me immediately on being released from prison how bad it was. He was visibly shaken by it all. Brendon kept from us his fears for our safety because of police and prison officers. He told me later that he had had the highest level drug traffickers admit to him the vast pay offs they paid to both state and federal police for protection. Brendon told me that the police virtually ran the drug trade. 1 was not entirely surprised. My husband had seen the same things in the 1970's. I also know many serving and retired police officers. Graham Davies, former head of police recruitment, is a long time family friend. My husband got out of the police as a direct result of the corruption he personally witnessed - both petty and major. It seems little has changed. Brendon told me about his arrest in late 2014 and how he had deliberately provoked Minister Joe Francis to mount an investigation by insisting that if he did not - Brendon would kill the man who he believed had set him up to be bashed. Brendon told me he had deliberately done this to gamer attention to his plight and force the issue. He told me that a woman had made the front page of The West Australian Newspaper after threatening to kill Premiere Colin Barnett over the culling of sharks. Brendon told me about the phone conversation with Minister Joe Francis and how he promised to personally over see an investigation. Brendon told me the details of the 2 | P age Page 17 of 129 Page 281 of 1018 LETTER FOR CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT - BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL IND 1243/15 attitude to things. Regardless, 1 noted the attention of the entire Israeli state against my son. This was quite disturbing to myself and extended family and Brendon warned us to be very careful. Brendon told us he had been approached by the head of counter terrorism (Inspector Barry Shelton) to discuss Israeli spying in Australia and this was the reason for the appearance of many politicians from Israel and locally from W.A and Australia. 1 still find this quite amazing. I know this caused my son a great deal of distress as did the sudden death of his sister (my daughter) Jacquie, three months after death threats were issued via the internet against us all. Your Honour, Brendon has explained that the "threat to kill" charge is very serious as it involves a prison officer. Brendon told me he was told by both prisoners and prison staff that this person had organised my sons beating in jail. My son told us he had exhausted all avenues to have the man investigated and all he had gotten were insults from investigation officers at the department in charge of prisons. The insults were so bad my son had a physical altercation with staff in the middle of their offices in St Georges Terrace in mid
  49. My son told me about all he had seen go on in plain view inside the prison barbed wire. He was utterly disgusted. He said prison officers were totally unconcerned their corrupt behaviour was being noted. It is clear there is a big problem in the prisons. I hope the current Minister continues to clean it up. All I can say is that Brendon told me immediately on being released from prison how bad it was. He was visibly shaken by it all. Brendon kept from us his fears for our safety because of police and prison officers. He told me later that he had had the highest level drug traffickers admit to him the vast pay offs they paid to both state and federal police for protection. Brendon told me that the police virtually ran the drug trade. I was not entirely surprised. My husband had seen the same things in the 1970's. I also know many serving and retired police officers. Graham^^^J former head of police recruitment, is a long time family friend. My husband got out of the police as a direct result of the corruption he personally witnessed - both petty and major. It seems little has changed. Brendon told me about his arrest in late 2014 and how he had deliberately provoked Minister Joe Francis to mount an investigation by insisting that if he did not - Brendon would kill the man who he believed had set him up to be bashed. Brendon told me he had deliberately done this to gamer attention to his plight and force the issue. He told me that a woman had made the front page of The West Australian Newspaper after threatening to kill Premiere Colin Barnett over the culling of sharks. Brendon told me about the phone conversation with Minister Joe Francis and how he promised to personally over see an investigation. Brendon told me the details of the 2 | P age Page 17 of 129 Page 282 of 1018 LETTER FOR CHIEF JUDGE SLEIGHT - BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL IND 1243/15 Both myself and his many family and friends wish him the best and support him fully. Brendon has told us he has met many fine police, lawyers and judges along the way and change takes time. He has certainly indicated to myself and others that he needs some counselling and support. Sincerely, 4 | Page Page 19 of 129 Page 283 of 1018 (•) PRESSTV Date: Sunday, 24 July 2016 Referenca No.: 160724 Enclosures: No RE: Letter of support for Brendon Lee O'Connell • IND 1243/15 Dear Chief Judge Sleight, My name is Hamid Farajollahi, Senior International Correspondent for PressTV, a round the clock news network. I first met Brendon O'Connell in June of 2014 at a rally in Sydney, organised in support of the Palestinians. I interviewed Brendon on camera in the street. I knew about his extraordinary case. I have since interviewed Brendon in Sydney on Christmas day, 2015, for a 20 minute segment for Press TV. I have spoken with Brendon regularly via phone and also email. I have seen the stress Brendon has felt under especially with the arrival of the Israeli Ambassador and Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister to interfere in his case in August of 2010. This was quite an extraordinary event to those of us with a political 'nose'. I have read Brendon's 235 page High Court synopsis he prepared as background information for a High Court appeal against his conviction under the states racial vilification laws. It is disturbing and insightful as to what has gone on and I believe it describes Brendon's behaviour, especially with regards to the current charge of a threat to kill. I have read the blog post in question with regards to the current charge. I note the charge is quite serious due to it being directed at a prison officer. Obviously this was not a very bright thing to do and Brendon has acknowledged that to me many times. But, he added that it was an act of desperation as he wanted the man investigated for arranging his beating in jail and no one was paying any attention. In fact according to Brendon they appeared to be covering it up. www. p r e s s t v . com Email: [email protected] TEL: +61 2 80331540 FAX: +61 2 80331540 GPO Box 1236, Sydney, NSW, 2001, Australia Page 20 of 129 Page 284 of 1018 (S) PRESS7V O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Brendon assured me he felt he had to provoke the Minister to action and he felt any publicity gained would afford him some protection from the stalking and harassment he had received. Brendon also confided to me he had felt extremely isolated and depressed. At times even suicidal. I have noted considerable amount of information surrounding the actions of police and their various raids on Brendon's residence. According to my understanding of events, this is quite over the top and ridiculous and I strongly believe this affected Brendon greatly. It is certainly an extraordinary set of circumstances. I hope you will see fit to sentence Brendon to something other than jail. I am certainly able to support Brendon and assist where I can to facilitate his return to some semblance of normal functioning, and hopefully, a full return to the West Australian community as a valued, contributing member of society. I am fully aware of previous charges of racial vilification. Again, these are extraordinary details. Brendon is no racist but he has been exposing well known Zionist and Israeli racism and hatred that permeates their society, culture and traditions. This is well known to those of us who have an understanding of the Middle East due to the nature of our profession. In fact, it is common knowledge but it seems suppressed in the corporate media. This is unfortunate. Certainly, Brendon could of articulate these facts in a far less emotional way. It is a very sensitive issue. Brendon acknowledges this to me frequently. In closing, I have found Brendon reflective and able to criticise his own behaviour. It is clear to me Brendon is far calmer now and ready to move forward acknowledging the practical limits to his desired goal. He acknowledges these things take time and in my experience, reporting from all over the world, somethings need to be handled delicately and sensitively. I'm sure Brendon understand this. Please do not hesitate to contact me if further assistance is required. Sincerely, Hamid Farajoliahi www. p r e s s t v . com Email: [email protected] TEL: +61 2 80331540 FAX: +61 2 80331540 GPO Box 1236, Sydney, NSW, 2001, Australia Page 21 of 129 Page 285 of 1018 26 June 2016 Dear Chief Judge Slight RE: Character Reference for Brendon Lee O'Connell - 1ND1243/15 Page 11 I have known Brendon O'Connell for 18 years, and consider him a close friend. It's my understanding that he has been charged with the offense of threatening to kill a prison officer. I recognise the gravity of these charges and write to testify to his character and to add a personal perspective to the events surrounding the charge. I am a teacher at ^^^^^^^^enior Campus, Intensive English Centre (IEC)) where I teach international students, many of whom are refugees. I am also teacher in charge of operations at the IEC, which has well over 20 staff. 1 am an act ive member of the Russian Orthodox Christian community and am a past President of thc^^^^^Ratc Payers Association. It is my understanding that the current charges of threat to kill have a large and expansive history. Brendon has had seven years of ongoing interaction with Western Australian's policing, political and judicial arms - starting in May of 2009 when he was first charged under the state's racial vilification legislation. At this time, Brendon was sharing a house with myself and another friend in Through these circumstances, and our continued friendship, I have been privy to his paperwork, videos and personal views as we regularly discuss these matters - therefore, I am aware of events in some detail. With that in mind, it is my opinion that the current charge is not reflective of his true intentions, nor of his deeper character. 1 feel strongly that what has transpired must be viewed through the larger context of the last seven years. I know Brendon to be a man committed to integrity and truth. He is always open and truthful. He supports equality and justice and will fight for the underdog fearlessly. He will sacrifice his own safety and good for those he believes have been wronged. Never, in our long friendship, have I known him to ignore his sense of justice and fairness. At times, I have been surprised by how he pursues what he believes is right. 1 do not always agree with his methods, but I see his goals and methods are always informed by an abiding sense of truth and integrity. An example which I believe is of relevance to the current case: I had a friend whom Brendon would chat with amicably. I recall that one day Brendon had harsh Page 22 of 129 Page 286 of 1018 Page | 2 words for this friend of mine. When I enquired about this, he said Peter needed to be 'woken up'. It can be in Brendon's character to be provocative with the intention of bringing about an ’awakening 7 . In the current case, Brendon expressed to me on many occasions, not just the sense of injustice he feels, but also his inability to make headway into the system to begin to redress the issue. From conversations with him I understand the background to the case to be that; • in prison, a conversation with prison staff outlining concern for his own safety was ignored. He was beaten (badly), literally five minutes after this conversation, • at the hospital, he was met by gross incompetence being sent back to prison with a badly broken arm without medical treatment. Medical records were later "lost", and x-rays tampered with including a denial by RPH that they had ever taken an x-ray of Brendon's arm. • when out of prison, his attempts to address these matters through the complaint system were unsuccessful and met with some overt resistance by investigation staff. Through multiple conversations with Brendon - many predating the current charges - and through our general interaction, I have formed the opinion that he has been stressed and traumatised by three years of imprisonment and what he perceives as police harassment. Much of this time was served in maximum security, much to our total surprise. I believe he wants this ongoing dispute to end, but he equally longs for recognition of the mismanagement of his case. With this in mind, I believe his threats can be viewed as an attempt to have his case investigated. Nothing more. Brendon himself has stated to me that his comments to the Minister were to provoke a reaction and bring attention to his plight so that the issue could be brought out in the open, and duly investigated. Brendon has related to me how a woman who threatened Premiere Colin Barnett over a proposed shark cull made the front page of The West Australian Newspaper. Brendon stated he was hoping for the same degree of ministerial attention by forwarding such a provocative email to twenty members of parliament, not just Minister Joe Francis. I also believe there are other factors which add to Brendon's motivation to provoke his case into becoming more high profile. Firstly, Brendon believes that public opinion can be used to his benefit when he stands on the side of truth. His initial incarceration seem to me to be the consequence of his quest to have the extent of Israeli spying operations known, and to highlight self evident Jewish racial and religious supremacism as the ethical and moral foundation of the "Jewish State”. Secondly, 1 also understand that prior to the charges, Brendon had tried to have his case investigated through the correct channels but had been unsuccessful. Brendon perceives he has been harassed by police. He has provided many details to point this out. I was present when the house had been entered into and I had my brake lines cut on my car and various other strange events including finding two men attempting to place something in the engine bay of my car in the early morning hours. This is on top of the many stories he heard while in prison of corruption by police and prison staff, as well as the corruption he himself Page 23 of 129 Page 287 of 1018 Page | 3 witnessed. This has resulted in a sense of mistrust and reluctance to resolve issues through established paths. After Brendon's incarceration 1 decided to leave the state for a while. 1 did not feel comfortable. My computers were hacked frequently. I am not easily intimidated but I felt this was necessary. Also, Brendon believes that information in the public eye is a means of protection. I believe that compounding the story was the fact that on or around October the 29th 2014,Brendon told me that he had been invited to give statements to the DCS investigation unit on the 30th of October. I told him that he should not attend the meeting without legal representation or a witness of some kind. He decided not to go. The reason for my advice was that I found it difficult to explain the background to the case (in the above dots points) without reverting to explanations of gross incompetence or at worst corruption. I was therefore anxious that Brendon have representation at the meeting. On the afternoon of 30th October 20141 spoke with Brendon who explained how he had been arrested and charged with the current offence. He told me how, prior to the arrest, he had been rung four times by a Paul MILLWARD - the DCS investigation officer - that day, and asked if he was attending the meeting as arranged. Brendon had told him he would not attend and that he had been assured by Minister Joe Francis, when the minister called him on 10 October, that the minister would be personally overseeing an investigation into his case. Three hours later his room was raided at a homeless shelter and he was charged with the threat to kill. I know Brendon as deeply spiritual and reflective person. We talk regularly on matters such as theology, philosophy, politics, ethics and health care. Brendon is fully capable of taking criticism and reflecting on his own behaviour. 1 have heard him on several occasions and in different contexts, acknowledge his lack of grace and maturity when acting under pressure. Brendon is a large man with an equally large smile. He is warm and gracious. Loyal to his friends. Honest and caring. To express a desire to hurt a human being could only have come from a deep state of anxiety. A state I know Brendon had sought to alleviate via the usual methods of letter writing and complaint - with no effect. 1 note Brendon's previous convictions for "racial vilification". Brendon is no racist Of that I can attest most forcefully. I find those charges offensive in themselves and believe, at heart, the charges were politically motivated to some degree. 1 look forward to Brendon receiving a resolution to the issues and hope that Brendon can move on from these events and work with the states establishment to resolve all issues. Brendon has stated that not everyone is against him and he has to calm down. I hope that he gains a sense of justice. I can certainly assure your Honour that I can assist Brendon via friendship and support to keep him on a firm track of utilising more appropriate methods to bring his grievances against the state of Western Australia and various government departments to a close. I realise a threat to kill charge is serious, even more so when directed at a police or prison officer. I hope the extraordinary background to the case and Brendon's clear understanding of the inappropriateness of his behaviour will lead you to find an appropriate punishment Page 24 of 129 Page 288 of 1018 Page | 4 other than jail. In that, I can assure your honour, Brendon has my full support to facilitate him becoming a productive and positive contributor to the West Australian community. Sincerely Page 25 of 129 Page 289 of 1018 ANNEXQg-g 2 . 6th April 2016 Mr Brendon O'Connell c/o The Beacon, 8 Aberdeen Street East Perth, WA 6004 P.O Box 8034 Perth Business Center East Perth, WA 6004 0431 048 594 boaSboc.rocks Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan WA Police 6th Floor, 2 Adelaide Terrace East Perth, WA 6004 Inspector Nick Anticich WA Police Level 10, 256 Adelaide Terrace Perth, WA 6000 RE: Charges, Criminal Contempt Of Court. CC: Office of the Attorney general CC: Liza Harvey, Minister For Police CC: Office of the Department of Public Prosecutions CC: Colleen Egan, c/o The West Australian newspaper CG Paul Murray, c/o The West Australian Newspaper CG Hamid Farrajolahi, Bureau Chief, Iranian Press TV My case is well known to you. On 8th of August 2010 the WA police took part in the security of an event designed purely to intimidate the Western Australian political, judicial, legal and policing establishment. The event was called The Friends Of Israel. It was attended by the Israeli Ambassador to Australia; the Israeli deputy foreign minister; the Australian foreign minister; 30 local and federal members of parliament. Over 100 local and federal members of parliament expressed written support for the event. Former Minister in charge of police. Bob Kuchera, was chair of the event. Page 26 of 129 Page 290 of 1018 Page | 2 Over 1,500 members of the Perth, Sydney, and Melbourne Jewish and Christian community attended the event. The key note speaker at the event was the complainant in my then legal case - Stanley Elliot KEYSER. Below is a screenshot from the large online media outlet - J-Wire describing the event. J-Wire Digital Jewish news daify for Australia and New Zealand from page melboume national Sydney the arts nz sport OBOCC EMPLOYMENT HAVE YOU HE ABO’ READERS' LETTERS TIC ARTS CONTACT US e/cww > Mon; Mwd / Freruft < fejoti wa «n**h*d r Penn *tn unurdrg iucc«i - J-Wre Friends of Israel WA launched in Perth...with astounding success
  50. Email This Post August 8 2010 t>y Henry Be^amm Pnm 3 Comments In May 2009 rootage shot Dy 39-yeaioia Brendan O Cormeri sent waves of anguish throughout the City's 9 000 strong Jewish community O Connell took his viewers on a uip across the Swan River to a demonstration m South Penh being held by the Friends of Palestine protesting outside an iga supermarket setting Israeli Jaffa oranges O'Connell told f*S ■viewers' that he was hoping to find some Jews at the scene and he did He videoed himself harrassing two young Jewish men and creating an argumentative situation He »ar r Mr* to invoking the Racial ViWkaUxi Act Tne Fnends of Palestine group distanced itseff from OConneB Brendan O ConnH wth te*t • YouTube it* m Community leader Steve Uebiich told J-Wlre t ne jewisr had been c harped and a group of us got together with one purpose in mind to find support for Israel not )ust from tne Jewish community but from all Australians Today s event was the culmination of this initiative instead of the usual 300-400 diehard Jewish supporters we got 1500 of which about 75H were not Jewish Steve Liebtich reports Page 27 of 129 Page 291 of 1018 Page | 3 http://www.jwire.com.au/friends-of-israel-launched-in-perth-with-astoundLng-success/ In another news report is was said the event was organized in "direct response" to Brendon O’Connell. Included with this letter is ANNEXURE A. This is a copy of a four page letter I sent you in response to my initial request for criminal contempt of court charges to be laid against the organisers of the Friends Of Israel rally held 8 days before the original August 16th start of my trial in 2010. The trial was subsequently adjourned as it became obvious with the FOl rally it would be impossible to get any normal or expert witnesses to attend. In your initial response to me you stated that on legal advice there must be prima facie evidence that a "a material particular" had been affected by the event in question. Let me explain to you - using a Law Reform Commission of Western Australia - exactly what "contempt of court” is, and is not. I have underlined the most relevant points. The quotes below come from a June 2003 review of the law of contempt, published by the WA law reform commission. Sub judice contempt by publication Most cases of contempt by publication involve material that has a tendency to prejudice criminal proceedings being tried before a jury . Some cases involve the revelation of information that would not be admissible as evidence in court, for example a prior conviction. Some involve a simple statement of opinion as to the guilt or innocence of an accused. However, it is possible to be held in contempt for statements that place pressure on the parties to proceedings, including civil proceedings, and even for statements prejudging the outcome of proceedings to be tried by a judge alone. (Other publication based contempt offences, such as scandalising die court, are discussed in Part V.) There are two widely applied statements of the test for sub judice contempt by publication. The first comes from the High Court decision in John Fairfax & Sons Pty Ltd v McRae [Tjhis summary jurisdiction has always been regarded as one which is to be exercised with great caution and, in this particular class of case, to be exercised only if it be made quite clear to the court that the matter published has, as a matter of practical reality. a tendenqi to interfere with the due course of justice in a particular case .3 This test has been applied in numerous recent Western Australian cases.4 The second statement comes from a decision of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and may be seen as a refinement of the McRae test: If the publication is of a character which mi ght have an effect on the proteedi.D8?^U will ha yeihe.necessar y tend ency, unless the possibility of interference is so remote or theoretical that the de minimis principle should be applied.5 Page 28 of 129 Page 292 of 1018 Page | 4 There are limited defences to sub judice contempt by publication, including fair and accurate reporting of criminal proceedings and publication in the public interest (the Bread Manufacturers' principle). Please take particular note on the words "tendency" and "pressure on the parties to proceedings". Also note - "a tendency to interfere with the due course of justice in a particular case". And, “If the publication is of a character which might have an effect on the proceedings, it will have the necessary tendency..." It should not require too many brain cells to work out the tendency and pressure that would have been apparent to ALL parties involved in my 2011 criminal case when representatives of a foreign state - at the highest levels - take part in a large rally that is admitted to be directly linked to a legal case that was to be heard in eight days time. The complainant in the matter - Stanley Elliot KEYSER - was also a key note speaker. Blind Freddy in his first year of a law degree could see that. But apparently, you do not? I would further refer you to comments by then senior prosecutor Alan Troy when he emphatically demanded I be jailed for "contempt of court" in November of 2009. He cites a legal precedent. I have highlighted the relevant points. TROY, MR: The court will be aware, of course, that although in "contempt of court" is a little utilised power that, on the authority of R V Pearce [199217 WAP, 395, the Director of Public Prosecutions has the standing to commence and carry on. And that is something that the Director of Public Prosecutions is actively considering, as the court knows from correspondence. And there is clear authority that a favourable comment, such as an assertion that an accused is innocent, to the media during the course of a trial can amount to a contempt . It is, of course, a question of degree, and there is a question as to proximity of trial. 1 So, we are all to believe that "competent" legal advice rendered to you - Inspector Nick Anticich (2013) - has stated that the sledgehammer arrival and staging of the FOI rally would not affect a "material particular"? That could well be correct as describing in detail the "material particular effect" on a blade of grass, 20 ft from a hydrogen bomb test, might well also be difficult to describe and articulate in detail for legal purposes. The obliterating effect of the blast and fall out are overwhelming. But nonetheless, we will articulate it. It would be clear from the law society description of the law of contempt, that the effect of the FOI rally, eight days before the original start of my trial in 2010, would have a "tendency to interfere with the due course of justice in a particular case". If, as Senior Prosecutor Alan Troy believes, even uttering to the media the bland comment that an accused is "innocent" is enough for a contempt charge - are you seriously going to try and fob me off with some first year law legalese that a foreign states direct and deliberate interference in a local criminal case does not warrant contempt proceedings? What occurred goes to the very heart of the nations legal process. What occurred was in fact an international incident. ' Transcript 20/11/2009 page 5-7 IND 1767 of 2009 Page 29 of 129 Page 293 of 1018 Page | 5 The Israeli state is all powerful . It has bragged constantly of its role in forming and focussing American foreign and domestic policy via outlets such as AIPAC - known as "The Lobby". Prime minister Aerial Sharon bragged to opposition Shimon Perez on October 3rd, 2001 - “7 want to tell you something very dear. Don 7 worry about American pressure on Israel. H e. the Jewish people control America and the Americans know It" KolYisreel Radio October 3 rt 2001 Reported In highl) respected The Washington Report November 2001 Page 114 under section titled "American Educational trust Publishers Page " The Israeli state dominates the world of database security, government surveillance and spying. Its high technology sector leads the world. The head of Booz Allen Hamilton - employer of Edward Snowden - is Dov Zackheim, Orthodox Rabbi and dual national Israeli/American citizen. One of the leading suppliers of surveillance intelligence to Homeland Security is run by Michael Chertoff, former head of Homeland Security and dual national Israeli/American citizen. I could write pages - in fact I have - a 235 page high court synopsis that details these facts that shows clearly that the Israeli state has a literal stranglehold on the entire planet This was in fact what one of your colleagues - Inspector Barry Shelton - wanted to discuss with me. He let me know this via phone and email. The Israeli Ambassador turned up 6-8 weeks later. Barry Shelton's words to me were, "We all respect your work." That seemed to spook someone. Hence the Friends of Israel rally. Further to the "Sub Judice" aspect of contempt law. There is also this as espoused in the WA law society review - The administration of justice The role of contempt law in protecting the right to a fair trial is that it punishes publication of information that would not be admissible at the trial. In so doing it protects the integrity of the trial itself and the rules that govern the way the trial is run. Clearly such a rule has an important function in supporting the presumption of innocence, and therefore the right to a fair trial. H owever, it also supports the status of the law, and of legal processes, as rational and principled, and not given to emotional prejudices. Insofar as contempt law protects the rules of evidence, therefore, it also protects that status. Another indicator of the quality of our legal system is its capacity to equalise power imbalances that exist outside the courtroom . Although it is by no means perfect from the legal system does provide an even-handed procedure whereby parties have, at least, opportunities to test and challenge each other's evidence and arguments. Evidence and arguments introduced by means of the Page 30 of 129 Page 294 of 1018 Page | 6 media, rather than by the parties themselves, are subject to no such opportunities, or at least to considerably more complicated opportunities or opportunities that come at a significant cost (such as defamation actions which are outside of the financial reach of many people). By restricting the introduction of information by means other than the parties themselves, the law of contempt supports this aspect of the administration of justice. Was the administration of justice affected by the Israeli State so blatantly offering its support to the complainant in my case - Stanley Elliot KEYSER - by having him as a keynote speaker? Was the administration of justice assisted by the Israeli State figuring prominently at a rally which stated emphatically it was organised one week before my trial with the express aim of showing "support for the state of Israel"? The organisers stated emphatically I was the centre point of the rally. One man - against the entire Israeli state, and over 130 local and federal members of parliament. One man. Though the commentary on the administration of justice makes particular emphasis on the "rules of evidence" and allowing easy rebuttal of claims made in a court room rather than various other public outlets such as social media and the main stream media - it is not a heavy burden to shift that emphasis on to the general running of the trial and, “equalise power imbalances that exist outside the courtroom. “ Do you think the behaviour of every single person from the prosecutor to the judge to the defence to witnesses would not have been affected by the Israeli State directly throwing its weight behind the complainant in the case? Do you think both myself and my lawyer John Bougher would not have been affected and had our search for expert witnesses impacted by such a political show of power? Looking beyond even the purely legal aspects of the event and its far reaching implications; it must be said that what occurred was a unique and powerful international incident and your willingness to "fob it off with some cliche first year legal terms indicates the depths of desperation you are willing to sink too to avoid the inevitable personal, professional, political and legal fall out that will eventually come. And it will come. I am now offering you - both Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan and Inspector Nick Anticich - the opportunity to re-assess your position. I am also offering Bus letter to die office of the Attorney General and Office of the Department of Public Prosecutions to "encourage" a moving forward of what needs to be done - charges of "contempt of court". In fact, "criminal contempt of court". Also, under section 143 and 132 of the Western Australian Criminal Compilation Act (1903), there is clearly enough prima facie evidence to begin proceedings against the main organizers of the event known as The Friends Of Israel rally, held on August 8th 2010 - with the charge of conspiring to impede, obstruct or pervert the course of justice. The requisite "intent" is clearly evident in the simple submission I put to you that it is impossible to believe the Israeli state and the main organizers would believe it necessary to come out against a "single man" in such a overt and public way, displaying political firepower the equivalent of dropping an atom bomb on a street mugging. Their clear intent was to intimidate the Perth legal establishment and the key people handling the trial. You might well ask what was their prime motivation for doing so? I was un-employed, homeless, and living off the kindness of friends, some of whom experienced a great deal of harassment from persons unknown. I was vilified in the media as variously mentally ill and a Page 31 of 129 Page 295 of 1018 Page | 7 racist and neo-nazi and Ku Klux Klan associate. What was the motivation for the Israeli State itself, to send some of its most powerful representatives to the FOI event? Because of me? Or was it a message (sub rosa) to the Perth political, legal and judicial establishment that the Israeli state was not happy with Inspector of Counter Terrorism Barry Shelton emailing me, "We all respect your work." There is no need for a specific "material particular" to have been affected by the course of events. It is clear to even the most unsophisticated person that such political firepower aimed squarely at an upcoming trial, and a particular person involved in that trial, would have far reaching effects - particularly on my lawyer and my self's search for expert witnesses to appear on my behalf - as well as ordinary witnesses like members of the Friends of Palestine who were already nervous about being subpoenaed to appear. They had expressed through FOP president Alex Whisson that they had fears at appearing as witnesses on my behalf - such is the reputation of the Israeli state for thuggery and intimidation, amplified by their appearance eight days before the scheduled start of my trial. I need only tell you my fears after seeing the event in question unfold. I was extremely intimidated as was my lawyer John Bougher by the arrival of the Israeli Ambassador and Israeli deputy Foreign Minister. Not to mention over 130 local and federal members of parliament expressing support for the event. The legislation on contempt and Section 132 and 143 is clear, and the quoted WA law society review of contempt legislation is also clear - prima facie evidence suggests the organisers of the Friends Of Israel rally, held eight days before the originally scheduled August 16th 2010 start of my trial, had a clear intent to impede, obstruct and pervert the course of justice by intimidating the entire court system with such a huge and over whelming display of political firepower which has never before been seen in any similar case, anywhere in the world. What occurred, beyond the simple legal ramifications: was a gigantic international incident. The silence is deafening. Of particular focus for charges, but not limited too, are: • Steven Leiblich. Jewish community organiser. • Stanley Elliot Keyser. Key note speaker. • Margaret Court. Provided the facilities for the event. • Bob Kuchera, Chair of the FOI. WTiat excuse do you proffer for failing in your duty to uphold the law and keep this state's legal system free from outside interference? Both local, and international? Sincerely, Brendon O’Connell Page 32 of 129 Page 296 of 1018 Page |8 APPENDIX Included with this letter are scans of my reply to you in 2013.1 have included your original letter to me in its entirety in that particular letter. This is APPENDIX A. I have also included a copy and paste from the FO! website. This page has been removed by the organisers - http://www.foiwa.org.au/node/32. This is APPENDIX B. I have also included two pages from a November 2009 hearing where senior prosecutor Alan Troy explains how even the utterance of an accused being innocent before trial is enough to warrant a contempt charge. This is APPENDIX C. Page 33 of 129 Page 297 of 1018 Pag- 19 APPENDIX A I of 4 JO September 201J Inspector Nick Ant inch Office of A^niuni Commissioner Truffle and Emergency Response Police Headquarters Mr Rrendon Ixc O'Connell P.O Box 100 WOOROLOO. WA 655 $ 6'‘ Floor 2 Adelaide Terrace FAST PERTH* WA 6004 Dear Nick. Manx thanks for your prompt reply to me regarding charging the organisers of a ‘Friend* of Israel' rallv w»lh “pcrxeriing the course ofjunice". Mere is your letter to me for the record: I Dear Mr O'Connell CRIMINAL PH(K EF.DINGS AGAINST THE ORGANISERS OF A ‘FRIENDS OF ISRAEL* RALLY I refet to your letter dated 4 July 201J in which you eek to determine the willingness of like Western Australian Police to commence criminal proceedings against Mr Stanley kewr and or Mr Steven l.ieblich. Your reasoning for commencing criminal proceedings against these men relates to them organising a ‘Friends of Israel rally, which demonstrated broad support for (he state of Israel, around the time of your criminal trial. For charges relating to the administration of justice to be preferred, such as the ones suggested in your letter, there must be prima facie evidence that the person s conduct or actions directly inllucnccd a material particular in your criminal trial. As your criminal trial was based upon your racial vilification of a specific individual, a rally demonstrating broad support for the State of Israel docs not meet this threshold. SluHtld greater clarity on the aforementioned information be required. I would encourage you to discuss the matter with your legal representative. Yours sincerely NICK ANTIOCH APM ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER TRAFFIC AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE 20 September 2013_ Nick, there arc several problems with your response Should greater darnv nn the alnrcmeni totted information he required / w oulJ encoungc yon to Jiu nw //• matter with your ie)taJ representative.

    I do not have a legal representative Dr Ualsh. who wav assisting me to the High Court, has moved on. Due to people like Hylton Quail former head of the W.A law Society running around Perth warning oil solicitors from working with him. I decided that organising a High Court appeal would he impossible with my position within the \A A penal system. Also. I fear that the Israeli Ambassador to Australia and perhaps the Israeli IX*puty Foreign Minister will interfere in my appeal by “indicating broad support" lor their little racist apartheid state by nuking an appearance in Canberra $ days before the hearing of my High Court appeal. Its happened before. I wav hoping that a robust response from our first world parliamentary Jem^ralu tn\nsuthms would prevent a repeat. Page 298 of 1018 Page | 10 2 of 4 / refer to i our letter dated 4 July 201$ in which you seek to deiermtnc the

    thingness of the Western Australian Pol tee to commence criminal proceetlingy Mr Stanlci Key see and or Mr Steven l icNich Mr Stanley I IlkiC Kcyscr and Mr Sieve l.ciblich are bin ivvo of many who would have been involved with the organisation of such jn extremely Urge event. Mrs Margaret Court Castor of the 'Viciorx Life' Church where the rails took place, would also be charged I have written to the Minister for foreign Affairs (Julie Bishop) asking her to rebuke the Israeli Ambassador and IXputy Foreign Minister for their role in the affair Your reasoning for commencing criminal prtKcedmgs against these men relates to them org,wising a friends of hrael ' rally. w htch demonstrated hrood support for the stale of Israel around the time of low criminal trial You appear to have pul the cart before the horse. You have .dreads taken the view that the rails was "demonstrating hr.,ad support for the state of Israel " This was public Is stated as the reason by the organisers on their wensile. It was also publish staled tliat the rails was in "direct response” 1 to Brcndon O'Connell, (he organisers arc not going to stale that the rails was organised to “ intimidate Mr () Connell and individuals involved in lus trial arc the s’ So. you’ve put the can before the horse. You also use the term. "around the time of your criminal trial''. It wasn't "around', it was exactly 8 days before the original August 16* 2010 start of the trial As you were no doubt directly involved in the organisation of the intense security surrounding the event perhaps you arc not the best person to be dealing with this matter? To charge the organisers of t this event would by association moke your department involved in the organisation of an event that contravened Section l$$ 14$ of the II' A Criminal Cade. As your criminal tried was hosed upon your racial vilification of a specific individual a rally demonstrating hr, ho! support far the State of Israel does not meet this threshold. My trial was based on two separate charges Section KOh and " of the II A Criminal Code. Seaton stth involved Panics l.lliot Kcyscr' complaining he had been "racially vilified* by me calling him a racist (which he is) at a rally protesting the racist apartheid state of Israel who have "Jew" only roads criss crossing Palestinian Muslim land fixe charges involved violation of Section 77 of the Code resolving around me “vilifying” the ' Jewish People". In fxt. I was arrested again in March (I think) 2010 and tnc DPP wanted me locked up because I had reported the radio interv iew between Mr Mark C»lcnn ; and Dr Alan Sabrmky who states that Israel was directly involved in the 11“ of September 2001 attacks on New York. Dr Sabrosky is a former Marine Corp Colonel and was for five years the director of studies at the *U.S Army War College These were extremely important statements in the puNic interest. I he prosecutor stated in court that because Israel ts called a "Jewish state*'.! had again committed a crime against Section? n of the WA Criminal Code. So. you arc wrong in your reasoning that because •ate charge was surrounding a “specific individual*', somehow, a rally indicating “broad support"' for the state of Israel does not connect with or constitute a "material particular*' In fact, four of the Section 77 charges centred on statement* made by myself on a Blog that directly critiques the Israeli state Charges for which I received two years jail. h* charges relating to the administration of /at lice to he preferred, such as the ones • suggested in s our letter, there must he prime facie evidence that the person .» conduct or actions directly influenced a material particular in your criminal trod. Matters surrounding the term material particular have been discussed in the previous paragraph. Ixts consult Blacks law Dictionary (l.ighih edition) on the terms prima facie: pnma facie. ««// |l atmj Sufficient to establish a fxt or raise a presumption unless disproved or rebutted 'kovtoj It'fliA .-It I.jKjJ I uKnrtth joJ trpilarK jiloxS Uo» motinp » vital csUcitmj r*x >aU prop Arr> tlraKAi'UlvunAwsuM ' l an Ivforv Page 35 of 129 Page 299 of 1018 Page |11 3 of A prima facie. ./• At firvl sight; on first appearance boi subject to further evidence oc information prima facie cave. I. The establishment of a legally required rebuttable preemption
  51. A party v production of enough cv xletwe to al low the fact-trier to infer the fact at issue and rule in the parties favour Page I22S My reasoning • with regards the soundness of bringing charge v against the organisers of the ‘Friends of Israel' rally - lias good grounds "at first sight, on first appearance" based on these simple matters of fact, that when taken in their n*iafHv. constitute prima fact evidence violation of Section 135 and or Section 143 of the N I t 'nm/nal ( 'umpHatnm Act Il9/3i'. I I here wav no public debate on any matter surrounding my case. Few in Penh even knew of the trial. I had a gag order placed on me. To say that the rally being staged on me X of August 2010 (X days before the start of my trial) somehow constitutes some von of ’irrelevant generality" is disingenuous at best
  52. it wav vtateu on the ‘f riends of Israel' website that the rally was organised in “direct response" to Brendon O'Connell the accused A man who was living on couches. Dependant on the kindness of friends. Why would you bring in the Israeli Ambassador to Australia and Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister except to intimidate all those involved in the trial” Who were they speaking to m terms of the public? I he public had expressed no interest in the matter I he media could not comment. W ho was "the message" for? 3 The complainant in my trial was the keynote speaker Stanley Klliot Keyset. 4 the rally came 2 . months after the head of W A Counter Terrorism (Inspector Bum Sheltoni sent me un email stating. "We all respect your work" and later promising to catch up over coflcc at a later date. Use discussion was to be on Israeli Intelligence actisity in Australia and elsewhere. 5 Virtually immediately after the rally, the website was token down and it was as if the rally never took place Mo turthcr mention of the ’Friends of Ivracl' group hav occurred. W iih ihe above points iti mind, to some how infer that the rally was staged with the simple intent of shosving ’ brood support" fur the Israeli Mate • apparently in a news vacuum “out of the blue", takes souk selective blindness on your legal advisers part l et us now refer bock to the relevant section of the C rimirul Code: Set in# 1 135 Compiring to defeut juutce Am person who conspires with another to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of tuvticc is guilty of a crime, and iv liable to imprisonment for 7 years. Section l Vi. Attempting to pervert the count of Jmtice. Any person who attempts to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice is guilty of a crime, and is liable to imprisonment toe 7 years. Was the intent of the rails to simply, jnd spontaneously: and innocently: indicate to the Western • Australian puttlic “broad support" tor the Israeli State” W ould that be the most logical conclusion to come to gisen the 5 basic points I’ve made previously'? Or. was the intention of the rally to primarily “obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice" by intimidating me, the trial judge, the potential jury, general witnesses and expert witnesses' Using the “reasonable person" test Would a rally and news media coverage (and internet) of an event of this nature held 8 days aefore the Mart of the trial attended by 30 local and federal members of parliament: 1 000 Christian*: the crime of the Penh. Melbourne and Sydney Jewish communities: the Page 36 of 129 Page 300 of 1018 I 12 4 of 4 I uadi Ambassador to Australia and the Israeli Depots foreign Minister plus written support from 100 local and federal members of parliament would this “event'' in an> way serve to “obstruct. present, pervert, or defeat the course of justice*? Who wav meant to ' gel the message"? Ihc "general" Western Australian public? Or. did District Court Judge John Wishes 'get the message*? I>id head of local counter terronsm Inspector Bam Shelton "get the message"? Did the Office of the Department of Public Prosecutions "get the message'"’ Did the accused Mr Brendon l ee O'Connell “get the message"? Did potential ’expert witnesses’ like Professor Shlomo Sand. Professor Nomun I mkclstcin. Max Blumenthal. Paul P.isen and Israel Shamir “get the message'"’ Did ordinary potential witnesses like the ’f riends of Palestine' rails attendee's ’get the message"? Did this ’rail)’ produce a sense of helplessness in people trying to organise a defence against these serious charges? Were they intimidated? Did they feel like giving up? Docs all of inis constitute: Seaton US Compkutg to defeat Junttce Section US. Attempting to pervert the a write of f tut tee' Were the interests of justice* served by this rally in support of the Israeli state being held? Was it necessary for the complainant in the s*asc to be present as the keynote speaker'.’ Was it necessary for it to be lie id ft days before the original August 16* 2010 start of the trial*? Yes' Ibese things were necessary as the intent of the rails was to intimidate myself and all those involved in the trial including possible witnesses and expert witnesses which we were trying to contact at the lime. It was mode sure that we all "got the message'. Nick, its time to stop straining at material particular gnats while swallowing imifKent ’Friends of Israel’ cameis. Should greater clarity on the aforementioned information be required. I would encourage you to discuss the nutter with legal counsel for the Commissioner of Police. Ms Rahia Siddique Further, your coikagucs chose to charge t members of a race lute' nco na/i group (Combat 1 8*1 with minor magistrate co.in thatgev after they shot up a Queens Park Mosque with a high powered rifle. If A members of the local Perth Muslim community involved in a ‘At {Junta mtetteeluat tuppon group' had shot up a Christian Church what would the charge have been? Currently, members of this some group post hwittng posters asking people to "Support your local skinhead" and you do next to nothing. I hey ‘goose step (almost literallyI into the Magistrates court many with “SS” tattoo's on their necks
  53. you treat them with ktd gloves Perhaps your bunds in the AFP based at the Sheraton Hotel arc

    hoping to ’handle' some o f them into burning down a synagogue and then claim my ‘ease synopsis’ (available online: http adrx m«7 StgtXo) “incited" them to do it? Such are the games played in these interesting times I note that in Greece there are moves to outlaw the far right “Golden Dawn Party" by declaring them a “Criminal Organisation" • much like the current IVA Criminal Ot‘ganbation Act 2012. AH because some "Hollywood Nazi’s" apparently murdered a Far Left activist? Apparently. While your colleagues chose to hound and harass ok true blue nco-nazi’s wall/ the streets of Perth with mipunt.y shooting up Mosques, these arc the IvXACT people the legislation was written for. i’ll be sure to pass this on to sontacts in Iran and the Middk l ast generally as well as Malaysia and Indonesia. I.ivc sheep and cattle trade oomg well lately? Your lack ot enthusiasm md cates to me I made the right decision in not bothering with the High Coun and shows that in reality. there is no separation between the courts and politics in this country However Nick. I'm rot completely ignorant o! the pressure you must all he under. Has the Israeli Ambassador to Australia serf you an email ’ Just a simple one asking you to indicate “broad support" for Israel? Ail the best mate . xincctcly. Brendon l ee O'Conrd’

    las.-fck-J ui KWttr Sk aim. ml ! cspknis.-s IriiKrlnt txhctkd a totem! (nnp t urepc Page 301 of 1018 APPENDIX B 13 There is no material available on their official site at this web address. It has been removed for obvious reasons but I have screenshots. Here is the "WayBack Machine" official link to the back up of the site. You can see the incredible political fire power levelled at one man - me, Brendon Lee O'Connell - Home I Blog s I Steve Lieblich's blog Dignitaries and Community Leaders attending the Launch of FOIWA (this posting has been updated since the launch, to include messages of support received from the attendees afterwards) STOP PRESS: Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith came directly from the Pacific Islands Forum to speak at the launch of FOIWA. The following dignitaries attended the launch of FOIWA on 8 August 2010: • Stephen Smith MP, Federal Member for Perth, Foreign Minister. • Senator Glenn Sterle, Senator for Western Australia: 'To Steve Bob and theCommitteecf theFOlWA, Congratulations on the successful launch of this ground breaking initiative. As a West Australian, and a true friend of the Sate of Israel. It gives me great pleasuretobean Inaugural manber of this vital assanUy. Shalom' • Senator Mark Bishop, Senator for Western Australia • Senator Michaelia Cash, Senator for Western Australia • Michael Keenan MP, Federal Member for Stirling; Shadow Minister for Justice and Customs • Louise Durack, Labor Candidate for Stirling • Hon. Alannah MacTieman MLA BA, LLB, BJuris, JP, Former Member for Armadale • Tim Hammond, Labor Candidate for Swan • Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Israel Embassy to Australia • Mr Michael Sutherland MLA BA, LLB, DipEd and Michelle Gilchrist, Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly • Hon. Kate Doust MLC, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the State Legislative Council; Shadow Minister for Energy; Science and Innovation • Liz Lloyd Behjat MLC, State Member for North Metropolitan Region: Congratulations on the launch of the WA Friends of Israel WA The number of enthusiastic people who attended the event ...is testament to the high regard in which you and others of the Perth lavish community are held by the community and political leaders form all political persuasions. Warmest regards and best wishes for the continued growth and success of the organisation. • Sue Ellery MLC, Member for South Metropolitan • Peter Abetz MLA, State Member for Southern River • Albert Jacob MLA, State Member for Ocean Reef • Bill Johnston MLA, State Member for Cannington • Ben Wyatt MLA, Member for Victoria Park: "Warmest congratulations on a wonderfully successful launch of the Friends of Israel yesterday! It is clear that Israel has deep and sincere support from across Western Australia and I hare no doubt that the'Frimdsof Israd' will havean important rdetoplay in de/doping this relationship. Warmest regards...' • Peter Tinley MLA, Member for Willagee • Hon. John Charles Kobelke MLA BSc, DipEd, JP, Member for Balcatta • Councillor Rod Willox AM RFD ED JP, Councillor, City of Stirling • Councillor David Michael, Osborne Ward, City of Stirling • Stephen Price, WA Secretary, AWU • Christine Gundry JP and Pauline Saillard, Electorate Officer, Office of lan Britza, MLA • Mrs Anne-Kit and Mr John Littler, Researcher for Ian Britza, MLA in Morley • Mrs Margaret Duff and Max Duff, Office of Paul Papalia, Member for Wambro • Alex Butterworth , President, Young Liberals W.A • Pastor Ross and Mei Clark, Perth Messianic Assembly Dianella • Hon Rev Dr Margaret Court AO, MBE.Phd LLD, Senior Pastor, Victory Life Centre • Barry Court, Board Member, Victory Life Centre Page 38 of 129 Page 302 of 1018 Page | 14 • Pastor Ron McKay & Pat, Pastor, Victory Life Centre • Anne Edgar, Victory Life Centre • Helen Muir, Victory Life Centre • Pastor Alan Wells, Victory Life Centre: "It was a historical day for God and for Israel. Scripture in Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of lerusalem, May they prosper who love you. As we pray for the peace of Jerusalem the Capital of Israel, Sovereign God, brings Friends of Israel together, and we witnessed a great outpouring on August 8, 2010 here in Western Australia. May God stir the hearts of many around Australia and the world to also have Friends of Israel, that the world may know that many stand with Israel for Her Sovereignty, the Right to Exist, the Right toliveln Peace that Sheoontinuetobe ' fcr a light of theGentiles (Nations) (Isaiah 42:6)., and be a Blessings to the Nations of the World, as God proclaimed in His Word, the Holy Scriptures. It was a joy to see so many come together to support Friends of Israel.“ • Stan & Caroline Pisulak, White House Community Church: "Our heart and affection are in support of the people of Israel and indeed all Jews located and globally, and Friends of Israel in WA. A great start in anticipation of mighty things to come’ • Ruth & Tony Marrion, White House Community Church and Bridges for Peace • George & Jacky Morris, White House Community Church • Mary Goldstone, White House Community Church • Mr & Mrs Hal Colebatch, Lawyer and Author • Mr ADM Lindsay, Barrister and Solicitor • Phil & Brine Salinger • Dr Antonio Buti, BPE DipEd MIR W.Aust., LLB A.N.U., DPhil Oxon, Prof Law UWA • Bill Gaynor, President of the RSL • Rabbi Dr Shalom Coleman CBE AM & Rita, Hon Life President of the Australasian Rabbinate (ORA): “Congratulations on a wonderfully organised event. I was thrilled with the attendance and like you have always believed that tec have many friends of Israel among our non-Jewish fellow Australians, The fact that Foreign Affairs Minister Steven Smith took time from his election schedule to attend and address the colossal turn-out speaks volumes for Government support. All the speakers were excellent. Their personal experiences were both interesting and heartening, mentioning also the deceptions and misrepresentations of people who have never been to Israel but presume to judge its very survival. I take this opportunity of saluting the Chairman Bob Kucera. His introductory speech ivas illuminating. His humour and personal reminiscences of Israel were exhilarating and it was reflected by all who spoke at the podium. I am proud of the Australian nation when more than 100 State and Federal Parliamentarians, President of the State RSL and so many leaders from societies, associations and organisations representing all walks of life, came to respect the sovereignty of the Nation of Israel and acclaim Ambassador Rotem with a standing ovation. They came to pay tribute to Israel's medical and technical expertise which it shares internationally, to support Israel's right to defend its citizens in the face of terrorism, to defend freedom and democracy with a longing for peace and stability in the entire region of the Middle East. I teas elevated when the Chairman concluded his rentarks with the adage of a former Prime Minister of Spain "If Israel Goes Down We All Go Down". • Rabbi Dovid Freilich OAM & Mrs Aviva Frcilich, Chief Rabbi of the Perth Hebrew Congregation; President of the Association of Rabbis in Australasia • Tony & Helen Tate, President, JCCWA • Josephine Orya, President, Magen David Adorn • Michael Frame, President, Jewish Centre • Anne Topclbcrg OAM, President, W1ZO WA • Jeanette & Joe Berinson, Former Federal Government Minister • Rabbi Marcus & Linda Solomon, Rabbi of Dianella Shule; Rabbi of Beit Midrash of W.A. • John Schaffer, Chairman, Schaffer Corporation Limited • Ray & Maree Findley, President, Temple David Congregation (Inc) • Rabbi Sheryl Nosan-Blank, Temple David Congregation (Inc) • David & Bcverlic Denver, President, Jewish Community Appeal and member of Executive of the Jewish Community Council of WA • Roger Davis, Vice President, Maurice Zeffert Home • Angela Davis, NCJW • Joy & Brian Rourke, NCJW • Ester & Henry Steinglesser, NCJW Page 39 of 129 Page 303 of 1018 Page | 15 • Yael & Jonathon Jacobson, Jewish Care WA • Raymond it Shirley Bemstein , Jewish Care WA • Ofer & Tsaela Simchony, Executive Director, UIA WA • Barry N. J. Walters FRACP FRANZCOG, Clinical Associate Professor, Obstetric Medicine, KEMH & RPH • Mr Andrew & Mrs Gwyneth Carver, Temple David Congregation (Inc) • Debra it Peter Kesacoff, Immediate Past President, JewishCare WA Inc • Michael Meyer & partner, President, Perth Chevra Kadisha, it West Australian Institute of Jewish Affairs • Bob Kucera APM and Sue, nominee FOIWA Chairman, former Minister for Multicultural Affairs • Ray it Judith Halligan, nominee FOIWA Vice Chairman, former Member for North Metropolitan Region • Brendan Johnston & partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Grant Crombie it partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Judith Lewis it partner, nominee FOIWA Membership Officer • Kelvin Crombie it partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Shaun & Laurelle Mellet, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Navit & Arseni Shchigel, SZC, and nominee FOIWA Committee member • Phil Samuell OAM & partner, VP of JCCWA and nominee FOIWA Committee member • Stanley Keyscr & partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Yoni Steingiesser it partner, FOIWA web master • Melanie & Mark Casserly, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Jan Jermalinski & partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Steve & Robyn Lieblich, JCCWA, AIJAC, and nominee FOIWA Committee member The following dignitaries expressed their support of FOIWA and extended their apologies that they are unable to attend the launch on 8 August, and would have attended but for other commitements. Some of their statements of support were read at the launch: • Senator Mathias Cormann, Senator for Western Australia • Hon Julie Bishop MP, Federal Member for Curtin; Deputy Leader of the Opposition; Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs • Hon Gary Gray AO MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Western and Northern Australia, Member for Brand (WA) • Don Randall MP JP, Federal Member for Canning • Judi Moylan MP, Member for Pearce • Sharryn Jackson MP, Member for Hasluck • Hon Helen Morton MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Treasurer; Minister for State Development and to the Minister for Water; Mental Health • Hon Nigel Hallctt, MLC, Member for the South West Region • Mr Ken Travers MLC, Member for the North Metropolitan • Hon Linda Savage MLC, Member for East Metropolitan Region • Hon. Adele Farina MLC, Member for South West Region • Hon. Ljiljanna Ravlich MLC, Member for East Metropolitan Region; Shadow Minister for Commerce & Small Business; Government Accountability; Tourism and Training • John Castrilli MLA, Member for Bunbury • The Hon Dr Kim Flames, MLA, Deputy Premier, Minister for Health: Indigenous Affairs • Hon. Francis Logan MLA, Member for Cockbum • Hon. Eric Ripper MLA BA, DipEd, Leader of the Opposition; Shadow Minister for Public Sector Management; Native Title • Mr Ian Maxwell Britza MLA, Member for Morley • Margaret Quirk MLA, Member for Girrawheen • HonTcrry Waldron MLA , Member for Wagin • Paul Papalia CSC, MLA, Member for Wambro • John Hyde MLA, Member for Perth; Shadow Minister for Culture and the Arts; Heritage; Multicultural Interests and Citizenship • Tony O'Gorman JP MLA, Member for Joondalup Page 40 of 129 Page 304 of 1018 Page | 16 • Dr Janet Woollard MLA, Member for Alfred Cove • Mick Murray MLA, Member for Collie-Preston • Mr David Templeman MLA, Member for Mandurah • Hon. C. Christian Porter MLA, Member for Bateman; Attorney General; Minister for Corrective Services • Lisa Baker MLA, Member for Maylands • Dr Elizabeth Constable MLA, Member for Churchlands • John Bowler MLA, Member for Kalgoorlie • Keith Buxton, National Director of Bridges for Peace: / applaud the formation of Friends of Israel WA and am delighted that this initiative has been taken in Western Australia, where Bridges for Peace, a Jerusalem-based worldwide organisation with a mandate to support Israel and build relationships between Christians and Jews, is especially strong. Outgoing Isradi Ambassador totheUN GabridaShalev said recently that Israd is" the most isolated, landy country in thewcrld. I knew havener that I speaker behalf of thousands of Christians across Australia in affirming our strong, unconditional support of Israel in what indeed are crucial days. For too long Christians have been silent. For too long the Jewish community has had to fight its battles alone. Now especially is the time for Christian individuals and congregations to speak up for the people who gave us the Bible, and fo affirm Israd's right todefend hersdf. We are commi t ted to countering the curse of anti-Semitism and incessant media bias against Israel, and desire to see Christians and lews working side by side for better understanding and a more secure Israel. Congratulations on taking this very important initiative. Shalom. • Dr Ashley Crane, Principal, Harvest West Bible College Inc. • Warren Austin, President General Sir John Monash RSL Sub-Branch, WAJEX • Santo Mcrenda and guest, MD, Merenda Group Pty Ltd Copyright © 2010 Friends of Israel. All Rights Reserved, created by Stemaco Technology https://web.archive.Org/web/20100828042352/http://www.foiwa.org.au/node/32 Page 41 of 129 Page 305 of 1018 APPENDIX C Pago | 17 Q o o o o o o o o o o Dl/.VKD/WADC/CprM/PER/IND1767/2009 The prosecution stance, so car as bail is concerned, is that in the particular circumstances of this case, given the allegation that Mr O'Connell has re-offended in precisely the same type of way and committed the same offences as were present upon the original indictment, that there is no bail condition that would adequately satisfy the concern of the court, that should Mr O'Connell be permitted to bail, that he would not re-offend. In the alternative, wo submit that If the court is not so satisfied and takos the view that bail conditions can guard against that risk, then we Lave indicated that the obvious condition that should be imposed, and added to the existing bail conditions, is as set out on the application dated 19 November 2009, which is that the accused is precluded from publishing any comments upon the matter that is the sub ect of indictment 1767 jf 2009 until further order, and is precluded from directing or instructing any other individual to comment upon the matter. Your Honour, the concern that has arisen is tnat as the court will have seen, I think, from correspondence sent to the court on 16 November, that is Monday of this week to the associate to her Honour, the Chief Judge, the accused has published a blog upon the Internet which seeks to dissect the prosecution case which contains statements of witnesses, which contains comments on the statements of those witnesses, and which indicates that those statements are to be disbelieved, discounted, and can be pulled apart, and seeks to do so. The concern the prosecution have, of course, is that notwithstanding the fact that the matter has not been listed for trial as of yet, that has an obvious tendency to prevent a fair trial for the community as well as the accused, and the court will be aware, of course - - - ACCUSED; Fair trial: Thanks. TROY, MR: The court wil" be aware, of course, that although "in contempt of court" is a little utilised power, it remains a power that, on the authority of R v Pearce (1992J 7 WAR 395, the Director of Public Prosecutions has the standing to commence and carry on. And that is something that the Director of Public Prosecutions is actively considering, as the court knows from co r r espondence. And there is clear authority that a favourable comment, such as an assertion that an accused is innocent# to the media during the course of a trial can amount to a 20/11/2009 11:34 TROY, MR 6 Wrton* TrantCf'CtOfi S«rv<i ACCUSED o Page 42 of 129 Page 306 of 1018 Page 118 o o o o o G o o o o o Dl/?/KD/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2:i0 9 contempt. It is, of course, a question of degree, and there is a question as to proximity of trial. But the prosecution is concerned that unless bail is revoked, this accused will continue to publish - - - ACCUSED: Defend mysel1. troy, MR; - - - certain matters upon the Internet. Hi; behaviour in court today was utterly indicative o! an entrenched attitude to continue to do so. And the prosecution submit that unless Mr 0'Connell's bail is revoked, then the accused will continue to make comments about the trial, or the pending trial, of these criminal proceedings, and wili commit the offence of contempt of court. There is also the distinct probability, we respectfully submit, that he will continue to publish the sorts of comments that have given rise to counts 3, 4, b and 6 on the indictment and which will therefore amount to further offences of the same type, contrary to section 77 of the Criminal Code. Your Honour, the correspondence that I've put before the court notes the fact that during the last week, Mr O'Connell has posted, I think, twc videos on the Youtube organisation in which he speaks about this case. I've seen one of them, but not the second. In the course of the video that I've seen, which I have a copy of, and it lasts for about seven minutes, if the court, pursuant to its power under section 22 of the Bail Act, needs to see it. The accused makes an allegation against the investigating officer that he is corrupt. He says that on four occasions, and he makes an allegation that evidence has been planted against him in relation to this matter. That reinforces the prosecution's submission that there is a tangible risk that unless bail is revoked, this man will continue to make these sorts of assertions, and the difficulties that I've indicated will occur. As I say, I have a copy of the DVD if necessary, and it can be played to your Honour. MARTINO DCJ : Thank vou. Now, Mr O'Connell, I've received an application dated 19 November 2009 for an order that bail be revoked, or an alternative that additional hall conditions are imposed; 20/11/2009 11:34 TROY, MR 7 fiabcxnr Trvncr<iU>n Scrriari ACCUSED HIS HONOUR Page 43 of 129 Page 307 of 1018 'Vd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A W.A_. mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number*29389.. Sob|»<t: Fwd: U Fortin Affairs Mlnirtrr Julie Bfathop Intrrirriiy In A WA Court Case?
    ■». Froan; Braxton (XComril <boc*boc.rocks> Date: 5/05,-2016 &27 PM Toe "Bruce (legal)* <anrlarkc2312*oudookcom> Thto is (ho rtdkukxs charge they adjourned - again - for six months. A good run down of ail cases here. Take any quotes you wan . Original Message ~ Subjectils Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A W. A Court Case? DateTur. 26 Apr 2016 2*27:17 *0800 FroeuBmxton OConneU < Tac Nxytvc.mvij Brendon 0‘Connell - on charges of making a private telephone call public. In August of 2014. O Cornell rang the electorate office of Julie Bishop and complained - politely - that he had newer received any responses to his emails and Irtters dcmandir the Israeli state be rebuked for interfering in a 2011 trial. An email detailing the

    matter is at the bottom of das update. I film myself nnqmq the electorate office of Jul*e Btiftop and talk with 'Toss*. I am polite at all times. You Tube finally deleted* the video but all they have done

    nuke it even MORI watiheMi-, I ask people to ring and write and email the office of Julie Bishop and encourage he to publicly rebuke the Israeli Ambassador for irtfrefering in my legal case. The largest criminal contempt of court case In recent Ivtng memory • ignored by the media. The original blog post here • LnK^»rfy^iry.Hy1911^/rifl^.-<?>^9^tgl-iHy g- iah SP s/.fgf^gn- pi«iat t r/ httP^vnw,bo< nKl>7CI4/lt>Vmad-io-(prritP-mlni*trf-iulk-bwhop/ Banned video here - P*ng«Lt>;f Jpy Iybc : m f 4 (Forma the basis of a charge • 'Making a private telephone call public) Constant, never ending delays have taken place. It has been nearly two years and STILL the Perth establishment dciay the trial after I plead not guilty. Despite specific instructions from Migntrate Alim that I was to be provided Legal Aid funding for "legal advice* on the 'admissibility of evidence*, WA continues to lie and delay • this time claiming Legal Aid must take 6-8 weeks to approve finding that was a p prove d im Ike spot on Instruction from Magistrate Atkina • p res en ted to Legal Aid. on the tranacript iof!4 The aim is to delay as long as possible. I have "lawful excuse' to make the allegedly private telephone call public "In the public Interest" and also the protection of my ‘lawful Interests*. To e*plain this to a Magistrate, I must make known facts such as the Israeli Ambassador to Australia. Israeli deputy foreign minister and Australian foreign minuter i r aeef crt ng In my trial in late 2010. See original email at the bottom of this Even n security guru Bruce Schnrier has acknowledged my "work* on Israeli intelligence In this country. I sent him my 21$ page high court synopsis. Page 44 of 129 26/07/20161:49 PM Page 308 of 1018 r vd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A WA~ mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC<®BOCROCKS/Senc?number=29389... ( 'alplot* ( '■, ‘W 0rOw« *T*4 iKMltn' ‘0» Ikimk* »€•• 1 tiTMlI It 4ti*f Ail t'« tpylnc- (t'jc: to will" It M omi 1 »»o*p*, "»'l XI tt# it'Mil MUlMt, :troll c*»uly l«rtl|H Kllt|t(r Mr IK lout M Mtriiir poi!t|ci<*l b'o.j: out b0*O '• • NM court (III* tftott I food OwOttloa. VOW "»• KM about IK lorfott irtdKl HMMft «« fOu't rtw |R Mttory • on intornot |«nol IvlKrt. KMIl*f Itn't it. KrjMIt* MllWit llr*l ovotloblo •! 4)1 Mi tM a to LT Own Brae* Sdm4 HibVnBpO^tyn Spg on M and Mini- Page 45 of 129 zofl4 26/07/7016 HI PM Page 309 of 1018 r wd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A WA.. maflbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=29389.. Three months after my hunger strike I was brutally beaten by up to 5 prisoners. I was struck from behind. My arm was badly broken but left untreated lor a month despite repeated requests hr an x-ray. I had a "blown pupil" and was rushed to hospital. 1 was unconscious for up to 90 minutes but I was treated as If I had "bumped my head" at the end of the bed. X-rays were disappeared. Incident report* falsified. Royal IVrth Hospital claimed they had 'never' done an arm x-ray - when it was the first x-ray they took. The Deparment of Conceive Services were forced (by me) to conduct an tnstigahon. They refuse to release their findings. THE THREAT TO KILL" CHARGE CONTINUES The trial is scheduled for June 21,2016 Where I threatened to kill Senior Officer Liam Samual Cashman if the Minister did not investigate him for organising my beating in jail. This is a very serious charge. My defense is that I had no intention of carrying out the threat but simply wanted to provoke the Minister Into action. I feared for my safety in Penh knowing the levels of corruption • bom out by die Ministers comments to me over the phone for 32 minutes. I spoke to the Minister over the phone for 32 minutes where he expre ss ed his fear of his own prison staff. Where he admlBed he believed the much publicised break in of his house was organized by prison officers and their organized crime friends. Where he admitted he had to fight tooth and nail to have camera's that "record*, placed in the Hakes prison punishment unit to prevent prisoners being beaten by staff. h»oi'ig,iira!mhw.<an/lhTi«wt/l«tm l «fl»WI>7VI«tni<l»».|B-piiwp»i«UiCT-hwin/ hgw:/4u.iwv».vaho<MOtn/1ho»f.t/V10MftWB/min»«rt-forcfd-tfrB«iMio roW living ImitV Three days after the phone call (October 13th, 20141. the Minister was threatened outside Parliament House. The Hirst Australian Snvspaprr reported the incident with the headline • 'Minister naive about security." A rmjar security rrvkv it undrntmy after Corrector Semites Minbter jar Franth tra» approached m the car park of State Parliament by metonw tex offender TJD. tn ko H momHand tss a CPS tracker. The Minister had told me over the phone of hie department accountant not knowing the difference between $1 million dollars and 1100 million dollars in the sex offenders GPS tracking budget - then he is approached in the grounds of parliament house a few days later by a notorious sex offender on a GPS tracker? Co-incidence? Only two ex armed forces personnel could of cleaned out that CIS SPIT that IS and WAS the Department of Corrective Page 47 of 129 4Of 14 76/07/701A 1-49 PM Page 310 of 1018 '’•vd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A W.A.. mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=29389.. Service. A• one prison officer said to me within two weeks of arriving it oimioium security Wooeoloo Prison - "They fcste fern f reefing tkit pUtt tik* a pmoml flrfdom for 20 years.' [END QUOTE] The whole system is s wrought with prison sUB up to their necks in corruption that I hsve personally witnessed myself. Stealing mountains of food, power tools, household goods. Dealing drags. Organizing prisoners to bash other prisoners. Tormenting mentally ill prisoners. Messing with prisoners court paper work in clear co-operation with the state court system to prevent prisoners getting justice and embarrassing the state. The list is endless. Meanwhile, prisoners are lambasted for the slightest offenses like getting an extra 290ml milk bladder. There are some very fine and decent prison officers - there are also some absolute assholes who should be in the jail • not running it Corruption dampdown on jail staff hKg>L7.a.HTO>.nlii».tow/llicv.c»wi7y7»}»t»ouU>-to(»-priM)o«uHuni' hori--.u.nr».»>»g.comf|lwr.t'UlnWI«7W7?7IJnip-cr«ct.lcn.ninrri;onv h »rtt/4M,MW».vohoo.ciimrtbov«i'bl<»Vo/2;4MJ«7. , mli'htct-l.oppv-willHbf^odn .w.f httpo^/OU-np.»»-YObooromrthow.r»l/loloryoa < t<»77P2*pri.oi>-otltcrr»-o-lotr.rlnig-troHn«7 Tito Minute, it going to grt oo tbc tbnd tetd wo or going to h«v. « du.ru. ion .bout that phono roll in fronl of o jury. hgp-,fli»oUtcbulproono.bl«proU<mi/IOI4n(yoit-omolld<>u4opoitmoi.l-o(.<onT<li<T.html bgr7/i.(i4Hb»lpa>«i'T,blpproUonVaiH/il>'iniBi»m^onU<l«>infMoJ-mull.Mnil Hold on my homolcoo .hollo. room, ood of Octobor 2014. Thu OOrttiv. woo profm.ionoL No problem with him. Why was he transferred? For being too honest? Page 48 of 129 .mf 14 ?fi/f»7/?niAluiQPM Page 311 of 1018 "wd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A W.A.. mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=29389.. Video extract From Police interview - Late October 2014 rnrw.t/driwnxwIrcwiv’lil e'AWFTll.mitfclFO'iHVInhxvrcAW'xta.i-Ownni! THEN • Seven police raided my newly acquired accommodation. I was made homeless. TO* ™ December Bed, 2014. Detective Vtdcta then proceeded to be theectgh her teeth to enyenr tehe would lu«nv OjtrrunK I hed threatened her. That 1 wee mentally til deitnioetrl. That I teat sendtryt her' interne' entails when all I thd was aak her foe the urvedllted raid video foolegr. She is an absolute peer ot week. Now on secondment to the Araaralian Federal Police. She says through! the ‘raid* to be on the look out he material on the 'Jet Ptopcision Laboratory'. Now why would that be? httiv/.Vww.boc n.vkc.'jrjHrT lAalltvhLeoittvve-claitm icfjcIi cowtnliluatod tri; Raid Video Here (Edited by police - why is that?) he»:.'?drl'Xhiax^c.conVooni?ld-CB?BPlVn>7Lasmi Sb\BwCllNlNre I am so mentally ill, unstable, delusional -1 was able to edit and publish a book. The memoir of notorkna Medellin Cartel 'transporter' Roger Reave*. Held in Acacia prison • Western Australia. Scrvlnj 18 to life foe (hr importation of orr ton of cocaine. Page 49 of 129 t>Of 14 26/(17/70161 49 PM Page 312 of 1018 ''wd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A WA... mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=29389.. Mr Rnw» wee ihe pereanel friend an AMoriet* of both Pehlo Eenaher end Joege Ochoa. He w» el so iht employer end friend of infemow IrenCortre operative Berry Seel. Rogrr paid Berry the $125,000 per lending fee at the Mrw. Arkansas elrfieid where up to 1,500kg of coceinr was unloaded at e rime. The money went "ell the way to the top • Bill Qireon mu the top.

    Page 50 of 129 / of 14 26/07/201A1-49 PM Page 313 of 1018 "wd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A W.A_. mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=29389.. Illegal .uni*., Ion*. o( cocaine jnJ $100 million .1 month in drug money laundering - you c.inl make this Mult up Toot Crula# Mar* m Barry Seal in Ihe incoming movie 'Mnu' lorn Cruise plays Harry Seal in I lie upcoming movie Mena Roger Introduced Barry to the Medellin Cartel. Roger wa» Barry* boa*. SMUGGLE^ HririrHT-H’""' S ff. § RIX.HR REAVES • A MEMOIR

    § m § m <A iffi ® m n n Page 51 of 129 bof 14 ?6/n7/?nifii-aq pm Page 314 of 1018 " vd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A W.A... mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=29389_ I am so mentally ill, unstable, delusional ■ I was able to interview and edit a video on Roger Reaves. Video - Google Drive heg>//dmT ,t pgik , <gpv , fi kr i mg7BDt\' t c7 Li a i ? 2 1 h t L1 0 ill L Z cIL , \1c>trmpnb i rin K A* can be wn from my interview style • I am totally detisianal and mentally ill. The endless delays must stop. Legal Aid must erase the delaying tactics and fund my lawyer Anthony Eym to provide 'legal advice’ on the admiaaabUity and presentation of evidence that support my defenee of lawful interests' and p±»lk interest*. I Uve in fnar foe my safety. My families safety. I keep sane • barely • via a Cod given sense of humor that never fails to see the utterly ridiculous nature of events worthy of an episode of "Yes Minister* or "Rake*. Please be aware of the issue* surrounding my upcoming legal cases and understand the political inter f eren c e that is ordering. ORIGINAL EMAIL BELOW - DETAILS OF CASE . Original Message . SubjectJIarmcd You Ttfce Video • Ringing Office Of O* Foreign Minister Police Preas Charges Datedvai 12 Ore 2013 1335:11 *0800 FroeniBrvrxlon O'Connrll *boedhoc.nx V v Page 52 of 129 Wnfl4 •M.mt hmc. iMo ou Page 315 of 1018 " vd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A W.A... mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?nuniber=29389.. THE FARCICAL STORY SO FAR... (Seriously, ya gotta read this...) Banned video here - hBp~.'/www.mcdUllrr.<oil^witth/*rt7Tk.o2o6.htWmnii,. TS. Offic. Ol Aa>trib.n fturm Mini.ln . E.lmcd 08 leu Tutt.gic4 (Forma the basis of a charge ’Making a private telephone call public I The original blog post here • bgpv , .Nv>ynbocro<ka/2014(I(Yemail-Io-f«rrrip>-Piiniater-lalie-bbhop> Excellent description of the event here - hflp^trnw boc mka^OlhWwhy-ia-thc'media-ifnortiig^m^aton-/ On Monday, 14th December, in the Perth* Magistrate* Court 1 will plead not euiltv to the heinous charge of • 'Making a private telephone call public* THa ia a great opportunity to put material ‘on the pubtk recortf’ My defense is ample ■ 'The public in fern r far oatmight arty cnmtmaLty that might suppose to hatr taken place irhen / recorderf, their pfaced on the record my phone caff to the Mnmttn local eiettonl office. The back ground that will be p reseteed in cocat >» contained in the rest of the email below. I was polite at ail times when I spoke to Tea. I complained 1 had not recscued any reply from her office • ever. Despite repeated emails. The video of the call is ABOVE, in the yellow boa. Details below. I would pray people wtxdd imderstand the event and the oppurtmOct available to promote public knowledge of Jewish Racial And RrUgkot* supremaciam and evjremaism. OR yen can go pees* 'like” on Facchook. People are doing this all over the world. I will be the first and only person that I am aware of to have been charged with thia type of legislation in this mamrr. (Vase spread around PRIVATELY the link to the video which was pulled off You Tube within a week of the charge* being laid. It had been happily sitting there for 4 months before that WISH ME LUCK BECAUSE THESE BLOC POSTS EXPLAIN HOW BAD FT IS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA htfp/yrnh ^JCKk^lWtorntptlon-in-thc-wild-wiM-unV 1 ht>p~. , i l www.boc.iocks. f 2014<Wper1h-media-niagnate»buy»-fpth*child»bible» fo r-lS-S-million,' UNHEARD OF EVENT TAKES PLACE - AUGUST 8th. 2010 Page 53 of 129 Til e%f 1A ')C/A7/')nui.anmi Page 316 of 1018 " vd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A WA.. mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=29389- o Q o © o o ( ) I • A f 1 A Israeli Ambassador to Australia. Israeli deputy Foreign Mintstrr attend gigantic rally organized directly against Brmdon O'Connell 8 day* before the original start of his 2010 trial before it was adjourned. This was the largest criminal contempt of court case in...history. But you'd never know it the silence Is deafening The trial waa based on allegations Brendon O'Connell had the fewiah community by calling them a bunch of 'racists*. The ‘victim's* name is Stanley EIHot Keyset. Apparently this warranted the involvement of the entire Israeli State? Brendon O'Connell serves three years in jail • moat of it in maximum security where he is brutally bashed. Really, they aO turned up because the head of State Counter Terrorism (Barry Shelton) had invited me out for lunch to discuss ‘information* - Israeli spying He kindly emailed me about it - to my GMail account. Duh! Then, the Israeli Stale turns up. You ‘getting it* yet? Israeli Spying: i-iDftltftaxbrl hen/Mww.bcc.ro?P14 l CRYwaril-Knliv^-in swTte undrr-n«-rerorl claiim/ Here is a Uat of the state and federal Members of Parliament who attended this event • just so you can grt the flavor of it. This is a ‘partial bar - • Stephen Smith MP. Federal Member for Perth Foreign Minister. • Senator Clem Sterle, Senator for Western Australia: To Seng, Bob and the Committee of the FOfWA. Congratulations on the successful launch of that ground brrskirg irsttativr. As a West Australian and a true fnend of the stair of brad, it gives me great please* to be an inaugural me m ber of this vital assembly. Shalom" • Senator Mark Bishop. Senator for Western Australia • Senator Michariia Osh Senator for Weste r n Australia • Michael Keenan MP, Federal Member for Stirling; Shadow Minister for justice and Customs • Louise Durack. Labor Candidate for Stirling • Hon Alaimah MacTieman MLA BA. LLB. Blurt. jP, Former Member far Armadale • Tim Hammond Labor Candidate for Swan • Ambassador Yuval Rotem. Israel Embassy to Aurtralla a Mr Mkhari Sutherland MLA BA. LLB. DipEd and Michelle Gilchrist, Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly s Hon. Kate Doust MLC Deputy Leader of the Opposition In the State LegUlabve Cornell; Shadow Minister for Energy; Socnee and inrovation • Liz Lloyd Bchjat MLC State Member for North Metropolitan Region: Congratulations on the launch of the WA Friends of brad WA. The number of enthuUaatic people who attended the event ...is testament to the high regard in which you and others of the Perth Jewish community are held by the community and political leaden form all political persuamon*. Warmest regards and best wishes for the continued growth and success of the organisation. • Sue Ellery MLC Member for South Metropolitan • Peter Abetz MLA. State Member for Southern River • Albert jacob MLA, State Member for Ocean Reef • Bill Johnston MLA, State Member for Camirgton • Ben Wyatt MLA, Member for Victoria Park: ‘Warmest cocgratulaOors on s wonderfully successful launch of the Friends of brad yesterday! It is dew that brad has deep and sincere support from across Western Australia and I haw no doubt that the ‘Friends of brad' will have an important role to play in developing that relationship. Warmest regards... • Peter Unify MIA Member for Willegre • Hon. John Charles Kcbrike MLA BSc. DipEd, JP. Member for Balcatta • Councillor Rod WUlox AMRFDEDJP. Councillor, City of Sttrilr • Councillor David Mkhari. Osborne Ward City of Stirling • Stephen Price, WA Secretary, AWU Page 54 of 129 oc ir\n nm c nit Page 317 of 1018 ” vd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A VV.A... mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@>BOC.ROCKS/Sent?numt>er=29389.. • Christine Gundry JP and Pauline SailUrd, Electorate OftWrr, Otter of Ian Britts, MLA • Mr* Amr-Kit and Mr John LittWr, Researcher for lan Bntra. MLA In Motley • Mr* Margaret Didf and Max Duff. Office of Paul Papalu, Member for Wambco • AW* Butterworth. President, Young Liberals W.A Here la a list of state and federal members of parliament who expressed their undying support foe Israel but could not nuke the evenL Remember, the two lists here are a 'whoa who* of the Australian political elite • • Senator Mathias Cormam Senator for Wotem Australia • Hon (die Bishop MP, Federal Member for Curtirx Deputy Leader of the Opposition; Shadow Mtrsster foe Foreign Affairs • Hon Cary Cray AO MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Western and Northern Australia. Member for Brand (WA) • IX-n Randall MP JP. Federal Member for Canning • lull Moylan MP. Member foe Pearce • Sharryn Jackson MP. Member for Hasiuck • Hon Helen Morton MLC Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier Treasurer. Minister for State Development and to the Minister for Water Mental Health • Mon Nigel Hailed. MLC Member for the South West Region • Mr Ken Travers MLC Member for the North Metropolitan • Hon Linda Savage MLC Member for East Metropolitan Region • Hon. Adrte Farina MLC Mecnber for South West Region • Hon. Lpl|ara%a Raviich MLC Member for East Metropolitan Region; Shadow Minister for Co mm erce In Small Siamese; Government Accmmtabibty; Tourism and Training • John CastrUlt MLA. Member for Bunbiay • The Hon Dr Kim Hamn. MLA. Deputy Premier, Minister for Health: Indigenous Affairs • Hon Pranas Logan MLA. Member for Cockbum • Hon Eric Ripper MLA BA DtpEd Leader of the Opposition, Shallow Minister for Public Sector Management; Native Title • Mr lan Maxwell Britos MLA Member for Morley • Margaret Qurk MLA Member for Glrrawheen • HonTerry Waldron MLA. Member for Wagin • Pad Papalla CSC MLA. Member for Warrbro • John Hyde MLA Member for Perth; Shadow Minister for Culture and the Arts; Heritage. Multicultural Interests and Cltixenahip • Tony CCorman JP MLA Member for Joondaiup • Dr Janet Woollard MLA Member for Alfred Cove • Mick Murray MLA Member for Collie-Preston • Mr David Tern pieman MLA Member for Mandurah • Hon. C Christian Porter MLA Member for Bateman; Attorney General; Minster for Corrective Services • Uaa Baker M LA Member for Maylanls • Dr Elizabeth Constable MLA Member for Churchianda • John Bowler MLA Member for Kalgoorlie • Keith Buxton National Director of Bridges for Phare: t applaud the formation of Friend* cf Israel WA aid am delighted that this initiative has been taken in Western Australia, xrherr Bridge* for Peace, a lenaalem-based wrldtride organisation with a mandate to sapport Israel and hauld relationship* between Christians and Jews, is especially strong. Outgoing braeii Ambassador to the UN Gabritla Shalev said recently that Israel» the nvst belated, lonely country m the world.' / knenr hotnrter that I speak on behalf cf thousands of Christians across Australia in affirming onr strong, intnmdifisM/ support of Israel In tehat Indeed are crucial day. For too long Christian* have been tileni. Foe too long

    the Jewish conwmnity has had to fight Us battles alone. Note especially ts the tone for Christian htdkiduats and congregations to apeak up foe the people who gate us the Bible, and to affirm Israel's right to defend herself. Wr art committed to countering the curse of antr-Snwfisw and incerrant media Mas against Israel and desire to tee Christiana and Jews trorking side by side for belter understanding and a more secure bead Congratulations on taking ihb eery brypoexant mrtiafrte Shalnm • Dr Aahley Crane, Principal Harvest West BlWe College Inc. • Warren Austin President General Sir John Moruah RSL Sub-Branch WAJEX • Santo Mcrenda and guest MD, Merenda Group Pty Ltd EVERYTHING YOU REQUIRE TO UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF WHAT HAS HAPPENED IS ON MY BLOG People constantly assure me they know all about my case. I then proceed to aak them a series of basic questions which dearly shows they ZILCH about what has happened nor the ramifications. No one b going to Jail for ’deposing* Sandy Hook or posting photo's of dead kids in Palestine. The top brass of the Israeli State do not come out against Jeff Rense, Mark Glenn, Mike Rivero. J Im Stone, Paul Ebcrv Gilad Atzmon Trevor La'Bonte. Uraci Shamir. Processor Norman Fmkeistiwx Pro fe ssor Noam Chomsky, Dr David Duke. They came oU against one man and one man only • Brcndon Lee O r Comeli. Why? Because Brendon CXConreU talks about two issues and two issues ordy, and hr rtifourajes people to gel out on the street and away from their keyboards: • Israeli Intelligence activity • Jewish racial and religious supremacism and its Page 55 of 129

    )c /ns nm c i.an ns a Page 318 of 1018 , ' vd: Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A WA.. mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=29389_ application in the real world. if you have the courage, shift your entire focus to this Issue and watch the fur Ay. Do NOT be distracted by their silly • though tragic • false flag ops. Stay on targrtl This will see the end of the Israel i State. OR...you can dbctat Sandy Hook and fall for the old...Hook over hereT trick. WAG THE DOG -fake-nrws-broaaw>l- movic-wa g-thg^log/ Other Blog Posts You May Find Interesting Two friends infiltrate the Friends Of Israeli meeting and ask a very embarrassing question of Stanley Elliot Keyset, on video. 7 tnr uvndmejf ifyom knnt ahref fhr mttrvinr tnirt DrAkn Sahmsky. fjbr former head of studies si the US Any War CoUefe uy* broth did 9-1J amf iwf IS Attb htjvltn har^vvww.bocjxhn^R^lwadiatnbaswdof-act^-eirihafrawcdKawfraliafi cocky/ Why are Tike Friends Of Palestine talking bout fruit'? Why is ths BDS movement not calling night and day for the exposure od Israeli spying and boycotting their military and civilian high technology sector? taig^iYYt petolinc rally nu\rth British Jewish activist Paul Ebea writes the best price ever written on 'Jewish Power’ and how we can address it It comes to 10 pages printed ouL Stake s cup of tea. take 30 minutes of your time and you will have an instant window into all the issue. h|ti»//w»-w h»x rrKkVyH^ms-thjjr^C-bret-vtTltiny^r^ Some of the best video's ever made on the problem of "Jewish Power*. Shame Dr David Duke was s former member of the Ku hlux Klan. _hr^m-fre^tt'pprd' MY FELLOW / AUSTRALIANS I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT! Page 56 of 129 Y i nfia 1C/A1 /1A1C l.jnmi Page 319 of 1018 •aeli High Technology • Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Scnt?number=30082.. THIS EMAIL IS LONG, ITS CHRIST-MASS/NEW YEAR. STILL. I HOPE YOU HAVE SOME TIME TO READ IT Please send to your friends, members of parltamml. congress men end women. Israel to host Federal Government’s first 'Innovation landing pad' for Australian entrepreneurs Hra* Km become tfe Aral fit at*# In the •VMfl T«i «n *H lOuM M VW et frw dM 10 SAcon VMry when. Pnmo Mnrtler MitcoOr TumtMl and torcnrrton Mwi l af CKnslo^nm Pyne announced f* rtemer«crvM toe us a* Vice ftl 1 b'on 'dm boom strategy Ml «Nt 'VM* — VrfWCA AM • pOpsMAOn 0U — • The wefl «w«y has Vw Bud truest nuretar «f r«npTM mod on re «« fttenja n *ew Ycc» -d was K*ve eve" Oatted »> tUf- nuitb nwwi 'mwunte a httre//www,abc.nctau/newa/20l5»12»l7/i»rael-to-becomc-start'UP-hotspot*for-austT.ilisn-rntrcpreneur3/7035S20 ISRAEL'S HIGH TECHNOLOGY SECTOR IS A PRODUCT OF OPERATION TALPIOT AND ISRAELI MILITARY INTELLIGENCE Tkt TeckiHon is Israel's premiere high technology research institute. Page 58 of 129 nc //\ nni 11 .on Ate Page 320 of 1018 '-raeli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082... ANfOEXJILE 4 Subject: Israeli High Technology - M^or National Scanty Risk For Australia —-

    Froeru BrrndonOCoonrl] <boc


    Date: 17AJ6/20I6627PM To: sfrdtagpwoltichambersrcoenjro Hi Simon Some more background for the Magistrate court trial. I have a 235 page b*ck$roind synopsis I prepared while in Jail that goes over this stud in detail as well as the specifics of my trial in 2011.1 also have all the video of dw event organisers at the Friends Of Israel rally as well as all the screenshots where they admit It has been organised against me. I say my Tawful Interests’ and the ’public interest* far outweigh any notion of privacy for the electorate office secretary Teas Courtney Randal where all you ever fou it her tint name. I talk to her foe leas than 7 minutes.The link to the video has been provided in another email. I wtU also give you the same package 1 gave Magistrate Atkirw and Sector Constable Crook (real name). Crook was Insulting and un- p rofe s sional to me in the court. He has since been rather quwt since I gave him the Information . Qngirui Message- SubJecteFwd Israeli High Technology • Major National Security Risk For Aiatralia OaimScn CO Jan 2016 1623:42 0600 FroncBnmdon O'Cocmell ■ T«,» J lh i ir>cMJ'i ; i 'Ha a nj i» tA i c .a.ulmmalur.r truth y.-snu Aiun«h.Muc ixmi^MPfart. ■:.. Afa.HjAiu.Mff urtrg_A.au Amai«la-Ruhi.vi11rMrf artrugi-ju AndmY.Bn.ud.Mrtjrtragv.au. AnJiw.Ciln.Mlttrhm-.jii Andtrw.ljmlnt Mrtartr am... undmv,!tiuhmrrurina.A.aii AndmY.Niirtlc.Mftartrcyju Andrew. Rt*b MPfartrtiA au Aixlp-w Vy/.A._h Mi'tardg.. ... andm-.ivilixMnpf artrcgv.au. Antlcldlkir.Mrf JrtumJW AmAllmill^MIflrtvBn UU Anna Ikalr MPtartrciA au. Arth-nv hmuraichm in B.BlUuarMPtartrnn.a. PunvtT . liAiT . Mftjr l Yg . A . uu Bnrec . B i prtLMffjrtr u rA j u . fcnjyjtuMremjrrf artrnuvju BiliShmtirMrtartr agv.au. B.<..BaMiv.nMrfjrtragv a. l’-'t '-Ka Ci-.-MIC athtOhUlU 8r*vidun.O' I a.Mi’ .-'-.g’- l'rv;v\S’h vvv '■U’a lAn. ..L it- V.VT 1 jwjvp ..j. ■ MP nartravi i-.l Crinr.MfTaglua.AMu. OUirflre.klriLMrfartrfmjuCjinv.Mr<k.>.in.Mr»4rtram ju.aTi».Bimvir MPtartrapu.au ClviY.(tivtii.Mrfartr any au QinYllanPiUfuMPtartrapu au Clary ONml MPtartr ap« iu. craia.irili.inpfartrrtA.au. Criia.launJu.Mrtnrtrapu.au Jaarlriuiiriratjrtiany au Dunm.ChainJllfTjphupi'.uil. Duyld.Cglni'in.MPturtrai.Aju Pauli) PnTn.MITiihinr.Ma PauidGillaaiuy.Mfjrti lya ia Pmnti.lmianMrTartreiry au DarlLrdidl-Mrgjrtrrt'yau rtlhuilc.n'PtartrPA au EncHunhinYrtMrtinkarAaayrrur.«.nruiiiPtark«puna farmf artrapyau. FKauScit MPtarham an. ua ' .. l’iyi i ttiann ,i r i *urir u gv .au SuiY . Sray . MPfarti r m .i u . ui.vmYahimmigiinrTaph.ui-. au Cratunirrcrrrti MP»jpjrgp V ju. Gnx-Hay Mr»jrtragu m HiaulnTartragrju. lan.Gocdm)udh.Mrfirtranyju LurMariarlan:Mr>jrtr arru.au I PWt<v MPtartrcpy au lanpr Bn.AA.MPTurhu.ji ju. lanrrmWiiMrrtartrrtA au l«.rn.OaTT.MrtirirrtA au. laYutrWi-d.Mrtnrkapy.au I.II K.I! MPt ankapv au. lmrOialmaTY Mrrartirt-A.au. IMacUlirMItartictn-ju loannr.Ryjn.MPtjrtrBpy.ju lprilma-Bbo.rMrtjrtrBPV.rti. »Uina!ojiuan.fnr.rt\u»A r.L IphrrCobb MPtankinr. au.

    KAhJrYdtrt-tTampfartrrtAau. liiic.Crtlina.MPtjrtra.Aju IdiaOtturoMPtankapu au. li»tinr.EllietMPf arttapuau iumrandruyt-ipirf upkapuju KiimMrNniWuJltrfUfhBMMU. ICalr.Elhy.MI'fJrtn-.AJU Kcnh. PIH--MPfapkBnv.au kdYlanmniy.nMPTaplrayi.jir bano V-A-'l mp»artraiA an. lm.yn-alLmrTararia.Ajn. KaAmik-cairVUTapkianju iarmrJunmtiirMPtJpkrt.A.tu ina Ckrttcrt.MPf arkept au Imi.MhUi MITipkrpuju iutY.Wlcil.MFf aalrmvju iliu.HjrtHlYlrcl MPTarttnry ju LiAj.HpwjnkMPfartrcm an. Liibc.SlmptumMPfartronju Mai BtorgkMPf artrapy.au Maltrim.Iuni'ii1,Mr»«rtrjpvju MunaVami AmrMPf artrrpyjn .MjikJhilg-Mrt artraau au MaiiQnlYirMIT ank-iy, an MariDrcuhn MPrartianau. Mili Husdrltni'ullr.MrTartran J ir MlliWllliirnyMPTaphumJiL irclc»il.gilkc.pi[tjrkBiA au Mriiwa.fncr MPtarkp-vau ptnyliTarkmAau Q Ml. trad.Danfl.MPtartram.au. Mnlnd.Kunnn.Mlf JrttrtA an. mkhari tnrtprmaci.rnTjrkBiA in Mlchari.SiAijrMP tartrrtA.au Mnh Lllc.L m i lo . Mfg u drcY .iut ffil chrik . ir’ii l ml . nuT ui lY c n j i t na U rfucu a jn i Tifh a A a m Nm . QumMft . Mrr arir e n . au . NKkrijrVarnnr.MrtJphjgy.au Npla. Mjnnp.MPtjrkapu.au ralC.-cpy MPtjphcgv.au Part Flrkbrr MPtarhapv nu. Prim DpmirMrtarhapuan ftlri-1 IcnlvAlfgaghutfuJu rtulinrudAYk-MPf arirapt an. Bduni.Mjflr. MPTjiilriaA.ju. Rick-Wl!u«rMPtartintu.an rri-.n-nihriinu-f artrciA.an KinrVuUa MPTaftruiA an. RnnairRairnn MPTartreiA au. RuaHI Bn^itAnt.MFTjrtrn)' an ir»dl mjenrirmiTjrticiA an. S?aiv MPrudrurAju.

    tt alrHrulminrMrgudLUgYJir KPlitlaJllalljnfTudruovju. SarHMwn»jn.MITjjTriaA ml Slrinn Bml MPrartrunr an. Sharo<rG«ntArMI'gartri.iAair Shurnu.Nrrimann.MrTudiagv.au Mfrtmri-Tuyn'rTaririn.A au. Slyvr.lnmMPTarturn an MnurCkUi) MPTapknn air SmaitKftnn.MPTarKaA au. Tama.flltyTackMrTjpirugv.au Tumj.Camtian.-YUtarlruiAju rml.Bnliat..MPTartrarAju Tnn.Watrt.MPTartroA >u Tun- Pa~irMrTartrc.A ml IumAmilrMITurlrunvju lum jLfgiu.MITartruuY.ju W.Tn«.Mrtartl«pvju WaarmtrdakMrTadiiaA au WaamrSnnyJcnMPTadraivju W'uvnt.Syiurr.MI'fJriiJtgi-juiiYaa.nn-mfgartidJu For Your ConsidersOorv . Original Message . Subjectlsrach High Technology • Major Naborul Security Risk For Australia DateSur\ 09 Jan 2016 161544 «0fi00 FrooKBrmdonOConnell * KygNv.Kx > •• • Page 57 of 129 Vnfl7 ic minnic ii.m «u Page 321 of 1018 '•raeli High Technology- Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@BOCROCKS/Sent?number=30082- ' TECHNION t IvracS Institute of Technology It wss started up by Israeli Military Intelligence with the express purpose of training Military Intelligence officers to become the top in their field in the design and manufacture of high techno log)' hardware and software for the IT sector. Note that now China has an Israeli affiliated Technion 1 within it's borders. When you think "China hacking" - think 'Israel". WHAT IS THE TECHNION’ - WHO FOUNDED IT AND WHO ARE IT'S GREATEST EXPORTS? UsdA-jainJI dlofiJI aioi oL *uL- .1^1

    Jlily-JaWOLnlilo g


    Palestinian Campaign for the Academe & Cuhurai Boycott of Israel a — u
    - iMIMmn'lM'MIWBiMMaiD'M. M»l W> How Elite Military School Feeds Israel's Tech Firms ?••) ■"•"Shw* 199) Art Caamat vaaraa a ta<rad« Iwaai pagra cafed Tafcart TX, « K(«K SC i Mm « yaar and (ran* dan n yfty «S y i» » l » da d»-taa> voyr Ur Cia^ak Wc* a (tCwa* kj* Ha Mi n i laxca U«(kW dc an w*a(iay > »iNiWnawHiiiW 'C m ■«» a* a t>» « a acuSaae aae ana ar a 6—ra-daC «awaw "/«) a ar»aa aagat •> U n«i a U. C i aa S k*^i ml Hm *m m da iiraal ewapary na* cflca* r Sato
  54. a lagMri arttacranam dal bat ba*a« kn laraaf Mto adc h adsfr Iwggama*

    caanryaacapdaUS Wdae^asaoataaan, Ufefltaa • eaaaea(

    Ud«t«»aiiMyaan a^uN

    • httX ty ya’ai yy-aarad mUH wmtyg hlg//yrTr.Yr,MtkL9i»/flggigklejjbr2hb?M ABOVE ALL, THINK "RAD GROUP" AND "ZOHAR ZISPEL rotAitzHm ZoHar Ziazpel the RAD dad at the world * tekcooi industry By Karin kloewtcnnxn February 02. 2009 T don't blue big organization
    Zohar ZiaapeL the co-founder and chairman of RAD Data CoaununicatioM. one of Page 59 of 129 Vnf17 9«/n7/7ni« 11.7A AM Page 322 of 1018 '-raeli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082.. brad's most «uccessful gnxqM of companies. Rumor has It that one of brad's most successful entrepreneurs - Zofw ZiMpri, a founder of RAD Data Communications — wear sandals and leans to work, and fUes economy do*. The sandals part Is true, he tells BRAELilc, but he no longer file* economy. RAD has helped change life as we know It - enabling highspeed and wirekm conunurkatxwx and secure telephone networks and hanking Today. RAD b a solutions provider for more than 100 telecom operators around the world, including AT AT, British Telecom. Deutsche Telecom. France Telecom. Japan Telecom astd Orange France. It provides commutations tools to majoe players In (he banking commerce, oducaticev finance, government, military, transportation and idlity sectors. Bom inTd Aviv in 1999, Zisapd's father - an Immigrant from Poland - was a shoe salesman. Before becoming the head of the Electronic Research Depart m ent of the Ministry of Defense In Tel Aviv. 2sapei had studied at the Techrton - Israel Institute of Technology for two degrees, then went on to Tel Aviv University lor an MBA. In 1941, he quit the Ministry of Defenaeand start RAD from the back offices of Bynrt. a company his brother had started. Zoha/ first assignment at RAD was to manage the development of the company's lint product — a mini modem that would change the computer industry. trtUrjY>v>v,txiK£K,vtt, i ra^

    (Since I promote d das subject ALL websites like this have been removed) NOTE THE SERVICES RAD GROUP PROMOTES. THEY HAVE FULL ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT DATABASES c c ( ( ( Communications Solutions for Governmant LOOK AT THEIR LATEST SERVICES- Page 60 of 129

    > tt\n /mu 11 .on a u Page 323 of 1018 ' •'■deli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia maiIbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?numbcr=30082. Select your Industry READ THE WIKIPEDIA DESCRIPTION. YOU DONT NEED A DECREE IN POLITICAL SCIENCE TO WORK OUT WHAT IS COING ON RAD GROUP, an Israeli Intelligence front - is providing security and communication services for "CLASS A Infrastructure". Rrmcmbcr the London Tube • 2005 - VERINT. an Israeli company, was handling the security. No ’im u rtw* were ever wen on thr London Tube train. Initial witness lUMwnli Mail'd they never taw the Haprcb near thr blaaC tile, nor any backpacks. Thr ftoor at the train waa blown ‘upwards*. Police told victims nt thr bUai to be careful of the hole where thr bomb exploded from ’underneath the trails* Israel even has its grotty paws on Sydney's water supply... (ToKoDiT) •r«wr wiser to th* t»k»0v m w aravs tat' Netse* H»m% sad (will VyOnrv w«w ara TtKjCka Mr> • X-isw contract to wnance wetw c< U fetus tmvrto* are v*w* turn*. Dmwm• X>w s » Atmhm tgrwti ».r wa-wt •> t*« 0 m <e Mo* sne sums n seta wi A w i-a' screw uf t u ;i x: triw tit iff* MVi'iAeinigitsw re, •»'seven•e«cwua»f'«svi i>«w msaasoSsei a*i Mats «<«»■• me «wags » »a a net rtcea 11 SrtMtiWi il l s e ‘u»tl W Irak* A a* Has a Ssaor a* no>Mcr rat* asMsOcn n*»'n -WAnM IK ure ! »»!>-• I*« trees US nj»e nJor.tf.oij 4 OAors Srias of pufenosiy <U«/ wafer egtAues . - o a ceir unnaoiS?Mlon’ ien //-'>-y , i t>.t*t< m ‘rti»vii.ttr\«ii'H g srFW»;ix:-Ha A w iK-i?soM)initi>i N an-i fc m m c- iy m'EK- -yceC-SASmBSeSMI Detailed PDF Document on Israel 1 activities in Australia regarding water - l«p.;Mvn..iMadu*dg.onLaun.w<orWTV. , up>iMdv , yim2-rMllet.rtkM-DTicejtl.wr<-lvjel|.W,iw-lrctw>pe>e^C^irr.nie. QLUcdl laraeli Company “VERINT" handle security for the Sydney Rail Transport ay*trm... eimJ.Vri.w.v««ut*’A^vn/'»jlth?-vSEW’biDai[\ Page 61 of 129 nc tm /n/\ic h.oa aw Page 324 of 1018 ' 'aeli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia maiIbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@BOCROCKS/Sent?number=30082... VERINT also does "DATA INTERCEPTS* for stale and federal polke~. uoonv tcran Lnicil igra r tome 1 Not only American, but Australian also... vtzRINT.
  55. <—•• <-> p SOtlMlONS awns f anout -1 □□□□□ Security Intelligence Solutions to Help Detect, Investigate and Neutralize Threats 5 QowxAanc Anticipate. prepare and respond to mouHIy threats With proven toKittorn for protective people. property and assets FOX NEWS DID A FOUR PART SERIES ON ISRAELI SPYING AND DETAILED "VERINT- AS A SECURITY THREAT ftyrr’ffl ('Em Fox News Segment Available here - REPORTING JEWISH TERRORISTS ■ httnv.//wwv I call the Australian Terrorist Repotting Hotline. 60 minute video explaining all the issues - well worth watching. PERTH JEWISH COMMUNITY LEADER GETS ACTIVIST BRENDON O'CONNELL ARRESTED FOR "OFFENDING HIM" BY CALLING HIM OUT AS AN ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE OFFICER Page 62 of 129 fe.w/17 nc /n*» / Page 325 of 1018 '-raell High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082_ Steve tdbtlch, Irwtah Coeuntrity leader trained at The Techrkm' in electrical engi n eering. He to an expat Electrical Engineer and bunnea manager. I am facing charge for catling Scree Uibitch a “Kataa* - Xaae Officer* - for laraeii Intelligence. ’Utilizing A Ctmtgt Drove To Mrmct, Threaten. Or C*tf Offentt’ Itftpi'.itxx.rockaTOl^ll/caltech-pmfgwnr-claima-lvaHl ^PV tnfiltraftni ipl/ QUOTE FROM UEBLICH IN POLICE STATEMENT - 'This mail offended me. It accuses me of deceit, and it is a/so replete leitf t anti-Semitic lies about the Jewish people which I find offensive. n The anei md. H Skua hWii tomaw ytu and I brira A5K) and 11 T» arinN tit >• etrr^Mt Ira-, U RXHttiT mp^awlaldi jgj/JUs “I find this comment offensive because it falsely implies that I am an Israeli spy." Page 63 of 129 v.aM7 11 . 9 n AM Page 326 of 1018 '-raeli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082_ COOOMCU) \t <»•»> x&IE*

    r Mfc* TSu n incredible • new happened anywhere before. A man Is arrested for 'offending* a local Jewish Community leader by calling him a 'KatsaTCtee Officer* for Israeli Intelligence. The silence on this issue is deafening. An Impending Commonwealth Federal court case io a great chance to get masses of material on the public record. JEWISH COMMUNITY LEADER STEVE LEIBLICH WAS “ OFFENDED ’ I CALLED HIM A "CASE OFFICER’ FOR ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE - POLICE RAID! I AM CHARGED FOR ’OFFENDING" HIM! IS THIS NOT HIGHLY NEWS WORTHY? During the raid police were heard to mention keep a look out for material on 'Jet Propulsion Laboratories'. Its in the actual search warrant. No one is interested in my case. People with clout - who appear regularly on Iran Press T.V - like Mark Glenn, Trevor La'Bonte, Jonathon Axizizah express no interest - they say I'm a "nut’. They spend all day rehabilitating Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, but will not touch this subject Does this sound right to you? Trevor La'Bonte said he was to scared to interview me in case he was killed.

    :-D MY POST WENT FROM THIS... Page 64 of 129 Page 327 of 1018 '-■•aeli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082.. & Associates IDE? TIFYING INFORMATION REMOVED DUE TO THREAT OF A RREST BY W ESTERN AUSTRALIAN STATE SECURITY INVESTIGATION GROUP Under threat of arrest (October 20141 from this detective who sounds like she is very, very, very close to Steve Leiblich... ■Eliza betlvvuleta" MAIN ARTICLE OF INTEREST... Rocket Science Espionage? WHBTltBlOVm • SANDRA TROIAN Whittle-blown tuit alleges that Caltech let a suspected sp> keep working at its Jet Propulsion lab bo protect a lucrative federal contract. November 17, 2014 By £glhta nabtrty Did the California Institute of Technology Ignore faculty reports that an Israeli apy Page 66 of 129 Page 328 of 1018 '-raeli High Technology • Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMall/BOC@BOCROCKS/Sent7number=30082.. TO THIS... Page 65 of 129 l aM 7 ii.?n «u Page 329 of 1018 ’-raeli High Technology • Major National Security Risk For Australia maiIbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@B0CR0CKS/Sent?number=30082~ might be working At a campus-controlled research facility so aa not to jeopardize An $8 billion National Aeronautic* and Space Administration contract? According to the suit. Troian hind Amir Gat a recent Ph-D. in aero*pace engineering from Technioo-Urael Institute of Technology, in early 2010, to help design a new type of apace mx ropropuhion system. Soon after Gat waa hind. Troian says, she began to suspect him of security violations. He allegedly stored sensitive information on his personal laptop, not his work computer as required. He is also alleged to have purposely entered erroneous numbers into design software code*. bBr^wJcii^chuh^tm'ocr>^01k1ia7/ufai>Uci?}flyYn^ylt-alK tiUKhllkncd-susPcctcd-sotworklctJafe There is a huge amount of information in the article. Read it in full (At Bottom! and you will grasp the National Security implication*. Combine the above article with the notion of THE SAYANIM - HELPER for Israeli Intelligence - drawn from Jewish Communities around the world. UNDERSTAND THE NOTION OF THE SAYANIM* - HELPER 1 A quote from former Mossad Officer Viktor Ostrovsky.- "The nest day Ran S. delivered a Iccturr an thr sayanim. a irique and important part of the Mowad's operabon. Sayanim-assistants — must be 100 percent Jewish They live abroad, and though they are not Uracil cltiwns many are reached through their relatives In bract An Israeli with a relative in England for example, might be asked to write a letter saying the person bearing the letter r ep resen ts an organisation whose main goal is to heip saw Jewish people in thr Diaspora. Could the British relative help In any way? Three are thousands of sayanim around the world In London alone, there are about 2,000 who at* active, and another 5.000 on die list. They fulfill many different roles. A car sayarv for example, rvrair^ a rental agency, could help the Moasad free a car without hiving to complete the irnuJ documentation. An apartment savin woid find accommodation without raising suspicions a hank saysn could get you money If you needed it In the middle of the night a doctor eavan would treat a bulWt wound without reporting U to thr pobet and so on. Thr idea is to have a pool of people available when needed who can provide tmxn but will keep qUet about them out of loyalty to thr cause. They are paid only costs. Often the loyalty of sayanim is abmd by katsas who take advantage of the available help for their own perioral use. There is no way for the saysn to chsck this. One thing you know for sure is that even if a Jewish person knows it Is the Mossad. he might not agree to work with you — but he won't turn you in. You have at yocs disposal a non risk reervatmert system that actually gives you a pool of millions of Jewish people to tap from outside your own bordm.lt's much easier to operate with what is available on the spot, and sayanim offer incredible practical support everywhere. But they are never at risk — nor are they privy to classified information. "By Way Of Deception; The Unmasking Of A Mossad Officer" p.56-87 Page 67 of 129 *fi*l 1/ u Page 330 of 1018 '-•■aeli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082 CURRENT NEWS ARTICLES EXPLAINING THE CONCEPT OF THE SAYANIM Police database like gold to spies, says SIS expert Hager hWp-//www.»tufl.co.m/nationjl/MllBqfiM7 435/Pollce-daUba»c-lik«-gold-lo-»pity ws-sb-csiaafclmtr Identity theft may have been Israelis' goal - analyst http'//wwv>fJhiff.co.»u/national/poLitics/5314120/ldgmily-lheft»mj>-hjv^ btvn-l?rt».cU>S9t> 1 -1> n jJ>S t Mossad operation in the Cook Islands targeted the Pacific Islands Summit http-.'/wvrw.i nlrepldreport.com/arthivts/8789 Australians aware of agent's connection to Mossad htlp y , /w w w.nickyhaKer.info/au»tTalian^-awarcK)f-Jggnb>-conncctio[>-to-mOTMd/ THE BEST SUMMARY OF THE PROBLEM WE FACE - Jewish Powers subversion of our most central , public institutions EXPLAINED HERE • Page 68 of 129 o* /no /oni £ ■% « .on a % > Page 331 of 1018 ' '•aeli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082.. htlp^/boc.rockv l '2Q14/02/>vhv»Jrr-countri<-<vtcmficd-of-isrjel/

    ISOLATE BUT PRESERVE fcalaaM l« maII lat


    Hlipfl# YWm IkrBVIl IIIIvIII3«hCVi
  56. “Katsi'i” • list Mfltan tar Israeli latalllfeact “haarit" the lavish •emsraaltJts ant heap tiaaa la line vldl tht lentil State's sal lavish Pavers alms stt mesas*
  57. Cemmanlty prtaps latluf(a| saclaifstilaalst ytath arrays Ilka Hahanlm »rar ana rallalaas axtramtlsts Ilka natal Labarltab ira yrlma racraltlaa f rtanai tar “sayanlm".
  58. Sayaalm latast all larats af atvarnmant aa4 yrtrata csrperatleasi yallilaa ail iatettlpeaee treaties, especially la tba inner Stalas.
  59. Australia aal athar cauntrfts hara lirasta4 masslraly la camaramlsaa Israall hlah taahaalaay preOvcts that alia* tha Israall stata la lain vital Intarmatlaa vlth vblah ta ce-trte, camprtmlst, hrlha ana Math mail tararlai altnaas af athar aattaas. IN CASE THE MAIN NEWS ARTICLE DISAPPEARS IN THE FUTURE... Rocket Science Espionage? Whiatle-btowvr wit allege* that Caltech let a inspected spy keep working at its Jet Propulsion Lab lo protect a lucrative federal contract November 17,2014 By Page 69 of 129 Page 332 of 1018 ' raeli High Technology - Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082.. MflWO Did the California Institute of Technology ignore faculty reports that an Israeli spy mrght be working at a camfus-controiled research facility ao aa not to Jeopardise an SB hi 11 Km National Aeronautic* and Space Administration contract? That' the bafts of a wl"»’ : eblo>er « j filed last week against Caltech by Sandra Troiaix a professor of applied physics there who saya the university, after dismissing her concerns tried to retaliate against her for speaking with federal authorities during their own investigation into the matter. Troian says that a former postdoctoral research scholar in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which t* managed by Caltech, violated federal law by sharing security - sensitive research Information with an Israeli institution and on the internet Caltech official* along with the former Caltech employee in question deny the claims and accuse Troian of suirg due to negative conclusions about her In a recent research misconduct investigation. According to the stat Troian hired Amir Gat a recent PhD. in aerospace engineering from Tschrson-braei Institute of Technology, in early 20101 to help design a new type of space microprupultton system. The project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, allegedly was subject to federal export control laws governing unauthorised sharing of Information and Troian says she and Gat signed agreement* saying they would protect security-sensitive research Soon after Cat was hind, Troian says, she began to suspect hsm of security violations. He allegedly stored sensitive information on his personal laptop not has work computer as required. He la also alleged to have purposely entered cnoncovs numbers into design software codes. Later in 2010, a computer virus attack on Troian's work computer resulted in hundreds of files being uploaded to an IP address outsidr Caltech, and days of interruption to Troians network. Troian says that she traced the virus to Gal's computer and confronted him about iL She say* Gat refused to disclose website* he visited poor to the attack, but eventually admitted that he had shared details about the micropropulfton system with Daniel Wcih* his doctoral adviser at Techniorv without permission According to the suit Wrifo sits on Israel’s National S teering Committee for Space Infrastructure of the Ministry of Science and holds other federal positions related to apace research Gat also allegedly made 65 Internet posts about operating principles for the system also in violation of the ssoaity agreement he signsd with the lab. and was caught wandering around alone, in an access re s tricted experimental area. He allegedly said hr was ’looking around.’ and that he hoped to be hired by Trchnton when he eventually returned to Israel Troian shared her growing cccvrrm about Cat with Caltech administrators on multiple occasions durtng the summer of 2010. But she says they locked the ocher way to p rotect the university's good name and - more materially the NASA contract which waa up for review at that time. Accordii^ to the wit "Caltech was seeking to rmew its con tra ct with NASA to manage (the lab] and as port of the respplirabon p ro c e s* needed to certify that its employees and contractors were not violating US. government security regulation*" including International Traffic in Arms Regulations. In August 2010, according to the suit Troian dismissed Cat from her tab. and he transferred to another research group at Caltech Troian reported her ongoing concerns to Caltech's vice provost of research Morteza Ghihb, who said allegedly said ’It’s not my business." Gat worked in Gharib'ft lab until Judy 2012. when he returned to Tcchnkm as sn assistant professor of xncchwnical engineering. Two years after she first repor t e d her c o n c erns to Caltech Troian say* the Federal Bureau of Investigation approached her about Cat aa pan of its own investigation into possible security breaches at the lab. Troian said that she had shared her suspicions about Gat with Caltech in 2010, to no avail. But she allegedly refused to sign an affidavit, for fear of retaliation by Caltech Soon after her contact with the FBI Troian say* a small group of Caltech administrators began threatening her Job and asking her about whet she had told federal investigator*. She was allegedly told Out Caltech doesn't "like |its] people callirg the authorities.' Troian says that Edward Stcdper, the Caltech provost, eventually told her that he would make her ‘miserable, and to 'wait for the next two years of bring confrontational with Caltech ft Just won't be fun" She says that Caltech falsely accused her of research misconduct, denied her research finding and pit falsified documents alleging that throe postdoctoral fellows had filed "serious complaints" against her in her personnel file, among other forms of retaliation She also alleges dial Caltech copied her entire computer hard drive without her permission, even though H contained aecvmty-senaicive and personal information. Caltech denies Troian's daims. In a statement, a university spokeswoman said that Caltech 'intends to vigorously defend this lawsuit, which is men ties. The institution is confident in its compliance with export control law* and lntenvauoiftl Traffic In Arms Regulation*, and regularly cooperate* with gove rnm ent agencies including the FBL as appropriate " Thr ftatemrnl continue*: "The plaintiff, who was dissatisfied with the outcome of a recent internal campus investigation into her decision to list her cat as the avahor of a published abstract and omit recognition of a postdoctoral scholar who per f orme d related research suffered no retaliation and remains an active faculty member of the institution.” Page 70 of 129 Page 333 of 1018 raeli High Technology • Major National Security Risk For Australia mallbox:///H:/EMaii/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082... Gat also denies all the allegations - Including U\it hr ever worked at the Jet Propulsion Lab. In an email hr said "I am not or ever have bem an Israeli spy. 1 joined Caltech aa an academic r ese a rcher and based my work on pubtidy available research paper. Aa an academic researcher my research was expected to be published In scientific journals. As a foreign national I did not Save any security clearance and thus couldn't work on secret projects. He said hr wor ke d in Troians research group for about three months in2010, and “sery happily transferred to a different gnxgi after that Gat said he never launched a virus from his computer, and thti a spy probably woulChl use his own computer for subterfuge anyway. The best guess he could make regarding the 65 internet poets, he said was that he posted publicly available research to a website called Ciid'Lihfr wfoch Troian asked him to delete. He alto denied shanng sensitive information with Weihs after arriving at Caltech He said he was never knowingly investigated by the FBI and only heard about the espionage allegations after Troian filed her suit last week. Caltech declined to provide additional information about the case. Troian says In her scat thst she once used her cats name - M. Pucci - as a placeholder until she could find a new assistant to co-author an abstract for a 10-minute talk at an American Physical Society conference. That was In 2012. following the abrupt dept mire from Caltech of a second research asaastant. She says dial the quirky naming practice is common am on g scientist* and thst Andre Gain a Nobel Prlnr-winning physicist even once listed his hamster as paper co-author. But the university accused Troian of falsifying the record and mi srepresent i ng the research assistant's work as her owr\ according to the Mil A faculty committee found thr professor gialty of research misconduct; she says the investigation was biased against her and ignored evidence In her favor. Troian said in a statement that she's committed hrr J heart and soul to Caltech" but won't let administrators Involved in her case "ruin my career." She alleges that Caltech retaliated against her in violation of California labor law and breached key contract obligations in how it treated her. She's requesting a trial by Jury and damages in e x cess of $25,000. Thr plaintiff’s lawyers say that Caltech reties on its contract with NASA to manage thr high-profile Jet Propulsion Lab for billions of dollars in finding and that it couldn't risk a security scandal as thr contract was up for renewal. Lynne Bemabei who Is representing Troian from Waahingtoei said the case was another example of a "large le-fivmaty failing in its management of an important national Laboratory," The government. Bemabei said, "should scrutinise Caltech's ability to fix smelly breac h es at (the Jet Propulsion Lab)." There have been several concern s about secunty at the lab In recent years. In 2012. a laptop containing the personal Information of lab employers was stolen from a lab employee s car in Washington Also In 2012. a federal investigation revealed that NASA net w orks had suffered thousands of security breaches betwee n 2010 and 2011. including one in which Chinese hackers gamed full access to key lab s yste ms and aoccxrda. That allowed them "to alter files, laer accounts from rrmsxwvcritical (lab) systems and upload tools to steal user credential*." Tkf Lx Agaric* Tire reported at the time. nr ia*» areas r e s no Page 334 of 1018 ' raeli High Technology- Major National Security Risk For Australia mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=30082.

    INSIDE Hl«l S Opnfcn . HIGHER ED NEWS & OPINION SURVEYS WEBINARS JOBS HfiAttn Jl* 1 T» « «KH lUVt Mn ijyw* lmi at wvm

    md\ UMM AAjwri Dwui »••«..a thihNH ftetnamg WKUUCWlM* (MK4i k»r •« Uv"«li> IvM M*M*wr -v M to Wan*»» MtmkVvrrw in

    ANlA«|lM'Ck •M N*meo

    • t»« VtP Harts rn Son* A? A»1t Uttudn yVSSA tUMnnj lSjtetl Met*! 0.«r c>j*!*,*i atom'iin fMoiyl CotitttrKtt tut on Cf^toc « W—1 lot' 5 c«( NMt* N<t4 Mraieww* suss 'AWtr ft Mmo MHMM4UIM Rocket Science Espionage? Wve«e dower vj-t So^n mat Casech M a suspectad spy wenunjmtM PiCGuSoolabtoc^OSecta kxrahve todo«ai coot! ad MrOtto if. Xl4 0*1 the c*i/jrru» irntfute of technology ignore tscuty reports mat an Iwaea tpf if*)W ht wtftotg at a (tnput controlled research fac*Kr to at no* to je«corpse an it babon Hat On* ArronauCKS and Spate AdnunrstratK*-, contract > That a th« bavs of a - Ai«d lafl »« rn; Ceflech by lamhe ttmav a ptotmo of app«o C*y*ct tht»e who says the unrv«r*tv. attar ditmiiung he* concerns. triad to retaliate myantt her tor spearing with feoerai authnnoet oumg maw Own aivetDOKion nu the manor, To*an ur» mat a forma* postdoctoral imarch Khda m HAIM Jet PropuHrsn taberatory. which is managed by Caita^i. related federal law try shenng mwlrimMiit research mformabsn w th an Ivm ntetutton and en the intamat Caltech off*cal», along man the termer Ca*eeh wnp jyee m Question. deny the ctawm and accuse Troian of sung due to negative condusront about ner n a retent r esearch misconduct rv»eti,(jAT.m Accor bng to me tut. flrotan Nre Inw Cat a recent fh 0 n aerospace engineering from Techncn-|vee« institute of TecnnoMgy, n ee>ty 3010, to help design a new type e* space moopr«p^M*on system The project, funded by me Defense Advanced Nesearch Projects agency. allegedly «<t subject to fader at export control Um gqvetmn g unautfonted ihanruj of wdarmarton. and trcun says the and Gat wgned agreements saying they woUd protect security sensitive research Soon after Gat was hoed, Troian un she began to tusoecl r*m of sacuftTv violations. He a*eg*9y stored sensitive ^formation m he personal laptop, not h-s work computes a* ••pared. He is also alleged to nave pvpo*e*y enteted erroneous numbers «o drv»;r «ft«a«e codes late n jpjo. a ceredp vwv» attacx on Troian Y work computer resulted r> hundreds of fdes temp upt&aded ts an t# address outside Caltech, and days of intern** to boon's network botan says that me Paced the tvus to Oafs computer and cenfroreed hwn about c She says Gat refused to Geciate websites he mated prior to the attack, but evtntuafy admitted that he had shared detaes about the nwctepropidsren system w*n Oanwi Weft*, ins doctor* adnser at Techmpn. without permission According to the tint. «Vt*bs scs on Israel's fsabonaJ Steering Cammtxee for Space trtfrastrucTitfe of the H^vslrr a/ Spence and ho<ds other federal poedtont reseted to space research Gat aaso aHefedfy made 0) Internet posts about operating pnnop*es few the system, also m vidaoon of the secunt* agreement he s-p*ed wnth the lab. and was caught wandering around, atme m an access-restricted exper im ental are*. He ihejf^r sad he was "locoing aiound. and that he tuped to be hned by teehmon when he eventuaay returned to tsroe bcian shared her growing concerns about Gat with Caltech aomints&Kort on mutipAe occauons Cumj the summer of
  60. but she tars they looked the ©the* way to protect the kmfrvtrt good name and -- mat matenaOr •• the M&i contract, which was up fo> revew at that tent Acctrdwtg to rna sue. ‘fairecn was saesmg to renew «» conttact wim HAS* To manage {the lab] and. as part of the reappscation process, needed to certify mar es employees and (MfKttn were net mating U i gevernmer security regulations. including International Traffic m Arms Aegulabcrs iff SI OP tlKOlUJUXtlTOnOTV foil (AlliiOAIIS fanbs J*k« (SjI 09 i •sm asset ( 003 ) »f A^a Mynnj MUM edewn'MIJ! Vwn. bgeewO' Njer>e(M,MU SouaScene«t > UxiwilLM)) Mwemeii Mi C JMi tirrwwi hOMi dNi U Sc C »i*n (JJHi Ctmamay (.fcp.OI'!i Oymir TO 11 Oil RiLATEO JOBS en«(fAn>rtf> • hrxean ip ftorv lncMn>«r*i • teen, Omi. v urwener Of nobnpana • n<Aengonp IjWU Siiiu«M(n<e«S • Ixxum hi unvena* U tetrth deerga • Oattoneoa 0 11 A JUKI O EMPLOYERS tie wiwonermt wee vrgnn School si beecoatnc Him AM«W!tti He • Meti ■-cm d.trst berigocixSi at tfttonQ »-'* i r ■ John M, CoOtgt • both «i itmecnP 'ecogved Wade n schocek iw wre tr ownl vcci end a pener (•One nltvlcn whose MOST; f-ened Corrmeneec PASTi Pay Week ' r- In August 2010. OCCordng to the tut. Toon dnrmssed Gat bom her lab. and he transfei»ed to another research gr sup at Canech ttoian reported her ongoing con c er ns to Caltech's met provost cf research, neneta Ghanb. who sawi asegedv sa*d. 'It s no m* barm ' Gat worked m Ghana s

    tab int* July 2012. when fie leturrwd to tedrnn as an assistant twefesser of mochamcai engmeenng Two years afte< me rwtt reported her concerns to Cahech. htun seys. Pie federal buvau of Inmtgkon app<c«ched her about Gat as part of «ts own irvesbgation into possdxe security tmehn at the sab. Hc*i sod that i*« had shared Page 72 of 129 nr /nn nnir n nn a me Page 335 of 1018 '■'u Cotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059... Subject: You Cott* Read This • Example Of Lyir* Polk* _ From: Brcndcei O'Connell <bocOboc.rocks> Date 19/08/2016 6:16 PM BCC: Mervyn Eade* <mer»yn

    ug*llamsya org.au>. Aid* DeOglte <onellghetei)utJook.comat£>, Father Aheam <aheantfO0w«tnrt.oom.aii>, iohnHb.actOgmail.com.

    |ulte-annr.act0gmai].coai Ken OKeefe <kraolyrv<c©k>hipalcstiiw.com>, »hae.woodward.acttegmallcon% ‘Wyide, Ablgaei (D. Jeiueu Ml’)

    <Abtgael.WyIdc0aphgov.au>, kn» smith <arracan780gmul.com>. Bob Mcdanald <ausfrc«docn2lCgmULcofn>, Aus Journalist In Europe <BICWORMBOOK$


    Chris Savage <*uperoxyteme.coei>, Colleen Egan <ccJleeaeganOwanevfSwCom.au>, 'Conway, Sean (D. Jensen. MP) <5cai\ Conwayteaph.gov.au> David Ford <tord60Slteyahoo.com>, Cense <genkgypsytegmall.com>, Henry Makow <hfnryOhmrymaktnv.com>, hcJfmanOmiMontithistory .org, Wo - Islamic Council <Woteislanttccixmcitwa.comai*>. James While <yuneswhtlcOpm.co.nz>, Jane Jamison <JaiwOabbgkn.cofn.su>, KEITH ALLAN NOBLE <murder.reaeaixhOgmail.com>, Kevin MacDonald <editoestheoc d demalob»er\xr.ntO, Leah Truth News <k ah Oj oog le.coen.au>, Lee Tonkin- Jones <wyatlofearpOunaeeais>, Letters At WA news <fett*T*tew»newvcoRi*u>, Lum Bartlett <lbartlrttOrarw.com u>, Luke Clayton ducat <Uyton0iclcul.com>, paul.murrayOHanrwvcofn.au Vickie Jacobs <Yick51SS0gmail.com> This is how police can make up Just about anything about you they like. I am absolutely, officially, finished with the WA police. That goes foe Detect !m Justin Robimon as well and thst department known as State Counter Terrorism or State Security Investigation Croup - SS1G. So, what might the problem be? 1 am going through the Commonwealth DPP file foe the lawyer • photographing • and I find absolute bold faced lies. I might add -1 was never meant to get this file. They handed it over to then lawyer Graeme Alien until I sacked him.
  61. "The accused has history with Ueblich mnd tnu found ptllty of rncinl vilification tosoards the Jewish community. The accused teas Che first person imprisoned in Western Australia foe rncinl vilification offenses. Ueblich provided evidence at this triol and u us the president of the jewish community at that ttnse. Page 73 of 129 Page 336 of 1018 v '>u Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059._ hllit/itcc 1 nxWMH/ll'c «IIKhp[y«c»ctdanre-Hm<l-»pv-lnlilml«lli!l/ Ut» get this simple facl straight • Steve LkfcUch NEVER prw *icd evidence <i( my trial. Ever. Sbrve Lkblich organized the Israeli Ambassador jrxi Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister to come out against me. Al the event named The Friend Of Israel' rally in Ai^put 8th 2010. 1000 Christians attended as wdl as the creme of the Perth Sydiwy and Melbourne Jewish commsmitie* as well as 30 local and federal members of parliament • 100 local and federal members of parliament expressed written support for the event All organized against one man • me. VPMvfo • tsrtmrs. n«y-?Kfy, him! When I simply noted Steve Lieblkhes credentials for an Israeli fnlelligmce asset • I was raided They have since dropped the charge against me after nearly 18 months. They were never going to proceed with it They are embarrassed at hiving to deal with il In the end why would you organize lop Israeli gov e r nm ent officials against such a pararuid detustonal man? Read on..
  62. On 24 December 1014, the Community Forensic Menial Heslth Service {Court Ltaium Service) spoke to the tensed end provided Perth Magistrates Court with a report for the magistrate <copy enclosed). The scented has previously been diagnosed urith a delusion*l disorder thmt incorporates fixed paranoia ideas in relation to government deportments and other agencies. Ordered mental health assessment of accused tdated 24T12/14) states he has a history of paranoid delusions. This is the most frightens r^{ thing I have ever read. You have all Just been diagnosed. And soon they will start kicking people up and forcibly medicating people for statirg self evident facts that are on the public record and admitted too Every claim I have EVER made about Israeli spying and Jewish racial and religious auprrrracUm i* ON THE MAIN STREAM PUBLIC RECORD. In fact former head of state counter terrorism (Inspector Barry Shelton) invited me out to talk about and emu led me with the words. “We all respect your work." But then maybe I imagined it? :D 4 Page 74 of 129 na inn mntc i n.nc a %m Page 337 of 1018 v ->u Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMaiI/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059... This video Mans it up - Reporting Jewish Terrorists hugs//Yi'tt'Yf.iX’uiiinr.itfikh? rutMgdThlnWt Of course if my video was tided Reporting Muslim Terrorists • I would hive received a medal. been feted In the press and maybe received s booh end movie deal. In 20001 was admitted to a psychiatric facility after I did a sleep deprivation technique uttll/od by South Korean Monks, b was a tocinitu* expert rave • not uriike LSO. Wont go into it now. The next day I left the psychiatric facility. After a few days 1 thought I might return as I wondered if It might have ramifications for my Nursing Registration. They locked me up immediately in a lock up d ward and forcibly medicated me with a low dose and-psychotic, b dad absolutely nothing but give me a stiff nock. I went along with it as I knew what they cotdd do. After a couple of works where I rebuked thr staff for being lazy - which they notoriously wa e/ anr • I simply left and never went back and had no more problems. But that did not stop them writing up a race report about me. 1 haw worked at Gteylands hospital and 1 can tell you it was the UTTER pits. The staff were da* addicted. I ary. incompetent assholes. Many were perverts and preyed on the women patients. It is much Improved now. If you were to look up. The Burdrkin Report” you might get a flavor of how bad Greyiands Mental Health Hospital was. They haw since used that little ’visit* against me at every opportunity. Note the terms used above, ‘(copy enclosed)'. Three was no copy in the file I haw. But I'm going to get a hold of It I guarantor it But now it gets REALLY. REALLY. REALLY good...
  63. In January 2015 fJw accused threatened to harm detectit Vulrto. As a rrsmlt. detective Vuleta became the subfeet of a HA police Operation Tango Investigation. Operation Tango is the management of police officers tvhm the y have been threatened. NEVER EVER EVER haw 1 threatened detective Elizabeth VideU. I defy the WA police to provide a single shred of evidence thal thu is so. It U the product of dwir delusional mind. No. that's an excuse for them • It is a product of their lying, scheming, pathetic carcasses that is suiting a story they are spewtr forth to people. I wonder if they use this one to mention to Iran Pre» TV to discredit me? The above Is gou* to come back to haunt them. This ks why the establishment do not support me. Thr police will be spewing this garbage night and day alor* with the piece of garbage Perth Jewish community who spewed forth the moat ridiculous claims about me stating that I have threatened to kill their children. So, lets haw the evidence please. Lets haw thr thmil that required a 'special operation” on little old me a guy with nowhere to ltw who could not even afford his phone bilL Now, this next one SUMS TT ALL UP with regards ‘threats' to deteettw Liz Vulrta. I aak you to read the pasted in email below You will hear hr impassioned plea for me to stop emailing her as It is apparently hurttr* her precious WA police feelings. Note the cahn and reasoned tone of my emails as I ask her to please hand over the tavedited video footage of the «er the top police raid. This shodd confirm for you that the WA police are not to be believed - ever. Bui first • lets get their statenwnl in the brief thry sent the dpp (OA's office for Americans).
  64. In November 2015 the accused contact trtih detective Vuleta became increasingly intense and as seek the accused teas instructed by detective Vuleta to

    cease contact. The accused subsequently contacted detective Vuleta. Oh dear. Why Id the truth get in the way of a Mt of WA police bullshit? Let us now refer to those ‘Intense” emails Please read it all so you get a good grasp of the lcr*th of die bullshit thry will pass off at as fact Pint a screenshot of the last email to detective Vuleta. Underneath that will be the long serin of emails. All I have done is stick to the facts. But apparently it was loo 'intense” for poor Liz. Page 75 of 129

    .sfll ic/ntnAtz ia.iz si<

    Page 338 of 1018 v ' > u Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059... |s»t Vm fee Wrote* (BMWi* ae»

    Mee n tot %T*f ■ <k < a •> ft*i • O W t • - | m Iren lUlvmMIM M ‘wnfamui-t you over and over I require the WI-EOITTED 3i»fly eats out mid-sentence. You h«v« failed to under the protocol of stetzivg*. ."Me at* new turning . ff the video recorder." I never heard you say it one*. S hav* to go wet the video properly as couzt tiae approach* ani I expect to find acme dsory's. He:. X will put it In a picture fora - a* OCie W • tet*ee*| ) Ca—• >-*-14* >0-14 MfUUlKnAI'l •U«UifA**MtMte»a< ri Omit WwW ew r So n ■>>. • U«MUav <i*W {•• Lis. 1 RAVI a copy of the edited f::c*g. X hav* repeated to feetag*. Thera at* at least J saparat* tuna where the vide: t wculd lilt* tc remind you of Rrefeseor Pervert Cunningham and his dealings with police which included th* presentation in court of "edited" footage of CCTV footage showing hi* assault while his un-editted ccpy was stolen free hi* ’JYA law offtoa ■ EMAIL BELOW - WORTH READING - NOTE MY "INTENSITY - Liz, I HAVE a copy of eh# edited footage. X hav* repeated to you over and over X require tha BM-ED1T7ED footage. Thera are at laaat S separata times where tha video simply cuts out mid-sentence. You have failed to operate under tha protocol of stating..."We are now turning off tha video recorder.” I never heard you say it once. X have to go over the video properly aa court tlsw approaches and X expect to find soma dooty'a. Here# l will put It in a picture form - X would like to renind you of rsofeaaor Robert Cunningham and hla dealings with police which included the presentation in court of "edited" footage of CCTV footaga showing his aaaault whila hla un-editted copy was stolen from his 17MA law office - Page 76 of 129 •>£ /m/dnir m.'W’ xw Page 339 of 1018 w- 'u Cotta Read This • Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059. /"'i In the lead up to Mr Cunninghamis trial CCTV footage of polke Uaering the pair wai atolrn from Mr Cunningham' university office before polke presented edited footage of the incident in court The chain of event railed suggestions police had tampered with the evidence: Mr Steytler fount In September. Labor MP Tony Bub alleged police were trying to put pressure on M* Atom* by dairnir officer* went to tor tout* In 2009 and tried to intimidate tor. 'The police officer trlla her 'your car to* tom Involved in a hit and run accident', she had no idea what to was ulkir* about” he Mid at the time. Mr Bi*l called for the officer' action to to Investigated. O o o o o o o o o o o Believe me Liz, having no contact with you, State Security and the WA police "in general" la a dream of nine. Perhaps if you stop coming to my place of sleeping and eating - dragging um out of bed - with garbage politically charged charges we will not have to aee each other agein. Mont that be lovely. As long aa these garbage charges persist we will be in each others dreams. Now, Juat to clarify one nor# time before you go around saying I an "offending" you with these emails - X require "un-editted" footage. Please make sure the "un-editted" discs are dropped off to the CDPP. One final note though on not contacting you - you are an officer in the State Security Xnveatigation Unit (Counter Terrorism). 1 write about issues directly related to your "job". So much so, both your immediate supervisor - Tim Paini - his iamedlate supervisor - cant remember his name - and their over all boss (at the time) Inspector tarry Shelton couldn't wait to chat to ms over blue berry muffins and coffee despite the conflict of mtereet. Xn fact your boss wrote, "Me all respect your work.” I have a 235 page High Court synopsis that directly relates to your line of work. You have no interest in it. State and Federal nenbeis of parliament have an interest in it, the Kinister for Torelgn Affairs has an interest in it. Graduate Degree’s in counter terrorism have an interest in it - but not Liz Vuletta. Just for the record, here is whet you should be investigating in between reading racebook posts by 12 year old Johnny Jihadi’t bent on the destruction of Western civilisation afear they have done there homework - Four indicted in massive hack of JP Morgan Chase, others Vw/ I Two Iaramli national* — Gery Mhalon and Siv O reive tain — and US citlsan Joshua Samuel Aaron were charged with multiple oeunta of fraud, conspiracy and othar charges related to the hack. https t//au. news, yahoo. com/ 1 h ewes t/business/technology /a/30g3SS?S/fouc-indic ted*in-nasalve-neck-of- ip-morg an-chaeo-otheta/ X might remind you of your friend Stephen Llebllch (dual national Israeli citizen), electrical engineer who trained at the Israeli Military Intelligence founded 'The Technion'. The fact that Australia's private, government and military encrypted communication*, databases ITelstra/Sensisl, hardware routers, SAS and CocsMndo Regiment encrypted radio communications. Collins Class sub weapons and senaor systems. Medgeteil early ewarning radar, drona technology and on and on and on...Including Sydney's rail transit security system (VXRINT), your police data intercepta/survelllance gear (VEAXMT). and on and on and on... X will in future keep it to myself t-> Juat to let you know X will most likely be pleading guilty to the threat to kill charge. Criminal Compensation has given me a high priority ao Xns'AUah, X will have enough money to leave this wonderfully, fully informed state and go a place where my knowledge and talant for digging things up will be apprecleted. If the plane goes down Liz say a prayer for me - "Brendon O'Connell, on the dole, mentally ill, raggerdy clothes with no place to lay his head managed to dig up and make public en issue the Office of Nstionsl Assessments missed, A 5JO missed, AFP missad, Peace Counter Terrorism missed. Kis weapon - Google, a bad temper and plenty of coffee." Lis, as long as the "un-editted" footage is supplied you will not hear from me again and God Milling, we will not meet again. On 11/11/2015 7:» AM. VULETA Ux (PDI2S37] wdr Ir m l ot Page 77 of 129 ir mi mi / i/i.i/ 1 »»« Page 340 of 1018 v '>u Cotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059. w* fwdKC. 00 NOT cokki is* qv*nesr*Uregtoine»»su*r»ih*iSar*dy«w»«ti«.«»»citf*eCt>» Vi* KM you* espy of 04 sasftti wsrrsra Mac* tu~m i > o> dm *ow mote <op» »»d e*a COOf «b# «n contact tOiitini <**a you on colect « from thsm. ( : o ( v > o o o o o o UtVUUU FlWW ***4*1 O’CO'VW ( sofli: Toovitv. jo Nowftwb* ms s is m »*:vuuTAu«[»omi u Cc Nar»n Mieottf « Wt*.4t«: M«h*-, C«Om* (pa . < r . , l»r» v o4Mv. Nrtt, Common* D*e JwHoct tr trandOM OXonnal • TecMem© Cisma • JCMM4 A SOtt-14 You dont have to worry abouc my unemployment benefits Liz. Leave that to me. Thanka (or Irttir^ me know about who u handling the matter. I take It that would br Mike Smirk? You have stall not answered me about the raid video on December 23rd 2014. That video is constantly "cut* In mid sentence. Also, standard protocol of saying, "We are now turning off the video recorder", is not followed U you like 1*11 take up with the Commissioner and Police Minister. I note these findings with regards the Coemption and Crime Commission lately - fo a scathing released yesterday, the OCC said the Wamekr case highlighted wider Issues with polk* training, the general competent of some officers and their ability to understand and apply the law correctly. "In many cases the errors of individual officers reflect a deeper malaise and systemac weakness which permeates cnmtiud investigation* in this state." the CCC said I ask you again to provide me details of where and when I can pick up the UN-EDrTTTD video of that raid Its nothing personal lit I want you to stay in the police 'service" as it needs more women to keep the mm honest but you have to be accountable and follow protocol. As a former Registered Nurse I know all about 'protocol* and I made plenty of mistakes myself. You are the one who pushed these ridiculous charges. You have to live with them for as long as I have to live for them. Is this the bat the WA police ootdd come up with? Raid aid intimidate? Do you think Stephen Lkblich ts going to get off the hook after all of this? He is a public figure Liz - now even more so. You are fust the public face • I hope detective sergent Paini your sigwrvisor gets booted for this debacle. You also claimed during the raid that I had "threatened' you which I p res um e infers the need for such a display of over whelming firepower on December the 23rd Seamus Rafferty said during the bail hearing on December 24th that the police were acting "hysterically' by claimti^ I was a potential 'Monis" - ala Lindt Cafe. Liz. the enure affair reminds me of the abusive husband who slaps his wife (hen complaint. 'Welch cut everyone, the night gfl flysfertaiJ*. You need to explain that raid and you need to explain why it is you chose to stalk my family when you could of emailed me and asked for my new phone number You then lied to my friends who you also stalked aid stated you |t»t needed my new number and location to return property which was a Ur Liz because you never hid any property to give me until I pushed for 1L Why do police lie so much Liz? I have lost count You also deliberately went to my mothers place of residence with a nice little show that brought out the neighbors after you were told not to go there because she was mentally fragile - she was in Tasmania anyway . but you went three regardless. Why did you decide it was far more important to drag my stressed and on medication mother into this little debacle of your own making? Are any of you down there able to take responsibility for your actions? Did you research my case at aD or dad you ha* take the word of that congenitally lying piece of garbage Stephen Lribikh? I have a 235 page High Court synopsis that Superintendent Wallace of B unbury Regional Prison loved. He has a degree In counter terrorism and 28 years in the Victorian police - he then banned it from my possession as a "security risk". Ill email the 2.4MB PDF on request. Its a masterpiece of critical analysis considering It was done with an untreated broken arm in a maximum security prison, under extreme pressure with limited access to computers. I will say though that the WA police Here right in some ways about a Monis type event • I even stated such to detective Justin Robinson explaining that pushing people (or fun and entertainment is not advised in this day and age as you |u»t newt know who is going to snap from years of lavreienting pressure. The sad fact is 1 had made It dearly known to your former boa • Inspector Barry Shelton • that I was witling to work "with* police on the issue of Israeli Intelligence activity in this country. Your supervisor - Detective Timothy Richard Paini - ruined that. I note Barry retired. He was momentarily footiah to email me the way he did but I could tell immediately he was a decent person To add insult to injury I note in the paper work that Paini is supervising my current case • the forma drug squad detective who threatened me; then came begging for my co-operation; then told me not to worry about the harassment (after all - it was his mala doing it); then raided my residence 7 hours after I complained large volumes of material had been deleted off my hard dnw and charged me 5 more times, who then lied under oath in the Magistrates Court that he had never mid to me...~Brendon, when this court caae is over, it wont be over." Paint was demoted to detective constable but 1 see he b back up to detective sergent Why is Barry Shelton gone and Paint still there? To add insift to irfury one of Paini* "crew" • detective Brandon Shcetland - was ’allegedly* booted out of the dnjg squad for frolicking naked with two hookers in (he Bell Tower pool high as a kite. This was related to me by "someone*. On the stand in the Magistrates court Shortlartf dented he was ever in the drug squad. You see Liz. this is why you see such a pissed off person in front of you. You dont like me but I never asked you to behave in the way you did. I new asked the Minister to call me well meaning as he was • and speak so frankly to me leading to himself being threatened two days later. ( : o () O o o o o o •>«/m/ 7 ni« in. 7 e am Page 341 of 1018 v< "*u Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059... Ur. WHO WM listening to that call? The tooth (airy? Thai wu the WA police • threatening a serving Minkier. 1 am not responsible far a group erf police officers Intimidating and harassing me for 18 month solid up Id the trial as well as the 5 suspicious deaths that took place. Do you know anything about this Laz? No you done you rely on Stephen Let bitch and your supervisor Palm for Information. That* the problem Liz. you are operating off erroneous information. You can find my High Court synopsis here - LEGAL AVENUES ARE FINISHED - fajjj .. '.‘UoL'I ,iv j ; : y ill !j; u- .gdi INDEX • i; i.V‘Ugdf/A'HHtfLlfagh\20C l iflfistfV , -%2P-%2liindr».pdf 2\S Fi K ‘- ‘’•.I • > rmnoii bad person Liz • thu has been going on for 6 long year*. You yelled at me during the raid • "You are not handing this appropriately? Well. LU. what do you think I've been doing the last 6 yean? I'm not writing any more letter. I’m not teeing the CCC. I'm not going back to the AFP or witting to Mlrebm and Attorney Generals or Foreign Minsster*. I’ve done it already and barn blown off with such classics as, 1 cant wave a magK wand and fix all of this." And. Tm )uat a dronr. what can I do (shotider shrug}' Or thry simply never reply. Aral then we have die classic reply to me from Inspector Nick Andcich about charging the organizers of the Friends Of brad Rally with criminal contempt of court
  65. the biggest in history - where Nkk says 'no material particular' was affected by the Israeli Ambassador, Israeli deputy Foreign Minister, Australian foreign minister, 30 local and federal member of parliament appearing tn person (amongst many others) to support Stanley Elliot Keyser (coenplairvml in my case) one week before the original Mart of my trial in August of 2010. I've included his amanng letter and my reply as an attachment I note Nick Andcich was named as the Inspector in charge o 4 a sccretiw CCC surveillance squad noted for going fkhmg amongst other activities while they were supposed to be working. Also. I note you were talking to Simon Gavin • aka: Stove Johnson • about me. in Northern hn^Wrt>'.tnK,rixl^K^sc^VHvr-i-kn<>'M^vvddirtlv-acanCTl-t^-rfl^rxr-djLiirhtcr-wh(»».nrx^ Mv fave detective Stove Hawkes was there • nve him mv retard*. LU. whv donr you come and talk to me? Pont be scared. I'm a nice guy. I haveyhad three sisters and have worked many years with women. What do you went to know? If you wonder where I gel all my info from 0* answer is.'googlc*. And “You Tiibe*. It really I* that simple. Plus I get around a lot I like people. I talk to people and ihry Calk to me. Liz. with all that has happened the last six year*, this is why you are looking at one very pissed off person - Brendon OCcmraML To add insult to irfury, during our little get together on December the 23rd 2014. you hollered back at me, "Sieve Lnbtich had nothing to do with (hr rally?" Liz. would you like me to produce for you the near full page report in the West Australian Newspaper with Stove standing tall? All of the posts below relate directly to the Friends Of Israeli Rally • IittP.Vvvwvv.bvv,ri.\lA r 201U>2Aan-anvi^ic-NUnd-ig-tiv-thr-raciM-apjTthrid-«tai r-i>l-rtr.>cL l MMfrindnc-lhc-pffru-of mlt^bi*hot><v-fyTmar»min»»t«j htUrJ/rtAv>,'.bLX.fockv^l4W1rttcri-tiv(t?oH^miro*»r^-ard-ne>>-»-nvdi*-x-»i^tcd-hcTr.' httpAVwwrbnc PHkv?014<VV>vtn ->»-tN-medn-ign t miB-mv-st..Trv' 1 The basis of any good outcome Uz is research • and you didn't do any. You Just listened to your own colleagues who have a vested interest tn keeping Brendon O'Connell labelled as "mentally ilT and ‘too hard to deal with". Maybe so • but I am the direct product of the Western Australian police services handling of (his matter which needs to go to a parliamentary inquiry. I require the un-edlttod video Liz. I require an explanation as to why you chose to raid my place of residence with 7 officer* bargir in the door. I require an explanation as to why you chose to stalk my farrsly and fnends instead of emailing me. I would also like to know the reason why you continue to fail to investigate a ‘threat to kill" milter Involving • Arab Muslim man which involves major coemption within the Northam police. I remind you (again), that your section b "Racial Vilification legislation'. That legislation coven, ‘Race. Ethrscity, National Orient ' Mustafa was screamed at, ‘Fuck off back to where you came from." You know this. 1 have contacted you previously but you have Ignored thu information. You have WILLFULLY ignored this. ItttP^MTW.buXJixkaij^Ol^lL/dtfath-tlwwtv-tivtdo-aaainri-kxal-trHislim-familv- w-j-pplscr-cpier-il-iif^ Mustafa Is hard to deal with - to the point 1 will not contact him myself • but what happened to him was an absolute disgrace and you have chosen to charge mr for bringing this matter to your attention via Jason and Veronica Hodgkinson. There are three w1*mmo* who identified him as being there (Jason Hodgforwon) and as the one who was arrested. Mustafa has a great deal of audio showtr^ the Northam police clearly trying to confuse him and deny him the nun of the man who threatened to kill lam In front of his kids. All because Hodgkinsons wife weeks with the Northam police and Is well known to them • which she admitted on Facrboofc. Liz, you continue to maintain that Jason Hodgkinson has nothing to do with this matter but you have refused to dear the air by simply having Hodgklroon appear to Must*fa and identify himself • thereby Indicating that it wu not him at the shop You hive not even contacted Mustafa. You cant do that • because Jason Hodgkinson la the one who threatened to kill Mustafa in front of has kids and both you and dir Northam police have covered it up Clear the air Liz. You have a duty to the court and to die public to make every effort to sort dtls out without involvirg d» expensive legal system. Scarce tax payer* resources are being p° TU 00 political witch hunt against me; where I am obviously trying to clear Ov atr to the point I sent the Hodgkinsons to YOU to dear it up You then choose to charge me Instead Are you saying this is acceptable police behavior? I writ after Jason Hodgkinson online after Mustafa was threatened again. All the while Mustafa had exhausted all avenue* via local Northam police and the CCC to work this out b this acceptable Liz? Would you like me to peat the GIGANTIC collection of new* paper article* I have collected on die incompctance and corruption of the Western Australian police that dv local paper has been pumping out? I haw made It clear to you that prtnvi focoe. there is a cose against Jason Hodgldnaon • dearly. If by scene miracle Jason Hodgkinson is an innocent parly thm simply trawl to Northam and speak with Mustafa with Jason Hodgkinson pre s ent and the entire matter can be cleared up instantly. Instead you press ahead with these charge* Well fine • guess who will be getting on die stand and I will make sure Msutafa is thrre This has gone on for a year. The policing and legal system b not a personal toy to be played with by you and/or your colleagues Liz. Page 79 of 129 ‘r.tfll IC/AtmiMA.IC All Page 342 of 1018 v ' i u Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059_. 1 would Ilk* an explanation a* o what you haw done with the urwdittcd fooug» of the raid video from December 23rd 2014 and I would like to know why it l you-or Yo«a (Technology Crime), haw edited that video mad sentence on numerous occasion* and tailed to follow protocol with regards filming. I remember you ‘winking’ at Yota as I was led into the new Northbridg* lock up. What was that Liz? Yota didn't look happy. I also want an explanation as to why you approached this matter in the way that you haw. Stew UiMich will also be gcttlrg on the vUnd I will be asking him some wry difficult questions while he ia on 1L How can you possibly hope to win this in court with Stew Letbltch betrg an OBVIOUS 'public figure" who has stuck his vile little nose Into my business in such a public way? Or, Is it true what was said to me by so*ww who has dealings with the Jewish comnurutv of Perth and Slew Leiblich? Three thousand members of the Jewish community her in Perth haw the political class by the balls her*. All of the above was done 6 days before the August 16th 2010 original start of my trial. Liz. what is H about the term ‘fxfcltc figure" and 'public Interest" that you don't understand? You might abo ask Inspector Nick Anticich what he doesn't understand about the term 'criminal contempt of ewaf? I was actually threatened wills contempt of court by former senior prosecutor Alan Troy. He said that a precedent case from 2001 where an accused had uttered he was "innocent' publicly, days away from a thal. was considered contempt of court I was threatened with this. Ham we haw the Friends Of Israel Rally • U. please tell me you get why I am so utterly disgusted and amazed at the sdtocy of he people hat run this slate? If you insist on bringing a circus to town I will oblige with down* and lion tamers of my own - not that you appear to haw not already brought a great heap of clowns with you. Am I wrong? Do you hate me foe pointing out these simple 'facts* to you? Does it upset you? Do you feel silly? Do any of yote superior* feel tlUy? Liz, whatever angst you are feeling I asua* you I haw felt it a hundred times worse. How would you like a StafiyNaticn with a reputation for lulling squads and wielding enormous power outside of its size, that flouts intematsoful law ami treats the rest of the world as a Joke - Indeed “humiliates* he rest of the world with it's vile racial and religious supremacism - how would you like it coming out against you - personally? You said to Mistafa over the phone when hr first contacted you to make a complain* against Jason Hodgksnson. ‘Brendan O'Connell i» going to get you info slot of trouble. You ere tot* going to get aht of trouble. Liz. touche’, ‘Sir re LeJhUeh t going to gel you ht etot cf trouble You ere both going to get mlo aht of trouble. Can we |ust gel his straight here • T am he victim here. Do we agree? I’m sure we do and contrary to popular folklore I haw ALREADY exhausted the "appropriate' methods of setting wrongs to right What has gone on Is a damned disgrace and it appears things are going from bad to woes with his little spot between the only two politician* to have ever contacted me - The above was three weeks after the email from Dr Dennis Jensen's office below • fm not sure how much more maccarbe it has to all get but I guess all 1 can say is hsw at it Liz. And please send me the real unedited raid video. On 10/11/2015 7JO AM, VULETA Liz (fD12537] wrote. w*v us you wi te t tear f*t*n ii t» tha tew#? I mm uot the cate oil car i hew eapiawwd thal nua«rovt ttaes w yo» if jew request twiner Oadoswe cornea (Se cate oScer or Dana TMCJUMQ i .Ml Page 343 of 1018 '"'ll Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@BOCROCKS/Sent?number=22059. ■t |0W> w • UfOv W to** them of y« »•« pbm tram: Srwdo* OX«wvH . VoeffKtfOdaJ (M Meed*. f IKMintw 2015 7 JS FM lfcVUUTAU |P0l»J7] #<»«>" OXe-wwi • TtctMotO«v Cnm. to47M ft 3041-14 DoorLU, I am gotrg thn*h all the paperwork and I note there is no copy of the ’offending video with regards ringing (hr office of Julie Buhop and the charge of making a private telephone call public. Unless you are purely going off the testimony of Tom the wenrun who took (he call? I would presume the video will be shown In court? That video was taken down by You T\ibc which was quite Incredible in and of itself. I was always havir^ sport with You T\be over copyright and had the video constantly reinstated Then all of a sudden it was taken down and You Tube sent me the message that tta video was taken down foe no specific reason and my account remained in good standing. Could you provide me with a copy please. Abo, 1 presume David Tittering rang you about my trip to Malaysia from December the 31st to January the 12th Please let me know If there are any problems with this. Regards. Brandon Thts email message and any attached files may contain information that Is confidential and subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the me ss age to the intended recipient be advised that you have received this message in error and that any t»e. copy ing, circulation forwardly, printing or publication of this message or attached files is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information contained ihcma b you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and dclrte it from your inbox. This email message and any attached file* may contain information that is confidential and subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient be advised that you have received this message in error and that any me. copying circulation forwarding, printing or publication of this message or attached film ts strictly forbidden as Is the disclaim of thr information contained therein. If you have received this message in error, please notify thr sender immediately and delete it from your inbox. As you can see. 1 am an ’intense* little pussyraL Maybe delusional and paranoid and mentally ill. See. the police can say whatever they damn well please and people believe them. If l pul in this email my collection of mainstream newspaper articles of police corruption, incompetence, arrogance and flagrant disregard for tfw law. It will end up being an eBook on Kindle so lets cut it short with Just a few more facte to take in about the lies that role off police tongues so easily. Note the police state 1 have RADICAL MATERIAL on my computer. That Includes VIDEO. PHOTO'S and DOCUMENTS. I Just love this. -Radical"? Like what? Them is Z-E-R-O "radical* material on my computer. What absolute crap. 1 absolutely hate these downs. Basically, If it aint on the Qvamel 9 news. It must be "radical*. I am gotng to taunt them all day and demand they produce the 'radical* material. There is no 'radical" material la nothing but a way to discredit me. I bet they pass this sort of material around to politicians, media and the upper echelons of the police betting no one is gotng to ask whaT that material is. U .*f 1 1 Page 344 of 1018 v '>u Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mallbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059~ ( c I Hading thin »tuff. Propl. who know me nne ifcfcof reading lhi» stuff. How eas>- to ufferly destroy soenaone's rvpuutlon I BET when politer snxmd thr country haw nude inches due to my ma» mall cut’ expUiniryj what ha* gone on they have proffered up crap like this. M this can happen to me. It can happen to you. Look what tfvry dad to Heather Clmdutrtng. She went from losing mother to raving psychotic knife wielding Itrutic in jial a few media exposes. My first trial has been booked for March 21st. 2016. This Is the uw of a "carnage device" to “menace, threaten or cause offense". Thb Is the man who thrcalcrvd Miattafa and his children at his place ot work with death • Jason Hodgkinscn. When I bred to work it out and force him to go to police, I was charged instead. I do not ever want to talk about the details. It is too rubnilous but I will make a doeo instead hflyi, l >»ilaielxitPtrM-rw. Ng^cv^com.aia7014/lL , dejth-tiwjt^made-agflimtkicalmmhiTi.htrnl The second trial is die "threat to kill". This is die bam burner where ultimately the Minister of Corrective Services would be getting on tfw stand to toll the jury about that Page 82 of 129 Lafll srmeriAo Page 345 of 1018 "-'ll Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police mailbox:///H:/EMall/[email protected]/Sent?number=22059.. 32 mi null phone call to me where he stated many thing*. Including the (ear hr had for his own staff and the ultimate threat hr received from the \VA police a few day* after he spoke to me. iMipnifHBR fiS (gnn^8t»gnnniwgi^j^iiaM»eaia nhdHta nftmfamfi^ prcCMUlmro t ai i T nnHi tfttnpi^ (BTTTrnTfHHTTnn flrt (arr770* Ktpc-'/jii nr.vy«lr<. HttE»:/Vau-tvcw».vahooconui1hcwcstA*te*Can9V4l873Jlntnidcftn-prisi>n-g'ini»lrrs-Nome» l hi tgi^/iu.i^i,rthw.c^1h«tfit/V2WW»miniiter-forc«d-to-ou|t-homey ht^i-'^uj^wt.ythoocwVthTWcl/l^tCTt/a^lgjg-'miniitrr-brcak-ir-chameV http*,y/au.new»,y4hpo.comAhfwetl/A^|75?7»» , tnp-]iotne-inv«»lffi4i|e.i/ Winning three cases under normal droimsUnces would be VERY easy in any other state except Western Australia. The stale la too corrupt. The) 1 are capable of anythin Right now. the best option for me is to call (heir bluff, lake a guilty plea and put in a sworn affidavit to the sentencing judge about EVERYTHING that has happened combined with a psychiatric report. It would mean at the very least I would have to tread very carefully for two years in case I ’offended" anyone. Most likely I will hunker down and produce a high quality documentary of my own about the last 7 years and write a book Some of you may know that I have been central tn getting published the amanng memoir of Roger Reaves • lop transporter for the Medellin and Cali Cartels of Colombia. Roger employed Barry Seal notorious IraiYContra operative and drug smuggler Tom Cruise is starring as Barry in a film called 'Mena'. Croat tittle 38 mi rate video of me interviewing Roger here ■ Hn>J 1 Hm! Roger Rea\ res i - Afe Hrendon O'Connell hpps^dri>v.K^g J d»m^ik'/d3jg7PDtVgn7U»S7fhcDQ>Hc2cn tfw:?usirsharinc

    1 will |ust have to cop (hr charges and get back online to tell (he truth about what was done to me and most of all explain to people how bad. dangerous and uttrrly corrupt Western Australia is and I will start with a sworn affidavit about that phone call I got from Minister Joe Francis. With WA. anything is possible. They done care. They simply do not care and we must wonder what sort of 'spirit* is guiding this place to make the movers and shakers so utterly above the law and so utterly un-afraid of exposure. Page 83 of 129 Page 346 of 1018 Page 347 of 1018 Page 348 of 1018

    MINISTER CONTACTED ME - GOOD RESULT - DONATIONS A http //isol atebutprcservc blogs potcom aiV2014/10/mi ni ster-contactc 11th October 2014 An)iQ6>«J2.6 MINISTER CONTACTED ME -'GOOD RESULT - DONATIONS APPRECIATED [Ntp://3 bp blogspot.com/-0hpx83W88D/WDIIF52jbd /AAAAAAAACOc/SxOyEG 1 Zq70/S 1600i1etterwrrting Jpeg] Ministers Office contacted me and assures me the Minister is looking into my case himself. This has nothing to do with the legal aspects of things but my particular treatment in jail which I hope will include an honorable mention of former Department of Corrective Services Minister Terry Redman who told Prison Officers openly to keep my from computers and photo copiers so I could not do my appeal. http://isolatebut preserve blogs pot. com/2014/10/my-email-to-department-of-corrective.html [http :/AsoiatebutpreserveblogspotconV2014/10/my-e maH-to-department-of-correctlve.html] Minister for Corrective Services Joe Francis and his new Commissioner for Corrective Services James McMahon have a fine reputation for integrity and cleaning out cess pits. Whatever the final result I have every confidence all that can be done will be done DONATIONS [http i//3.bp, blogspot.com/-RR8DnpZp1nEA/Dllog6xAAl /AAAAAAAAC0k/soC8 AcdT pUO/sl 600/1 deal 00 jpg] Many thanks to Ian from Oz. Bill from the U.S Page 86 of 129 Page 349 of 1018 M INISTER CONTACTED ME - GOOD RESULT - DONATIONS A http//isolatebutpreserveblogspol.convaiv'2014/10/minister-contaclc Michael from the US "The Greek" from S.A I appreciate it all and will make good use of it I have had to pay a few basic bills but I have a little street action to get going. I am sourcing a ruddy great banner, t-shirts and flyers. Money isn't everything and If you can publicise my Blog and case on YT and FB then please do Just going aroixid to relevant YT video's and pasting in a link to my Blog is extremely useful. For example - find video's on Israeli spying and paste in this Blog link - http//isolatebutpre serve blogs pot. conV2014/05/israeli-spying-on-us-swept-under-rug.html [hBpyAsolatebutpreserve.blogspotcom/2014/OSfisraeli-spying-on-us-swept-under-nig html| Best to all. Brendon Posted 11th October 2014 by Brendon O'Connell Page 87 of 129 Page 350 of 1018 ’'■nail 10 - dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court mallbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=39443.. Ak)N>£X0<2£ 8 Subject: Email 10 - dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court From: Brendon O'Connell <boc@*boc.rocks> Date: 23/07/2016 1:57 PM To: Simon Freitag <sfrei tagtSwolffchambers.com.au> Should you. having taken proper legal advice, wHh to enter a plea of guilty to threat to harm I could consider sending it back to the Magistrates Court to be dealt with there for sentence. Were you to plead guilty to the other State charge still in the Magistrates Court they could be dealt with together. -Forwarded Message- Subject:RE: Commonwealth Charges - Brendon O'Connell Date.’Tue, 22 Sep 2015 16:29:11 *0800 FromiThiering, David < [email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Dear Mr O'Connell, I refer to your email of 20 September 2015 below. Please note I did not receive your email of 10 September 2015. My understanding re your charges is as follows. If you have different information please advise. You are charged with 2 State offences being charge numbers PE 110475/14 threat to kill and PE110476/14 publishing/communication of private conversations. The threat to kill charge is listed for trial listing hearing In the Perth District Court on 13 November 2015. At that date a trial date will be set. The publishing/communication charge is listed for mention In Perth Magistrates Court on 14 December 2015.1 will seek to have that matter remain in the magistrates court as it does not warrant being dealt with in the District Court in my view. You ask below why "a minor magistrate court matter" has been transferred to the District Court The communication charge (PE 110476/14) has not been transferred to the District Court on the information I have-see above. The threat to kill charge is strictly indictable and thus I have no discretion about which court deals with it As you know your previous lawyers had been discussing an alternative charge of threat to harm which could be dealt with in the Magistrates Court However as you have pleaded not guilty to the threat to kill charge there is no alternative available other than trial or sentence in the District Court Should you, having taken proper legal advke, wish to enter a plea of guilty to threat to harm I could consider sending it back to the Magistrates Court to be dealt with there for sentence. Were you to plead guilty to the other State charge still in the Magistrates Court they could be dealt with together. However I stress I cannot and do not seek to give you legal advice on this. You have had the benefit of the advke of two separate lawyers. Your plea is entirely a matter for you. As things currently stand you will face trial In the District Court on the threat to kill charge. Further you state below that the State DPP is handling the Commonwealth matters. I advise I have no record of the State DPP being approached to take over those matters. I am trying to confirm this with the Commonwealth DPP and will advise when I get a reply. For your information those matters are three allegations of use a carriage devke to menace, harass or cause offence. The charge numbers for those are PE 119341/14, PE119342/14 & PE119343/14. From the little I know of those matters they are not related to the threat to kill charge. They could not be properly joined on the same indictment. They would need to be dealt with separately to the threat to kill charge. I do not presently have carriage of those Commonwealth matters and do not expect to have carriage in the future. If that changes l will let you know. I believe subject to correction from the Commonwealth DPP's office that they have carriage of those Commonwealth Page 88 of 129 Page 351 of 1018 ''■nail 10 - dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?numl>er=39443- matters. I trust this answers the questions you asked below. Should you obtain further legal representation please let me know. Otherwise I will continue to correspond directly with you. I am sorry about keeping you waiting before I give you complete information but I need to make sure what I am telling you is accurate. I will confirm the position re the Commonwealth charges as soon as I hear back. David Thiering | Senior state Prosecutor Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia International House Level J, 26 St George's Terrace Perth WA 6000 TEL| 08 9425 3999 FAX| 08 9425 3601 d aYld.thierinaOdDQ.wa.aov.au From: Brendon O'Connell rmalltoibocaboc. rodal Sent: Sunday, 20 September 2015 2:56 PM To: Thiering, David Subject: Fwd: Commonwealth Charges - Brendon ffCOnnell Dear Mr Thiering, A previous email is below and I ask you again having received no reply • why is the state dpp handling the Commonwealth matters and not the Commonwealth odpp? Brendon -Original Message- SubjecttCommonwcalth Charges - Brendon O'Connell Date:Thu, 10 Sep 2015 20:53:43 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <[email protected] s> To:Thiering. David <Dav id.Thiering a: dpp.wa.gov.au> Dear Mr Thiering, It's noted I face three charges under Commonwealth legislation. It’s noted that the state DPP is handling these matters. Can you explain why it is the Commonwealth DPP is not handling these matters? Can you explain why it is minor magistrate court matters such as these have been transferred to the District Court? Sincerely, Brendon O'Connell Disclaimer: This e-mail may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the lntende Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient). Please contact the sender immediately by return email and delete all copies of this email document. Page 89 of 129 Page 352 of 1018 ''nail 12 - dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court maiIbox:///H:/EMail/BOC(5>BOGROCKS/Sent?number=39443.. Subject: Email 12 - dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court _ From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 23/07/2016 2:01 PM To: Simon Freitag <sfrcita [email protected]> I state on 22nd of September 2015 - I had received NO LEGAL ADVICE that the threat to kill was to be reduced to a threat to harm. Mr Stephen Gabriel had indicated he had proposed this but that it had been rejected and the threat to kill charge was to be carried forward to the District Court. I have to seek legal advice, but I will state that the offer of a guilty plea to a threat to harm is the preferred option to be dealt with in the Magistrates Court. David Thlering replies - Please be advised that the proposition set out In your second paragraph Is Incorrect I had not received any firm offer from Mr Gabriel or anyone else on your behalf and thus did not refect It. As stated below I will still consider this option if it Is put forward by you or on your behalf. Such an offer needs to be in writing. Email Is sufficient. -Forwarded Message- Subject:RE: Commonwealth Charges - Brendon O'Connell Date:Wed, 23 Sep 2015 07:33:22 +0800 From:Thiering, David <David.Thiering|Sidpo.wa.gov.au> To:Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Dear Mr O'Connell, Thank you for your emails. Please be advised that the proposition set out In your second paragraph is incorrect. I had not received any firm offer from Mr Gabriel or anyone else on your behalf and thus did not reject It As stated below I will still consider this option If it is put forward by you or on your behalf. Such an offer needs to be in writing. Email is sufficient. The factual basis of any such offer needs to be set out That can be achieved by accepting the police statement of material facts which has been served on you, or by suggesting such amendments as do not distort the offence. In this case the facts would need to refer to the exact terms of the threat made. If a Court was sentencing you on a plea of guilty to threat to harm the Court must have regard to the threat but only as a threat to harm; that is your Intention was only to harm rather than to kill. Please note that by entering a plea of guilty a person is acknowledging they accept they have committed the elements of the offence. You need to discuss those with a lawyer if you have not already done so. Please also note that the State does not make any concession as to the appropriate penalty by accepting any such offer. Penalty is always a matter for the Court, although the penalties Imposed In the Magistrate's Court are usually lower than those Imposed in the District Court as the Magistrate's Court has a Jurisdictional limit. You would also be entitled to the benefit of a plea of guilty as evidence of a willingness to assist In the administration of justice and the Court would also note you had by the plea spared the victim from having to give evidence. If the plea offer is made and accepted before the trial listing hearing on 13 November 2015 the case can be sent back down to the Magistrate's Court for sentence. If not It will be listed for trial In the District Court. Page 90 of 129 Page 353 of 1018 ''-nail 12 - dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=39443.. Having taken conduct of the matter I will retain it for any sentencing in the Magistrate's Court to ensure there is no miscommunlcation as appears to have happened with the Commonwealth charges. Also if you are getting advice you might also like to get advice in respect of the other State matter which is still in the Magistrate's Court Were you to wish it and plead guilty to both they could be dealt with together. I look forward to hearing from you David Thiering Sent; Tuesday, 22 September 2015 7:14 PM To: Tigering, David Subject: Re: Commonwealth Charges - Brendon O’Connell Many thanks for your reply. I had received NO LEGAL ADVICE that the threat to kill was to be reduced to a threat to harm. Mr Stephen Gabriel had indicated he had proposed this but that it had been rejected and the threat to kill charge was to be carried forward to the District Court. Please let me get back to you. Hopefully, well prior to the November 13th trial listing. I have to seek legal advice, but I will state that the offer of a guilty plea to a threat to harm is the preferred option to be dealt with in the Magistrates Court. Again, many thanks. Brendon On 22/09/2015 4:29 PM. Thiering, David wrote: Dear Mr O'Connell, I refer to your email of 20 September 2015 below. Please note I did not receive your email of 10 September 2015. My understanding re your charges is as follows. If you have different information please advise. VOu are charged with 2 State offences being charge numbers PE 110475/14 threat to kill and PE110476/14 publishing /communication of private conversations. The threat to kill charge is listed for trial listing hearing in the Perth District Court on 13 November 2015. At that date a trial date will be set. The publishing/communication charge Is listed for mention in Perth Magistrates Court on 14 December 2015.1 will seek to have that matter remain in the magistrates court as It does not warrant being dealt with In the District Court In my view. You ask below why 'a minor magistrate court matter” has been transferred to the District Court. The communication charge (PE110476/14) has not been transferred to the District Court on the information I have.see above. The threat to kill charge is strictly indictable and thus I have no discretion about which court deals with it. As you know your previous lawyers had been discussing an alternative charge of threat to harm which could be dealt with in the Magistrates Court However as you have pleaded not guilty to the threat to kill charge there is no alternative available other than trial or sentence in the District Court Should you, having taken proper legal advice, wish to enter a plea of guilty to threat to harm I could consider sending It back to the Magistrates Court to be dealt with there for sentence. Were you to plead guilty to the other State charge still in the Magistrates Court they could be dealt with together. However I stress I cannot and do not seek to give you legal advice on this. You have had the benefit of the advice of two separate lawyers. You r plea is entirely a matter for you. As things currently stand you will face trial in the District Court on the threat to kill charge. Further you state below that the State DPP Is handling the Commonwealth matters. I advise I have no record of the State DPP being approached to take over those matters. I am trying to confirm this with the Commonwealth DPP and will advise when I get a reply. Page 91 of 129 Page 354 of 1018 r nall 12 dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court mailbox:///H:/EMaiI/[email protected]/Sent?number=39443~ For your information those matters are three allegations of use a carriage device to menace, harass or cause offence. The charge numbers for those are PE 119341/14, PE119342/14 & PE 119343/14. From the little I know of those matters they are not related to the threat to kill charge. They could not be properly joined on the same Indictment They would need to be dealt with separately to the threat to kill charge. I do not presently have carriage of those Commonwealth matters and do not expect to have carriage in the future. If that changes I will let you know. I believe subject to correction from the Commonwealth DPP's office that they have carriage of those Commonwealth matters. I trust this answers the questions you asked below. Should you obtain further legal representation please let me know. Otherwise I will continue to correspond directly with you. I am sorry about keeping you waiting before I give you complete information but I need to make sure what I am telling you is accurate. I will confirm the position re the Commonwealth charges as soon as I hear back. David Thlering I Senior State Prosecutor Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia International House Level 1, 26 St George's Terrace Perth WA 6000 TEL| 08 9425 3999 FAX| 08 9425 3601 dflyld.thlflrinflgdpp.wa.QOY.flu From: Brendon O'Connell trnailto:boo8>bocrocks 1 Sent: Sunday, 20 September 2015 2:S6 PM To: Thtertng, David Subject: Fwd: Commonwealth Charges - Brendon O’Connell Dear Mr Thiering A previous email is below and I ask you again having received no reply - why is die stale dpp handling the Commonwealth matters and not the Commonwealth odpp? Brendon -Original Message- Subject: Common wealth Charges - Brendon O'Connell Date:Thu. 10 Sep 2015 20:53:43 +0800 From:Brendon O’Connell <bociSIbocjocks> To:Thiering. David <[email protected]> Dear Mr Thiering It's noted I face three charges under Commonwealth legislation. It's noted that the state DPP is handling these matters. Can you explain why h is the Commonwealth DPP is not handling these matters? Can you explain why it is minor magistrate court matters such as these have been transferred to the District Court? Sincerely. Brendon O’Connell Disclaimer This e-mail may contain confidential and privileged materiel for the sole use ofjthe in Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others Is strictly prohibited. If you sre not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient). » j. Plesse contact the sender insnedlately by return email and delete all copies of this eroa^Mocqpent. e use of,t) Page 92 of 129 ?A/«?/2tn611;4 1 i Page 355 of 1018 r mail 12 - dpp offers to lower charge to magistrates court mallbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=39443... Disclaimer: This e-mail may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the lntende Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient). Please contact the sender immediately by return email and delete all copies of this email document. Page 93 of 129 Page 356 of 1018 " n ant Man“ And His Sentence - Threats To Kill Muslim Man Coes... mailbox:///H:/EMall/[email protected]/Sent?number=25442_ AfOtOfiX.'J&t
    Subject: ‘Rant Man* And His Sentence Threats To Kill Muslim Man Goes Unpunished From: Brendon O'Connell <bocOboc.rocks> Date: 25/03/2016 12^21 PM To: Letters At WA news <JcttersOwanews.com.au> CC: Hami <HamifarajiOgmaiI.com>. Info Islamic Council <infoctslamiccotevrilvva.com.au>

    Just to let you know - the worst case of a "breach’ would be the loss of a $1000 surety. I realise getting the facts straight is not a high priority for any MSM newspaper, but You might want to know that. the West Australian Newspaper J3 manti JO 16 Bond for rant man The first mail In WA to be jailed for racial vilification has been warned he could go back to prison if he abuses anyone else online. Brendon Lee O’Connell. 44. was convicted in the District Court of using a carriage service to menace or harass a man in November 2014. Yesterday. O'Connell was placed on a two-year good behaviour bond, which if he breaches could result in a max¬ imum three-year Jail term. Tim Clarke

    h W H \ Was this raid necessary? RAID VIDEO - WITH OBVIOUS EDITS https://driw.googlc.com/opcn?i<l»OB7BDtV|pp7L4»RTM5bXBwQjNkNzff There is a raid video. In that video you see where the video has been 'cut* suddenly without the required comment "We are now stopping the video at..” Note these times -
  66. 23 seconds in the video suddenly cuts out as I read the search warrant and exclaim, ’What! Jet Propulsion Laboratory ?" It suddenly cuts out In the raid video, Liz Vuleta says to her fellow detectives, "We art looking for stuff like...Jet Propuhion Laboratories."
  67. 14 minutes and 40 seconds in the words, 'Organise Israeli Ambassador... are used, then it suddenly cuts
  68. 25 minutes and 50 seconds in the video suddenly cuts out
  69. At 41 minutes and 14 seconds the camera cuts suddenly.
  70. At 43 minutes and 32 seconds in, Liz Vuleta states that I did not want to be present for the search. I find it hard to believe. Where do I say that on the video? Why how they not recorded me stating I do not want to be present for the search?
  71. At 1 hour 10 minutes and 59 seconds ia police soy. The conspiracy theories are not under the scope of the warrant." - The scope of the warrant is STEVE LIEBUCH and JET PROPULSION LABORATORIES and HODGKINSONS."
  72. Note that detective Vuleta refuses to tell me my rights with regards, "You have the right to remain silent.." I repeatedly ask her to repeat my rights to me. She refuses to do so. She does this because she is demanding all passwords. 1 ask her to please read me my rights again like she did at the beginning of the raid. She will not do it She waives the warrant demanding I hand over passwords. I tell her to please read me my rights again. NOTE - the legislation to do with being forced to give passwords is hazy at best In the US, the police must hold a firm belief that evidence is to be found on the device. They cannot go on "fishing expeditions" which was exactly what they were doing. In an upcoming High Court matter Johnny Rizzo • we hear about the editing of surveillance material. They do low to "edit" here in WA. Page 94 of 129 Page 357 of 1018 " n ant Man” And His Sentence - Threats To Kill Muslim Man Goes... mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC(®BOC.ROCKS/Sent?number=25442.. By the way, here are the ACTUAL private message posts that resulted in a one day trial in the District Court The bold and highlighted posts are the ones Detective Liz Vuleta chose to ‘'remove*. She also separated paragraphs in single messages and made them two. She tampered with evidence • blatantly. But that's ok. this is WA. You wont be reporting that of course nor the fact Anthony Eyers made it known we would be immediately appealing. • Conversation started Saturday Hey mate, are you the guy that threatened Mustafa at his kebab shop? Get back to me urgently and I will see if I can work things out. Right now, he wants ISIS to cut your head off but I figure you value your job. You are in deep, deep, deep shit Iranian Press TV coming over to interview Mustafa. — hn:r 1 v!iMth-th.nvK- DEATH THREATS MADE AGAINST LOCAL MUSLIM FAMILY - W.A POLICE COVER IT UP » Isolate But Preserve isolatebutpreserve.blogspoLcom 11/29. 9fl4pm Brcpdon 0 CgnneU I like all your friends so I requested a ‘friends* link up with all of them. Someone came in and threatened Mustafa (quietly) he might want to look after his kids. What you think? You think he should be worried Jason? Were you high on Meth when you did what you did? Maybe some coke? Who put you up to it? Confess mate, its better for everyone. How long have you worked at BHP as some sort of insurance broker? Have you ever been to LaKembla? The Mosque there is lovely. Maybe you should go some time. I will be sure to send your details to them. Some people there are very interested in you • Today Brendon your post has been sent to the WA Police i have a lot of my business contacts message me and are considering going elsewhere I will be taking advice on this further WQpm Prendw QXQimdj Simple question - are you the guy who went amt threatened Mustafa at Ms shop? Answer the question? Why do you need to contaet the police? I already conferred them about you. Answer the question -yes or no- did you go to Mustafa’s shop in Northam and threaten to kill him in front of his kids? Are you the guy? Your failure to answer, answers the question. You have the nerve to threaten a man with death in front of Ms kids and then whine when you are caught out and made public. human English lanuage News - Press TV are travelling to WA to do an interview on this. Also, the shooting up of a Mosque by racist neo-rwzt s wMch went punished with a fine. 2£8m Brendon O’Connell As for "further advice" - i suggest you get ready for a couple of years in jail based on the racial/religious nature of your actions. Based on the fact you threatened a man with death in front of his children and you did it knowing they were there - repeatedly. Three people have named you. I was waiting for further confirmation but with two new veiled threats made towards Mustafa and his children I want this sorted qukkly. Are you the guy or not. Post a piccie of yourself and it will be sorted. I will apolagise publicly and that will be that I admit I was a little rash but I was worried about my friend. Page 95 of 129 Page 358 of 1018 "°ant Man" And His Sentence - Threats To Kill Muslim Man Goes.. mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@BOCROCKS/Sent?number=25442.. So, lets sort this oat. But, if you want to involve police thats fine too. The sooner they get to the bottom of things the better. 4:58pm lason Hodgkinson thanks for your advice 1 will leave it to the police to sort out 6c38pm Brtndon Q’CgnntU Yeh, they came, and they went Anything else to say? 6:40pm Brendon Q Connell Mate, it has become quite clear to me you ARE the man in question and 1 really don! think you quite realise what is going on You came Into a shop and threatened a Muslim man with deoth - in front of his kids. You did it repeatedly. You wifes friendship with Northam police got you a "disorderly conduct” charge. Its in the hands of counter terrorism now. But thats the least of your worries. An awful lot of Muslims want the head of the man that did this so I would hope for your sake you can dear this up quickly. feAlpth Brendgn QCgnnd! I've passed on yor messages to Detective Uz Vuleta. I spoke with other counter terroism officers and they were not particularly interested but I told them all about the incident Quite a few Northam coppers will be in the shit oserit all -1 hope you are happy. But again the police are the least of your worries. fttfpm Pntnrfgn Q'Cgpngll Maybe you should check out this post - httP^'' t n»latebmoi-.>vi-.-e.bl^p>.»U- .■ V2014/11 Jt-atlv threat*-madvagaitwH^ ah muslirrchtml PE Alii IMFEATS MAJPIAGA1NSI LOCAL MUSUM.IAM1LY: W,A roUCE.CT.VERlI.l/P. 1 Mate But Pmmc tebutpreserve.blogspot.com MBpm BmidgD.Qgfin.ngLI HI contact BHP Billiton as well. In fact I will go to the office with a copy of the Nog post 6:51pm Itepn HctfgKinwn do what you want to do I will not be responding to you on your games anymore OK. Good luck. This isn't a game. What makes you think its a game? Snridng people around to threaten Mustafa about his kids was not a good idea. These final posts are missing from my "copy and paste” (above) to detective Elizabeth Vuleta • Brendon O’Connell Just one more thing - when it comes to the police, you have failed to answer the question. Since silence equals acceptance. 1 hold a "reasonable bdicC that you are the man who threatened Mustafa in front of his kids and was protected by the Northam police. You should dear this up easily and you have failed to do so - it is you who are playing games. Page 96 of 129 Page 359 of 1018 " r> ant Man" And His Sentence - Threats To Kill Muslim Man Goes... mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=2S442.. Brrndon O'Connell When 1 asked a witness why on earth someone who works for BHP would do what was done, he answered. “Because he is an arrogant bastard." I still find it hard to believe but the witnesses are absolutely adamant you are the man. We were waiting for official confirmation via paper work but the latest veiled threats against Mustafa's children necessitated a moving of things along. Brrndon O'Connell I'm sure it will all be sorted out Brcndon O'Connell I’m sure It will. I just sent all the messages to Press TV. You OK? When Judge Bowden questioned the prosecutor as to why it was the EXHIBIT A evidence did not actually match the ‘offending material’, detective Vuleta said that she had received the posts from the "victim" • Jason Hodgkinson. My lawyer Anthony Byers replied 'Your Honour, detective* raided this mans house. They took his computers and produced a forensic report. Then detective Vuleta uses an ermil from the victim to produce the evidence?" Normally I would laugh, but this Is WA. Why should anyone care? I’m surprised they did not plant evidence that I murdered Corryn Rayney - maybe added a confession to the murder in the posts? Why not? This was NO accident Jason Hodgkinson is to stupid to know which posts to remove. Detective Vuleta however knows that she needs to increase the number of posts so she makes one post into two which you could not do “accidentally" - ( <‘ m ■TW watoti Yrh. IhcyMmc .and they urn* ,,<m1 ■ m Mkt.» jjjthin# d*e to vay? Mate, it has tici otoc qmte clear to me ><i you quite realm what iv tfutag on. You death in front i'f lu» kith You dul U rq They have made these comments Into TWO comments when they were one. Much was made of “17posts". How do you “accidentally" mix all of that up? Either Detective Elizabeth Vuleta did this, or Jason Hodgkinson did this. Either way, someone "tampered" with evidence. Judge Bowden was not impressed. Was ail this worth it? 7 police raiding my house - making me lose my accommodation? All the lies told by Detective Vuleta? All the bullshit that I had threatened her, was delusional and sending her "intense emails" where I ask calmly and rationally for the un-editted raid video footage and ask her to please explain her behavior? But then, why question this or report it? It makes the story too complicated and to long. They have a paper to sell. Page 97 of 129
  73. -ro Page 360 of 1018 "°ant Man" And His Sentence - Threats To Kill Muslim Man Goes... mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?mimber=25442... Meanwhile, a bunch of 7 thugs got away with threatening a Muslim man with death in his shop - in front of his kids. Jason Hodgkiraon was one of those people. Whether he was in the shop or on the street he was there. We don't know who was arrested because there is no record of anyone being arrested for threats to kilt • just disorderly conduct The Northam police have lied through their teeth - but whats new? Mustafa has become a raving idiot because of this issue.! no longer speak to him. Here is a screenshot of an email 1 sent him after I had that interaction with Jason Hodgkiraon online. Just so you know how calm and rational 1 am u««bocOtwuocw • WtNKt •>}, ♦ I1U 450 M (WU •03 0 /MO mo uoa »KO 144 O Wli »ro •01 o mo M?0 MS O WO 340 SliO T# *r«t«ct itmi pmt y. »« M»rt u 4 r w n M tomwl m «Na mniifi Dear Mint^. | Aft'vr* (f >,« O KVilTOUKS W« mM»(wnrt I liope Hungs tiaw sr tiled down and I hope vlate counter terrorsm come and see you soon Clearly Northam polite will do nothing to help you It would jpear we have our man But, let us wait and see what the police have to say I would hate to go global on him and hod out it is a mistake I have also sent a copy of the email In Mann from Press TV to keep twin informed about wtiat is gomg on I note a murder in No«1ham just now Wow. things are heating up CNer drugs I eipect. I hope things are setting down and you can sell the shop and get Ihe hell out ot that fucking red neck pa<ad*te i hope you gel no more people gnsng you advice on howto protect your children Stay sate and well try and tela» I have me hided the latest version ot Ihe statement 1o the Corruption and Crime Commission Regards and Salaam, Qrendon Original Message Subject:! atest 'Offended* Possum OaterSun. ii) Nov 2014 19.01:22 0800 FrOffi:Brendoo O'Connell • TorVWlf TA 1 1 / |P012S17| < lit, included is the CCC statement Mustafa is handmg into the CCC shortly. It sums up the case I hope you will take things up where the Northam police refused to go Did Miriam Atieh and her two younger brothers deserve to go through the ordeal of what they saw transpire at the shop? It would have been nice Page 98 of 129 i -fro n< /«■» />w>< Page 361 of 1018 '"’ant Man" And His Sentence - Threats To Kill Muslim Man Goes... mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC<a>BOC.ROCKS/Sent?number=2S442.. to have both Mustafa and Miriam on the stand • they would have identified Jason Hodgkinson as either being one of the direct perpetrators that night or at least being present along with the crowd. But Anthony Eyer advised against it -1 wanted to do it though interacting with Mustafa is not something I wanted to do. But could you imagine if the fury got to hear a 14 year old • confident - Muslim school girl, recount how she saw her father threatened with death repeatedly in his place of business? hnp;/dwliiirt^g«a^i!lggpgi.wm,i!ui20H / li/iitaih-iltfw6-iiwilfciisilittt-.lKiil:rm&lim.himl Mustafa has now lost his business and his marriage • in large pan because of this event He has made repeated threats • most likely in the hope of being arrested by state counter terrorism. All the threats were over the phone. He also abused me and called me a "coward" for demanding he calm down He also went to Jason Hodgkinsons house in Mandurah - then rang me and told me he was there. I hung up my phone immediately. If and when anything happens involving Mustafa • people need to know who is also responsible for his making. The WA police continue to lurch from one incompetent/corrupt stuff up to the next with no abatement in sight When I went to diffuse the situation I was raided by police and rammed through a Joke of a court process. The West Australian Newspaper produces this - Ranter made IS behead threats f*to Ormmmm !■ SAjKHIbi ran*! nurvwkn Mtap a ruv *i flntnk mmmmgm to a ■crane dwnuti • Snlua -V a.y • ■> ir iall it M in i MctoUi.i.' M«kac4«4t inNuu><n^>«a.tc(«.'uMctoiM tjto !W. 1 Gwil «lk h»C. ) — JV> |M| iWtod OKltlilMTUto MU-f ». dsUm mtx ttry »ce. y . - > >• Iflto U U/ (!>w» to» to Vwi Sto to K*» •MIU ■ frsJBan «r SBlWto’ Ur 1 ^ UuJ Utuats Stato »••»« -Ua—tolitiWlll li* I mean, seriously? Does that headline actually reflect what happened? How docs this help things? It is inflammatory in and of itself. What is the goal of the newspaper here? I never threatened to behead anyone and the line in my posts that the news paper is making "loose’ reference too is in fact a reference to the idiocy of Mustafa and his communications online and over the phone comments to me. Hey mate, are you the guy that threatened Mustafa at his kebab shop? Get bock to me urgently and I will see if I can work things out. Right now, he wants ISIS to cat your head off but 1 figure you value your Job. You are in deep, deep, deep shit Iranian Press TV corning over to interview Mustafa. — hnp://iv^l.itcbu?pr.'s J -rve l hlc>e>.r«ot com At ‘the trial*, much was made of this comment Now, docs anyone seriously believe that this comment was to be taken seriously? Note the, "but I figure you value your Job." Meaning don't worry about the idiot beheading, you are going to lose your job. But he was already gone from BHP and I have seen his criminal record for burglary and theft. I find it hard to believe he ever worked there as an OCC Health & Safety officer. He looks like some half wit meth head. What a co-incidence that the ’trial" took place the same day they released some coroners report on the Lindt Cafe shooter. They call Mortis, "Mad Mortis’ through! the reporting. Is that ’professional*? They call me, ‘Rant Man*. Is that professional? How does it help? Is that some sort of half witted forensic psychologist suggestion to "poke fun" at people? I dare them to poke fun at Mustafa. Mortis is dead. While the media pathetically pokes fun at him none of them ask where he got his illegal pump action shotgun from. No one asks why he was traveling to Fiji five times a year. No one asks how he was making $125,000 a year as a "healer' 1 . No one is asking why it is he was trying to Join The Rebel's motorcycle gang. None of these questions are being asked. None of the media are asking why the Israeli Ambassador and Israeli Deputy foreign Minister directly interfered in my 2011 trial. The greatest criminal contempt of court case...in history. None of the media want to question my claims the Minister in charge of prisons Joe Francis told me over the phone he was more scared of his Page 99 of 129 Page 362 of 1018 "’’ant Man” And His Sentence - Threats To Kill Muslim Man Goes... mai!box:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?num!>er=25442.. own prison officers than he was of the bikics. After multiple amazing claims over the phone in a October 10th (?) 2014 phone call, he was threatened a few days later. 1 wonder who was listening to that call? I have the inside run on the national scandal of the Stagno/Kovacs /NaumovsJd murder trial. I have the inside scoop on major drug trafficking allegations against the WA police. But I am the "rant man", and there is no need to listen I will see if other people want to listen. When 4 members of a racist terrorist neo-naxi gang shot up a local Sulcymaniye Turkish Mosque with a high powered rifle, they received a 7 month suspended sentence. You cannot make this stuff up. I urge people, if you live in the Middle East have relatives in the Middle East please let them know that it is open slather on Muslims and its about time Muslims the world over refused to buy Western Australian products. FvaSnot Capcue Ml - (114} J»cr Hodgfkrttn • M»» • ftlpa_ w-ww tattoo* oom_m*4»®aa_ 1070*31372 Jpg Page 100 of 129 Page 363 of 1018 r- vd: Links Regarding Australia/Israel High Technology Sector A... mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=39443... IQ Subject: Fwd: Links Regarding Australia/Israel High Technology Sector And Mosque Bombing From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 23/07/2016 9:38 PM To: Colleen Egan <[email protected]>, [email protected], Tim Clarke <tim.clarke@>wanews.com.au> Firebombed the same day I email them about a meeting? Co-incidence. Hmmmm. And how about Israel and WA with a high technology agreement. Oh, how wonderful. And Barnetts son with a 6ft swimware model with a Russian Jewish last name. Funny. Like watching pantomime. All the best. -Forwarded Message- Subject:Links Regarding Australia/Israel High Technology Sector And Mosque Bombing Date:Tue, 05 Jul 2016 20:58:54 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To:Hamid Farajollahi <[email protected]>. hamifarajifr gmail.com, brendonoconnel12025@’gma i 1 .com Dear Hami, Hope all is well. I have been busy with a friend cleaning their house. Nearly done. Here are the links to do with Israel and Australia getting very buddy buddy. Also, the email I sent the Islamic Council regarding a meeting. A mosque was firebombed that night. The email to Dr Jneid is at bottom of page. Australia Israel Chamber Of Commerce - check out their conferences. Always oa Several in Perth. We should go to one, or two. http://www.aicc.org.au/ Steve Lieblich is the WA head. He also trained in the IDF and Technion as an electrical engineer. He also got me raided when he stated I had "offended" him by calling him a Page 101 of 129 . .»fC Page 364 of 1018 r ' vd: Links Regarding Australia/Israel High Technology Sector A~ mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Scnt?number=39443_ "Katsa". http://www.lieblich.com.au/steve-lieblich Reporting Jewish Terrorists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugMpdPhLwWc Israel The Mad Dog Threatens Europe With Jihad https://www.voutube.com/watch?v : n'H6Yp5amDE8 Its all coming together. Did you see coroner heard that police radios failed when they raided Lindt Cafe? I bet they are RAD Group models - Israeli. Recent mosque bombing below. I emailed in the morning. The bombing happened that night. https://au.news. vahoo.com/the west/wa/a/31942698/hate-crime-burning-4wd-anti- islamic-graffiti-found-outside-thomlie-mosque/ https://au.news.vahoo.com/thewest/video/watch/31949813/mosque-attacked-in-hate- crime/ https://au.news.vahoo.com/thcwest/video/watch/31948651/police-search-for-suspects- after-mosque-car-fire/ https://au.news.vahoo.com/thewest/video/watch/319442n/4wd-firebombed-in-perth- mosque-attack/ -Original Message- Subject:A Meeting With Brendon O'Connell Date:Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:54:39 +0800 FromrBrendon O'Connell <boc(« boc.rocks> TorRateb Jneid Islamic Council <r.ineid(« ibtg.com.au> Dear Dr Jneid, Salaam. I note WA police offered to organize a meeting with you and the Islamic Council. I hope this goes forward. I am feeling isolated and I think it would be important for both myself and the Perth Muslim community if I could explain the specifics of my situation. The police are now well aware of many of the specific, hidden aspects of Judaism, and Page 102 of 129 Page 365 of 1018 n vd: Links Regarding Australia/lsrael High Technology Sector A... mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=39443... the culture it creates. Especially in Palestine. I think the tide is turning and the Israeli state does not have long to live. Certainly not in its current form. I understand some of the concerns you might have and I have kept away. But I think it would be beneficial for Muslims and Christians to come together at this stressful time in world affairs. This is what I feel I must do - inform Christians that Islam is not file enemy. That in fact, Islam, and especially Islam in the Middle East, is the victim of a massive and unwarranted aggression by the so called Western Powers'. Many would say at the behest of a small group of "neo-cons" made up of mostly Jewish Zionists who are virtual agents for the state of Israel yet operate at the highest levels of US foreign policy and government. I'd consider Liberal M.P Josh Frydenberg in the same vein here in Australia. He attended the same environment as "Prisoner X". All the carnage in the Middle East - 2 million dead Iraqi's, 300,000 Syrians - is the direct result of Israel and the Zionists within the United States government who are fomenting this destruction. All written about openly in two major documents - "The Project For The New American Century” and "Securing The Realm”. Whereby American tools of war would be utilized to make the Middle East safe for Israel by fomenting "regime change". This has nothing to do with oil but it has everything to do with Israeli/Zionist hegemony in the region. I want to educate people on this. You would note that in 2010 the entire Israeli state came out against me as well as a large segment of the Australian political class. I would hope this precludes any thoughts I am a simple "jew hater" who has nothing to do with his life. There are major security concerns with Jewish Power in this country and elsewhere, especially as Israel is now considered a "Technology Juggemaught" dominating the high tech world in every important point. Few people know this. Since my incarceration in 2011, many mainstream news sources have raised my concerns. For instance, all state and federal police "data intercepts" are handled by an Israeli company - Verint. Recently, the Australian Federal Police dumped the Israeli "PROMIS" database software they were using and refused to contract for a new Israeli version. This is promising news. I would hope that I could make contact and exchange views and information on many matters. I wish to promote peace, but not at any price. The Truth is the Truth and the Truth is there is no peace to be had with Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox Judaism. Jesus did not call the Orthodox religious and political leadership in Jerusalem "children of hell" for nothing - and "sons of your father the devil." The Truth is the truth, I am not here to sugar coat it or indulge them for a single second longer. Nor the insane, racist, out of control Israeli leadership promoting the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to be replaced with blonde haired blue eyed "jews" from Russia who think they are entitled to land they have zero connection too. Enough is enough. This madness has gone on far to Page 103 of 129 Page 366 of 1018 r vd: Links Regarding Australla/lsrael High Technology Sector A... mailbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@BOCROCKS/Sent?number=39443.. long. I maintain the writings of Israeli academic Professor Shlomo Sand and his book, "The Invention Of The Jewish People", hold true. The "true Jews/Israelites," are the Arab people who have lived in the region for thousands of years. They have simply converted to Christianity and Islam over the years. Jesus did not have long straight blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a Semite, an Arab. He had brown skin and dark - probably curly hair. He spoke in Arameic, not Hebrew and certainly not English. Someone needs to tell that to the modem Western Churches who are too busy making money and maintaining their tax exempt status to bother finding out the most basic historical background to the Holy Land and it's people. My own ignorant people disgust me. My own Church disgusts me. They "pray for Israel" when they should be praying for "Peace". Jesus would stand with the Palestinians - no question. I consider it my own Christian duty to promote the Truth about the issues that surround these troubled time in the Middle East. I consider it my duty to promote peace with Islam who I consider a sect of Christianity - we are so similar on so many things. One might consider Christianity a sect of Islam. We are like step brothers and sisters with more in common than not. We should not be fighting and if Christians would demand honesty and justice in the Middle East - and the exposure of the Israeli state and its disgusting racist, supremacist views that foment violence and hatred - then peace would reign quickly. But that is not the goal of powerful people. Rabbinic Pharisaic Judaism is the dominant sect of "Judaism" - upwards of %80 of "Jews" identify as Orthodox which is Pharisaic. There can be no peace with such a group. Their own books such as the Babylonian Talmud, Shulkan Aruk and "Mishna" (Oral Law) demand hatred and homicide against "the other" who will not submit to their delusions. This has been kept secret long enough. All the while the media scour for quotations from the Qa'ran to use for their own ends while the utter madness, hatred and homicide filling Jewish holy books is totally ignored. No Muslims run the US State Department nor the Central Banks of the world - people who identify as "Jews" do. This needs to be pointed out. I would recommend you read the 10 page document "Jewish Power" by British Jewish activist Paul Eisen on this issue. It was written in 2004 and sums up the entire situation brilliantly. Any one who identifies as "Jewish" and considers it their duty to interpret the Old Testament (Tanakh) according to their conscience, I welcome in my house. This would include Jewish sects like the Kairites who have been persecuted by Orthodox Judaism for hundreds of years. But there cannot be peace with Orthodox Judaism and certainly not the utter lunatics of the Ultra Orthodox and Hasidm who I consider mentally ill and Page 104 of 129 oc u\n y>m c i n.ac a w Page 367 of 1018 r vd: Links Regarding Australia/Israel High Technology Sector A... mailbox:///H:/EMail/[email protected]/Sent?number=39443... deranged dangers to the community. They have escaped media scrutiny for long enough. I have certainly - in the past - not kept my cool. I am a straightforward person and I do not hide my feelings well. I have matured these last seven years and consider it my duty to promote peace and keep my frustrations to myself. But I will not accept peace at any price. I will continue to speak boldly to lunatics. I hope we can meet and promote these issues in the community with the full participation of police and community groups. The elephant in the living room cannot be ignored any longer - Jewish institutionalized racist and religious supremacism and the hatred and conflict it causes where ever it goes. I am fully aware of concerns you might have in isolated Western Australia. I hope I have not been to forward. Salaam and kind regards, Brendon Lee O’Connell Page 105 of 129 Page 368 of 1018 ■ p ->p Psychological Warfare Planner From Pentagon Says Israel Di... mailbox:///H:/EMafl/[email protected]/Sent?number=33379„ n l\ Subject: Top Psychological Warfare Planner From Pentagon Says Israel Did 9-11 From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 12/06/2016 2:36 PM To: undisclosed-recipients:; BCC: [email protected], Colleen Egan <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Mischin, Minister" <[email protected]>, [email protected]. Info - Islamic Council <[email protected]> You cant get bigger and more connected than Dr Steve Pieczenik in covert operations. I was laughed at and jailed for saying things like this. When I promoted Dr Alan Sabrosky from the US Army War College stating that he knows Israel did 9-111 was told I could be charged again for "inciting" against Israel. This is a front page national security issue and the MSM is completely and utterly s-i-l-e-n-t. INFOWARS % Dr. Steve Pieczenik StevePieczenik.com 04 - 21-16 LIVE Insider Exposes Officials That Planned 9/11 - ISRAEL • APRIL 2016 BROADCAST https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=3ZccweUtOxU EXTRACT QUOTE DR STEVE PIECZENIK -18 MINUTES IN - "So it was clear to me who would be involved. It would be Paul Wolfowitz, it would be Walter Yagel [SPELLING]. It would be Zelmy Halazek [SPELLING]. All of these people who I'd worked with - Richard Pearl, Dov Zackheim, who's a rabbi, I didn't know [him] but I didn't like. Elliot Abrams who I almost killed in another iteration. He knew I was going after him on the Panama thing. And when it Page 106 of 129 Page 369 of 1018 ' r, 'P Psychological Warfare Planner From Pentagon Says Israel Di. maiIbox:///H:/EMail/BOC@BOCROCKS/Sent?number=33379. occurred, I knew immediately that this was a stand down false flag because Israeli operatives immediately called me up and said the planes had attacked the towers and they were collapsing and I said there is no precedent in the history of any building where a plane has crashed and collapsed the building - and immediately they said, within minutes of the time I said that this was a false flag, "Oh, you must be an Arabist", now I said I know who was involved. So it was Israel, I knew the Pakistani senior intelligence officer was coming here because I was forewarned by by one of his predecessors - Jacob Khan - that the Pakistani Generals were involved in a potential coup. I was forewarned that the Saudi's would be involved. I knew that the Israeli's would be involved because they had people like Michael Chertoff, who should have been indicted because he had duel national citizenship here and in Israel and was in charge of Homeland Security along with Richard Pearl and others [who's loyalty], has never been to the United States. Unfortunately these American Jews who's loyalty is to Israel, have never served the American government, never been in the American military, but are more than happy to serve the Israeli military. As Dov Zackheim has done, as Rhamm Emmanuel and that whole family on both the Republican and Democratic side." He claims to have ordered Rumsfeld out of the Pentagon with 5 Generals by his side. Amazing stuff. Should be front page news. The guy is amazing and has been blaming Israel - he is the top of his field. Steve Pieczenik Warns of Attack by Rogue Elements on Iran 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=A6Nlm74tQH0 Steve Pieczenik Warns of Attack by Rogue Elements on Iran 2/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch7vs7C6b7160ub0 Alex Jones - Steve Pieczenik, May 9 2013, Bombshell Interview - Overthrow the Tyrants by Force https://www.voutube.com/watch7vsQvC74kPud4A B Page 107 of 129 Page 370 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell • Police Complaint - Fri... Subject: Information Regarding llrvndon iYConnrtl - Polke Complaint - Friends Of brad Rallv From: Brmdon OX'onrvll <ro*etingoboc rotftoP Ditv: V/Z&QOIft, 4:."W PM To: MlnlMtT.Hinn*Mp(.Wii govau Hi Courtney, I ju*t spoke to you over thr ftnw regard ing my difficulties getting WA police to respond to my rtxjurM* for criminal contempt of court charge" to be laid ag.iin.v1 thr "Friend Of IujcT group. I Mated to you that Senior International Correspondent Hamid farajollahi from Iran /Vr» TV would hr filming thr final footage for a 20 minute segment on my legal matter* Marling in 200M. Without doubt, he will be ringing relevant MlniMm for comment - including Minuter Harvey. This will aho irvlude Minister Francis who I spoke to for 52 minute* on October 10.2014. The call i* confirmed to haw* taken placr by the OOTF • Gwenyth Todd: Untold Truth*. War on Iran: Pre» TV Documentary. httjwV/www-.ycvtutv.conij'w.itdi’v-xQMKLV'OFCf I Frew TV" documentary program "Untold Truth" i* a revealing documentary film about the life and experience* of former White House Middle EaM policy adviser, Gwenyth Todd, who ha* escaped to Australia to keep afe from FBI prosecution. http>thrpa*sK»fvtejOachnxtit.cotn 1 IMMi15i5hriiKTvdibk w tdlc^^x , nyth-hxldand-thtujiw*-m , «ufi>-2/ Alot i* explained in the email chain below. I fere i» the link to recent sentencing submission*. It* a good read and I urge you to "spread it around" • Sentencing Submission - 72MB PDF Document http*c//drive,googlea.x >m . l opm?Ul-oiU , W>Vgo7l»1Vowd\^»w<>nF.5 VVtJ There is also this High Court synopsis • httpvj'/ www.dropbox.co m.Vor mugdr/5Qe4 igt/Hi gh" -> 20Court' , ..2 0\otcv' > 20--2 0lndex.pdf http» v'/ww wdr ppbo x.<onvVly4cKnmxK20/h'H igh , ‘i 20CQurt%20Noto.pdf The above i* a fair amount of reading but the politically minded will enjoy It. There I* also Ihi* video I took of mysrlf ringing the* office of Julie Bishop asking why I had received no replies I rum her office-1 w a* charged with "making a private telephone call public" under the state* surveillance device* act. This matter 1 due to be heard two year to tlie day after charge* were laid. My defense i solid - my "lawful interests" and the "public Interest" over rode the interests of any prrevived privacy of Two Courtney Kandal who took the call. Die WA potior dragged lew Randal into this matter and terrified her. I am polite at all time* and sve only hear the name "To*" hitp/As , ww,nKdiafirrconiA*atchAf47vka«i2<e».ihM/Klnymy The Office Of Australia n Foreign Minister - B anned QH You Tube mp4 Video extract From Police Interview • late October 2014 http V/driw».google.oum,'fikv l d,l>BO?T-ILY VU6RqFCV /lsMn hvajg/vlew?u*piliafing And best of all, here i* a raid video where detective Elizabeth Vuleta star*. It a very entertaining video. She I a thoroughly obnoxious individual and corrupt lying officer Page 108 of 129 1 of 22 _ 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 371 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O’Connell Police Complaint • Fri... Roid Vidro l ink • 680MB • Good Quality • 1:3*00 long I";' .! I VI ' H ‘ 1U >! \ gi . "I . • - K I M -I' \ IIw Q| \ • \ There is o raid video. In that video you see where the video ha> been 'cut' suddenly without the required comment. \Vf are now stopping the video a*... Note Ihnr limr -
  74. 23 second* in the video suddenly cut* out a* I read the search warrant and exclaim. 'What? Jet Propulsion Laboratory?' It suddenly cuts out. In the raid video Li/ Vulrta says to her leltow detectives, 3Vr are looking for stuff like... Jet lYopulsmn Laboratories*
  75. 14 minutes and 40 seconds in the words. 'Organise Uraefc Ambassador. are used thm it suddenly cuS out. cl 25 minutes and 50 seconds in the video suddenly cuts out.
  76. At 41 minutes and 14 seconds the camera cuts suddenly
  77. At 43 nnnuiis and 32 seconds in. La/ Vulrta states that I did not want to be present tor the search. I find it hard to believe Where do I say that on the video’ Why have they not recorded me stating I do not want to be present for the search?
  78. At I hour 10 minutes and !W seconds itv police say. The* conspiracy theories are not under the scope of the warrant." The scope of the warrant is STEVE 11 LBLIC II and JET PROPULSION LABORATORIES and IK)0CiaV50NfL- O Note that detective \’uleta refuses to tell me my rights with regards. "You have the nghl to remain silent... I repratedly a*k her to repeat my rights to ms She refuses to do so Shs* does this because she is demanding all passwords. I ask her to please read me my rights again like she dwi at the beginning of the raid. She will not do it. She waives the warrant demanding I hand over passwords I tell her to ple.iw read me my rights again. NOTE - the legislation to do with being tarced to give passwords tv hazy at best. In the USv the police must hold a firm belief that evidence is to be found on the device. They cannot go on ‘fishing expeditions* which was exactly what they were doing. In an upcoming I ligh Court matter - Johnny R 1//0 - we hear about the editing surveulleme material. They do love to “edit* here in WA They edited my Facet*. posts - the central ev idenor in my trial. They edit raid video to suit I hem seism • they always do it and it is time thit it was stopp'd. I was also asked out for coffee in 2010 by then Inspector Barry Shelton of state counter terrorism. He wanted to discuss this tssue- VIDEO - Reporting Jewish Terrorists htlpsJ/www .youtuK- oonV wJtchTvm gMpdPh l wW< I suspect WAPOt- are hoping I will be tailed November f and their problem will "go away*. This is the mown (or my call. Though 1 only emailed the Ministers <4hce a month ago -1 handed m detailed correspondence to the Office of TXmg Wigrval in April - over sis months ago. Page 109 of 129 2 of 22 3/23/2019.8:24 PM Page 372 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell ■ Police Complaint - Fri... The specific nml in queMion - which was an 'inlmution.il incident' ■ is described in this blog pest - h*tp;//ww-w,hoc rocks/TOM,t iry w hy-i s- the-mcdjfcftgTKKing-my-story/ So. just a heads up • cxpvcl a call »o vour office in the next few weeks. Ilanu is polite and has no agenda except to expose what happened to me and the incredible incident whereby the Israeli state itself came out against me. Hus is unheard of, an international incident. I will also send you an email tilled - Is Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop Interfering In A IV./I Court Case? I will also ring to ensure you received the emails as it is quite ebvmus they are being interfered with by your IT department - or more likely Inspector Mark Rubidgr in clxarge of WA Technology Crime. An old adversary. I would wvlcximc a meeting with Minister Harvvy and I will tell her exacting details of what her emphiyves are getting up to. I was offered a hevr with Minister |oe Franos and lames McMahon. Also, a coffee and blue berry muffin with Inspector Barry Shelton but for some reason we never quite catch up. Always someone raiding me beforehand. There are always rumors of me twig 'delusional', Emotional? Yev Stressed out? Yes. You can we me here interviewing former Medellm Cartel traiispirter Roger Reaves Imm Acacia pnvon The states TRG unit stole 250kg of the KlOOkg load they busted Roger with. Interesting to watch. I got his book published from pi I I Ixave a mountain of dirt cm the WA police from jail contacts SMUGGLER ROGER REAVES - A MEMOIR MOST* V\T1!» e m n m JnyiOdwa M hhi b r b yilMu i BarniSmi r VIDEO INTERVIEW FROM AC AO A PRISON. W.A hnps/AJme go«^gle,cx*nv'opx*n?id-OIV7TH>tVgc»71 \OJ2Rn/l SDA VIDEO - 'WHEN ROGER MET BARRY" Page 110 of 129 3 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 373 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell • Police Complaint - Fri... h apic/Mriv e, p>oglr.comA>pe n?kl"0B7BPlV gn71.adtltf | ROBlSONllgjQ Thank >xxj for your polite phone call Rrgard*. Brendon OCoonrfl 0431 0(8594 . Forwarded Mr«aj;c ' . Subjectifew nh Community Grvmpv Press Release • Head Of N 7. Intelligence |Minister | Acknowledges My Maw Mail Out On Israeli Intelligence Activity. Is The |ig Up For The Israeli State? Date. Wed, 2»Sep 2DI6 10 4Mts •twtw I rom:Krend«in O'Connell hrvndontvofir>-H 2 CC»• gm.nl o»m> Tochre , ndnti*«:»init« , ILhl2V.j>nvatl ohiv, ns»vrmgi-K«r r«sks Ihe email chain below it not meant to oil end anyone. It is sent to various fev* tvh community groups to encourage them to discus* this important nutter, 'in the public interest* — Israeli Intetlixeme tl<tieity leading to undermining of Australia's Until rise U'he rest national security, and. also, enabling farxetin# of indiciituals or group* for bribery and or Mack mail. Australia is a multi-cultural society and any form of hatred Iviixl on an individuals or groups race or ethnicity will not be tolerated. The slate of Israel is a slate very much run by it's religious leaders who divide who "Jews" can marry and who in fact» a "irw" based on Itallakah or jewish rvtigiuu* law. Jews wry much consider thcmsclws a 'race’ or 'ethnicity* and jrw may not many an Arab within Israel or any other ‘race" or 'religion' for that matter Israel is known as The Jewish State'. There are "Jew only* roods; "frw only' towns — would this be acceptable in any other place on the planet 7 With this in mind, and acknowledging the incredible power of the Israeli state to coerce and intimidate whole countries and whole governments, I extend to you the email chain below where New Zealand Minister Chris Find lay son has acknowledged my email to him. The original email tv below thnv others. I wav also emailed by Invpcctor Barry Shelton in 2D10 where he stated, TVe all respect i«ir work.’ Thrn the Israeli Ambassador and Israeli IX^puty Foreign Minister turned up m an incrediblr event organised against one man • me. Brendon Uv O'Connell. hOpy/l>oUv*tnifpfeH*t\vWvvgspxit Av«nV20HWwhy-te-nvcdia igni*ni-my-stwy.htnvl Av noted by a high profile ethnic community trader here in IVrlh to me some time ago - “ Three thousand membrrs of tWr JVrtii injcrds (cwununify hate the pdrlKat dm by Ihe Nil Is in thn kow. ‘ This is not a tolerable slate of affairs. As you are a group within Australia who appears particularly sensitive hi criticism and exposure, I have also sent this email to the current detective over seeing my case - Adam Tippman of the states counter tvrrunsm unit. Please direct any complaints to him aisd I'm sure he can arrange another ‘meeting* with me. biformatton contained within my sentencing submissions to the Perth Distnct Court will a bo be of interest to you. Sentencing Submission - 72MB PDF Document htti*s^/ij rt vv .google AVtrv'ofvn ?id H>67BDt VgpTL jr*T Vowd Vp vvQtti PN'VU My sentenong for ‘threats to kill* will be on November >. 20IN This will give you some time to send over you Ambassador and I\puty Foreign Minister. Oh! Sorry, you've moved up a little and now the P.M of Israel. Beniamin Netanyahu is coming over. Wonderful. Will he be attending the Perth District Court? Maybe hr can lobby for a really long sentence like last time? Our new court building is <|uile lovely. It has a lovely 'pyramid cm the front of it but no state coat of arms - or more corrrctly • the Ttoyjl Seal'. But, front and center, 4ft tall, r nice btg pyramid. I have always wondered whit it means? Whatv especially lovely is thr fact you have your o great big ‘pyramid on top of your Israeli supreme court building. What a oo-incidence! Maybe we have the same people running our courts as you do yours m Israel? Page 111 of 129 4 of 22 _ 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 374 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell ■ Police Complaint - Fri... My Mlow imperfect Catholic - Jt«hn f itrgerald Kennedy - slated I hull he mim «j^t»'d to ‘iccrri societies" And " secret oaths" jnd ‘wero t proceedings". The Australian people will not tolerate tuhmionof their public institutions - by anyone. “The trry axvd 'tecrent' » repugnant in a free and oprw society: and mr an it> a ^nylr inherently and htdorkally (ffual h tetnl wrirfn. to went oath* and to went pnxerdtng*. Fin or an opjvted arvund the s nvld by a monciithk and mthle u tvmpiracy f^rt refit* primarily on inert mean* fin expanding it* phm of influenct-on infiltration inttesd ifnmetiou. on mixer*urn lit trad of tint tom. ut intrmitfatKm m*iraJ of free choke. <wt guerrilla ty night instead of armir* by day It it a tytlcm ukteh hat ctvitcnpted ixttt human ami malmal resource* ink) the building tfa tightly knit, highly efficient machine that cowhides wifriary dijrfixmirir. intelligence, economic, nrientifk and pditucal oferalim*. It* preparation* an concrafed. not puhlidied. ft* mutahe* an buried, not headlined It* diuenter* are ifenced, not praiteil. So expenditure w tjunduned. nn rumor it printed, no teerrt n revealed.’ Full transcript - I’tip . Mi-.!'-ru/il'K.--.-1 n -I Vvk.Sjxwho flFKAXttrOFO.VVew xpafx-r Publ»shrrsM271 **e>lhtm I will lx vending a copy ol th*s email, along with a Irtte*. to Her Mapsty Quern I lisabeth II and the Male and federal Attorney General, expressing my alarm that a ‘secret society" • commonly known as "Masonry* • has subverted our m»wt vital public institutMins. The foundation c4 this «irurrtjfu>ii of Freemasonry is Jewish Mysticism (Kabbalah) Ihe complete removal o4 Her Majesties ‘Royal Seal* on the Mates newest court building ts a testament to the buldnrss and confidence of this "teevrt society* that appears to base the political class ol this country, "by the halls*. I would hr happy to meet with you in a televised debate to diwus* and exchange views on this very serious matter Warmest regards and Shalom. Brendon Lw o t the family O’Connell — APOLOGIES - A LONG EMAIL THAT COULD BE SHORTER BUT MY EMAILS ARE BEING BLOCKED IN REAL TIME AND NEED TO Ilf. EXPLAINED — Reply to me Irom New Zealand Minister Chris hindlayson m charge ot NZ Intelligence I am writing on behalf of the Minister in Charge of the GCSB and NZ5IS. Hon Christopher Einlayson. to acknowledge your email of 17 September 2016. Heave be assured your comments have been received and noted. CONTACT BRENDON O'CONNELL ♦bl 431 048 594 mcelingwboc.rocks Page 112 of 129 5 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 375 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O’Connell • Police Complaint • Fri... Iran Press TV are completing a 20 minute segment on my case. No Au«4rahan Munster, in any capacity will jc knowledge this issue, but New Zealand Jins I haw received responses from MI'v Senator*. two Attorney Generals ansi a deputy premiere • but nothing from >VA. No acVnowtidgem»nt - nothing, I gr« an average %30 “auto reply' rotunv currently -1 use spivul software to moke sun ths* email Is not blocked by auto spun servers. When I originally began doing this I would get a XIOO auto return response This means matters • dearly In the public interest • are King blocked by government, tax payer funded servers Who decides if a politician gets an email or not? Now I get zero replies in between emailing Siulh Australian and Tasmanian politicians, Why is it my II* trace came from here last week - ICatfMHQMKfil utrace* xn»w t Him I AlPlOlwm I rmPAiH u I Wo. I I VSVrtgi l AW l I Irprt | Mac' locate ■ i *tnw«i nd <mmI— « ww And now it comes from here - utrace pg r tMiSr 09 """ Da PAdrawa » NXItr «tiM a to*' lhal is Australian Signal* D iw kn t f interfering in my emails. Black and while proof - in real time. When I first reported AS!) as interfering in Australian citizens emails - limy Abbot came out and admitted a military base was spying on Australians and we should all get used to it. I guess it gives the Indonesian presidents wife a break from being sped on. hH pMsolatebutp reserve Moppot even |gft1o ok-wf>oi4iadtlng .lttaJ In case secuntv services are wondering I note all of this and keep detailed statistics and screenshots When I catch them thry usually pack up and run jnd the trace returns to the IVrth CBO and they stop re-routing it. I'll also send this email to the HNet tech department who answer directly to Inspector Mark Kubidge of WA technology enme. I am gmng to make sure I make IINet suiter too, when people realise they are run directly by the W‘A police technology crime unit Page 113 of 129 6 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 376 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell • Police Complaint - Fri... . Forwarded Message ——— Subject:! N-.xl Of NZ Intelligence (Minister) Acknowledges My Maw Mail CXit On Israeli Intelligence Activity. Where l» WA And Australia? Dale: Mon. N Sep 2016 10; 10:14 0800 From:Bremion O'ConneU 'twfllOCiwK^ T«wag<nenunent'dpc w.i,gov au Dear Premiere Barnett, Enough n enough You have thing*, on your mind right now. You should try bring me the last seven years. 1 have sent thi*. email to idrvant WA Mi n i Men and media. I look forward to my psychiatric evaluation av ordered by Chief fudge Sleight as to my ’obvious delusions’ regarding my Blog where material such as this is potted. When will the public interest be addrwed and all chargee dropped, *in the public IntMtlT? What is io he gained except a slight limiting of embarrassment for tftc WA establishment? I don't know what you are being told. I am no saint, but I have never deserved thin debacle. Of course it could be worse. I could be in Syia. or Iraq, or Palestine I sent out the below- email to nm single New- Zealand M.P and luve received many personalized replies. The one below- is from the office of Minister Chris Finlayson - in charge of over seeing New Zealand Intelligence Service. Sincerely, Brendon tYConnetl . Forwarded Message Subject:KI Israeli High Technology Mafnr National Security Risk For Australia And New Zealand Datr.Moa W Sep 201601 20.57 4000 Irom.-l Fudaysan |MINj <c ftnlavM mopartt4 mcirt.gov1.lU> Toe'brendimoo'oivcID^Vgm.nl cum - ; bfendixnxvxir«cll2"lS : gnuil c*'<Ti> OaarMrOtomaa l jm anting on ben* of 1h* ■ Ovarge o the OCV* and MWV Hon CHnatopfiar fmlayvon. to actnoaWdgr nw rm*4 of 17 toptrmtwr J014 now to assured »o*r common km e««n rwesad and noted Tlvank «OM lo» taking eto imt to wroa to the Mmief itminMni) Oftct of Hon Orotofhe* l«U|W* QC frow tendon OConsH |w*ito d*tf^onxome|tM25#nUKaccml tone totwntoy. IT toptotrtor .016 11 to p rr. To: Hon Mag B*"« <Magg* £<-.« svl nj tob*<t iviw Mgs Wh-Otop Mi|or National tocunty 4nk to* AuilraVa And Mra Zealand Dear Maggie. I hive had good njf)'i to 6 b rail Un the Avntrahan Wheat Board compromised by I ntcrpnsc m ate r s from the Israeli RAD Citing. technology company »m Co-operative Hulk I land)Mg' Is New Zealand vulnerable lo ihts corporate level spying? Rcptnh. D wndaai b«jfi.b«.wcb •4.1 431 IMN 564 • .■" » Original Message • — •■•« Subject: Israeli High levhnotogy • Major Security Risk f ee Australia Datvtln.OK Jm 20I6 I?.46:I3 *0HiHi FrMmiirnxkiaCrrimnell Ks£K k nxk» Page 114 of 129 7 of 22 _ 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 377 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell • Police Complaint - Fri... iBRENTONTJEEtQiGQNNELL Iftent HHW.estennTffustria lial Brradon h under iirki bail cundMion nut tpeak. IIK kt«l nullm n ladkruut anil ilnltacil lo iftatt him. W HI Ki: U rhe AnlrdUa entdo un thH Hal l»%ur. Prrvt IV, Iranian l iiglhb Uajaagr ne»» Ika llrcedae la Ssdnn ( britl-MiM d«> and Inter* W*rd him The Auttralian prrv are gatef lo hoi rry tin tiM> mtr tfcfo h»r. Magistrate Court of Western Australia, Perth $01 Hay Street PERTH WA 6000 On Friday the OS* o' June 201$ at 0t 30 AM C onXer a to he obearved flunrg ban 0*i S3 000 CO Surety 15000 00 r»ec*ve n Gorton ,»a^ a Conceor inw) For A Purpoee hi «n Cause JtTxCjO(O) Of Part 0 O' Scheduir » 0<T*eli* ct| ho» to Cordad Or Aaerrpt TqC Um&Kh lata and Vav<a Hoogkracn lum Caspar nr fast harder: Oy Vr*atns Means P Corddor* (Berg a conoaor mccaa! tor a (urpeee <J rre-nc rti n oe.ee 2t?Kc> or (0) of Pert 0 Of & •• BalAotJMotteBeerthn lOCmelreeef Sienar Lafc; and Varonca Moogkeaon l>am Casfwnvt or TessKandatorbearthr* 1 00 mattes of enere m A Cordon trrpcaeO For A Purpose Mentored tn Net To Contact Or Mamet To Contact State V offow By Wianir M a e-n lOi O' Part 0 Of rd f tdsr* Mn cer Ju> 235 page High Court synopsis available here - httn\: nuH.drt»i>lK»v.c<mi.\n/rnut»dr/.V(ly4igt l Hli;h.2W< t>urt*«2flNotrs*»20-»20lndr.pdf hlli)\:. l 'HSM,<lniplNn,fii«i|,V l\4cvwm^\/JlIrti Hniht,2QCoert-2hN<itrvrnlf Declared a "security risk" in the W.A prison system. tills EMAIL IS LONG i how: vch have some time to hi: vi» it Please trad to »«or (rkmlv mrnihrn nf pnrtlamraf. cnngri^s men and women. Page 115 of 129 8 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 378 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell ■ Police Complaint - Fri... i I) THE ISRAELI STATE IIAS THE DEEPEST ACCESS TO ALL PRIVATE AND GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATIONS.


    . • 3) THE ISRAELI STATE IS THE MOST FOUL. RACIST AND SUPREMACIST STATE EVER ALLOWED TO EXIST - WHERE IS THE MEDIA P n ot , | •v ' ,1 M ~ x I ■nr I Mr c.r • r ,lil ■ ^ *v • • ■ Rabbi Ovadia Yosef on Arab Muslim's: “II is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable.” “In 1986 the Israeli Chief Army Chaplain, known as Rabbi Scmule Derlich, issued an order to the Army to ‘annihilate all Arabs’ because they are ‘Amelak The Nation Magazine August 1986 p.103 JEWISH OLD TESTAMENT: I SAMUEL 15:3 Now go and smite Amelak and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. Israel to host Federal Government's first 'innovation landing pad' for Australian entrepreneurs Israel hj« become the lint pit Stop ■« the F«4*nl Oovtmmtrt'i mission to crut innovation landing pads” across the world Ivacf s Tat Aw, was touted as Vie elevator* to SAcon Vadey when Prrrw Mamie* Malcolm TuntUI and bmovaHon Mmler Chnstopher Pynt announced Vie rilamationai Iocva of Vwa $1 t Nfcon dm boom” strategy last week I want — vrfaefi hat a population of • mdkon — « home to tiousands of technology start -ups raseig bAomaicapui The smal coiadry has v» Vwd highest number of companies kited on Vie Nasdaq stock fKhangt m New York and locals have even dubbed the duster hup: www.nbc.n<,.nn new, :olf-l2.|7t,r«-M».tK<nn»,tnrt.up'ln>l\pot-fpr.nu,trnli*n- Page 116 of 129 9 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 379 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell • Police Complaint - Fri... ISRAEL'S HIGH TECHNOLOGY SECTOR IS A PRODUCT OF ‘OPEKATIO\ TALPIOT' AND ISRAELI MILITARY INTELLIGENCE Iht Jrthnitm h Und't premiere hich lechnologx rrwirth institute. tor. V » «vhni«n-»c. itto Note that now ( kina has an krncfl affiliated 'Trehnkin' within it' border.

    When you think "China hacking" • think "Uraei". It was xlartrd up h> hrarli Militar* Intelligence with the rtprtM purpwvr of training Militar* Intrlligener iinicer* to become the lop in their field in the design and manufacture of high tcehnolog* hardware and software for the 11 wetar. WHAT IS 'THE TECHNION’ - WHO FOUNDED IT AND WHO ARE IT'S GREATEST EXPORTS? _UI I-l D -» Jplj_s'(«UdL6ill<» 7 &■ Pdleitiruan Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of hrael Qtwx Q 9 m

    uma—a»if«— tmwowiiwmooi ilioyt Mar How Elite Military School Feeds Israers Tech Firms Mar yad.an*fl »#«« ached n mi A Cnmtf arawed a tauaoi* toaat nURary prewar* tatod Tatpni TN» cm«v'i mmI i l U t in naaa • ec<«t*» ft na« a W *e*n Dm at pkjfWi ti ayg U n ■« do loanee

    Ri —Mian a to t r im hna i i O* adiunff Mvi c

    na «f >nUi n » Wraaf a hOti

    Up— fraauaRniRaaatie—eyearp—yant W Crewim lea* a—arawt re*aa Ha Hatpel la—eh MaCecjHe We an anlne canpenr Me veer* peat alt—Wdeoe wt* aa a dp d m aero—c >a*i a xdwxala b*» dd »a o« makatR a *na» an^at MaoUpaanaM Ik C r awa> u aW antaftlilwa w Wm dad recap any a aa» a fc aa W Pate Me cm ABOVE ALL. THINK "RAD GROUP" AND "ZOIIAR ZISPEL 10 of 22 /.otiar /ixapel. the RVI> dad of the world’ telecom induetrx

    It* karfn kfteo«trrmaa » chraarx

    2. JW

    1 don't I ie ntyamzaium,' Mir /.Mprl i>c co-fomia and stuinrun of K \D Data ( untmanitat inn* • or of (tract' im*i tuweaefWI group of cumpamc* Rumor ha* it that one ot I tract* nitwi uc«**ful entrepreneur /otur /napel, a founder ot RAD Data Page 117 of 129 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 380 of 1018 Page 381 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O’Connell • Police Complaint • Fri... Select your Industry m \l> I HI W IKIPt 1)1 \ It! SC HIPl ION. VOI l>OVT NtIDSDM.NII INPOIIIK Al.SCII.NCK fOWOMkOI I u m \T in«;o«\c;ov- httjiv; rn w lUpoHs »tg nlkt K M ) Groap KAI) GROUP, an Israeli Intelligence front - is providing security and communication services for "CLASS A Infrastructure Re mini Iter ilk London lube • 2004 ■ V FKINl. an Israeli conpini. was lundhaj the security, No Vmmih' were ever wen on the London Tdc man litoul wttnevv ourmetiu uicd they •on m the wpeiti near die Mail vile, nor my backpack. The IW of the train wav Mown 'upward*' PoU-c to4*J v koom of the Mau to he careful of the bole where the N«mh opicdol from ‘underneath the m 12 of 22 Israel even has its grotty paws on Sydney's water supply... fToKoDO) Sydney WU to StU WUOti to improve watt Mrtaut taanapamont

    lyOwt war* and TaruCKi ifv a 1 contract to arhaaca Mtw unwwlion iOo>h and nowp the water whuot more rttuntly u Mown mU t riMi w Utktk M • hM KUmmi tteuiMouaurwuLan K(MmiaiMinrwyMWi

    rO«o AO w Italia

    »uka«MttrMt tv aw i U Wtr ftavo OenOftod a b+on Urns c/pofdnemty to*

    ofee oqudtoa fo a cost tmmno o/$2 mm oo“ hup «ww laioddV^n^UvOraMrlCiW n>* S»2nC-4A22 A«?4||>(4?BC52li2lAdetail»j>y lAncmid-RCrMttMKJdES: 5A9MK9WISI Detailed PDF Document on Israel activitiev in Australia regarding water • h»tp. w-ww nrachn^c erg au w^contcnl urkodsWliv 12 P^ile-bwkM-t>ftcB»i K -9f-tw»dt-W>KT:»<v>mA’gK>-<.'wrg w r w fv4jl.Dj^f

    Israeli < ompany "VL KIM “ handk-v security fur the Sydney Kail transport system... www^eoiuhe.itMnw

    Hh?s sH'v^Dgtrc

    VCRINT also does "DATA INTERCEPTS" for stale and federal police... http www,scrifii«t<nKdwu.<nsKviMUy-mulltgeoc<-hMmc Not only American, lint Australian also. Page 119 of 129 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 382 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell • Police Complaint - Fri... ISRAELI CRIME FIGHTING SOFTWARE DROPPED AUSTRALIA REFI SES TO I SE ISRAELI DATABASE SOFTWARE FOR (»/ POLICE DEPARTMENTS AT LAST! C OMMON SENSE! blip. wtV* iff 1 M'M S-cJc'iAari THESE ISRAELI COMPANIES ARE EVERYWHERE ISRAELI SPY FIRM Ol TED • SPY ING ON MOBILE PHONES LEGALLY . THAT'S VCH'R CELL PHONE Hi t W UICCf Aitvlf Keivw. Ioandrd In bnd O' >nn b> w n y ttntw Oanri Ijtlt and Shaln llu I la N MI tnjJto tnlhiarr Ifut w«rrih tarfrl a u*c* N moliilc p>w t ind father* inclwiinf vvi mevugev phene* and Page 120 of 129 13 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 383 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell • Police Complaint - Fri... ■MotKl bnraning <iati Steve L cibluh. Jr* i*h Community leader itmaJ ai ’IV rectnaon’ mi cfcxtncal engineering Me w an open I kvtrval Injuw and Nwinew manager I am facing cfoarye* for calling Nto r I oNieh a Ka»v‘ • 1 %c Officer* • for |«rach Intelligence TmJcmt.i Carrieye Unuc Jo l/mar ?miW, Or Cetae O0eme“ hup. b«j«lL»201411 cahfrf»ptufcu«-<l*fnvitf»cl>-itii-inIiHi««lje4 QUOTE FROM I.IF Kl.It'll IN POI.ICE STATE Mil NT • Tfcit cm,til offended me It accuse me of deceit, and it 1% alto nydete mtk anti-Scmtiu he* trNiuf the Jem itk people H'kb h I find affemitv "/ find this ctmrmenl offenuse Nnwte H jbbtfy impfie that I am an Israeli spy. ’ Page 121 of 129 14 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 384 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell ■ Police Complaint - Fri... Tim i* UKioMe • nor« hippmcO anywhere before A man tt armted (>» ’unmlmg* a local icwnh leader by calling him a ’Kao* Taa OITko* for luaeli laaelligence The wVmcc on (tin ntw u deafening An ImpeaiSat < ummaawrallti Itdoal court <(w I* a great rhutt la (rl autm of material oa tbr pot* He monL STEPHEN I II HI U II U AS GLOATING OF HIS ROLE IN BRINGING III! ISHUII \mh\ss\i>okioumrviiv.oi i ICAINSI Ml JUST t DAYS BEFORE HIE START OF MV 1RIAI_ |>up; :|%olalfl>M«prr>cMc.l»lpiivpiX.<inn 2HI4 0<. Hli>.lvn»fdia limi>rinie-<in- MTOAlIB) The Auatralian moJia taya nothing o 4 dm ettraewduury event News MnnuI _ WA leaders join forces to rally for Israel II WISH ( OMMl NIT> II ADFKSIFVt I 1 IHI U II M W QHIMIHt " It MINI HIM \ C ASF OFEK IK FOR ISRAKI I INTELLIGENCE • POLICE RAID! I AM CH ARC JED FOR "OFFENDING" IIIM! IS THIS NOT II 1C IILV N| US UOKTIIV? Page 122 of 129 IS of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 385 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell ■ Police Complaint - Fri... During Ikr raid, police were beard to mention keep a look out for material on "Jet Propulsion I almraloriiV*. lit in the actual search warrant. MY POST WENT FROM THIS.. Lieblich & Associates Steve Lieblich a (Mmik Nk. iium. OUf. cako. hum Commercial knowhow for busln IqwMUArrmtfr l i m aiK M n mn Moult an t >—ini< i. tntww tradt 4 Mptcrawn* ProteMioiul QualMkatiom a Association*
  80. cr«a»ji« n* Amu Am bnuuQt s( Cannam ten • «r 4v»tra 4 [num*) ■ Cfcarta* Him itfcltWiaPKlM* [V>- y t*T paoute J ArMraert ru Heona ■tn—na catautLA asNA ui »« i««t«>4 imtey <y «m lt»rH » A: CtflVKftt C*V. ■an. acciMttad UMA aa* «iar«Mfl
  81. rVsl_au tmna* tw L'uCi M a« nat-banma xaC http, wow .lKt<Kh.c«mau stm-lictticb TO THIS... Page 123 of 129 16 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 386 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell ■ Police Complaint - Fri... 17 of 22 I IDENTIFYING INFORMATION REMOVED DUE TO THREAT of Arrest by western Australian state security INVESTIGATION GROUP l ndt-r threat «f irml (October 2014k from Ihlt detretJsr who snunds like she h sers. sers. sent dose to Strsc I dhlkh... MAIN ARTICLE OF INTEREST... Rocket Science Espionage? U hUrtc-bloMcr soil allege* Ikil ( alter k Wl a smpreted »p> keep warklnt •• In Jet Pnipahtea I jb la pro Ire I a latraliit federal rnalrael. Nos ember 17,2014 By Crikia Page 124 of 129 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 387 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell ■ Police Complaint - Fri... DM the C aliUmla Intlifulr of InkMbjt if note faculty report* ikil an Itrtdi «p* nqlil br Hurling «i • campus-controlled rrtnrd facility to m nm Id Jeopardise an M Ml Ion Niitunil VtfMiaike and Npatr Adnkhlrtliwi mind? According to the Mai, fraaan hired A rule (id, a recent I’h.It. to arratpatt engineering Croat Irchnioit-Urafl In till air of technology, in carts 'oil to help design a avo itpr nf tpm ahrnpropaMaa t>tlraa. Soon afire «.at »«> hired, trail* »a>v he hefan to wnfrd hint nf trcnrlly a loialioa. lie allegedly stored trntilitr information on hit prrtnnal laptop* aot hit «tri compolre at m|olrrd. lie h a ho alleged to hate purposely cnlceed erroneout nnmbrrt Into detit n to ft ware codes. https: » <»i» intjilchightrrd. amtlfli III 7 ohhtlchlpore-till-alkiet-c all cch-aBo* td- Ibrrr h a hog* amount nf informalioa in llir article. Rend R ia full I M Bottom I and sou hIII pup the National SrcvrUt implications. < amhiae Ihr abate ankle aitb the notion of 1 Ml SASWIM • 1111 MR far ItraHi Inlelllgeacr - drtnn frnan .leuitti < ammuaHin arena nd ibe ttoHd. UNDERSTAND THE NOTION OF THE 'SAYANIM' - 'HELPER' A quote from former Vlossad Officer Viktor Ostrovsky... “Ihc nest da> Ran S dchtcretf a lecture an the siyanun. a unupae and unporura put of the Slots*] operation. Sayuum
  82. aialait mini he 100 percent Jewith They live dmnl. and though they are not l*eacli etueem, many are reached | through (he* relatives m Israel An Israeli with a relative in laglmd. for example, might he asked lo write a letter saying (he person Scaring the Idler represent* an irpm/diMshM main goal is u help sate Jen oh pcuple in the Dtnpra Could itx Rmith rriaiive help in any Hay'.' Ihcrc arc thousand* of say am m arsxrvd the weetd In London alone, there are a hour 2.000 »1» are active, and mother 5.000 on the list. They fulliB many diflrretM roles. A car sayan. far example, rvmung a renuf Agency , could help the Mound rent a ear without hat mg to cnmpkle the usual documentation An garment say an nvtd find actsxnmntljiton without raising wapicrona. a hank sayan could pel you money if you needed n in the middk of the ntgf. a Aw* sayan vttxiid treai a build uound wiibosA rcpottinf it u> the polKe, and to on TV del i« lo hate a pool of pcnfde at a>Uhlr ska needed she can provide service* but sill keep pnd about them cut of toy airy to the cause. They arc paid oni) costs. Often the toy ah) of tayanim is ahusod hy kalsat sk take adt antag e of hi available help for tbear nun personal me. There is no nay br the sayan lo chert ths% Uac th*f VSHI knuu Id* star thaa even if a Jewish person knows II is the Mossad. V aught no* agree In murk with you hut he uon'i turn you in You bate at your disposal a non risk recruitment system that actually git cs you a pool of mibsens of Jr*ith fwofV to tap from outside yum o«n Vrders If* much easier to operate with whai n available on the spot, and saymma offer incredible practical support everywhere Rut they arc neter pul at risk no* arc they pmy to classified "By VI ay Of Ikcrptfea: TV l aiasaskiag Of A Mossad Officer" pJM? 18 of 22 Page 125 of 129 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 388 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell • Police Complaint - Fri... CURRENT NEWS ARTICLES EXPLAINING THE CONCEPT OF THE SAYANIM Police database like gold lo spies, sass SIS expert Hager Mlp; »o«w.\iMlT,fii,ii/ iuiwn«l imliiicAyM*4U'Pi4icr-ilaU(>jxr->itit , -i!ii>il-|iEMii<A-wvxlx-rtiH'fl-hiigff (dentil) theft may have been Israelis' goal - analyst hnp:"nm*Aluff.cii,ii/ mlliHiiil iwillik\ 5.M4l20 ldriUil-llit'fl-miwlnir-lK«i-luii<ttt- 2 u»l-iinal>H Mossad operation in the C ook Islands targeted the Pacific Islands Summit hop; Hww.liMrTPiilrTPHrf.cow Australians aware of agent's connection to Mossad THE BEST SUMMARY OF THE PROBLEM WE FACE - "Jewish Power* subversion of our most central, public institutions. " EXPLAINED HERE - Page 126 of 129 19 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 389 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell • Police Complaint - Fri... ISOLATE BUT PRESERVE WHY ARC COUNTRIES SO TERRIFIED OF ISRAKL? MATH niUAn MAIM AQAK1T LOCAL UUUUIAMHY - WA fOUCX covnmv MVUOOKMI IOC LOUS - LXrXIXI.VT TEt» onmi'nisuxiunoK HOLOCAUST a AIM NO «oo» of trmwDAixnof m» muuxTWAiicocxaw At YTRAUA* KTUT KIT LIST MUST KOfU I KNOW Tlfl>X THAI I M aun MR KVHOf AIKVOMIWUH mv MY UAH LOUT* • LAJ1S7 CMOMUCY TRJLAim Auatno by itxn co c ryi u JAMMU MttXJ* T 1 AMLRA 1 OLTtAR IORO O A SAVTA MAI helpers for Isntll Intelligence.
  83. "Katsa’s" - Cist Officers Hr Isntll Inttlllgtnct “handle" the Jewish ctmmunftlts and http them la Hat with tht Until Stitt's aad Itvish Ptvtrs aha and anas.
  84. Community grtups ladudlag socialist Zionist youth groups like Habtalm •rtr tad religious oxtremelsts like Chabad Lubavitch in prime recrultlag grouads for "sayanlm".
  85. Sayanlm laftst ill ItvtU of gevarnmant and private corporations, policing aad intelligence agencies, especially la the halted States.
  86. Australia and ether countries have Invested massively la compromised Isnell high techaeltfy products that allow the Until state to gain vital information with which to co-tree, compromise, bribe and black mail severign dtisens of ether nations. IN CASH THE MAIN NEWS ARTICLE DISAPPEARS IN THE FUTURE... Rocket Science Espionage? N\ hiMlr-bto*c* uirt allcpt* that Cafccdi kt a wo<>xu*J »p> keep amting ti a* Jc« PropultK* I ah ki fwMcti a liKf n\ c federal ivnimt NiMcmhcr 17. ]0I4 By Voilec flabeny Page 127 of 129 20 of 22 3/23/2019,8:24 PM Page 390 of 1018 Information Regarding Brendon O'Connell ■ Police Complaint - Fri... IKJ the Cali forma Immuk of Technology ignore faculty report* that an Israeli spy might he workrag tt a caraput-ixntrollrd rvwwnh Sxdny %» a* not lojenpanh/r an SX MIkw National Aeronautic* and Spw Admjwwrarxm contract.' Thai' Ac hast of a whrufcblvwCT Hill filed last nock again*I Caltech by Sandra Trotan. a pwfenot of applied phyuc* Owe who «)• the imncruty. alter tliwniatmg her concern. tried to retalixv against her for iprakirg with federal authonbe* during dor own intMipMica into the trailer Truun wvt dul a framer fvwidoc uveal nracareh tcholaa in NASA' Jet Prupul»i»io Laturaurv. which i managed by Caltech, violated federal tarn by during «xunt> -scmimc fCMWneh information »nh an Israeli imtiiutiun and on the internet C alter h off lad*. alt rag with die forma Caltech employee rat qurriam, deny Ac claw* and none Iruun of »un»g due lo ncgjlnc ceaehiMora Awl her m a revent research misconduct investigation According to Ac rat. Truura hired Anur Cue. a recent Ph D. in aampacc engineering fruot Tevkraxm-Jararl Imartntc of Technology, m early 3010. to help itnig* a no* type of apace mxngevfuhaun »>aem. The pnycil hailed by the Defense A J valued Research Project Agency, allegedly an uihjevt to federal c*prat contml law* go* craing unauthnnsed sharing of information and Troian ray- ahe and tor signed agreement saying Acy werahf pretext security- aenaili* c research Soon after last an hoed. Toman say v ahe began to u*pcvt han of aevunty inlatim He allegedly owed aemiliae nfotnuun on hm perawl laptop, not hi* work computer a* reiywrtd lie t» alto alleged a> ha*c purprateTy entered cmaov* nunAcr* into deargn software code* later in 3010. a computer siru* attack on Troon' work computer re*wiled in hundred of file* ba ng tgdoraded to an IP add re* raltsdc ( u I lech aid day of nlonpui to Truaarf» network Troun aay* Aal hc traced the »iru to Gal's wuapuira and eunfrvraaed hnra ahxil it She aay* Gat refused lo disclose wchute* he luted pnra lo the attack, bat e*entuilly admitted that be had hared detail* ahwl the nmn>pmpul*Krt system w «A Darnel Wed*, hi* doctoral ad*<cr a Tcchnaon. without pu imaao n According to Ac sun. VtrO it on Israel* National Steering

    Conusance for Space lafratirwiur of Ac Mantacry cf Science ml hold* otha federal |warat related to apace research. Cot al*o allegedly made f>5 Intcrwel pcwi* about operating pnrviplc* for the ayatem. aho in

    roUliun of the aevunty agreement he ugned with Ac tab. and a aa cough wandermg amurai. alone, in an acvo*-rrranctcd evpcrimental area, lie allegedly ml he »a< ‘In. A eng anwad. and that he heped to be lured by Teehnion when be eventually returned to head Trenail Aunl ha grow mg concern about Col with Caltech admmtalralor* on nraifcgAe tveawn* daring Ac n au na q of 3010 Hut ahe aay* they locked Ac ether way to protect the univcraity ' good name aad - more rantenaily ~ the NASA contract, which wa» up fra rev iew at that ante According to Ac ml "Caltech an taking to renew « contract wiA NASA to manage (Ac lab] and. a* pan of the reapplKMicm peeve*, needed to certify that it employee* aad contractor* woe M uolaiinf l S gucernmcni acvurrty reguiaaorav* including Inirnutawul InflW n Aran KetfulaiamH In August 3010. according to the tu«. Troian dismissed (rat from ha lab. and he translated to another rr*rjrvh ping' at Caltech Troian ivpratcd ha onpnng eoneam to ( allcvh'a vice provost of research. Monr/a (katk. who ml allegedly uul. Tf» not my bratac*." (»ai worked in Cihotb'a lab until July 2012. w hen he returned lo Teehnion a* an annum prufeuce of mcchaaacal Two yea* nfla die first rejected ha concern* » Caltech. Troon any*, the federal Bar cm of laveabgatHm apprvrachcd ha Am Gat a* part of » own am^pUMi aito pm*Mc aevurity hr cache at Ac lab. Troon wild that die lad dared ha suspsoom shorn (at with Caltech in 301ft. to no anail Hue dv alleged} refused t> ugn an afTiilasit. fra fear of fctalmdim by Caltech Sotra alia ha contact with the FBI. Trotan any. a uadi group of Caltech adrnimuratra* began threatening ha yob and a*king ha about what ahe had (add federal investigator*. She waa allegedly told that Cahoeh Avai l hke |iu) people calling the auAorme“ Tretan aay* that Idward Srolpet. the Caltech proves*. eventually told ba that he would nuke ha "miserable." aid lo "Wait fra the next two year of being eonfreuautioiul wnh Caltech It |u*t won't be fun*' She aay* that Caltech label* aerated ha of rese a rch mmxnduct. denied her rc*curch funding, md p«a falsified document* aUrgirg that Arte poaidoctoral fellow* had filed ~crwua cvuepkainta agaaait ha in ha perwranel file, amcrag ocher form* of rvialutMXi She al*o allege* that Caltech copied ha entire compact hard drive wrlhout ba pemuauun. even thragh it contained aevunty- aenattivc and peraonat intormatnin Caltech done* Troon' claim In a uatement, a univenray apokowomaa aad that Caltech ml crab lo vrgranady defend An Uwuul. whaeh •» acntlrw The H i a t t ao n I c unfair* a it compluncv with eiport ccrainil law* and Interarational Traffic m Ann* Kcgulatvrta. and regularly cooperate* with governme n t a gene k*. wclidrg the FBI. a* appropriate " The OateraaeM ccraaaor*: "The piaaatifT. who wa* dr*aiidicd »A the wUnrar of a rec en t aitarol carrpu micaiigaUMt into ha devtuoa to hu ha <a« a* the author of a paMnhed aburact and omit tevogtairm of a paablnctoral aeholar who performed related revarv h. aufTered no retalwatiun and remain* an acme faculty mail her of Ae mraituttan." Cat al*o daue* ad Ae allegation* - me hwlaig that he eva woeked at the Jet Piopulum Lab la aa email, hcaaid 1 am me, < o cr have heew. aa luach py I joined Cahoeh aa aa acadrauv reaeaecha and baaed ms work on puMuly available research pupa* A* an academe re*ear*ha my rc*eureh w a* c«ported to be pAnhed in acvntilk ycraenaK Aa a foreign luUMtl I did our have aay aevunty clearance aad thu* cotdda't work on secret project*. I le aid he worked in Taman' research grerap Sir ahoa dree month* m 301(1. aid "very happdy* Itanafcrred to a AfTercr* group afta that (•at «uid he ncsxr laurvhed a % inaa fmm hi* craaputa. and Aal a apy ptubaMy woahlnT uw hi* own computer for autaerfupc anyway . The best fur* he evuti make regarding Ac h5 internet pent, he mi. wa* that he poated puNw.1* asaiLabk rcwarih lo a webarte called C A'CLike. •hreh Troian a*k<d him to delete He alio dcaacd during en*rti*r mlkunution wiA Ucih afta am* mg at Cahevh. He aaul he waa aeva knowingly rmcUipilcd by Ae FBI. and only heard ataiui the capwmagr aUegatwn* alia Treratn filed ha urt la%t week Caltcvh devbacd k> provide additamal afonnaticra aHiul the care. Troian aay m ha uit that ahe oeax uaed ha car name - M Pixel - a* a placeholder until the could fnd a new mutual k) era- Page 128 of 129 21 of 22 3/23/2019, 8:24 PM Page 391 of 1018 Page 392 of 1018 LETTER PERSONALLY HANDED TO SECRETARY OF FORMER AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN MINISTER STEPHEN SMITH - LAW PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Page 1 of 4 I Sili September 2015 Mr Biendon O'Connell e/o 55 Central A\e MAYLANDS 6051 I’ocid hoc. rocks U31 04 S 59-1 Professor Stephen Smith Professor At l.aw e/o University of Western Australia I )ear Stephen. On August Xth. 2010. in your capacity ns the foreign Minister of Australia, you attended a "friends Ol Israel meeting at the I \ angelical Christian "Vielory l ife Centre" run by Pastor Margaret Court, lu attendunee was the Israeli Ambassador to Australia and thirty loeal and federal members of parliament. I he Israeli Deputy foreign Minister appeared \ ia \ ideo link. Over one hundred local and federal members ol parliament expressed written support for the event. Over 1000 people attended the meeting including high level members ol the Jewish Communities of Perth, Sydney and Melbourne I his "meeting" to express support for the Israeli state, was widely reported in the media. Stephen. I wonder whether you knew at the time that a high profile trial was due to take place just 8 days later on August the 16th 2010? I hat trial was the lirst application of the W estern Australian legal systems racial vilificulioii legislation and it had been widely reported. A key note speaker at the 'f riends of Israel' rally w as none other than the complainant in that high prolile trial - Mr Stanley hlliot Keyscr. Just to remove any doubt the rally was directly linked to myself and a possibly embarrassing trial that would expose aspects of Jew ish racial and religious supremacist!! • and the murderous actions of the Israeli State against the indigenous Arab (mostly Muslim) population of Palestine - the organisers of the rally, on their web site, stated. "This rally has been organised in direct response to Urendon O’Connell." I hope that settles any question as to the "intent" of holding that rally 8 days before the August 16th start of my high profile trial. Subsequently. I was able to get an adjournment. My lawyer
  87. John Botigher- was in shock that this rally had taken place. Stephen, it would be blatantly oln ions to "Blind Freddy" that the most audacious case of "criminal contempt of court" had just taken place. It was tin "international incident". Never in the history of any comparable legal sy stem on this planet has such a blatant case of interference in another countries legai system taken place. And who even knows about it? I know about it Stephen and I am not going to forget ii any time soon. Stephen in your capacity of I oreign Minister, you took direct part in that rally. I find it hard to believe you would not have been briefed as to the rally's intent? If you were not briefed. I guess it would be too late to advise to sack vour personal assistant and adv isers? X-spite a detailed letter to the officer in charge of the rally's security - Inspector Nick Anticich - he ns refused to press charges of criminal contempt of court on the organisers of the rally who's sell vident sole intent was to bring pressure on the W estern Australian legal and political establishment icfore a high profile trial. , i < , n me indicated he did not believe the rally’s "intent" had anything to do . „ , „ / yt • ,tiM.|| and the upcoming trial despite the organisers web site slating clearly that. .«»«< . . . . . . . . .. Page 393 of 1018 Page 2 of 4 Anticich would have the audacity to claim that, indicates the complete stupidity or the eompletly corrupt nature of the Western Australian police service - or holh. I select both. It should be noted that Inspector Anticich has been indicated in corruption w ithin an elite C orruption and C rime Commission investigation unit recently. Personally. I would expect nothing less than an incompetent cover up and "clown like" back peddling from the upper echelons ol the Western Australian police service. Stephen, details regarding that Rally I or Israel are here on my blog - http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/20l4/06/why-is-mcdia-ignoring-my-slory.html Being a Professor at law and former foreign Minister I am sure you will grasp the significance of the event from both the legal and political perspective. Stephen, to give you some "context" so you will better understand Wl IY that rally was organised, let me give you this brief background and you can make the relevant strong inferences. I he event that led to charges being laid against me look place on May the 2nd 2009. I had told police I would use the trial as a platform to bring public awareness to Jewish racial and religious supremacistn and Israeli Intelligence activity - w ith a particular emphasis on the Israeli modified weapons and sensor systems on the C ollins C lass submarine and other highly sensitive Australian military high technology equipment, from there I came under intense stalking and harassment. I have no doubt - knowing as I do the \ A police - it was the W.A police doing the harassment. Many serving and retired special forces personnel are employed by the W.A police service. I w ill not go into the details ol the harassment and it's intensity and endurance, but it was quite terrible and included harassment of friends overseas. In time, arresting detectives let me know they were incredibly interested in what I write about I his was after they had gone over my laptop and the DVD discs I bad prepared for them. The interest included emails and interactions w ith Inspector Barry Shelton, whereby he stated he would like to have a coffee with me and talk about what I write about. As he was in charge of the arresting detectives you eatt understand that this is highly inappropriate but I was eager to take part. At one stage. Inspector Shelton emailed my Gmail account. "We all respect your work." Six weeks later the Israeli Ambassador turned up. I gather y ou can work out the link'.’ I he things Snowden revealed many of us have been talking about for 1 5 years. Snowden merely supplied the details but nothing new. I hope the above information will go some way to indicating to you the serious nature of what has happened and may even indicate to you that new sol my "mental illness" is highly exaggerated though not entirely untrue - the six years ol never ending harassment including three years' incarceration has taken it's toll as have death threats and intense stalking. I here have been five suspicious deaths surrounding my case including that ol my sister. Please find enclosed with this letter a 235 page synopsis I prepared as a briefing document fora solicitor to take my legal case to the I ligh Court ol Australia. I have no doubt your schedule is busy but I would be grateful if you could at the very least "skim" over it I believe my legal matter and the synopsis is "in the public interest". I would be very surprised if you were to simply toss it in the bin. Previously, l egal Aid of Western Australia have refused to fund the appeal to the High Court claiming the matter is unlikely to gain leave Stephen, as a man schooled in the law . I have great confidence that you will see there hits not been a case more suitable for the I ligh Court in the hist 25 years. Matters of "freedom of expression and the ridiculous handling of the trial and the contempt of Page 394 of 1018 S3 & Page 3 of 4 court mutter's with the Friends Of Israel rally clearly make the matter ol the most extieme | til interest. Stephen. Western Australia's reputation across the country is utterly notorious. It is regarded as a closed in "dicky backwater" albeit a "backwater" sitting on the country 's most giant reserves ol natural resources. W A's judicial reputation is central to it’s over all reputation. Both the police and judiciary appear to treat W estern Australia as their own personal "fiefdom". Doing as they please w ilh lew it any brakes on their nefarious acti\ ities which include blatant criminal behaviour. In that. I would refer to you to an upcoming storm that W.A will have to deal w ith - the ease ol Paul \wizi<> Snigtio and the murder of .Mile Xaumovsky. I his matter resulted in the sacking ol the entire major crime squad and the dismissal of an entire ()l)l’l’ prosecution team for misconduct. No media have reported the specifics of what went on. only a small article detailing the abandonment of the first w ilful murder trial and then another trial where the charges were lowered to murder w ith an option for manslaughter Stagno got manslaughter for a blatant well planned murder. I have intimate details of the case due to my close friendship with a man who was initially framed for the murder I have many of these contacts from my three years spent in jail most of it in maximum security Paul Nun/.io Stagno was a criminal informant. I le was released three limes on bail alter being caught with two ounces of high quality inclhamphclaniine and a hand gun. I wo of the bail's were Schedule 2. I lircc bails in all. It is clear the only way he could have gotten these bail conditions is if he was pro\ iding information to police. On his third release he murdered Mite Nauillovsky. I would remind you ol the bitter contention surrounding the release of the Iranian man "Monis" who went on to murder people at the I inclt Cafe after being granted bail after serious charges. I le too has credentials as a police or ASK) informant if media reporting of the coroners enquiry is correct I mention the above only out of interest and y our position as 11 ni versify l aw Professor. Stephen, y ou are regarded in Perth as a "nice guy". I find it hard to believ e a man of your intelligence would have knowingly taken part in that rally for Israel if you had been aware of the particulars surrounding it In that. I ask you to explain your position somewhat with regards what you knew before attending? I also note that I have seen you on five separate occasions w hi 1st walking alone, and at times w ith your w ito. around the Swan River. We live quite close to each other. It is clear y ou recognised me on each occasion. I never approached you. We walked w ithin inches of each other on each of these occasion's. I value my quiet time around the Swan River and left it at that. If I was "mentally unstable" then I would presume it would be expected of me to have approached you with a hidden camera or two for the publicity? Because that is my reputation around town. N et I have never done this. Again, my walks are precious and for relaxation, and 1 gather y ou are the same. I lowevcr. I expect I w ill see you again and this time I w ill approach you and 1 have every right to do so. I his is a matter "in the public interest." You are were a public figure. I have tried to sort this matter out time and again and been insulted and rebuffed - at titties in utterly ridiculous circumstances which leave me wondering about the mental stability ol government agencies and their minions. I would hope Stephen you w ill lake the reputation ol the state of Western Australia as more important than any petty politics or unfounded concerns at interacting with myself. I am a reasonable man when I am not being threatened and/or treated like an idiot. I have "played fair" with many major figures in this town. I have recorded many interactions and deleted most of them when I was treated with dignity On one occasion I was rung personally by Minister Joe I rancis and we had a verv interesting phone call lor 32 minutes discussing the ineptitude and corruption within the Department of Corrective Set v ices. I had a video camera on a desk mounted tripod three Icet away from me. I could have switched it on and recorded that call from the Minister and it would have been explosive with the admissions he made to me. I he Minister is very brave and very decent to be cleaning out the cess pit that is the Western Australian prison system. I lowevcr. he is also very naive. I uekv for him he has a former special forces commander backing him :-) Page 395 of 1018 Page 4 of 4 Stephen, in closing, I would hope reasoned debate and dialogue w ill take precedence over threats and intimidation. I here have been two major overtures from members of the Western Australian establishment to ease matters but they have been attempted clumsily and caused me great anxiety. I would hope the skills you brought to the office of f oreign Affairs could be put to good use in alleviating matters somewhat. I inv itc you to read at least the most relevant legal aspects of the 235 pages I have written. I might add. it was written in a high security prison with a badly broken untreated arm. I urther. I was lucky to receive two hours ot computer time in the morning and two hours of computer time in the afternoon - it that. It was written under extremely difficult circumstances and I am very proud of it. It remains untouched. It was confiscated trout me when a Nupcrintendant w ith an undergraduate degree in counter terrorism read it and considered it a security risk. Sincerely. Brcndon Lee O'Connell D Page 396 of 1018 EMAIL - "REPORT ON LATEST COURT APPEARANCE" Describing how new senior prosecutor Carmel Barbagello reneged on the previous prosecutors offer to take the threat to kill matter back to the Magistrates court as a "threat to harm". Carmel BARBAGELLO was run out of the state of Victoria due to her incompetence. As one well known lawyer stated to me on why he came to Western Australia, "Trust me, I'm here for the sunshine." Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 Subject: Report On Latest Court Appearance • January 22nd, 2016 From: Brendon O'Connell <boo»boc.rocks> Date: 21/3/2016,4:06 am To: rodwill71«<gmail.com Here, haw a read of this when you get time. -Original Message - Subject:Report On l atest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 Date:Sat. 23 Jan 2016 1632:14 0800 From:Brcndon O'Connell s >• ••. k - - Tom nd isclosed • red pients:; NEW SENIOR PROSECUTOR CARMEL BARBACALLO ON BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL - "WE WANT JAIL!” WHAT IS THIS NEW SENIOR PROSECUTORS FORM? Judge outrage at prosecutor's 'abuse of law http/www.theage.com.au/victoria/i\«dgv*-out.rage-at-pn.»H*cutor>-abu>e-s»(- law-20100929- l5wrfJitml A judge has this morning slammed the office of prosecutions for trying to upgrade a charge against a man who has already pleaded guilty to and been convicted of a lesser offence in a lower court. Justice Paul Coghlan described the attempt, made by Crown prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo in Victoria's Supreme Court, as the worst fundamental "abuse of process" he'd seen. BUT IT GETS BETTER Judge slams OPP for reneging on accused man's deal http://www.hcraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/judgc-slams-opp-for-rcncging-on-accuscd-nians- 1 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 397 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 deal/story-e6frf7kx-l225931795399 judge Coghlan refused to accept the indictment, calling it "a fundamental abuse of process". "The abuse is contained in making the deal and then going back on it," Justice Coghlan said. "I don't understand how the director (of public prosecutions) would want to come to this case and put as a proposition that he can't be taken for his word.” The softly-spoken Ms Barbagallo was repeatedly interrupted by Justice Coghlan, who said he had not seen an OPP backdown like this in his 42 years in the legal industry. "My first reaction to this is horror that we can come to his, quite frankly," he said. BUT IT GETS BETTER DPP Slip let bikie loose Bungling by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions compelled a Supreme Court judge to free a major organized crime figure on bail for six months Justice McKechnie found the DPP "misinformed" two Judges over whether it had disclosed all relevant evidence and highlighted contradictory statements by lead prosecutor Carmel Barbagallo as "troubling". The scathing judgement came after a District Court assault trial of Tamil refugee's was aborted last month over DPP disclosure issues. Ms. Barbagallo cant help herself - anything to win... http://www.brokenjustice.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Pages- 03338-03469.pdf SHE IS AN INCOMPETENT IDIOT AND SHE HAS RENEGED ON AN AGREEMENT I HAD WITH THE DPP. IT'S APPARENTLY WHAT SHE DOES BEST. CLEARLY, CARMEL IS NOW GIVING W.A A GO AFTER VICTORIA SAID GOODBYE.. I CAN COME TO ONLY ONE CONCLUSION... 2 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 398 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 I WAS MADDER THAN A RABBI LOSING AT CHESS OUTSIDE THE COURT VIDEO FROM OUTSIDE COURT Sm.ill children, fluffy koala bears and sensitive jews should cover their ears http://www.mediafire.coni/watch/2wjwwj2m4enoaj7/Coii rt_V'ideo_Diary_January_22nd_2016.mp4 PROBLEMS DOWNLOADING VIDEO? httpa^/drlve^ oo yle.com file d/0B7x\ Rv UHV64oS0xfSW9Da29sUnc/view ?uip^haiin| 9 We are back to square one after nearly 18 months of bullshit. 9 I gave them a gift - go back to uni, tear down the blog, focus on suing various government departments, quieten the situation, plead guilty to a "threat to harm" and move on. Senior Prosecutor David Thiering suddenly left and Carmel Barbagallo turned up. She wants jail! Someone check her house for Menorah's. 9 1 have been banned off the internet for over 12 months now. Unable to log into social media or make public statements because of what? I "upset" a few people with comments that dont even rate as a fight between 2 year olds. This state is utterly pathetic. 9 We are going to trial • they don't want it, but they are gonna get it. A trial for both the "threat to kill" charge and also a "causing offense" to a special little muppet. 9 Now, my only offer to them, there will be no more - they can drop ALL charges and make a full public apology to me - on their knees. They must be on their knees and they must be sobbing, or at least teary eyed. All major TV stations should be present, it doesn't have to be broadcast live but it wouldn't hurt. Stephen Lieblich must sing, "It's A Long Way To Tipperary" while dancing a jig dressed as a leprechaun. Its only fair. 9 Police have already apologized and I move forward, keen to liaise with them in the fight against Jewish Power, Israeli Intelligence activity and Jewish racial and religious suprcmacism undermining this nations National Security. I'd hate to cause "offense" to anyone again, so I will be keeping police fully informed of my activities. Jewish feelings are special and we must take care. 9 The lawyers don't seem to get it yet. 9 The politicians get it - but are suffering trauma and shock. Trapped between Brendon O'Connell and Jewish Power • to whom will they kneel and pledge allegiance? To "lies" and more monetary investment in the state? Or the Truth, and a 'withdrawal period' as their toys are snatched away by a bunch of Jewish bankers? 3 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm

    Page 399 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016

    Maybe someone can buy another Jewish Bankers Bible to express his loyalty?

    Ilir ®Hrst_Anstra!i;ut J* oouiut month , ■til A chance to- » J^WINSSOK Perth will be home to legendary $1Sm book —x wsm Stokes waited for right time in ‘AX 1 before setting eyes on masterpiece http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2014/09/perth-media-magnate-buys-rothschild.html What chance of a fair trial in Western Australia in their Jewish Temple? Not much. PERTH DISTRICT COURT BUILDING WITH PYRAMID" ir - ii l_. A.i
  88. IB HI Bit, i ■ ■ ■ • ssmus sstamai ssjod^ghh^ ...WITH "PYRAMID”. BUT LETS DO IT ANYWAY. 4 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 400 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 LAWYER, GRAEME ALLEN, SENT ME AN EMAIL FROM THE COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS AT 7PM, JANUARY 21 ST
  89. Prior to the close of business today, the prosecution will file an indictment laying one count of using a carriage service in a way that reasonable persons would consider menacing, harassing or offensive, contrary to s474.17(l) of the Criminal Code (Ctli). That count represents charge no. PE 119342/2014, in respect of which Jason HODGKINSON is the complainant. ii. The prosecution declines to proceed further in respect of charges PE 119341/2014 and PE 119343/2014, and ivill file a Notice of Discontinuance accordingly. This means the joke charges against me involving Jewish community leader Stephen Lieblich have been dropped where he claimed he was "offended" by me calling him a "Katsa" or "Case Officer" for Israeli intelligence. They dragged this garbage on for a freakin year! KNOWING they would have to drop the charge. They wouldn't dare take it to trial. Steve Lieblich is gonna pay for that one. How dare the police do his bidding on a ridiculous charge. http^/boc. rocks/2014/11/cal tech-professor-claims-israeli-spy-i nfil tra ted-j p i/ 5 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 401 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 — Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson One of i he matt iitdumiiil leaden of the £Oth century Tamx moai Taxya. Tnz Boon or Cmaaao* CMattu 10. Paob 77 AND 79 T HE 1SEHEL fOU LOl J'T iU JOY/ ‘The body of a Jewish person IS OF TOTALLY DIFFERENT QUALITY FROM THE BODY OF ALL NATIONS OF THE WORLD. A NON JEWISH SOUL COMES FROM THREE SATANIC spheres. While the Jewish SOUL STEMS FROM HOLINESS* But, Lieblich's power over police and politicians is explained by a well known ethnic community leaders statement to me, " Three thousand members of the Perth Jeivish community have the political class by the ball's in this town." When are the rest of the states ethnic leaders going to come out and tell the Jewish community they know what a bunch of lying scumbags they are? Is Brendon O'Connell the only one with any ball's in this town? They have also discontinued the same charge involving Veronica Hodgkinson - wife of the bully, Jason Hodgkinson, who threatened a Muslim man (Mustafa Atieh) with death in front of his kids at his place of business in mid 2014. Tat ie h] http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com.au/201-l/11/death-threats-made-against-local- muslim.htm l The Commonwealth DPP are continuing with the charge of causing "offense" to Jason Hodgkinson. The Commonwealth DPP want the charge taken back to the Magistrates court to be dealt with "summarily" - in other words, plead guilty to a minor charge and get a slap on the wrist. NOT ON YOUR FREAKIN LIFE. Lets go to trial! I want Mustafa (pictured above) to get on the stand and tell a jury what was done to him by Jason Hodgkinson, his biker mates and the police who covered up for him. I guarantee you, they'll drop this one as well. Here is the exchange that so "offended" Jason Hodgkinson, below: ACTUAL FACEBOOK CONVERSATION WITH JASON HODGKINSON (OFFENDED POSSUM) Are Western Australian's suffering a spate of "offensive reflux" events? Is this a virus? Or psychosomatic disease? • Today • 10:38am Jason Hodgkinson Brendon your post has been sent to the WA Police i have a lot of my business contacts message me and are 6 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 402 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 considering going elsewhere I will be taking advice on this further • Today • 2:30pm Brcndon O'Connell Simple question - are you the guy who went and threatened Mustafa at his shop? Answer the question? Why do you need to contact the police? 1 already contacted them about you. Answer the question - yes or no
  90. did you go to Mustafa's shop in Northam and threaten to kill him in front of his kids? Are you the guy? Your failure to answer, answers the question. You have the nerve to threaten a man with death in front of his kids and then whine when you are caught out and made public. Iranian English language News • Press TV are traveling to WA to do an interview on this. Also, the shooting up of a Mosque by racist neo-nazi's which went punished with a fine. • 2:58pm Brend on O'Connell As for "further advice" -1 suggest you get ready for a couple of years in jail based on the racial/religious nature of your actions. Based on the fact you threatened a man with death in front of his children and you did it knowing they were there - repeatedly. Three people have named you. I was waiting for further confirmation but with two new veiled threats made towards Mustafa and his children I want this sorted quickly. Are you the guy or not. Post a piccie of yourself and it will be sorted. I will apolagise publicly and that will be that. I admit I was a little rash but I was worried about my friend. So, lets sort this out. But, if you want to involve police that's fine too. The sooner they get to the bottom of things the better. • 4:58pm Jason Ho dgkinso n thanks for your advice I will leave it to the police to sort out • 6:38pm Brcndon O'Connell Yeh, they came, and they went. Anything else to say? • 6:40pm Brcndon O'Connell Mate, it has become quite clear to me you ARE the man in question and I really don’t think you quite realize what is going on. You came into a shop and threatened a Muslim man with death - in front of his kids. You did it repeatedly. You wife's friendship with Northam police got you a "disorderly conduct" charge. Its in the hands of counter terrorism now. But that's the least of your worries. An awful lot of Muslims want the head of the man that did this so I would hope for your sake you can clear this up quickly. • 6:41pm Brendon O’Connell I've passed on your messages to Detective Liz Vuleta. 1 spoke with other counter terrorism officers and they were not particularly interested but I told them all about the incident. Quite a few Northam coppers will be in the shit over it all • I hope you are happy. But again, the police are the least of your worries. • 6:43pm Brendon O'Connell Maybe you should check out this post • htt p://isol atebutprescrv e.blog spot .com.au/2014/ 11/death-threats- made-against-local-muslim.html 1)1! A I'll JUKI \ IS M ADI \ <.\I\ST LOCAL MUSLIM FAMILY - W.A I’OLICI COVER 11 UP I Isolate Bu t Preserve i sola tebu tpreserve.blogspot.com • 6:45pm Brcndon O'Connell I'll contact BHP Billiton as well. In fact 1 will go to the office with a copy of the blog post. 7 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 403 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 • 6:51pm Jason Modgkinson do what you want to do I will not be responding to you on your games anymore • 6:53pm Brendon O'Connell OK. Good luck. This isn't a game. What makes you think its a game? Sending people around to threaten Mustafa about his kids was not a good idea. Northam is a small town outside Perth, Western Australia. The police are known to be very corrupt. Jason Hodgkinson's wife, Veronica, works with the Northam police which is why Jason Hodgkinson was protected. I told detective Elizabeth Vuleta to simply produce Hodgkinson and meet with Mustafa; she refused. 1 When Mustafa rang her to make a complaint against Hodgkinson under the Racial Vilification legislation - sub group"national origins" • detective Vuleta replied, "Brendan O'Connell is going to get you in trouble. Von are both going to get into alot of trouble." Can you imagine how Elizabeth Vuleta would have responded to a complaint by a Jew that a man had entered his place of business, asked the man if he was a Jew; then told the man to, "Fuck off back where you came from or u>e will kill you!" And adds further, "We will kill you in front of your kids!" He did this several times. And that was detective Vuleta's response? She has now moved onto the Australian Federal Police - her reward for her joke of a raid on my room with six police in tow - Several witnesses who named Jason Hodgkinson as the man who threatened Mustafa and his family that night, have been harassed by Northam police. Mustafa has extensive audio recordings of the Northam police lying through their teeth. The plan is to get this man on the stand so that Mustafa can identify him officially and can begin proceedings against him and the Northam police in an international court. It is impossible to get justice in Western Australia. If you want to help • inform your local Muslim community network about this case. It should also be noted that Northam is known as a drop off point for drugs flown into the regional airport there from interstate. Then transported by police into Perth. Just think "Mena, Arkanasas". I'm going to get all of this "on the record" in a trial. I sure wish Inspector Barry Shelton was still the head of state counter terrorism. At least he "respected my work". 8 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 404 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 THE "THREAT TO KILL" CHARGE CONTINUES This will go to trial. Under no circumstances will I allow them to delay the matter and "pretend" they are going to trial and then drop it at the last minute. 1 will taunt and embarrass them all day. Former Senior Prosecutor David Thiering agreed to allow me to plead guilty in the Magistrates court to the lesser charge of "threat to harm", but Carmel Barbagallo put an end to all that. If the Minister is upset with getting on the stand - go see sweet Carmel. MINISTER!! NlSH'A'R G E0FJP.RIS© N S FRWN.GIS McMahon I spoke to the Minister over the phone for 32 minutes where he expressed his fear of his own prison officer staff. Where he admitted he believed the much publicized break in of his house was organized by prison officers and their organized crime friends. Where he admitted he had to fight tooth and nail to have camera's that "record" placed in the Hakea prison punishment unit to prevent prisoners being beaten by staff. https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/latest/a/19441873/intruder-in-prison-ministers-home/ https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/a/20898396/minister-forced-to-quit-home/ https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/latest/a/21030998/minister-break-in-charges/ https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/a/21752789/mp-homc-invader-jailed/ Three days after the phone call (October 13th, 2014), the Minister was threatened outside Parliament House. The West Australian Newspaper reported the incident with the headline - "Minister naive about security." https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/a/25342537/sex-offendcr-security-scare/ 9 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 405 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 A major security review is underway after Corrective Services Minister Joe Francis was approached in the car park of State Parliament by notorious sex offender TJD, who is monitored via a GPS tracker. The Minister had told me over the phone of his departments accountant not knowing the difference between SI million dollars and S100 million dollars in the sex offenders GPS tracking budget - then he is approached in the grounds of parliament house a few days later by a notorious sex offender on a GPS tracker? Co-incidence? Only two ex armed forces people could of cleaned out that CESSPIT that IS and WAS the Department of Corrective Services. As one prison officer said to me within two weeks of arriving at minimum security Wooroloo Prison - "They have been treating this place like a personal fiefdom for 20 years. " (END QUOTEI The whole system is a wrought with prison staff up to their necks in corruption that I have personally witnessed myself. Stealing mountains of food, power tools, household goods. Dealing drugs. Organizing prisoners to bash other prisoners. Tormenting mentally ill prisoners. Messing with prisoners court paper work in clear co-operation with the state court system to prevent prisoners getting justice and embarrassing the state. The list is endless. Meanwhile, prisoners are lambasted for the slightest offenses like getting an extra 250ml milk bladder. There are some very fine and decent prison officers - there are also some absolute assholes who should be in the jail - not running it. Corruption dampdown on jail staff ■ GnntTiyto Record number of pruoo off

    kef* are twin* sacked or rboov Ins to quit before they are forced out as a result of incre as ed effort* to stump out corruption In WA* jails Department of Corrective Ser don figures show six officer* wen? iSniwed last year for offence* which included drug trafficking, assault*on Inmates, drug uw nt work ami unlawful a further six remain stood down nations against them In comparison, no officers were sacked during 2014 which w:w prior to the Introduc¬ tion of a roil of new corruption Investigation and enforcement 'Hie most significant of those measures was the re establish merit of a dedicated police unit to target corruption In Jail*. So-called ’loss of confidence" powers wvreaivointroduced last year that enable the Corrective Services Commissioner to ter¬ minate an officer’s employment If the Commissioner has serious concerns about tbelr Integrity. “I am not proud of the fact that 1 am having to dismiss people. to stay in correct t< ms. It it as tlmjlln an Ihil - Crr rnrlhr Cm-. vkm fVi 111 in lot Ini wr ^Inrtu-s McMahon said

    tt is a wry. vrr y small per- outlaw (who do ihc wrong thing) ami good prison officers do not want to be wo thing nest t<- Among^thov w bo resigned while under tnvrwti gallon was a long-serving pnsor i officer who was charged oivr an alleged conspiracy to po v s* 1 kg of lUs case u after discovering h ie was under investigation for trafficking drugs and mobile phoocts into rvnwr-. ,l^r. wotfchourw with one mentis ml of domestic violence against on officer ifll and prop er person to hold a | position with- in Ihe department. Prison officers i sill also face random drug test! ing from the middle of this year which is also middle of this year which is aho expected to result In a sudden spike in resignations or dis- mivsais. https: //au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/a/178743 58 /inquiry-into-prisons-culture / https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/lalest/a/19748727/drugs-crackdown-in-prisons/ 10 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 406 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 https://au.nows.yahoo.coni/lhewest/latest/an9799175/more-phones-found-in-prisons/ https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/latest/a/22488397/minister-happy-with-the-bad-nevvs/ https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/latest/a/19097797/prison-officers-to-face-drufi-lesting/ The Minister is going to get on the stand and we are going to have a discussion about that phone call in front of a jury. http://i5olatebutpreserve.blo gsp ot.com/20 14/10/mv-email-to-department-of -corrective.html http://isolatebutpreserve.blog s pot.com/2014/10/minister-contacted-me-good-result.html Raid on my homeless shelter room, end of October 2014. This Detective was professional. No problem with him. Why was he transferred? For being too honest? Video extract From Police Interview - Late October 2014 htt ps:/ /drive.g oo gle.com/file/d/0B05T-ILY9U6RcjFCV?.hjMnhvczg/view?usp=sharing THERE IS A TWO WEEK ADJOURNMENT TILL I FIND A NEW LAWYER I sacked Graeme Allen. He was clearly disinterested and briefed to hold the fort while the legal fraternity played their games. Would look at me with dead pan eyes from across his desk and (with his Apple IPhone recording in his top pocket) refuse to answer my question - "will you call the Minister to the stand?" I might just go and do it all myself. I've been watching episodes of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation comedy/drama "Rake". About a well meaning coke addicted Sydney lawyer and the corruption within police, politics and the legal fraternity. 1 thought it was a documentary filmed in Western Australia. I have been taking notes... 11 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 407 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 MITE NAUMOVSKY Shot six times - twice in the head, twice in testicles and twice in the back We still have the gigantic mass corruption case of the murder of Mite Naumovsky by Paul Nunzio Stagno and his hench woman Kovacs. The sacking of the DPP team and major crime squad over it. The abandoning of the first trial and letting a blatant assassination be turned into a manslaughter charge. It is a major national scandal • the media helped to cover it up. This is the DPP who want to give me a hard time? They disgust me. (Thanks Henry) 12 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 408 of 1018 THERE’S ALWAYS ONE SMARTY PANTS IN THE CROWD She was feeling pretty sexy in her little tights and G-String One last smirk - lets give her a little more blicity. Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 If you want to see how things really work? Watch the above series, "Rake". Sometimes, the only way to tell the truth, is through fiction. MEANWHILE, OUT THE FRONT OF THE PERTH DISTRICT COURT... FINAL WORD 13 of 14
    24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 409 of 1018 Report On Latest Court Appearance - January 22nd, 2016 IS THIS A RELATIVE OF SENIOR PROSECUTOR CARMEL BARBAGALLO? 14 of 14 24/9/2019,12:35 pm Page 410 of 1018 FOI REQUEST TO DEPARTENT OF CORRECTIVE SERVICES Government of Western Australia department ot Corrective Services Freedom of Information Application for access to documents [Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1992, s12] Applicant details O CONNELL Given Names: BRENDON LEE Date of Birth (Optone/) 27 10 70 Tit le: |Mr/Ms etc] MR <• Agents'Representative's Name (if applicable) Australian Postal Address: NO FIXED ADDRESS (boc@boc rocks) Postcode_ Contact Number 0423 288 078 Reference Number TOMS/OMS/CBS etc (Optional) Details of request Please tick 0 [3 Personal Documents (incurs no fees and will contain information pertinent to applicant only) I—| Mon-personal documents - (incurs $30.00 application and associated charges and may, subject to the Act i—l and/or consultation, contain information regarding third parties.) Describe clearly the documents you wish access to (include dates, location, subject matter or any other information which would help identify the document) Please specify actual documents rather than entire files Your reason for access (optional) may assist in the accurate capture of documents 1 COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS/STILL IMAGES/VIDEO AND VOICE RECORDINGS AND/OR OTHER FORMS OF STORED DATA RELATING TO THE FOLLOWING
  92. "ACCESS" - Prisoner Support/Complaint Service, ii) Office of the Minister of Corrective Services (WA), in) Office of the Commissioner of Corrective Sen/ices, iv) Other Department of Corrective Services Sub-Agencies
  94. The Assault against myself on 11 09 12 whilst in Unit 2 Casuarina Prison, ii) All footage of the assault from the surveillance devices pointed directly down the Unit wing in which the assault took place, in) All records relating to the above issue including (but not limited to) the current investigation/complamt lodged by me against Pnson Officer Liam Samuel CASHMAN handled by Investigating DCS Officers Paul MILWARD and Ken CUMMINGS 2 I seek the abovementioned matenals for the purpose of an investigation and assessment as to the merit of criminal and/or civil action against DCS and relevant associated Governmental Agencies Form of access Please tick 0 l w«sh to inspect the documents] Q Yes (3 No I recuire a copy of the document[s] 0 Yes [3 No Fees and charges - Non-Personal Applications A^ached >s a cheque/cash to the amount of $ — to cover the application fee I understand that before I obtain access to V menu i may be required to pay processing charges in respect of this application and that I will be supplied with a etatemeot of charges if appropriate I of ;i Page 411 of 1018 form if yoj consider ™ narges may apply - see section on fees and charges on the hack of on the back of thin entitled to a reduction submit a request with copies of documents that address the cnt on me oack of thx form and support your application for a fee redact,on eqiJ<?St,ng a reduct,on ln f ees and charges Q Yes No [Please tick appropriate box) Applicant s signature DATE • If i DATE ip.il IS 20IS if Applicant has not signed this form and an agent is acting on their behalf, a signed and dated statement of authority must be included with application Notes FOI Applications • Please provide sufficient information to enable the correct documents] to be identified • The Agency may request proof of your identify. • If you are seeking access to a documents] on behalf of another person the agency will require authorisation, usually in writing. • Your application will be dealt with as soon as practicable (and, in any case, within 45 days) after it is received • The Freedom of Information Act 1992 is available for purchase from the State Law Publisher 10 William Street Perth (telephone +61 8 9321 7688) • Further information can be obtained from the Manager, FOI Branch at the Department of Corrective Services (telephone +61 8 9264 1133) Forms of Access You can request access to documents by way of inspection, a copy of a document, a copy of an audio or video tape, a computer disk, a transcript of a recorded document or of words recorded in shorthand or encoded form. o r a wntten document in the case of a document from which words can be reproduced in written form //here the agency is unable to grant access in the form requested, access may be given in a different form Fees and Charges • ito fees applicable for access applications relating to personal information and amendment of personal information • No charges applicable for amendment of personal Information • A - application fee of $30 for other access applications [non-personal information] • No fees applicable for an internal or external review A fee of S 30 per hour of staff time for dealing with an application
  95. ' '/ocopies charged at the rate of 20 cents per copy • Ac* ja cost to the agency charged for postage special arrangements for access and for specialized access such ns reproductions and the like • A 2VA red ic’cm of charges for financially disadvantage applications or those in receipt of Health Benefits ' .vJgemont r,f Applications (</0 rv//<'i h / he lodged 9 m ar t 's •/ ■ Itym • »< 1 Page 412 of 1018 LEGAL AID REFUSAL TO FUND HIGH COURT A Legal aid Western Australia vot jr Kiii O’Connell Rni’LVTO PERTH 22 April 2015 OURREF I4W009097 reh.rtm Assessor on926 l 6246 .for l egal Ah! queries only Mr Brendon l.ec O'conndl NFA PERXII WA 6000 A|lS’ ( fft 11/ '*■ reirni INR)I.INK 1100 AW 579 Dear Mr O’connoll REQUESl FOR LEGAL REPRESENTATION REFUSED I ’"fortunately legal aid has been refused in relation to Other Offences - Crime, Other Offences Against Person. I his decision was made following your request for review. I egal aid has been refused for the following reason(s). I he Rev iew Committee considered your matter carefully but was of the view that the High Court is unlikely to give you leave to appeal. Under the terms of the Legal Aid Commission Act 1976 the decision of the Review Committee is final. Yours sincerely DIRECTOR Ol LEGAL AID ID ADG4 Page 413 of 1018 Page 414 of 1018 Page 415 of 1018 a <o OH <Q> m Q o =3 /UUi +iOAt> Lv 07 U/A /. ^T' H-t fcwf tA/b'G'G

    I Ajp A? 6?b(z A C6£ k pOctSfic IrliCOi noil n,i -fU Index (d boot U~ 2- o/mm,ik /nos} ctlLjOnf mci/cms <rf It 1 22f5 fiiMS —i/ M 7% b fjfiM !$) wSft/X tU pvihit pi kl'jO [fid public iMif&i . , W,7h ‘FfmjQM OF ZXPBeM^ iCpoMS MT me cm/ i //x U\p c oi fPciciltd/ificntto^ uU/bu'Mon, Pldl’M M' ■'bis ip /fp iU T(yiu/}bbots \ mbit -to MC lip Snefcf .Mr/On We id I rie mom lev Peek fill /&jmk(y\ — conduct (Me " c/i7 7 h s is. idtMiw 1 .. lepmtto^ to stcfio 8C'l? &t J it side i&islefiad x ejx txntppnL umkr on of (dcieJw O/ii puts jau. TIm jlw'i'i is tl<- wpo/iMtpoint ok tftoo •of 11 piuos' ccftvfift . Under pH-, !ti\ / s\e dop ofi oh. This MTV discusser m leA/Tp or

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  96. nucr/o 'IM finfP tic bfd^h Vtfim fiOf th,f ■> 1 - Ur k be(60/)M'\ t s iOu MU -Uj. : J uppc x . uQ' yuj CfOt-hi a Dif 1 \iff (Oi OrnOiAi v< f i/ i / j i f) \dd ff\0 'in r . . C/ i 0\v < h-Z sL (Ai'Jtfh f \ i/JPP t biffCfc v T j ■ \r/ t

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  97. p/pc G/f )/]/') Mod KtuM ■ Qi })/} i Of] idjP.fi / / f //, /A /) S\ -r- ///////// T could 1 ILO- n /yju ffljt f S , I r ,/ Lf MJ<L -Xf)OlA fU if lo \Mdtoei (M xj'), /fit hlH it XiVfill POLL . is c ore i oi6 rtx C 0C(tM to s iff op Cl mbU W /2fc 1 tfilblfid iOx and /VsS tOXbii iCfit Ion " Midrib, ilcfit/fiibb, IC/C ■ Mb toufiifcb U Q(QUP> i, ? fif/h/O iptfl ffif ftfify M Of 'om 01 X'X r - 1 - moc/ALo. dm OxIIqis OaQ\ qL Page 418 of 1018 Page 419 of 1018 2015 Page 420 of 1018 Page 421 of 1018 Page 422 of 1018 Index ...Timeline of events ... .|l| Back Ground to Case .../AJ A ly W riting On Israeli Intelligence Activity In Australia And Elsewhere . PI Leon Wende Collins Class Submarine and Other . . . Military/Civilian Contracts .//// f hinese C ompany Refused Australian Government Clearance .///// Sayanim Local dews Act as 'Helpers ' For Israeli Intelligence . fivj Prisoner X - "Sayanim " ./»'/ Israel's Non-Compliance With ‘Peace Process' Page 2. Page 3. Page 3. Page 6. Page 14. Page 22. Page 27. Page 32. Page 33./»•// Racism Within Israeli Society Page 34 . fviij Zionists Control United States Foreign and Domestic Policy Page 38. fviiij Jewish Founding of the Soviet State and Use Of Sayanims In Past Page 44. /ix/ Should All Jews Be Held Accountable? Page 47 Clear Western Australian Establishment Position To Stifle Knowledge In The . Public Interest (Jewish Racial and Religious Suprematism) Page 70. fCJ Media Reporting Page 74. /!)/ Resignation Of Nine News Director Adrian Beattie Page 76. flij Head Of Local State Counter Terrorism Interested In My Work Page 76. jFJ Israeli Ambassador Supports Complainant In Case Page 79.|2| Commentary on Racial Vilification Legislation Page 79.//!/ Former Chief Justice of New South Wales Comments On . Vilification Legislation Page 84./ B / Online Commentary - Bill Muehlenberg “The problems with . vilification legislation " Page 86. /CJ Sews Paper Article - "Hate gets fat chance " Page 86.//)/ Newspaper Article - Freedom of speech 'at risk ' Page 94. /£/ Y. taper Article- Roxon orders law rethink" Page 95... IF 1 d l ilification ’ Law Part of Police State? P;ige 96. /GJ Harford - ‘uite WA Racial Vilification Legislation Page 112. "So Far So Good: A ('ritu fill Federal Law Review ■ 'al Vilification Laws in Australia " Page 130. ./// Government Censorship Page 136. [3| Jews as a ‘Racial Group 1 Page 142. [Al Directions Hearing Comments Page 148.-. MM Stanley Keysets Comments At Trial Page 151.|C| Rabbi Dovid Freilich's Comments At Trial p a „ e |57 .|l)| Professor Andrew Markus's Comments At Trial Page 169...Ml Admissibility of F vidence- Prosecution Page 173.|5|55 > of Evidence - Defence l» agc i8i.|6| Accusing the Senior Prosec abruptly Colluding With

    the Local Jewis’ unity and the Nine network Page 183.I?l ‘ ' Contacting Expert Witnesses Page 187 .|8| Getting Ordinary Witnesses To Appear p ‘ 188 .J9] Matter May Be Taken Back To The Magistrates Court Pagc , 88 | l(l| Lawyer Stating lie Had Gone Over Trial Process „ IU(1 .Mil Sacking Lawyers Page | 9 , .|I2| Statement regarding Judge Running I rial j 9 j |13| DCJ Wisbey’s Comments At Trial & " Page 423 of 1018 MINISTER JOE FRANCIS AND MP DENNIS JENSEN - FRONT PAGE 7 tel- rtran idaytogo Australian i 16 701S Q thcwest

    150 BETTER HOMES & GIANT PLEA: LET ME COME HOME SPORT — BACKPAGE POLITICAL DOGFIGHT My German shepherd would be better MP than Lib colleague I F’W/l /«:■# •'f.'fn , f « thought Jo* Francis and R*x EXCLUSIVE ■ Gareth Parker State Political Editor \VA Corrective Service* Min ister Joe Francis has caused uproar in the hihcr.il Party niter he told a mooting of party members in Tangney that his German shepherd dog Rex would bo a better local member «h.«n Dennis Jensen. Sources told The West Austra¬ lian that Mr Francis, whoso Slate neat Jandakot partly owr- laps Tungney in Perth' south¬ ern suburbs, unleashed a fearsome spray on Monday night, telling Liberal members that Dr Jensen was a "disgrace - and they should replace him at preselection time Dr Jensen was not at the Tnngnoy divisional council meeting because he was In Can lior ra for parliamentary silt IngH Mr Francis told I he audience that he was not saying anything tie would not or had not said to Dr Jensen's face Mr Francis criticised Dr Jen ten’s fundraising performance, telling party member ihnt Tangney was the second safest Liberal seat in WA and tt should Iw competing with Curtin, held by Foreign NUiUster and deputy Liberal leader Julie IJishop. to raise the most money of any division to help pay for marginal seat campaigns. Mr Francis, along with WA Transport Minister Dean Nalder. had been invited to give an update of matters In his portfolio areas. He (lid so, then unloaded on Dr Jenson, idling Tangney members: "Find yourself a new candidate " it Is understood details of Mr Francis' spray were quickly relayed to Dr Jensen In Can- borra and the pair exchanged word* by text message The attack was witnessed by WA South Metropolitan MLCs Nick Golrmi and Simon O’Brien. Dr Jensen conflrtned yestor day that he had been told about the verbal assault but said he did not want to comment Sources said the Impetus for Mr Francis' spray was Dr Jensen's mow against Ibny Abbott in February in the first, failed challenge to the former ► CONTINUED P13 TH 8-23 Partly cloudy. Tomorrow: Sunny. 10-30. Yesterday: 12.9-20.6. VMM Weather details P88 Page 424 of 1018 EMAILTO M.P DENNIS JENSEN Then Senator Jensen was head of some sort of weapons over sight committee. His associate contacted me and I cannot find the email. Mr. JENSEN was regarded as one of the most highly qualified politicians in Australia with high level degrees in physics and metallurgy. Your Current Dis-indorsement Subject: Your Current Dis-indorsement From: Brendon O’Connell <[email protected]> Date: 3/4/2016,1:24 am To: [email protected] I find it interesting that Minister Joe Francis came after you two weeks after I made contact with your office - likening you to some sort of "dog". I have no idea what is going on. All I know is that I'm grateful you showed some support by indicating your interest in my case. On June 21st, Minister Joe Francis will be called to the stand to be asked questions about a 32 minute phone call he made to me. I sure hope he tells the truth when he puts his hand on the King James Bible. I find the whole affair distasteful. The Minister, btw, indicated he didn't care to much about my "israel stuff". I care about it, and it seems you do to. I wish you the best of luck. Regards, Brendon Reply Via CC: bocgboc.rocks lofl 19/9/2019,12:18 pm Page 425 of 1018 EMAIL TO LEGAL AID COMPLAINING ABOUT LAWYERS Brendon O'Connell - Complaints Against Lawyers - 16W006170 Subject: Brendon O'Connell - Complaints Against Lawyers - 16W006170 From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 12/9/2016,11:33 pm To: [email protected] CC: "Mischin, Minister" <[email protected]> I wish to make complaints against -
  98. Stephen Gabriel.
  99. Antony Eyers
  100. Simon Frietag Previous emails to Frietag are below. Legal Aid had previously asked me to formalise a complaint against Mr Antony Eyers. I refused to do so stating I had a complaint against every lawyer I had ever had starting with Rod Keeley in 2009.1 further added I simply wanted the case over so I could leave the country as soon as possible. It has become obvious that the court system is holding me to account for things that previous lawyers should have corrected and fixed from the beginning. With a commencement of the complaints process I will gather all emails and materials required. Many thanks, Brendon O'Connell -Forwarded Message- Subject:Fwd: Re: Simon Freitag - Appeal Date:Tue, 13 Sep 2016 14:04:59 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To:Simon Freitag <[email protected]> This is my third email to you regarding the appeal against my conviction for utilizing a carriage device to menace, threaten or cause offense. It is indisputable that Detective Vuleta tampered blatantly with the Exhibit A evidence. I l of 5 27/9/2019, 1:27 pm Page 426 of 1018 Brendon O'Connell - Complaints Against Lawyers - 16W006170 repeat to you that Judge Bowden was beside himself with anger when he realised the extent to which Detective Vuleta had tampered with the Facebook posts. The appeal was due months ago. You have never replied to me. Because of this endless delay, Chief Judge Sleight will be sentencing me with a conviction for "menacing" someone with a carriage device. This will add to his decision to jail me when the charge was a in fact a joke by inept and corrupt police who saw fit to tamper with evidence to get what they wanted - you have done nothing about this. I am extremely angry about it. I also want to make known to you that I am not happy with your legal representation at sentencing. Despite me handing to you a detailed sentencing submission it seems you did not take to much of it in. You told me over email that it would be better you put your own version in. I agreed to it with the hope of ending the debacle as soon as possible. But you failed on several basic fronts Simon -
  101. You failed to tell the judge the reason for the "threat". I had emailed the Minister because I felt my safety threatened and that of my family. It was an act of desperation. But you did not say that to Chief Judge Sleight. You told Chief Judge Sleight that I was merely "frustrated". Why did you do that when it was my clear instruction that I had grave and very real fears for my safety and that of my family from corrupt police and prison officers? It is admitted that I received a 32 minute phone call from Minister Joe Francis who told me he was more afraid of his own prison officers than he was of the bikies after he stopped their drugs getting into the jail.
  102. Much was made by senior prosecutor Thiering about my "late" plea of guilty. It is clear that for a year I had been trying to plead guilty. That is CLEAR from the emails and in fact it is also clear that Thiering had offered to take the matter back to the Magistrate court on a reduced charge of "threat to harm". It would seem lawyer Stephen Gabriel had made "no firm offer" to Mr Thiering. This is part of the reason why I sacked him. Antony Eyers then stated we should go to trial on the threat to kill when I told him I wanted to plead guilty. This was terrible advice and the reason Legal Aid wished to investigate Antony Eyers. NONE OF THIS HAS BEEN RAISED on the public record. You have not mentioned it.
  103. Much was made of the terrible stress poor Mr Cashman - friend of The Finks with his mate Senior prison officer Paul Jarrett sacked for hugging Troy Mercanti - was under when I had immediately posted a blog posting after the call with Minister Joe Francis saying I had had a good result and an investigation was going to take place. I gave this to you in my submission. That was important to mitigate any garbage that Cashman was quivering with fear under his bed. He was afraid of being investigated - he is not afraid of me. 2 of 5 27/9/2019, 1:27 pin Page 427 of 1018 Brendon O'Connell - Complaints Against Lawyers - 16W006170
  104. No mention of the fact that the "threat" was known of and spoken about directly to me by Minister Joe Francis himself. I was not raided and charged until three weeks later and ONLY because I refused to attend a meeting with DCS investigators. Two hours later I was raided. Why was this not raised at the sentencing? Pretty important dont you think?
  105. You made no effort to call me to your office before the sentencing to speak with me. Simon, its clear you want no part of this matter. Thats clear to me. I am not going to be stuffed into jail by your piss poor effort at sentencing. -Forwarded Message- Subject:Re: Simon Freitag - Appeal Date:Mon, 29 Aug 2016 07:44:53 +0800 FrormBrendon O'Connell <boc(« boc.rocks> To:Simon Freitag <sfreitag(g | wolffchambers.com.au> Will you be looking into the appeal? Judge John Bowden was apoplectic when he saw what detective Vuleta had done. With regards complaints against Antony Eyers, it was Legal Aid that sent me the forms for that, I never asked for them. So it indicated they thought he had acted inappropriately as well. Whatever. It is 5 months since the trial and two months since this last email. Detective Vuleta has acted incredibly corruptly and tampered with evidence in a major way. As Antony Eyers said, police had raided my house, taken all of my computers, forensically examined them and THEN, she had produced highly edited exhibit A evidence, given to her by the complainant via email? Simon, I cant let this go. I makes an utter mockery of the whole process. Press TV are sending a full crew in a few weeks to Perth. They are going to be asking questions to a whole lot of people about what is going on. Including ringing the office of 3 of 5 27/9/2019, 1:27 pin Page 428 of 1018 Brendon O'Connell - Complaints Against Lawyers - 16W006170 Minister Joe Francis. Simon, I am very tired and sick of all this. I feel nauseous every time I eat now. My tests for bowel cancer start September 6. Detective Justin Robinson and "Adam" came around a month ago begging for a cease fire. In return they would organise a meeting with the Perth Islamic Council via a detective Paini who had previously threatened me and lied under oath about it - he got promoted. Nothing happened with regards the meeting. When I emailed Dr Jnied myself they had a mosque firebombed the same night. They know I'm talking to notorious ex copper and private investigator Terrence McLemon who has several books on police corruption and talks with Loyed Reyney from time to time. I feel distinctly unsafe in this state. I have high levels of anxiety - so forgive an "tone" you pick up in the email. Simon, I just need a yes or no with regards the appeal and holding Vuleta to account. The whole court process is a mockery right now with what she did. If I do not keep asking you about this the court of appeal will ask why I have not followed things up. On 21/06/2016 8:29 AM, Simon Freitag wrote: I have not looked at the appeal matter yet and will let you know when I have. I agree that I need to look into it sooner rather than later. A couple of things though, if a lawyer does not agree that you have arguable case that is their opinion, it is not evidence of misconduct. Also talking about possible complaints against other lawyers could be misconstrued as intimidation so please leave that out of your correspondence with me. Simon Freitag Barrister Albert Wolff Chambers Level 7 33 Barrack St PERTH WA 6000 Phone: (08) 9218 9200 Fax: (08) 9218 9300 Mobile: 0417 911352 Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation 4 of 5 27/9/2019, 1:27 pin Page 429 of 1018 Brendon O'Connell - Complaints Against Lawyers - 16W006170 From: Brendon O'Connell r mailto:boc(3)boc.rocks ! Sent: Monday, 20 June 2016 5:25 PM To: Simon Freitag Subject: Simon Freitag - Appeal Simon. There is the matter of a WASCA appeal. The reason for my falling out with Anthony Eyers and why I'm in your office. The trial in question took place on the 21st of March - IND 1741/15. "Utilizing A Carriage Device To Menace Threaten Or Cause Offense." The Exhibit A evidence was grossly tampered with. Judge Bowden was apoplectic. Anthony Eyers stated, "Your honor, detective Vuleta raided this mans house, took his computers and conducted a forensic examination of them and then utilizes an email from the complainant to gather the evidence?" Anthony Eyers then went on to tell me after he had done his "research" that there was no hope of a successful appeal because I had signed off on the evidence Legal Aid even sent me the paperwork - un-requested by me - for a complaint against Anthony Eyers for misconduct. I refused to take part. I found it rather interesting that Legal Aid were so keen to go after him. I am worried the longer it is left, the easier it will be forgotten. The charge is minor but detective Elizabeth Vuleta must be held to account. B 5 of 5 27/9/2019, 1:27 pm Page 430 of 1018 INDICTMENT - MAKING A PRIVATE TELEPHONE CALL PUBLIC (OCTOBER 30™
  106. On the 5 th of September, 2014, I called the electorate office of the Australian foreign minister Julie BISHOP. I recorded the call on a video camera. The mobile phone was on speaker.
  107. I spoke with the minister's P/A, Tess Courtney RANDALL. I was polite at all times.
  108. I asked Ms. RANDALL if the minister's office had received my correspondence and if so, why I had I not received any reply, or acknowledgement from her office?
  109. I had specifically asked the minister to explain why it is the Australian government refused to rebuke the Israeli state for directly interfering in a sovereign nations legal process. It was an international incident and unique criminal contempt of court matter. There is no similar event anywhere in the world like it.
  110. I had noted in my correspondence to the minster that I was trying to get to the High Court and it was imperative that she state openly, to the Australian public, that Australia's legal system would not be manipulated by a foreign power. Especially one as powerful as Israel.
  111. Ms. RANDALL assured me they had received my email and had replied. I state to her that I never received that reply to both emails and letters I had sent on at least four occasions over several months.
  112. Ms RANDALL stated she would get back to me and we hung up. I state they will never get back to me and they never did - ever. Not once. Even 5 years later. Despite repeated calls and assurances I would be contacted.
  113. This matter (making a private telephone call public), was to be discontinued on agreement with then Senior Prosecutor David THIERING on entering a guilty plea to the "threat to kill" charge which would be reduced to a "threat to harm". This was because I had the DPP backed against a wall - threatening to call Minister Joe FRANCIS to the stand to repeat the statements to me that he was more scared of his own prison officers than the bikies after he stopped their drugs getting into the jail.
  114. The matter is well described in the letter titled, "Important Letter to Magistrate Woods and Police Prosecutor Crook'" . Contained on page 456 of this document. There is a current warrant for my arrest on this charge.
  115. A letter describing the criminal contempt of court charges that needed to be laid against the organisers of the August 2010 Friends of Israel Rally, is also highly instructive, and is reproduced in full on page 466 of this document. "Letter to Inspector Nick ANTICICH Demanding Charges be Laid for Criminal Contempt of Court Against Friends of Israel Rally Organisers".
  116. Video I was arrested for - https://mega.nz/#!wr5FDIYT!Wc3ADDZETnOYe7zRo4y3lr9oPPEBv3QN03lwvUNHq c END Page 431 of 1018 STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS BRIEF No llrirf ( up) MO 1122 3 WESTERN AUSTRALIA Pol in- SERVICE STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS ACCUSED: O'CQNNEI.I. Brendon l.ee. AGE: ADDRESS: 55 Central Avc, Mavlands WA 6051 ARRESTED AT: Mavlands TIME: 3:35 PM hate. DEFENCE COUNSEL: A video (aped interview was conducted with the accused by Interviewing Officer: SMIRK. M Del. Sen. Constable Video Interview Length: 65 minutes 44 30/10/2014 No: .1.0307 SUMMARY OF OFFENCE
  117. ACCUSED I OFFENCE: O’CONNELL Brcndon Lee Prohibition of publication or communication of private conversations or activities Section 9( I) Surveillance Devices Act 1998 REFERENCE NUMBER: 101014160010307 VICTIM 1: RANDALL Tess Courtney In January 2014 the accused was released from prison after being convicted and serving 3 years for racial vilification oltences. 1 lie oflences related to the on-line posting of a video and subsequent blog posts that were racial in nature. After his release from prison the accused created a blogging site entitled "Isolate But Preserve." On this site he up-loads video and written content containing his theories on police and judicial corruption and what he calls Jewish racial and religious supremacists On the 21st ot September 2014 the accused up-loaded a video on "Isolate But Preserve" of a private conversation, which took place on the 5th ol September 2014 between himself and a member of staff employed at the electoral office of the '^Honourable Julie BISHOP MP. Die call taker was unaware that the conversation was being recorded. The conversation related to an allegation by the accused that an event organised by the Friends of Israel, which was attended by numerous slate and lederal politicians and the Israeli Ambassador just prior to his first trial date in 2010 was an attempt by the Jew ish community to pervert the course of justice. On the 30th of October 2014 the accused was arrested on suspicion and his premises searched under the powers of Section 133 of the Criminal Investigation Act. I he accused was conveyed to Perth Police Station where he participated in a video record of interview, in which he admitted to uploading the video ol the conversation to his blog site. In explanation he slated that the conversation was in the public interest, the call taker worked in a public office and lie was ______Continued Next Page VJ .S MOATING OFFICER SMIRK, M fiTVl K JN/SQLAD Suniumr A Initial l-iqutw luiforccinciU Unit Rank l>ci. Sen ronsmhlc No Si uni it tire csartrai r/f d«i (nr AJVKOVAJ. Of I K J R 5 : ; J R VISIN', OFI K I R ___d U | C om’/ioi*! irrufy i)wi tin- .ipfiropfiau* charge/ have been preferred and dial ilicrc it luflicicnt evidence to «ti|i|M*ti die chiugc/t RAINJ. | 1 h i Si'lglMllt No •V uniann A Initial MU KUt, (' Signature 1 >1 1 St II Suic. Ill) No 'ntnuimr A Initial Slgnum/e Page 432 of 1018 rdgL z BRIEF No: 1301122-3 STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS ---(CONTINUED) SUMMARY OF OFFENCE frying to embarrass the Minister. 3 Page 433 of 1018 UNIFIED WTNESS LIST D (/> J} Ef* ? " ft'i- WWT) <5 « * 3 < O Si 3 o CO T1 ? < 3 O CD t; d m 0 2 0 m § o i -< Qj 3
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7 J O (/> m o c u O m O 5 m m I o i S cn (/> m in O *u •< T» ) Page 434 of 1018 TESS COURTNEY RANDALL POLICE STATEMENT jm Tess Courtney RANDALL STATES

  1. 1 am 25 years old and currently reside at an address known to police.
  2. 1 am employed full time by the Federal Government as an Electorate Officer to the Australian Minister for Foreign \ Affairs, the Honorable Julie BISHOP.
  3. My office is located at 414 Rockeby Road, Subiaco.
  4. 1 have been attached to this office since January 2014.
  5. 1 have a Degree in Arts majoring in Politics and Italian. •
  6. Prior to my appointment with Minister BISHOP, 1 have severed in various Member of Parliaments offices over the last 7 years.
  7. On Friday 5 lh September 2014 1 was sitting at my colleague's desk.
  8. Sometime after midday but before five o'clock in the afternoon, the telephone rang and 1 answered it.
  9. The main telephone number for the office is 9388 0288. T CL | $ lol'101*4 L\ OWp<v. otteawt f v RS 1 cc^Tf i ?V~L? IS 0< Pago 1 of 3 Page 435 of 1018 • Statement of Tess Courtney RANDALL continued.
  10. A male spoke to me and introduced himself.
  11. He had an Australian accent and sounded like he was in his 40’s.
  12. He did not have a speech impediment.
  13. 1 listened to the male as he spoke about an issue he was having with his court case.
  14. The male did not disclose that the phone call was being recorded.
  15. The male did not ask for my permission to record the call.
  16. The male did not ask for my permission to publish the phone call during the conversation or any time after the conversation.
  17. The first time 1 became aware of the phone call being published on the internet was when my colleague, Stephanie VANICEK (VANICEK) told me that it was on a website.
  18. VANICEK is the Electorate Media Officer for Minister BISHOP and works in my office.
  19. VANICEK has a Google Alerts on the words "Julie" and "Bishop.” ? rs)iob Page 2 of 3 /y oero<U# oUf U • o (/fVV' Page 436 of 1018 POLICE EVIDENCE LIST Page 6 Page_ of Scrolling screen capture of blog posted on 21 September 2014. Idle Video capture of blog posted on 21 September 2014. TL -2014 9- lOSt 21 Si 0 14-10-2014 9-29-19 AM - post 21 sepscrc 14-10-2014 9-32-45 AM - post 21 sep vide CRI Hr'" 3 nr""' 10 a , Vide ° Which is loca,ed in Y °“Tube website with the following L kl http.//ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=-pMnuwZ9shM Th^foMowing is the screen capture of YouTube site containing the video C | www.youlubt qyn YoufTTTO Brendon O'Connell- Ringing the office of Australian Foreign Minister - Julie Bishop ► 4 •» I Ringing Australian Foreign Ministers Office Brendon O'Connell •v < YouTube Tide Published on 21 Sep 2014 0,1 ^f 10 SeplenOet I rang the ottce of Forwgn Met«s«r Juft* Bubop I asked rf ihey had reoeved my * «Mch trey had but I had never receded a reply bom Orem Thais no surprise My commumcaboni on GOOGlE servers i GMAIL i are atarays interfered wth ff be mowig everything of! everytfwyg google Captures File ( lick on the following object for a larger image of the above screen capture. 0 14-10-2014 9-39-25 AM - youtube ringing Video "Ringing the Australian Foreign Ministers Office” 0 Ringing Australian Foreign Ministers Offl Scrolling screen capture of YouTube website containing video “Ringing Australian Foreign Ministers Office” and comments. C % 14-10-2014 9-40-22 AM - youtube ringing PRIVACY ANDCONFIDKNIlAI m SO MCI TW tat tte» ripurl b luteudad lor I'ulUt mm ll . onlalnt privileged and .nnfliknliel iiiforiiMUoii fur law cufurtrinent purpm*' If you err Mid an Inlended ml pit ul. • <m mmpM mx <up* tUurthuu •« mmy artiun In re4aliu« In ll If llu maUrul U uml fur other than Immm fide law cnfurveinenl |mii|n>w . am pctMMi »bu ynun« >up« w> l " trumiu drmxiMiiin or advtrttar nmy lie guilit nf art offerer undfi lire ( rtminaU ode or Uvf tauilli allot* il’iililimiinii. Hltut and t nM«|iuler Oaiurat

    Ijifoneimul Ail IVWi Page 437 of 1018 Page ') «l Pago m Issi 1 3 Hl .oc; “ISOLATE HUT PRESERVE” POST “EMAIL TO FOREIGN

    Minister Julie Bishop”

    Cnn"'Squ ;!) dC,a,led identified b > First class Constable PATTULA of the Computer The following information was obtained from the URL http://isolatebutpreservc.blogspot.com.au 1 Ins website is a weblog name “Isolate but preserved”. The posts on this blog are publically available, a username and password is not required to view the posts. The following is a post posted on the 10 October 2014 titled “Email To Foreign Minister Julie Bishop This post contains text, images and hyperlinks. L= £

    - C | tsolatebutpreservebk Blog Web address TtaPU$y3vfiftf?serve Email To Foreign Minister Julie Bishop 1 1 r ' av<? 00 "W ,ir to «ot government departments BUT I urge people to keep wrtjvgi when i sa> *no J more t*ne to waste' I mean that me w* see sense R is not going to happen AsavervwisenvwsawtofT* seme Hr-, ago - tney m I ueter stop Breooon You must r*t men rwa contnuousty un& they are &ood> and ymg on me /too- oegg .ng for mercy Tnese types of people never aama tney are wrong or ap&agse Get read) to r-gnt tor yean i thought he was oemg metodramate But «s true Here is my email to Foreign master Juke Bishop - 1st September 2014 - Biog date Master it nas oeen made <nown to me tnat you &e wen aware of my case Captures File Click on the following object for a larger image of the above screen capture. 0 1 14-10-2014 9-58-07 AM - post 10 oct pt 2 PRIVACY ANII<'ONHDFNIIAl 111 SO IK I »• ttd>m i— rf i w l» Urn uywI to iMUndarJ for Puffer uv li owlaim prtolUfiil uml ti.nfWicnliul toifur malion fur law nbrMMHl |iur|M»r*. II »<«i •»» »«l •« l»l»«*lw | m <!•'• •». !«• —- - m* o+i •Uuni.uu lak* mtty arUoulu relalion li<il If Um nulirUI to uml for uUiti Ilian Inina flito law rnfoirrinrol |nii|N>w . an) |«*in »•••' I . ■ • t "

    ■a*. dooxniratoibi aftoertto* iua> I* guilt i of iiimIIcim* under III* Criminal f 'oil* or Itw f iMUfkwIlorw iPublUallom, I llni* nwM «m|»utoi • • •••* I nfortcMMiil \«l IVW» Page 438 of 1018 POLICE PROSECUTOR BEHAVIOUR - TRANSCRIPT FEBRUARY 29, 2016 MAGISTRATES COURT Important statements present in transcript to do with attitude of police prosecutor and lengths the WA establishment were going to delay the court proceedings to avoid publicity. ™Copyright in this document is reserved to the State of Western Australia. Reproduction of this document (or part thereof, in any format) except with the prior written consent of the Attorney General is prohibited. Please note that under section 43 of the Copyright Act 1968 copyright is not infringed by anything reproduced for the purposes of a judicial proceeding or of a report of a judicial proceeding. THE MAGISTRATES COURT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA CRIMINAL PE 110476 of 2014 WESTERN AUSTRALIA POLICE and BRENDON LEE 0'CONNELL MAGISTRATE L. ATKINS TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS AT PERTH ON MONDAY, 29 FEBRUARY 2016, AT 11.06 AM MR M. CROOK appeared for the prosecution. MR B.L. O'CONNELL appeared in person. 29/2/16 1 Page 439 of 1018 LAG MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 JSO: Calling the matter of O'Connell: Brendon Lee O'Connell. HER HONOUR: You are Brendan Lee O'Connell. Judge Atkins is refering to the six police who had arrived in the ACCUSED: Yes your Honour gallery of the court. I was by myself. One had uttered to the other.

    "I’m here for the sho w.“ previously. Judge Atkins was clearly aware HER HONOUR: Thank you, Mr O'Connell. Are these witnesses in this matter? ...of what was going on. WA police are to stupid to realise how it ACCUSED: No, your Honour. looks for an accused to be surrounded by police in a court with no one else present. HER HONOUR: All right. Mr O'Connell, if you can stand again for me. (indistinct) matter before the court, 25 September 2014, Maylands, not being person subject to section 9(2) of Surveillance Devices Act 1998, (indistinct) published a private conversation that came to your knowledge of a direct result of a listening device. You (indistinct) substantial plea of not guilty in relation to that matter. Do you maintain that plea? ACCUSED: Yes. I do, your Honour. HER HONOUR: All right. Take a seat for me (indistinct) Are the prosecution in a position to plead to hearing today? CROOK, MR: We are, your Honour. You might note - sorry. Crook for the prosecution. You might note that there has been a concession by the accused in relation to a statement being read in and I will move onto that matter later. HER HONOUR: All right. Well, if we're ready to go to trial I would just like to (indistinct) Mr O'Connell. I will come back to you for any opening. All right. CROOK, MR: Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate that. HER HONOUR: Remain seated for me a moment. I will just a talk with you about the process. Now, have you taken legal advice in relation to this charge? ACCUSED: No, your Honour. I went to the community - the community place and they said we don't really deal in matters like this. And I said, "Well, what do you deal with?" And they said, "We don't really give much advice on stuff like that." I said, well - - - HER HONOUR: All right. Did you go to Legal Aid? Did you go to (indistinct). 29/2/16 2 11.06 CROOK, MR Page 440 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 LAG ACCUSED: They said they won't handle a Magistrates Court matter. HER HONOUR: Legal Aid would give you general legal advice if you have a legal advice appointment with them. ACCUSED: No. I didn't know that, your Honour. HER HONOUR: (indistinct). ACCUSED: Sorry. I didn't know that. HER HONOUR: All right. So you've taken no legal advice in relation to this charge: is that correct? ACCUSED : No. No. HER HONOUR: All right. Do you understand what it is you're said to have done? ACCUSED: Yes. HER HONOUR: All right, then. Now, okay. Now, please be seated because I'm just going to go through the process. I don't know anything about you, Mr O'Connell. I don't know whether you have (indistinct) or not. I'm not concerned with that at the moment. What I'm concerned with is that you understand the process we have to go through today. You're here for a trial. You've maintained a plea of not guilty. What will happen first is that Senior Constable will give an opening statement in relation to the charge. The opening statement sets out for me what it is the prosecution are going to seek to prove because I know nothing about this except the wording of the charge and what the Senior has just said about some concession. So I know nothing. So the senior tells me what the prosecution case is: that's an opening statement. You then have the opportunity if you wish to make your own opening statement setting out what it is that you would put by way of evidence if you choose to give evidence. After the closing statements are made the prosecution will then call witnesses. Each witness is called, sworn in and sits in that seat just there. The senior will take the witness through the evidence by asking questions. When the senior has finished asking questions it is then your opportunity to cross-examine. By cross-examining I mean you ask questions putting your side of what happened. We're talking about some kind of conversation here. 29/2/16 3 11.06 Page 441 of 1018 LAG MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 So say for example - because I don't know what it was
  20. so say for example the conversation took place in a private room according to the prosecution but you know you were in a cafe bar, you will say to the witness, "Well, you're mistaken, aren't you, because in fact the conversation took place in a cafe bar, not in a private room." That kind of question. What you would be doing is basically putting your side of what happened in question format so that the witness can answer what you say occurred. Does that make sense to you? Now, if the witness says something you don't agree with but you don't question that witness on that item you don't agree with I will take that as you accepting what has just been said. So if there's something you don't agree with you need to ask questions about it, is that clear? When you have finished cross-examining on everything that you want to ask then the senior may do what we call re¬ examine. By re-examining then he will ask questions arising out of your questioning and that's the end of that first witness. We do the same for each witness until the conclusion of the prosecution facts. When the prosecution has finished calling all their witnesses it's then your opportunity if you wish to give evidence. You do not have to evidence. It is your choice as to whether or not you do. If you choose to give evidence then you go into the witness box, you are sworn, you tell me what evidence you want to give - I will write everything down because that's how I do it - and then the prosecutor has the opportunity to cross-examine you on your evidence and put the prosecution case to you so that you can answer questions. When the senior has finished asking questions in cross-examination you can then say anything arising out of his questioning and then that will be the end of your evidence. And if you have any witnesses you wish to call, they go through the same process. Do you have (indistinct)? ACCUSED: No, your Honour. HER HONOUR: No. Okay. So if you choose to give evidence that will be the end of your case. Yes. All right. When the matter's finished, prosecution then give what is called a closing statement and in that closing statement they bring together any strands of evidence that they say proves the charge beyond reasonable doubt and then you have the final word and you tell me why you say that the charge is not proved beyond reasonable doubt. And then I have to 29/2/16 4 11.06 Page 442 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 LAG decide whether I acquit or convict on the charge and hopefully we can get all that done today and it should be finished today. Does all that make sense to you? ACCUSED: Yes, your Honour. HER HONOUR: Do you have any questions? ACCUSED: Your Honour, there's quite an extensive background. I mean, my defence is based around public interest and protecting of my lawful interests of the person. HER HONOUR : Okay. ACCUSED: But what I'm saying is I have - there's an extensive background. I need to be able to play material and even go online on my laptop and display it. I think currently we're having major difficulties with getting stuff to work. HER HONOUR: Well, there would also be the question of admissibility (indistinct) in this matter. I don't know what they are so each time that you're going to be seeking to do that I will have to look at the admissibility or otherwise of those items that you're seeking to produce. ACCUSED: Well, things such as the Israeli Ambassador called themselves in the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, the Foreign Minister Steven Smith, a vast section of the WA and Federal political class attended a rally a week before my original trial. Now, that's a pretty big issue. The Israeli State I write about is - - - HER HONOUR: Well, I'm concerned with a private conversation. ACCUSED: Yes, but it's regarding the - for the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication. This was the Foreign Minister's office. HER HONOUR: All right. I'm going to stop you there. It sounds like you're sort of making an opening statement. Unless of course you're seeking to adjourn on the basis that you can't get the machinery to work (indistinct). ACCUSED: Well, can we have an adjournment until - and I can come in on another day and make sure everything's working? 29/2/16 5 11.06 Page 443 of 1018 LAG MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 HER HONOUR: Well, that's all well and good but this matter has been listed since - - - ACCUSED: I agree, your Honour. HER HONOUR: - - - 14 December. It was listed for today. You were present. ACCUSED: Yes. HER HONOUR: And I think that is the only time. But we're going back to 20 November 2014. So this is going back a long way just to suddenly find that you have difficulties now - - - ACCUSED: Well, your Honour, I had - - - HER HONOUR: - - - in relation to items that should have been downloaded into a format that could have been properly used in this court. ACCUSED: I was unfamiliar with the process, your Honour. I - X went to Legal Aid and see them. They said, "We can't help you." They never said, "We can give you some advice." I just imagined it is the 2016, the court would have facilities. HER HONOUR: The court does have certain facilities but this matter is up for you to organise yourself prior to trial. Now, what - you are seeking to play a disc that won't play, is that right? (indistinct). ACCUSED: Well, that's just the offending video but I believe you have - you have another one that works? CROOK, MR: Your Honour, if I can assist. Yes. The short answer is yes. I believe we have a DVD compatible disc that shows part of the prosecution case which is probably a conversion from what the accused has received in disclosure. Being aware of this we've had one prepared. HER HONOUR: So - all right. Thank you. So the other information you're looking to produce, Mr O'Connell, is something (indistinct) is that right? ACCUSED: I have it on my hard drive, your Honour. HER HONOUR: All right. Well, there's question marks over the admissibility of that information. I don't know what it is of yet. What I suggest we do is this, Mr O'Connell: I will hear from the prosecution in relation to the 29/2/16 6 11.06 CROOK, MR Page 444 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 LAG question of whether or not there ought to be consent but as I say this was listed on 14 December. It has been ongoing since 2014 - November 2014 - so it has been going for over a year so far. ACCUSED: Well, your Honour, this was actually - with including other charges in the District Court I had an agreement with Senior Prosecutor David Thiering to plead guilty to a threat to harm and all other matters would be dropped. Carmel Barbagallo - I believe she was chased out of Victoria - came in and said no deal and said, "We're going to insist on a jail term," so I had to call off that deal so, your Honour, I have done everything to expedite this process. It has been the WA Police who have behaved utterly disgracefully. HER HONOUR: I'm not accepting that, Mr O'Connell, and you're not addressing me in that way. ACCUSED: Well, forgive me, your Honour. Okay. HER HONOUR: No, Mr O'Connell. Now, the other information that you're looking to produce sounds like it may or may not be admissible at this stage and I'm going to ask the prosecution whether they've seen it. I, of course, don't know anything about it. So have you seen this information or whatever that Mr O'Connell has seen? CROOK, MR: No. No, your Honour. The only information I have is that the disc that shows the accused doing what we say is the heart of the charge. It's a 27 minute blog. I think that's the correct term. ACCUSED: I can assist, your Honour. CROOK, MR: So in relation to anything the accused - anything else the accused wishes to produce, no, I haven't seen it and I will have to be guided by you as to whether or not you will allow it to be produced in the sense of - even displayed and then I will have to look at the admissibility of it. But I suggest there will be question marks over it all. HER HONOUR: Well, it sounds like (indistinct) question marks in at the moment but - - - ACCUSED: Could I - - - HER HONOUR: - - - Mr O'Connell. Yes. (indistinct) please. 29/2/16 7 11.06 CROOK, MR Page 445 of 1018 LAG MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 ACCUSED: Sorry. Look. The case is pretty crazy. Now, when X - just to let you know - the video was me very politely asking the Foreign Minister needed to rebuke the Israeli Ambassador and the Israeli State from interfering directly in my case. This is a fact. It sounds crazy. I have the video of them all at the Friends of Israel rally and I have the webpage saying, "We have organised this rally in direct response to Brendan O'Connell." It's the biggest criminal contempt of court case in history. It's massive. Now, I need to show you that so you can go, "My God, so that's why you're protecting your lawful interests." I'm scared for my safety, your Honour. Never in the history of the planet has a foreign nation directly interfered in another country's legal process so blatantly. HER HONOUR: That's got - I don't see that that has any relevance to the private conversation that came to your knowledge as a direct result of a listening device. ACCUSED: Well, under the legislations that - - - HER HONOUR: (indistinct) published it. ACCUSED: For the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication or communication - me - where the person making the publication or communication believes on reasonable grounds that it was necessary to make the publication or communication in connection with an imminent threat of serious violence to persons or of substantial damage to property or subsection (2) only provides a defence if the publication or communication is not more than is reasonable necessary and two, in the public interest for the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication or communication. HER HONOUR: All right. Well, that is to do with your personal knowledge and (indistinct) I don't know what you believe at the time. I hear what you say about subsequent acts by another organisation. Those are subsequent acts. I'm concerned with 21 September 2014 - - - ACCUSED: Yes, well that's - - - HER HONOUR: - - - and your actions on that day. ACCUSED: No. But these acts were committed in August
  21. That was when the Israeli Ambassador turned up. This is the background to my intent: what I was doing and my lawful interests and the public interests. It's a 29/2/16 8 11.06 Page 446 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 LAG massive case, your Honour. Four Corners - Matthew Carney - were coming to interview me. I was interviewed by Iran Press TV. HER HONOUR: Well, I'm not concerned with any interviews. I'm concerned with the criminal charge that I have to deal with today. ACCUSED: Well, how can I - how can I give - - - HER HONOUR: Now, in relation to these questions of these information that you wish to produce, you've not put it onto a format that can be produced easily in this court and that is what you seek to rely on to support the public interest element of your defence to the charge: is that correct? ACCUSED: That's correct. HER HONOUR: All right. And you say this dates back to 2010, this public interest issue. ACCUSED: Yes, your Honour. In fact, Inspector Barry Shelton invited me out for lunch - that's the head of counter-terrorism - and said, "We all respect your work." HER HONOUR: I'm not concerned with who has invited you out to lunch and I'm not concerned with any names (indistinct). ACCUSED: Well, that's why the Israeli Ambassador turned up. I write about his rally high-technology contracts for the military in civilian sector. I know the police want to run around and call me delusional or mentally ill. That's why I'm so angry, your Honour. Particularly with the somehow I sent a - there was no threatening email, your Honour. It's a fiction. It doesn't exist. HER HONOUR: That (indistinct) but I'm concerned with publishing your private conversation whatever that is. Now, as far as your information is concerned I think what we will have to do - take a seat for me a moment. Senior, I think what we're going to have to do is look at one of (indistinct) when the time arises and decide then whether or not what Mr O'Connell has is going to be admissible under the Evidence Act which is a thing that can only be determined once the item is actually (indistinct) produced. It appears at the moment that there are problems with the admissibility but I think that at the moment I can't make any proper ruling in relation to it unless and until that is viewed when we get to the defence side. 29/2/16 9 11.06 Page 447 of 1018 LAG MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 CROOK, MR: Yes, ma'am. Ma'am, can I just say the prosecution case is very simple. Really, it relied on the 27 minute video and very little else but I'm worried that although we have the rest of the day that this matter potentially may go part-heard depending on how far this accused pushes the envelope in relation to his supporting material. HER HONOUR: Well, if it goes part-heard, you're coming down to (indistinct) him because that's where I sit and so will you. So you have a choice. CROOK, MR: Yes, ma'am. Ma'am, I'm just concerned that that will be a problem we have to face later in the piece. HER HONOUR: It's only 40 minutes down the road. It's not far. ACCUSED: Your Honour, I - I don't have a single cent. I think I had three dollars on my card. I live in a homeless shelter. They take, literally, all my money. HER HONOUR: Well, if it goes part-heard - - - ACCUSED: I couldn't even afford to get a disc. HER HONOUR: If it goes part-heard then that's where it has to be heard because that's where I sit normally. Now, do you want the opportunity to have a brief discussion with Mr O'Connell about this - of the evidence because if it is the case that I can't conclude this in a day and if Mr O'Connell does have serious problems financially - I'm not sure how much it costs but it probably costs more than three dollars to get on a train down to Rockingham. CROOK, MR: Yes, ma'am. With the - - - HER HONOUR: (indistinct). CROOK, MR: With the greatest respect to you I decline the offer to speak to the accused where it's not being recorded. HER HONOUR: Okay. Well, thank you. CROOK, MR : Thank you. HER HONOUR: My problem then of course is, Mr O'Connell, and we seem to be going around in circles somewhat, is that if you say you have evidence in your defence that you 29/2/16 11.21 CROOK, MR 10 Page 448 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 LAG regard as admissible or by - under the Evidence Act might not be admissible but you cannot produce today because the court facilities don't enable you to then of course I have the problem in that you - it could be seen that you could not properly defend yourself in relation to a public interest element of the charge. So I think I'm in a bit of a catch 22 situation here. If you can't produce what it is you say supports your public interest issue and I can't then determine whether or not it's admissible then I don't see how we can proceed today. ACCUSED: Could I assist? Does the court have a blank DVD. I could burn it right now. I'm just trying to assist, your Honour. HER HONOUR: No. Because this is, as I say, this has been ready - well, should have been ready some time and it was expected today the matter would proceed to hearing. You would have no doubt - way back in 2014 - be told to get legal advice. So we still have this ongoing issue of - just be seated at the moment - because whilst I am keen this matter proceed I am also keen to ensure that justice is done and seen to be done so that you have to be satisfied that if there is admissible - if there is admissible information that you wish to present in relation to the matter as part of your defence although you do not have a burden of proof in this matter then you have to have the opportunity to do that. So I really am between the devil and the deep blue sea. CROOK, MR: Yes, ma'am. I agree. And - yes. HER HONOUR: So really from what I'm being told - please be seated at the moment - what I'm being told, this has to go to another date so that Mr O'Connell can look at producing hard copy of whatever it is he's referring to and then there may need to be a voir dire which is a trial within a trial to decide whether or not that is admissible before it goes to a formal trial. And we can't do that today because we don't have anything in hard copy. So I'm going to come right down to it. I think we're going to have to go off to another date. CROOK, MR: Your Honour, I agree entirely. And the only thing I would ask in addition to that is that I would seek a formal order for disclosure of any material the accused intends to produce at trial. HER HONOUR : Okay. 29/2/16 11 11.21 CROOK, MR Page 449 of 1018 JAB MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 CROOK, MR: I realise this is not a strictly - strictly speaking, a disclosable matter. HER HONOUR : No. CROOK, MR: But I would ask for that order. HER HONOUR: All right. ACCUSED: Your Honour, I'm happy to disclose to the police. I have no problem with that. I'm happy to disclose. HER HONOUR: Well, Mr O'Connell, if I go off to another date, it's very much in your interest to get some legal advice. Now, I know what you said about the Legal - Community Legal Centre not helping you. Legal Aid does have a legal advice appointment system - well, it used to when I used to work for them which was a few years ago now
  22. and they may be able to give you the information that you

    need to be sure that what you are trying to produce is actually admissible. Because I am not convinced that what you're telling me were to be admissible in any trial. But I can't make that determination today. So what we're going to have to do is this will have to go again to a trial allocation date because is it's - (indistinct) for a day. CROOK, MR: Well, ma'am, I'm worried that - I think if we're putting it off and there's potential for voir dire and disclosure of x from the accused in relation to materials, it may be better off we go to a mention only date so we can get an approximate idea of how long the accused material will run and then we can decide whether or not we need to go to a trial location date. HER HONOUR: Okay. And did you say also that there was some concession made. CROOK, MR: Yes, ma'am. In relation to one statement. I think there's a note in the prosecution notice now about one statement by Ms Randall being read onto the transcript. HER HONOUR: That hasn't come through onto mine, but it may be that it has been transferred from another court so it hasn't - - - CROOK, MR: It has been, ma'am. It will be a recent addition. 29/2/16 12 11.26 CROOK, MR Page 450 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 JAB HER HONOUR: Yes. It doesn't appear on what I've got in front of me. ACCUSED: Your Honour, under Chief Magistrate Heath, I suggested this months ago that Tess Courtney Randall had - there was no need for her to appear, And I was happy for that to be read into the record. So just to show that I've been very cooperative and probably cognisant of the fact that she may well be very nervous from a case that's being pushed by the WA Police. HER HONOUR: It's not a case of being pushed. The prosecution is required to pursue the charges that are put. It's not a case that's being pushed. So what I'm going to do then, if I look for a future date for a mention, how long would it take you to download into hard copy whatever it is you're going to rely upon. ACCUSED: Your Honour, if I had a blank disc and some money to buy some blank discs I could burn this in 15 minutes. HER HONOUR: Right. Well, are you on Newstart then? ACCUSED: I am, your Honour. But it's just at the homeless shelter they take - they supply food and they take literally everything, and then by the time I pay for a bus beep thing and my phone, I literally having nothing left. I can - I will just borrow some money. I will just get it done. HER HONOUR: Well, if I remand for four weeks, two weeks - four weeks. Maybe four weeks because it has to be considered, I would think, by the prosecution. You can sit down for a moment. ACCUSED: Yes, ma'am. Four weeks would, I think, be a wise date. And I would ask that you create a return date for that material within two weeks. That way I have two weeks to review - - - HER HONOUR: Are you retaining the case then, senior. CROOK, MR: Invariably, ma'am. I will. HER HONOUR: So can you serve all the documentation, etcetera upon Senior Constable Crook in 14 days. Is that sufficient time? ACCUSED: Yes. Certainly, your Honour. Yes. 29/2/16 13 11.26 CROOK, MR Page 451 of 1018 JAB MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 CROOK, MR: serves it. Ma'am, the only question is where the accused I'm happy that he serves it - or delivers it to the court, and if it's made available to me then through the registry. HER HONOUR : There's no way that - do you not have a reception at (indistinct) CROOK, MR: We have, ma'am. Or - - - HER HONOUR: I'm just concerned that this is a very, very large court. CROOK, MR: Yes, ma'am. HER HONOUR: And I would not want for it to go into the registry and be placed somewhere where it could not be easily found for you. CROOK, MR: Thank you, ma'am. I'm happy to put on the record the service address now. HER HONOUR: address. All right, then. Could you give a service CROOK, MR: The service address - I will just wait till the accused has some writing material. It's level 3, 16 St Georges Terrace, Perth. HER HONOUR : Okay. CROOK, MR: And level 3 is completely police prosecutions, and we have a reception counter that's open 8 till - 8.30 till 5. Thank you. ACCUSED: Sorry. What do I mark that as to. CROOK, MR: (indistinct) if it's just marked attention Senior Constable Crook. Something identifying it's from Mr O'Connell. I'm sure I will recognise it. HER HONOUR: So four weeks is the - one, two, three, four. Well, that's actually Easter Monday so if I make it Easter Tuesday, 29 March. Is that a convenient date for a return for mention. CROOK, MR: on the tail leave until Actually, I'm sorry, ma'am. It's not. That's end of my leave. I think I don't get back from about early March. Sorry. April. HER HONOUR: Okay. When in April do you return, Senior? 29/2/16 11.26 14 CROOK, MR Page 452 of 1018 JAB MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 CROOK, MR: Ma'am, I've got a sneaking suspicion it's the 1 st of the 2 nd . Is that a weekend? The 1 st - yes. It is. HER HONOUR: Yes. 1 st is a Friday. 2 nd is a Saturday. So if I made it the 4 th - the Monday. CROOK, MR : Thank you, ma'am. HER HONOUR: Is that a convenient date? ACCUSED: Sorry, your Honour. HER HONOUR: 4 April for the mention. ACCUSED: Sure, your Honour. Yes. That's (indistinct) HER HONOUR: Okay. Stay with me. I need to just put into the system what we've just been talking about so please take a seat a moment. All right. If you could now, please, Mr O'Connell. I would say it's important that, if you have a defence, that you have the opportunity to put forward what you will, provided it is admissible. And it's essential that you realise that you've had the opportunity to properly defend yourself in relation to the charge. And so in the light of that, and in view of what you said about a public interest defence, I will adjourn the charge to 4 April. That's to be mention only at this stage, and I note that you are ordered to serve any evidence that you have in hard copy on the prosecution by 21 March which is two weeks today, so that Senior Constable Crook can have a good look at that. And then on the next date I've noted that there will need to be a decision whether or not there needs to be a voir dire which is a trial within a trial to decide upon the admissibility of the information or evidence that you've referred to. Because, as I say, at the moment I'm not convinced that that would be admissible in any trial, but that needs to be thrashed out at a subsequent hearing. Once you have served that evidence in hard copy on the senior constable it's then two weeks later, 4 April, the matter will be mentioned in court and a decision can then be made whether or not it just goes straight to a hearing or whether there's going to be a sort of a preliminary hearing and then a hearing in relation to that evidence you referred to. I've also noted on the system that Ms Randall's statement is to be read in by consent when the matter is relisted for hearing. Does all that make sense to you? 29/2/16 11.26 CROOK, MR 15 Page 453 of 1018 JAB MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 ACCUSED: Yes, your Honour. Thank you, your Honour. HER HONOUR: And there is bail without condition, so you're bailed to attend again on 4 April and (indistinct) it's for mention only. All right. ACCUSED: Thank you, your Honour. HER HONOUR there will Make sure you turn up because if you don't be a warrant for your arrest. CROOK, MR: Your Honour, there's only one slight grounds I would ask you to oblige me in relation to that. I've just checked my leave dates and I'm on leave from 19 March to 1 April. So the return date on the 21 st means that I personally will have no time. HER HONOUR Of course. CROOK, MR: Would you please consider making the return date a week earlier? I know it only gives the accused a week, but it gives him a week to produce it and me a week to go over it. HER HONOUR: Okay. Do you have enough money to get all that sorted out in seven days? ACCUSED: No. But I will find it. I could have it done in a day or two, I'm sure. HER HONOUR All right. So if I make that then 14 March. CROOK, MR: Thank you, ma'am. HER HONOUR 14 March. All right. For you to serve on the senior. ACCUSED: Yes. I will see if I can actually get it done today, your Honour. HER HONOUR: Okay. Because I'm relying on you to make sure that you do your bit so the senior can do his bit, so whoever gets this on 4 April will be able to have at least an opportunity to understand what's going on. All right. ACCUSED: Yes, your Honour. HER HONOUR Anything further. ACCUSED: Nothing arising. Thank you. 29/2/16 16 11.26 CROOK, MR Page 454 of 1018 JAB MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 HER HONOUR: All right. Go and see Legal Aid again. Go and get a legal advice appointment. Ask them for a legal advice appointment. If you are in financial straits you might find that they would waive any small fee, but that's a matter for you to sort out with them. Get yourself some legal advice. All right. Don't just get sort of put to one side. Speak to them about a legal advice appointment. Okay. ACCUSED: Thank you, your Honour. HER HONOUR: All right. So 4 April is the next day and parties are free to leave. Thank you. AT 11.36 AM THE MATTER WAS ADJOURNED UNTIL MONDAY, 4 APRI 2016 29/2/16 17 11.36 Page 455 of 1018 JAB MC/CRIM/PE/PE 110476/2014 Auscript are contracted by the Department of the Attorney General to record and/or transcribe court and tribunal proceedings in Western Australia as specified under a government Contract. This Contract prescribes the recording and transcription production standards that must be adhered to. The transcript of PE 110476/2014 Brendon Lee O'Connell heard on 29/2/16: • Is a written reproduction of the audio record of the proceeding; • Is a complete transcript except where otherwise stated. Any "indistinct" notations within the transcript refer to those parts of the recording that could not be accurately transcribed due to speech clarity, recording quality or other factors impacting word intelligibility. Certified on 11/3/2016. 29/2/16 18 Page 456 of 1018 IMPORTANT LETTER - TO MAGISTRATE WOODS AND POLICE PROSECUTOR CROOK Page | 1 9th March 2016 Mr Brendon O'Connell c/o The Beacon', Perth Business Centre P.O Box 8034 East Perth, WA 6004 0431 048 594 [email protected] ATT: Senior Constable Crook, Magistrate Woods With regards the upcoming hearing on the allowance of certain material, here is a sample of the material I will be seeking to present. This is not a complete set of material in video form. There are two discs supplied. Disc 1 is what I would call "extraneous" material that gives a context to the overall nature of the case. It seeks to bring clarity to the overall extraordinary nature of the events that led to me recording and broadcasting a telephone call. But first, let me lay out the legislation. Parts of the legislation directly applicable to my defence are highlighted and made larger for clarity. The central core of my defence is (but not limited to)- (vi) for the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication or communication; (c) where the person making the publication or communication believes on reasonable grounds that it was necessary to make that publication or communication in connection with an imminent threat of serious violence to persons or of substantial damage to property. (3) Subsection (2) only provides a defence if the publication or communication — (a) is not more than is reasonably necessary — (i) in the public interest; The only way that a Magistrate or Jury could make a decision as to the "reasonableness" of my making the recording public is for a full and frank disclosure of the incredible events that have surrounded my case for the last seven years. The most extraordinary aspect of my case was the very public involvement of the Israeli State itself in my legal matter - coming to the defense of the complainant in the case, Stanley Elliot KEYSER. An event called "The Friends Of Israel" rally was held on August the 8th, 2010. Eight days before the August 16th, 2010 original date for my trial. After this incredible event, my lawyer Mr John Bougher, was allowed an adjournment as it was clear getting expert witnesses and ordinary witnesses to appear on my behalf was going to be impossible. Such an incredible display of political firepower has never been seen before in such a naked fashion. In fact, it was an incredible case of criminal contempt of court, perverting the course of justice and an international incident. My lawyer John Bougher was speechless. He should in fact have demanded the matter be permanently stayed and declared "sine die". Charges should have been laid against the organisers of the event and the Israeli Ambassador publicly rebuked. Page 457 of 1018 Page | 2 Included at that event were the Israeli Ambassador in person, the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon via video link, Australia's Foreign Minister Stephen Smith, 30 local and federal members of parliament in attendance and over 100 local and federal members of parliament expressed written support for the event. Over 1,500 Christians and Jews from all over Australia attended. The event was described as being organised directly against me - Brendon O'Connell. J-Wire Digital Jewish news daily for Australia and New Zealand frontpage melbourne national Sydney (hearts nz sport BRIDGE EMPLOYMENT HAVE YOU HEARD? READERS'LETTERS THE ARTS CONTACT US Brewse > Home./ News / Friends of Israel WA launched in Perth...with astounding success - J-Wire Friends of Israel WA launched in Perth...with astounding success

    Email This Post 7 August 8. 2010 by Henry Benjamin Print CJ 3 Comments 1500 West Australians., including over 100 Federal and State Parliamentarians and community leaders converged on the Victory Life Centre in Osborne Park to stand up and support Israel. in May. 2009. footage shot by 39-year-old Brendan O'Connell sent waves of anguish throughout the city's 9.000 strong Jewish community. O’Connell, took his viewers on a trip across the Swan River to a demonstration in South Perth being held by the Friends of Palestine, protesting outside an IGA supermarket selling Israeli Jaffa oranges. O'Connell told his “viewers" that he was hoping to find some Jews at the scene...and he did. He videoed himself harassing two young Jewish men and creating an argumentative situation. He faces trial in Perth this month, in only the second case in WA invoking the Racial Vilification Act. The Friends of Palestine group distanced itself from O'Connell Brendan O'Connell with text - YouTube still Steve Lieblich Community leader Steve Lieblich told J-Wire: The Jewish community wanted to show support for Israel after O'Connell had been charged and a group of us got together with one purpose in mind...to find support for Israel not just from the Jewish community but from all Australians. Today's event was the culmination of this initiative. Instead of the usual 300-400 diehard Jewish supporters we got 1500 of which about 75% were not Jewish." Steve Lieblich reports: Page 458 of 1018 Page | 3 This event came roughly six weeks after Inspector Barry Shelton, head of state counter terrorism, emailed me with the words, "We all respect your work," and had previously promised to catch up with me for a coffee to discuss matters surrounding Israeli spying and Jewish racial and religious supremacism as a threat to national security. I did not keep that email. I deleted it immediately off my Gmail account while I was in the State Alexander Library. I was astounded that Inspector Shelton had seen fit to email me this knowing that the Israeli state has full and total access to such things as Gmail accounts. Dual national Israeli/American citizen Michael Chertoff was the head of American Homeland Security. He is also the head of a private company that does subcontract work spying on Americans for the NSA. He is, I allege, a virtual agent for the state of Israel. Israeli high technology contractors dominate this area. This is what Inspector Barry Shelton wished to speak to me about. This meeting never happened. I noted that after this contact all of my train fines started turning up "paid" to my address. I found this upsetting. Smacking of some sort of ridiculous bribery. Not long after this event, the Israeli Ambassador turns up. It is ridiculous to conceive - after 12 months of vilification in the media, stalked and harassed both online and off - that someone portrayed as a "nazi" and member of the "KKK"; then, as "mentally ill"; then as a "religious extremist”; could possibly have deserved that amount of incredible political fire power. It is obvious -1 had un-covered, by myself, with some "open source" knowledge, a major national security risk for both Australia and the planet. True, some researchers like Christopher Bollyn (www.bollyn.com) had touched on the subject of "Operation Talpiot" and "The Technion" being run by Israeli military intelligence but I pushed it as the central issue with regards the Israeli states incredible political power. Please see the 235 page PDF document attached titled, "High Court Notes" which goes into intimate detail about the particulars of my case. I will seek to include this document as evidence directly related to my defense. (vi) for the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication or communication; (c) where the person making the publication or communication believes on reasonable grounds that it was necessary to make that publication or communication in connection with an imminent threat of serious violence to persons or of substantial damage to property. (3) Subsection (2) only provides a defence if the publication or communication — (a) is not more than is reasonably necessary — (i) in the public interest; I had told police on my arrest that I would be raising these issues at trial. Then an incredible amount of harassment began which could of only been carried out by the Western Australian police who are legendary for their harassment of people who stand up against them. Most recently UWA Law Professor Robert Cunningham who was beaten along with his wife for absolutely no reason by three members of the WA police. Most likely they were high on amphetamine on night shift as they usually are. The Professors office at UWA was subsequently broken into and a hard drive with un-edited footage of his arrest was stolen - this was the WA police at work. Doing what they do best - harassing and stalking ordinary people who speak out against their utter incompetence and outright criminality. Page 459 of 1018 Page | 4 I will be seeking to lead my collection of newspaper articles exposing police corruption. This is directly related to my defence - (vi) for the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication or communication; (c) where the person making the publication or communication believes on reasonable grounds that it was necessary to make that publication or communication in connection with an imminent threat of serious violence to persons or of substantial damage to property. (3) Subsection (2) only provides a defence if the publication or communication — (a) is not more than is reasonably necessary — (i) in the public interest; I have been exposing police corruption in this state from day one including the fact that the WA police themselves were instrumental in the organising of the Friends Of Israel rally itself
  23. rendering them guilty of perverting the course of justice. Ironically, I was sent to Inspector Nick Anticich to make a complaint about this matter and insist charges were laid against the organisers of the event. Nick Anticich is the very person who organised the Friends of Israel rally and its security. This simple self evident fact - that I would be directed to the very man central to large aspects of the organising of the rally to seek "justice" - shows you that the Western Australian political and legal establishment have a sense of humour. I include my letter to Inspector Nick Anticich with this letter. Included with the Friends Of Israel material in disc 2 is a video interview I did with Mr Roger Reaves. A prisoner who imported one ton of cocaine into Australia in 2001. The state Tactical Response Group stole 250kg of it. I have been working on this project since my release from jail. It is relevant to my defense - (vi) for the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication or communication; (c) where the person making the publication or communication believes on reasonable grounds that it was necessary to make that publication or communication in connection with an imminent threat of serious violence to persons or of substantial damage to property. (3) Subsection (2) only provides a defence if the publication or communication — (a) is not more than is reasonably necessary — (i) in the public interest; On the disc is the video of heads of state giving speeches at the Friends Of Israel rally. I hold grave and real fears for my safety from the WA police. I consider them an organised crime gang. Their exploits are legendary. So much so, the Minister for Corrective Services (Joe Francis) rang me on another matter and stated he was more scared of his own prison officers than he was of the bikies who's drugs he had prevented getting into the jail. Three days later he was threatened by a serial sex offender outside parliament house. The headline in the newspaper read, "Minister naive about security". That was the WA police intercepting that phone call and threatening a serving Minister. Joe Francis is being called to the stand on my "Threat To Kill" matter that will be heard in the District Court in June this year. Page 460 of 1018 Page | 5 I will be placing the relevant documentation and audio/visual material in the correct format, sworn affidavits etc. I am aware that there are some time constraints. I will seek to limit the material around this point. However, the nature of the circumstances surrounding this matter are extraordinary. That should be obvious. It deserves attention to detail. I am making some incredibly sensational claims that go to the very heart of my defence - that I had done everything I can to see justice done, get to the High Court and have the Foreign Minister Julie Bishop rebuke the Israeli state publicly for interfering in a sovereign nations judicial system. I had received no indication in any form that she had received my correspondence whether in hard copy or in electronic format. I was concerned for my safety and that of my family. The Israeli state are renowned for killing people. They are an utterly despicable, racist and supremacist state that escaped public scrutiny for long enough. I was also fearful of the Western Australian police and prison officers. It was noted in the West Australian Newspaper that notorious organised crime figure Troy Mercanti was caught hugging Senior Prison Officer Paul Jarrett at Casuarina maximum security prison exclaiming, "My brother! My brother!" The West Australian Newspaper went on to confirm that certain segments of the prison officers in WA were using their Freemason connections for less than positive purposes. Troy Mercanti's father is a well known high level Freemason. Paul Jarrett is a Freemason and member of the Veterans Motorcycle Club. The Master Mason of Perth is Inspector Steve Jancec of the WA police. I hope the connections are becoming clear. ^^jfcemorj ^fhc erJPaulCarrettpBjl, In c hal^eioM aTeiGa^iarinalmjisprrSpecianHandiinq Unit. He was c^qht' preiviuinq isremi dsae lpMA and metlwnphetamine itlilwasft'oidlthis direetiyISyJMinister Joe Francis. to prisoners imthatTuniH Freemasonry is known as "Judaism For Gentiles". Both the Freemason magazine and Jewish Maccabean Newspaper are distributed by the same mass mail out company known as "Lasermail". When I got a job there the owner was knocked off his bike and nearly killed several hours later. Page 461 of 1018 Page | 6 There have been 5 suspicious deaths including that of my sister, Jacqueline O’Connell since the beginning of my legal matters back in May of 2009. This is why I felt it necessary to publish a communication between myself and the Foreign Ministers electorate office secretary. My call was harmless, polite and gave no details of the secretary except for her first name, "Tess". A link to the vide was sent to the Foreign Ministers office the same time the video was posted. Even so, I was never charged or harassed over this. Two months later, with my refusal to attend a meeting with corrupt Corrective Services staff, a police raid on my room took place two hours after I refused to attend. I was given assurances by the Minister that an official investigation into my organised beating by staff at Casuarina prison would be directly over seen by himself. Three weeks after that initial phone call, where the Minister expressed his fear of his own staff - and the fact he had to force camera's that record into Hakea Remand centre to stop prison officers beating up prisoners -1 am sent back to the SAME staff who had previously insulted me and intimidated me when I went to make an official complaint about being beaten unconscious and walking around with a badly broken arm (un-treated) for a month while a prisoner at Casuarina prison. The incident was so intense -1 threw a base ball bat at one of the staff and threw him out of a lift. They never pressed charges. Because they are disgustingly corrupt individuals who knew they had way over stepped the mark with me. They say the secretaries in the Investigation Unit of the department of corrective services will never forget that meeting. I have been taunted, harassed, vilified in the media, hounded, stalked, threatened with death and beatings, my family threatened. The WA police, Jewish Community and prison officers were instrumental in that harassment. I repeat this defence - (vi) for the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication or communication; (c) where the person making the publication or communication believes on reasonable grounds that it was necessary to make that publication or communication in connection with an imminent threat of serious violence to persons or of substantial damage to property. (3) Subsection (2) only provides a defence if the publication or communication — (a) is not more than is reasonably necessary — (i) in the public interest; I would also note your honour that you saw the seven police officers in the court that day. I was by myself. You stated almost immediately on entering the court, "Are all of you police officers witnesses?" I felt very strongly you could see what was going on. I also found the behaviour of prosecutor Senior Constable "Crook" disgusting. His smirking at me which I put on the record, his incompetence in making a grand show of stating how dangerous I was and that Tess Courtney Randal was somehow quivering in her office terrified of coming into court. Why? I was by myself with seven police officers. I could go into the electorate office at any time (subject to bail constraints) and see who Tess Courtney Randall is. Why would I possibly want too? It must be becoming clear to your honour that something very despicable is going on. That police (what a surprise) are lying trough their teeth - again. I had even made arrangements with Chief Magistrate Heath stating on the record and quite explicitly that it was not necessary for Tess Courtney Randall to appear. Why should she? It was a simple matter of reading her statement into the record. I had put this on the record three months Page 462 of 1018 Page | 7 before - that Senior Constable "Crook" was not informed shows the serial incompetence and laziness of the WA police which is legendary and I have spoken to some very high profile lawyers and convicted criminals about their bad habits. This debacle was brought on by the sheer incompetence of the WA police. Senior Constable Crook also made statements that I had sent threatening emails to the office of the Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. This is an outright lie and fabrication - again - worthy of the lying, incompetent WA police. I demanded the prosecutor produce the email. He said, "No need, you have agreed Tess doesn't have to appear!" [big grin]. If this is an example of the "smart arse", out of control WA police in action, it seems we have a long way to go since Mallard and every other expose on the crime and corruption within the DPP and WA police. Please see the email at the end of this long long letter (APPENDIX 1) - where claims by WA police in a "Notes To Prosecutor" page I found in the final brief given to a lawyer - state, I have threatened police, am delusional and send "intense" emails to Detective Vuleta. Your Honour, it is important you know the levels the WA police will sink too when they think no one is looking. The email that Detective Elizabeth Vuleta claims is "intense" is included with this letter so you can see the levels the WA police are willing to sink too. I am sending copies to the office of the Attorney General, Police Minister and Colleen Egan and Paul Murray of The West Australian newspaper so we can all keep tabs on this case and the level the WA police are seeking to drop it too. If I had threatened detective Elizabeth Vuleta - while on a charge of threatening to kill a Senior Prison officer - do you think I would still be on bail? During the bail hearing on December 24th, 2014, Barrister Seamus Rafferty called the police prosecutor "hysterical" and stated further that if the allegation was true then the police would be charging me. But it doesn't matter with the WA police - they just splurt it out, then "grin" at you and laugh with contempt at the public as Senior Constable Crook did with me in your court that day. Further - I am investigating the incredible national news story of the outrageous corruption and cover up of the murder of Mite Naumovsky by Paul Nunzio Stagno and his girlfriend, last name Kocavs. On his third bail in as many weeks for drugs and firearms offenses and on his second Schedule 2 bail (I must get his lawyer), Stagno saw fit to kill in cold blood Mite Naumovski over drugs and his cheating girlfriend - shooting him twice in the head, back and testicles. Stagno is a criminal informant of the notorious corrupt Detective Carl Casilli. Because of the serious misconduct and corruption surrounding this case, the entire DPP prosecution team was sacked and it was the final straw for the Major Crime Squad who were all summarily sacked or moved on - some I note to far away Aboriginal remote communities where they are beating up teenage kids. Stagno received a manslaughter conviction after the first trial was abandoned where he was originally charged with wilful murder. I speak to the person who was originally framed for the murder. I met him in jail. This is also another piece in the puzzle about why I fear for my safety and my "lawful interests" - (vi) for the protection of the lawful interests of the person making the publication or communication; (c) where the person making the publication or communication believes on reasonable grounds that it was necessary to make that publication or communication in connection with an imminent threat of serious violence to persons or of substantial damage to property. Page 463 of 1018 Page | 8 (3) Subsection (2) only provides a defence if the publication or communication — (a) is not more than is reasonably necessary — (i) in the public interest; The Stagno/Kovacs/Naumovski scandal will be headline national news when it comes out. Heads will roll. This is just another reason why I am harassed and fear for my safety. This is relevant and will form part of a long sworn affidavit. Knowing what I know about the WA police, I fear for my safety and that of my family. They have done nothing but lie and intimidate me. Finally, one detective (Justin Robinson) stated, "I would have no problem apologising to you." That's about as good as it gets. I remember the several police who shook my hand and apologised to me for what was going on - way back in late 2009.1 try hard to keep in mind there are good people within the system. That also goes for Sergeant Mike Smirk who was the original arresting officer over this charge. He is a decent person who I saw fit to abuse outside your court. I did not recognise him in his suit and glasses. I thought it was an AFP officer attempting to intimidate me. I apologise for my behaviour towards him. In closing, I will seek to make sure the "evidence" is presented appropriately, in the proper legal format with sworn affidavits. I appreciate that time is of the essence and an endless supply of material cannot be indulged in. However, I feel the extraordinary nature of what has transpired requires some time and consideration. I am currently waiting for a copy of the court transcript before I apply for Legal Aid funding for legal advice. I want to make sure in the letter it is seen by Legal Aid that you were emphatic I receive funding. My current legal adviser (Antony Eyers) is happy to give that advice subsequent to funding. Previously, Legal Aid has refused me many times stating Magistrate Court matters do not get funded - ever. I hope this letter and the subsequent material gives some indication of the back ground to this case. You should also be aware I agreed to plead guilty to a "Threat To Harm" and one other charge (causing offense via a carriage device) and this current matter was to be dropped. This was arranged at the first level with Senior Prosecutor David Theiring. Then, along came Carmel Barbagallo, who stated that the DPP would be demanding jail as the only option even with a guilty plea. So, here we are, going to two District court trials and a Magistrate Court trial. The WA police and DPP is not going to get away with stating that poor Tess Courtney Randall is scared to death in her office because of me when I have bent over backwards to see this matter dealt with at as little time and cost to the WA tax payer. Though I am loathe to ask for an extension of time - perhaps that may be wise? I have a trial in late March in the District Court. I have done everything I can your Honour to get these charges out of the way and the DPP and police have done everything they can to keep them going and me under the bail conditions because the very first thing I will be doing is a video on what has gone on that amounts to an absolute disgrace - but standard for Western Australia. Page 464 of 1018 Page | 9 I was interviewed by Iranian Press TV in Sydney on Christmas day, 2015, about this long running, incredible, seven year debacle. Sincerely, Brendon lee O’Connell Page 465 of 1018 PICTURE OF EVIDENTIARY MATERIAL FOR MAGISTRATE WOODS AND POLICE PROSECUTOR
  24. it Vi clao for £)>0Qj- U'." 1 —— - —' .. , Jefcow » ™ R <"' UvMcd , „ ot „*M >■««“ °’ Csr' "°'T \ . . m .« n , ,« p—" ' ^ssssz~-


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On 8th of August 2010 the WA police took part in the security of an event designed purely to intimidate the Western Australian political, judicial, legal and policing establishment. The event was called The Friends Of Israel. It was attended by the Israeli Ambassador to Australia; the Israeli deputy foreign minister; the Australian foreign minister; 30 local and federal members of parliament. Over 100 local and federal members of parliament expressed written support for the event. Former Minister in charge of police. Bob Kuchera, was chair of the event. Page 467 of 1018 Page | 2 Over 1,500 members of the Perth, Sydney, and Melbourne Jewish and Christian community attended the event. The key note speaker at the event was the complainant in my then legal case - Stanley Elliot KEYSER. Below is a screenshot from the large online media outlet - J-Wire describing the event. J-Wire Digital Jewish news daily for Australia and New Zealand front page melbourne national Sydney the arts nz sport BRIDGE EMPLOYMENT HAVE YOU HEARD? READERS'LETTERS THE ARTS COVTACTUS Browse > Home / News i Friends of Israel WA launched In Perth...with astounding success - J-Wire Friends of Israel WA launched in Perth...with astounding success —- Email This Post @ August 8. 2010 by Henry Benjamin Print 03 3 Comments 1500 West Australians including over 100 Federal and State Parliamentarians and community leaders converged on the Victory Life Centre in Osborne Park to stand up and support Israel In May. 2009. footage shot by 39-year-old Brendan O'Connell sent waves of anguish throughout the city's 9.000 strong Jewish community. O'Connell, took his viewers on a trip across the Swan River to a demonstration in South Perth being held by the Friends of Palestine, protesting outside an IGA supermarket selling Israeli Jaffa oranges. O'Connell told his “viewers' that he was hoping to find some Jews at the scene...and he did. He videoed himself harassing two young Jewish men and creating an argumentative situation. He faces trial in Perth this month, in only the second case in WA invoking the Racial Vilification Act. The Friends of Palestine group distanced itself from O’Connell Brendan O'Connell with text - YouTube still Steve Liebiich Community leader Steve Lieblich told J-Wire: -The Jewish community wanted to show support for Israel after O'Connell had been charged and a group of us got together with one purpose in mind.. .to find support for Israel not just from the Jewish community but from all Australians. Today's event was the culmination of this initiative. Instead of the usual 300-400 diehard Jewish supporters we got 1500 of which about 75% were not Jewish." Steve Lieblich reports: Page 468 of 1018 Page | 3 http://www.jwire.com.au/friends-of-israel-launched-in-perth-with-astounding-success/ In another news report is was said the event was organized in "direct response" to Brendon O'Connell. Included with this letter is ANNEXURE A. This is a copy of a four page letter I sent you in response to my initial request for criminal contempt of court charges to be laid against the organisers of the Friends Of Israel rally held 8 days before the original August 16th start of my trial in 2010. The trial was subsequently adjourned as it became obvious with the FOI rally it would be impossible to get any normal or expert witnesses to attend. In your initial response to me you stated that on legal advice there must be prima facie evidence that a "a material particular" had been affected by the event in question. Let me explain to you - using a Law Reform Commission of Western Australia - exactly what "contempt of court" is, and is not. I have underlined the most relevant points. The quotes below come from a June 2003 review of the law of contempt, published by the WA law reform commission. Sub judice contempt by publication Most cases of contempt by publication involve material that has a tendency to prejudice criminal proceedings being tried before a jury . Some cases involve the revelation of information that would not be admissible as evidence in court, for example a prior conviction. Some involve a simple statement of opinion as to the guilt or innocence of an accused. However, it is possible to be held in contempt for statements that place pressure on the parties to proceedings, including civil proceedings, and even for statements prejudging the outcome of proceedings to be tried by a judge alone. (Other publication based contempt offences, such as scandalising the court, are discussed in Part V.) There are two widely applied statements of the test for sub judice contempt by publication. The first comes from the High Court decision in John Fairfax & Sons Pty Ltd v McRae [Tjhis summary jurisdiction has always been regarded as one which is to be exercised with great caution and, in this particular class of case, to be exercised only if it be made quite clear to the court that the matter published has, as a matter of practical reality. a tendency to interfere with the due course of justice in a particular case .3 This test has been applied in numerous recent Western Australian cases.4 The second statement comes from a decision of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and may be seen as a refinement of the McRae test: If the publication is of a character which might have an effect on the proceedings, it will have the necessary tendency , unless the possibility of interference is so remote or theoretical that the de minimis principle should be applied.5 Page 469 of 1018 Page | 4 There are limited defences to sub judice contempt by publication, including fair and accurate reporting of criminal proceedings and publication in the public interest (the Bread Manufacturers' principle). Please take particular note on the words "tendency" and "pressure on the parties to proceedings". Also note - "a tendency to interfere with the due course of justice in a particular case". And, “If the publication is of a character which might have an effect on the proceedings, it will have the necessary tendency..." It should not require too many brain cells to work out the tendency and pressure that would have been apparent to ALL parties involved in my 2011 criminal case when representatives of a foreign state - at the highest levels - take part in a large rally that is admitted to be directly linked to a legal case that was to be heard in eight days time. The complainant in the matter - Stanley Elliot KEYSER - was also a key note speaker. Blind Freddy in his first year of a law degree could see that. But apparently, you do not? I would further refer you to comments by then senior prosecutor Alan Troy when he emphatically demanded I be jailed for "contempt of court" in November of 2009. He cites a legal precedent. I have highlighted the relevant points. TROY, MR: The court will be aware, of course, that although in "contempt of court" is a little utilised power that, on the authority of R V Pearce [1992] 7 WAR 395, the Director of Public Prosecutions has the standing to commence and carry on. And that is something that the Director of Public Prosecutions is actively considering, as the court knows from correspondence. And there is clear authority that a favourable comment, such as an assertion that an accused is innocent, to the media during the course of a trial can amount to a contempt . It is, of course, a question of degree, and there is a question as to proximity of trial. 1 So, we are all to believe that "competent” legal advice rendered to you - Inspector Nick Anticich (2013) - has stated that the sledgehammer arrival and staging of the FOI rally would not affect a "material particular"? That could well be correct as describing in detail the "material particular effect" on a blade of grass, 20 ft from a hydrogen bomb test, might well also be difficult to describe and articulate in detail for legal purposes. The obliterating effect of the blast and fall out are overwhelming. But nonetheless, we will articulate it. It would be clear from the law society description of the law of contempt, that the effect of the FOI rally, eight days before tire original start of my trial in 2010, would have a "tendency to interfere with the due course of justice in a particular case". If, as Senior Prosecutor Alan Troy believes, even uttering to the media the bland comment that an accused is "innocent" is enough for a contempt charge - are you seriously going to try and fob me off with some first year law legalese that a foreign states direct and deliberate interference in a local criminal case does not warrant contempt proceedings? What occurred goes to the very heart of the nations legal process. What occurred was in fact an international incident. 1 Transcript 20/11/2009 page 6-7 IND 1767 of 2009 Page 470 of 1018 Page | 5 The Israeli state is all powerful . It has bragged constantly of its role in forming and focussing American foreign and domestic policy via outlets such as AIPAC - known as "The Lobby". Prime minister Aerial Sharon bragged to opposition Shimon Perez on October 3rd, 2001 - “/ want to tell you something very dear. Don V worry about American pressure on Israel. He, the Jewish people control America and the Americans know it. ” KolYisrael Radio October 3 rd 2001 Reported in highly respected 'The Washington Report November 2001 Page 114 under section titled ''American Educational trust - Publishers Page " The Israeli state dominates the world of database security, government surveillance and spying. Its high technology sector leads the world. The head of Booz Allen Hamilton - employer of Edward Snowden - is Dov Zackheim, Orthodox Rabbi and dual national Israeli/American citizen. One of the leading suppliers of surveillance intelligence to Homeland Security is run by Michael Chertoff, former head of Homeland Security and dual national Israeli/American citizen. I could write pages - in fact I have - a 235 page high court synopsis that details these facts that shows clearly that the Israeli state has a literal stranglehold on the entire planet. This was in fact what one of your colleagues - Inspector Barry Shelton - wanted to discuss with me. He let me know this via phone and email. The Israeli Ambassador turned up 6-8 weeks later. Barry Shelton's words to me were, "We all respect your work." That seemed to spook someone. Hence the Friends of Israel rally. Further to the "Sub Judice" aspect of contempt law. There is also this as espoused in the WA law society review - The administration of justice Hie role of contempt law in protecting the right to a fair trial is that it punishes publication of information that would not be admissible at the trial. In so doing it protects the integrity of the trial itself and the rules that govern the way the trial is run. Clearly such a rule has an important function in supporting the presumption of innocence, and therefore the right to a fair trial. However, it also supports the status of the law, and of legal processes, as rational and principled, and not given to emotional prejudices. Insofar as contempt law protects the rules of evidence, therefore, it also protects that status. Another indicator of the quality of our legal system is its capacity to equalise power imbalances that exist outside the courtroom . Although it is by no means perfect from the legal system does provide an even-handed procedure whereby parties have, at least, opportunities to test and challenge each other's evidence and arguments. Evidence and arguments introduced by means of the President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon, White House, 2004 Page 471 of 1018 Page | 6 media, rather than by the parties themselves, are subject to no such opportunities, or at least to considerably more complicated opportunities or opportunities that come at a significant cost (such as defamation actions which are outside of the financial reach of many people). By restricting the introduction of information by means other than the parties themselves, the law of contempt supports this aspect of the administration of justice. Was the administration of justice affected by the Israeli State so blatantly offering its support to the complainant in my case - Stanley Elliot KEYSER - by having him as a keynote speaker? Was the administration of justice assisted by the Israeli State figuring prominently at a rally which stated emphatically it was organised one week before my trial with the express aim of showing "support for the state of Israel"? The organisers stated emphatically I was the centre point of the rally. One man - against the entire Israeli state, and over 130 local and federal members of parliament. One man. Though the commentary on the administration of justice makes particular emphasis on the "rules of evidence" and allowing easy rebuttal of claims made in a court room rather than various other public outlets such as social media and the main stream media - it is not a heavy burden to shift that emphasis on to the general running of the trial and, "equalise power imbalances that exist outside the courtroom." Do you think the behaviour of every single person from the prosecutor to the judge to the defence to witnesses would not have been affected by the Israeli State directly throwing its weight behind the complainant in the case? Do you think both myself and my lawyer John Bougher would not have been affected and had our search for expert witnesses impacted by such a political show of power? Looking beyond even the purely legal aspects of the event and its far reaching implications; it must be said that what occurred was a unique and powerful international incident and your willingness to "fob it off" with some cliche first year legal terms indicates the depths of desperation you are willing to sink too to avoid the inevitable personal, professional, political and legal fall out that will eventually come. And it will come. I am now offering you - both Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan and Inspector Nick Anticich - the opportunity to re-assess your position. I am also offering this letter to the office of the Attorney General and Office of the Department of Public Prosecutions to "encourage" a moving forward of what needs to be done - charges of "contempt of court”. In fact, "criminal contempt of court". Also, under section 143 and 132 of the Western Australian Criminal Compilation Act (1903), there is clearly enough prima facie evidence to begin proceedings against the main organizers of the event known as The Friends Of Israel rally, held on August 8th 2010 - with the charge of conspiring to impede, obstruct or pervert the course of justice. The requisite "intent" is clearly evident in the simple submission I put to you that it is impossible to believe the Israeli state and the main organizers would believe it necessary to come out against a "single man" in such a overt and public way, displaying political firepower the equivalent of dropping an atom bomb on a street mugging. Their clear intent was to intimidate the Perth legal establishment and the key people handling the trial. You might well ask what was their prime motivation for doing so? I was un-employed, homeless, and living off the kindness of friends, some of whom experienced a great deal of harassment from persons unknown. I was vilified in the media as variously mentally ill and a Page 472 of 1018 Page | 7 racist and neo-nazi and Ku Kiux Klan associate. What was the motivation for the Israeli State itself, to send some of its most powerful representatives to the FOI event? Because of me? Or was it a message (sub rosa) to the Perth political, legal and judicial establishment that the Israeli state was not happy with Inspector of Counter Terrorism Barry Shelton emailing me, "We all respect your work." There is no need for a specific "material particular" to have been affected by the course of events. It is clear to even the most unsophisticated person that such political firepower aimed squarely at an upcoming trial, and a particular person involved in that trial, would have far reaching effects - particularly on my lawyer and my self's search for expert witnesses to appear on my behalf - as well as ordinary witnesses like members of the Friends of Palestine who were already nervous about being subpoenaed to appear. They had expressed through FOP president Alex Whisson that they had fears at appearing as witnesses on my behalf - such is the reputation of the Israeli state for thuggery and intimidation, amplified by their appearance eight days before the scheduled start of my trial. I need only tell you my fears after seeing the event in question unfold. I was extremely intimidated as was my lawyer John Bougher by the arrival of the Israeli Ambassador and Israeli deputy Foreign Minister. Not to mention over 130 local and federal members of parliament expressing support for the event. The legislation on contempt and Section 132 and 143 is clear, and the quoted WA law society review of contempt legislation is also clear - prima facie evidence suggests the organisers of the Friends Of Israel rally, held eight days before the originally scheduled August 16th 2010 start of my trial, had a clear intent to impede, obstruct and pervert the course of justice by intimidating the entire court system with such a huge and over whelming display of political firepower which has never before been seen in any similar case, anywhere in the world. What occurred, beyond the simple legal ramifications: was a gigantic international incident. Tine silence is deafening. Of particular focus for charges, but not limited too, are: • Steven Leiblich. Jewish community organiser. • Stanley Elliot Keyser. Key note speaker. • Margaret Court. Provided the facilities for the event. • Bob Kuchera. Chair of the FOI. What excuse do you proffer for failing in your duty to uphold the law and keep this state's legal system free from outside interference? Both local, and international? Sincerely, Brendon O’Connell Page 473 of 1018 Page | 8 APPENDIX Included with this letter are scans of my reply to you in 2013.1 have included your original letter to me in its entirety in that particular letter. This is APPENDIX A. I have also included a copy and paste from the FOI website. This page has been removed by the organisers - http://www.foiwa.org.au/node/32. This is APPENDIX B. I have also included two pages from a November 2009 hearing where senior prosecutor Alan Troy explains how even the utterance of an accused being innocent before trial is enough to warrant a contempt charge. This is APPENDIX C. I Brou jo rece.\Kj<2cl IS p^oe otooonrxerAcj- Sido(r<^g>s>e< to m/ /VihoicJo Oka '7-4- SgXTSll Page 474 of 1018 Page | 9 APPENDIX A 1 of 4 t 30* September 2013 Inspector Nick Anticich Office of Assistant Commissioner Traffic and Emergency Response Police Headquarters Mr Brendon Lee O'Connell P.OBox 100 WOOROLOO. WA 655$ 6 th Floor 2 Adelaide Terrace EAST PERTH. WA 6004 Dear Nick. Many thanks for your prompt reply to me regarding charging the organisers of a ‘Friends of Israel’ rally with "perverting the course of justice". Here is your letter to me for the record; Dear Mr O’Connell CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THE ORGANISERS OF A ‘FRIENDS OF ISRAEL’ RALLY I refer to your letter dated 4 July 2013 in which you seek to determine the willingness of the Western Australian Police to commence criminal proceedings against Mr Stanley Kevser and/or Mr Steven Lieblich. Your reasoning for commencing criminal proceedings against these men relates to them organising a "Friends of Israel 1 rally, which demonstrated broad support for the stale of Israel, around the time of your criminal trial. For charges relating to the administration of justice to be preferred, such as the ones suggested in your letter, there must be prirna facie evidence that the person's conduct or actions directly influenced a material particular in your criminal trial. As your criminal trial was based upon your racial vilification of a specific individual, a rally demonstrating broad support for the State of Israel does not meet this threshold. Should greater clarity on the aforementioned information be required. I would encourage you to discuss the matter with your legal representative. Yours sincerely NICK ANTICICH APM ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER TRAFFIC AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE 20 September 2013 Nick, there are several problems w ith your response: Should greater clarity on the aforementioned information he required. I would encourage you la discuss the matter with your legal representative. I do not have a legal representative. Dr Walsh, who was assisting me to the High Court, has moved on. Due to people like Hylton Quail former head of the W.A Law Society' - running around Perth warning off solicitors from working with him. I decided that organising a High Court appeal would be impossible with my position within the W.A penal system. Also, I fear that the Israeli Ambassador to Australia and perhaps the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister will interfere in my appeal by "indicating broad support" for their little racist apartheid state by making an appearance in Canberra 8 days before the hearing of my High Court appeal. Its happened before. I was hoping that a robust response from our first world parliamentary democratic institutions would prevent a repeat. Page 475 of 1018 Page | 11 3 of 4 prima facie, adv Ai first sight: on first appearance but subject to further evidence or information. prima facie case. 1. The establishment of a legally required rebuttable presumption.
  25. A party's production of enough evidence to allow the fact-trier to infer the fact at issue and rule in the parties favour. Page 1228 My reasoning - with regards the soundness of bringing charges against ihe organisers of the Friends of Israel’ rally - has good grounds “at first sight; on first appearance” based on these simple matters of fact, that when taken in their totality. constitute prima facie evidence violation of Section 135 and'or Section 143 of the W.A Criminal Compilation Act (19f 3)1
  26. There was no public debate on any matter surrounding my case. Few in Perth even knew of the trial. 1 had a gag order placed on me. To say that the rally being staged on me 8" of August 2010 (8 days before the start of my trial) somehow constitutes some sort of “irrelevant generality" is disingenuous at best.
  27. It was stated on the 'Friends of Israel’ website that the rally was organised in “direct response” to Brendon O’Connell - the accused. A man who was living on couches. Dependant on the kindness of friends. Why would you bring in the Israeli Ambassador to Australia and Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister except to intimidate all those involved in the trial? Who were they speaking to in terms of the public? The public had expressed no interest in the matter. The media could not comment. Who was "the message" for?
  28. The complainant in my trial was the keynote speaker - Stanley Elliot Keyser.
  29. The rally came 2 '6 months after the head of W.A Counter T errorism (Inspector Barry Shelton) sent nie an email stating. “Wc all respect your work" and later promising to catch up over coffee at a later date. The discussion was to be on Israeli Intelligence activity in Australia and elsewhere.
  30. Virtually immediately after the rally, the website was taken down and it was as if

    the rally never took place. No further mention of the 'Friends of Israel’ group has occurred. With the above points in mind, to some how infer that the rally was staged with the simple intent of showing "broad support" for the Israeli State - apparently in a news vacuum “out of the blue", takes some selective blindness on your legal advisers part. Let us now refer back to the relevant section of the Criminal Code: Section 135. Conspiring to defeat justice. Any person who conspires with another to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice is guilty of a crime, and is liable to imprisonment for 7 years Section NJ. Attempting to pervert the course offust ice. Any person who attempts to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice is guilty of a crime, and is liable to imprisonment for 7 years. Was the intent of the rally to simply: and spontaneously; and innocently: indicate to the Western » Australian public “broad support" for the Israeli State? Would that be the most logical conclusion to come to given the 5 basic points I’ve made previously? Or. was the intention of the rally to primarily “obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat Ihe course of justice" by intimidating me. the trial judge, the potential jury, general witnesses and expert witnesses? Using the “reasonable person” test; Would a rally and new s media coverage (and internet) of an event of this nature held 8 days oefbre the start of the trial attended by 30 local and federal members of parliament; 1000 Christians: the crime of the Perth. Melbourne and Sydney Jewish communities; the Page 476 of 1018 Page | 10 2 of 4 f refer to your letter doted 4 July 2013 in which you seek to determine the

    willingness of the Western A ustralian Police to commence criminal proceedings against Mr Stanley Keyser and/or Mr Steven Liehlich. Mr Stanley Elliot Keyser and Mr Steve l.eiblich are but two of many who would have been involved with the organisation of such an extremely large event. Mrs Margaret Court - Pastor of the ‘Victory Life* Church where the rally took place, would also be charged. I have written to the Minister for Foreign Affaire (Julie Bishop) asking her to rebuke the Israeli Ambassador and Deputy Foreign Minister for their role in the affair. Your reasoning for commencing criminal proceedings against these men relates to them organising a ’Friends of Israel' rally, which demonstrated broad support for the state of Israel, around the time of your criminal trial. You appear to have put the carl before the horse. You have already taken the view that the rally was "demonstrating broad support for the state of Israel". This was publicly stated as live reason by the organisers on their website. It was also publicly stated that the rally was in “direct response” to Brcndon O'Connell. The organisers are not going to state that the rally was organised to "intimidate Mr O'Connell and individuals involved in his trial" are they? So. you've put the cart before the horse. You also use the term. “around the tune of your criminal trial". It wasn't “around”, it was exactly 8 days before the original August I6 1h 2010 start of the trial. As you were no doubt directly involved in the organisation of the Intense security surrounding the event perhaps you are not the best person to be dealing with this matter? To charge the organisers of this event would by association make your department involved in the organisation of an event that contravened Section 125/143 of the W.A Criminal Code. As your criminal trial was hosed upon your racial vilification of a specific Individual, a rally demonstrating broad support for the State of Israel does not meet this threshold. My trial was based on two separate charges Section 80b and 7 7 of the W.A Criminal Code. Section 80 b involved Stanley Elliot Keyser' complaining he had been “racially vilified” by me calling him a racist (which he is) at a rally protesting the racist apartheid state of Israel who have “Jcw“ only roads criss crossing Palestinian Muslim land. Five charges involved violation of Section 77 of the Code revolving around me “vilifying" the “Jewish People”. In fact. I was arrested again in March (I think) - 2010 and the DPP wanted me locked up because I had reported the radio interview between Mr Mark Olemr and Dr Alan Sabrosky who states that Israel was directly involved in the 11* of September 2001 attacks on New York. Dr Sabrosky is a former Marine Corp Colonel and was for five years the director of studies at the U S Army War College*. These were extremely important statements in the public interest. The prosecutor stated in court that because Israel is called a “Jewish state”. I had again committed a crime against Section77 of the WA Criminal Code. So. you are wrong in your reasoning that because one charge was surrounding a “specific individual", somehow, a rally indicating “broad support" for the state of Israel does not connect with or constitute a "material particular". In feci, four

    of the Section 77 charges centred on statements made by myself on a Blog that directly critiques the Israeli slate. Charges for which I received two years jail. For charges relating to the administration of justice to be preferred, such as the ones

    suggested in your letter, there must he prima facie evidence that the person's conduct or actions directly influenced a material particular in your criminal trial. Matters surrounding the term material particular have been discussed in the previous paragraph. Lets consult Blacks Law Dictionary (I* ighth Edition) on the terms prima facie: prima facie, adf. (Latin] Sufficient to establish a fact or raise a presumption unless disproved or rebutted. ' keyser is a "Wig I an of < hnbad loibavitch awl regularly attends their meetings- a violent extremist race hate group 1 http. tlKtiyh iruth . Mvntprrxs. cow ’ Can before horse Page 477 of 1018 Page | 12 4 of 4 Israeli Ambassador to Australia and the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister plus written support from 100 local and federal members of parliament would this “event" in any way serve to “obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice”? Who was meant to “get the message"? The “general’ Western Australian public? Or. did District Court Judge John Wisbey "get the message”? Did head of local counter terrorism Inspector Barry Shelton “get the message “? Did the Office of the Department of Public Prosecutions “get the message”? Did the accused Mr Brendon Lee O’Connell “get the message”? Did potential ‘expert witnesses like Professor Shlomo Sand, Professor Norman Finkebtein, Max Blumenlhal, Paul Eisert and Israel Shamir "get the message"? Did ordinary potential witnesses like the Friends of Palestine’ rally attendee’s “gel the message”? Did this ’rally' produce a sense of helplessness in people trying to organise a defence against these serious charges? Were they intimidated? Did they feci like giving up? Does all of this constitute: Section 1)5 Conspiring to defeat Justice/ Section 143. Attempting to pervert the course of justice? Were the interests of ‘justice’ served by this rally in support of else Israeli state being held? Was it necessary for the complainant in the case to be present as the keynote speaker? Was it necessary for it to be held $ days before the original August 16* 2010 start of the trial? Yes! These things were necessary as the intent of the rally was to intimidate myself and all those involved in the trial including possible witnesses and expert witnesses which we were trying to contact at the time. It was made sure that WC all “got the message . Nick, its time to stop straining at material particular gnats while swallowing innocent ‘Friends of Israel’ camels. Should greater clarity on the aforementioned information be required. I would encourage you to discuss the matter with legal counsel for the Commissiotier of Police. Ms Rabia Siddique. Further, your colleagues chose to charge 4 member?; of a race hate’ neo nazi group (Combat I8 4 ) w ith minor magistrate court charges after they shot up a Queens Park Mosque with a high powered rifle. If 4 members of the local Penh Muslinv community involved in a 'At Qvida intellectual support group' had shot up a Christian Church what would the charge have been? Currently, members of this same group post inciting posters asking people to “Support your local skinhead" and you do next to nothing. They ‘goose step' (almost literally) into the Magistrates court many with “SS" tattoo’s on their necks
  31. you treat mem with kid gloves. Perhaps your friends in the AFP based at the Sheraton Hotel are hoping to “handle' some of them into burning down a synagogue and then claim my ’case synopsis (available online: hup: sdnrms'i HgiAo) "incited" them to do it? Such are the games played in these interesting limes. I note that in Greece there are moves to outlaw the far right Golden Dawn Party” by declaring them a “Criminal Organisation" - much like the current WA Criminal Organisation Act 2012. All because some “Hollywood Nazi's” apparently murdered a Far Left activist? Apparently. While your colleagues chose to hound and harass me - true blue neo-nazi's waltz the streets of Penh with impunity shooting up Mosques. Flicsc are the EXACT people the legislation was written for. I ll be sure to pass this on to contacts in Iran and the Middle East generally as well as Malaysia and Indonesia. Live sheep and cattle trade doing well lately? Your lack of enthusiasm indicates to me I made the right decision in not bothering with the High Court and shows that in reality, there is no separation between the courts and politics in this country. However Nick. I'm not completely ignorant of the pressure you must alt be under. Has the Israeli Ambassador to Australia sent you an email? Just a simple one asking you to indicate “broad support" for Israel? Alt the best mate © Sincerely. Brendon Lee O'Connell Involved in murder, fire um and explosive* trafficking. Ixhdlcd n “terrorisi group" in turopc Page 478 of 1018 Page | 13 APPENDIX B There is no material available on their official site at this web address. It has been removed for obvious reasons but I have screenshots. Here is the "WayBack Machine" official link to the back up of the site. You can see the incredible political fire power levelled at one man - me, Brendon Lee O'Connell - Home I Blogs I Steve Lieblich's blog Dignitaries and Community Leaders attending the Launch of FOIWA (this posting has been updated since the launch, to include messages of support received from the attendees afterwards) STOP PRESS: Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith came directly from the Pacific Islands Forum to speak at the launch of FOIWA. The following dignitaries attended the launch of FOIWA on 8 August 2010: • Stephen Smith MP, Federal Member for Perth, Foreign Minister. • Senator Glenn Sterle, Senator for Western Australia: "To Steve, Bob and the Committee of the FOIWA, Congratulations on the successful launch of this ground breaking initiative. As a West Australian, and a true friend of the state of Israel, it gives me great pleasure to be an inaugural member of this vital assembly. Shalom ” • Senator Mark Bishop, Senator for Western Australia • Senator Michaelia Cash, Senator for Western Australia • Michael Keenan MP, Federal Member for Stirling; Shadow Minister for Justice and Customs • Louise Durack, Labor Candidate for Stirling • Hon. Alannah MacTieman MLA BA, LLB, BJuris, JP, Former Member for Armadale • Tim Hammond, Labor Candidate for Swan • Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Israel Embassy to Australia • Mr Michael Sutherland MLA BA, LLB, DipEd and Michelle Gilchrist, Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly • Hon. Kate Doust MLC, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the State Legislative Council; Shadow Minister for Energy; Science and Innovation • Liz Lloyd Behjat MLC, State Member for North Metropolitan Region: Congratulations on the launch of the WA Friends of Israel WA. The number of enthusiastic people who attended the event ...is testament to the high regard in which you and others of the Perth Jewish community are held by the community and political leaders form all political persuasions. Warmest regards and best wishes for the continued growth and success of the organisation. • Sue Ellery MLC, Member for South Metropolitan • Peter Abetz MLA, State Member for Southern River • Albert Jacob MLA, State Member for Ocean Reef • Bill Johnston MLA, State Member for Cannington • Ben Wyatt MLA, Member for Victoria Park: "Warmest congratulations on a wonderfully successful launch of the Friends of Israel yesterday! It is clear that Israel has deep and sincere support from across Western Australia and I have no doubt that the 'Friends of Israel’ will have an important role to play in developing this relationship. Warmest regards..." • Peter Tinley MLA, Member for Willagee • Hon. John Charles Kobelke MLA BSc, DipEd, JP, Member for Balcatta • Councillor Rod Willox AM RFD ED JP, Councillor, City of Stirling • Councillor David Michael, Osborne Ward, City of Stirling • Stephen Price , WA Secretary, AWU • Christine Gundry JP and Pauline Saillard, Electorate Officer, Office of Ian Britza, MLA • Mrs Anne-Kit and Mr John Littler, Researcher for Ian Britza, MLA in Morley • Mrs Margaret Duff and Max Duff, Office of Paul Papalia, Member for Warnbro • Alex Butterworth , President, Young Liberals W.A • Pastor Ross and Mei Clark, Perth Messianic Assembly Dianella • Hon Rev Dr Margaret Court AO, MBE,Phd LLD, Senior Pastor, Victory Life Centre • Barry Court, Board Member, Victory Life Centre Page 479 of 1018 Page | 14 • Pastor Ron McKay & Pat, Pastor, Victory Life Centre • Anne Edgar, Victory Life Centre • Helen Muir, Victory Life Centre • Pastor Alan Wells, Victory Life Centre: "It was a historical day for God and for Israel. Scripture in Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, May they prosper who love you. As ive pray for the peace of Jerusalem the Capital of Israel, Sovereign God, brings Friends of Israel together, and we witnessed a great outpouring on August 8, 2010 here in Western Australia. May God stir the hearts of many around Australia and the world to also have Friends of Israel, that the world may know that many stand with Israel for Her Sovereignty, the Right to Exist, the Right to live in Peace, that She continue to be, "for a light of the Gentiles (Nations) (Isaiah 42:6)., and be a Blessings to the Nations of the World, as God proclaimed in His Word, the Holy Scriptures. It was a joy to see so many come together to support Friends of Israel." • Stan & Caroline Pisulak, White House Community Church: "Our heart and affection are in support of the people of Israel and indeed all Jews located and globally, and Friends of Israel in WA. A great start in anticipation of mighty things to come" • Ruth & Tony Marrion, White House Community Church and Bridges for Peace • George & Jacky Morris, White House Community Church • Mary Goldstone, White House Community Church • Mr & Mrs Hal Colebatch, Lawyer and Author • Mr ADM Lindsay, Barrister and Solicitor • Phil & Brine Salinger • Dr Antonio Buti, BPE DipEd MIR W.Aust., LLB A.N.U., DPhil Oxon, Prof Law UWA • Bill Gaynor, President of the RSL • Rabbi Dr Shalom Coleman CBE AM & Rita, Hon Life President of the Australasian Rabbinate (ORA): "Congratulations on a wonderfully organised event. I was thrilled with the attendance and like you have always believed that we have many friends of Israel among our non-Jewish fellow Australians, The fact that Foreign Affairs Minister Steven Smith took time from his election schedule to attend and address the colossal turn-out speaks volumes for Government support. All the speakers were excellent. Their personal experiences were both interesting and heartening, mentioning also the deceptions and misrepresentations of people who have never been to Israel but presume to judge its very survival. I take this opportunity of saluting the Chairman Bob Kucera. His introductory speech was illuminating. His humour and personal reminiscences of Israel were exhilarating and it was reflected by all who spoke at the podium. I am proud of the Australian nation when more than 100 State and Federal Parliamentarians, President of the State RSL and so many leaders from societies, associations and organisations representing all walks of life, came to respect the sovereignty of the Nation of Israel and acclaim Ambassador Rotem with a standing ovation. They came to pay tribute to Israel's medical and technical expertise which it shares internationally, to support Israel's right to defend its citizens in the face of terrorism, to defend freedom and democracy ivith a longing for peace and stability in the en tire region of the Middle East. I was elevated when the Chairman concluded his remarks with the adage of a former Prime Minister of Spain "If Israel Goes Down We AH Go Down". • Rabbi Dovid Freilich OAM & Mrs Aviva Freilich, Chief Rabbi of the Perth Hebrew Congregation; President of the Association of Rabbis in Australasia • Tony & Helen Tate, President, JCCWA • Josephine Orya, President, Magen David Adorn • Michael Frame, President, Jewish Centre • Anne Topelberg OAM, President, W1ZO WA • Jeanette & Joe Berinson, Former Federal Government Minister • Rabbi Marcus & Linda Solomon , Rabbi of Dianella Shule; Rabbi of Beit Midrash of W.A. • John Schaffer, Chairman, Schaffer Corporation Limited • Ray & Maree Findley, President, Temple David Congregation (Inc) • Rabbi Sheryl Nosan-Blank, Temple David Congregation (Inc) • David & Beverlie Denver, President, Jewish Community Appeal and member of Executive of the Jewish Community Council of WA • Roger Davis, Vice President, Maurice Zeffert Home • Angela Davis, NCJW • Joy & Brian Rourke, NCJW • Ester & Henry Steinglesser, NCJW Page 480 of 1018 Page | 15 • Yael & Jonathon Jacobson, Jewish Care WA • Raymond & Shirley Bernstein , Jewish Care WA • Ofer & Tsaela Simchony, Executive Director, UIA WA • Barry N. J. Walters FRACP FRANZCOG, Clinical Associate Professor, Obstetric Medicine, KEMH & RPH • Mr Andrew & Mrs Gwyneth Carver, Temple David Congregation (Inc) • Debra & Peter Kesacoff, Immediate Past President, JewishCare WA Inc • Michael Meyer & partner. President, Perth Chevra Kadisha, & West Australian Institute of Jewish Affairs • Bob Kucera APM and Sue, nominee FOIWA Chairman, fonner Minister for Multicultural Affairs • Ray & Judith Halligan, nominee FOIWA Vice Chairman, former Member for North Metropolitan Region • Brendan Johnston & partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Grant Crombie & partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Judith Lewis & partner, nominee FOIWA Membership Officer • Kelvin Crombie & partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Shaun & Laurelle Mellet, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Navit & Arseni Shchigel, SZC, and nominee FOIWA Committee member • Phil Samuell OAM & partner, VP of JCCWA and nominee FOIWA Committee member • Stanley Keyser & partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Yoni Steingiesser & partner, FOIWA web master • Melanie & Mark Casserly, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Jan Jermalinski & partner, nominee FOIWA Committee member • Steve & Robyn Lieblich, JCCWA, AIJAC, and nominee FOIWA Committee member The following dignitaries expressed their support of FOIWA and extended their apologies that they are unable to attend the launch on 8 August, and would have attended but for other commitements. Some of their statements of support were read at the launch: • Senator Mathias Cormann, Senator for Western Australia • Hon Julie Bishop MP, Federal Member for Curtin; Deputy Leader of the Opposition; Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs • Hon Gary Gray AO MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Western and Northern Australia, Member for Brand (WA) • Don Randall MP JP, Federal Member for Canning • Judi Moylan MP, Member for Pearce • Sharryn Jackson MP, Member for Hasluck • Hon Helen Morton MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Treasurer; Minister for State Development and to the Minister for Water; Mental Health • Hon Nigel Hallett, MLC, Member for the South West Region • Mr Ken Travers MLC, Member for the North Metropolitan • Hon Linda Savage MLC, Member for East Metropolitan Region • Hon. Adele Farina MLC, Member for South West Region • Hon. Ljiljanna Ravlich MLC, Member for East Metropolitan Region; Shadow Minister for Commerce & Small Business; Government Accountability; Tourism and Training • John Castrilli MLA, Member for Bunbury • The Hon Dr Kim Hames, MLA, Deputy Premier, Minister for Health: Indigenous Affairs • Hon. Francis Logan MLA, Member for Cockburn • Hon. Eric Ripper MLA BA, DipEd, Leader of the Opposition; Shadow Minister for Public Sector Management; Native Title • Mr Ian Maxwell Britza MLA, Member for Morley • Margaret Quirk MLA, Member for Girrawheen • HonTerry Waldron MLA , Member for Wagin • Paul Papalia CSC, MLA, Member for Warnbro • John Hyde MLA, Member for Perth; Shadow Minister for Culture and the Arts; Heritage; Multicultural Interests and Citizenship • Tony O'Gorman JP MLA, Member for Joondalup Page 481 of 1018 Page | 16 • Dr Janet Woollard MLA, Member for Alfred Cove • Mick Murray MLA, Member for Collie-Preston • Mr David Templeman MLA, Member for Mandurah • Hon. C. Christian Porter MLA, Member for Bateman; Attorney General; Minister for Corrective Services • Lisa Baker MLA, Member for Maylands • Dr Elizabeth Constable MLA, Member for Churchlands • John Bowler MLA, Member for Kalgoorlie • Keith Buxton, National Director of Bridges for Peace; I applaud the formation of Friends of Israel WA and am delighted that this initiative has been taken in Western Australia, where Bridges for Peace, a Jerusalem-based worldwide organisation with a mandate to support Israel and build relationships betioeen Christians and Jews, is especially strong. Outgoing Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gabriela Shalev said recently that Israel is "the most isolated, lonely country in the world ." I know however that I speak on behalf of thousands of Christians across Australia in affirming our strong, unconditional support of Israel in what indeed are crucial days. For too long Christians have been silent. For too long the Jewish community has had to fight its battles alone. Now especially is the time for Christian individuals and congregations to speak up for the people who gave us the Bible, and to affirm Israel's right to defend herself. We are committed to countering the curse of anti-Semitism and incessant media bias against Israel, and desire to see Christians and Jews working side by side for better understanding and a more secure Israel. Congratulations on taking this very important initiative. Shalom. • Dr Ashley Crane, Principal, Harvest West Bible College Inc. • Warren Austin, President General Sir John Monash RSL Sub-Branch, WAJEX • Santo Merenda and guest, MD, Merenda Group Pty Ltd Copyright © 2010 Friends of Israel. All Rights Reserved, created by Stemaco Technology https://web.archive.Org/web/20100828042352/http://www.foiwa.org.au/node/32 Page 482 of 1018 Page | 17 APPENDIX C D1/2/KD/WADC/CRTM/PER/IND1767/2009 The prosecution stance, so far as bail is concerned, is that in the particular circumstances of this case, given the allegation that Mr O'Connell has re-offended in precisely the same type of way and committed the same offences as were present upon the original indictment, that there is no bail condition that would adequately satisfy the concern of the court, that should Mr O'Connell be permitted to bail, that he would not re-offend. In the alternative, we submit that if the court is not so satisfied and takes the view that bail conditions can guard against that risk, then we have indicated that the obvious condition that should be imposed, and added to the existing bail conditions, is as set out on the application dated 19 November 2009, which is that the accused is precluded from publishing any comments upon the matter that is the subject of indictment 1767 of 2009 until further order, and is precluded from directing or instructing any other individual to comment upon the matter. Your Honour, the concern that has arisen is that as the court will have seen, I think, from correspondence sent to the court on 16 November, that is Monday of this week to the associate to her Honour, the Chief Judge, the accused has published a blog upon the Internet which seeks to dissect the prosecution case which contains statements of witnesses, which contains comments on the statements of those witnesses, and which indicates that those statements are to be disbelieved, discounted, and can be pulled apart, and seeks to do so. The concern the prosecution have, of course, is that notwithstanding the fact that the matter has not been listed for trial as of yet, that has an obvious tendency to prevent a fair trial for the community as well as the accused, and the court will be aware, of course - - - ACCUSED: Fair trial? Thanks. TROY, MR: The court will be aware, of course, that although "in contempt of court" is a little utilised power, it remains a power that, on the authority of R v Pearce [1992] 7 WAR 395, the Director of Public Prosecutions has the standing to commence and carry on. And that is something that the Director of Public Prosecutions is actively considering, as the court knows from correspondence. And there is clear authority that a favourable comment, such as an assertion that an accused is innocent, to the media during the course of a trial can amount to a 20/11/2009 11:34 TROY, MR 6 National Transcription Services ACCUSED Page 483 of 1018 Page | 18 D1/2/KD/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 contempt. It is, of course, a question of degree, and there is a question as to proximity of trial. But the prosecution is concerned that unless bail is revoked, this accused will continue to publish - - - ACCUSED: Defend myself. TROY, MR: - - - certain matters upon the Internet. His behaviour in court today was utterly indicative of an entrenched attitude to continue to do so. And the prosecution submit that unless Mr O'Connell's bail is revoked, then the accused will continue to make comments about the trial, or the pending trial, of these criminal proceedings, and will commit the offence of contempt of court. There is also the distinct probability, we respectfully submit, that he will continue to publish the sorts of comments that have given rise to counts 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the indictment and which will therefore amount to further offences of the same type, contrary to section 77 of the Criminal Code. Your Honour, the correspondence that I've put before the court notes the fact that during the last week, Mr O'Connell has posted, I think, two videos on the Youtube organisation in which he speaks about this case. I've seen one of them, but not the second. In the course of the video that I've seen, which I have a copy of, and it lasts for about seven minutes, if the court, pursuant to its power under section 22 of the Bail Act, needs to see it. The accused makes an allegation against the investigating officer that he is corrupt. He says that on four occasions, and he makes an allegation that evidence has been planted against him in relation to this matter. That reinforces the prosecution's submission that there is a tangible risk that unless bail is revoked, this man will continue to make these sorts of assertions, and the difficulties that I've indicated will occur. As I say, I have a copy of the DVD if necessary, and it can be played to your Honour. MARTINO DCJ : Thank you. Now, Mr O'Connell, I've received an application dated 19 November 2009 for an order that bail be revoked, or an alternative that additional bail conditions are imposed; 20/11/2009 11:34 TROY, MR 7 National Transcription Services ACCUSED HIS HONOUR Page 484 of 1018 INDICTMENT - UTILISING A CARRIAGE DEVICE TO CAUSE OFFENSE (DECEMBER 23 rd , 2014)
  32. This was perhaps one of the more farcical set of charges. Three separate charges in totally for three separate people. "Used a carriage device in such a way that reasonable persons, would regard as being, in all the circumstances offensive." Charge Sheet page 514. This was done under Commonwealth Federal legislation. Not state.
  33. The detective in charge of this matter was Det. Elizabeth VULETA.
  34. Detective VULETA was clearly close to one of the alleged victims, Jewish Community leader Mr. Stephen LIEBLICH. SEE RECORDED CALL
  35. These charges were preceded by a police raid with seven police in total. I had finally found my own accommodation out of the homeless shelter system and was registering for University to re-do my Nursing Degree. As a result of the raid I lost my shared accommodation and was homeless again. I was traumatised by it all. Det. VULETA had been ringing my friends prior to the raid stating she had property to return to me and could my friends supply my address. All of my friends refused to give my location and stated they would ring me and pass on the message. Det. VULETA had my phone number. Why wasn't she ringing me to ask for my new address? Det. VULATA was lying to my friends who are all working professionals. I emailed Det. VULETA and asked what she wanted? I received no reply except the police raid.
  36. When I related to my then lawyer John BOUGHER how shocked I was that Det. PAINI had lied under oath, with his hand on the King James Bible, John threw his head back and laughed a huge belly laugh, "Brendon! It's the police! They lie! That's what they do!" That's a direct quote. Det. PAINI denied ever threatening me at my home with the words, "When this court case is over, it won't be over," in late May, 2009. This set off the warfare between myself and the W.A police.
  37. I seriously considered acts of violence against police as my only recourse after this December 23 rd police raid. They were never going to leave me alone. Highly connected people in Western Australia advised me to leave the state for my own protection. Lawyer Seamus RAFFERTY inferred this was a good idea. It was stated to me by a highly connected friend that then Premiere Geoff GALLOP had resigned as Premiere of the state of Western Australia - Page 485 of 1018 abruptly - and left the state for his own protection from WA police. Mr. GALLOP claimed clinical depression. He then travelled interstate to a high paying, high pressure, university post and his mental health appeared just fine. I was told he feared for his life and the safety of his family from WA police after he assisted bringing to light the infamous case of Andrew MALLARD - set up by local police in a high-profile murder case. Depressed Gallop quits as premier Western Australia's Premier Geoff Gallop stunned the state with his resignation from politics today to battle debilitating depression. https://www.smh.com.au/national/depressed-gallop-quits-as-premier-20060117-gdmshx.html 401 . Detective VULETA lied, made clear false claims against me and directly tampered with evidence. Det. Justin ROBERTSON asked me over a year after her charges were laid, "Please leave Liz alone." [Insert pleading look in eyes.] She is so utterly incompetent, lacking in moral and ethical standards I could not leave her alone as I reported her behaviour (with evidence) to relevant authorities. In Western Australia, no police officer is ever brought to account. Det. VULETA was protected at every turn even when Judge BOWDEN noted the clear tampering of evidence and VULETA'S incompetence at the subsequent trial that resulted from the charges. 402 . At the same meeting with Det. Justin ROBERTSON at their Perth city headquarters, (on or around March 2016) Det. ROBINSON raised his hands in the air in a surrender gesture, palms outward and stated, "I have no problem apologising to you Brendon. I have no problem apologising." I took him to be sincere. At the time, Det. ROBINSON was with another detective whose name escapes me. He was fidgeting wildly, adjusting his position in the chair to hang his legs over the edge (sloth like) and appeared to me to be affected by amphetamines. 403 . It should be noted that no indictment was delivered on these particular charges until Hamid FARRAJOLAHI of Iran Press TV confirmed the documentary he was making was going ahead. The next day, Det. VULETA personally delivered the indictment brief to the front desk of the homeless shelter where I was staying. 404 . The three charges related to three people. Jewish Community leader and asset for Israeli intelligence Mr. Stephen LIEBLICH; A man who threatened a Muslim friend of mine with death in front of his children Mr. Jason HODGKINSON; The wife of Jason HODGKINSON, Veronica HODGKINSON. Two of the charges were dropped involving Mr. LIEBLICH and Jason HODGKINSONS wife. 405 . Please note at the start of the SUMMARY OF OFFENSE the hand written notes...
  38. "Death threats made against Muslim family and he believes this was covered up."
  39. "Extremist". [Meaning "I" am an extremist]
  40. "Behaviour towards police." 406 . That Det. VULETA has the nerve to mention, "behaviour towards police," and, "extremist", shows her disconnection from reality and inability to reflect on her own behaviour. This is standard police harassment via paperwork. 407 . Please keep in mind all these charges were related post my conversation with Minister Joe FRANCIS where he related his fears of organised crime and associated police and prison officers to me over the phone - and he was subsequently threatened on the grounds of parliament house. As previously discussed, I was raided by police two hours after refusing to attend a meeting with investigators of DCS and charged with a threat to kill and making a private telephone call public. Below is a subsequent raid seven weeks later. 408 . I will repeat the particulars laid out by police for both Jason HODGKINSON and Stephen LIEBLICH and Veronica HODGKINSON. STEVEN LIEBLICH STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS (23 rd DECEMBER 2014) In this instance, the accused is the administrator of social media blogspot, "isolatebutpreserve. blogspot. com. au". Page 486 of 1018 On Thursday 30 th October 2014, the accused entered into a bail undertaking with WA Police in relation to another matter. One of the bail conditions states, "Not to threaten harass or cause offence to any person via any electronic means." On Wednesday 19 th November 2014, the accused accessed website www.lieblich.com.au and filled in a form panel with the comment, "Hi Steve, I haven't forgotten you and I believe ASIO and the AFP would like to know you better also." The accused also included a link to his blogspot, isolatebutpreserve.com.au/2014/ll/Caltech-professor-claims-israeli-spy.html The complainant clicked on the link and was directed to the website and an article relating to an alleged spy who allegedly studies at The Technion in Israel. This is the same institute LIEBLICH studied. The article also contained a copy of LIEBLICH's business page and the accused's comments that LIEBLICH was instrumental in having O'CONNELL locked away for three years. LIEBLICH found this article and contact by the accused offensive and reported the matter to police. State Security contacted the accused and reguested he remove the link from the blogspot to which the accused agreed. [Note I did as instructed and police raided and charged regardless, two weeks later] On Tuesday 23 December 2014, officers from State Security Investigation Group and Computer Crime Sguad executed a 3E Crimes Act search warrant at the accused's temporary accommodation and seized a laptop computer. The accused was arrested and conveyed to the Perth Watch House where [he] bail was refused due to his behaviour and rantings during the search warrant.
  41. Please note these LIEBLICH police statement extracts... H The email read, "Hi Steve. I haven’t forgotten you and I believe ASIO and the AFP would like to know you better also.” 12 . The IP address of the computer from which the form '/.as submitted is
  42. EXHIBIT I now present the one page email and a facsimile of the report of a form submission on my web site.
  43. This email offended me. It accuses me of deceit, and it is also replete with anti¬ semitie lies about the Jewish people 17 . There is also a comment in the article which reads, ‘Funnily, the man who was instrumental in getting me locked away for three years in jail also trained at the Technion in Israel - Mr Steven Lieblich.”
  44. This comment is above a screen shot from my website. Lieblich & Associates. 19 | find this comment offensive because if falsely Implies that I am an Israeli spy.
  45. EXHIBIT I now present a copy of this eight page document. 21 . The blog appears to be run by Brendon O’CONNELL (O'CONNELL). Page 3 of 5 mkchK. >/c.nsi7 l bWatfefKdetfzoto 7 L/ /kJfcAVi ’/C 2i/v6Vgr y 'rt&zza, i , ,. 7 ' ISP Page 4 of 5
  46. The "anti-semetic" lies about Steve and his friends were of particular interest to local Western Australian state counter terrorism, the Department of Homeland Security, Iranian intelligence and Malaysian intelligence. Page 487 of 1018
  47. Here is a recorded call (video format) from one month before where I followed Det. Liz VULETA's instructions and removed all identifying information to do with Stephen LIEBLICH. Note the cordial tone of the phone call and how happy everyone was. Note my offers for reconciliation with Mr LIEBLICH and a meeting. Det. VULETA agrees to ask LIEBLICH about a meeting and would get back to me - she never did. TRANSCRIBED CALL WITH DET. VULETA (21 st NOVEMBER 2014) LV: Hello, Liz speaking. BOC: HI Liz, just to clarify, its Brendon O'Connell, did you just want me to remove the references to Steve Lieblich or pull the whole blog post down? LV: / think...Steve has...ummmm...he would be happy if you could jut remove the references to him, that's what he has commented to me. BOC: Ok, look, I've calmed down from the shock, I've of course contacted Hami from Press TV, Iranian English language news...look, I want a meeting with Steve, lets sort this out once and for all, seriously. Just sort this out once and for all seriously, man to man and come to...and not because I'm afraid of the conseguences, you know I love it, but I really want to sit and make peace, is that possible? LV: Ummm...look, I can ask him if he is happy to meet with you...um... BOC: I'm happy for you to be there, just sit and say Steve, lets sort this out mate, come on... LV: I'll put it to him and see what he says. I'll put it to him because you've asked me to do that and...ummm...and I'll...I'll...get back to you. I am waiting for a call back from him, so, as soon as I hear back from him, I'll ring you on the number that you contacted me on and I'll let you know. BOC: All right Liz, cheers. LV: Ok, thanks Brendon, see ya.
  48. So, what happened one month later? I was returning to Nursing via Edith Cowan University after finally sorting paper work problems with the university. My entire Nursing degree data had “disappeared" from their database. It took six weeks to get confirmation from the WA Nurses Board as to my Registration and by the time I returned to ECU they had "found" my records again. I asked if this was "normal". The lady stated, "No, I've never seen it before." These records had been disappeared before I went to jail in January 2011 when Judge John WISBEY stated in sentencing, "You claim to be a Nurse." I found this an unusual statement. Four years later I realise why he said it - my records had been removed from the Edith Cowan Nursing degree database.
  49. Despite Det. VULATAS clear statements that everything was sorted out, I was raided a month later and lost everything I had worked for in my attempts to return to some normal functioning within society. JASON HODGKINSON STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS (23 rd DECEMBER 2014) In this instance, the accused is the administrator of social media Facebook account, "Brendon O'CONNELL." On Thursday 20 th November 2014, the accused entered in to a bail undertaking at Perth Magistrate Court. One of the bail conditionjs] states, "Not to threaten harass or cause offense to any person via any electronic means." On Saturday 29 th November 2014, the accused used his Facebook account to contact Jason HODGKINSON's Facebook account, "Jason Hodgkinson." The Accused accused HODGKINSON of being the person responsible for threatening to kill a Muslim male in front of his 13 year old daughter at their family business at Northam Kebabs. Page 488 of 1018 The accused further ranted 33 "Right now he wants ISIS to cut off your head off but I figure you value your job. You are in deep, deep shit." The accused further added, "Its in the hands of counter terrorism now. But that's the least of your worries. An awful lot of Muslims want the head of the man that did this so I would hope for your sake you can clear this up quickly." The accused sent friend requests to HODGKINSONS friends who became aware of the conversation. This disturbed some of HODGKINSONS friends and HODGKINSON. As I found out through lawyers and others, HODGKINSON and his friends are Meth addicts, heavy drinkers, often un-employed, with convictions for receiving stolen goods, being unlawfully on premises. HODGKINSON previously had a good job with a large company, BHP Billiton, but it appears dealing Meth and being a police informant and thief is his current calling. Hence the huge degree of protection he and his friends received by specific police in Northam, Western Australia. On Sunday 30 th November 2014, the Accused was requested by HODGKINSON to remove the posts from Facebook to which the accused agreed. Untrue, I communicated with HODGKINSONS wife and agreed to remove the posts after I had provided them with the name and phone number of Det. VULETA who was also in contacted with the man HODGKINSON threatened with death with his friends - Mustafa ATIEH On Tuesday 23 December 2014, officers from State Security investigation Group and Computer Crime Squad executed a 3E Crimes Act search warrant at the Accused temporary accommodation [Lie. It was my hard-won permanent accommodation next to Edith Cowan University for the express reason to re¬ complete my Nursing Degree. I lost that accommodation and was homeless again] and seized a laptop computer. The Accused was arrested and conveyed to the Perth Watch House where [he] bail was refused due to his behaviour and rantings during the search warrant. See notes to the Prosecutor for copies of the HODGKINSONS statement and copies of the Facebook posts. NOTES TO PROSECUTOR
  50. Please note the last line - "See notes to the prosecutor..." Here is that "Note to prosecutor" and it is highly instructive of the lying lengths Det. VULETA sinks too on a routine basis. It must be addressed in detail. I will use the email I sent to my defence lawyer Antony EYERS to pull it apart. Duty Lawyer Seamus RAFFERTY rebuked Det. VULETA in court. See page 524 of this document.
  51. "The accused has history with Lieblich and was found guilty of racial vilification towards the Jewish community. The accused was the first person imprisoned in Western Australia for racial vilification offenses. Lieblich provided evidence at this trial and was the president of the jewish community at that time. Lets get this simple fact straight - Steve Lieblich NEVER provided evidence at my trial. Ever. Steve Lieblich organized the Israeli Ambassador and Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister to come out against me. At the event named "The Friends Of Israel" rally in August 8th, 2010,1000 Christians attended as well as the creme of the Perth, Sydney and Melbourne Jewish communities as well as 30 local and federal members of parliament -100 local and federal members of parliament expressed written support for the event. All organized against one man - me. 33 Note the use of emotive language by Det. VULETA Page 489 of 1018 When I simply noted Steve Liebliches credentials for an Israeli Intelligence asset -1 was raided. They have since dropped the charge against me after nearly 18 months. They were never going to proceed with it. They are embarrassed at having to deal with it. In the end, why would you organize top Israeli government officials against such a paranoid delusional man? Read on...
  52. On 24 December 2014, the Community Forensic Mental Health Service (Court Liaison Service) spoke to the accused and provided Perth Magistrates Court with a report for the magistrate (copy enclosed). The accused has previously been diagnosed with a delusional disorder that incorporates fixed paranoia ideas in relation to government departments and other agencies. Ordered mental health assessment of accused (dated 24/12/14) states he has a history of paranoid delusions. This is the most frightening thing I have ever read. You have all just been diagnosed. And soon, they will start locking people up and forcibly medicating people for stating self evident facts that are on the public record and admitted too. Every claim I have EVER made about Israeli spying and jewish racial and religious supremacism is ON THE MAIN STREAM PUBLIC RECORD. In fact, former head of state counter terrorism (Inspector Barry Shelton) invited me out to talk about and emailed me with the words, "We all respect your work." But then, maybe I imagined it? :-D This video sums it up - Reporting Jewish Terrorists https://mega.nz/ffiMrAiFKxbiC8egeciVTvXIR8b6vLvi7TbOMMLQ7-RuwavGCoNEylA Of course, if my video was titled - Reporting Muslim Terrorists -1 would have received a medal, been feted in the press and maybe received a book and movie deal. In 20001 was admitted to a psychiatric facility after I did a sleep deprivation technigue utilized by South Korean Monks. It was a fascinating experience - not unlike LSD. Wont go into it now. The next day I left the psychiatric facility. After a few days I thought I might return as I wondered if it might have ramifications for my Nursing Registration. They locked me up immediately in a lock up'd ward and forcibly medicated me with a low dose anti-psychotic. It did absolutely nothing but give me a stiff neck. I went along with it as I knew what they could do. After a couple of weeks where I rebuked the staff for being lazy - which they notoriously were/are -1 simply left and never went back and had no more problems. But, that did not stop them writing up a nice report about me. I have worked at Greylands hospital and I can tell you, it was the UTTER pits. The staff were drug addicted, lazy, incompetent, assholes. Many were perverts and preyed on the women patients. It is much improved now. If you were to look up, "The Burdekin Report" you might get a flavor of how bad Greylands Mental Health Hospital was. They have since used that little "visit" against me at every opportunity. Note the terms used above, "(copy enclosed)". There was no copy in the file I have. But I'm going to get a hold of it. I guarantee it. But nowit gets REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good...
  53. In January 2015 the accused threatened to harm detective VULETA. As a result, detective VULETA became the subject of a WA police Operation Tango Investigation. Operation Tango is the management of police officers when they have been threatened. NEVER, EVER, EVER have I threatened detective Elizabeth VULETA. I defy the WA police to provide a single shred of evidence that this is so. It is the product of their delusional mind. No, Page 490 of 1018 that's an excuse for them - it is a product of their lying, scheming, pathetic carcasses that is suiting a story they are spewing forth to people. I wonder if they use this one to mention to Iran Press TV to discredit me? The above is going to come back to haunt them. This is why the establishment do not support me. The police will be spewing this garbage night and day along with the piece of garbage Perth jewish community who spewed forth the most ridiculous claims about me stating that I have threatened to kill their children. So, lets have the evidence please. Lets have the "threat" that reguired a "special operation" on little old me - a guy with nowhere to live who could not even afford his phone bill. Now, this next one SUMS IT ALL UP with regards "threats" to detective Liz VULETA. I ask you to read the pasted in email below. You will hear her impassioned plea for me to stop emailing her as it is apparently hurting her precious I A/A police feelings. Note the calm and reasoned tone of my emails as I ask her to please hand over the un-edited video footage of the over the top police raid. This should confirm for you that the WA police are not to be believed - ever. But first - lets get their statement in the brief they sent the dpp (DA's office for Americans).
  54. In November 2015 the accused contact with detective VULETA became increasingly intense and as such the accused was instructed by detective VULETA to cease contact. The accused subsequently contacted detective VULETA. Oh dear. Why let the truth get in the way of a bit of WA police bullshit? Let us now refer to those "intense" emails. Please read it all so you get a good grasp of the length of the bullshit they will pass off at as fact. First a screenshot of the last email to detective VULETA. Underneath that will be the long series of emails. All I have done is stick to the facts. But apparently it was too "intense" for poor Liz. Page 491 of 1018 FULL EMAIL - please read it. Note my "intense" simple requests for the FULL un-editted raid video which the WA police refused to hand over. Page 515
  55. The above is absolutely instructive of what lengths the WA police were willing to go to cover their ineptitude, lies, and corruption. Imagine, I am making threats to 'harm' a Western Australian female police officer: where is the refusing of bail? The day after my arrest by VULETA, when police opposed bail and inferred I was major terrorist risk, my defence lawyer - Seamus RAFFERTY - called the police "hysterical" and stated the obvious; if I had made such threats to harm a Western Australian police officer, while on bail for a "threat to kill" a prison officer, does anyone think for a single second I would be out on bail? But this is the WA police and as highly respected defence lawyer John BOUGHER stated to me, "Brendon! It's the police! They lie. That's what they do."
  56. Here are quotes from the transcript before Magistrate Temby that sum up the WA police. PP is Police Prosecutor. SR is Seamus RAFFERTY, my duty lawyer, who acquitted himself beautifully. For once in my life I had a lawyer aggressively defending me. QUOTES FROM TRANSCRIPT SR: Sir, I will deal with the individual matters. First of all, it's entirely inadequate that an investigating officer simply provides a prosecutor with a memorandum and says, "Oh, listen, here's a few extra reasons why you should oppose bail." If the investigating officer 34 wants to deal with those matters, then she ought to charge him with those matters and, in my respectful submission, the suggestion as to his behaviour is entirely explained by the fact that he may feel persecuted in the circumstances, particularly in relation to the matters of a subjective nature that he seems to be a believer in. Now, in my respectful submission, the matters that were raised in relation to his conduct yesterday, sir, simply go to his frustration. If there were to be any suggestion of any overt threats against that particular police officer, well, then there should be a charge in relation to those matters and there's not. I'm not going to raise any issues in relation to his views, sir. PAGE 10 PP: Again, I'm going back to the facts of, you know, the nature of this kind of offending, and whilst Mr RAFFERTY and I -1 do agree its perhaps not as serious as the threat to kill charge, we've had an opportunity to look at some of the correspondence in there and his previous record. Now perhaps I'm over-reacting but I'm NEWS 21 Magistrate slams cop evidence PHIL HICKEY POLICE officers who gave evi¬ dence in the trial of a man ac¬ cused of punching a cop in the chest have been described by a magistrate as neither credible nor convincing. Magistrate Tom Hall high¬ lighted “significant inconsist¬ encies and irregularities” in the prosecution case against the man, who was charged with common assault over an inci¬ dent in Mindarie two years ago. The charge was laid two weeks after the man complain¬ ed about the officers' conduct. In December, he was found not guilty and awarded $13,000 in court costs. In a court transcript, ob¬ tained by The Sunday Times, Mr Hall said he had “difficult¬ ies with the prosecution wit¬ nesses". He described one officer as "lacking in credi¬ bility”, another as not a “con¬ vincing witness at all” and the third as not a “credible witness". "They are trained police of¬ ficers and their evidence, quite frankly, is way below what we would expect from profes¬ sionals." Mr Hall said. I wo weeks ago. The Sunday Times reported the WA Police Ethical Standards Division was reviewing new information after lawyer Terry Dobson wrote to Commissioner Karl O Callaghan. That review will determine if there are new concerns or allegations which need to be investigated further. Sunday Times 27marcli~2016 ' 34 Detective VULETA - remember "Notes to Prosecutor". Page 492 of 1018 also mindful of the current climate in regard to terrorism and matters relating to terrorism. 35 Now, if that's an over-reaction, I apologise, but it is a current topic and Mr O'Connell comes across to me as very, very extreme in his views 36 and I just have some sort of concerns that if its not handled perhaps in the right way, were then leaving ourselves subject to, you know, perhaps it was to late. Sorry, if that doesn't come across that clear; that's just my, sort of — SR: I do have to respond to that. It's not an overreaction; its bordering on the hysterical and I don't (indistinct) personal context to the prosecutor. This is a man who expresses or has in the past expressed his views in the written form. They may not be views that your Honour or I particularly share, and that really doesn't matter at the end of the day. They're his subjective views. There's no suggestion, sir, that he acts upon these particular matters, sir. PAGE 14 SR: And, sir, there is no suggestion to - or there is no evidence before you, sir, that could even satisfy you on balance that this man was some form of terrorist or involved in any form of terrorist activity, and can I say, sir, if he was, I imagine that there would be federal agencies that would be upon him very, very guickly in this current climate, but, again, there's no suggestion, sir, that that's the case. So, sir, it's a condition of - without looking at these matters in the context the prosecutor has outlined, it's those matters outlined in clauses 1 and 3 that you need to consider. PAGE 15 FULL TRANSCRIPT PAGE 539 35 Please note, I am now a "terrorist". All my past record - exposing Jewish racial and religious supremacism and Israeli espionage world-wide makes me a "terrorist". 36 My views? He means exposing Jewish racial and religious supremacism and extremism and Israeli domination of the high technology industry and espionage against the United States and others. I don't take it to personally from the WA police, they are known to be "thick as bricks." I doubt the PP has ever read a book in between downloading his porn collection and dealing drugs. Page 493 of 1018 a
  57. A question to ask the WA police and Australian Federal Police is; what they were doing looking for material on 'Jet Propulsion Laboratories' during the police raid on December 23 rd , 2014? Here is an image from the raid video where Det. VULETA states. .."That's not under the scope of the warrant, all the conspiracy theories and things like that. If its anything to do with Jet Propulsion Laboratories, Lieblich and Associates, the Hodgkinsons." Police Raid - Brendon Lee O'Connell December 23rd 2014 - Perth, Western Australia
  58. JPL is mentioned because of the blog post where I describe how Jewish American Sandra Troian reported possible espionage activities by an Israeli scientist working in her department and was subsequently retaliated against. 37 1 put this in relation to Mr. Stephen LIEBLICH and his high risk for espionage, having trained in Israel and the Israeli Defence Force.
  59. Mr LIEBLICH chose not to serve in the Australian Defence Force.
  60. The raids were under federal warrants, not state. Done in liaison with the Australian Federal Police. Its reasonable to presume they were conducting an investigation into Mr. LIEBLICH and Mr. Leon WENDE and I was to be shut up. I would have co-operated fully with Australian authorities if I thought they had three brain cells between them and they did not send corrupt drug dealing WA police to "handle me". I especially did not like Det. PAINI threatening me at my own house with the words, "When this court case is over, it won't be over."
  61. I note Ms. Troian made this statement in the news article - "The suit contends that, among other things, officials falsely accused her of research misconduct; issued false findings of wrongdoing against her; thwarted her participation in campus committees, events and lectures; and denied her more than $1 million in grant funds." - "Instead of resolving the issues around this incident and trying to get to the bottom of it, they decided to cover up the problem and turn up the heat, trumping up one charge after another," Troian said at a news conference." Israeli entangled in Caltech whistleblower scandal Physics professor sues school after her disclosures to FBI lead to what she calls a campaign of retaliation By CHRISTOPHER WEBER [7| ,. □ |7| [7 37 14 November 2014,9:30 am | u 0 shares Sandra Troian (left) with her attorney Dan Stormer talks during a news conference in Pasadena, California, on Thursday, November 13,2014. (photo credit: AP/Christopher Weber) 37 https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-entaneled-in-caltech-whistleblower-scandal/ Page 494 of 1018
  62. I know how she feels.
  63. The above charge of offending Mr Stephen LIEBLICH was dropped, as I expected it would be. I was relishing the chance to get LIEBLICH on the stand.
  64. Detective VULETAS behaviour should be seen as "normal" for WA police and the case of Professor Robert CUNNINGHAM mentioned in Appendix 6 is the gold standard of WA police behaviour when challenged. 38 JASON HODGKINSON CHARGE GOES TO TRIAL - MARCH 2016
  65. The charge of offending Mrs. Veronica HODGKINSON was also dropped. None of the charges were to go ahead until Press TV confirmed the documentary was going ahead. As mentioned previously, when Press TV confirmed, the indictment brief was dumped on the front desk of my homeless shelter the next day, by Det. VULETA.
  66. The charge that went to trial was offending Mr Jason HODGKINSON. A drug addict, common thief (I've seen his criminal record), and police informant for the Northam police.
  67. During the trial, security guards who escorted me stated, "This is in the top ten of most ridiculous charges heard in this court."
  68. The trial was of course, a farce. Det. VULETA did not even have the required evidence from the Facebook page posts. She had to email Jason HODGKINSON for them. I know this, because on being found guilty, awaiting sentencing the next day, I checked the posts provided by VULETA and the actual posts on my Facebook page. They had been grossly tampered with. 39
  69. When Judge Bowden questioned the prosecutor as to why it was the EXHIBIT A evidence did not actually match the "offending material", detective VULETA said that she had received the posts from the "victim" - Jason Hodgkinson. My lawyer Anthony EYERS replied, "Your Honour, detectives raided this man's house. They took his computers and produced a forensic report. Then detective VULETA uses an email from the victim to produce the evidence?"
  70. The FB posts can be compared starting on page 562 of the document. Note all of HODGKINSONS replies have been removed - except one - but his icon has been removed. That is gross tampering. Why? It could only have been Det. VULETA. She would know that for a charge to "stick", the alleged "victim" cannot 'engage in conversation' with the person, which he is. Being close to the Northam police - a drug addict informant - maybe Jason HODGKINSON was given advice to present the material in this way by his contacts in the Northam police, where his wife works. Jason hodgkinson Brendon your post has been sent to the WA Police i have a lot of my business contacts message me and are considering going elsewhere I will be taking advice on this further Brendon O'Connell Simple question - are you the guy who went and threatened Mustafa at his shoD? Answer the Question? 38 Page 131 of Appendix 6 - THE CASE OF LAW PROFESSOR ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 39 All FB posts here in screenshot page 562. Page 495 of 1018 ■ Jason Hodgklnson thanks for your advice I will leave it to the police to sort out Brendon O’Connell Yeh. they came, and they went. Anything else to say? Brendon O’Connell I'll contact BHP Billiton as well. In fact I will go to the office with a copy of the blog post. ■ Jason Hodgklnson do what you want to do I will not be responding to you on your games anymore Brendon O'Connell OK. Good luck. This isn't a game. What makes you think its a game? Sneidng people around to threaten Mustafa about his kids was not a good idea.
  71. The messages are "skewed" like they have been cut with scissors and then re¬ arranged on a photocopier. One message has been made into two messages. Page 496 of 1018
  72. Two of my messages were completely removed. Jason Hodgkinson
  73. New Message 0 0 Brendon O'Connell Simple question - are you the guy who went and threatened Mustafa at his shop? Answer the question? Why do you need to contact the police? I already contacted them about you. Answer the question - yes or no - did you go to Mustafa's shop in Northam and threaten to Kill him In front of his kids? Are you the guy? Your failure to answer, answers the question. You have the nerve to threaten a man with death in front of his Kids and then whine when you are caught out and made public. Iranian English lanuage News - Press TV are travelling to WA to do an interview on this. Also, the shooting up of a Mosque by racist neo-nazi's which went punished with a fine. Brendon O'Connell As for "further advice" -1 suggest you get ready for a couple of years In jail based on the racial'religious nature of your actions. Jason Hodgkinson
  74. New Message 0 0 Brendon O'Connell As for "further advice" -1 suggest you get ready for a couple of years in jail based on the racial/religious nature of your actions. Based on the fact you threatened a man with death in front of his children and you did It knowing they were there - repeatedly. Three people have named you. I was waiting for further confirmation but with two new veiled threats made towards Mustafa and his children I want this sorted quickly. Are you the guy or not. Post a piccle of yourself and It will be sorted. I will apolaglse publicly and that will be that. I admit I was a little rash but I was worried about my friend. So. lets sort this out. But. If you want to involve police thats fine too. The sooner they get to the bottom of things the better. Jason hodgkinson thanks fnr vnur artvirp I will Ipsvp it to thp nnlirp In <;nrt nut
  75. The entire "conversation" lasted less than 24 hours. From 8:59pm on Saturday 29 th of Novemberto 7:47pm the next day, the 30 th November 2014. There was a total of 21 messages. 17 were mine. Judge Bowden on clearly seeing the time frame in my clear screenshots was angry and stated, "This did not happen over several days! This looks like a few hours!" Which it is, when you factor into the time sequence, we all went to bed. You cannot see any time stamps in Detective VULETA'S tampered with evidence.
  76. I had been completely banned - initially - from not only signing into social media or making public comment, I had been banned from utilising technology - completely. Except a mobile phone to make calls. I could not text. I could not check the evidence and my lawyer never bothered to check it until I made the decision to sign into my Facebook account and check - after I was convicted.
  77. Judge Bowden - who has an excellent reputation for fairness - was so angry he was stuttering. Fie stated, "You..you...you are going to appeal this? Yes? You will be appealing? I can't say anything, I can't say anything."
  78. Defence lawyer Antony EYERS was adamant that indeed, we would be appealing. Flowever, several weeks later, Mr. EYERS made a legal recommendation that an appeal would not succeed. It was clear Det. VULETA, like so many WA police are like panda bears - coddled, well fed and well protected.
  79. A picture of the package I made for my defence lawyer is on page 575 of this document. It was made at around 5am, before court.
  80. Flere is my email to Antony EYERS after he stated there was little chance of an appeal being successful and the jury would not have been affected by the un-tampered with evidence anyway. Its worth quoting in full. Dear Anthony, I am truly shocked by your comments to me with regards your legal opinion on the possibilities of a successful appeal against the conviction of utilizing a carriage device to menace, threaten or cause offense. Not once do you mention the FACT that the arresting detective, the prosecutor and even yourself had the duty of care to make sure the Exhibit A evidence was accurate. Apparently I need to remind you that I was under a PROTECTED BAIL CONDITION NOT to log onto ANY social media website and that most assuredly includes Facebook. That's a PROTECTED bail condition. Flow could I check anything without going to jail? I did a screenshot video of myself on Facebook showing the ACTUAL Facebook posts and I state on that video that I am nervous about breaking the bail condition as I collect the evidence to show the inaccuracy of the Exhibit A evidence. <mime-attachment.jpg> Page 497 of 1018 I am suffering PTSD, exhausted, physically and mentally. I can barely get out of bed in the mornings sometimes. NEVER in a million years would have thought the prosecution/police would resort to such utterly incompetent practices as they so obviously did. If I had been raped - would you complain I had worn a short dress? How about having a go at the rapist - the incompetent, careless and I say "corrupt" police - detective Vuleta and the incompetent office of commonwealth prosecutions? Detective Elizabeth Vuleta did not just act carelessly and recklessly when she "claimed" she had been sent the Exhibit A evidence by the alleged "victim", Jason Hodgkinson, who is plainly a drug affected, lying, common thief and obviously a protected informant for the WA police - his wife also works with them. Detective Vuleta has deliberately, and with specific INTENT, manipulated (badly) those posts. You said it yourself just prior to sentencing when you made it clear it was not acceptable that after a major raid on my room - where I subsequently became homeless - my property taken, including laptops, which were forensically examined - we find that the Exhibit A evidence is EMAILED to detective Vuleta by the "victim"! Which freakin planet am I on? Have a look at this raid - <mime-attachment.jpg> All of the above bullsh*t for that poxy joke of a charge? Let us look at the "evidence" that Vuleta proffered up - note it has no time line, it is all "crooked" - the original was in colour but otherwise this is what it looked like.I mean, have a look at it - <mime-attachment.jpg> <mime-attachment.jpg> <mime-attachment.jpg> Note first off there is no time line (above) which Judge Bowden noted immediately when he was shown the fresh screenshots. He was angry about this and noted, "This took place over a few hours, not days!" Detective Vuleta DELIBERATELY removed the time line (tampered with evidence) because central to the charge is that the "harassment" takes place over an extended period of time. How the flip do you fail to get a time line in when with a simple copy and paste the postings (with times) transfer straight across as I can show in this screenshot from an email I sent you. I just did a simple "copy and paste" which means it would have taken EFFORT to remove the time line Anthony - DELIBERATE - <mime-attachment.jpg> Now compare my email "copy and paste" from Facebook (above), to what Vuleta proffers up as "evidence" - <mime-attachment.jpg> Here, this is a "screenshot" of my Facebook page. Are we to believe (as you stated just prior to sentencing), that after raiding my private room, traumatizing me, trying to have me locked up indefinitely comparing me to Monis and the Lindt cafe shooting (December 24th bail hearing), confiscating my property including laptops and we "suppose" forensically examining them, the best detective Vuleta can come up with is the above? Below is my "effort" at 4am, after a stressful trial, in a homeless shelter and a ten year old computer. I even put a pretty black line around it - <mime-attachment.jpg> Anthony, just who is pulling the piss here? Vuleta even made one post into two posts. Now how do you do that "accidentally"? Here is Vuleta's "effort" - <mime-attachment.jpg> Page 498 of 1018 Now Anthony - HOW do you "accidentally" make one post into two? That takes EFFORT. It takes many, many, many mouse clicks. Here is the post as it ACTUALLY is - <mime-attachment.jpg> Now,how did the above, become "two"? What is the significance of that? It is part of the legislation that the "harassment" must be ongoing. Frequent. Over a period of time and the more posts the merrier. You note Anthony that the two posts of mine that were removed were posts that made me look good weren't they? Simple question - are you the guy who went and threatened Mustafa at his shop? Answer the question?

Why do you need to contact the police? I already contacted them about you. Answer the question - yes or no - did you go to Mustafa's shop in Northam and threaten to kill him in front of his kids? Are you the guy?

Your failure to answer, answers the question. You have the nerve to threaten a man with death in front of his kids and then whine when you are caught out and made public.

Iranian English language News - Press TV are traveling to WA to do an interview on this. Also, the shooting up of a Mosque by racist neo-nazi's which went punished with a fine. As for "further advice" -1 suggest you get ready for a couple of years in jail based on the racial/religious nature of your actions. Based on the fact you threatened a man with death in front of his children and you did it knowing they were there - repeatedly.

Three people have named you. I was waiting for further confirmation but with two new veiled threats made towards Mustafa and his children I want this sorted quickly.

Are you the guy or not. Post a piccie of yourself and it will be sorted.

I will apologise publicly and that will be that.

I admit I was a little rash but I was worried about my friend.

So, lets sort this out. But, if you want to involve police that's fine too. The sooner they get to the bottom of things the better. The above were "accidentally" left out by detective Vuleta? You also state that they really don't make much difference - even if a jury were to see them. Well, I beg to disagree. Lets see shall we? Then we have detective Vuleta "accidentally" leaving out these two posts by Hodgkinson - <mime-attachment.gif>4:58pm Jason Hodgkinson

thanks for your advice I will leave it to the police to sort out 6:51pm Jason Hodgkinson

do what you want to do I will not be responding to you on your games anymore Page 499 of 1018 Part of the legislation is that the "victim" should not be encouraging, or taking part in the exchange. This is why Vuleta removed the posts. You know why she did it Anthony? Because she knew I was following my bail conditions to the letter and could not go online and check. Just look at the sh*t the police produced as "evidence" (above) with ALL of their resources and this is what I produced at 4am, with barely any sleep, under pressure, in a homeless shelter on a ten year old computer -1 even put a bull clip on it - <mime-attachment.jpg>

  • colour, ACTUAL screenshots of the Exhibit A "evidence", in order, complete, with a disc of the evidence attached WITH a screen VIDEO of the whole process and it took me 90 minutes. Anthony, please send me the PDF of the trial as I want to do a complete and detailed reply to you. <mime-attachment.jpg> The above is more than an "anomaly". Nice way of putting "grossly tampered with evidence". I saw Judge Bowden was speechless, angry, and trying not to vent his utter displeasure at what went on because he says on transcript - "I cant say much, I presume you will be appealing?" I'll have to apply to Legal Aid for a second opinion. I'll also be making a complaint to the police, CCC, Minister for police and sending the material to Colleen Egan and Paul Murray of The West Australian. Just how many more pathetic, over the top fu*up's are the WA police capable of? This is a disgrace Anthony and it is beyond me why you cannot see it. In fact it is no fu**up - it is simple, ordinary, West Australian police corruption. Vuleta was told I was going to Sydney to do an interview with Iran Press TV and she dumped her JOKE of a brief at the front desk of 55 Central (homeless shelter) the next day. The dumb ass WA police had ZERO intention of going forward with ANY of the charges but when it was apparent I was not going to be nice to them, she dumped, in desperation, that pathetic half assed and tampered with brief on me and the commonwealth DPP. She is a f***ing joke and should be thrown out of the police. As should her AFP handlers who asked her to do that raid where they were desperately searching for something on the Jet Propulsion Laboratories - because police don't seem to know what "Google" is. They could not even send me an UN- EDITTED raid video! When I demanded one detective Vuleta made reports I was sending her "intense" emails and that I was "mentally ill" and suffering "delusions" and had threatened her and a "Tango Operation" commenced against me. Is their ANY lie beneath that bi*ch? Seriously. Its a serious question. I have included an email detailing her "form" - attached below this one so we are all quite clear where this is heading. I'll be hitting the streets unless the state of Western Australia has plans to lock me up over the threat to kill charge and I put nothing past them. If I have to. I'll do the damned appeal myself. I just pray my upcoming Clinical Psychologists report (Tuesday) results in a rather large $28,000+ pay out so I can move on with my life and distract myself from this endless revelation of the incompetent method as practiced by police and DPP. After I saw you last The West Australian newspaper emailed they were doing a story on Roger Reaves and his book. I hope its still on. Due out tomorrow. Again, please send me the PDF of the trial. Email. In fact send me everything. I expect nothing but delay and games from Legal Aid, I'll do it myself with some help from my friends and make a doco of the whole thing. Thanks. Brendon
  • The full email chain is on page 576 of the document. Page 500 of 1018
  • Legal Aid, without myself requesting a complaint form against Mr. EYERS, sent out a complaint form - page 584 of this document.
  • Here is what actually happened, via a statement 40 by Mustafa ATIEH. I assisted him with it, to take to the Corruption & Crime Commission to complain about police lying, corruption and protection of Jason HODGKINSON and his seven friends. 30th November 2014 Mr Mustafa ATIEH 80 Fitzgerald Street NORTHAM, 6041 0404 154 123 [email protected] Attention: Corruption and Crime Commission Regarding: Failure of WA police to investigate a racially/religiously based "threat to kill"
  • On September the 27th , 2014, (Friday) I was at my business - "Northam Kebabs" located at
  • At approximately 8pm, two men came from the "Northam Tavern" across the road and entered my shop. They were dressed in black. I had noticed them outside the Northam Tavern with 6-8 people previously. All in the group were dressed in black. I had never seen them before and did not know them.
  • The man who I have come to believe is "JASON HODGKINSON", asked me immediately, "Are you a Muslim". I replied, "Yes". He immediately said "We are gonna kill you!" Then he added, "Go back to your own fucking country!" He continuously abused me with the "F" word.
  • I yelled back at him, "Do not threaten me in front of my children!" He said, "We will kill you in front of your children!"
  • He poured a drink all over the counter and pulled down a set of plastic strips from the main door of the shop designed to keep flies out.
  • My children were right next to the counter in full view of the man. He was quite aware they were there. My children's names are Mariam ATIEH (13), Mahmoud ATIEH (12) and Mosa ATIEH (8). My daughter Mariam ATIEH has completed a video statement which is included in this package.
  • I called my children in Arabic to gather their things and be prepared to get in the car. I feared for the safety of my children more than myself. I was also concerned they were being traumatized by the event. The men were large, all dressed in black and highly aggressive. I was in a semi-state of shock at this point.
  • I ordered the men out of the shop and quickly got my three children into the car.
  • The two men stepped in front of me and prevented me getting into my car. They again repeated, "We will kill you in front of your kids!" I asked them to please to let me get my kids home and then I would return so they can kill me. They said, "No! We will kill you in front of your kids!" They repeatedly shouted abuse and told me to get out of the country.
  • I pushed past them and got into the car and locked the door. I drove fast to the police station. There were at least 10 people who witnessed these events in front of my kebab shop and the Northam Tavern.
  • At this time my daughter Mariam was crying in the car and my two young boys were very upset.
  • After I reported the event to police, I drove my children home and went immediately back to my kebab shop.
  • The man in question who we believe to be "JASON HODGKINSON" was arrested by Northam police at approximately 9pm outside the front of the Northam Tavern. About three police cars came. A female police officer told me to go back into the shop and she took a statement from me. I think her last name was "MCADAM". She gave me an incident report number, but I lost it.
  • He resisted police quite stubbornly.
  • When police had moved on the crowd and arrested the man, a Northam police officer whose name escapes me stated that the man was facing, "three very serious charges." The same police officer asked me if I was happy with the police dealing with the event and I said I was - meaning I was happy he was arrested and would be charged with three very serious charges including "threat to kill" which had many "aggravating factors" attached to it.
  • A female police officer assured that police would also take a statement from my 13 year old daughter as to what happened. This interview never took place. 40 Page 557 - STATEMENT TO CORRUPTION CRIME COMMISION Page 501 of 1018
  • When I had not heard from Northam Police about interviewing my daughter, I rang them and asked what was going on, and I also asked what the man had been charged with. Police appeared to have no idea what was going on and there was no "incident report number" on the police computer system. I became very suspicious things were being covered up and I began recording my dealings with police.
  • I went to see the Northam police 9 separate occasions and was run in circles. I was repeatedly told that no incident report existed for September 27th, 2014. Then I was told the officer in charge was on holidays. I was told repeatedly I would be rung by various police, including senior staff, but I was never contacted.
  • On the 30th of October I was contacted by Theresa Middas of the office of MP Mia Davies. She included in the email the information that the man was charged with "disorderly conduct" only, and that police had told her I did not want any further action taken. This is a blatant, cut and dried LIE.
  • Finally, on November the 12th, 2014, the arresting officer in charge of the case came to see me in my shop - alone. He told me the man (believed to be JASON HODGKINSON) had plead guilty in court to a "charge" and received a $2500 fine. I repeatedly asked him what the charge was and the officer is clearly avoiding telling me. Some of the officer's statements are ridiculous. The officer's tone is "pleading".
  • At no stage did any of the officers acknowledge the ACTUAL CHARGE, nor did they acknowledge the seriousness of the event with its racial and religious over tones and the fact the matter was aggravated by being done directly in front of my children. I did not know the man and I did not engage with him in any way before he started abusing and threatening me in front of my kids. I do not have to be a lawyer to work out that this is a very serious matter.
  • It is believed JASON HODGKINSON has links to the Northam police through his wife. I hope this matter can be resolved quickly. I hope the man who abused and threatened to kill me in front of my kids because of my religion/race will be charged with the appropriate serious charges and taken to court. Sincerely, Mustafa ATI EH
  • Also contained in the package for the CCC were copious audio recordings showing clearly the police in question lying and avoiding simple questions. 41
  • As we found out later, the "corruption watchdog" whose job it was to investigate government employees were as corrupt as the employees they were supposed to investigate. Widely reported in the WA news media in 2015. 42
  • I wanted Mustafa on the stand along with his daughter Miriam. My defence lawyer Antony EYERS stated repeatedly this was a bad idea. I also stated I wanted to plead guilty and leave the state as soon as possible to get out of WA. Mr. EYERS suggested the case was easily winnable. 41 Page 560 - SUMMARY OF POLICE RECORDINGS 42 WA Newspaper clippings page 554 of this document. Page 502 of 1018
  • I completed a thorough interview with both Mustafa and his twelve-year-old daughter Miriam in November 2014, shortly after the incident had occurred. Please note their demeanour, body language, tone of voice. They are simply recounting what occurred. There are no embellishments. No exaggerations or statements not related to fact. VIDEO IS HERE 43
  • The Facebook posts are most instructive. It is clear they were never going ahead with any of the charges until it was confirmed by Press TV the documentary was going to come to WA and interview Mustafa. Simply read the statement I made to Jason HODGKINSON in the Facebook post and compare it to media reporting. "Hey mate, are you the guy that threatened Mustafa at his kebab shop? Get back to me urgently and I will see if I can work things out. Right now he wants ISIS to cut your head off but I figure you value your job. You are in deep, deep, deep, shit. Iranian Press TV coming over to interview Mustafa."
  • As the reader, do you think he is in "deep, deep, shit," because ISIS is sending a hit team over? Or do you think he is in big trouble because he was going to lose his job? At the time it was believed he had a job in Occ Health & Safety in a major corporation, BHP Billiton (which he did - 2013). Added to the fact Press TV would have had the case all over their networks. I explained this at trial but to no effect. It was probably too large a concept for a WA jury to grasp. Of course, if I had been defending a Jewish family in Northam, Western Australia, I'm sure all charges would have been dismissed and a street parade and a free trip to Israel arranged. But this is Redneck WA.
  • It should also be noted that I made the urgent Facebook post to HODGKINSON after Mustafa was again threatened in his shop with the words from a customer alluding to the health of Mustafa's children as we made enquiries.
  • I also supplied the HODGKINSONS with Det. VULETAS contact details and requested Det. VULETA begin an investigation into racist harassment against Mustafa and his children, as well as the death threats.
  • I had also removed all posts as per request by HODGKINSONS wife and the whole "incident" took place over a few hours, not two days as reported by the media.
  • State counter terrorism visited and confirmed the posts were down and I had a pleasant chat with two obvious squared away detectives who laughed about VULETA and stated they had better things to do. That should have been the end of it. But this is WA.
  • Det. VULETA tampered with the FB posts presented to the jury which would have resulted in an immediate tossing out of the case. I did not notice until after my conviction by jury. Judge BOWDEN was apoplectic and demanded Det. VULETA attend court and explain 43 Mega Drive - https://mega.nz/#!Qm5Vgll_T!tGBwud9BRY8WdMRZERI31iWWXsoMGiCgBuGueE3D2vA Page 503 of 1018 herself. She stated she had relied upon an email of the posts by Jason HODGKINSON. This is absurd, but true. Her department had my laptops for weeks and NEVER gathered ANY evidence of these "offending" FB posts because the purpose of the raids were to shut me offline completely. Any excuse would do.
  • Ironically, I had supplied Det. VULETA with all the posts myself in this 30 November 2014 email. The email includes all the FB posts to HODGKINSONS wife. HERE IN FULL 44 -Original Message- Subject: Latest "Offended" Possum Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 19:03:27+0800 From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To: VULETA Liz [PD12537] <[email protected]> Liz, included is the CCC statement Mustafa is handing into the CCC shortly. It sums up the case. I hope you will take things up where the Northam police refused to go. I asked the people to clear up who they were quickly. Instead, they called you. In fact, I gave them your contact details. It does appear JASON HODGKINSON is the man in question. I found it hard to believe when a Northam resident who knows him well said it was him. I asked him, "Why would a guy who works for BHP behave in such a major criminal way?" The witness replied, "Because he is an arrogant arsehole." Maybe he likes to much coke or meth? That tends to make people do silly things. Liz, he appears pretty sure of himself. He appeared very sure of himself when police arrested him. His wife admits she knows Northam police well. I can sure see that. Mustafa had two people make veiled threats against his kids recently. He has reported it to the Northam police but he isn't expecting anything to be done. A series of messages from both his wife and himself are included. Mustafa's number is - 0404 154 123 Brendon
  • All the Facebook posts are screenshotted HERE 45
  • Northam is a Western Australian country town approximately two hours from Perth 46 . It is a hub of drug trafficking with even the local police being caught with $60,000 of meth-amphetamine at their home.
  • Northam has a high percentage of government housing and is a drop off point for police witnesses and paedophiles. They congregate them into one area.
  • The local Catholic Church has had its Cross removed. It has a large Star of David on the front instead. A high percentage of Polish Jews were settled in the area after the war. A Perth 44 Page 586 of document 45 Page 562 of document 46 Google Map location. Page 504 of 1018 bikie Club, "The Club Dero's" have a light presence in the town all the way to the gold mining town of Kalgoorlie. Many identify as Jewish and have Star of David tattoos under their arm and are affiliated with the Russian Israeli mafia in Melbourne. They murdered a fellow 'bike', Marc CHABRIERE by shooting him in the head from close range with a SKK assault rifle and injuring another man. A jury found him innocent, which is normal for WA as the gangs all work for the extremely connected network I described in Appendix 6 - THE MYSTERIOUS W.A BORN, DRUGS, ARMS DEALER & OCCASIONAL GOLD INVESTOR - "MICK MANY NAMES" — "In 2001, Club member Andrew Edhouse was found not guilty of fatally shooting a rival, during what became known as Perth's bikie war." 47
  • Here are the "offending" FB posts in full that required a Perth, District Court jury trial and $40,000-$50,000 of West Australian tax payers money. 0 Conversation started Saturday 11/29, 8:59pm Brendon O'Connell Hey mate, are you the guy that threatened Mustafa at his kebab shop? Get back to me urgently and I will see if I can work things out. Right now, he wants ISIS to cut your head off but I figure you value your job. You are in deep, deep, deep shit. Iranian Press TV coming over to interview Mustafa. — http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2014/ll/death-threats-made-against-local-muslim.html DEATH THREATS MADE AGAINST LOCAL MUSLIM FAMILY - W.A POLICE COVER IT UP I Isolate But Preserve isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com 0 11/29, 9:04pm Brendon O'Connell I like all your friends so I requested a "friends" link up with all of them. Someone came in and threatened Mustafa (quietly) he might want to look after his kids. What you think? You think he should be worried Jason? Were you high on Meth when you did what you did? Maybe some coke? Who put you up to it? Confess mate, its better for everyone. 47 "Family shocked with jury's decision to acquit bikie of murder" - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2003-10-28/familv- shocked-with-iurvs-decision-to-acquit-bikie/1500806 Page 505 of 1018 13 11/29, 9:06pm Brendon O'Connell How long have you worked at BHP as some sort of insurance broker? Have you ever been to LaKembla? The Mosque there is lovely. Maybe you should go some time. I will be sure to send your details to them. Some people there are very interested in you. 13 Today Oh U 10:38am Jason Hodgkinson Brendon your post has been sent to the WA Police i have a lot of my business contacts message me and are considering going elsewhere I will be taking advice on this further 13 Today 13 2:30pm Brendon O'Connell Simple question - are you the guy who went and threatened Mustafa at his shop? Answer the question? Why do you need to contact the police? I already contacted them about you. Answer the question - yes or no - did you go to Mustafa's shop in Northam and threaten to kill him in front of his kids? Are you the guy? Your failure to answer, answers the question. You have the nerve to threaten a man with death in front of his kids and then whine when you are caught out and made public. Iranian English lanuage News - Press TV are travelling to WA to do an interview on this. Also, the shooting up of a Mosque by racist neo-nazi's which went punished with a fine. 13 2:58pm Brendon O'Connell As for "further advice" -1 suggest you get ready for a couple of years in jail based on the racial/religious nature of your actions. Based on the fact you threatened a man with death in front of his children and you did it knowing they were there - repeatedly. Three people have named you. I was waiting for further confirmation but with two new veiled threats made towards Mustafa and his children I want this sorted quickly. Are you the guy or not. Post a piccie of yourself and it will be sorted. Page 506 of 1018 I will apolagise publicly and that will be that. I admit I was a little rash but I was worried about my friend. So, lets sort this out. But, if you want to involve police thats fine too. The sooner they get to the bottom of things the better. 0 — 4:58pm Jason Hodgkinson thanks for your advice I will leave it to the police to sort out 6:38pm Brendon O'Connell Yeh, they came, and they went. Anything else to say? 6:40pm Brendon O'Connell Mate, it has become quite clear to me you ARE the man in question and I really dont think you quite realise what is going on. You came into a shop and threatened a Muslim man with death - in front of his kids. You did it repeatedly. You wifes friendship with Northam police got you a "disorderly conduct" charge. Its in the hands of counter terrorism now. But thats the least of your worries. An awful lot of Muslims want the head of the man that did this so I would hope for your sake you can clear this up quickly. 0 6:41pm Brendon O'Connell I've passed on yor messages to Detective Liz VULETA. I spoke with other counter terroism officers and they were not particularly interested but I told them all about the incident. Quite a few Northam coppers will be in the shit overit all -1 hope you are happy. But again, the police are the least of your worries. 6:43pm Page 507 of 1018 Brendon O'Connell Maybe you should check out this post - http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com.au/2014/ll/death-threats- made-against-local-muslim.html DEATH THREATS MADE AGAINST LOCAL MUSLIM FAMILY - W.A POLICE COVER IT UP I Isolate But Preserve isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com 6:45pm Brendon O'Connell I'll contact BHP Billiton as well. In fact I will go to the office with a copy of the blog post. 6:51pm Jason Hodgkinson do what you want to do I will not be responding to you on your games anymore m 6:53pm Brendon O'Connell OK. Good luck. This isn't a game. What makes you think its a game? Sneidng people around to threaten Mustafa about his kids was not a good idea.
  • Feel free to compare all these “details" against the media reporting.
  • In the end, tens of thousands of dollars later, Judge Bowden punished me with an under taking not to "offend" anyone is such a manner again for a period of twelve months. If I did, I was to pay a $1000 fine. This is the lowest penalty available in the District Court. Please refer to the highly accurate news reporting of the local West Australian Newspaper (right) which has no actually relation to the case or the sentencing.
  • The news media made much of the heinous threats to have a man's head cut off by ISIS. They got literally nothing right, anywhere, at any time. But these joke charges affected my ability to return to any form of meaningful work. One case worker suggested I go on a mental health pension and they would look for cheap housing for me. I told them I would be leaving the state and continuing on the fight to clear my name and The West Australian Newspaper 23 march 2016 Bond for rant man The first man in WA to be jailed for racial vilification has been warned he could go back to prison if he abuses anyone else online. Brendon Lee O'Connell, 44, was convicted in the District Court of using a carriage service to menace or harass a man in November 2014. Yesterday, O'Connell was placed on a two-year good behaviour bond, which if he breaches could result in a max¬ imum three-year jail term. I Tim Clarke Page 508 of 1018 expose WA. That case worker slammed their file shut and walked out of the room, refusing to assist with accommodation while I awaited the court of further charges.
  • I hope these details go to some lengths to convince you of the petty, corrupt games played by the WA police routinely and the lawyers who assist them. SHOOTING UP OF PERTH MOSQUE BY NAZI RACE HATE GROUP
  • For comparison to the huge lengths gone to by the WA police to raid, charge, intimidate, harass and convict me - 4 members of an officially recognised "terrorist gang" known as Combat 18, shot 4 rounds through the dome of a Perth Mosque with a high-powered rifle. They all admitted to being members of "Combat 18". It was a self-evident "terrorist attack". By any definition. Instead of being charged with a "terrorist act", which ultimately preceded the mass murder of 50 Muslim worshippers in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2019, they were charged with "discharging a fire arm in public" and "criminal damage." They received a 7-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. These men had approached me on the street and tried to befriend me. The main accused is not mentioned in any reporting, Daniel JEWEL. Former Australian Defence Force. The men were not required to plea to charges of possessing an unlicensed firearm, unlawfully discharging a firearm from on or across a road, and destroying or damaging property. The court heard the men, who police allege are part of the Neo-Nazi group Combat 18 had been in possession of a .303 rifle during the incident. https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/alleqed-combat-18-members-in-court-over-mosgue-shootinq-nq- Bradley Neil Trappitt, 25, of Greenmount, appeared in the Perth Magistrates Court alongside fellow accused Jacob Marshall Hort, 24, of High Wycombe, on charges stemming from a shooting attack on the Suleymaniye Mosque in Queens Park earlier this year. 2013ddaf82b453f2e5bd055b6fc8f82c https://www.news.com.au/breakinq-news/men-arrested-over-mosque-shootinq/news- Story/2b2c0fddc070d9beba5a34c7cb21f475 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-05-25/extremist-qroup-blamed-for-mosque-shootinq/840108 Combat 18 (C18 or 318) is a neo-Nazi terrorist organization that was founded in 1992. It originated in the United Kingdom, with ties to movements in Canada and the United States, and since its founding, it has spread to other countries such as Germany. Combat 18 members have been suspected in the deaths of numerous immigrants, non-whites, and other C18 members. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat 18
  • Please remember, I received a three-year jail sentence for "offending" Stanley Elliot KEYSER, a "racist Jew", and big fan of race hate Jewish extremist group Chabad Lubavitch. Jewish feelings are indeed precious. Muslim feelings, as you have seen in this UN Refugee application, do not rate a mention in Western Australia. I have spoken with the Perth Muslim community. They are terrified of the state police and they are regularly attacked by associates of the state police.
  • When I attended a defamation trial involving the previously mentioned Anton BILLIS and others, featured in Appendix 6 of this document, I was contacted by WA police the next day. Det. Justin ROBERTSON and Det. Adam TIPPMAN were incredibly friendly. They asked if I would like to liaise with the Perth Muslim Community and its leader, Dr Jenied. I replied enthusiastically, "Yes!" Page 509 of 1018
  • They stated they would

    see their supervisor, Det. Timothy PAINI to confirm. I waited a week and heard nothing so I emailed Dr Jneid myself on 26 th June, 2016. Two days later on the 28 th June 2016, a car was firebombed in the car park of the Thornlie Mosque in Perth, WA. I'm sure it is not a co¬ incidence. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has joined Islamic leaders in condemning a firebombing and anti-Islam graffiti attack outside a mosque and school in Perth's south-east. 009 NEWS Just In Politics World Business Analysis Sport Science Health Arts Fact Check Perth mosque attack: Car firebombed, anti-Islam graffiti sprayed in 'act of hate' By David Weber and Nikki Roberts Updated June 29. 2016 18.04:22 Police have confirmed accelerant was used to set the four-wheel drive alight outside the Thornlie Mosque and Australian Islamic College on Tonbridge Way just after 8:00pm on Tuesday. The car was gutted, while four other vehicles were damaged by heat. https://www.abc. net.au/news/2016-06-29/firebombing-ant-islam-graffiti-attack-at-thorn lie-mosque- school/7552394 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-06-29/car-firebombed-outside-thornlie-islamic-school-and- mosque/7554108 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3693478/Police-hunt-driver-white-car-responsible-firebombing- Perth-mosque-worshippers-prayed-inside.html File Edit View Go Message Events and Tasks Enigmail Tools boc@bocrocks Letter from the Director c Help X O Fwd: "Rant Man" And His X Q A Meeting With Brendon X (i]

    Get Messages v f Write v Chat /&. Address Book Tag v *j7 Quick Filter Search <Ctrl+K> — Fro Brendon O’Connell <[email protected]> if Reply Forward ^ Archive (J) Junk @ Delete awo v Subject A Meeting With Brendon O'Connell 26/6/2016, 6:54 pm Tc Jneid - Islamic Council if Dear Dr Jneid, Salaam. I note WA police offered to organize a meeting with you and the Islamic Council. I hope this goes forward. I am feeling isolated and I think it would be important for both myself and the Perth Muslim community if I could explain the specifics of my situation.
  • The email is worth quoting in its entirety. Dear Dr Jneid, Salaam. I note WA police offered to organize a meeting with you and the Islamic Council. I hope this goes forward. I am feeling isolated and I think it would be important for both myself and the Perth Muslim community if I could explain the specifics of my situation. Page 510 of 1018 The police are now well aware of many of the specific, hidden aspects of Judaism, and the culture it creates. Especially in Palestine. I think the tide is turning and the Israeli state does not have long to live. Certainly not in its current form. I understand some of the concerns you might have and I have kept away. But I think it would be beneficial for Muslims and Christians to come together at this stressful time in world affairs. This is what I feel I must do - inform Christians that Islam is not the enemy. That in fact, Islam, and especially Islam in the Middle East, is the victim of a massive and unwarranted aggression by the so called 'Western Powers'. Many would say at the behest of a small group of "neo-cons" made up of mostly Jewish Zionists who are virtual agents for the state of Israel yet operate at the highest levels of US foreign policy and government. I'd consider Liberal M.P Josh Frydenberg in the same vein here in Australia. He attended the same environment as "Prisoner X". All the carnage in the Middle East - 2 million dead Iraqi's, 300,000 Syrians - is the direct result of Israel and the Zionists within the United States government who are fomenting this destruction. All written about openly in two major documents - "The Project For The New American Century" and "Securing The Realm". Whereby American tools of war would be utilized to make the Middle East safe for Israel by fomenting "regime change". This has nothing to do with oil but it has everything to do with Israeli/Zionist hegemony in the region. I want to educate people on this. You would note that in 2010 the entire Israeli state came out against me as well as a large segment of the Australian political class. I would hope this precludes any thoughts I am a simple "jew hater" who has nothing to do with his life. There are major security concerns with Jewish Power in this country and elsewhere, especially as Israel is now considered a "Technology Juggernaught" dominating the high tech world in every important point. Few people know this. Since my incarceration in 2011, many mainstream news sources have raised my concerns. For instance, all state and federal police "data intercepts" are handled by an Israeli company - Verint. Recently, the Australian Federal Police dumped the Israeli "PROMIS" database software they were using and refused to contract for a new Israeli version. This is promising news. I would hope that I could make contact and exchange views and information on many matters. I wish to promote peace, but not at any price. The Truth is the Truth and the Truth is there is no peace to be had with Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox Judaism. Jesus did not call the Orthodox religious and political leadership in Jerusalem "children of hell" for nothing - and "sons of your father the devil." The Truth is the truth, I am not here to sugar coat it or indulge them for a single second longer. Nor the insane, racist, out of control Israeli leadership promoting the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to be replaced with blonde haired blue eyed "jews" from Russia who think they are entitled to land they have zero connection too. Enough is enough. This madness has gone on far to long. I maintain the writings of Israeli academic Professor Shlomo Sand and his book, "The Invention Of The Jewish People", hold true. The "true Jews/Israelites," are the Arab people who have lived in the region for thousands of years. They have simply converted to Christianity and Islam over the years. Jesus did not have long straight blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a Semite, an Arab. He had brown skin and dark - probably curly hair. He spoke in Arameic, not Hebrew and certainly not English. Someone needs to tell that to the modern Western Churches who are too busy making money and maintaining their tax exempt status to bother finding out the most basic historical background to the Holy Land and it's people. My own ignorant people disgust me. My own Church disgusts me. They "pray for Israel" when they should be praying for "Peace". Jesus would stand with the Palestinians - no question. I consider it my own Christian duty to promote the Truth about the issues that surround these troubled times in the Middle East. I consider it my duty to promote peace with Islam who I consider a sect of Christianity - we are so similar on so many things. One might consider Christianity a sect of Islam. We are like step brothers and sisters with more in common than not. We should not be fighting and if Christians would demand honesty and justice in the Middle East - and the exposure of the Israeli state and its disgusting racist, supremacist views that foment violence and hatred - then peace would reign quickly. But that is not the goal of powerful people. Page 511 of 1018 Rabbinic Pharisaic Judaism is the dominant sect of "Judaism" - upwards of %80 of "Jews" identify as Orthodox which is Pharisaic. There can be no peace with such a group. Their own books such as the Babylonian Talmud, Shulkan Aruk and "Mishna" (Oral Law) demand hatred and homicide against "the other" who will not submit to their delusions. This has been kept secret long enough. All the while the media scour for quotations from the Qa'ran to use for their own ends while the utter madness, hatred and homicide filling Jewish holy books is totally ignored. No Muslims run the US State Department nor the Central Banks of the world - people who identify as "Jews" do. This needs to be pointed out. I would recommend you read the 10 page document "Jewish Power" by British Jewish activist Paul Eisen on this issue. It was written in 2004 and sums up the entire situation brilliantly. Any one who identifies as "Jewish" and considers it their duty to interpret the Old Testament (Tanakh) according to their conscience, I welcome in my house. This would include Jewish sects like the Kairites who have been persecuted by Orthodox Judaism for hundreds of years. But there cannot be peace with Orthodox Judaism and certainly not the utter lunatics of the Ultra Orthodox and Hasidm who I consider mentally ill and deranged dangers to the community. They have escaped media scrutiny for long enough. I have certainly - in the past - not kept my cool. I am a straightforward person and I do not hide my feelings well. I have matured these last seven years and consider it my duty to promote peace and keep my frustrations to myself. But I will not accept peace at any price. I will continue to speak boldly to lunatics. I hope we can meet and promote these issues in the community with the full participation of police and community groups. The elephant in the living room cannot be ignored any longer - Jewish institutionalized racist and religious supremacism and the hatred and conflict it causes where ever it goes. I am fully aware of concerns you might have in isolated Western Australia. I hope I have not been to forward. Salaam and kind regards, Brendon Lee O'Connell
  • I never received a reply. I don't take this as an insult. Again, the Perth Muslim community are terrified of the WA police. They are incredibly isolated. POLICE INTERCEPT UNIT - Robert CRITCHLEY
  • And how could associates of the WA police have found out about my email? The same way the WA police found out about my call from then Minister Joe FRANCIS - the WA Police Data Intercept Unit which uses the Israeli company VERINT to intercept communications.
  • Police employed in this unit have been charged for "tipping off neo-nazi's" in the past. Sentence delay for former cop over tip-off Robert David Critchley, 43, was convicted by a jury last year of attempting to pervert the course of justice. The former senior constable was supposed to be monitoring calls on January 15, 2010, during a covert police operation into white supremacist groups when he made an anonymous call to Murray Holmes, a friend of the operation's target, Jacob Hort. Critchley cryptically told Mr Holmes he should tell his friend with an "American wife" to get a new SIM card. During the trial, the prosecution argued that Critchley was sympathetic to the white supremacist group, but the defendant denied the allegations and maintained his innocence. Page 512 of 1018 https://www.9news.com.au/national/sentence-delay-for-former-cop-over-tip-off/47b70bcl -5blf-456f-bcf8- 232732f499cb
  • These same police have access to emails. I have no doubt that then Senior Constable Robert David CRITCHLEY'S old friends in the unit tipped off their White Supremacist friends and organised the fire-bombing of the Thornlie Mosque in Perth after my email to Dr Jneid. Senior Constable CRITCHLEY was monitoring the same people who shot up the Queens Park, Perth mosque. https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/former-wa-cop-cleared-of-tipping-off-neo-nazi- 20120227-ltxw6.html
  • Mr. CRITCHLEY'S conviction and 18-month prison sentence was quashed on appeal. Please read the case, the evidence was plain and clear cut, but he is PROTECTED to extreme degrees. The issue was not if he was a "racist", but that he compromised an ongoing investigation and warned the target they were being monitored. I hope you see the profound in your face slap to the face of justice that took place in full public view.
  • How can this happen? Because Western Australia is highly influenced by the Perth Jewish Community with extremely close ties to_ Israel as evidenced by high level Masons with close ties to Benjamin NETNYAHU - including the then foreign minister Julie Bishop. Muslims are fairgame in Western Australia.
  • I had a coffee with then head of the Perth Ethnic Community Council, Mr Suresh RAJAN in
  • He stated to me, "Three thousand members of the Perth Jewish Community have the political class by the balls in this state." That's a quote.
  • I did not encounter a single lawyer, police officer, prison officer or Psychiatrist that did not agree with me on the core issues - they just suggested a different, less confrontational approach.
  • I hope this long section gives some understanding about my home state. I engaged peacefully and was polite to the relevant government departments. I wrote all the right letters, as did Mr. Mustafa ATIEH. There were attempts to reconcile but unfortunately the Israeli and Jewish community influence is too great to allow peace. I was effectively run out of my own state and no federal agency would assist me. I am not the only one this has been done too.
  • What gives me hope are the good people I met along the way in government, legal, judicial prison officer and policing circles. But there are too few, and Jewish Zionist Power and their Masonic network is apparently, at this moment, too powerful. END Page 513 of 1018 STATEMENT MATERIAL FACTS ALL CHARGES - DECMEBER 23 rd 2014 Accused copy to rctiiiit BRIEF No: 1316170-1 rtuaiKAUA JLICn SliRVICl-. STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS I ACCUSED: ADDRESS: ARRESTED AT: DEFENCE COUNSEL: Interviewing Officer: Video Interview Length: O.'.CQN.NELl. Brendon Lee. AGE . 44 SH Wesley Rise. Jpondajup \VA 6057 Jpondalup . TIME: 11:05 AM DATE: 23/12/2014 A video taped interview was conducted with the accused by VULETA.E. Rank: .Sergeant .45 minutes RHONE: No: . 12537 . SUMMARY OF OFFENCE SEE ATTACHED 3 MATTERS A«-<vVC U_ -«_oC- a_eo.C~4 V lx Vs»«a- V"t e- J -u a. U f ' JK-'CS/ 0\ 5 A INVESTIGATING OFFICER VULETA. 1 RjioL Scigcaiu No iilfl 'iunuj/tir A Imiial STAIION/SOI AD S«^r S<- only Iii.i Aiigoiioi) OriHjp Dote W\vm Page 514 of 1018 CHARGE SHEET Brief No 1316170-1 Accused Brvndon Lee O'CONNFI | WAPS ID 2421243 Court ID Details of alleged offence 1 of 3 Description Use a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offe nee Date or period 19/11/2014 Place Maylands used a carriage service in such a way that reasonable persons would regard as being, in all the circumstances offensive Written law Act/Regulation Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth) Section 474.17(1) Accused Brendon Lee O'CONNFI 1 WAPS ID 2421245 Court ID Details of alleged offence 2 of 3 Description Use a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence Date or period 29/11/2014 Place Maylands used a carnage service in such a way that reasonable persons would regard as being, in all the circumstances offensive Written law Act/Regulation Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth) Section 474.17(1) Accused Brendon Lee (TCONNF.LL WAPS ID 2421246 Court ID Details of alleged offence 3 of 3 Description Use a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence Dale or period 29/11/2014 - 30/11/2014 Place Maylands used a carriage service in such a way that reasonable persons would regard as being, in all die circumstances offensive law A< \JUj yuluimn < fiiiiui.il f ode Act 1995 (( ii/iiiiiunwnillli) Section •171 17(1) Page 515 of 1018 LIEBLICH STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS Page 2 STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS (CONTINUED) BRIEF No: 1316170-1 ACCUSED: ADDRESS: ARRESTED AT: DEFENCE COUNSEL: O CONNELL Brendon Lee AGE: .44. BWfisI cv R ise. J oondalup WA 6Q.S7 opndalup TIME: .!.).;05 AM. DATE: . 23/12/2014 . PHONE: . A video taped interview was conducted w ith the accused by Interviewing Officer: Vy.LEXA,E . Rank: .Sergeant Video Interview Length: .45 .minutes. No: ...1.253.7 V OF OFFENCE
  • ACCUSED I: O’CONNELL Brendon Lee OFFENCE: Use a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence Section 474.17(1) Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth) REFERENCE NUMBER: 231214080012537 VICTIM: N/A In this instance, the Accused is the administrator of social media blogspot. "isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com.au" On Thursday 30th October 2014. the accused entered into a bail undertaking with WA Police in relation to another matter. One of the bail conditions stales. "Not to threaten harass or to cause offence to any person via any electronic means." On Wednesday 19th November 2014. the accused accessed website www.lieblich.com.au and filled in a form panel with the comment. "Hi Steve. I haven’t forgotten you and I believe ASIO and the AFP would like to know you better also." The accused also included a link to his blogspot. isolatebutepreserve.blogspot.com.au/2014/1 l/Caltech-professor-claims-israeli-spy.html. The complainant clicked on the link and was directed to the website and an article relating to an alleged spy who allegedly studied at the Technion in Israel. This is the same institute LIEBLICH studied. The article also contained a copy of LIEBLICH’s business page and the accuseds comments that LIEBLICH was instrumental in having O'CONNELL locked away for three years. LIEBLICH found this article and contact by the accused offensive and reported the matter to Police. Slate Security contacted the Accused and requested he remove the link from the blogspot to which the Accused agreed. On Tuesday 23 December 2014, officers from State Security Investigation Group and Computer Crime Squad executed a 3E Crimes Act search warrant at the Accuseds temporary accommodation and seized a laptop computer. Hie Accused was arrest and conveyed to the Perth Watch House where he bail was refused due to his behaviour and ranlings during the search warrant. Lee Notes to the Prosecutor for Copies of the Fill in a Form and the article on the isolatelnitpreserve.blogspot. i,indent Report 231214 0K00 12537 refers. Continued Next Page Page 516 of 1018 22.10.2015 LIEBLICH POLICE STATEMENT Steven LIEBLICH STATES 1 . | am 64 years old and currently reside at an address known to police.
  • I am the Director of Lieblich & Associates. 3 . Lieblich & Associates provides consulting services in business development, contracts and commercial management, relationship management and dispute resolution, including mediation, arbitration, expert determination and adjudication. Page 1 of 5 'Oiktfht ,f C /2SZ7 o/4 7 Page 517 of 1018 22 . 10.2015 1 Statement of Steven LIEBLICH continued. I have the following qualifications: Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD); Fellow of Engineers Australia (FlEAust); Chartered Professional Engineer; Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology; Bachelor of Engineering with First Class Honours at University of Western Australia; Member of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (MIAMA); Advanced Professional Certificate in Arbitration, University of Adelaide; Registered Arbitrator, Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA); Registered Adjudicator No. 36: Construction Contracts Act (WA) 2004; Accredited Mediator. IAMA and National Mediation Accredita:;o< Standards (NMAS); Accreditee Panellist (.au Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) IAMA; Member of LEADR Association of Dispute Resolvers.
  • I am Jewish. 6 . I am the sole administrator of the Lieblich & Associates website, www.lieblich.com.au. This web site is hosted at iinet and I have
  • been the administrator of this site for more than five years. 'ft 2 (, rsO ZO/y 7 ' Page 2 of 5 Page 518 of 1018
  • 10 . 11 . 12 . Statement of Steven LIEBLICH continued. On Wednesday 19 November 2014 I received an email, automatically sent from my web site, reporting that someone had completed a form on the site s “Contact Us' page fhttn://www.lieblich.com.au/c ontact-us). The person who completed the online form gave [email protected] as his email account. The name on the submission is, Brendon O’CONNELL. The email read, "Hi Steve. I haven't forgotten you and I believe ASIO and the AFP would like to know you better also.” The IP address of the computer from which the forr .as submitted is (M 01
  • EXHIBIT I now present the one page email and a facsimile of the report of a form submission on my web site. 14 . This email offended me. It accuses me of deceit, and it is also replete with anti- semitic lies about the Jewish people which I find offensive. Page 3 of 5 cfy-C 1/C/2SZ7 Page 519 of 1018 Statement of Steven LIEBLICH continued. includes a link to a web-log ("blog ) article at http://isolatebutDreserve. bloaspot.com. a u/2014/11 /caltech-professor-claims- israelisov.html . 10, I viewed the article dated 17 “' November which is entitled "Rocket Science Espionage?" about an alleged spy who allegedly studied at the Technion in Israel 17, There is also a comment in the article which reads, "Funnily, the man who was instrumental in getting me locked away for three years in jail also trained at the Technion in Israel - Mr Steven Lieblich.'' N3 N3 w (■A CJ*
  • This comment is above a screen shot from my website, Lieblich & Associates. 19 | find this comment offensive because it falsely implies that I am an Israeli spy. 20 . EXHIBIT I now present a copy of this eight page document.
  • The blog appears to be run by Brendon O'CONNELL (O’CONNELL). Page 4 of 5 Vc 7 - Page 520 of 1018 22 . 10.2015 17:4
  • Statement of Steven LIEBLICH continued. In 2009 I had contact with O’CONNELL during a trial involving a member of the Jewish Community, where O’CONNELL was imprisoned for three years for racial vilification against Stanley KEYSER. This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have made this statement knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I will be guilty of a crime if I have wilfully included in the statement anything that I know to be false or that I do not believe is true. Signed _ Date &■ Witnessed at . On U/lll'luy at 71 7Sfirs\ Bv Elr7.abi. Vh Ran k&Zft'AVl Reg ,2 ^37 V Police Witness signature Page 5 of 5 Page 521 of 1018 STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS - JASON HODGKINSON Page 3 STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS (CONTINUED) BRIEF No: 1316170-1 accused I OFFENCE: <3 CONNELL Brendon Lee Use a carnage service lo menace, harass or cause offence REFERENCE NUMBER: !IskT 0 "'" 1 '" 5 {CommonwcaI ‘ 1 » VICTIM: N/A instance, the accused is the administrator of social media Facebook account, "Brendon O’CONNELL" comhiion 1 ?. ? 0th "M° VCm r 2014 ' thL ' accused entcred inl ° a bail undertaking at Perth Magistrates Court. One of the hail s a es. Not to threaten harass or to cause offence lo any person via any electronic means." Noveml,er 2014 - ,hc accused used his Facebook account to contact Jason HODGKINSON’s UiwuoMNSON) Facebook account. "Jason Hodgkinson." The Accused accused HODGKINSON of being the person responsible for threatening to kill a Muslim male in front of his year old daughter at their family business at Northam Kebabs. The Accused further ranted. "Right now he wants ISIS to cut your head off but I figure you value your job. You are in deep.deep. deep shit." I he Accused further added. "It's in the hands of counter terrorism now. But that's the least of your worries. An awful lot ol Muslims want the head ol the man that did this so I would hope for your sake you can clear this up quickly." The Accused sent friend requests to HODGKlNSON's friends who became aware of the conversation. This disturbed some of HODGKlNSON's friends and HODGKINSON. HODGKINSON was frightened and offended by the posts and reported the matter to Police. On Sunday 30th November 2014. the Accused was requested by HODGKINSON to remove the posts from Facebook to which the Accused agreed. < )n 1 uesday 23 December 2014, olltcers from State Security Investigation Group and Computer Crime Squad executed a 3E Crimes Act search warrant at the Accused temporary accommodation and seized a laptop computer. Ilte Accused w as arrested and conveyed to the Perth Watch House where he bail was refused due to his behaviour and rantings during the search warrant. See Notes to the Prosecutor for copies of the HODGKINSON statement and copies of the Facebook posts. Incident Report 2.31214 0800 12537 refers.
  • ACCUSED I: O'CONNELL Brendon Lee

    OFFENCE: Use a carriage service lo menace, harass or cause offence Section 474.17( I) Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth) REFERENCE NUMBER: 231214080012537 VICTIM: N/A In this instance, the accused is the administrator of social media Facebook account. "Brendon O'CONNELL" On Thursday 20lh November 2014. the accused entered into a bail undertaking at Perth Magistrates Court. One ol the bail conditions states. "Not to threaten harass or to cause offence to any person via any electronic means." Between Saturday 29th November 2014 an Sunday 30th November 2014. the accused used his Facebook account to contact Veronica IH MXiKINSON’s (V.HODGKINSON) Facebook account, "Veronica Hodgkinson." (lie Accused and V IIOIXiKINSON's conducted a conversation via Facebook regarding V.HODGKINSON s husband, tV JIXJKINSt ).N as being the person responsible for threatening to kill a Muslim male in front ol Ins I 3 year old datlghlei at tlieir family business at Norlhain Kebabs lla Au used wrote 5 some very serious" people want lo talk to bun and I'm not talking about the police lie has pissed <'oillinued Next Page Page 522 of 1018 s BRIEF No: 1316170-1 STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS


    oft a billion Muslims so 1 suggest it gets sorted as soon as possible." Hinher conversations from the Accused included. "Look my name is Brendon Lee O'Connell. Police know me well - cv unkr terrorism know me well If you are worried give them a ring. I gave the name of your husband to them. We want 1 sort t ns urgently. We wanted to wail until we had the FOI documents hut the police arc protecting the man and refusing to i \ en name him. So. clear up the confusion and lets have a picture of your husband." The conversation continues and the Accused states that he will remove the conversations then agrees to move the conversations. The Accused sent friend requests to V.HODGKINSON’s friends who became aware of the conversation. This disturbed some of V.HODC.KlNSON's friends and V.HODGKINSON. HODGKINSON was frightened and offended by the posts and reported the matter to Police. On Tuesday 23 December 2014. officers from State Security Investigation Group and Computer Crime Squad executed a 3E Crimes Act search warrant at the Accused temporary accommodation and seized a laptop computer. The Accused was arrested and conveyed to the Perth Watch House where he bail was refused due to his behaviour and rantings during the search warrant. See Notes to the Prosecutor for copies of the V.HODGKINSON statement and copies of the Faccbook posts. Incident Report 231214 0800 12537 refers. Page 523 of 1018 19 . 02.2016 11:59 DET. VULETA - NOTES TO PROSECUTOR NOTES TO PROSECIITDP The Accused was remanded overnight only on 23 Dec 2014. The Accused has history with LIEBLICH and was found guilty of racial vilification towards the Jewish community. The Accused was the first person imprisoned in Western Australia for Racial Vilification offences. LIEBLICH provided evidence at this trial and was the President of the Jewish Community at that time. 4 IflljIlCh fruity oO Uidf/ui /?-/■ J/ifll I On 24 December 2014, the Community Forensic Mental Health Service (Court Liaison Service) spoke to the Accused and provided Perth Magistrates Court with a Report for the Magistrate (copy enclosed). The Accused has previously been diagnosed with a delusional disorder that incorporates fixed paranoia ideas in relation to Government Departments and other Agencies. Ordered mental health assessment of Accused (dated 24/12/14) states he has a history of paranoid delusions. The Accused lives in a temporary residence in Maylands. / In January 2015 the Accused threatened to harm Detective VULETA. As a result. \ Detective VULETA became the subject of a WA Police Operation Tango investigationT'l Operation Tango is the management of Police Officers when they have been threatened. In November 2015 the Accused’s contact with Detective VULETA became increasingly intense and as such the Accused was instructed by Detective VULETA to cease contact. The Accused subsequently contacted Detective VULETA. Page 524 of 1018 EMAIL - "YOU GOTTA READ THIS, EXAMPLE OF LYING POLICE" Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police Subject: Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police From: Brendon O'Connell <bocc«'boc.rocks> Date: 19/2/2016, 3:27 am To: Antony Eyers <anteyers6'gmail.com> Hi Antony. I was going thorugh some of the paper work and found a few things. If you have the time this email explains alot. In one longish email exchange you see me explaining the situation calmly and thoughtfully with detective Vuleta. I absolutely hate the police now. No going back. I will speak to you on Monday. Right now the best thing to do seems to be to plead guilty and get back online to explain what has happened to me. Let the court of public opinion do its work. Many thanks for your efforts. Having you present has been a great comfort. I'm not joking. Hope you enjoy the book if you get some time to read. -Original Message- Subject:You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police Date:Fri, 19 Feb 2016 18:16:43 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell < boc


    This is how police can make up just about anything about you they like. I am absolutely, officially, finished with the WA police. That goes for Detective Justin Robinson as well and that department known as State Counter Terrorism or State Security Investigation Group - SS1G. So, what might the problem be? I am going through the Commonwealth DPP file for the lawyer - photographing - and I find absolute bold faced lies. I might add -1 was never meant to get this file. They handed it over to then lawyer Graeme Allen until I sacked him. 1 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 525 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police Tho Accused was remanded overnight only on 23 Dec 2014. The Accusod has history with LIEBLICH and was found guilty of racial vilification towards tho Jowish community. Tho Accused was the first person Imprisoned in Western Australia for Racial Vilification otfencos. LIEBLICH provided evidence at this trial and was the President of the Jewish Community at that time. M { it I Mclout of tho Jowl' It tt-t -t/ifil 1 On 24 Docembor 2014, tho Community Forensic Mental Hoalth Service (Court Liaison Sorvicc) spoke to tho Accused and provided Perth Magistrates Court with a Report for the Magistrate (copy cnclosod) The Accusod has previously been diagnosod with a delusional disorder that incorporates flxod paranoia ideas In relation to Govommont Departments and othor Agencies. Ordered montal hoalth assessment of Accused (dated 24/12/14) states he has a history of paranoid delusions. The Accused lives in a temporary residonco in Maylands In January 2015 the Accused threatened to harm Detectlvo VULETA- As a result vf Detective VULETA became the subject of a WA Pollco Operation Tango investigation Operation Tango is tho management of Polico Officers when they have been threatened. In November 2016 the Accused's contact with Detectlvo VULETA became increasingly intense and as such the Accused was instructed by Dotective VULETA to cease contact. The Accused subsequently contacted Dotective VULETA. CD O N> ho O a> CJ1 co
  • "The accused has history with Lieblich and was found guilty of racial vilification towards the jewish community. The accused was the first person imprisoned in Western Australia for racial vilification offenses. Lieblich provided evidence at this trial and was the president of the jewish community at that time. http://boc.rocks/2014/l 1/caltech-professor-claims-israeli-spy-infiltrated-jp l/ Lets get this simple fact straight - Steve Lieblich NEVER provided evidence at my trial. Ever. Steve Lieblich organized the Israeli Ambassador and Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister to come out against me. At the event named 'The Friends Of Israel" rally in August 8th, 2010,1000 Christians attended as well as the creme of the Perth, Sydney and Melbourne jewish communities as well as 30 local and federal members of parliament -100 local and federal members of parliament expressed written support for the event. All organized against one man - me. 2 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 526 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police htt p://iso l ateb ut preserve.blo gspot.c om/2014/06/why-is-media-ignoring-mv-story.htm I htt p://isolatebu tp resorve.blogspot.com/2014/09/ring in g-office-of-julie-bishop-oz.html When I simply noted Steve Liebliches credentials for an Israeli Intelligence asset -1 was raided. They have since dropped the charge against me after nearly 18 months. They were never going to proceed with it. They are embarrassed at having to deal with it. In the end, why would you organize top Israeli government officials against such a paranoid delusional man? Read on...
  • On 24 December 2014, the Community Forensic Mental Health Service (Court Liaison Service) spoke to the accused and provided Perth Magistrates Court with a report for the magistrate (copy enclosed). The accused has previously been diagnosed with a delusional disorder that incorporates fixed paranoia ideas in relation to government departments and other agencies. Ordered mental health assessment of accused (dated 24/12/14) states he has a history of paranoid delusions. Tliis is the most frightening thing I have ever read. You have all just been diagnosed. And soon, they will start locking people up and forcibly medicating people for stating self evident facts that are on the public record and admitted too. Every claim I have EVER made about Israeli spying and jewish racial and religious supremacism is ON THE MAIN STREAM PUBLIC RECORD. In fact, former head of state counter terrorism (Inspector Barry Shelton) invited me out to talk about and emailed me with the words, "We all respect your work." But then, maybe I imagined it? :-D Reporting Jewish Terrorists htt ps://www.youtube.com/watch7vmgMpdPhLwWc Of course if my video was titled - Reporting Muslim Terrorists -1 would have received a medal, been feted in the press and maybe received a book and movie deal. In 2000 I was admitted to a psychiatric facility after I did a sleep deprivation technique utilized by South Korean Monks. It was a fascinating experience - not unlike LSD. Wont go into it now. The next day I left the psychiatric facility. After a few days I thought I might return as I wondered if it might have ramifications for my Nursing Registration. They locked me up immediately in a lock up'd ward and forcibly medicated me with a low dose anti-psychotic. It did absolutely nothing but give me a stiff neck. I went along with it as I knew what they could do. After a couple of weeks where I rebuked the staff for being lazy - which they notoriously were/are -1 simply left and never went back and had no more problems. But, that did not stop them writing up a nice report about me. I have worked at Greylands hospital and I can tell you, it was the UTTER pits. The staff were drug addicted, lazy, incompetent, assholes. Many were perverts and preyed on the women patients. It is much improved now. If you were to look up, 'The Burdekin Report" you might get a flavor of how bad Greylands Mental Health Hospital was. 3 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 527 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police They have since used that little "visit" against me at ever)' opportunity. Note the terms used above, "(copy enclosed)". There was no copy in the file I have. But I'm going to get a hold of it. I guarantee it. But now it gets REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good...
  • In January 2015 the accused threatened to harm detective Vuleta. As a result, detective Vuleta became the subject of a W/t police Operation Tango Investigation. Operation Tango is the management of police officers when they have been threatened. PElizabettrVuletan NEVER, EVER, EVER have I threatened detective Elizabeth Vuleta. I defy the WA police to provide a single shred of evidence that this is so. It is the product of their delusional mind. No, that's an excuse for them - it is a product of their lying, scheming, pathetic carcasses that is suiting a story they are spewing forth to people. I wonder if they use this one to mention to Iran Press TV to discredit me? The above is going to come back to haunt them. This is why the establishment do not support me. The police will be spewing this garbage night and day along with the piece of garbage Perth jewish community who spewed forth the most ridiculous claims about me stating that 1 have threatened to kill their children. So, lets have the evidence please. Lets have the "threat" that required a "special operation" on little old me - a guy with nowhere to live who could not even afford his phone bill. Now, this next one SUMS IT ALL UP with regards "threats" to detective Liz Vuleta. I ask you to read the pasted in email below. You will hear her impassioned plea for me to stop emailing her as it is apparently hurting her precious WA police feelings. Note the calm and reasoned tone of my emails as I ask her to please hand over the un¬ edited video footage of the over the top police raid. This should confirm for you that the WA police are not to be believed - ever. But first - lets get their statement in the brief they sent the dpp (DA's office for Americans).
  • In November 2015 the accused contact with detective Vuleta became increasingly intense and as such the accused was instructed by detective Vuleta to cease contact. The accused subsequently contacted detective Vuleta. Oh dear. Why let the truth get in the way of a bit of WA police bullshit? Let us now refer to those "intense" emails. Please read it all so you get a good grasp of the length of the bullshit they will pass off at as fact. First a screenshot of the last email to detective Vuleta. Underneath that will be the long series of emails. All I have done is stick to the facts. But apparently it was too "intense" for poor Liz. 4 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm

    Page 528 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police E>K Ed<t ¥«w Qo QptnPGP loots Help ± Get Mail - f Write & Print - A Address Boot % Teg - Our • ■ i Me < boc^boc-rocta > Re. Brendon O Connell ■ Technology Crime - 30-47-14 & 3048-14 VUtfTAlu[PD12537] <Uz.VUinA«poh(e.wegov4u> "Harvey. Minuter • Police Minister" < Mirvster.Horvey 9 dpcwa 90 v.au > -t, Moctvn. Minister r. Colleen Egan , pauUTHvray9wanewv<omau

    »> P 2 4* Reply OK ReptyAll - ■ Forward A Archive 4 Sun Q Delete 11/11/2015 *46 AM Liz, I HAVE a copy of the edited footage. I have repeated to you over and over I require the UN-EDITTED footage. There are at least 5 separate tines where the video simply cuts out mid-sentence. You have failed to operate under the protocol of stating..."We are now turning off the video recorder." never heard you say it once. I have to go over the video properly as court time approaches and I expect to find some doozy's. Here, I will put it in a picture form - I would like to remind you of Professor Robert Cunningham and his dealings with police which included the presentation in court of "edited" footage of CCTV footage showing his assault while his un-editted copy was stolen from his UWA law office - EMAIL BELOW - WORTH READING - NOTE MY 'INTENSITY' - Liz, I HAVE a copy of the edited footage. I have repeated to you over and over I require the UN-EDITTED footage. There are at least 5 separate times where the video simply cuts out mid-sentence. You have failed to operate under the protocol of stating..."We are now turning off the video recorder." I never heard you say it once. I have to go over the video properly as court time approaches and I expect to find some doozy's. Here, I will put it in a picture form - 9 ,<r footage: ed" footage. )w to make it any clearer? J — 3 — without sleep. There is so mum the ten Meth houses down the road.3 minu get onto it. dsMniw 5 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 529 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police I would like to remind you of Professor Robert Cunningham and his dealings with police which included the presentation in court of "edited" footage of CCTV footage showing his assault while his un-editted copy was stolen from his UWA law office - In the lead up to Mr Cunningham's trial, CCTV footage of police tasering the pair was stolen from Mr Cunningham's university office before police presented edited footage of the incident in court. The chain of events raised suggestions police had tampered with the evidence, Mr Steytler found. In September, Labor MP Tony Buti alleged police were trying to put pressure on Ms Atoms by claiming officers went to her house in 2009 and tried to intimidate her. "The police officer tells her 'your car has been involved in a hit and run accident', she had no idea what he was talking about," he said at the time. Mr Buti called for the officer's actions to be investigated. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/westem-australia/tasered-university-professor-sues-police/story-e6frgl3u-1226311840212 Believe me Liz, having no contact with you, State Security and the WA police "in general" is a dream of mine. Perhaps if you stop coming to my place of sleeping and eating - dragging me out of bed - with garbage politically charged charges we will not have to see each other again. Wont that be lovely. As long as these garbage charges persist we will be in each others dreams. Now, just to clarify one more time before you go around saying I am "offending" you with these emails - I require "un-editted" footage. Please make sure the "un-editted" discs are dropped off to the CDPP. One final note though on not contacting you - you are an officer in the State Security Investigation Unit (Counter Terrorism). I write about issues directly related to your "job". So much so, both your immediate supervisor - Tim Paini - his immediate supervisor - cant remember his name - and their over all boss (at the time) Inspector Barry Shelton couldn't wait to chat to me over blue berry muffins and coffee despite the conflict of interest. In fact your boss wrote, "We all respect your work." I have a 235 page High Court synopsis that directly relates to your line of work. You have no interest in it. State and Federal members of parliament have an interest in it, the Minister for Foreign Affairs has an interest in it. Graduate Degree's in counter terrorism have an interest in it - but not Liz Vuletta. Just for the record, here is what you should be investigating in between reading Facebook posts by 12 year old Johnny Jihadi's bent on the destruction of Western civilization after they have done there homework - Four indicted in massive hack of JP Morgan Chase, others Two Israeli nationals — Gery Shalon and Ziv Orenstein — and US citizen Joshua Samuel Aaron were charged with multiple counts of fraud, conspiracy and other charges related to the hack. https;//au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/business/technology/a/30055575/four-indicted-in-massive-hack-of-jp-morgan- chase-others/ I might remind you of your friend Stephen Lieblich (dual national Israeli citizen), electrical engineer who trained at the Israeli Military Intelligence founded 'The Technion'. The fact that Australia's private, government and military encrypted communications, databases (Telstra/Sensis), hardware routers, SAS and Commando Regiment encrypted radio communications, Collins Class sub weapons and sensor systems, Wedgetail early ewarning radar, drone technology and on and on and on...including Sydney's rail transit security system (VERINT), your police data intercepts/surveillance gear (VERINT), and on and on and on... I will in future keep it to myself ;-) Just to let you know I will most likely be pleading guilty to the threat to kill charge. Criminal Compensation has given me a high priority so Ins'Allah, I will have enough money to leave this wonderfully, fully informed state and go a place where my knowledge and talent for digging things up will be appreciated. 6 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 530 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police If the plane goes down Liz say a prayer for me - "Brendon O'Connell, on the dole, mentally ill, raggerdy clothes with no place to lay his head managed to dig up and make public an issue the Office of National Assessments missed, ASIO missed, AFP missed. State Counter Terrorism missed. His weapon - Google, a bad temper and plenty of coffee." Liz, as long as the "un-editted" footage is supplied you will not hear from me again and God Willing, we will not meet again. On 11/11/20157:58 AM, VULETA Liz |PD12537) wrote: Brendon, In future, 00 NOT contact me. If you have any queries relating to the matters I have charged you with, contact the COPP. You have had your copy of the search warrant since June. I will order you another copy and the COPP will be in contact advising when you can collect it from them. From: Brendon O'Connell [r Sent: Tuesday, 10 November 2015 3:13 PM To: VULETA Liz |PD12537] Cc: Harvey, Minister - Police Minister; Mischin, Minister; Colleen Egan; oaul.murravfiiwanews.com.au : Hamid Farajollahi; Perth Commonwealth DPP Subject: Re: Brendon O'Connell - Technology Crime ■ 30-47-14 & 3048-14 You dont have to worry about my unemployment benefits Liz. Leave that to me. Thanks for letting me know about who is handling the matter. I take it that would be Mike Smirk? You have still not answered me about the raid video on December 23rd 2014. That video is constantly "cut" in mid sentence. Also, standard protocol of saying, "We are now turning off the video recorder", is not followed. If you like I'll take up with the Commissioner and Police Minister. I note these findings with regards the Corruption and Crime Commission lately - In a scathing released yesterday, the CCC said the Warneke case highlighted wider issues with police training, the general competence of some officers and their ability to understand and apply the law correctly. "In many cases the errors of individual officers reflect a deeper malaise and systemic weakness which permeates criminal investigations in this state," the CCC said. I ask you again to provide me details of where and when I can pick up the UN-EDITTED video of that raid. Its nothing personal Liz. I want you to stay in the police "service" as it needs more women to keep the men honest but you have to be accountable and follow protocol. As a former Registered Nurse I know all about "protocol" and I made plenty of mistakes myself. You are the one who pushed these ridiculous charges. You have to live with them for as long as I have to live for them. Is this the best the WA police could come up with? Raid and intimidate? Do you think Stephen Lieblich is going to get off the hook after all of this? He is a public figure Liz - now even more so. You are just the public face -1 hope detective sergent Paini your supervisor gets booted for this debacle. You also claimed during the raid that I had "threatened" you which I presume infers the need for such a display of over whelming firepower on December the 23rd. Seamus Rafferty said during the bail hearing on December 24th that the police were acting "hysterically" by claiming I was a potential "Monis" - ala Lindt Cafe. Liz, the entire affair reminds me of the abusive husband who slaps his wife then complains, "Watch out everyone, she might get hysterical". You need to explain that raid and you need to explain why it is you chose to stalk my family when you could of emailed me and asked for my new phone number. You then lied to my friends who you also stalked and stated you just needed my new number and location to return property which was a lie Liz because you never had any property to give me until I pushed for it. Why do police lie so much Liz? I have lost count. You also deliberately went to my mothers place of residence with a nice little show that brought out the neighbors after you were told not to go there because she was mentally fragile - she was in Tasmania anyway - but you went there regardless. Why did you decide it was far more important to drag my stressed and on medication mother into this little debacle of your own making? Are any of you down there able to take responsibility for your actions? Did you research my case at all or did you just take the word of that congenitally lying piece of garbage Stephen Leiblich? I have a 235 page High Court synopsis that Superintendent Wallace of Bunbury Regional Prison loved. He has a degree in counter terrorism and 28 years in the Victorian police - he then banned it from my possession as a "security risk". I'll email the 2.4MB PDF on request. Its a masterpiece of critical analysis considering it was done with an untreated broken arm in a maximum security prison, under extreme pressure with limited access to computers. I will say though that the WA police were right in some ways about a Monis type event -1 even stated such to detective Justin Robinson explaining 7 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 531 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police that pushing people for fun and entertainment is not advised in this day and age as you just never know who is going to snap from years of un¬ relenting pressure. The sad fact is I had made it clearly known to your former boss - Inspector Barry Shelton - that 1 was willing to work "with" police on the issue of Israeli Intelligence activity in this country. Your supervisor - Detective Timothy Richard Paini - ruined that. I note Barry retired. He was momentarily foolish to email me the way he did but I could tell immediately he was a decent person. To add insult to injury I note in the paper work that Paini is supervising my current case - the former drug squad detective who threatened me; then came begging for my co-operation; then told me not to worry about the harassment (after all - it was his mates doing it); then raided my residence 7 hours after I complained large volumes of material had been deleted off my hard drive and charged me 5 more times; who then lied under oath in the Magistrates Court that he had never said to me.J'Brendon, when this court case is over, it wont be over." Paini was demoted to detective constable but I see he is back up to detective sergent. Why is Barn,- Shelton gone and Paini still there? To add insult to injury one of Paini's "crew" - detective Brandon Shortland - was "allegedly" booted out of the drug squad for frolicking naked with two hookers in the Bell Tower pool high as a kite. This was related to me by "someone". On the stand in the Magistrates court Shortland denied he was ever in the drug squad. You see Liz, this is why you see such a pissed off person in front of you. You dont like me but I never asked you to behave in the way you did. I never asked the Minister to call me - well meaning as he was - and speak so frankly to me leading to himself being threatened two days later. Liz, WHO was listening to that call? The tooth fairy? That was the WA police - threatening a serving Minister. I am not responsible for a group of police officers intimidating and harassing me for 18 months solid up to the trial as well as the 5 suspicious deaths that took place. Do you know anything about this Liz? No you dont, you rely on Stephen Leiblich and your supervisor Paini for information. Thats the problem Liz, you are operating off erroneous information. You can find my High Court synopsis here - LEGAL AVENUES ARE FINISHED - http://ww w.lxy.nKks/20 14/tM/logal-.ivcnucs-arc-tiniNhed/ INDEX - https://www.dropbox.eom/s/ozmugdrz30e4igt/High%20Court%20Notes%20-%20lndex.pdf 235 Page Synopsis - htt p s:// www.dropbox.com/s/1 y4cscnmxsz20zh/High%20Court%20NoU 's.pdf I'm not a bad person Liz - this has been going on for 6 long years. You yelled at me during the raid - "You are not handling this appropriately!" Well, Liz, what do you think I've been doing the last 6 years? I'm not writing any more letters. I'm not seeing the CCC. I'm not going back to the AFP or writing to Ministers and Attorney Generals or Foreign Ministers. I've done it already and been blown off with such classics as, "I cant wave a magic wand and fix all of this." And, "I'm just a drone, what can I do [shoulder shrugj." Or they simply never reply. And then we have the classic reply to me from Inspector Nick Anticich about charging the organizers of the Friends Of Israel Rally with criminal contempt of court - the biggest in history - where Nick says "no material particular" was affected by the Israeli Ambassador, Israeli deputy Foreign Minister, Australian foreign minister, 30 local and federal members of parliament appearing in person (amongst many others) to support Stanley Elliot Keyser (complainant in my case) one week before the original start of my trial in August of 2010. I've included his amazing letter and my reply as an attachment. I note Nick Anticich was named as the Inspector in charge of a secretive CCC surveillance squad noted for going fishing amongst other activities while they were supposed to be working. Also, I note you were talking to Simon Gavin - aka: Steve Johnson - about me, in Northam. http://www.boc.rocks/2014/06/someone-i-know-is-suddenlv-accused-of-rap i ng-daughter-whos-next/ My fave detective Steve Hawkes was there - give him my regards. Liz, why dont you come and talk to me? Dont be scared, I'm a nice guy. I have/had three sisters and have worked many years with women. What do you want to know? If you wonder where I get all my info from the answer is..."google". And "You Tube". It really is that simple. Plus I get around alot. I like people. I talk to people and they talk to me. Liz, with all that has happened the last six years, this is why you are looking at one very pissed off person - Brendon O'Connell. To add insult to injury, during our little get together on December the 23rd 2014, you hollered back at me, "Steve Leiblich had nothing to do with the rally!” Liz, would you like me to produce for you the near full page report in the West Australian Newspaper with Steve standing tall? All of the posts below relate directly to the Friends Of Israeli Rally - http://ww w.hoc.rocks/2014/ll2/can-.iin , one-stand-iip-tt*-the-rdcist-jpa_rlheid-state-of-jsrael/ http://w ww.boc.ro cks/2 01 4/09/ri nging-thc-office-of-julic-bishop-o/.-foreign-minister/ htt p://www.boc .rock s/2014/09/le tters-to-forei gn-ni inister-an d-news-m edia- p ost ed-here / htt p://www.b o c .rocks/20 14/06/why- is-the-media-ignorin g-my- story/ The basis of any good outcome Liz is research - and you didn't do any. You just listened to your own colleagues who have a vested interest in keeping Brendon O'Connell labelled as "mentally ill" and "too hard to deal with". Maybe so - but I am the direct product of the Western Australian police services handling of this matter which needs to go to a parliamentary inquiry. I require the un-editted video Liz. 1 require an explanation as to why you chose to raid my place of residence with 7 officers...barging in the door. I require an explanation as to why you chose to stalk my family and friends instead of emailing me. I would also like to know the reason why you continue to fail to investigate a "threat to kill" matter involving a Arab Muslim man which involves major corruption within the Northam police. I 8 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 532 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police remind you (again), that your section is "Racial Vilification legislation". That legislation covers, "Race, Ethnicity, National Origins ." Mustafa was screamed at, "Fuck off back to where you came from.” You know' this. I have contacted you previously but you have ignored this information.You have WILLFULLY ignored this. http://www.boc.rocks/2014/l 1/death-threats-made-against-local-muslim-familv-w-a-police-cover-it-up/ Mustafa is hard to deal with - to the point 1 will not contact him myself - but what happened to him was an absolute disgrace and you have chosen to charge me for bringing this matter to your attention via Jason and Veronica Hodgkinson. There are three witnesses who identified him as being there (Jason Hodgkinson) and as the one who was arrested. Mustafa has a great deal of audio showing the Northam police clearly trying to confuse him and deny him the name of the man who threatened to kill him in front of his kids. All because Hodgkinsons wife works with the Northam police and is well known to them - which she admitted on Facebook. Liz, you continue to maintain that Jason Hodgkinson has nothing to do with this matter but you have refused to clear the air by simply having Hodgkinson appear to Mustafa and identify himself - thereby indicating that it was not him at the shop. You have not even contacted Mustafa . You cant do that - because Jason Hodgkinson is the one who threatened to kill Mustafa in front of his kids and both you and the Northam police have covered it up. Clear the air Liz. You have a duty to the court and to the public to make every effort to sort this out without involving the expensive legal system. Scarce tax payers resources are being spent on a political witch hunt against me; where I am obviously trying to clear the air to the point I sent the Hodgkinsons to YOU to dear it up. You then choose to charge me instead. Are you saying this is acceptable police behavior? I wnt after Jason Hodgkinson online after Mustafa was threatened again. All the while Mustafa had exhausted all avenues via local Northam police and the CCC to work this out. Is this acceptable Liz? Would you like me to post the GIGANTIC collection of news paper articles I have collected on the incompetance and corruption of the Western Australian police that the local paper has been pumping out? I have made it clear to you that prima facae, there is a case against Jason Hodgkinson - clearly. If by some miracle Jason Hodgkinson is an innocent party then simply travel to Northam and speak with Mustafa with Jason Hodgkinson present and the entire matter can be cleared up instantly. Instead you press ahead with these charges. Well fine - guess who will be getting on the stand and I will make sure Msutafa is there. This has gone on for a year. The policing and legal system is not a personal toy to be played with by you and/or your colleagues Liz. I would like an explanation as to what you have done with the un-editted footage of the raid video from December 23rd 2014 and I would like to know why it is you-or Yota (Technology Crime), have edited that video mid sentence on numerous occasions and failed to follow protocol with regards filming. I remember you "winking" at Yota as I was led into the new Northbridge lock up. What was that Liz? Yota didn't look happy. I also want an explanation as to why you approached this matter in the way that you have. Steve Leiblich will also be getting on the stand. I will be asking him some very difficult questions while he is on it. How can you possibly hope to win this in court with Steve Leiblich being an OBVIOUS "public figure" who has stuck his vile little nose into my business in such a public way? Or, is it true what was said to me by someone who has dealings with the jewish community of Perth and Steve Leiblich? 'Three thousand members of the jewish community here in Perth have the political class by the balls here.” http://www.foiwa.org.au/node/32 All of the above was done 8 days before the August 16th 2010 original start of my trial. Liz, what is it about the term "public figure" and "public interest" that you don't understand? You might also ask Inspector Nick Anticich what he doesn't understand about the term "criminal contempt of court”? I was actually threatened with contempt of court by former senior prosecutor Alan Troy. He said that a precedent case from 2001 where an accused had uttered he was "innocent" publicly, days away from a trial, was considered contempt of court. I was threatened with this. Then we have the Friends Of Israel Rally • Liz, please tell me you get why I am so utterly disgusted and amazed at the idiocy of the people that run this state? If you insist on bringing a circus to town I will oblige with clowns and lion tamers of my own - not that you appear to have not already brought a great heap of clowns with you. Am I wrong? Do you hate me for pointing out these simple "facts" to you? Does it upset you? Do you feel silly? Do any of your superiors feel silly? Liz, whatever angst you are feeling I assure you I have felt it a hundred times worse. How would you like a State/Nation with a reputation for killing squads and wielding enormous power outside of its size, that flouts international law and treats the rest of the world as a joke - indeed "humiliates" the rest of the world with it's vile racial and religious supremacism - how would you like it coming out against you - personally? You said to Mustafa over the phone when he first contacted you to make a complaint against Jason Hodgkinson, ” Brendon O'Connell is going to get you into alot of trouble. You are both going to get into alot of trouble. “ Liz, touche', " Steve Leiblich is going to get you in alol of trouble. You are both going to get into alot of trouble." Can we just get this straight here - "I" am the victim here. Do we agree? I'm sure we do and contrary to popular folklore I have ALREADY exhausted the "appropriate" methods of setting wrongs to right. What has gone on is a damned disgrace and it appears things are going from bad to worse with this little spat between the only two politicians to have ever contacted me - 9 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 533 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police The above was three weeks after the email from Dr Dennis Jensen's office below - I'm not sure how much more maccarbe it has to all get but I guess all I can say is "have at it Liz". And please send me the real unedited raid video. On 10/11/2015 7:30 AM, VULETA Liz [PD12537] wrote: Brendon, Why are you emailing me with regards to this brief? I am not the case officer. I have explained that numerous times to you. If you request further disclosure contact the case officer or David THIERING. RE your visit to Malaysia - if you are receiving Government benefits, I presume you will be contacting the appropriate department and advising them of your travel plans. Ul. From: Brendon O'Connell lmailto:b [email protected] Sent: Monday, 9 November 2015 7:35 PM To: VULETA Liz [PD12537] Subject: Brendon O'Connell - Technology Crime - 30-47-14 & 3048-14 Dear Liz, I am going through all the paperwork and I note there is no copy of the "offending video" with regards ringing the office of Julie Bishop and the charge of making a private telephone call public. Unless you are purely going off the testimony of Tess the woman who took the call? I would presume the video will be shown in court? That video was taken down by You Tube which was quite incredible in and of itself. I was always having sport with You Tube over copyright and had the video constantly re-instated. Then all of a sudden it was taken down and You Tube sent me the message that the video was taken down for no specific reason and my account remained in good standing. Could you provide me with a copy please. Also, I presume David Thiering rang you about my trip to Malaysia from December the 31st to January the 12th. Please let me know if there are any problems with this. Regards, Brendon This email message and any attached files may contain information that is confidential and subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the individual or 10 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm

    Page 534 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient be advised that you have received this message in error and that any use, copying, circulation, forwarding, printing or publication of this message or attached files is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information contained therein. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your inbox. This email message and any attached files may contain information that is confidential and subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient be advised that you have received this message in error and that any use, copying, circulation, forwarding, printing or publication of this message or attached files is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information contained therein. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your inbox. As you can see, I am an "intense" little pussycat. Maybe delusional and paranoid and mentally ill. See, the police can say whatever they damn well please and people believe them. If I put in this email my collection of mainstream newspaper articles of police corruption, incompetence, arrogance and flagrant disregard for the law, it will end up being an eBook on Kindle so lets cut it short with just a few more facts to take in about the lies that role off police tongues so easily. Note the police state I have RADICAL MATERIAL on my computer. That includes VIDEO, PHOTO's and DOCUMENTS. I just love this. "Radical"? Like what? There is Z-E-R-O "radical" material on my computer. What absolute crap. I absolutely hate these clowns. Basically, if it aint on the Channel 9 news, it must be "radical”. I am going to taunt them all day and demand they produce the "radical" material. There is no "radical" material. Its nothing but a way to discredit me. I bet they pass this sort of material around to politicians, media and the upper echelons of the police betting no one is going to ask "what" that material is. 11 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 535 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police Overview Of Task TTie Technology Crime Services has completed its analysis of the following data storage devices:

    . t»x 14 A ' Black Lenovo laptop Computcr

    Property Reference 231214080012S37/0001 j ; 1 IB Hard Drive From Iliiv( omputci Photos of the devices can be viewed by clicking licif Ihc task WUS given Technology Crime Services designation "MM". This report addressed a number of issues and is not representative of the total amount of information which may be available. All storage m edia was analysed for information rchttinse to; !.««■ he..

    I I Pictures Contcnl Appears Relevant To A Use Carriage Service To Menace, Harass And Issue 2 Issue 3 i Documents ( ontent Appears Relevant To A Use Carriage Sen ice To Menace. Harass And I Cue Offence Investigation i E-mail - Content Appears Relevant To A Use Carriage Service To Menace, Harass And 1 C arise Offence Inveflimaian Issue 4 Pictures Content Appears To Be Radical Material 1 Issues
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    mis mv damiMMiiun onci I feel sick reading this stuff. People who know me are sick of reading this stuff. How easy to utterly destroy someone's reputation. I BET when pollies around the country have made inquiries due to my mass mail out's explaining what has gone on - they have proffered up crap like this. If this can happen to me, it can happen to you. Look what they did to Heather Glendinning. She went from loving mother to raving psychotic knife wielding lunatic in just a few media exposes. ion-mother-feared-for-her-life- em a ils -20 111213 -1 osac.htm] My first trial has been booked for March 21st, 2016. This is the use of a "carriage device" to "menace, threaten or cause offense". This is the man who threatened Mustafa and his children at his place of work with death - Jason Hodgkinson. When I tired to work it out and force him to go to police, I was charged instead. I do not even want to talk about the details. It is too ridiculous but I will make a doco instead. 12 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 536 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police http:. olatebutp r e.blops pot.com.au/2014/ll/death-threats-made-against-local-fnuslim.htinl The second trial is the "threat to kill". This is the bam burner where ultimately the Minister of Corrective Services would be getting on the stand to tell the jury about that 32 minute phone call to me where he stated many things. Including the fear he had for his own staff and the ultimate threat he received from the WA police a few days after he spoke to me. MINISTER FR'A'NGIS McMahon https://au.news.vaho a/25342537/sex- offender-sec urity-s car https://nu.news.vahoo.com/thewest/latestya719441873/intruder-in-prison-ministers-h ome / https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thewest/a/20898396/minister-forced-to-quit-home/ https://au.news.yahoo.eom/thcwest/latest/a/21030998/minister-break-in-charges/ htt ps:/ / au.news . ya hoo.eom/thewest/a/217527 89 /mp-home-in va der-jail ed / Winning these cases under normal circumstances would be VERY easy in any other state except Western Australia. The state is too corrupt. They are capable of anything. Right now, the best option for me is to call their bluff, take a guilt)' plea and put in a sworn affidavit to the sentencing judge about EVERYTHING that has happened combined with a psychiatric report. It would mean at the very least I would have to tread very carefully for two years in case I "offended" anyone. Most likely I will hunker down and produce a high quality documentary of my own about the last 7 years and write a book. Some of you may know that I have been central in getting published the amazing memoir of Roger Reaves - top transporter for the Medellin and Cali Cartels of Colombia. Roger employed Barry Seal, notorious Iran/Contra operative and drug smuggler. Tom Cruise is starring as Barry in a film called "Mena". Great little 38 minute video of me interviewing Roger here - 13 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 537 of 1018 Fwd: You Gotta Read This - Example Of Lying Police http s://dr ivc,googlc.com/file/d/0B7BDtVgo7l. asS2 Fh cElOaH c2eFk/vi ow?u sp°sharing I will just have to cop the charges and get back online to tell the truth about what was done to me and most of all, explain to people how bad, dangerous and utterly corrupt Western Australia is and I will start with a sworn affidavit about that phone call I got from Minister Joe Francis. With WA, anything is possible. They dont care. They simply do not care and we must wonder what sort of "spirit" is guiding this place to make the movers and shakers so utterly above the law and so utterly un-afraid of exposure. 14 of 14 23/9/2019,4:22 pm Page 538 of 1018 TRANSCIPT - DECEMBER 24™ - MAGISTRATE TEMBY Where duty lawyer Seamus RAFFERTY calls police claims against me "hysterical". Copyright in this document is reserved to the State of Western Australia. Reproduction of this document (or part thereof, in any format) except with the prior written consent of the Attorney General is prohibited. Please note that under section 43 of the Copyright Act 1968 copyright is not infringed by anything reproduced for the purposes of a judicial proceeding or of a report of a judicial proceeding. THE MAGISTRATES COURT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA CRIMINAL PE 119341-119343 of 2014 WESTERN AUSTRALIA POLICE and BRENDON LEE O'CONNELL MAGISTRATE D. TEMBY TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS AT PERTH ON WEDNESDAY, 24 DECEMBER 2014, AT 12.52 PM MR S. RAFFERTY appeared for the accused. 24/12/14 4 Page 539 of 1018 CL MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 JSO: Back to the arrest list (indistinct) O'Connell. Brendon Lee O'Connell. HIS HONOUR: Now, we didn't have this paper work earlier today and so we do now. Thank you. Thank you. Mr Rafferty, you appear.
  • RAFFERTY, MR: May it please, your Honour, I appear as duty counsel. HIS HONOUR: Yes. And what's intended to happen today? RAFFERTY, MR: Sir, Mr O'Connell has accepted my advice that he should seek a remand for legal advice, and there is another charge in the system, sir. It’s a threat to kill charge; that's at a committal - or at a disclosure committal hearing stage in this court on 13 March 2015, so it may be appropriate for these three charges to go through to that same date. There is an application for bail, sir, and I put it in these terms: he is on surety bail in relation to the matter that has to go to the district court. Now, I wasn't anticipating that I would need my Crimes Act today, sir, so I'm not sure whether these charges can be dealt with summarily or not. I have to check. HIS HONOUR: These are Commonwealth charges, are they not? RAFFERTY, MR: They are, sir. HIS HONOUR: Yes. RAFFERTY, MR: They're Crimes Act - oh, sorry, they're either Crimes Act or Criminal Code. HIS HONOUR: Criminal Code. RAFFERTY, MR: Criminal Code Commonwealth charges, sir, so I didn't bring my code with me today to see whether - - - HIS HONOUR: I've dealt with these matters - matters of this type in the past. My belief is that they are summary matters. RAFFERTY, MR: Excellent. HIS HONOUR: Does the prosecutor have a different point of view? 24/12/14 5 12.52 RAFFERTY, MR Page 540 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 CL PROSECUTOR: Sir, my understanding, from what my colleague has just said, is that they can be if either party elects to have them heard summarily. I wouldn't like to be making a decision - - - RAFFERTY, MR: No. PROSECUTOR: - - - just this moment in time in regard to that. HIS HONOUR: All right. Thank you. Well - - - RAFFERTY, MR: I think that everybody needs an opportunity to consider their position in relation to that charge, or those three charges, sir. So I do ask that you put them off simply for mention only to the disclosure committal hearing list on 13 March 2015. Sir, there is an application for bail. HIS HONOUR: Yes. And, now, is it said though that these offences were committed after he was released to bail on that threat to kill charge? RAFFERTY, MR: That is correct, sir. The offences are alleged to have occurred on the 30 ch of - sorry, well, it was the same - 19 th of the 11 th , the 29 th of the 11 th and between the 29 th of the 11 th and 30.11.2014. Now, my - I spoke to Sergeant Woon and my understanding is I'm aware of at least one of the commissions in relation to the threat to kill charge; it is not contended, sir, this is a schedule 2 situation. HIS HONOUR: No. RAFFERTY, MR: Because that was not imposed as a protective bail condition. Sir, they're unusual charges in relation to the nature of the allegations. I'm happy to hand up a copy of the statement of material facts for you to have a read of, sir, or they can be read out. I'm entirely in your Honour's hands. HIS HONOUR: No. I'm happy to receive it from you, Mr Rafferty. RAFFERTY, MR: Sir, if I can just hand that up to you, and I will let you read that, sir; it's about two and a half pages. HIS HONOUR: Thank you. 24/12/14 6 12.52 RAFFERTY, MR Page 541 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 CL RAFFERTY, MR: I will let you read those, sir because obviously you will want to know the facts before you consider the issue of - - - PROSECUTOR: There are objections to bail, sir. RAFFERTY, MR: Yes, and I knew that, sir, but - - - PROSECUTOR: Yes. RAFFERTY, MR: The prosecutor is just going to read the facts out so we may as well just hand them up. HIS HONOUR: All right. Thank you. I will do that. Yes. Thank you. I will return that to you, Mr Rafferty. RAFFERTY, MR: Thank you, sir. Sir, I don't want to do this in a piecemeal way, given the prosecutor has quite properly outlined for your benefit he's going to oppose the application. Perhaps you could hear the opposition, then I can address those features. HIS HONOUR: Yes, Sergeant. Do you wish to do that? PROSECUTOR: Sir, a bit of the background in this, and this was only dropped on us this morning, of course, is that there were death threats made against a local Muslims family in Northam, I believe, a little while ago and it's my understanding that the accused believes that it was covered up, and the victim in this matter is the partner or the wife of the person who was ultimately responsible for these threats. Now, yes, the accused seems to think that the victim here is her husband, but there doesn't appear to be any evidence that was, in fact, the case. But what we did get this morning with a brief is, basically, copies of the correspondence that have gone backwards and forwards across through and there's, sort of, chat, which are quite extremist in parts to say the least. I don't know whether you would be minded, perhaps, to have a quick look to give you some idea. HIS HONOUR: Have you seen that material, Mr - - - RAFFERTY, MR: No. I will have a look, sir, while my friend addresses - - - PROSECUTOR: Yes. Sir, just in regards to the issues yesterday, this was passed to me this morning by the arresting officers. Mr O'Connell was arrested yesterday at his current address in Joondalup; it's a boarding house. 24/12/14 7 12.52 RAFFERTY, MR Page 542 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 CL He advised that his tenancy would be terminated as a result of the arrest. He would have no fixed place of abode and the landlord was present at the warrant and aware, and during the interview, the following points: O'Connell was placed in handcuffs for his threatening and disorderly behaviour. He threw papers and a case file at one of the officers who was a case officer in the matter. He was removed from the house in an attempt to calm him down. He made threats to the officer along with lines of he would take a dump of shit and throw it at her. He continued to swear at the female officer, effing and blinding. He was handed a copy of his rights. He's alleged to have said, "Why don't you roll that up and poke it where the sun doesn't shine." Numerous comments during the interview that he would "start a war" with the police officer and the complainants. He made numerous references to firearms, Syria, terrorist incidents - - - ACCUSED : What. PROSECUTOR: - - - that recently occurred - - - ACCUSED: Fucking - he's fucking lying. PROSECUTOR: - - - and he stated he would now write more blogs and comments relating to the complaints. He appeared to be agitated throughout the search warrant, acting in a mentally unstable state. He went through various mood changes. They don't believe he's under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They do stress that his mental state is a concern and recommended that he seek a mental assessment. So those are what were handed this morning, and so I don't
  • if you would be minded just to have a, perhaps, a quick

    look at - - - RAFFERTY, MR: We have a mental health nurse here - - - HIS HONOUR: Yes. RAFFERTY, MR: - - - who has spoken to Mr O'Connell this morning as well. HIS HONOUR: Yes. Thank you. .. MR: Sorry, sir. My name is Christian. I work for the (indistinct) Service. Sorry I'm a bit late. I had a bit of trouble getting hold of a computer, but I've done a brief report on this gentleman. He was in the Frankland Centre last week - sorry, last year, and - - - 24/12/14 8 12.52 .. MR Page 543 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 CL memorandum and says, "Oh, listen, here's a few extra reasons why you should oppose bail." If the investigating officer wants to deal with those matters, then she ought charge him with those matters and, in my respectful submission, the suggestion as to his behaviour is entirely explained by the fact that he may feel persecuted in the circumstances, particularly in relation to the matters of a subjective nature that he seems to be a believer in. Now, in my respectful submission, the matters that were raised in relation to his conduct yesterday, sir, simply go to his frustration. If there were to be any suggestion of any overt threats against that particular police officer, well, then there should be a charge in relation to those matters and there's not. I'm not going to raise any issues in relation to his views, sir. They're outlined in the statement of material facts that your Honour has in front of you, but can I put it in this context: you're aware now that he is charged with an offence of threat to kill, which is suggested to be a very serious offence. The thing I'm going to suggest in relation to that, sir, is that a fellow judicial officer has determined that it was appropriate that he receive bail in relation to that matter. He has surety bail in relation to those particular charges. There were conditions attached to those particular matters and that was obviously defined to be appropriate by the judicial officer on that occasion. The three charges you have in front of you today are of a much less serious nature. There is no suggestion, sir that they are threatening. It's the fact the charges use a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence; it seems this is really one of those types of charges where it's suggested that it would offend, on an objective standard, the person to whom those particular matters have been addressed. Sir, in circumstances in which you have to consider this matter having regard to clauses 1 and 3 of part C, schedule 1 of the Bail Act. In the context of him failing to attend court, well, that's not going to happen. This is a man who always attends court. I appreciate that there's probably - I think there's one breach of bail condition there, sir. I think that's now somewhat ancient. In relation to the matters that went to the district court, he attended on every occasion, sir. This is not a case in which your Honour would determine that it's - you could not impose conditions that would alleviate any concerns as to his attendance at court. 24/12/14 11 12.52 RAFFERTY, MR Page 544 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 CL Your Honour may have concerns in relation to the commission of further offences. What I am proposing, your Honour is that you place very strict bail conditions and make them protective bail conditions in the circumstances because then, in the circumstances, if Mr O'Connell were silly enough to breach those particular strict conditions, well, then he would fall within the ambit of schedule 2 and, with the greatest of respect to Mr O'Connell, he would not be able to establish exceptional circumstances on any level. What I would propose that your Honour do is that you impose a personal undertaking. He has already got a surety to attend that date, sir, so I wouldn't suggest that a surety would be required in relation to these matters. HIS HONOUR: What was the amount of the surety? RAFFERTY, MR: It's $10,000. But you would impose a condition that he not use any electronic device, with the exception of his mobile telephone call to make telephone calls. That way, that would take away any potential for him to engage in any of this alleged type of behaviour again. An electronic device would obviously be a very, very wide scope, so what your Honour would be permitting him to do is - and in this electronic age just to have his mobile telephone to be able to ring people, but he would not be able to email people. He would not be able to use Facebook. He would not be able to use any other form of social media, and in those circumstances, sir, such a condition would alleviate the concerns outlined by the prosecutor, and it has to be remembered, sir, again, that these are allegations at this stage and he may well defend them in due course, but, obviously, in the circumstances, sir, they are objectively much less serious offences than the charge for which he already has bail. If your Honour considered it was appropriate, your Honour could also impose a reporting condition to the officer in charge of the Perth Police Station as often as possible. As far as accommodation, sir, he does have a friend who is his surety, who, effectively, if you release him, he will be staying on that gentleman's couch for the time being until he's able to find alternative accommodation, so I would say, sir, that a residential condition would not be appropriate in the circumstances. HIS HONOUR: Does he have a residential condition in regard to that district court - - - 24/12/14 12 12.52 RAFFERTY, MR Page 545 of 1018 CL MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 RAFFERTY, MR: My understanding is no, and that place that was referred to in Joondalup is a boarding house and he's not going back there because he can't. So in the circumstances, sir, it is my submission that you can impose conditions that would alleviate concerns as to further offending. You would, effectively, be taking away all electronic means for him to be able to do this or to engage in the type of activity alleged, so it would be a personal undertaking, sir, a reporting condition, if you considered appropriate, and a very wide condition, that being a protective bail condition, that he not to use any electronic devices, with the exception of his mobile telephone for the use of telephone calls. And, sir, the police always know where he is, sir. If there was any issue, sir, they would be able to find him fairly quickly. He is a man of some notoriety. HIS HONOUR: Does his current surety have a computer or electronic devices where he lives? RAFFERTY, MR: He probably does. I would - - - ACCUSED: Yes, your Honour, but I - I'm forbidden from using them because it gets instantly hacked. RAFFERTY, MR: So we're not worried about the hacking, sir. Again, in the circumstances, sir, if he was to use it, and it would be pretty obvious the manner in which - it would be pretty easy to find out the type of manner in which he used it, then, sir, if it's a breach of a protective bail condition; that's the end of it. He goes into Hakea and he stays there until the matters are finally disposed of. HIS HONOUR: Yes. Thank you. Thank you, Mr - - - RAFFERTY, MR: May it please, your Honour. HIS HONOUR: Sergeant, do you wish to respond to that submission? PROSECUTOR: Sir, I'm just, sort of, mindful - I'm sort of mindful of what I do say. I mean, I do have a couple of concerns. I mean, I'm not the most computer literate person in the world, but I do believe that by just preventing somebody from using a electronic device or internet doesn't necessarily mean that can happen. I believe there's certainly ways around that without being easily detected. I don't think that's any secret. 24/12/14 13 12.52 RAFFERTY, MR Page 546 of 1018 CL MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 Again, I'm going back to the facts of, you know, the nature of this kind of offending, and whilst Mr Rafferty and I - I do agree it's perhaps not as serious as the threat to kill charge, we've had an opportunity to look at some of the correspondence in there and his previous record. Now, perhaps I'm overreacting but I'm also mindful of the current climate in regard to terrorism and matters relating to terrorism. Now, if that's an overreaction, I apologise, but it is a current topic and Mr O'Connell comes across to me as very, very extreme in his views and I just have some sort of concerns that if it's not handled perhaps in the right way, we're then leaving ourselves subject to, you know, perhaps it was too late. Sorry, if that doesn't come across that clear; that's just my, sort of - - - HIS HONOUR: Yes. RAFFERTY, MR: I do have to respond to that. It's not an overreaction; it's bordering on the hysterical and I don't (indistinct) personal context to the prosecutor. This is a man who expresses or has in the past expressed his views in the written form. They may not be views that your Honour or I particularly share, and that really doesn't matter at the end of the day. They're his subjective views. There's no suggestion, sir, that he acts upon these particular matters, sir. HIS HONOUR: Well, there's the disorderly conduct, obstruct public officer charges from 2010, and that seems to talk about physical behaviour to me rather than communications. RAFFERTY, MR: Sir, in relation to those, I have no instructions. Again, you could ask him in relation to those. Sir, I do have a recollection as to some behaviour on the front of a court though. This is a man who has had certain notoriety in the past and has - he used to videotape everything that used to occur. In the circumstances, sir, it is a disorderly conduct charge, which is obviously a fine only offence. I understand your Honour can take into account what his types of conduct are, but I'm putting this in the context of a threat to individuals, and if your Honour accepts my submission that there are conditions you can impose, there was a further condition that I neglected to outline; that you make it a protective bail condition that he not contact the named persons in the statements of material facts and, again, make that a protective bail 24/12/14 14 12.52 RAFFERTY, MR Page 547 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 CCF condition because in the circumstances, sir, what this is about is protecting those particular individuals, not the community as a whole. And, sir, there is no suggestion to - or there is no evidence before you, sir, that could even satisfy you on balance that this man was some form of terrorist or involved in any form of terrorist activity, and can I say, sir, if he was, I imagine that there would be federal agencies that would be upon him very, very quickly in this current climate, but, again, there's no suggestion, sir, that that's the case. So, sir, it's a condition of - without looking at these matters in the context the prosecutor has outlined, it's those matters outlined in clauses 1 and 3 that you need to consider. Are there conditions that your Honour can impose that would stop further offending; that's the condition that your Honour - that really is the focus of this bail application and my submission to you is, yes, there are. There are very strict conditions. You can make them protective bail conditions. If Mr O'Connell is stupid enough in the circumstances to breach them, then he knows what the consequences are. HIS HONOUR: Are there protected bail conditions in that threat to kill bail? RAFFERTY, MR: I have no idea, sir, but I would have thought that there would be; that would seem to be an absolute no-brainer in relation to that matter. And again, if there were, there's certainly no suggestion that any of those conditions have been breached. In any event, sir, it would be my suggestion - - - .. MS: 5000 by 5000 sureties. RAFFERTY, MR: Sorry, sir. I was told it was 10. So I apologise for that. I thought - - - .. MS: Not to contact or attempt to contact Liam Cashman or Tess Randell. It's not a protective bail condition, but it was just a condition. HIS HONOUR: Just a general condition of bail. .. MS : Yes. RAFFERTY, MR: I'm surprised that they're not protective. 24/12/14 15 1.22 RAFFERTY, MR Page 548 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 JLM into more detail than the summary of the material facts. And what is said about that is that they contain some concerning information and that that concerning information is what is supporting the three charges of using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence. The document that I have from the forensic nurse who has spoken to Mr O'Connell talks to me about his mental health, which apparently has been a concern over a period of time. It doesn't take the matter to the extent that it's recommended that he needs hospitalisation or intensive treatment, but it does talk about issues that have been identified in that process. Mr O'Connell's criminal history has also been handed up to me, and there are matters obviously that took his liberty from him when he was convicted in the District Court back on 31 January 2011, conduct intended to incite racial animosity or racial hatred, section 77 of the Criminal Code. The question of bail today has been carefully presented to me, both for and against bail by those at the bar table. The question of bail always has to consider certain matters pursuant to part C of the Bail Act: whether the accused, if not kept in custody, may fail to appear. It doesn't look to me from his record that he has in the past been a flight risk, and in my view that's not the position the prosecution takes today. The next sub-heading or next section is "commit an offence". That certainly is a live issue in regard to the decision I have to make today. “Endanger the safety, welfare or property of any other person", likewise. "Interference with witnesses or otherwise obstruct course of justice", that may also be a live issue in regard to what I've heard today, whether the accused needs to be kept in custody for his own protection, probably not. Now, in regard to the other considerations, I need to be sure that if I am to grant him bail, then there are bail conditions that can alleviate the concerns of the prosecution. If I am not satisfied that that can be done, then he ought to have his bail refused. So matters under clause 3 of the schedule talk about the nature and seriousness of the offences and, as I think we've established, these matters are capable of being dealt with both in this court and in a higher jurisdiction, but in regard to matters that come before the court it's not of the most serious type of matters that the court deals with. 24/12/14 18 2.33 Page 549 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 JLM The next factor that needs to be considered is the character, previous convictions, antecedents and associations in regard to the applicant for bail, and I have his record, as I've mentioned. There are those matters from 2011, which are concerning, but it's not the longest or most concerning record that I've had before me. The history of previous grants of bail, counsel has alluded to the fact that he has been in attendance in regard to those District Court matters and also that I have to consider the strength of the evidence against him, and there certainly is at least a prima facie case against the accused in regard to the evidence that has been tendered to the court today. It's put by counsel today that there are bail conditions that can be put in place that will protect the persons who may well be concerned about their immediate safety, and that is the basis upon which it is said that if Mr O'Connell should have his liberty today, that I put in place detailed and significant conditions that will remind him that if he's not going to be compliant, then ultimately his bail will be revoked. I've considered the pros and cons of the applications today and, on balance, I'm going to grant bail. It does seem to me that there are conditions that I can put in place that will achieve the ends that are necessary. It also is the case that if he was to be denied bail on these matters and ultimately convicted on the matters that are going to be dealt with at some point in the future, maybe in this jurisdiction, maybe in a higher jurisdiction, in my view it is unlikely that a term of immediate imprisonment would be imposed on those matters, and that's something that I need to weigh up in regard to his immediate liberty. But of course, in placing these conditions as I will, I will express a number of them to be protective bail conditions, and if Mr O'Connell is going to be careless about those particular requirements, if you're going to be taking shortcuts or chance your arm, if you like, in regard to those, then you will have only yourself to blame when you are rearrested, charged with breaching protective bail conditions and, quite correctly put by Mr Rafferty this morning, it would be extraordinarily difficult for you to demonstrate exceptional reasons under those circumstances, I would have thought. Yes, so just stand up for me, please, Mr O'Connell. Your matter comes back to court, then, on 13 March, joins up with the other matter that you have coming to court on 24/12/14 19 2.33 Page 550 of 1018 JLM MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 that day. Bail is in the following terms: personal undertaking, bail in the sum of $5000. The following protective conditions apply. You are not to possess or use any electronic device, except a mobile phone to make and receive phone calls. You are not to enter any internet cafe or like establishment. You are not to enter any retail premises where electronic devices are offered for sale to the public. You are not to communicate with any person named in the statement of material facts, either directly or indirectly. You are not to approach within a hundred metres of the protected persons named in condition 4 hereof. You are not to approach within a hundred metres of the residences, places of employment or places of education of the protected persons in condition 4 hereof. Now, do you understand all of that? ACCUSED: Yes, your Honour. HIS HONOUR: All right. These are the conditions. Now, protective bail conditions mean that if there's any suggestion or belief that you are not complying with those conditions, the authority, the WA Police Service, will take you into custody. They will charge you with breaching protective bail conditions, and then the bar only goes higher in order for you to get bail. Is that understood? ACCUSED: I understand, your Honour. HIS HONOUR: Understood? ACCUSED: Your Honour, can I just clarify, can I send text messages? HIS HONOUR: What's the need for you to do that? ACCUSED: Well, it's just how everyone seems to communicate. HIS HONOUR: Well, I think we need to perhaps make sure that if you're going to be leaving a message you leave a voicemail message, if someone is not going to pick the phone up at the other end. I think every phone device allows for that particular facility. ACCUSED: They don't, your Honour, but that's okay. I understand. It's all right. HIS HONOUR: You just need to not bite off any more than you can chew at the moment. 24/12/14 20 2.33 Page 551 of 1018 MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 JLM ACCUSED: Sure, your Honour. HIS HONOUR: Understand that? ACCUSED: Appreciate that. HIS HONOUR: Now, go back into custody. Those papers will be printed. You will be required to sign them. When you've got your copy, then you will be released on those conditions, and you need to keep a low profile from hereon in. ACCUSED: Yes, I - I get the message, your Honour. I appreciate it. Thank you. HIS HONOUR: All right. Okay. Just stand down, thank you. ACCUSED: Thank you. AT 2.49 PM THE MATTER WAS ADJOURNED UNTIL FRIDAY, 13 MARCH 2015 24/12/14 21 2.49 Page 552 of 1018 JLM MC/CRIM/PE/PE 119341/2014 Auscript are contracted by the Department of the Attorney General to record and/or transcribe court and tribunal proceedings in Western Australia as specified under a government Contract. This Contract prescribes the recording and transcription production standards that must be adhered to. The transcript of PE 119341/2014 Brendon Lee O'Connell heard on 24/12/14: • Is a written reproduction of the audio record of the proceeding; • Is a complete transcript except where otherwise stated. Any "indistinct" notations within the transcript refer to those parts of the recording that could not be accurately transcribed due to speech clarity, recording quality or other factors impacting word intelligibility. Certified on 18/2/2015. 24/12/14 22 Page 553 of 1018 CCC CORRUPTION - NEWS PAPER CLIPPINGS NEWS @ thewcst NEW CCC COMMISSIONER Bad chapter ‘has ended'

    Daniel Emerson and Gareth Parker New Corruption and Crime Commissioner John McKechnie last night moved to distance the agency from an allegedly cor¬ rupt unit of covert investigators, saying a damning report of its exploits "concludes a chapter in the CCC’s history". Mr McKechnie. who took over as commissioner in April, said the CCC had worked hard to address the governance shortfalls examined by the report. "A fundamentally different CCC can now move on with its work in identifying and combat¬ ing serious misconduct and corruption in the public sector," he said. But shadow attorney-general John Quigley said Mr McKech¬ nie had a “herculean task" to rebuild the credibility of the cor¬ ruption watchdog. In his report detailing a litany of corrupt and dishonest activi¬ ties in the former Operations Support Unit, Parliamentary- Inspector of the CCC Michael Murray also canvassed poor internal oversight and a “resistance" by the CCC to co¬ operating with WA Police inves¬ tigators. The covert OSU, which was set up in 2004. was repurposed in preparation for a 2012 Barnett Government plan to have the CCC tackle organised crime, a reform which failed to win the sup port of the previous hung Parliament ThCtfSU, which has since been rebadged the Investigation Sur Yellfc nce Service, Some of the 23 allegations against members of the CCC's Operational Support Unit ■ Stealing $1000 before falsifying records to cover it up and lying to investigators ■ Bullying, sexism, harassment and racial discrimination ■ False fringe benefits tax representation to the ATO in a bid to use CCC vehicles privately ■ Theft of glasses from hotels where OSU officers had been drinking ■ Falsifying records to indicate r officers were working when they were fishing ■ Holding property on behalf of a WA Police officer under internal affairs investigation ■ Misusing assumed identities to obtain driver's licences and carry out private commercial transaction ■ Falsifying vehicle logbook to avoid a speed camera fine ■ Purchasing and hiring vehicles based on four wheel driving hobby ■ Favouritism in OSU recruitment separate location kept secret from all but a few within the CCC and staffed with many former WA Police officers, and was involved in covert surveillance activities including the use of assumed identities. Former commissioner Roger Macknay told a secret hearing before the CCC’s parliamentary committee in June last year, "we obviously had to keep (the OSU) in existence and wait" for the was in a Q WEST AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER 18TH JUNE 2015 reform Bill. He said he believed the problems were confined to the OSU. Mr Quigley said the CCC had gone beyond its legislative power by hiring and training off icers for a purpose it had not yet been asked to do. “After gearing up to tackle or¬ ganised crime, it appears these investigators themselves became involved in organised crime,” he said. "This report leaves the CCC's credibility in tatters, their reputation is trashed." Attorney-General Michael Mischin said acting commis¬ sioners Neil Douglas and Chris Shanahan had addressed the problems after Mr Macknay retired in April. “There is now a permanent commissioner who is also attuned to ensuring that any systemic problems are being attended to," he said. Page 554 of 1018 Page 555 of 1018 COPS CHARGED Police report on rogue officers ■ Gabrielle Knowles Chief Crime Reporter More than 100 WA police officers faced criminal charg¬ es in the past fire years and more are being reported by colleagues. Allegations of serious assaults, child sex abuse, stealing and dangerous driv¬ ing causing death were among 149 charges against 106 off¬ icers between July 2010 and June this year. Assistant commissioner for professional standards Nick Anticich said it was disap¬ pointing when any officer was charged, given their primary role was to enforce the law. "The integrity of our officers and our reputation within the community is a priority,” he said. Mr Anticich said trends showed public complaints were down, while internal reports were up slightly, which "suggested strong ethi¬ cal internal reporting". Six officers were jailed over the five years and four got sus¬ pended sentences. Seventeen had charges dismissed and four were acquitted. The figures, obtained by The West Australian under free¬ dom of information laws, show the most common charg¬ es involved assaults, driving offences and misusing police computers. Officers also faced allega¬ tions of breached restraining orders, attempting to pervert the course of justice, damage and disorderly behaviour. The highest ranked officer charged was a senior sergeant but most were senior consta¬ bles, meaning at least nine years of service. The most common penalty was a fine. Charged officers also faced internal sanctions and 25 resigned and three were sacked. Others were given warnings, more training, clos¬ er supervision and transfers. The Police Commissioner can sack officers for breaching integrity, honesty, compe¬ tence. performance and con¬ duct. Mr Anticich said being charged or convicted and an officer's behaviour during an inquiry was relevant but not necessarily career ending. Officers could be sacked even if cleared because crimi¬ nal and managerial inquiries were independent. WA Police Union president George Tilbury said policing was dynamic and dangerous and officers often had only a moment to make a life-chang¬ ing decision. When officers were wrongly charged, the union gave its full support. The number of officers charged was less than 2 per cent of the 6000-strong force In a major milestone bridge will be constn weekend. To ensure public safef detours in place: • Mitchell Freeway Southbound re due • Reid Highway CLC Erindale Road • Friday November 6. • Mitchell Freeway C (detours in place) • Reid Highway CLO Erindale Road • Saturday November • Sunday November 8 • Sunday November 8 Please slow down and o These works coincide wi Train Line. We therefore > time as delays are expec For further information pi www.mainroads.wa.gov.! ReidHwyWorkslPages/R For further information at transperth.wa.gov.au/Tra Works-Details/joondalup INFORMATION AND Ti 1300 395 218 reic «> s Cl PWTNfcRSMP WITH GEORGS 2015 % 5:47 Page 556 of 1018 MUSTAFA ATI EH - STATEMENT TO CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMMISION 30 lh November 2014 Mr Mustafa Atieli 80 Fitzgerald Street NORTH AM, 6041 0404 154 123 imislafaaliehCdmilwo.com Page 1 of 3 Attention : Corruption and Crime Commission Regarding : Failure of WA police to investigate a racially/religiously based “threat to kill”
  • On September the 27 ,h ,2014, (Friday) I was at my business - “Northam Kebabs" located at
  • At approximately 8pm, two men came from the “Northam Tavern” across the road and entered my shop. They were dressed in black. I had noticed them outside the Northam Tavern with 6-8 people previously. All in the group were dressed in black. 1 had never seen them before and did not know them.
  • The man who I have come to believe is “JASON HODGKINSON”, asked me immediately, "Are you a Muslim I replied, "Yes He immediately said "We are gonna kill you!" Then he added, "Co back to your own fucking conn ley! " He continuously abused me with the “F” word.
  • I yelled back at him, "Do not threaten me in front of my children! " He said, “We will kill you in front of your children!"
  • He poured a drink all over the counter and pulled down a set of plastic strips from the main door of the shop designed to keep flies out.
  • My children were right next to the counter in full view of the man. He was quite aware they were there. My children’s names are Mariam Atieh (13), Mahmoud Atieh (12) and Mosa Atieh (8). My daughter Mariam Atieh has completed a video statement which is included in this package. 1
  • I called my children in Arabic to gather their things and be prepared to get in the car. I feared for the safety of my children more than myself. I was also concerned they were being traumatized by the event. The men were large, all dressed in black and highly aggressive. I was in a semi-state of shock at this point.
  • I ordered the men out of the shop and quickly got my three children into the car. 1 This video statement is online at - httn: 1 isolatchutprcscrvc.hlousnot.eom.au 2014/11 dcath-thrcats-madc-aaainsi-local-muslim.html
  • because of the complete police lack of action. 1 deemed it necessary to take my daughter into the public domain. It was not an easy decision. I feared for my families safety and wanted as much publicity as possible. Page 557 of 1018 Page 2 of 3
  • The two men stepped in front of me and prevented me getting into my car. They again repeated, "We will kill you in front of your kids! ” I asked them to please to let me get my kids home and then I would return so they can kill me. They said, “No! We will kill you in front of your kids!” They repeatedly shouted abuse and told me to get out of the country.
  • 1 pushed past them and got into the car and locked the door. I drove fast to the police station. There were at least 10 people who witnessed these events in front of my kebab shop and the Northam Tavern.
  • At this time my daughter Mariam was crying 1 in the car and my two young boys were very upset.
  • After I reported the event to police 1 drove my children home and went immediately back to my kebab shop.
  • The man in question who we believe to be “JASON HODGKJNSON” was arrested by Northam police at approximately 9pm outside the front of the Northam Tavern. About three police cars came. A female police officer told me to go back into the shop and she took a statement from me. I think her last name was “MCADAM". She gave me a incident report number, but I lost it.
  • He resisted police quite stubbornly.
  • When police had moved on the crowd and arrested the man, a Northam police officer whose name escapes me stated that the man was facing, ' three very serious charges. " The same police officer asked me if 1 was happy with the police dealing with the event and 1 said 1 was - meaning I was happy he was arrested and would be charged with three very serious charges including “threat to kill" which had many “aggravating factors" attached to it.
  • A female police officer assured that police would also take a statement from my 13 year old daughter as to what happened. This interv iew never took place.
  • When I had not heard from Northam Police about interviewing my daughter I rang them and asked what was going on, and I also asked what the man had been charged with. Police appeared to have no idea what was going on and there was no “incident report number" on the police computer system. I became very suspicious things were being covered up and 1 began recording my dealings with police.
  • I went to see the Northam police 9 separate occasions and was mil in circles. I was repeatedly told that no incident report existed for September 27' h , 2014. Then I was told the officer in charge was on holidays. I was told repeatedly I would be rung by various police, including senior staff, but I was never contacted.’ ■ Mariam has been assessed by my local G.P as exhibiting all the signs of PTSD. She will not go to school after this event and previous racially/rcligiously motiv ated events at school where her hajib was tom off her head has added to her stress. 3 Appendix I explains content of 9 recordings of Northam police. Page 558 of 1018 Page 3 of 3
  • On the 30 ,h of October 1 was contacted by Theresa Middas of the office of MP Mia Davies. She included in the email the information that the man was charged with "disorderly conduct” only, and that police had told her I did not want any further action taken. This is a blatant, cut and dried LIE. 4
  • Finally, on November the 12'\ 2014, the arresting officer in charge of the case came to see me in my shop - alone. He told me the man (believed to be JASON HODGK1NSON) had plead guilty in court to a "charge" and received a S2500 fine. I repeatedly asked him what the charge was and the officer is clearly avoiding telling me. Some of the officer's statements arc ridiculous. 5 The officer's tone is “pleading”.
  • At no stage did any of the officers acknowledge the ACTUAL CHARGE, nor did they acknowledge the seriousness of the event with its racial and religious over tones and the fact the matter was aggravated by being done directly in front of my children. I did not know the man and I did not engage with him in any way before he started abusing and threatening me in front of my kids. I do not have to be a lawyer to work out that this is a very serious matter.
  • It is believed JASON HODGKINSON has links to the Northam police through his wife. I hope this matter can be resolved quickly. I hope the man who abused and threatened to kill me in front of my kids because of my religion/race will be charged with the appropriate serious charges and taken to court. Sincerely, Mustafa Atieh 4 Appendix 2 contains the email. 5 Recording labeled - Police 7_l2-Nov-20l4_Officer.In.Shop.mp3 Page 559 of 1018 MUSTAFA ATEIH - SUMMARY OF POLICE RECORDINGS APPENDIX 1 SUMMARY OF POLICE RECORDINGS (Northam Police, Western Australia) With regards CCC complaint of “Mr Mustafa Atieh” Police 1 _24-Oct-2014,mp3 Police officer tells Mustafa lie will look into Mustafa’s case and get back to him to tell him what is happening. (5.18 minutes long) Police2_27-Oct-14.mp3 Police Officer tells Mustafa that there is NO information on the police computer about the incident. Note officer avoids using the name of the Senior Sergeant. He tells Mustafa to come back and see “The Boss”. It is clear the police officer speaking is avoiding using the Senior Sergeants name. (3.49 minutes long) Police3_28-Oct-14.mp3 Mustafa rings police but gives the wrong incident report number. There is no police report under Mustafa’s name. Mustafa’s notes the female police officers name at the incident is “MCADAM”. Police officer on phone (a female) tells Mustafa his description of what happened to him is, “pretty full on”. Police officer on phone tells Mustafa she will find the officer in charge of Mustafa’s case and get them to ring him. (4.37 minutes long) Police4_29-Oct-2014.mp3 Mustafa gives wrong date for offense - October rather than September. Police officer states he will get the officer in charge of the investigation to ring Mustafa. (3.08 minutes long) Police5_29-Oct-20l4.mp3 Mustafa goes to Department of Corrective Service and Community Youth Justice. Person Mustafa speaks to tells Mustafa he tried to call. Goes to message bank. Person speaking to Mustafa tells Mustafa there are two jobs found on computer and Mustafa should go to the sergeant downstairs and he should go and speak to her right now. Person speaking to Mustafa tells Mustafa he is confused about which incident is in question. Mustafa reports some broken glass at home that had happened 10 days before. Finally, person speaking to Mustafa says that the officer in charge of the case will ring Mustafa. (7.47 minutes long) Po!ice6_Date.Unknown.(29-Oct?)SnrSgtDaniels.mp3 Police adamant Snr Sgt Daniels will ring Mustafa to explain to him what is happening. The officer in charge of Mustafa’s case is on holidays. (5.02 minutes long) 12-Nov-14_l 22S-PD88395.mp3 Female police officer tells Mustafa that he will hear from the arresting officer. Tells Mustafa they may be organizing paper work in readiness for the court date. The female officer then lies that Mustafa has no right to know whether the man in question has been charged. (2.05 minutes long) 12-Nov-14_1226_sgtPaulGrecnshaw.mp3 Page 560 of 1018 APPENDIX 1 Officer tells Mustafa he is allowed to know if the man has been charged. And that the outcome of the case would be made known to Mustafa. Sgt Paul Grccnshaw assures Mustafa he will ring Mustafa and let him know what is happening. Police7_12-Nov-2014_Officer.ln.Shop.mp3 Police officer in charge of investigation comes to Mustafa’s shop to explain what is happening. Mustafa goes over in detail the night. Officer claims lie spoke with Mustafa and asked on the night if he was happy with “the police action”. Mustafa argues that he was happy, that the man would be charged with three serious offences. Officer goes on to explain that the man was charged, plead guilty and received a S2500 fine. Through! the entire 15 minute recording Mustafa continuously tries to get information on the exact charge given to the man. The officer continuously avoids answering that question. The officer “infers” that Mustafa was out on the street arguing with the man and was part of the problem. This is completely untrue. It is clear the officer is in damage control. He has come alone and not with another officer. Officer tells Mustafa that he cannot tell Mustafa the name of the man who threatened him with death and he must go through FOl. The officer is clearly evasive about telling Mustafa the exact charge. (15.11 minutes long) All along, police continuously refuse to acknowledge that any incident is recorded on the police computer. Police refuse to tell Mustafa any information regarding the case including the simple information regarding whether the man arrested has been charged and if so, what is the charge? Mustafa went to his local MP and this is the reply he got - / spoke willi the Officer In Charge at the Northam Police Station about the incident at your kebab shop on Saturday 27 September. / was advised that 4 officers attended the reported disturbance at the shop and the o ffenders were removed from the premises. The Police advised that neither you nor your assistant (who was assaulted by one of the offenders) wanted to make a formal complaint so the offenders were not charged in relation to their actions at the shop, hence no statements from you or your family were required. The offenders were apparently charged with disorderly conduct in relation to llieir dealings with the police officers that night. This is clear evidence of a “cover up". The police have continuously lied through their teeth and protected the man. It is believed the man has links to the Northam police - JASON HODGKINSON - through his wife. Full email included as APPENDIX 2 Page 561 of 1018 ORINGINAL FACEBOOK POSTS - SCREENSHOTS Please read these Facebook posts. With the context of everything, one might wonder if we are talking about the same trial as is reported in the media and the police version of events. s I 11 o c a 2 o o 5! o I 1 s m h t a W S Q z □ uj o OS'! tu < It, ? 2 o {jj E u- 11 1 M TO 8> g 8 £ S | 8 I a 5 x: < m F a ■" cf S 5 Z
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    R *SO“: sm2& © GO JC 5 I 1 Page 571 of 1018 TAMPERED WITH EVIDENCE - COMPARE WITH MY SCREENSHOTS (ABOVE) Transcript of my lawyer in court - "Your Honour, detectives raided this man's house. They took his computers and produced a forensic report. Then detective Vuleta uses an email from the victim to produce the evidence?"
  • Nearly all of HODGKINSONS messages have been removed and messages from me have been made into two. You cannot see any time and date stamps in the police version. I I lniurSnff/j Hey mate, arc you the guy that threatened Mustafa at his kebab shop? Get back to me urgently and I will sec if 1 can work things out. Right now, he wants ISIS to cut your head off Ml tgure you value your job. You are in deep, deep, deep shit. Iranian Press TV coming over to interview Mustafa. http://isolatebutpresei-ve.blogspot.eom/20I4/11 /death-threats- maae-agamst-Iocal-imislim.html DEv\ III THREATS MADE AGAINST LOCAL MUSLIM FAMILY COVER IT UP | Isolate But Preserve isoiaieou tpreseivc. W.A POLICE I like all your friends so I requested a "friends" link up with all of them. Someone came ii and threatened Mustafa (quietly) he might want to look after his kids. What you think ' Y think he should be worried Jason? Were you high on Meth when you did what you did? Ma\te some coke? Who put you up to it? Confess mate, its better for everyone. ig have you worked at BIIP as some sort of insurance broker? Have you ever been tc nla? The Mosque there is lovely. Maybe you should go some time. I will be sure to ar details to them. Some people there are very interested in you. How LaKe st has been sent to the WA Police i have a lot of my busini Brcndon yot

    message me and are considering going elsewhere I will be taking advice on this further Chat Conversation End UJ Top of Form Camera Bottom of Form Choose a sticker or emoticon Page 572 of 1018 Ilnurs ii'jfj to Yell, they canie, and tliey went. i Anyth ing else to say? A BTVV Antony, two detectives came on the Sunday afternoon and asked me to take down the posts. I had already done that. We had a laugh out the front ot the homeless shelter about all the "nazi’s" who were in tact failed bikies. They said, "Please Brendon! It's Sunday! Just take it down!" Again, I already had and that was that. Mate, it has become quite clear to me you ARE the man in question and J really dont think you quite realise what is going on. You came into a shop and threatened a Muslim man with death - in front of his kids. You did it repeatedly. You wiles friendship with Northam police got you a "disorderly conduct" charge. Its in the hands of counter terrorism now. But thats the least of your worries. An awful lot of Muslims want the head of the man that did this so I vvould hope for your sake you can clear this up quickly. A I've passed on yor messages to Detective Liz Vulela. I spoke with other counter terroism officers and they were not particularly interested but I told them all about the incident. A Quite a few Northam coppers will be in the shit overit all - 1 hope you are happy. A But again, the police arc the least of your worries. Maybe you should check out this post http.V/isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com.au/2014/11/death-threats-made-against-local- muslim.html DEATH THREATS MADE AGAINST LOCAL MUSLIM FAMILY - W.A POLICE COVER IT UP | Isolate But Preserve isolatebutprcscrvc.blogspot.com.au I'll contact BHP Billiton as well. In fact I will go to the office with a copy of the blog post, do what you want to do I will not be responding to you on your games anymore OK*Good luck. This isn’t a game. What makes you think its a game? Sncidng people around to threaten Mustafa about his kids was not a good idea. S* ne more .hing - when it comes to the police, you have failed to answer the question, lienee equtlls acceptance. I hold a "reasonable belief that you .re the man who threatened Page 573 of 1018 Mustala in Iront of his kids and was protected hy die Northam police. You could clear this up easily ami yon have failed to do so - it is you who are playing games.

    hen 1 asked a witness why on earth someone who works for IB HP would do what was done, lie answered, "Because he is an arrogant bastard." I still find it hard to bcleive but the witnesses arc absolutely adamant you are the man. We were waiting for official confirmation via paper work but the latest veiled threats against Mustafa's children necessitated a moving of things along. I'm sure it will all be sorted out. I' m so re it will. I just sent all the messages to Press TV. You OK Page 574 of 1018 PICTURE OF PACKAGE I PREPARED FOR DEFENCE LAWYER SHOWING TAMPERING Page 575 of 1018 22 . 03 . EMAIL CHAIN - DEFENCE LAWYER STATES NO CHANCE OF AN APPEAL Re: Appeal - Brendon O'Connell Subject: Re: Appeal - Brendon O'Connell From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 8/5/2016, 8:05 pm To: Anthony Eyers <[email protected]> I’d say YOUR attitude to me is the problem Anthony. I could not believe what you wrote. Did you even know my bail conditions? I will be taking this further. On 9/05/2016 8:37 AM, Anthony Eyers wrote: Brendon, Please come to chambers to collect all of your materials. So far as your outstanding matter is concerned I think it best we also part company. I am not going to provide you with undertakings and reassurances in light of your present attitude to me. I have done my best to be totally straight and honest to you. I have been as I always am with my clients. So I am in chambers all day today after about 11. So if it is convenient for you then you can collect all of your materials. Kind regards Anthony Anthony Eyers | Criminal Barrister EQUUS CHAMBERS Suite 185, Level 6 Equus Building 580 Hay Street Perth WA 6000 Phone + 61 (0) 419 281133 www.equuschambers.com.au 1 of 28 25/9/2019, 3:48 pm Page 576 of 1018 Re: Appeal - Brendon O'Connell Postal address: Suite 402, 50 St George's Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Hand deliveries: MBE Mail Boxes Etc, Shop 6, 50 St George's Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation Sent from iPhone On 9 May 2016, at 07:56, Brendon O'Connell < boc(S>boc.rocks > wrote: Send me ALL of the trial material. Thanks. I disagree entirely -1 aint no lawyer - but to think that the WASCA would simply dismiss everything because "I" failed to do "something" and "note" the incompetence/corruption of police and DPP? I dont think so. I repeat the very first aspect of my email to you - "I" was under strict bail conditions NOT to log into social media so was unable to check the validity of the evidence. We should just stop there. Yeh sure - proceed with the guilty plea. The sooner we all part ways the better. However, I will need everything you plan to present to the court. Copies of everything. I will also need in writing your opinion to me while in your office that it is "un-likely" I will be imprisoned. On 8/05/2016 5:17 PM, Anthony Eyers wrote: Brendon, My opinion was written from an objective and legal point of view and considered as it has to the manner in which the Court of Appeal would view the issues. If you want to pursue the appeal personally then of course you are entirely welcome to. I have a transcript of the hearing of course which I shall provide to you. Meanwhile shall I contact the court and inform them that the threats to kill matter is to be listed for a plea this week? I have notified the State as per your text authority. 2 of 28 25/9/2019,3:48 pm Page 577 of 1018 Re: Appeal - Brendon O'Connell Please let me know what you wish me to do as soon as possible. Kind regards Anthony Anthony Eyers | Criminal Barrister EQUUS CHAMBERS Suite 185, Level 6 Equus Building 580 Hay Street Perth WA 6000 Phone + 61 (0) 419 281 133 www.equuschambers.com.au Postal address: Suite 402, 50 St George's Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Hand deliveries: MBE Mail Boxes Etc, Shop 6, 50 St George's Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation Sent from iPhone On 8 May 2016, at 16:53, Brendon O'Connell < boc(Sboc.rocks > wrote: Dear Anthony, I am truly shocked by your comments to me with regards your legal opinion on the possibilities of a successful appeal against the conviction of utilizing a carriage device to menace, threaten or cause offense. Not once do you mention the FACT that the arresting detective, the prosecutor and even yourself had the duty of care to make sure the Exhibit A evidence was accurate. Apparently I need to remind you that I was under a PROTECTED BAIL CONDITION NOT to log onto ANY social media website and that most assuredly includes Facebook. That's a PROTECTED bail condition. How could I check anything without going to jail? I did a screenshot video of myself on Facebook showing the ACTUAL Facebook posts and I state on that video that I am nervous about breaking the bail condition as I collect the evidence to show the inaccuracy 3 of 28 25/9/2019,3:48 pin Page 578 of 1018 Re: Appeal - Brendon O'Connell of the Exhibit A evidence. <mime-attachment.jpg> I am suffering PTSD, exhausted, physically and mentally. I can barely get out of bed in the mornings sometimes. NEVER in a million years would have thought the prosecution/police would resort to such utterly incompetent practices as they so obviously did. If I had been raped - would you complain I had worn a short dress? How about having a go at the rapist - the incompetent, careless and I say "corrupt" police - detective Vuleta and the incompetent office of commonwealth prosecutions? Detective Elizabeth Vuleta did not just act carelessly and recklessly when she "claimed" she had been sent the Exhibit A evidence by the alleged "victim", Jason Hodgkinson, who is plainly a drug affected, lying, common thief and obviously a protected informant for the WA police - his wife also works with them. Detective Vuleta has deliberately, and with specific INTENT, manipulated (badly) those posts. You said it yourself just prior to sentencing when you made it clear it was not acceptable that after a major raid on my room - where I subsequently became homeless - my property taken, including laptops, which were forensicallv examined - we find that the Exhibit A evidence is EMAILED to detective Vuleta by the "victim"! Which freakin planet am I on? Have a look at this raid - <mime-attachment.jpg> All of the above bullsh*t for that poxy joke of a charge? Let us look at the "evidence" that Vuleta proffered up - note it has no time line, it is all "crooked" - the original was in colour but otherwise this is what it looked like.I mean, have a look at it - <mime-attachment.jpg> <mime-attachment.jpg> <mime-attachment.jpg> Note first off there is no time line (above) which Judge Bowden noted immediately when he was shown the fresh screenshots. He was angry about this and noted, "This took place over a few hours, not days!" Detective Vuleta DELIBERATELY 4 of 28 25/9/2019,3:48 pm Page 579 of 1018 Re: Appeal - Brendon O'Connell removed the time line (tampered with evidence) because central to the charge is that the "harassment" takes place over an extended period of time . How the flip do you fail to get a time line in when with a simple copy and paste the postings (with times ) transfer straight across as I can show in this screenshot from an email I sent you. I just did a simple "copy and paste" which means it would have taken EFFORT to remove the time line Anthony - DELIBERATE - <mime-attachment.jpg> Now compare my email "copy and paste" from Facebook (above), to what Vuleta proffers up as "evidence" - <mime-attachment.jpg> Here, this is a "screenshot" of my Facebook page. Are we to believe (as you stated just prior to sentencing), that after raiding my private room, traumatizing me, trying to have me locked up indefinitely comparing me to Monis and the Lindt cafe shooting (December 24th bail hearing), confiscating my property including laptops and we "suppose" forensicallv examining them, the best detective Vuleta can come up with is the above? Below is my "effort" at 4am, after a stressful trial, in a homeless shelter and a ten year old computer. I even put a pretty black line around it - <mime-attachment.jpg> Anthony, just who is pulling the piss here? Vuleta even made one post into two posts. Now how do you do that "accidentally"? Here is Vuleta's "effort" - <mime-attachment.jpg> Now Anthony - HOW do you "accidentally" make one post into two? That takes EFFORT. It takes many, many, many m ouse clicks. Here is the post as it ACTUALLY is - <mime-attachment.jpg> Now,how did the above, become "two"? What is the significance of that? It is part of the legislation that the "harassment" must be ongoing. Frequent. Over a period of time and the more posts the merrier. 5 of 28 25/9/2019,3:48 pm Page 580 of 1018 Re: Appeal - Brendon O'Connell You note Anthony that the two posts of mine that were removed were posts that made me look good weren't they? Simple question - are you the guy who went and threatened Mustafa at his shop? Answer the question? Why do you need to contact the police? I already contacted them about you. Answer the question - yes or no - did you go to Mustafa's shop in Northam and threaten to kill him in front of his kids? Are you the guy? Your failure to answer, answers the question. You have the nerve to threaten a man with death in front of his kids and then whine when you are caught out and made public. Iranian English language News - Press TV are traveling to WA to do an interview on this. Also, the shooting up of a Mosque by racist neo-nazi's which went punished with a fine. As for "further advice" -1 suggest you get ready for a couple of years in jail based on the racial/religious nature of your actions. Based on the fact you threatened a man with death in front of his children and you did it knowing they were there - repeatedly. Three people have named you. I was waiting for further confirmation but with two new veiled threats made towards Mustafa and his children I want this sorted quickly. Are you the guy or not. Post a piccie of yourself and it will be sorted. I will apolagise publicly and that will be that. I admit I was a little rash but I was worried about my friend. So, lets sort this out. But, if you want to involve police that's fine too. The sooner they get to the bottom of things the better. The above were "accidentally" left out by detective Vuleta? You also state that they really don't make much difference - even if a jury were to see them. Well, I beg to disagree. Lets see shall we? 6 of 28 25/9/2019,3:48 pin Page 581 of 1018 Re: Appeal - Brendon O'Connell Then we have detective Vuleta "accidentally" leaving out these two posts by Hodgkinson - <mime-attachment.gif>4:58pm Jason Hodgkinson thanks for your advice I will leave it to the police to sort out 6;51pm Jason Hodgkinson do what you want to do I will not be responding to you on your games anymore Part of the legislation is that the "victim" should not be encouraging, or taking part in the exchange. This is why Vuleta removed the posts. You know why she did it Anthony? Because she knew I was following my bail conditions to the letter and could not go online and check. Just look at the sh*t the police produced as "evidence" (above) with ALL of their resources and this is what I produced at 4am, with barely any sleep, under pressure, in a homeless shelter on a ten year old computer -1 even put a bull clip on it- <mime-attachment.jpg>
  • colour, ACTUAL screenshots of the Exhibit A "evidence", in order, complete, with a disc of the evidence attached WITH a screen VIDEO of the whole process and it took me 90 minutes. Anthony, please send me the PDF of the trial as I want to do a complete and detailed reply to you. <mime-attachment.jpg> The above is more than an "anomaly". Nice way of putting " grossly tampered with evidence" . I saw Judge Bowden was speechless, angry, and trying not to vent his utter displeasure at what went on because he says on transcript - "I cant say much, I presume you will be appealing?” I'll have to apply to Legal Aid for a second opinion. I'll also be making a complaint to the police, CCC, Minister for police and sending the material to Colleen Egan 7 of 28 25/9/2019,3:48 pm Page 582 of 1018 Re: Appeal - Brendon O'Connell and Paul Murray of The West Australian. Just how many more pathetic, over the top fu*up's are the WA police capable of? This is a disgrace Anthony and it is beyond me why you cannot see it. In fact it is no fu**up - it is simple, ordinary, West Australian police corruption . Vuleta was told I was going to Sydney to do an interview with Iran Press TV and she dumped her JOKE of a brief at the front desk of 55 Central (homeless shelter) the next day . The dumb ass WA police had ZERO intention of going forward with ANY of the charges but when it was apparent I was not going to be nice to them, she dumped, in desperation, that pathetic half assed and tampered with brief on me and the commonwealth DPP. She is a f***ing joke and should be thrown out of the police. As should her AFP handlers who asked her to do that raid where they were desperately searching for something on the Jet Propulsion Laboratories - because police don't seem to know what "Google" is. They could not even send me an UN-EDITTED raid video! When I demanded one detective Vuleta made reports I was sending her "intense" emails and that I was "mentally ill" and suffering "delusions" and had threatened her and a "Tango Operation" commenced against me. Is their ANY lie beneath that bi*ch? Seriously. Its a serious question. I have included an email detailing her "form" - attached below this one so we are all quite clear where this is heading. I'll be hitting the streets unless the state of Western Australia has plans to lock me up over the threat to kill charge and I put nothing past them. If I have to, I'll do the damned appeal myself. I just pray my upcoming Clinical Psychologists report (Tuesday) results in a rather large $28,000+ pay out so I can move on with my life and distract myself from this endless revelation of the incompetent method as practiced by police and DPP. After I saw you last The West Australian newspaper emailed they were doing a story on Roger Reaves and his book. I hope its still on. Due out tomorrow. Again, please send me the PDF of the trial. Email. In fact send me everything . I expect nothing but delay and games from Legal Aid, I’ll do it myself with some help from my friends and make a doco of the whole thing. Thanks. Brendon DETECTIVE VULETA AT WORK, EMAIL: 8 of 28 25/9/2019,3:48 pin Page 583 of 1018 EMAIL FROM LEGAL AID - COMPLAINT FORM AGAINST LAWYER ANTONY EYERS A Complaint Against Anthony Eyers? Subject: A Complaint Against Anthony Eyers? From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 27/5/2016,1:55 am To: Info <[email protected]> CC: Antony Eyers <[email protected]>, "Mischin, Minister" <[email protected]>, [email protected], Colleen Egan <[email protected]>, [email protected], Hamid Farajollahi <[email protected]>, [email protected] I never knew I'd made one? Anthony was the one who wanted to leave. I never asked him to go. I just wanted the whole joke of a debacle over and done with so I do not have to look at another WA lawyer again for as long as I live. For the record, I never made a complaint so I have no idea why you have sent this to me? Anthony Eyers is the least of my complaints. I despise aU WA lawyers equally along with police and politicians. I have not had a single positive experience with a WA lawyer yet and I’ve had a few of them. But my name has been bad mouthed non stop. Just for the record. On 26/05/2016 2:11 PM, Info wrote: Dear Mr O'Connell Please find attached a letter and Authority in relation to your complaint against Barrister, Anthony Eyers. Regards Oeb MacLennan Executive Assistant 1 Directorate Legal Aid WA Website: www.legalaid.wa.gov.au Perth: 55 St Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6000 BE GREEN! Read from the screen. you will save 5g of paper, 250ml of water and at least 35gm of C02 1 of 2 25/9/2019, 3:57 pm Page 584 of 1018 A Complaint Against Anthony Eyers? -Original Message- From: scanneriSlegalaid.wa.gov.au f mailto:scanneri31egalaid.wa.gov.au l Sent: Thursday, 26 May 2016 2:86 PM To: Deb MacLennan Subject: Message from "06UT02Copier01" This E-mail was sent from "06UT02Copier01" (MP C4503). Scan Date: 05.26.2016 14:05:53 (+0800) Queries to: scannerjSlegalaid.wa.gov.au 2 of 2 25/9/2019, 3:57 pm Page 585 of 1018 EMAIL TO DET. VULETA WITH FACEBOOK POSTS Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts Subject: Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 21/3/2016, 4:21 am To: Antony Eyers <an teyers(«’gm ai 1. co m> This email includes all of the Facebook postings - the statement to the CCC including a detailed account of the audio recordings. -Original Message- Subject:Latest "Offended" Possum Date:Sun, 30 Nov 2014 19:03:27 +0800 From:Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> To:VULETA Liz [PD12537] <[email protected]> Liz, included is the CCC statement Mustafa is handing into the CCC shortly. It sums up the case. I hope you will take things up where the Northam police refused to go. I asked the people to clear up who they were quickly. Instead, they called you. In fact, I gave them your contact details. It does appear JASON HODGKINSON is the man in question. I found it hard to believe when a Northam resident who knows him well said it was him. I asked him, "Why would a guy who works for BHP behave in such a major criminal ivay?" The witness replied, "Because he is an arrogant arsehole." Maybe he likes to much coke or meth? That tends to make people do silly things. Liz, he appears pretty sure of himself. He appeared very sure of himself when police arrested him. His wife admits she knows Northam police well. I can sure see that. Mustafa had two people make veiled threats against his kids recently. He has reported it to the Northam police but he isn't expecting anything to be done. A series of messages from both his wife and himself are included. Mustafa's number is - 0404 154 123 1 of 14 24/9/2019, 4:48 pm Page 586 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts Brendon • Conversation started Saturday .A 11/29,10:07pm Veronica Hodgkinson Please refrain from posting on your wall regarding people you know nothing about - you are opening yourself up for defamation. Suggesting my husband has ties to ISIS and may have been involved with threatening a man in Mandurah is far fetched and way out of line. 11/29,10:58pm Brendon O'Connell OK. Well, for starters I dont own anything. So, you cant sue me. People have named your husband as the man involved. I was waiting for confirmation via FOI and the CCC but with Mustafa receiving "veiled" death threats lately I think its time we "outted" everyone. Hubby cant defend himself btw? He sends his wife? 11/29,10:59pm Veronica Hodgkinson Far out - where the heck did you pull his name from? Hubby has been working - I’ve been checking out your extremist views... 11/29,11:00pm Brendon O'Connell We just wanted this sorted and several people have named your husband and one other as the man of interest. Some very "serious" people want to talk to him and I'm not talking about the police. He has pissed off a billion Muslims so I suggest it gets sorted as soon as possible. Hami, a reporter for Iranian English language news is flying to WA to do a story. This 2 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pm Page 587 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts ties in with the shooting up of the Turkish Mosque in Perth in 2010 when the violent racist extremists walked away with a fine and a suspended sentence - they should have gotten 10 years. . c 11/29,11:02pm Veronica Hodgkinson You have got the wrong man here - and are barking up the wrong tree - Some "very serious" people want to talk to him? your intelligence is the direct opposite to intelligence - it is stupidity Wow - just wow!!! 11/29,11:02pm Brendon O'Connell Again, I would have prefered to have waited until we had the FOI documents with the name of your usband but the Northam police have not been very helpful and have covered for the accused we belive to be your husband. .c 11/29,11:03pm Veronica Hodgkinson I am absolutely ROFL here -1 have ties to the police and you are so far from wrong it is absolutely laughable 11/29,11:03pm Brendon O'Connell I agree. So, who is your husband? Can we have a photo please? That way Mustafa can rest easy and we can focus on someone else. Your husband took down the picture of himself the same night the attack on Mustafa happened. Thats fine - just give us a piccie of your husband and we can move along. .c 11/29,11:04pm Veronica Hodgkinson 3 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pm Page 588 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts You are a troll and I DFTT 11/29,11:04pm Brendon O'Connell 1 am telling you - several people have named him. If its wrong thats ok. .C 11/29,11:04pm Veronica Hodgkinson No - if it is wrong - then it is defamation - you should make sure you check any facts before posting them on a public forum I always check my facts before posting anything anywhere - you should do the same If you have facts - you take them to the authorities - you do not post them onto social media and name people 11/29, 11:05pm Brendon O'Connell Look, my name is Brendon Lee O'Connell. Police know me well - counter terrorism know me well. If you are worried give them a ring. I gave the name of your husband to them. We want to sort this urgently. We wanted to wait until we had the FOI documents but the police are prtecting the man and refusing to even name him. So, clear up the confusion and lets have a picture of your husband 6 11/29,11:06pm Veronica Hodgkinson I'm sure you also want my bank account details to deposit funds too LOL I just want to know why you picked him to troll against - you are seriously deluded. 11/29,11:07pm Brendon O'Connell 4 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pm Page 589 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts No. Mustafa was threatened again. So I decided to go public. You can clear this up quickly - provide a picture of your husband - or even better, get your husband to contact me at - [email protected] - so we can clear this up. Check out my Facebook and Blog and think again before you do a "LOL" reply. 11/29,11:08pm Brendon O'Connell OK. I've tried. Check out my Blog and the news reports about my case and I'm sure you wont be so flippant about it. www.isolatebutpreserve.blog s pot.com Here is the post about what happened in Northam. I am asking you again to assist. http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com/2014/ll/death-threats-made-against-Iocal- muslim.html 11/29,11:11pm Veronica Hodgkinson I have strong ties to Northam - and question your pictures are wrong with their time frames etc. You say I wouldn’t be so flippant - well -1 am not being flippant - you have brought into the public arena serious accusations against someone who has nothing to do with anything you have posted. You have pulled a name out of a hat and gone with it - check yourself - I'm sure you’ve done this to others - and it is not acceptable. 11/29,11:12pm Brendon O’Connell I will pull down the photo's for now but I suggest you provide that photo and ask your husband why it is he took down his photo from his Facebook the same night the death threats were issued. We'll ask the same people again - they identified your husband. They were absolutely adamant. Again, we were waiting for confirmation but recent suspicious activity around Mustafa's shop have set things off. 11/29,11:14pm Brendon O'Connell 5 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pm Page 590 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts Thank you for the clarification about having "STRONG TIES TO NORTHAM". Do you think your husband may not have told you about what happened? Seriously, I do not want to cause you trouble, i have no doubt you are a nice person but we have three witnesses who have named your husband and this Facebook account as him. .c 11/29,11:14pm Veronica Hodgkinson Far out - he never took down any photos - I made his profile pic from a family pic we had made in 2007 - that was his profile pic for 6 years - so I have no idea what your agenda is - you are totally deranged with your ideas 11/29,11:15pm Brendon O'Connell OK, thats good to know. So, was your husband in Northam on the night of the 27th of September 2014? 11/29,11:15pm Veronica Hodgkinson I have strong ties to Northam means I lived there for a period -and I currently work there. 11/29, 11:15pm Brendon O'Connell Thats even better to know. And you KNOW police there? You said you knew police well? 11/29, 11:16pm Veronica Hodgkinson Where were you 27/09/14? Seriously - you have lost the plot right now -1 have said you are trolling and it's time for me to disengage from feeding the troll 6 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pm Page 591 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts 11/29,11:16pm Brendon O'Connell OK, well the posts stay up and I will make sure they go further. e, 11/2 9, 11:18pm Veronica Hodgkinson Take the posts down they have been reported to facebook - but not before I did check what was going on September 27 - oh yes - grand final that Hawthorn beat Sydney- beware the hawks fans seriously - ROFLMFAO 11/29,11:18pm Brendon O'Connell YOU WROTE - "I am absolutely ROFL here -1 have ties to the police and you are so far from wrong it is absolutely laughable". - SO, YOU HAVE TIES TO THE POLICE? THAT WOULD EXPLAIN YOUR HUSBAND WALKING AWAY FROM SERIOUS DEATH THREATS WITH A RESISTING ARREST CHARGE. Thats OK. I've pulled it down. But it doesn’t change anything. You could clear this serious matter up very quickly. But, you dont want to. So beit. 11/29,11:39pm Brendon O'Connell Could you also get your "facts" straight. The incident took place in Northam, not Mandurah. As for your husband having ISIS links? WHere the hell did you get that from? You sound as accurate as the West Australian news paper. Look, I have sent the details of your husband to counter terrorism. The Northam police have covered the whole incident up. It is now going to the Corruption and Crime Commission. Three people who witnessed the event in question named your husband and confirmed this Facebook account. Thats all 1 can say. Like I said, I was waiting for documents but Mustafa has recieved some very suspicious activity including veiled threats against his kids. So, I want this sorted and you can help or you can hinder. Which is it? 7 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pm Page 592 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts By all means ring the police - here is a number for you - Detective First Class Elizabeth Vuleta 0419 951 305 - email her at pdl2537<ft‘police. wa.gov.au I gave your husbands details to her. If its all "wrong” then fine. But I suspect it is your husband. 1 hold a very "reasonable belief" it is your husband based on specific people making the claims. .A 11/29,11 :51pm Veronica Hodgkinson Your original post placed him in Mandurah - so I assumed that your post was about a kebab shop in Mandurah. You seriously need to check any facts prior to posting them in the public domain. I then read further - to see you have had charges against you in 2009 and this gives me cause for concern - it suggests this is not your first time for making wild accusations about innocent people. • Today .c, 12:18pm Veronica Hodgkinson Please remove the post from the zion puppets worldwide page. 2:48pm Brendon O'Connell My 2009 charges were for calling Stanley Elliot Keyser a "racist jew". Geta grip. My charges were so laughable back then no one took it seriously including my own lawyer. I got to see just how WA works after three years of hell in the prison system. How about you answer the simple question - was your husband in Northam threatening to kill someone in front of their kids on the night of the 27th of September
  • THREE people place him there but I wanted it confirmed by documents. The police have continuously stalled and forced us to go to the CCC. 8 of 14 24/9/2019, 4:48 pm Page 593 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts Then 2 people have gone to Mustafa's kebab shop and made "veiled" threats against his children. This has to be sorted now. You can help or you can hinder. Dont doubt my ability to turn this into a circus and make you and your husband a house hold name. 1 have asked you to simply provide a picture of your husband which he took down. He is the only one of you all that does not have a picture. Do you expect me to believe that he is being private when his wife has her picture up and posts openly? If it wasn’t for three people being adamant it was your husband I would not have bothered. If it was not for the recent veiled threats against Mustafa’s children I would not have bothered. Perhaps posting what I did was rash and foolish and I took it down. Now is the chance to end this quickly and if I have received erroneous information I will happily apolagise and be very pissed off with the people who have given the info. But both you and your husbands behavior is quite bizarre. Your husband has informed me via private message that he has informed the police and he is losing customers. He hasn't denied it was him. He hasn't said, "You are crazy! Why are you doing this? I have no idea what you are talking about?" Wouldn't that be the correct response? You then claim you have close ties with Northam AND "police" which might explain why your husband was never charged with "threats to kill". The police have covered it up so badly a few will be disciplined if not sacked. You might want to consider the seriousness of such a charge - based on someones "religion/race" and done repeatedly in front of children. Thats a few years jail right there but it sounds like you have a few connections? Again, set it straight with information identifying your husband. Mustafa knows what he looks like. We just need a picture. If the facts are wrong then I will Blog that it is erroneous information and I will apolagize profusely with a blog post and Facebook posts. But, at the moment, I am thinking I'm not wrong. I'm glad the police have been contacted. We need to settle this quickly. Mustafa and his family are living i fear. • Today 9 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pin Page 594 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts 6:51pm Brendon O’Connell Your husband appears quite confident. That wont last. Police came and went. They have better things to do. I'm looking to take the last of them down. But if your husband turns out to be who we are sure he is - he will be featuring on many web sites. I'll let you know when its done. • Conversation started Saturday 11/29, 8:59pm Brendon O'Connell Hey mate, are you the guy that threatened Mustafa at his kebab shop? Get back to me urgently and I will see if I can work things out. Right now, he wants ISIS to cut your head off but I figure you value your job. You are in deep, deep, deep shit. Iranian Press TV coming over to interview Mustafa. — htt p://iso latebutpreserv e.blog s pot.com/2 014/ll /death-threats-made-against-local-muslim.html DEATH THREATS MADE AGAINST LOCAL MUSLIM FAMILY - W.A POLICE COVE R IT UP I Isolate But Preserve isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com 11/29, 9:04pm Brendon O'Connell I like all your friends so I requested a "friends" link up with all of them. Someone came in and threatened Mustafa (quietly) he might want to look after his kids. What you think? You think he should be worried Jason? Were you high on Meth when you did what you did? Maybe some coke? Who put you up to it? Confess mate, its better for everyone. 11/29, 9:06pm Brendon O'Connell 10 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pm Page 595 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts How long have you worked at BHP as some sort of insurance broker? Have you ever been to LaKembla? The Mosque there is lovely. Maybe you should go some time. I will be sure to send your details to them. Some people there are very interested in you. • Today . rifi m 10:38am lason Hodgkinson Brendon your post has been sent to the WA Police i have a lot of my business contacts message me and are considering going elsewhere I will be taking advice on this further 2:30pm Brendon O'Connell Simple question - are you the guy who went and threatened Mustafa at his shop? Answer the question? Why do you need to contact the police? I already contacted them about you. Answer the question - yes or no - did you go to Mustafa’s shop in Northam and threaten to kill him in front of his kids? Are you the guy? Your failure to answer, answers the question. You have the nerve to threaten a man with death in front of his kids and then whine when you are caught out and made public. Iranian English lanuage News - Press TV are travelling to WA to do an interview on this. Also, the shooting up of a Mosque by racist neo-nazi’s which went punished with a fine. 2:58pm Brendon O'Connell As for "further advice" -1 suggest you get ready for a couple of years in jail based on the racial/religious nature of your actions. Based on the fact you threatened a man with death in front of his children and you did it knowing they were there - repeatedly. Three people have named you. I was waiting for further confirmation but with two new veiled threats made towards Mustafa and his children I want this sorted quickly. Are you the guy or not. Post a piccie of yourself and it will be sorted. 11 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pm Page 596 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts I will apolagise publicly and that will be that. I admit I was a little rash but I was worried about my friend. So, lets sort this out. But, if you want to involve police thats fine too. The sooner they get to the bottom of things the better. . rite 4:58pm lason Hodgkinson thanks for your advice I will leave it to the police to sort out 6:38pm Brendon O'Connell Yeh, they came, and they went. Anything else to say? 6:40pm Brendon O'Connell Mate, it has become quite clear to me you ARE the man in question and 1 really dont think you quite realise what is going on. You came into a shop and threatened a Muslim man with death - in front of his kids. You did it repeatedly. You wifes friendship with Northam police got you a "disorderly conduct" charge. Its in the hands of counter terrorism now. But thats the least of your worries. An awful lot of Muslims want the head of the man that did this so I would hope for your sake you can clear this up quickly. 6:41pm Brendon O'Connell I've passed on yor messages to Detective Liz Vuleta. I spoke with other counter terroism officers and they were not particularly interested but I told them all about the incident. Quite a few Northam coppers will be in the shit overit all - I hope you are happy. But again, the police are the least of your worries. 12 of 14 24/9/2019,4:48 pm Page 597 of 1018 Email I Sent To Vuleta With Facebook Posts 6:43pm Brendon O'Connell Maybe you should check out this post - http://isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com.au /2014/11/death-threats-made-against-local-muslim.html DEATH THREATS MADE AGAINST LOCAL MUSLIM FAMILY - W.A POLICE COVER IT UP I Isolate But Preserve isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.com 6:45pm Brendon O'Connell I'll contact BHP Billiton as well. In fact I will go to the office with a copy of the blog post. . A 6:51pm lason H odg kins on do what you want to do I will not be responding to you on your games anymore 6:53pm Brendon O'Connell OK. Good luck. This isn’t a game. What makes you think its a game? Sneidng people around to threaten Mustafa about his kids was not a good idea. —email-mia.jpg 13 of 14 _ 24/9/2019,4:48 pin Page 598 of 1018 EXAMPLE OF FINE LOCAL REPORTING OF COURT CASE WAtoday^ WA News LOGIN I SIGN-UP A News Sport Business Work) Potties Comment Property Entertainment Lifestyle Travel Cars Q WANews WA Election 2017 National Environment Health Education Gallenes Good Weekend NSW News Victor Home I News t WANews MARCH 21 2016 SAVE PRINT ’ISIS to cut your head off: WA mail on trial over Faccbook threats f SHARE MORE MOST POPULAR A man who told a stranger on social media a Middle Eastern friend wanted ISIS to cut his head off has told a Perth court he wasn't threatening the man's safety. 1 Puff, puff, pass’: How WAs dolphins are using blowfish to get high Brendon Lee O’Connell is on trial in the District Court of Western Australia, charged with using a carriage service to menace, harass or offend, and admits he sent 17 Face book messages to Jason Hodgkinson in the space of two days in November 2014 . 2 Perth freeway hit and run pursuit caught on dash camera 3 Flood warnings and wild weather as storm lashes WA s south 4 Man charged over teenager's synthetic-drug' death in Avdey 5 'Not every’ day you get to ride in your local park' A WA truck driver wfio fatally struck a tow truck worker who had stopped in an emergency lane has been jaded for 20 months Mr Hodgkinson told the court he had no idea what the accused - a stranger to him - was referring to in the first message, w hich asked if he had threatened O’ConnelTs friend. Northam kebab shop owner Mustafa Atieh. The initial message also read: "Mustafa wants ISIS to cut your head off". The accused told the court he believed Mr Hodgkinson was among seven men who went into Mr Atieh’s shop and racially abused him in September 2014 , telling him to "fuck off back to his country”. O'Connell said Mr Atieh, who was born in Kuwait but identified as Palestinian, was highly distressed by the verbal attack but the local police took no action. "Police gave him the run-around and refused to help whatsoever," O'Connell said. PROPERTY NEWS Reservoir, has this up-and- coming ... Melbourne property: what buyers can get... FOLLOW WA TODAY Page 599 of 1018 NEWSLETTERS He claimed he spent two months trying to ensure he had the right man, then took to Face hook to teD Mr Hodgkinson to “confess" so he could "force the issue" with police. "I simply wanted to stir the pot so police would become involved and investigate the case," O'Connell said. "I wanted him to go to the police and sort it out. I wanted the police to do their job." O'Connell became animated when the prosecutor asked if he was trying to threaten Mr Hodgkinson with messages such as “an awful lot of Muslims want the head of the man that did this", dismissing the comments as "a throwaway line" and "a figure of speech". "Do you think anyone would take that seriously? Are you suggesting an ISIS team would fly over? Do you think they were going to send over a hit team from a Lebanese Hezbollah? If he [Mr Hodgkinson] takes that seriously, he's a retarded moron." O'Connell claimed he was referring to the possibility of Mr Hodgkinson losing his job over the alleged racial shir when he wrote in a message "police are the least of your worries". O'ConneD was repeatedly told by Judge Michael Bowden to stick to the matter at hand. "It would be a lot quicker if you just answ ered the question," Judge Bowden said. AAP DD Page 600 of 1018 APPENDIX 8 - INDEX — HIGH COURT SYNOPSIS Page 604.Timeline of events Page 605.[1] Back Ground to Case Page 605. [A] My Writing On Israeli Intelligence Activity In Australia And Elsewhere Page 605. [i] Leon Wende - Collins Class Submarine and Other . Military/Civilian Contracts Page 609. [ii] Verint, Leon Wende, Sydney Rail Transit System, False Flag Incidents Page 618. [Hi] Chinese Company Refused Australian Government Clearance Page 627. [iv] Sayanim - Local Jews Act as 'Helpers' For Israeli Intelligence Page 632. [v] Prisoner X - "Sayanim" Page 638. [vi] Israel's Non-Compliance With 'Peace Process' Page 639. [vii] Racism Within Israeli Society Page 640. [viii] Zionists Control United States Foreign and Domestic Policy Page 644. [ix] Jewish Founding of the Soviet State and Use Of 'Sayanims' In Past Page 652. [x] Should All Jews Be Held Accountable ? Page 655. [B] Clear Western Australian Establishment Position To Stifle Knowledge In The . Public Interest (Jewish Racial and Religious Supremacism) Page 681. [C] Media Reporting Page 685. [D] Resignation Of Nine News Director Adrian Beattie Page 687. [E] Head Of Local State Counter Terrorism Interested In 'My Work' Page 688. [F] Israeli Ambassador Supports Complainant In Case Page 691.[2] Commentary on Racial Vilification Legislation Page 691. [A] Former Chief Justice of New South Wales Comments On . Vilification Legislation Page 696. [B] Online Commentary - Bill Muehlenberg - "The problems with . vilification legislation" Page 698. [C] News Paper Article - "Hate gets fat chance" Page 699. [D] Newspaper Article - Freedom of speech 'at risk' Page 708. [E] Newspaper Article - "Roxon orders law rethink" Page 709. [F] 'Racial Vilification' Law Part of Police State? Page 710. [G] Hansard of Debate - W.A Racial Vilification Legislation Page 728. [H] Federal Law Review - . "So Far So Good: A Critical Evaluation of Racial Vilification Laws in Australia" Page 749. [I] Government Censorship Page 755.[3] Jews as a 'Racial Group' Page 762.[A] Directions Hearing Comments Page 768.[B] Stanley Keyser's Comments At Trial Page 773.[C] Rabbi Dovid Freilich's Comments At Trial Page 779.[D] Professor Andrew Markus's Comments At Trial Page 792.[4] Admissibility of Evidence - Prosecution Page 797.[5] Admissibility of Evidence - Defence Page 807.[6] Accusing the Senior Prosecutor of Corruptly Colluding With .the Local Jewish Community and the Nine network Page 809.[7] Difficulty Contacting Expert Witnesses Page 601 of 1018 Page 813.[8] Getting Ordinary Witnesses To Appear Page 814.[9] Matter May Be Taken Back To The Magistrates Court Page 815.[10] Lawyer Stating He Had Gone Over Trial Process Page 816.[11] Sacking Lawyers Page 818.[12] Statement regarding Judge Running Trial Page 818.[13] DCJ Wisbey's Comments At Trial Page 818. [A] DCJ Wisbey Misleads On Options As To What A 'Jew' Is Page 819. [B] DCJ Wisbey Misleads Jury That There is No Opposing . View To Expert Evidence Page 819. [C] Prejudicial Comment By Wisbey Against Me Page 820. [D] Wisbey Misdirects Jury - Definition Of Jews/Jewish Page 822. [E] Wisbey Makes Prejudicial Comment Against Me Page 826.[14] Refused Access To Audio Of Trial To Correct Transcript Page 829.[15] Prejudiced By State Dignitary Protection Unit .Being Present In Court Page 829.[16] Lack Of Detailed Indictment Page 835.[17] My Need For Coffee Page 836.[18] Incidental Points Page 837.[19] Quick Notes On WASCA Decision - May 4th 2012 Page 841.[20] Why I Went On A Hunger Strike Page 845.[21] Sentencing Page 851. [A] DCJ Wisbey's Rush To Sentencing Page 851. [B] Specific Precedents Page 857.CONCLUSION Page 858.'The Voice Of Human Justice' Page 602 of 1018 2 nd April 2013 Dear Dr Walsh, As discussed just now over the phone - you have not received the CD containing the word document of this 225 page synopsis of case. It was sent around the 18 th of March. I have written to ASSU Collins regarding this and to the exact date the CD was sent. On a printout of my money transactions in prison it states $3.00 was taken for postage on the 18 th of March. The synopsis was handed to security on the 14-15 th of March. Hopefully this will get to you this time. I have taken the time to make an accurate index this time. Please send a copy of the document to: [email protected] - 'Tarqwin' in Europe, and [email protected] - 'Mark Glenn' in the u.s They can both produce more information and more accurate references so that by the time the document is able to be submitted to the High Court as background material it will be far superior to what I have produced within the confines of the prison environment. You will recall that a sworn affidavit to you went missing from the envelope where I described the impossible conditions to prepare for an appeal from prison. Before going into any detail, the background to the case needs to be highlighted, most notably my writing on Israeli Intelligence activity and also highlighting 'Jewish religious and racial supremacism' as the background to Zionism and the treatment of Palestinians and others. Also, information on how this 'politico religious cult' is subverting parliamentary democracy and instigating a new set of "values" contrary to the Australian Constitution and the English Common Law. Newspaper articles have a thin border around them. [information I consider very important has a thick border. Instead of using bold, I use shading for important points within paragraphs. I hope this gets to you this time. Warmest Regards, Brendon Page 603 of 1018 TIMELINE OF EVENTS May May May May May May 2 nd 2009 - Incident at IGA Store, South Perth. 4 th 2009 - edited video uploaded to 'Vimeo' video hosting site <http://www.vimeo.com> 8 th 2009 - video uploaded to 'YouTube' video hosting site. 12 th 2009 - house raided by 7 members of S.S.I.G - charged 1 count section 80b and 1 count section 77. 19 th 2009 - plead not guilty in Perth Magistrates Court. 26 th 2009 - Nine Network screened defamatory 10 minute segment on 'A Current Affair'. ■November 15 th 2009 - house raided in afternoon by S.S.I.G after I complained about missing computer files in the morning. ■November 20 th 2009 - (A.LTroy) (ACJDC Martino) Hearing - charged with 5 more counts under section 77 due to Blog postings. ■December 11 th 2009 - (Ms E. Abou-Merhi) Mention - Directions hearing called by DPP - "Are Jews a Racial Group". -(-January 21 st 2010 - (Mr A.E.H Putt) Hearing - DPP confiscated "Netbook" computer I was sending to US. ■February 1 st 2010 - ( Ms M.Mattocks) Mention - Directions Hearing dropped "Are Jews a Racial group". ■February 10 th 2010 - my sister Jacqueline O'Connell dies of a sudden and massive cerebral bleed 3. Suspicious symptoms. ■February 11 th 2010 - (Mr J.C Whalley) Mention - Vary bail conditions, matter may be taken back to Magistrates Court. ■February 16 th 2010 - (Mr C.Y Stockdale) Mention - Bail variation, moving house. ■February 19 th 2010 - (Ms E.L O'Donnell) Mention - Asking CJDC Kennedy to dismiss case. ■February 26 th 2010 - (Mr J.C Whalley) Mention - New indictment. No mention of going back to Magistrates Court now. -April 14 th 2010 - (Mr J.C Whalley) Directions Hearing for permanent stay of prosecution due to adverse media publicity. -April 23 rd 2010 - (Mr S.L Dworcan) Mention - Discussing my need for lawyer and varying bail conditions to go online to solicit funds. May 2 nd 2010 -1 YEAR MARK -May 6 th 2010 - (Ms K.P Hoffman) Bail variation to live in Adelaide and talk about case. Allowed to talk about issues not related to case. -May 24 th 2010 - (Ms G.N Beggs) Hearing - Arrested due to posting video on Israel doing 9-11. Senior Prosecutors name and date of trial -May 31 st 2010 - (Ms A.M.R Seaman) Mention - securing lawyer. I complain about media reporting and "Combat 18". j-June 14 th 2010 - (Ms M.J Michalka) Mention - Securing lawyer. I I -(-June 28 th 2010 - (Ms F.A Cain) Mention - Secured services of lawyer, Mr John BOUGHER. -August 16 th 2010 - Original trial date. After 'Friends of Israel' rally and Israeli Ambassador support, DPP happy to see adjournment. -October 22 nd 2010 - (Mr M.A Perrella) Mention - new trial date (January 17 th 2011). Discuss Directions Hearing "Jews Racial Group". -November 19 th 2010 - (Mr A.EYERS) Directions Hearing - "Are Jews a Racial Group". -11 th January 2011 - Court hearing on right of District Court to try case. ■17 th January 2011 -Trial begins. ■27 th January 2011 - Trial abruptly ended on 'Holocaust™ Remembrance Day'. -28 th January 2011 - Found guilty on 6 of 7 counts. ■31 st January 2011 - Sentenced in Perth District Court 3 Years Jail Page 604 ot 1018 [1] BACKGROUND TO CASE [A] My Writing on Israeli Intelligence Activity in Australia And Elsewhere [i] Leon Wende - Collins Class Submarine and Other Military/Civilian Contracts Dr Walsh, this all really started back in 2005 when I viewed video and still photographs of the interior of Australia's relatively new Collins Class submarine. A Mr Leon Wende had taken the video and photographs. Mr Wende was an Australian Jew who had worked (according to him) extensively in the Israeli Defence Force. I gathered from bits and pieces I heard he was involved in hardware installation and software programming. He had also been involved with the installation of radio equipment at Campbell Barracks in Perth (home of the SAS) and in 2008 was involved in installing the new security systems for the Sydney Rail Transit System with the Israeli company 'Verint' 48 . Mr Wende claimed that the major cost blowout to do with the Collins Class sub was its weapons and sensor system. According to Mr Wende, concerns with Australian security meant the United States was unwilling to allow Australian technicians to service the sensitive internal components of the hardware. This was unsatisfactory to the Australian Defence Force and Israel of the sensor and weapons system as used on their Dolphin Class submarines. Israel is well known for being handed expensive American tax payer funded military technology and modifying it for its own ends and then on selling for profit - often as a covert 'middle man' for American military contractors attempting to bypass Congressional restrictions on technology sales. When I contacted expert Peter Yule (author of 'Steel Spies And Spin') via email on this issue, he replied, "Pigs might fly". Here is a short extract on this point: Lockheed Martin , Thales, STN Atlas, and Raytheon were approached to provide tenders to design and assemble a new combat system for the submarines, with all four submitting proposals during early 2000. 11181 In May 2000, after the Defence Science and Technology Organisation tested operational versions of the proposed combat software packages, the Lockheed and Thales tenders were eliminated, despite the Thales proposal being rated better than Raytheon's. [1181 [1191 After in-depth testing of the remaining systems and observations of the systems in action, the German STN Atlas ISUS 90-55 aboard an Israeli Dolphin class submarine and the American Raytheon CCS Mk2 aboard a USN Los Angeles class submarine, it was decided that the STN Atlas system was the best for the class. [1181 Flowever, political pressure from both the United States and Australia, questions about the security problems and possible leaks involved with a European combat system linked to American weapons, and offered its own version 48 This is the same company that does data intercepts for various policing and intelligence agencies. Page 605 of 1018 desires to increase the political and military ties between Australia and the United States resulted in the cancellation of the tender program in July 2001 and the decision to enter a joint development program with the United States, with a formal agreement signed on 10 September 2001 at the Pentagon. [120111211 The second combat system development program proceeded with far fewer problems, and took the tactical and fire control components from the CCS Mk2 system, and the sonar interface component from the fast track program. [1221 The new combat system was installed on Waller in 2006 49 , and will be fitted to the other five Collins class submarines by 2010, in the order of Dechaineux, Collins, Farncomb, Sheean, then Rankin. [123H1241 This system is the same as the AN/BYG-1 system which was fitted to United States Navy submarines during the 2000s. [1251 118 - Yule & Woolner, The Collins Class Submarine Story, pp. 300-1 119 - Kelton, More than an ally?, p. 117 120 - Woolner, Getting in Early, p. iii 121 - Yule & Woolner, The Collins Class Submarine Story, pp. 301-7 122 - Yule & Woolner, The Collins Class Submarine Story, pp. 307-8 123 - Elliott, Replacement Combat System for the Collins Class Soon to be Operational!, pp. 44-8 124 - Yule & Woolner, The Collins Class Submarine Story, p. 309 125 - Mack, The U.S. Navy and Royal Australian Navy Relationship. A Partnership to Educate Whatever the ultimate truth of the matter, I made known online that Israeli hardware and software was being used in our military equipment (according to Leon Wende) and an Australian Jew with strong ties to the Israeli Defence Force was installing it. Further, Israel's close relationship with China made it quite possible that the Chinese military were now in full knowledge of our new submarines capabilities. This started a series of events that were not clear to me at the time including being followed and my house being regularly entered into when I lived in Scarborough. The West Australian paper reported around May of 2012 that $40 billion dollars would be spent to introduce a brand-new class of submarine into the Australian navy by 2024. The final decision to do so was made in mid-2009 - not long after I told police I would be talking about Israel and the Collins Class submarine at my trial. It's most likely a co-incidence. On the issue of Israel and its relationship with the Chinese military, note this comment from the highly respected political activist Professor Noam Chomsky on Israel and China and the on selling of weapons technology: By now Israel's economy is almost a caricature of that of the United States. It's a high tech, highly militarized economy, and it's comparative advantage is advanced military production, linked closely to the United States. 50 And it needs markets. 51 49 I believe this was the Submarine Leon was on - installing the hardware and software. 50 U.S tax payers fund the hugely expensive R&D and then Zionists within the U.S Government and military pass it on at little or no cost to Israel who then modify and on-sell the product at a profit. It’s a scam. 51 Israel is a valued ‘middle man’ for covert U.S Zionist activity supplying nuclear weapons parts for Pakistan via it’s close relationship with South African intelligence, and also drug dealing and drug money laundering. Please see the excellent SBS documentary “Kill The Messenger ” about F.B.I whistle blower Sibel Edmonds. https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=MiOtBqKvDYg Page 606 of 1018 The main market it has been trying to develop is China, and the U.S government doesn't like that. So there has been a conflict developing several times already between Israel and the United States, on sales of advanced military equipment to China. The equipment is produced in Israel, but it's tightly tied to the United States using a lot of U.S technology. In 2000, U.S President Bill Clinton forced Israel to cancel a big arms sale to China of it's Phalcon airborne early warning system. And notice the lobby didn't do anything, there was not a peep from the lobby. In 2005 there was another controversy, which got quite serious: Israel had sold anti-aircraft missiles to China, and China wanted to upgrade them and contracted with Israel to do so. But the Pentagon didn't want Israel to increase Chinese military capacity. So, a real conflict developed. It was economically important for Israel, and the United States wouldn't let them do it. It got to the point where the Pentagon refused to have any contact with it's Israeli counter parts. There were sanctions imposed. Pentagon officials demanded that Israel pass legislation to block the sales, and also wrote a letter of apology to the United States, which it did. It finally was patched over, but for Israel it was not a small thing. Noam Chomsky & Gilbert Achar - "Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S Foreign Policy", p.62-63 Tom Regan, "U.S, Israel Working To Mend Rifts; Israel Arms Sales To China, FBI Investigation into Alleged Spy Affair Sour Relations", Christian Science Monitor, July 29 th , 2005 updated version posted on web, August 2 nd , 2005, http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0801/dailyupdate.html Ze'ev Schiff, "U.S to Israel: Tighten Arms Exports Supervision", Ha'aretz, June 12, 2005; Ze'ev Schiff, "U.S Insists: Mofaz Must Sign Drone Apology", Ha'aretz, July 27, 2005; Ze'ev Schiff, "A Shallow Strategic Dialogue", Ha'aretz, July 29, 2005 The controversial airborne early warning radar is described below. Australia has also purchased this technology from Israel: Elta/lsraeli Aircraft Industries (IAI) PHALCON radar Israel has developed the lAI/Elta Phalcon system, which uses an AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) in lieu of a rotodome antenna. The system was the first such advanced radar placed into service. The original Phalcon was mounted on a Boeing 707 platform £9] and developed for the Israeli Defence Force and for export. A Boeing 707 Phalcon system was delivered to Chile in 1993 where it is known as the "Condor". The second generation improvement of the Phalcon system was accomplished in the development of the Israeli ground based IAI EL/M-2080 "Green Pine" radar target tracking system used by the Israeli Defence Force . This system has been exported to several countries. Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) was marketing its Phalcon airborne early warning (AEW) system to China in competition with the British defence firm GEC-Marconi. In 1996 Tel Aviv and Beijing signed an agreement on purchasing the Falcon radar system, which China insisted system should be fitted onto Russian 11-76 aircraft. The Phalcon's triangular radar array would be mounted on the rear quarter fuselage of the 11-76 to provide full 360 degree scan coverage. Beijing was Page 607 of 1018 expected to acquire several PHALCON AEW systems, and reportedly could buy at least three more [and possibly up to eight] of these systems. But in July 2000 the United States pressured Israel to back out of a $1 billion agreement to sell China four Phalcon phased-array radar systems. The India Air Force agreed in 2004 to purchase three systems for $1.1 billion. Russia and Israel on 10 October 2004 signed a tripartite agreement to facilitate the equipping of the Indian Air Force (IAF) with the Phalcon airborne warning and control systems. The IAF plans to mount the Phalcon radar and surveillance systems from IAI on IL-76 aircraft supplied by Russia. India received its first AWACS on 25th May 2009. It landed in Jamnagar AFB in Gujarat completing its 8 hour long journey from Israel. http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/aircraft/phalcon/Phalcon.html So not only is Australia possibly compromised on the naval front with the Collins Class submarine, Australia has also purchased the very same Israeli Phalcon system for its six Boeing 737 Airborne Early Warning aircraft called 'Wedgetail'. Two of the 737 AEW&C have been delivered (26/11/2009) and another four were delivered over 2010/2011. India has the same or similar system - it's reasonable to expect that China has at least the 'specs', if not a working version or segments of the technology to manufacture their own version. Other Israeli companies dealing with the Australian defence Force include Elbit Systems which was awarded a $300 million dollar contract to provide advanced electronics warfare equipment to the Australian Defence Force. This was in the form of un-manned aerial vehicles. http://theiewishchronicle.net/view/full story/6760167/article-lsraeli-Defence- company-wins-300-million-contract-for-the-Australian-Defence-Force/ Israel pioneered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. I believe Mr Leon Wende may be involved with their operation. Mr Wende went to Israel suddenly without warning, just before 'Operation Cast Lead' began in December 2008. This report details the killing of a Palestinian family during Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009: Questions have been raised about the accuracy of the targeting of UAVs. In March 2009, The Guardian reported that Israeli UAVs armed with missiles killed 48 Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip , including two small children in a field and a group of women and girls in an otherwise empty street. [281 In June, Fluman Rights Watch investigated six UAV attacks which resulted in civilian casualties, and found that Israeli forces either failed to take all feasible precautions to verify that the targets were combatants, or failed to distinguish between combatants and civilians. [29][30][31] [28] The Guardian, 23 March 2009. "Cut to pieces: the Palestinian family drinking tea in their courtyard: Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles—the dreaded drones— caused at least 48 deaths in Gaza during the 23-day offensive." Retrieved on August 3, 2009. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/23/gaza-war-crimes-drones 1291 "Precisely Wrong: Gaza Civilians Killed by Israeli Drone-Launched Missiles" , Fluman Rights Watch, 30 June 2009. Page 608 of 1018 http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2009/06/30/precisely-wrong-0 1301 "Report: IDF used RPV fire to target civilians". YNET, 30 June 2009 http://www.vnet.co.il/english/Ext/Comp/ArticleLavout/CdaArticlePrintPreview/ 1.2506.L-3739125.00.html [31] "Israel/Gaza: Civilians must not be targets: Disregard for Civilians Underlies Current Escalation" . Human Rights Watch. 2008-12-30. http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2008/12/3Q/israelgaza-civilians-must-not-be- targets. Retrieved 2009-08-03 [ii] Verint, Leon Wende, Sydney Rail Transit System, False Flag Incidents Getting back to Mr Leon Wende, when I heard in early 2008 that he would be installing the security equipment for the Sydney Rail Transit System with the Israeli company Verint, I immediately placed online pictures of Mr Wende and named him and what he was doing. Verint is a company with strong ties to Israeli Intelligence. It was named as possibly having hardware 'backdoors' in its data intercept equipment used to investigate criminal suspects. A top secret internal memo was circulated in the U.S Drug Enforcement Agency (D.E.A) stating that it was believed the Israeli company was tipping off Israeli and Jewish American drug trafficking suspects that their communications were being intercepted by law enforcement. That memo was then leaked to the Press and became the focus of a four part series on Israeli spying on the U.S, broadcast by Fox News - available online on YouTube. Here are some articles on the Military Intelligence origins of these Israeli companies: Israeli Intelligence Agencies Spy On Americans 2010 | Former CIA Agent Philip Giraldi interviewed by Iranian English Language T.V Interviewer: What would remain of U.S citizens privacy? Philip Giraldi: Well, very little. This has been going on ever since 2001, and some might argue even before that. And what is happening is that these agencies at the State level and local level are collecting huge amounts of information on every citizen. There are State agencies that are Homeland Security Agencies that collect information independently. This even happens at the county level in the United States where information about people and what they do and what their activities are, are collected. Interviewer: Some experts are saying that this new program will give more room for Israeli Intelligence Agencies to work in the United States as intelligence sharing is a part of this new program. Your thoughts please on this post Wikileaks world. Philip Giraldi: Well actually it's worse than that...it's worse than what you're implying. What is happening is that many of these State Agencies are actually Israeli companies that are working for the States. This happened recently in Pennsylvania where it was an Israeli company that was collecting this kind of information on war protestors. And in the State of New Jersey, an Israeli was actually appointed as the Homeland Security Page 609 of 1018 Director for the State so this penetration of American security by Israeli companies and Israeli individuals has been going on for some years. Interviewer: Let me take you back to the Washington Post report once again. It says that the U.S is importing techniques that have been applied in Iraq and Afghanistan to spy on Americans. Are we going to look at harsh methods perhaps being used against Americans? Philip Giraldi: Well, I don't see that yet taking place, but I think that the danger here is that you have a right to privacy as a citizen in the United States or as a citizen in any country and the fact is that the government has no right when you have done nothing wrong to be collecting information on you and compiling this information into a dossier and I think this is the great danger because once you have that kind of information collected you could do anything you want with it. You can intimidate people. You can say you're in debt because of your credit cards, you're doing this...you know, there are lots of ways the government can use this information, to leverage this information to do things to private citizens that should not be done. Interviewer: Thank you so much for your thoughts. Philip Giraldi, a former CIA Officer speaking with us on the line from Washington. https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=YGL809VGcY0 Relevant points of above article: • And what is happening is that these agencies at the State level and local level are collecting huge amounts of information on every citizen. • Some experts are saying that this new program will give more room for Israeli Intelligence Agencies to work in the United States as intelligence sharing is a part of this new program. 52 • What is happening is that many of these State Agencies are actually Israeli companies that are working for the States. • ...an Israeli was actually appointed as the Homeland Security Director for the State so this penetration of American security by Israeli companies and Israeli individuals has been going on for some years. • I think this is the great danger because once you have that kind of information collected you could do anything you want with it. You can intimidate people. You can say you're in debt because of your credit cards, you're doing this...you know, there are lots of ways the government can use this information, to leverage this information to do things to private citizens that should not be done. With the above in mind, consider Greens Senator Scott Ludlam and his comment on new laws proposing the keeping of personal online data for two years: "Everything must be stored so that we and God-knows who else can mine it and find out where you were." 53 How Elite Military School Feeds Israel's Tech Firms 52 Phil Giraldi - “Is Israel A U.S Allie?” YouTube 53 Page 17 of this letter - ‘Your life, their data’ Page 610 of 1018 After graduating from high school in 1993, Arik Czerniak entered a secretive Israeli military program called Talpiot. The country's most selective institution, it accepts 50 students a year and trains them in physics, computers and other sciences. It's mission is to create innovative, tech-savvy leaders capable of transforming Israel's military. Three decades after Talpiot was founded to modernize the Israeli army, the program has created an unforseen by-product -- a legion of entrepreneurs that has helped turn Israel into a technology juggernaut. Mr. Czerniak and other Talpions, as graduates are called, have started dozens of these companies in recent years, specializing in security equipment, encryption software, communications and high-end internet hardware. Many, like Mr. Czerniak, have moved to Silicon Valley. "The successful high-tech industry is a problem for the military", says Zohar Zispel, 58, considered a father of Israel's technology industry. Mr. Zispel's Tel Aviv based RAD Group has launched 28 tech start-ups over the years, six of them listed on Nasdaq. "It provides opportunities for Talpions the military cannot match", he says. http://www.pacbi.org/etemplate.php?id=558 Please note this particular sentence from the above: • "Three decades after Talpiot was founded to modernize the Israeli army, the program has created an unforseen by-product — a legion of entrepreneurs that has helped turn Israel into a "technology juggernaut." Zohar Zisapel, the Rad Dad of the Worlds Telecom Industry By Karin Kloosterman - February 02, 2009 RAD has helped change life as we know it, enabling high speed and wireless communication, and secure telephone networks and banking. Today, RAD is a solutions provider for more than 100 telecom operators around the world, including AT&T, British Telecom, Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom, Japan Telecom, and Orange France. It provides communications tools to major players in the banking, commerce, education, finance, government, military, transportation, and utility sectors. https://www.israel21c.org/zohar-zisapel-the-rad-dad-of-the-worlds-telecom-industry/ The above statement shows that former Israeli Military Intelligence officers run companies that have access to databases of the most important kind from all over the world. Remember, the Australian government stated publicly that it would not allow the Chinese corporation Huawei to contract to install hardware in the Australian telecommunication system due to its strong ties with the Chinese military and intelligence services 54 . Remember the Drug Enforcement Agency in the United States 54 Page 14 of this letter Page 611 of 1018 circulating the top-secret internal memo speculating that the Israeli company Verint had hardware backdoors in the data intercept equipment it was operating. More on RAD: Communications Solutions for Government RAD Website Although initially slow to leverage the benefits of technology, governmental organizations are rapidly transforming their communications and data networks to be more responsive to their collaboration video conferencing, video surveillance, and improved inter-agency communications. RAD offers a wide variety of diverse access products to enable efficient and reliable communications among governmental locations. Perhaps catalysed by national security issues, governments are upgrading their networks and systems to enable, among other things, web based access to resources, real-time communications. RAD's portfolio includes solutions for optimizing communications over traditional services such as PDH/SDH/SONET, solutions for leveraging news services such as metro Ethernet as well as solutions that enable a smooth migration from one to the other. https://www.rad.com/Solutions/Critical-lnfrastructure/Government Access to "data" that you can turn into "intelligence" is the holy grail of any intelligence operation. Now, with powerful computers and complex software algorithms that match highly disparate data - you can extract huge amounts of intelligence. Look at this simple example of the use of "data collation" from 'Tweets' linked in with GPS data. From it, the researchers were able to predict personal illness up to 8 days in advance: Twitter Predicts Personal Illness 8 Days In Advance AUSTRALIAN PERSONAL COMPUTER MAGAZINE October 2012 - Page 122 Researchers at the University of Rochester in New York have analysed a bunch of location- tagged Tweets - 4.4 million of them from 630,000 users in New York City - to locate hot spots of ill health and then successfully predict which users will soon come down ill - with around 90% accuracy up to eight days in advance. For all this to work, they had to first figure out a way for their 'bot' to differentiate Tweets like "sick of all the hipsters here" or "fully sick bra" from ones where people are complaining about actually being sick. Then they match up people's regular movements to areas of known illness, leading to the accurate predictions. Of course, the system can only highlight areas filled with sick, whinging Twitter users, and rarely do people also Tweet their symptoms, so actually distinguishing disease type and seriousness isn't possible. Page 612 of 1018 In the following pages you will see the state of Israel's use of the "sayanim" or "helper". These are Jews who are prepared to assist Israeli intelligence in all sorts of ways - that includes access to databases that they don't already have access to 55 . Remember, they already have access to a huge amount of databases of all kinds. They have "backdoor's" in hardware and software. They have the most advanced computer chip fabrication plant in the world in Israel (Intel) and I'm sure Israeli intelligence have the run of the place. This plant produces chips for internet routers, laptops, desktops, Tablets and mobile smart phones. With people putting their ENTIRE lives online on Facebook and Google; putting every bit of information possible on mobile devices like Tablets and Smartphones which are always connected to Mobile Internet - you can imagine the "intelligence" that access to that sort of data can generate. This is exactly what Israel specialises in and just like the American Jew Henry Kissinger shipped American industry to China, we now find American high tech and Silicon Valley being shipped to Israel. Google Israeli companies excel in computer security technologies, semiconductors and communications. Israeli firms include Check Point, a leading firewall firm; Amdocs, which makes business and operations support systems for telecoms; Comverse, a voice-mail company; and Mercury Interactive, which measures software performance. 1421 A high concentration of high-tech industries in the coastal plain of Israel has led to the nickname Silicon Wadi (lit: "Silicon Valley"). 1431 Both Israeli and international companies are based there. Intel 1441 and Microsoft 1451 built their first overseas research and development centres in Israel, and other high-tech multi-national corporations, such as IBM, Cisco Systems, and Motorola, have opened facilities in the country. Intel developed its dual-core Core Duo processor at its Israel Development Center in Haifa. 1461 Optics, electro-optics, and lasers are significant fields and Israel produces fiber-optics, electro-optic inspection systems for printed circuit boards, thermal imaging night-vision systems, and electro-optics-based robotic manufacturing systems. 1471 Research into robotics first began in the late 1970s, has resulted in the production of robots designed to perform a wide variety of computer aided manufacturing tasks, including diamond polishing, welding, packing, and building. Research is also conducted in the application of artificial intelligence to robots. 1471 An Israeli, CEO and president of M-Systems, Dov Moran, invented the first flash drive in
  • 1481 More than 3,850 start-ups have been established in Israel, making it second only to the US in this sector 1491 and has the largest number of NASDAQ-listed companies outside North America. 1501 [42] Venture capital investment in Israeli high tech <http://www.sfgate.com/cgibin/article.cgiPfileVchronicle/archive/2004/04/02/BUG675V5L41.DTL> [43] Israel's Silicon Wadi: The forces behind cluster formation , Catherine de Fontenay and Erran Carmel, June2002 <http://www.mbs.edu/home/defontenay/lsraelSiliconWadiJune2002.pdf> [44] Krawitz, Avi (2007-02-27). "Intel to expand Jerusalem R&D" . The Jerusalem Post. http://www.ipost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1171894528658&pagename=JPost%2FJ PArticle%2FShowFull . Retrieved 2007-08-04. 55 Refer to New Zealand reports in this synopsis - "Police database like gold to spies, says SIS expert Hager" - page 24. Page 613 of 1018 [45] Israel R&D Center: Leadership Team" . Microsoft. < http://www.microsoft.com/lsrael/RnD/about/overview.html > Retrieved 2009-12-06. [46] Israel Saves Intel <http://www.isrealli.org/israel-saves-intel> [47] Science and Technology: Industrial R&D. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, retrieved 2009-11-26] <http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Facts+About+lsrael/Science+-+Technology/SCIENCE+AND+TECHNOLOGY- +lndustrial+R-amp-D.htm> [48] < http://www.systemdisc.com/pen-drives> [49] Senor and Singer, Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle [50] "NASDAQ Appoints Asaf Flomossanv as New Director for Israel" . NASDAQ . 2005-02-06. < http://www.nasdaq.com/newsroom/news/pr2005/ne section05 Q19.stm > Retrieved 2007-08-04. With American Jews like Mark Zuckerberg controlling 'Facebook' with its endless data on people from all over the world; American Jews Larry Page and Sergey Brin controlling the stupendous data contained within 'Google'; you can begin to see how the notion of "Jewish Sayanim" is extremely important for security and intelligence experts the world over. Mark Zuckerberg was born in White Plains, New York and raised in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Zuckerberg's parents are Jewish , [41 but he considers himself an atheist . [51 Fie started programming when he was in middle school. Early on, Zuckerberg enjoyed developing computer programs, especially communication tools and games. Before attending Phillips Exeter Academy beginning in his junior year of high school, he went to school at Ardsley FHigh School. [61 Fie transferred to Phillips Exeter Academy where he immersed himself in Latin . [71 Fie also built a program to help the workers in his father's office communicate; he built a version of the game Risk , and under the company name Intelligent Media Group, he built a music player named the Synapse Media Player that used artificial intelligence to learn the user's listening habits, which was posted to Slashdot[81 and received a rating of 3 out of 5 from PC Magazine. [ 9] Microsoft and AOL tried to purchase Synapse and recruit Zuckerberg, but he decided to attend Harvard College instead, which he attended in September 2002, and where he joined Alpha Epsilon Pi, a Jewish fraternity. [101 In college, he was known for reciting lines from epic poems such as The Iliad . [71 Larry Page was born into a Jewish family in East Lansing, Michigan.[3] His parents were computer science professors at Michigan State University.[4] During an interview, Page said that "their house was usually a mess, with computers and PopularScience magazines all over the place." His attraction to computers started when he was six years old when he got to "play with the stuff lying around." He became the "first kid in his elementary school to turn in an assignment from a word processor."[5] His older brother also taught him to take things apart, and before long he was taking "everything in his house apart to see how it worked." He said, "From a very early age, I also realized I wanted to invent things. So I became really interested in technology...and business. So probably from when I was 12, I knew I was going to start a company eventually."[5] Page 614 of 1018 Sergey Brin was born in Moscow, in the Soviet Union, to Jewish parents, the son of Michael Brin and Eugenia Brin, both graduates of Moscow State University. His father is a mathematics professor at the University of Maryland, and his mother is a research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre.[8][9] And then there is the coming technology of Quantum Computing which will bring to the world by 2025 a computer the size of a laptop that will be a Trillion times more powerful than the most powerful supercomputers available today. The consequences are staggering. The technology is the subject of several mainstream documentaries and has even been present on the ABC and SBS news here in Australia. It is real and some critics say it is frightening. Proponents of this technology often refer to themselves as 'Transhumanists'. The most famous of these is Ray Kurzweil: Ray Kurzweil grew up in the New York City borough of Queens. He was born to secular Jewish parents who had escaped Austria just before the onset of World War II, and he was exposed via Unitarian Universalism to a diversity of religious faiths during his upbringing. His father was a musician and composer and his mother was a visual artist. His uncle, an engineer at Bell Labs, taught young Ray the basics of computer science.[1] In his youth, he was an avid reader of science fiction literature. In 1963, at age fifteen, he wrote his first computer program. Designed to process statistical data, the program was used by researchers at IBM.[2] Later in high school he created a sophisticated pattern-recognition software program that analysed the works of classical composers, and then synthesized its own songs in similar styles. The capabilities of this invention were so impressive that, in 1965, he was invited to appear on the CBS television program I've Got a Secret, where he performed a piano piece that was composed by a computer he also had built. [3] Later that year, he won first prize in the International Science Fair for the invention;[4] he was also recognized by the Westinghouse Talent Search and was personally congratulated by President Lyndon B. Johnson during a White House ceremony. He claims that equally consequential developments will occur within the realm of computers as they become increasingly powerful, numerous and cheap between now and
  • Kurzweil predicts that a computer will pass the Turing test by 2029. He predicts that the first Al will be a computer simulation of a human brain which will be created thanks to hyper accurate brain scanning done by advanced medical Nano machines inserted into a real human brain. Kurzweil suggests that Als will inevitably become far smarter and more powerful than unenhanced humans. He also believes that Als will exhibit moral thinking and will respect humans as their ancestors. According to his predictions, the line between humans and machines will blur as machines attain human-level intelligence and humans start upgrading themselves with cybernetic implants. These implants will greatly enhance human cognitive and physical abilities, and allow direct interface between humans and machines. In February 2009, Kurzweil, in cooperation with Google and the NASA Ames Research Centre, announced the creation of Singularity University. The University's self-described mission is to "assemble, educate and inspire a cadre of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies and apply, focus and guide these tools to address humanity's grand challenges".[47] Using Kurzweil's Singularity concept as a foundation, the University, whose initial class of 40 Fellows began Page 615 of 1018 their nine-week graduate program in June, 2009, provides students the skills and tools to guide the process of the Singularity "for the benefit of humanity and its environment". Singularity U encompasses cross-disciplinary studies in ten different scientific and future- oriented tracks, taught by industry experts. http://singularitvu.org/about/fag/ Google has a database so large it takes up several acres of 'servers' in a building linked with NASA. They are inputting the entire earth's book library into their database. With the notion of 'Cloud Computing' (run by Google), people store their data on remote servers instead of their local hard drives giving Google access to yet another huge volume of data that an intelligence agency can turn into powerful intelligence. With 'fibre to the node' internet connections giving ordinary householders and businesses and corporations lightning fast access to the World Wide Web 56 - then a Quantum Computer with highly sophisticated software could conceivably have access to the entire knowledge base of the planet. Some say this is the "anti-Christ" spoken of in the Bible. Sophisticated artificial intelligence programs are already in use that can mimic the human thought process. Forget China - the greatest threat we face is from Israel who is not only installing it's electronic equipment throught the worlds telephone exchanges, it can draw on its vast 'sayanim network' 57 to facilitate access to locations and databases it ordinarily cannot access via its state controlled companies. Not to mention its extensive security contracts with public class A infrastructure like airports etc. Imagine a Quantum Computer - developed by Jews in the U.S (perhaps jointly with Israel) - linked in with the worlds databases and the software that enables it to literally "predict the future" and track and trace every human on the planet and imagine it in the hands of people who think themselves God's "chosen people" with a history of religious and racial supremacism and a religion that promises they will rule the earth from Jerusalem? 58 Don't arrest and charge the messenger - I'm just telling you what they say, think and plan. Look what they can do with 4.4 million Tweets with a few lines of information? For further information on this amazing subject watch: "Human 2.0" ABC TV, broadcast late 2010 "AH Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace" SBS TV, broadcast mid/late 2011 "A. I" 4 part series, SBS TV late 2012 56 An entire DVD movie can be downloaded in 5 minutes. 57 See page 12 on the 'sayanim'. 58 See following pages on Jewish racial and religious supremacism. Page 616 of 1018 Verint is an Israeli company that was also responsible for the security of the London Tube when it was bombed in July of 2005. It was reported in the press that eye witnesses did not see any of the men alleged to have carried out the bombing on the train, nor any 'back packs'. Also, witnesses stated that as they were removed from the smoking ruins of the bombed trains, police told them to be careful of the hole where the bombs were placed "under the train". Israel's notorious reputation for carrying out 'false flag' terrorist attacks to blame on others - particular 'Muslim Terrorists' - is particularly well known. Please see '7/7Ripple Effect', a documentary on the London Tube bombing, available online with a simple Google search. The BBC even did a documentary on the maker of this amateur documentary such was its effect on the public with it's well researched facts: Despite the unease with the official version of events, the government has refused to hold a public inquiry, stating that "it would be a drain on resources and tie up key officials and police officers". Then Prime Minister Tony Blair said an independent inquiry would undermine support for the security service . [471 In reaction to revelations about the extent of security service investigations into the bombers prior to the attack, then Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis said: "It is becoming more and more clear that the story presented to the public and Parliament is at odds with the facts. T481 A number of these theories about the 7/7 attacks, including the claims made in the amateur conspiracy film 7/7 Ripple Effect, were addressed by the BBC documentary series The Conspiracy Files, in an episode titled 7/7 first broadcast on 30 June 2009. It highlighted problems with the conspiracy theories it examined, and raised concerns over their authorship 1511 1471 Carter, Helen; Dodd, Vikram; Cobain, Ian (3 May 2007). "7/7 leader: more evidence reveals what police knew The Guardian 3 May 2007" . Guardian (London). http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/mav/03/iulv7.topstories3 Retrieved 17 October 2009. I48! Dodd, Vikram (3 May 2007). "7/7 leader: more evidence reveals what police knew" . The Guardian (London), http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/mav/03/iulv7.topstories3 Retrieved 20 December 2007. 1481 Honingsbaum, Mark (27 June 2006). "Seeing isn't believing' 1 . The Guardian (London). http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2006/iun/27/iulv7.uksecuritv Retrieved 12 August 2009. 1511 "Unmasking the mysterious 7/7 conspiracy theorist" . BBC News Magazine. 30 June 2009. http://news.bbc.co.Uk/2/hi/uk news/magazine/8124687.stm Retrieved 12 August 2009. On the above point of Israel organising 'false flag' incidents to blame on others, Kay Griggs, wife of Marine Colonel George Griggs, talks about her husband's role in organising assassination and 'dirty tricks' programs for NATO. She states in one memorable passage, "They kill 5, 10, 20 people. Men, women and children. Then they blame it on the Arabs or they blame it on somebody else." She talks of Israel's intimate involvement in such programs where she states, "The Israeli's are always in there, but they always get away." Kay Griggs moved in the highest circles of the U.S political, military and intelligence community. Her interview is available online. Just Google "Kay Griggs Talks". It is seven hours long. I believe she may have FINALLY made it into the mainstream (interview took place in 1997) as a fellow prisoner told me he was sure he had seen an add on the television for a mainstream Page 617 of 1018 investigative news magazine with the words "Kay Griggs Talks" and a picture of a middle aged woman on the cover with a bob of blonde hair which would be her. Detectives noted that having viewed all my video's they had taken particular notice of "Kay Griggs Talks" which goes into the paedophiles, closet homosexuality and bisexuality and sex parties within and around the U.S Pentagon, Marine Corp, Special Forces, and political groups. It's a 'much watch'. NSW GOVERNMENT Transport CityRail With all of the above in mind, it was my belief that Australia was due for a 'terrorist attack' to be blamed on 'Muslim extremists' and when I heard that Mr Wende was working on the Sydney Rail Transit System with the Israeli company Verint, I decided to make him public. After several weeks, in which it was plain I was being followed, several members of the State Security Investigation Group (S.S.I.G) came to my house in March of 2008 on a complaint issued by Mr Wende's wife that I was - by naming him online - stalking them. I reiterated the above information to them and they left abruptly. I heard later that Mr Wende was under investigation by the Australian Federal Police (A.F.P) who had gone to his house. By then I was in a Russian Orthodox Christian Monastery in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales. Please consider all of these views and facts when considering my charges and the constant use of the term "abhorrent views" by the DPP etc. [iii] Chinese Company Refused Australian Government Clearance Also - along the lines of foreign nations installing compromised communications hardware - recently the Australian government stated publicly that it would not allow the Chinese corporation Huawei to contract to install hardware in the Australian telecommunication system due to its strong ties with the Chinese military and intelligence services 59 . SBS News recently did an extensive report on the matter on the 5 th December 2012. With all that I have mentioned above Dr Walsh, one would hope the State of Israel would also be put on that black list. Flowever, the Israeli States penetration of both friend and foe's most sensitive communications systems and databases far surpasses the Chinese. Interestingly, the modern Chinese State under Mao was founded closely with Jewish Zionists like Sidney Rittenberg 60 of American Military Intelligence (linguist) who was Mao's 'right hand man' and handler. Jewish Zionists like Frank Coe and Shlomo Adler, Anna Louise Strong and Israel Epstein were all members of President Roosevelt's war cabinet and central to the design and founding of the Chinese Communist State. Of interest is the heavy Jewish involvement in the founding of the modern Chinese State: 59 Refer next page and 'Operation Talpiot' whereby Israeli Military Intelligence Officers were trained in communications software and hardware design and now operate large NASDAQ listed I.T corporations. Also - Israeli company 'Verint' - next page. 60 Refer Rittenbergs book "The Man Who Stayed Behind". Page 618 of 1018 The cities modernisers were not always Europeans or Americans of the standard colonial mould. Since Shanghai's modern beginning it was also the home of a small but extraordinary group of Jews, many from Iraq, Spain, Portugal, and India. Controllers of property, entertainment, and financial interests, the Hardoun, Kadoorie, and Sassoon families helped create the new world of Shanghai that was neither Occident nor Orient. Ted C. Fishman 2006 "China Inc" p.20 Pocket Books Here are some newspaper articles on this very topical subject: Emails between MPs and big miners stolen NICK BUTTERLY and ANDREW PROBYN Canberra WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER 15 th April 2011 Foreign computer hackers who broke into Federal parliamentary email accounts targeted sensitive correspondence between senior ministers and Australian resources companies operating in China. Senior Government members have been warned by Australian security services to change their email passwords and strengthen IT security arrangements after a series of breaches of the parliamentary network. The top secret Defence Science Technology Organization is conducting a review of the breaches and is looking at building better firewalls 61 to prevent more penetration of the parliamentary system. The West Australian understands that spy agency ASIO is concerned about the theft of emails between Gillard Government ministers and a small number of major Australian resource companies doing business with Beijing. China is keen to glean information about the pricing and production plans of Australian mining companies in relation to iron ore, nickel and coal. BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Andrew Forrest's Fortescue Metals group are among the Australian resources companies with significant business dealings with China. Australia and its western allies are increasingly concerned that the high-tech snooping appears to be State-sponsored. The hacking has reached all the way to the Prime Minister's office - a potential embarrassment for Julia Gillard ahead of her first official trip to China as PM in a fortnight. Resources companies contacted yesterday would not say whether they had been tipped off by the Government about the breach. It is understood that companies continually review their security protocls with a view to stopping the theft of highly sensitive commercial data. Earlier this year, A US diplomatic cable made public through Wiki leaks showed BHP Billiton chief Marius Kloppers was becoming alarmed about Chinese surveillance of his companies activities. The cables also suggested BHP Billiton was willing to trade information with the US Government about China and that Mr Kloppers was equally concerned that rival mining companies were spying on him. Last year it was revealed WA would play a key role in the emerging cold war in space, with a joint Australian-US satellite monitoring facility to be built at Exmouth. As well as plotting space junk, the system will keep an eye on satellites, many of them Chinese. 61 Not if it's a RAD Group (Israeli Company) based firewall © Page 619 of 1018 Now, if China is a threat, what about Israel who's entire I.T industry - which is world wide - is made up of Military Intelligence Officers trained and groomed under Operation Talpiot ? Is there any truth that CBH (Co-Operative Bulk Handling) had aspects of its activities exposed because an employee had purchased RAD Group modems from Israel? A company run by ex-Israeli Military Intelligence officers? Remember the AWB (Australian Wheat Board) scandal that broke (late 2003) just after, I was told, the modems were purchased from Israel? CBH and AWB are sister companies - totally entwined. What about the fact that the largest Intel chip fabrication factory outside of the United States is in Israel? What about the Israeli company 'Verint' being accused of having hardware "back-doors" installed on their data intercept equipment provided to the American DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency)? More on industrial spying: KEEPING SECRETS Big players coy on the extent of industrial spying Peter Kerr WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER June 14 th 2012 For $89.95 (including GST), millions, if not billions, of commercial secrets can be yours. Owner of Nella Global security firm Amanda Nella says that once the matchbox-sized listening device is activated with a sim card, it can be called from a mobile phone anywhere in the world. The caller can then listen to conversations within 14 meters, for up to four hours - longer if it can be plugged into a computer. Long enough, though, to listen into a board meeting or takeover strategy session. In the past week the buzz around Perth business circles has been that a WA mining company swept its offices recently and found a bug - not dissimilar in size to the $89.95 version. Even more so given the finger is often pointed at Australia's major trading partner China when espionage is raised, despite experts suggesting that more spying is done by Australian companies on local rivals in trying to gain a commercial edge. Last year, in his final public appearance as Woodside chief executive, Don Voelte belled the cat and said that the major resource firms were under constant cyber-attack - and not just from China. "It comes from eastern Europe, it comes from Russia. Just don't pick on the Chinese, its everywhere," he said. Given Australia's surging economic ties with China, and the billion sat stake, others are not surprised that the Middle Kingdoms name is regularly raised. Some analysts suggest that China's internal security and surveillance budget is greater than its military one. Rory Medcalf, director of the International Security program at the Lowy Institute, says he has heard such "facts" bandied around but counters that it is impossible to know. Page 620 of 1018 One executive who did not want to go on the record, but is close to the major miners, says that most companies take steps to counteract surveillance when visiting China, even down to not taking mobile phones to meetings. However he says that planting bugs in Australian offices seems a stretch. "Why would they need to bug it?" he said. "There are ways of hacking into your phones and using them as listening devices. "The worlds moved on from bugs." Of special note, this quote: • "Rory Medcalf, director of the International Security program at the Lowy Institute, says he has heard such facts' bandied around but counters that it is impossible to know." The 'Lowy Institute' is a Think Tank based in Sydney, founded and funded by ex-Israeli Special Forces soldier Frank Lowy - originally from Hungary. Mr Lowy is now one of Australia's richest men - another 'Jew made good' from nothing but the sweat of his brow or some say funded by subversive Jewish forces. He's also been implicated in corruption with former Israeli prime Minister Ehud Olmert. I'd be careful taking anything they say on board, they are simply a mouth piece for Israel. Yes, Frank Lowy is a 'sayanim' - see page 15 of this letter. But Israel and China are not the only ones who want your data - the following long news article is extremely important: Your life, their data Louise Burke Social Media Editor WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER June 2 nd 2012 A review of security laws in Australia will look at giving spies more access to our online activities Australians are increasingly wired to the digital world, but how often do we stop to consider the trail we leave? Every message sent, every email, Facebook post, or internet search creates another bit of information pinpointing where we are, what we are doing and who we are talking to. Phone, computer, TV applications for shopping, eating, navigation, reading, watching and even dating add further detail to this rendering of our personal lives. Every detail of this digital existence could soon be stored under a raft of security measures designed to boost the snooping power of Government agencies in the modern age. The Australian Government has joined a global scramble for access to the expanding web of personal data created by our dependence on messaging, emails and social media. In order to "stay one step ahead of terrorists and organised criminals", Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has called for an enquiry into reforms of security legislation to boost ASIO's power to intercept telecommunications and potentially force internet and phone companies to retain data on their users for up to two years. Page 621 of 1018 The draft terms of reference are still being refined - and lack any detail of what could be stored - but it is understood details of email and text message communications and visits to web sites and social media accounts could all be on the table. Greens Senator Scott Ludlam said if the proposal was to force Australia Post to open all mail, photocopy it and keep the records for two years, there would be an outcry. "People would wonder whether it was satire, but that is effectively what they are proposing for all online traffic henceforth," he said. "Everything must be stored so that we and God-knows who else can mine it and find out where you were. It is totally unnecessary and overkill." The moves come as Governments around the world are struggling to redefine what is public and what is private when myriad forms of new personal data are becoming easier to access. Britain is taking a similar approach to Australia, with the Queen using her speech for the opening of Parliament last month to outline what has been dubbed by rights groups as the "snoopers charter" - a Bill which would increase internet spying by police and intelligence agencies, including a plan for internet and mobile companies to store data for 12 months. "My Government intends to bring forward measures to maintain the ability of the law enforcement and intelligence agencies to access vital communications data under strict safeguards to protect the public, subject to scrutiny of draft clauses," the Queen said on the Government's behalf. The proposals will be a hard sell for the Government of a population still traumatised by the News ofthe World phone-hacking scandal, a reminder of how fragile privacy has become. Civil liberties groups argue it is not a matter of maintaining access to information, but dramatically increasing the amount of data the British Government can access. Opponents are also concerned access to the information could be granted to other authorities and public bodies for the purposes not related to fighting terrorism or crime. In Europe, Germany has taken a stance against data retention, refusing to introduce European Union laws obliging phone and internet companies to store records for at least six months. A 2006 directive ordered the 27 European Union member states to introduce the law but Germany's top court rejected the "particularly deep intrusion into telecommunications privacy". In Australia, it is not the first time such measures have been considered. In 2010, then attorney-general Robert McClelland's department held secretive meetings with internet service providers about potential plans for a data retention scheme, which never made it into law. The latest attempt has been bolstered by meetings between Ms Roxon and US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and an agreement with the US to expand information sharing for law enforcement agencies. "As terrorist groups form globally, Australia cannot go it alone," Ms Roxon wrote in a recent opinion piece for the Australian. The Attorney-General said a recent "ambitious" terrorist plot thwarted by the CIA proved the need for vigilance. It was a curious example given the "underwear bomber" in question appears to have been an agent working for the intelligence services. She said to date 38 people had been prosecuted as a result of counterterrorism operations in Australia. Though technology created opportunity for the community and the economy, Ms Roxon said, it also created opportunity for criminal gangs, "not to mention transnational fraud, child porn syndicates and more". Page 622 of 1018 If the use of telephone intercepts is any indication, criminal gangs and serious drug offenses use a far greater portion of Australia's telecommunication surveillance resources than terrorism. The 2010-11 Telecommunications Interception and Access Act annual report breaks down categories of serious offences specified in the telecommunications interception warrants issued to law enforcement agencies Australia-wide. In that year, the agencies received 1222 warrants to combat serious drug offences; 491 to investigate murder cases; 175 to investigate money laundering; 104 to combat terrorism and three to combat child pornography. Half of the 2034 convictions by the agencies in which lawfully intercepted information was given in evidence were related to drugs. Just eight related to terrorism. But terrorism, in Ms Roxon's words, "provokes an emotive reaction by the Australian media and public". Perhaps it is easier to convince the public to give up more of their privacy for the sake of catching terrorists than for the sake of catching drug dealers, murderers and fraudsters? Senator Ludlam said terrorism, bikies and online sexual predators were the three hot button issues "which are difficult to get around in public debate". He said he had no qualms with using court-ordered warrants to tract suspects for these serious offences, but treating every person as a suspect terrorist was "revolting". "We are back to this really rather creepy idea, that starts from the premise that we are all suspects, we are all criminals and at any time we may want to retroactively find out where you were at any given moment when you send a Tweet or a text message," he said. "I find that premise really offensive." The Attorney-General's department is at pains to point out that the Government has made no decisions about the proposals and any reforms will first be considered by the joint committee on intelligence and security through public hearings. "Reports that our national security counterparts in the US have thwarted a plot to detonate a sophisticated bomb on a US bound aeroplane are a timely reminder of the need to ensure our national security capability evolves to meet emerging threats," the department said. "Unlike the Howard Government, the Gillard Government wants to give the public a say in the development of any new laws, which is why the Attorney has asked the committee to conduct public hearings." The commitment to give the public a say in the development of the new laws is a step forward from the Labor Governments secretive meetings with internet service providers in 2010. Those meetings were revealed only through a heavily redacted response to a Freedom of Information request by Fairfax media. Discussions of the changes to laws will have to take into account a wide range of new and evolving uses of technology, particularly GPS-enabled smartphones now in the hands of most Australians. In the US, recent debate about privacy and law enforcement has focussed on the detailed map of a person's activities that can be gleaned from digital GPS data. In a report to US Congress, legislative attorney Richard Thompson said courts were tasked with determining the balance between Governments law enforcement needs and people's privacy, but "when new technology is involved, achieving this balance is not an easy undertaking". He was referring to recent debate sparked by the case of US v Jones, which saw the conviction of alleged drug dealer Antoine Jones over turned after police were found to have breached his Fourth Amendment rights to privacy. The Page 623 of 1018 prosecution relied on GPS records of Mr Jones's movements over a month to link him to a drug ring by proving he had frequented a known stash house. Though the conviction was overturned on the basis police made a physical intrusion into a protected area to attach the GPS device, the justices also considered the ramifications of using GPS data collected over a length of time. The police had built a profile of Mr Jones' movements using GPS data of his public activity - not a privacy breach in itself - but the collation of that data created a picture no member of the public could reasonably piece together by normal observation. "Police cannot infer much about a person from one trip to the liquor store," Mr Thompson wrote in his report. "However, a daily trip to the same liquor store would provide greater insight into the persons habits." He said technology became intertwined with jobs, social life and "our most private interactions with each other" and this would create friction among many competing interests. "The first is a clash between two contrasting values - the desire for privacy and the longing to be connected through the newest and most advanced technology. "To a certain extent, as one advances, the other must necessarily contract." Let me just draw out the main points of this very interesting and some would say disturbing news article: • In order to "stay one step ahead of terrorists and organised criminals", Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has called for an enquiry into reforms of security legislation to boost ASIO's power to intercept telecommunications and potentially force internet and phone companies to retain data on their users for up to two years. • Greens Senator Scott Ludlam said if the proposal was to force Australia Post to open all mail, photocopy it and keep the records for two years, there would be an outcry. • "Everything must be stored so that we and God-knows who else can mine it and find out where you were. It is totally unnecessary and overkill." • Opponents are also concerned access to the information could be granted to other authorities and public bodies for the purposes not related to fighting terrorism or crime. In Europe, Germany has taken a stance against data retention, refusing to introduce European Union laws obliging phone and internet companies to store records for at least six months. • It was a curious example given the "underwear bomber" in question appears to have been an agent working for the intelligence services. • Half of the 2034 convictions by the agencies in which lawfully intercepted information was given in evidence were related to drugs. Just eight related to terrorism. • Perhaps it is easier to convince the public to give up more of their privacy for the sake of catching terrorists than for the sake of catching drug dealers, murderers and fraudsters? • "We are back to this really rather creepy idea, that starts from the premise that we are all suspects, we are all criminals and at any time we may want to retroactively find out where you were at any given moment when you send a Tweet or a text message," he said. "I find that premise really offensive." • Discussions of the changes to laws will have to take into account a wide range of new and evolving uses of technology, particularly GPS-enabled smartphones now in the hands of most Australians. • The police had built a profile of Mr Jones' movements using GPS data of his public activity - not a privacy breach in itself - but the collation of that data created a picture no member of the public could reasonably piece together by normal observation. Page 624 of 1018 Spies to hack our PCs EXCLUSIVE Natasha Bita National Social Editor SUNDAY TIMES - WA 13 ,h January 2013 ASIO wants to hack into Australians' personal computers and commandeer their smart phones to transmit viruses to terrorists. The Attorney-General's Department is pushing for new powers to enable the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to sabotage the computers of suspected terrorists. Privacy groups have attacked the plan as "extraordinarily broad and intrusive". A spokesman for the Attorney-General's Department said it was proposing ASIO be authorised to "use a third party computer for the specific purpose of gaining access to a target computer:. "The purpose of this power is to allow ASIO to access the computer of suspected terrorists and other security interests/' he told The Sunday Times. "(It would be used) in extremely limited circumstances and only when explicitly approved by the Attorney-General through a warrant. Importantly, the warrant would not authorise ASIO to obtain intelligence material from the third party computer." The Attorney-General's Department refused to explain how third-party computers would be used, "as this may divulge operationally sensitive information and methods used by ASIO in sensitive National Security investigations". But cyber specialist Andrew Pam, a board member of the Electronic Frontiers lobby group, predicted ASIO could copy the tactics of criminal hackers to control target computers. Australians' personal computers might be used to send a malicious email with a virus attached, or to load "malware" on to a website frequently visited by the target. "This stuff goes on already in the commercial and criminal world," Mr Pam said. "Once you get control of a computer and connect to their network you can do whatever you want." The departmental spokesman said the Government had made no decisions about whether to grant ASIO the new power, and would consider advice from the federal Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, which was reviewing National Security legislation. Victoria's acting Privacy Commissioner, Anthony Bendall, has told the committee the proposed new powers are "characteristic of a police state". "To access a third parties computer, which has no connection with the target, is extraordinarily broad and intrusive," his submission said. But the Attorney-General's Department insists ASIO will not examine the content of third-party computers. "The use of the third-party computer is essentially like using third-party premises to gain access to the premises to be searched, where direct access is not possible," it has said in response to questions from the committee. "it involves no power to search or conduct surveillance on the third-party." The department said that technological advances had made it "increasingly difficult" for ASIO to execute search warrants directly on target computers, "particularly where a person of interest is security-conscious". Australian Council for Civil Liberties president Terry O'Gorman said ASIO should have to seek a warrant from an independent judge, rather than a politician. Page 625 of 1018 He warned that ASIO might be able to spy on individuals - including journalists, protecting a whistleblower - by tapping into their computers. "I'm concerned they will access all sorts of information on a computer that has nothing to do with terrorism," he said. • He warned that ASIO might be able to spy on individuals - including journalists, protecting a whistleblower - by tapping into their computers. Please keep in mind the above points and in fact all the articles I have quoted from as you read about Israel and its domination of certain I.T industries. Especially keep in mind what Greens Senator Scott Ludlam stated in the news article: "Everything must be stored so that we and God-knows who else can mine it and find out where you were." I experienced a great degree of hacking of my computer that could have only come from a security/intelligence agency. For instance, my new 'HTC Desire' smart phone reset itself to factory settings overnight just after I had sent a message from it to a friend stating that the "phones were great but easily hacked by a security agency". Also, my little 7inch Netbook was hacked via the wireless card with no external internet link. I have film of the event. ONLY a high end security/intelligence agency could have switched on a Netbook wireless card and accessed the computer through it, despite it being turned off in BIOS and in software. I am very security conscious, extremely so. • The department said that technological advances had made it "increasingly difficult" for ASIO to execute search warrants directly on target computers, "particularly where a person of interest is security-conscious". I am not sure of the significance of this last article: Wanted: a spymaster to replace Gyngell Canberra THE WEST AUSTRALIAN January 26 th 2013 Situation vacant: National spymaster. Australia's peak foreign intelligence agency, the Office of National Assessments, is on the hunt for a new boss. ONA has taken a newspaper advertisement calling for applications for director- general. Allan Gyngell, who has headed the agency since mid-2009, has declined to comment on his reasons for leaving. The job is one of the most senior and demanding in the Australian intelligence world. ONA reports directly to the Prime Minister, providing expert assessments and analysis of international political, strategic and economic events and what they mean for Australia. It also co-ordinates the nation's foreign intelligence efforts. The advert calls for someone with an impressive strategic mind and the ability to quickly grasp complex issues and present practical and responsive advice to the Government. A collegial personal style, an ability to engender trust and respect, sound judgement, intellectual rigour, tenacity and resilience are all a must. Page 626 of 1018 [iv] Sayanim - Local Jews Act as 'Helpers' For Israeli Intelligence Added to the above topic, I also write about the Israeli Mossad's use of local Jews within various communities around the world to assist the State of Israel in operations. Here is a quote from a former Mossad Officer, Mr Viktor Ostrovsky, from his book 'By Way of Deception-The making and unmaking of a Mossad Officer': Mossad Logo: "Wage War By Deception" f$ m I 'A, . v/ The next day Ran S. delivered a lecture on the Sayanim, a unique and important part of the Mossad's operation. Sayanim (assistants/helpers) must be 100% Jewish. They live abroad, and though they are not Israeli citizens, many are reached through their relatives in Israel. An Israeli with a relative in England, for example, might be asked to write a letter saying the person bearing the letter represents an organisation whose main goal is to help save Jewish people in the Diaspora. Could the British relative help in any way? There are thousands of Sayanim around the world. In London alone, there are about 2000 who are active, and another 5000 on the list. They fulfil many different roles. A car sayan, for example, running a rental agency, could help the Mossad rent a car without having to complete the usual documentation. An apartment sayan would find accommodation without raising suspicions, a bank sayan could get you money if you needed it in the middle of the night, a doctor sayan would treat a bullet wound without reporting it to the police, and so on. The idea is to have a pool of people available when needed who can provide services but will keep quiet about them out of loyalty to the cause. They are paid only costs. Often the loyalty of Sayanim is abused by Katsas 62 who take advantage of the available help for their own personal use. There is no way for the sayan to check this. One thing you know for sure is that even if the Jewish person knows it is the Mossad, he might not agree to work with you - but he won't turn you in. You have at your disposal a non-risk recruitment system that actually gives you a pool of millions of Jewish people to tap from outside your borders. It's much easier to operate with what is available on the spot, and Sayanim offer incredible practical support everywhere. But they are never put at risk - nor are they privy to classified information. Ostrovsky, Victor. "By Way of Deception-The making and unmaking of a Mossad Officer" New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990. ISBN 0-9717595-0-2 p.86-87 Mr Stanley Elliot Keyser - complainant in my case - fits the profile of a local sayanim, working for the Israeli State. He is President of the local Perth Australian Union of Jewish Students; head of the Perth chapter of Habonim Dror, a radical socialist Zionist youth group dedicated to the State of Israel; and also a regular attendee at the most notorious fanatical fundamentalist Jewish religious sect on the planet: Chabad Lubavitch. Also, with regards 'Sayanim' - Leon Wende. He is an Australian Jew who travels to Israel frequently with family (Orthodox Jews) who live there. He continues to work with the Israeli Defence Force and has high security clearances here in Australia via 'Australian Defence Industries'. How many more of these 'Sayanim' are employed in both the private and public sector? 62 Mossad Officers. Page 627 of 1018 By the way, Ostrovsky laments that if the concept of the 'Sayanim' becomes widely known: The one problem with the system is that the Mossad does not seem to care how devastating it could be to the status of the Jewish people in the diaspora if it was known. The answer you get if you ask is: "So what's the worst that could happen to those Jews? They'd all come to Israel? Great." Ostrovsky, Victor. "By Way of Deception-The making and unmaking of a Mossad Officer" p. 88 New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990. ISBN 0-9717595-0-2 This is a common theme - getting Jews to come to Israel: "I shall not be ashamed to confess that if I had the power, as I have the will, I would select a score of efficient young men - intelligent, decent, devoted to our ideal and burning with desire to help redeem Jews - and I would send them to the countries where Jews are absorbed in sinful self-satisfaction. The task of these young men would be to disguise themselves as non-Jews, and plague these Jews with anti- Semitic slogans, such as 'Bloody Jew,' 'Jews go to Palestine,' and similar 'intimacies'. I can vouch that the results in terms of considerable immigration to Israel from these countries, would be ten thousand times larger than the results brought by thousands of emissaries who have been, for decades, preaching to deaf ears." Editor 'Sharun' Editorial article in official newspaper of the governing Labour Party - "Davar", Israel - July 11, 1952 Note that recently a man on the FBI ten most wanted list was found in Israel. What is intriguing is that he was the former head of a chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in the U.S © Israel has some of the most tightly controlled borders in the world. How can this be? Why would someone espousing notions of White Aryan Supremacism and a with a core hatred of Jews as the racial enemy of mankind hide out in Israel? Apparently he stated that he thought Israel would be "the last place anyone would look". The man - Micky Mayon - is a Jew: Arrested KKK man turned over to Israeli police by friend Micky Louise Mayon is on the FBI's list of 100 most wanted criminals for several federal crimes. By Dana Weiler-Polak An alleged Ku Klux Klan member arrested in Tel Aviv this week was turned over to police by an Israeli friend, it emerged on Tuesday. Micky Louise Mayon, 33, was detained in Tel Aviv's Florentin neighbourhood on Monday night by members of the newly created "Oz" task force, which was formed to replace the Immigration Police. Mayon has been on the U.S Federal Bureau of Investigation's list of 100 most wanted criminals for several federal crimes. Fie is suspected of belonging to the KKK, of burning vehicles belonging to federal U.S judges and several allegations of severe violence. During a preliminary enquiry on Monday, Mayon said he had been living with an Israeli woman he met four months ago. Fie told immigration police that he informed his friend of his past after she revealed to him that she was pregnant. His activities apparently frightened her and caused her to turn him in. Page 628 of 1018 Authorities do not know whether Mayon was romantically involved with the woman, given that he had never requested permission to stay in Israel on those grounds. Judges were to decide on Tuesday whether Mayon would be extradited to the United States. http://wwwhaaretz.com/misc/article-print-page/arrested-kkk-man-turned-over-to-israeli-police-by-freind.html Jews found and lead these organizations to maintain the appearance of a dangerous hatred of Jews - "just around the corner". Also, a man named Frank Collins led a march through an American town in the late eighties. All of the participants were dressed in full Nazi regalia. He led a local chapter of the 'American National Socialist Party'. Little old Jewish ladies were fainting. A repeat of the Holocaust™ was mentioned. The main stream news made much of it. A few months later the local Sheriff from a nearby town came forward and local news 63 noted that Mr Frank Collins real name was [CLICHE JEWISH NAME] 64 and he was a Jew from the next town. A Jewish man, James Mitchell Rosenberg, was also caught out playing agent provocateur for the ADL: A case which has been compared to the Bullock case was that of James Mitchell Rosenberg, AKA Jim Anderson. Rosenberg/Anderson was an undercover operative of the ADL who acted as an agent provocateur, posing as a racist right-wing paramilitary extremist. He appeared in this role as part of a TV documentary entitled "Armies of the Right" which premiered in 1981. Rosenberg was arrested that same year in New York for carrying an unregistered firearm in public view. In 1984, ADL fact-finding director Irwin Suall identified Rosenberg as an ADL operative in a court deposition. Jeffrey Kaplan, Helene Loow, 'The cultic milieu: oppositional subcultures in an age of globalization', ISBN 075910204X It is widely believed that the entire neo-Nazi movement in the U.S is run at the leadership level by Jews working for the ADL and FBI - 'sayanim'. It is the same in most western countries where these groups pop up from time to time or have an established presence. Jews are regularly caught painting swastika's on their college dormitory doors and smashing synagogue windows. Faking a rise in 'anti-Semitism' is a favourite method of Jewish groups in the West. 65 The concept of the Sayanim is something I stated in my video I wanted to expose - local Jews used to intimidate Palestinian activists working in Perth. 66 I stated to him in the court, while he was on the stand, that he was a 'sayanim'. This he denied. 67 My use of the term 'sayanim' was the first time to my knowledge it had been used in a mainstream public forum. By July of 2011 an article appeared in the New Zealand online press not only using this term but exposing the whole concept of the sayanim: 63 There was no correction in the MSM on this issue of his Jewishness. 64 I cannot recall his real name. 65 And then people like me are blamed for creating hatred for Jews. 66 Defence against 80B - in the public interest - Section 80G. 67 He was also a main speaker at a Friends Of Israel meeting attended by the Israeli Ambassador to Australia held 8 days before the original August 16 th 2010 start of my trial. Page 629 of 1018 Stuff.co.nz NATIONAL Identity theft may have been Israelis' goal - analyst MICHELLE COOKE Last updated 11:37 20/07/2011 New Zealand passports are "extremely valuable" and it is most likely four Israelis in Christchurch at the time of the February 22 quake were on an identity-theft mission a political risk consultant says. Israeli national Ofer Mizrahi was killed in the quake and the three friends he was with fled the country 12 hours later. Prime minister John Key has confirmed Mizrahi was carrying five passports but refused to go into further detail. Paul Buchanan, who has worked at the Pentagon and trained intelligence officers in the United States, said it was suspicious that one of the Israeli's was carrying multiple pass ports and that his friends left New Zealand so shortly after he was killed. He believed the four Israeli's were probably on a "trolling mission" searching for identities they could steal. "Because of New Zealand's international reputation the passports are extremely valuable for intelligence services, new Zealand has this reputation for independence and autonomy...people trust New Zealand," he said. "The passports could have been used for very covert activities - nothing light." He said those activities could include assassinations. Buchanan said it was unlikely they were Mossad agents because they were to young and Mossad agents would be involved in more high-level operations. "However, they may be recruits for the service and this might have been one of the tasks they needed to do, operating as sayanims, which is the Hebrew word for helper," he said. "That is likely what these people were and the question then comes - why were they specifically in Christchurch?" "It could well be in the aftermath of the first September quake that the decision was made to go into the damaged city and see if they could access public records or identity banks that would allow them to use the name of a living New Zealander who does not travel, or a dead one that could be falsified and put on to passports." The police national computer had been under scrutiny since a Security Intelligence Service officer described the suspicious activities of several groups of Israeli's during, and immediately after, the earthquake. Three Israeli's, including Mizrahi, were among the 181 people who died in the earthquake. Page 630 of 1018 Israel showed immediate interest in the quake, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calling Key four times on the day. An unaccredited Israeli search and rescue squad was later confronted by armed New Zealand police and removed from the sealed-off "red zone" of the central city. Another Israeli group, a forensic analysis team sent by the Israeli government, was welcomed in Christchurch and worked on victim identification in the morgue. When it was realised the forensic analysts could have accessed the national police computer database, an urgent security audit was ordered. Two Israeli's were arrested in 2004 for stealing the identity of an Aucklander with cerebral palsy to fraudulently obtain a passport. Tony Resnik, a former paramedic with St John Ambulance, was also believed to have been involved. He spent some time working in Israel and was a "person of interest" to police. He resigned from his job and left the country without warning in March 2004. Buchanan said Resnik had access to official records and it was likely that if the Israeli's in Christchurch were trying to obtain New Zealand passports they would also have had a relationship with someone who had access to government records. "It would have had to have been such a person known as a handler in Christchurch because the sayanims wouldn't have had the local knowledge," he said. "They had to have had a handler and I have no doubt the S.I.S will be looking for that person who will more than likely be Jewish." He said it would have only taken "minutes" for the handler to copy information on to an external hard drive. -Stuff http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/5314120/ldentitv-theft-may-have-been- Israelis-goal-analyst Another article extrapolating on the same matter appeared the next day: Stuff.co.nz NATIONAL Police database like gold to spies, says SIS expert Hager LANE NICHOLS Last updated 05:00 21/07/2011 Secret information contained on the police national computer would be like gold to foreign intelligence agencies, and highly valuable for espionage purposes, says investigative journalist and SIS expert Nicky Hager. "You've got potential names you could steal and use, you've got all their backgrounds. You've got this fantastic resource on another country," he said. "If you're an intelligence agency that would be a very high value thing to seize." Page 631 of 1018 It emerged yesterday that the Security Intelligence Service ordered a review of the national police computer system amid fears that Israeli agents had gained access to it after the Christchurch quake by loading sophisticated malware to obtain highly sensitive intelligence files. Hager, who has written extensively about covert intelligence activities, believes any breach of the system by Israeli Mossad agents was likely to have been opportunistic in the aftermath of the earthquake, rather than premeditated. "That wasn't the purpose of the mission they were here for. If you were in an intelligence service, there's many reasons you want to have a list like that, opportunistic or otherwise. It's a gem for them." However, high-level intelligence shared between New Zealand and the United States gleaned through the Blenheim spy base would not have been accessible through the police computer, he said. If Israeli spies were based in Christchurch, their original mission would probably have been passport related. New Zealand passports were highly sought-after by foreign spies as they raised low levels of suspicion at immigration checks. If the dead man had multiple passports, that suggested links to espionage, Hager said. "When there are people with multiple passports they can be high-level criminals. But coming from Israel, it sounds suspiciously like intelligence services - the strongest suspicion, I would say." Both Hager and Labour leader Phil Goff called on the prime minister to come clean about the incident rather than hiding behind claims of national security. "You can't just say this is about security because who's security are you talking about?" Hager said. "Israeli security? If you've got foreign spies in your country, it isn't a good enough reason." Police national headquarters issued a statement denying its computer system had been compromised. Defence Force chief Lieutenant General Rhys Jones revealed yesterday that SAS personnel had been deployed in the red zone immediately after the quake for humanitarian aid purposes. But he denied reports that SAS soldiers had been issued with ammunition and deployed in relation to an unaccredited Israeli search and rescue squad. -The Dominion Post http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/5317435/Police-database-like-gold-to- spies-says-sis-expert-hager [v] Prisoner X - "Sayanim" ACCUSED: But I - I'm willing to even concede the DPP, there may be operational matters the police are undertaking, and have undertaken, and they don't want big mouth O'Connell being too loud. But — Page 632 of 1018 Transcript 6/05/2010 Page 108 Perhaps no better example of a "Sayanim" has appeared lately than the case of Australian citizen Ben Zygier and death in a 'suicide-proof' jail in Israel. In mid-February 2013, Australia's premiere investigative reporting outfit 'Four Corners' exposed the story to the world. He has been named as a possible Mossad Agent but perhaps he was just a "sayanim"? He apparently disappeared from Australia in March of 2010. In April 2010 I had this to say at a court hearing just after the exposure of Australian passports being used in the assassination of a Palestinian resistance fighter: ACJDC MARTINO: Yes, is there anything else you wish to raise with me at this stage. ACCUSED: Yeah, ... One of my favourite subjects is, of course, Israeli intelligence activity in this country to do with Campbell Barracks, Sydney Rail Transit System, recent [tender] of a [300] million dollar contract with the military 68 , 600 million contract with [AMDOCS], an Israeli intelligence front company with Telstra, giving all the billing details of all Australians. With that in mind, I plan to upload material on the internet that I wanted to make clear with the DPP and yourself, and also begin a pamphlet campaign across multiple capital cities in Australia. I just want it on the record, a very clear indication from the DPP whether Israeli intelligence activity is a part of my case, the prosecution. ACJDC MARTINO: Well, Mr O'Connell, as I think I've explained to you, I can't give you legal advice. I've imposed bail conditions on you. They include not to publish directly or indirectly any material relating to this prosecution. That's all I can say on that. ACCUSED: Would you then be - DPP be able to clarify whether Israeli intelligence activity in Australia is a part of this prosecution. MR DUNCAN: Well, your Honour, I'm not going to provide advice to this man either. I mean, it's for him to decide. I might want to consider how close he's coming to raising similar issues to that which will be the subject of the trial. Transcript 10/05/2010 Page 116 Here is a report from the West Australian newspaper recently on the subject of Australian Jew Ben Zygier: Prisoner X Jerusalem WEST AUSTRALIAN NEWS PAPER 16 th February 2013 68 Unmanned aerial drones brought from Israel. Page 633 of 1018 Few facts are known about Ben Zygier. He was born in September 1976 in Melbourne and died in Israel on December 15, 2010. In between, he was active in Jewish organizations, immigrated to Israel in his early 20's, married an Israeli and had two children before returning to Australia in 2009 to pursue a Master's in Business Administration. The big mystery is why or from where Israeli agents seized him in early 2010 and isolated him in notorious Ayalon jail where not even the prison officers knew who he was or why he was there. Nor is it known how, under intense 24-hour watch in a suicide-proof cell, he hanged himself. Israeli's are wondering what Mr Zygier possibly did to end up in Israel's highest security jail. 69 On his death, an Israeli news website ran a brief about a man at Ayalon, identified only as Prisoner X, who killed himself but the item quickly came under a censorship order so strict even a mention of the order 70 was banned. The veil finally lifted on Wednesday when the media were allowed to quote an Australian Broadcasting Corporation investigation. Since then, facts have trickled out: Zygier was a spy for Israel's Mossad with multiple identities. Israeli friends called him Benji and he was friendly and liked to chat. "He was always up with everything," said a former colleague from a combat unit. "He read all the papers and had opinions about them." The man refused to give his name or service record in fear of being punished for speaking about the sensitive case. "Everyone is freaked out," he said. "I really don't know anything sensitive or special about him, but the other guys are all wondering what the hell he could have done." Another friend, who did not want to be named but was at Mr Zygier's wedding, said there were "rumours and jokes" about him being a Mossad agent because of frequent trips abroad and obsession with Middle East politics. "It was something a few people suspected or whispered about, but it wasn't serious," he said. Israel's Justice Ministry acknowledged "Prisoner X" existed for the first time on Wednesday though it did not name him. It assured Israeli's that whatever prisoner X did, due process was observed: his family was notified of the arrest immediately, he was held on a court arrest warrant and had a lawyer. "National Security prevents the release of any other details," it said. "These aspects of national security have been reviewed by the Central District Court, which decided to impose a comprehensive gag order on the case." Mr Zygier's family, including his wife, will not speak to the media. His family in Melbourne was said to be "devastated" by his death. His parents, once Jewish community organisers 71 , quit their work shortly after he died. Local papers said the family withdrew completely after the funeral and were now rarely seen. What could Mr Zygier have done to frighten his family and Israel into utmost secrecy? The Age newspaper reported on Wednesday that when Mr Zygier died, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation suspected him of using his Australian passport to spy for Israel. It said he was one of several people who raised suspicion by asking for new passports with more "Anglo" names after moving to Israel. 69 I'm wondering myself why I ended up at Western Australia's highest security jail - Casuarina. 70 Reminds me of when I had a gag order on me. When I mentioned the date of the trial I was re-arrested. 71 Yes, just like Stanley Elliot Keyser - 'Habonim Dror'. Page 634 of 1018 The newspaper said the migrants used the new passports to go to Iran, Syria and Lebanon, which do not recognise Israel or admit Israeli's or anyone with an Israeli stamp in their passport. Mossad relies on immigrants with foreign passports and one former agent said last year Mossad recruited agents from "attractive Western countries". He said some were asked to rent apartments or buy cars in foreign countries or be active spies with delicate missions. Various theories suggest Mr Zygier might have been a double agent, was caught spying or was pressed to spy for Australia. Other reports speculated that he sold secrets to Iran or another of Israel's enemies. "He did something that went to the highest level of state security and which required him being kept alive but in absolute isolation," said a senior Israeli defence official, who claimed to know details of the case but could not risk violating the gag order or being identified. McClatchy-Tribune Here are some observations I have Dr Walsh on the subject of "Prisoner X":
  • Is he even dead? Israel is known for faking all sorts of things, very well.
  • No "Jew" would ever betray Israel or a fellow Jew except under the most extraordinary pressure - particularly a dedicated Zionist like Zygier.
  • Maybe he was arrested on espionage here in Australia and somehow got bail, most likely because ASIO and the AFP would want to follow him around and see where he goes and who he talks to after being arrested. If he was a 'Katsa' (Mossad Case Officer), then he would have an elaborate plan of escape and clearly succeeded. In that case, my first point applies - is he even dead?
  • Note: "His parents, once Jewish community organisers, quit their work shortly after he died." They are 'sayanim', without doubt. Just as Stanley Elliot Keyser is a sayanim- he is/was the President of the 'Australasian Union of Jewish Students' and the hard-core Zionist youth group 'Habonim Dror'. Now perhaps the Israeli Ambassador to Australia turning up in Perth to support the 'Friends of Israel' rally is clearer?
  • This brings up my point of my first exposing Mr Leon Wende in 2005 as a possible agent of Israeli intelligence. His activities are far more suspicious than Mr Zygier's. He is former Israeli Defence force 72 , worked with high security clearances for 'Australian Defence Industries', had regular access to our special forces base here in Perth - Campbell Barracks, and is married to a very nice "Anglo" Australian woman who also has/had high security clearances working on such things as software development for the 'Jindalee Over the Horizon Radar System'.
  • I contacted Matthew Carney 73 from 'Four Corners' in December of 2010 about my case and what was happening. He said that he was interested and to contact him again when production resumed in February 2011. I was of course in jail by then. 'Four Corners' of course broke the "Prisoner X" story.
  • What about male/female "Anglo" Australian's being sought out by attractive Israeli's or Australian Jews to marry and further Israeli/Jewish interests? The cousin of former P.M of Israel (Ehud Olmert) is married to an Australian Federal Labor M.P and former Australian Defence Force and U.N officer whose name escapes. This 'Jewish tradition' of marrying to enhance Jewish power goes back to the Old testament and 'The Book of Esther' where beautiful Esther keeps her Jewish faith secret and marries King Xerxes of Persia to prevent the murder of 72 Possibly related to 'Operation Talpiot'. 73 He is my brother in laws, brother in law. Page 635 of 1018 Jews in the region. She organises the execution of 'enemies of the Jews'. This tradition is celebrated as 'Purim'. ESTHER 2:1 (Old Testament) (Tanakh) Later, when the anger of King Xerxes had subsided, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what he had decreed about her. 2 Then the Kings personal attendants proposed, "Let a search be made for beautiful young virgins for the King" ... 4 "Then let the girl who pleases the King be Queen instead of Vashti." 5 Now there was in the citadel of Susa a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, named Mordecai son of Jair ... 6 who had been carried into exile from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, among those taken captive with Jehoichin King of Judah. 7Mordecai had a cousin named Hadassah ... This lovely girl, who was also known as Esther, was lovely in form and features ... 8 When the Kings order and edict had been proclaimed, many girls were brought to the citadel of Susa and put under the care of Hegai. Esther was also taken to the Kings palace and entrusted to Hegai, who had charge of the harem. 9 The girl pleased him and won his favour. ... 10 Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so.... 17 Now the King was attracted to Estehr more than to any of the other women, and she won his favour and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her Queen instead of Vashti. ... 19 When the virgins were assembled a second time, Mordecai was sitting at the Kings gate. 20 But Esther had kept secret her family background and nationality just as Mordecai had told her to do, for she had continued to follow Mordecai's instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up. 3:5 When Haman saw that Mordecai would not kneel down or pay him honour he was enraged. 6 Yet having learned who Mordecai's people were, he scorned the idea of killing only Mordecai. Instead Haman looked for a way to destroy all Mordecai's people the Jews, throught the whole kingdom of Xerxes. “Dispatches were sent by couriers to all the Kings provinces with the order to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews - young and old, women and little children - on a single day, ... 8:3 Esther again pleaded with the King, falling at his feet and weeping. She begged him to put an end to the evil plan of Haman the Agagite, which he had devised against the Jews. 9:24 For Haman son of Hammedetha, the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had plotted against the Jews to destroy them and had cast the pur (that is, the lot) for their ruin and destruction. 25 But when the plot came to the Kings attention, he issued orders that the evil scheme Haman had devised against the Jews should come back on his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows. 26 (Therefore these days were called Purim, from the word pur). Is Ehud Olmert "Mordecai"? Page 636 of 1018 The above is an important point that deserves elaboration: Ehud Olmert urn 1 ?! “Tin* Ehud Olmert (Hebrew: tnn^iN TinN, IPA: [e'hud 'olmert] ( listen), born 30 September 1945) is an Israeli political figure, and former Prime Minister of Israel having served from 2006 to 2009. Olmert was the mayor of Jerusalem from 1993 to 2003. In 2003 he was elected to the Knesset and became a minister and Acting Prime Minister in the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. On 4 January 2006, after Sharon suffered a severe haemorrhagic stroke, Olmert began exercising the powers of the office of Prime Minister. Olmert led Kadima to a victory in the March 2006 elections (just two months after Sharon had suffered his stroke) and continued on as Acting Prime Minister. On 14 April, two weeks after the election, Sharon was declared permanently incapacitated, allowing Olmert to legally become Interim Prime Minister. Less than a month later, on 4 May, Olmert and his new, post-election government were approved by the Knesset, thus Olmert officially became Prime Minister of Israel. On 16 January 2007, a criminal investigation was initiated against Olmert. The investigation focused on suspicions that during his tenure as Finance Minister, Olmert tried to steer the tender for the sale of Bank Leumi in order to help Slovak-born Australian real estate baron Frank Lowy, a close personal associate- 1351 Israeli Police who investigated the case eventually concluded that the evidence that was collected was insufficient for indictment and no recommendations to press charges were made. 1361 [35] "PM to face criminal investigation over Bank Leumi sale affair". Haaretz. 2007-01-17. < http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/814213.html > Retrieved 2007-12-16. [36] "Zelekha: I'll step down in December". Jerusalem post. 2007-11-10. < http://www.ipost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1192380780465 >. Retrieved 2007-12-16. • The investigation focused on suspicions that during his tenure as Finance Minister, Olmert tried to steer the tender for the sale of Bank Leumi in order to help Slovak-born Australian real estate baron Frank Lowy, a close personal associate. Frank Lowy of "The Lowy Institute". I hope ASIO and the AFP have their eyes firmly fixed on him. Now, Dr Walsh, imagine if you have local Australian Jews with strong ties with Israel - who have even served in their defence force - who travel their regularly, and they are say, in charge of W.A Technology Crime? Imagine the possibilities? You can extrapolate that out into a million and one scenario's. Then you have more low-level security issues related to the likes of Stanley Elliot Keyser and these radical socialist Zionist youth groups like Fiabonim Dror. There are dozens of these groups taking special trips to Israel where local Australian Jews can be groomed and inducted into working directly or indirectly for Israeli Intelligence. Specifically, in Habonim Dror in the U.S they salute the Israeli national flag and sing the Israel national anthem. Page 637 of 1018 Note Israel's love for 'records' they can use. Perhaps the local S.S.I.G 74 could do an audit on the people working at the Alexander State Library here in Perth - and law courts. Please consider all of these views and facts when considering my charges and the constant use of the term "abhorrent views" by the DPP etc. [vi] Israel's Non-Compliance With 'Peace Process' Israel has never had, and never will, comply with a "Two State Solution". It's one and only intention is to "ethnically cleanse" the Palestinian people at the earliest opportunity. 'Operation Cast Lead' was an attempt at this. The utterly murderous and ruthless application of firepower and deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure was designed to create panic amongst the population of the Gaza Strip and force Egypt to open the border. This did not happen and the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip was a failure. There is also gas off the coast of Gaza, something not mentioned in the mainstream press. Just how open is Israel about its true intentions: The Zionist movement recognised from the very beginning, back in the early part of the last century, that they were facing a hostile population. There were some illusions about it being a "land without a people", but those quickly dissipated. The general principal that was followed was called "dunam after dunam", goat after goat. This meant don't let the Goyim
  • the non-Jews - know what we're doing but just take a little bit more, establish a fact, get another dunam of land, and gradually we'll just take it. That's been the deeply rooted principal all along. It's just a conception of how one proceeds: Let them talk, meanwhile we'll take. Ben-Gurion is reported to have said, "It doesn't matter what the Goyim think, it matters what the Jews do." 75 And we shouldn't delude ourselves into thinking there's much of a division on this. In the Peres government in 1995-96 for example, which was supposed to be the doves, the housing minister, Benyamin "Faud" Ben-Eliezer, who has been in subsequent governments says, "Faud does everything quietly." "My goal is to build and not encourage opposition to my efforts." Fie builds quietly so the Goyim don't hear it, or at least pretend they don't hear it, because of course they, the United States, know it, since in fact they're funding it. In 1992, there was a series of proposals - the Sharon plan, a Labor proposal, a couple of others - but they were basically the same: just various modifications of the Allon plan, which is: We take it step by step. Moshe Dyan ... was in charge of the occupation under the Labor government from 1967 to 1974. And his opinion was very explicit in describing the same policy: "We'll take little bits at a time; Israel was going to be the "permanent government" in the Occupied Territories. We'll take it piece by piece, quietly.; we will tell the Palestinians, "We have no solution, you shall continue to live like dogs, and whoever wishes may leave, and we will see where this process leads." Noam Chomsky & Gilbert Achar - "Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S Foreign Policy". p.180 • This meant don't let the Goyim - the non-Jews - know what we're doing but just take a little bit more, establish a fact, get another dunam of land, and gradually we'll just take it. • Let them talk, meanwhile we'll take. Ben-Gurion is reported to have said, "It doesn't matter what the Goyim think, it matters what the Jews do." 74 State Security Investigation Group. 75 Note the ‘tone’ - the same as Sharon: "I want to tell you something veiy clear. Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people control America and the Americans blow it. Kol Yisrael RadioOctober 3 rd 2001 Page 638 of 1018 This is okay. Like with everything that Jewish power seeks to do - it follows its religious texts: DEUTERONOMY 11:23 Then the LORD will drive out all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you. 24 Every place where you set your foot will be yours: Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the Euphrates River to the Western sea. No man will be able to stand against you. The LORD your God, as he promised you, will put the terror and fear of you on the whole land, where ever you go. It is openly talked about amongst Jews and within Israel that the Palestinians are going to be ethnically cleansed from Palestine at the earliest opportunity. Not only that, "Greater Israel" is the final goal from the 'east bank of the Nile to the West bank of the Euphrates.' That’s all of Western Iraq. This is hardly a state secret. Jews behave this way because this is what Jews are commanded to do by their holiest of books and commandments of the Rabbis who interpret them. Israel Shamir, easily one of the most respected Israeli activists in the world stated it even more so: Shamir took me to task, "Eisen is too optimistic", he said, "Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews.the world is." Paul Eisen - "Jewish Power" http://www.rightousjews.org [vii] Racism Within Israeli Society Within Israeli society there are many divisions along 'racial' lines. As the dominant Jewish sect is European/Slavic in origin and known as 'Ashkenazi Jews' - the indigenous Palestinian Arab Jews; Jews from other Arab regions including Iran (Sephardic Jews); and Jews from North Africa (Mizrahi Haredi Judaism), are all discriminated against by this dominant blonde haired and blue eyed "Semitic" people. The notion is of course absurd but they get away with it because the average person is imbued with Yiddish/Slavic Jewish culture from the economic and cultural 'super power' the United States. This shows through in such television sitcoms as 'Seinfeld'. If the full spectrum of the Jewish faith was known to the average person - including the M.P's who voted on this legislation in 2004 - I have no doubt "Jews" would never have been included: ACHAR: How would you, Noam, assess the story of the Falasha, the Black Ethiopian Jews? Is it the expression of an Israeli desire to look more like the United States? CHOMSKY: Israel didn't want the Falasha in the worst way, and for a long time they just refused to allow them in. But there were some Jewish groups in the United States that were both Zionist and civil libertarian, and they started a big campaign, with a lot of publicity on the issue. And Israel really began to look bad. When people didn't know about it, people didn't care, but when it got to be known that Israel was blocking black Jews - this was after the civil rights movement - this was to ugly for them, so Israel had no choice but to take them in. But most of them are in development towns. ACHAR: Right. And that was used in turn as a propaganda tool: We resemble the United States so much - we are twin societies. CHOMSKY: Yes, but after they had their arms twisted. What they wanted was the Russians. Page 639 of 1018 Ethiopian Israeli soldier in Nablus, in 2006 Noam Chomsky & Gilbert Achar - "Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S Foreign Policy". p.183-184 Bar-Yuda's long association with the Ethiopian Jewish community began in 1958. The Jewish Agency asked him to go to Ethiopia to look for Jews and to reach remote villages. His report, together with a 16th Century ruling by Rabbi David B. Zimra, known as the Radbaz, was the basis for chief Sephardic rabbi Ovadia Yosef's determination in 1973 that the Jews of Ethiopia were to be considered Jews according to halakha (Jewish religious law) 76 . Beta Israel protest in Israel Ayanawu Farada Sanbetu, "Museum on history of Ethiopian Jewry to be built in Rehovot," 19:26 18/07/2005, HAARETZ.com http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.ihtml?itemNo=599229 In this next extract from "Perilous Power", Noam Chomsky comments on how bad the racism is within the Jewish Faith: There's another problem we should consider if we're discussing the situation within Israel, and that's the problem of the Mizrahim, the "Oriental jews". The majority of the population in Israel is from the Arab world, and they're very harshly oppressed. Recently, when Amir Peretz, a Jew who was born in Morocco was appointed the head of the Israeli Labor Party there was a bitter attack on him by Shimon Peres's younger brother, warning of "Levantinization": The Labor Party is being taken over by Arabs, just as general Francisco Franco attacked the Spanish Republic with Moroccan's, a "fifth column" who "shot [the Spanish republic] in the back." That's a sign of the racism that exists against Jews who are not of Ashkenazi (European) background, though a few have made it into elite sectors. In many ways they're more repressed than the Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel - literally. Some of the Mizrahim who came to Israel were relatively well off such as the iraqi Jews. But the Moroccans and others were poor people. After 1948, some Moroccans went to France and some went to Israel. The ones who went to France are today doctors, lawyers, college educated. The ones who went to Israel are manual labourers, or unemployed. One day there was an altercation between some teenagers, and I later asked the kibbutz person in charge what had happened. She told me that the kibbutz kids had thought that those with whom they had been fighting were Moroccan Jews; but she explained to them that the other teenagers were visiting Arabs invited as part of our outreach program to the Arab community, and therefore they'd have to be nice to them. That really expresses the attitude: The Moroccan Jews were considered worse than Arabs. It was striking. Noam Chomsky & Gilbert Achar - "Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S Foreign Policy". p.161-163 [viii] Zionists Control United States Foreign and Domestic Policy But it is not only low-level access to databases, or access to more sensitive private/government/military information or systems - perfectly respectable, well known mainstream members of society have voiced their concerns about Zionist influence the world over that link in 76 Note that it is "religious law" that determines who a Jew is but they are still an ethnicity? Page 640 of 1018 directly with National Security concerns. Such as highly respected White House Journalist Helen Thomas stated on her retirement in 2010, after 50 years in mainstream journalism: Thomas, a former White House journalist, said Israel can never be criticised in the U.S because Zionists are in control of the American foreign policy as well as its main institutions. "I can call a President of the US anything in the book, but I can't touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank," Thomas said. The 90-year-old national columnist says the White House, Congress, Wall Street and Hollywood are all owned by the Zionists. "Congress, the White House, Hollywood, and Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion," she said. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/153755.html It's worth mentioning more about Helen Thomas: Helen Thomas (born August 4, 1920) is an American author and former news service reporter, member of the White House Press Corps and columnist. She worked for the United Press International (UPI) for 57 years, first as a correspondent, and later as White House bureau chief. She was an opinion columnist for Hearst Newspapers from 2000 to 2010, writing on national affairs and the White House. Thomas, one of the most notable Arab-Americans of her time, covered every President of the United States from the last years of the Eisenhower administration until the second year of the Obama administration . She was the first female officer of the National Press Club, the first female member and president of the White House Correspondents 1 Association, and the first female member of the Gridiron Club. She has written five books; her latest, with co-author Craig Crawford, is Listen Up, Mr. President: Everything You Always Wanted Your President to Know and Do (2009). During President George W. Bush's first term, Thomas reacted to then-Press Secretary Ari Fleisher's statements about arms shipments to the terrorists by asking: "Where do the Israelis get their arms?" He responded "There's a difference Helen, and that is — "What is the difference?", she asked. He responded: "The targeting of innocents through the use of terror, which is a common enemy for Yasir Arafat and for the people of Israel, as well as —She interrupted him, saying: "Palestinian people are fighting for their land." He responded: "I think that the killing of innocents is a category entirely different. Justifying killing of innocents for land is an argument in support of terrorism." Ari Fleisher (March 1, 2005). "Taking Heat: The President, The Press And My Years In The White House" . Harper Collins. http://books. google. com/books?id=ZZV7BY- sFblC&dq=israel+%22Helen+Thomas%22&source=gbs navlinks s Page 641 of 1018 Retrieved June 16, 2010 Thomas retired abruptly on June 7, 2010, following negative reaction to comments she had made about Israel, Jews, and Palestine during a brief interview with Rabbi David Nesenoff of RabbiLive.com. Nesenoff was on the White House grounds for an American Jewish Heritage Celebration Day, and he questioned Thomas as she was leaving the White House via the North Lawn driveway: Nesenoff: Any comments on Israel? We're asking everybody today, any comments on Israel? Thomas: Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine. Nesenoff: Oooh. Any better comments on Israel? Thomas: Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land. It's not German, it's not Poland ... Nesenoff: So where should they go, what should they do? Thomas: They go home. Nesenoff: Where's the home? Thomas: Poland. Germany. Nesenoff: So you're saying the Jews go back to Poland and Germany? Thomas: And America and everywhere else. Why push people out of there who have lived there for centuries? See? — May 27, 2010, RabbiLive.com Rabbi David Nesenoff; Helen Thomas, (posted June 7, 2010, recorded May 27, 2010). Helen Thomas, Complete Version, (2 minutes) , [video]. Washington D.C. http://www.rabbilive.com/RabbiLIVE/Helen.html Retrieved June 17, 2010 The fact that 'Jews' wield so much power in the United States - but you can't talk about it - has become the butt of jokes. Here, Joel Stein, opinion piece writer for the Los Angeles Times with some refreshing honesty: Who runs Hollywood? C'mon December 19, 20081 JOEL STEIN How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full page add in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Writers Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his Great Uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega- Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would not only have the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah. 77 Cos Anaclcs dimes -il> biu-Ui»>r 200 avuiult can's I'll irtilMi iv ir» ir 77 Jewish religious ceremonial bath. Page 642 of 1018 The person they were yelling at in that add was SAG President Alan Rosenberg (take a guess). The scathing rebuttal to the add was written by entertainment super-agent Ari Emmanuel (Jew with Israeli parents) on the Huffington Post, which is owned by Arianna Huffington (not Jewish and has never worked in Hollywood.) The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish. As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. Without us, you'd be flipping between "The 700 Club" and "Davey and Goliath" on TV all day. I appreciate Foxman's concerns. And maybe my life spent in a New Jersey-New York/Bay Area-L.A pro-Semitic cacoon has left me naive. But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-steinl9- 2008decl9,0,4676183. column • ",But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood', Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them." Two American university academics even wrote a book called 'The Israel Lobby And U.S Foreign Policy'. John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt describe the lobby as, "a loose coalition of individuals and organizations who actively work to steer U.S foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction." The book, "focusses primarily on the lobby's influence on U.S foreign policy and it's negative effect on American interests." It got a lot of attention. I might add, out of the thousands of lobby groups in the United States, only the Israeli Lobby is called, 'The Lobby'. And finally, on this point, a comment made by then Prime minister of Israel Aerial Sharon to Shimon Perez regarding Israel's control of the United States. The context of the conversation was with regards Perez telling Sharon that if he continued to push illegal settlements then Israel would lose support from the United States: "I want to tell you something very clear. Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people control America and the Americans know it." Kol Yisrael Radio October 3 rd 2001 Reported in highly respected 'The Washington Report', November 2001 President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon, White House, 2004 Page 114 under section titled "American Educational trust - Publishers Page" Jewish supremacist arrogance seems to know no bounds: • "I want to tell you something very clear. Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people control America and the Americans know it." Page 643 of 1018 Dr Walsh, you've seen their previous statements. The above is in keeping with them. Then 10-year Marine veteran and former head of studies of the 'U.S Army War College', Dr Alan Sabrosky, had this to say regarding Israel and its involvement with the 9-11 terrorist attacks: "What Americans need to understand is they [Israel] did it. They did it. And if they do understand that, Israel is going to flat ass disappear, Israel will flat ass disappear from this earth." "If Americans ever know, ever know, that Israel did this, they're going to scrub them off the earth and they're not going to give a rats ass what the cost is." "And my dream is that we take the U.S 5 th and 6 th Fleet and take Israel and cream it." Dr Alan Sabrosky: Interviewed by Mr Mark Glenn 78 March 2010 - Internet Radio http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com All this - from the former director of studies of the U.S Army War College. "Abhorrent views"? If Dr Alan Sabrosky came to Western Australia to lecture would he be deported immediately on arrival at the airport? If he lectured within WA and made these statements about Israel plotting and carrying out the 9-11 attacks on America to blame on Muslim terrorists-would he be charged under the racial vilification act? I was re-arrested for publishing his statements in a video while awaiting trial after I was given permission by DCJ Sleight to make comments online not related to my case. The DPP indicated that Israel was a "Jewish State" and therefore I was violating - potentially - the racial vilification act...again. Please consider all of these views and facts when considering my charges and the constant use of the term "abhorrent views" by the DPP etc. [ix] Jewish Founding of the Soviet State and Use Of 'Sayanims' In Past It was common knowledge at the time of the Russian Revolution that founded the Communist Soviet state, that 'Jews' were instrumental in both funding and carrying out its goals and aims. Note these extracts from U.S State Department documents from 1918: "Jews predominate in local Soviet government, anti-Jewish feeling growing among local population which tends to regard oncoming Germans as deliverers." State Department Document 861.00/1757 Sent on 2 May, 1918 From Moscow - U.S Consul General Summers - to U.S State Department "50% of Soviet government in each town consists of Jews of the worst type, many of whom are anarchists. It would be a grave mistake on our part to officially recognize Bolshevik who scarcely represent (blank) per cent of Russian population." State Department Document 861.00/2205 Sent on 5 July, 1918 From Vladivostok - U.S Consul Caldwell - to U.S State Department 78 Mr Glenn is regularly interviewed by Press TV. Page 644 of 1018 "It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type..." War Department Document 5200.9 Sent on 1 March, 1919 From Omsk - Captain Montgomery Schuyler, Intelligence Section - to U.S War Department Also refer to the book 'Controversy of Zion' by the former long-time editor of the London Times newspaper - Sir Douglas Reid. He details through first-hand knowledge the intricacies of the Communist revolution and details the names of major and minor players. He talks openly of the 'Jewish Conspiracy' which would of course find him in jail these days according to the Western Australian criminal code if the book was published and sold today. Or perhaps he would simply die in one of those unfortunate 'fine weather' aircraft accidents that happen to people too well connected to deal with in any other way. The book was published in the early 1960's, after his death. The book is openly regarded online as a favourite of neo-Nazi's and anti-Semites. That a book written by one of the most prestigious and respected newspaper editors of last century (who was also Knighted), could be regarded simply as a piece of hate literature, shows the level of discourse on this subject. Further on the subject of the Jewish nature of the Communist revolution 79 are comments in the English newspaper the 'Illustrated Sunday Herald' published on February 8 th 1920 by none other than Sir Winston Churchill himself. Here are some extracts: ZIONISM versus BOLSHEVISM A STRUGGLE FOR THE SOUL OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE. By the Rt Hon. WINSTON S. CHURCHILL 8 th February 1920 And it may well be that this same astounding race may at the present time be in the actual process of producing another system of morals and philosophy, as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent, which, if not arrested, would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible. In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishauptto those of Karl Marx and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kuhn (Hungary) 80 , Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world wide conspiracy for the over throw of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the 79 Which killed directly 40 million people (at least) over 70 years. 80 Responsible directly for the execution of 40,000 Hungarians in 1919. Page 645 of 1018 underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews, it is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Director of the Red Citadel (Petrograd) or of Krassin or Radek
  • all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal part in the system of terrorism applied by the 'Extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution' has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kuhn ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing. Again, if published today, Mr Churchill might find himself my cellmate which would make for interesting late-night conversation - not unwelcome. When Mr Churchill wrote this piece for a major British newspaper, was his intention to vilify and increase hatred of Jews? Or was he trying to inform people of a great danger? As was I. I'm genuinely sorry if I was not polite enough when I shouted "fire" and offended people. With the above article by Winston Churchill in mind, please remember this comment by Helen Thomas, former White House correspondent for 50 years, in 2010: "Congress, the White House, Hollywood, and Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion," she said. And L.A Times opinion piece writer Joel Stein in 2010: "But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them." And former Prime minister of Israel Aerial Sharon in 2000: "I want to tell you something very clear. Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people control America and the Americans know it." I feel history is repeating itself ala the Soviet Union. Sever Plocker (Jewish), an opinion piece writer for the mainstream online 'Y-Net News Opinion', wrote that some of the greatest mass murderers of the 20 th century were Jewish: Page 646 of 1018 STALIN'S JEWS We mustn't forget that some of the greatest mass murderers of modern times were Jewish And us, the Jews? An Israeli student 81 finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish 82 murderer of the 20 th century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favourably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf." Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife 83 . In his book 'Stalin: Court of the Red Star', Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful young Jewish women. Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist", and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors 84 and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich. Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist. In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 per cent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of Soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known in modern history. http://www.ynetnews. com/articles/0,7340, L-3342999,00. htm I Jews in the United States who acted as 'Sayanims' to the Soviet Union and gave over the secrets of the atom bomb were: • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (ring leaders, executed at Sing Sing prison). • David Greenglass (scientist at Las Alamos). • Theodor Hallsberg (scientist at Los Alamos). • Harry Gold (courier for group to their Soviet handler). 81 And every other student on the planet. It’s not taught anywhere except University level and his Jewish identification is never mentioned. 82 One of the greatest mass murderers’ period. They dig up bodies in the basement of his old house to this day. He was a rapist and torturer of men and women. A sadist and psychopath - eclipsing even the worst of the behaviours of National Socialists. 83 Female Jews marrying influential non Jewish males is a tradition from Bible times where Esther marries the King of Persia. It is actively encouraged, “in the interests of the Jewish people”. Note concept of ‘Sayanim’. 84 Abe Foxman, head of the extremely powerful American based Anti-Defamation League ofB ’nai Brith (ADL) lobbied the Ukrainian government several years ago to not use the tenn ‘Holocaust’ when describing the deliberate starving to death of 7 million Ukrainians. Hence why I always put a ‘TM’ next to Holocaust™. Mr Foxman believed that the term Holocaust™ be reserved for the persecution of European Jewry so as not to confuse people. Page 647 of 1018 You will find the exact same phenomena of Jews holding important posts in the United States as they did in the Soviet Union. Note this simple history of the famous 'Silvermaster Spy Group', spying for the Soviet Union. Note the level of Government they have attained. Note that the much-maligned Senator Joe McCarthy can hardly have been blamed for screaming "Reds under the bed": • Nathan Gregory Silvermaster - Chief Planning technician, Procurement Division, United States Department of the Treasury; Chief Economist, War Assets Administration; Director of the Labour Division, Farm Security Administration; Board of Economic Warfare; Reconstruction Finance Corporation Department of Commerce. • Helen Silvermaster (wife). • Shlomo Adler 85 - United States Department of Treasury. • Norman Chandler Bursler - United States Department of Justice Anti-Trust Division. • Frank Coe 86 - Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Research, Treasury Department; Special Assistant to the United States Ambassador in London; Assistant to the Executive Director, Board of Economics Warfare; Assistant Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration. • Lauchlin Currie - Administrative Assistant to President Roosevelt; Deputy Administrator of Foreign Economic Administration; Special Representative to China. • Bela Gold - Assistant Head of Program Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture; Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Economic Programs in Foreign Economic Administration. • Sonia Steinman Gold - Division of Monetary Research U.S Treasury Department; U.S House of Representatives Select Committee on Interstate Migration; U.S Bureau of Employment Security. • Irving Kaplan - Foreign Funds Control and Division of Monetary research, United States Department of the Treasury Foreign Economic Administration; Chief Advisor to the Military Government of Germany. • George Silverman - civilian Chief Production Specialist, Material Division, Army Air Force Air Staff, War Department, Pentagon. • William Henry Taylor - Assistant Director of the Middle East Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of Treasury. • William Ullman - delegate to United Nations Charter meeting and Bretton Woods conference; Division of Monetary Research, Department of Treasury; Material and Services Division, Air Corps Headquarters, Pentagon. • Anatole Volkov. • Harry Dexter White - Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Head of the International Monetary Fund. http://www.conservapedia.com/Silvermaster espionage ring.html Just as an example, here are some more Jews advising current and former Presidents: • Paul Wolfowitz/William Kristol/lrving Kristol -all formerTrotskyite's, now 'Conservative', adviser to George. W Bush Presidency. Co-wrote 'Securing The Realm' and 'The Project For A new American Century' which took the United States into war with Iraq for the benefit of Israel. Also co-written with current ultra conservative Prime minister of Israel, Benyamin Netanyahu. • Rahm Emmanuel (duel Israeli/American citizen) and David Axelrod were both close advisers to President Barak Obama. They were both 'relieved' of their posts a year ago. Rahm Emmanuel is considered a 'nut' by many. Even reported in the local press by the West Australian newspaper as being regarded as a nut who stabs kitchen tables with a knife yelling "die, die, die" with regards his political enemies. 85 The same Shlomo Adler seen with Mao Zedong mentioned previously. 86 The same Frank Coe seen with Mao ZeDong mentioned previously. Page 648 of 1018 And finally, a simple and basic analysis of Jews who control directly the banking and financial sectors of the world, note the Bible quote that follows: • Alan Greenspan - ran the American federal reserve for over 20 years. • Ben Shalom Bernanke - took over from Alan Greenspan as the world's top banker. • Loyd Blankfien - head of one of the most powerful investment houses on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs. • Jamie Dimon - head of J.P Morgan Chase on Wall Street. • Mervin King - head of the Central Bank of England. • Sanford Weill - head of the largest and most powerful financial institution in the world, Citigroup. • Robert Rubin and Stephan Friedman - top executives at Goldman Sachs who went on to direct the National Economic Council directly advising both Presidents Bush and Obama. • James Wolfensohn - head of the World Bank. DEUTERONOMY 28:12 - Old Testament (Tanakh) 12 You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commends of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. • 12 You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. • 13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. • ...you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. To this day, Orthodox Jews make a stew out of a cows head to remind them that they are to be the "head", and not the "tail". The notion that they will "rule the nations" is a central tenant of their religion. How this escapes people is beyond me, it is right in front of peoples face and they are following it according to Scripture. Does the below quote not say it all? GENISIS 49:8 Judah, your brothers will praise you; Your hand will be on the neck of your enemies: Your fathers sons will bow down to you. 9 You are a lions cub, O Judah; You return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down. Like a lioness - who dares to rouse him? 10 The sceptre will not depart from Judah, Nor the rulers staff from between his feet, Until he comes to whom it belongs And the obedience of the nations is his. "The sceptre will not depart from Judah" and "the rulers staff" will be his (Judah - from which "Jews" is derived) and "the obedience of the nations is his". Do we need sign language as well? Maybe a puppet show to exemplify the point? Jewish activist Paul Eisen has more to say on this issue: Nonetheless, an awful lot of Jews certainly do control an awful lot of America - not the industrial muscle of America - the steel, transport, etc, nor the oil and arms industries, those traditional money-spinners. No, if Jews have influence anywhere in America, it's Page 649 of 1018 not over its muscle and sinew but over its blood and its brain 87 . It is in finance and the media that we find a great many Jews in very influential positions. Lists abound (though you have to go to some pretty unpopular websites to find them) of Jews, prominent in financial and cultural life; Jews in banks; Jews in Forbes Magazine's Richest Americans; Jews in Hollywood; Jews in TV; Jewish journalists, writers, critics, etc., etc. Paul Eisen "Jewish Power" http://www.rightousjews.org Please consider all of these views and facts when considering my charges and the constant use of the term "abhorrent views" by the DPP etc. Dr Walsh - from the clear evidence of specific Jewish involvement in conspiracies to subvert legitimate government, Jewish religious teachings that they will rule the world (with an 'iron sceptre'), clear evidence they have attained dominance of the most influential and powerful 'power points' on the planet, I see it as a perfectly legitimate and important subject "in the public interest". Especially with the more recent addition of the State of Israel - a gross human rights violator and regular breaker of international law and 'safe haven' for Jews fleeing justice in foreign countries. The reason people get angry with this subject is because anyone raising these most basic of issues - even in passing - are viciously attacked, lose their jobs and are even physically assaulted. The frustration boils over - as it did in my case - and all of a sudden you have seven members of Counter Terrorism dragging you out of your house. I have no basic problem with the success of "Jews". I have a problem that they refuse to be accountable for it, or even admit their power: And there would probably be nothing wrong with this were it not for the fact that these same people who exert so much control and influence over American life, also seem to refuse to be held accountable. It is this surreptitiousness with which Jews are perceived to have achieved their success which arouses suspicion. Jews certainly seem cagey about the influence they have. Just breath the words "Jewish power" and wait for the reaction. They claim it's because this charge has so often been used as a precursor to discrimination and violence against them, but never consider the possibility that their own reluctance to discuss the power they wield arouses suspicion and even hostility. But there is another claim, subtler and more worrying. This is that it doesn't exist; that things as Jewish interests! There are no Jewish interests in the war in Iraq, there are no Jewish interests in America; most amazing, there are no Jewish interests in even Israel and Palestine. There is no Jewish collective. Jews do not act together to advance their aims. They even say that the pro-Israeli lobby has actually not all that much to do with Jews, that the Jewishness of Israel is irrelevant and the Public Affair Committees (PACs) which lobby so hard for Israel are in fact doing no more than supporting an ally and thus looking after America's best interests even to the extent of concealing their true purpose behind names such as "American for Better Citizenship", "Citizens Organised PAC" or the "National PAC" - none of which make one reference in their titles to Israel, Zionism, or Jews. Paul Eisen "Jewish Power" 87 'The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. Page 650 of 1018 http://www.rightousjews.org I repeat that Paul Eisen is a highly respected Jewish activist who is welcomed at University lecture halls all over the world and counts the leading current day Jewish activists as his friends and colleagues - look at his terrible "abhorrent views". Please, no one tell the W.A department of public prosecutions. ALL of the above information was DIRECTLY relevant to my defence under the charge 80B - 'conduct likely to racially harass', and the defence: 80G. Defences (1) It is a defence to a charge under section 78 or 80B to prove that the accused persons conduct was engaged in reasonably and in good faith - (b) in the course of any statement, publication, discussion or debate made or held, or any other conduct engaged in, for - (ii) any purpose that is in the public interest; and (c) in making or publishing a fair and accurate report or analysis of any event or matter of public interest. How could a jury possibly ascertain whether my statements and behaviour towards Stanley Elliot Keyser were part of a discussion or debate in the public interest if I could not show the jury the essence of what I was trying to expose? However, it's clear from the wording - conduct 'likely' to racially harass in Section 80B - it is an inescapable charge. All the complainant has to do is express 'hurt feelings' and you are on the chopping block for three years jail. Please see page 44 of this letter for specific commentary on 'conduct likely to racially harass'. Under Section 77, this information is also very valid as it goes to the heart of intent. The purpose wasn't to "incite" against a racial group but inform the public of an extremely important matter in the public interest. That I got angry after being vilified in the Press and harassed and stalked, is a matter of circumstance, not intent. Let's just recall what the head of the DPP (McGrath) said at the WASCA on 13/12/2011: MCGRATH: ... count 6 we have removed from the religiosity based denunciation to a denunciation based on the Jewish community or members of it being involved with terrorist acts. At page 17 after outlining what people in the Jewish faith have done he brings it closer to home in Western Australia and makes the most - this is the gravman of this offence, "It is only a matter of time before they are going to do something here." The "they" can only read as people of the Jewish race and what they're going to do is the random acts of violence and terrorism which are particularised in the pages proceeding. Transcript 13/12/2011 Page 26 With "Prisoner X" in mind and Israel being a KNOWN "false flag" terrorist perpetrator, what is exactly is Mr McGrath trying to say? That I'm lying? That I'm wrong? We see again that the "views" are being judged. This is right through all of the cases in all jurisdictions prosecuted so far. It is the "views" that the Communist police state of W.A are concerned about. Page 651 of 1018 [x] Should All Jews Be Held Accountable? Yes. Just as I am ultimately accountable for the actions of my own Government and must speak out against decisions that go against my conscience. Just as I am accountable for the crimes of the Catholic Church hierarchy who for at least 25 years covered up child sex abuse activities within the Church. If I don't speak up -1 must be judged by my silence. Again, activist Paul Eisen sums up this angle of the debate which prosecutor Mr Antony EYERS raised with me at trial: "The Jews" The phrase is itself terrifying, because of its past association with discrimination and violence against Jews, but Jews themselves have no problem with it. The notion of a Jewish People is at the centre of Jewish Faith with Jews of all or no degrees of religious adherence over and over again affirming its existence. It is also at the heart of Zionism even in its most secular forms and is written into the foundational texts of the State of Israel. The concept even received international legal approval when the Jewish people were declared, by the West German state, to be the post war residual heirs of interstate Jews. And yet it is an absolute article of faith for everyone, including those in the solidarity movement, that while we may criticise and confront Israel and Israeli's, we may not criticise and confront the Jewish people and Jews. Unlike Israel and any other state, the Jewish People has no common policy and any attack on the Jewish people is, therefore, aimed at what they are and not at what they do. But is speaking of the Jews doing this or doing that any more or less acceptable than speaking of, say, the Americans? If the American military lays waste a third world country, it is done by order of the government (a small group) with the full support of the ruling elites (another small group), the tacit support of a substantial segment of the population (a larger group), the silent denial of probably the majority of the population (a very large group) and the opposition of a tiny minority (a small group). Is it all that different with Jews? It may be. Unlike the United States, 'the Jews' do not constitute a legally constituted body and they do not have an obvious and defined common policy. 'The Jews' do not have an officially designated leadership, nor do they inhabit one area of land, nor do they speak a common language or even share a common culture. Theoretically at least there seem to be so many differences as to render any comparison untenable. In practice this may not be the whole story. It is true that 'the Jews' do not constitute a legally recognized body, but Zionism, with its claim to represent all Jews, has increasingly confused the issue. It is also true that the Zionists do not represent all Jews but they do represent the views of very many Jews indeed, and certainly the most powerful and influential Jews. And there is no doubt that the overwhelming majority of organized Jews are fully behind the Zionist project. That 'the Jews' do not have a formerly designated leadership does not mean that they have no leadership - bodies again to which the overwhelming majority of organized owe allegiance: the Israeli Government, the World Zionist Organization; numerous large and powerful Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League and The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, The Simon Wiesenthal Centre; lesser bodies such as the Board of Deputies of British Jews and similar organizations in every country in which Jews reside. Then there is the extensive network of Jewish bodies often linked through synagogues to the whole spectrum of mainstream Jewish religious and community life. All these bodies with their vast and interconnected network do provide leadership; they do Page 652 of 1018 have clearly defined policies and they are all four-square behind Zionism and Israel in its assault on the Palestinians. Does this constitute a definable Jewish collective engaged in advancing Jewish interests? Officially, perhaps not, but, effectively, when one notes the remarkable unanimity of intent of all these bodies, the answer may well be yes. They do not of course represent all Jews nor are all individual Jews responsible for their actions, but nonetheless 'the Jews' - organized, active and effective Jews - are as responsible for the pursuit of Jewish interests in Palestine and elsewhere as 'the Americans' in Vietnam, 'the French' in Algeria, and 'the British' in India. So why should our response be different? Why should 'the Jews' not be as accountable as 'the Americans' and even ordinary Jews as accountable as ordinary Americans? Why do we not picket the offices of the Anti-Defamation League or the Conference of Presidents or the offices or even the homes of Abe Foxman, Edgar Bronfman and Mort Zuckerman in the U.S and Neville Nagler in the U.K? Why do we not heckle Alan Dershowitz in the U.S and Melanie Phillips in the U.K? What about the U.K Chief Rabbi who in his time has had lots to say about Israel and Palestine? Why do we not take the struggle to every synagogue and Jewish community centre in the world? After all, every Shabbat a prayer is said for the state of Israel in every mainstream synagogue in the land, most of which are focal points for Zionist propagandizing and fundraising, so why should these Jews who choose to combine their prayers and their politics be immune while at prayer from our legitimate protests at their politics? And for those few Jews who are really prepared to stand up and be counted for their solidarity with Palestinians, why can we not still give to them due honour and regard as we did to those few Americans who opposed American imperialism and those white South Africans who opposed apartheid? The answer is that we are frightened. Even knowing that Jews are responsible and should be held accountable, still we are frightened. We are frightened because criticism of Jews with its woeful history of violence and discrimination seems just too dangerous a position to take - it may open the flood-gates to a burst of Jew hatred. We are frightened that if we were to discuss the role of Jews in this conflict and in other areas and begin to hold Jews accountable, we might be labelled anti-Semites and lose support. And, perhaps most of all, we are frightened of the conflicted inner passions that confound us all whenever we come to look at these things. 88 Does speaking the truth about Jewish identity, power and history lead to Jews being led to concentration camps and ovens? Of course it doesn't! It is hatred, fear and the suppression of free thought and speech which leads to these things - whether the hatred, fear and suppression is directed against Jews or by Jews. Anyway, despite efforts to convince us to the contrary, we do not live in the thirteenth century. Californian's are unlikely to pour out of their cinemas showing Mel Gibson's 'Passion' chanting "Death to the Jews!" And at a time when Jews in Israel/Palestine, overwhelmingly backed by Jewish organizations in the west, are desecrating Churches and Mosques wholesale and brutally oppressing entire Christian and Muslim populations, we may be forgiven for finding it hard to get excited about graffiti daubed on some synagogue somewhere. If we were to begin to engage with the role of Jews in this conflict, we may well be labelled anti-Semites and we may well, initially at least, lose support. The anti-Semite curse has long served as a frightener to silence all criticism of Jews, Israel and Zionism, and undoubtedly will be used to discredit our cause. But so what? They call us anti-Semites anyway so what's to lose? Edward Said spent a lifetime picking his way through the Israel/Zionism/Judaism 88 No truer words have been spoken - this is where the “anger” and “animosity” comes from. Not some “irrational hatred” of Jews. Page 653 of 1018 minefield and never once criticised Jews, and he was called an anti-Semite his whole life, right up to and even after his death. As a movement we have probably spent as much time being nice to Jews as we have speaking up for Palestinians, and for what? Where has it got us? We are not racists and we are not anti-Semites, so let them do their worst. We shall speak our minds. For so long now Jews have told the world that black is white and not only that, but also if anyone should dare to deny that black is white they will be denounced as anti-Semites with all the attendant penalties. We are held in a moral and intellectual lock, the intention of which has been to silence all criticism of Israeli and Jewish power. In saying the unsayable we may set ourselves and others free. And think how it will feel the next time you are called an anti-Semite to say, "Well, I don't know about that, but I do have some very strong but legitimate criticisms to make of Jews and the way they are behaving...and I intend to speak out"? And you never know; we may be pleasantly surprised. Israel Shamir, who has no trouble whatsoever in calling a Jew a Jew, was cheered spontaneously recently when he introduced himself from the floor at a London solidarity meeting. I saw it with my own eyes. His first English-language book has just been published; he corresponds freely and reciprocally with many highly respected figures and is on the boards of advisers of 'The Association for One Democratic State in Palestine' and of 'Dier Yassin Remembered'. Perhaps it's all just a case of the Emperor's new clothes. Perhaps we're all just waiting for some innocent child to blow the whistle. The situation facing the Palestinian people is truly terrible. Old political strategies have got us nowhere. We need a new and widened debate. It may be that a new and credible discourse which puts Jews and Jewishness at the critical centre of our discussions is part of that. And one final point: In a previous piece, paraphrasing Marc Ellis I wrote: To the Christian and to the entire non-Jewish world, Jews say this: 'You will apologise for Jewish suffering again and again. And, when you have done apologising, you will apologise some more. When you have apologised sufficiently, we will forgive you ... provided you let us do what we want in Palestine.' Shamir took me to task, "Eisen is too optimistic", he said, "Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews. the world is." Well, I don't know about that, but, if as now seems likely, the conquest of Palestine is complete and the State of Israel stretches from Tel-Aviv to the Jordan River, what can we expect? Will the Jews of Israel, supported by the jews outside of Israel, now obey the law, live peacefully behind their borders and enjoy the fruits of their victory, or will they want more? Who's next? Paul Eisen - "Jewish Power" http://www.rightousjews.org Paul Eisen is a director of 'Deir Yassin Remembered' [email protected] • Shamir took me to task, "Eisen is too optimistic", he said, "Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews. the world is." GENISIS 49:8 Page 654 of 1018 Judah, your brothers will praise you; Your hand will be on the neck of your enemies: Your fathers sons will bow down to you. 9 You are a lions cub, O Judah; You return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down. Like a lioness - who dares to rouse him? 10 The sceptre will not depart from Judah, Nor the rulers staff from between his feet, Until he comes to whom it belongs And the obedience of the nations is his. DEUTERONOMY 28:12 - Old Testament (Tanakh) 12 You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commends of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. [B] Clear Western Australian Establishment Position To Stifle Knowledge In The Public Interest (Jewish Racial and Religious Supremacism) In early 2012 at Casuarina Prison, I had the opportunity to speak with a leader from the Perth Muslim community who is a highly connected man involved in the founding and financing of Perth's three Islamic Colleges - Mr Abdullah Magar. He stated to me that he had produced similar material to me highlighting Jewish racial and religious supremacism as the foundation of the State of Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's and Jewish attitudes in general. On distributing this well researched and professionally presented material - in glossy flyer format - he was called to the office of the then Premiere of Western Australia, Geoff Gallop. Mr Gallop proceeded to "plead" with this gentleman to please stop, as, "It is a very sensitive issue". Indeed, if ordinary people do find out EXACTLY what 'Judaism' is, and is not, I expect Rabbi Dovid Freilich 89 will not be getting invited to any meetings on combatting racism and xenophobia again. The State of Israel will lose ALL support from Christians and the 'West' in general as is happening right now. 90 It's worth noting this statement from the Honourable Peter Foss in State parliament when debating the racial vilification legislation in November of 2004 and what he had to say about a member of the Jewish community who was lobbying for the legislation I'm charged under: EXTRACT FROM HANSARD One of the great supporters of the legislation was Mr Doron Ur, who was a leading figure in the Jewish community in this State. I am not sure whether he is still alive. He was certainly an elderly gentleman in 1990. He wrote a Zionist magazine that he distributed quite widely in the Jewish community. During the course of his evidence to the committee, he very kindly gave us a few copies of the magazine. We flicked through those, and it became quite clear that if an amendment of that type was drafted, he would be a prime candidate for prosecution. Anybody who has read Zionist magazines will know that they state fairly unequivocally what should happen to the Palestinians, and it is not nice. I believe it is a well-known problem. Certainly, there would be real difficulties if we tried to suppress those sort of publications. They probably do not add 89 Head Rabbi of Perth’s Orthodox Jewish congregation who appeared at my trial via video link from Occupied Palestine. 90 Three articles in West Australian paper - 6 th December 2012 - show that the West has had enough of this rogue, racist, apartheid state. Page 655 of 1018 a lot to the quietness and good order of Western Australia, but if we tried to suppress them, I suspect we would have even bigger problems. Extract From Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8818c-8834a So, the right honourable Peter Foss says that by "suppressing" Zionist publications that, "state fairly unequivocally what should happen to the Palestinians, and it is not nice 91 ", there would be "real difficulties", and even though they, "probably do not add a lot to the quietness and good order of Western Australia", if he (Peter Foss) tried to suppress them, "I suspect we would have even bigger problems". Boy oh boy! I would really like to know what Peter Foss meant by "bigger problems"? Maybe he would get a visit from the Israeli Ambassador to Australia? Maybe he would have a stroke or heart attack in the middle of the night? Maybe his commuter plane would fall from the sky during perfect flying weather? Maybe he would not get invited to Israel with head of the Friends of Israel committee (Bob Kucera) flying business class? It seems when it comes to Jewish racism, xenophobia and 'abhorrent views', they are indeed 'the chosen people'. Unaccountable, untouchable, and it would seem, out of control. Here are some more of the literal thousands of abhorrent, racist and supremacist statements to come out of the Israeli State and elsewhere, rarely criticised or publicised in the mainstream press. This utterly offensive set of comments from the former head of the Sephardic Jewish community of Israel, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef- the virtual 'Pope' of this powerful religious and political group: RABBI OVADIA YOSEF RACIST COMMENTARY "Goyim 92 were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world - only to serve the people of Israel," he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat. 93 According to Yosef, the lives of non-Jews in Israel 94 are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews. "In Israel, death has no dominion over them... 95 . With Gentiles, it will be like any person
  • they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that ones donkey would die, they'd lose their money. This is his servant.... that's why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew," Yosef said. "Why are Gentiles 96 needed? They will work, they will play, they will reap. We will sit like an Effendi 97 and eat. That is why Gentiles were created," he added. http://www. jpost.com/JewishWorld/Jewish News/Article. aspx?id=191782 91 Kill, exterminate, ‘transfer’ (ethnically cleans), etc. 92 Non Jews. 93 Sabbath. 94 Outside Israel, the lives of non-Jews are not protected at all according to Jewish Rabbinic law. 95 He’s talking about Jews. The [...] was present in the online news article. They have cut something out. Most likely a comment that is even more offensive than what he is already saying. 96 Non-Jews. 97 ‘Master’ Page 656 of 1018 That is why non-Jews were created? To be slaves for the Jew? He has not drawn this teaching from thin air, he is in fact drawing on both the Old Testament (Tanakh) and Babylonian Talmud and relevant Rabbinic Commentaries: ISAIAH 61:5 Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards. 6 And you will be called priests of the LORD, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast. JOSHUA 9:24 They answered Joshua, "Your servants were clearly told how the LORD your God had commanded his servant Moses to give you the whole land and to wipe out all its inhabitants from before you. So we feared for our lives because of you, and that is why we did this. 25 We are now in your hands. Do to us whatever seems good and right to you." 26 So Joshua saved them from the Israelites, and they did not kill them. 27 That day he made the Gibeonites woodcutters and water-carriers for the community and for the altar of the LORD at the place the LORD would choose. And that is what they are to this day. JOSHUA 16:10 They did not dislodge the Canaanites living in Geza; to this day the Canaanites live among the people of Ephraim but are required to do forced labour. JUDGES 1:28 When Israel became strong, they pressed the Canaanites into forced labour but never drove them out completely. DEUTERONOMY 20:10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. u lf they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labour and shall work for you. You can see how this Jewish tradition of death and forced labour (Gulags) was applied against Christians in the Soviet Union. Ovadia Yosef is no marginalised extremist in Israeli society. He is a leader of the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish based 'Shas' political party. They wield considerable power in Israel and one of their members has a high cabinet post in the Israeli parliament. He presents a constant stream of these comments and only in the last few years has he been focussed on by the Israeli Press. You will never see these comments in the Western mainstream media. Here are some notes on the Shas Party. It is worth quoting them at length: THE SHAS PARTY Shas ( Hebrew : o ”yj) is a ultra-orthodox religious political party in Israel , primarily representing Sephardic and Mizrahi Haredi Judaism . Shas was founded in 1984 by dissident members of the Ashkenazi dominated Agudat Israel, to represent the interests of religiously observant Sephardic (Middle Eastern) Jews. Page 657 of 1018 Following the 2009 elections in which Shas won 11 seats, it joined Beniamin Netanyahu 's coalition government and holds four cabinet posts. Its current leader, Eli Yishai, is one of four Deputy Prime Ministers, and Minister of Internal Affairs. Shas was founded in 1984 prior to the elections in the same year, through the merger of regional lists established in 1983. A Sephardi offshoot of the largely Ashkenaz Agudat Yisrael, it was originally known as The Worldwide Sephardic Association of Torah Guardians ( Hebrew : mm nniw rm'ziun omDon nnnNnn, Hitahdut HaSfaradim HaOlamit Shomrei Torah). The party was formed under the leadership of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (a former Israeli Chief rabbi), who remains its spiritual leader today. In founding the party, Yosef received strategic help and guidance from Rabbi Elazar Shach, the leader of Israel's non-Hasidic Haredi Ashkenazi Jews . The majority of Shas voters are themselves not ultra-orthodox. Many of its voters are Modern Orthodox and 'traditional' Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews. Some Druze also vote for Shas, due to its alignment with the promotion of an 'authentic Middle Eastern' Israeli culture, which fits well with traditional Zionist beliefs of a revival of authentic, non- Europeanised Jewish culture. However, they are still representing, by principle and not practice, their Sephardi and Mizrahi Haredi Jewish Sectors in the Knesset . In 2010, as Obama's called for talks between Netanyahu and Abbas, Ovadia Yosef called Palestinians "evil, bitter enemies of Israel" and said " Abu Mazen and all these evil people should perish from this world. God should strike them with a plague, them and these Palestinians." Saeb Erekat of PLO said Yosef's remarks were tantamount to a call for "genocide against Palestinians." Previously Yosef had called Arabs as i "vipers," and called for Israel to "annihilate" Arabs. "It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable." http://english.aliazeera.net/news/middleeast/2010/08/201082913280929137.html I'll just repeat some of the above quotes to do with Palestinians: • Previously Yosef had called Arabs as "vipers," and called for Israel to "annihilate" Arabs. "It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable." Further to the above, during Operation Cast Lead in which 1500 Palestinian's - mostly civilians and 500 children - were killed, this is a comment from one of the most powerful world-wide Ultra-Orthodox sects of Judaism - Chabad Lubavitch: RABBI FRIEDMAN - "KILL MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN" "I'm not into Western morality, wage war the Jewish way. Kill men, women and children, destroy their holy sites." Rabbi Friedman of Chabad Lubavitch, New York. Quoted in major Israeli paper - "Ha'aretz". (These comments actually got wide media coverage because they were said in the West) I repeat, these are not marginalised comments. It is simply that it is being reported now - at least in the Israeli press. Chabad Lubavitch are regarded as the worst of the Ultra-Orthodox sects, and the most dangerous as they move in such high circles of power. An example of its local membership is Page 658 of 1018 'Diamond' Joe Gudnik, the former head of the Melbourne football club, mining entrepreneur and dealer in diamonds. These sects have been indicted on drug trafficking and even drug manufacture in the United States and elsewhere. In one case, an Ultra-Orthodox sect was manufacturing Methamphetamine at a 'Kosher' meat works they owned and ran. Another Ultra-Orthodox sect, originating in Syria and living in the U.S, was implicated in the trade of human body organs. It is worth reading about the most eminent Chabad Rabbi - Menachem Mendel Schneerson: Schneerson believed that the American public was seeking to learn more about their Jewish heritage. He stated, "America is not lost, you are not different. You Americans sincerely crave to know, to learn. Americans are inquisitive. It is Chabad's point of view that the American mind is simple, honest, direct-good, tillable soil for Hassidism, or just plain Judaism". Schneerson believed that Jews need not be on the defensive, but need to be on the ground building Jewish institutions, day schools and synagogues . Schneerson said that we need "to discharge ourselves of our duty and we must take the initiative". Schneerson placed a tremendous emphasis on outreach. He made great efforts to intensify this program of the Chabad movement, bringing Jews from all walks of life to adopt Torah-observant Judaism, and aggressively sought the expansion of the baal teshuva movement. His work included organising the training of thousands of young Chabad rabbis and their wives, who were sent all over the world by him as shluchim (emissaries) to spread the Chabad message. He oversaw the building of schools, community centres, youth camps, and "Chabad Houses", and established contacts with wealthy Jews and government officials around the world. Schneerson also instituted a system of " mitzvah campaigns" called mivtzoim to encourage Jews to follow Orthodox Jewish practices. They commonly centred on practices such as keeping kosher , lighting Shabbat candles, studying Torah , laying tefillin, helping to write sifrei Torah, and teaching women to observe the laws of Jewish family purity . He also launched a global Noahide campaign to promote observance of the Noahide Laws among gentiles, and argued that involvement in this campaign is an obligation for every Jew. "Essays: Educating Mankind" . Sichosinenglish.org. http://www.sichosinenglish.org/essays/01.htm Retrieved 2010-05-12. It's worth noting the Noahide Laws: NOAHIDE LAWS The Seven Laws of Noah ( Hebrew : m 02 nnxn u 2 .VJ Sheva mitzvot B'nei Noach), often referred to as the Noahide Laws or Noachide Code, are a set of seven moral imperatives that, according to the Talmud , were given by God to Noah as a binding set of laws for all mankind . [11 According to Judaism any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as a Righteous Gentile and is assured of a place in the world to come (Olam Haba), the Jewish concept of heaven.[2] Adherents are often called "B'nei Noach" (Children of Noah) or "Noahides" and may often network in Jewish synagogues . The seven laws listed by the Tosefta and the Talmud are[31 Page 659 of 1018
  • Prohibition of Idolatry : You shall not have any idols before God. 98
  • Prohibition of Murder : You shall not murder. ( Genesis 9:6 )
  • Prohibition of Theft : You shall not steal.
  • Prohibition of Sexual immorality: You shall not commit any of a series of sexual prohibitions, which include adultery , incest , sodomy, and bestiality .
  • Prohibition of Blasphemy : You shall not blaspheme God's name.
  • Dietary Law: Do not eat flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive. ( Genesis 9:4 , as interpreted in the Talmud (Sanhedrin 59a )
  • Requirement to have just Laws : Set up a governing body of law (eg Courts) Note number 1. That would necessitate the death penalty for all Christians as Chabad considers the worship of Jesus as 'Christ/Messiah' and 'the Son of God' as idolatry. This is openly talked about on Chabad Lubavitch internet forums. Is this 'Noahide Law' just some irrelevant rambling from some marginalised Rabbi? Note: The Seven Laws of Noah were recognized by the United States Congress in the preamble to the bill that established Education Day in honour of the 90th birthday of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson , the leader of the Chabad- Lubavitch movement: "Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws." 102nd Congress of the United States of America, March 5,1991. Truly amazing. Slowly, knowledge about how dangerous this large and powerful Ultra-Orthodox Sect of Judaism has become is leaking out; how utterly offensive are it's utterances and teachings, which they do not make openly public - until recently. Many politicians will not attend 'Chabad' events. Notably, most recently, prime minister Julia Gillard. Chabad Lubavitch is only one of a vast number of these Orthodox groups. I note that the most famous Chabad Lubavitch adherent in Australia is skulking about in Western Australia again after a long absence - Rabbi 'Diamond' Joe Gudnick: GUTNIKEYES WA GOLD 'Diamond' Joe returns to hunt with Blackham deal Nik Sas WEST AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER 5 th February 2013 One time gold maestro Joseph Gutnick is officially back on the acquisition hunt, declaring his stake in junior Blackham Resources as the first step in what could be a string of investments in WA gold stocks. In his first foray into the WA gold sector for a decade, Mr Gutnick said his stake in Blackham, announced yesterday, was simply "a great opportunity". The deal marked his return to the Yandel gold belt, an area he described as his "first love". As revealed by WestBusiness yesterday, Mr Gutnick will become Blackhams biggest shareholder taking on 15.8 million shares at 21c each at a cost of 3.32 million. 98 Simply look at the following quotes from the Old Testament to see what happens to “idolators” on page 46 of this letter. Page 660 of 1018 Mr Gutnick, describing himself as the eternal gold bull, said he was now on the lookout for more opportunities. "But they've got to be pretty good," he said. ... Please remember, both Stanley Elliot Keyser and Daniel Ari Lazareth 99 are regular attendee's at local Perth Chabad Lubavitch managed events and their 'home shule' on Alexander Drive, Mount Lawley, Perth. Chabad Lubavitch have recently been caught up with sexual abuse claims in their Yeshiva Schools in Melbourne, Victoria. Due to the extreme insular 'sect like' nature of the Ultra-Orthodox community, sexual abuse is rampant - not just in Chabad Lubavitch. This is the first time it has made the mainstream news as far as I am aware 100 . I hope this indicates a major change in the general Jewish communities tolerance of this major!)/ criminal outfit. From the 'Sydney Morning Herald' newspaper online: Abuse endemic in Jewish schools: inquiry Paul Mulvey December 10, 2012 AAP The cover up of child sexual abuse in the Jewish community is endemic and driven by intimidating leaders who downplay the issue, an enquiry has heard. Manny Waks is the only victim of sexual abuse at a Jewish school to go public with his experience but says he represented many others who have spoken to him and gone anonymously to police when he gave evidence at Victoria's parliamentary enquiry on Monday. Mr Waks says he knows of two paedophiles still "roaming the community", another who has gone to Israel where he's receiving psychiatric treatment and a possible link between abuse and suicide. He also spoke of a victim's family who have been forced out of Melbourne because of the pressure placed on them by Rabbis, while the offender has recently held a senior position in the Jewish community. "There is overwhelming evidence that the level of child sexual abuse within the Jewish community and the appalling way in which it has been mishandled, including through credible allegations of ongoing cover-ups, may be described as being nothing short of endemic," Mr Waks told the enquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organizations. While there are two cases currently before the courts involving the Jewish community, he says recent discussions with other victims have revealed ongoing abuse. While police are aware of most of the allegations, he says Jewish authorities "attempted to cover up these crimes against innocent children." 99 Both present at the Friends Of Palestine rally where they were caught filming activists and agitating the rally - 2 nd May
  • Keyser brought the charges against me. Being labelled a ‘racist’ by an associate of the most racist and religious supremacist organization in the world is indeed ironic. 100 Please read the excellent expose of Judaism - ‘Judaism Discovered’ - by Michael Hoffman < www.revisionisthistorv.org > Page 661 of 1018 Mr Waks, who was sexually abused by two trusted mentors at Melbourne's Yeshiva College 20 years ago, says he's the only victim to have gone public so far because others feel intimidated by the leadership of the small Jewish community. He told the enquiry one former Yeshiva student rang him to tell of his own abuse and was stunned Mr Waks had gone public. "This just doesn't get spoken about," he told Mr Waks. But many alleged victims have told him of recent cases, including that of a 36 year old man alleged to have sexually abused children within the Yeshiva community who fled to Israel as soon as he heard he was under police investigation. He spoke of a 13 year old allegedly abused three years ago who has not made a formal statement because he's "concerned with the possible ramifications against him as a result of going to police." And he also mentioned a member of the Jewish community who was last year convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault against minors and is apparently the youngest person ever on the Sex Offenders Register in Victoria. "The peak body of the Australian Jewish community, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ), has done everything it can to try and downplay this scandal," he said. He said the ECAJ does not regard sexual abuse as a pressing issue and made no mention of it at its Annual General Meeting last month. He said students were vulnerable when exposed to influential religious leaders at events such as bar mitzvah classes and recalled his days as a teenager at the communal ritual bath. "I'd go every morning before prayers. It used to be a free for all, there was no supervision, adults and kids together, everyone was naked," he said. Mr Waks' father Zephaniah Waks also appeared at the enquiry on Monday but his evidence was suppressed. ©2012 AAP http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/abuse-endemic-in-iewish-schools- inquiry.html And further, from the 'Melbourne Age' newspaper online: Jewry accused of hiding sex-abuse Barney Zwartz December 11, 2012 TWO paedophiles - one reportedly the youngest person ever put on the Victoian Sex Offenders Register - were "roaming the Jewish community" with most members utterly unaware, the state inquiry into how religious groups handled child sex abuse was told on Monday. Community leader and abuse whistleblower Manny Waks said there was overwhelming evidence that child sex abuse was endemic in the Jewish community and "the appalling way in which it has been mishandled", including credible claims of continuing cover-ups. Page 662 of 1018 He said that in the few months since his written submissions there had been more serious allegations of child sexual abuse. "Worse, in all of these new cases, those in positions of authority attempted to cover up these crimes." Mr Waks, a former vice-president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, last year became the first Jewish victim to publicly tell the story of his abuse at Yeshiva College in Melbourne more than 20 years ago. He gave evidence with his father, Zephaniah Waks, but Family and Community Development committee chairwoman Georgia Crazier suppressed Mr Waks senior's testimony. Manny Waks said several new allegations had come to him, partly because victims and families often sought his advice. In one case, he said, a family was forced to leave Melbourne under pressure from Rabbis after they made allegations against a senior figure who "is still roaming freely within the Melbourne Jewish community". In another case, a young member of the Jewish community was convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault against minors - becoming the youngest listed offender - and he too was freely roaming the community, Mr Waks said. Another man, 36, was alleged to have sexually abused several children in the Yeshiva community - part of the Orthodox Chabad movement - and fled Australia as soon as he heard police were investigating him. Mr Waks said the man was himself allegedly sexually abused repeatedly as a child by a relative, an active member of the Sydney Jewish community. In another Yeshiva case, a man, 30, is alleged to have abused a child, 13, about three years ago. "Most devastatingly, over the past few days, I have been informed of a possible link between an alleged incident of child sexual abuse at Yeshiva and a subsequent suicide." He said he had also received a number of allegations of abuse and cover-ups within the Sydney and Perth communities. Mr Waks said the Executive Council of Australian Jewry had "done everything it could to downplay this scandal" and that in some cases "their scant response was highly damaging". He said he and other victims were deeply hurt, angry and incredulous not only about the abuse and the cover-ups, the intimidation of victims and their families, but the "meek response" by Jewish community leadership. http://wwwtheage.com.au/Victoria/iewry-accused-of-hiding-sexabuse.html Perhaps these brief quotes from the holiest book of Orthodox Judaism - Babylonian Talmud - explain the endemic child sexual abuse in Jewish communities:
  • Moed Kattan 17a. If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.
  • Erubin 21b. Whoever disobeys the Rabbi's deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell. Page 663 of 1018
  • Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals of the garden of Eden.
  • Kethuboth lib. "When a grown man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
  • Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years and a day old).
  • Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than 9 years old. Or perhaps this article on Orthodox rabbis sucking the blood off baby boy's penises? Perhaps this might begin to explain how deep and wide this type of child sexual abuse really is in these communities and it has been covered up for decades: City Questions Circumcision Ritual After Baby Dies New York Times Online Andy Newman August 26, 2005 Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg met with Orthodox leaders and health officials at City Hall on Aug. 11 to discuss a practice that some rabbis consider integral to God's covenant with the Jews requiring circumcision. 101 A circumcision ritual practiced by some Orthodox Jews has alarmed city health officials who say it may have led to cases of herpes - one of them fatal - in infants. But after months of meetings with orthodox leaders, city officials have been unable to persuade them to abandon the practice. The cities intervention has angered many Orthodox leaders, and the issue has left the city struggling to balance its mandate to protect public health with the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom. "This is a very delicate area so to speak," said Health Commissioner Thomas R. Frieden. The practice is known as oral suction, or in Hebrew, metzitzah b'peh: after removing the foreskin of the penis, the practitioner, or mohel, sucks the blood from the wound to clean it. It became a health issue after a boy in Staten Island and twins in Brooklyn, circumcised by the same mohel in 2003 and 2004, contracted Type-1 herpes. Most adults carry the disease, which causes the common cold sore, but it can be life threatening to infants. Pressure from the Orthodox leaders on the issue led to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and health officials to meet with them on Aug. 11. The mayors comments on his radio program the next day seemed meant to soothe all parties and not upset a group that can be a formidable voting bloc: "We're going to do a study, and make sure everybody is safe and at the same time, it is not the governments business to tell people how to practice their religion." 102 The health department, after the meeting, reiterated that it did not intend to ban or regulate oral suction. But Dr. Frieden has said that the city is taking this approach partly because any broad rule would be virtually unenforceable. Circumcision generally takes place in private homes. 103 101 That is SPECIFICALLY sucking an infant baby boy’s penis with the rabbis mouth after circumcision. 102 That’s quite funny because all the government and media do all day is vilify Islam and tell people how terrible it is. But Jews sucking baby boys penises in a circumcision ritual is not to be interfered with? Imagine if this was an Islamic practice or a Catholic Priests practice. We would never hear the end of it. 103 Again, lots of crimes - including institutionalised paedophilia which is what this is - take place in “private”, they are still legislated against. Page 664 of 1018 Dr. Frieden said the department regarded herpes transmission via oral suction as "somewhat inevitable to occur as long as this practice continues, if at a very low rate." The use of suction to stop bleeding dates back centuries and is mentioned in the Talmud 104 . The safety of direct oral contact has been questioned since the 19 th century, and many Orthodox and nearly all non-Orthodox Jews have abandoned it. Dr. Frieden said he hoped the rabbis would voluntarily switch to suctioning the blood through a tube, an alternative endorsed by the Rabbinical Council of America, the largest group of Orthodox rabbis. But the most traditionalist groups, including many Hasidic sects in New York, consider oral suction integral to God's covenant with the Jews requiring circumcision, and they have no intention of stopping it. "The Orthodox Jewish community will continue the practice that has been practiced for over 5000 years," said Rabbi David Niederman of the United Jewish Organization in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, after the meeting with the mayor. "We do not change. And we will not change." David Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel, an umbrella organization of Orthodox Jews, said that metzitzah b'peh is probably performed more than 2000 times a year in New York City. The potential risks of oral suction, however, are not confined to Orthodox communities. Dr. Frieden said in March that the health department had fielded several calls from panicked non-Orthodox parents who had hired Hasidic mohels unaware of what their services entailed. Defenders of oral suction 105 say there is no proof that it spreads herpes at all. They say that mohels use antiseptic mouth wash before performing oral suction, and that the known incidence of herpes among infants who have undergone it is miniscule. (The city's health department recorded cases in 1988 and 1998, though doctors in New York, as in most states, are not required to report neonatal herpes.) Dr. Kenneth I. Glassberg, past president of the new York section of the American Urological Association and director of paediatric urology at Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian, said that while he found oral suction "personally displeasing," he did not recommend rabbis stop using it. "If I knew something caused a problem from a medical point of view," said Dr. Glassberg, whose private practice includes many Hasidic families, "I would recommend against it." But Rabbi Moshe Tendler, a microbiologist and professor of Talmud and medical ethics at Yeshiva University, said that metzitzah b'peh violates Jewish law. "The rule that's above all rules in the Torah is that you cannot expose or accept a risk to health unless there is a true justification for it," said Dr. Tendler, co-author of a 2004 article in the journal Paediatrics that said direct contact posed a serious risk of infection. 104 Yes, lots of things mentioned and encouraged in Talmud - refer Yebamoth 63a. Sanhedrin 54b.Sanhedrin 55b. Kethuboth 1 lb, previous page. 105 Sucking a baby boys bleeding penis. Page 665 of 1018 "Now there have been several cases of herpes in the metro area," he said. "Whether it can be directly associated with this mohel nobody knows. All we're talking about now is presumptive evidence, and on that alone it would be improper according to Jewish law to do oral suction." The inconsistent treatment of Rabbi Fischer himself indicates the confusion metzitzah b'peh has sown among health authorities, who typically regulate circumcisions by doctors but not religious practitioners. In Rockland County, where Rabbi Fischer lives in the Hasidic community of Monsey, he has been barred from performing oral suction 106 . But the state health department retracted a request it had made to Rabbi Fischer to stop the practice. And in New Jersey, where Rabbi Fischer has done some of his 12,000 circumcisions, the health authorities have been silent. Rabbi Fischer's lawyer, Mark J. Kurzmann, said that absent conclusive proof that the rabbi had spread herpes, he should be allowed to continue the practice. Rabbi Fischer said through Mr Kurzmann that the twin who died and the Staten Island boy both had herpes-like rashes before they were circumcised and were seen by a paediatrician who approved their circumcision. The health department declined to comment on its investigation. So, just to clarify: • The practice is known as oral suction, or in Hebrew, metzitzah b'peh: after removing the foreskin of the penis, the practitioner, or mohel, sucks the blood from the wound to clean it. • "The Orthodox Jewish community will continue the practice that has been practiced for over 5000 years," said Rabbi David Niederman of the United Jewish Organization in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, after the meeting with the mayor. "We do not change. And we will not change." The list of strange, bizarre and outright immoral practices and rites of Pharisaic Judaism are well hidden but one would imagine not for much longer. Page 34 of this letter has a longer list of the strange teachings of Talmud. For a more expansive explanation of Jewish religious teachings and their application, see the excellent documentaries of reverend Ted pike - "Why The Mid-East Bleeds" and "The Other Israel". Available online. These Orthodox sects are also the basis for 'Yeshiva Military Academies' in Israel that take these highly motivated and indoctrinated Jews 107 and feed them into Israeli intelligence agencies, special forces, air force pilots and specialist assassination squads. Their loyalty is unquestioned. Australian/American/European Jews attend these military academies where they learn electronic data intercept, firearms training, explosives training, surveillance and counter surveillance. These people then commit war crimes in the Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank and then return home - to become a major national security risk. But the above fostered attitudes are not just limited to extremist sects of Judaism. Note these comments by mainstream Jews reported in a lecture video by independent journalist and writer Mr Michael Hoffman http://www.revisionisthistory.org : 106 Sucking a baby boys bleeding penis. 107 Completely instilled with Jewish racial and religious supremacism from birth. Page 666 of 1018 GENOCIDE OF PALESTINAINS - "AMALEK" [21:46] "Israeli security minister Gideon Ezra was reported in the Sydney Morning Herald in August of 2001 of advocating the 'liquidation of the fathers of Palestinian resistance fighters'." [22:10] "Hannah Kasher, a researcher at Bare Lahn University in Israel, produced a thinly veiled rationalization for the collective punishment of the Palestinians in a research paper called 'Rationales Justifying Collective Punishment Of Amelak'. She writes, 'the commandment to blot out Amelak has essentially not been nullified... . Any person descended of Amelak has a death sentence hanging over him from the moment of his birth even if he himself has committed no sin, his culpability is innate... . The struggle against Amelak is a war of annihilation against a contemporary foe in which one does not refrain from killing women and children.' A guotefrom a contemporary Israeli/Jewish academic... . Professor Kasher adds that the Talmudic Sage Maimonides, who justifies the collective punishment of Amelak - civilians as well as combatants - does so as a 'justifiable deterrent effect'. Prime minister Sharon [of Israel] used those very words." "Liquidating" the fathers of Palestinian resistance fighters? Can you believe that an Israeli security minister would say such a thing? A high-level minister in a supposed first world State? Dr Walsh, I put to you that they say these types of things all the time. You're just not being told by the controlled Western mainstream press. And then to have an academic from a major Israeli university argue that the collective punishment of the Palestinian (mostly Muslim) population is justified according to Old testament scripture, and that the Amalekites from thousands of years ago are actually a "contemporary foe" ie: Palestinian's - this is too much. And yet, par for the course when you are aware of the issues and know where to find the information that informs you of such "abhorrent views". Here is what an Israeli Defence Force chief Chaplain had to say along these same lines: "In 1986 the Israeli Chief Army Chaplain, known as Rabbi Scmule Derlich, issued an order to the Army to 'annihilate all Arabs' because they are 'Amelak'." The Nation Magazine August 1986 p.103 Just to clarify, the term 'Amelak' comes from the Old Testament (Tanakh): DEUTERONOMY 25:19 When the LORD your God gives you rest from all the enemies around you in the land he is giving you to possess as an inheritance, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. 1 SAMUEL 15:3 Now go and smite Amelak and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. The Amalekites were a tribe that were continually at war with the Israelite Tribes three thousand years ago. They were considered the "hereditary enemy" of the Israelites and according to the Old Testament, God commanded the Israelites to "blot out their memory" and leave no trace that they ever existed. With this in mind, you see that high level Israeli ministers of state, Israeli academics and Israeli religious leaders have been continually encouraging, fomenting and inciting forthe genocide of the Palestinian people. Where are the criminal courts of justice at The Hague? These views are not marginal - they are mainstream in many segments of Israeli society and found regularly in Jewish Page 667 of 1018 attitudes around the world. You see also how an ancient religious book and its teachings are being used to justify current day behaviours. Here are a few more quotes from the Old Testament that are quoted by Jews in Israel (and elsewhere) to justify the collective punishment and slaughter of Palestinians and indicate the general attitude of Jews as espoused in their holiest of books. Please remember the cruel persecution of Christians in the Jewish Bolshevik Soviet Communist State - here is where the 'unusually cruel' mindset comes from - here, "The Lord" commands the Israelites to kill every single person that opposes them as they invade and "ethnically cleanse" the land: DEUTERONOMY 2:34 At that time, we took all his towns and completely destroyed them - men, women and children. We left no survivors. DEUTERONOMY 3:6 We completely destroyed them, as we had done with Sihon king of Heshbon, destroying every city - men, women and children. DEUTERONOMY 4:38 ...,to drive out before you nations greater and stronger than you and to bring into their land to give it to you as an inheritance, as it is today. DEUTERONOMY 7:1 When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations - the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you - and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. DEUTERONOMY 7:16 You must destroy all the peoples the LORD your God gives over to you. Do not look on them with pity and do not serve their gods. DEUTERONOMY 7:22 The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once, or the wild animals will multiply around you. 23 Butthe LORD your God will deliver them over to you, throwing them into great confusion until they are destroyed. 24 He will give their kings into your hand, and you will wipe out their names from under heaven. No-one will be able to stand against you: you will destroy them. DEUTERONOMY 11:23 Then the LORD will drive out all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you. 24 Every place where you set your foot will be yours: Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the Euphrates River to the Western sea. No man will be able to stand against you. The LORD your God, as he promised you, will put the terror and fear of you on the whole land, where ever you go. DEUTERONOMY 12:29 The LORD your God will cut of before you the nations you are about to invade and dispossess. But when you have driven them out and settled in their land, and after they have been destroyed before you... Page 668 of 1018 DEUTERONOMY 13:15 You must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. Destroy it completely, both its people and its livestock. DEUTERONOMY 14:21 Do not eat anything you find already dead. You may give it to an alien living in any of your towns, and he may eat it, or you may sell it to a foreigner. DEUTERONOMY 15:6 For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. DEUTERONOMY 20:12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD you God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the men and women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to you and do not belong to the nations nearby. DEUTERONOMY 20:16 However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them - the Hittites, Armorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites - as the LORD your God has commanded you. DEUTERONOMY 26:19 He has declared that he will set you in praise, fame and honour high above all the nations he has made... JOSHUA 6:21 They devoted the city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it - men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys. JOSHUA 8:24 When Israel had finished killing all the men of Ai in the fields and in the desert where they had chased them, and when every one of them had been put to the sword, all the Israelites returned to Ai and killed those who were in it. 25 Twelve thousand men and women fell that day - all the people of Ai. JOSHUA 10:28 That day Joshua took Makkedah. He put the city and its king to the sword and totally destroyed everything in it. He left no survivors. JOSHUA 10:30 The city and everyone in it Joshua put to the sword. He left no survivors there. JOSHUA 10:32 The LORD handed Lachish over to Israel, and Joshua took it on the second day. The city and everyone in it he put to the sword, just as he had done to Libnah. JOSHUA 10:35 They captured it that same day and put it to the sword and totally destroyed everyone in it, just as they had done to Lachish. Page 669 of 1018 JOSHUA 10:37 They took the city and put it to the sword, together with its king, its villages and everyone in it. They left no survivors. Just as at Eglon, they totally destroyed it and everyone in it. JOSHUA 10:38 Then Joshua and all Israel with him turned round and attacked Debir. 39They took the city, its king and its villages, and put them to the sword. Everyone in it they totally destroyed. They left no survivors. They did to Debir and its king as they had done to Libnah and its king and to Hebron. JOSHUA 10:40 So Joshua subdued the whole region, including the hill country, the Negev, the western foothills and the mountain slopes, together with all their kings. He left no survivors. He totally destroyed all who breathed, just as the LORD, the God of Israel, had commanded. JOSHUA 11:11 Everyone in it they put to the sword. They totally destroyed them, not sparing anything that breathed, and he burned up Hazor itself. JOSHUA 11:14 The Israelites carried off for themselves all the plunder and livestock of these cities, but all the people they put to the sword until they completely destroyed them, not sparing anyone that breathed. JOSHUA 11:20 For it was the LORD himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the LORD had commanded Moses. JOSHUA 11:21 At the time Joshua went and destroyed the Anakites from the hill country: from Hebron, Debir and Anab, from the hill country of Judah, and from all the hill country of Israel. Joshua totally destroyed them and their towns. 22 No Anakites were left in Israelite territory, only in Gaza, Gath and Ashdod did any survive. 23 So Joshua took the entire land, just as the Lord had directed Moses, and he gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions. I do not have the time to type out anymore - there are hundreds more of these quotes to go. The entire Old Testament (Tanakh), from start to finish, is full of the same stories - those who resist Israelite/Jewish domination are utterly exterminated. This is the politico/religious ideology that underpins the attitudes of "Jews", if they don't adhere to it - then they may well have to decide if they really want to be known as..."Jews"? Some interesting attitudes to women: DEUTERONOMY 22:20 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girls virginity can be found, 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of the town shall stone her to death. DEUTERONOMY 22:23 If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24 you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to Page 670 of 1018 death - the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man's wife. You must purge the evil from among you. DEUTERONOMY 25:11 If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from the assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, 12 you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity. I put these in Dr Walsh for the express purpose of asking why it is so many want to vilify and condemn Islam by "straining at gnats" and quoting selectively - but they won't look at Judaism? My personal opinion is that although "God" - out there - does not change, the human race's ability to consciously experience and relate to God is changing. 2000-4000 years ago we could argue that God worked with what he had and spoke in a language and acted in way that was befitting the time. The Israelite's brought a set of religious laws that were second to none in a time when people were sacrificing human babies to their gods. However, with the coming of Christ, grace and mercy tempered the blind adherence to "The Law". We live in a new time and to be truly Jewish means to be a brute - it's as simple as that. This is why I said in my video: • "These are a dark people; they're living 3000 years ago. They really are." TALMUD QUOTES Here are some extracts from the Talmud - one of Judaism's holiest books:
  • Moed Kattan 17a. If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.
  • Erubin 21b. Whoever disobeys the Rabbi's deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.
  • Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals of the garden of Eden.
  • Kethuboth lib. "When a grown man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
  • Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years and a day old).
  • Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than 9 years old.
  • Erubin 21b. Whoever disobeys the Rabbi's deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.
  • Moed Kattan 17a. If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.
  • Baba Mezia 114a-114b. Only Jews are human ("Only ye are designated men"). Also see Kerithoth 6b under the sub heading "Oil of Anointing" and Berakoth 58a in which Gentile women are designated animals ("she-asses").
  • Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God ("The apple of His eye").
  • Sanhedrin 57a. A Jew need not pay a Gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.
  • Baba Kamma 37b. Jews have a superior legal status ("If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full").
  • Baba Mezia 24a. If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. Affirmed in Baba Kamma 113b.
  • Sanhedrin 76a. God will not spare a Jew who, "marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean..."
  • Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep.
  • Baba Kamma 37b. Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel".
  • Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
  • Yebamoth 98a. All Gentile children are animals.
  • Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of 'niddah' (filth) from birth.
  • Abodah Zarah 22a-22b. Gentiles prefer sex with cows. Page 671 of 1018
  • Abodah Zarah 67b. "The vessels of Gentiles, do they not impart a worse flavour to the food cooked in them?"
  • Sanhedrin 106a. Says Jesus's mother was a whore. "She who was the descendant of Princes and Governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in Shabbath 104b. "Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men."
  • Sanhedrin 106. Gloats over the early age that Jesus died. "Hast thou heard how old Balaam (Jesus) was?—He replied, "It is not actually stated but it is written, bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days it follows that he was thirty three or thirty four years old."
  • Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus {"Yeshu or "Yeshu The Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery.
  • Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell being "boiled in hot excrement".
  • Rosh Hashanah 17a. Christians ("Minim") and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.
  • Shabbath 116a. (p.569) Jews must destroy books of Christians. Professor Israel Shahak, in his book "Jewish Religion, Jewish History, The Weight of Three Thousand Years", notes that Jews in Israel burned hundreds of New Testament books in Occupied Palestine on March 23,1980. Page 21.
  • Gittin 69a. To heal his flesh a Jew should take dust that lies within the shadow of an outdoor toilet, mix it with honey and eat it.
  • Shabbath 41a. The law regulating the rule for how to urinate in a holy way is given.
  • Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals of the garden of Eden.
  • Yebamoth 63a Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.
  • Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years and a day old).
  • Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than 9 years old.
  • Kethuboth lib. "When a grown man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
  • Yebamoth 59b. A woman who has intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.
  • Abodah Zarah 17a. States that there is not a whore in the world that Rabbi Eleazer has not had sex with.
  • Hagigah 27a. States that no Rabbi can ever go to hell.
  • Baba Mezia 59b. A Rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits that the Rabbi won the debate.
  • Gittin 70a. The Rabbi's taught: "On coming from a privy (outdoor toilet) a man should not have sexual intercourse til he has waited long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be epileptic." These few quotes above are the 'oral law' that was written down in 300AD as The Babylonian Talmud. There are many other Rabbinic Commentaries and the supposed 'final argument' of the Rabbi's in the Shulkan Aruk. This is why Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for "following the traditions of men", rather than the law of God. He also called these same Pharisees, "Blind guides", "children of hell", "sons of their father the devil" and "whitewashed tombs, all clean and fair without, but within, full of dead men's bones and all corruption." I asked Rabbi Freilich is he was a "Pharisee", just like the ones from Christs time. He answered "Yes". I was then going to discredit him as a witness by commenting on what Jesus called his predecessors but DCJ Wisbey stopped that very quickly. Also note the ending of the trial suddenly when I was going to return to the stand and note that the Shulkan Aruk mentioned by Prosecutor Antony EYERS, was called to be labelled "racist hate literature" by 5000 eminent signatories to the Russian parliament. This small amount of information I have provided to you about how Jewish religious and racial supremacism is the basis for Jewish criminal behaviour in Palestine, is also indicative of Jewish attitudes to non-Jews outside Palestine whether of the extreme/overt kind, or more subtle general arrogance. I know of only one American Jewish activist who addresses this important subject aggressively - Max Blumenthal. Look up his videos on You Tube. They are excellent. Page 672 of 1018 My Grandmother would often say: • "You can't make fig jam out of fowl shit." • "You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear." And you can't make an all-embracing humanist and civilizing religion out of hatred and intolerance for the "other" except if they "carry water and chop wood" for you under "forced labour" as described in Jewish holy books. As President Ahmadinejad of Iran so succinctly observed recently: "This is the age of peace and dialogue, not bullets and bombs." There is no "dialogue" with Judaism - just submit... or else. Activists are clearly honing in on Jewish racial and religious supremacism like never before. Here is an extract of a Press T.V online news article detailing Mr Kenneth O'Keefe's comments on notions of Jewish racial and religious supremacism and how it affects Jewish behaviours in both Palestine and elsewhere. I remind you that Mr O'Keefe is a committed activist who has been interviewed by the BBC, ITV, ABC, CNBC. He was present on a Turkish ship in 2011 that was taking humanitarian aid to Gaza when Israeli special forces lowered themselves onto the deck and shot dead 8 crew in international waters. Mr O'Keefe does not mince his words and he would undoubtedly come under the racial vilification legislation as applied by the Western Australian D.P.P: US, Europe complicit in Israeli crimes against Gaza: Activist Interview with Ken O'Keefe, a peace activist, from London Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:57AM GMT O'Keefe: It really gives credence to the idea that the 'chosen ones', i.e. the Jewish people, believe that they're so chosen that they have the right to use every other human being on this planet however they can be used to their perceived benefit. And that each one of us is nothing more than dogs and cattle to be used and slaughtered, lied to and exploited in every way possible because "God so ordained" that the Jewish people have the right to do so as the "chosen ones". It gives credence to that whole belief that these people are the most vile and disgusting, psychopathic criminals who are deluded with the most serious delusions of grandeur who believe that they can get away with everything because, again, "God said" they were chosen to do so. How is it possible for us to even begin to explain how the people of Palestine have been treated decade after decade unless we understand that, in the eyes of the power structure within Israel, the Palestinians are not in fact people, that they are dogs, that they don't even exist to even think that they are worth anything in the eyes of the psychopathic Jewish supremacist ideology... it is to insult yourself...because "God said" that you are 'chosen' and that everything else is irrelevant. That would explain very well what the Israeli's are doing yet again. And I don't use props in my whole presentation ever, but this little girl here is a reflection of our crimes. Our crimes against the people of Palestine in the Western world because we sit here and we do nothing while the Israeli's continue to murder little baby girls like this one who used to be a beautiful little baby girl and who now looks like a piece of charcoal sitting in the cold iron box in Palestine right now. That is what we do, sit by and do nothing while the Israeli's continue to murder and rampage at will. Page 673 of 1018 O'Keefe: I think that the only thing that can come out of this that is positive is when you have such an evil, violent and disgusting entity such as the Israeli machine, this monster that simply murders at will, backed by the United States, importantly, that the only thing good that can come out of this rampaging monster is that it's own momentum works against it. But if anything, this rampaging, terrorizing entity known as Israel, if anything could come out of it is that enough of us finally become so ashamed, disgusted and engaged that we do what we're fully capable of doing. http://presstv.com/detail/2012/ll/18/272998/us-europe-complicit-in-israeli-crimes/ You can understand Mr O'Keefes comments when you understand Jewish Holy Books that I have partially quoted from pages 46-49 of this letter. As you can see, Mr Ken O'Keefe used far more vivid language than I ever did and he is interviewed by some of the biggest mainstream media outlets on the planet. How is it one can be charged with an offense that is apparently being committed all over the world? Surely there must be some principal in law that notes you cannot 'selectively' prosecute? Or is that the beauty of State legislation - "If you don't like it, leave, go somewhere else." And you are marked for life as a 'racist'? PROFESSOR NORMAN FINKELSTEIN Here is some background and some views of the famous Professor Finkelstein of the University of Chicago where he praises the supposed "terrorist group" 108 Hezbollah: Norman Gary Finkelstein (born December 8, 1953) is an American political scientist and author whose primary fields of research are the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust . He is a graduate of Binghamton University and received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Princeton University . He has held faculty positions at Brooklyn College, Rutgers University , Hunter College, New York University, and, most recently, DePaul University , where he was an assistant professor from 2001 to
  • Finkelstein is credited by Avi Shlaim, Adam Shatz, Noam Chomsky and others with exposing Joan Peters 1 book From Time Immemorial as a "fraud" and "a monumental hoax". Amidst considerable public debate, Finkelstein was denied tenure at DePaul in June 2007, and placed on administrative leave for the 2007-2008 academic year. Among the controversial aspects of this decision were attempts by Alan Dershowitz , a notable opponent of Finkelstein's, to derail Finkelstein's tenure bid. On September 5, 2007 Finkelstein announced his resignation after coming to a settlement with the university on generally undisclosed terms. An official statement from DePaul strongly defended the decision to deny Finkelstein tenure, stated that outside influence played no role in the decision, and praised Finkelstein "as a prolific scholar and outstanding teacher." ""DePaul, embattled professor settle dispute"" . The Chicago Tribune, republished by normanfinkelstein.com. http://www. normanfinkelstein. com/article. php?pg=ll&ar=1206 108 They are in fact a legitimate resistance movement. A "terrorist" is anyone who disagrees with Israel and fights back. Page 674 of 1018 Finkelstein indeed visited southern Lebanon and conducted meetings with Lebanese families. During the 2006 Lebanon War, Israeli warplanes bombed a Qana apartment building where two families were seeking refuge in the basement, killing 28, among them 16 children. [591 Finkelstein visited the location of the bombing. Fie stated: "First of all I want express my horror and the difficulty it is to be in the presence of people who are the survivors of those who died. And it should be obvious that there are no words to convey those feelings of horror. Number two, [I want to express] those feelings of shame, because the simple fact is that the war and those deaths were caused by the US government. People should not fool themselves that this war was done by Israel; this was an American war and for American interests. The third feeling I have is disgust; Why are the Lebanese welcoming the US president here? Whenever a foreign diplomat travels to Israel, he or she has to go to Yad Vashem [the Israeli holocaust memorial]. So why don't the Lebanese have at least that much dignity to say that [US President George W.] Bush has to come here before he meets them? The last thing I want to say is: After the horror and after the shame and after the anger, there still remains the hope. And I know I can get in a lot of trouble for what I'm about to say, but I think that Flezbollah represents the hope. They are fighting to defend their homeland, they are fighting to defend the independence of their country, they are defending themselves against foreign marauders, vandals and murderers 109 and I consider it to be genuinely to be an honour to be in their presence." 'Finkelstein visits Sabra, Shatila and Qana ' http://www.normanfinkelstein.com/more-from-the-daily-star-on-lebanon-trip/ Professor Finkelstein also writes extensively on the Flolocaust and it's use by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" to gain sympathy for Israel and extort money. Please remember the 'tame' comments I made about the Holocaust 110 - Professor Finkelstein would get a year in jail at least here in Western Australia: 'The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering' was published in 2000. Here, Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is so the state of Israel , "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state" in order to garner "immunity to criticism. " [18] He also alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland, moneys which then go to the 109 That’s Israel. 110 On page 37 of this letter. Page 675 of 1018 lawyers and institutional actors involved in procuring them, rather than actual Holocaust survivors. [19j[20j[21j Finkelstein also had his supporters however. Raul Hilberg, widely regarded as the founder of Holocaust studies, [241 said the book expressed views Hilberg himself subscribed to in substance, in that he too found the exploitation of the Holocaust, in the manner Finkelstein describes, 'detestable.' Asked on another occasion if Finkelstein's analysis might play into the hands of neo-Nazis for anti-semitic purposes, Hilberg replied: 'Well, even if they do use it in that fashion, I'm afraid that when it comes to the truth, it has to be said openly, without regard to any consequences that would be undesirable, embarrassing.' 1251 1191 Finkelstein, N. (2003). The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering ((2nd ed.) ed.). Verso, pp. xiii. 1201 Where did the Shoah money go? Ynetnews October 12, 2006 http://www.vnetnews.eom/artides/l.7340.L-3338282.00.html I21] Lawyer's $4.1 Million Fee Angers Holocaust Survivors New York Times February 25, 2006 http://www.nvtimes.com/2006/02/25/nvregion/25lawyer.html? r=l&oref=sloslo [^]_Felix Kellerhoff (25 January 2003). ‘"’Raul Hilberg und die Quellen des Holocaust"' . Die Welt. http://www.welt.de/printwelt/article351516/Raul Hilberg und die Quellen des Flolocaust.html 1251 Roberto Antonini (31 August 2000). ‘"Interview with Raul Hilberg"" . Swiss National Radio (SBC-SSR). http://www. normanfinkelstein. com/article. php?pg=3&ar=202 I'll just repeat some of those comments on the Holocaust by an eminent Jewish Professor to ensure clarity: • Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is so the state of Israel, "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state" in order to garner "immunity to criticism." [181 • He also alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland... • Raul Hilberg, widely regarded as the founder of Holocaust studies, [241 ... Asked on another occasion if Finkelstein's analysis might play into the hands of neo-Nazis for anti-semitic purposes, Hilberg replied: 'Well, even if they do use it in that fashion. I'm afraid that when it comes to the truth, it has to be said openly, without regard to any consequences that would be undesirable, embarrassing.' 1251 In a radio interview with 'Democracy Now' presenter Amy Goodman - also released as a video on You Tube - a former member of the Israeli Knesset/Parliament (Shulamit Aloni) stated that Israel uses the Holocaust™ and the 'anti-Semite' tag as a weapon to deflect criticism of Israel: "Yes, if Europe criticises Israel we mention the Holocaust™, when the United States criticises Israel we call them anti-Semites, it's a trick, we always use it". Professor Noam Chomsky comments on these tactics: After the Larry Summers - Dershowitz hysteria about anti-Semitism at Harvard and MIT, the head of the Anthropology Department at Harvard, a progressive African American, asked me to give a talk on anti-Semitism to his race seminar at Harvard. I laughed and asked, what are you talking about? The president is Jewish, many of the faculty is Jewish, many students are Jewish, what's the issue? It's a joke, I said. He said, yes, it was a joke, Page 676 of 1018 but it was a very contentious issue on campus. So I agreed to go. I gave a talk, approximately along the lines of my remarks above: I said, yes, there was anti-Semitism, and I went through the background and how it had changed. At the end of the talk I came up with something I thought was going to be a great punch line, but it fell totally flat. I concluded by saying you no longer read things like the following written by distinguished and respected Harvard professors; then I gave a bunch of actual quotes from people like Michael Walzer, Ruth Wisse, and Martin Peretz - but they had been talking about Arabs, and at this point in the talk I replaced the word "Arab" in their quotes with "Jew". The quotes sounded like they came out of the nazi archives, about Jews, and there were gasps from the audience: How could Harvard professors ever have done this? And then I said, well, I misled you, those quotes weren't really about Jews, they were about Arabs, and, interestingly, there was a sigh of relief in the audience. I hadn't anticipated this reaction; apparently, as long as extreme racist comments of the kind that sound like nazi's are about Palestinians and Arabs, then it's fine. But if you were to say anything like that about Jews, the place would blow up. I think that's basically the answer to the question about the extent of anti-Semitism. There's manufactured anti-Semitism. Its manufactured by the Jewish organizations, very consciously. Take the Anti-Defamation League. It's hard to believe, but years ago it used to be an authentic civil rights organization. Now it's a kind of Stalinist-style apologetics for Israel organization. In 1982 they got worried about the lack of anti-Semitism in the country because that's their business. So they published a book by their national director called 'The Real Anti-Semitism in America' - with the words "Real" italicised. The book says there is old fashioned anti-Semitism - holocaust denial, calls to kill Jews, and so on - but that's marginal and boring. There's a new kind of anti-Semitism however, that is much more serious than the old kind. The new kind of anti-Semitism consists of peace makers of Vietnam vintage who want to undermine and attack the Pentagon budget or people who join the nuclear freeze campaign, and the book goes on like that. Why is that the new anti-Semitism? Because they're undermining the power and violence of the US Government, and Israel relies on that. So therefore, indirectly, they're undermining Israel; so therefore, they're 'real' anti-Semites. It's really quite incredible. Noam Chomsky & Gilbert Achar 2006 "Perilous Power: The Middle East and US Foreign Policy" p.201-202 Professor Finkelstein also had this to say about Israel: Finkelstein is a sharp critic of Israel and Israeli society in general. In a telephone interview with Today's Zaman, in 2009, Finkelstein stated that Israel was a "satanic" "terrorist" "insane" and "lunatic" state, and that "sometimes I feel that Israel has come out of the boils of the hell." Norman Finkelstein. "Israel is committing a holocaust in Gaza", Today's Zaman, 19 January 2009. http://www.todavszaman.com/tz-web/detaylar.do?load=detav&link=164483 So, Professor Norman Finkelstien called the "Jewish State": • Satanic. • Terrorist. • Insane. • Lunatic. Page 677 of 1018 The above is another year or so in jail according to the State of Western Australia. It would have been nice to be able to present Professor Finkelstein's 'abhorrent views' to the jury. It would have also been nice to have him appear at my trial via video link. Another online news article is indicative of how others are viewing what happened in Gaza in 2008-
  • This time from a British Judge in his summing up in a case of criminal damage. Note this

    paragraph in particular: Describing evidence shown in court, Judge Bathurst-Norman told the jury that he could only describe the "horrific" events shown as, "scenes which one would rather have hoped to have disappeared with the Nazi regimes of the last war". It's nice to know that in England that you get to "show" evidence in court. I think this is an important point to raise and perhaps worth more research. The full article is here and is very instructive: Judge faces anti-Semitism probe after speech attacking Israel helps free arms factory protestors By Steve Doughty, Social Affairs Correspondent Last updated at 2:52 AM on 24 th July 2010 A senior judge was under investigation yesterday after being accused of making anti- Semitic remarks in court that may have swayed his jury into acquitting a group of protestors. Judge George Bathurst-Norman was said by critics to have persuaded a jury to clear a group of campaigners who smashed up a factory making parts for Israeli war planes. Summing up in the criminal damage trial, he compared Israel to the Nazi regime and accused the country of ignoring international law. The judge added that, "there may be much to be admired", about the chief protestor, and that, "in the last war he would probably have received a George Medal". The Office for Judicial Complaints, which deals with objections over the conduct of judges and magistrates, confirmed that an enquiry into how Judge Bathurst-Norman handled the trial of five political activists at Hove Crown Court in June is under way. It's findings will be considered by Lord Chief Justice Lord Judge and Lord Chancellor Kenneth Clarke, who have the final say on any disciplinary action. A number of complaints are said to have accused the judge not just of anti-Israel rhetoric but specifically of anti-Semitism. The case involved a group of activists who broke into and vandalised a Brighton factory run by engineering firm EDO MBM. The company was making parts for use in the bomb aiming equipment on Israeli F-16 war planes. The invasion shut the factory for a week and caused £187,000 worth of damage. But five men and women who appeared in court claimed they had done nothing wrong under criminal damage law. Page 678 of 1018 The law says someone is not guilty of causing damage if they believed it was necessary for the immediate protection of someone elses property. Several similar defences by protestors have been successful in recent years. Describing evidence shown in court, Judge Bathurst-Norman told the jury that he could only describe the "horrific" events shown as, "scenes which one would rather have hoped to have disappeared with the Nazi regimes of the last war". In his summing up, he gave his backing to his evidence of one defendant, Ornella Saibene, a former Greenham Common activist. The judge said, "She took us through the horrors, and there is really no other word for it than horrors, that emerged in the press and on the news and the footage as to what the Israeli's were doing in Gaza. You may think that perhaps 'hell on earth' would be an understatement of what the Gazan's endured." http://www.dailvmail.co.uk/news/article-1297219/Judge-faces-anti-semitism-probe- speech-attacking-lsrael-helps-free-arms-factory-protestors/ This is how a U.K judge saw things. What a contrast with local Perth District Court Judge Wisbey. Please consider all of these views and facts when considering my charges and the constant use of the term "abhorrent views" by the DPP etc. ALL of the above information was DIRECTLY relevant to my defence under the charge 80B - 'conduct likely to racially harass', and the defence: 80G. Defences (1) It is a defence to a charge under section 78 or 80B to prove that the accused persons conduct was engaged in reasonably and in good faith - (b) in the course of any statement, publication, discussion or debate made or held, or any other conduct engaged in, for - (ii) any purpose that is in the public interest; and (c) in making or publishing a fair and accurate report or analysis of any event or matter of public interest. It is also 'background information' that would remove the incredible bias that must be overcome when talking about Jewish power. Clearly, Jews are not a 'vulnerable minority'. This has great bearing on how a jury views the case. With all of the 'above' comments by eminent people in mind, consider what prosecutor Antony EYERS and the Western Australian Department of Public Prosecutions considered 'abhorrent views' designed to 'incite' and worthy of 3 years jail and hundreds of thousands of tax payers' dollars in court costs. Prosecutor EYERS pointed out these comments from my blog in particular - extremely serious section 77 charges: TRANSCRIPT QUOTES - SECTION 77 CHARGES Page 679 of 1018 "1,500 Gazan's are dead, one million plus Iraqi's. We can only hope and pray that the international community strikes hard and makes sure that gaggle of Satan's children in occupied Palestine are brought to justice." Transcript Page 626 "Fairly soon Jews will realise that people are thoroughly sick of them, their whining, their perpetual victimhood and their demands for people to bow down and worship their dodgy religion of Holocaustianity." Transcript Page 630 "The Jew community could of at least made their lies and slander half believable, but I guess after years of inventive and over the top Holocaust memoirs they've gotten lazy." Transcript Page 632 "Former Ku Klux Clown lectures Aussies to stamp out racism. Unfortunately, our former clown has never read the Talmud, so he forgot to mention Jews as the biggest racists of all." Transcript p.633 I'll just contrast my above comments again with comments by Peace Activist Kenny O'Keefe who is interviewed by the BBC, ABC, CBC, CNBC, ITV, Press TV 111 etc, mentioned on page 23 of this letter: O'Keefe: It really gives credence to the idea that the 'chosen ones', i.e. the Jewish people, believe that they're so chosen that they have the right to use every other human being on this planet however they can be used to their perceived benefit. And that each one of us is nothing more than dogs and cattle to be used and slaughtered, lied to and exploited in every way possible because "God so ordained" that the Jewish people have the right to do so as the "chosen ones". ... that these people 112 are the most vile and disgusting, psychopathic criminals who are deluded with the most serious delusions of grandeur who believe that they can get away with everything because, again, "God said" they were chosen to do so. ... in the eyes of the power structure within Israel, the Palestinians are not in fact people, that they are dogs, that they don't even exist to even think that they are worth anything in the eyes of the psychopathic Jewish supremacist ideology ...because we sit here and we do nothing while the Israeli's continue to murder little baby girls like this one who used to be a beautiful little baby girl and who now looks like a piece of charcoal sitting in the cold iron box in Palestine right now. But if anything, this rampaging, terrorizing entity known as Israel... http://presstv.com/detail/2012/ll/18/272998/us-europe-complicit-in-israeli-crimes/ 111 All are major, mainstream media outlets. 112 That’s ‘Jews’. Page 680 of 1018 I hope to meet Mr O'Keefe in the not so distant future. I will ask him to come to Australia to lecture. Mr O'Keefe has risked his life bringing humanitarian supplies to Gaza when Israeli Commando's boarded their ship in international waters. Eight of his fellow activists were murdered when they defended themselves against armed pirates 113 with broomsticks and iron bars. Will Mr O'Keefe get a visa to enter Australia? Will he be arrested after his first lecture? It will be very interesting. The incident was widely reported extensively in the world wide mainstream press. I'm not sure if they have labelled Mr O'Keefe an 'anti-Semite' yet but it must be on the way. Here's one last comment Dr Walsh from a well-respected Jew, that, if you took the view of the Western Australian legal system should have him in jail for twenty years. In the Dutch weekly paper "Elsevier" in September 2003, an Israeli military historian Mr Martin Levi Van Creveld stated that Israel had 200 nuclear weapons and some were aimed at European cities. He stated that if Europe pulled support for Israel they would, "Take the world down with us". Yes, I kid you not - they are lunatics and I reserve the right to say it as often as possible. [C] Media Reporting Considering the sensitive nature of the subject, overall, media reporting was not too bad. However, the Nine Network outdid itself with a grossly defamatory hit piece done on me. Easily one of the worst in the country in recent memory. It was the local production of 'A Current Affair'. A ten-minute segment where it was clearly imputated I was somehow affiliated with white supremacist groups and neo-Nazi's. It was broadcast on the 26 th May 2009, exactly one week after my May 19 th 2009 appearance in the Magistrates court where I had plead not guilty. The most outrageous statement was that I had called for, "All Jews to be wiped out." Never have I stated publicly or privately such a thing. I have not even thought it. It was a complete fabrication, a criminally defamatory concoction, in my opinion as part of a concerted and co-ordinated plan between the Jewish Community, D.P.P and police to deprive me of general public support and pressure me into a guilty plea. The editor of the segment had also re-edited my video. Something I have NEVER seen done before in the media. He had not just 'chopped' the video at a point for a good 'sound bite' leaving the quote out of context - a common media tactic. The editor had in fact 'overlayed' sound onto another part of the video covering over Mr Stanley Elliot Keyser stating in the video, "Come on, you can film this one". I have never seen this done before. Here is a commentary of the reporting in question. This is important. When I complained to police, I wanted the Nine Network charged with contempt of court they basically laughed at me. Detective Paini stated this sort of reporting was "normal". He then added one week later that he had contacted the Nine Network and asked them to stop producing such material. I have not the slightest doubt Detective Paini was right in on this reporting. The Nine Networks relationship with the Western Australian police and D.P.P is legendary. Their vilification of Islam and Muslim's in general is also quite legendary over and above any other commercial network. 113 Israeli Commando’s. Page 681 of 1018 One week after I put these allegations on the record at a hearing before Acting Chief Judge Martino, the Nine Network axed the local production of 'A Current Affair', quoting "poor ratings" as the reason. But not only the official media, Blogs were set up to vilify me and they repeated (and still do) that I had been stalking the Jewish community for ten years and threatened their kids and other members of it. The jury could have found these sites easily just by Googling my name. In fact many of them were top of the list on Google. This is important as it formed part of an overall co-ordinated campaign to end any chance of ordinary people supporting my case as a free expression issue. This reporting by the Nine Network totally destroyed any faith I had in the Western Australian legal system. When I defend myself online after such a shocking defamation by a major media outlet I am charged 5 more times! I am threatened with contempt of court and criminal defamation! The Nine Network got away with murder and to this day I cannot find a lawyer to represent me in a defamation case against the Nine network. RANT RAVE - ONLINE JEWISH HYSTERIA - ACCUSATIONS OF VIOLENCE The very popular website is called "Rant Rave", run by a Jewish man which indicates the level of lies and hysteria that were circulating before, during and after the trial: ...both comments come from members of the Perth Jewish community and offer background not mentioned in the mainstream media. Gedalia 114 responded as follows: "I had a personal encounter with Brendon - not pleasant. He has physically threatened people and is quite capable of crazy actions. I agree that a person should not be arrested for their attitude. However, when that attitude is expressed in a way that is potentially harmful (in a very real sense) to other people, then the situation changes. As the article notes, only 2 people have been charged under this legislation, showing that it is applied only in instances of absolute necessity. You only need to watch his latest video posting to see that in this case, the charge was quite justified." On Rantrave.com, Perthguy posted the following reply: "And I have news for you. Hate crimes have taken place. This lunatic has threatened the lives of men, women and children in the Jewish community personally, by phone and email. On the very night he was charged he rang a Perth based Jewish centre and told them he was coming around to 'finish them off. The centre, which was full of children, had to have a police guard. This is beyond harassment. This guy just hasn't made video's out of the blue in the background, like the media is making out. He's been assaulting and threatening to kill Jews, in person, by email and by telephone, for almost a decade." Both Gedalia and Perthguy rounded out the picture with accounts of a ten-year campaign of harassment, assaults and even threatening that staff and children in a day care centre are criminal behaviour. The presence of a police guard at the day care centre is proof that the public suffered expense. The fear and anxiety suffered by the Jews of Perth is no different than that of a girlfriend or public figure who is being stalked by an 114 Onscreen name/pseudonym. Page 682 of 1018 angry ex love or fan. Threatening physical harm is not and never was "protected speech". It is one thing to post on YouTube or a Blog ones anger at Jews, Catholics, African Americans or Chinese. It is another matter entirely when one starts harassing strangers who belong to a group against whom one nurses a grievance. http://www.rantrave.com/Rant/Brendon-OConnell-Hate-Crimes-Followup.aspx The above information: • "I had a personal encounter with Brendon - not pleasant. He has physically threatened people and is quite capable of crazy actions." • "And I have news for you. Hate crimes have taken place. This lunatic has threatened the lives of men, women and children in the Jewish community personally, by phone and email." • "On the very night he was charged he rang a Perth based Jewish centre and told them he was coming around to finish them off. The centre, which was full of children, had to have a police guard." • "This guy just hasn't made video's out of the blue in the background, like the media is making out. He's been assaulting and threatening to kill Jews, in person, by email and by telephone, for almost a decade." ...was posted all over the internet. Again, THIS is the reason why I put up my own Blog to defend myself from these ridiculous accusations that are clearly defamatory. I would never have received two years jail because of the Blog if police and the courts had taken my complaint seriously. Every time I would investigate having the media, blogs etc... charged with contempt of court, I was basically laughed at and told this is "normal". That it's, "just the way it is". The same people making these accusations are the same people from the Jewish community who told police that I had been stalking them for ten years and threatened to kill their children and also threatened females at a Israeli run stall in the Joondalup shopping centre. ALL, is and was, outright patent lies. I complained in court about this: ACCUSED: Bit I mean, is anyone suing Channel 9 for their defamatory comments? Did - did Mr Alan Troy go to Channel 9 and demand they shut up for their atrocious defamatory comments? It's just little old Brendon here up against the - this monolith. By myself. Broke. Transcript 20/11/2009 Page 17 THREATENED WITH CONTEMPT OF COURT AND JAILING - AGAIN Mr Alan Troy, senior prosecutor with the DPP was talking at this hearing of charging me with 'criminal defamation'. Again, the ONLY reason I put up those blogs which got me two years jail was that I was being vilified by the mainstream media and on online Jewish blogs. I had complained to Detective Timothy Paini about it and demanded Channel 9 be charged with contempt of court. He just laughed that it was "normal" media behaviour. He got back to me a week later and said that he had rung Channel 9 and asked them to cease such reporting. However, when I defend myself online against these blatant lies and bullshit that are undoubtedly going to influence a jury I was raided and charged 5 more times and this is what Mr Alan Troy had to say at the hearing that followed my re-arrest: MR TROY: The concern the prosecution have, of course, is that notwithstanding the fact that the matter has not been listed for trial as of yet, that has an obvious tendency to prevent a fair trial for the community as well as the accused, and the court will be aware, of course — ACCUSED: Fair trial? Thanks. Page 683 of 1018 MR TROY: The court will be aware, of course, that although "in contempt of court" is a little utilized power, it remains a power that, on the authority of Rv Pearce [1992] 7 WAR 395, the Director of Public Prosecutions has the standing to commence and carry on. And that is something that the Director of Public Prosecutions is actively considering, as the court knows from correspondence. And there is clear authority that a favourable comment, such as an assertion that an accused is innocent, to the media during the course of a trial can amount to a contempt. It is of course a question of degree, and there is a question as to proximity of trial. But the prosecution is concerned that unless bail is revoked, this accused will continue to publish — ACCUSED: Defend myself. Transcript 20/11/2009 Page 6-7 So Mr Troy believes that, "there is clear authority that a favourable comment, such as an assertion that an accused is innocent, to the media during the course of a trial can amount to a contempt." Well then, what about a ten-minute segment on a state wide current affairs show where it is asserted I have stated I want to "wipe out all Jews" and they even go so far as to re-edit the video I was arrested for by moving audio around. They then "impute" and give the clear inference that I am somehow involved with 'neo-nazi's' and 'white supremacist' groups! But this is not 'criminal defamation' and 'contempt of court'? Jewish blogs - some very popular - are repeating over and over the same accusations that sent the police to my house in the first place. ALL were lies as I have explained. NO PROBLEM apparently. NO problem at all. Alan Troy and his friends in the Jewish community and Channel 9 created the blog that got me two years jail. Alan Troy goes on: MR TROY: His rhetoric towards your Honour underlies that point. His observations in the teeth of his knowledge that the prosecution are - have asked the police to investigate and prepare a brief as to a potential proceedings in respect of contempt of court and potential prosecution under section 345 of the Code for criminal defamation, to effectively repeat the terms of the contempt for your Honour in the face of the court is suggestive of a man with no restraint whatsoever. Transcript 20/11/2009 Page 14 The simple fact is I was having trouble with understanding what Mr Alan Troy was on about. Channel 9 and the Jewish community were actively and with extreme malice defaming me day after day. The whole point of the reporting, both on television and online, was to prevent me garnering support from the general public on the case as a "free expression" issue. They had to label me a 'racist extremist' and isolate me and force me into a guilty plea. I simply could not gather what the problem was with Mr Troy as he expressed not the slightest offence with what was happening "to me". Clearly it was one rule for Mr Alan Troy's friends - and DPP head Robert Cock - and one rule for me. However, Police in Victoria have taken offense to online information jeopardising court cases: Facebook, police to meet over hate sites Melbourne West Australian Paper Page 684 of 1018 December 15 th 2012 A Facebook representative has agreed to meet with Victoria's police chief over concerns that users of the social media site are a "mob" that incites hatred and undermines the criminal justice system. Chief Commissioner Ken Lay said yesterday that since he had publicly criticised that company's response to major cases, he had been contacted by Facebook's head in South-East Asia. "I'll be meeting with him in the next few weeks to have a chat about some of my concerns," Mr Lay said. Earlier this year, Mr Lay attacked Facebook for failing to quickly remove hate pages that could have threatened the high-profile prosecution of Adrian Ernst Bayley, the Melbourne man accused of raping and murdering ABC staffer Jill Meagher. "They've got a social responsibility, this mob," Mr Lay said in October. Mr Bayley, 41, had at least six Facebook pages - devoted to revealing his background - posted on Facebook for days before they were finally deleted. Law enforcement authorities have similar concerns about other hate pages and the continuing problem of trolls who litter victims' memorial pages with offensive content. • "A Facebook representative has agreed to meet with Victoria's police chief over concerns that users of the social media site are a "mob" that incites hatred and undermines the criminal justice system." Well, it's nice that in Victoria the obvious has been raised. However, if the man's past is true, well that is a different matter. After all, the states (including Victoria) have brought in 'propensity evidence' as standard now so why should they complain about the public bringing up an accused's past if the prosecutor can do it as well-just in the court room? But what about if the "mob" is all over the internet telling ridiculous lies about you? What about if a major news network has done it and no one gives a shit about it when you complain? Then, to add insult to injury, when I put up my own Blog with my own version of events I am charged again - 5 more times! It absolutely stinks. I seethe at it all. How was I supposed to get witnesses to appear after this reporting? How was I to get expert witnesses to appear on my behalf? The fact is, THIS was the intended result of the Nine Networks reporting and the DPP and police was right in there with them - I have not forgotten the former Senior Prosecutor Mr Alan Troy and his boss Mr Robert Cock of the DPP. [D] Resignation of Nine News Director Adrian Beattie Around 14 th of September 2010 I sent an email to the Nine Networks lawyers 'Freehills' noting their clients criminally defaming production. Two days later the Director of the local Nine Networks news department resigned on the 16 th of September. On the 17 th of September 2010, the West Australian paper produced this report on Mr Adrian Beattie's sudden resignation: Staff shocked at TV news chiefs sudden departure ANGELA POWNALL WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER September 17 th 2010 Page 685 of 1018 Channel 9 Perth and WIN WA's news director Adrian Beattie abruptly left the station yesterday after a reportedly rocky relationship with WIN owner Bruce Gordon. Station staff said they were shocked about Beattie's sudden departure after he gave an emotional farewell address in the Dianella newsroom. A statement from WIN's headquarters in NSW said Beattie had resigned and that deputy news director Michael Thompson would take over in an acting capacity immediately. Beattie, who is from Northern Ireland and migrated to WA seven years ago, described his three years at WIN Television as tremendous. "It is now time to move on and face new challenges," he said. "The employees of Nine News and WIN News are some of the best I have worked with. "I leave knowing I have made many friends in the industry and I'm grateful for their support." Beattie was a reporter for Channel 9 Perth before becoming news director in 2007. "We are all shellshocked," a Channel 9 employee said. "He's the fairest, most decent, smartest news director we've had here and he's left the building. He has overseen a massive ratings improvement." WIN said Beattie's replacement would be announced in due course. Ian McRae, general manager of Channel 9 Perth, said Beattie "had made a significant contribution to all our news based programs". Beattie worked for BBC Belfast, RTE in Dublin and ITN Network News in Britain. He reported on the Troubles in Northern Ireland. His documentary on a 15-year-old murder helped to change Britain's 800 year-old double-jeopardy laws and won the Royal Television Society's award for best factual program. I wrote this letter and sent it by fax to the Nine Network, Perth on 22 nd of May 2012: Attention : Nine Network News Director Perth, W.A From : Brendon Lee O'Connell c/- Locked Bag 1 Kwinnana, W.A 6966

    . Mr Mark , Acting f or m y S e|f. Alternative Contact : P.0 Box* Mundaring, W.A 6073
  • On May 26 th 2009, your local production of 'A Current Affair', hosted by Louise Momba, was aired in Perth.
  • A 10 (Ten) minute segment was aired in which your producer, reporter (Simon Bailey) did criminally defame me (Brendon Lee O'Connell).
  • Your reporter - Simon Baily - did state that I had verbalised wanting to, "Wipe out all Jews".
  • At no time have I thought, stated or written, anywhere and at any time, the wish to, "Wipe out all Jews". This was a fiction, a fabrication, invented by your production of 'A Current Affair'. Page 686 of 1018
  • Your segment did by way of imputation and inference lead a reasonable viewer to believe I was a member of, or shared the politico/racial ideology of neo-Nazi's and White Supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.
  • Your editor did re-edit the video for the specific purpose of quoting me out of context by cutting short the words, "Your days are numbered", and also with deliberate and calculated intent, re-edit the video I had produced by taking audio from another part of my video and laying it in a different location - 10 seconds previous - to cover over Mr Stanley Elliot Keyser saying, "Come on, you can film this one", showing him clearly inviting me to film him despite claiming to police he was scared and intimidated.
  • By the totality of these actions, coming exactly one (1) week after I plead not guilty to charges of Racial Vilification in the Perth's Magistrates Court on May 19 th 2009, you showed a clear intent to criminally defame me knowing that what you were doing was a false and deliberate fabrication of my character, politics, beliefs and intent when producing the video in question.
  • I put to you that the intent was to so defame me in the public's eye as a racist and man calling for mass murder, that I would lose all support in the public's eye as a free expression issue.
  • I put to you that you worked in conjunction with the police, d.p.p and Jewish Community leaders while producing your segment that criminally defamed me, to pressure me into an early guilty plea, and so avoid further publicity to my intent of calling the public's attention to Jewish racial and religious supremacism that underlies the criminal, racist apartheid state of Israel's war crimes committed against the people of Gaza during Operation Cast Lead.
  • Before issuing a Writ against your company and possibly individuals, I give you the chance to remedy the situation by correspondence with me and/or my associate Mr Mark**.
  • Further, it is noted that in 2010, two days after I wrote via email to the Nine Networks lawyers Freehill's, Mr Adrian Beatty, news director for Nine Network Perth, resigned suddenly and it was reported in the West Australian paper, "Staff Shocked At T.V News Chiefs Sudden Departure" by Angela Pownhall; "Channel 9 Perth and WIN W.A's news director Adrian beatty abruptly left the station yesterday after a reportedly rocky relationship with WIN owner Bruce Gordon. Station staff said they were shocked about Beatties sudden departure..." Looking forward to your reply, Brendon O'Connell [E] Head Of Local State Counter Terrorism Interested In 'My Work' Inspector Barry Shelton indicated via email that he and his colleagues 'respect my work'. Please consider the above comment when considering my charges and the constant use of the term "abhorrent views" by the DPP etc. Unfortunately, 'peace feelers' put out by the Inspector were not well received by me and I could not come to trust the Western Australian police service as an institution whatever the best intentions of some of its employees were. I do regret the level to which I assisted the relationship to sink. However, it takes two to tango. A simple apology and open and honest dialogue would have sufficed to keep things on an even keel. I am not receptive to 'nudges and winks'. Page 687 of 1018 I also saw AFP Agent Steve Lamborn three times regarding hacking and stalking. He said, "I can't wave a magic wand and fix all this," but he would look into it. I wrote to the CCC. As far as I can tell - nothing was done. In the U.S, the harassment of my friend continued right up to the trial and my incarceration. It has now apparently ceased though I have had no contact with my friend since December 2010. All of the above is important when noting my behaviour in court. I was angry and upset well before I got into court and I saw court as a simple continuation of the harassment with DCJ John Wisbey's behaviour and comments, and yes, I didn't help matters. [F] Israeli Ambassador Supports Complainant In Case After some exchanges of emails with Counter Terrorism - surprise, surprise - the Israeli Ambassador comes to town. Here is an online report of the event at which he attended. Friends of Israel WA launched in Perth...with astounding success | J-Wire August 8, 2010 by Henry Benjamin 1500 West Australians, including over 100 Federal and State Parliamentarians and community leaders converged on the Victory Life centre in Osborne Park to stand up and support Israel. In May 2009, footage shot by 39-year-old Brendan O'Connell sent waves of anguish throughout the cities 9000 strong Jewish community. O'Connell, took his viewers on a trip across the Swan River to a demonstration in South Perth being held by the Friends of Palestine, protesting outside an IGA supermarket selling Israeli Jaffa oranges. O'Connell told his "viewers" that he was hoping to find some Jews 115 at the scene...and he did. He videoed himself harassing two young Jewish men and creating an argumentative situation. He faces trial in Perth this month, in only the second case in WA invoking the racial vilification act. The Friends Of Palestine group distanced itself from O'Connell. Community leader Steve Lieblich told J-Wire: "The Jewish community wanted to show support for Israel after O'Connell had been charged and a group of us got together with one purpose in mind...to find support for Israel not just from the Jewish community but from all Australians. Today's event was the culmination of this initiative. Instead of the usual 300-4- diehard Jewish supporters we got 1500 of which about 75% were not Jewish." Steve Lieblich reports: 115 A lie. I was hoping to find some “Israeli’s” as I clearly stated in the video. The same Israeli who had been stalking the Friends Of Palestine for months taking photographs of protestors. This is but a small example of the endless misrepresentations of the Perth Jewish community who couldn’t lie straight in bed. Page 688 of 1018 The Centres main auditorium, which seats 800 was quickly filled to capacity, followed by the second overflow auditorium (linked by video to the proceedings), necessitating a third overflow room to set up in the Centres lobby. Attendances at the prelaunch seminar and book launch were also beyond expectation demonstrating a powerful bond between Western Australia and Israel. The event was chaired by inaugural Chairman of the FOIWA, former State Minister Bob Kucera and Vice Chairman, former State Upper House member Ray Halligan. Apologies included Hon. Julie Bishop, Deputy leader of the Opposition but her statement of support was made by Ray Halligan. Bob Kucera passionately expressed the importance of support for Israel as a "friend in need" and urged everyone present to join the organisation and look forward to hearing quality speakers, seminars and being kept informed. Foreign Minister Stephen SMITH re-iterated Australia's support for Israel's right to live in peace and security, from the outset and across the political spectrum. Michael Keenan, Federal Member for Stirling and Shadow Minister for Justice and Customs urged all Australian's to support Israel, especially our leaders. Keenan delivered a message of support from Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbot. Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly Michael Sutherland and Deputy State Opposition Leader Kate Doust are co-conveners of the State Parliamentary Friends of Israel. They spoke of their recent study tour of Israel and urged all West Australians to join the organization and help it work for peace. The meeting was addressed by Israeli Ambassador to Australia, Yuvel Rotem and through a video link by Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister, Danny Ayalon. Lieblich told J-Wire that O'Connell was ranting outside the meeting and was moved on by police. Comments: Stanley Keyser 116 says: August 11, 2010 11:21am When I was asked to run an educational session two hours before the launch of Friends of Israel W.A I thought I would be lucky if I got to speak in front of a crowd larger than 50 people. This was the furthest thing from the truth. By the time I started at 2pm there were over 400 people in the auditorium, at 2.30pm the main hall which I was speaking in was almost at capacity with over 700 people present. By the time the official launch had begun at 4pm there were over 1500 people at the Victory Life Centre. Our kind hosts had to open two extra overflow rooms. Being on stage and viewing these large numbers was incredibly uplifting and beautiful experience. For that I thank you. I thank the non- Jewish and Jewish communities for coming out in support of Israel, freedom and democracy. I just hope Friends of Israel W.A can go from strength to strength and continue demonstrating how wonderful Israel is to the wider Western Australian community. If you have not signed up to become a Friend Of Israel yet please head to foiwa.org.au http://www.iwire.com.au/news/friends-of-israel-launched-in-perth-with-astounding- success/10935 116 Complainant in case. Page 689 of 1018 My trial was due to start on August the 16 th that same month. An adjournment was granted however to allow me time to gather in expert witnesses on my behalf. I think the whole 'Friends of Israel' rally could be considered "contempt of court" as it seemed to me that the timing was obviously meant to intimidate government bureaucrats and court officials to limit the damage to Jewish interests. Here is a mainstream newspaper report (West Australian paper) of the 'Friends Of Israel' group: WA leaders join forces to rally for Israel Daniel Mercer August 4 th 2010 Prominent West Australians have cast aside their political differences and joined forces to voice their support for Israel and the role of democracy in the Middle East. The Friends of Israel WA group, which will be chaired by former police minister Bob Kucera and include deputy Federal Opposition leader Julie Bishop and State Labor MP Kate Doust, will be launched on Sunday. Israel's Ambassador to Australia, Yuval Rotem, is expected to attend. Mr Kucera said the group aimed to advance Israel's right to exist as a recognised Jewish state, supported it's right to defend itself and encourage accurate and fair reporting on issues in the Middle East. Jewish Community Council of WA public affairs director Steve Leiblich said the organisation was being set up partly in response to what he called a campaign by some elements of the Western Australian media and academia to delegitimise and vilify Israel. 117 He was not surprised by the bipartisan support for the group from both sides of Australian politics, saying the issues confronting Israel transcended the "finer points" of political debate between the major parties. "The bond between Israel and Australia is extremely strong and deep and goes back a very long way," he said. "It comes down to common, shared values with respect to freedom of the individual, respect for human life, democracy, orderly transition of power by the people - all of these things are common to the Judeo-Christian ethic and the basic values of Australian society." Please note that last paragraph Dr Walsh. With all I have indicated to you on Jewish racial and religious supremacism, I'm sure you can find this at least amusing. Note also that when the Palestinian's on the Gaza Strip had a 'democratic vote', and Hamas won, the U.S and Israel withheld taxes ($200 million worth) in an attempt to intimidate the Gazan's into getting rid of Hamas and putting in place the more co-operative Fatah leadership. So much for: "It comes down to common, shared values with respect to freedom of the individual, respect for human life, democracy, orderly transition of power by the people - all of 117 No, most likely they heard from a ‘data intercept’ of emails between myself and local head of Counter Terrorism that Israel was now ‘on the nose’ due to its constant spying. This was the reason for calling in the heavy firepower 8 days before the intended trial of a person they described as a “nut” and “neo-Nazi” who was “threatening to kill” their kids. Page 690 of 1018 these things are common to the Judeo-Christian ethic and the basic values of Australian society." [2] Commentary on Racial Vilification Legislation JAMES 3:5 Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. 7 AII kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, 8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. MATTHEW 23:33 "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?" Words that Jesus spoke to the religious and political elite of His day. He would have come under the legislation not withstanding he committed acts of violence by whipping the money changes from the Temple square. Conversely, I am not entirely against the legislation 'in principal', as evidenced by the inclusion of the passage from James in the New Testament. Polite dialogue wins over yelling and screaming. What I fear is the abuse of the legislation, which is inevitable it appears with who is pushing it. [A] Former Chief Justice of New South Wales Comments On Vilification Legislation Former Chief Justice of the New South Wales Supreme court (1998-2011) - James Spigelman AC QC - has weighed in on the current debate on new legislation related to W.A racial vilification legislation. It is centred on the argument that speech which merely "offends" should not be made unlawful. This has particular relevance to section 80B of the legislation under which I was charged: 80B. Conduct likely to racially harass Any person who engages in any conduct, otherwise than in private, that is likely to harass a racial group, or a person as a member of a racial group, is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 3 years. Summary conviction penalty: imprisonment for 12 months and a fine of $12 000. [Section 80B inserted by No.80 of 2004 s.6; amended by No. 70 of 2004 s.38(2).] Here are some extracts from the former Chief Justice and now Chairman of the ABC James Spigelman: Human Rights Day Oration - delivered by the Honourable James Spigelman AC QC The Human Rights Day oration was delivered by James Spigelman, Chairman of the ABC and former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of NSW from 1998 until 2011. His keynote speech tackled the topical issue of 'Where do we draw the line between hate speech and free speech?' TRANSCRIPT: Page 691 of 1018 I thank the Human Rights Commission, and particularly its President, Gillian Triggs, for this opportunity to participate in the recognition of so many fine Australians for their contribution to the protection of the rights of their fellow Australians, and of others. ... Consistent with the Commissions theme, I wish to discuss the boundary between hate speech, a significant factor in social inclusion, and free speech, perhaps the most fundamental human right underpinning participation in public life. Human rights discourse, which has always been comfortable with privileging a right over an interest, has never successfully dealt with situations in which rights conflict 111 . This is a context bedevilled by a conflict of metaphors: from "rights as trumps" to "balancing". As Benjamin Cardozo warned us: "Metaphors in law are to be narrowly watched, for starting as devices to liberate thought, they end often by enslaving it" pl . "Balancing" is often a fraught process 131 , particularly in the usual context where the conflicting values are simply incommensurable. As one United States Supreme Court Justice put it, the process is often like asking "whether a particular line is longer than a particular rock is heavy" 141 . In the present context, the issue requires determination of how much weight is to be given to the right of freedom of speech. For many, albeit not all, that right is usually entitled to determinative weight when it conflicts with other rights, relevantly, those protected by anti-discrimination statutes. This issue has been controversial in Australia in recent years, in the context of the racial vilification provision in section 18 C of the Racial Discrimination Act, 1975, which is proposed to be re-enacted as section 51 of the new omnibus legislation, the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill, 2012. The Bill was recently released for comment, an invitation I will take up in this address. There may have now elapsed sufficient time for us to debate the issue dispassionately, and not on the basis of whether or not you like Andrew Bolt. The focus of that debate was not on the existence of a racial vilification provision, but on the breadth of the conduct to which section 18 C extends, namely, conduct "reasonably likely ... to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person". The key criticism was directed to the fact that the section made speech which merely "offends" unlawful. The section of Professor Waldron's hate speech book, which is of particular significance for our debate, is the chapter he devotes to establishing the proposition that protection of dignity does NOT require protection from being offended. As he puts it: "Laws restricting hate speech should aim to protect peoples dignity against assault. I am referring to their status as anyone's equal in the community they inhabit, to their entitlement to basic justice, and to the fundamentals of their reputation. Dignity in that sense may need protection against attack, particularly against group-directed attacks... It understands dignity as a status sustained by law in society in the form of the public good. However, I do not believe that it should be the aim of these laws to prevent people from being offended. Protecting people's feelings against offense is not an appropriate objective of the law. Page 692 of 1018 To protect people from offense or from being offended is to protect them from a certain sort of effect on their feelings. And that is different from protecting their dignity and the assurance of their decent treatment in society." 171 I agree with Professor Waldron. His detailed analysis supports the proposition that declaring conduct, relevantly speech, to be unlawful, because it causes offence, goes too far. The freedom to offend is an integral component of freedom of speech. There is no right not to be offended. http://www.humanrights.gov.au/about/media/news/2012/132 12.html [11 See Jeremy Waldron "Security and Liberty: The Imagery of Balance" (2003) 11 Journal of Political Philosophy 191, especially at 198-199 [21 See Berkey v Third Avenue Railway Company 244 NY 84 at 94-5 (1926) [3I I have discussed these issues in James Spigelman "The Forgotten Freedom: Freedom From Fear” (2010). [41 Bend/x Autolite Corp v Midwesco Enterprises Inc 486 US 888 at 897 (1987) [7 lSee Meir Dan-Cohen (ed), Jeremy Waldron Dignity Rank & Rights Oxford Uni. Press, 2012. pp 105-107. Please note: The freedom to offend is an integral component of freedom of speech. There is no right not to be offended. Stanley Elliot Keyser (complainant) knew what he was doing when he pranced up and down the street, grabbing strangers and exclaiming: "Did you know this man says all Jews are racists!" And he further added repeatedly that he was "incredibly offended" by my debate with him and he repeated this in court: ACCUSED: ... Well I'm saying - I'm putting to you that I'm stating, "You"; meaning you, "support the criminal Zionist regime of Israel". That's why I'm saying "you". It's a generic term. Are you offended by that?—Yes. I'd be very offended by that. Do you understand the concept - the generic concept? When you support something, which - you've said you support the criminal Zionist regime. Okay? You said you're a Zionist?—Can I - I take - can I just say, I take that with deep offence. I don't know how someone in court can 118 — Transcript 18/01/2011 Page 408 It's worth quoting the transcript with all of Stanley Keysets comments on his deep hurt and how offended he was: 118 Keyser was cut off but I wish he had finished that sentence...”1 don’t know how someone in court can...”. I take it he is offended at me calling the Israeli Government a “criminal Zionist regime”...as do countless activists, government officials and human rights lawyers. Keyser is either a “true believer” or taking amateur acting lessons. He spent some time in Israel before the trial I believe and hung with the Israeli Ambassador to Australia. Page 693 of 1018 Mr EYERS: And as - as matters continued - as the engagement continued, how - how did you feel as a result of this engagement and the way Mr O'Connell was speaking and behaving?—Well, I felt very - like, very threatened 119 and - and I guess I got quite emotional, because it was - you know, someone's - I've - I've brought up - my whole life been taught that I must be proud of who I am and that being Jewish is - is a great thing. That's my culture and my heritage 120 . And there's someone in front of me telling me that I'm -1 come from a people who - who love to torture 121 and - and commit genocide and - and I come from a religion of 2,000 years of hate. And that's definitely not what - what I know and what I've been taught. I've been taught that my religion is - is - is a religion of - of peace and tolerance. Mr EYERS: Were these - were these comments - did you find them upsetting?- -Yeah, very much so. Transcript 17/01/2011 Page 291 Yes, he's deeply hurt here © Note..."a religion of peace and tolerance". Now that is funny. Obviously he's never read the Old Testament and Babylonian Talmud and Shulkan Aruk. That's actually a very funny statement. Please refer to page 58 of this letter for the list of "peace and tolerance" statements from Judaism's holiest of book. I am now cross-examining Keyser and asking what he did with the photo's he took: Accused: What did you do with them?—They were not used at all. I was gonna - Not at all?—My plan was to write an article for the Jewish newspaper, The Maccabean, and the intent of it was to say that - cos a lot of Jews in the community get very upset and worked up that there're these friends of Palestine protests and they think - a lot of people in the community see that that - see that these people are - they think they're anti-Semitic and attacking Jewish people and the intent -after we saw what was going on, I was gonna write an article and actually explain that these people were not anti-Semitic, not Brendon, but the people that were there were not anti-Semitic and they were merely there protesting for the Palestinian cause. That was - that was the intent of the article I was gonna write. A good hearted soul, you - oh my - that's wonderful. Transcript 17/01/2011 Page 296-297 Keyser is being very careful and amplifying that he respects the 'Friends of Palestine' and their right to protest. He is just a nice guy out to assure the little Jewish old ladies of Perth's Jewish community that Adolf Hitler doth not lurk amongst them - except me. This is rubbish - he was there to agitate and I take him to task on this: 119 If he was feeling “threatened” why didn’t he leave? On video his demeanour is clear - he wanted to debate and argue. He could have left at any time. He is a grown adult. 120 Not once during his entire time on the stand could Keyser actually tell me WHAT his heritage and culture entailed. He played dumb, confused and “hurt” and the judge would move it along. He, under no circumstances, was going to say “religious” heritage and culture as I was arguing. He would not even utter the words. He was heavily coached. 121 At no time did I accuse him or Jews of “loving to torture”. He’s made that one up himself. Perhaps a guilty mind? Page 694 of 1018 Accused: So did you - I remember on at least four occasions in that video; and we'll go back over it once I'm set up; all my computer, tomorrow and the next day. Under duress, of course. You say on four separate occasions in that video; and I've watched it 1,000 times, "What you're doing is disgusting". You seem to be saying to the jury you're just there wanting to be friends. You said, "What you're doing is disgusting". The Friends of-friends of- Friends of Palestine were there to protest the slaughter of 1,500, mostly women and children and innocent bystanders, in an 8 kilometre by 20 kilometre cage in Gaza. And you said, "What you're doing is disgusting". You seem to be inferring to the jury - imputing that you were just there to be nice. I put to you that's a load of garbage. You were there to entrap people and photograph Palestinian activists to send it back to Israel so their families could be intimidated, so they would shut up and stop protesting the slaughter of their friends and family. True or false?—I don't know what you're - you're - I don't - you haven't asked me — Transcript 17/01/2011 Page 297 Keyser knew the legislation despite claiming he had never read it. He knew exactly what he was doing. I find the whole debate around separating "hate speech" from "freedom of speech" disturbing. Professor Noam Chomsky of M.l.T makes this simple observation on the Freedom of Speech debate: "There are two views you can have on freedom of speech. You can be either for it, or against it. You can't say you are for this speech, but not that speech, and say you support freedom of speech." The above is taken from the excellent documentary "Manufacturing Consent". Professor Chomsky goes onto elaborate on how the Commissars from Stalin's time were all for "free speech" as well - only speech they liked however. Remember, it was the Soviet State that first introduced this kind of "hate speech" legislation for the specific task of protecting Jews who were instigating the violent revolution and persecuting Christians. The United States has the right idea - free speech...period. If a person crosses a line where the relevant criminal code is enacted then he or she can be charged with: • Disorderly conduct. • Disturbing the peace. • Threats to kill. • Threats to harm. • Trespass. • Conspiracy to commit... • Incitement All of the above are available to the State right now. Racial Vilification legislation is merely a convenient and easy track to take when the moment suites. Some say, and I do tend to agree (at least anecdotally), the entire debate and process of limiting peoples freedom of expression is being led by Jews for the express purpose of deflecting, inhibiting and challenging those who raise issues of Jewish power in the world. And they do wield great power as a group, without doubt. However, it appears to even 'whisper' this is to invite the claim of "abhorrent views". Page 695 of 1018 On the issue of Jews leading the way on limiting freedom of speech, Barbara Spectre, leading exponent of multiculturalism (and Jewish) stated on a recent documentary that [paraphrasing], "Jews are leading the way to multiculturalism. Europe just hasn't learnt to be multi-cultural yet but they will. Meanwhile, Jews will be the targets of a lot of animosity because of their leading roles in this." I like the way Jews are leading figures in making the world "multicultural" while Israel stands alone as a "Jewish state" and the word 'Jew' apparently denotes a racial group - hence Israel is a racist apartheid state with a vast segment of its population (Israeli Muslims/Christians) treated as second class citizens. They can't have it both ways. Professor Shlomo Sand (Israeli/Jewish Academic) writes about this: "And now the last, perhaps the hardest question of them all: To what extent is the Jewish Israeli society willing to discard the deeply embedded image of the "chosen people", and cease isolating itself in the name of a fanciful history or dubious biology and excluding the "other" from its midst's?" Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention Of The Jewish People" p.313 Verso Ironically, it seems the opposite is true too, Jews often lead the way in actively opposing the limiting of free speech. Professor Noam Chomsky and Professor Norman Finkelstein come to mind and they do not pull their punches when debating the issue. Even the Hansard of the debate surrounding W.A's racial vilification bill bore this out as the Honourable Peter Foss noted that Mr Doron Ur of the local Perth Jewish community was a leading figure in pushing for the relevant legislation I'm charged under. Peter Foss also noted that Mr Ur would also be one of the first people to be charged under sections of the legislation due to the publication of his Zionist magazine. See page 24 of this letter. The ultimate legal move and goal is towards "group defamation" based on "group identity" which comes out of the Professor Andrew Markus testimony discussed later in this letter. Anyone can have a "group identity", especially politicians. Stalin would love it. It all ties in with the online "bullying" debate that is raging right now. It is media contrived and is bursting with a larger, long term objective tied in with limiting freedom of speech and severely curtailing the flow of information over the internet that is proving uncomfortable for some "groups" on the planet with a drive for power and domination. [B] Online Commentary - Bill Muehlenberg - "The problems with vilification legislation" Bill Muehlenberg is a social commentator with a large following. He specializes in freedom of speech issues and is well known. His commentary is instructive: The problems with vilification legislation Bill Muehlenberg - posted Wednesday, 7 September 2005 A raft of new legislation is being passed throught the Western world. These laws are called by various names, such as vilification or tolerance or discrimination laws. Sometimes they are referred to as hate-crime legislation. Whatever their title, these laws are problematic for a number of reasons. While the intentions behind them may Page 696 of 1018 have been good (to reduce hatred and vilification) the outcomes have been far from ideal. The second difficulty with vilification laws is that they are usually broad, vague, nebulous and filled with ambiguous and unclear terminology. Consider the Victorian Act 122 . It speaks of "severe contempt", "revulsion" and severe ridicule". How exactly does one define such terms? What may amount to one person as severe ridicule may appear to another as harmless fun. Such terms are far too subjective, arbitrary and loose to serve any useful role in a judicial setting. Good legislation should always have not only clear terminology, but also clear aims and objects. A bad law is bad law is one is never quite sure whether it applies to one self or not. Such fuzziness in the legislation makes these laws particularly vulnerable to misuse and abuse. Acting "reasonably and in good faith" is part of the exceptions in the Victorian legislation. Yet two Christian pastors, who thought they were acting in exactly this way, were told by a judge that they were not. So some official must now determine, with all the wisdom of Solomon, what is in good faith and what is not. The third drawback with these laws is that they are usually instigated by particular members of the community at the expense of the rest of society. In Victoria is was mainly certain Muslim and Jewish groups who pushed for the legislation. There was no general demand for the legislation. There was no groundswell of public support for such laws. Indeed, there was no deluge of hate cases or vilification accusations being made just prior to it. This was simply the work of several minority groups effectively seeking to silence other groups in society, and using the heavy hand of the law to do so. The numbers bear this out. When the Victorian legislation was first debated, the government received 5,500 submissions on the issue, with almost all of them against it. And the Victorian opposition received 10,000 letters and emails, with nearly all of them unhappy with the Bill. In spite of this huge outcry by the community, a handful of politicians, influenced by a handful of minority activists, foisted this unpopular and un¬ necessary law upon all Victorians. So much for democracy at work. The point is further demonstrated by the defenders of the Bill. Twice I publicly debated the author of the legislation. On both occasions she said that she did not feel there would be many cases at all arising because of this legislation. But as I pointed out, if that is the case, why do we need the law in the first place? If so few cases are expected, then that proves that things are fine as they are, and we do not need this big-brother legislation forced upon us. The fourth problem with these laws is that most Western nations and states already have legislation on the books that makes certain activities illegal, be it assault, incitement to violence, defamation, slander or libel. All serious activities that do warrant political and legal sanction are already covered. So why the need for these extra laws, unless there is an attempt to promote someone's agenda, or to engage in social engineering and manipulation? The ninth problem is that vilification laws are bad laws because they create a new crime based on thoughts. Hate crime laws punish people for their thoughts. In turn, thought police are needed to make sure everyone is thinking politically allowable thoughts. But who determines what a hate crime is? And how? If a homosexual activist calls a Christian 122 Similar to W.A Act. Page 697 of 1018 a bigot, is he guilty of a hate crime? If a secularist calls a concerned Catholic a religious Taliban, is that a hate crime? Indeed, there seem to be a lot of double standards here. Christians are vilified every day, but I do not hear those screaming for tolerance and acceptance rushing to their defence. But if a Christian dare stand up for what he or she believes in, they are dragged off to the tribunals by those same advocates of tolerance. 123 The tenth shortcoming is that the very idea of vilification legislation is to severely curb freedom of speech. The right to argue ones case, to criticise other points of view, to point out differences of religious and political viewpoints, these are all fundamentals of a free and democratic society. When we say that government officials will decide who is allowed to debate issues, and how that debate will take place, we are moving away from freedom and towards repression. And when State authorities make decisions on questions of political and religious truth, we have then moved away f4rom democracy and into tyranny. In sum, vilification laws are a genuine threat to freedom of speech. They effectively clamp down on the discussion of important religious, theological, social and ethical issues. The answer to bad speech is not shutting speech down. It is rebutting it with good speech. We do not need social engineers and enforcers of political correctness dictating to us what can be discussed and how it should be done. http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=3792 [C] News Paper Article - "Hate gets fat chance" Like I said, they are moving the legislation away from ethnicity/race to group identity and group defamation. Now "fat people" want to come under some sort 'hate crime' legislation: Hate gets fat chance London WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER May 31 st 2012 British MPs have suggested that calling someone "fatty" or "obese" should be a hate crime. An all-party parliamentary group on body image says the government should look at putting "appearance-based discrimination" on the same legal basis as race and sexual discrimination. A report by the group, backed by the charity Central YMCA, found one in five people had been victimised because of their weight, and that appearance was the major cause of bullying in schools. Central YMCA chief Rosi Prescott questioned whether doctors should refrain from telling patients they were carrying excess kilos. She said: "If they don't feel overweight, and there are no health indications, what is the problem?" Almost two thirds of British adults are now either over weights or obese. Those who are overweight when young are more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Tam Fry, of the National Obesity Forum, agreed with outlawing "size discrimination" and harassment but said doctors must be able to tell patients, for their own good, if they are overweight. 123 Perhaps it is instructive to look at who was behind the Communist Revolution and controls the U.S (discussed from pages 17-38 of this letter). Page 698 of 1018 So, if this goes ahead - and it will - then they will have to also include ANY "identifiable group". And that means ANYONE, just about. [D] Newspaper Article - Freedom of speech 'at risk' Freedom of speech 'at risk' Andrew Tillet Canberra WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER January 24 th , 2013 WA Attorney-General Michael Mischin has echoed concerns that a proposed over haul of Federal anti-discrimination laws could harm freedom of speech. As a Senate inquiry started in Melbourne yesterday into the exposure draft legislation, Mr Mischin also accused the Federal Government of rushing the changes through, saying they had "far reaching implications", despite assurances otherwise. The Government has said it wants to "consolidate" separate age, disability, racial and sex discrimination and the Fluman Rights Commission Acts into one Bill, arguing the changes would make the anti-discrimination system simpler. But several issues have emerged. Including shifting the burden of proof onto defendants hit with a discrimination claim and retaining religious groups' right to discriminate against people if they clashed with their beliefs. Media groups are also worried that including "conduct that offends or insults" as grounds for a discrimination case could damage freedom of speech. Lawyers have suggested the crackdown on insults or offensive comments could even lead to sledging on the sports field or criticising a colleague for how they voted being made illegal. Key independent Tony Windsor and the Opposition have also expressed concerns that freedom of speech could be diminished, with Tony Abbott saying on Tuesday "the last thing we need is anything that shuts down legitimate debate in this country". Mr Mischin told The West Australian that extending the definition of unfavourable treatment to include conduct that offends or insults was "setting the bar far too low and is likely to result in unintended consequences". Mr Mischin said Canberra had not given the States enough time to consider the changes. Fie would push for attorneys-general to discuss the draft Bill at the next meeting of the Standing Council on Law and Justice when it meets in April. "I would hope that any piece of legislation with such potentially far-reaching implications for the legal relationship between States, Territories and the Commonwealth and for our freedoms will not be progressed before all have had an appropriate measure of time to consider and explore the issues involved and their consequences," he said. Prime Minister Julia Gil lard signalled the Government would consider changing the laws, saying the purpose of the draft was allowing people to put their views. "I think what we're seeing in terms of the reaction to the discrimination law, the exposure draft, is that there are some areas of concern that have been raised," she said. Yes indeed: • "Media groups are also worried that including 'conduct that offends or insults' as grounds for a discrimination case could damage freedom of speech." Page 699 of 1018 Yes, I remember it well, Stanley Elliot Keyser repeating over and over..."I'm offended!" at the rally where he claims he was "racially assaulted". And: • "...with Tony Abbott saying on Tuesday 'the last thing we need is anything that shuts down legitimate debate in this country'". Yes, well, on that point - we're not having a legitimate debate about Israeli intelligence activity around the world in this country. We're not having a legitimate debate about Israeli/Jewish 'sayanims' and infiltration of sensitive government and private institutions in this country. We're not having a legitimate debate about compromised military and private corporate hardware and software by the Israeli State in this country. We're not having a legitimate debate about Jewish racial and religious supremacism in this country. I guess the greatest fear has already happened and what if I raise these issues on my release? What then? Will the current racial vilification legislation AGAIN be used to shut down legitimate debate? Will I be sentenced to an even greater term for "abhorrent views" that are also expressed by countless activists, newspapers and media outlets? The fear discussed in the above news article has already happened. Simply look at what the West Australian newspaper columnist Paul Murray so succinctly observed after my sentencing: High price to pay in defence of free speech Have we become so politically correct that we can't separate racism from stupidity? 2 nd February 2011 WEST AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER Make sense of this. Someone reacts to words said in a Perth nightclub and slashes the offenders face open with a broken glass. Court penalty: 18 months jail. Another person reacts to words said outside a South Perth supermarket and gives the offender a nasty racist spray, which he later posts triumphantly on the internet. Court penalty: three years jail. Is that balanced justice? As editor of this newspaper in the 1990's, I opposed the institution of these laws, fearing that in an increasingly politically correct society they would end up being misused. I got pretty tough treatment by the Jewish lobby at that time and expect nothing different from this effort. Justice Wisbey, labelling O'Connell an "intelligent man with an irrational hatred of Jewish people," said the only appropriate form of punishment would be an immediate term of "severe" imprisonment and' strangely, that he was sending a message to people who might share the convicted man's views. I hope they're trembling in their boots in Tehran, Cairo, Riyadh, Amman, Khartoum, Damascus, Tripoli, Sanaa, Baghdad, Beirut, Kabul, Islamabad, not to emntion Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, or anywhere else in the Middle East and Muslim world where O'Connell's views are mainstream for tens of millions of people. Not right, just unexceptional. Stanley Keyser, a member of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students, attended the demonstration with a friend, Timothy Peach, to observe and hand out leaflets supporting their side of the argument. It is also their democratic right to engage in political discourse, which is what they did by entering the fray. Mr Peach 19 told the court he was "angry", "confused" and "offended" by O'Connell when he started to film the two Jewish men and argue with them about their religion. Page 700 of 1018 What should a Jew expect at an anti-Israel protest? Legitimate political discourse should be protected by a number of High Court rulings, but unfortunately O'Connell doesn't appear to have had the wit to use them in his own rambling defence. Some of the reporting of this case highlights the extreme sensitivity in the community to issues of race, merely reflected - if not magnified - by the media. "A Perth man who posted a video online showing him arguing with a Jewish man and calling him a 'racist homicidal maniac' has been found guilty of racial hatred," was the first paragraph in the AAP report of the judgement. So is it now racist to call someone a racist? Or is it racist to call someone a homicidal maniac? Or is it only racist to call a Jew a racist homicidal maniac? Surely not. Have we become so instinctively PC that we no longer distinguish between what is racist and what is just stupid? When I debated the issue on air with Steve Lieblich, the director of public affairs for the Jewish Community Council of WA, he said O'Connell should have drawn a distinction between the Jewish religion and the State of Israel. Frankly, that's a line many opponents of Israel are unwilling to make. In fact, it's a distinction that Israel itself doesn't appear to concede. Mr Lieblich refused to accept that O'Connell's protest was political or that the sentence was out of kilter with those for extreme personal violence handed down by WA courts. "I think it was a victory for decency and against bigotry and prejudice," Mr Lieblich said. So does all criticism of Israel inexorably find its way to being racist unless those who disagree with it watch every word they utter? Must opponents meticulously pull apart the threads of religion and politics when arguing about Israel? And is that the real game here - silencing dissent against Israel and not protecting Jews from a legacy of verbal vilification? Paul Murray presents the morning program on 882 6PR from 8.30am weekdays Mr Steve Lieblich commented further in the West Australian newspaper letters to the editor section: WA A DECENT, OPEN SOCIETY WA NEWSPAPER February 4 ,h 2011 The editorial got it right (strong penalties are justified for racist vilification, 2/2) and Paul Murray got it very, very wrong. Murray justifies the hateful rants for which O'Connell was convicted by a jury of 12 West Australians on six counts of racial harassment and vilification as "political discourse" and asks" What should a Jew expect at an anti-Israel protest?" He even ridicules the District Court judge for "strangely...sending a message to people who might share the convicted man's views" because he claims that "...in the Middle East and Muslim world...O'Connell's views are mainstream for tens of millions of people". Well, in case Murray hadn't noticed, WA is a decent and open society - much better than those places where anti-Semitism is "mainstream". The judges message is an important one to Australian's who share O'Connell's hateful views and bullying tactics. We can also be proud that the message is seen in all those parts of the world where prejudice, bigotry and incitement to hatred are considered normal "political discourse". I'm thankful that Murray is not involved in drafting our laws or administering them. Otherwise we might see lynch mobs roaming the wild West. Steve Lieblich, director of Page 701 of 1018 public affairs, Jewish Community Council of WA Mr Lieblich must have been feeling very cocky at this stage. I was behind bars. A seemingly beaten man. When I tried to respond to this tirade of garbage spewed out by the likes of Lieblich I was told by 'Hakea Remand Prison' staff that if I tried to send out a letter to the editor again I would be charged with "stalking". And where is Mr Lieblich on issues of "bigotry" and "prejudice" and "incitement" when a confirmed neo-nazi extremist group can shoot up a Muslim Mosque with a high powered rifle and walk away with a suspended sentence? 124 Am I dreaming this? Where is his "outrage"? There is none because the man is a racist and a bigot himself - a hard core Zionist and most likely an informal agent (sayanim) for the State of Israel which I have no doubt he regularly visits. I wonder if Mr Lieblich is so cocky now? I will be off to Iran. I am an expert in the legislation. I have built up relationships. Because of him and his little Israeli 'sayanim' Stanley Keyser, I have lost 2 years of my life - heading into three. I have been hounded and harassed. I have been assaulted by Acacia Prison staff (Serco private contractors) and assaulted (severely) by Casuarina inmates. I have experienced almost unendurable frustration in trying to prepare for appeals. I have had the then Minister of Corrective Services (Terry Redman) telling prison staff to harass my ability to prepare for the appeal by limiting access to computers and photocopiers. What a disgrace. A "first world democracy"? If this was Iran the media would be crowing day and night. Thankfully, I have also experienced a lot of support from individual prison officers, general prison staff, fellow inmates, the Indigenous community within the prison system and even court staff and uniformed police officers. I know I am not alone but unfortunately it is not enough - here I sit, behind bars, I cannot do otherwise. I would hope that in the near future that the likes of Mr Steve Lieblich tone down his hateful rhetoric and realise the game is up. He can no longer hide behind the Holocaust™ and fairy tales of persecution. The goodwill has run out. Everyone is sick of Israel and its behaviour, lies, and outright bloody murder. The "spoilt brat" is being held to account by both ordinary people and even the managerial class that assist Jews in running the planet. Soon, Jewish racial and religious supremacism will be openly known by 'ordinary people' and then the game will truly be up and no amount of lies, deceit, fudging facts, twisting words and phrases and Hollywood entertainment posing as historical fact will stop it. Jews can forget about support from Christians who their own texts command to hate. If Jews don't agree with this then say so - loudly. Some are. A pitiful handful and they are hero's to me, and are true Israelites, seekers of Truth. Here are some more frothing at the mouth members of the Jewish community sharing their garbage: WHEN POLITICAL DEBATE TURNS HATEFUL WA NEWSPAPER February 4 ,h 2011 It is beyond my comprehension that someone like Paul Murray cannot see the difference between legitimate political debate and vile, hateful anti-Semitism. I am not quite sure 124 See page 166 - “Mosque shooter fined more than $9000 : Page 702 of 1018 what point Mr Murray is trying to make in his opinion piece (High price to pay in defence of free speech, 2/2). Is it that words don't make a difference? That would be strange coming from a journalist. Is it that it is OK to make threats against entire communities in WA? It is perhaps that Murray thinks that being a racist is acceptable as long as there are lots of other racists too? I am not really sure about Murray's intentions but I do know that I am lucky to live in a country where the freedom to practise my own religion is protected and where I cannot be persecuted for the colour of my skin. Brendon O'Connell was not jailed for participating in a pointless and immoral protest. If that was the case then all the other "useful idiots" at the friends of Palestine protest would have been jailed too. If Murray had used his journalistic skills to undertake any research then he would see that O'Connell has a history of intimidating Jews and of inciting others to hatred through his YouTube channel and blogs. By the way Paul, there is no "Jewish lobby". Perhaps you heard about that fictional organization once from someone who was inciting hatred. Navit Shchigel, Noranda IT'S MORE THAN POLITICS Paul Murray posits that Brendon O'Connell was jailed for political protest and that such is part of the "real game" of "silencing dissent against Israel". In a word, rubbish. Anyone who has seen O'Connell's video' and read any of the content of his blog would be left in little doubt that it is Jews that bother him and his supporters and not just Israel. It was not just the words he uttered to Stanley Keyser but the incitement contained in his utterances and publications that fell foul of the law. Certainly the jury and justice John Wisbey saw it this way and that's what has landed O'Connell behind bars. Given his performance in court he can count himself fortunate not to be facing contempt charges. The penalty imposed may well be out of kilter with others handed down for other crimes but that really is irrelevant. In fact the law provides for a longer sentence than that imposed and given O'Connell was found guilty on six counts, he may well have received one. Finally, there is nothing strange in justice Wisbey desiring to send a message to those who might act as O'Connell has done, isn't that part of what punishment for crimes is meant to achieve. Name and address supplied. When reading the above letters to the editor demanding my 'pound of flesh', be reminded of all the background I have given you of particular Jewish bad habits and then what has been written takes on the appearance of bad comedy. Of course I did get some support in the paper: EDITORIAL STAGGERING WA NEWSPAPER February 4 ,h 2011 I found it quite amazing that on 2/2 there was such a stark contrast in opinions, your editorial and Paul Murray's opinion piece. What was more staggering was the view expressed in the editorial. Murray was completely correct in highlighting the extraordinary disparity in sentencing for racial vilification as opposed to serious assault. Page 703 of 1018 It would seem that our society can accept someone being glassed, sexually assaulted, having their home invaded and the perpetrators only get a slap on the wrist, whereas heaven forbid if I express an opinion. Name and address supplied. SENTENCE RIDICULOUS WA NEWSPAPER February 4th 2011 Paul Murray was correct in his views on the ridiculous sentence given to Brendon O'Connell. The two Jewish people who went to the demonstration should have expected some sort of tongue-lashing, considering the reason for the demonstration was an objection against Israel. Someone should have taught them the old saying, "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me". If you think I may get three years jail for this letter, please don't publish. Rosanna A. Bunting, Spearwood THANK YOU, PAUL WA NEWSPAPER February 4th 2011 I'm bitterly disappointed at your editorial (2/2) in which you made a pathetic argument in favour of the outrageous three-year jail sentence given to Brendon O'Connell. "It may be that it appears disproportionate ... but", "...might appear to some as harsh ... but..." - your editor should hang his head in shame. To put someone in jail for saying things regardless what it is? I thought it is only done in places such as Iran or Yemen and the like. Are you so fearful of the pro-Israeli lobby that you have lost the sense of justice? Is the Australian justice system going mad? O'Connell should be punished for his unacceptable actions but what he was served by the judge was a screaming injustice and an insult to so many victims of violence and other serious crimes whose perpetrators got a fine or a suspended sentence and walked free. Thank you, Paul Murray, for showing courage and common sense in your excellent article on the next page in the same paper. I am sure that a great majority of readers share your views. Anthony Pol, Yokine Perhaps this quote says much: Judges have shown little embarrassment over jailing Australians for words spoken in open debate at a public forum. Two speakers, each from the Queensland Peoples Party and the Australian Communist Party debated a motion that 'Communism is not compatible with personal liberty' at the Temperance hall in Edward Street Brisbane on 15 September 1948. A listener arose to ask Gilbert Burns, a member of the Communist Party for 25 years, what the Bolsheviks would do if there were a war between Soviet Russia and the Western Powers. BURNS: "It would be a counter revolutionary war. We would oppose that war. It would be a reactionary war." A little later Burns was behind bars: a Brisbane magistrate convicted him of uttering seditious words and sentenced him to six months jail. The Chief Justice, Sir John Latham, said that he agreed that the Commonwealth Parliament had "no power to pass a law to suppress or punish political criticism." Page 704 of 1018 So the most fundamental political criticism of all, denial of the Governments legitimacy, could be punished because it was more than political. Eating away at Latham's psyche was the anxiety that words meant action. Both judges ignored the fundamental difference between words and actions: words without actions harm no citizen, no government and no social interest. To equate words with action is false. Justice Owan Dickson, later Chief Justice and commonly regarded as the greatest Australian judge of the last 60 years disregarded his brothers fantasies. Burns he said, had merely answered a hypothetical question: "There is no indication ... of any desire to persuade his audience of anything but his own conviction about the course his party would take if a war with Russia occurred." Why should thugs like National Action and right wing bigots like the League of Rights have free speech? Why can't we limit free speech to believers in parliamentary democracy? Why should people who want to abolish the protection of the Constitution affords free speech themselves enjoy that protection? Bigots should have free speech so we can all have it. The way to expose the error in bigoted argument is not to call the police of the Anti- Discrimination Board but to expose the error. In a country like Australia the Government could not be overwhelmed by false, seditious and inflammatory speech: in open debate Government has an overwhelming advantage in access, money and talent. Only a Government which gags free speech could be endangered by demagogues making false and inflammatory speeches to crowds of the disaffected. The gag is seditious. Robert Pullan "Guilty Secrets: Free Speech and Defamation in Australia" p.193-195 It is interesting to note that Dutch M.P and anti-Islam campaigner Geert Wilders recently tried to make speeches vilifying Islam here in Western Australia. In February 2013 he decided to visit Australia - starting with Perth. He is a critic of Islam and considers it a danger to modern secular society. He claims Islam is a politico/religious ideology and will undermine Western civilization. I am well versed in Islam. Much of what he says is almost funny to anyone that knows what Islam is about. Much of what he says can be rightly categorised as inflammatory and not based in truth. Because of this, he came under great pressure to withdraw from his speaking tour and the hotel accommodating him and the meeting withdrew its facility under pressure from interest groups and police who were worried about public safety. I am disgusted that Geert Wilders views were gagged under pressure from interest groups of various kinds. Geert Wilders views are easily countered with 'Truth'. Nothing has been achieved by preventing him from speaking except confirming what many suspect - we are entering a political climate of government censorship. What is so amazing about Geert Wilders being prevented from speaking is that he got a huge amount of support! The media were positively fawning over him! Interviewers from every media outlet were extremely polite and offered zero hard and probing questions. Letters to the Editor were scathing of his talk being cancelled. Now contrast that with what happened to me? Page 705 of 1018 I was vilified in the media. And unlike Geert Wilders, what I say about Jews and Judaism is backed by the historical record and their own statements which are either supported by the so called "mainstream" in Judaism or; the "mainstream" remains silent. The media rarely, if ever, go after the extremists of Judaism. Only now is this happening. I believe in part because of my case and the work of tireless activists of late. Here are some of the letters to the editor written to the West Australian newspaper recently: Our freedom of speech attacked 20 th February 2013 Your report (MP told to embrace harmony, 19/2) failed to note that on Friday, February 15, the manager of the booked and paid for venue cancelled the contract. The "establishment" and the "social engineers" have successfully placed another obstruction on freedom of speech in our country. Flow is it possible for these unseen forces to be able to instil in the hearts of freedom-loving Australians the spectre of "fear" sufficient to silence the majority in favour of the minority? Those Australians who died for the preservation of Australian values, including forthrightness (frank, candid, outspoken, straightforward, open, honest) courage, endurance and good humour, would not recognise this great nation of ours 125 . The truth is staring us right in our faces. The threat of political correctness and its ominous overtones, which is just a blatant mechanism to stifle and if possible eliminate our fundamental birth right of freedom of speech. Minority groups are silencing the majority of the people. Clearly there is an imbalance of power. Australians are no longer governed by the will of the people. Therefore "political correctness" is a fearful master. We find supporters of freedom of speech are mocked as fools with limited intelligence and blinkered world views. Flow dare the puppets of the establishment and the social engineers cancel our venues, blatantly challenging our rights to freedom of speech. What are you afraid of? That your world view might become contaminated by the truth? R.Clement, Wanneroo Take a stand 20th February 2013 As an elderly West Australian I am disgusted with the gutless response that has come from the venue managers who have rejected accommodating the Q Society's speaker Geert Wilders, who was to talk on the dangers of extremists ideologies in a democratic society. All I can hope for is that extremism will not continue to win here, as it did in nazi Germany. Take a stand now, West Australians, for the right to speak freely. Bill Hawthorn, Gnangara Why the fear of Wilders? 22 nd February 2013 The determination of those opposed to Geert Wilders' opinions clearly demonstrates that there must be some truth in what he has to say. If he was speaking a meaningless load of garbage, nobody would bother. 125 A nation born by dispossessing Native Australians - taking away their language, culture and traditions and making them feel like second class citizens. Perhaps with this debate "ordinary Australians" can have empathy for how the first Australians must have felt post planting of the Union Jack into the ground at Botany Bay? Page 706 of 1018 After the terrible events of carnage of 9-11 and the events in Bali, we all are concerned about Muslim immigration. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but if we allow to many in, there will inevitably be extremists among them. These extremists wish to impose Sharia law on our society, oppress women and in general force the Muslim religion on our society. We believe in freedom of religion; but clearly some Muslims do not. They wish to impose their beliefs on our society. Surely these people should not be able to prevent Mr Wilders having his say. Our freedom of expression is under threat from Islamists. Non-Islamists don't try to silence these people, so why should the Islamists want to silence Mr Wilders? I do not particularly want to hear what he has to say, but I object to having the right to hear it denied me. Tony Hassel, Lakelands I'm not scared 21 st February 2013 Coming from Orthodox Jewish roots, I should be the first to be fearful of Islam and Muslims, but I am not. I am wary of extremists, be they Muslim, Jewish or Christian or scaredy-cats hiding behind the freedom-loving supposed "majority" banner. Geert Wilders, the well dressed and articulate Dutch politician, heads up the latter. Simply Google for five minutes and you will find that his claims of the over-running of his homeland by Islam consists of a mere 6 per cent of the population in the latest census. The European sub-culture (minority) persists in wanting to get rid of any culture that does not mimic the Caucasian Christian model. The "truths" pedalled by Hitler worked because he knew it would appeal to peoples fear of the "the other". For the record the biggest increase in Muslim migration was actually in the 1970's, not recently, I and my ilk will defend the right to free speech as much as any other bronzed descendants of the Anzacs but I will also fight to prevent racial vilification based on fear- driven assertions being paraded as "truths". How about Mr Wilders entering into a debate with an opponent who can give the other side to his distorted assertions of "the truth"? Should all Christians be judged by the actions of the Ku Klux Klan? Or for that matter all Germans by the leaders of the Nazi party? No. Nor should all Muslims be judged by Islamic extremists. Steve Shilkin, Mandurah The above is I believe the same Steve Shilkin who commented on my "abhorrent views" on the local production of 'A Current Affair' back in May of 2009. • How about Mr Wilders entering into a debate with an opponent who can give the other side to his distorted assertions of "the truth"? I look forward to getting into a debate with Mr Steve Shilkin about the abhorrent views and teachings of his little cult of Orthodox Judaism and his books of the Talmud and Shulkan Aruk. I simply cannot wait to get out of jail and expose Steve Shilkin and his ilk into the duplicitous snakes that they are. Fancy this man making himself out to be a pillar of "freedom of expression". It has certainly been instructive watching the treatment of Wilders by the media compared to how I was treated. Muslims do not have the protection of Racial Vilification laws as do Jews and nor should they. Nor should Jews. However, if Jews can have it then so should Catholics, Muslims and Bikies as they all fit the definition according to that argued at trial. Page 707 of 1018 [E] Newspaper Article - "Roxon orders law rethink" Roxon orders law rethink Canberra WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER 1 st February 2013 Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has sent a proposed overhaul of anti-discrimination laws back to the drawing board and wants a controversial section dumped. Department officials are reworking the contentious draft and will remove a controversial section prohibiting conduct that offends, insults or intimidates. Ms Roxon said officials from her department would present a series of new options to the parliamentary inquiry examining the Bill. Asked why the section was put in the draft in the first place, Ms Roxon said it was an attempt by the drafters to consolidate existing laws and take court decisions into account. She denied the wording was clumsy. "It's a difficult job when you're putting pieces of legislation into one," Ms Roxon told ABC radio. "I don't think this attempt was successful." The controversial section has been described as an attack on free speech by the Opposition and legal and human rights experts. The draft legislation is designed to amalgamate five statutes covering age, disability, race, sex and other forms of discrimination into a single statute. Well then, this is good news: • "Department officials are reworking the contentious draft and will remove a controversial section prohibiting conduct that offends, insults or intimidates." I guess that ends Section 80B of the 'racial vilification' legislation in this State, does it not? 80B. Conduct likely to racially harass Any person who engages in any conduct, otherwise than in private, that is likely to harass a racial group, or a person as a member of a racial group, is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 3 years. Summary conviction penalty: imprisonment for 12 months and a fine of $12 000. [Section 80B inserted by No.80 of 2004 s.6; amended by No. 70 of 2004 s.38(2).] I received 1 year's jail for apparently "offending" and "intimidating" Mr Stanley Elliot Keyser by calling him: • A racist Jew • You have a religion of racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing • You are anti-Goy • You are a bunch of racist homicidal maniacs ...at a political rally that he attended of his own free will. He took photos of people and intimidated them and agitated quite deliberately. He lied to protestors. He invites me to film him. He stood his ground and argued vigorously. He then ran immediately to police - before the video was ever online - and complained he had been "vilified". He is THE perfect example of why this type of legislation is dangerous. Surely the High Court of Australia will strike it down (Section 80B) as legislation that is a great danger to free speech. Page 708 of 1018 [F] 'Racial Vilification' Law Part of Police State? Western Australia has been introducing much legislation that could be regarded as incremental steps towards a 'Big Brother' police state, exactly as the Soviet Union did in the earliest days of the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution: Top lawyer attacks law, order auction Amanda Banks Legal Affairs Editor WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER 16 th December 2011 The President of WA's peak lawyers group has taken a parting swipe at both sides of politics for engaging in a never-ending law and order auction that is changing "our essential liberal democracy". Law Society of WA president Hylton Quail also criticised a lack of parliamentary scrutiny of new legislation and said major parties, especially at the State level, had tried to erode the rule of law and separation of powers. "Over the decade and a half that I have been involved in considering parliamentary Bills on behalf of the society, most of them have promised 'tougher' laws in what seems to be a never-ending 'law and order' auction," he said. "As these initiatives are often perceived as electorally popular, they have rarely been subjected to close parliamentary scrutiny. "Yet with each passing year these new laws change the nature of our essential liberal democracy." Refer to the notes to come (Page 62) on the Hansard recording of the parliamentary debate on the 2004 racial vilification legislation that I was charged under. Mr Quail has more to say: An erosion of civil liberties Opinion Piece - Hylton Quail THE WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER 5 th May 2012 I don't much like bikies. Not only are they involved in the illicit drug trade and other criminal activities, but they are largely responsible for the Criminal Organizations Control Bill 2012 which is now before State Parliament and may well be law within the next few weeks. If passed, this legislation will occasion the most substantial erosion of the rule of law and civil liberties which has occurred during the life of this government. The Bill is worse in this respect than the Governments arbitrary stop and search proposal, which was so roundly rejected by the community almost two years ago. The essential criteria the judge would need to be satisfied about are that members of the organization associate for the "purpose of organizing, planning, Page 709 of 1018 facilitating, supporting or engaging in serious criminal activity" and that they "represent a risk to public safety and order in the State". These words are potentially very wide and not confined to bikies, although they are who the Government and Police Commissioner say the Bill is directed at. It doesn't take too much imagination or historical awareness to see how other organizations might find themselves at risk of being declared, because of the opinion of someone, albeit a judge, the members support serious criminal activity and represent a risk to public order and safety. After all, governments get to define what constitutes serious criminal activity and a very wide range of innocent conduct also represents a risk to public order and safety. When I first read these provisions I was reminded of another time and place. The Internal Security Act 1982, a powerful weapon in the arsenal of the reviled apartheid regime of South Africa, the country of my birth, prescribed a "three year maximum for association between members of unlawful organizations" and a similar regime of control. The aim of the present Bill in restricting serious criminal activity is laudable. The difficulty I have is with the method, the abolition of fundamental civil liberties and the criminalization of innocent conduct 126 . Is the aim worth the price to our liberal democracy? WA police and other agencies already have much wider powers than in most other Western countries... Instead of taking away the civil liberties which define our western democracy, the Government should focus on addressing the causes of the apparently insatiable demand for illicit drugs. This Bill is not the solution. For as Benjamin Franklin said in 1775: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety". I am led to believe that Mr Quail is a South African Jew and this is perhaps the reason why he has never had much to say on the Soviet era style "racial vilification" legislation as just another stepping stone in the incremental legislative process of wrapping the chains around the citizenry's ankles a link at a time. [G] Hansard of Debate - W.A Racial Vilification Legislation "This legislation is atrociously drawn up. It will not achieve what it is intended to achieve, although I am not sure what the intent is. The Government has introduced the legislation and I do not believe there has been any consultation with the general public. I believe this legislation has been brought on as a red herring. From the people I have spoken to, I believe that this legislation will do the Government a great deal of harm. It represents without doubt, a los of freedom of speech and a loss of freedom of knowledge. I believe these laws will increase problems. The whole of the legislation will be thrown out. It is absolutely pathetic. I cannot emphasise enough that this is probably some of the worst legislation I have read." Hon John Fischer. Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8806b-8810a 126 Just as the new Fluman Rights Act will criminalise innocent conduct making "offending" someone unlawful. Page 710 of 1018 The most obvious feature of this rights discourse is its unremitting focus on the rights of minorities. New constitutionalists are relatively uninterested in the rights of common or garden Australians to live dull, secure lives in dull, secure suburbs, unmolested alike by burglars and intrusive governmental gate crashers. They are transfixed, however, by the rights of minority groups: indigenous people, ethnic minorities, sexual and gender groupings though not (of course) by the rights of unfashionable minorities such as conservative religious groups or right wing nutters. New constitutionalists argue, with obvious force, that it is the rights of minorities that most need protection. But there is more than necessity at work here. Page.88 Greg Craven, 'Conversations With The Constitution: Not Just A Piece Of Paper'. UNSW PRESS. One of the great supporters of the legislation was Mr Doron Ur, who was a leading figure in the Jewish community in this State. I am not sure whether he is still alive. He was certainly an elderly gentleman in 1990. He wrote a Zionist magazine that he distributed quite widely in the Jewish community. During the course of his evidence to the committee, he very kindly gave us a few copies of the magazine. We flicked through those, and it became quite clear that if an amendment of that type was drafted, he would be a prime candidate for prosecution. Anybody who has read Zionist magazines will know that they state fairly unequivocally what should happen to the Palestinians, and it is not nice. I believe it is a well-known problem. Certainly, there would be real difficulties if we tried to suppress those sort of publications. They probably do not add a lot to the quietness and good order of Western Australia, but if we tried to suppress them, I suspect we would have even bigger problems. Hon Peter Foss. Extract From Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8818c-8834a Anti-Semitism was branded as being counter-revolutionary in nature, and persons participating in pogroms or instigating them were outlawed (by a special decree issued by the Council of Commissars in July of 1918, signed and personally amended by Lenin to sharpen its tone). A statement against anti-Semitism made by Lenin in March 1919 was one of the rare occasions on which his voice was put on a phonograph record, to be used in a mass campaign against the counter-revolutionary incitement against the Jews. The regime made every effort to denounce the pogroms and punish the persons taking part in them, even when they were Red Army personnel. When the civil war came to an end, a law was passed against "incitement to hatred and hostility of a national or religious nature," which in effect, also applied to anti-Semitism, including the use of the pejorative Zhid. Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 5 Produced and printed in Jerusalem, Israel Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 72 9075 The philosophical and practical grounds for the legislation are contained within the Hansard of the 2004 debate in the Western Australian State Parliament and is most instructive. I can say straight off the bat that the legislation was introduced specifically to deal with Jack Van Tongeran and the activities of the 'Australian Nationalist Movement' (ANM). In effect, the legislation was a specific tool to stifle the rise of a political movement much as National Socialist Germany introduced legislation outlawing the Communist party. Hansard, 2004 debate of Racial Vilification legislation: Page 711 of 1018 Hon RAY HALLIGAN: This Bill has been subject to considerable discussion in the media, it has been introduced by the Government supposedly to overcome a problem that has been with us, and throught the world for some considerable time. I will talk a little later about the approach the Government has taken to this issue and what it appears to be trying to tell the general public. As I said during the second reading debate, the situation is that periodically a few people - if I can use the term - go off the rails and do things that the great majority of people in the community cannot abide. The majority of people in the community insist that something must be done about those few. We saw that happen with Jack Van Tongeren, and we did not need this Bill to deal with Jack van Tongeren. Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8806b-8810a Jack van Tongeren was the catalyst for this Bill. He was not the main ringleader in the burning down of 12 Chinese Restaurants. How he and his co-accused believed burning down hard working Asian's businesses was going to ignite a public backlash against Asian immigration is anyone's guess. His activities were so profoundly stupid I find myself wondering if he was working for powerful interest groups either wittingly, or unwittingly. Please refer to page 213 of this letter for an analysis of the strange case of four members of a neo-nazi group shooting up a Muslim Mosque recently in Perth. It has the same flavour to it. Refer also to the activities of the extremely powerful ADL (Anti-Defamation League B'Nai 'Brith) in the U.S and their control of extremist groups to further their cause - page 23 of this letter. Section 77 was specifically mentioned as being enacted to deal with people like Jack van Tongeren and the ANM. It enabled a 14 year prison sentence for "inciting" others to racial animosity:
  • Conduct intended to incite racial animosity or racist harassment Any person who engages in any conduct, otherwise than in private, by which the person intends to create, promote or increase animosity towards, or harassment of, a racial group, or a person as a member of a racial group, is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 14 years. Alternative offence: s. 78, 80A or 80B. [Section 77 inserted by No. 80 of 2004 s. 6; amended by No. 70 of 2004 s. 38(3).] It was only to be enacted in the most serious of cases and not if someone was simply angry at a particular trigger occurring - such as being stalked and photographed. It was designed to basically capture those with an entrenched hatred of other races. "Name calling" and things said in anger were not meant to be captured under this legislation: Hon KIM CHANCE: ... It is not about name calling. It is a sad reflection on the quality of the public debate on this Bill that it has concentrated on who can call whom what name. This is not the intent of the legislation. Hon Jim McGinty, the Attorney General, made that very clear both in and outside parliament when he said that the Bill is not about name-calling; it is about the will of the community to try to protect some of its members from discrimination on the basis of their race. Let us consider the core aspect of the legislation. Clause 6 contains proposed new section 77 - I appreciate that we will ultimately debate clause 6 - which reads - Any person who engages in any conduct, otherwise than in private, by which the person intends to create, promote or increase animosity towards, or harassment of, a racial group, or a person as a member of a racial group, is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 14 years. Page 712 of 1018 That is the core offence. That is the big one. That is the one that carries 14 years imprisonment. However, members should think about what a person will have to do to create the set of circumstances that could lead to his being charged with an offence under proposed section 77 of the Criminal Code. This is the most serious type of crime in which an element of society is isolated and dealt with in the way in which Adolf Hitler and his henchmen dealt with the Jews in pre-war Germany. It is the most serious type of crime. Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8806b-8810a The funny thing is that these types of things took place under the direction of the German Government
  • not by individuals with a gripe. The National Socialist Government introduced the legislation to outlaw the Communist Party completely; and Jews from certain levels of society. This 2004 W.A legislation is designed to do the same thing to the 'Australian Nationalist Movement' - a political movement - just as Hitler legislated away the Communist party. In effect, this W.A racial vilification legislation is a piece of legislation designed to take out a political movement - the A.N.M. So, the State of Western Australia believes me to be in the same vein as Adolf Hitler and Jack Van Tongeran and the A.N.M? With the above quote from Hansard in mind, let me now quote the words that were said to be so offending they must come under section 77 and subsequently send me to jail for 2 of the 3 years total. These next 5 paragraphs were highlighted by prosecutor Mr Antony EYERS with much 'gusto'. Taken from my Blog which I put up after I was vilified in the local Press: "1,500 Gazan's are dead, one million plus Iraqi's. We can only hope and pray that the international community strikes hard and makes sure that gaggle of Satan's children in occupied Palestine are brought to justice." Transcript Page 626 Dr Walsh, I would ask you to refer back to the section of my letter called: [b] Clear Western Australian Establishment Position To Stifle Knowledge In The Public Interest (Jewish Racial and Religious Supremacism) - on page 36 of this letter. On reading that section and the other relevant sections dealing with particular 'Jewish bad habits', and taking into account the "horrors" visited on the Palestinian's in Gaza as explained by Judge George Bathurst-Norman, how does my paragraph sound now? Let me quote a little more from Judge George Bathurst-Norman again 127 , just to clarify the point: • Summing up in the criminal damage trial, he compared Israel to the Nazi regime and accused the country of ignoring international law. • The judge added that, "there may be much to be admired", about the chief protestor, and that, "in the last war he would probably have received a George Medal". • Describing evidence shown in court, Judge Bathurst-Norman told the jury that he could only describe the "horrific" events shown as, "scenes which one would rather have hoped to have disappeared with the Nazi regimes of the last war". • "She took us through the horrors, and there is really no other word for it than horrors, that emerged in the press and on the news and the footage as to what the Israeli's were doing in Gaza". • "You may think that perhaps 'hell on earth' would be an understatement of what the Gazan's endured." 127 Page 56 of this letter: "Judge faces anti-Semitism probe after speech attacking Israel helps free arms factory protestors". Page 713 of 1018 Let me now quote from one of my hero's, Professor Norman Finkelstien and his attitude to the Israeli State and its actions over many years, taken from page 53 of this letter: • ..."but I think that Hezbollah represents the hope. They are fighting to defend their homeland, they are fighting to defend the independence of their country, they are defending themselves against foreign marauders, vandals and murderers and I consider it to be genuinely to be an honour to be in their presence." Imagine if I had said such glowing statements about Hezbollah? Maybe I would be up on terrorism charges? I agree with Professor Finkelstein's assessment of Hezbollah. I admire their leader Hasan Nezrallah immensely. Professor Noam Chomsky has also met the leader of Hezbollah - but you can't mention that in the mainstream press. Professor Finkelstein has also called the "Jewish State" 128 : • Satanic. • Terrorist. • Insane. • Lunatic. • ...Israel has come out of the boils of hell. I would love to see Professor Finkelstien come to Australia to lecture. I wonder if he would get in? Onto the next comment that was so upsetting to prosecutor EYERS: "Fairly soon Jews will realise that people are thoroughly sick of them, their whining, their perpetual victimhood and their demands for people to bow down and worship their dodgy religion of Holocaustianity." Transcript Page 630 I tried very hard to explain to Mr EYERS that to make an alleged historical event a "dogma" from which you cannot deviate - risking career and financial ruin if you do - makes that a "religion" - by definition. Just like if you "denied" the resurrection of Jesus, the Catholic Church might invite you to a "barbecue" in your honour in the bad old days. He tried to say at trial that calling the persecution of European Jewry "Holocaustianity", I was minimising the event and questioning the facts surrounding it 129 . I had to correct him repeatedly that was not the case. I was questioning making a historical event a religious event from which 'heretics' may not deviate under threat of persecution. Let us, in the next paragraph go over some of that 'persecution'. • Ernst Zundel questioned aspects of the official Holocaust™ narrative in a pamphlet titled "Did 6 Million Really Die?" He was taken to court twice in Canada on this issue. He won both times. Married to a U.S citizen and living in the U.S legally, he was suddenly transferred to a U.S prison and held for a year before being extradited to 128 Page 55 of this letter: Norman Finkelstein. "Israel is committing a holocaust in Gaza", Today's Zaman, 19 January 2009. < http://www.todavszaman.com/tz-web/detavlar.do?load=detav&link=164483 > 129 This shows that even smart people like Mr EYERS are stupid when it comes to notions of free expression and questioning history. I don't need to apologise for expressing doubt about the Holocaust™ narrative. Page 714 of 1018 Germany to face charges of " Defaming the Memory of the Dead". He spent six years in jail in total...for "questioning history" in a polite pamphlet. • Professor Faurisson in France - an expert in documents - published material that exposed many of the documents alleged to show a planned industrial scale extermination of European Jewry as bad forgeries. For this he has been beaten (badly), publicly humiliated, issued death threats and hounded daily. • Fred Leuchter JNR was in charge of all execution equipment in the United States. He built it, he repaired it. Ernst Zundel used Leuchter to gather evidence that rooms at Auschwitz allegedly used to gas concentration camp inmates were never used for such purposes. He showed clearly, by a thorough examination of the buildings and testing of their walls, that they were never used for such purposes. For his exacting analysis he was rewarded with job loss, death threats and intimidation. • Dr. Germar Rudolf was a chemist at the prestigious 'Max Plank Institute' in Germany. He verified Fred Leuchter's work on samples from rooms allegedly used as gas chambers. He found that Leuchter's work was valid and the tests were correct - there was no cyanide residue in any of the rooms alleged to have been used to gas concentration camp inmates. For his work he was rewarded with job loss and sent to prison for three years for "Defaming the Memory of the Dead" under Section 130 of the German Penal Code. When his lawyer tried to defend him - "too vigorously" - she was sent to jail for a year for raising the issue of whether what Dr Rudolf had reported was the 'truth'. You can't make this stuff up Dr Walsh. It's so bad it's funny. Comrade Stalin would be beaming © • A New Zealand academic questioned Holocaust™ dogma in an academic paper using excellent evidentiary material. His name escapes me. He was hounded out of his job at the University and attempted suicide. Under extreme pressure he 'recanted'. He now teaches at the Royal Military College in England. He learnt his lesson © • David Cole is a Jewish man who produced an excellent video called "The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz". In it he exposes the ridiculous logic and outright impossibility of the official Holocaust™ narrative. He appeared on the 'Phil Donahue Show' in the U.S. Again, he was hounded, harassed and issued death threats. He made a paragraph statement where he recanted his views based on his research. He is still alive as far as we know but has disappeared from public life. His video is available online. • Dr Frederick Toben is a PHD in Philosophy and has a master's in Education. He questioned the official Holocaust™ narrative on both his website - 'The Adelaide Institute' - and in a video production called . Again, hounded in the courts, harassed, arrested in three countries and jailed in three countries and forced into bankruptcy. Recently, he prepared a submission to the parliamentary debate on Australia's new Human Rights Act and out of 600 submissions his was the only one to be made "confidential" and not available to the general public. The above but are a few who have dared to speak out. There are many more. More of my comments that are regarded as "incitement": Page 715 of 1018 "The Jew community could of at least made their lies and slander half believable, but I guess after years of inventive and over the top Holocaust memoirs they've gotten lazy." Transcript Page 632 If I had a dollar for every 'fake' Holocaust™ memoir released to 'rave reviews', I would have enough money to buy a nice cafe meal with latte and after dinner mint thrown in. Pretending to be a 'Holocaust™ survivor' and writing an unreliable memoir (Clive James style), or outright faking out of thin air a survivor story, has become a cottage industry. It has tapered off somewhat after some very high profile outings. There have been hundreds of them over the years. My favourite was a man who appeared on Oprah with a 'love story' in 2011. He wrote that he met a young woman in the camps and daily threw her an apple over the barbed wire. Miraculously they both survived and they met again in America and married. They were 'weeping in the aisles' when he recounted his story on Oprah. Then he was outed as a complete fake. None of it was true. He returned to Oprah to explain himself - most thought he would of course be apologising but he didn't. Instead he stated that the story was "true in his head" so it was technically true. This is a common occurrence. Let me quote a little from my favourite Professor Finkelstien from page 53 of this letter and his book 'The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering • Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is so the state of Israel, "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state" in order to garner "immunity to criticism." • He also alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland... • Raul Hilberg, widely regarded as the founder of Holocaust studies, ... Asked on another occasion if Finkelstein's analysis might play into the hands of neo-Nazis for anti-semitic purposes, Hilberg replied: 'Well, even if they do use it in that fashion, I'm afraid that when it comes to the truth, it has to be said openly, without regard to any consequences that would be undesirable, embarrassing.' Enough said, I guess. Remember, this is an eminent Professor. Highly respected who is best friends with arguably the most celebrated and famous Jewish Professor in the world - Professor Noam Chomsky. Hope he doesn't get a court date with Mr EYERS and the W.A DPP. My offensive and "inciting" comments continue: "Former Ku Klux Clown lectures Aussies to stamp out racism. Unfortunately our former clown has never read the Talmud, so he forgot to mention Jews as the biggest racists of all." Transcript p.633 With regards the above statement written on my Blog, I will simply refer you Dr Walsh back to the background submissions for this synopsis: • M Zionists Control United States Foreign and Domestic Policy - page 26 Page 716 of 1018 [Vi] Jewish Founding Of The Soviet State and Use Of 'Sayanims' In Past - page 29 [B] Clear Western Australian Establishment Position To Stifle Knowledge In The Public Interest (Jewish Racial and Religious Supremacism)- page 36 "Jews" are indeed, as a group, based on their holiest books and public statements from their secular and religious leadership, the "biggest racists" of all. Without doubt. I hope that puts some of my statements in perspective. I hope it underlies the fact that it was wrong to charge me under section 77 of the legislation. Let me again quote from the Hansard on this point of section 77 being designed to prevent the rise of the National Socialist party and people out to kill Jews: My final point on clause 1 is more of an overview of the whole Bill, rather than an address on a discrete clause. It has been said that the intention of the legislation is to prevent the types of crimes that occurred against a group of people under Hitler in Nazi Germany. I remind the Government of what happened in those dark days, quite apart from the thuggery, prejudice, unbridled anti-Semitism and other violence. The Government in Germany passed laws that not only enabled the commission of those crimes but also specified that they be carried out. Perhaps some members of the Reichstag thought they were acting with the best of intentions. That seems ludicrous, but that is what they did, and the law sanctified everything they did. It was certainly a perverted view, compared with our view, of what is just and right and should be sanctioned by statute. However, this is what the Government in Germany did at that time, and it did so by standing and saying that it would legislate to protect people that deserved to be protected. That is not too far away from the sort of moral engineering and posturing that the prime author of this Bill is attempting to achieve; that is, if opposition members can believe the public comments they have heard and the dismissive responses they have received when they have raised the common sense objections to the Bill that people will engage in pointless, stupid and vexatious litigation. I do not know when the first frivolous, stupid and ultimately damaging and divisive complaint will be lodged after the Bill is passed. However, the Government will need a stopwatch rather than a calendar to gauge it, because that is how soon after the Bill is passed that the Government will have brought itself into trouble. Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8806b-8810a The DPP addressed this issue at the WASCA hearing on December 13 th 2011 at which you were present Dr Walsh. They basically said that certain comments by me "fitted" section 77 of the legislation. Let me quote from the transcript. Justice Buss makes a point to Mr McGrath from the DPP about which charges are more serious than others: JA BUSS: The question is: how is that to be taken into account from a sentencing perspective because do you accept that the worst of the counts of which the appellant was convicted were counts 2 and 3 in the sense that they are the ones that attracted the 14 year maximum, whereas count 1 did not and when you look at the other counts which were the blogs 130 , the material that would be regarded as within section 77 would seem to be less egregious than the form and content of the DVD's the subject of counts 2 and 3? Transcript 13/12/11 Page 25 130 I've just gone over them. Page 717 of 1018 That is quite correct. The most serious counts - 2 & 3 - I believe, were me stating on the DVD: "Your days are numbered", referring to Jews who support the dominant repulsive sect of Judaism known as 'Rabbinic Pharisaic Judaism' and you are now aware Dr Walsh of just how sick and repulsive are its teachings and tenants from previously in this letter. Also, the statement of putting Jews, "in camps with the rest of them," forms part of that same count. Just as there were de-Nazification camps set up after the second world war to de-programme Germans imbued with a sense of racial and national superiority; there will need to be camps set up for Jews. These camps set up for Germans were pleasant and well run and taught Germans who were deemed in need of 'de-programming' that they were not "the master race" and returned them to the notion of parliamentary representative democracy instead of dictatorship. I have no doubt the millions of adherents of Orthodox Judaism and its basic tenants will need much therapy and intensive supervision to cure them of years of brainwashing and imbued hatred. It will be no easy task but if we love them (Jews), we will seek to curb this abhorrent and ancient religious cult and the personal beliefs it imbues in the interests of public safety and the good order of the State. I hope this explains somewhat what I meant and the context. I apologise to Jews who do not adhere to this set of beliefs. If they would like to come forward and express that they want no part with the teachings then it will make sorting the wheat from the chaff much easier. So far I have about 10 "Jews" who have expressed their horror and outrage at the teachings of Judaism and how those teachings are applied in Palestine. I'm sure there are many more and I look forward to hearing from them. I have taken a fairly moderate approach. I could of taken the approach of the great man of history and conscience, Dr Martin Luther, who didn't just write a thesis or two and pamphlets on corruption and bad practices within the Catholic Church, he also wrote a book called "On the Jews and Their Lies". After learning ancient Hebrew (Luther was a gifted academic) and reading the Babylonian Talmud, he was so outraged he called for Jews to be expelled from the country and their Synagogues burnt down. I would certainly never encourage such behaviour. Lucky for Martin Luther he isn't around today. However, it would seem he could shoot up a Mosque or two in Western Australia if he wanted. 131 So Justice Buss is quite correct as he has 'inferred' - section 77 really should not have been applied to the Blog postings and I think the Hansard bears that out. However, the Hansard also details how the legislation is not out to get people who have simply lost their temper in the heat of the moment. The legislation is aimed at true blue 'racists' with a deep hatred of human beings on account of their 'race/ethnicity' alone. It is as clear as crystal that my views have ALWAYS centred on Jewish BEHAVOUR based on their religious teachings and in particular Jewish behaviour in Israel. Jews are not a vulnerable minority group, they are a world power. Mr McGrath from the DPP gives his reasoning in response to Justice Buss on the point that my Blog postings indeed add up to serious offending worthy of section 77 of the code: MR MCGRATH: Your Honour, I would, with respect, say that may be somewhat debateable when one considers what is actually said on the blogs. I say it this way: even if it is said that counts 2 and 3 are the most serious, the blogs in themselves remain very serious offending. If I take you Honours to the count 5 blog, which material was subsequent after the preparation of the appeal books provided to the court, it's a collection of documents, paginated page 74 through — 131 Refer page 166 of this letter about Mosque shooting. Page 718 of 1018 I will let your Honours read that. It continues through to page 109 where the appellant offers a prayer. The "they", in my submission, is clearly the Jewish faith, people of the Jewish faith, and that is what the appellant has said in respect of - the submission I make is this: this should not be understood, as my learned friend says in his submission, that the blogs in any way are similar to the Jones v Toben case 132 where that material was holocaust-denying which was found to be an affront. These blogs are extraordinarily beyond that. 133 Count 6 is pages 14 to 17. The gravman of this particular blog — That's 7 November. That's count 6. Count 4 there was the acquittal. I have dealt with count 5. Count 6 we have removed from the religiosity based denunciation based on the Jewish community or members of it being involved with terrorist acts. 134 At page 17 after outlining what people in the Jewish faith have done he brings it closer to home in Western Australia and makes the most - this is the gravman of this offence, "It is only a matter of time before they are going to do something here." The "they" can only be read as people of the Jewish race and what they're going to do is the random acts of violence and terrorism which are particularised in the pages proceeding. Transcript 13/12/11 Page 25 - 26 I will stop there. You get the idea. I recant nothing of what I have said although it would have been better to write it with less emotion but I was very angry at the time after being hounded and harassed and vilified in the Western Australian press. I point this out very early on before the trial at court hearings. This one on 20 th November 2009: ACCUSED: Sorry, I apologise your Honour. Your Honour, may I just say my mental state at the moment? I've been harassed for almost nine months and six months on this case. It has been non-stop your Honour. And I'm -1 am a nervous wreck. When I hear a knock at the door — I will confess your Honour, that although I stand by most - some of the inherent statements in terms of -1 can actually prove quite easily, and if we wish to debate that, I'm happy to do that. I admit my rhetoric is hard, but it's because I've been so slandered and harassed, and break ins. Do you know what gas lighting or gang stalking is, your Honour? ACJDC MARTINO: No. 132 1 agree. They are far more close to the Scully v Jones case and the Bible Believers v Jones case. Very similar language used. It seems Olga Scully's case has disappeared from the web and I cannot compare. Both Olga Scully and Anthony Griggor Scott of the Bible Believers suffered ZERO legal sanction and in fact won on appeal having not had legal representation. Compare that to me. 133 Let both me and Mr McGrath go toe to toe and debate what I say on the blogs. McGrath has ZERO idea what he is talking about. Jews are producing the abhorrent filth, we are just reacting to it. 134 Shall we talk about "Prisoner X" and Australian Jews allowing their passports to be used to kill people? Let alone Israel and 9-11. Page 719 of 1018 ACCUSED: They break into your house; they'll take things, they'll move furniture around. They make you look mad. And the point is to get you hyper-vigilant, hyper¬ paranoid, and to look - your Honour, they've never had a case. And they have employed dastardly and deceivably tactics against me, including colluding with Channel 9. You want to talk about slander or going against the case where Chanel 9, your Honour, which I recorded stating that I demand Jews be wiped out. And they actually re-edited the video moving - not just chopping to make something look bad, but actually grabbing audio, moving it back, covering over Stanley Keyser making some very important statements. Your Honour, anything that may appear at first, I answer to be -1 admit, I'm angry, your Honour. I'm - I've had this six months - six months of constant harassment.
  • page 9 But your Honour, I am angry and frustrated. I'm being sent broke. My name is slandered. I can't get any work. They have forced me against the wall, and then it's any wonder I get angry. Okay? But I still stand by roughly what I have said. And your Honour I can guarantee - I know some of the statements in there seem very inflammatory. But I can find you a thousand statements done by similar people. And I guess, your Honour, what I'm saying is when is someone going to stand up for me and help me? ...
  • page 10 ... I understand what you're saying. My concern is though, I do admit my rhetoric is too harsh. I admit that, but that is borne out of sheer anger and frustration at the whole process.
  • page 12 I still stand by some of the inherent comments, which is based on my direct experience and study of the literature, most of it from the Jewish community. However I admit in my approach certainly - which has been done out of anger and frustration, your Honour - which is exactly the state of mind I believe the DPP and the police have sought to invoke in me through the harassment, so that I would lash out and they could further their case, your Honour. That's the point. And I will re-iterate, I have been too harsh. I have lashed out in some manner at the Jewish community and members within it... I feel like - your Honour, I fear for my physical safety. I fear for the physical safety of my friends. My family have been stalked. My friend in the United States has been stalked, [her] animals killed and tasered. Transcript 20/11/2009 Page 9-15 The Hansard debate is quite specific on where and when section 77 should be applied: Hon JOHN FISCHER: How about proposed new section 77 which says 'intends to create'? Page 720 of 1018 Hon KIM CHANCE: I will get to the proposed new section 77, but I have already said that it applies to extremely serious crimes. ...I am sorry if members think that those words do not separate trivia from serious offences. However, I do not think the legislation could state it any more clearly without drawing pictures. Hon KIM CHANCE: Hon Frank Hough asked me why proposed section 77 provides for imprisonment for 14 years. Why is it such a serious offence? The 14 years that is provided as a maximum penalty is proposed section 77 relates to inciting others to do things that are prohibited in the legislation. Proposed section 77 does not apply to an unwise comment made in error or in anger. In the example given by the Hon Frank Hough he said, "If I have had a few sherbets or I am angry about something and I say something that offends people, will I be caught by proposed section 77?" Of course he would not because that gets back to a completely different issue. For a person to be even charged under proposed section 77 he must set out to incite others to do things that creates the set of conditions that the legislation prohibits ... . That is the fundamental difference with these matters. Compare those two things with a person who is drunk or angry .... I do not want to keep hammering away at this but the arguments around this have been trivialised by references to name calling. Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8806b-8810a In this extract from the Hansard we have a very, very important bit of information as to when a person would be charged under Section 77 of the legislation - according to Hon Kim Chance, not until someone had acted on the "incitement": Hon KIM CHANCE: Hon John Fischer asked what was the difference between proposed new sections 77 and 80A. Proposed section 80A deals with harassment, which is an act that somebody carries out themselves. Proposed new section 77 deals with incitement. The rest of the things that I said about proposed section 77 about actions that a person takes themselves and actions that a person may incite others to take are very different in their grade of impact. If a person incites other people to do things through his oratory or publications, that is a far higher level of offence than if the person simply carried out the act himself. Hon PADDY EMBRY: If you try to incite them verbally, but they do not carry out the act, that is more serious than the person carrying it out. Is that what the Government intends? Hon KIM CHANCE: Yes, but a court would take that into account. A person probably would not appear in court until such time as something like this had happened; in other words, for example, until a person had successfully incited people to go around burning Chinese restaurants.... Not only did nothing "happen", I never encouraged people to acts of violence. I encouraged people to get out on the street and protest the racist apartheid state of Israel and the Jewish racial and religious supremacism that supports the violence of the state against the indigenous Palestinian, mostly Muslim population. I say in the video: "Time to get angry, time to get out there", and I have footage of a couple getting a video camera and running out onto the street to protest. How could it be any more obvious than that? Page 721 of 1018 When I make the statements in the video, "Your days are numbered", I clarify that I am speaking about those within the Jewish community who foster and adhere to the ideology and religion of 'Rabbinic Pharisaic Judaism' (Orthodox Judaism) and Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) and now you know Dr Walsh just how bad those religious practices are and you know how so many so called "secular Jews" quote from and draw strength from those teachings. Let us make no bones about it - the greatest inciters of racial hatred are Jews themselves who conveniently label themselves a religion one minute, then a race, and then the following week an ethnicity - whatever suits at the time. It is a well-known joke amongst Jews: So these secular Jews often end up being just another round of Michael Neuman's "veritable shell game" of Jewish identity. "Look! We're a religion! No! a race! No! a cultural entity! Sorry-a religion!" Because this is the key to maintaining Jewish power - if it's indefinable, it's invisible. Like a Stealth Bomber (you can't see it on your radar but you sure know when you've been hit) Jewish power, with its blurred outlines and changing forms, becomes invisible. And if you can't see it you can't fight it. Meanwhile the assault on the Palestinians continues. Paul Eisen "Jewish Power" http://www.rightousjews.org Should I have been charged under Section 77 or at all? Well, on page 140 of this letter I go into detail about the new Senior Prosecutor Mr Justin Whalley stating he may take the entire matter back to the Magistrates Court: MR WHALLEY: I can say this. That it's most unlikely that the prosecution in its entirety will be discontinued; I'm simply talking about amending charges. The jurisdiction may, and I take it no further than that, may be affected such that any trial might take place in the Magistrates court. Transcript 11/02/2010 page 5 For it to take place in the Magistrates Court the penalty must be three years of less. Hence, all section 77 charges would have to be dropped or amended to a section 80B charge. This must have been what Mr Whalley was contemplating. So how can the DPP write a response to the appeal to the WASCA you prepared on my behalf stating just how utterly evil I was when their own senior prosecutor was contemplating sending the matter back to the Magistrates Court? Let's have a look at what the DPP wrote to the WASCA at appeal about the seriousness of the offending:
  • The evidence led at trial established that the appellant holds a deep seated hatred of Jews and the Jewish people. The dissemination of this hate and discrimination with the specific intention of inciting racial hatred and contempt constitutes serious offending. I must first add I never had a trial. I had eight days of farce and damage control for the benefit of the Jewish Criminal Network - a group only ever called a "race" by Nazi Germany and the State of Western Australia.
  • When considering the convictions pursuant to s 77 it is significant to note that in this case the relevant counts in the indictment were pleaded solely as an allegation of an intent to create or promote animosity towards a racial group. "Animosity towards" is defined in s 76 of the Code as meaning "hatred of or serious contempt for". Section 77 allows the option to allege an intent to create or promote 'harassment', which includes "to threaten, Page 722 of 1018 seriously and substantially abuse or severely ridicule". However, the prosecution did not allege that arguably less serious intention, but rather alleged that the appellant did what he did with the specific intent of creating and promoting hatred and serious contempt for Jewish people (not merely abuse of ridicule). By their verdicts the jury were satisfied, beyond reasonable doubt, that the appellant acted with that intent. "Memory" is a wonderful thing Dr Walsh. I have a memory and I have a transcript record where the DPP was thinking of sending the matter back to the Magistrates Court. I wonder what changed their mind? I go into it in some detail at page 186 of this synopsis.
  • The jury returned that verdict on all but one of the s 77 counts on the indictment. Accordingly, the respondent submits that, in categorising the appellants conduct, it must fall in the more serious category of offending covered by the ambit of s 77.
  • In categorising the offending the respondent submits it is irrelevant that, leaving aside any low level violence 135 that may have been involved in the commission of count 1 during the South Perth IGA incident with Mr Keyser, the appellant did not engage in violence towards the Jewish people or their property. If he had, that conduct would arguably have been the subject of specific offences. Now this is pretty funny - here is the DPP lording me as a great menace to society while the same DPP charged four members of a violent and racist hate group/gang known as "Combat 18" with the ridiculous light charges of "discharging a firearm in public" and "criminal damage" after they shot up a Perth Mosque with a high powered rifle. The DPP should hang their heads in embarrassed shame. They all got suspended sentences. The police officer who was convicted of "tipping them off" that there phones were being bugged also walked after a successful appeal against conviction. See page 215 of this letter.
  • However, the respondent accepts that the fact that the appellant did not specifically exhort anyone to engage in acts of violence against the Jewish people is relevant in categorising the conduct. The respondent submits, however, that the pernicious and insidious feature of his offending is that the publication and the dissemination of the material the subject of the charges has the potential to inflame, incite and encourage other like-minded individuals, who may not demonstrate the same degree of restraint when it comes to violence. As the learned sentencing judge correctly observed, the conduct "has the potential to be catalytic of civil unrest". But that's not the point according to the Hon Kim Chance in the Hansard: "A person probably would not appear in court until such time as something like this had happened."
  • As an example, the conduct the subject of Count 3 included the phrase, "we've had enough of you and those bells toll for you. Your days are numbered". The respondent submits if anyone harboured a belief that violence against Jewish people or their property was legitimate, then exposure to that kind of material could only reinforce and legitimise that belief. The incitement of others to violence against others may not have been the offenders specific intent but it is certainly a very realistic potential consequence of his conduct. When an offender carries out acts with the intention of creating or promoting hatred or serious contempt for a racial group then the risk of violence being visited upon members of that racial group is substantially increased. 135 Which was directed at me. Page 723 of 1018 As for the "seriousness" of my charges, perhaps Justice Buss in the WASCA says it best when he states I would have received a suspended sentence if I had of said "sorry": JA BUSS: One can readily understand that a suspended sentence would have been appropriate had someone in your clients position pleaded guilty even if not at the first opportunity, had expressed some remorse at some stage or even given an apology. If these had been the facts, then it is very difficult to see how a term of immediate imprisonment could possibly have been justified, but those are not the facts. Transcript 13/12/2011 Page 18 WASCA If I had not been so harassed; if I had not been stalked; if I had not been vilified in the press; if police, AFP and CCC had taken my complaints seriously; if I had been allowed to present evidence for my views; if DCJ Wisbey had at least explained WHY he was not adjourning according to the Section 78B; if DCJ Wisbey had not acted so unprofessionally; then there is no doubt that an apology and simple town meeting to diffuse matters could have taken place but instead the WA establishment chose to treat me like a "nut". I repeat also that Detective Gavin Manners, who arrested me on the 12 th of May 2009, stated after my processing while dropping me back home: "Maybe you could do things differently? There is a place called the 'Abrahamic Covenant' where Jews, Christians and Muslims meet, maybe you could go there?" I replied that that sounded interesting and I thought that the charges would be dropped and a town meeting would take place. However, this did not happen, and instead, I was vilified in the press and stalked and harassed. I must clarify Dr Walsh that the police raided me as a stunt. We suspect it was co-ordinated to take place at the same time Dr Frederick Toben was incarcerated for contempt of court in South Australia for his comments on 'The Holocaust™'. Police continually told me: "There is a lot of media interest Brendon. A lot of media interest". I replied, "Excellent! We can talk about Israeli intelligence activity, the Collins Class sub debacle and Jewish religious and racial supremacism." Detectives were not expecting that sort of reply from me. I was expected to put my tail between my legs and "submit". The Hansard goes on, explaining the "definitions" that separate simple "name calling" from serious offences: Hon KIM CHANCE: The empirical evidence suggests that the debate has been 95 per cent dominated by issues of trivia and name-calling. Perhaps I should have explained earlier why trivia is not an issue in this Bill. I refer to clause 5, headed "Section 76 amended". The Bill for. I suggest that no court would entertain and no persecutor would take seriously the question of whether calling someone a "wog boy" expresses serious contempt for or involves serious and substantial abuse or severe ridicule of someone. Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8806b-8810a Page 724 of 1018 I do not hold "animosity towards" Jews because they are "Jews", I hold animosity towards "Jews" because of what they do, say and write and the fact they wield enormous power. I get angry that few people in power try to stop them. This creates anger and frustration. Even Jewish activist Paul Eisen writes about this. Here is a long quote but it sums everything up perfectly: No-one wants to oppose any Jews simply for being Jews, or even for what they believe, but only because of what they do. The problem is that since, according to Shamir 136 , what Jews believe and even do is precisely what makes them into Jews, so opposition to Jewishness as an ideology surely comes dangerously close to opposition to Jews simply for being Jews. But for Shamir, Jews are Jews because they choose to be Jews. Someone may be born of Jews and raised as a Jew but they can if they wish reject their Jewish upbringing and become a non-Jew. And many have done just that including such famous escapee's as Karl Marx, St Paul, Leon Trotsky (and Shamir himself), etc. Opposition to Jews is not, therefore, like opposition to blacks or to Asians or to other common racist attitudes since the object of the opposition is perfectly able to relinquish the ideology in question. Shamir has never in any way called for any harm to be done to Jews or anyone else, nor for Jews or anyone else to be discriminated against in any way. Adherence to this Jewish ideology is, for Shamir, regrettable, but not, in itself, a matter for active opposition. Nor does this mean that Shamir is opposed to any individual Jew just because he or she is a Jew. What Shamir actively opposes is not "Jews" but "Jewry". Analogous to say, the Catholic Church, Jewry consists of those organised Jews and their leaders who actively promote corrosive Jewish interests and values, particularly now in the oppression of the Palestinians. One doesn't have to be in complete agreement with Shamir to understand what he is talking about. Why should Jews not have a "spirit"; after all, such a concept has been discussed with regard to other nations? "It is dangerous, wrong, to speak about the "Germans", or any other people, as if a single undifferentiated entity, and include all individuals in one judgement. And yet I don't think I would deny that there exists a spirit of each people (otherwise it would not be a people) a Deutschtum, an italianitia, an hispanidad: they are the sums of traditions, customs, history, language, and culture. Whoever does not feel within himself this spirit, which is national in the best sense of the word, not only does not entirely belong to his own people but is not part of human civilization. Therefore, while I consider insensate the syllogism, 'All Italians are passionate; you are Italian; therefore you are passionate,' I do however believe it legitimate, within certain limits, to expect from Italians taken as a whole, or from Germans, etc., one specific, collective behaviour rather than another. There will certainly be individual exceptions, but a prudent, probabilistic forecast is in my opinion possible." Primo Levi And for Jews it is, perhaps, even more appropriate. The place of Judaism as an ideology at the centre for all Jewish identity may be debated, but few would dispute that Judaism is at least at the historic heart of Jewishness and, whatever else may bind Jews together, it is certainly true that religion plays an important part. Second, for a group of people who have retained such a strong collective identity with no shared occupation of any land, language, nor even, in many cases, a culture, it is hard to see what else there could be that makes Jews into Jews. Surely for Jews, in the absence of other, more obvious factors, it is precisely such a spirit that has enabled them to retain their distinctive identity for so long in the face of such opposition. 136 Israel Shamir - Israeli activist. Highly respected the world over. Page 725 of 1018 Paul Eisen - "Jewish Power" http://www.rightousiews.org • "Opposition to Jews is not , therefore, like opposition to blacks or to Asians or to other common racist attitudes since the object of the opposition is perfectly able to relinquish the ideology in question." An important part of the Hansard transcript centres on section 80B of the legislation and the allowed defence of 80G: Hon PADDY EMBRY: A new film produced during the last 12 months was called The Passion of the Christ. Jewish people wrote letters in which they said that they felt the film was anti- Jewish and racial. Hon KIM CHANCE: It would raise some interesting questions. If one were to remake The Bridge on the River Kwai today, one would be talking not about historical material but a film made in December 2004. Would it be deemed to be in the public interest or would it be deemed to be in the same category as archival material? I believe that my answer would still hold true. The depiction of the events that occurred on the River Kwai and the Burma Railway generally would be dealt with as having genuine academic significance, because it would be the truth of the matter. People would be more likely to get into difficulty if they were to deny what happened on the River Kwai. This is where one gets into questions about David Irving, for example, who is a genuine academic. This is where the question of "genuine" turns up, which I find quite interesting 137 . Does being a genuine academic mean that the work one provides is also produced for a genuine academic purpose? The big issue with Irving is that he is denying that the Holocaust ever happened. He said that all those Jews died of cholera or something. Hon PADDY EMBRY: When a film is an attempt at accuracy, the law would not apply, but if it were fictitious, it might apply. Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8806b-8810a So WHO gets to determine what is truth? This is Comrade Stalin legislation if ever there was. It is dangerous right now, and if allowed to continue, will be dangerous into the future. The Hon Peter Foss comes up again with some common sense around section 80B and the term "likely": Hon PETER FOSS: As I have said, I do not have a problem with the word "intends". However, I do have a problem with the words "is likely to". There is some law on this matter. The law is very simple. Unfortunately, to a large extent we can prove that a certain action "is likely to" by proving its impact on just one person. That is why it is such a dangerous concept and why the Standing Committee on Legislation recommended that those words not be in the Bill. 137 I'm glad the politicians find it "interesting". I find it interesting too - here in my cell in Albany Regional Prison. I'm glad they find there bit of playtime legislation "interesting". Page 726 of 1018 Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8806b-8810a Stanley Elliot Keyser did not have to come up with some "evidence" that he had been "offended" or emotionally "hurt" in any way - he just had to say he was. Keyser is THE perfect example of why the legislation is dangerous. He intended to agitate and catch someone out under the legislation no matter how much he denied this at the trial. It is self-evident in the video as he "plays up" the "hurt" on camera and ran up to people stating loudly: "Did you know this man says all Jews are racist! I'm offended!" The Hansard makes it known that the legislation was intended for a "certain type of fish" and did not want a "by-catch": Hon PETER FOSS:... A problem always arises when Governments are so intent on catching a particular fish that they draw they draw their net too wide. Although they catch the intended fish, they gather up many others that they did not intend to catch. This legislation will do that. The Leader of the House, as the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, will know an awful lot about that. Hon KIM CHANCE: It's called by-catch. Hon PETER FOSS: The minister will be acutely aware that one of the environmental problems facing fishermen is the by-catch. I suspect that as a legislator for criminal law, he will become aware that one of the biggest problems with this proposed section will be its by-catch. It is not good to allow laws to be drafted solely by the people who want to catch the fish. Those people write legislation that makes the law simple for them. They do not consider that it will catch people they did not intend to catch. Hon PETER FOSS: I do not think they did because memories are short. Fourteen years have passed since all the ethnic communities said that we should pass legislation because they wanted a problem dealt with. That legislation coincided with the last time Mr Van Tongeren was involved in events. Bad law makes bad cases and that is what will happen with this legislation. It will create a bad situation. Rather than work harder on the legislation, people seek to make easier laws. That creates bad law and this is bad law. A law will be passed that will make things simple for the prosecution, the police and the complainant. It will also catch a lot of people whom we do not want to catch. Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8806b-8810a Thank God for Peter Foss. A final quote from Hansard on section 80B and when people will be charged: Hon KIM CHANCE: In the case of proposed section 80, the Director of Public Prosecutions is our exclusion device. Before a person is drawn into the net on a proposed section 80B Page 727 of 1018 charge, the matter must pass the senior police prosecutors. It still must pass this test: is this the kind of person we are trying to catch in the net? ... Hon PADDY EMBRY: The potential problem is the pressure police face, for example, with the Claremont serial killer. There is automatic pressure to find. Yes, especially when the Jewish community lies through their teeth and claims you are stalking them and threatening to kill their kids. I presume with the federal Attorney General tossing out the notion of "offending" people in the new 'Human Rights Act' we will see the end of section 80B - at least - "conduct likely to...". [H] Federal Law Review - "So Far So Good: A Critical Evaluation of Racial Vilification Laws in Australia" This is an extremely interesting document and sums up all the issues. It is a critical evaluation of racial vilification laws written in 2004, the same year Western Australia passed the relevant legislation. I will write out the introduction in its entirety and intersperse it with my own comments then quote selectively from the article and comment. I have put the article in a shaded background to avoid confusion with my own comments and quotes: Meagher, Dan — "So Far So Good: A Critical Evaluation of Racial Vilification Laws in Australia" [2004] FedLawRw 10; (2004) 32(2) Federal Law Review 225 It may be true that morality cannot be legislated, but behaviour can be regulated. The law may not change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless. 111 INTRODUCTION There is a range of meritorious reasons why Parliaments enact laws to regulate racial vilification. These include but are not limited to the following: • The need to provide a remedy to persons who suffer the often extremely harmful psychological and physical effects resulting from racial vilification. • To nip in the bud racist words or conduct that if left unchecked may fester and sprout as serious or even deadly violence at a later time. • To further the value of legal equality through substantive and meaningful legal measures. • To send a strong state-sanctioned message that, in a pluralist society politically committed to multiculturalism, racist words and conduct are unacceptable, harmful, dangerous and will not therefore be tolerated. • To fulfil our international law obligations. • To provide an environment where information and ideas can be proffered and exchanged in a civil and respectful manner. Such societal conditions are more conducive to personal development, meaningful democracy and a tolerant citizenry. "Harmful psychological and physical effects resulting from racial vilification". Well, lots of things are "harmful" in the psychological and physical sense. We have laws for the physical side of things. As for the psychological side of things? Well, when my daddy called me an "idiot" time and time again over Page 728 of 1018 the period of my miss spent youth, it can be argued successfully that his lack of mirroring and positive re-enforcement of good personality traits has severely damaged me. I am not trying to be smart. Why is it "racial vilification" has been singled out? What about the myriad of psychological trauma we all suffer from inadequate parenting? Why has "Child Vilification" been left out of the legislation? Parents (or lack of parents) could be argued to be the single most important influence on the life of a citizen and yet anyone can have a child and there are no laws against wounding your child's psychological development with endless negative re-enforcement and hurting your child's feelings by calling him or her an "idiot" repeatedly - or worse, far worse. We can argue that the criminal justice system is simply a de-facto parent, rounding up the bolted horse with a legislation lasso. So, with the argument that persons need a "remedy" after they suffer "extremely harmful psychological and physical effects resulting from racial vilification", what about children who suffer from the extremely harmful effects of bad parenting? Clearly, if this is a part of the grounding reason's for racial vilification legislation then why stop at race or ethnicity? As for nipping in the bud "racist words or conduct that if left unchecked may fester and sprout as serious or even deadly violence at a later time". Well, that goes for anything. We have the laws that cover this aspect of life in the form of disorderly conduct or incitement to violence legislation - already in the criminal code. What's more, they haven't fixed the problem. Just because you have shut a man up in public doesn't mean you have won the argument nor ceased the "festering". All you have done is drive it underground and given legitimacy to the argument that the legislation is sprouting from a totalitarian mindset - which it is. A mindset that has more than the rights of minorities on its mind as author and barrister Greg Craven points out: The most obvious feature of this rights discourse is its unremitting focus on the rights of minorities. New constitutionalists are relatively uninterested in the rights of common or garden Australians to live dull, secure lives in dull, secure suburbs, unmolested alike by burglars and intrusive governmental gate crashers. They are transfixed, however, by the rights of minority groups: indigenous people, ethnic minorities, sexual and gender groupings though not (of course) by the rights of unfashionable minorities such as conservative religious groups or right wing nutters. New constitutionalists argue, with obvious force, that it is the rights of minorities that most need protection. But there is more than necessity at work here. Page.88 Greg Craven, 'Conversations With The Constitution: Not Just A Piece Of Paper'. UNSW PRESS. There is indeed "more than necessity at work here." Ask Mr Doron Ur or Barbara Spectre. It is social engineering - divide and conquer. Set them at each other's throats, prevent the "barbarians from coming together" as Jimmy Carters former National Security adviser Zbig Brizinsky wrote in his book 'The Grand Chessboard'. A society divided is a society that cannot come together to resist government tyranny. Just study the tactics of the Soviet Government or watch the lecture series 'The Pentagon's New Map' where Dr Thomas Barnett discusses the "reshaping" of the Middle East for the benefit of Israel and economic and political control. Right now, Syria is feeling the pinch as it disintegrates into sectarian violence making it far easier for Israel and the pro-Zionist US Government to play groups off against each other. The same effect was accomplished in Iraq. Paul Wolfowitz, Bill and Irving Kristol and the current Israeli PM (Benyamin Netanyahu) wrote 'The Project For The New American Century' and 'Securing The Realm' - all speaking of removing Governments not to Israel's liking. Iran is next. I see the same methods of "divide and conquer" at work in the prison system. As the French monarchy were apt to state: "Better they march on each other than the palace gates". Jews regularly lead the charge for this type of legislation. It started in 1919: Page 729 of 1018 Anti-Semitism was branded as being counter-revolutionary in nature, and persons participating in pogroms or instigating them were outlawed (by a special decree issued by the Council of Commissars in July of 1918, signed and personally amended by Lenin to sharpen its tone). A statement against anti-Semitism made by Lenin in March 1919 was one of the rare occasions on which his voice was put on a phonograph record, to be used in a mass campaign against the counter-revolutionary incitement against the Jews. The regime made every effort to denounce the pogroms and punish the persons taking part in them, even when they were Red Army personnel. When the civil war came to an end, a law was passed against "incitement to hatred and hostility of a national or religious nature," which in effect, also applied to anti-Semitism, including the use of the pejorative Zhid. Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 5 Produced and printed in Jerusalem, Israel Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 72 9075 Let's compare the mass murdering Jewish founded Communist's legislation with the heading of the Western Australian legislation I was charged under: COMMUNISTS (1919): "Incitement to hatred and hostility of a national or religious nature." Western Australian Labor Party (2004): "77. Conduct intended to incite racial animosity or racist harassment Any person who engages in any conduct, otherwise than in private, by which the person intends to create, promote or increase animosity towards, or harassment of, a racial group, or a person as a member of a racial group, is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 14 years." Let's refer back to the Hansard debate and the comments by the Right Hon Peter Foss as to who was leading the lobbying for the legislation in Western Australia: One of the great supporters of the legislation was Mr Doron Ur, who was a leading figure in the Jewish community in this State. I am not sure whether he is still alive. He was certainly an elderly gentleman in 1990. He wrote a Zionist magazine that he distributed quite widely in the Jewish community. During the course of his evidence to the committee, he very kindly gave us a few copies of the magazine. We flicked through those, and it became quite clear that if an amendment of that type was drafted, he would be a prime candidate for prosecution. Anybody who has read Zionist magazines will know that they state fairly unequivocally what should happen to the Palestinians, and it is not nice. I believe it is a well-known problem. Certainly, there would be real difficulties if we tried to suppress those sort of publications. They probably do not add a lot to the quietness and good order of Western Australia, but if we tried to suppress them, I suspect we would have even bigger problems. Extract From Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] Page 730 of 1018 p8818c-8834a My, how history is repeating itself. The next comment, "to further the value of legal equality through substantive and meaningful legal measures". Greg Craven: Parliaments uniquely popular basis grounds it's claims to its most prized piece of constitutional territory, the decline of parliamentary sovereignty. This fundamental principal of constitutional law proclaims simply that parliament can (in Australia, within its constitutional powers) make any laws it likes, and that neither judges and their common law nor the laws of parliaments past may stand against them. Albert Van Dicey, the great English constitutional lawyer and inveterate enemy of Aryan infants, cheerfully remarked that if parliament make a law for the slaughter of blue eyed babies, that law would be valid. Page.88 Greg Craven, 'Conversations With The Constitution: Not Just A Piece Of Paper'. UNSW PRESS. As for the need for a "strong state-sanctioned message that, in a pluralist society politically committed to multiculturalism, racist words and conduct are unacceptable, harmful, dangerous and will not therefore be tolerated". Well, have the politicians ever gone to an election on the countries commitment to "multiculturalism"? No one asked us. Did anyone ask Native Australian's if they were committed to "multiculturalism"? When the Union Jack was speared into the ground at Botany Bay, no one did a poll on Indigenous Australian's attitudes to sharing the land with Europeans and we know how that turned out for Native Australians - dispossessed of both land, culture and dignity. Perhaps its karma? Native Americans too found out the value of multiculturalism as the benefits of trade with Europeans in whiskey, small pox ridden blankets and guns did wonders for their social life. The law is part of a multifaceted social engineering program to "keep the barbarians from coming together", nothing more, and the crusade for this type of legislation is more often than not led by 'Jews' for obvious reasons - they're "leading the revolution", just as they did in Russia, the Ukraine, Hungary and the Baltic states in 1919 and later. Next comes "to fulfil our international law obligations". Again, I didn't know Australia had any international law obligations? No one asked me about international laws interfering in the sovereignty of the states of Australia? What obligations are these and where was the public debate before "we" signed off on them? And finally - "provide an environment where information and ideas can be proffered and exchanged in a civil and respectful manner." Well, that's lovely. So it's actually the "Polite Conversation" legislation? The reality is the legislation is used to stifle debate, not promote it. The effect of the legislation has been to intimidate people, not free up society for polite and courteous debate. The application of this legislation for the public good both short term and long term is dependent on the good will and commitment of legislators, Prime Ministers and Premieres, and above all the relevant DPP and presiding Judge. There is a reason the Communists enacted their own version of the legislation first. In fact, it was their first major piece of legislation. Slowly but surely, the Fabien Socialist goal of a tyranny by legislator, one piece of legislation at a time, is coming to fruition. Like one link in the chain that will form the shackles of a totalitarian mind control dictatorship - with no bread lines, but plenty of GPS tracked Smart phones with which to "buy and sell". Truly, what is coming has never been more obvious and the slaves of housing mortgages - as long as they are fed and entertained - are no force Page 731 of 1018 to stop it. I remember Alexander Solzinhitzen writing in his book 'Gulag Archipelago' that the crimes of the Soviet State were carried out by bureaucratic minions, not motivated by fear of Stalin's wrath, but by fear of job loss. The law is, however, just one of the tools available to combat racial vilification. Others include primary and secondary school education programs, government-sponsored advertising campaigns, affirmative action policies and opportunities for counter-speech either in conjunction with or in the alternative to legal measures. 121 However, as Luke McNamara correctly points out, racial vilification laws are now a fixture on the Australian legal and political landscape. 131 More importantly, the time has long gone where dogmatic assertions of the need for free speech absolutism can or ought to carry the day. Three landmark reports on racist violence and race relations in Australia more generally written during the 1990's and the work of the critical race theorists and other American scholars have documented in stark and often disturbing detail the very real harms caused by racist words and conduct. 141 Whilst I do not share the view of some scholars that free speech concerns and arguments in the area are no more than 'philosophical meanderings' 151 and 'superficial talk' 161 about 'traditional abstract values', 171 they should neither presumptively trump other relevant values and interests nor stifle appropriate legislative initiatives to combat racial vilification. Therefore, a more constructive approach and contribution to the debate is to accept the (most likely) long-term legal and political reality of racial vilification laws in Australia and consider how these laws might be further refined and improved. 181 This article is offered in that spirit. What a shame the DPP, police and Jewish community did not take the road of "opportunities for counter-speech either in conjunction with or in the alternative to legal measures." The human rights violating Chinese Communist Government is treated with "dialogue" and "engagement" by our own Government while people from all levels of the political spectrum here at home are vilified as "haters" and "Holocaust™ deniers" for questioning Jewish power and its intentions. Are we subhuman or regarded as worse than the Chinese Communist Government for questioning history and other aspects of the odious behaviour of a group who call themselves 'Jews'. Are we not worthy of "engagement" and "dialogue"? Does the 'Truth' hurt? For a little while, but if you let it fester, drive it underground and fail to give attention to the supering wound you will end up with a systemic infection that will kill you. The symptoms are fever and occasional cold shivers that run down the spine from time to time. The aspirin of legislation works a treat in the short term but it will rise up and kill you if you do not address the underlying social problem - lack of dialogue and fear of speaking out. As the saying goes: "If we can't face it, God can't fix it." The authors comments on "free speech" are concerning. Again, I take professor Noam Chomsky's 138 view that there can only be two positions on "free speech" - either for or against. You cannot separate speech or words into "free speech" and "hate speech" - who will decide? Society? They are busy downloading pornography, watching 3D TV, playing video games and working themselves to death paying off a mortgage to gigantic banking cartels - do they even know what a 'Hansard Debate' is? Maybe Comrade Stalin? Maybe he will decide? I'm sure he had a view. I know our great and glorious 'Comrade Prime Minister' Julia Gillard has a view - she and her well-meaning minions are pushing hard for this type of legislation as we speak. Perhaps Tony Abbott? He wants to get rid of the Senate as an encumbrance to the efficient running of the country. He talks in terms of 'economic efficiency' - the trains running on time. Oh dear, I think that argument has popped up before and 70 million dead later we all agree we'll take the trains running a little late in return for the freedom to say "no" to Prime Ministers, Legislators and "The Boss" as Comrade Joseph Stalin was called. And what of the Labor 138 It has never ceased to astound me how 'Jews' pop up as leading figures in both sides of the debate. Page 732 of 1018 Party? Well, they're the well-meaning Fabien Socialists who can't seem to get enough of this type of legislation. I guess the True Believers carry on the legacy of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin. Moreover, for the following three reasons, the time is ripe to reflect on our laws - on the clarity of their content, on the coherence of the cases they have generated and ultimately on their long-term utility. Firstly, it is 15 years since the passage of the Anti-Discrimination (Racial Vilification) Amendment Act 1989 (NSW), the first Australian law to proscribe racial vilification. Since the passage of that landmark law all Australian jurisdictions, with the exception of the Northern Territory, have followed suit, albeit employing a range of divergent regulatory mechanisms. 191 Secondly, the continuing controversy in Australia surrounding the dissemination of holocaust-denial material through the internet, pamphlets, books and videos brings into sharp relief the pervasive tension between racial vilification laws and freedom of speech. 1101 This tension was recently highlighted by the storm that surrounded the ultimately unsuccessful attempt by the Melbourne Underground Film Festival to screen the David Irving film The Search for Truth in History. 1111 Thirdly, we have already witnessed an upsurge in racial vilification against Australian Muslims, Arabs and Jews since the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York and the ongoing 'war against terrorism' that they triggered. 1121 And here it is again - Holocaust™ Denial. On which planet do these commentators reside? I hope the background information I have given answers some of the questions why it is a bunch of lunatic fanatics continue to insist that I cannot speak publicly on the historical fantasy that is the systematic industrial scale extermination of European Jewry via "gas chamber". I have no wish to go into the debate - or lack of - here. Suffice to say, Professor Noam Chomsky again speaks some common sense: "It does a dis-service to the memory of the dead to adopt a central doctrine of their murderers." A doctrine that cannot be deviated from? The legislation itself is "hate speech". It is an affront to the values Australian men and women fought for from 1939 to 1945 and beyond. It is totalitarian thought control via legislation - what I cannot speak, or can only speak in whispers, I do not think. An incoherent body of case law has developed as a consequence, where too much is left open to the decision-maker in each individual case. Many judgements are often little more than a series of findings of fact rather than reasoned pronouncements of the law. It has left the law in a state of unprincipled fluidity, where the good faith but ad-hoc assessment by individual judges and administrators of subjective, value-laden concepts determines controversies not the application of reasonably precise and knowable legal standards. This is problematic for a number of reasons. They will be detailed shortly. This applies mainly to the various HEROC decisions in the Federal Court. My trial was by jury, but I could have asked for and gotten a judge alone trial. I wish I had, but I always believed I would be able to show a jury exactly what and where I had gotten my views from. Section 80B: "Conduct likely to racially harass", was always a problem and it seems recent plans by the Attorney-General Nicola Roxon 139 to do away with sections of the new HRA legislation that prohibits conduct that "offends, insults or intimidates" will also inevitably affect the WA legislation in the High Court. iB9 p a g e gg 0 f this | e tter - "Department officials are reworking the contentious draft and will remove a controversial section prohibiting conduct that offends, insults or intimidates" - WEST AUSTRALAIN NEWSPAPER Page 733 of 1018 Dr Walsh, should I be punished for shouting "fire"? Should I be punished for not shouting "fire" in a "nice-enough way?" Or should I be thanked - as should many others - who have the simple, innocent and decent community-oriented intention of pointing out a great danger to our national security and way of life? The State argues my views are "offensive" - we should now know my views are "tame" compared to highly respected people from all over the world and what they say, and have said, on these issues. And does the State even "get" their own legislation? They promised it would not stifle notions of "free speech" because the legislation was to be always about HOW information was offered rather than WHAT information was offered. They clearly lack understanding of their own legislation. The fact that this information "offends" Jews is a no brainer. Police pointing out a criminal syndicate selling drugs to school children would also no doubt "offend" the criminal syndicate at which the allegation is levelled. The trouble is, the "criminal syndicate" have the police in the palm of their hand as it has much of the world. Recounting simple history is being criminalised by criminal's. Do we have to go through a long period of a police type, "thought crime" State to get the message that Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, East Germans and Hungarians had to go through during the Soviet Empire period? 40+ million dead? Incalculable suffering? Do we have to suffer the same murderous, psychotic mentality that the majority Muslim people of the Middle East have had to endure from the Israeli "Jewish" State and its religious books of hatred, slaughter, ethnic cleansing and genocide which they apply with glee? In fact, BOASTING from their books what they do, what they want, and how they will get it and a compliant Western Media lets them do it - scared they will be labelled anti-Semites or Holocaust™ deniers, or they will lose their jobs and even be harassed, or worse? What will it take to break the "spell" that has been weaved by a group of common criminals in suits, inculcated from birth to believe they are "the chosen people" of God? It is right before our eyes. But as the Prophet Isaiah wrote three thousand years ago: I have found myself burnt out Dr Walsh so I'll have to leave the "analysis" for another time. Here is the rest of the critique: But first it should be noted that indeterminacy in the law is not unique[14] nor is precision and clarity always a virtue. Timothy Endicott has persuasively argued that vagueness in the law is on occasion unavoidable[15] and sometimes desirable.[16] However, what remains centrally important is that 'the law must be capable of guiding the behaviour of its subjects'.[17] In the area of racial vilification however there are compelling reasons why enhancing the precision and clarity of legislation is desirable. Firstly, and most importantly, is the capacity of indeterminate racial vilification laws to unreasonably interfere with or pre-emptively chill the legitimate speech and communication interests of others. Whilst broad-ranging defences (the norm in Australian law[18]) may allay some of these speech and communication concerns, this species of indeterminacy in turn has the capacity to erode the efficacy of such laws by failing to provide a remedy or meaningful protection to victims of racial vilification. Consequently, the primary goal of racial vilification laws in Australia — to regulate racial vilification without curbing legitimate public communication — is compromised when the laws themselves lack sufficient precision and clarity. Improving their precision and clarity would make these laws Page 734 of 1018 more accessible and, in this instance, strengthen the rule of law.[19] With a firmer understanding of their legal rights and obligations the citizenry can plan their communicative conduct accordingly. This has an added importance with citizens now increasingly willing and able to seek legal redress for racial vilification. Secondly, laws which 'leave too much to be decided by persons other than the people's representatives'[20] can be rightly criticised as undemocratic. This is not to suggest that reserving a measure of discretion for decision-makers in this area is objectionable. Indeed it is both inevitable and desirable with racial vilification laws as explained below.[21] It is problematic however when the putative legal standards contained in a law provide little interpretive guidance in most cases to the relevant decision-maker. It is undemocratic because judges and administrators are, in effect, exercising legislative power by determining the substantive content of the laws they are to apply.[22] This argument suggests that courts should limit 'themselves to the accurate application of general rules, rules which should be clear, precise and empirically applicable expressions of the political will of the people's representatives.'[23] It 'is democratic in that it affirms that the source of these authoritative rules is empirically identifiable institutional acts which are the outcome of democratic procedures'[24] not the subjective conceptions of justice of judges and administrators articulated on a case by case basis. My analysis will show that too often the application of racial vilification laws in Australia has exhibited this undemocratic quality. Consistent with democracy and the principle of popular sovereignty that underpins the Australian Constitution, legislative power ought to be exercised by our elected not unelected representatives.[25] Moreover, Geoffrey de Q Walker has noted that when 'law is simply a series of pattern less exercises of state power... the outcome of any encounter with government can no longer be predicted and equality before the law is also lost.'[26] Thirdly, laws which lack sufficient precision and clarity obfuscate and complicate the role of those public officials charged with their interpretation and execution. For example, this may manifest as an unwillingness on behalf of prosecutors to mobilise indeterminate criminal racial vilification laws where the higher standard of proof required compounds the problem of legislative imprecision.[27] In the long-term, citizens (including public officials) may accord less respect to such laws which can undermine their efficacy, enforceability and ultimately their legitimacy.[28] But the concept of racial vilification is hard to pin down.[29] Not least because reasonable minds will differ as to what level of racist conduct ought to constitute vilification for legal purposes and how one can determine with some predictability when that harm threshold is reached. It is a concept with a subjective component meaning that some degree of indeterminacy will necessarily characterise racial vilification laws. Indeed, it is no bad thing that decision-makers in this area have a level of discretion, so long as sufficient criteria exist to guide the exercise of that discretion. This guards against arbitrariness. It is a complex, emotive and delicate area where free speech and other legitimate concerns may be trammelled if the laws are enforced in a mechanistic or unthinking manner. Moreover, laws are more likely to be respected and therefore effective when applied, so far as possible, in a just as well as principled manner. However, notwithstanding the elusive nature of racial vilification, my analysis will show that it is possible and desirable to frame more precise laws than currently exist. To this end, the article concludes with two proposals for legislative reform. If adopted, these measures ought to secure a measure of consistency in how cases are determined, in doing so addressing aspects of the predictability, democracy and equality concerns outlined above. II RACIAL DISCRIMINATION ACT 1975 (CTH) — S 18C The provisions proscribing racial vilification were added to the RDA by the RHA. The key provision is s 18C. It reads: (1) It is unlawful for a person to do an act, otherwise than in private, if: (a) the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people; and Page 735 of 1018 (b) the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person or of some or all of the people in the group. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an act is taken not to be done in private if it: (a) causes words, sounds, images or writing to be communicated to the public; or (b) is done in a public place; or (c) is done in the sight or hearing of people who are in a public place. (3) In this section: public place includes any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation, whether express or implied and whether or not a charge is made for admission to the place. The critical problem with s 18C is that its key words and phrases are sufficiently imprecise in both their definition and application as to make the putative legal standards they embody largely devoid of any core and ascertainable content.[30] Of most concern are the phrases 'offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate 1 and 'the act is done because of the race ... of the other person'. The former phrase, in particular the meaning of the words 'offend' and 'insult', is so open-ended as to make any practical assessment by judges and administrators as to when conduct crosses this harm threshold little more than an intuitive and necessarily subjective value judgement. The fact that an act must be 'reasonably likely' to cross this harm threshold, though importing an objective test of liability, does not cure the definitional indeterminacy of these words that a decision-maker must objectively apply. Moreover, these words and the harm threshold they establish may capture a range of conduct which was arguably never intended by the Parliament to be regulated; an important point to which I shall shortly return.[31] The latter phrase is less problematic. At first glance it would appear clear enough. It seems to require some causative link between the act and race or ethnicity of the relevant person(s) or group. But when coupled with the indeterminate harm threshold its application has been uneven. This is reflected in the disagreement evident in the jurisprudence regarding the strength of the causal connection required by s 18C. It seems no coincidence that a stronger connection has been required in cases involving less serious conduct that may otherwise have crossed the s 18C harm threshold.[32] Indeed, with the possible exception of cases involving extreme racist conduct, the indeterminacy of s 18C is such that too many determinations could comfortably and justifiably have been decided the other way. This should come as no surprise as the legal standards in s 18C are sufficiently malleable to allow a judge or administrator to employ them to facilitate a decision which accords with their intuitive conception of what 'justice' requires in that case. It has resulted in a body of judicial and quasi-judicial decisions that often lack a coherent, underpinning principle. (a) The RDA harm threshold: 'insult, offend, humiliate or intimidate' The indeterminacy of the harm threshold has become manifest in the case law in two ways. Firstly, in a series of s 18C determinations the judge or administrator has, 'effectively elevated the threshold by emphasising the concept of "hatred".'[33] Secondly, in a smaller but still significant number of cases there has been a finding that s 18C has been offended without any harm threshold analysis or reasoning whatsoever. (1) Elevating the s 18C harm threshold: parliamentary intent and the interpretative malady The root cause of this phenomenon is the considerable dislocation that exists between the stated intent of the Parliament regarding the Racial Hatred Bill 1994 (Cth) ('RHB') and the provisions which ultimately constituted the RHA. On one level this is unremarkable as the RHB was significantly amended during its passage through the Parliament. Arguably the centrepiece provisions, those which criminalised a range of serious racist conduct, were deleted from the RHB in the Senate.[34] However the problems run deeper than this. In choosing terms like 'insult' and 'offend' to effect its intentions, the Parliament has created an interpretive malady for the relevant decision-makers. This problem also plagues the 'free Page 736 of 1018 speech/public interest defences' contained in s 18D which are examined below.[35] The clear intent of Parliament regarding the RHB was to criminally and civilly prohibit acts of racial hatred. It is erroneous to suggest that parliamentary intent as evidenced in the second reading speech of then Attorney-General Michael Lavarch and the explanatory memorandum is no longer instructive regarding the meaning of s 18C as this provision formed an integral part of the RHB as the following passages from those sources underline. This Bill makes provision in relation to racial hatred amending the Crimes Act 1914 to provide for three criminal offences and the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 to provide for a civil prohibition ... In doing so, the Bill closes a gap in the legal protection available to the victims of extreme racist behaviour.[36] The explanatory memorandum made these further, specific comments on the civil prohibition in the RHB which became s 18C, unaltered. The proposed prohibition on offensive behaviour based on racial hatred would be placed within the existing jurisdiction of HREOC to conciliate and/or determine complaints alleging breaches of the Racial Discrimination Act.[37] These comments were largely reproduced by the Attorney-General in his second reading speech.[38] Even the long title of the RHA emphasised the centrality of racial hatred to the new civil provisions: 'An Act to prohibit certain conduct involving the hatred of other people on the ground of race, colour or national or ethnic origin, and for related purposes.' But it is clear enough that one can racially insult or offend another without ever expressing or intending hatred for that person's race or ethnicity. Consider a claim by a politician that '[hjome invasions are ethnically based, Lebanese or Iranian, not Australian.'[39] Or when Australian cricketer Darren Lehmann called a Sri Lankan opponent 'a black cunt' upon dismissal. These racial epithets no doubt offended and insulted the relevant victims and, moreover, may well be reasonably likely to elicit the same response from most members of the relevant race or ethnic group if not the wider community.[40] It is submitted, however, that in both cases the conduct of itself did not amount to an expression of racial hatred. These words do not suggest an intense dislike or detestation of that person(s) on account of their race or ethnicity. Arguably, this sort of low-end racist conduct does not constitute the kind of extreme racist behaviour that Parliament intended the RHA to regulate. Moreover, judicial and administrative attempts to define words like 'insult' and 'offend' with a degree of precision become a circular and question-begging exercise. The best that can usually be done is to outline the Macquarie and/or Oxford English Dictionary definitions of the terms as Hely J did in Jones v Scully.[41] But these dictionaries define the words using synonyms, which is of little use when the task of the decision-maker is to elucidate and then apply a reasonably precise legal standard. It simply raises the same definitional question for the synonyms used, and so on. For example, the difficulty in ascribing a clear meaning to the word 'insult' was illustrated by the 1972 House of Lords decision in Brutus v Cozens.[42] The case concerned the interpretation of s 5 of the Public Order Act 1936 (UK).[43] Lord Reid wrote: We were referred to a number of dictionary meanings of 'insult' such as treating with insolence or contempt or indignity or derision or dishonour or offensive disrespect. Many things otherwise unobjectionable may be said or done in an insulting way. There can be no definition. But an ordinary sensible man knows an insult when he sees or hears it... Insulting means insulting and nothing else.[44] The indeterminate nature of the s 18C harm threshold is manifest. In such circumstances it is appropriate for a judge or administrator to seek recourse to extrinsic materials such as the second reading speech and the explanatory memorandum to help ascertain the meaning of s 18C.[45] As outlined above, these extrinsic materials suggest that Parliament intended the racial vilification provisions in the RDA including s 18C to prohibit acts of racial hatred in an attempt to curb extreme racist behaviour. This may explain why in at least six s 18C determinations the judge or administrator has 'effectively elevated the threshold by emphasising the concept of "hatred".'[46] Page 737 of 1018 In the first s 18C determination then President of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Sir Ronald Wilson, whilst dismissing the complaint, said the words 'pom' and 'pommy' used in a newspaper article to describe English persons 'could be unlawful in the context of an article which was plainly malicious or scurrilous, designed to foster hatred or antipathy in the reader.'[47] These words, suggesting that the s 18C harm threshold embodies a notion of racial hatred, were expressly endorsed in Shron v Telstra Corporation[48] and De La Mare v Special Broadcasting Service.[49] Similarly, in the matters of Creek v Cairns Post Pty Ltd[50] and Scully the relevant judges considered that the harm threshold denotes 'profound and serious effects, not to be likened to mere slights'.[51] This conclusion was drawn in both cases after recourse was had to the RHA explanatory memorandum and second reading speech to shed light on the meaning of s 18C.[52] On the other hand, the Federal Court in Jones v Toben[53] and the Full Court on appeal in the same matter[54] clearly rejected this reading of s 18C. In Toben No 1, Branson J stated '[i]t would be wrong ... to place a gloss on the words used in s 18C of the RDA.'[55] Indeed, although she took issue with the above analysis of Cairns Post,[56] she understood Kiefel J to have elicited a legislative intent to render unlawful only acts which fall squarely within the terms of the section and not to reach to 'mere slights' in the sense of acts which, for example, are reasonably likely to cause technical, but not real, offence or insult.[57] By these words I understand Branson J to be saying that a minor though technical breach of the s 18C harm threshold should not be actionable because this is what Parliament intended. But if the ordinary meaning of the words in s 18C are clear enough then so too must be the intent of Parliament[58] — that is, an act, irrespective of its seriousness or otherwise, which is reasonably likely to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate because of the person's race or ethnicity infringes s 18C and is actionable. A minor or technical breach of s 18C is therefore, by definition, still an act that falls within the terms of the section. Consequently, to draw a distinction between a technical and real breach of s 18C based upon a judicial understanding of parliamentary intent is to implicitly acknowledge the indeterminacy of the s 18C harm threshold and to effect the same interpretive result that Branson J expressly eschewed, namely to 'place a gloss on the words used in s 18C of the RDA.'[59] In other words, no distinction between a technical and real breach of s 18C need be drawn if the terms and scope of the section were clear and readily ascertainable. The reality is, however, that without the notion of racial hatred colouring the interpretation of the harm threshold, the opposite conclusions regarding this part of s 18C were reasonably open and defensible in Bryant, Shron[60] and possibly even De La Mare;[61] cases involving the sort of low-end conduct that based on the explanatory memorandum and second reading speech for the RHA the Parliament, arguably, had no intention of legally proscribing. Moreover, if the harm threshold were not elevated in these matters the further danger is the possibility that the efficacy of the law will be undermined if seen to operate on conduct most would consider slight and lacking the degree of seriousness necessary to warrant state intervention. (2) No s 18C harm threshold analysis or reasoning In at least five matters there has been a s 18C finding without any supporting harm threshold analysis or reasoning.[62] This practice alone gives the appearance of arbitrary and unprincipled decision-making. However it may be the regrettable but inevitable consequence of having to apply an indeterminate harm threshold to a range of controversies of varying degrees of seriousness. The relevant determinations state what the law directs in each matter without disclosing the legal reasons why. In this regard they more closely resemble an intuitive, result-orientated finding of fact based upon the decision-maker's conception of what justice required. In some cases it may be that the judge or administrator considered it to be self-evident that the conduct crossed the harm threshold.[63] But the other cases, where the illegality of the conduct was not so clear-cut, are more problematic. Page 738 of 1018 For example, Combined Housing[64] involved a statement made in a newspaper interview by Pauline Hanson. In response to the question as to whom she represented in the seat of Oxley, she replied: 'Yeah, look, the white community, the immigrants, the Italians, Greeks, whoever, it really doesn't matter, you know, anyone apart from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, you know.'[65] In dismissing the complaint, Sir Ronald Wilson stated that 'I appreciate that the complainants and many other members of the community may find them misguided, unwarranted and offensive'.[66] The point is not that the decision ultimately made was perverse or erroneous, but the complete absence of harm threshold analysis and justificatory legal reasoning when the opposite conclusion was reasonably open, is problematic.[67] This absence can be explained in two ways. Firstly, it implicitly acknowledges that the legal rule in s 18C is closer to a 'personal discretion to do justice'.[68] Indeed the enjoiner in s 18C to assess the conduct in all the circumstances may positively direct this conclusion. The open-ended nature of the s 18C harm threshold makes its application in cases 'not so much pronouncing the law in the normal sense as engaging in the less exalted function of fact - finding'[69] — a function the discharge of which legal reasoning can play no meaningful part. It may explain why in these matters the s 18C determinations were simply asserted rather than arrived at by way of principled legal analysis. Justice Scalia of the United States Supreme Court explains the repercussions when a law, such as s 18C, in truth amounts to a 'personal discretion to do justice.'[70] [Ajt the point where ... [a decision-maker] says that the remaining issue must be decided on the basis of the totality of the circumstances, or by a balancing of all the factors involved, he begins to resemble a finder of fact more than a determiner of law. To reach such a stage is, in a way, a regrettable concession of defeat 0 an acknowledgment that we have passed the point where 'law', properly speaking, has any further application. And to reiterate the unfortunate practical consequences of reaching such a pass when there still remains a good deal of judgment to be applied: equality of treatment is difficult to demonstrate and, in a multi-tiered judicial system, impossible to achieve; predictability is destroyed; judicial arbitrariness is facilitated; judicial courage is impaired.[71] Secondly, if, as suggested above, legal reasoning can play no meaningful role in making a s 18C determination, then the absence of analysis in these matters is understandable, inevitable even. This point is really a corollary of the first. It means that in many cases harm threshold analysis is a futile exercise for it cannot assist nor direct the decision-maker in pronouncing the law with any degree of certainty or predictability. The disposal of the legal issue in s 18C boils down to a judge or administrator making a good faith but subjective value judgment as to whether or not the impugned conduct crosses the harm threshold. Moreover, the indeterminacy of s 18C is further compounded through its incorporation of an objective test of liability. As earlier noted, the harm threshold is crossed when 'the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people'.[72] The "'reasonable man" standard'[73] has been called 'the most venerable totality of the circumstances test of them all'.[74] The problem lies not so much in what that standard entails but achieving a degree of consistency in its application. There now seems to be some consensus that the relevant standard is closer to the reasonable victim rather than reasonable person 'of the generic, ostensibly "neutral" kind.'[75] In the cases this usually translates to an assessment of the impugned conduct against the likely effect in all the circumstances on a reasonable person of the same relevant race or ethnicity.[76] On this point, the Federal Court matter of Hagan[77] is instructive. The case concerned the name of a grandstand at a sports field (The ES 'Nigger' Brown Stand) that was named after a local, white sporting identity in 1960. The origins of the name were not certain but it was likely that it referred not to Brown's skin colour but his reputation for smart dressing and wearing dark brown shoes, a colour apparently then known as 'nigger brown'.[78] In dismissing the complaint, Drummond J held that the act was not 'reasonably likely in all the circumstances to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate an indigenous Australian or indigenous Australians generally.'[79] But surely the opposite conclusion was Page 739 of 1018 reasonably open,[80] the point being that the application of this legal standard still left the decision-maker with much, if not all, to do. The critical decision is in truth a question of fact for which 'there is no single "right" answer.'[81] When the outcomes arising from the application of a legal rule are not in most cases directed, or at least suggested, as a matter of law and are not therefore susceptible to ordinary, justificatory legal reasoning, the relevant law lacks sufficient precision and clarity. (b) The causal connection: when is an act done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of another person or group? This issue requires that a decision-maker be satisfied that a causal connection exists between the impugned conduct and the race or ethnicity of the complainant. However the cases are conflicting as to the strength of the causal connection required. The problem is that in some cases involving less serious conduct (and therefore the more difficult, borderline controversies) a pattern seems to have emerged where the decision-maker in fact requires the establishment of a stronger causal connection. This of course reduces the chance of a complaint being substantiated. There are at least four cases where this has occurred.[82] The clearest examples were Hanson and Korczak. Hanson concerned comments made in a book entitled Pauline Hanson — The Truth: on Asian Immigration, the Aboriginal Question, the Gun Debate and the Future of Australia.[83] The book included a number of speeches made by Pauline Hanson and detailed commentary by the author of the book, George Merritt. These contained a range of assertions including that Aboriginals were 'unfairly favoured by governments and courts',[84] that Aboriginal Australians had also behaved badly in the past and 'that the alleged genocide of Aboriginal people [was] a myth.'[85] In addition, tracts in the book suggested that Aborigines had engaged in cannibalism of their young and some Chinese persons.[86] Commissioner Nader held that s 18C was not breached as the statements made were not made 'because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin' of the complainants. They were made because the respondents were of the opinion that the Aboriginal community as a whole were being unfairly favoured by governments and courts. On the evidence before me, it was not the race or colour of Aboriginal people that was the cause of what the respondents said but the alleged fact that Aboriginal people were being unfairly favoured.[87] In a case that the decision-maker thought involved borderline conduct (not a view shared by this writer at least so far as s 18C is concerned) a very strong causal connection between the conduct and the person's race or ethnicity was required. Indeed on these particular facts, one is left to ponder what kind of additional conduct could have established the required causal connection in s 18C. Korczak, on the other hand, involved a number of instances of workplace abuse of an employee of Polish origin. Whilst Commissioner Innes considered 'that race was a factor in the work environment',[88] he nonetheless dismissed the complaint because 'Mr Korczak [had] not established that the conduct he [alleged] could be said to have occurred "by reason of" or "because of" his race or national origin.'[89] This notwithstanding that s 18B states that an 'act is taken to be done because of the person's race, colour, national or ethnic origin' if one reason for the act is a person's race or ethnicity whether or not it is the dominant or substantial reason.[90] The problem is that in other cases where the seriousness of the racist conduct is more clear- cut, the decision-makers have not insisted upon such a strong causal connection.[91] On one level this is unremarkable, as the more serious the conduct, the more self-evident the causal connection will usually be. This is particularly so, since, as noted above, s 18C requires that race or ethnicity need only be a reason, not even the primary or dominant one, for the act. For example, it could not be reasonably argued that race or ethnicity was not a least a reason for the impugned conduct in Toben No 2[92] or Scully.[93] These cases involved the publication of vicious anti-Semitic propaganda on the internet and in a pamphlet respectively.[94] But if one were to apply the test in the strict manner evident in Page 740 of 1018 Hanson and Korczak there is, bizarrely, an argument that no causal connection exists between these seemingly serious and clear-cut examples of racist conduct and the race or ethnicity of those persons involved.[95] It is possible that the emerging pattern of a stricter causation test being applied in cases involving less serious conduct may be another manifestation of the relevant decision¬ makers endeavouring to read the open-ended terms in s 18C in a manner that honours parliamentary intent. That is, seeking to limit the operation of the provision to acts of racial hatred.[96] However, the practice of applying the same causation test differently depending on the seriousness of the impugned racist conduct is problematic. In practical terms, it makes it increasingly difficult for lawyers to provide sound and prudent advice in this area and for citizens to arrange their affairs accordingly. Inconsistent and unpredictable decision-making is the handmaiden of inequality before the law. It is the situation which regrettably pertains to the application of the causation test in the above controversies and, as suggested in preceding parts of this article, to s 18C determinations more generally. Ill 'FREE SPEECH/PUBLIC INTEREST DEFENCES' UNDER THE RDA AND STATE AND TERRITORY RACIAL VILIFICATION LAWS (a) Criticisms and sources of interpretative guidance The primary concern of Australian Parliaments that have proscribed racial vilification has been to draft laws that do not unduly infringe upon freedom of speech.[97] To this end, the State and Commonwealth racial vilification laws incorporate a range of defamation-style defences[98] which if successfully pleaded relieve the respondent of liability, notwithstanding that their conduct has crossed the relevant harm threshold.[99] The only exception to this common legislative framework is the racial vilification provisions in the Western Australian Criminal Code.[100] They create four specific criminal offences which cannot be resisted by claims that the criminal acts were committed as a legitimate exercise of free speech[101] or in the public interest.[102] Whilst minor differences do exist between the jurisdictions regarding the precise content of the 'free speech/public interest defences', s 20C(2) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) is fairly representative of what these provisions contain. It reads: Nothing in this section renders unlawful: (a) a fair report of a public act referred to in subsection (1), or (b) a communication or the distribution or dissemination of any matter comprising a publication referred to in Division 3 of Part 3 of the Defamation Act 1974 or which is otherwise subject to a defence of absolute privilege in proceedings for defamation, or (c) a public act, done reasonably and in good faith, for academic, artistic, scientific or research purposes or for other purposes in the public interest, including discussion or debate about and expositions of any act or matter. Indeed, close to identical defence provisions have been enacted in South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland and Tasmania, whilst the Victorian equivalent differs a little in form but not substance.[103] However, a number of commentators have criticised the overly broad nature of the defences.[104] For example, in relation to the RDA Melinda Jones writes that among the exemptions in sl8D is the statement that s 18C does not render unlawful anything said or done reasonably and in good faith in making or publishing a fair comment 'on any event or matter of public interest if the comment is an expression of a genuine belief held by the person making the comment'. It is possible that this section may provide a defence to the most extreme racists, who are truly convinced of the truth of 'white supremacy'. A further problem potentially arises with respect to the defence for artistic works, which may provide a shield behind which to present material which would otherwise be unlawful.[105] Page 741 of 1018 A very similar criticism has been made by Luke McNamara and Tamsin Solomon,[106] whilst Ian Freckelton argues that the broad sweep of the RDA defences was designed to compensate for the open-ended nature of the s 18C harm threshold.[107] It should, however, be noted that in one respect the criticism made by Jones, Solomon and McNamara is probably overstated. The additional requirement that a fair comment on a matter of public interest must be made 'reasonably and in good faith 1 has operated in practice to limit the likelihood of this defence protecting the most extreme examples of racial vilification. This is a point examined in more detail below.[108] In any event, the essence of these criticisms is that due to the subjective and indeterminate nature of the language used in these provisions, on at least one reading of these 'free speech/public interest defences', there is a danger that the exceptions may well swallow the rule.[109] If even approximating the truth, such an outcome would condemn racial vilification laws to the dustbin of legal history. Of course in practice, the decision-makers charged with the interpretation and application of these racial vilification laws ensure that such an unacceptable interpretive deadlock will not occur. Their judgments fashion an outcome that gives the laws an effective sphere of operation.[110] The common law interpretive principle that all statutory words and phrases (and therefore provisions) have meaning and effect guarantees as much.[Ill] But the open-ended nature of these defences would still seem problematic for the same reasons earlier outlined in the RDA 'harm threshold' analysis — that a law lacking sufficient precision and clarity results in unpredictable decision-making and the development of an unprincipled body of case law. However, though the language employed may be indeterminate, to a significant extent this interpretive malady is assuaged by the concrete guidance that decision-makers can obtain from the rich and extensive defamation law jurisprudence from which the 'free speech/public interest defences' largely originated.[112] In relation to the New South Wales defences (and by implication the identical or closely- related provisions in the Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania) Michael Chesterman notes that 'the three grounds of exoneration have parallels amongst the defences to an action for defamation.'[113] There are defences under these racial vilification laws for communications that would constitute a fair report on any public act, attract absolute privilege or were made reasonably and in good faith for an academic, artistic, scientific, research or any other purpose in the public interest.[114] There are, however, significant differences between the defamation and vilification defences. Particularly in regards to 'fair report privilege' in defamation law which 'is almost entirely concerned with reports of the proceedings of, or formal documents put out by, official bodies such as courts and houses of parliament.'[115] Its racial vilification law 'equivalent' is considerably wider in covering a fair report of any 'public act'. Moreover, Commissioner Innes in Corunna suggests that the different focus of defamation law (individual reputation protection) and racial vilification law (individual and racial group protection) should result in a narrower reading of what is in the 'public interest' for purposes of the latter as it 'has the potential to be more socially divisive than ... an attack against an individual's reputation.'[116] The important point however is that, these differences notwithstanding, decision-makers, in being able to draw upon this extensive body of defamation jurisprudence, can at least bring a level of certainty and predictability to the interpretive task which in turn assists the citizenry in the organisation of their affairs and lawyers in the provision of sound advice. Not surprisingly, it is a reference tool that judges and administrators have regularly employed in the interpretation and application of the 'free speech/public interest defences' in the cases.[117] (b) The impact of the free speech cases on the content of the racial vilification defences The recognition by the High Court in 1992 that the Australian Constitution contained an implied right to freedom of political communication appeared to play a role in the width of Page 742 of 1018 the 'free speech/public interest defences', at least in the case of the RDA.[118] The most likely concern to the Parliament at the time of drafting were the views expressed by Mason CJ and McHugh J in Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd v Commonwealth that a law which sought to restrict the content as opposed to the mode of a political communication would be extremely hard to justify.[119] This approach created a two-tiered test of validity. Laws incorporating content-based restrictions are more strictly scrutinised for their object is the direct curtailment of the freedom. These laws require a 'compelling justification' to be valid, whilst a less stringent test is applied to laws which serve a legitimate public interest but burden the freedom as an incidental effect of their operation. These laws need only be reasonably appropriate and adapted to achieving that legitimate interest to be valid. However, the later unanimous decision in Lange v Australian Broadcasting Corporation[120] endorsed a single test of validity irrespective of the law's content.[121] But, the two-tiered scrutiny standard resurfaced in Levy v Victoria[122] when at least four members of the Court appeared to favour this approach. [123] In any event, the view that sufficient width in the 'free speech/public interest defences' was needed to ensure the constitutionality of racial vilification laws has received administrative[124] and judicial endorsement.[125] Interestingly however, the New South Wales Parliament, whilst it acknowledged that the defences were included to ensure that free speech was not unduly infringed, was concerned that their potential width could be unscrupulously exploited. The requirement that an act be done 'reasonably and in good faith' was included in the New South Wales defences as a consequence.[126] The incorporation of this additional requirement (that public acts be done 'reasonably and in good faith' for academic, artistic, scientific or research purposes or other purposes in the public interest) has been replicated in the racial vilification laws of the Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Queensland and Tasmania.[127] In the Commonwealth and Victorian laws, the 'reasonably and in good faith' requirement qualifies all the 'free speech/public interest defences', not just for the species of public acts noted immediately above. However, what the New South Wales Parliament (and other State and Commonwealth Parliaments by implication[128]) clearly intended to be a limiting requirement has in fact only succeeded in adding another layer of uncertainty to an already indeterminate set of defences. The uncertainty surrounding the proper meaning of 'reasonably', in particular, has compounded the concerns detailed above surrounding the 'free speech/public interest defences'. This uncertainty is amplified in Victoria and at the Commonwealth level where the 'reasonably and good faith' requirement also qualifies the other defamation-style defences. This serves to further convolute the precise content of the defences and in doing so limits the practical utility of the related defamation law jurisprudence to decision-makers. (c) When is conduct that occasions racial vilification done 'reasonably and in good faith'? (1) 'Good faith' This aspect of the additional requirement has been uncontroversial.[129] The case law reveals reasonably widespread agreement that 'good faith' in the context of these defences 'appears to imply the absence of "spite, ill-will or other improper motive".'[130] This definition again owes a significant debt to defamation law, in particular, the definition of 'good faith' in the statutory qualified privilege defences available under the defamation laws in Queensland and Tasmania.[131] However, this definition (spite, ill-will or other improper motive) does not constitute the full meaning of 'good faith' for purposes of those laws. For example, the definition of 'good faith' in Tasmania further requires that 'the manner and extent of the publication does not exceed what is reasonably sufficient for the occasion' and that the defendant 'does not believe the defamatory matter to be untrue'.[132] Page 743 of 1018 Interestingly, the 'manner and extent of the publication 1 aspect of this 'good faith' definition closely approximates to one of the interpretations given to the term 'reasonably' for the purposes of the 'free speech/public interest defences'. That is, 'reasonably' relates to the manner or method of the conduct which occasioned the racial vilification not the message that the conduct conveyed.[133] Why then, one might ask, did the parliaments choose to incorporate an additional term ('reasonably') when a natural reading of 'good faith' may have covered the necessary definitional ground and fulfilled their legislative purpose? Considering the stated intention of the New South Wales Parliament outlined above, it is reasonable to assume that they wanted to make clear that an honest belief of itself (arguably one possible reading of 'good faith') was not enough to bring conduct that occasions racial vilification within the province of the 'free speech/public interest defences'. However, the addition of 'reasonably' into the legislative mix has unfortunately served to confuse rather than clarify the precise scope of the defences as is detailed below. McNamara has, however, criticised the meaning ascribed to 'good faith' detailed above. He considers that it effectively introduces a subjective mens rea component into the definition of racial vilification — at least in circumstances where the conduct in question comes within the forms of communication (including artistic, scientific or academic expression) included in section 18D(a)-(c).[134] To be sure, the incorporation of 'good faith' in s 18D and the other related provisions imports a subjective notion into the content of the 'free speech/public interest defences'. But this does not change the definition of racial vilification nor the objective nature of the test used for determining whether conduct crosses the relevant harm threshold. For it is only when that objective harm threshold is crossed that the defences may come into play. In other words, the relevant conduct has by definition (in an objective sense) occasioned racial vilification but may nevertheless escape legal sanction if one of the defences can be established. Moreover, to interpret 'good faith' in a manner that strips it of any subjective connotation (which is what I understand McNamara to be suggesting in the context of racial vilification law) would fly in the face of both the natural meaning of the words and the technical meaning the phrase has acquired over time in this area of law and a range of others besides.[135] A reasonable definition of 'good faith' lacking a subjective component seems a contradiction in terms. McNamara further argues that to interpret 'good faith' in this manner 'is inconsistent with the legislation's primary focus on regulating conduct which has the effect of vilifying a particular racial or ethnic group, irrespective of the actor's motive or intention.'[136] This may of course represent McNamara's view that no defences should be available to a person whose conduct crosses the objective harm threshold. But to my knowledge he has not expressly made this argument. His primary concern is that decision¬ makers may in some instances have given the defences an overly broad reading which could seriously undermine both the substantive content of the racial vilification laws and their long-term utility.[137] Understood in this context, McNamara's criticism of the 'good faith' definition seems misconceived. For it falls on the respondent to establish that, amongst other things, he or she acted in 'good faith'.[138] The opposite is true in defamation law where a heavy onus falls on the plaintiff to establish that a defendant acted maliciously or for an improper purpose in order to defeat an otherwise arguable claim of qualified privilege.[139] Indeed, in an important respect the 'good faith' requirement narrows the scope of the 'free speech/public interest defences' as a respondent will not avoid liability for conduct that occasions racial vilification which otherwise satisfies one of the defences and was reasonable in the circumstances if the actions were motivated by spite, ill-will or any other improper purpose. (2) 'Reasonably' (i) Message or method? Page 744 of 1018 Whilst the term 'reasonably' was included to narrow the scope of the 'free speech/public interest defences' it has, in fact, only succeeded in adding another layer of uncertainty to the provisions: not such a curious result when one considers the indeterminacy of the word. In any event, two views as to the correct meaning of the term have been advanced in the case law. One set of decisions considers the term to refer to the reasonableness of the message that a respondent's conduct has conveyed.[140] Whilst another considers it to refer not to the content of the message per se, but to the reasonableness of the respondent's method or manner by which they have conveyed their message.[141] At first blush, both views are consistent with the stated parliamentary purpose of narrowing the scope of the defences. But an interpretation that requires the message to be reasonable rather than the method would clearly effect a more significant narrowing.[142] This prima facie precludes from protection conduct which conveys an extreme racist message whereas under the method interpretation there is scope for such conduct to be protected so long as the method or manner for conveying the message is reasonable. To this extent, the parliamentary purpose for including 'reasonably' is better secured by the message interpretation. Moreover, considering, as was noted above, that one interpretation of 'good faith' may include the method/manner requirement, it could be argued that as a matter of interpretive logic and principle, the Parliament must have intended 'reasonably' to possess a different meaning, one that was not totally subsumed by the phrase it immediately precedes.[143] It is submitted, however, that when one considers why the defences were included in the first place and then reads the racial vilification provisions as a whole, the better view is that 'reasonably' refers to the method by which the message is conveyed not the content of the message itself. This interpretation is supported by a closer examination of the extrinsic parliamentary materials. For example, the explanatory memorandum to the RHB stated in relation to the proposed s 18D that [i]t [was] not the intention of that provision to prohibit a person from stating in public what may be considered generally to be an extreme view, so long as the person making the statement does so reasonably and in good faith and genuinely believes in what he or she is saying.[144] In his second reading speech for the RHB, then Attorney-General Michael Lavarch said that '[t]he bill does not prohibit people from expressing ideas or having beliefs, no matter how unpopular the views may be to many other people.'[145] In a similar though more subtle vein, Steve Bracks said in his second reading speech for the Racial and Religious Tolerance Bill 2001 (Vic) in relation to the exemptions for conduct or discussion done for an artistic, academic, religious, scientific or any other purpose in the public interest, 'that the requirement that the conduct be done "reasonably and in good faith" prevents immoderate or inflammatory conduct from being protected.'[146] These parliamentary materials suggest that even extreme racist messages can be protected if the method or manner in which they are made is reasonable. Indeed the whole point of the defences is to protect debate on sensitive matters of academic, scientific and public interest even when some points of view may be for some (by definition) offensive, humiliating or even intimidating. This point was illustrated in Deen. The case involved a pamphlet distributed within an electorate by a political candidate that was critical of the teachings of the Koran, particularly its purported edict to Muslims not to obey secular governments. The President of the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Council in dismissing the application said: The public has an interest in knowing the opinions of candidates, even when those views are unreasonable, unsupportable, one sided or even plainly wrong; and perhaps particularly when they are of that character. ... It is enough for this case to observe that the pamphlet has been written in moderate language. It is concise and there is no suggestion that it has been published or disseminated other than in the electorate.[147] Page 745 of 1018 Moreover, it is submitted that an extreme racist message is necessarily unreasonable if it is the content of the message that is being assessed as to its reasonableness. Therefore, for better or worse, if the purpose of the 'free speech/public interest defences' is to protect in certain circumstances even extreme and unpopular racist messages, the provisions would come to naught if the message must be reasonable rather than the method of conveying that message. As the Equal Opportunity Tribunal of New South Wales wrote in Hellenic Council No 1: The Tribunal agrees that the words 'done reasonably' relate to the nature of the public act and the way in which it was done and do not require consideration of whether in this case the beliefs stated in the article were in fact reasonable. As argued by counsel for the Second Respondent, 'It is usually the very reasonableness of any particular position which is what is most hotly contested at the front line of any academic discipline'.[148] (ii) Consequences of the method interpretation This interpretation of'reasonably' (method rather than message) is consistent with the view that Australian racial vilification laws are primarily concerned with 'incivility in the style and content of publication of racist material, not racist content as such.'[149] But this preferred and apposite interpretation of the 'free speech/public interest defences' creates a further, some argue more sinister, problem for the operation of Australian racial vilification laws.[150] For 'if we limit censorship to the epithet, we create a two-tier approach: chilling of blue-collar muck and preservation of upper-crust mud.'[151] In other words, protection is accorded to a racist communication so long as it is made articulately, using scholarly language or socially acceptable conventions. It amounts to a triumph of form over substance if the method rather than the content of the message determines the availability or otherwise of a defence. Whilst this dichotomy may be consistent with the underlying purpose of the racial vilification provisions, the protection of 'upper-crust mud' represents for some a serious and dangerous flaw in Australian racial vilification laws: [It is a] clear manifestation of the social reality that racist acts of social elites are privileged, even though the harm occasioned by such acts may be more pervasive than that arising from a crude tract.[152] This is a complex issue in its own right, one of significant theoretical and practical importance to the trajectory and long-term utility of Australian racial vilification laws, an examination of which is beyond the scope of this article. But for the sake of improved legislative clarity Australian Parliaments ought to employ words and phrases when drafting racial vilification provisions that make as plain as possible their specific policy choices. This, in turn, will better facilitate the discharge of their legislative purpose by providing clear guidance to decision-makers as to the proper meaning of these laws. In this regard, adding the word 'reasonably' has served only to confound rather than clarify the proper scope of the 'free speech/public interest defences'. The extent to which the Parliament sought to narrow the defences cannot be readily ascertained when an indeterminate term like 'reasonably' is chosen to perform that task. In addition, the preferred method interpretation would do little to allay the fears of those commentators concerned that the defences may be given an overly broad reading.[153] Indeed they would be positively alarmed if I am correct in suggesting that, properly interpreted, the defences will, in some circumstances, protect extreme and unpopular racist messages that are necessarily offensive, humiliating and even intimidating. It appears to protect vile and hateful acts of racial vilification so long as they are communicated in a civil manner. However in practice, the 'good faith' requirement has operated to preclude the availability of a defence in most cases involving extreme racist conduct. For example in Scully, Hely J did not doubt the sincerity of the particularly extreme views expressed by the respondent which, amongst other things, included that the Jews controlled global pornography, had invented the holocaust for financial and political gain and engaged in sexual practices against their children. These were the reasons the respondent proffered to justify the Page 746 of 1018 distribution of her leaflets. But as Hely J considered that vilification of Jews was the underlying purpose behind the distribution of the leaflet, 'then reasonableness, good faith and genuineness of purpose would not be found.'[154] Similarly, in Toben No 2, Carr J considered that in the appellant's circumstances, 'a reasonable person acting in good faith would have made every effort to express the challenge and his views with as much restraint as was consistent with the communication of those views.'[155] These cases, whilst tending to conflate the 'reasonably' and 'good faith' analysis, suggest that the more extreme the racist message the more likely a decision-maker will find that the conduct was in fact done for a purpose other than to further public debate on a matter of academic, artistic, scientific or public interest. In other words, the application of the 'good faith' requirement has served to evaluate the racist content of a message and effectively limited how extreme it can be. But the precise scope of the defences will remain elusive and contested so long as the word 'reasonably' constitutes a key legal standard. And without legislative clarification the interpretive schism that has developed in the case law is likely to deepen. In blurring the line between lawful and unlawful racial vilification and leaving so much of the interpretive work to the relevant decision-makers in individual cases, we can conclude that the 'free speech/public interest defences' lack sufficient precision and clarity. It denies to the citizenry ascertainable racial vilification laws and, therefore, the ability to arrange and conduct their affairs accordingly. Moreover, the indeterminacy of the defence provisions compounds the unpredictable nature of the decision-making process. It leaves more to intuition (and therefore subjective conceptions of justice) than principled legal reasoning. Equality before the law is lost and our system of parliamentary democracy undermined when so much law is left to unelected judges and administrators to create then apply on an individual case basis. IV CONCLUSION (a) The important role of racial vilification laws in Australia It has not been the purpose of this article to suggest that racial vilification laws have no place on the Australian legal landscape. To the contrary, they represent an important recognition by the state that acts of racial vilification inflict real and serious harm upon its victims and, left unchecked, have the capacity to undercut the vibrant but fragile multicultural community that has developed in Australia since World War II. Moreover, core democratic principles such as legal equality, personal liberty and freedom of speech become empty, rhetorical slogans if routinely denied (by law) to minority racial and ethnic groups who lack political clout. But law is just but one of the many tools that can and should be utilised to regulate and combat racial vilification and one should not overestimate its ability to effect grass roots attitudinal changes.[156] However, as difficult as the task most certainly is for legislators, the answer lies not in drafting broad-brush laws that leave too much to the good sense and intuition of individual judges and administrators. In the area of racial vilification, where emotions run high and the legal, cultural and physical consequences deep for the perpetrator, victim and the wider community, we are best served by legislative pronouncements that are sufficiently clear and precise. (b) The need to amend the wording of the harm threshold in s 18C of the RDA My analysis has shown that the harm threshold and causation test in s 18C of the RDA lack sufficient precision and clarity. This is problematic for the reasons earlier outlined. There is an argument that over time the development of the case law may endow words such as 'insult' and 'offend' with concrete meaning. This could in turn secure a level of clarity in the harm threshold and predictability in the decision-making process.[157] But there are two reasons that suggest otherwise. Firstly, as earlier noted, the interpretive malady that has plagued the interpretation and application of s 18C stems from a dislocation between Page 747 of 1018 parliamentary intent and the words chosen to realise that intent.[158] Indeed my case analysis shows that decision-makers have attempted to rectify the problem by effectively elevating the harm threshold. Whilst this approach may have delivered just and reasonable results in individual cases, it cannot secure the long-term interpretive clarity that is needed as not all decision-makers subscribe to this harm threshold interpretation.[159] Secondly, s 18C is now ten years old. The harm threshold has already been the subject of considerable case law analysis but the indeterminacy that has plagued its interpretation still persists. The interpretive malady is a legislative creation that judicial and administrative exegesis has not resolved. It is therefore sensible to consider the repeal or significant amendment of the current harm threshold. One option available to the Commonwealth Parliament is to expressly incorporate the notion of racial hatred into the harm threshold. This could be achieved by adopting the classic defamation standard of 'hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule 1 , one already present in the racial vilification laws of New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania. This would not completely solve the harm threshold indeterminacy concerns as the precise meaning of words such as 'hatred' and 'contempt' can be similarly elusive.[160] But these concerns would be substantially eased with the Commonwealth decision-makers able to draw upon both the developing body of harm threshold determinations in the States and the Australian Capital Territory and the extant rich and extensive defamation law jurisprudence. In addition, it is probably easier for both citizens and decision-makers to identify with some confidence an act of racial hatred as opposed to one that may cause insult or offence. It is certainly arguable that the subjective component of racial vilification is likely to lessen the more extreme its form. Though a pragmatic point, it may assist citizens in better understanding the scope of racial vilification laws and their corresponding legal rights and obligations and facilitate more consistent and predictable judicial and administrative decision-making. Such an amendment would also align the law with the putative intention of the Parliament when they enacted the racial vilification provisions and remove or nullify the current interpretive malady. Finally, elevating the harm threshold in this manner would reduce the likelihood of the law unreasonably interfering with or pre-emptively chilling the legitimate communication interests of others. (c) Low-end racial vilification should remain unregulated A corollary of the harm threshold proposal is that low-end racial vilification should remain unregulated. The less serious the conduct the more subjective the notion of racial vilification tends to become. For example, with the so-called 'war on terror' in full swing and the political prominence of border protection issues, the publication of a strong anti- Arab immigration tract constitutes perfectly legitimate communication for some. But for others, it represents classic racial vilification and for the same reasons. The task of objectively identifying racial vilification at the lower end is more difficult and contested.[161] Also, as noted above, a law that attempts to regulate low-end racial vilification is far more likely to unreasonably interfere with or pre-emptively chill the legitimate communication interests of others. The fields of science, academia and public affairs are replete with instances of vigorous but honest opinions that are clearly racist.[162] Whilst these views will be insulting and offensive to some, free speech and communication interests ought to prevail at the lower end of the racial vilification spectrum. (d) Legislative clarification required as to the scope of the defences, in particular, the meaning of 'reasonably and in good faith' In addition, the RDA harm threshold problem is compounded by the language of the 'free speech/public interest defences' and the indeterminacy they engender. It stems from the requirement that public acts be done 'reasonably and in good faith' for academic, artistic, scientific or research purposes or other purposes in the public interest. This is a standard Page 748 of 1018 (and therefore problem) reproduced in the racial vilification laws of the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania. On a broad view of the 'reasonably and good faith 1 requirement and the defences more generally, there is the danger that the exceptions may in fact swallow the rule. There must therefore be, at minimum, legislative clarification of the meaning of 'reasonably' and, inferentially, the precise content of the 'reasonably and good faith' requirement. This must necessarily follow the antecedent procedure of parliamentary re- evaluation of to what extent acts of racial vilification should receive legal protection — a process of added significance in the States and the ACT where, by definition, extreme acts of racial vilification (those that incite hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of a person or group on the grounds of race or ethnicity) can still be lawful. There is an argument that racial vilification which reaches this level of seriousness should never be excused, or at least only in the most exceptional of circumstances. It is hard to think what compelling public interest is served by the legal sanction of such extreme racist conduct. Again, I would like to pull apart the above analysis of the legislation but I do not have the time. [I] Government Censorship If people do not think it possible that a Government could use the existing group defamation type legislation now 140 - and in the future - as a tool of censorship and oppression, then harken back to 1963: The communications minister has the power to order any commercial station not to broadcast any material at all and he could require any station to broadcast free of charge any material which the Minister says was in the national interest. This means the Government has the power to keep the opposition off the air altogether, including during an election campaign, and to commandeer free air time for its own candidates and policies. Though this behaviour is usually associated with military and communist dictatorships and is unconstitutional under the implied free speech guarantee it has remained under both conservative and Labor governments for 50 years. All we require for a Government takeover of the electronic media was a crisis deep enough to push a Prime Minister to use it. When Prime Minister Robert Menzies Post Master general, Alan Davidson, ordered the ABC not to telecast a BBC interview with M.Georges Bidault, a former French Premiere, was a political opponent of the then Premiere Charles de Gaulle. Menzies told the ABC manager Charles Moses that he did not want to embarrass France, a friendly country. The interview, which had already been broadcast in Britain, was offensive to France. France was never embarrassed but Charles Moses was. On Monday 11 march the Sydney Daily Mirror, learning that the interview had been banned, asked Moses why - Moses: After viewing the film on Friday evening it was decided the sound and vision were very bad. Daily Mirror: Was the decision not to show it a political one? Moses: No. Daily Mirror: Will it be shown here? Moses: It will definitely be shown here. Three days later it was clear there was nothing wrong with the sound and vision and that Davidsons ban was an immature bungle. Robert Pullan "Guilty Secrets: Free Speech and Defamation in Australia" p.61 140 Which is what this racial vilification legislation is - watered down defamation and incitement laws. Page 749 of 1018 With the Israeli Ambassador to Australia taking a personal interest in my case I think it fair to conclude that political considerations including billion dollar private and military contracts were a factor. Also, as I have stated, why stop at legislation that protects the feelings, dignity and safety of racial groups? Are not other "groups" worthy of having their feelings, dignity and physical security protected? We see that 'fat people' are pushing for some protection under the Human Rights Act - why not politicians? Why not...anyone else? "Bikies"? Perhaps in reality this racial vilification type legislation was pushed for primarily by Jewish groups to limit the ability of the general public gaining knowledge of Jewish subversion, spying and social engineering along lines in congruence with their politico/religious cults stated aims and goals? As Western Australia is the only State to have such steep penalties (14 years), perhaps it has more to do with the $Billion dollar plus full fee paying overseas student market? Perhaps the vehemence of the prosecution, behaviour of DCJ Wisbey, Minister of Corrective Services Terry Redman instructing prison staff to impede my ability to conduct my appeal, and harassment before the trial has something to do with stuff like this: Goldman Sachs signals its WA commitment Sean SMITH WEST AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER 12 th February 2013 It may be a late arrival in Perth, but Goldman Sachs says there now should be no illusions about its commitment to WA. The top tier global investment bank announced its entry into Perth last July, detailing plans to set up a permanent office headed by Peter Watson to tap into the States deal flow in the resources sector. Visiting the city yesterday, Goldman Sachs' Asia Pacific chairman Mark Schwartz said the Perth office was a normal evolution for a firm which only opened in Beijing in 2004 and Mumbai in 2006. "Although we have been late in many markets, including building out only recently in China and India, when Goldman Sachs decides to open an office, which happens very rarely, we are always making a very deliberate decision that signals our commitment, determination and willingness to invest for the long-term and to eventually build a world class business," Mr Schwartz said. Beijing-based Mr Schwartz, who re-joined Goldman Sachs last year after a 12 year absence during which he ran his own investment firm and headed billionaire George Soros' funds management business, said the establishment of the Perth office was one of a number of short-term strategic priorities for Goldman Sachs Australia. "We see Perth becoming more sophisticated in regards to the financing of resources projects, so we are getting a lot of traction on the financing side of the business, a lot of questions about US capital and debt markets, about access to the high-yield market over there." Mr Watson joined as an executive director in Goldman Sachs' natural resources team, reporting to team chief Richard Phillips in Melbourne. • Beijing-based Mr Schwartz, who re-joined Goldman Sachs last year after a 12 year absence during which he ran his own investment firm and headed billionaire George Soros' funds management business... Page 750 of 1018 Speaking of subversion, spying and social engineering, here we have good old George Soros - another "Jew made good". A poor Hungarian refugee from National Socialist persecution who went from 'nothing' to 'everything' - just like Hungarian Jew Frank Lowey. The man who financed the "Orange Revolution" in the Ukraine. The man who Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, denied a visa, stating that when billionaire Jews like Soros come calling he expected trouble. Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad had a lot to say about Jews and their activities the world over: On 16 October 2003, shortly before he stepped down as prime minister, Mahathir said during a summit for the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Putrajaya, that: "We [Muslims] are actually very strong, 1.3 billion people cannot be simply wiped out. The Nazis killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million [during the Holocaust], But today the Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong so they may enjoy egual rights with others. With these they have now gained control of the most powerful countries. And they, this tiny community, have become a world power." ""Malaysian Leader: 'Jews Rule World by Proxy'" . Fox News. 16 October
  • http://www.foxnews.eom/story/0,2933,100234,00. html Retrieved 2008-01-26. He also named Israel as "the enemy allied with most powerful nations." Dearie me. I hope the former Prime Minister of a major trading partner of Australia doesn't try to holiday here in Western Australia © His comments were widely criticized in the West, but the issue was ignored in Asia and Islamic countries, which felt that his remark had been taken out of context. Mahathir later defended his remarks, saying: "I am not anti-Semitic ... I am against those Jews who kill Muslims and the Jews who support the killers of Muslims." He tagged the West as " anti-Muslim ", for double standards by "protecting Jews while allowing others to insult Islam." He also said "But when somebody condemns the Muslims, calls my prophet, "terrorist", did the European Union say anything?" "Mahathir hits back in Jewish row", CNN News, 21 October 2003. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WQRLD/asiapcf/southeast/10/21/mahathir.speech/ • He tagged the West as " anti-Muslim ", for double standards by "protecting Jews while allowing others to insult Islam." • "But when somebody condemns the Muslims, calls my prophet, "terrorist", did the European Union say anything?" Indeed. Page 751 of 1018 He also had much to say on the 9-11 attacks on New York and Washington 141 : In January 2010, Mahathir stated the September 11 attacks would have been "staged" by a US government conspiracy to justify attacking Muslims, 1801 a 9/11 conspiracy theory . He also said he was "more sensitive to the victims as I am saying this is done deliberately" and rejected comments that interpreted his statement as a publicity stunt. He added Jews "had always been a problem in European countries. They had to be confined to ghettoes and periodically massacred. But still they remained, they thrived and they held whole governments to ransom...Even after their massacre by the Nazis of Germany, they survived to continue to be a source of even greater problems for the world." http://thestar.com.mv/news/story.asp?file=/2010/l/23/nation/5531740&sec=nation Not reported in this article is the full speech made by Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad. In it, he also praised Jews who were fighting injustice and the criminal activities of other Jews and Israel. He praised the many Western activists who supported and defended Islam and he berated Muslims for not acting calmly when provoked. With all of the above in mind, I repeat my offer made to the State of Western Australia that I first made in my submissions to the WASCA in December of 2011 after I was offered "exile" and release by forensic psychiatrist Dr Mark Hall on the 1 st of September 2011 at Acacia prison: Although "exile" is a method I thought only used in Soviet times in Russia and its republics, I am willing to submit to it if it protects my friends and family and allows me some safety. The Israeli Ambassador to Australia can then be informed by State representatives that I am permanently out of the country. Any embarrassment caused to the State of Western Australia and its business and financial interests and military alliances will ease with my passing from the picture. I hope the continued suffering of stroke like problems with my immediate and extended family these last two years will also cease. A cousin has just been luckily diagnosed early with blood vessel problems within the brain. Again, going into "exile", although unusual, is something I am willing to do if it settles matters once and for all. I presume this was a serious offer by the State psychiatrist Dr Mark Hall? If so, I can also offer to destroy the hidden camera footage of the trial to avoid further embarrassment to the State and lesson inflaming matters anymore. COPY OF HANDWRITTEN LETTER TO PERTH SUPREME COURT OF APPEAL IN THE MATTER OF CACR 27&28 OF 2011 This legislation is dangerous; pushed by special interest groups, and in the end totally unnecessary with the existing criminal legislation in place. And finally, Dr Walsh, I'd like to repeat two parts taken from submissions to the WASCA (December
  • that may elucidate for the High Court the context of this legislation and perhaps the philosophical and unconscious controlling 'well-spring' from which it comes. History is a great teacher, assuming people are willing to put aside the narrow ego view. This from the Papal Decree ordering the arrest of Dr. Martin Luther for the "words" he used that upset the powerful Catholic Church. Please keep in mind the words used by DCJ Wisbey in sentencing and the DPP and WASCA in their denial of appeal submissions - they are uncannily similar: 141 Refer to former head of studies of the U.S Army War College - Dr Alan Sabrosky - who said that Israel carried out the attacks on 9-11. Page 752 of 1018 FROM THE EDICT OF THE DIET OF WORMS MAY, 1521
  • ... WE, Charles V, by God's grace ...
  • Whereas, certain heresies have sprung up in the German nation within the last three years, which were formally condemned by the holy councils and papal decree's, with the consent of the whole Church, and are now drawn anew from hell, should we permit them to become more deeply rooted, or, by our negligence, tolerate and bear with them, our consciences would be greatly burdened, and the future glory of our name would be covered by a dark cloud in the auspicious beginnings of our reign.
  • Since now without doubt it is plain to you all how far these errors and heresies depart from the Christian way, which a certain Martin Luther, of the Augustinian order, has sought violently and virulently to introduce and disseminate within the Christian religion and its established order... unless it is speedily prevented, the whole Christian nation, and later all nations, will be infected by this same disorder, and mighty dissolution and pitiable downfall of good morals, and of the peace and the Christian faith will result...
  • And although, after the delivery of the Papal Bull and the final condemnation of Luther, we proclaim the Bull in many places... nevertheless, Martin Luther has taken no account of it, nor lessened nor revoked his errors, nor sought absolution from his papal Holiness or grace from the holy Christian Church; but like a madman plotting the manifest destruction of the holy Church, he daily scatters abroad much worse fruit and effect of his depraved heart and mind through very numerous books, both in Latin and German, done by himself, or at least under his name which are full of heresies and blasphemies, not only new ones but also those formerly condemned by holy councils. II. He not only holds the priestly office and order in contempt, but also urges secular and lay persons to bathe their hands in the blood of priests; and he uses scurrilous and shameful words against the Chief Priest of our Christian faith, the successor of Saint Peter and the true Vicar of Christ on earth, and pursues him with manifold and unprecedented attacks and invectives. ...
  • ... Especially does he impugn the authority of the holy fathers, as they are received by the Church, and would destroy obedience and authority of every kind. Indeed, he writes nothing which does not arouse and promote sedition, discord, war, murder, robbery and arson and tend towards the complete downfall of the Christian faith. For he teaches a loose, self-willed life, severed from all laws and wholly brutish; and he is a loose, self-willed man who condemns and rejects all laws; for he has shown no fear or shame in burning publicly the decretals and canon law. And had he feared the secular sword no more than the ban and penalties of the pope, he would have committed much worse offences against the civil law....
  • And as soon as these books were enumerated he acknowledged them as his own, and more over declared that he would never deny them. And he also says that he has made many other books which we have not mentioned herein because we have no knowledge of them....
  • Accordingly, in view of all these considerations and the fact that Martin Luther still persists obstinately and perversely in maintaining his heretical opinions, and consequently all pious and God fearing persons abominate and abhor him as one mad or possessed by a demon ... we have declared and made known that the said Martin Luther shall hereafter be held and esteemed by each and all of us as a limb cut off from the Church of God, an obstinate and manifest heretic.... Page 753 of 1018
  • Consequently we command you, each and all, under the penalties already proscribed, that hence forth no one shall dare to buy, sell, read, preserve, copy, print or cause to be copied or printed, any books of the aforesaid Martin Luther, condemned by our holy father the Pope as aforesaid, or any other writings in German or Latin hitherto composed by him, since they are foul, harmful, suspected, and published by a notorious and stiff necked heretic, neither shall any dare to approve his opinions, nor to proclaim, defend or assert them, in any other way that human ingenuity can invent, notwithstanding he may have put some good in them to deceive the simple man.... James Robinson ed. "Readings In European History" Vol II Elaborating on notions that I have no respect for the law as mentioned in sentencing remarks - here is a speech by Emma Goldman to the jury at her trial for sedition: "Gentlemen, when we asked whether you would be prejudiced against us if it were proven that we propagated ideas and opinions contrary to those held by the majority, you were instructed by the court to say, 'If they are within the law.' But what the court did not tell you, is that no new faith - not even the most humane and peaceable - has ever been considered 'within the law' by those who were in power. The history of human growth is at the same time the history of every knew idea heralding the approach of a brighter dawn, and the brighter dawn has always been considered illegal, outside of the law. Gentlemen of the jury, most of you, I take it, are believers in the teachings of Jesus, bear in mind that he was put to death by those who considered his views as being against the law. ... remember that those who fought and bled for your liberties were in their time considered as being against the law, as dangerous trouble makers. They not only preached violence, but they carried out their ideas by throwing tea into Boston harbour. Never can a new idea move within the law. it matters not whether the idea pertains to political and social changes or to any other domain of human thought and expression - to science, literature, music; in fact, everything that makes for freedom and joy and beauty must refuse to move within the law. How can it be otherwise? The law is stationary, fixed, mechanical, a 'chariot wheel' which grinds all alike, without regard to time, place and condition, without ever taking into account cause and effect, without ever going into the complexity of the human soul. Your verdict may, of course, affect us temporarily, in a physical sense - it can have no effect whatever upon our spirit. For even if we were convicted and found guilty and the penalty were that we be placed against a wall and shot dead, I should nevertheless cry out with the great Luther, "Here I am and here I stand and I cannot do otherwise." Gentlemen of the jury, whatever your verdict will be, as far as we are concerned, nothing will be changed. I have held ideas all my life. I have publicly held my ideas for twenty-seven years. Nothing on earth would veer make me change my ideas except one thing; and that is, if you will prove to me that our position is wrong, untenable, or lacking in historic fact. But never would I change my ideas because I am found guilty. I may remind you of two great Americans, undoubtedly not unknown to you, gentlemen of the jury; Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. When Thoreau was placed in prison for refusing to pay taxes, he was visited by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Emerson said: "David, what are you doing in jail?" and Thoreau replied: "Ralph, what are you doing outside, when honest people are in jail for their ideals?" ... I have a great respect for the rule of law. The problem with this legislation is that though its ostensible goal is to promote civil debate, it has already shown that its application centres around WHAT is being Page 754 of 1018 said and written instead of HOW it is being said and written - at least in respect of issues of Jewish power and the attendant racial and religious supremacism that fosters it as contained in their holiest of books and utterances. The chances of abuse and the incremental 'creep' of this legislation to include any "identifiable group" is quite frightening. I hope the High Court will either strike down this watered-down defamation type legislation entirely or at least severely limit its scope and range. [3] Jews as a 'Racial Group' "A deeper exploration of the ways of life and communication in past Jewish communities might further expose a wicked little fact: that the further we move from religious norms and the more we focus our research on diverse daily practices, the more we discover that there never was a secular ethnographic common denominator between the Jewish believers in Asia, Africa and Europe. World Jewry had always been a major religious culture. Though consisting of various elements, it was not a strange, wandering nation". Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.284 Verso "The Russian Jews are a separate component; I think there are about a million of them now; and with very few exceptions, they're extremely hawkish and very much opposed to any of the social democratic policies. ... Actually, a lot of them aren't Jews. The Rabbinate, which is very corrupt, is willing to accept them as Jews - mostly because they're blond and blue-eyed, figuratively speaking. They don't look like Arabs, they look more like northern Europeans. ... The typical model of the Sabra, an Israeli Jew born in Israel, is supposed to be red haired and strong, rather like a movie hero in the West. The Russian so-called Jews help with that. I think some of the estimates were that maybe half did not fit the criteria for being Jewish." Professor Noam Chomsky. "Perilous Power: The Middle East And U.S Foreign Policy" 2007, p.186 A Directions Hearing took place on the specific issue of Jews being a 'racial group' as a matter of law, and I'll go into that first. Then bring up Professor Andrew Markus's testimony as well as Stanley Elliot Keyserand Rabbi Dovid Freilich. The High Court [should] accept this issue as worthy of its consideration - at least, as it is becoming a very hot topic at the moment. The history of this Directions hearing is as follows: Ms Abou-Merhi: We'd like a Directions Hearing to determine the issue of whether Jews can be considered a racial group. We anticipate one day is required. And Mr Troy would like a ruling for the state to file submissions by 23 rd of December. And the accused to provide his response in the New Year, a couple of weeks after that. Transcript 11/12/2009 Page 3 Page 755 of 1018 The above was the first indication that the DPP wanted this defence heard as a matter of law so that the matter could not be raised at trial by me. I will begin by putting down the points contained in the "DEFENCE SUBMISSIONS ON NO CASE TO ANSWER" prepared by Mr John BOUGHER for the Directions Hearing that took place on 19/11/2010. In this document, the basic argument of Jews not being a 'racial group' is argued:
  • Count one on the Indictment refers to Stanley Keyser as a member of a 'racial group'.
  • Counts 2-7 on the Indictment refer to animosity by the accused towards a 'racial group'.
  • By letter dated 28 July 2010 the Director of Public Prosecutions on behalf of the State asserts that the 'racial group' referred to in all counts on the Indictment is 'the Jewish people'.
  • The question arises as to whether the Jewish People are a 'racial group', or just a religious group or some other type of group or not a group at all.
  • The Criminal Code Act 1913 Section 76 defines 'racial group' as meaning any group of persons defined by race, colour or ethnic or national origins.
  • The State by the letter of 28 July 2010 referred to is relying to include the Jewish People as a 'racial group' on the words 'ethnic origins' contained in that definition.
  • The State does not rely on other words in that definition, namely 'race' (which it is assumed is accepted must contain some element of common descent/ancestry involving a biological component or shared genetic traits), 'colour' or 'national origins'.
  • It is submitted that the question whether the Jewish People are a 'racial group' is a matter of interpretation and as such is a question of law to be determined by a Judge pursuant to Section 98(2)(a) of the Criminal Procedure Act 2004.
  • If a Judge cannot be satisfied as to that question then it is submitted that the Accused has no case to answer and should be discharged in relation to the 7 counts on the Indictment pursuant to Section 98(2)(c) of the Criminal Procedure Act 2004.
  • Social Scientists, Historians, Academics and a variety of published works do not give a consensus or clear definition of the meaning of 'ethnic origins'. A schedule of quotations from published works that refute the inclusion of the Jewish People as an ethnic group will be provided prior to the Directions hearing.
  • The State by its letter of 28 July 2010 is relying on the definition of 'Ethnic' contained in the Australian Oxford Dictionary as including 'a social group having common national, racial, cultural and religious... characteristics'.
  • The Macquarie Dictionary (Third Edition) however defines 'Ethnic' as including
  • Relating to or peculiar to a population, especially a speech group, loosely also to race and
  • Relating to the origin, classification, characteristics, etc, of such groups.
  • Even by the definition in the Australian Oxford Dictionary, the word 'and' suggests more than one of the characteristics referred to should be present to satisfy the definition.
  • All Jews, of course, have the same religion but that is the only common denominator between all Jews.
  • They do not have common 'national' characteristics - many different nations including Australia, the USA, Israel, the UK, etc have Jewish communities.
  • They do not have common 'racial' characteristics - there are many different races (for example Arab, Ethiopian, Indian, Japanese, European, Russian etc) in which there are Jewish communities but none of which have any common Page 756 of 1018 ancestry and/or biological link - there is no separate DNA database for Jewish people (in Australia or the USA or probably elsewhere).
  • They do not have common 'cultural' characteristics - Russian, Arab, African, European etc, Jews all have different languages, books, foods, music and clothes.
  • The diversity of the many Jewish groups spread across the globe, and the large degree of conversion to the Jewish faith, mitigate against the concept that the Jewish people have a common ethnicity and hence form a single ethnic group.
  • The Macquarie Dictionary (Third Edition) defines 'Ethnic group' as 'a group of people, racially or historically related, having a common and distinctive culture'.
  • There is no common and distinctive culture between the widespread sections of the Jewish People across the globe, which is recognised by the Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups (ASCCEG).
  • The ASCCEG skates around the issue but under 'Definition of Ethnicity' (page 4) refers to the Macquarie Dictionary (Third Edition) definition and also adopts what is referred to as 'The Borrie Report' and quotes (at the top of page 5) a number of distinguishing characteristics that may be taken into account in determining 'Ethnicity', they being: • A long shared history, the memory of which is kept alive; • A cultural tradition, including family and social customs, sometimes religiously based; • A common language (but not necessarily limited to that group); • A common literature (written or oral); • A common religion; • Being a minority (often with a sense of being oppressed); • Being racially conspicuous.
  • It cannot be said that all the various Jewish groups across the globe share more than a common religion.
  • ASCCEG nevertheless for reasons of statistical convenience and practicality (quoting the last paragraph on page 5 'considering ethnicity as a multi¬ dimensional concept based on a number of distinguishing characteristics using a self-perception approach allows for a practical and useful classification attuned to generally accepted notions of what constitutes ethnicity and cultural identity. This approach supports the collection and use of data in statistical, administrative and service delivery settings.') classifies Jewish People in Australia as Broad Group 4 North African and Middle Eastern (third last paragraph on page 9) 'as this is the area of the world in which this cultural and ethnic group originated and developed, because there are no other cultural and ethnic groups in this broad Group with which the Jewish group shares similar social and similar social and cultural characteristics, they form a single entity narrow group.'
  • This statistical classification only makes reference to North African and Middle Eastern derivatives and makes no mention of Jewish People originating from other areas of the world such as the Ashkenazi whose origin is Eastern European/Russian and therefore it is submitted cannot be used as any authority to support the contention that the Jewish People form an ethnic group. On the contrary in the same paragraph at page 9 ASCCEG speaks of 42 separate Jewish groups and does not specify whether the inclusion of these groups into the broad Group 4 category is based on ethnic or cultural entity.
  • The Borrie report referred to above appears to have taken its distinguishing characteristics from the House of Lords case of Mandala v Dowell Lee [1983] 2 AC 548, which case when dealing with the question of whether the Sikh people constituted an ethnic group 142 stated that the following characteristics were essential: 142 The Sikhs have even less of a case than Jews do - they are essentially Indians who have only a religious marker to define them as separate from the Indian population. And yet, they were accepted - this is simple ridiculous ignorance built on convenience. Page 757 of 1018 • A shared history of which the group was conscious as distinguishing it from other groups, and the memory of which it keeps alive; and • A cultural tradition of its own, including family and social customs and manners, often but not necessarily associated with religious observance. ... and that the following characteristics were relevant, but not essential, to a finding that a group constitutes an 'Ethnic Group': • A common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors; • A common language, not necessarily peculiar to the group; • A common literature peculiar to the group; • A common literature peculiar to the group; • A common religion different from that of neighbouring groups of the general community surrounding it; • Being a minority or an oppressed or a dominant group within a larger community.
  • Point 1 - A shared history - the only shared history for the Jewish People is religious history based on religious beliefs.
  • Point 2- A cultural tradition of its own - cultural traditions of the various Jewish communities around the world vary greatly.
  • Point 3 - Common geographical origin or descent from common ancestors - neither of these criteria are applicable to the Jewish identity - this is without taking into account the vast number of Jewish people who are converts.
  • Point 4 - common language - many different languages are spoken (Hebrew, Yiddish, English, Japanese etc).
  • Point 5 - Common literature - the only common literature is of religious origin, otherwise literature like music varies greatly between different groups.
  • Point 6 - A common religion - this is the only common factor apart from a shared religious history.
  • Point 7 - Oppressed minority/dominant group - sometimes but not universally present.
  • The different cultural traditions (the second of the essential characteristics referred to in the Mandala case) of the various Jewish communities around the world it is submitted preclude the Jewish People from being categorised as an 'Ethnic Group' and hence the Jewish People do not have the requisite 'Ethnic Origins' required for the purposes of Sections 76 and 77 of the Criminal Code. hence the accused has no case to answer. It must be noted that the issue at hand is not that the 'Jews' specifically bringing the complaint are not part of a 'racial group' 143 (but there exists a Jewish racial group, at some time and some place...somewhere), but that there has never been a Jewish 'racial group' - only a group of people that are bound by religious belief who were converts at the beginning (starting with Abraham), and who have been intermarrying and converting proselytes ever since - no different to Christians and Muslims: "...Roman Empire, as well as in the Parthian territory in the east, in numbers vastly exceeding those of the inhabitants of Judea. From North Africa to Armenia, from Persia to Rome, there were thriving Jewish communities, primarily in large cities but also in towns and even villages. Josephus, quoting Strabo, the Greek historian and geographer, wrote: 'Now these Jews are already gotten into all cities; and it is hard to find a place in the habitable earth that hath not admitted this tribe [phylon] of men, and is not possessed by them." 143 As argued by Olga Skully and Bible Believers (Anthony Griggor Scott) - that the complainant (Jeremy Jones) was a convert to a religion and not a 'racial Jew', therefore they could not use the Racial Vilification Act (HEROC). They never argued that 'racial Jews' did not exist - just that the complainants were not. Page 758 of 1018 Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.146 Verso As he saw it, the reason for the great Jewish increase was mass conversion. This process was driven by a policy of proselytizing and dynamic religious propaganda, which achieved decisive results amid the weakening of the pagan worldview. In this, Rapaport joined a (non-Jewish) historiographic tradition that included the great scholars of ancient history - from Ernst Renan and Julius Wellhausen to Eduart Meyer and Emile Schurer - and asserted, to use the sharp words of Theodor Mommsen, that "ancient Judaism was not exclusive at all; it was, rather, as keen to propagate itself as Christianity and Islam would be in the future. If propagating the faith began in the late Persian period, under the Hasmonean's it became the official policy. It was the Hasmonean's who truly produced a large number of Jews and a great 'people'". Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.154 Verso "But though the whole world did not convert to Judaism, as the Jewish historian might have hoped, the large numbers of gentiles who were drawn to Judaism, and the full conversion of many of them, added up to the presence of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of Jews around the south eastern Mediterranean". Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.165 Verso My lawyer Mr John BOUGHER handled the Directions Hearing very well. At one stage he turned to me and we were both sure we might actually win on the point that 'Jews' or the 'Jewish People' fail to meet the legal criteria of 'racial group', 'ethnicity'. Note this part of Mr BOUGHERs submission, point 34:
  • The Borrie report referred to above appears to have taken its distinguishing characteristics from the House of Lords case of Mandala v Dowell Lee [1983] 2 AC 548, which case when dealing with the question of whether the Sikh people constituted an ethnic group 144 stated that the following characteristics were essential: • A shared history of which the group was conscious as distinguishing it from other groups, and the memory of which it keeps alive; and • A cultural tradition of its own, including family and social customs and manners, often but not necessarily associated with religious observance. So the above are considered "essential". One would have thought "common geographical origin" and "descent from a small number of common ancestors" would have been "essential". On this point: "It is fair to say that the majority opinion about ethnicity among anthropologists and sociologists, as well as by other scholars who draw upon their work, is that ethnicity entails claims of common kinship or descent from a common group or ancestor. That is, such claims are generally viewed as a necessary criterion of ethnicity - if we find these claims, we might have ethnicity; if we do not, then we do not have ethnicity." Denise Kimber Buell 2005 "Why This New Race: Ethnic reasoning in Early Christianity" p.9 Columbia University press Note the use of the term "majority opinion" in the above quote; as in, it is the "majority opinion" of experts in the field that "common kinship or descent from a common group or ancestor" is a necessary 144 The Sikhs have even less of a case than Jews do - they are essentially Indians who have only a religious marker to define them as separate from the Indian population. And yet, they were accepted - this is simple ridiculous ignorance built on convenience. Page 759 of 1018 criterion of ethnicity. The Mandala v Dowell Lee [1983] 2 AC 548 case is used as a major precedent by courts and the characteristic: "a common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors," is regarded as only a "relevant" characteristic. ... and that the following characteristics were relevant, but not essential, to a finding that a group constitutes an 'Ethnic Group': • A common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors; • A common language, not necessarily peculiar to the group; • A common literature peculiar to the group; • A common literature peculiar to the group; • A common religion different from that of neighbouring groups of the general community surrounding it; • Being a minority or an oppressed or a dominant group within a larger community. Denise Kimber Buell notes this: "Most definitions of ethnicity acknowledge that other factors (language, religion, place, food ways) may be claimed by a given community as more central than kinship or descent. Nonetheless, when kinship and descent are privileged as necessary to ethnicity, these other factors are dismissed as mere 'markers' or attributes of ethnicity, rather than being ethnicities constitutive elements". Denise Kimber Buell 2005 "Why This New Race: Ethnic reasoning in Early Christianity" p.9 Columbia University press If we take the "essential elements" only, then so called 'Outlaw Motor Cycle Gangs' are an ethnic group without doubt and they fit the essential definition far better than Jews do. They also fill the "relevant" characteristics except: "a common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors", but then Jews do not fill that criteria either. I discuss this in detail on page 72 of this letter. The critical question which no one wants to answer is what are the secular customs, beliefs, dress, music, literature, cinema, TV, art, food, festivals that bind 'Jews' all over the world in the same way we can all identify ITALIAN SECULAR customs, dress, music, literature, cinema, TV, art, food, festivals which bind Australian and American 'ethnic Italians'? This is a simple question and it should be the most simple basis for the application of the law. On the above point, there are ISRAELI SECULAR customs, beliefs, dress, music, literature, cinema, TV, art, food, festivals and language (Hebrew). Within Israel there are Muslim Arabs and there are Jewish Arabs and Christian Arabs. "It must be stated, however, that a secular Israeli culture soon began to emerge, and surprisingly fast. Although some of its features - such as festivals, holidays and symbols
  • derived from Jewish sources, this culture could not serve as a common foundation for the 'worldwide Jewish people'. With its distinctive elements -from language, music and food to literature, the arts and cinema - the new culture began to demarcate a new society, quite different from what those who are known as Jews and their children experience in London, Paris, New York and Moscow, members of the 'Jewish people' around the world do not speak, read or write Hebrew, are not imprinted by Israel's urban or rural landscapes, do not experience the divisions, tragedies and joys of Israeli society, don't even know how to cheer their football teams, don't grumble about the Page 760 of 1018 countries Income Tax and don't eulogize the party leaders, who invariably let down the 'people of Israel'". Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.248 Verso "But since the Jewish masses are not keen to live under the Jewish sovereignty, the Zionist arguments have had to be stretched beyond all national reason. The weakness of today's Zionist rationale lies in its failure to acknowledge this complex reality, in which Jews may be concerned about the fate of other Jews, yet have no wish to share a national life with them..." Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.303 Verso What one can say is that there is a 'Jewish Identity', but there is not a 'Jewish Ethnicity'. The legislation cannot confuse 'identity' with 'ethnicity' as it has, especially at my trial. As Professor Shlomo Sand has stated: "Even cat lovers are an identity". So too Motorcycle Gangs' with their similar taste in music, dress, tattoo's, choice of transport, language and customs. They fit the 'ethnic profile' just as well as 'Jews'. In fact, exactly so. They are oppressed and persecuted by a larger group called 'The Police', an even better fit according to the legislation. As descent from a common group of ancestors must be taken by Jews 'on faith', that can apply to anyone who wants to sincerely look you in the eye and tell you they truly, truly, truly believe it. Things then start getting ridiculous. "... no one can prove that their ancestors were really Biblical Israelites. Their descent has to be taken on faith." Steven M. Lowenstein "The Jewish Cultural Tapestry: International Jewish Folk Traditions" p.4 Dr Walsh, as you read the Directions Hearing transcript, keep in mind this passage from Scientology. I'll intersperse the passages with my own comments: These are the OT levels, the levels above Clear, whose contents are guarded within Scientology. The OT level teachings include accounts of various cosmic catastrophes that befell the thetans. f!181 Hubbard described these early events collectively as space opera. Yes, sounds like the Old Testament - accounts of invasion, betrayal, disaster, captivity. See below: In the OT levels, Hubbard explains how to reverse the effects of past-life trauma patterns that supposedly extend millions of years into the past. [1191 Among these advanced teachings is the story of Xenu (sometimes Xemu), introduced as the tyrant ruler of the " Galactic Confederacy ." According to this story, 75 million years ago Xenu brought billions of people to Earth in spacecraft resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and detonated hydrogen bombs in the volcanoes. The Thetans then clustered together, stuck to the bodies of the living, and continue to do this today. Scientologists at advanced levels place considerable emphasis on isolating body Thetans and neutralizing their ill effects. Melton, J. Gordon (2000). The Church of Scientology. Salt Lake City: Signature Press. ISBN 1-56085-139-2 Scientology goes on to describe the 'common origins' from other planets etc. So, when will Scientologists begin 'sincerely' describing themselves as an 'ethnic group'? They are identifiable and separate from the rest of society. They don't like being criticised and I will be encouraging them to Page 761 of 1018 begin describing themselves as an 'ethnic group' according to the common roots of the W.A legislation. [A] Directions Hearing Comments My lawyer Mr BOUGHER opens the hearing to clarify why we're there: Mr BOUGHER: The application's brought today on behalf of the accused man, Mr O'Connell, to seek a ruling that there is no case for him to answer in this matter and seek orders dismissing these charges against him, and discharging him, in effect. The basis of it is a consideration of the definition, meaning and effect of the term in the indictment, of a racial group. The words, racial group, of course appear in all seven counts on the indictment and the defence's contention is that if the prosecution cannot establish that the Jewish people constitute a racial group, then there is no case for my client to answer. The charge simply cannot be made out. I suppose the preliminary issue is whether or not - and there's some debate over this and some contention as to whether it's a factual question that should be decided by the jury in due course. In my submission, it is a question of law, because it's an interpretation of a term and a section of the Criminal Code where the wording appears, and therefore it should be a matter that can be ruled or should be ruled upon by a judge. I don't know whether the State agrees with that proposition at this stage but it's certainly a preliminary point, I suppose. DCJ McCann: Now, when you say ruled on by a judge, does that mean that I can try the case and hear it and enter judgement of acquittal, or is this a no case submission? Mr BOUGHER: A no case submission Transcript 19/11/2011 Page 168 DCJ McCann states to clarify his position which is entirely wrong: DCJ McCann: Well, that's not really the issue, is it? I'm not concerned here today with whether or not the Jewish people are a racial group. I'm concerned with whether there's enough evidence to persuade a jury beyond reasonable doubt that they're a racial group. That's the issue, isn't it? DCJ McCann: Because we're not here to have an anthropological debate. It may be a legal debate, as you suggest it is. The real question is should this case be left to a jury, based on the evidence which the State seek to rely on. Page 762 of 1018 Mr BOUGHER: Yes. Well, actually, that leaves a potential difficulty. If your Honour approaches it in that way, then that would be leaving the question open for the jury. DCJ McCann: Well, I understand you're going to argue that I can't leave it to a jury- Mr BOUGHER: Indeed. DCJ McCann: — but this is not a trial of an anthropological issue here today 145 . This is a legal argument about the meaning of some words in the Criminal Code - DCJ McCann: -and about, depending on the outcome of that question, whether the State have got enough evidence. Mr BOUGHER: Yes. It still leaves me with some doubt as to your Honour's approach in that regard. It requires a ruling from your Honour as to whether the Jewish people are a racial group. Unless that ruling is made then the question remains - if your Honour rules that there is sufficient evidence to go before a jury on that question, then that leaves the entire question open for further consideration by the jury. Whereas I think the State and I are both at the point where we consider that if your Honour makes a ruling in that regard, as to whether the Jewish people constitute a racial group - if your Honour rules in the affirmative in that regard, then that is an issue that would not be canvassed at trial except where it goes to the defence and the defence raised by the necessity for the accused to have an intention in all but the first of the counts. Your Honour, I think you are being asked to rule whether or not, to make a ruling, a judicial ruling, as to whether Jewish people constitute a racial group. DCJ McCann: Well, I'll leave it to you to persuade me. And then I'll decide what the issues are after I've heard your submissions. Transcript 19/11/2010 Page 169-170 DCJ McCann then clarifies his position on page 209 at the end of discussion and after a two hour adjournment by stating: DCJ McCann: Mr O'Connell seeks a legal ruling today. In my opinion, if the State witnesses come up to proof and their evidence is accepted by the jury, then as a matter of law, the jury must proceed on the basis that the Jewish people are a racial group by reason of their ethnic origins within the meaning of section 76 of the Criminal Code. Transcript 19/11/2011 Page 209 145 Yes it is. Do 'Jews' or the 'Jewish People' constitute a 'racial group' under the wording of the legislation. Mr Bougher answers correctly at paragraph 1772. Page 763 of 1018 So, according to DCJ McCann's ruling, ONLY if the State witnesses come up to proof can the Jury proceed that as a matter of law that 'Jews' come under the legislation. Well, in my reading, there are two problems with this comment:
  • The two witnesses aren't even close to coming "up to proof" and their "opinion evidence" was here say and inadmissible. See page 84 of this letter "Admissibility of Evidence - Prosecution".
  • He has it the wrong way around - 'Jews' coming under the legislation as a matter of law is not dependant on "State witnesses". That is a "matter of fact". The mistake is in "law", not fact. The simple, self-evident, and ONLY conclusion to be drawn from an analysis of the legislation, and applying it to 'Jews', is that they fail to fit the definition of "ethnic group". The D.P.P has made a mistake, due to ignorance. I can summarise this entire debate with the one simple question that everyone is avoiding: What are the COMMON SECULAR marker that links a Jew in Yemen, with a Jew in Russia and a Jew in Ethiopia? The answer to that question is that there is no link other than a religious belief and the attendant practices surrounding that belief. It is really that simple. "If world Jews were indeed a nation, what were the common elements in the ethnographic cultures of a Jew in Kiev 146 and a Jew in Marrakech 147 , other than religious belief and certain practices of that belief? Despite perhaps everything we have been told, Judaism was simply an appealing religion that spread widely until the triumphant rise of its rivals, Christianity and Islam ..." Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.21 Verso DCJ McCann also mentions in that passage: "In my opinion, if the State witnesses come up to proof and their evidence is accepted by the jury...", this places the argument that Professor Andrew Markus's study was irrelevant and hearsay of more importance. Also, Rabbi Dovid Freilich. Please refer to page 64 of this letter. Mr BOUGHER makes the obvious points at the beginning of the hearing: Mr BOUGHER: So, your Honour, the contention by the Defence in this case is that given that the State is relying upon the linking of a racial group to the words "ethnic origins" contained within the definition of section 76 of our Criminal Code, because the State is relying upon that definition it is submitted that the racial - sorry, the Jewish people did not fit within that definition of having sufficient ethnic origins in order to satisfy that definition, and that is the basis of the-ofthe underlying basis, ifyou like, of the submission. Transcript 19/11/2010 Page 171 Then on page 176-177-178: Mr BOUGHER: That's right. And there seemed to be the two fundamental and then five optional considerations, as your Honour said. And in relation to each of those, your Honour, I've made certain comments in my submissions. But the major point I think to be made is that one of the essential characteristics, and that is a cultural tradition of its own, including family and social customs and 146 Russia. 147 Yemen. Page 764 of 1018 manners often but not necessarily with religious observance, if that is accepted as being an essential characteristic for an ethnic group then, in my submission, the many different varying cultural traditions around the world of the various Jewish communities indicate that that criterion has not been satisfied. And that being the case, it's submitted that the Jewish people don't constitute an ethnic group; they can't be categorised as an ethnic group because of all the various cultural differences. DCJ McCann: Now you're submitting this to me as a question of law. Mr BOUGHER: Yes. Mr BOUGHER: One of the surprising aspects of the decisions made by courts in this regard in the past - and as I say, not in terms of making a ruling as such but in terms of comment - one of the surprising aspects to me is that the learned judges referred to what people actually believed themselves to be, as though that had some probative effect upon reality. DCJ McCann: Is the test objective or subjective? Mr BOUGHER: It's an interesting point. Yes. Well, as I'm saying, it appears to be almost - it's both, but it's being accepted as being a subjective test, to that degree that people believe themselves to be part of a racial group, ethnic - sorry, ethnic group, as opposed to racial group; therefore, they are - which is a bit, in my submission, false logic. False logic indeed. But 'self-perception' is often cited as a criteria. Look at what it say's on page 52 of this letter, point 23 of the "DEFENCE SUBMISSIONS ON NO CASE TO ANSWER": ASCCEG 148 nevertheless for reasons of statistical convenience and practicality (quoting the last paragraph on page 5 'considering ethnicity as a multi-dimensional concept based on a number of distinguishing characteristics using a self-perception approach allows for a practical and useful classification attuned to generally accepted notions of what constitutes ethnicity and cultural identity. This approach supports the collection and use of data in statistical, administrative and service delivery settings.') I repeat - "a self-perception approach allows for a practical and useful classification attuned to generally accepted notions of what constitutes ethnicity and cultural identity". So basically, if you think you are, you are, and it allows for "practical and useful classification". I'm glad it's "practical and useful" for supporting "the collection and use of data in statistical, administrative and service delivery settings" - that's the problem, the entire legislation and its definitions are "practical and useful" as a matter of administrative/legal convenience having little if any bearing on reality and common sense. Further, note the description above: "considering ethnicity as a multi-dimensional concept based on a number of distinguishing characteristics" - this is playing fast and loose. But "fast and loose" appears to be the central tenant when discussing this issue - especially when it comes to the idea of a Jewish ethnicity: 148 Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups Page 765 of 1018 "Basic differences of conception appear about the structure of Jewish ethnic identity; some participants in the debate sought to separate out the 'religious' and the 'national' components, while others maintained that they could not be disentangled. While it was widely agreed that there needed to be - in the case of so dispersed a people as the Jews
  • a commonly accepted criterion (applicable alike in Israel and the diaspora) as to who is a Jew, questions arose about the extent to which it was feasible to speak of a 'Jewish identity' existing anywhere as a uniform entity; it was argued by some that the variations which had developed around the quintessential common core were such as to make it more appropriate to think in terms of a pluralistic Jewish society allowing for a diversity of 'Jewish identities'". This next quote by an author is instructive: "The concept of ethnic and national identity has become increasingly popular in recent years, both among social scientists and among political actors. It is an inherently social- psychological concept in that it refers to a state of mind shared by the members of the collectivity, formed through social interaction, and anchored in historical and social- structural processes. Yet there has been very little social-psychological work - conceptual or empirical - that has systematically addressed itself to the analysis of group identity. Simon Herman's book thus represents a pioneering contribution to the study of ethnic/national identity, focussing on the special case of Jewish identity". Simon N. Herman 1989 "Jewish Identity: A Social Psychological Perspective" p.6 Transaction Publishers. Academic and author Denise Kimber Buell also confronts this lack of a solid foundation for the term 'ethnicity': "Foregrounding fixity/fluidity, rather than some specific content like kinship and descent, risks making ethnicity/race indistinguishable from other cultural categories, such as religion and citizenship, since both of these could also be said to share this dynamic of fixity and fluidity." Denise Kimber Buell 2005 "Why This New Race: Ethnic reasoning in Early Christianity" - p.10 Columbia University Press Professor Shlomo Sand sums up the point Mr BOUGHER expounded on continually, but which was ignored by DCJ McCann, "they can't be categorised as an ethnic group because of all the various cultural differences" : "A deeper exploration of the ways of life and communication in past Jewish communities might further expose a wicked little fact: that the further we move from religious norms and the more we focus our research on diverse daily practices, the more we discover that there never was a secular ethnographic common denominator between the Jewish believers in Asia, Africa and Europe. World Jewry had always been a major religious culture. Though consisting of various elements, it was not a strange, wandering nation". Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.284 Verso The above quote sums up the self-evident "fact" that Jews cannot be categorised as an ethnic group
  • period. I like the ADL's commentary on what a 'Jew' is. But before I do let me explain what the ADL is: Page 766 of 1018 The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is an international Jewish non-governmental organization based in the United States . Describing itself as "the nation's premier civil rights/human relations agency", the ADL states that it "fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all" while it "[advocates] for Israel [...] with policymakers, the media and the public" and "defends the security of Israel and Jews worldwide". Founded in 1913 by The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, a Jewish service organization in the United States, its original mission statement was "to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people . Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens."[1] The ADL has 29 offices in the United States and three offices in other countries, with its headquarters located in New York City . Since 1987, Abraham Foxman has been the national director in the United States. The national chairman in the United States is Robert Sugarman. http://www.adl.org/about.asp It has a huge budget of $70 million dollars per year and is feared by policy makers around the world due to its strong links to Israel and powerful Jewish interest groups. Here is what it has to say on what a 'Jew' is: "Confronting Anti-Semitism, Myths...Facts...": MYTH 5 : JEWS ARE A RACE, NOT A RELIGION "The idea that Jews are not only a religious group, but also a racial group, was a centrepiece of Nazi policy, and was the justification for killing any Jewish person who came under Nazi occupation - regardless of whether he or she practised Judaism." p.28 "What unites Jews as a people, whether they come from Europe, Asia, Africa, or the America's is a common culture, rooted in a common religion. Jews throught the world are joined by a religious and cultural heritage 149 rather than a racial sameness." p.29 "Can someone be born a Christian and become Jewish? The answer to each of these questions is yes - and together they refute the idea of a Jewish race as anything other than a figment of the anti-Semitic imagination." p.29 (Downloaded as .pdf file from http://www.adl.org/) This is from the premiere Jewish Defence group in the world and shows the complete disarray of views on what a Jew is, and is not. This next quote is relevant: "... third, while I share the concern to avoid perpetuating the noxious effects of racism, I do not think we avoid them by avoiding the term 'race'. In an era of genocidal 'ethnic cleansing' in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, ethnocentrism has proven as noxious as racism. Furthermore, replacing race with ethnicity has obscured the racist aspects of using ethnicity to distinguish Jews from Christians". Denise Kimber Buell 2005 "Why This New Race: Ethnic reasoning in Early Christianity" - p.14 Columbia University Press 149 That "cultural heritage" that binds all Jews across the planet can only be "religious" in nature. Page 767 of 1018 No doubt, knowing this, the prosecution was keen for the services of Professor Andrew Markus and his study on specific attitudes of Australian Jews. If Professor Markus's study is regarded as right and true, it brings into the whole legal argument that an ethnic group can be defined from country to country based on a 'self-perception' model. This opens up a can of worms. If 'self-perception' is granted as a major component of what constitutes ethnicity in the eyes of the law, then all someone has to do is sincerely self-perceive their ethnic status. This appears to be the way it is going. It is noted that when the legislation was debated politicians noted specifically that they wanted Jews under the legislation. Well, that's lovely, but they can put up some religious vilification laws if they want, but Jews cannot in any way shape or form be classed an ethnic group unless law makers want open slather in the interpretation. They can't have it both ways. Here is an interesting newspaper article of Judge Philip McCann who presided over my own Directions hearing: Test for judge's 'drug crusade' Amanda Banks West Australian Paper October 20 2012 A District Court judge who twice referred to "cashed-up bogans" when giving a drug dealer a nine-year jail term was on a "personal crusade" and relied on anecdotal views about the drug trade, appeal documents allege. Submissions to the Court of Appeal also contend that Judge Philip McCann "arbitrarily and single handedly" increased sentences for amphetamine offences with a manifestly excessive jail term. Appeal submissions from lawyer Simon Watters argue Judge McCann was "distracted" by matters irrelevant to the sentencing and his "anecdotal and colourful" language was "obtuse" to the judicial exercise. He argued the terms used underscored the contention that the judge was seemingly on a personal crusade to highlight for the Court of Appeal the nature of the drug dealing. "Mr Tanner notes that sentencing remarks should be dignified and should not provide the opportunity for a judicial officer to embark on a process of sounding off to the world at large about perceived evils in the community," the appeal submission says. It contends that Judge McCann relied on statistics and research not available to the parties, the sentence infringed the principal of parity and the jail term was excessive compared with similar cases and a move away from trends. [B] Stanley Keyser's Comments At Trial Stanley Elliot Keyser believed he was 'Jewish' and that being Jewish was a matter of 'race': Page 768 of 1018 Accused: And you're a Jew - are Jews a race, a literal race, a genetic race? Like an African, Anglo Saxon, European, just loosely. Are Jews a race?—I believe we are. We are a religion and a race, yes. You're a religion and a race?—Yes. So when an Ethiopian man or an Indian man converts to Judaism he now becomes, by race, a Jew? Is that correct?—If that's the way you put it, then yes. Transcript 17/01/2011 Page 309-310 The above said much. Stanley Elliot Keyser believes ('sincerely' no doubt) that he is a biological race. Perhaps it can be read several ways as was imputated by the prosecutor when he denied Keyser stated he was a biological race a day or so later. But I think the above is quite clear. "In a state that defines itself as Jewish yet does not present distinguishing cultural markers that might define a worldwide secular Jewish existence - except for some depleted, secularized remnants of religious folklore - the collective identity needs a misty, promising image of an ancient biological common origin. Behind every act in Israel's identity politics stretches, like a long black shadow, the idea of an eternal people and race." Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.280 Verso Despite being "secular" Mr Keyser says he is Jewish because: The Witness: It doesn't - having a circumcised penis doesn't make you Jewish. Your mother — Accused: Well, in that case, why even have it there then?—My mother being Jewish makes me Jewish. And my mother is Jewish. Transcript 17/01/2011 Page 299 So, the secular Mr Keyser, who hangs with the Ultra-Orthodox sect Chabad Lubavitch has adopted the Halakic religious view of what makes him Jewish. Keyser also stated in his police statement at Point 7: POINT 7: "When I say that I was brought up as Jewish I mean that I have a cultural and spiritual connection with Israel and the heritage of the Jewish people." On the push for the founding of the Israeli state by a small section of the Jewish world community based in Eastern Europe: "The Zionist idea 150 ... While a significant number of its ideological progenitors belonged more or less to the Germanic culture - Moses Hess, Theodor Herzl, Max Nordau - those who developed, disseminated and implemented its theories came from the intelligentsia of the wide spread Yiddish speaking population, which was densely packed into the cities and towns of Poland, the Ukraine, Lithuania, Russia and Romania. As noted in the second chapter, in these regions there was a secular, modern Yiddish civilization such as did not exist in Jewish communities elsewhere, neither in London nor 150 Stanley Keyser is a member of the Zionist Youth Group 'Habonim Dror'. Page 769 of 1018 in Marrakech 151 . It was this distinctive culture, rather than religion, that incubated the proto-nationalist and nationalist ferment Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.252 Verso Stanley Keyser maintains he is 'secular': "A secular Jewishness has severe limitations, and its durability across generations is questionable." Simon N. Herman 1989 "Jewish Identity: A Social Psychological Perspective" P.50 Transaction Publishers. "But the main unifying basis for international Jewry, apart from the painful memory of the Holocaust - which unfortunately grants anti-Semitism a permanent, if indirect say in defining the Jew - remains the old, depleted religious culture (with the genetic demon slithering quietly behind). There has never been a secular Jewish culture common to all the Jews in world, and the well-known argument of Rabbi Yeshaiahu Karelitz - that 'the [secular Jewish] cart is empty' -was and remains correct. But in histraditionalist naivete, the great Rabbinical scholar expected the empty secular cart to make way for the loaded religious cart." Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.285 Verso "...seeking to build a bridge that could connect Jewish Believers - mainly former believers, whose languages and secular customs were polyphonus and diverse - they were unable to build on the lively popular mores and turn them into a homogenous, domesticated modern culture, as the Bund tried to do. To achieve their aim, the Zionists needed to erase existing ethnographic textures, forget specific histories, and take a flying leap backward to an ancient, mythological and religious past." Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.255 Verso I quote extensively from Sand on this issue as the notion of a "Jewish Ethnicity" has simply not existed in any concrete form until the advent of the Zionist movement in the late 1800's on. It has been "invented" and propagated for multiple purposes including money: "Amid all these developments, Jewish 'ethnicity' has enjoyed a resurgence. In the United States this has been a noticeable fashion for some time... The person may not have preserved elements of the great Yiddish culture, but the need to belong to a particular community meant finding a focus of identity amid the sweeping cultural vortex ... Since the late 1970's, the perpetuation of the Jewish ethnos state has paid handsome dividends... It is not only rested on the weighty mythological past and was sustained by simple ignorance - it has also been reinforced by profit and power derived from the existence of the overseas ethnos, which is content to subsidize it". Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.310 Verso ...and as justification for colonization of the largely Muslim lands of Palestine: "The concept of the nation as an ethnic entity was upheld, with varying intensity, by all the different Zionist camps, which was why the new biological science captivated so many. The idea of heredity helped justify the claim to Palestine - that ancient Judea that the Zionists ceased to view as a sacred centre from which deliverance would come, and by a bold paradigmic shift revamped as the destined national homeland of all the Jews of the world. The historical myth required the appropriate 'scientific' ideology - for if 151 Yemen, Middle East. Page 770 of 1018 the Jews of modern times were not the direct descendants of the first exiles, how would they legitimize their settlement in the Holy Land, which was the exclusive homeland of Israel'?" Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.257 Verso Author Allan C. Brownfeld comments on this: There can be little doubt that the philosophy of Zionism - Jewish Nationalism - is in retreat among American Jews. Zionism holds that Judaism is not a religion of universal values, but an ethnicity. It believes that Israel is the "homeland" of all Jews and that those living outside of Israel are in "exile". Zionists urge immigration to Israel, "Aliyah", as the highest Jewish value. Most American Jews, quite to the contrary, believe that Judaism is a religion, not a nationality. They believe that they are American by nationality and Jews by religion, just as other Americans are Protestant, Catholic or Muslim. While they wish Israel well, they believe themselves to be fully at home in America. This is nothing new. As early as 1841, at the dedication ceremony of Temple Beth Elohim in Charleston, South Carolina, Rabbi Gustav Poznanski declared: "This country is our Palestine, this city our Jerusalem, this house of God our temple." Allan C. Brownfeld reviewing Peter Beinharts book "The Crisis of Zionism" Allan C. Brownfeld is a nationally syndicated columnist and serves as associate editor of 'Issues'. The author of five books, he has served of the staff of the US Senate, House of Representatives and the Office of the Vice President. You will note that from page 299-310 17/01/2011 I press Keyser on what he considers a 'Jew' to be. He uses evasive language and sounds 'confused' but he knows exactly what I am trying to do, he has been heavily coached. He states over and over to my questions, "my heritage and my culture," but he can't name the components of that culture because it can only be religious in nature and he cannot by way of tactics mention "religion": Accused: It's a simple question, Stanley, and the - the jury wants to hear it. What is the main group of books that tell you all about yourself?? That without these books you wouldn't be, there'd be nothing. None of those books, Stanley. I can an - aren't - well, I'm going to let you. What are those books?—I - again, I don't understand what you're asking. You've asked me, time and time again, what is my-what makes me Jewish? And I've said it time and time again. My history, my heritage and my culture is what makes me Jewish. I don't know what else I have to say. Transcript 17/01/2011 Page 308 I am trying to point out that the common heritage/history is one of a religion based in religious books
  • not history books. Professor Shlomo Sand points this out: "Yet, as this chapter has tried to show, it was only the appearance of pre nationalist Jewish histography in the latter half of the nineteenth century that leading role in the drama of the rise of the modern Jewish nation transferred from the shelf of theological tracts to the history section, and adherents of Jewish nationalism began to read it as if it were reliable testimony to processes and events. Indeed, it was elevated to the status of mythistory, representing incontrovertible truth. It became the locus of secular sanctity that was not to be touched, and from which all consideration of people and nation must begin. Above all Page 771 of 1018 gave the Bible a . The book was the Bible became an ethnic marker, indicating a common origin for people of very different backgrounds and secular cultures yet all still hated for their religion, which they barely observed". Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.127 Verso I was trying specifically to get Keyser to admit that the "culture" and "heritage" he speaks of is a religious culture and heritage. He played dumb and confused at every turn on this point. The only time I ever got a spontaneous and impassioned response from Stanley Keyser was his remarks about the defining nature of the Holocaust™ 152 towards his belief in being 'Jewish': Accused: ... I want that bond; the cultural, ethnic markers that are put down as food, clothing, cinema, books, music. These are all the standard things. What is it
  • not because you utter a few Hebrew words every now and again. What is the linkage?—What is the link? I do know one linkage. It doesn't matter if you're an Ethiopian completely assimilated Jew or if you're a - a Chinese completely assimilated Jew, [of] if you're a Russian Ethiopian Jew, if you grew up in Nazi Germany and you didn't speak a word of Hebrew, and you didn't wear a yarmulke, and you didn't go to - in fact, if you called yourself a Catholic priest, you would still have been sent to the death camps in Auschwitz, Treblinka and Birkenau. It doesn't make a difference. If you wear the clothing of if you wear the -or if you wear the head covering of if you go to synagogue, or if you eat - if you break bread on - on - on Pesach of if you go to the Seder of Passover, it makes no difference. You would have still [be] sent to the slaughter in - in Nazi Germany. Transcript 17/01/2011 Page 303 So, National Socialist legislation from 1933 defines Mr Stanley Elliot Keyser's 'self-perception' of being Jewish. That's extremely ironic. I fear most people will have missed this irony. But, this is commonly quoted as a major determinant of what it is to define yourself as 'Jewish': For my money it is much the same sense of specialness found in religious Jews but with a special reference to victimhood. "Yes, but only in the Hitlerian sense", answered philosopher Maxime Rodinson when asked if he still considered himself a Jew. For many of these Jews it is their identity as a threatened and victimized people that makes them Jews. "Hitler said I was a Jew, so I may as well be a Jew" is one response or "To be a Jew somehow denies all those who have ever persecuted Jews a victory - so I'm a Jew". Paul Eisen "Jewish Power" http://www.rightousiews.org "But the main unifying basis for international Jewry, apart from the painful memory of the Holocaust - which unfortunately grants anti-Semitism a permanent, if indirect say in defining the Jew..." Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.285 Verso Stanley Keyser espouses the post Holocaust™ identity marker. He has no religion apparently (though he hangs with Chabad Lubavitch ) and therefore he needs to cling to something to identify himself as "Jewish". His reasoning is a childish reactionary thought process, not worthy to be taken seriously in a 152 The ™ is there because the extremely powerful Jewish defense group the ADL demanded of several groups that they refrain from using the term 'Holocaust' when describing their own suffering - such as the Ukrainians, with 7 million dead from a deliberate famine brought on by Stalin. They withdrew the term 'Holocaust' from official descriptions. Clearly it's a trademark and an excellent money maker. Page 772 of 1018 court of law. He is entitled to his 'self-perception' but these sorts of arguments should not be sending people to jail. If only I could have convinced the jury with some 'evidence' to the contrary? Please refer to Professor Andrew Markus's 'study' in the coming passages. [C] Rabbi Dovid Freilich's Comments At Trial Matthew 15:1 Then some of the Pharisee's and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, 2 "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!" Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? 4 For God said, 'Honour your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.' 5 But you say that if a man says to his father or mother, 'Whatever help you might have otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,' 6 he is not to 'honour his father' with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. 7 You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesised about you: s '"These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 9 They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.'" The above quote Dr Walsh is in regards to Rabbi Freilich's admitted occupation as head 'Pharisee' of Perth. I asked him directly if he was a 'Pharisee' like those described in the Old Testament and he answered in the affirmative. He didn't like being asked that but I wanted to point out that Jesus considered his ilk as liars and "children of hell" so why should a word he says be taken at face value? The dominant sect of Judaism is Rabbinic Pharisaic Judaism - Orthodox Judaism. They have completely turned the Old Testament and its straightforward commandments on its head via their 'commentaries' and 'rabbinic debates' recorded in the 'Babylonian Talmud' and 'Shulkan Aruk'. It should also be noted that page 495 of his testimony is missing from both my copy and yours. This days transcript was the only one removed from me on walking out of the court. It has been heavily altered but I do not have the energy to take Mr Michael Gething of the Perth District Court to task on this as you are well aware. It will all come out in the wash. Mr Freilich did have some interesting things to say. I believe this is the first time ever, in a modern court, that a Rabbi has been on the stand and under an oath. One thing I noted was that he wavered back and forth between Jews being a "race" based on "bloodline" and also on some vague notions of "culture" that he believed also made them a race: FRIELICH: so they can never lose, either by bloodline or by conversion to Judaism, once they're accepted to be part of the nation of Israel, whether they keep the laws or not, they are then Jews for eternity. Transcript 21/01/2011 Page 486 Page 773 of 1018 FRIELICH: ... but the truth of the matter is they're - there is - they are still part of the Jewish race, they still have a Jewish bloodline. Transcript 21/01/2011 Page 487 An interesting part of the transcript on Rabbi Freilich's willingness to proffer up his "opinions" on many subjects: ACCUSED: What I'm trying to get across is do - you're asking people to take, as a history book, books that are up to 4,500 years old and are in fact religious books. It is as if I must make people believe that a man rising from the dead and walking on water is a matter of historical fact, whereas I know I take this on faith. Surely you take on faith these matters that happened 4,500 years ago? FRIELICH: No, the - the truth is that - that there have been archaeological digs which have proven some of the matters that I am telling you in this — ACCUSED: Could you - could you please provide detailed information on those digs and so on and so forth? FRIELICH: well, I -1 am not an archaeologist. ACCUSED: Correct. Transcript 21/01/2011 Page 492 But no doubt the jury heard it all and were suitably "awed" at the appearance of the Rabbi in contrast to little old crazy me. I'm surprised DCJ Wisbey wasn't "on the ball" and pulled him up on that line of questioning as he wasn't an "expert" in archaeology. He had no problem telling the Rabbi and every other witness to shut up when it suited the prosecution case however. Here I try to get the Rabbi to tell the court the "secular marker" that links Jews all around the world into a "ethnic" group. This is the question no one will, or can, answer Dr Walsh and DCJ Wisbey doesn't mind protecting Rabbi Freilich and telling me to move on from the subject: ACCUSED: I merely quote that to you to point out that Rabbi Yeshaya Karelitz is an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi, I believe, in Israel, and that is in direct contrast to your statement that Jews are, most assuredly a race, which I presume contains a heavy biological component? FREILICH: It does contain a biological component because as I mentioned before, it
  • it also contains a common culture, language and history. ACCUSED: That-that aside from religious culture, could you explain to the jury, what are the common secular cultural traditional markers outside of religion, that link a Jew in Yemen, a Jew in Ethiopia and a Jew in Moscow outside of religious observance, religious clothing, religious texts, religious history, religious music and so on. What, outside of the religious side of things, links all these people into an ethnic group? Or race, if you were to say that? FREILICH: The - the yearning to one day return to the land of Israel rebuilt, and to see the - the - the establishment of what we know as the - the temple - what - in - in Page 774 of 1018 its full glory, which will be in the Messianic Era where peace will - will reign all around the world. Peace for every human being. ACCUSED: Rabbi, respectfully, that's taken from religious books. I've asked you, is there any music and — DCJ WISBEY: You - you tell him it's taken from religious books. He's just told you - you asked him a question and he's answered it in that way, so — ACCUSED: Well, he's failed to - he's just quoted back to me in religious — DCJ WISBEY: He hasn't failed to. ACCUSED: From a religious book. DCJ WISBEY: He's given you an answer. Transcript 21/01/2011 Page 498 If that's not grossly over protecting a witness and interfering in the cross examination I don't know what is. It is THE point of the trial, and Wisbey is desperately moving me on. I have every right to point out to the Rabbi that he has just (again) quoted from a religious book. This exemplifies the point I have been making over and over - no one can give me a "secular" marker that links all Jews all over the world. Of course they can't - because they are a religion only. Wisbey knows this, that's why he's moving me on. He has been instructed to do this and he did it throught the trial. This from the above is interesting: FREILICH: The - the yearning to one day return to the land of Israel rebuilt, and to see the - the - the establishment of what we know as the - the temple - what - in - in its full glory, which will be in the Messianic Era where peace will - will reign all around the world. Peace for every human being. For the Temple to be rebuilt will mean the tearing down and destruction of the Muslim Mosque that sits on the alleged site: 'The Dome of the Rock'. This would guarantee an all-out war with the Arab Muslim world and the Muslim world in general, without doubt. But this is central to Judaism. It is no secret in Israel/Palestine that this is fully what the Jews intend to do. They even have little stalls in Jerusalem where you can go and see models of the new Temple to be built when the Dome of the Rock is destroyed. This is throught the Old testament: ISAIAH 61:4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. There are also several million Arab Muslims and Christians living in the area. They will have to go of course unless they are happy to live as "aliens" in the region and be "water carriers" and "wood cutters" and do "forced labour" for their Jewish masters as also directed by their holy books explained previously. Page 775 of 1018 In the following, Rabbi Freilich also has his "bet each way" by indicating even secular Jews believe in this aspect of the Jewish faith - but they are still regarded as secular: ACCUSED: Well, Rabbi, I'll put to you; you just quoted me back a religious aspect of Judaism which is the return to the land of our fathers. FREILICH: No, a secular Jew would believe that. ACCUSED: A secular Jew would believe that? So when are you all returning to occupy Palestine, which you yearn for so earnestly? Is there a time frame? DCJ WISBEY: Well, don't - don't answer that thank you Rabbi. ACCUSED: Well, it's a simple question. You just said that there is a yearning — DCJ WISBEY: No. It might be - it may be simple, but I've told him not to answer it. Transcript 21/01/2011 Page 498-499 So, if I said I believe Jesus rose from the dead and healed the sick, could I still call myself "secular"? Stanley Elliot Keysers considered himself "secular" and prosecutor Antony EYERS made much of it and yet Keyser, like the Rabbi, likes a bet each way on this point - here, taken from Keysers statement to police, sworn over one month AFTER I was charged on 3/06/2009: POINT 7: "When I say that I was brought up as Jewish I mean that I have a cultural and spiritual connection with Israel and the heritage of the Jewish people." So he's "spiritual" but not religious? He's taking from the Jewish Bible - a religious book - but he's not religious? I get the Rabbi to admit that his identity is based on a religious book: ACCUSED: So you have an identity? A group identity based on religious books? FREILICH: Based on religious books - well, it's based on the Bible, yes. Transcript 21/01/2011 Page 499 Rabbi Freilich deliberately lied when he stated he had never heard of the 'Anti-Defamation League of 'Bnai B'rith' - the most well-known and powerful Jewish lobby in the world: ACCUSED: Are you aware, rabbi - and I hope to get this ADL publication up. You're aware of course of the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai 'Brith based in New York? FREILICH: No. ACCUSED: Forgive me rabbi. I am astounded that you, as a leader of your community DCJ WISBEY: We're not - we're not interested in whether you're astounded or not. Page 776 of 1018 Transcript 21/01/2011 Page 499 You see DCJ Wisbey immediately protecting Freilich from any meaningful cross examination. I contrast that with the recent trial of a Mr Troy MERCANTI - well known bikie personality - where his former partner was grilled for 5 days under cross examination without a single objection from the prosecutor or judge. I would have liked the same opportunity. Rabbi Freilich did not like it when I pointed out that he was a 'Pharisee' - the same people Jesus rebuked 2000 years ago. The transcript in my opinion is not accurate on the following example. I remember clearly Rabbi Freilich stating unequivocally "Yes" to my question which is not apparent in the transcript: ACCUSED: And Jews at that time were severely persecuted by the Rabbinic Elite, of which you would be regarded as one. They would be your spiritual forefathers, would they not? The Pharisees, Sadducees? FREILICH: The - the Pharisees actually were the Rabbinic - were the founders of the Rabbinic traditions of Judaism, yes. ACCUSED: And you would therefore be a modern day Pharisee. Would that be correct? I remember quite distinctly Rabbi Freilich stating a firm and straightforward "Yes". That is not in the transcript, it follows straight on: FREILICH: I was unaware that I was going to discuss the - the theological background to - to Christianity here. ACCUSED: Well, I didn't mean to make you, uncomfortable. I'm just trying to get the linkage here between — FREILICH: I'm fine. DCJ WISBEY: He's - he's not uncomfortable. I think he just has some difficulty appreciating what you're trying to suggest to him. ACCUSED: Well, I thought you would have been more than happy to discuss these issues. You are a rabbi are you not? FREILICH: Well, I -I have been asked to give testimony at this court on the - on the issue of Judaism being a race or religion or both. This - this is particularly - this is -1 don't see the relevance to - to my - to - to my -my evidence here. Transcript 21/01/2011 Page 499 I wanted to ascertain many things about the Rabbi and what he believes in. One thing I wanted to do is discredit him as a witness and also point out he has a predilection to lying just as Jesus accused them 2000 years ago. Here is what Jesus had to say about the 'Pharisees', a 'Rabbinic Sect' that Rabbi Freilich belongs: Page 777 of 1018 JOHN 8:13 The Pharisees challenged him, "Here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid". 19 Then they asked him, "Where is your father?" "You do not know me or my Father," Jesus replied. "If you knew me, you would know my Father also." 37 "l know you are Abrahams descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you have no room for my word." 39 "Abraham is our father," they answered. If you were Abrahams children," said Jesus, "then you would do the things Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the things your 153 father does." "We are not illegitimate children," they protested, "the only father we have is God himself." 42 Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but He sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You lies. ... 45 Yet because I tell the truth, why don't you believe me? 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe me? 47 He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God." So, so far Jesus has pointed out that Rabbi Freilich belongs to a religious sect that has as its "father", "the devil" and that he is the "father of lies" - meaning, the Pharisees were congenital liars. But wait there's more. Jesus had plenty more to say about the 'Pharisees' to which Rabbi Freilich belongs: MATTHEW 23:2 "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses seat. 3 So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. 5 "Everything they do is done for men to see; they make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6 They love the place of honour at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7 they love to be greeted in the market places and to have men call them 'Rabbi'. MATTHEW 23:13 "Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to." 153 He means their father the devil. Page 778 of 1018 MATTHEW 23:15 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are." 154 MATTHEW 23:25 "Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside will be clean." MATTHEW 23:27 "Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like white washed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean. 28 ln the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." MATTHEW 23:29 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. 30And you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.' 31So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. 32Fill up then the measure of the sin of your forefathers." MATTHEW 23:33 "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? 34 Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town." I guess that's about as discredited a witness as you could possibly get. DCJ Wisbey was not, under any circumstances, going to let me show what Rabbi Freilich is all about. This is why I said so plainly later on in the trial that the man is a congenital liar - not just from his reputation according to Jesus, but on what he had stated under an oath/affirmation. With the above comments of Jesus in mind - would he escape the this Western Australian legislation? The answer is "no". Jesus Himself would be up on charges. It's actually extremely funny when you think about it. [D] Professor Andrew Markus's Comments At Trial Professor Andrew Markus makes the claim that 'Jews' are an ethnic group based on his 'study'. It's worth going into this in detail. An interesting comment is made by Professor Markus that relates to the fact that in his much referred to 'report' - out of 144 questions and 5100 respondents - not once is the pre-eminent question in Jewish communities asked: 154 I guess that puts pay to the notion that Judaism is not a "proselyting" religion. Page 779 of 1018 "Do you consider yourself as being Jewish as defined by race? By ethnicity? By religion ? Or by a combination of both ?" Imagine, the 'defining' question is not asked at all! The very question that is the defining point of what constitutes a 'racial group' under incredibly important legislation is not asked by the premiere 'Professor of Jewish Civilization' in Australia, in his landmark study. I point this out to Professor Markus: Accused: Well, I am charged under the racial vilification legislation, sub group ethnicity. And yet your paper doesn't even mention, perhaps a question such as; "Do you regard being Jewish as a race or ethnicity?" Not a single question. Is that so?—On that specific question, yes, that is correct. Why would you not have put that very, very important question there? I put to you, could you explain perhaps why that question was not put into your paper?- -Because when we did the survey, we didn't have in mind this trial that's going on now. So you would have done it if you'd known the trial-?—So it wasn't of the purpose of doing the survey. So I put to you would have done it if you - it was — DCJ Wisbey: He doesn't know what he would have done. You cant speculate about what — Accused: Well, he just said then, he said he didn't know — DCJ Wisbey: If you're worried — Accused: — the trial would be on. DCJ Wisbey: If you're worried about the issue, put the question to him. Accused: Well, look - what - I mean put it to your Honour, can we just throw this out into the bin, please, I'm charged under racial vilification? What has this got to do with it? DCJ Wisbey: Well, you can do what you like with it but the one copy is exhibited and I gave it to the jury. Accused: Well, that's fine. I hope they enjoy the reading. So I put to you then that the issue amongst Jews, the issue of being a race or ethnicity? Is it not an issue? I would presume it would have been in your paper?- -Is - no, it's not an issue. It's not an issue. Transcript 19/01/2011 Page 451-452 This was an important finding of 'fact' according to the view of Professor Markus-that in his opinion, Jews defining themselves by race or ethnicity is not an issue. The very heart of the legislation I was charged under. I should have summarized that at my grossly inadequate summing up and then perhaps DCJ Wisbey might have pointed that out to the jury. Page 780 of 1018 The argument continues: Accused: (cont.) So it's not an issue?— Jews today are not obsessed with whether they're a race or an ethnicity or a religion because, as 1 tried to explain to you, there is no such thing as "The Jews". There's a multiplicity of views within the community. I'm - I'm - it's wonderful and I'm - wonderful to know that. I - I appreciate you stating that, professor, because I reiterate again that I'm charged under the racial vilification law subgroup ethnicity. And I note that in your very extensive paper, according to you very academically well received — DCJ Wisbey: Don't make speeches. Just ask him a question, if you have a question ask. 155 Accused: Is - is being regarded as a race or ethnicity - and this is a question to you personally as - could I gather, professor, you regard yourself as a "Jewish person"?—Yes. So if I was to say, "Are you a member of the Jewish race?" how would you reply to me?—I'd say no, I'm not. Do you believe a Jewish race exists?—No. Do you believe there's such a thing as Jewish ethnicity?—Yes. Would you - I'm just curious. Would you not have found that an important question to put in your paper?—When you do a survey, if I could just explain this to you, you don't necessarily ask people straight out. Like, for example, I wouldn't put in a survey, "Are you a racist?" What I would do would be to ask a series of questions and then, by analysing the responses to a series of questions, determine the answer to that question. So that's what this report does. It gives you a response from a number of different angles which establish that the Jews form an ethnic community without question, just as the Italians do, just as Chinese Australians do, just as a number of groups in Australia do. Transcript 19/01/2011 Page 452 So, the professor is having the ubiquitous Jewish bet each way - on the one hand his survey makes zero mention in any way, shape or form of notions of Jewish race or ethnicity. There is absolutely zero mention whether specific or incidental or potential or inferred. He claims, as indicated above: When you do a survey, if I could just explain this to you, you don't necessarily ask people straight out. Like, for example, I wouldn't put in a survey, "Are you a racist?" What I would do would be to ask a series of questions and then, by analysing the responses to a series of questions, determine the answer to that question. So that's what this report does. It gives you a response from a number of different angles which establish that the Jews form an ethnic community without question, just as the Italians do, just as Chinese Australians do, just as a number of groups in Australia do. 155 Note Wisbey's tone -1 AM asking him a question. He was extremely defensive with witnesses as you are aware. Page 781 of 1018 But the title of the Professors study is 'Jewish Identification In Australia'. The term 'identification' is used throughout the paper. Nowhere is any conclusion reached; nowhere is it mentioned; inferred; discussed; re-iterated; stated; that the study is making findings as to the terms 'Jews' or 'Jewish' being an 'ethnicity'. The Professor made these findings apparently when he was called to give evidence at my trial. "Because when we did the survey, we didn't have in mind this trial that's going on now". The mind boggles as to why such a self-evident commonality like 'attendance at synagogue' is not mentioned. It seems to me that the definition is studiously avoiding any mention of religion if it can. This is a specific goal of the study. A bit like John Cleese in the TV comedy 'Fawlty Towers' where whenever a German guest stay's at his hotel he always whispers loudly to his wife, "Just don't mention the war!" The actual questions (144) are not mentioned in the study but the professor makes it clear that the most asked 156 specific questions on exactly 'what' a Jew is - race, ethnicity, religion - are not part of the study. The 10 page report - 'Jewish Identification In Australia' - simply lists these commonalities as part of the grouped together findings: [1] Knowledge of the Holocaust [2] Fear of/experience of anti-Semitism [3] Bar/ Bat-mitzvah [4] Passover Seder [5] Family Connectedness [6] Jewish identity [7] Friendship patterns [8] Israel It is worth writing out from the study, the details under each heading which are extremely wishy washy and in my opinion worthless and having zero relation to the ACTUAL definition of 'racial group' and 'ethnicity' as used as the foundation for the legislation itself. My lawyer John BOUGHER pointed out at the Directions Hearing on whether Jews formed a 'racial group' according to law. 157 [1] Knowledge of the Holocaust Practically all Jews know the history of the Holocaust and it remains a continuing source of sadness and insecurity. Knowledge of the great tragedy that was inflicted on the Jewish people is taught in Jewish schools and youth groups and is commemorated in synagogues. Major Jewish communities have annual events commemorating the Holocaust. Holocaust Museums have been established in Melbourne and Sydney and they run education programs which reach the wider Australian community - for example, over 15,000 school children from non- Jewish schools visit the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne each year. Funds 156 Simply Google "jews + religion + race + ethnicity" and you will get hundreds of thousands of hit's with the vast majority of definitions claiming "religion" or "family". In fact, I could not find a single web site dedicated to describing Jews as a race or ethnicity. 157 19/11/2010 - " Mr Bougher: ... It seems to me that Marcus is merely relating statistics, which is really hearsay evidence, and I don't see that that has any probative value at all. That's another issue that may be taken up." Page 782 of 1018 are raised to sponsor study visits by Australian school teachers to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Israel. A large number of survivors of the Holocaust migrated to Australia in the period 1947-61. Some 25% of respondents to the Gen08 survey across Australia indicated that they had lived under a 'Nazi or Nazi collaborator regime'. 158 A larger proportion indicated that family members (grandparents, parents, other relatives) had been in concentration camps during the Second World War - 37% in Melbourne, 31% in Sydney, 17% in Perth. [2] Fear of/experience of anti-Semitism There is a relatively high level of discrimination in the form of anti-Semitism reported by Jewish Australians. 60% of respondents in Melbourne, 57% in Sydney and %57 in Perth reported that they had experienced anti-Semitism in Australia. In Melbourne 29%, in Sydney 26% and in Perth 30% reported experience of one or more incidents of anti-Semitism over the last 12 months. In most cases the reported experience was of verbal abuse. [3] Bar/ Bat-mitzvah A Bar / Bat-Mitzvah ceremony is an important rite of passage for a young Jewish person. According to Jewish law, when Jewish children reach 13 years of age for boys and 12 years for girls they become responsible for their actions, and "become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah" (Daughter (Bat) or Son (Bar) of the commandments). This follows a period of intense Jewish learning and includes reading in Hebrew from the Bible during a Saturday service in a synagogue. Of all respondents to the Gen08 survey, 64% in Melbourne, 67% in Sydney and 65% in Perth had a Bar/ Bat-Mitzvah. The proportion is considerably higher amongst the younger generation, highlighting the strengthening of socialisation experiences in the Jewish communities of Australia: over 80% of Jewish respondents aged 18- 34 had a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah. [4] Passover Seder Each year, Jewish families gather with family and friends for a festive meal to celebrate Passover. This occasion commemorates liberation from Egypt, as told in the Book of Exodus. The occasion can also serve to remembering other times of suffering endured by Jewish people during their long history. Although the Passover Seder is of deep religious significance, with it's origin in Exodus: "And you shall tell it to your son on that day, saying 'Because of this God did for us when He took me out of Egypt'", it is commemorated by religious and many secular Jews alike. The Gen08 survey indicates that 86% of respondents in Melbourne, 84% in Sydney and 87% in Perth attend a Passover Seder every year. [5] Family Connectedness An important distinguishing characteristic of Jews in Australian society is the strength of family ties. In both Melbourne and Sydney more than 70% of respondents indicated that they spent Friday evening Sabbath with their family on a regular basis, with 50% of respondents indicating that they spent 'every week' with their family and 23% 'most weeks'. In Perth 52% indicated that they 158 Note the constant use of the term 'Nazi'. The correct term is 'National Socialist'. Imagine if it was worded, "...indicated that they had lived under a 'Commie or Commie collaborator regime'. Page 783 of 1018 spend every Friday evening Sabbath with their family, 26% most weeks, a total of 78%. [6] Jewish identity Jewish identity continues to be of central importance in the lives of Jewish Australians. When asked 'how important is being Jewish in your life today?' close to 90% of respondents in Melbourne and Sydney and 91% in Perth indicated that being Jewish was 'very important' or 'important' for them. [7] Friendship patterns Jews see themselves as very much part of Australian society: 95% were either born in Australia or are naturalised; they have a 'very strong' or 'strong' sense of belonging in Australia, indicated by 84% of respondents in Melbourne, 82% in Sydney, and 82% in Perth. There were almost no respondents who indicated lack of belonging in Australia. But Jewish Australians also maintain strong Jewish friendship networks. Thus 89% of respondents in Melbourne, 86% in Sydney, and 86% in Perth indicated that 'half or more' of their close friendships are Jewish. [8] Israel Identification with Israel unifies the Jewish community. There is evidence of division of opinion in response to many issues, but much of the difference disappears when Israel is considered; close to 80% of respondents indicated that they regarded themselves as Zionist (82% in Melbourne, 78% in Sydney and 85% in Perth), while only 13% did not. Zionism was defined for survey respondents as 'connection to the Jewish people, to Jewish history, culture and beliefs, the Hebrew language and the Jewish homeland'. There are, however, a wide range of views on the policy to be followed in pursuit of peace with Palestinians. It is common for visitors to Australia to comment on the strength of identification with Israel and Zionism within Jewish communities. Thus Professor Fania Oz- Salzberger of Monash and Haifa Universities recently observed: I am yet to find a single Australian Jew who is indifferent towards Israel. There is a level of proximity here that one cannot find amid British or American Jewry, where many individuals are unstirred by their Jewish ancestry, uninvolved with Israel, or both. I like telling my Jewish-Australian friends that they are first cousins to us Israelis, while many other communities are second cousins at best. (AJN, 5 June 2009) When asked for their reaction to international events which put Israel in danger, a large majority indicated that they felt a 'special alarm' (56%) or as if their 'own life was in danger' (20%) Close connection with Israel is maintained by regular visits. 87% in Melbourne, 86% in Sydney and 89% in Perth indicated that they had visited Israel at least once. In the last four years, some four out of ten respondents had visited Israel; 45% in Melbourne, 38% in Sydney and 39% in Perth. 79% of Melbourne respondents have family in Israel, over 68% in Sydney and 79% in Perth. Page 784 of 1018 What has just been described by Professor Markus is Jewish Identity and NOT Jewish ethnicity. By the definitions described above, Catholics, Muslims, Scientologists, Motorcycle Clubs, Bogans, Fat People, Surfers, Cat Lovers, Heavy Metal Music Lovers and ANY other identifiable group can fit the definition of ethnicity. Professor Shlomo Sand 159 points this out: "...nationality is not merely a sense of belonging to some collective body; it is more than a feeling of solidarity and a common interest, for otherwise Protestants would be a nation, and so would cat lovers." Professor Shlomo Sand 2008 "The Invention of the Jewish People" p.303 Verso The above coincides with this comment by Professor Markus: Professor Markus: ... So the idea of commonality as we deal with groups which are ethnic groups, sometimes called racial groups, is that there is something that binds them together. And so what this part of the discussion in the paper is designed to show is - is what is it that binds people together such that they identify as a Jewish person. Mr EYERS: And did you find under the broad heading of "Commonality" that there were a number of different aspects of life and culture and - and, the broader sense, the way in which Jews looked at the world that founded points of commonality?—Yes. And that's what is illustrated then in this report. Transcript 19/01/2011 Page 436 The above comment Dr Walsh, if it is considered "defining", guarantee's that Catholics, Muslims, bikies, Scientologists, Surfies, Cat Lovers, Goths, Gay's, Old People, Young People, and on and on and on. This is 'group identity' and it is NOT as a person off the street would describe as 'ethnicity' as it is understood by ordinary people with an ounce, or perhaps a gram of common sense. It is like watching the Pharisee's "strain at gnats" while swallowing large camels. Along the same lines, this quote: "No one confuses the Catholic faith with the ethnic culture of Italians, Poles, Austrians, Spaniards, or Brazilians - Catholics all. To be a Lutheran is not necessarily to be a Finn, Dane, Swede, Norwegian, or German. Everyone understands that there is a Catholic or a Lutheran faith that is distinct from the various ethnic cultures that take shape in dialogue with that faith, that transcends the particularities of circumstance. Brazilian and American Pentecostals know the difference between nationality and religion. So, too, Judaism is not an ethnic religion, and the opinions of an ethnic group cannot serve to define that religion". Craige R. Prentiss 2003 "Religion And The Creation Of Race And Ethnicity: An Introduction" p.88 New York University Press. Let me apply these standards to a group commonly referred to as 'Bikies'. Here is Professor Andrew Markus's 'commonalities' again: [1] Knowledge of the Holocaust 159 Book - ‘The Invention Of The Jewish People'. Page 785 of 1018 [2] Fear of/experience of anti-Semitism [3] Bar/ Bat-mitzvah [4] Passover Seder [5] Family Connectedness [6] Jewish identity [7] Friendship patterns [8] Israel Let's apply it to 'Bikies': [1] Knowledge of Eureka Stockade and Ned Kelly 160 [2] Fear of/experience of being targeted by police [3] Associate status [4] Patched Member [5] Club connectedness [6] Bikie identity [7] Friendship patterns [8] Clubhouse What's the difference? 'Bikies' wear the same clothes, use the same language and 'slang terms' that is unique to the culture, they go to the same bars, listen to the same music, watch the same movies, ride the same motor bike, have a Clubhouse where they can be amongst other 'bikies' and feel safe (their Israel), have initiation rites, rites of passage etc. Here again is the defining legal precedent quoted often by various courts when dealing with the legal concept of ethnicity: House of Lords: Mandala v Dowell Lee [1983] 2 AC 548, in the case of dealing with the question of whether the Sikh people constituted an ethnic group 161 stated that the following characteristics were essential: • A shared history of which the group was conscious as distinguishing it from other groups, and the memory of which it keeps alive; and • A cultural tradition of its own, including family and social customs and manners, often but not necessarily associated with religious observance. ... and that the following characteristics were relevant, but not essential, to a finding that a group constitutes an 'Ethnic Group': • A common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors; • A common language, not necessarily peculiar to the group; • A common literature peculiar to the group; • A common literature peculiar to the group; • A common religion different from that of neighbouring groups of the general community surrounding it; • Being a minority or an oppressed or a dominant group within a larger community. Again, apply the above to 'Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs', Catholics, and virtually anyone you want. Without: 160 In 'Bikie' culture, the Eureka Stockade incident and Ned Kelly's shootout with police are major points in history where individuals - the 1%'ers - have not conformed with authority and fought back. They identify with this. 161 The Sikhs have even less of a case than Jews do - they are essentially Indians who have only a religious marker to define them as separate from the Indian population. And yet, they were accepted - this is simple ridiculous ignorance built on convenience. Page 786 of 1018 • A common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors... ...as being utterly essential, ethnicity becomes meaningless, indistinguishable from other 'grouping definitions' as this previous quote warns: "Foregrounding fixity/fluidity, rather than some specific content like kinship and descent, risks making ethnicity/race indistinguishable from other cultural categories, such as religion and citizenship, since both of these could also be said to share this dynamic of fixity and fluidity." Denise Kimber Buell 2005 "Why This New Race: Ethnic reasoning in Early Christianity" - p.10 Columbia University Press I'll repeat Professor Andrew Markus's defining comment: Professor Markus: ... So the idea of commonality as we deal with groups which are ethnic groups, sometimes called racial groups, is that there is something that binds them together. And so what this part of the discussion in the paper is designed to show is - is what is it that binds people together such that they identify as a Jewish person. Mr EYERS: And did you find under the broad heading of "Commonality" that there were a number of different aspects of life and culture and - and, the broader sense, the way in which Jews looked at the world that founded points of commonality?—Yes. And that's what is illustrated then in this report. Transcript 19/01/2011 Page 436 Again, apply it to 'Catholics' and 'Muslims' and there is absolutely no excuse to not include them as a 'racial group' utilizing the same standards. This is not a mind trick - according to the discussed definitions they fit, without question. So called "experts" in this field are jamming round pegs into square holes as a matter of political and administrative/legal convenience and nothing more. The transcript (19/01/2011) from page 431-441 has Mr EYERS going into detail with professor Andrew Markus on each of the above eight points: [1] Knowledge of the Holocaust [2] Fear of/experience of anti-Semitism [3] Bar/ Bat-mitzvah [4] Passover Seder [5] Family Connectedness [6] Jewish identity [7] Friendship patterns [8] Israel Please read and note how easily you can apply the same standards to anyone who 'identifies' with a 'group' of people. Page 787 of 1018 The foundation of the legislation is moving away from the common perception of 'ethnicity' and 'race', into Group Identity which leads to Group Defamation whereby anyone who believes they are part of an 'identifiable group' could swear "hurt feelings" if some sort of 'animosity/hatred' is perceived at being directed at the group or individuals in it. That could be fat people complaining about the way the media portrays fat people; or women complaining at the way the media portray women; or politicians complaining about some sort of 'vilification' in the media - I'm sure Stalin would have liked that one on the books but then he had his own version, and on and on and on. The skies the limit. Perhaps this final passage from transcript sums up the legislation as it applies to Jews: Accused: ... And perhaps your Honour could prompt me? Have I asked the question to the professor; do Jewish religious books such as the Tanakh or Old Testament or the Babylonian Talmud, Rabbinic commentaries, which describe in a lot of detail, Jewish life and you could say, not that I believe it, but you could say Jewish ethnic markers, are they reliable history books or are they religious books? Prof Markus: My understanding is that they are religious books. Accused: And as a well-respected academic who - who conducts fairly in-depth studies, would you say it's wise to base legislation on a religious book ? DCJ Wisbey: Well, that's not relevant and you needn't answer that, professor?- -Thank you. Transcript 10/01/2011 Page 462 Professor Shlomo Sand asks the simple question in his book 'The Invention Of The Jewish People "What are the secular markers that denote an ethnic connection between Jews all over the world?" The answer is there aren't any and it's time someone made obvious that the emperor has no clothes on. The legislation has moved into 'self-perception' as a defining argument which again opens up a Pandora's box for ANYONE who wants to have a weapon they can use against critics. Here is a quote from a random Jewish website that discuss what the definition of 'Jewish' is. It would have been good to have been able to go ONLINE 162 and show the jury - in real time - that not one website describes themselves as a 'race' nor 'ethnic' group. NOT ONE. I went through at least 20 popular Jewish websites dealing with the issue. Here is but one example: Is It A Culture or Ethnic Group? Most secular American Jews think of their Jewishness as a matter of culture or ethnicity. When they think of Jewish culture, they think of the food, of the Yiddish language, of some limited holiday observances, and of cultural values like the emphasis on education. 162 With such unique legislation and the internet being such a big part of it, they should have been able to go online - in the court room - and see what is freely on offer as 'information'. They would also see that while I was being prosecuted, hundreds of websites and blogs, maintained by Australians, are not. This would show the highly selective manner in which the legislation was being applied. Page 788 of 1018 Those secular American Jews would probably be surprised to learn that much of what they think of as Jewish culture is really just Ashkenazic Jewish culture, the culture of Jews whose ancestors come from one part of the world. Jews have lived in many parts of the world and have developed many different traditions. As a Sephardic friend likes to remind me, Yiddish is not part of his culture, nor are bagels and lox, chopped liver, latkes, gefilte fish or matzah ball soup. His idea of Jewish cooking includes bourekas, phyllo dough pastries filled with cheese or spinach. His ancestors probably wouldn't know what to do with a dreidel. There are certainly cultural traits and behaviours that are shared by many Jews, that make us feel more comfortable with other Jews. Jews in many parts of the world share many of those cultural aspects. However, that culture is not shared by all Jews all over the world, and people who do not share that culture are no less Jews because of it. Thus, Judaism must be something more than a culture or an ethnic group. http://wwwiewfaq.org/iudaism.htm Note from the above: Those secular American Jews would probably be surprised to learn that much of what they think of as Jewish culture is really just Ashkenazic Jewish culture, the culture of Jews whose ancestors come from one part of the world. As the United States is the culture from which all of these new laws are springing, it is only natural that the concepts - philosophical, historical and legal - are based around the American experience. With 'Jews', that means Ashkenazi Jewish experience from the Jewish peoples of Poland, Russia and to some extent Germany. This is a very specific Yiddish culture that has some claim to a specific ethnicity in the traditional sense...but it is not found anywhere else in the world and does not in any way cross the cultural divide - only the Jewish faith does that. Again, note the above quote: Jews have lived in many parts of the world and have developed many different traditions. As a Sephardic 163 friend likes to remind me, Yiddish is not part of his culture, nor are bagels and lox, chopped liver, latkes, gefilte fish or matzah ball soup. His idea of Jewish cooking includes bourekas, phyllo dough pastries filled with cheese or spinach 164 . His ancestors probably wouldn't know what to do with a dreidel. When the average person thinks "Jewish", he or she is thinking of Ashkenazic Jewish American culture which has stemmed from the vast immigration of Jews from Russia and Poland from the late 18 th century on. "Seinfeld", the hugely popular American comedy series, is based on American Jews; their ethnic background as the average person would know it is Polish and Russian; their genetic makeup indistinguishable from their surrounding neighbours; their day to day secular habits indistinguishable from the people in their village and towns back in Europe and Russia. Here, the major Israeli newspaper Haaretz quotes U.S government education officials not deeming Jews a racial group: HAARETZ.com Can the U.S government officially protect Jewish students? 163 Sephardic = Arab Jew 164 These are specifically 'Arab' culture foods. Page 789 of 1018 Jewish groups exert communal effort to get the U.S Department of Education more deeply involved in probing the allegations of anti-Semitism on college campuses. Published 12:5119.04.10 Latest update 08:52 20.04.10 By The Forward and Josh Nathan-Kazis Are Jews an ethnic or a religious group? This perennial question is now at the heart of a Jewish communal effort to get the U.S Department of Education more deeply involved in probing allegations of anti-Semitism on college campuses. Thirteen national Jewish organizations have sent a letter to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan arguing that the department's Office for Civil Rights has adopted a policy that fails to protect Jewish students from anti-Semitic harassment on college campuses. The March 16 letter urges the department to address incidents of campus anti- Semitism under its mandate to investigate instances of discrimination on the basis of race and national origin. The Jewish groups letter expressed concern that the department is treating campus anti-Semitism solely as a manifestation of religious bias, over which the Education Department lacks jurisdiction. "Jewish students should have some recourse and some remedy if they're subject to intimidation or harassment on the basis of their identity of being Jewish/' said Richard Foltin, director of national and legislative affairs at the American Jewish Committee. "We want to make sure that the resources of our national institutions, ourfederal government, are in place forthose students when they're needed." "The current policy is not to address anti-Semitism at all," said Kenneth Marcus, who headed the department's civil rights office from 2003 to 2004. "The only way a complaint will be addressed is if it's by a black Jew who faces racism, ora female Jew who faces sexism, or a disabled Jew who faces disability discrimination. But a Jew who faces anti-Semitism will not be addressed." Jewish organizations point to written statements from Education Department officials as evidence that the OCR has changed its policy. In a series of letters issued between 2006 and 2009, officials wrote that the office will not investigate allegations based purely on religious discrimination. They do not, however, definitively state whether a student's Jewishness constitutes a solely religious identity. In a 2009 letter responding to an enquiry from Rep. Brad Sherman, a California Democrat, Ali wrote: "It has long been OCR's policy...that title VI does not cover discrimination based solely on religion, including anti-Semitic harassment, intimidation, and discrimination... However, when cases include allegations of race, colour, or national origin discrimination in addition to religious Page 790 of 1018 discrimination, OCR would have jurisdiction over the portion of the complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of race, colour, or national origin." There is that word "identity" again and again. Race and ethnicity are not identity. As Professor Shlomo Sand points out again and again in his book 'The Invention Of The Jewish People', even "cat lovers" are an identity. Dr Walsh, simply Google "jews + ethnicity + race" and every one of those websites will answer they are some form of 'family' - until of course they need to use the term 'ethnicity' or 'race' to get a result they want. I'm sorry, they are that duplicitous. It should also be noted that Professor Markus states EMPHATICALLY that there is NO ISSUE in the Jewish community as to whether they are a race or ethnic group. This is a complete and utter lie. Professor Markus knows very well that it is THE number one issue amongst Jews. This confusion and difference of views is not an unwelcomed confusion in the eyes of what I would call the Jewish Crime Network: So these secular Jews often end up being just another round of Michael Neuman's "veritable shell game" of Jewish identity. "Look! We're a religion! No! a race! No! a cultural entity! Sorry-a religion!" Because this is the key to maintaining Jewish power - if it's indefinable, it's invisible. Like a Stealth Bomber (you can't see it on your radar but you sure know when you've been hit) Jewish power, with its blurred outlines and changing forms, becomes invisible. And if you can't see it you can't fight it. Meanwhile the assault on the Palestinians continues. Paul Eisen "Jewish Power" http://www.rightousiews.org The High Court: There are three possible ways they will go, assuming the matter makes it there -
  • Restate/affirm that 'Jewish Identification' be based on the House of Lords: Mandala v Dowell Lee [1983] 2 AC 548 case and these criteria: • A shared history of which the group was conscious as distinguishing it from other groups, and the memory of which it keeps alive; and • A cultural tradition of its own, including family and social customs and manners, often but not necessarily associated with religious observance. ... and that the following characteristics were relevant, but not essential, to a finding that a group constitutes an 'Ethnic Group': • A common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors; • A common language, not necessarily peculiar to the group; • A common literature peculiar to the group; • A common literature peculiar to the group; • A common religion different from that of neighbouring groups of the general community surrounding it; • Being a minority or an oppressed or a dominant group within a larger community. Page 791 of 1018
  • Make the definition a "self-perception" model with the above criteria as some sort of base line. This will include the "self-perception" of the accused as to the complainants status as an 'ethnic group'.
  • Make "a common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors" an essential criteria and not a "relevant" criteria. Somewhere during their deliberations they are going to have to wrestle with the concept that identity is not ethnicity. Ethnicity can be a component of identity - in fact anything can be a component of identity - but the relevant 'racial vilification' laws relate to the specifics of 'racial group' and the sub group 'ethnicity'. If the High Court deliberates along the lines of identity and the likes of Professor Andrew Markus's study 165 , then the way is open for anyone, and I mean ANYONE - according to the legal definition - to come under the definition of 'racial group' as a matter of law. After all, these will be the affirmed guidelines admitted as essential... • A shared history of which the group was conscious as distinguishing it from other groups, and the memory of which it keeps alive; and • A cultural tradition of its own, including family and social customs and manners, often but not necessarily associated with religious observance. ...and that can be literally anyone. All anyone has to do is argue it 'sincerely'. Even the "relevant" criteria section can be applied to anyone to some degree. The marker that makes the legislation what it was meant to be - what the "man/woman on the street" took it to be-is "a common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors" as part of the essential components that define ethnicity. Then it makes some sense. Hopefully, common sense will reign and point 3 will be affirmed with a component of "self-perception" of the accused coming into play in the specific matter of 'Jews'. [4] Admissibility of Evidence - Prosecution This is perhaps THE major purely legal point of the trial. "What is vastly influential," Archer says, "is what confronts them in the alien and sometimes overawing environment of the court room. This is a realm for which many people have few reference points and where they are inclined in good faith to accept the knowledge and authority of the judge and senior barristers involved. It's an environment where expert witnesses, simply by virtue of their titles, are presumed to be eminent and respected sources. We know this is regularly and very far from the case. However, ordinary people very often don't have the critical skills to analyse what's being presented." Robin Bowles 2007 "Rough Justice - No Justice" The Five Mile Press, p.71 165 Which was inadmissible opinion evidence anyway. Page 792 of 1018 I note this local newspaper article that appeared recently on the matter of a re-trial being ordered because prejudicial opinion evidence was allowed into the trial. Justice Mazza presided and C.J Wayne Martin also: Prejudicial evidence leads to new trial Natasha Boddy THE WEEKEND WEST December 15-16, 2012 Two men convicted of drug offenses have won a retrial because a detective was allowed to give "inadmissible" and "prejudicial" evidence to the jury at their District Court trial. In a decision published yesterday, the Court of Appeal ruled that the convictions of Domenic Italiano and Cameron and Robert Barnes for drug offenses should be overturned after finding there had been a miscarriage of justice during their trial in June last year. Following a 17-day District Court trial, Mr Italiano was found guilty of a charge of possessing methamphetamine with intent to sell or supply while Mr Barnes was convicted of a charge of supplying methamphetamine. This week, Chief Justice Wayne Martin and Justices Pullin and Robert Mazza found the trial had been tainted by the "inadmissible" and " prejudicial" evidence of Det-Sen Const. Peter Gerard Shanahan. Justice Mazza said it was extraordinary "how much inadmissible opinion evidence was adduced which was prejudicial" to the two men. He added that "equally as extraordinary was the failure of Defence counsel to object to it". Please note DCJ McCann's comment at the November 2010 directions hearing on Jews being a racial group: DCJ McCann: The State's case relies on two expert witnesses and the case law in various jurisdictions. The expert witnesses are Rabbi David Freilich and Professor Andrew Markus and the State also relies on the evidence of Mr Keyser. I'll come back to that evidence later. At the moment there is no challenge to the qualifications of any of these witnesses to give opinion evidence. Transcript 19/11/2010 Page 204 Neither Professor Andrew Markus's opinion evidence nor Rabbi Dovid Freilich's opinion evidence was admissible and I should have vigorously opposed its introduction by the prosecution. This includes Professor Andrew Marcus's "study" which was hearsay, nothing more. DCJ Wisbey's summing up is extremely important: DCJ Wisbey: Now, there is one matter that I must specifically refer to and that's what we call expert evidence. You've heard evidence from Professor Markus, the foundation research professor for Jewish Civilization at the Monash University and you have his research paper, which is exhibit 4, and you also heard from Rabbi Freilich, the Chief Rabbi of the Perth Hebrew Congregation. Their evidence was directed to the issue of whether the Jewish people are a race or ethnic group and in terms of the offence, whether they constitute a racial group. As I say, that evidence was lead because the state must establish as one of the elements of the offence that Jewish people are a racial group. Page 793 of 1018 Transcript 27/01/2011 Page 719 Rabbi Freilich was not an "expert witness". He was specifically a "lay witness" giving "opinion evidence". Professor Andrew Markus was an "expert witness" giving "opinion evidence". In other words, they were talking about what they 'think' other people 'think' (in the case of Professor Markus) and Rabbi Freilich was merely extrapolating on his 'beliefs' via an interpretation of a religious book along the lines of his specific Jewish religious sect - Orthodox Judaism. Even the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court agrees. Here are his comments from the appeal hearing on 13 th December 2011 on another point which have direct relevance to Rabbi Freilich's inadmissible opinion evidence: CJ MARTIN: Asking the Rabbi whether other people can be proud of their race and their culture and their heritage and wish to marry amongst their own is plainly an irrelevant question. It is asking the Rabbi to speculate about other people's state of mind. None of that is evidence, is it? How would the Rabbi know the position of Anglicans in England? How would he know the position of other people in Western Australia and whether they are proud of their race on the face that the question was plainly objectionable? Transcript CACR 28&29 of 201113/12/2011 Page 23 Besides the Chief Justice explaining that the Rabbi should never have been allowed in the court room (which of course I agree with) - he got the gist of the question wrong. I was asking the Rabbi's opinion of whether "other" people are allowed to be proud of their race, culture and heritage, and demand to marry amongst their own "race", as he demands. The point was to show that by definition the Rabbi sounds like a racial supremacist - which he is; and Israel is a racist apartheid state - again, by definition. They can't have it both ways. At a Directions Hearing two months before the trial, these comments were made that are instructive on this point: Mr BOUGHER: Well, I think, whether or not the State considers that those witnesses need to be called, depends a bit upon the rulings that your Honour makes today. It seems to me that Marcus is merely relating statistics, which is really hearsay evidence, and I don't see that that has any probative value at all. That's another issue that may be taken up. DCJ McCann: But for the purposes of this hearing this morning I'm going to proceed Mr BOUGHER: No, your Honour. Although, as I say, I comment that the statistical evidence really is hearsay and it's not probative, so I think that it can be disregarded. The Rabbi's opinion and evidence in his statement is something that at this stage, of course, can be taken into account by your Honour. DCJ McCann: Sorry, I was making a note and I missed half of what you just said. I can take into account Rabbi Freilich's evidence? Mr BOUGHER: Yes. As it's here on the papers; as it stands now. It's untested, of course. But the statement of Markus - I think it's Professor Markus, is it? - he Page 794 of 1018 really just gives a statistical outline, basically, which in my submission doesn't have any probative value. Transcript 19/11/2010 Page 183-184 DCJ McCann at the 19 November Directions Hearing makes some more comments on the status of both Rabbi Freilich and Professor Andrew Markus: DCJ McCann: The State's case relies on two expert witnesses and the case law in various jurisdictions. The expert witnesses are Rabbi David Freilich and Professor Andrew Markus and the State also relies on the evidence of Mr Keyser. I'll come back to that evidence later. At the moment there is no challenge to the qualifications of any of these witnesses to give opinion evidence. Transcript 19/11/2010 Page 204 On the point of Rabbi Freilich, he was making statements only in his capacity as head of the Hebrew Orthodox Religious Community - not as a representative of "Jews" in general. It was as if the Arch Bishop of the Perth Catholic Community was making 'defining' statements as to what a "Christian" was and believes, all while the fact that there are wildly differing interpretations amongst dozens of different Christian sects is ignored. DCJ Wisbey should have clarified and amplified to the jury that Rabbi Freilich was only a "lay witness" and only expressing his "opinion" on what a Jew was/is in his capacity as the specific head of the Perth Hebrew congregation. The simple fact is he should never have been on the stand. Let me quote from Professor Andrew Markus's much discussed 'report' on the above specific point to do with Rabbi Freilich. Under the heading 'Divisions Amongst Jewish Australians' 166 : Divisions amongst Jewish Australians Amongst Jewish Australians, as amongst all groups of people, there are significant divisions. There are marked divisions, for example, along lines of religious belief 167 (and non-belief), with the main forms of identification being the Ultra-Orthodox, Strictly Orthodox, Modern Orthodox, Conservative, Traditional, Progressive and Secular. These divisions impact on the way people lead their lives - for example, the frequency of synagogue attendance, the following of religious observances, including dietary laws and the way children are raised. So, Rabbi Freilich is representative of the Perth Jewish Community and Jews in general? DCJ Wisbey's summing up 'on the evidence' on this vital point was grossly inadequate and one sided. Rabbi Freilich's testimony is not even relevant as he is a religious leader and there was never any contention that Jews were not a religious group. Mr Justin Whalley in a letter to my lawyer dated 28 th of July 2010 made this statement about Rabbi Freilich's statement and testimony to come at trial: Whilst the definition of 'racial group' in Code s.76 makes no reference to religion it does refer to "ethnic origins." The dictionary definition of "ethnic" includes "a 166 Full report name 'Jewish Australians And Jewish Identification'. 167 Professor Markus's 'bold' emphasis. Page 795 of 1018 social group having common national, racial, cultural and religious...characteristics." Accordingly the State will contend that the evidence of Rabbi FREILICH is relevant to this issue. Freilich was never relevant to the case and his testimony and statement should not have been allowed. It was never in dispute that Jews were a 'religious group'. I object to him taking the stand early on: DCJ Wisbey: Mr O'Connell, I've got three applications for the evidence of Mr Peach, who's in the United Kingdom, Mr Markus, who is in Melbourne, and Mr Freilich, who is in Israel, to give evidence by video-link. Do you have any problem with that? Accused: Adjudicator, other than it's merely hearsay. I mean, Rabbi Freilich is a religious man. That's hearsay. Fle's going to be talking from a religious perspective. That's not relevant at all to this - to this matter. That's faith. That's not relevant at all. DCJ Wisbey: In the circumstances, having regard to the provisions of the Evidence Act, in particular section 121,1 propose to make orders that the evidence of the witnesses Peach, Freilich and Markus be taken by way of video link. Transcript 17/01/2011 Page 313 On specifically Professor Andrew Markus's 'report', becoming an 'exhibit' - this made what is essentially hearsay from un-named sources into something it was not, in the eyes of the jury. I should have refused to allow it to be entered as an 'exhibit' and fought sternly to have it labelled hearsay and inadmissible, just as both DCJ Wisbey and prosecutor Eyre's had done to me. I discussed this with Mr EYERS before the commencement of proceedings and agreed to let him have it entered because I thought that be being 'nice and co-operative' I might get my own material entered onto the record. Please don't laugh, that's the way I 'think'. I realise that is not the way to think in court. DCJ Wisbey: Mr EYERS, in respect to the matter of the report, I would not accept the report into evidence as an exhibit. It will be necessary for the witness to articulate those matters you wish to put before the court. Mr EYERS: Well, your Flonour, can I just address that? DCJ Wisbey: Yes, certainly. Mr EYERS: I think Mr O'Connell - it's obviously subject to your Honours view and ruling, would welcome me putting the report before the jury also. DCJ Wisbey: Well - Mr EYERS: So it would be put in by consent. DCJ Wisbey: — if Mr O'Connell wishes - is content that it go before - the report go in evidence, then there would be no difficulty. Page 796 of 1018 Yes Mr O'Connell? Accused: ... Your Honour, the only thing I have with the material is that it's - it's basically hearsay. And as long as the jury know that it's pretty much hearsay, then the professor can — DCJ Wisbey: Well, the issue is whether the jury get the report as an exhibit. Do you wish them to have it as an exhibit or do you just wish the witness — Accused: Yeah. They can knock themselves out, have a read. I'm happy with that, your Honour. Mr EYERS: Yes. So it was an application by consent. I did canvass it with Mr O'Connell. DCJ Wisbey: Yes. Well, in those circumstances, perhaps we should have the jury in and start. Transcript 19/01/2011 Page 424-425 I have run out of energy Dr Walsh. You get the idea. [5] Admissibility of Evidence - Defence I know that many jurors endure sleepless nights when they find out more details of the story after the case is over. Many ask themselves, 'Why didn't they just tell us the whole truth and nothing but the truth?' If jurors are considered responsible adults who have been co-opted to make serious decisions about a fellow member of their community, shouldn't they have all the facts, not just the selected bits that both sides want to let them hear? But giving the jury the whole story is perilously close to plain common sense, which as juror 'Bluey' says, "it aint that common." Robin Bowles 2007 "Rough Justice - No Justice" The Five Mile Press, p.72 Before going on, please refer back to page 67 of this letter and the article about a British Judge, Bathurst-Norman, who made positive comments about the accused in a trial where the accused had damaged property to prevent harm coming to the Palestinians in Gaza: Describing evidence shown in court, Judge Bathurst-Norman told the jury that he could only describe the "horrific" events shown as, "scenes which one would rather have hoped to have disappeared with the Nazi regimes of the last war". Evidence "shown". Exactly what I wanted to do so the Jury could see the psychological motivating factors behind my behaviour. This is extremely important. It's not like the court didn't know from very early on that I wanted to present large amounts of material to dispel the prejudice of the jury: ACCUSED: Just finally, I'm very happy with that - was it five to ten days for a trial? That's wonderful because there will be extensive background information needed Page 797 of 1018 to be given to the jury from my part, including documentaries - mainstream documentaries. Transcript 24/04/2010 Page 93 As you are aware, I was continually promised the chance to present evidence by first presenting it to DCJ Wisbey who was concerned it would violate the premise of 'hearsay'. I was promised by both DCJ Wisbey and prosecutor Antony Ayres that chance. I had argued that section 80B (Conduct likely to racially harass) was defensible under 80G (b) (ii) and (c) and I was at least entitled to present the material that formed my views so the jury could ascertain if in fact my actions were in the public interest etc. 80G. Defences (1) It is a defence to a charge under section 78 or 80B to prove that the accused persons conduct was engaged in reasonably and in good faith - (b) in the course of any statement, publication, discussion or debate made or held, or any other conduct engaged in, for - (ii) any purpose that is in the public interest; and (c) in making or publishing a fair and accurate report or analysis of any event or matter of public interest. Also, what I have read, watched, and listened too over ten years regarding Jewish power and the underlying racial and religious supremacism goes to the heart of intent under section 77 of the code as well as the argument that the jury is so tainted and prejudiced from the beginning on matters of Jewish persecution and their status as a vulnerable minority group that I should have been allowed to clarify this heavily. 'Jews' are without doubt, I repeat, without doubt, the most powerful "group" of people in the world. This is a matter of the simple historical and present day record. This influenced my behaviour and would go a long way to creating inferences for the jury as to my state of mind and subsequent intent. From page 662 to 667 of the Transcript you see me arguing that I should be able to present material. DCJ Wisbey and the prosecution raise the issue of hearsay again despite stating earlier that I would be able to present material for the inspection of both Judge and Prosecutor. Mr EYERS has finished his cross examination of me. Now DCJ Wisbey is inviting me to raise any matters that have come out of cross examination: The Witness: Will I be able to - when do I get to present my material? So it goes to the heart of intent, good faith, innocent intentions. DCJ Wisbey: Are there - are there any matters you wish to raise arising out of cross examination? —I just raised these matters, and we can move on when - when that is respected. Perhaps — 168 The Witness: I have mountains of material. DCJ Wisbey: -ladies and gentlemen, would you retire for a short time, and perhaps you'll use the time to select a new foreperson. Thank you. 169 168 This appears to me be me saying this but I suspect this is the prosecutor, not me. 169 A new foreperson so late in the game? Page 798 of 1018 (At 11.11 am the jury retired) Now a debate between judge, prosecutor and myself ensues in the absence of the jury around admissibility of evidence - again. Previously I had been told that I would be able to present the individual evidence that would elucidate for the jury my 'intent' to DCJ Wisbey for him to review individually. Clearly they had no intention of ever doing this. Pages 662 to 667 27/01/201111:10: DCJ Wisbey: So are there any issues that have arisen out of the cross- examination? Which is probably unlikely since you refused to answer most of the questions. Are there any issues that you wish to raise?—I wish to present material to the jury. It's as simple as that. I mean, how much simpler - look, I want to conduct a defence. Is that too hard for you, Mr Wisbey? Which — Well —?—Which law school did you go to? It's not too hard for me, but it appears to be too hard for you?—Can I read stuff into the record? No, you —?—Could I read it to the jury? Well, if you can - first of all, what do you want to do? And for what purpose?— Well, it goes to the heart of intent, sir. No, what do you want - what do you want to read to the jury?—I can conduct a defence based on 80G, which is the first - the first matter of the indictment. Did you - did you hear what I asked you?—What I want to present? What is it to you what I present? 170 He can cross examine on that. He can be advised for his little - his little rabbis that are coming in. 171 They can advise him on that at a later date. I'd like to read about "The King's Torah: A Rabbinic Text or a Call to Terror" by Haaretz, one of the major newspapers in Israel. I want to read it to them. Mr EYERS: Well, I'd object on the basis of, firstly, relevance; secondly, it's hearsay The Witness: What are you talking about? Straight out of the rabbi's mouth. Which is backing my material. This is the material that's formed my world view. Note DCJ Wisbey's question from above: "So are there any issues that have arisen out of the cross- examination? Which is probably unlikely since you refused to answer most of the questions." I should have said, "Yes, I wish to cross examine myself." He knew that is what I wanted to do - to cross examine myself with access to the material I wished to make known to the jury so I could answer Mr EYERS questions in detail and in context. Because I do not state clearly that I wish to cross examine myself, Wisbey can claim he had every right to end the trial. 170 I don't believe I ever said this..."What is it to you..." This is a mistake on the part of the transcriber. 171 Prosecutor Mr Ayres had an Orthodox Jew barrister in his ear when I came in that morning advising him. Page 799 of 1018 I might add he ended it (trial) on January the 27 th , 2011 - Holocaust™ Remembrance Day. A nice touch. Maybe DCJ Wisbey got a free trip to Israel, business class, to see the HolocaustTM memorial there? The debate rages on for several pages. How could I then at least defend myself (using 80G) on charge 1 of the indictment - 80B. Conduct likely to racially harass. 80G. Defences (1) It is a defence to a charge under section 78 or 80B to prove that the accused persons conduct was engaged in reasonably and in good faith - (b) in the course of any statement, publication, discussion or debate made or held, or any other conduct engaged in, for - (ii) any purpose that is in the public interest; and (c) in making or publishing a fair and accurate report or analysis of any event or matter of public interest. How could I show the jury that my conduct was engaged in reasonably and in good faith for a purpose that is in the public interest while making or publishing a fair and accurate report or analysis of any event or matter of public interest ? I can't show anything? I can't show that what I say, and my view of Stanley Keyser as an obvious stooge and agitator, is 'reasonable'. Please refer to page 10 and the concept of the 'Sayanim'. I insist on the above point almost continuously throughout the trial. In particular, in relation to the confrontation with Stanley Elliot Keyser and section 80B: Page 600 on... Page 609: "Can I please present to the jury the documentary video's I have describing how Brendon Lee of the family O'Connell came to these assumptions?" Page 610: "Mr EYERS, I'd like to answer your question by showing to the jury some of the material of how I've come to believe Mr Keyser as having said he's a member of the Jewish community, why I can make these assumptions reasonably. Let me show those documentaries." Page 611: "In my heart of hearts made perfectly reasonable assumptions, based on my knowledge and direct experience, and the direct experiences of others. Let me show that to the jury." Page 614: (Mr EYERS) - "This is your assertion of views into a factual vacuum, isn't it?—According to you." It is constantly stated outright or insinuated by the prosecution that, "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing", that I have no idea what I am talking about. Surely, it would be prudent to show a jury EXACTLY how I came to my 'views' which are directly related to the defence of 80G: 80G. Defences (1) It is a defence to a charge under section 78 or 80B to prove that the accused persons conduct was engaged in reasonably and in good faith - (b) in the course of any statement, publication, discussion or debate made or held, or any other conduct engaged in, for - (ii) any purpose that is in the public interest; and (c) in making or publishing a fair and accurate report or analysis of any event or matter of public interest. Page 800 of 1018 The following long passage from the trial shows the idiocy that can take place with regards the application of this legislation. Here, the prosecutor Mr Antony EYERS claims my "intention" must have been to vilify Jews because I had not properly researched the subject matter! MR EYERS: Thank you your Honour. Ladies and gentlemen, when it comes to consider intention, what was Mr O'Connell's intention? This exchange, and its page 504 on the transcript for the record, may assist you. And it was a question put by Mr O'Connell to Rabbi Freilich. And he asked this, that's to say Mr O'Connell: What is the holiest book? What - what are your main books? Just to clarify the main books. Would it be the Babylonian Talmud, the books of the Mishnah, Gemera, Rabbinic Commentaries, or would it be the Tanakh or Old Testament. Which would be your favourite and most - most important books that define whether you're a race or a religion or both? The rabbi replied in this way: None of those actually. The most important book is the Shulkan Aruk, which is the final decisions of those particular discussions by the rabbi's and from - from the Torah down to the Mishna, the Gemera and then finally the Shulkan Aruk gives the final Halakah. 172 I don't understand the context of that, but perhaps you can infer the context. And so the rabbi said: So if I had to have one book - if I had to have one book to make this - Mr O'Connell interrupted: Forgive me, sorry. I don't mean to interrupt. So, okay, so according to you then, there are rabbinic commentaries and so on make no final decisions whatsoever. There is no final clarification within the books? Answer from rabbi Freilich: No. 173 Question by Mr O'Connell: None? And the rabbi said this: The Torah has laws which of course are very - are actually very straightforward but again they have - they're discussed in the Talmud and then finally, the final decisions are in the Shulkan Aruk. Now - now, there are many opinions by a number of the rabbis in the Talmud 172 "Religious Law" 173 This is a common lie by the rabbi's to deflect away criticism of the sick and twisted ravings contained within their various Rabbinic Commentaries. Page 801 of 1018 discussing those laws in the Torah and in fact you could - you could take any of those opinions out of context and say, you know, "This is the opinion of Judaism". But it's not. The final - the - and as - as it is with many law books, you can have various opinions of various judges, but - but there's - there's a - there's a final decision on a situation. All right. Well, that's a very important point - Said Mr O'Connell. And then the rabbi finished in this way: Now, the same as with Judaism, the Shulkan Aruk is the final decision. I just want to re-iterate that the rabbi has just given the classic answer to deflect criticism of the Talmud etc. He is lying and he knows he is lying. The various Rabbinic Commentaries ALL give a final answer on many subjects. Also, one must ask whether it is necessary to debate whether sex with an animal is the right thing to do or whether sex with a 9 year old boy or a 3 year old girl is the right things to do or whether Noah had sex with all the animals on the Ark 174 - obviously they had some weird legal problems in those days. Just to give an example of the way the Talmud and other Commentaries are twisted to deceive Gentile eyes - there was the case of Hollywood director Steven Spielberg using a quote from the Talmud on the poster advertising the movie 'Schindlers List'. It said: "He who saves a life, it is as if he has saved the whole world". The 'Jewish Talmud' is quoted as the source on the poster. What the Talmud actually says is: "He who saves a Jewish life, it is as if he has saved the whole world." You see the difference a word makes. This is in perfect congruence with Talmud and other Commentaries stating that non-Jewish lives are worthless. That the difference between a Jewish soul and a non- Jewish soul is like that of a human to an animal. Or such classic Talmud comments as: "The best of the Gentiles should be killed. The best of snakes should have their heads crushed." This is a classic comment from who is said to be the "nicest" of the great Rabbi's, Maimonides . 175 Mr EYERS continues: Now, that may or may not be the case. Whether it is or not is irrelevant. But the point may be this, for your consideration, ladies and gentlemen. Mr O'Connell has not read the Shulkan Aruk 176 . Okay? In his critique and in reaching the views that he holds, and he's entitled to hold views and any views he wishes. That's not what this is about. Correct. It's not what it's about but that's EXACTLY what they made it about - they did not like my "views" and they have called them "abhorrent", over and over again, making it plain that the legislation is being used to stifle knowledge, not encourage reasoned debate. Mr EYERS continues: But when he expresses himself in public, when he publishes, when he cranks up the modern day equivalent of the medieval printing presses, ask yourself this: in light of that breath taking omission to read a book advanced as the final word, is he intending to approach the subject on a balanced, rational basis or is he intending, through the omission of his research and the partialness of his approach - is he 174 No! I'm not making this up! 175 See Mr Michael Hoffman on this subject < http://www.revisionisthistorv.org > 176 Lie. I made it quite plain that I had not read the original but respected commentaries on it. Page 802 of 1018 intending not to enter into a reasoned, balanced, rational debate in possession of all possible materials to enter such a debate - for instance, actually doing his homework, as you'd have expected, being armed with requisite knowledge to enter a debate, a free and open and fair debate, an exchange of ideas and opinions, or is he intending to create, promote and increase animosity towards the Jewish people? So, was this legislation debated and passed to ensure "accurate reports"? Is Mr EYERS on medication or has he forgotten to take his medication? Mr EYERS, and just about all the comments by people I have read on this subject make the same mistake, over and over - they focus on content/views and not the delivery/tone/inflection and political background of the person charged. It was clear I was angry when I made certain comments and statements online and I have explained those. The DPP knew all about it but they carried on with their ridiculous indictment because they were too embarrassed to stop. Mr EYERS even states: "for instance, actually doing his homework, as you'd have expected, being armed with requisite knowledge to enter a debate, a free and open and fair debate, an exchange of ideas and opinions", so, is Mr EYERS saying that only "fully informed" and "suitable qualified" persons may enter a "free and open debate"? This argument reminds me of the Soviet Union where a young poet was charged with 'seditious poetry'. When he told the judge he wasa legitimate poettheCommunistJudge roared back, "You have no qualifications as a poet! Which university did you attend?" I kid you not. In the Soviet Union you really DID have to attend a State approved course to comment on anything. Sound familiar? Mr EYERS goes on: You see, at that point, that exchange with rabbi Freilich may well shine a light upon where Mr O'Connell comes from. One can collect selective quotations from all over the place, and as you appreciate, I think Professor Markus said, "Two Jews, five opinions." Two Australians, five opinions. We're all entitled to hold our opinions. But the moment that we generalise the particular - an Afghani suicide bomber blows up 35 people in Kabul. The moment we attack or approach an Afghani on the streets of Perth in saying, "You are a racist, homicidal maniac," we're generalising the particular. This brings me back to the point Dr Walsh of being able to present EVIDENCE of my views. My view of Stanley Elliot Keyser was perfectly reasonable under the circumstances of having known him for 5 minutes before I called him a racist. For instance - he was at the rally stalking people and photographing them. He yelled repeatedly that, "What you're doing is disgusting!" He lied to the F.O.P organisers by stating the shopping centre security had asked them to move on. He was obviously a committed activist and Zionist. With all of that in mind, and what you know now Dr Walsh about mainstream Jewish racial and religious supremacism from this synopsis - was it so unreasonable to call him a "racist homicidal maniac"? If I had of been able to present the material that formed my views to the jury they would have seen that I obtained my "views" from perfectly reasonable sources and my delivery was understandable under the circumstances. But even that's not the point. The point is Mr EYERS is making the mistake of linking 'truth' and 'accuracy' to the legislation. It has been said over and over that 'Truth' is not a Defence in this watered down 'group defamation' legislation as someone could ostensibly use 'Truth' with the "intent" of creating animosity against a racial group. Like having a knife in your possession, it is not the possession of the legal knife, but your "intent" while carrying it. If Mr EYERS wishes to raise the accuracy of my "views" then he should have had the decency not to object to me presenting evidence to the jury of where I had gotten my views from and that many other high profile and highly respected activists also shared my views and expressed them forcefully. Page 803 of 1018 Mr EYERS continues: And that's the danger in the approach, and that's why we submit to you that Mr O'Connell's intention is precisely that; to generalise deliberately the particular with a view of creating, promoting and increasing animosity towards the Jewish people. And that is borne out, we say, if you put into context that final exchange with rabbi Freilich and the breath taking omission - conceded omission in the learning of Mr Brendon Lee O'Connell. Thank you your Honour. Transcript 27/01/2011 Page 684-687 As we see clearly, Mr EYERS contends that his view that I was not fully informed of certain matters meant that I could only have had the intent of increasing hatred of Jews. This is ridiculous logic. It shows that Mr EYERS "intent" was to get a conviction at any cost. The Hansard debate shows clearly that the legislation was aimed at 'true blue racist' of the ilk of Jack Van Tongeren and the activities of the 'Australian Nationalist Movement'. Even then I find the legislation a dangerous tool of the State to stifle political movements - however "unpalatable" they might be. The High Court must surely see this. I'm sure Adolf Hitler had the best intentions when he outlawed the Communist Party. I'm sure Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin had the best intentions when they sent "unpalatable" poets, writers, political activists, politicians and house wives to the Gulags and firing squads. The legislation is to easily turned against the very people it was supposed designed to protect and it should be completely got rid of. Below is a "parable" of sorts to emphasise the point that "intent" cannot be linked to "views" that the State finds unpalatable. A parable on the above point would be something along the lines of me finding written, audio and video material that indicated to me that a particular man/family in my community was/were extremely dangerous to the community - an important matter in the public interest. Seeing the man nearing my own family in the street, and convinced of the danger I believe he posed, I rugby tackle the man to the ground. A crowd gathers, the police are called. The man says, "What are you doing! Are you crazy?" I reply, "I know what you are doing. I have evidence to show you are a great danger to the community!" Imagine charges are laid and the prosecutor alleges that I 'intended' through my actions, to incite the community against the man and his family based purely on his ethnic origins and my 'irrational hatred' of him. I defend myself by explaining that I have perfectly reasonable information that he is in fact a great danger to the community and supports murder of innocent people in another State, this explains my sudden actions on seeing him in the street. I then attempt to show the jury the material that led me to garner my belief as to the danger he posed, to show that my behaviour was not based on an 'intent' to vilify and incite against him and his family out of an irrational hatred based on his 'ethnic origins', but on a sincere belief that he posed a great danger to my community which then explains for the jury my behaviour of rugby tackling him to the ground. The judge refuses, and my statements sound like that of an extremist, a madman. Page 804 of 1018 The man then plays on his fine reputation. The jury does not have to assess whether the material is true, just that any reasonable person would react similarly in such a situation after having been informed by the material - no matter if it turned out to be true or false. There was no 'intent', just an understandable reaction on having viewed perfectly reasonable material on the subject. I was never able to clarify this for the jury. The jury are poisoned and biased from the beginning. I clarify this in court: Accused: But regardless, isn't - intent seems to be the heart of the matter sir, and if the blog is going to be read out then surely intent, part of that is convincing the jury that what I had written about or made statements of is reasonable and in good faith. Now, if I were to produce even non-academic or even non mainstream sources which are perfectly reasonable in the eyes of the jury - to make a decision, they will make a - a judgement as the highest authority in the court, whether that's a reasonable point of view to take, which then goes to the heart of intent. Transcript 27/01/2011 Page 519 Again, British Judge Bathurst-Norman appeared to have no problem with this: Describing evidence shown in court, Judge Bathurst-Norman told the jury that he could only describe the "horrific" events shown as, "scenes which one would rather have hoped to have disappeared with the Nazi regimes of the last war". In his summing up, he gave his backing to his evidence of one defendant, Ornella Saibene, a former Greenham Common activist. The judge said, "She took us through the horrors, and there is really no other word for it than horrors, that emerged in the press and on the news and the footage as to what the Israeli's were doing in Gaza. You may think that perhaps 'hell on earth' would be an understatement of what the Gazan's endured." http://www.dailvmail.co.uk/news/article-1297219/Judge-faces-anti-semitism-probe- speech-attacking-lsrael-helps-free-arms-factory-protestors/ I need to clarify that I had prepared a detailed list of evidence including written, audio and audio¬ visual. It was headed "JURY PRESENTMENT AND CLARIFICATION OF PARTICULARS". It contained my Defence, the relevant legislation, and a detailed and explanatory accounting of what was on the 17 DVD disks I had prepared for each member of the jury and the prosecution. I had planned to enter it into evidence as to my state of mind under Section 77 of the legislation and under Section 80b with regards to "in the public interest". Some of it I planned to show to the jury during the trial itself to answer specific questions and some of it I expected the jury would watch while they made deliberations after closing arguments. I initially did not know how to do this. I watched prosecutor Antony EYERS give material to the jury at the beginning of the trial and it did not occur to me that I could do the same. Several days into the trial I was told that I should be doing the same. Over the weekend I worked 18+ hours a day to prepare the material and by the Monday I had it ready. DCJ Wisbey would not let me present it as you are Page 805 of 1018 aware. Whenever you see the argument on "presenting evidence", please be aware that it refers to the document "JURY PRESENTMENT AND CLARIFICATION OF PARTICULARS" and the associated material that had been meticulously collected and presented. On page 620 Mr EYERS states outright the problem: Mr EYERS: Your Flonour, again, as an officer of the court in a broader sense, rather than merely prosecuting counsel, Mr O'Connell has referred repeatedly, or made mention repeatedly before the jury to material which he's been prevented from putting before the jury. Now, initially, of course, I made the submission and your Flonour agreed with the basic principal that out-of-court statements, by persons not called as witnesses, or opinions by persons who were neither present nor expert witnesses, were prima facie inadmissible. Now, that's a general statement of principal, legal principal. It's very basic. If Mr O'Connell wishes to seek a separate ruling in relation for his satisfaction on - or he believes he's got any evidence which he wishes to put before the jury which is properly admissible, in other words, it's not hearsay or the opinions of others who aren't experts, then I would invite him and I'd invite your Flonour, as the officer of court and a duty to see that these matters are conducted properly to make an application and put the evidence before your Flonour. Because I'm just concerned that if he feels aggrieved or he feels that he has any evidence which isn't categorised as inadmissible in the way that I've outlined, he should properly be given the opportunity to draw it to your Flonours attention and if it is admissible rely upon it before the jury. It's been mentioned repeatedly that I think we have to grasp the metal, with respect, your Flonour. Let me continue along the same theme, page 624,1 state: Witness: So just quickly - just, sorry, very brief - just to quickly clarify. So what I find difficult is your asking me a question and I wish to - not - I'm - I'm - not going to give a yes/no answer. I'm going to say, "Well, let me show to the jury on that point how I came to that assumption." You keep saying, "You're making assumptions." Well, let me show you how I made that assumption. If you'd been living the same way of life three to four thousand years long, and your heritage and your culture is based on those religious books, I mean, what else is there? Your holiest of teachings. The law. Then you wont let me show you what they are, then it's going to sound funny when I say, "You're a bunch of racist, homicidal maniacs." But if I could show the jury and the context, and suddenly they go, "Oh, that's how he came to that conclusion." But I can't do that, according to you. You are fairly aware of the above argument which I put to you in previous submissions which the WASCA refused to consider, stating the submissions were not put in on time. In my opinion there was never any intention of letting me present material and I draw your attention Dr Walsh to the official critique of racial vilification legislation ('So Far So Good') where they state the Page 806 of 1018 greatest fear of using the legislation is that 'abhorrent views' may be spread about the community. This was a constant theme of both the trial and appeal process. It was even stated to me by a prison officer at Casuarina prison that the Minister of Corrective Services himself (Redman) had issued instructions that I was to be prevented from spreading 'my views' using DCS computers and photocopiers, hence why I had so much difficulty in accessing them, and my WASCA submissions disappeared and the Sworn Affidavit to this effect disappeared from my mail sent to you. Both lawyers - Rod Keeley and John BOUGHER - had been briefed (in my opinion) to only allow a defence of "bad temper" with no 'intent' under section 77 but I would not be able to spread my abhorrent views 177 to the jury and accompanying media. This meant I would not be able to remove the prejudice the jury is bound to have against anyone claiming Jews or Judaism are anything other than collective Saints. [6] Accusing the Senior Prosecutor of Corruptly Colluding With the Local Jewish Community and the Nine network Before making these statements at the 20/11/2009 hearing, it is worth noting that I had been harassed intensely including: • Car brake lines interfered with - mechanics report. • Turning off of house alarm, front door left unlocked and ajar. • Outside bedroom door unlocked during night. • Being regularly followed. I have footage of this. One person in particular had been present at two rallies in support of the people of Gaza filming protestors. The same man had followed me to the Bell Tower and sat next to me listening while I filmed (I have this on video). Followed me to a cafe, when I pulled out a camera he about faced and almost ran to get away from me (I have a photo of this). The same man was security at the 'Friends Of Israel' gathering which the Israeli Ambassador attended (I have this on video). He is an Israeli. • A local production of 'A Current Affair' had made grossly defamatory statements against me. They had imputated and inferred I was somehow affiliated with neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups. They had grossly re-edited the video at the heart of the case. I am an avid critic and observer of the media and I have never seen a more grossly done 'hit piece' as produced by the Nine Network. They were the only media outlet to do this to me. • A friend in the United States had been harassed intensely. Stalked at her home, her work. Her cat and chickens killed. Her dogs tasered. People entering her house regularly. • Both myself and my friend in the United States had our computers hacked. Files deleted - material I had collected on Stanley Elliot Keyser. Emails deleted off both our computers and our relevant I.S.P email servers. In one case, my friend in the U.S had her Yahoo email account give the official Yahoo site "email sent" confirmation message, not as the name she was using on that particular account, but as her well known online name "America" - as in "Your message has been sent America ©". This is an astounding degree of high end hacking. • Telephone conversations interfered with - important points in messages were garbled such as the giving of Western Union money transfer numbers. The line was clear until the number was given and then electrical interference would obscure the voice on the other end. This happened numerous times when either myself or my friend were attempting to give the number so money could be collected by the other. Please note, the Israeli company 'Verint' 177 All mainstream views easily knowable by a person interested in the subject. Most people know nothing about Quantum Physics but they can find out if they want. Page 807 of 1018 have access to the U.S and Australian telephone exchanges in their capacity as hardware and software providers for state and federal police data intercepts. A local Western Australian police officer - Mr Robert Critchlie - was found guilty of tipping off the leader of a local neo- Nazi gang (Daniel Hort) that his telephone communications were being intercepted. Clearly, this specialist police unit might have a few problems in it. Incidentally, the above member of that gang received a paltry 7 month suspended sentence for firing three high powered rifle rounds into the rook of a local Perth Mosque. • Threatened by police, "When this court case is over, it won't be over." I had told police at the initial raid on my house - on video - that I would be using the trial to highlight Israeli Intelligence activity. Perhaps this explains the harassment? Later, Inspector Barry Shelton (Counter terrorism) would comment via email, that, "We all respect your work". Perhaps this explains the Israeli Ambassador's arrival at a 'Friends Of Israel' rally a few months later? On 20/11/20111 was brought back to court and charged again 5 more times after I had put up a blog to defend myself from the grossly defamatory media reporting. The start of the postings happened 2-3 months after I was initially charged. I had no doubt the Nine Networks reporting was not a random event but part of a co-ordinated campaign by the Western Australian D.P.P, Jewish Community and Nine Network to prevent me garnering general public support as a 'Free Expression' issue, hence why I was so grossly defamed in the way I was. I state at page 3 of the 20/11/2009 transcript: Accused: Your Flonour, before we go on, is this Mr Alan Troy? DCJ Martino: This is Mr Troy, yes. Accused: It is Mr Troy. Your Flonour, Mr Alan Troy has literally conspired with the media, Channel 9, and members of the Jewish community, it's come to my attention, to slander me, to intimidate me. The State Security Investigation Group under Detective or Comrade Detective Timothy Richard Paini and his boss from the State Security Investigation Unit — DCJ Martino: Mr O'Connell — Accused: — have sought to intimidate me. DCJ Martino: Mr O'Connell, stop. Mr O'Connell, stop. This is not the position for you to make speeches. I'll give you an opportunity to make submissions — Accused: Your Flonour, I'm just making a statement that I am being harassed intensely and — Transcript 20/11/2009 Page 3 DCJ Martino stated shortly after this exchange.. ."Mr O'Connell, I will allow your allegations to stand on the record." This does not appear in the transcript. Shortly after this hearing, Mr Alan Troy resigned from the D.P.P. It was said he was going anyway. One week after this hearing the local Nine Network production of 'A Current Affair' was axed. I remind you Dr Walsh that on contacting the Nine Networks lawyers (Freehills) on this matter, the Page 808 of 1018 head of Nine News resigned suddenly (Mr Adrian Beatty) just two days later it was reported in the West Australian newspaper that colleagues were "shocked" at his sudden departure. [7] Difficulty Contacting Expert Witnesses At a Directions Hearing on 19/11/2011, my lawyer (Mr John BOUGHER) and DCJ McCann discussed variations to my bail conditions to facilitate my ability to contact expert witnesses. This is an important point as much was made that I should have ensured I had 'experts' of my own to present material that would add to my defence. Mr BOUGHER makes it clear to DCJ McCann that I am having extreme difficulty doing this. Mr BOUGHER: Excuse me your Honour. Your Honour, my client is indicating that there is difficulty making communication with some of these people who we're talking about because of their involvement, because of the subject matter, because of the exposure that some of these people have had that have caused them difficulties. Hence, they are difficult to make contact with. So in other words, my client is saying that he needs to go to forums via the internet to try and find these people in the first place. So although I know we have some names, we don't have all of those names and I wouldn't be able to provide your Honour with an exhaustive list of contacts that we'd need. We're talking about the never-never, the internet, the stratosphere, virtually, and my client — DCJ McCann: It sounds to me like a fishing expedition and — Mr BOUGHER: Well, with respect, your Honour, it's not a fishing expedition. My clients been charged with these serious criminal offenses and he is striving to obtain evidence to defend himself, and that's what it's all about. It's not a fishing expedition. DCJ McCann: Well, what I'm driving at, he doesn't even know who his experts are. You see, if it was Professor Bloggs of such and such a university, just email the fellow saying, "Dear Professor, are you available to give a report on these issues?" and he comes back and says, "Yes, no problem at all. Here's my fee." Mr BOUGHER: If it were that simple your Honour — DCJ McCann: "Once you pay the fee to me, I'll start work." That's the way it usually operates. Mr BOUGHER: If it were that simple your Honour, that's what would have been done, but it's not that simple, unfortunately. DCJ McCann: Look, I'm sympathetic to your position, but there have to be rules. Is he the only one who's prohibited from using - it's only him that's prohibited from using the internet? Mr BOUGHER: Prohibited; yes, our Honour. I don't think I'm prohibited from doing anything at the moment, as far as I'm aware, but that's the case. Page 809 of 1018 DCJ McCann: I can't see why you cant come back to us with a list of people that your client wants to communicate with via the internet. He can ring them up, if he likes. He can get on a plane, if he likes. He can write to them. The only prohibition is on using the internet. He can get someone else to contact them on the internet. DCJ McCann: Okay, Well, I'm not going to give legal advice on the meaning of those bail conditions, but you might want to look at them carefully and then make a decision as to whether emailing a named person seeking their assistance in a court case was a breach, and if you have any doubt about it, you've got liberty to apply on an urgent basis. Mr BOUGHER: Very well, thanks. DCJ McCann: But speaking for myself, I'd be very sympathetic to allowing a communication with a nominated person, particularly if that person - I had reason to believe that that person would not find the approach unwelcome. Mr BOUGHER: Your Honour, can I give you one name? That name is Mark Glenn, G-l-e-n-n. He's in the US. He's a contact that is believed will be able to source the other witnesses involved. DCJ McCann: Is there any reason why you can't email him? Or phone him, or write him a letter? Mr BOUGHER: There's many reasons. I'm not sure that there's any your Honour wants to hear, but there are numerous reasons. DCJ McCann: It's just that it's the traditional manner of getting expert evidence. It's highly undesirable for a client to be briefing the witness. Its all very well to make a couple of phone calls, find out if Professor Bloggs or so and so is available, but then the solicitor should contact that person and say, "I understand you're available" and then send them a brief. Mr BOUGHER: Your Honour, I could certainly make contact with Mark Glenn, but what I'm saying about him is that he is the person in the US who can coordinate these witnesses. DCJ McCann: Yes, okay. Well, I don't know who Mark Glenn is, so you'll probably have to give me a bit more information if you want the bail conditions varied to explicitly stipulate that that communication is allowed. Whether or not you need that is debateable. Transcript 20/11/2011 p.212-216 This comment by DCJ McCann, taken from above, shows the disconnect between the judiciary and the unique problems I faced in this case: Page 810 of 1018 DCJ McCann: I can't see why you can't come back to us with a list of people that your client wants to communicate with via the internet. He can ring them up, if he likes. He can get on a plane, if he likes. He can write to them. The only prohibition is on using the internet. He can get someone else to contact them on the internet. Not only could I not "get on a plane" as my passport and visa to the U.S had been confiscated and I was declared a 'flight risk', my own telephone and mail had been interfered with. Here is an extract from a letter I recently wrote to Mr Mark Glenn asking him to provide a Sworn Affidavit as to the difficulties he had been experiencing in contacting 'expert witnesses' for me. Included in the below extract of that letter dated 3 rd December 2012, is background information that explains to some degree the involvement of the Israeli Ambassador to Australia in my case: START OF LETTER The State of Western Australia seemed to lack understanding of the complexities of the issues involved and the 'sensitivities' in that many people would be reluctant to come forward and expose themselves. Also, I had been so vilified in the press and online it would obviously have been better for a well-respected independent journalist such as yourself to co-ordinate contacting people. As you know, I attempted to contact you for nearly a year with no success. Then, all of a sudden, you received one of my emails. Mark, many people as you know, simply do not understand the power of the Israeli state and independent operators affiliated with various Jewish defence groups (ADL, JDL etc) to interfere with a political dissident's ability to communicate. Such things as: • Hacking an email account and either deleting emails or moving them to the 'spam' folder. • Interference in telephone calls. The Israeli state runs most billing services for telecommunication providers via 'AMDOC's'. Hence they can see immediately who is calling whom and when and how many times. Within a day of obtaining a Telstra Mobile Broadband connection I was intensely hacked. I know this because of the software firewall I was using. AMDOC's do the billing for Australia's largest telco Telstra. When I obtained an Optus connection in a fake name I had no problems. • The Israeli company 'Verint' do data intercept work for various policing and intelligence agencies around the world. You will remember Fox News doing the four part series (available on YouTube) on the Drug Enforcement Agency circulating a top secret memo complaining that DEA Agents believed Verint had hardware 'backdoors' in their data intercept equipment and were warning Jewish American and Israeli drug dealers. • Under 'Operation Talpiot', the Israeli State trained Military Intelligence Officers in the art of hardware and software design in communications - both corporate and military - database security, encryption etc, giving the Israeli State unprecedented access to other nations most sensitive communications and information. • Internet social networking/communication services like Facebook, Google and G-mail (your particular email provider) are owned and operated by American Jews. Israel fosters close relationships with Jews outside it's borders. Viktor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad Officer wrote in his book - "Wage War By Deception: The Unmasking Of A Mossad Officer", that the Israeli state uses these Jews as Sayanim's or 'helpers' in matters important to the Israeli state. • My writing on these matters that lead to the local head of Counter Terrorism stating in an email, "We all respect your work". • The arrival in Western Australia of the Israeli Ambassador to Australia to support the complainant in my matter - Stanley Elliot Keyser - at a 'Friends Of Israel' rally where 30 local Page 811 of 1018 and federal members of parliament attended and over 100 expressed their support but did not attend. This, just two weeks out from the original August 16 th Start of my trial should leave no one in any doubt that the State of Israel was DIRECTLY interested in my case. I had tried repeatedly to communicate with people such as: • Professor Shlomo Sand. Professor of history at an Israeli university and author of "The Invention of the Jewish People". • Kay Griggs. Wife of Marine Colonel George Griggs who Kay stated ran the assassination and dirty tricks program for NATO. She speaks in some detail about the actions of the Israeli state in such programs. • Professor Kevin MacDonald. Professor of Psychology at California State University. I contacted him repeatedly without success for a year and then suddenly, after this hearing, he replied to an email. I kept regularly in touch and he agreed to appear via video link on my behalf on the issue of Jewish power and control in the United States, and elsewhere. Unfortunately, with the case so rigged and Professor MacDonald agreeing with the prosecution that Jews conformed to the definition of a 'racial group', I decided not to use him which was a mistake in hindsight. • Doctor Alan Sabrosky. Ten year Marine veteran and ‘Director of Studies U.S Army War College' for 5 years. You interviewed Dr Sabrosky at some length about Israeli involvement in 9-11 where he verbalised his belief that: [QUOTE]"What Americans need to understand is they [Israel] did it. They did it. And if they do understand that, Israel is going to flat ass disappear, Israel will flat ass disappear from this earth."[END QUOTE] [QUOTE]"lf Americans ever know, ever know, that Israel did this, they're going to scrub them off the earth and they're not going to give a rats ass what the cost is."[END QUOTE] [QUOTE]"And my dream is that we take the U.S 5 th and 6 th Fleet and take Israel and cream it."[END QUOTE] http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com • Lebanese Ambassador to U.S. I believe you were trying to contact him without success. Mark, you verbalised to me over the phone that you were having an incredible amount of trouble contacting people - more than usual. With the above information as background, it is understandable why this was so. Especially now that you have such a close relationship with close advisers to the President of Iran, I expect it will get worse. Certainly they are listening closely to your telephone and email communications. The key with having the above people appear on my behalf was to remove from the jury the extreme prejudice that the main stream media and movie industry has instilled in the average person - that Jews are a powerless minority, eternal victims of an irrational oppressor when in fact they are a world power, dominating the most influential points on the planet. This was the heart of my defence, that I had no 'intent' to vilify Jews but was at worst, simply expressing my anger and frustration at dealing with such a powerful criminal network. I was never allowed to do this in court as you well know, and I was mocked and vilified by both the media and Jews online after the case. Still to this day Jews online continue to spread the lies that I had been physically threatening them and their children and had been stalking them for ten years. With the above background in mind, would you be able to complete a Sworn Affidavit detailing who you are, who you have interviewed, your relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran and Press T.V, and the impossibility you found in contacting people? END OF LETTER Page 812 of 1018 The above information should go some way to explaining the capacity of the State of Israel or in fact any local policing or intelligence agency to interfere in my communications. Please note that on obtaining back a encrypted laptop from the W.A D.P.P, my Internet Service Provider I.P ceased going from the CBD of Sydney and instead went into the middle of the South Australian desert. I believe that I.S.P trace location was the last public exchange point before my internet connection was routed into Pine Gap and Defence Signals Directorate. On enquiring about this, a Telstra employee stated he had never seen anything like it. [8] Getting Ordinary Witnesses To Appear It would have been extremely beneficial to have witnesses from the 'Friends Of Palestine' (F.O.P) appear to back up my side of the story. When I rang the head of the F.O.P -Alex Whisson - to ask him and others to do this, he said he was extremely reluctant to become involved. Mr Whisson refused to give a statement to police. I asked Mr Whisson about others who were present appearing as witnesses and he stated they were reluctant to become involved for various reasons - one of which was the fear of harassment or words to that effect. I actually recorded that phone call to Alex Whisson. Admittedly unethical, 178 but I felt 'under siege' and was sure Mr Whisson would not play ball before I rang due to his refusal to give a statement and the comments he had made about me in the press. Mr BOUGHER (lawyer at this stage) suggested it was not wise to force the F.O.P witnesses to appear but I certainly wish I did. I believe they would have given vital testimony about exactly what happened that day. Simple issues like:
  • Stanley Elliot Keyser claiming that "I" came up to him when it was Keyser coming up to us. This was an important point. "He" engaged with the group with the deliberate intention of causing a scene 179 . I approached this at the trial from page 354-363 on 18/01/2011. I ask him about standing near to the group (listening in) and buying a grapefruit which I had him doing on film 180 . He actually reaches across me and gets one off the shelf while I talk to Alex Whisson. He was trying to make a point, to provoke the group. He instigated the confrontation by walking through our group, refusing a flyer and stating these exact words from halfway up the steps, "We're Jews from Melbourne and what you're doing is disgusting!" You will see from those pages him at first denying, then not remembering etc... He continues the claim that "I" came up to him. This was a rehearsed theme he was sticking to. With witnesses from the friends Of Palestine group in court this could have been cleared up quickly.
  • Keyser's general behaviour on that day. Provoking the group. Claiming that IGA 'security' had asked the F.O.P to move on. Continually stating, "What you're doing is disgusting!" 181 Taking peoples photo's, quite deliberately, quite openly and more than once. This could have been extrapolated on by several of the F.O.P.
  • My general behaviour that day at the IGA Supermarket on May 2 nd 2009. What we were talking about. How we were quietly going about our business. Members of the F.O.P could have commented on my demeanour. 178 As I did not inform him I was recording him. 179 Interestingly, Stanley Keyser's 'mentor' - Steve Lieblich - did this to a group of us outside the District Court. He burst through the centre of the group, mounted the top of the steps and beckoned me to join him. I refused to do so believing he was quite capable of instigating a scene and then claiming I had assaulted/abused him. 180 ALL of the original unedited footage was deleted off my hard drive which included Stanley Keyser standing around us. Detective Sargent Mark Rubidge of W.A Technology Crime stated during a phone call that only he had access to my lap top. 181 Protesting the slaughter of innocent people in a 8km by 20km cage by a first world high tech military giant. Page 813 of 1018 As it was, the jury no doubt wondered why no one from the F.O.P was there to defend me. They would most likely have inferred that they were distancing themselves from me as they were. Alex Whisson stated they were keen not to appear due to fears of harassment. I have that on audio. I also asked John BOUGHER to subpoena the Commissioner of Police Karl O'Callaghan. Mr BOUGHER scoffed at the idea. Mr O'Callaghan made statements to the media that, "we will be following the case closely". I wanted to get across to the jury that this was a highly political and media driven prosecution and they could tie that in with the appearance of the Israeli Ambassador to Australia. This goes to my 'state of mind' and 'intent'. That I felt (and was) being hounded and persecuted, not prosecuted. I would also have liked to subpoena the producers of 'A Current Affair' who did the media hit piece on me. This was relevant to my 'state of mind' when I put up the blog 6 weeks after my arrest. I had been so vilified in the media and online I felt I had to defend myself. Had this not occurred, I would never have put up the blog which has resulted in two years jail. I also wanted to show the jury the actual media reporting which I had recordings of. This was all deemed inadmissible by DCJ Wisbey. [9] Matter May Be Taken Back To The Magistrates Court On the 11 th of February 2010, I was granted a hearing on several matters - amendment to bail conditions; an application relating to either having the indictment dismissed or an order for particulars; and thirdly, an order seeking a return of a video camera. The new senior prosecutor Mr Whalley attended and argued for the state. He was, I feel, a far less combative prosecutor than the previous prosecutor Mr Alan Troy and appeared to want to 'de- escalate' the matter. This was my feeling anyway. Discussed at this hearing was taking the matter back to the Magistrates court. I presume this was to lower the seriousness of the charges and was to take place within the context of redrafting the indictment as mentioned previously. On page 5 of the 11 th February 2010 transcript Mr Whalley states: Mr Whalley: I can say this. That it's most unlikely that the prosecution in its entirety will be discontinued; I'm simply talking about amending charges. The jurisdiction may, and I take it no further than that, may be affected such that any trial might take place in the Magistrates court. Transcript 11/02/2010 Page 5 So, the Western Australian D.P.P was about to embark on its fourth version of the indictment, 37 weeks in, and considering taking the matter BACK to the Magistrates court? I take it there is some confusion and I believe - in totality - there was great confusion on the D.P.P's behalf as to how to proceed with the matter as I will try to point out in this letter to you. I left that hearing greatly relieved, believing that things would be de-escalated and perhaps the charges dropped and a town meeting would take place. I went outside to make my video diary of the proceeding and the media came after me and stood just a few feet away-three video crews - in what I believe was an attempt to provoke me, especially as my sister had just died suddenly. In the verbal exchange that followed I said something like..."You'll all be embarrassed when the charges are eventually dropped"! This was recorded by their camera's. Page 814 of 1018 That was the last I heard about the matter being taken back to the Magistrates court. This is important as much has been made about the "seriousness" of the charges, especially at the appeal stage by both the DPP and WASCA. [10] Lawyer Stating He Had Gone Over Trial Process This is very important. On page 233-234-17/1/2011 - Mr BOUGHER states he has gone through the entire trial procedure with me. He states he has a detailed note about this. In fact, Mr BOUGHER went over nothing with me except the jury selection process (briefly in court) and we discussed out of court
  • briefly - my wish to present evidence that attested to my state of mind which would give the jury a chance to ascertain my 'intent' more clearly under both section 77 and 80B of the legislation. Ultimately, on this issue, it would have been beneficial if Mr BOUGHER had suggested that instead of trying to 'lead evidence', an alternative strategy of a long and detailed statement could have been read onto the record from the witness stand. Mr BOUGHER had clearly, in my opinion, been asked to LIMIT my options to an 'anger' defence with no 'intent' involved. Again, in my opinion, this was to prevent/limit, 'abhorrent views' becoming more widely known by the public. I became very suspicious of Mr BOUGHER when he told me in an e-mail that he would be away in Melbourne for a few days. Just previously, the head of Counter Terrorism had also indicated he would be in Melbourne and would speak to me on his return. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was attending a Counter Terrorism conference in Melbourne at this time. When Mr BOUGHER returned, I met him and he was now in possession of a 'smart phone', a piece of technology he had previously told me he abhorred. He placed it on the table face down between us - I believe he was recording our conversation. I believed, and still do, that Mr BOUGHER was present - in some manner - at that counterterrorism conference and that he was receiving instruction on howto handle me and the case. Keep in mind my writing on Israeli Intelligence activity, Collins Class sub, Israeli Ambassador to Australia supporting complainant etc. I confronted Mr BOUGHER on this in an email. He vehemently denied he had met or discussed my matter with anyone in Melbourne. I do not allege misconduct by Mr BOUGHER. I would heartily recommend Mr BOUGHER in a more normal criminal case. I doubt any lawyer could of handled things much better than Mr BOUGHER under the circumstances. I liked him personally. However, what Mr BOUGHER has stated is simply not in congruence with my memory and the impression he gives that I am fully informed about the trial process is incorrect. I should have raised this immediately but was determined to press on to the 78B issue which I thought would result in an adjournment. I ultimately had no idea what I was doing. I expected an adjournment after completing the necessary 78B paperwork. I knew nothing about court procedure and I asked regularly for assistance from DCJ Wisbey to clarify matters. Mr EYERS to his credit did try to give me some advice from time to time during breaks. Chief Judge of the District Court Kennedy made some comments about what assistance I could expect from a trial judge: Page 815 of 1018 CJDC KENNEDY: All right. And so the judge will have to explain to you the procedures, you know, not talking about your actual charge, but the procedures. The judge will go to some length to explain that at the time. But have you ever been involved in a jury trial? The second thing is, and it's hard to say this to people; one of the advantages that having a lawyer makes is that the lawyer is a shield. I mean, if you get obsessive about these issues, if you've got a lawyer, the jury will never know that. But if you're acting for yourself, you are very, very exposed as a human being. Transcript 01/02/2010 Page 6 [11] Sacking Lawyers This was made much of - that I had insulted the court and legal process endlessly. Squandering both the chance to defend myself and the good will of the State of Western Australia in providing the resources to conducta Defence. On the matter of both MrRod Keelyand MrJohn BOUGHER (lawyers), the prosecutor includes them in this statement regarding the calling back of a detective for cross examination: Mr EYERS: Well, the position we've reached is that the detective has returned, because he was asked to given the application and the provisional fact that he may or may not be required to go back to the stand. If I can assist, your Honour, we strenuously object to Mr O'Connell having the opportunity cross-examine Detective Paini further. He's been given the services of not one but two lawyers and elected, as is his right, to conduct his own Defence. He was given opportunity yesterday by your Honour, at some considerable length, to ask questions of Detective Paini. He was explained that the time had come and it was his right and it was his opportunity so to do. And despite not one but many invitations to simply conduct his defence in that way, he chose not to against the background of the fact that he elected to represent himself. It's not a question of funding; it's not a question of anything save his own volition and his own choice. 182 So in those circumstances, your Honour, although the court would grant a degree of latitude to a litigant in person, a self-representing accused man, it has to be viewed against the background not only of the fact that he's dispensed with the services of two lawyers provided on Legal Aid, he's also refused repeated invitations from your Honour to ask questions of Detective Paini, asserting that this court had no jurisdiction and various other observations which are on the transcript. So we oppose his recalling - or Detective Paini being recalled. That's the States position. Transcript 18/01/2011 Page 416 182 No, it's a question of 18 months of continual harassment leading up to the trial and a political witch hunt which detective Paini and his friends at State Security Investigation Group were a part of. Page 816 of 1018 I sacked Mr Rod Keely because I did not trust him. He was organised for me by the arresting detectives, something I found amusing. I decided to go along and see what happened, giving Mr Keely the benefit of the doubt. Mr Keely would always carry a smug smile when I saw him in person and tried to get him to do anything other than arrange a Defence of being 'angry'. He did not write letters to the A.F.P cybercrime department as I asked him too when I was being severely hacked. When Detective Paini found out I had asked him too, Mr Paini insisted that the letter be addressed to the S.S.I.G 183 of which he was a part. Here's what I said about Rod Keely at two hearing's, well before the trial: ACCUSED: Your Honour that takes money. I have to get full-time employment. It means I'm no longer entitled to legal aid. also, on the matter of the lawyers or barristers assigned to me, there may be a slight indication that I, on a whim, have decided to sack them. The last - Rod Keely was arranged for me by the arresting detective and there were several things that happened between myself and Rod Keely I was very upset about. It wasn't a whim that I sacked Rod Keeley. And just so I can clarify why - because I'd hate you to have the feeling that I'm just running around and sacking people for no reason. I just need to clarify that. I was told by Rod Keeley when I went - I had a job and he said, "Don't take the work, you'll lose your legal funding." This is the advice I'm getting. Transcript 23/04/2010 Page 92 ACCUSED: and I'm not sure if you're the person to ask, but what I'm concerned about and why I'm reluctant after - I don't want to denigrate Mr Rod Keely for the sake of it, but where there were certain things I asked, and he didn't say, "no", he wouldn't do them", he said, "Yes", and never did them. And I don't want to be in that position again and that's what I'm concerned about and why I had been reluctant, I've been untrusting. And particularly since the legal fraternity are obliged when they take the law society oath, that in some cases they can't do - that has been my concern and I'm not sure what advice you give, or if you can. But am I able to at least give some sort of instruction. Transcript 16/06/2010 Page 142 Mr BOUGHER was very good but very reluctant to press the issue of presenting evidence of the material that had formed my views. That is, until I sacked him, after which he appeared quite keen that my argument that it was relevant was sound. The passage below explains the main reason for parting: Accused: Sir, obviously there were amicable reasons with Mr BOUGHER to do with parting ways and obviously legal counsel's a highly advisable thing to have. 183 State Security Investigation Group/C ounter Terrorism. Page 817 of 1018 I asked Mr BOUGHER, "Is there any way I can speak freely?"...This was a - state of affairs I found very difficult to contend with at the - under Judge McCann at the directions hearing where a lot of material was passed over that I could have added to. So I find now that I'm - not being familiar with the particular rules of evidence and presentation and so on and so forth, I've made a package up for the jury. ... And yeh, I don't know what to do. DCJ Wisbey: Well, I'm not in a position to advise you as to how you go about giving evidence. ... Transcript 24/01/2011 Page 515 I had even asked Mr BOUGHER if I could sit next to him at the trial and pass him notes. He said this was not possible. Please let it be known Dr Walsh - it was my express wish to be represented by counsel. I was not doing a 'stunt' or trying to destroy any chance of the trial being a 'precedent' by sacking Mr BOUGHER. [12] Statement regarding Judge Running Trial On page 234-17/1/2011 - Mr EYERS states he has no objection to me self-representing under section 144 of the criminal procedure act. He says, "Subject to your honours power to control proceedings under the Evidence Act and the questioning of witnesses and so on and so forth." DCJ Wisbey's role was to prevent me asking to many embarrassing questions regarding Judaism and Jewish attitudes. This was what the trial essentially became - damage control. [13] DCJ Wisbey's Comments At Trial [A] DCJ Wisbey Misleads On Options As To What A 'Jew' Is This point by DCJ Wisbey - taken from the above transcript quote - is extremely important: Their evidence was directed to the issue of whether the Jewish people are a race or ethnic group and in terms of the offence, whether they constitute a racial group. Transcript 27/01/2011 Page 719 DCJ Wisbey should have expounded HEAVILY on this very important point. He should have especially put up the alternative argument in my defence, that Jews constitute neither a race or ethnicity but are in fact a religious group only, by any standard definition and common sense. He does not even mention my alternative view anywhere in his summing up. He does not even mention lightly, the possibility that they are a religious group or a combination of all three. He actually narrows the jury Page 818 of 1018 focus down to a point where the prosecution wins - whether race or ethnicity, they come under the legislation. A quote from Jewish activist Paul Eisen sums up the comedy that is the subject of what 'Jews" are, or aren't: So these secular Jews often end up being just another round of Michael Neuman's "veritable shell game" of Jewish identity. "Look! We're a religion! No! a race! No! a cultural entity! Sorry-a religion!" Because this is the key to maintaining Jewish power - if it's indefinable, it's invisible. Like a Stealth Bomber (you cant see it on your radar but you sure know when you've been hit) Jewish power, with it's blurred outlines and changing forms, becomes invisible. And if you cant see it you cant fight it. Meanwhile the assault on the Palestinians continues. Paul Eisen "Jewish Power" http://www.rightousjews.org [B] Wisbey Misleads Jury That There is No Opposing View To Expert Evidence DCJ Wisbey: As I say, these two witnesses gave what is called expert evidence. That is, evidence from persons having special expertise in a particular subject or area, and thus possessing knowledge of that subject over and above that generally possessed by lay members of the community. In each case their evidence was tested by cross-examination. There is no opposing view expressed by any other expert. Transcript 27/01/2011 Page 720 That is an extremely prejudicial statement - "There is no opposing view expressed by any other expert". He should of added - "in this court," at least. The jury would naturally be led to believe that what Rabbi Freilich and Professor Markus stated was uncontested in any manner, anywhere and at any time. I quoted extensively from works by 'experts' during the trial. [C] Prejudicial Comment By Wisbey Against Me Wisbey makes a statement to the jury that is extremely prejudicial against me: DCJ Wisbey: Now, you may think, and it's a matter entirely for you, that in his alleged conduct and in his evidence before you the accused has demonstrated that he views Jews as a distinct group within the world community. He does not differentiate between them, you may think. Transcript 27/01/2011 Page 721 Neither before this statement nor after does DCJ Wisbey elaborate on this comment. It comes from left field. He appears to be leading the jury down some track. The only "distinct group within the world community" that I believe Jews belong to is a "religious group". This is the only point I can think DCJ Wisbey is referring to. In which case why doesn't he say "religious group". The term "religious group" Page 819 of 1018 is never uttered by him even though I am stating it over and over in my Defence. All of the prosecution's witnesses - except Professor Markus - did everything in their power to never admit to any concept of Jews being called a 'religious group'. [D] Wisbey Misdirects Jury - Definition Of Jews/Jewish Again, DCJ Wisbey misdirects the jury with his instructions on establishing whether Stanley Elliot Keyser is a member of a 'racial group'. DCJ Wisbey: And the fifth element that the State must establish is that Mr Keyser was a member of a racial group. The racial group means a group defined by reference to race, colour or ethnic or national origins. So that's what the law defines as a racial group; a group defined by reference to race, colour or ethnic or national origins. The Oxford Dictionary defines ethnic as including: Pertaining to race, ethnological, peculiar to a race or nation, indigenous, of a population group sharing a distinctive cultural and historical tradition, often associated with nationality or religion, by which the group identifies itself and others recognise it belonging to or characteristic of such a group. So that's the definition of what ethnicity is, that it refers to pertaining to a group, pertaining to ethnological, pertaining peculiarly to a race or nation, indigenous, of a population group sharing a distinctive cultural and historic tradition, often associated with race, nationality or religion, by which the group identifies itself and others recognise it belonging to or characteristic of such a group. For a group to constitute an ethnic group, it must regard itself and be regarded by others as a distinct community by virtue of certain characteristics. Some of the characteristics are essential; others are not essential, but one or more of them will commonly be found and will help to distinguish the group from the surrounding community. The essential conditions are that they have a long-shared history of which the group is conscious as distinguishing it from other groups, and the memory of which it keeps alive the long-shared history. And the second essential condition is that it has a cultural tradition of its own including family and social customs and manners often but not necessarily associated with religious observation. In addition to the essential characteristics, the following characteristics are relevant and often present. Firstly, are a common geographical origin or descent from a small number of common ancestors. Secondly, a common language not necessarily peculiar to the group. Thirdly, a common literature peculiar to the group. Fourthly, a common religion different from that of neighbouring groups or from the general community surrounding it. And fifthly, being a minority or being oppressed or a dominant group within a larger community. Page 820 of 1018 And as I say those characteristics are relevant and are often present. You don't need to have them all to say you have an ethnic group, but they're characteristics that are commonly found in an ethnic group. And race is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as: A group of persons connected by common descent or origin. A group of several tribes of people forming a distinct ethnical stock, one of the great divisions of mankind or having certain physical peculiarities in common. So it's a matter entirely for you but it would be open to you to conclude that you could be both an ethnic group and a race or one other. But you look to those characteristics in making a determination. Transcript 27/01/2011 Page 723-724 Not once - and I cannot emphasise this enough -not once, anywhere, at any time, does DCJ Wisbey state explicitly or subtly, the option that Jews are a 'religious group' only. He uses the term, "or one other" - does that mean religious group? He simply avoids mentioning my long discussions along these lines with Professor Andrew Markus, Stanley Keyser or Rabbi Dovid Freilich where I argue this over and over. This was a major part of my Defence - that as a matter of law and fact, Jews do not fit the legal definition of 'racial group' but are a 'religious group' only. THIS IS A MAJOR MISDIRECTION. I stated over and over to all prosecution witnesses: "What are the "secular markers" (outside of religion) that bind a 'Jew' in Yemen to a 'Jew' in Russia and a 'Jew' in Ethiopia? Answer - none. The witnesses all avoided answering the question directly by referring to vague notions of 'history and culture and heritage', as did DCJ McCann at the directions hearing in November 2010 on this very issue. DCJ Wisbey has not even mentioned that my belief to their being a Jewish racial group is relevant. It was argued very heavily by the prosecutor Antony EYERS that "I" believed they were a racial group because I said in the offending video. .."It's in your religion and race." There is context to that statement made in a street debate. Mr EYERS focus's heavily on that because of this sub section to the legislation: 80F. Belief as to existence or membership of racial group For the purposes of proceedings for an offence under section 77, 79, 80A, 80C, 313, 317, 317A,338B or 444 it does not matter whether a group of persons was a racial group or whether a person was a member of a racial group as long as the accused person believed at the time of the alleged offence that the group was a racial group or that the person was a member of a racial group, as the case may be. Nowhere does DCJ Wisbey sum up the relevant issues on my behalf raised at trial. He does not mention that MY belief is relevant and that I have argued vigorously that they are a religious group only. He will not even mention "religious group", just, "or one other"... So it's a matter entirely for you but it would be open to you to conclude that you could be both an ethnic group and a race or one other. But you look to those characteristics in making a determination. Page 821 of 1018 Note here DCJ Wisbey: The Oxford Dictionary defines ethnic as including: Pertaining to race, ethnological, peculiar to a race or nation, indigenous, of a population group sharing a distinctive cultural and historical tradition, often associated with nationality or religion, by which the group identifies itself and others recognise it belonging to or characteristic of such a group. So that's the definition of what ethnicity is... That's not the legal definition. That's an Oxford Dictionary definition. We just argued for some time the various experts definition of what ethnicity is and is not. I had dozens of quotes from leading experts on this which I argued with professor Andrew Markus. DCJ Wisbey does not even mention my Defence as an option to the jury. [E] Wisbey Makes Prejudicial Comment Against Me DCJ Wisbey: In respect to counts 2 to 7, it is the accused's position that he, as a result of his readings and research, has a jaundiced view of the Jewish people, and that he was bringing that to public attention, but that he was not doing so with the intent of causing animosity towards them. Transcript 27/01/2011 Page 730 I have a problem with Jewish racial and religious supremacism and the behaviour this encourages in Jewish people. Any comments I make at the trial are said in anger based on the way the trial was run. The term 'jaundiced view' is not appropriate. I have a "view" based on facts which I was never allowed to show at trial. The "view" would then not be "jaundiced" but quite appropriate. Wisbey makes directions to the jury to: DCJ Wisbey: You can't produce an exhibit as to someone's state of mind. Often a person may have said something which clearly indicates his intent, but intent, as I say, is a state of mind and you infer a person's intent by what that person does, by what that person says, by that persons particular characteristics and by all the surrounding circumstances. And when looking at this question of intent, it will be necessary for you to bear in mind the direction I will shortly give you on the drawing of inferences. Now, as I have said, you draw - it's necessary for you to infer a person's intent, and so it's necessary to draw an inference, and an inference of course is simply a logical deduction which you draw from facts which you find proved. So apart from taking into account the direct evidence from witnesses and exhibits, you're entitled to draw inferences from facts which you've found established. Page 822 of 1018 And considering whether you can draw the inference which the State says you should draw from the material that has been placed before you, that is that he had the relevant intent, you would be entitled to consider not only what he has said or published, but all the surrounding circumstances, including the views he holds and has expressed before you as to his regard for Israel and Jewish people. Transcript 27/01/2011 Page 726-727-728 So, I am not allowed to show the mainstream nature of my views, but the jury is: ...entitled to consider not only what he has said or published, but all the surrounding circumstances, including the views he holds and has expressed before you as to his regard for Israel and Jewish people. I expressed those views in court after the endless baiting and sarcasm of DCJ Wisbey and the refusal of Wisbey to allow me to conduct a Defence. Activist gets 10 years for subversion CHINESE CRACKDOWN Bejing The West Australian Paper March 10 th , 2011 A staunch Chinese democracy activist was jailed yesterday for 10 years for advocating government change in online articles that authorities say slandered the Communist Party leadership as autocratic. The trial came amid a crackdown on activism in China that may reflect government anxiety about unrest inspired by uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. Dozens of well-known Chinese lawyers and activists have vanished, been interrogated, held under house arrest or detained for subversion. Ms Chen said her husband was composed and calm and looked relatively well, but that the judge frequently interrupted Liu and his lawyers attempts to present a defence. China's hard-line government routinely uses the vaguely worded subversion charge to jail activists it considers trouble makers. An indictment advice issued by the Suining public security bureau points to articles Liu wrote between April 2009 and February last year that were posted on overseas Chinese pro-democracy websites. Liu wrote articles that "slandered" the Communist Party leadership as "autocratic rulers" and "on many occasions incited others to subvert the countries state power and socialist system", the police notice said, according to a China-based rights group. Yes, I know how he feels. You are aware of DCJ Wisbey deciding what was said on the video. I just note hear again how blatantly he does it. Page 573: DCJ Wisbey: He's saying, "Are you". We've been through that. The Witness: He said, "Are you saying all Jews are racist?" Based on what I said before. I'm sorry, I don't see the linkage. I see a man trying to set me up. Page 823 of 1018 DCJ Wisbey: Well - don't worry about the linkage, just if you correct what was said and not — ?—Well, in your opinion, sir, what was said? And not - and not misrepresent it?—Well, in your opinion, sir, what was said? Mr EYERS: Look, can I suggest that it's rewound, it's played then we - we hear it. It's part of the evidence, now carry on. DCJ Wisbey: Well, I think the jury have heard it. I think Mr EYERS cottoned on to DCJ Wisbey's deciding he would decide matters of fact and interjected we should' "carry on". Whilst playing the video to the jury and Stanley Elliot Keyser: Accused: Well, we've come to the end of that. I'm sure his Honour is pleased. But, Mr Keyser, I'm still waiting for where I said - where you're emphatic that I said - you said to me, "Are you anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist." DCJ Wisbey: And he's answered that I think at least six to eight times and said he is, in fact — Accused: So it's not in the video, because it never happened. The video is clearly unedited, your Honour. DCJ Wisbey: No, it's — Accused: Clearly unedited. DCJ Wisbey: That's a statement by you. He has said he said it. It's for the jury to determine whether he did or whether he didn't on the material that's placed before it. It's not just a "statement" by me - the video is right in front of the jury and it is clear that the video is not edited in any way. DCJ Wisbey is dismissing this - where is the prosecutor Mr Antony EYERS? He sits in silence with his arms folded across his chest. Stanley Elliot Keyser makes claims that he asked me a very important question - "Are you anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist" - and this was the reason for him becoming 'extremely offended' when I supposedly answered "anti-Jewish". It never happened. The video proves that but DCJ Wisbey moves things along quickly as he does thought the trial. DCJ Wisbey sums up previous statements of witness (Stanley Elliot Keyser) prejudicially: Accused: — they could be used against their families back in Palestine. This is common practice—I explained what it was used - what the photos were going to be used for. Page 824 of 1018 Why didn't you do it? What happened to the article?—Because I got racially assaulted. And it then wasn't appropriate to write an article to The Maccabean at that point. Really? And yet all those Jewish blogs and Jewish things were - were running around claiming I'd threatened to wipe out all Jews. Channel Nine said I'd threatened to wipe out all Jews. [Rare] did a video. And we'll show that to the jury at a later stage. And you're saying you were so concerned about, what, my reputation?—It wasn't about your reputation. DCJ Wisbey: No. What he's saying is that he was racially assaulted, he went to the police, and it wasn't appropriate to take the matter further. Transcript 17/01/2011 Page 297-298 Judge Wisbey tells witness (Stanley Keyser) not to answer a question: Accused:... I put to you that if a man emphatically states that he's hurt and he's upset and he just wants to get away but I'm allegedly, according to you, yelling and screaming and following you, that casually wandering; and I call it casually wandering, and just going, "Come on. You can film this one", to a complete stranger is the behaviour of a man seeking to enact the racial vilification legislation?—Is that a question? You can answer yes or no. DCJ Wisbey: Yes. The question effectively is you were seeking to engage the racial vilification legislation by your behaviour?—No. As I said before, I've - I've never read the Racial Vilification Act. Accused: Okay. Are you aware that part of the Act is that you must be humiliated in public, preferably with as many people as possible? DCJ Wisbey: Don't answer that. The Witness: As I said, I've never read it. DCJ Wisbey: Don't answer that, thank you. Accused: Mr Keyser, do you think it's normal for a human being who's - who's allegedly emphatically that he was upset and he was -1 don't want to put words into your mouth, but, you know, scared to some degree, intimidated to just casually walk up and say, "Come on, you can film this one"? We can watch it again. DCJ Wisbey: Don't answer that either. You've already answered it. Transcript 18/01/2011 Page 406 Now why on earth is DCJ Wisbey so emphatic that Stanley Keyser should not answer that question? It was an important point. Keyser is claiming he is scared, intimidated, humiliated - the very heart of Page 825 of 1018 section 80b. But there he is on the video arguing with me of his own free will, running up to complete strangers (4-5 in total) and saying, "Did you know this man says all Jews are racist?" And he goes up to another complete stranger, bends down to him while he is sitting in his chair having a coffee, minding his own business, and beckons to me to come over while saying, "Come on, you can film this one." It is the central point to my Defence: Stanley Keyser is voluntarily engaging - enthusiastically, in a vigorous street debate) - and beckoning for me to film him. DCJ Wisbey does not want the point emphasised. DCJ Wisbey exhibited an extreme dislike for me from the beginning. I reciprocated. Admittedly, I was certainly not helping. I was extremely angry and previous submissions to you explain why, and I apologised to the court and DCJ Wisbey for my behaviour in those submissions. This was a sincere apology. When I read the transcript I cringe at my behaviour. At times I am quite embarrassed. I am embarrassed for DCJ Wisbey as well. He has a reputation as a unpopular Judge amongst legal professionals. He was dragged out of retirement at the age of 77 because of a shortage of District Court judges. He was 80 years old when he presided over my trial. At the completion of Professor Andrew Markus's testimony DCJ Wisbey states: DCJ Wisbey: Well thank you very much for your assistance Professor Markus. And I say that you're now free to go, I couldn't stop you if you wanted to anyway. Accused: Your Honour, can you please stop such comments. It shows your incredible bias. I've got so many - you on the transcript so often, it's going to be funny. It was said extremely sarcastically. What the transcript has had edited out is DCJ Wisbey saying: "Sorry to have wasted your time Professor". This is not in the transcript - as are many memorable passages. This is an extremely important indicator of DCJ Wisbey's attitude to me and the trial itself. [14] Refused Access To Audio Of Trial To Correct Transcript In early February 2011, District Court Registrar Michael Gething immediately sent me on request, to Hakea Remand Centre, audio of the trial to correct the transcript. Knowing you required the transcript urgently, I sent it straight to you as you had to have the basic appeal points in before 21 days were up. I also believed I would have time to correct the transcript later. This was based on a lack of knowledge on how the W.A legal system worked. Despite 10 letters (over 18 months) to both Michael Gething at the Perth District Court and Registrar Bush at the W.A Supreme Court, they have refused to allow me access to the audio. DC Registrar Michael Gething has offered to allow me to send him corrections and he would review the audio. I have written to him repeatedly that the transcript is so inaccurate, with so many blatantly missing comments, I would need to review the entire trial. Page 826 of 1018 Despite sending him just a few obvious examples, he did not agree to review those, but simply "extended" the invitation previously made. Dr Walsh - they know that transcript is so bad it will embarrass them. They did not know this initially. I fear that they will destroy the audio. They may have already. I wrote to the Chief Justice of the WASC: 8 th January 2013 Chief Justice Wayne Martin Supreme Court of Western Australia Stirling Gardens, Barrack Street PERTH, WA 6000 PH: (08) 94215333 FAX: (08) 9421 5471 CC: Dr John Walsh/Mathilda Evans - Counsel Questions On Administrative Matters - IND 1767 of 2009/CACR 28 & 29 of 2011 Your Honour, It is my understanding that you have ultimate authority over the day to day running of the Western Australian courts. I have two problems that relate directly to administrative rules of court.
  • Access to audio of trial and hearings to compare to transcript.
  • Confirmation of the date appeal submissions were received by WASCA in the matter of CACR28&29 of 2011. I have written (in total) approximately 8 letters requesting access to the audio of the trial to correct gross errors in the trial transcript and some hearings. This includes to both Registrar Bush of the Supreme Court of W.A and Registrar Gething of the District Court of W.A. I began requesting the audio in August of 2011. My counsel has also been actively involved in assisting me to correct the transcript and I have included two letters in reply to Registrar Bush which clarify the problem dated 17/11/11 and 10/11/11. A reply from Registrar Bush dated 24 November 2011 is included with this letter to you. I had in fact received the audio of the trial and a copy of the transcript in hard copy from Registrar Gething in February of 2011 whilst incarcerated at Hakea Remand centre after sentencing. I did not take the opportunity to correct the transcript at that time due to my lawyer (Dr John Walsh) urgently requiring a copy of the transcript which I sent to him in Melbourne. My belief, based on ignorance of the W.A legal system, was that I could obtain bail on leave to appeal being granted after the initial submission of grounds of appeal and then correct the transcript whilst outside the prison system. In hindsight this was obviously a mistake. An innocent one. Page 827 of 1018 Mr Michael Gething of the Perth District court has indicated to me that he is prepared to correct the transcript on submission from me of a hard copy of the transcript page with my correction on it - presumably drawn from memory of a trial from two years ago. I have submitted to Mr Gething that there are several matters that relate to comments made by DCJ John Wisbey that are not present in the transcript. Also, the testimony of Mr Stanley Elliot Keyser does not ring true to my memory, nor Professor Andrew Markus. Of particular note is the testimony of Rabbi Dovid Freilich where the transcript was removed from my bag on leaving court that day by security and not given to me until the next day. Respectfully, it is not a matter of a line here and a word there - there are entire conversations missing such as a discussion with the jury not present - between myself, prosecutor Antony EYERS and DCJ Wisbey where I request time to stay in court during the afternoon break to look up a reference in a book that the prosecution had referred to. Discussions had also taken place as to myself returning to the stand to cross examine myself. This is important as DCJ Wisbey suddenly ended the trial knowing it was my intention to return to the stand as discussed - a discussion not in the transcript. Pre-trial hearings are also not correct to my memory. One particular incident is acting Chief Judge Martino stating to me, "I will allow your allegations to stand on the record" after I accused the Senior Prosecutor of corruption. That statement is not in the transcript. Mr Michael Gething wants me to point out individual sections - there are too many and I suspect more to find. In the interest of justice, a correct transcript is vital especially as I prepare paperwork to go to the High Court. I am imprisoned in a high security prison. There are facilities here to go over the audio and correct the transcript and surrounding hearings including the very important directions hearing under DCJ McCann on whether Jews constituted a racial group. I am asking you to instruct Registrar Gething of the Perth District Court to send me the audio as he has done before so I can correct the transcript and surrounding hearings. Sincerely, Brendon Lee O'Connell I have just received a reply from Chief Justice Wayne Martin after I enquired why Mr Michael Gething of the Perth District Court was refusing to allow me to correct the transcript: 7 February 2013 Mr Brendon Lee O'Connell Locked Bag 2 ALBANY WA 6330 Dear Mr O'Connell Page 828 of 1018 Thank you for your letter of 8 January 2013, received at these Chambers on 14 January
  • I apologise for the delay in responding to your letter, but the letter was received whilst I was on leave, from which I have only recently returned. The first portion of your letter is concerned with alleged inaccuracies in the transcript of the proceedings in which you were involved in the District Court. As that court has responsibility for the accuracy of the transcription of proceedings before it, I do not propose to comment on those matters. Any issues which you have in that regard must be pursued with relevant officers of the District Court. So, even the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court passes the buck. Michael Gething refuses to allow me access to the audio. Michael Gething will give no reason as to why. Where does one go from here? Are these people accountable in any way? [15] Prejudiced By State Dignitary Protection Unit Being Present In Court On page 235 -17/1/2011 - Mr EYERS states, "But he needs particular security arrangements in place. We have no objection", in relation to me sitting at the Bar table. The next day, two large men in suits from the State Dignitary Protection Unit sat behind me. This would have created a great bias in the jury against me as a 'dangerous man'. Strangely, when I asked trouble makers to be removed, G4S guard 'Neville' stated the judge would have to order it. DCJ Wisbey did eventually remove one trouble maker several times but allowed him back the next day for another run. Surely the effect of two large men in suits - clearly police - sitting behind me was extremely prejudicial and angered me to a great extent. [16] Lack Of Detailed Indictment I remember several rulings of the High Court being made known to me by Mr Wayne Glew. The most recent ruling was March 2010(1 think) - Kirk v Industrial Relations Commission. The High Court insisted that an accused was entitled to a 'detailed indictment'. The hearing was under DCJ Sleight on the matter of a more detailed indictment with new and better particulars. On page 2 DCJ Sleight says: DCJ Sleight: There's three applications before me this morning as I understand it. An application by Mr O'Connell seeking an amendment to his bail conditions; an application by him relating to either having the indictment dismissed or an order for particulars; and thirdly, an order seeking a return of a video camera. Transcript 11/02/2010 page 2 I was late for court and DCJ Sleight decided to adjourn sine die but before doing so made this comment: Page 829 of 1018 DCJ Sleight: Yes, thank you. Can I just indicate that my preliminary view is that the state ought to provide particulars of each of the charges? The state might like to consider it's position in relation to that, and decide whether those particulars should be provided before the listings conference. Transcript 11/02/2010 page 2 My complaint had been that the indictment was extremely vague. I noted that in three previous similar matters which were argued before the Federal Court -Jones v Toben, Jones v Anthony GriggorScott (Bible Believers), Jones vScully- that the respondent had received a detailed indictment that laid out exactly the words, phrases, sentences that were believed to constitute racial vilification albeit in a differing legal jurisdiction. The difference in detail is stark compared with what I had received from the W.A D.P.P. Jeremy Jones lays out, line by line, the exact words that he believed constituted vilification of the Jewish 'race'. Mr John BOUGHER - barrister who appeared for me later in the year - agreed in principal with my argument and commented that he too could not identify what words and actions the state believed to constitute the offence. It was my opinion that the state should identify exactly what words and actions constituted the offence. It should not be up to me to 'guess' and build my defence. I should add that the only defence the state seemed content for me to take was that I was simply angry and did not 'intend' to racially vilify anyone even if it did happen, hence I would be innocent of the more serious Section 77 charges of which there were six - 'engaged in conduct intended to create racist animosity/hatred'. My argument, as you know, is that I would first need to diffuse the obvious bias of the jury towards the issue of Jewish power and behaviour by presenting my 'views' 184 as based in fact or at least 'facts' that were reasonable to believe by the average person - even if found to be wrong. Only then would a jury be able to make a clear judgement on my 'intent' when presenting these 'facts' under the particular circumstances of the time whether on the blog or on the video. The state seemed to believe that the jury would decide 'what' constituted the offence with the D.P.P just giving a 'broad outline'. Senior Prosecutor Mr Whalley commented at the hearing: Mr Whalley: Now, I'm not going to get into a discussion about the merits of the States case. It seems clear what Mr O'Connell's asking for in his application is better or particulars, specific particulars relating to the offences with which he's been charged. Clearly that is important, particulars, given his self-represented status, that he understands fully the case that he's required to meet. Now the State is cognisant of that obligation. The situation though as it presently stands is I have reviewed this matter and the evidence in this matter, and the indictment as it's presently drafted, and here I'm referring to the indictment dated 19 November 2009 containing six counts. I have taken a view that the indictment may not best reflect the alleged criminal conduct involved in terms of the offences charged and/or the particulars of the offences as pleaded in that indictment. Transcript 11/02/2010 p.4-5 184 You'll remember D.P.P head Mr Mcgrath stating my views were 'abhorrent' at the December 13 th 2011 appeal. Views that are a matter of the undisputed historical record and expounded by highly respected authors, journalists, politicians. Page 830 of 1018 Mr Whalley then presented the new (fourth) indictment on Friday the 26 th of February 2010. I again asked the prosecution to provide a detailed indictment. Flere are some extracts from the transcript of the days hearing. The first is to do with the video and the first charge on the indictment under Section 80B - 'Conduct likely to racially harass': CJDC Kennedy: All right. Can we have that? Thank you. Do you have a copy of the particulars? Accused: Yes, your honour. Although I still don't think that's satisfactory. I mean just - the prosecution still haven't even - sort of like, what are the statements? What are the words? I need the words. I mean they need to state the words and the actions that actually happened. P-27 CJDC Kennedy: And we want to make sure that you do have the particulars. Accused: Can you actually tell me the statements, the words? What is the offending? Mr Whalley: It is a fair question, your Flonour. The state will rely on all the words. Accused: Can you name those words? CJDC Kennedy: Well, have you got it? I don't know anything about it. Mr Whalley: There is no transcript of it, but it is essentially every word spoken between — CJDC Kennedy: But you're going to show the video to the jury? Mr Whalley: Yes, that's — CJDC Kennedy: And it's every word spoken. Mr Whalley: Yes, essentially. CJDC Kennedy: And how long does it go on for? Mr Whalley: Well, it will be about nine minutes for that particular charge. The entire thing — Transcript 26/02/2010 p.28 CJDC Kennedy: Well, that doesn't really matter, we're asking for particulars. The particulars on count 1 are every word you said to these people on that DVD. Accused: I think the prosecution needs to be a bit more specific. Page 831 of 1018 CJDC Kennedy: Well, I just don't understand in what way you mean they need to be more specific. Transcript 26/02/2010 p.28 Mr Whalley: Your Honour, I haven't committed the words to memory simply because the charge is harassment. It's the entire conduct and the words that's spoken, rather than and specific words. CJDC Kennedy: I can understand your frustration Mr Whalley. But the fact is that this man is acting for himself, he is likely to go on acting for himself. And therefore greater attempts to assist him are going to have to be made. And I'm just not quite sure whether- so when you say the whole nine minutes, are there actions, or is it only words? Mr Whalley: No, there are actions your Honour, in terms of following the individual, coupled with the words. It's difficult to isolate it. It's really the totality of the conduct that the State will be putting to the jury and saying "That's harassment". And then obviously that'll be a matter for the jury to determine. I will arrange for a transcript to be provided. As I say, Mr O'Connell has the footage for himself to view. And as I say, the State will rely on those parts particularised, but if it will assist him to have a transcript that he could follow, it is — Transcript 26/02/2010 p.28-29 Accused: Your Honour, I was just standing in with camera. But if the prosecution said I had, for instance, caused grievous bodily harm to Stanley Elliot Keyser, it would be reasonable to expect they would say what that action was; that I had struck him about the head causing him concussion — CJDC Kennedy: No. Well, what they are saying - but what they are saying, they're saying you used words that were racially harassing. Accused: Sorry, sorry. Surely they should name those words. CJDC Kennedy: Well, they are telling you, "Every word you said in the nine minutes." There you are. Every single word you said in that nine minutes, they're relying on. And they're relying on everything — Accused: Every single word? So "and", "if", "where the suns shining"? CJDC Kennedy: Yes, that's right, yes. Yes, you can put those - if you think that that's a valid argument, you can put that to the jury. Accused: But your Honour, you said "every single word". CJDC Kennedy: Yes, I did. No, "every single word" they're relying on, and your actions as well in the video. So that's what they're relying on in relation to that. So- Page 832 of 1018 Accused: But they also - well, I have to say, your Honour, I mean, obviously I'm very naive with the matters of the law. But I had to - could the record just show that I object to this? I think that it's up to the prosecution to be very specific. These are serious charges from the start. It is now 37 weeks in and I've just received a new indictment. And also, in the whole thing, they had not specifically stated once. They just say "search video" or "transcript", or can they actuallyjust give me a list of the words, actions, give me the specifics that were to create racial harassment or animosity? It's a fairly -1 thought it was a fairly simple point your Honour. CJDC Kennedy: Have you had a good look at the schedule of particulars? Accused: I have. Well, it depends what you mean by "good look". I think I've had enough of a look. Like, for instance, blog dated 25 October, brief page 113 to 129. I think I'm - it's incumbent upon them to actually put it down. CJDC Kennedy: What, you want them to actually rewrite pages 113 to 129? Accused: Well, no, I want them to say, "This part here, he said, 'Blah blah blah blah blah'. This is the statement here, this statement here. That is the statement we allege is racist or racial harassment". CJDC Kennedy: Look, they are not going to be tied down to a couple of words, Mr O'Connell. What they're talking about is not only - they're talking about passages of transcript. It's not just that you will have little arguments about "Is this particular word racial?" Transcript 26/02/2010 p.30-31 CJDC Kennedy: All right. Look, I don't propose to go further through that, Mr O'Connell. The fact is that what they are saying is that that - and it's a matter for the jury to make that determination. You've got the documents, and it's not a matter of specifying particular words and — Accused: But, your Honour, surely the relevant passage that the prosecution claims — CJDC Kennedy: I've made my ruling. I've just made a ruling. I've just made a ruling, and the ruling that I have just made is this. The whole of the blog is what they are referring to. The whole of the blog, they are saying, is conduct intended to incite racial animosity or racial harassment. Transcript 26/02/2010 p.33 Accused: But surely, the prosecution can actually hone in on something. CJDC Kennedy: But they don't have to. They don't want to hone in, and they don't have to. Page 833 of 1018 Accused: Your Honour, this is bizarre. Surely they have looked through and gone, "Yes, that is a passage. That is the statement right there." CJDC Kennedy: No. Accused: Because if I had said, "I am going to kill Stanley Keyser", the prosecution would be able to say, "That is the passage. That is the word. That is the intent there". CJDC Kennedy: Okay. My ruling is that the particulars are sufficient in the circumstances. Now - - Transcript 26/02/2010 p.33-34 On the 20 th of July 2010, my lawyer Mr BOUGHER wrote to the D.P.P: Dear Sir I have now looked through a great deal of material relating to this matter and request that by way of further and better particulars you provide the following details:
  • In relation to count 1, details of what statements it is alleged constitute or partly constitute the conduct that was likely to harass Mr Kaiser;
  • In relation to counts 2-7, details of the statements in each case alleged to have been made with intent to create or promote animosity towards a racial group; and
  • In relation to all Counts on the Indictment, what is the 'racial group' referred to in each case. I realise in relation to 2. Above certain rulings were made by then Chief Judge Kennedy on 26 February 2010 (page 33 of the transcript), but if the Prosecution is able to be more specific that would be helpful, particularly given the close proximity of the trial. On 28 July 2010 Mr Justin Whalley of the D.P.P replied: Dear Mr BOUGHER, Thank you for your letter of 20 July 2010. I apologise for the delay in replying. I will respond to your queries as they are enumerated in your letter.
  • It is not realistic to isolate individual statements or utterances in an attempt to particularise the conduct that was likely to harass Mr Kaiser. It is the totality of the conduct that represents the particulars of this count. The States position is that whilst any given statement in isolation may not constitute their combined effect is capable of constituting harassment. In addition, the verbal statements cannot be viewed in isolation divorced from physical conduct and demeanour. The State relies on the totality and combined effect of the conduct, words, gestures and demeanour as particulars of the harassment the subject of Count 1. Page 834 of 1018
  • The same principal applies to Counts 2-7, particulars of which are contained in a Schedule of Particulars that has previously been provided to Mr O'Connell. 185 Individual comments in the blogs the subject of Counts 4-7, regarded in isolation, may not ground an inference that their posting on the internet evinces an intention to incite racial animosity / harassment but, viewed as a whole, they are capable of doing so. There is really nothing that I can usefully add to the information provided in the aforementioned Schedule of Particulars. This is 'playing' with the indictment. The 'totality' of the conduct must by definition be made up of 'particulars' that the D.P.P could easily have summarised in detail. With the above in mind, at the trial summing up, Mr Antony Ayers went about directing the jury to exact paragraphs of what he thought constituted 'racial vilification'. On the 27 th January 2011, starting from roughly page 672 to 680, Mr Ayers goes to specific points of reference in the video and blog but the D.P.P was unable to do this on the indictment particulars giving me a chance to hone in on their argument before the trial. [17] My Need For Coffee Dr Walsh, this was actually no joke. I was at an extreme disadvantage as a heavy coffee drinker who could not leave the building like everyone else to buy whatever refreshments they wanted during breaks. I was kept 'in the dungeon' - bail room. They would not give me coffee without permission from the judge and he considered it a joke: Accused: Your Honour, what are my rights with - I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating. Can I call Mr Keyser back tomorrow — Accused: That's good. Let the record show, your Honour, need to think clearly - I need coffee, but I understand that's not going to happen. DCJ Wisbey: Well, I don't think the record will show you need coffee. The record will show you said you needed coffee. 18/01/2011 Page 412 Accused: I would like a coffee your Honour. DCJ Wisbey: — what you want — 185 The 'particulars' were PAGES of material - not individual statements or paragraphs. Page 835 of 1018 Accused: I've had an apple all day, because I've got a wheat intolerance, and in the dungeons I get no food. DCJ Wisbey: You need more than coffee. Transcript 18/01/2011 Page 395 The inflection and clear tone and imputation of the comment, "You need more than coffee", was that I was "mentally ill" and in need of medication. Eventually, after much begging, around day four I was allowed to receive coffee from the cafe in the court house. I could not take it back to the bail room/cell to drink it slowly with food. I had to sit in a cell outside the court room and 'scull' it, then go back to the bail room/cell. My understanding is that Western Australia is one of the few States to do this. Other States have the jury sit in the jury room and the accused - still on bail - can go outside and get whatever refreshments they feel they need. Being self-represented, I should have been given some latitude. They knew I would be self- representing two weeks before the trial. DCJ Wisbey simply disliked me intently. The feeling was mutual. Without coffee I was completely unable to think two to three hours into the trial. It put me at an extreme disadvantage that should not be underestimated. This is a matter the High Court should rule on - it is not a trivial matter. When an accused is self-represented they should be able to source the relevant sustenance that allows them to be at their best. I was not able to get a non-wheat diet either while in the bail room. Bread interferes in my ability to think. [18] Incidental Points [a] Holocaust™ Discomfort From page 581 to 591 I range freely over subjects brought up in the video. Virtually without interruption. However, when I get into so called 'holocaust denial' and spell out the persecution of dissidents, DCJ Wisbey interjects: DCJ Wisbey: Mr O'Connell, we've given you considerable latitude but you're not really — - The Witness: Well, I've made statements in the video. DCJ Wisbey: — not really addressing - you're not really addressing the issues? —I've made statements in the video. Page 836 of 1018 DCJ Wisbey does not interject again. I noted the discomfort when this issue came up. The judge knows that I have been charged surrounding comments I made about the so called Holocaust™. He knows very well the statements are relevant. I make extensive statements in the offending video as well where I defend the right of people to question history without being the subject of persecution. I am still astounded that people would be so sensitive about simple facts related to the subject coming up in a public forum. They were certainly terrified (in my opinion) of Dr Frederick Toben appearing. Unfortunately, Frederick was in the U.S and could not make it. I link this in with their general attempt to prevent material being presented at the trial and the spreading of 'abhorrent views'. Refer to the 'So Far So Good' official over view of racial discrimination legislation. [19] Quick Notes On WASCA Decision - May 4 th 2012 The appeal decision was at the very least, a one sided farce. There is so much to say that I will instead simply make some observations. The appeal against conviction was "sprung" on me the day that the appeal against sentence was to be heard. I had completed no submissions of my own and as you know I had experienced great difficulty just in getting to the library computers. The WASCA then "lied" when they said that they had not received from you the legal versions of my submissions on time: At paragraph 60, page 14 in the WASCA appeal decision, Justice Mazza states: The court wrote to the appellants solicitor and counsel, giving the appellant until 21 February 2012 to file any application, failing which they were put on notice that the appeals would be decided only on the material that was before the court at the hearing on 13 December 2011. No application was filed. Therefore these applications for leave to appeal will be decided on the proposed grounds of appeal which were before the court on 13 December 2011 and on the material and evidence in the court below: s39(l) Criminal Appeals Act 2004 (WA). Dr Walsh, we have already discussed from the outset of the decision that this is a lie by the WASCA. They did receive the submissions in on time and you have the paperwork to prove it. I asked in writing for the paperwork showing when the WASCA received your legal submissions. Some other paperwork requested by me was sent immediately to me but there was no reply regarding the submission paperwork. Here is my letter to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Western Australia: 8 th January 2013 Chief Justice Wayne Martin Supreme Court of Western Australia Stirling Gardens, Barrack Street PERTH, WA 6000 Page 837 of 1018 PH: (08) 94215333 FAX: (08) 9421 5471 CC: Dr John Walsh/Mathilda Evans - Counsel Questions On Administrative Matters - IND 1767 of 2009/CACR 28 & 29 of 2011 Your Honour, It is my understanding that you have ultimate authority over the day to day running of the Western Australian courts. I have two problems that relate directly to administrative rules of court.
  • Access to audio of trial and hearings to compare to transcript.
  • Confirmation of the date appeal submissions were received by WASCA in the matter of CACR28&29 of 2011. On the matter of the date that the WASCA received my submissions to the WASCA, here is a comment from Justice Mazza's decision handed down on my appeal of which you were a part. At paragraph 60, page 14 in the WASCA appeal decision, Justice Mazza states: The court wrote to the appellants solicitor and counsel, giving the appellant until 21 February 2012 to file any application, failing which they were put on notice that the appeals would be decided only on the material that was before the court at the hearing on 13 December 2011. No application was filed. Therefore these applications for leave to appeal will be decided on the proposed grounds of appeal which were before the court on 13 December 2011 and on the material and evidence in the court below: s39(l) Criminal Appeals Act 2004 (WA). "No application was filed". This is untrue according to my counsel Dr John Walsh who filed the submissions before the February 21 2012 deadline. I have requested Registrar Bush provide evidence of when Dr Walsh filed the submissions but he has neglected to do so. I am now asking you to direct Registrar Bush to provide evidence as to when the submissions were filed. Sincerely, Brendon Lee O'Connell Here is the recent reply from Chief Justice Wayne Martin on the WASCA's decision to not allow my submissions to be included in the appeal: 7 February 2013 Mr Brendon Lee O'Connell Locked Bag 2 ALBANY WA 6330 Dear Mr O'Connell Page 838 of 1018 Thank you for your letter of 8 January 2013, received at these Chambers on 14 January
  • I apologise for the delay in responding to your letter, but the letter was received whilst I was on leave, from which I have only recently returned. The second topic raised in your letter concerns your assertion that Justice Mazza was incorrect to state that no application was filed to enable receipt of the written materials which were provided to the court following the completion of the hearing on 13 December
  • I have carefully reviewed the file and concluded that Justice Mazza was entirely correct in his observations. The position is as follows. After various written materials were received from you during December and January, Justice Mazza's Associate wrote to your solicitors, copied to your counsel, by letter dated 1 February 2012 advising that if you wished the court to consider the materials which had been provided, it would be necessary for an application to that effect to be made, accompanied by written submissions dealing with certain topics. The letter advised that any such application, accompanied by the relevant submissions, would have to be lodged not later than 4pm on 21 February 2012. Your solicitors responded to that letter dated 9 February 2012 seeking further information in relation to the documents required to constitute the application referred to in the letter of 1 February from Justice Mazza's associate. Justice Mazza's Associate responded to that letter by a letter to your solicitors dated 15 February 2012, and which was sent to them by email on that date, advising that any application to receive further submissions following the completion of an appellate hearing was governed by the Rules of Court, and could not be conducted through correspondence. Your solicitors were advised that the appropriate application to be made was contained within schedule 1 of the Supreme Court (Court of Appeal) Rules 2005. Notwithstanding that advice, no such application was received within the time specified in the earlier correspondence, or at all. As indicated, I have therefore concluded that the portion of Justice Mazza's reasons to which you refer is entirely correct. Yours sincerely The Hon Wayne Martin AC Chief Justice of Western Australia Justice Mazza outlines the State's case from page 6, paragraph 13 to page 10, paragraph 35. I will focus on these grossly one sided comments and put the paragraph number before each extract. Nowhere does Justice Mazza deviate from the prosecution's case and statements from the accused. No mention of my recollection or the video showing Stanley Elliot Keyser clearly lying and agitating the rally:
  • Mr Keyser took a photograph of the protest group when they arrived. Page 839 of 1018 No, he took many photographs and stalked the 'Friends Of Palestine' group. He listened in and stood next to the group for over an hour with Timothy John Peach at his side. His accomplice Daniel Ari Lazareth had joined the F.O.P for the express purpose of infiltration. All of these three are members of the Australian Union of Jewish Students, Habonim Dror and/or Chabad Lubavitch - a violent racist criminal cult by any measure. These three were not little Boy Scouts out for an outing. They were committed Jewish activists, out for a confrontation.
  • After leaving the store, the appellant, who was present to observe and record the protest, approached Mr Keyser and Mr Peach. I approached them AFTER Mr Keyser took our photo, walked through the group, refused a pamphlet and said from half way up the steps at the back of the store, "We are Jews from Melbourne, and what you are doing is disgusting". Justice Mazza could of added, "Mr O'Connell then commenced filming the two men and said, 'You're Jews from Melbourne, you were taking our photo, why didn't you just come up to us, shake our hand, introduce yourself and give us your side of the story?"' 186 But I guess that would make me look half way decent and rational.
  • The appellant made statements to Mr Keyser such as, "You are a racist homicidal maniac" 187 , "You are a racist Jew", 'You belong to a racist homicidal organization", "You are anti-Goy...it is in your religion and race", and "You kill little Palestinian children and you support it" (count 1). The State alleged that the appellants statements seriously or substantially abused or severely intimidated Mr Keyser as a member of a racial group. Note that Justice Mazza has listed the statements as being a part of count 1. That's nice. Why were those statements not listed to me in the indictment? Why was the D.P.P so determined not to give me the specific statements that Justice Mazza chose to quote? Dr Walsh, I have given you an extensive background as to where I get my views from. If the State can make a case out of those comments then we had all better keep our mouths shut. The State made much that I could not have possibly known anything about Mr Stanley Elliot Keyser such that I could have reasonably made them without my real intention/or likelihood, being that it was likely he would feel 'racially vilified'. I made it known to the prosecutor that I knew Stanley Elliot Keyser 10 minutes before those comments were made as we debated vigorously. I know exactly what he is about. I know he is a committed activist
  • why else is he down there and by the force of his views he is a committed hard core Zionist 188 and therefore - ergo sum, a racist homicidal maniac who defends the slaughter of 1,500 largely innocent civilians (500 children) by a first world military juggernaut within a 8km (at its widest) and 20 km long cage called The Gaza Strip. I could have shown to the jury EXACTLY why I could reasonably have that view and why it was fair and reasonable to call Mr Stanley Keyser exactly those things. But, as you know, I could not show anything so the jury made a reasonable conclusion that I was at least an emotionally unstable man with an irrational hatred of Jews and Judaism. I would have done the same thing under the circumstances. 186 This is not in contention. My words and actions are on the video. 187 No, I actually said, "You are a BUNCH of racist homicidal maniacs". There's a big difference. 188 The foundation of Zionism is Jewish racial and religious supremacism expounded on in their religious books. Page 840 of 1018 That 80b section of the act is a joke - 'conduct likely'. I mean, ANYTHING is likely to cause this or that. Here is count 1 on the indictment: (1) On 2 May 2009 at South Perth Brendon Lee O'Connell, engaged in conduct, otherwise than in private, that was likely to harass Stanley Elliot Keyser as a member of a racial group namely pursuing Stanley Elliot Keyser and making a series of comments to Stanley Elliot Keyser. Note the term 'pursuing'. I never 'pursued' Keyser. He was at our protest. He was pursuing us. He was stalking us. I followed him as he went up to F.O.P members, the general public, and the F.O.P table out the front of the shopping centre where he attempted to make a scene and even lied to the organizer telling him that store security had asked us to move on. In fact, he is clear, calm and devious in word and deed. It's right there on the video. He is a highly experienced political activist and organizer - playing victim. He knows exactly what he is doing. His friend and mentor - Steve Lieblich - is a Jewish community leader and lawyer. They were both instrumental in organizing the 'Friends Of Israel' gathering that the Israeli Ambassador to Australia attended. I accused Stanley Keyser of deliberately making statements to entrap me in the legislation which he denied. He denied he knew anything about the racial vilification legislation or in fact he actually specifically stated: Accused: ... I put to you that if a man emphatically states that he's hurt and he's upset and he just wants to get away but I'm allegedly, according to you, yelling and screaming and following you, that casually wandering; and I call it casually wandering, and just going, "Come on. You can film this one", to a complete stranger is the behaviour of a man seeking to enact the racial vilification legislation?—Is that a question? You can answer yes or no. DCJ Wisbey: Yes. The question effectively is you were seeking to engage the racial vilification legislation by your behaviour?—No. As I said before, I've - I've never read the Racial Vilification Act. "I've never read the Racial Vilification Act." Yes, but he knows all about it even if he's never read it. He knew what he was doing. When I said to him in court he could at least have the decency to answer my questions as I was looking at 4 years jail he hissed back at me, "/ hope you get more. It's 14 years actually". I'm not able to finish this section. Out of time - too tired. [20] Why I Went On A Hunger Strike Assistant Editor of the West Australian newspaper (Colleen Egan) wrote an article on Mr Wayne Glew and his relationship with slain mother Heather Glendinning who 'apparently' murdered her two daughters with a knife and then committed suicide. Mr Glew was advising Mrs Glendinning on constitutional matters in relation to her family law case. Mr Glew also gave me advice on constitutional matters in relation to my case. Page 841 of 1018 The article appeared on December the 17 th 2011, just four days after I appeared with your Counsel at the WASCA on December the 13 th 2011 in front of Chief Justice Wayne Martin. Mr Glew is in a long running dispute with the W.A courts and has a well-known personal dislike for Chief Justice Martin. In fact, Colleen Egan writes: Mr Glew did not believe Ms Glendinning was delusional and claimed the entire court system, including Chief Justice Wayne Martin, was corrupt. "Justice Martin is a liar and a fraudster," he said. Seeing this report made me decide to go on the hunger strike as I believed there was no hope for an unbiased outcome especially considering everything that had occurred both before and after the trial. Mr's Egan wrote the excellent book on the W.A legal system, "Murderer No More", about the wrongful conviction of Mr Andrew Mallard. She is scathing of elements of the Western Australian legal fraternity and police. It's my understanding that Chief Justice Wayne Martin rang Mrs Egan and expressed (strongly) his annoyance at the article. Here is the long news article in full: Ex-cop: I helped mum fight law Colleen Egan WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER 17 th December 2011 Port Denison mum Heather Glendinning was encouraged to persue long running legal cases by a self-taught constitutional adviser who believes no WA courts have legitimacy and Supreme Court judges are frauds. Former policeman Wayne Glew is part of "a group of likeminded people" who challenge the decisions and powers of courts and governments, claiming they are not properly formed under the constitution. Mr Glew, an inventor who has a long running battle with the City of Greater Geraldton because he refuses to pay rates, this week handed over to regional broadcasters GWN7 several emails written by Ms Glendinning. In the emails, written earlier this year to Mr Glew and a court official, Ms Glendinning claimed that she was in fear for her life and that judges and lawyers were conspiring against her. The bodies of Ms Glendinning and two of her daughters, Jane and Jessica Cuzens, were found in her Port Denison home two weeks ago. They had all suffered extensive injuries in an attack that police believe was a murder-suicide by Ms Glendinning, who friends say was obsessed with lengthy battles against her ex-husband and his family in the Family and Supreme Courts. Mr Glew said Ms Glendinning contacted him five years ago for help with her legal cases. He said people often sought him out after seeing his many interviews on YouTube. "I studied the constitution for a long time and now I'm now teaching people about it," he said. Page 842 of 1018 "The constitution is the rule above all rules. Every verdict that comes out of any court in WA is invalid because they do not sit under the crown. "I told her the courts are, in my opinion, corrupt." Mr Glew prepared court documents for Ms Glendinning, who represented herslf in the protracted cases. "She sent me documents and I rewrote them for her," he said. "I put the Constitution and the Family Law Act in there. She presented it to the court and they just threw it out. "I do not give legal advice; I do not profess to be a lawyer. I profess to be a sovereign subject of the Queen. I've got a high IQ and a good memory." Mr Glew said Ms Glendinning was made to "look like a nut" in the legal battles. "I found her to be a very well-spoken and intelligent woman," he said. "She was very upset that they were trying to make out that she was mentally unstable. "I told her to keep going and get what she's entitled to. "We weren't out stirring trouble, we were trying to win the case for her. "She was told enough times that she was a nut case. I advised her to go to a psychiatrist and get a certification that she was not." One of WA's foremost researchers on violent crime, Associate Professor Guy Hall, examined the emails and described them as "paranoid ideas". "The language is odd and that's an indicator of schizophrenia," he said. "Delusions is a belief system: she misplaced a knife and that becomes someone has stolen the knife; she doesn't remember a court hearing right so she assumes that the transcripts have been altered. All of us remember things incorrectly but when we are faced with a transcript most of us accept that our memories were wrong, not that the judge altered the transcript." Professor Hall said the stress of legal cases and sense of injustice could make delusions worse. Mr Glew did not believe Ms Glendinning was delusional and claimed the entire court system, including Chief Justice Wayne Martin, was corrupt. "Justice Martin is a liar and a fraudster," he said. Mr Glew said he believed Ms Glendinning was murdered and that he had urged her to go to the police over her fears, including once when he overheard a man threatening her while they were on the phone. "I don't think she trusted the police and that was probably her downfall," he said. "I'm convinced she would not have hurt those kids. A man did it. "You can clean a crime scene. I spent 17 years in the police and you can make anything look like anything." Mr Glew has not offered his information to police investigating the Port Denison tragedy. I was told over the phone that Wayne Glew had said Ms Glendinning had stab wounds to her back indicating she and her daughters were murdered. I felt what had happened to Ms Glendinning and her two young daughters were a message to myself and people pushing constitutional issues as well as Israeli intelligence issues, for these reasons: • I used to live in Port Denison. • Wayne Glew had also advised me on constitutional issues to do with my case, and in fact, I had visited Wayne Glew's house twice and interviewed him several times. I had also edited a video of an interview he had done available on "Vimeo" video hosting site. • I had expressed a concern to Hakea staff that my family may be targeted, especially my sister with two young daughters, a single mum. Page 843 of 1018 • I had been constantly vilified as being "mentally ill" and a "nut case". • I was trying desperately to have the transcript corrected due to the obvious fact that it was grossly incorrect - a matter Professor Guy Hall considered to be "delusional" in Ms Glendenning's case. I was on a long hunger strike at this time in response to Chief Justice Wayne Martin appearing on my appeal with such a strong conflict of interest and the fact that the entire case and appeal process contained such a gross abuse of process. Also, it must be noted that on September the 1 st 2011 I attended a consultation with forensic psychiatrist Dr Mark Hall 189 at the privately run Serco prison - Acacia. Dr Hall informed me that the interview was to ascertain whether I had a "mental illness that was treatable". It was ordered by Serco head of 'Intel' Mr Bill BOSHE who was perhaps upset that I had been making enquiries as to his activities whilst a member of South African intelligence before coming to Australia. Dr Hall asked if I would "leave the state"? I was absolutely incensed that in a supposed 1 st world parliamentary democracy a citizen could be offered "exile" as an alternative to incarceration - Soviet Union style. But then, as Governor Malcolm McCusker noted a year ago in the West Australian newspaper: "Western Australia is a racist state only interested in digging up rocks to sell to China." Western Australia has certainly earned its reputation as "The Wild West". Also, I had been privy to many prisoners stories about W.A and its legal system which did not in any way give me confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary. All of the above must have interfered in the then current appeal process - especially as the WASCA stated they had not received your submissions by the due date when in fact they had. This was in keeping with the abuse of process all along the line and Legal Aid W.A and it's games. Some quotes from Ms Egan's book - 'Murderer No More '-which have some relevance to the appeal: My heart sank. Malcolm was right - these judges didn't like us one bit. It was one thing for the court to express concern at the possibility that reporting could sometimes influence witnesses. It was quite another to foreshadow that 'public expectation' might be 'extremely disappointed' by the outcome. It was clear now: they saw us as a bunch of trouble makers who were slandering the good name of the police and prosecution services in the name of a viscous killer who shouldn't be let out of jail. It was written all over their faces. p.173 Upstairs, I grimaced and held Jacquie's hand. She had tears in her eyes: frustration, indignation, anger. I was angry too. I also felt a surge of pride and gratitude. Some lawyers in our small city tended to back down when they knew they were going to lose, otherwise4 things just got uncomfortable when they were next before the same judges, or dining at the Weld Club, or attending functions in the Western suburbs. Malcolm [McCusker] [Q.C] had stood up for the principals of fairness and justice, as instructed by his client and he'd refused to yield. p.182-183 All of the above contributed to my deciding to go on a 79 day hunger strike and lose 30kg. 189 No relation to psychiatrist mentioned in newspaper article - Guy Hall. Page 844 of 1018 [21] Sentencing While Archer acknowledges that the article was probably fair, he says it also displays the sycophantic approach many court reporters adopt in dealing with prominent legal figures. He says, "This kind of journalism simply adds to the mystique of lawyers and judges as wise and intellectually adroit combatants to whom we all should pay due respect. In fact they are no more special than any other senior public servant. They are fallible, subjective and in some cases as ill equipped as anyone else working in the higher levels of our large public bureaucracies." Robin Bowles 2007 "Rough Justice - No Justice" The Five Mile Press, p.162 Before I begin explaining the particulars of my sentencing it is extremely enlightening to compare the three year prison sentence given to me and the punishment given to an extremist racist neo-Nazi group (Combat 18) who fired three high powered rifle rounds into the roof of a Perth Mosque: Mosque shooter fined more than $9000 August 23, 2010 A man who pleaded guilty to firing shots at a mosque in Perth has been ordered to pay nearly $10,000 in reparation and criminal damage costs. Bradley Neil Trappitt and three accomplices, who are allegedly part of a race hate group called Combat 18, fired three shots at the dome of the Suleymaniye Mosque in Queens Park in Perth's south on February 4. The court heard they were drunk at the time. Trappitt, of Greenmount, was charged with wilfully damaging property, possessing an unlicensed firearm and unlawfully discharging a firearm from across the road. In the Perth's Magistrates court, the 25 year old was fined $5000 for criminal damage, $3750 for his part in the reparation costs for the Mosque, $1000 for the two firearm offenses and $62.60 in court costs. Magistrate Steven Heath said the fine needed to be a "substantial one to reflect the seriousness" of the crime. He said Trappitt's involvement could be distinguished from his co accused as a "lesser role" and accepted that he co-operated when he was questioned. But he said it was still a "foolish decision" to participate in the crime. Trappitt's lawyer Curt Hofmann said his client drove the car to the Mosque but never got out of the vehicle. He said Trappitt was trying to show "bravado" among his friends and was acting out of "stupidity". "It was an incredibly stupid thing but it was not racially motivated," Mr Hoffman argued in court. Outside court, Trappitt remained tight lipped, flanked by two burley minders. Page 845 of 1018 Trappitt lost his job as a track maintenance officer with Westrail over the shooting incident. He is now working as a Crowd Controller on $300 a week. He had previously trained as a sign language interpreter. One of Trappitt's co-accused, Jacob Marshall Hort, 24, had been earlier sentenced after pleading guilty to similar charged and was considered the main perpetrator of the shooting, the court was told. Hort, of High Wycombe, told the three men that he "was a real man" and insisted on being driven to the Mosque where he and two others fired a round each, using a .303 calibre rifle, the court heard today. The damage to the Mosque was $15,000. Hort was given a 7 month sentence suspended for 12 months. Originally based in the United Kingdom, Combat 18 has chapters across the world and is based on the ideas of neo-Nazism and white supremacy. The number 18 is derived from the initials of Adolf Hitler, with A and H being the first and eighth letters of the alphabet. -AAP, with Aja Styles Let me make some basic corrections: • Combat 18 is not just "any" neo-Nazi group, it is THE neo-Nazi group considered a terrorist outfit in Germany responsible for murder, firearms dealing and explosives. • Their lawyer stated, "It was an incredibly stupid thing but it was not racially motivated". Are they joking? How could it not be? If you are a part of a 'racist extremist group' and you are pumping high powered rifle rounds into the symbol of the Arab world, how is it not racially motivated? • All of them received a sentence that was suspended. • They did not fire "at" the Mosque, they fired directly into the domed roof in a tight bullet grouping with a high-powered rifle. Mr Daniel Jewell, a former Australian soldier bragged he had fired all three rounds and the police knew it was him because of the "tight grouping". • Mr Trappitt lost his job apparently at Westrail. The man who fired all three shots
  • Daniel Jewell 190 - was still employed in a Class A infrastructure facility (Telstra exchange Pier Street) when he approached me on the street in just before they were all sentenced. I am aghast at this decision. Why were they not charged with a terrorist act? Why were they taken to the Sheraton Hotel and interviewed by the Australian Federal Police? Is it open season on Muslim Mosques? What would I have gotten for shooting three rounds into the local Perth synagogue? Words utterly escape me. Further, a serving police officer who had "tipped off" the group that there phones were being surveilled, had his conviction quashed after serving 7 months of his 18 month sentence: 190 Daniel Jewell claimed to be a highly trained infantryman and bragged that the police knew it was him because of the tight grouping of the impacting rounds. Page 846 of 1018 Case against ex-cop dropped Amanda Banks WEST AUSTRALIAN PAPER 15 th February 2013 State prosecutors have dropped a case against a former policeman after an appeal court quashed his conviction for attempting to pervert the course of justice. Robert David Critchley's appeal against his conviction was upheld unanimously by three Court of Appeal judges in a decision that was delivered in October. The appeal court did not publish its decision until this week. Mr Critchlie, who pleaded not guilty to the charge and was convicted after a District Court jury trial in February last year, served more than seven months of his eighteen month jail term before being released after his appeal. During the trial, it was alleged that he had tried to "tip-off" a suspected white supremacist that he was under covert surveillance. Mr Critchlie rejected suggestions he was sympathetic to nationalist extremist groups and denied speaking to anybody during two calls from public telephone boxes. The Court of Appeal ordered Mr Critchlie to face a retrial, but the charge against him was formerly discontinued on November 2. A spokeswoman for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions said the case was not being pursued because of evidentiary problems. Note the quashing was not reported until four months after the quashing. • A spokeswoman for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions said the case was not being pursued because of evidentiary problems. Maybe it's a "hint" Dr Walsh? The West Australian paper has a lot of "hints" in it at times © I noted this at a hearing in 2010: ACCUSED: Yes your Honour. I'm at the - being gagged as I am with the Israeli Station Chief being thrown out of the country on Monday, its rather good timing, the West Australian ran Saturday "Suburban Terrorists Combat 18 Fascist Nazi's Ready To Eat Jew Babies" - well, I'm exaggerating, but that's the tone of it all - "With Suitable Deaths Head", and I notice the reporter is Ronan O'Connell. I take that as a shot across the bow. And your Honour, I hope that the media acts responsibly, and I hope that the D.P.P and various policing agencies and the judiciary do not come under any undue pressure from a certain very powerful minority who brag as Joel Stein, the opinion piece in the LA Times, that they run the media and they are very proud of it. Transcript 31/05/2010 Page 138-139 With regards Mr Robert Critchlie who was employed with the W.A Police within its communication surveillance system, it is worth noting that other related employees within the W.A Police like to assist members with the public - this, related to the Loyed Rayney case: "The State alleged Mr Rayney revealed his desperation and willingness to commit crime in that he paid then police I.T worker Timothy Pearson $2000 to install a phone bug at the family home so he could secretly uncover his wife's plans." West Australian Newspaper Page 847 of 1018 3 rd November 2012 - Page 61 I wonder what else these police are getting up to? Detective Mark Rubidge of W.A Technology Crime was in charge of my computer when large amount of data was deleted off it. I complained and 7 hours later my house was raided again and all the computers taken - I was then charged under Section 77 five more times. Detective Rubidge has a very, very, very cosy relationship with one of Australia's largest Internet Service Providers - II Net. II Net were going broke in 2005, then, suddenly, they were sporting brand new multi-million-dollar business headquarters in Subiaco and were buying up other ISP's hand over fist. How so? Perhaps their former offices one floor below W.A Technology Crime on St Georges Terrace explain it? I say II Net has done a deal with the State Government and is a virtual government office reporting directly to police giving them unlimited access to their network and customers. I would also add that when I was blatantly hacked and important e-mails deleted off both my hard drive (right in front of me) and II Net mail server I went straight to II Net in Subiaco and requested the 'logs' for the I.P number of the person who had logged in. The head of security claimed that II Net did not keep logs which is absolutely ridiculous. She was very nervous and I have no doubt she was on the phone to Detective Mark Rubidge when I came into the office. The above all contributed to my behaviour in court. The feeling was I was in a "fixed game" from the beginning. I repeat my earlier apology to the court contained within hurriedly prepared court submissions which were ultimately never considered by the WASCA: With this in mind, and being aware that jail - though inherently dangerous - holds no fear for me; that I have been assaulted, shifted constantly and suddenly transferred to a maximum security facility, and do not shift my mainstream acquired knowledge of Jewish racial and religious supremacism one iota' please then take the following statement as sincere and from the heart: "I unreservedly apologise for my behaviour in court. I am 40 years old and should have taken into account that the court system in general, and DCJ Wisbey in particular, was not responsible for the emotional stress I suffered in the lead up to the trial. With a good working knowledge of psychology and human behaviour, I should have taken measures to gain insight into, and improve my physical and emotional well-being well before the trial began. I should have been aware of the limits of the legal system and taken into account there are well defined and appropriate ways to settle matters which will not always be to my liking but are appropriate under the circumstances. I treated the legal process as a game of sport between myself and Stanley Keyser - a game I wanted to win out of personal pride where I forgot even about the reason I went to the IGA in the first place; to protest the slaughter of innocent human beings in Gaza. All that became forgotten in the events that followed. The Australian legal system is not perfect but it could be said to be the envy of many around the world. Finally, in the Orthodox Christian tradition it is said...'God brings together, Satan tears apart.' I hope my sincere apology to the court and W.A Legal system in general, including Mr John Wisbey, court staff on the day, Mr Antony EYERS, G4S staff, police, Mr Justin Whalley and DPP staff is seen and accepted as sincere." COPY OF HANDWRITTEN LETTER TO PERTH SUPREME COURT OF APPEAL IN THE MATTER OF CACR 27&28 OF 2011 I have subsequently been assaulted again. I am a minimum prisoner (4 points) constantly over ridden to medium security. In the assault that took place on September the 11 th 2012 in Casuarina maximum security prison, I suffered a significant loss of consciousness, displaced fracture of my right Ulna and severe bruising down the right side of my body. I was rushed to Royal Perth Hospital. Page 848 of 1018 With over 2 years already of my 3-year sentence completed, my apology to the court should have added sincerity. I do not have to apologise. I remain of the view I was treated badly and continue to be treated badly by the Western Australian legal system. Some things are outright corruption and gross abuse of the legal process. However, I can only account for my own behaviour and would most certainly do things differently with the knowledge I have now. I continue to apologise for my bad behaviour in court but insist that DCJ Wisbey MUST be held accountable also. DCJ Wisbey absolutely added fuel to the fire with his unprofessional comments and constant sarcasm and baiting. My previous comments apply: Further to DCJ Wisbey's behaviour, which was raised in relation to mine, is the fact that DCJ John Wisbey is a paid professional with many years' experience. His job is maintain an attitude "above the fray" and not descend into it. He mocked me continually from literally the moment I stood and many of his comments have been removed from the record which is perhaps why, after 4 months of begging, I am being refused the right to correct the trial transcript. As a professional in my own field which included working in Emergency departments and I.C.U's, I am expected to use my high qualification and training to not only diffuse situations but to get to the heart of the matter to ensure a good outcome for all. Nurses are not expected to descend to the level of the drunk, drug affected or mentally ill or in emotional distress patient, although this sometimes happens. Nursesare expected to...act professionally. This is why they are paid what they are paid, and not McDonald workers rates. Respectfully, DCJ Wisbey added fuel to the fire and exhibited a huge bias throught the entire trial, all the time smugly hiding behind his professional credentials and the good will afforded him by the public. When a supporter muttered, "answer the question", he was immediately removed by DCJ Wisbey and banned for the entire trial. When a 'blow in' appeared and caused disturbances, DCJ Wisbey warned and only removed at the last straw. I repeatedly asked the G4S Guard "Neville" to please remove the man from the gallery but he refused. I believe DCJ Wisbey was quite happy to have him there as an example to which he could refer later on in his summing up as, "one of my supporters" when the man was simply someone who began appearing at my court appearances. It is my firm opinion that DCJ Wisbey acted so unprofessionally that it exacerbated the feeling I had from the beginning that I was in a "rigged game". DCJ Wisbey's over protection of witnesses was so one sided I was quite amazed. With regards Professor Andrew Markus, I remember DCJ Wisbey - at the completion of his testimony - saying to him... "Well thank you very much for your assistance, Professor Markus. And I say that you are now free to go, I couldn't stop you if you wanted to anyway." (T p.479 19/01/2011). I reply, "Your Honour, can you please stop such comments, it shows your incredible bias. I've got so many - you on the transcript so often, it's going to be funny. It's going to be funny." What's missing from the transcript is DCJ Wisbey saying to Professor Andrew Markus... "Sorry to have wasted your time Professor," in the same passage. DCJ Wisbey dripped sarcasm constantly. You will note that my behaviour with Professor Markus was polite at all times and it seems DCJ Wisbey was keen to embarrass me and bait me the moment I got hold of myself and calmed down enough to focus on the matters at hand. I cannot believe you cannot see how badly he behaved. If you were to listen to the Page 849 of 1018 audio his baiting and sarcasm become more obvious. The transcript as I have mentioned before, is missing large chunks and that is no accident. COPY OF HANDWRITTEN LETTER TO PERTH SUPREME COURT OF APPEAL IN THE MATTER OF CACR 27&28 OF 2011 DCJ John Wisbey is notorious amongst both criminals and lawyers as being thoroughly disliked. He is an obnoxiously arrogant character. 'Respect' is earned - it is not simply given. I contrast Mr John Wisbey's behaviour with Chief Judge Martino and former Chief Judge Kennedy who were firm but fair and respectful to me. I was rebuked frequently by them and I always apologised to them. Judges need to understand they are employees of the State - nothing more. They are entitled to the same amount of respect as ANY member of the public. I gave back what I got from Wisbey. Was this mature behaviour on my part? Absolutely not, and as a supposed Christian I feel shame at my behaviour. Even reading the transcript has been difficult as I 'cringe' at my comments. The whole experience with John Wisbey in his capacity of a Judge of the District Court reminds me of the popular joke amongst Nurses about Doctors: Q: What's the difference between God and a Doctor? A: God knows he's not a Doctor. I again apologise - sincerely - for my behaviour in court. I have paid dearly for it with over two years served in jail so far. I have been seriously assaulted in jail. I have been vilified in the press and was not able to defend myself. When I tried from Hakea prison to write a letter correcting media reporting I was told by the Senior Officer I would be charged with "stalking" and my letter to the West Australian newspaper editor was shredded. It is time judges in superior courts in Western Australia 191 understood their loyalty is to the rule of law and the rules of court - not their "Brother Judge". Perhaps Justice Buss' comment at the WASCA on December 13 th 2011 sums up the sentencing? JA BUSS: One can readily understand that a suspended sentence would have been appropriate had someone in your clients position pleaded guilty even if not at the first opportunity, had expressed some remorse at some stage or even given an apology. If these had been the facts, then it is very difficult to see how a term of immediate imprisonment could possibly have been justified, but those are not the facts. Transcript 13/12/2011 Page 18 WASCA If I'd just said "sorry"? Apparently, that works if you shoot up a Mosque with a high-powered rifle as well. Should I have been charged under Section 77 or at all? Well, on page 186 of this letter I go into detail about the new Senior Prosecutor Mr Justin Whalley stating he may take the entire matter back to the Magistrates Court: 191 1 cannot speak for other states. Page 850 of 1018 MR WHALLEY: I can say this. That it's most unlikely that the prosecution in its entirety will be discontinued; I'm simply talking about amending charges. The jurisdiction may, and I take it no further than that, may be affected such that any trial might take place in the Magistrates court. Transcript 11/02/2010 page 5 But according to everyone I was basically a lunatic, anti-Semite, hater, nazi, racist...you name it. But Jews? They just keep on keeping on. Hiding behind the Holocaust™ and fanciful delusions of persecution. Playing 'victim' to the hilt. People get angry because they are sick of being labelled such things when they have a sincere and self-evident concern about Jews and their activities. [A] DCJ Wisbey's Rush To Sentencing If you go to the transcript where I have been found guilty on the Friday you will find comments by DCJ Wisbey that he wishes to proceed to sentencing "quickly" - on the Monday. I don't have it on me as I rush to send this synopsis to you. I believe the rush was because I had told the G4S guard "Neville", that some Palestinians were going to be coming into the trial and that is why DCJ Wisbey ended the trial suddenly and why he rushed to sentencing. [B] Specific Precedents Dr Walsh, this is just a quick run-down of relevant precedents to compare to my comments which I received three years jail for. Both the prosecution at sentencing and appeal said there were really no relevant comparable cases but this is untrue. On the specific comments that the DPP and WASCA found so "abhorrent" there is plenty of examples. You used Jones v Toben 2002 [FCA] as the main example but this was not the best. The two best examples are: Jeremy Jones, and on behalf of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry v The Bible Believers Church [2007] FCA 55 (2 February 2007) Jones v Scully (2002) 120 FCR 243 In the Bible Believers case, Mr Anthony Griggor Scott ran a website that made regular comments along the same lines as myself. He was charged under Section 18Cofthe FIREOC Act which is almost identical to Section 80B of the W.A Criminal Code Racial Vilification Act. The key words being "likely" and "offend". Here, to give you an idea, is the complaint written to the Federal Court by Jeremy Jones: We write to lodge a formal complaint under the anti-racial-hatred provisions (Part 11 A) of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) in respect of material published on the Australian website < http://biblebeleivers.org.au > ("The Website"). The Executive Council of Australian Jewry, the peak representative organisation of the Australian Jewish community, complains that: Page 851 of 1018 (I) the material on the website is reasonably likely in all circumstances to offend, insult, humiliate and intimidate Jewish Australians; and (II) one of the reasons that the material has been published is the race or national or ethnic origin of Jewish people, including Jewish Australians. The specific matters complained of are as follows:
  • At < http://www.biblebeleivers.org.au/nl242.htm > under the heading 'Lies and the First Anniversary of the 9/11 Conspiracy' where the following words appear: We have all seen how the holocaust hoax of six-million Jews claimed to have been gassed and cremated by Germany in World War 1 failed to deceive the mob in 1919. Whereas monopolistic control of the media, film, and more boldly pursued holocaust hoax of six- million Jews gassed and cremated by Germany in World War 11 has produced such powerful psychological and material results the entire world is enslaved to the beneficiaries of the lie and temples of Eguivocation affront the intelligence of humanity in major cities world-wide.
  • At <http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/wasthere.htm> the following words appear: The Holocaust has become the greatest instrument of sympathy which any nation has ever been able to use to gain support for wars, expansion and foreign-aid: This has made Israel the world's sixth strongest military power. The gravest threat to all this wealth and influence is the growing doubt over the guestion of whether or not a real holocaust of 6 million Jews actually took place.
  • At the " wasthere.htm " webpage the following words appear at the conclusion: The main theme of Jewish fund-raising is the holocaust and has been for 38 years. When they don't use the holocaust the money collection sharply drops off. Thus the more the Press, TV and Hollywood promotes the holocaust the more money the United Jewish Appeal and other Zionist funds can extract from gullible people... Jewish leaders have discovered that by repeating holocaust stories over and over again they can instil a guilt complex within all Gentiles. This effectively silences most critics of Zionist political goals... Why doesn't the Jew-controlled press, TV and film industry give massive media attention to real victims and to prove holocausts of Gentiles in recent history. Let me now contrast the above comments with professor Norman Finkelstein and his book "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering" which has been mentioned previously: 'The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering' was published in 2000. Here, Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is so the state of Israel , "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state" in order to garner "immunity to criticism. " [18] He also alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland, moneys which then go to the lawyers and institutional actors involved in procuring them, rather than actual Holocaust survivors. [19] [201 [21] Page 852 of 1018 Finkelstein also had his supporters however. Raul Hilberg, widely regarded as the founder of Holocaust studies, [24] said the book expressed views Hilberg himself subscribed to in substance, in that he too found the exploitation of the Holocaust, in the manner Finkelstein describes, 'detestable.' Asked on another occasion if Finkelstein's analysis might play into the hands of neo-Nazis for anti-semitic purposes, Hilberg replied: 'Well, even if they do use it in that fashion, I'm afraid that when it comes to the truth, it has to be said openly, without regard to any consequences that would be undesirable, embarrassing.' 1251 1191 Finkelstein, N. (2003). The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering ((2nd ed.) ed.). Verso, pp. xiii. [20] Where did the Shoah money go? Ynetnews October 12, 2006 http://www.vnetnews.eom/articles/l.7340.L-3338282.00.html 1211 Lawyer's $4.1 Million Fee Angers Holocaust Survivors New York Times February 25, 2006 http://www.nvtimes.com/2006/02/25/nvregion/25lawver.html? r=l&oref=sloslo [[[[Felix Kellerhoff (25 January 2003). ""Raul Hilberg und die Quellen des Holocaust"' . Die Welt. http://www.welt.de/printwelt/article351516/Raul Hilberg und die Quellen des Flolocaust.html [2S1 Roberto Antonini (31 August 2000). "Interview with Raul Hilberg"" . Swiss National Radio (SBC-SSR). http://www. normanfinkelstein. com/article. php?pg=3&ar=202 Let's just elaborate again: • Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is so the state of Israel, "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state" in order to garner "immunity to criticism." [18] • He also alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland... • Raul Hilberg, widely regarded as the founder of Holocaust studies, [241 ... Asked on another occasion if Finkelstein's analysis might play into the hands of neo-Nazis for anti-semitic purposes, Hilberg replied: 'Well, even if they do use it in that fashion, I'm afraid that when it comes to the truth, it has to be said openly, without regard to any consequences that would be undesirable, embarrassing.' 1251 Mt Anthony Griggor Scott of the 'Bible Believers' website has essentially said the EXACT same thing as Professor Raul Hilberg and Professor Norman Finkelstien, both pre-eminent and highly respected scholars. No one is calling for the blood of these Jewish Professors - apparently. It would seem that the sole problem these various Acts and Statutes have is that the framers of the legislation, and the judiciary applying the Acts, have literally ZERO historical knowledge of 'Jewish Issues'. They believe that the ONLY reason people could have for raising these issues in public is to "exterminate Jews" because they have some "irrational hatred". The decision of these two judges of the Federal Court bears this out:
  • I observe moreover that in the concurring appellate judgment of Kiefel J in Toben 120031 FCAFC137; 129 FCR 515, her Honour concluded, at [77], that: '[t]he likelihood that the appellant wrote only to pursue the truth of those subjects is rendered implausible by this unnecessary aside, which appears to have no real purpose in such a debate other than to disparage Jewish people. In my view, it confirms what a reading of the article as a whole raises as a prospect, namely that it was published with Jewish people in mind, as those responsible for concocting the Holocaust and, indeed, as an attack upon Page 853 of 1018 them. 10 . In the further concurring judgment of AllsopJ, his Honour made the following observation at [98]: '98. The above history (taken from the works of scholars, Lerner and Schwelb, working contemporaneously with events) is given to illuminate what it was that the international community was dealing with. By this time in the twentieth century, the nations of the world had experienced a century stained by, amongst other catastrophes, racial slaughter, pogroms, forced removal and relocations of whole peoples, religious and ethnic genocide, and were undergoing the trauma involved in the break-up and disintegration of colonial empires and national and regional political structures based on racial characteristics. The unexpected recrudescence, in the winter of 1959-1960, of some of the most recent and horrific manifestations of racist behaviour enlivened the world community to act swiftly and (with an inevitable degree of variation in political perspective) unanimously, to take steps towards the elimination of the perceived evil. The perceived evil was all forms of racial discrimination and racial prejudice, the manifestation of which had been, in recent generations, at times horrifically violent and strident, at times overt, and at times less overt and less brutal, but nevertheless insidiously pervasive. In any form, it was recognised, by all nations in the international community, to strike at the dignity and equality of all human beings.' Thereafter at [100]-[101], his Honour added:
  • Racial hatred was one form or manifestation of the perceived evil. Unhappily, it was a form with which the nations in the General Assembly in 1960 to 1965 were all too familiar. It was the form of the perceived evil most likely to lead to brutality and violence, but it was not the only form of the perceived evil antithetical to the dignity and equality inherent in all human beings upon which the Charter of the United Nations was based. It was to all such forms and manifestations that the Convention was directed. In Jones v Olga Scully - the 'theme' is the same. Her "views" were painted the same way. The same 'theme' was presented by DCJ John Wisbey when sentencing me on 31/01/2011 where he stated I had an "irrational hatred of Jews" and my comments and actions were "catalytic of civil unrest". The fact that we could all be simply ordinary people concerned at the actions of a seemingly out of control 'psychopathic cult' escapes apparently intelligent judges and legislators. I hope the last 200 odd pages of information - gleaned from mainstream sources - on Jewish Power and machinations can begin to dispel such "abhorrent views" from judges and legislators and we can have an adult discussion about this very important subject. In the end, both Olga Scully and Anthony Griggor Scott of 'The Bible Believers' had their convictions over turned on appeal. You can find no mention of this online. Olga Scully's case has disappeared from the online case library. Page 854 of 1018 In Jones v Toben (2002), Dr Frederick Toben was simply asked to remove the "offending passages" from his website. This he refused to do. He served 3 months at Yatala Prison in South Australia for contempt of court. His website - 'The Adelaide Institute' - continues to be published by a supporter. It has not been altered in any way or complied with the Federal Courts instructions. It is clear that it is not the WAY people express their views but WHAT people are expressing that troubles the interpreters of the relevant legislation in all jurisdictions. They state it quite clearly from the beginning where they judge the "views" themselves. It was said from the outset that the legislation would not impinge on notions of "free expression" because it would focus on the WAY people expressed things and this is clearly not the way judges and prosecutors are using the legislation. Simply look at the way the prosecutor and judges use the term "aberrant views" in my matter: DCJ WISBEY: There can be no doubt that imprisonment to be immediately served is the necessary sentencing decision required to act as a specific deterrent for you and a general deterrent to others, including particularly the small group of supporters whose behaviour in court during the trial suggests that they share your aberrant views. Transcript 31/01/2011 Page 746 The "small group of supporters" share my views on the un-constitutional nature of the court, not necessarily my views on Jews. Also, he said it again - "aberrant views". Wisbey, like everyone else, is simply dead bones ignorant of the simple mainstream history of Jews and what they get up to but which I have scratched the surface of in this case synopsis. Do my views sound so "aberrant" now Dr Walsh? Certainly you could argue that I could have articulated them better but that is not the point. It is not the "Speak Nicely Act". Here, head of the DPP McGrath makes the same mistake at the WASCA on 13/12/2011: The appellant was not a young man, being 40 years of age, and was firmly entrenched in his aberrant views, despite being an intelligent man holding tertiary qualifications. Those personal features, combined with the appellants demonstrated repeated course of offending, as well as his complete lack of remorse, reinforced the need for the sentence to reflect specific deterrence, given what could only be assessed by the learned sentencing judge as the appellants high risk of re-offending in a similar way. Point 68 I love the way McGrath adds, "despite being an intelligent man holding tertiary gualifications." Well whose the fool? The head of the DPP is a complete illiterate fool on simple Jewish history. I'm quite sure they are not so sure of themselves these days. This is right through all of McGraths comments at the WASCA hearing: MCGRATH: In my submission your Honour Buss JA, whilst I would accept that the two videos are the high water mark 192 , these blogs remain extremely serious offending because of what is said in there and they require, with respect, very close 192 1 state that I am angry in the video's. I also clarify in the video's what I mean by, "Your days are numbered" and "camps". Page 855 of 1018 reading and the significance is, as the Law Reform Commission says quite properly, the correlation between exhortations and actual acts of violence. Transcript 13/12/2011 Page 26 Again - judged for WHAT I said. As for the Law Reform Commission, just WHAT "exhortations" and "actual acts of violence" are they talking about? The only acts of violence I see being perpetrated in WA are by neo-Nazi's shooting up Muslim Mosques and they walked away with a suspended sentence. And again, McGrath judges the "views": McGrath: So in respect to the totality it would be a number of points I would conclude on about the seriousness. I have just spoken about the legislation and the 14 years. This is a point your Honour the chief justice made and that is the manner in which the information has been disseminated. The use is the World Wide Web and we deal with that in our submissions at paragraph 66. Number 2 is the nature of the actual material and that needs, with respect, to be closely considered. Transcript 13/12/2011 Page 26 McGrath, I presume, to have the job as head of the DPP, must be at least half as intelligent as a retarded monkey who I'm sure could work out that the legislation is supposed to be about HOW the material is presented and not "the nature" of it. All of my remarks are based in F-A-C-T as stated in mainstream history books, documentaries and even Jewish activists themselves. And finally McGraths last statements at the WASCA on 13/12/2011: MCGRATH: Three is the actual circumstances of the offending. It's not a momentary act of madness where a person enters into a fray. This was extremely well considered for it reflects a deeply held set of beliefs which the appellant does not resile from. Counts 5 and 7 - three counts were committed after the charging of the appellant which in itself shows is an aggravating factor and the fifth is the simple no remorse whatsoever. Transcript 13/12/2011 Page 27 No, I do not "resile" from simple facts of history. I do not "resile" from the truth of a matter no matter how much it offends Mr McGrath, the Jewish community or DCJ John Wisbey. It is actually incredible that they could all be so dead bones ignorant of history. And what of Brendon Lee O'Connell? He got three years but if he had said "sorry" it would have been suspended? The senior prosecutor Justin Whalley was going to take the matter back to the Magistrates Court. I have been denied justice, vilified by the media and Jewish community and had my ability to prepare for the appeal severely hampered quite deliberately. I have served just over two years now. I have not seen my family in that time. I have been held in maximum security despite being a minimum security prisoner. I have been badly assaulted and hospitalised on September the 11 th 2012. AT NO TIME DID THE COURT REQUEST MY VIDEO'S OR BLOG BE TAKEN DOWN. NOT AT ANY STAGE. Page 856 of 1018 My "abhorrent views" were so bad - the court decided they should just stay there? My "abhorrent views" were so capable of creating "civil unrest" the court never asked for them to be taken down? I took my blog down out of fear for my own safety and as a last gesture to the Jewish community to begin a dialogue. If they do not own up to their behaviours and cease their criminal and subversive activities then I will have no option but to continue highlighting them to the public. CONCLUSION
  • The Hansard indicates that the legislation was designed to nab "racists" and "extremists". It is even stated explicitly that it was directed at the activities of the 'Australian nationalist Movement'. The legislation is therefore no different from the National Socialist party in German outlawing the Communist Party.
  • The Hansard specifically indicates it is not to be used for words said in anger. It is aimed at a particular type of activity.
  • Jews do not fit the definition 'racial group' in the standard sense. No one is able to state explicitly WHAT are the common secular markers linking "Jews" around the world. The question is avoided at all times by all parties.
  • Under the definition "racial group" as used by both Australian and English courts, the marker "descent from a small number of common ancestors" and "common geographical location" has been made optional. This makes the term 'racial group' indistinguishable from ANY "identifiable group".
  • The further 5 counts under section 77 only occurred after I was vilified in the press and was stalked. I put the blog up to defend myself. I went to the relevant authorities - no one gave a damn.
  • My behaviour in court was based on various types of harassment over the 18 month lead up to the trial and DCJ Wisbey's dismissive and mocking tone to me.
  • I was never accorded procedural fairness.
  • Both Rabbi Freilich and Professor Andrew Markus's testimony was 'prejudicial inadmissible opinion evidence'.
  • My "views" were continually judged instead of the "intent" behind those views. 10 ) Clearly few people know what Judaism is and how it feeds Jewish racial and religious supremacism. 11 ) Jews are a world power. This should not be in contention. 12 ) I'm sick of being labelled a racist, nazi and hater for pointing out the self-evident.
  • I again apologise to both the court and general Jewish community for losing my temper. I hope they have all learnt a lesson too. Let's move on? As President Armedinejhad of Iran stated so eloquently: "This is the age of peace and dialogue, not bullets and bombs." That is all I have to say Dr Walsh. It has taken over 4 months to write this. It would have taken a week on the outside. I just want to get this burnt to CD and posted to you. I look forward to Iran where ironically I am sure far more 'justice' prevails. Page 857 of 1018 At the end of this long synopsis I have placed this extract from a book about the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad - Imam Ali (Commander of the Faithful). It is instructive: 'The Voice Of Human Justice' (Sautu'l 'Adala ti'l Insaniya) A biography on the life of Imam Ali (Commander of the Faithful), cousin of the Prophet Muhammad. By George Jordac Translator: M. Fazal Flaq Publisher: Ansariyan Publications P.0 Box 187 22 Shohada Ave. Qom Islamic Republic of Iran ansarian (5) noomet.net EXTRACT 16 pages Page 212-228 The English historian Edward Gibbon stated: "The zeal and virtue of Ali were never outstripped by any recent proselyte. He united the qualifications of a poet, a soldier, and a saint; his wisdom still breathes in a collection of moral and religious sayings; and every antagonist, in the combats of the tongue or of the sword, was subdued by his eloquence and valour. From the first hour of his mission to the last rites of his funeral, the apostle was never forsaken by a generous friend, whom he delighted to name his brother, his vicegerent, and the faithful Aaron of a second Moses." The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London, 1911, (originally published 1776-88) volume 5, pp. 381-2 Preface The history of great men is a fountain of experience, faith and aspirations for us - a fountain which will never dry up. The great men of the world are like lofty peaks of mountains which we aspire to climb with great eagerness and ardent desire. They are the lighthouses which keep darkness away from around us. It is due to the examples set by them that we have gained self-confidence. They have made us hopeful of life, taught us it's aim and objects and helped us to avail of it's amenities. If these great souls had not been there, we would have fallen prey to despair while combatting with the unseen and intelligible forces and would have surrendered ourselves to death. Flowever, the righteous persons have not so far surrendered themselves before despair nor shall they do so in the future, because they are entitled to victory and success. This is proved by the facts that in history many persons have been successful and victorious and Ali is one of them. These people who conquered death are always with us. Although time and space separates them from us, neither time prohibits us from hearing their words nor the distance prevents us from seeing their faces. The best proof of what has been said above is the present book. It is the biography of a great man. Although he was born in Arabia his person is not meant for Arabia only. Although the fountains of his kindness and favours sprang from Islam he is not confined to the Muslims. If he had been for the Muslims only a Christian would not have been prompted involuntarily to analyse the events of his life and eulogize like a poet his fascinating judgements, his stupendous feats of valour and interesting incidents of his life. Page 858 of 1018 Championship of Ali was not confined to the battlefield. He was also matchless in the matter of faith, piety, purity, eloquence, magnamity, help for the deprived and the oppressed and support for truth. So much so that even after the passage of more than fourteen hundred years his wonderful achievements are a beacon of light for us and extremely useful for making our lives sublime. The author has explained the various events in detail and also mentioned at length the views and beliefs of the Imam regarding religious, political, social and financial matters. Furthermore, he has explained the events of the life of Ali with great dexterity and in a manner in which they had not been penned before. No historian or writer, however deft and dexterous he may be, can draw a true picture of the Commander of the Faithful even in a thousand pages, nor can he explain the dreadful events which took place in his time. The things which this wonderful and unmatched person thought of, and acted upon, had not till then been seen or heard by anyone. They are more than a historian can cover even in a very detailed treatise. Hence, whatever picture of Ali is described by a writer will inevitably be incomplete. However, the object of an author in writing a book like this is to collect the details of the actions and words of the Commander of the Faithful from all possible sources and to ponder over them very carefully and then to present them in such a way that it may be possible to see a glimpse of the Imam as he was. This is what the author has done in this book. I am sure that George Jordac, a research scholar and an unbiased person as he is, has been successful in describing the life of the Imam to a large extent and those who read it will be obliged to say that it is the biography of a person who was second to the Prophet of Islam. Michael Na'imah Administration of Ali After having come to know that the behaviour of the Commander of the Faithful with the human society was absolutely just and he adopted a very correct policy to establish mutual relations of the human beings on the basis of equity and justice, it appears necessary to reproduce here the testament which he wrote for Malik Ashtar while appointing him as Governor of Egypt. This testament of his is more detailed than all others and is very important from the point of view of it's grandeur and elaborateness. While writing about the character of the Commander of the Faithful we have made use of many of his letters, orders and testaments, because in almost all of them he has mentioned the rights of the individuals as well as of the society. However, the testament written by him for Malik Ashtar is very comprehensive and embraces all his views and beliefs on the subject of public administration. It reads as follows: In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful Be it known to you, O Malik, that I am sending you as Governor to a country which in the past has experienced both just and unjust rule. Men will scrutinize your actions with a searching eye, even as you used to scrutinize the actions of those before you, and speak of you even as you did speak of them. The fact is that the public speak well of only those who do good. It is they who furnish the proof of your actions. Hence the richest treasure that you may covet, should be the treasure of good deeds. Keep your desires under control and deny yourself that which you have been warned against. By such abstinence alone, you will be able to distinguish between good and bad. Develop in your heart the feeling of love for your people and let it be the source of kindliness and blessing to them. Do not behave with them like a barbarian, and do not appropriate to yourself that which belongs to them. Remember that the citizens of the state are of two categories. They are either your brothers in religion or your brothers as human beings. They are subject to infirmities and liable to commit mistakes. Some indeed do commit mistakes, but forgive them as you would like God to forgive you. Bear in mind that you are placed over them, as I am placed over you. And then there is God even above him Page 859 of 1018 who has given you the position of a Governor in order that you may look after those under you and to be sufficient for them. Remember! You will be judged by what you do for them. Do not set yourself against God, for neither do you possess the strength to shield yourself against His displeasure, nor can you place yourself against His displeasure, nor can you place yourself outside the pale of his mercy and forgiveness. Do not feel sorry over any act of forgiveness, nor rejoice over any punishment that you may mete out to anyone. Do not rouse yourself to anger, for no good will come out of it. Do not say, "I am your overlord and dictator, and that you should therefore, bow to my commands," as that will corrupt your heart, weaken your faith in religion and create disorder in the state. Should you be elated by power, or let in your mind creep the slightest feeling of pride and arrogance, then look at the power and majesty of the divine governance of the universe over which you have absolutely no control. It will restore the sense of balance to your wayward intelligence and give you the sense of calmness and affability. Beware! Never put yourself against the majesty and grandeur of God and never imitate His Omnipotence, for God has brought low every rebel of His and every tyrant of man. Let your mind respect through your actions the rights of God and the rights of man, and likewise, persuade your companions and relations to do the same. For, otherwise, you will be doing injustice to yourself and to humanity. Thus, both man and God will become your enemies. There is no hearing anywhere for one who makes himself an enemy of God. He will be regarded as one at war with God until he repents and seeks forgiveness. Nothing deprives man of divine blessings nor excites divine wrath against him more easily than oppression. Hence it is that God listens to the voice of the oppressed and overpowers the oppressor. The Common Man Maintain justice in administration and impose it on your own self and seek the consent of the people, for the discontent of the masses sterilises the contentment of the privileged few and the discontent of the few, loses itself in the contentment of the many. Remember! The privileged few will not rally round you in moments of difficulty. They will try to side track justice. They will ask for more than what they deserve and will show no gratitude for favours done to them. They will feel restive in the face of trials and will offer no regret for their shortcomings. It is the common man who fights the enemy. So live in close contact with the masses and be mindful of their welfare. Keep at a distance one who exposes the weakness of others. After all, the masses are not free from weaknesses. It is the duty of the ruler to shield them. Do not bring to light that which is hidden, but try to remove those weaknesses which have been brought to light. God is watchful of everything that is hidden from you, and He alone will deal with it. Cover up the faults of the public to the best of your ability so that God may cover up your faults which you want to keep hidden from the public eye. Untie every knot of hatred for the people and cut asunder every string of enmity between them. Protect yourself from every such act as may not be quite correct for you. Do not make haste in seeking confirmation of tale-telling, for the tale-teller is a deceitful person, appearing in the garb of a friend. The Counsellors Never take counsel of a miser, for he will vitiate your magnanimity and frighten you of poverty. Do not seek advice from a coward too, for he will weaken your resolutions. Do not take counsel of a greedy person, for he will instil greed in you and turn you into a tyrant. Miserliness, cowardice and greed deprive man of his trust in God. The worst counsellor is he who has served as a counsellor to unjust rulers and shared their crimes. So, never let men who have been companions of the tyrants or have shared their crimes be your counsellors. You can get better men than these, men gifted with intelligence and foresight, but unpolluted by sin, men who have never aided a tyrant in his tyranny nor Page 860 of 1018 a criminal in his crime. Such men will never be a burden to you. On the other hand, they will be a source of help and strength to you at all times. They will be friends to you and strangers to your enemies. Choose such men alone for companionship both in private and in public. Even among these, show preference to those who have a habitual regard for truth, however trying to you at times their truth may prove to be, and who offer you no encouragement in the display of tendencies which God does not like His friends to develop. Keep close to you the upright and the god-fearing and make clear to them that they are never to flatter you and never to give you credit for any good that you may not have done, for the tolerance of flattery and unhealthy praise stimulates pride in man and makes him arrogant. Do not treat the good and the bad alike. That will deter the good, and encourage the bad in their bad pursuits. Recompense everyone according to his deserts. Remember that mutual trust and goodwill between the ruler and the ruled are bred only through benevolence, justice and service. So, cultivate goodwill among the people, for their goodwill alone will save you from troubles. Your benevolence to them will be repaid by their trust in you, and your ill treatment by their ill will. Do not disregard the noble traditions set by our forbearers which have promoted harmony and progress among the people, and do not initiate anything which might minimise their usefulness. The men who had established those noble traditions have had their reward; but responsibility will be yours if they are discarded. Try always to learn something from the experience of the learned and wise, and frequently consult them in state matters so that you might maintain the peace and goodwill which your predecessors had established in the land. The Different Classes of People Remember that the people are composed of different classes. The progress of one is dependent on the progress of every other, and none can afford to be independent of the other. We have the army formed of the soldiers of God. We have our civil officers and their establishments, our judiciary, our revenue collectors and our public relation officers. The general public itself consists of Muslims and Zimmi and among them are merchants and craftsmen, the unemployed and the indigent. God has prescribed for them their several rights, duties and obligations. They are all defined and preserved in the Qur'an and in the Hadith of the prophet. The army, by the grace of God, is like a fortress to the people and lends dignity to the state. It upholds the prestige of the faith and maintains the peace of the country. Without it, the state cannot stand. In it's turn, it cannot stand without the support of the state. Our soldiers have proved strong before the enemy because of the privilege God has given them to fight for Him, but they have their material needs to fulfil and have therefore to depend upon the income provided for them from the state revenue. The military and the civil population which pays the revenue, needs the co-operation of others - the judiciary, civil officers and their establishment. The judge administers civil and criminal law, the civil officers collect revenue and attend to civil administration with the assistance of their establishment. And then there are the tradesmen and the merchants who add to the revenue of the state. It is they who run the markets and are in a better position than others to discharge social obligations. Then there is the class of the poor and the needy who's maintenance is an obligation on the other classes. God has given appropriate opportunity of service to one and all; then there are the rights of all these classes over the administration which the administrator has to meet with an eye for the good of the entire population - a duty which he cannot fulfil properly unless he takes personal interest in it's execution and seeks help from God. Indeed, it is obligatory on him to impose this duty on himself and to bear with patience the inconveniences and difficulties incidental to the task. Page 861 of 1018 The Army Be particularly mindful of the welfare of those in the army, who in your opinion, are staunchly faithful to their God and the prophet and loyal to their chief, and who in the hour of passion can restrain themselves and listen cooly to sensible remonstrance, and who can succour the weak and smite the strong, whom violent provocation will not throw into violent temper and who will not falter at any stage. Keep yourself in close contact with the families of established reputation and integrity and with a glorious past, and draw to yourself men brave and upright in character, generous and benevolent in disposition, for such are the elite of the society. Care for them with the tenderness with which you care for your children and do not talk before them of any good that you might have done to them nor disregard any expression of affection which they show in return for such conduct inspires loyalty, devotion and goodwill. Attend to every little want of theirs not resting content with what general help that you might have given to them, for sometimes, timely attention to a little want of theirs brings them immense relief. Surely these people will not forget you in your own hour of need. It behoves you to select for your Commander-in-Chief one who imposes on himself, as a duty, the task of rendering help to his men and who can excel in kindness every other officer who has to attend to the needs of the men under him and look after their families when they are away from their homes; so much so, that the entire army should feel united in their joys and in their sorrows. This unity of purpose will give them added strength against the enemy. Continue to maintain a kindly attitude towards them so that they might feel ever attached to you. The fact is that the real happiness of the administrators and their most pleasant comfort lies in establishing justice in the state and maintaining affectionate relations with the people. Their sincerity of feeling is expressed in the love and regard they show to you, on which alone depends the safety of the administrators. Your advice to the army will be of no avail unless and until you show affection for both men and officers in order that they might not regard the Government as an oppressive burden or contribute to it's downfall. Continue to satisfy their needs and praise them over and over again for what services they have rendered. Such an attitude, God willing, will inspire the brave to braver actions and induce the timid to deeds of bravery. Try to enter into the feelings of others and do not foist the mistake of one on another and do not grudge dispensing appropriate regards. See to it you do not show favours to one who has achieved nothing but merely counts on his family position and do not withhold proper reward from one who has done great deeds simply because he holds a low position in life. The Real Guidance Turn to God and His prophet for guidance whenever you feel uncertain regarding your actions. There is the commandment of God delivered to those people whom he wishes to guide aright: "O people of the faith! Obey God and obey His prophet and obey those from among you who hold authority over you. And refer to God and His prophet whenever there is a difference of opinion among you". To turn to God is in reality to consult the Book of God; and to turn to the prophet is to follow his universally accepted traditions. Chief Justice Select as your Chief Justice from the people, one who is by far the best among them - one who is not obsessed with domestic worries, one who cannot be intimidated, one who does not err too often, one who does not turn back from the right path once he finds it, one who is not self-centred or avaricious, one who will not decide before knowing the full facts, one who will weigh with care every attendant doubt and pronounce a clear verdict after taking Page 862 of 1018 everything into full consideration, one who will not grow restive over the arguments of advocates and who will examine with patience every knew disclosure of fact and who will be strictly impartial in his decision, one whom flattery cannot mislead, one who does not exult over his position. But such people are scarce. Once you have selected the right man for the office, pay him handsomely enough, to let him live in comfort and in keeping with his position, enough to keep him above temptations. Give him a position in your court so high that none can even dream of coveting it and so high that neither back biting nor intrigue can touch him. Subordinate Judiciary Beware! The utmost carefulness is to be exercised in it's selection, for it is this high office which adventurous self-seekers aspire to secure and exploit in their selfish interests. After the selection of your Chief Justice, give careful consideration to the selection of other officers. Confirm them in their appointments after approved probation. Never select men for responsible posts either out of any regard for personal connections or under any influence, for that might lead to injustice and corruption. Of these, select for higher posts, men of experience, men firm in faith and belonging to good families. Such men will not fall an easy prey to temptations and will discharge their duties with an eye on the abiding good of others. Increase their salaries to give them a contented life. A contented living is a help to self-purification. They will not feel the urge to tax the earnings of their subordinates for their own upkeep. They will then have no excuse to go against your instructions or misappropriate state funds. Keep a watch over them without their knowledge. Perchance they may develop true honesty and true concern for the public welfare. But whenever any of them is accused of dishonesty, and the guilt is confirmed by the report of your secret service, then regard this as sufficient to convict him. Let the punishment be corporal and let that be dealt with in public at appointed place of degradation. Revenue Administration Great care is to be exercised in revenue administration, to ensure the prosperity of others, particularly of the masses. Indeed, the state exists on it's revenue. You should regard the proper upkeep of the land in cultivation as of greater importance than the collection of revenue, for revenue cannot be derived except by making the land productive. He who demands revenue without helping the cultivator, ruins the state. The rule of such a person does not last long. If the cultivators ask for reduction of their land cess for having suffered from epidemics or drought or excess of rains or the barrenness of the soil or floods damaging their crops, then reduce the cess accordingly, so that their condition might improve. Do not mind the loss of revenue on that account for that will return to you one day manifold in the hour of greater prosperity of the land and enable you to improve the condition of your towns and raise the prestige of your state. You will be the object of universal praise. The people will believe in your sense of justice. The confidence which they will place in you in consequence will prove your strength, as they will be found ready to share your burdens. You may settle down on the land any number of people, but discontent will overtake them if the land is not improved. The cause of the cultivators' ruin is the rulers who are bent feverishly on accumulating wealth at all costs, out of the fear that their rule might not last long. Such are the people who do not learn from examples or precedents. Clerical Establishment Keep an eye on your establishment and your scribes and select the best among them for your confidential correspondence; such among these, as possess high character and Page 863 of 1018 deserve your full confidence - men, who may not exploit their privileged position to go against you, and who may not grow neglectful of their duties, and who in drafting of treaties may not succumb to temptation and harm your interests or fail to render you proper assistance and save you from trouble, and who, in carrying out their duties, can realise their serious responsibilities, for he who does not realise his own responsibilities can hardly appraise the responsibilities of others. Do not select men for such work merely on the strength of your first impressions of affection or good faith for as a matter of fact, the pretensions of a good many who are really devoid of honesty and good breeding, may cheat even the intelligence of the rulers. Selection should be made after due probation - probation which should be the test of righteousness. In making direct appointments from people and who enjoy the reputation of being honest for such selection is agreeable both to God and the ruler. For every department of administration, let there be a head, whom no trying task might cause worry and no pressure of work annoy. And remember that each and every lapse of scribes, which you may overlook, will be written down against you in your scroll of deeds. Trade and Industry You are advised to treat well business men and artisans and direct others to do likewise. Some of them live in towns and some move from place to place with their ware and tools and earn their living by manual labour. They are the real source of profit to the state and provider of consumer goods. While the general public are not inclined to bear the strain, those engaged in these professions take the trouble to collect commodities from far and near, from land and from across the sea, and from mountains and forests and naturally derive benefits. It is this class of peace-loving people from whom no disturbance need be feared. They love peace and order. Indeed they are incapable of creating discord. Protect them whether they are transacting business at your place or in other towns. But bear in mind that a good many of them are intensely greedy and are immured to bad dealings. They hoard grain and try to sell it at a high price and this is most harmful to the public. It is a blot on the name of the ruler not to fight this evil. Prevent them from hoarding; for the prophet of God has prohibited it. See to it that trade is carried on with the utmost ease, that the scales are evenly held and that prices are so fixed that neither the seller or the buyer is put to a loss. And if, in spite of your warning, should anyone go against your commands and commit the crime of hoarding, then inflict upon him a severe punishment. The Poor Beware! Fear God when dealing with the problem of the poor who have none to patronise them, who are forlorn, indignant, helpless and are greatly torn in mind - victims of the vicissitudes of time. Among them there are some who do not question their lot in life and who, notwithstanding their misery, do not go about seeking alms. For God's sake, safeguard their rights for on you rests the responsibility of protecting their interests. Assign for their uplift a portion of the state exchequer (Bayt al Mai), wherever they may be, whether close at hand or far from you. The rights of the two should be equal in your eye. Do not let any preoccupations slip them from your mind for no excuse whatsoever for the disregard of their rights will be acceptable to God. Do not treat their interests as of less importance than your own and never keep them outside the purview of your important considerations and mark the persons who look down upon them and of who's condition they keep you in ignorance. Select from among your officers such men as are upright and god-fearing and who can keep you properly informed of the condition of the poor. Make such provision for these poor people as shall not oblige you to offer an excuse before God on the Day of Judgement for, it is this section of the people which, more than any Page 864 of 1018 other, deserves benevolent treatment. Seek your reward from God by giving to each of them what is due to him and enjoin on yourself as a sacred duty the task of meeting the needs of such aged among them as have no independent means of livelihood and are averse to seeking alms. It is the discharge of this duty that usually proves very trying to rulers, but is very welcome to societies which are gifted with foresight. It is only such societies or nations that truly carry out with equanimity their covenant with God to discharge their duty to the poor. Open Conferences Meet the oppressed and the lowly periodically in an open conference and conscious of the Divine presence there, have a heart-to-heart talk with them and let none from your armed guard or civil officers or members of the Police Department of the Intelligence Department be by your side, so that the representatives of the poor might state their grievances fearlessly and without reserve. For I have heard the prophet of God say that no nation or society, in which the strong do not discharge their duty to the weak, will occupy a high position. Bear with composure any strong language which they may use, and do not get annoyed if they cannot state their case lucidly. Even so, God will open for you his door of blessings and rewards. Whatever you can give to them, give it ungrudgingly and whatever you cannot afford to give, make clear to them with the utmost condescension. There are certain things which call for prompt action. One of them is correspondence regarding the redress of grievances which your heedless staff has been unable to tackle. See to it that petitions or applications submitted for your consideration are brought to your notice without any delay, however much your officers might try to intercept them. Dispose of the day's work that very day, for the coming day will entail its own task. Communion With God Do not forget to set apart the best of your time for communion with God, although every moment of yours is for Him only, provided it is spent sincerely in the service of your people. The obligation which you directly owe to God, should be included in your over-all duties. Therefore, devote some of your time each day and night to prayer so as to be in communion with God. Let your prayer be as perfect and as free from blemish as possible, notwithstanding the physical discomfort it may involve. And when you lead a congregational prayer, do not bore people by a needlessly long prayer, nor spoil it by unwarranted shortness. When, on receiving an order to proceed to Yemen, ask the prophet of God how I should lead the congregation there, he said, "Perform your prayers even as the weakest among you would offer and set an example of considerateness to the faithful". Aloofness Not Desirable With regard to the observance of all that I have said, bear one thing in mind. Never, for any length of time, keep yourself aloof from the people, for to do so is to keep oneself ignorant of their affairs. It develops in the ruler a wrong perspective and renders him unable to distinguish between what is important and what is unimportant, between right and wrong, and between truth and falsehood. The ruler is after all a human being; and he cannot form a correct view of anything which is out of sight. There is no distinctive sign attached to truth which may enable one to distinguish between the different varieties of truth and falsehood. The fact is that you must be one of the two things. Either you are just or unjust. If you are just, then you will not keep aloof from the people, but will listen to them and meet their requirements. But if you are unjust, the people themselves will keep away from you. What virtue is there in your keeping aloof? At all events aloofness is not desirable, especially when it is your Page 865 of 1018 duty to attend to the needs of the people. Complaints of oppression by your officers or petitions for justice should not prove irksome to you. Nepotism Make clear to yourself that those immediately about and around you, will like to exploit their position to covet what belongs to others and commit acts of injustice. Suppress such a tendency in them. Make a rule of your conduct never to give even a small piece of land to any of your relations. That will prevent them from causing harm to the interests of others and save you from courting the disapprobation of both God and man. Deal justice squarely regardless of the fact whether one is a relation or not. If any of your relations or companions violates the law, mete out the punishment prescribed by law, however painful it might be to you personally for it will be all to the good of the state. If at any time people suspect that you have been unjust to them in any respect, disclose to them and remove their suspicions. In this way, your mind will become attuned to the sense of justice and people will begin to love you. It will also fulfil your wish that you should enjoy their confidence. Peace and Treaties Bear in mind that you do not throw away the offer of peace which your enemy may himself make. Accept it, for that will please God. Peace is a source of comfort to the army. It reduces your worries and promotes order in the state. But beware! Be on your guard when the peace is signed, for certain types of enemies propose terms of peace just to lull you into a sense of security only to attack you again when you are off your guard. So you should exercise the utmost vigilance on your part and place no undue faith in their protestations. But, if under the peace treaty you have accepted any obligations, discharge those obligations scrupulously. It is a trust and must be faithfully upheld and whenever you have promised anything, keep it with all the strength that you command, for whatever difference of opinion might exist on other matters, there is nothing so noble as the fulfilment of a promise. This is recognized even among the non-Muslims, for they know the dire consequences which follow from the breaking of covenants. So never make excuses in discharging your responsibilities and never break a promise, nor cheat your enemy, for breach of promise is an act against God and none except the positively wicked acts against God. Indeed Divine promises are a blessing spread over all mankind. The promise of God is a refuge sought after, even by the most powerful on earth for there is no risk of being cheated. So, do not make any such promise which you cannot fulfil, nor attack your enemy without ultimatum because none, except a wretched ignorant being, would dare defy God who, in His infinite mercy, has made pacts and treaties as tools of utmost sanctity for His creatures; in fact, peace provides shelter under the lively shade of which all seek asylum and in the vicinity of which all listen for a sojourn and deception. Never execute a pact open to interpretations, but once it is executed, don't exploit equivocation, if any; nor repudiate any treaty concluded in the light of Divine injunctions, even in the face of grievous difficulties. As there is reward in life Hereafter, it is better to face difficulties rather than violate the treaty with a traumatic sense of accountability on the Day of Judgement. Beware! Abstain from shedding blood without a valid cause, as it invites the wrath of the Almighty, exposes one to His severest punishment, deprives one of His blessings and shortens one's span of life. On the Day of Judgement it is this crime for which one will have to answer first. So, beware! Do not wish to build the strength of your state on blood for it is this blood which ultimately weakens the power and undermines the authority and shakes its very foundations; power then slips to other hands. Page 866 of 1018 A murder is a crime which is punishable by death. If, on any account the corporal punishment dealt by the state for any lesser crime results in the death of the guilty, let not the prestige of the state stand in the way of the deceased's relations claiming blood money. Last Instructions Shun self-adoration; do not indulge in self-praise nor encourage others to extol you, because of all the ruses to undo good deeds of pious men, Satan relies most upon praise and flattery. Neither over-rate nor indulge in tall talks about the favours you have showered on people. Breach of promise annoys God and man alike. God, the Most Exalted, says in the Qur'an: "God is much displeased if you do not act upon what you say". Do not make haste to do a thing before it's time, nor put it off when the right moment arrives. Do not insist on doing a wrong thing, nor show slackness in rectifying a wrong thing. Perform everything at its proper time and let everything occupy its proper place. When the people as a whole agree upon a thing, do not impose your own view on them and do not neglect to discharge the responsibility that rests on you in consequence, for the eyes of the people will be on you and you are answerable for whatever you do to them. The slightest dereliction of duty will bring it's own retribution. Keep your anger under control and keep your hands and tongue in check. The best way to restrain your rage is to defer punishment till you are calmed and restored to yourself. You cannot achieve it unless you remember that you have ultimately to return to your Sustainer. It is imperative that you carefully study the precepts which have inspired just and good rulers who have preceded you. Give close thought to the example of our prophet, his traditions, and the commandments of the Qur'an and whatever you might have assimilated from my own way of dealing with things. Endeavour to the best of your ability to carry out the instructions which I have given here and you have solemnly undertaken to follow. By means of this order, I enjoin on you not to succumb to the promptings of your own heart, nor to turn away from the discharge of duties entrusted to you. I seek refuge in the Almighty and His unlimited sphere of blessings, and invite you to pray with me that He may give us together the grace to surrender willingly our will to His will, and to enable us to acquit ourselves well before Him and His creation, so that mankind cherishes our memory and our work survives. I beseech God for His blessings and pray that He may grant you and me His grace and the honour of martyrdom in His cause. Verily, we have to return to Him. I invoke His blessings on the prophet of God and his blessed progeny. End of chapter Warmest Regards, Brendon Lee O'Connell 2 nd of April 2013 Page 867 of 1018 APPENDIX 9 - MY PRECISE ATTITUDE TO "JEWISH ISSUES" The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons displaying Jewish religious symbols, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do. Shamir has never in any way called for any harm to be done to Jews or anyone else, nor for Jews or anyone else to be discriminated against in any way. Adherence to this Jewish ideology is, for Shamir, regrettable, but not, in itself, a matter for active opposition. Nor does this mean that Shamir is opposed to any individual Jew just because he or she is a Jew. What Shamir actively opposes is not "Jews" but "Jewry". Analogous to say, the Catholic Church, Jewry consists of those organised Jews and their leaders who actively promote corrosive Jewish interests and values, particularly now in the oppression of the Palestinians. By Paul Eisen - "Jewish Power" (August 19, 2004)
  • Jewish Power is a contentious issue. The level of discourse on the subject is always low. A simple reference to matters involving the "Jewish Bolsheviks" for instance will grant you immediate "anti- Semite" status and accusations of "hate". Even when I quote university level academics and Jewish publications themselves.
  • I served three years jail for exposing Jewish racial and religious supremacism and Israel as a major national security issue. We would all like to do things better and in a more amicable and adult fashion. The same goes for Jewish communities around the world who are either grossly deluded or panicking over the internet's ability to allow ordinary people to know how many really think about non-Jews. In this appendix, I want to show you what Jewish Communities around the world really think, quoting "Jews" themselves.
  • No 'identifiable group' is as one, and neither are "Jews". There are many different points of view and sects of Judaism. 'Secular Jews' are not sure if they are a cultural entity, religious group, race or ethnicity. This is a large "in joke" within Jewish communities. Paul Eisen write this in his 2004 article, "Jewish Power": So these secular Jews often end up being just another round of Michael Neuman's "veritable shell game" of Jewish identity. "Look! We're a religion! No! a race! No! a cultural entity! Sorry-a religion!" Because this is the key to maintaining Jewish power - if it's indefinable, it's invisible. Like a Stealth Bomber (you can't see it on your radar but you sure know when you've been hit) Jewish power, with its blurred outlines and changing forms, becomes invisible. And if you can't see it you can't fight it. Meanwhile the assault on the Palestinians continues. "JEWISH POWER", WHAT IS A JEW? JEWS, JEWISH POWER, JEWISH SUPREMACISM Page 868 of 1018
  • Top level Sephardic and Ashkenazi Rabbi's regularly insult non-Jews and Palestinians as animals, cattle, dogs, snakes and "slaves". This is gross incitement to violence. Here is the top Rabbi for Chabad Lubavitch, favourite Ultra- Orthodox sect of lunatics for Netanyahu, Putin and Trump, Menachem Mendel Schneerson. These are standard responses from Orthodox Rabbi's as well as the certifiably insane Ultra- Orthodox: “The body of a Jewish person IS OF TOTALLY DIFFERENT QUALITY FROM THE BODY OF ALL NATIONS OF THE WORLD. A NON JEWISH SOUL COMES FROM THREE SATANIC spheres, While the Jewish SOUL STEMS FROM HOLINESS” — Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson One of file most inOuential Jewish leaders of the noth century Taken from Tanya; The Book of Chabad’ Chapter 19, Pace 77 and 79 THE JERAEL /DU DO! JT J'j JO // 5 of Ovadia Yosef's most controversial quotations "Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world - only to serve the People of Israel." "In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With gentiles, it will be like any person - they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one's donkey would die, they'd lose their money. "This is his servant... That's why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew." "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat... That is why gentiles were created." — Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010 https://www.timesofisrael.com/5-of-ovadia-vosefs-most-controversial-quotations/ Israeli chief rabbi retracts comments scorning non-Jews Yitzhak Yosef says remarks about gentiles being unfit to live in Israel were only 'theoretical' https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-chief-rabbi-retracts-comments-scorning-non-iews/ Chief rabbi calls black people 'monkeys' https://www.timesofisrael.com/chief-rabbi-compares-african-americans-to-monkeys/ Israel Prelection Opinion // At Last, Israelis Are Turning Away From Their Medieval Religious Maniacs This election will determine if the future of Israel will be gender-segregated, ignorant, poor and fundamentalist. And there’s evidence that Israeli Jews are finally seeing the light Enc H Yomt I Sep 13. 2019 11 04 AM B For the first time in a long time, there is a modest possibility that, as a result of next week s election, the religious realities of Israeli society might actually chan] e for the bett* Opinion Haaretz | At Last, Israelis Are Turning Away from Their Medieval Religious Maniacs https://www.haaretz.com/israel- news/.premium-at-last-israelis-are-turning- away-from-their-medieval-religious- maniacs-1.7836845
  • So, there appears to be some hope unfolding in Occupied Page 869 of 1018 Palestine. Note the rhetoric in the title ..."medieval religious maniacs." Considering I received ten years jail - made concurrent to two years jail (three in total) - for the comments below, I think the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz could find themselves in trouble in my home state of Western Australia. "1,500 Gazan's are dead, one million plus Iraqi's. We can only hope and pray that the international community strikes hard and makes sure that gaggle of Satan's children in occupied Palestine are brought to justice." Transcript Page 626 - two years jail "Fairly soon Jews will realise that people are thoroughly sick of them, their whining, their perpetual victimhood and their demands for people to bow down and worship their dodgy religion of Holocaustianity." Transcript Page 630 - two years jail "The Jew community could of at least made their lies and slander half believable, but I guess after years of inventive and over the top Holocaust memoirs they've gotten lazy." Transcript Page 632 - two years jail "Former Ku Klux Clown lectures Aussies to stamp out racism. Unfortunately, our former clown has never read the Talmud, so he forgot to mention Jews as the biggest racists of all." Transcript p.633 - two years jail
  • There was another statement, but I cannot find it - not mentioned in transcript at trial. I was found not guilty on one of the statements, written on a blog. But we do not know which one.
  • This is not the place for a full analysis of the trial, but it should be noted that I was never given a "detailed indictment" by the Department of Public Prosecutions. But on the day of the trial I was asked specific questions on specific statements. See above from the transcript. I protest this in the transcript... What page is this entry?- No, no, no. It is up to you to WISBEY DCJ: Don’t (inaudible) - - -?- - - - laying out the charges and you've failed to do it. You keep bringing up particulars, Mr Eyers. What am I to think when I come to court, particulars, particulars, particulars and the people you're subcontracted to, the department of Public Prosecutions, refuse to provide a detailed indictment. And I have it right there in the transcript where I begged and Judge Kennedy said, "Every word, Mr O'Connell, every word". EYERS, MR: Mr O'Connell, are you trying to distract the jury?- {to. I've had enough . I've been nice and I've had enough. I came here with all this material and you all L sat there and said, "No, it's not admissible. No, no, no, it's hearsay. No, no, no. Sorry, can ' t do" . 24/01/2011 3:52 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 629 National Transcription Services Page 870 of 1018
  • I protested the lack of a detailed indictment on many occasions in hearings and at trial. At one stage, Chief Judge KENNEDY waved her hands around frustratingly and exclaimed loudly, “Every word Mr. O'Connell! Every word!" It was absurd. Finally, with a new Senior Prosecutor under Justin Whalley, a new indictment of "new and better particulars" was presented after my lawyer Jogn BOUGER complained. Senior prosecutor Justin WHALLEY replied: "Individual comments in the blogs the subject of Counts 4 -7, regarded in isolation, may not ground an inference that their posting on the internet evinces an intention to incite racial animosity/harassment, but, viewed as a whole, they are capable of doing so. There is really nothing that I can usefully add to the information provided in the aforementioned Schedule of Particulars." Full letter page 893 of this document.
  • So, they would still not lay out the exact words, sentences, behaviour that constituted incitement unlike in Federal Court where the EXACT words and particulars of conduct are laid out. But not in Western Australia. These are serious charges under section 77 of the criminal code with a maximum of 14 years jail. There were six counts under this section and all they could manage was this... On a date unknown between 2 May 2009 and 11 May 2009 at Maylands, Brendon Lee O'Connell, with intent to create or promote animosity towards a racial group engaged in conduct, otherwise than in private, namely publishing on the internet a series of statements concerning the Jewish people.
  • And yes, in court, they were happy to state explicitly and with great detail the "particulars" they would not put in the indictment so I could prepare for the case specifically. They also did not want me sending their "particulars" around the internet. They wanted everything as "vague" as possible. "1,500 Gazan's are dead, one million plus Iragi's. We can only hope and pray that the international community strikes hard and makes sure that gaggle of Satan's children in occupied Palestine are brought to justice."
  • This is an important point to note.
  • I had tried to get Paul Eisen to my trial as an expert witness but could not make contact. I had extreme trouble making contact with anyone.
  • You will also see - in part - how they refused to allow me to present to the jury material to show how my views were formed and my "intent" and "state of mind". Without being able to do this, the jury thought I was nothing but a rabid crazy man with an "irrational hatred" of Jewish people.
  • The full exchange from the transcript is on page 895 of this document.
  • Eisen, once again, hits the nail on the head, from Eisens article. And even if Zionism can still be disentangled from Judaism, can it be distinguished from a broader Jewish identity or Jewishness? So often Zionism is proclaimed to be a modern add¬ on to Jewish identity, another, albeit anachronistic, settler-colonial ideology simply adopted by Jews in response to their predicament. But, could it be that our need to avoid the accusation of anti-Semitism and our own conflicted perceptions and feelings, our insistence that Zionism and Jewishness are separate, has led us seriously to misunderstand the situation? Has our refusal to look squarely at the very Jewishness of Zionism and its crimes caused us to fail to understand exactly what we are up against? Page 871 of 1018 MY ATTITUDE TO THE HOLOCAUST
  • “The Holocaust"™ is now a trademark and devoid of any moral or ethical substance, as the memory of the dead and their suffering is utilised for profit and political power. This is the view of Professor Norman Finkelstien and Shulamit Aloni, former member of the Israeli Knesset. Amy Goodman: Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called anti-Semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew? Shulamit Aloni: Well, it's a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic. And the organization is strong, and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country, as you know. And they have power, which is okay. They are talented people and they have power and money, and the media and other things, and their attitude is "Israel, my country right or wrong," identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it's very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=DOkWAqZxJVE
  • Professor Norman Finkelstiens views on the use of language are instructive. Here he is with the god father of holocaust studies Prof. Raul HILLBERG explaining the background to his expelling from De Paul university in Chicago and rejection of tenure after he upset the holocaust industry lobby. ►i « 0:23 / 4:02 \RAUL HILLBERG FOR THE DEFENSE - FINKELSTIEN UNEXPERGATED "Well I think this claim that my language shuts me out, its just a ruse. Its very easy to discard the language, if you don't like it, then just look at the content of my arguments. It doesn't reguire any special talents, to disregard, to ignore, the intemperate language, then just look and evaluate the argument. If you read Karl Marx's [Das] Kapital, and some of the people in this room I presume have, its laced through with intemperate, viscous, vituperative, language. He calls every bourgeois economist either a cretin or a moron or an idiot or an imbecile, yeh, that's the language he uses, you could say its kinda' juvenile. But that hasn't stopped economists of first rank, people like Joseph Shunthager from recognising that its an extremely impressive piece of work." Raul Hilberg for the Defense - FINKELSTEIN UNEXPURGATED 12/14 2,743 views • Published on 20 May 2018
  • Its worth remembering these two comments on a blog - put up after I was criminally vilified in the local press... "Fairly soon Jews will realise that people are thoroughly sick of them, their whining, their perpetual victim hood and their demands for people to bow down and worship their dodgy religion of Holocaustianity." Transcript Page 630 - two years jail "The Jew community could of at least made their lies and slander half believable, but I guess after years of inventive and over the top Holocaust memoirs they've gotten lazy." Page 872 of 1018 Transcript Page 632 - two years jail
  • The charge of Section 77 applied to the two comments above are about "intent" to incite. The court refused to allow me to present "evidence" of the Jewish community slander all over the internet. When the initial charge was laid, a huge managerial class backlash ensued. To back themselves up, the Perth Jewish Community made ridiculous claims about me stalking them, threatening them, ringing the local Jewish Day School to threaten to "kill the kids". This is absolute, 'Grade A', standard operating procedure for Jewish Communities world-wide - slandering their opponents with everything they have in 'brute force attacks'. I cannot contain my language when thinking about them and what they did. Absolutely, "no shame". They have a golden rule to go all out, immediately, because they know, in a protracted civilised debate, they will lose, every time.
  • None of the Perth Jewish Community slander happened, ever. Then their "lackey", the Nine Network - then recently sold by Crown Casino operator and drug money launderer Kerry PACKER and his son James PACKER, who you'd be aware is on charges of bribing Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu - went out of their way to do a vile criminal defamation hit piece on me (2 minutes into video) that was beyond belief in their allegations of "fact", such as me threatening to "wipe out all Jews", which was never uttered, privately or publicly or written or thought, anywhere, anytime. But they did it anyway, and it's all on the record.
  • Again, the court would not let me defend myself - I was "angry", with no "intention" to incite against the Perth Jewish Community. But Judge Wisbey refused to allow me to present evidence calling it "hearsay". The full Nine Network reporting is HERE. Fax confirmation of intention to bring civil action for criminal defamation is HERE in this document
  • page 910.
  • High Court Synopsis from 2012 covers this, HERE, within this document, page 681. The overall running of the trial and slander levels against me is vital to understand. I have always stated, from very early on, that I should have behaved in a more mature manner. Identifying strongly as Christian, being in my late thirties when the case began, I was obligated to approach things in a spirit of peace. It has taken ten years of stress, direct confrontation with "power" and deep reflection to reach a state of practical maturity. Not so much luck with my ideological opponents.
  • There is a ten-page text reproduced here by British Jewish activist Paul EISEN, titled, "Jewish Power". Pauls writing sums up my attitude to Jews, Jewish Power and the subject in general. I am in complete agreement with the article. It sums up everything I think and feel on the subject. Page 890
  • After getting out of jail in 2014 I used to email back and forth with Paul and he knows my situation. He loves to stir the potto make the point, leading to accusation of anti-Semitism etc. He had a long and extremely funny back and forth with former KKK Grand Wizard David DUKE. It is no longer online.
  • What is rather ironic is Pauls long friendship with Jeremy CORBYN, leader of the British Labour Party. If Paul and Jeremy are "anti-Semites", then it would seem I am too and Dr Mahathir Mohammed, prime minister of Malaysia, is 'supreme commander'. Page 873 of 1018 EXCLUSIVE: Jeremy Corbyn's 'long-standing links' with notorious Holocaust denier and his 'anti-Semitic' organisation revealed https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3187428/Jeremv- Corbvn-s-links-notorious-Holocaust-denier-revealed.html# Malaysian PM draws laughter with anti-Semitic jibe at UK's Cambridge University Debating union hosts Mahathir Mohamad, who says he has Jewish friends but they 'are not like other Jews'; Jewish group calls audience response 'chilling' By Stuart Winer and TOI staff | 18 June 2019,10:19 am https://www.timesofisrael.com/malaysian-pm-draws-laughter- with-anti-semitic-jibe-at-uks-cam bridge-university/
  • Again, the details of the trail are contained within the addition to Appendix 8 - High Court Synopsis. It was a farcical, disgraceful, embarrassing slug fest of idiocy on all sides. I have always said I should have behaved better, though, in my defence I was being severely harassed and I am highly combative when threatened - along with my family and friends.
  • Judge Wisbey can only be described as a disgrace (Page 818). Prosecutor Anothy EYERS was quite disgusted. I had a wine with him four years after the trial in his office. He agreed "Jews" should never have been on the legislation.
  • Judge Wisbey would not even allow me to have a cup of coffee until after the third day of my complaint when Mr. EYRES stood up and stated he would like to see me have a coffee as required.
  • Here is an exchange with Judge Wisbey where he inferred I need more than coffee, meaning I was mentally ill and in need of medication. The court would also not let me have any food except what was provided by the court during breaks. In W.A the accused is locked up during breaks while the jury walks around where ever it wants. Accused: Your Honour, what are my rights with - I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating. Can I call Mr Keyser back tomorrow — Accused: That's good. Let the record show, your Honour, need to think clearly -1 need coffee, but I understand that's not going to happen. DCJ Wisbey: Well, I don't think the record will show you need coffee. The record will show you said you needed coffee. 18/01/2011 Page 412 Malaysian PM draws laughter with anti-Semitic jibe at UK's Cambridge University Debating union hosts Mahathir Mohamad, who says he has Jewish friends but they 'are not like other Jews'. Jewish group calls audience response 'chilling' Malaysia’s avowedly anti-Semitic prime minister Mahathir Mohamad on Sunday night told the Cambridge Union that while he has some Jewish friends, “they are not like tire other Jews, that’s why they are my friends,” drawing laughter from the audience. Accused: I would like a coffee your Honour. DCJ Wisbey: — what you want — Accused: I've had an apple all day, because I've got a wheat intolerance, and in the dungeons I get no food. Page 874 of 1018 DCJ Wisbey: You need more than coffee. Transcript 18/01/2011 Page 395
  • This is the level Judge Wisbey ran the trial at - petty, pathetic, sarcastic, infantile. Mr. EYERS (prosecutor) would sit with his arms folded looking at the floor, disgusted.
  • Perhaps the best summing up of the trial came from former editor of the local West Australian newspaper Paul MURRAY. Now a regular opinion piece writer. He wrote this after my imprisonment. (Page 911 for scan of article) NEWS ARTICLE - "HIGH PRICE TO PAY IN DEFENCE OF FREE SPEECH", JANUARY 2011 Make sense of this. Someone reacts to words said in a Perth night club and slashes the offenders face open with a broken glass. Court penalty: 18 months in jail. Another person reacts to words said outside a South Perth supermarket and gives the offender a nasty racist spray, which he later posts triumphantly on the internet. Court penalty: three years jail. Is that balanced justice? Justice Wisbey, labelling O'Connell an "intelligent man with an irrational hatred of Jewish people", said the only appropriate form of punishment would be an immediate term of "severe" imprisonment and. Strangely, that he was sending a message to people who might share the convicted man's views. I hope they're trembling in their boots in Tehran, Cairo, Riyadh, Amman, Khartoum, Damascus, Tripoli, Sanaa, Baghdad, Beirut, Kabul, Islamabad, not to mention Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, or anywhere else in the Middle East and Muslim world where O'Connell's views are mainstream for tens of millions of people. Stanley Keyser, a member of the Australian Union of Jewish Students, attended the demonstration with a friend, Timothy Peach, to observe and hand out leaflets supporting their side of the argument. Its also their democratic right to engage in a political discourse, which is what they did by entering the fray. Mr Peach told the court he was angry, confused and offended by O'Connell when he started to film the two Jewish men and argue with them about their religion. What should a Jew expect at an anti-Israel protest? Its obvious what was happening was essentially political in nature, even though it became to be poisoned by racism. Some of the reporting of this case highlights the extreme sensitivity in the community to issues of race, merely reflected - if not magnified - by the media. "A Perth man who posted a video online showing him arguing with a Jewish man calling him a 'racist homicidal maniac' has been found guilty of racial hatred," was the first paragraph in the AAP report of the judgement. So is it now racist to call someone a racist? Oris it racist to call someone a homicidal maniac? Or is it only racist to call a Jew a racist homicidal maniac? Surely not. Have we become so instinctively PC that we no longer distinguish between what is racist and what is just stupid? This newspaper reported that the offending words by O'Connell to Mr Keyser were that Judaism was a "religion of racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing". Later, he filmed himself at the Perth Bell Tower calling Judaism a "death cult" before posting the video online. Page 875 of 1018 So does all criticism of Israel inexorably find its way to being racist unless those who disagree with it watch every word they utter? Must opponents meticulously pull apart the threads of religion and politics when arguing about Israel? And is this what the real game is here - silencing dissent against Israel and not protecting Jews from a legacy of verbal vilification? ARTICLE page 911.
  • I hope it is at least "basically" clear from the information provided in this appendix and High Court Synopsis, that I do not have an "irrational hatred of Jews" as stated by Judge Wisbey in sentencing remarks. A sentencing that took place with no sentencing submissions or interviews, as is the usual case with criminal matters. Not to mention the unique nature of the trial itself - a first in the country under criminal legislation. Of note is the continual references to me as mentally ill by the judge and media. And yet, no psychiatric evaluation prior to sentencing?
  • I was tossed into jail with absolutely no regard for general process - because this was a political witch hunt and damage control. The appeal process should also be remembered as being as badly run as the trial. Where my own submissions were disallowed by the supreme court as being late when my Barrister Dr. John Walsh has the material stamped and accepted by the court. But this is W.A, and I fight Israel and Jewish Power based in Jewish supremacism and the political Zionist movement. In the words of notorious Australian bush ranger Ned Kelly, "Such is life." END Page 876 of 1018 FULL ARTICLE: "Jewish Power" By Paul Eisen - (August 19, 2004) The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons displaying Jewish religious symbols, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do. The future is always open and nothing can ever be ruled out; but, for now, it's hard to see how Israel can be stopped. After over fifty years, it is clear that Israel will only relinquish its eliminationist attitude to Palestinians and Palestinian life when it has to. This need not be through military action but it is hard to see how anything else will do. The conventional wisdom
  • that if America turned off the tap, Israel would be brought to its knees - is far from proven. First, it's not going to happen. Second, those who believe it may well be underestimating both the cohesiveness of Israeli society and the force of Jewish history which permeates it. Even more unlikely is the military option. The only force on earth which could possibly confront Israel is the American military, and, again, that is not going to happen. Palestinian resistance has been astonishing. After over fifty years of brutal assault by what may well one day be seen as one of the most ruthless and irrational powers of modern times, and with just about every power on earth ranged against them, Palestinians are still with us, still steadfast, still knowing who they are and where they come from. Nonetheless, for the time being effective resistance may be over (though the possibility of organised non-violent resistance can never be ruled out), and, for now, the only strategy open may be no more than one for survival. For us it is so much easier to deny this reality than to accept it, and doubtless the struggle will continue. Flow fruitful this will be no-one can say. Although the present seems hopeless, survival is still vital and no-one knows when new opportunities may arise. Anyway, to struggle against injustice is always worth doing. But what if the struggle becomes so delusional that it inhibits rather than advances resistance? What if the struggle becomes a way of avoiding rather than confronting reality? Those slogans "End the Occupation!" and "Two States for Two Peoples!" are now joined by a new slogan, "The One-State Solution!" This is every bit as fantastic as its predecessors because, just as there never was going to be an end to the occupation, nor a real Palestinian state, so, for now, there is no possibility of any "one state" other than the state of Israel which now stretches from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and the only "solution" is a final solution and even that cannot be ruled out. "Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is not Zionism." The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons with Jewish religious symbols all over them, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do. The past is just too terrible. All of us know of the hatred and violence to which accusations against Jews have led in the past. Also, if we were to examine critically the role of Jews in this conflict, what would become of us and of our struggle? Would we be labelled anti-Semites and lose much of the support that we have worked so hard to gain? The present, too, is full of ambiguities. Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is not Zionism has become an article of faith, endlessly repeated, as is the assertion that Zionism is a secular ideology opposed, for much of its history, by the bulk of religious Jews and even now still opposed by true Torah Jews such as Neturei Karta. But Zionism is now at the heart of Jewish life with religious Jews amongst the most virulent of Zionists and Neturei Karta, despite their impeccable anti-Zionism, their beautiful words and the enthusiasm with which they are Page 877 of 1018 welcomed at solidarity rallies, etc., may well be just Jews in fancy dress, a million miles from the reality of Jewish life. And even if Zionism can still be disentangled from Judaism, can it be distinguished from a broader Jewish identity or Jewishness? So often Zionism is proclaimed to be a modern add-on to Jewish identity, another, albeit anachronistic, settler-colonial ideology simply adopted by Jews in response to their predicament. But, could it be that our need to avoid the accusation of anti-Semitism and our own conflicted perceptions and feelings, our insistence that Zionism and Jewishness are separate, has led us seriously to misunderstand the situation? Has our refusal to look squarely at the very Jewishness of Zionism and its crimes caused us to fail to understand exactly what we are up against? Jews, Judaism and Zionism Jews are complex; Jewish identity is complex and the relationship between Judaism the religion, and a broader, often secular, Jewish identity or Jewishness is very complex indeed. Jewishness may be experienced a long way from synagogue, yeshiva or any other formal aspect of Jewish religious life, yet is often still inextricably bound to Judaism. That is why secular Jews are able to proclaim their secularity every bit as loudly as they proclaim their Jewishness. Marc Ellis, a religious Jew, says that when you look at those Jews who are in solidarity with Palestinians, the overwhelming majority of them are secular - but, from a religious point of view, the Covenant is with them. For Ellis, these secular Jews unknowingly and even unwillingly may be carrying with them the future of Jewish life. Jewish identity, connecting Jews to other Jews, comes from deep within Jewish history. This is a shared history, both real and imagined, in that it is both literal and theological. Many Jews in the west share a real history of living together as a distinct people in Eastern, Central and then Western Europe and America. Others share a real history of settlement in Spain followed by expulsion and then settlement all over the world, particularly in Arab and Islamic lands. But this may not be what binds all Jews, because for all Jews it is not a real, but maybe a theological, history that is shared. Most Palestinians today probably have more Hebrew blood in their little fingers then most western Jews have in their whole bodies. And yet, the story of the Exodus from Egypt is as real to many of them, and most importantly was as real to them when they were children, as if they, along with all Jews, had stood with Moses at the foot of Mount Sinai. And histories like that don't stop at the present. Even for secular Jews, though unacknowledged and even unrealized, there is a sense, not only of a shared history, but also of a shared destiny. Central to Jewish identity both religious and non-religious is the sense of mission centered on exile and return. How else to explain the extraordinary devotion of so many Jews, religious and secular, to the "return" to a land with which, in real terms, they have very little connection at all? For many Jews, this history confers a 'specialness 1 . This is not unique to Jews - after all, who in their heart of hearts does not feel a little bit special? But for Jews this specialness is at the centre of their self-identification and much of the world seems to concur. For religious Jews, the specialness comes from the supposed covenant with God. But for secular Jews, the specialness comes from a special history. In either case this can be a good, even a beautiful, thing. In much of Jewish religious tradition this specialness is no more than a special moral obligation, a special responsibility to offer an example to the world, and for so many secular Jews it has led them to struggle for justice in many places around the world. At the heart of this Jewish specialness is Jewish suffering and victimhood. Like the shared history itself, this suffering may, but need not, correspond to reality. Jews have certainly suffered but their suffering remains unexamined and unexplained. The Holocaust, now the paradigm of Jewish suffering, has long ceased to be a piece of history, and is now treated by Page 878 of 1018 religious and secular alike, as a piece of theology - a sacred text almost - and therefore beyond scrutiny. And the suffering never ends. No matter how much Jews have suffered they are certainly not suffering now, but for many Jews their history of suffering is not just an unchallengeable past but also a possible future. So, no matter how safe Jews may be, many feel just a hair's-breadth away from Auschwitz. Zionism is at the heart of this. Zionism is also complex and also comes from deep within Jewish history with the same sense of exile and return. Zionism also confirms that Jews are special in their suffering and is explicit that Jews should 'return' to a land given to them, and only them - by God if they are religious, or by history if they are not - because they simply are not safe anywhere else on earth. But so what? If Jews think that they are a people with a religious link to a land and have a deep wish to 'return', why should we care, so long as the land is not already populated by Palestinians? And if Jews feel that they are special and that God has made some kind of special arrangement with them, so what, so long as this does not lead them to demand preferential treatment and to discriminate against others? And if Jews feel that they have suffered like no- one else on the face of the earth, fine, so long as they do not use this suffering to justify the imposition of suffering on others and to blackmail morally the whole world into quiescent silence. This is the problem with Zionism. It expresses Jewish identity but also empowers it. It tells Jews (and many others too) that Jews can do what Jews have always dreamed of doing. It takes the perfectly acceptable religious feelings of Jews, or if you prefer, the perfectly harmless delusions of Jews, and tries to turn them into a terrible reality. Jewish notions of specialness, choseness and even supremacism, are fine for a small, wandering people, but, when empowered with a state, an army and F16s become a concern for us all. Zionism as Jewish empowerment in statehood changes everything. Israel is not just any state, it is a Jewish state and this means more than just a state for Jews. This Jewish state is built on traditions and modes of thought that have evolved amongst Jews for centuries - amongst which are the notions that Jews are special and that their suffering is special. By their own reckoning, Jews are "a nation that dwells alone" it is "us and them" and, in many cases, "us or them". And these tendencies are translated into the modern state of Israel. This is a state that knows no boundaries. It is a state that both believes, and uses as justification for its own aggression, the notion that its very survival is always at stake, so anything is justified to ensure that survival. Israel is a state that manifestly believes that the rules of both law and humanity, applicable to all other states, do not apply to it. Their own worst nightmare It is a terrible irony that this empowerment of Jews has come to most resemble those empowerments under which Jews have suffered the most. Empowered Christianity, also a marriage of faith and power, enforced its ideology and pursued its dissidents and enemies with no greater fervour than has empowered Judaism. In its zeal and self-belief, Zionism has come to resemble the most brutal and relentless of modern ideologies. But unlike the brutal rationality of Stalinism, willing to sacrifice millions for political and economic revolution, this Jewish ideology, in its zealotry and irrationality, resembles more the National Socialism which condemned millions for the attainment of a nonsensical racial and ethnic supremacy. Of course, there are differences but there are also similarities. National Socialism, like Zionism, another blend of mysticism and power, gained credibility as a means to right wrongs done to a victimized people. National Socialism, like Zionism, also sought to maintain the racial/ethnic purity of one group and to maintain the rights of that ethnic group over others, and National Socialism, like Zionism, also proposed an almost mystical attachment of that group to a land. Page 879 of 1018 Also, both National Socialism and Zionism shared a common interest - to separate Jews from non-Jews, in this case to remove Jews from Europe - and actively co-operated in the attainment of this aim. And if the similarity between these two ideologies is simply too great and too bitter to accept, one may ask what National Socialism with its uniforms, flags and mobilized youth must have looked like to those Germans, desperate after Versailles and the ravages of post- First World War Germany. Perhaps not so different from how the uniforms, flags and marching youth of pre- and post-state Zionism must have looked to Jews after their history of suffering, and particularly after the Holocaust. This is, for Jews, their own worst nightmare: the thing they love the most has become the thing they hate the most. And for those Jews and others, who shrink from the comparison, let them ask themselves this: What would an average German, an enthusiastic Nazi even, have said in, say, 1938 had they been confronted with the possibility of an Auschwitz? They would have thought that you were stark, staring mad. American Jews and Jewish America At the heart of the conflict is the relationship between Israel and America. The statistics - billions in aid and loans, UN vetoes, etc., etc. need not be repeated here - American support for Israel seems limitless. But what is the nature of this support? For many, perhaps most, the answer is relatively simple. Israel is a client state of America, serving American interests or, more particularly, the interests of its power elites. This view is underpinned by the obvious importance of oil, the huge strategic importance of the region and the fact that, if Israel did not further the interests of those who control America, then we can be sure America would not support Israel. Also, there is no doubt that, in the IDF, America has found a marvellously flexible and effective force, easily aroused and let loose whenever any group of Arabs get a little above themselves. But is this the whole story? Does Israel really serve America's interests and is their relationship wholly based on the sharing of these interests? Consider how much in terms of goodwill from other nations America loses by its support for Israel, and consider the power and influence of the "Jewish", "Zionist" or "pro-Israel" lobby, as when many an otherwise responsible lawmaker, faced with the prospect of an intervention in their re-election campaign from the Jewish lobby, seems happy to put his or her re-election prospects way in front of what is good for America. The details of the workings of AIPAC and others, and the mechanics by which these groups exert pressure on America's lawmakers and governors, have been dealt with elsewhere; we need only note that this interest group is undoubtedly extraordinarily effective and successful. Not just a small group of Jews supporting Israel, as its supporters would have us believe, these are powerful and committed ideologues: billionaires, media magnates, politicians, activists and religious leaders. In any event, the power of the Jewish lobby to make or break pretty well any public figure is legendary - not for nothing is it often referred to simply as "The Lobby". But again, there may be far more to the Israel/U.S. relationship than just a commonality of interest and the effectiveness of certain interest groups. That support for Israel must be in the interests of those who control America is certainly true, but who controls America? Perhaps the real relationship is not between Israel and America but between Jews and America. The overwhelming majority of Jews in America live their lives just like any other Americans. They've done well and are undoubtedly pleased that America supports their fellow Jews in Israel but that's as far as it goes. Nonetheless, an awful lot of Jews certainly do control an awful lot of America - not the industrial muscle of America - the steel, transport, etc., nor the oil and arms industries, those traditional money-spinners. No, if Jews have influence anywhere in America, it's not over its muscle and sinew but over its blood and its brain. It is in finance and the media that we find a great many Jews in very influential positions. Lists abound (though you Page 880 of 1018 have to go to some pretty unpopular websites to find them) of Jews, prominent in financial and cultural life: Jews in banks; Jews in Forbes Magazine's Richest Americans; Jews in Hollywood; Jews in TV; Jewish journalists, writers, critics, etc., etc. Nor have Jews been slow in exploiting their position. Jews have not hesitated to use whatever resources they have to advance their interests as they see them. Nor does one need to subscribe to any conspiracy theory to note how natural it is for Jews in the media to promote Jews and their values as positive and worthy of emulation. When did anyone last see a Jew portrayed in anything other than a favourable light? Jews are clever, moral, interesting, intense, warm, witty, complex, ethical, contradictory, prophetic, infuriating, sometimes irritating, but always utterly engaging. Nor is it any wonder that Jews in influential positions are inclined to promote what they see as Jewish collective interests. Is it really all that incredible that Jewish advisers around the Presidency bear Israel's interests at heart when they advise the President on foreign affairs? But so what? So there are a lot of Jews with a lot of money, and a lot of Jews with a lot to say and the means to say it. If Jews by virtue of their ability and use of resources (as honestly gained as by anyone else) promote what they perceive as their own collective interest, what's wrong with that? First, with some notable exceptions, the vast majority of Jews can, in good faith, lay hands on hearts and swear that they never take decisions or actions with collective Jewish interests in mind, certainly not consciously. And even if they did, they are acting no differently from anyone else. With a few exceptions, Jews have earned their advantageous positions. They came with nothing, played according to the rules and, if they use their influence to further what they perceive as Jewish interests, what's so special about that? Do not the Poles, the Ukrainians, the Gun lobby, the Christian Evangelicals also not work to further their group interests? The difference between Jews and other groups is that they probably do it better. Jews are, by pretty well any criteria, easily the most successful ethnic group in America and, for whatever reason, have been extraordinarily successful in promoting themselves both individually and collectively. And there would probably be nothing wrong with this were it not for the fact that these same people who exert so much control and influence over American life also seem to refuse to be held accountable. It is the surreptitiousness with which Jews are perceived to have achieved their success which arouses suspicion. Jews certainly seem cagey about the influence they have. Just breathe the words "Jewish power" and wait for the reaction. They claim it's because this charge has so often been used as a precursor to discrimination and violence against them, but never consider the possibility that their own reluctance to discuss the power they wield arouses suspicion and even hostility. But there is another claim, subtler and more worrying. This is that it doesn't exist; that Jews do not wield power, that there is no Jewish lobby; that Jews in America do not exert power and influence to advance Jewish interests, even that there are no such things as Jewish interests! There are no Jewish interests in the war in Iraq, there are no Jewish interests in America; most amazing, there are no Jewish interests even in Israel and Palestine. There is no Jewish collective. Jews do not act together to advance their aims. They even say that the pro-Israeli lobby has actually not all that much to do with Jews, that the Jewishness of Israel is irrelevant and the Public Affairs Committees (PACs) which lobby so hard for Israel are in fact doing no more than supporting an ally and thus looking after America's best interests even to the extent of concealing their true purpose behind names such as "American for Better Citizenship", "Citizen's Organised PAC" or the "National PAC" - none of which make one reference in their titles to Israel, Zionism or Jews. Similarly, Jews and Jewish organisations are said to be not so much furthering Jewish interests and values as American, or, even, universal interests and values. So, the major Holocaust Museum, styled as a "Museum of Tolerance", focuses not only on anti-Semitism, but on every kind of intolerance known to mankind (except that shown by Page 881 of 1018 Jews to non-Jews in Israel and Palestine). Similarly, the Anti-Defamation League is but an organisation for the promotion of universal principles of tolerance and justice, not just for Jews but for everyone. This conflation of Jewish interests with American interests is nowhere more stark than in present American foreign policy. If ever an image was reminiscent of a Jewish world conspiracy, the spectacle of the Jewish neo-cons gathered around the current presidency and directing policy in the Middle East, this must be it. But we are told that the fact that the Jewish neo-cons, many with links with right wing political groups within Israel, are in the forefront of urging a pro-Israel policy, is but a coincidence, and any suggestion that these figures might be influenced by their Jewishness and their links with Israel is immediately marginalised as reviving old anti-Semitic myths about Jewish dual loyalty. The idea that American intervention in Iraq, the one viable military counterweight to Israeli hegemony in the Middle East and therefore an inspiration to Arab and Palestinian resistance, primarily serves Israeli rather than American interests has also been consigned to the nether world of mediaeval anti-Semitic myth. The suggestion that those Jews around the president act from motives other than those to promote the interests of all Americans is just anti-Semitic raving. And maybe they're right. Perhaps those who promote Jewish interests are in fact promoting American interests because, for now at least, they appear to be one and the same. Jewish America In Washington, D.C. is a memorial to a terrible tragedy. Not a memorial to a tragedy visited on Americans by a foreign power as at Pearl Harbour or 9/11, nor to a tragedy visited by Americans on Americans such the sacking of Atlanta. Nor is it a memorial of contrition to a tragedy inflicted by Americans onto another people, such as to slavery or to the history of racial injustice in America. It is to none of these. The Holocaust memorial is to a tragedy inflicted on people who were not Americans, by people who were not Americans, and in a place a very long way from America. And the co-religionists or, even, if you like, the co-nationals, of the people on whom the tragedy was visited and to whom the memorial is built make up around two percent of the American population. How is it that a group of people who make up such a tiny percentage of the overall American population can command such respect and regard that a memorial to them is built in the symbolic heart of American national life? The Jewish narrative is now at the centre of American life, certainly that of its cultural and political elites. There is, anyway, much in the way that Americans choose to see themselves and their history which is quite naturally compatible with the way Jews see themselves and their history. What more fitting paradigm for a country founded on immigration, than the story of the mass immigration of Jews at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? For many Americans, the story of those Jews who came to their Goldenes Medina, their Golden Land, with nothing and, through hard work and perseverance, made it to the very top of American society, is also their story. And what could be more inspirational for a country, if not officially but still viscerally, deeply Christian than the story of the Jews, Jesus' own people and God's chosen people, returning to their ancient homeland and transforming it into a modern state. And for a nation which sees itself as a beacon of democracy in the world, what better international soul-mate than the state of Israel, widely held to be "the only democracy in the Middle-East"? Finally what greater validation for a country itself founded on a narrative of conquest and ethnic cleansing than the Biblical narrative of the conquest and ethnic cleansing of the Promised Land with the addition of the equally violent settlement of modern Palestine with its own ethnic cleansing and then "making the desert bloom"? Most resonant, of course, is the notion of Jews as a suffering people. The fact that this "suffering people" is now enjoying a success beyond the dreams of any other ethnic group in America seems irrelevant. Also ignored is how American Jews have made it to the very top of American society whilst, every step of the way, complaining about how much they're being Page 882 of 1018 discriminated against. Nonetheless, to America, Jews have an enduring and ongoing history of suffering and victimhood. But this history has rarely been examined or even discussed. A Suffering People That Jews have suffered is undeniable, but Jewish suffering is claimed to have been so enduring, so intense and so particular that it is to be treated differently from other sufferings. The issue is complex and cannot be fully debated or decided here but the following points may stimulate thought and discussion. During even the most terrible times of Jewish suffering such as the Crusades or the Chmielnitzky massacres of seventeenth century Ukraine, and even more so at other times in history, it has been said that the average peasant would have given his eye-teeth to be a Jew. The meaning is clear: generally speaking, and throughout most of their history, the condition of Jews was often far superior to the mass of the population. The above-mentioned Ukrainian massacres took place in the context of a peasant uprising against the oppression of the Ukrainian peasantry by their Polish overlords. As has often been the case, Jews were seen as occupying a traditional position of being in alliance with the ruling class in their oppression of the peasantry. Chmielnitzky, the leader of this popular uprising, is today a Ukrainian national hero, not for his assaults on Jews (there are even references to his having offered poor Jews to join the uprising against their exploitative co-religionists - the Jews declined) but for his championing of the rights of the oppressed Ukrainians. Again, the inference is plain: outbreaks of anti-Semitic violence, though never justified, have often been responses to Jewish behaviour both real and imaginary. In the Holocaust three million Polish Jews died, but so did three million non-Jewish Poles. Jews were targeted but so were Gypsies, homosexuals, Slavs and Poles. Similarly, the Church burned Jews for their dissenting beliefs but then the church burned everyone for their dissenting beliefs. So again, the question must be asked: what's so special about Jewish suffering? The Holocaust, the paradigm for all anti-Semitism and all Jewish suffering, is treated as being beyond examination and scrutiny. Questioning the Holocaust narrative is, at best, socially unacceptable, leading often to social exclusion and discrimination, and, at worst, in some places is illegal and subject to severe penalty. Holocaust revisionist scholars, named Holocaust deniers by their opponents, have challenged this. They do not deny a brutal and extensive assault on Jews by the Nazi regime but they do deny the Holocaust narrative as framed by present day establishments and elites. Specifically, their denial is limited to three main areas. First, they deny that there ever was an official plan on the part of Hitler or any other part of the Nazi regime systematically and physically to eliminate every Jew in Europe; second, they deny that there ever existed homicidal gas-chambers; third, they claim that the numbers of Jewish victims of the Nazi assault have been greatly exaggerated. But none of this is the point. Whether those who question the Holocaust narrative are revisionist scholars striving to find the truth and shamelessly persecuted for opposing a powerful faction, or whether they are crazy Jew-haters denying a tragedy and defaming its victims, the fact is that one may question the Armenian genocide, one may freely discuss the Slave Trade, one can say that the murder of millions of Ibos, Kampucheans and Rwandans never took place and that the moon is but a piece of green cheese floating in space, but one may not question the Jewish Holocaust. Why? Because, like the rest of the Jewish history of suffering, the Holocaust underpins the narrative of Jewish innocence which is used to bewilder and befuddle any attempt to see and to comprehend Jewish power and responsibility in Israel/Palestine and elsewhere in the world. Page 883 of 1018 Jewish Power, What is a Jew? Israel Shamir, the Russian-born Israeli writer, advocates the right of all people, whatever their ethnicity or religion, to live together in complete equality between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River. Shamir condemns the behaviour of Israel and of Diaspora Jews and calls for an end to their preferential treatment, but he also proposes an opposition to Judaism itself for which he stands accused of being anti-Jewish - a charge he does not deny but actually embraces. Shamir proposes the existence of a Jewish ideology, or "Jewish paradigm" as he puts it, and proposes that it is the voluntary adherence to this "spirit" which makes a Jew into a Jew. For him, Jewishness is neither race nor ethnicity - there is, for Shamir, no such thing as a Jewish 'tribe' or 'family' - no biological or ethnic body from which there can be no escape. Further, this ideology, based on notions of choseness, exclusivity and even supremacism is, at least when empowered, incompatible with peace, equality and justice in Palestine or anywhere else for that matter. No-one wants to oppose any Jews simply for being Jews, or even for what they believe, but only because of what they do. The problem is that since, according to Shamir, what Jews believe and even do is precisely what makes them into Jews, so opposition to Jewishness as an ideology surely comes dangerously close to opposition to Jews simply for being Jews. But for Shamir, Jews are Jews because they choose to be Jews. Someone may be born of Jews and raised as a Jew but they can if they wish reject their Jewish upbringing and become a non-Jew. And many have done just that including such famous escapees as Karl Marx, St. Paul, Leon Trotsky (and Shamir himself), etc. Opposition to Jews is not, therefore, like opposition to Blacks or to Asians or to other common racist attitudes since the object of the opposition is perfectly able to relinquish the ideology in question. Shamir has never in any way called for any harm to be done to Jews or anyone else, nor for Jews or anyone else to be discriminated against in any way. Adherence to this Jewish ideology is, for Shamir, regrettable, but not, in itself, a matter for active opposition. Nor does this mean that Shamir is opposed to any individual Jew just because he or she is a Jew. What Shamir actively opposes is not "Jews" but "Jewry". Analogous to say, the Catholic Church, Jewry consists of those organised Jews and their leaders who actively promote corrosive Jewish interests and values, particularly now in the oppression of the Palestinians. One doesn't have to be in complete agreement with Shamir to understand what he is talking about. Why should Jews not have a "spirit"; after all, such a concept has been discussed with regard to other nations? "It is dangerous, wrong, to speak about the "Germans," or any other people, as of a single undifferentiated entity, and include all individuals in one judgement. And yet I don't think I would deny that there exists a spirit of each people (otherwise it would not be a people) a Deutschtum, an italianitia, an hispanidad: they are the sums of traditions, customs, history, language, and culture. Whoever does not feel within himself this spirit, which is national in the best sense of the word, not only does not entirely belong to his own people but is not part of human civilization. Therefore, while I consider insensate the syllogism, 'All Italians are passionate; you are Italian; therefore, you are passionate," I do however believe it legitimate, within certain limits, to expect from Italians taken as a whole, or from Germans, etc., one specific, collective behavior rather than another. There will certainly be individual exceptions, but a prudent, probabilistic forecast is in my opinion possible." Primo Levi And for Jews it is, perhaps, even more appropriate. The place of Judaism as an ideology at the centre for all Jewish identity may be debated, but few would dispute that Judaism is at least at the historic heart of Jewishness and, whatever else may bind Jews together, it is certainly true Page 884 of 1018 that religion plays an important part. Second, for a group of people who have retained such a strong collective identity with no shared occupation of any land, language, nor even, in many cases, a culture, it is hard to see what else there could be that makes Jews into Jews. Surely for Jews, in the absence of other, more obvious factors, it is precisely such a spirit that has enabled them to retain their distinctive identity for so long and in the face of such opposition. But if there is some kind of Jewish spirit or ideology, what is it? As far as Judaism, the religion, goes it seems fairly clear that there is an ideology based on the election of Israel by God, the special relationship Jews are supposed to have with God and the special mission allocated to Jews by God. So for observant Jews there is a special quality intrinsic to the covenant and to Judaism itself, though not all of them find it appealing: "There is a strain in Jewish thought that says there is a special Godly something or other that is passed down in a certain genetic line which confers a special guality on people and Jewishness is a special guality. I call that metaphysical racism." Rabbi Mark Solomon But whilst easy to see such a common spirit in religious Jews - after all it is precisely that which makes them religious - it is so much harder to define it in secular Jews, those Jews who reject, often quite vociferously, all aspects of Jewish faith. They often claim that they don't have an ideology, or that their ideology is one of, say, the left: not only not Jewish, but opposed to all religions including Judaism. Yet seemingly so free of all such ignorant superstition, these same people still call themselves Jews, still more often than not marry other Jews and still turn up to solidarity rallies only with other Jews and under Jewish banners. What is their ideology? For my money it is much the same sense of specialness found in religious Jews but with a special reference to victimhood. "Yes, but only in the Hitlerian sense", answered philosopher Maxime Rodinson when asked if he still considered himself a Jew. For many of these Jews it is their identity as a threatened and victimized people that makes them Jews. "Hitler said I was a Jew, so I may as well be a Jew" is one response or "To be a Jew somehow denies all those who ever persecuted Jews a victory- so I'm a Jew". For these Jews, albeit estranged from Jewish religious and often community life as well, Emil Fackenheim's famous post-Holocaust 614th commandment (to add to the other 613): Thou shall survive! is an absolute imperative. But whatever the motive, this self-identity runs very deep indeed. Amongst these Jews, no matter how left or progressive they may be, one may criticise Israel to the nth degree, poke fun at the Jewish establishment and even shamefully denigrate Judaism as a religion, but depart one iota from the approved text on anti-Semitism and Jewish suffering, and you are in deep trouble. For these rational folk, Jewish suffering and anti-Semitism is every bit as inexplicable, mysterious and therefore, unchallengeable as for any religious Jew. Jewish secularism is often offered as evidence that there is no such thing as a Jewish identity gathered around any shared ideology. After all, if all Jews subscribe to the same basic ideology, then how come so many Jews so obviously don't? And if all Jews essentially support the same interests, how come so many Jews so obviously don't? But is it that obvious? Not only do secular Jews very often seem to subscribe to Jewish notions of specialness and victimhood, but also, in their attitudes to non-Jews in general, and Palestinians in particular, they are by no means all that different from religious Jews. It is often quoted how many Jews are in solidarity movements with Palestinians and how many of these are secular. And it's true: there are many Jews in sympathy with the Palestinians and the overwhelming majority are secular, and the main thrust of post-1967 virulent Zionism has come to be associated with the religious right. But this secular Jewish tradition, in fact, has been at the forefront of Zionism's assault on the Palestinians. It was secular Labour Zionists who created the Zionist ideology and the pre-state Jewish-only society. It was secular Zionists - Page 885 of 1018 good, humanistic, left-wing kibbutzniks - who directed and carried out the ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians, and the destruction of their towns and villages. It was secular Zionists who established the present state with all its discriminatory practices; and it was a largely secular Labour government that held the Palestinian citizens of Israel under military government in their own land for eighteen years. Finally, it was a secular, Labour government which conquered the West Bank and Gaza, and first built the settlements, and embarked on the Oslo peace process, coolly designed to deceive the Palestinians into surrendering their rights. And even those secular Jews who do support Palestinian rights, on so many occasions, the solidarity they offer is limited by self-interest. That these people, at least as much as anyone else, act out of their highest motives may be true. Many have been lifelong activists for many causes and many find their activism springs, consciously or unconsciously, from what they see as the highest ideals of their Jewishness. But nonetheless for many of them, solidarity with Palestinians means above all, the protection of Jews. They call for a Palestinian state on 22 per cent of the Palestinian homeland, but only to keep and protect the 'Jewishness' of the Jewish state. The Palestinian state they call for would inevitably be weak, dominated by the Israeli economy and under the guns of the Israeli military - surely, they must know what this would mean! At rally after rally, in speeches and on leaflets and banners, these Jews denounce the occupation: "Down with the occupation, down with the occupation, down with the occupation," but not a word of the inherent injustice of a state for Jews only; perhaps a mention of the ill-gotten gains of 1948, but nothing of the right of return of the refugees, no restitution merely 'a just solution' taking account, of course, of Israel's 'demographic concerns'. "We are with you, we are with you, we are with you" they say "...but...". Whether it be condemnation of some form of Palestinian resistance of which they disapprove, or some real or perceived occurrence of anti-Semitism, for these Jews there is always a "but." They should take a leaf from Henry Herskovitz. He is part of an organisation called Jewish Witnesses for Peace, which holds silent vigils outside synagogues on shabbat. Of course, all the other Jewish activists are shrieking at him that you mustn't target Jews for protest, that you must draw a distinction between Jews, Israelis and Zionists, that you'll only alienate the people we want to engage.... but he doesn't care. He knows that support from the Jewish mainstream, as Tony Cliff the Trotskyite used to say, "is like honey on your elbow - you can see it, you can smell it but you can never quite taste it!" Henry also knows that to say that Jews in America individually and in their religious and community organisations should not be held accountable for what is happening is a lie and discredits all Jews before the non-Jewish world. So these secular Jews often end up being just another round of Michael Neuman's "veritable shell game" of Jewish identity. "Look! We're a religion! No! a race! No! a cultural entity! Sorry- a religion!" Because this is the key to maintaining Jewish power - if it's indefinable, it's invisible. Like a Stealth Bomber (you can't see it on your radar but you sure know when you've been hit) Jewish power, with its blurred outlines and changing forms, becomes invisible. And if you can't see it you can't fight it. Meanwhile the assault on the Palestinians continues. "The Jews" The phrase is itself terrifying because of its past association with discrimination and violence against Jews, but Jews themselves have no problem with it. The notion of a Jewish People is at the centre of Jewish faith with Jews of all or no degrees of religious adherence over and over again affirming its existence. It is also at the heart of Zionism even in its most secular forms and is written into the foundational texts of the state of Israel. The concept even received international legal approval when the Jewish people were declared, by the West German state, to be the post-war residual heirs of intestate Jews. And yet it is an absolute article of faith for Page 886 of 1018 everyone, including those in the solidarity movement, that while we may criticize and confront Israel and Israelis, we may not criticize and confront the Jewish people and Jews. Unlike Israel and any other state, the Jewish People has no common policy and any attack on the Jewish people is, therefore, aimed at what they are and not at what they do. But is speaking of the Jews doing this or doing that any more or less acceptable than speaking of, say, the Americans? If the American military lays waste a third world country, it is done by order of the government (a small group) with the full support of the ruling elites (another small group), the tacit support of a substantial segment of the population (a larger group), the silent denial of probably the majority of the population (a very large group) and the opposition of a tiny minority (a small group). Is it all that different with Jews? It may be. Unlike the United States, 'the Jews' are not a legally constituted body and they do not have an obvious and defined common policy. 'The Jews' do not have an officially designated leadership, nor do they inhabit one area of land, nor do they speak a common language or even share a common culture. Theoretically at least there seem to be so many differences as to render any comparison untenable. In practice this may not be the whole story. It is true that 'the Jews' do not constitute a legally recognized body, but Zionism, with its claim to represent all Jews, has increasingly confused the issue. It is also true that the Zionists do not represent all Jews but they do represent the views of very many Jews indeed, and certainly the most powerful and influential Jews. And there is no doubt that the overwhelming majority of organized Jews are fully behind the Zionist project. That 'the Jews' do not have a formally designated leadership does not mean that they have no leadership - bodies again to which the overwhelming majority of organized Jews owe allegiance: the Israeli Government, the World Zionist Organization; numerous large and powerful Jewish organizations such as the Anti- Defamation League and The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, The Simon Wiesenthal Centre; lesser bodies such as the Board of Deputies of British Jews and similar organizations in every country in which Jews reside. Then there is the extensive network of Jewish bodies often linked, through synagogues to the whole spectrum of mainstream Jewish religious and community life. All these bodies with their vast and interconnected network do provide leadership; they do have clearly defined policies and they are all four¬ square behind Zionism and Israel in its assault on the Palestinians. Does this constitute a definable Jewish collective engaged in advancing Jewish interests? Officially, perhaps not, but, effectively, when one notes the remarkable unanimity of intent of all these bodies, the answer may well be yes. They do not of course represent all Jews nor are all individual Jews responsible for their actions, but nonetheless 'the Jews' - organized, active and effective Jews - are as responsible for the pursuit of Jewish interests in Palestine and elsewhere as 'the Americans' in Vietnam, 'the French' in Algeria, and 'the British' in India. So why should our response be different? Why should 'the Jews' not be as accountable as 'the Americans' and even ordinary Jews as accountable as ordinary Americans? Why do we not picket the offices of the Anti-Defamation League or The Conference of Presidents or the offices or even the homes of Abe Foxman, Edgar Bronfman and Mort Zuckerman in the U.S. and Neville Nagler in the U.K.? Why do we not heckle Alan Dershowitz in the U.S. and Melanie Phillips in the U.K.? What about the U.K. Chief Rabbi who in his time has had lots to say about Israel and Palestine? Why do we not take the struggle to every synagogue and Jewish community centre in the world? After all, every Shabbat a prayer is said for the state of Israel in every mainstream synagogue in the land, most of which are focal points for Zionist propagandizing and fundraising, so why should these Jews who choose to combine their prayers and their politics be immune while at prayer from our legitimate protests at their politics? And for those few Jews who are really prepared to stand up and be counted for their solidarity with Palestinians, why can we not still give to them due honour and regard as we did Page 887 of 1018 to those few Americans who opposed American imperialism and those white South Africans who opposed apartheid? The answer is that we are frightened. Even knowing that Jews are responsible and should be held accountable, still we are frightened. We are frightened because criticism of Jews with its woeful history of violence and discrimination seems just too dangerous a position to take - it may open the flood-gates to a burst of Jew hatred. We are frightened that if we were to discuss the role of Jews in this conflict and in other areas and begin to hold Jews accountable, we might be labelled anti-Semites and lose support. And, perhaps most of all, we are frightened of the conflicted inner passions that confound us all whenever we come to look at these things. Does speaking the truth about Jewish identity, power and history lead to Jews being led to concentration camps and ovens? Of course it doesn't! It is hatred, fear and the suppression of free thought and speech which leads to these things - whether the hatred, fear and suppression is directed against Jews or by Jews. Anyway, despite efforts to convince us to the contrary, we do not live in the thirteenth century. Californians are unlikely to pour out of their cinemas showing Mel Gibson's 'Passion' chanting "Death to the Jews!" And, at a time when Jews in Israel/Palestine, overwhelmingly backed by Jewish organisations in the west, are desecrating churches and mosques wholesale and brutally oppressing entire Christian and Muslim populations, we may be forgiven for finding it hard to get excited about graffiti daubed on some synagogue somewhere. If we were to begin to engage with the role of Jews in this conflict, we may well be labelled anti-Semites and we may well, initially at least, lose support. The anti-Semite curse has long served as a frightener to silence all criticism of Jews, Israel and Zionism, and undoubtedly will be used to discredit our cause. But so what? They call us anti-Semites anyway so what's to lose? Edward Said spent a lifetime picking his way through the Israel/Zionism/Judaism minefield and never once criticised Jews, and he was called an anti-Semite his whole life, right up to and even after his death. As a movement we have probably spent as much time being nice to Jews as we have speaking up for Palestinians, and for what? Where has it got us? We are not racists and we are not anti-Semites, so let them do their worst. We shall speak our minds. For so long now Jews have told the world that black is white and not only that, but also if anyone should dare to deny that black is white they will be denounced as anti-Semites with all the attendant penalties. We are held in a moral and intellectual lock, the intention of which has been to silence all criticism of Israeli and Jewish power. In saying the unsayable we may set ourselves and others free. And think how it will feel the next time you are called an anti-Semite to say "Well, I don't know about that, but I do have some very strong but legitimate criticisms to make of Jews and the way they are behaving, and I intend to speak out"? And you never know; we may be pleasantly surprised. Israel Shamir, who has no trouble whatsoever in calling a Jew a Jew, was cheered spontaneously recently when he introduced himself from the floor at a London solidarity meeting. I saw it with my own eyes. His first English-language book has just been published; he corresponds freely and reciprocally with many highly respected figures and is on the boards of advisers of The Association for One Democratic State in Palestine and of Deir Yassin Remembered. Perhaps it's all just a case of the Emperor's new clothes. Perhaps we're all just waiting for some innocent child to blow the whistle. The situation facing the Palestinian people is truly terrible. Old political strategies have got us nowhere. We need a new and widened debate. It may be that a new and credible discourse which puts Jews and Jewishness at the critical centre of our discussions is part of that. Page 888 of 1018 And one final point: In a previous piece, paraphrasing Marc Ellis I wrote: "To the Christian and to the entire non-Jewish world, Jews say this: 'You will apologise for Jewish suffering again and again and again. And, when you have done apologising, you will then apologise some more. When you have apologised sufficiently, we will forgive you... provided that you let us do what we want in Palestine.' Shamir took me to task, "Eisen is too optimistic", he said, "Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews . the world is." Well, I don't know about that, but, if as now seems likely, the conquest of Palestine is complete and the state of Israel stretches from Tel-Aviv to the Jordan River, what can we expect? Will the Jews of Israel, supported by Jews outside of Israel, now obey the law, live peaceably behind their borders and enjoy the fruits of their victory, or will they want more? Who's next? Paul Eisen is a director of Deir Yassin Remembered paul (Seisen.demon.co.uk Page 889 of 1018 ARTICLE - "JEWISH POWER" BY BRITISH JEWISH ACTIVIST PAUL EISEN Jewish Power By Paul Eisen - (August 19, 2004) The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons displaying Jewish religious symbols, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do. The future is always open and nothing can ever be ruled out: but. for now, it's hard to see how Israel can be stopped. After over fifty years, it is clear that Israel will only relinquish its eliminationist attimde to Palestinians and Palestinian life when it has to. This need not be through military action but it is hard to see how anything else will do. The conventional wisdom - that if America turned off the tap. Israel would be brought to its knees - is far from proven. First, it's not going to happen. Second, those who believe it may well be underestimating both the cohesiveness of Israeli society and the force of Jewish history which permeates it. Even more unlikely is the military option. The only force on earth which could possibly confront Israel is the American military, and, again, that is not going to happen. Palestinian resistance has been astonishing. After over fifty years of brutal assault by what may well one day be seen as one of the most ruthless and irrational powers of modem times, and with just about every power on earth ranged against them. Palestinians are still with us, still steadfast, still knowing who they are and where they come from. Nonetheless, for the time being effective resistance may be over (though the possibility of organised non-violent resistance can never be ruled out), and, for now. the only strategy open may be no more than one for survival. For us it is so much easier to deny this reality than to accept it, and doubtless the struggle will continue. How fruitful this will be no-one can say. Although the present seems hopeless, survival is still vital and no-one knows when new opportunities may arise. Anyway, to struggle against injustice is always worth doing. But what if the struggle becomes so delusional that it inhibits rather than advances resistance? What if the straggle becomes a way of avoiding rather than confronting reality? Those slogans "End the Occupation!” and "Two States for Two Peoples!" are now joined by a new slogan, "The One-State Solution!" This is every bit as fantastic as its predecessors because, just as there never was going to be an end to the occupation, nor a real Palestinian state, so. for now, there is no possibility of any "one state" other than the state of Israel which now stretches from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and the only "solution" is a final solution and even that cannot be ruled out. "Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is not Zionism^." The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons with Jewish religious symbols all over them, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do. The past is just too terrible. All of us know of the hatred and violence to which accusations against Jews have led in the past. Also, if we were to examine critically the role of Jews in this conflict, what would become of us and of our straggle? Would we be labelled anti-Semites and lose much of the support that we have worked so hard to gain? The present, too, is full of ambiguities. Zionism is not Judaism; Judaism is not Zionism has become an article of faith, endlessly repeated, as is tlie assertion that Zionism is a secular ideology opposed, for much of its history, by the bulk of religious Jews and even now still opposed by true Torah Jews such as Neturei Karta. But Zionism is now at the heart of Jewish life with religious Jews amongst the most virulent of Zionists and Neturei Karta, despite their impeccable anti-Zionism, their beautiful words and the enthusiasm with which they are welcomed at solidarity rallies, etc., may well be just Jews in fancy dress, a million miles from the reality of Jewish life. And even if Zionism can still be disentangled from Judaism, can it be distinguished from a broader Jewish identity or Jewishness? So often Zionism is proclaimed to be a modem add-on to Jewish identity, another, albeit anachronistic, senler-colonial ideology simply adopted by Jews in response to their predicament. But, could it be that our need to avoid the accusation of anti-Semitism and our own conflicted perceptions and feelings, our insistence that Zionism and Jewishness are separate, has led us seriously to misunderstand the situation? Has our refusal to look squarely at the very Jewishness of Zionism and its crimes caused us to fail to understand exactly what we are up against? Jews, Judaism and Zionism https://www.righteousjews.org/articlelO.html Page 890 of 1018 NEW INDICTMENT Criminal Procedure Act 200-1 Criminal Procedure Rules 2005 District Court At: Perth Number: 1767of2009 Indictment Parties State of Western Australia
  • Rrendon Lee O'Connell Details of Charge [. an authorised officer, allege that — Code Sec 80B (1) On 2 May 2009 at South Perth Brendon Lee O'Connell, engaged in conduct, otherwise than in private, that was likely to harass Stanley Elliot Keyser as a member of a racial group namely pursuing Stanley Elliot Keyser and making a series of statements to Stanley Elliot Keyser. Code Sec 77 (2) On a date unknown between 2 May 2009 and 11 May 2009 at Maylands, Brendon Lee O’Connell, with intent to create or promote animosity towards a racial group engaged in conduct, otherwise than in private, namely publishing on the internet a series of statements concerning the Jewish people. Code Sec 77 (3) On a date unknown between 2 May 2009 and 11 May 2009 at Maylands, Brendon Lee O’Connell, with intent to create or promote animosity towards a racial group engaged in conduct, otherwise than in private, namely publishing on the internet a series of statements concerning the Jewish people. Code Sec 77 (4) On or about 25 October 2009 at Maylands, Brendon Lee O’Connell, with intent to create or promote animosity towards a racial group engaged in conduct, otherwise than in private, namely publishing on the internet a series of statements concerning the Jewish people. Code Sec 77 (5) On or about 29 October 2009 at Maylands, Brendon Lee O’Connell, with intent to create or promote animosity towards a racial group engaged in conduct, otherwise than in private, namely publishing on the internet a series of statements concerning the Jew ish people. Code Sec 77 (6) On or about 7 November 2009 at Maylands, Brendon Lee O’Connell, with intent to create or promote animosity towards a racial group engaged in conduct, otherwise than in private, namely publishing on the internet a series of statements concerning the Jewish people. . Page 891 of 1018 Page 892 of 1018 LETTER FROM DPP - "NEW AND BETTER PARTICULARS" DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS a for WESTERN AUSTRALIA flpassim No. 09/2169 Level 1, 26 St Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6000 Enquiries: Justin Whalley Telephone: (08) 9425 3892 Fax: (08) 9425 3615 Email: [email protected] Mr J.A.Bougher (Barrister & Solicitor) 3 rd Floor Irwin Chambers 16 Irwin Street Perth WA 6000 Dear Mr Bougher, THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA v Brendon O'Connell INDICTMENT 1767 of 2009 Thank you for your letter of 20 July 2010. I apologise for the delay in replying. I will respond to your queries as they are enumerated in your letter.
  • It is not realistic to isolate individual statements or utterances in an attempt to particularise the conduct that was likely to harass Mr Kaiser. It is the totality of the conduct that represents the particulars of this count. The State's position is that whilst any given statement in isolation may not constitute their combined effect is capable of constituting harassment. In addition, the verbal statements cannot be viewed in isolation divorced from physical conduct and demeanour. The state relies on the totality and combined effect of the conduct, words, gestures and demeanour as particulars of the harassment the subject of Count 1.
  • The same principle applies to Counts 2-7, particulars of which are contained in a Schedule of Particulars that has previously been provided to Mr O'Connell. Individual comments in the blogs the subject of Counts 4-7, regarded in isolation, may not ground an inference that their posting on the internet evinces an intention to incite racial animosity / harassment but, viewed as a whole, they are capable of doing so. There is really nothing that I can usefully add to the information provided in the aforementioned Schedule of Particulars.
  • In relation to all counts on the indictment the 'racial group' referred to in each case is the Jewish People. ABN: 33 585 197 892 Ph: (08) 9425 3999 Fax: (08) 9425 3600 Email: [email protected] Page 893 of 1018 3 This trial has been briefed to Mr Anthony EYERS to prosecute. Any queries specifically relating to the conduct of the trial should be directed to him. I remain available to discuss any other issues that you may have in relation to this prosecution and will remain your point of contact at the O.D.P.P. Yours sincerely, Justin Whalley Senior State Prosecutor 28 July 2010 Cc: Mr Anthony EYERS (Barrister) Ph: (08) 9425 3999 Fax: (08) 9425 3600 Email: [email protected] Page 894 of 1018 TRANSCRIPT EXTRACTS - PAGE 619 - 634 - LACK OF A DETAILED INDICTMENT D28/35/JAC/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 build a bridge and get over it, and hopefully, admit the fact your worries and your - your sins and all your faults and let's kiss and make up. You don't get the police involved, Mr Eyers, for a street debate. Is this your - is this your view? Just agree so I can characterise it. If you did abuse and ridicule him, it was all justifiable as part of what you see as a rigorous, vigorous street debate?-Yes. Yes, that's correct. You felt you had the right in the context of what you were doing to say what you wanted? Mr Eyers - - - Answer yes or no?-Mr Eyers, give us the context. And I'm sure the jury will work it out. Well, we've got the context. We've got the video, Mr O'Connell?-Yeah. All right. Okay. So you think - - - ?-Yes. Yes, yes. Everything. Yes, I admit. I admit. Just don't hurt my family. That's all I
  • that's all I ask. All right. Let's put that to one side, press - - - ?-i just want to get through it so I can show stuff to the jury at last. All right. Well, we're not through it yet?-Straining at gnats. It's painful. Anyway. I agree. All right. Let’s - do you - I wonder if exhibit 1 could be shown to Mr O'Connell, please, so he can follow the text? He said he can’t remember what's in the blogs so in fairness, Mr O’Connell, I'll show you what's in the blogs and I'll ask you?-No, that’s okay. I’m not - I’m not - carry on. No, no - - -?-I might just plead guilty now because I just can’t be bothered doing it anymore, Mr Eyers. Well, feel free, go ahead?-Yeah? Would you like me - - - Do you want to be rearraigned?-Will I - will I be - will I be able to show my stuff though? Well, do you want to be rearraigned?-No, what I want to do is be able to show my stuff and you - we all sat here and you said, "No, you can't show anything, that it's hearsay." That's what you said to me. That's why I'm getting angry at you. You told me before, "That would be hearsay, you can’t show that. You need an expert witness." 24/01/2011 3:37 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 619 National Transcription Services Page 895 of 1018 D28/35/JAC/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 You - - -?-That's what I was told by these people. Your Honour, I think there's a matter of law that arises, in fairness to Mr O'Connell. WISBEY DCJ: Yes, thank you?-And now you're saying, "Well, no you can later." Madam Foreman, ladies and gentlemen - - - THE WITNESS: That's not what you told me earlier. WISBEY DCJ: - - - would you retire for a short time, thank you. (At 3.38 pm the jury retired) EYERS, MR: Your Honour, again, as an officer of the court in a broader sense, rather than merely prosecuting counsel, Mr O'Connell has referred repeatedly, or made mention repeatedly before the jury to material which he's been prevented from putting before the jury. Now, initially, of course, I made the submission and your Honour agreed with the basic principle that out-of-court statements, by persons not called as witnesses, or opinions by persons who were neither present nor expert witnesses, were prima facie inadmissible. Now, that's a general statement of principle, legal principle. It's very basic. If Mr O'Connell wishes to seek a separate ruling in relation for his satisfaction on
  • or he believes he's got any evidence which he wishes to put before the jury which is properly admissible, in other words, it's not hearsay or the opinions of others who aren't experts, then I would invite him and I'd invite your Honour, as the officer of court and a duty to see that these matters are conducted properly to make an application and put the evidence before your Honour. Because I'm just concerned that if he feels aggrieved or he feels that he has any evidence which isn't categorised as inadmissible in the way that I've outlined, he should properly be given the opportunity to draw it to your Honour's attention and if it is admissible rely upon it before the jury. It's been mentioned repeatedly that I think we have to grasp the metal, with respect, your Honour. 24/01/2011 3:37 In the absence of the Jury 620 National Transcription Services O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN Page 896 of 1018 D28/35/JAC/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 WISBEY DCJ: Well, it seems to me what from what he's said that when you finish cross-examination he intends to refer to some material and that could be the appropriate time to deal with it. EYERS, MR: All right. Well, look, there you go, Mr O'Connell's reassured by the fact - - - THE WITNESS: Wait, wait, one second, please gentlemen. I went - we went partly into detail and it was said that would be hearsay, it's not an expert witness, you can't show it. We went - I discussed with John Bougher and he said, "Yes, it goes to the heart of intent." And you - you
  • it's on that transcript. You said, "Nope, that's hearsay. Weren't there." This goes to the heart of my - - - WISBEY DCJ: Articles and statements by persons outside the courtroom are not admissible. THE WITNESS: It's not just that. WISBEY DCJ: But you have said and indeed it hasn't been disputed by the State that you have seen and read material which has made you form the views which you hold. THE WITNESS: Mm, by experts. For instance, it will be quoted in Ted Pipe, "Why the Mid-East Blues"? Well, sorry
  • "Why the Middle-East Blues"? He will go to the Encyclopaedia Judaica, he will quote experts which will go to the heart of why I can say confidently, when someone says, "Oh I'm Jewish" and doesn't want to call up a - call slaughter slaughter and wants to defend the indefensible. I can, "Oh you're one of those." EYERS, MR: But again, we're dealing, it seems to me, your Honour, with the fact that even an expert witness, if they are not agreed by the other side has to be called to give evidence. WISBEY DCJ: Yes. EYERS, MR: And these views - - - WISBEY DCJ: But there doesn't seem - - - THE WITNESS: Well, what's an expert? 24/01/2011 3:42 In the absence of the Jury 621 National Transcription Services O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN Page 897 of 1018 D28/36/ACJ/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 WISBEY DCJ: There doesn't seem thus far to be a dispute by the State that he has seen material which causes him to have certain views. EYERS, MR: Well, our position is Mr O'Connell's plainly read widely in the area touching upon the subject matter of this case. He's formed certain clear and strongly-held beliefs and views on the basis of what he's read. He's mentioned numerous authors, numerous works. We don't dispute the fact that he's read all of that. But then we put the other factor aside, can he simply put excerpts from those writers before the jury? WISBEY DCJ: The answer to - EYERS, MR: No, because the rules of evidence do not permit it. WISBEY DCJ: The answer to that is no. EYERS, MR: And likewise with film footage or television footage or documentary footage, they are statements in video form which, unless the maker of the statement comes to give evidence, or unless it's agreed, are not probably admissible into evidence. We're attempting to assist. We don't dispute that Mr O'Connell has read this stuff, has formed a view not magicked out of thin air, but on the basis of what he has read, but whether that can be put on an unattributed basis without a witness being called - and then of course it can't be. THE WITNESS: Well, what if it - what if it's quotations from, like, the Encyclopaedia Judaica on Jewish attitudes to non-Jews, which is at the heart of their heritage, the heart of their traditions and their culture, okay? It's the heart of their culture, Mr Eyers, so if someone says, "Well, I'm a Jew," "Oh, great. Then let's talk about your heritage and culture based on those books." See, this goes to the very heart. You're giving me no defence. This is why I'm getting angry. I know Mr Eyers is a - I know he's an English gentleman. I know that. I know he's doing his job. But I'm getting angry because I cannot defend myself. You keep asking me, Mr Eyers, "Is it not," whatever, and I'll say, "Well, let me show you. Let me show you quotations from the Encyclopaedia Judaica, from their Holy Books, to show that that's indeed" - if you say, "I am a Jew," in the 24/01/2011 3:42 In the absence of the Jury 622 National Transcription Services O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN Page 898 of 1018 D28/36/ACJ/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 context of Stanley Keyser filming us, making the statements he did, I made a perfectly reasonable assumption which I can show to the jury. But I can't show it to the jury. EYERS, MR: All right. THE WITNESS : So how can I - and then you want me to answer the question. Well, let me answer it by showing my material. Ted Pike is highly respected, and it is quoting from Jewish sources. EYERS, MR: Well, with respect, and I speak though your Honour just because of the procedure rather than directly to Mr O'Connell, I cannot agree the adduction into evidence of this material. WISBEY DCJ: Well, Mr - - - EYERS, MR: It's contrary to the rules of evidence and procedure. WISBEY DCJ: - - - O'Connell can make application before me when you finish your cross-examination. THE WITNESS: And how would that - how would I bring that application? EYERS, MR: By showing his Honour the material. WISBEY DCJ: Well, simply by asking. Indicating the material you propose to refer to and asking whether you can lead that evidence. THE WITNESS: And who will decide whether it can be led, and what will it be based on? WISBEY DCJ: I will decide (indistinct). THE WITNESS: So now we're saying third parties and statements can be entered into evidence now? WISBEY DCJ: No. There are certain exceptions. So far none of those have arisen in this case. THE WITNESS: Could you please give those to me so we can clarify that? I'm a bit worried you don't want that material shown to the jury. EYERS, MR: Well, your Honour, can we proceed on this basis? I'll finish cross-examination. Mr O'Connell still has - and this would fall under the ambit of re- 24/01/2011 3:42 In the absence of the Jury 623 National Transcription Services O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN Page 899 of 1018 D28/36/ACJ/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 examination. He's re-examining himself, clarifying any aspects of his evidence. At that stage it might be that he wishes to put the material, or a description of the material, before your Honour and seek an individual ruling in relation to each, and without losing the opportunity to adduce it into evidence if it proves contrary to the general impediment in adducing such evidence - be inadmissible. In that way the court can properly rule on any individual item and Mr O'Connell need not feel aggrieved. WISBEY DCJ: (Indistinct). THE WITNESS: If I call someone a racist, homicidal maniac who hangs with - say, like, Chabad-Lubavitch, say, and I wish to show them to be the racist, homicidal lunatics they are, but then you - "Sorry, you can't introduce anything. Not even a news report. Not even a written book. Not even a video showing their statements." How is that - how can a man possibly - because you keep asking me, Mr Eyers, about that. EYERS, MR: All right. THE WITNESS: Well, how can I - I can't show them anything. EYERS, MR: Your Honour, I'm ready to proceed. I know that Mr O'Connell realises now - - - THE WITNESS: Okay. EYERS, MR: - - - the right to make an application to your Honour to adduce into evidence. WISBEY DCJ: Have the jury in, thank you? THE WITNESS: So just quickly - just, sorry, very brief - just to quickly clarify. So what I find difficult is you're asking me a question and I wish to - not - I'm - I'm not going to give a yes/no answer. I'm going to say, "Well, let me show to the jury on that point how I came to that assumption." You keep saying, "You're making assumptions." Well, let me show you how I made that assumption. If you'd been living the same way of life three to four thousand years long, and your heritage and your culture is based on those religious books, I mean, what else is 24/01/2011 3:42 In the absence of the Jury 624 National Transcription Services 0 1 CONNELL, B . L . XXN Page 900 of 1018 D28/37/KM/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 there? Your holiest of teachings. The law. Then you won't let me show you what they are, then it's going to sound funny when I say, "You're a bunch of racist, homicidal maniacs." But if I could show the jury and the context, and suddenly they go, "Oh, that's how he came to that conclusion." But I can't do that, according to you. HISBEY DCJ: But - but you can tell the jury that you base this view on material you've - - - THE WITNESS: Which I can't show. WISBEY DCJ: - - - that - which you can't tender? THE WITNESS: Is this a - is this an absurd? Am I in - I am in Stalinist Russia. WISBEY DCJ: Well - well - - - ? THE WITNESS: I am in Stalinist Russia, sir. WISBEY DCJ: At the - at the moment you're in Perth and we'll continue with the examination - the cross- examination . THE WITNESS: I know. On - on your ship, captain. (At 3.48 pm the jury returned) WISBEY DCJ: Yes, Mr Eyers? EYERS, MR: Thank you. Now, look, what I'm going to deal - do is deal with - with certain portions of the blogs, okay? Do you have exhibit 1 in front of you? WISBEY DCJ: Well, if the - the blogs are exhibit 3, aren't they? EYERS, MR: Sorry, exhibit 3, then. Can - can Mr O'Connell be given exhibit 3? THE WITNESS: Oh, thanks. Yes, yes. EYERS, MR: Perhaps the members of the jury can follow as we go along. Firstly I'm going to ask you to turn to page 117, and all page numbers are in the top right-hand corner. 24/01/2011 3:47 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 625 National Transcnplion Services Page 901 of 1018 D28/37/KM/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 WISBEY DCJ: Sorry, page a hundred and - - - EYERS, MR: 17, your Honour. WISBEY DCJ: 17. EYERS, MR: And you - Mr O'Connell, to give you context in every case, this is a blog - part of a blog posted on 25 October and forms the subject matter of count - the allegation in count 4, okay?-Sorry, that was 117? 117? 117, yes. All right. Now, the first thing I want to draw your attention to is this paragraph, okay? 1,500 Gazans are dead, one million-plus Iraqis. We can only hope and pray that the international community strikes hard and makes sure that gaggle of Satan's children in occupied Palestine are brought to justice. All right. Now, obviously you're the author. There's no issue about that. Okay. And clearly this is a reference to Jews, yes?-Yeah. Specifically the "gaggle of Satan's children in occupied Palestine," presumably refers to Jews living in Israel?-For the sake of brevity, yeah - we'll say yes. Yes?-But there are - there are - there are members of the Israeli defence force or Israeli Arabs. (Indistinct). Yes, all right?-(Indistinct). But - but you refer here obviously in the context specifically to Jews, aren't you?-Well, yeah, but just particulars. I know they're like particulars. Yes, okay. Now, would you agree that that's plainly a statement which creates and promotes animosity towards Jews?-No, and I'd like to tender some evidence, sir, to clarify this statement of mine so the jury can make a decision. Well, just answer my questions and your time - - - WISBEY DCJ: Well, at - at the moment let's just deal with Mr Eyers - - - ? Well, I can't just answer a yes/no, Mr Eyers. I need to produce - you've asked a question, now if I could play Ted Pike's expose on Jewish traditions, culture and heritage on my video, the - the jury will be - better be able to - - - 24/01/2011 3:47 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 626 National Transcnption Services Page 902 of 1018 D28/37/KM/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 EYERS, MR: Calling Ted Pike to give evidence, Mr O'Connell?-Well, no. He's going to quote from their religious books. All right?-And then we can bring up Rabbi Yosef calling all goys slaves and - - - Well, look, let - let's just - - - ?-Which I might add, Rabbi Freilich, that's his boss. Let's deal with this. I'm suggesting to you that that paragraph, and specifically the "gaggle of Satan's children in occupied Palestine ," as the reference to Jews living in Israel, plainly creates and promotes animosity towards Jews?-Well, I would just like to say, Mr Eyers, that on the indictment - - - Do you accept that proposition?-No, I'll tell you why. You have not given me the chance to defend myself, because your boss, Mr Justin Whalley - now that you've point - I take it - can I just ask, Mr Eyers, when did you work out WISBEY DCJ: No, you - you can't ask counsel questions?-Well, I'm just questioning - - - But you - just - just respond?-Well, when did you work out that was so horrifying? Just make - - - ?-Cos why couldn't that be put in the indictment? Remember when I begged Justin Whalley - - - Just - - - ?-"Please, Mr Whalley, give me the indictment so I know how to defend myself." Mr O'Connell, just respond to the question Well, I'm pleased to see that the Public Prosecutions Office now has worked out what - what they gather is racial vilification. Whether you - whether you're pleased - - - ?-It's a shame that a year ago they couldn't tell me. Whether you're pleased or not, could you respond to the question ?-All right. I cannot give you an easy yes/no answer. I say no. And let me clarify with the jury why I can say no. If you're killing hundreds of men, women and children, 24/01/2011 3:47 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 627 National Transcnption Services Page 903 of 1018 D28/38/JD/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 you're Satan's little helper. And if you're sitting in silence accepting it, you're Satan's little helper. There's something wrong with you. And if I will be let - allowed to show evidence to the jury - and they're smart - these are raised - these are adults. They can make an assumption. The quotes will be from Jewish Holy books themselves. Quotes from the rabbis of the Israeli Defence Force. EYERS, MR: Let me make this - - - ?-Secular academics, highly respected people. Let me show that to the jury and stop not letting me defend myself. Sick of it. You imagine. You hold?-A year they've had to give me an indictment which gives me the particulars. They love the particulars, you see that? But they wouldn't give it to me. Mr O'Connell, let me just pass up a document to you which was served on your lawyer and then I’ll pass it to his Honour. And it's - it's a piece of paper entitled Schedule of Particulars, okay, just so the jury know. In relation to count 4, particulars, posting material and comments on the Internet?-Right. Evidence, blog dated 25 October?-Right. You've had this document?-Have you - have you - have you
  • have you read the Federal - - - They're (indistinct) charges, Mr 0'Connell?-No, no, no, no. I know what a detailed indictment looks like because I've looked up Frederick Tbin (indistinct). You should see the indictment. It lays it out. "These are the statements we believe constitute racial" - I begged to - "Can I please have an indictment?". And Lane(?) v Industrial Relations Commission in the High Court of Australia, "You must give the defendant a detailed indictment". And your department of Public Prosecutions, Mr Eyers and I know you are a gentleman, it's nothing personal, is an inept bunch of fools which you don't work for. Sorry. I'm a - I'm a gerryman?-A gentleman. I said a gentleman. Okay. Thank you?-Yes. It's nothing personal, I know that. It's nothing personal. But I've been nice. I've had enough. All right. But, look - - -?-Can we - give me the indictment. Let me show the jury the indictment. It 24/01/2011 3:52 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 628 National Transcnption Services Page 904 of 1018 D28/38/JD/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 WISBEY DCJ: Mr O'Connell, we really need you to address the questions that are put to you. EYERS, MR: But, look, in the schedule of particulars in relation - - -?-I'm - I'm going to ask you to go and get a detailed indictment. Then we'll come back in a few months so I can defend myself. WISBEY DCJ: We're not coming back in a few months. We're going to complete this trial. EYERS, MR: Mr O'Connell, all right, this is material contained within pages 113 to 129 of the brief?-Mm hmm. It was dated and posted 25 October. You were - you were informed that this formed part of the subject of count 4. You've seen it in writing. Now, can we just proceed?-Sure. Carry on. Great. Thank you. All right. So in relation to the paragraph I've just read to you, you said, "No, in your opinion it doesn't create or promote animosity towards Jewish people". Yes?-Mm hmm. Okay. All right. Let's just go down and I'm just going to perhaps put each section to you and just invite a yes or no?-Okay. Yeah. All right. Let's - let's just do that. So I'm putting the evidence before the jury?-Sorry, I should have done this before. Let's go, let's rock. Okay?-As fast as we can. We’ll get this over and done with. The penultimate paragraph at page 117 - - -?-Yeah. Fairly soon Jews will realise that people are thoroughly sick of them, their whining, their perpetual victimhood and their demands for people to bow down and worship their dodgy religion of Holocaustianity. ?-Put the question, please, Mr Eyers. What’s your question? All right. Now, that's plainly, isn't it, designed and intended to create and promote animosity - - -?-No. 24/01/2011 3:52 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 630 National Transcnption Services Page 905 of 1018 D28/39/ACJ/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009
  • - - towards Jewish people?-No, no. Next question. Just - just help us with this?-No. No, you've got to?-No. You've got to?-No. I'm asking you the question?-I've just answered your question. No. But you didn't let me ask the question?-Because I'm going to say no to everything, so I can then present to the jury my stuff. All right. Is your name Brendon O’Connell?-My name is Brendon Lee of the family O'Connell. What's Holocaustianity?-It's where people - well, no. I'll show that to you later. Why don't we - why can't you ask me a question - - - WISBEY DCJ : No, you listen. You don't - ? - And I'll present materials. At the moment you don't ask questions. You answer the ones that are being put to you - - -?-It's where the holocaust has become a dogma.
  • - - unless I consider them improper?-The new religion, which you would then worship and insist others worship, like, "You must believe" like the resurrection. The Catholic Church used to do burning at the stake for all sorts of things. Now, they get you sacked from your job, cut - slash your tyres, beat you up, burn your house down. Ask Ernst Zndel, Robert Forrest (?) and they just question history. EYERS, MR: And as you - - -?- That's Holocaustianity. Okay. And the Holocaustianity implied in that from your evidence is the exaggeration or invention of the Holocaust
  • - - ?-Well, let me give you an example.
  • - - by Nazi Germans?-In the Nuremberg - you know what they said in the Nuremberg Trials? Is that a yes?-They had - they said they had bears that ate the Jews alive and then an eagle that picked their bones. That was in the Nuremberg Trial transcript. 24/01/2011 3:57 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 631 National Transcnption Services Page 906 of 1018 D28/39/ACJ/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 Holocaustianity is the exaggeration or fabrication - - - ?-Is when you make a religious - when you make a religious dogma out of an historical event and say if you dare become a heretic and question - of course Christ rose from the dead. Everybody knows it, and if you don't believe it, well, we know what happens, don't we? So in your view, accusing Jews and their dodgy religion of
  • to - to extrapolate Holocaustianity exaggerating or inventing the Holocaust - - - ?-No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no. Let's be specific. Holocaustianity is making a dogma, a bulwark, which you can never question, comrade. I know that's a very difficult sort of thing to get in some totalitarian minds, but when you make a dogma and a religion out of an historical event and then persecute people for their beliefs because they don't coincide with yours, that's a dodgy religion. I thought it was the year 2010, so I thought we'd sort of moved on from that. All right. Let's turn over to page 118, still part of 25 October. Two lines - two and a half lines down that top paragraph: The 'Jew' -
  • in inverted commas -
  • community could have at least made their lies and slander half believable, but I guess after years of inventive, over-the-top Holocaust memoirs they've got lazy. Now, isn't that plainly a statement intending to create and promote animosity towards Jews?-No, no, I'm - I'm - I'm laughing at the fact that there've been hundreds of these memoirs which were found to be complete frauds. They had a gentleman recently on the 7.30 Report about five years ago. He was a Catholic country boy - brought up. He went and got a tattoo done and wrote a book. Said he was in Auschwitz as a child, and they were weeping over it and they were actually interviewing the professor. They were - it was - it was the 7.30 Report. They were interviewing the professor - sorry, the publisher, and the person said, "This gentleman wasn't even - he was here. He was a Catholic. He was in Australia. He never left the country." And she said in a heartbeat, "Oh, yes, but it's a beautiful story anyway." Or the guy who was on Oprah. He said they'd made - you know, touched hands through the wire and it was a beautiful story. They threw apples to each other. Turned out it was a complete fraud, and he was 24/01/2011 3:57 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 632 National Transcnption Services Page 907 of 1018 D28/39/ACJ/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 on Oprah, do you remember? And he said, "Well, it was true in my head, so it was true." But again, aren't - - - ?-That - that deserves to be mocked. There's hundreds of these Holocaust memoirs, hundreds of them. But you don't distinguish, do you? But I guess after years of inventive, over-the-top Holocaust memoirs -
  • do you accept that there are memoirs written by survivors of the Holocaust which are entirely genuine?-Well - well, I don't know. We can't look at them and examine them. We lose our jobs and get ridiculed and called an anti-Semite. Page 124. Page 124, please?-I'm sorry, Mr Eyers. I know you're a good man. I get - get a bit excited in debates. It's that ethnic Irish blood. Now, here we - here we see the caption of - under the picture of the guy there, picture - the - the man (indistinct) - - - ?-Sorry, that was 124? Page 124. Do you see that?-Mm hmm. Former Ku Klux Clown lectures Aussies to stamp out racism. Unfortunately our former clown has never read the Talmud, so he forgot to mention Jews as the biggest racists of all. ?-Indeed. Now, that's plainly a statement creating and promoting animosity towards Jewish people, isn't it?-Absolutely not. Just stating a fact. In your opinion?-Absolutely, yeah, and that's the opinion and the belief that matters, Mr Eyers. Let's - let's move - - - ?-Well, except for the jury, of course. Let's move then to count 5, and - - - ?-And that was the thing that imputed I was a member - a Nazi and Klu - Ku Klux Clown. WISBEY DCJ: Mr - - 24/01/2011 3:57 O'CONNELL, B.L. XXN 633 National Transcnption Services Page 908 of 1018 D28/39/ACJ/WADC/CRIM/PER/IND1767/2009 THE WITNESS: The man was wearing a cross, a Star of David around his neck. WISBEY DCJ: Mr Eyers, if you're moving on to another count - - - EYERS, MR: Yes. WISBEY DCJ: - - - it's probably an appropriate time to ask the jury to retire. So, Madam Foreman, ladies and gentlemen, if you could retire now and return in time for a 10 o'clock start tomorrow? And I just remind you that it is not permissible for the jury to make any independent inquiries outside the court. THE WITNESS: Well, I'll leave that. Sorry. (At 4.01 pm the jury retired) (THE WITNESS WITHDREW) WISBEY DCJ: And we'll adjourn until 10 o'clock tomorrow, and bail is extended overnight on the terms that already exist. Mr O'Connell is not to leave the court before quarter to 5. AT 4.02 PM THE MATTER WAS ADJOURNED UNTIL TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2011 24/01/2011 4:02 In the absence of the Jury 634 National Transcription Services 0 1 CONNELL, B . L . XXN Page 909 of 1018 SCAN FAX INTENTION TO SUE FOR CRIMINAL DEFAMTION TO NINE NETWORK Sent from Casuarina Prison. 23 rd May, 2012. 3 or line fail v e r d max. E — mail size
  • 2) B u s y £. 4) No facsimile connection /....FAX ., PflQL' 3 ; Alint Nduori Ato bieedor. .But! - Acting- FtVca ' . Se&odon .1st — O'Com cl - Lacked. Rm.L ... - • Kinina&od. 1 -W- A . ... . — - . Mbb- .- . ., ~ Mr Week AltunftfpiC Contact', ... .
  • O SDK . . . MwdarinA .U..A .— .— - - ' . bOIS ... .-.... (?) Of) Mom Uofa 2 QCXAj LjQjr .local pindoctia^—Bt -‘A. Cucmi J Mfof 7 hosted % lM&. Jhabt .,.U^Mrd— . d.fo.A io'(lca).)Vinoh Mmeat Lm — fjnjc ffixhuf, .reporhrXMupon &ik).. did. MmiCtim acme - . %L .CMGn .. . -.... - .- .(S) M(X)f.-Jtpodu.r. . vc/Qlisfa JJftotinL. to. .Ikdipt- aut &ll..diCL)fa ..- ■ .$ .fit no X W/ - facet fiod aL-Oma. tin'iL r m* ...LL.isU.. to AUfpc_o.uk .OIL. . i.Ihb. MfaaJdm, A..WiCAh^. r mmfed.h^ ..... tour pfododiao.. at M Lumt .Afk/cl — - - GTiojr m\rml did L Ufa..el impddl^....m_j.edmofa - .7 \ Jed. A.JUimtL..VinJr h. : hlfac xuf^A .mkc. . vi oc. shield Hu..Palihi^.!eA(jd. idiF.bjjU--Ci ; J 2 ^Mi,LC - '.......dL UUk.Su/immf.MjaA.6ftlUe.jq#.JtlM -
  • fax .-editor did. cwwir ikjidta fa . IL.s&ciik^flxfli’x- - d Mjbflti ./w.. far d .lonkxf. fa fafaefafa. fafaiFXfa - 8 %T fak.aee, .w/nhmt and bti.o..uHK (kMxmkyfatL - Caiukm infat, ft-edit JL, tidtv AMLpmrn .fa— Page 910 of 1018 NEWS ARTICLE "HIGH PRICE TO PAY FOR FREE SPEECH" THE WEST AUSTRALIAN I Opinion Have we become so politically cob High price to pay in defence of free speech PAUL MURRAY M ake sense of this. " Someone reacts to words said in a Perth nightclub and slashes the offender’s face open with a broken glass. Court penalty: 18 months jail. Another person reacts to words said outside a South Perth supermarket and gives the offender a nasty racist spray, which he later posts triumphantly on the internet. Court penalty: three years jail. Is that balanced justice? It's an unfortunate consequence of defending the principles of free speech that you sometimes end up appearing to be in the corner of people with whom you disagree violently — and disrespect even more. That’s pretty much the case with Brendan Lee O’Connell, who this week became the first person to be jailed under WA’s racial vilification laws. O’Connell seems to be an unpleasant prat with some extreme political views and very poor judgment in not getting a good lawyer who could have provided a sane legal defence rather than the ravings he offered on his own account. But that doesn’t mean he should be behind bars. And it certainly doesn’t mean he should get a sentence so out of kilter with that regularly handed down by WA courts for crimes of extreme personal violence. As editor of this newspaper in the 1990s, 1 opposed the institution of these laws, fearing that in an increasingly politically correct society they would end up being misused. I got pretty tough treatment by the Jewish lobby at that time and expect nothing different for this effort. The day that I feared arrived on Monday when Justice John Wisbey sentenced O’Connell harshly after a jury foimd him guilty on six of seven charges of racial vilification. Justice Wisbey, labelling O’Connell an “intelligent man with an irrational hatred of Jewish people”, said the only appropriate form of punishment would be an immediate term of “severe” imprisonment and, strangely, that he was sending a message to people who might share the convicted man’s views. I hope they're trembling in their boots in Tehran, Cairo. Riyadh. Amman, Khartoum, Damascus, Tripoli, Sanaa, Baghdad, Beirut, Kabul, Islamabad, not to mention Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, or anywhere else in the Middle East and Muslim world where O’Connell's views are mainstream for tens of millions of people. Not right, just unexceptional. O’Connell is a member of a group called Friends of Palestine which decided to hold a protest outside a South Perth < supermarket in 2009 against the sale of Israeli oranges. Pathetic, provocative and ( Page 911 of 1018 ect that we can't separate racism from stuoiditv? ultimately meaningless — but completely within his democratic rights. Stanley Keyser, a member of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students, attended the demonstration with a friend, Timothy Peach, to observe and hand out leaflets supporting their side of the argument. It’s also their democratic right to engage in a political discourse, which is what they did by entering the fray. Mr Peach, 19, told the court he was “angry”, “confused” and “offended” by O’Connell when he started to film the two Jewish men and argue with them about their religion. What should a Jew expect at an anti-Israel protest? It’s obvious that what was happening was essentially political in nature, even though it came to be poisoned by racism. Legitimate political discourse should be protected by a number of High Court rulings, but unfortunately O’Connell doesn’t appear to have had the wit to use them in his own rambling defence. Some of the reporting of this case highlights the extreme sensitivity in the community to issues of race, merely reflected — if not magnified - by the media. “A Perth man who posted a video online showing him arguing with a Jewish man and calling him a ‘racist, homicidal maniac’ has been found guilty of racial hatred,” was the first paragraph in the AAP report of the judgment. So is it now racist to call someone a racist? Or is it racist to call someone a homicidal maniac? Or is it only racist to call a Jew a racist homicidal maniac? Surely not. Have we become so instinctively PC that we no longer distinguish between what is racist and what is just stupid? This newspaper reported that the offending words by O’Connell to Mr Keyser were that Judaism was a “religion of racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing”. Later, he filmed himself at the Perth Bell Tower calling Judaism a “death cult” before posting the video online. When I debated this issue on air with Steve Lieblich, the director of I public affairs for the Jewish Community Council of WA, he said O’Connell should have drawn a distinction between the Jewish religion and the state of Israel. Frankly, that’s a line many opponents of Israel are unwilling to make. In fact, it’s a distinction that Israel itself doesn’t appear to concede. Mr Lieblich refused to accept that O’Connell’s protest was political or that the sentence was out of kilter with those for extreme personal violence handed down by WA courts. “I think it was a victory for decency and against bigotry and prejudice,” Mr Lieblich said. So does all criticism of Israel inexorably find its way to being racist unless those who disagree with it watch every word they utter? Must opponents meticulously pull apart the threads of religion and politics when arguing about Israel? And is that the real game here — silencing dissent against Israel and not protecting Jews from a legacy of verbal vilification? Paul Murray presents the morning program on 882 6PR from 8.30am weekdays. Victim: Stanley Keyser faced offensive words. Guilty: Brendan O'Connell gets three years jail Page 912 of 1018 APPENDIX 10 - SIGNED STATEMENT FROM TONY SAMI (TEWFIK ALI SOUROUR) THE STATEMENT IS HERE - PAGE 930 TONiYiSAMI REAWNAMElSiliEWFIK/Alil SOUROUR;
  • I met Mr. SOUROUR (Tony SAMI) firstly at Hakea Remand Centre and then Acacia Prison - Western Australia. I wrote a statement for Tony and he signed it in June 2011. He claimed he was a protected witness, paid $18 million USD for his services to the US State Department working for FBI counter terrorism. 512.lt is my opinion this information has added to the Australian establishments desire to shut me up.
  • Local news media reporting recently - December 2018 - claim, that Tony SAMI is a simple con man. There is strong evidence to the contrary.
  • Mr. SAMI fits the profile of a morally and ethically challenged individual. The "fraudster" type. Standard intelligence lackey personality trait. I get an honourable mention in the article. NEWS MEDIA REPORTING (CLICK FOR ARTICLE) Conman Tony SAMI fails to stop his deportation Tim Clarke - PerthNow December 20, 2018 10:00AM A "cunning and bold" fraudster, who claimed he racked up an $11,000 hotel bill on another man's credit card because he was hiding from those in charge of the 9/11 terror attacks has failed in a bid to have his deportation cancelled. Tony SAMI, 57, who was born in Egypt, worked in the US and moved to Australia in 2000, was jailed for fraud in 2001, again in 2008, and again in 2011 for offences involving tens of thousands of dollars. In a signed statement given to another WA prisoner 193 , SAMI said he recognised Atta while watching a documentary. "I recognised him directly and I realised that he used to deal with people I knew by way of financing them directly," SAMI said. But judges and mental health professionals said the account was "implausible" and "delusional" — as was another claim he had also offered information concerning a possible terrorist attack in Perth. 193 Me Page 913 of 1018 https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/crime/conman-tony-SAMl-fails-to-stop-his- deportation-ng-b881057078z
  • The judges and mental health professionals in Perth say the exact same things about myself - "implausible" and "delusional". And yet I have a mountain of real evidence to the contrary, but they keep repeating it like a mantra. 516 Mr. SOUROUR'S story named real people at the US Consulate in Perth - Mr John PROKOP for one. See signed statement at end of section. 517 Mr. SOUROUR'S (SAMI) story, checks out; his STT Travel address; his name checks out as having lived in the general area of the conspirator's location. Western Australia is a popular hiding place for protected witnesses. Well-known and respected researcher, Daniel HOPSICKER, checked out a few basic facts that added up. His reply to me below. I am in red, HOPSICKER (under an online alias) is in green. I post as KingKangaroo - https://www.madcowprod.com/2016/12/05/what-is-plagiarism/ uemy spieau aiuunu winch uuimmis iui me mai iuiii is me leai ueai.— adam Let me know if possible. I looked with my limited resources and found little. I reviewed his address history with advancedbackgroundchecks dot com. He lived at an address in Mercer St in Jersey City. I think he was probably associated with the Blink Sheikh cell at 2824 kennedy Blvd. They did were responsible for the 93 WTC bombing and 9/11 hijackers did indeed visit the area, supposedly obtaining false documents at Sphinx Trading. People sharing the Mercer St address also used addresses on Kennedy Blvd. Other interesting characters such as Magdy el Amir lived nearby (on Summit). Given that you say you found him in a jail in Australia making these claims, i think his address history backs him up rather than anything else. King Kangaroo He stated he bought in the first WTC bombers. Its in the above PDF of a statement I took from him. Acacia Prison. Head of security there was Bill BOSHE/BOSCHE - former South African Intelligence. When I asked him if he had ever signed off on any death warrants for black activists I was transferred to maximum security Casuarina Prison, Perth, Western Australia - the Management Unit. Mr SOUROUR stated Mohammed ATTA was polite and congenial. He met him twice at dinner, in, I presume, New York. I asked specifically if he had the "thousand yard stare” you hear about. He said no. No cocaine then I guess | SOUROUR stated he was throwing around vast sums of money in plastic bags and was hanging with some rich Saudi sheik. He said STT Travel had 14 outlets. I heard he was back in Egypt. FULL CONVERSATION PAGE 919 HOPSICKER: "Atta was indeed in NYC. Ashrafel Maghraby went to meet him there as early as 1996, he passed a polygraph test to that effect. Not sure if Atta was therefor 93 bombing or not. He visited New York during the years leading Page 914 of 1018 up to the 911 attack also, but if your guy was in Australia by 1999 it must have been before. His address history says he was there until 2001 though."
  • So, the name given to me by Tony SAMI - Tewfik Ali SOUROUR - matches searches of living in the area of the conspirators in the 1993 WTC bombing. The name matches STT Travel business records. And Tony SAMI (SOUROUR) is Egyptian - as were many of the 1993 and 2001 terrorist suspects, including The Blind Sheikh. ARTICLE PAGE 923. WikipediA The Free Encyclopedia Article Talk Omar Abdel-Rahman From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia £ Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in Read Edit View history Search Wikipedia Q Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikipedia store Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools What links here Related changes Upload file For the Emirati footballer, see Omar Abdulrahman. Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman (Arabic: l >o^ > ll .uc >ox., Umar 'Abdu r-Rahman; 3 May 1938
  • 18 February 2017), commonly known in the United States as "The Blind Sheikh", was a blind Egyptian Muslim leader who served a life sentence at the Federal Medical Center, Butner in Butner, North Carolina, United States. Formerly a resident of New York City, Abdel- Rahman and nine others were convicted of seditious conspiracy.! 1 1 His prosecution grew out of investigations of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Abdel-Rahman was the leader of Al-Jama'a al-lslamiyya (also known as 'The Islamic Group"), a militant Islamist movement in Egypt that is considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Egyptian governments. The group was responsible for many acts of violence, including the November 1997 Luxor massacre, in which 58 foreign tourists and four Egyptians were killed. Contents [hide] 1 Youth 2 Family https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar Abdel-Rahman 519 Its reasonable to assume his travel agency - STT Travel - was an intelligence front used to transport "assets" around the United States from the Middle East and Egypt.
  • Mr. Tony SAMI/SOUROUR'S demeanour and overall presentation, body language, indicated to me he was telling the truth - he was a protected witness, hidden away in Western Australia, a US/lsraeli intelligence asset used in the setting up of both the WTC attacks in 1993 and 2001. Even if aspects of his story did not quite add up.
  • I spoke with a highly respected "stand over man" in prison with the first name "Tim". He told me Tony had "employed" him to look after him in jail (Hakea Remand Centre) as several Lebanese prisoners had found out about his past and were threatening him. "Tim" stated to me at Casuarina prison, Management Unit, that he had gone to the Senior Prison Officers office with Tony so that Tony could make a call to his bank. The call was on speaker phone as is standard practice in jails. The bank employee stated, "Yes Mr. SAMI, the account with an eighteen-million-dollar payment from the US State Department has been frozen at your reguest." This was to prevent his wife and business associate emptying the account. Perhaps they did, hence Mr SOUROUR/SAMI committing acts of fraud. "Tim" is not a - "bullshit artist".
  • Its interesting Mr Tony SAMl/SOUROUR, clearly had enough money to pay a top Perth lawyer to defend him from 2011 charges of fraud from the Australian Tax Office. Tom PERCY Page 915 of 1018 QC is the most sought-after Barrister in Perth, Western Australia. But Tony did not have a lot of money to pay for his tobacco in jail. This is in keeping with Tim's account of having his bank account being frozen.
  • I saw documents from Mr. PERCY to his client Tony SAMI/SOUROUR. Tony indicated that even his lawyer was being harassed with changed court dates. The reason? The charges against Mr SAMI were clearly trumped up by the Australian Tax Office and Australian Federal Police (Agent "Jason"). This is standard practice. A combination of ATO and AFP to harass Australian citizens. Interestingly, the ATO did not technically bring the action against Mr SAMI/SOUROUR. It was an individual within the ATO who's name escapes me. But I saw the documentation. This is a high level of proof that Mr. SAMI is what he says he is, a harassed high-level protected witness who does not want to be used by authorities any more.
  • Mr SAMI/SOUROUR claimed that the final 2008 charges that led to me meeting him in jail in January 2011 were because he refused to inform on the Arab and African community in Perth he served as an accountant. He stated he had had enough and wanted to be left alone to resume his life in Perth.
  • His legal documentation indicated the ATO claimed he had obtained $15,000 in returns for his clients - not for himself - yet he was sentenced to 20 months jail and the previous eight months held on Remand for minor charges was not taken into account.
  • Finally, Mr SAMI/SOUROUR was released after signing an agreement he would not bring an action against the ATO employee. The charges for fraud were dropped. Its my understanding after his release from prison, he was harassed under Australian immigration law. He was held in Australian immigration facilities. Both on the mainland and also Christmas island which is never done for someone like Mr SAMI/SOUROUR unless he was indeed a high value protected witness. I know that Christmas island is an important place to "hide" people. So is Campbell Barracks in Perth, WA, home of Australian special forces.
  • I obtained the image of Mr SAMI/SOUROUR from his Facebook page when he was being held on Christmas Island in 2016.
  • Over all, I say Tony SAMI, aka Tewfik Ali SOUROUR was exactly who he said he was. There is a reason he was fighting tooth and nail to stay in Australia - he was a protected witness who would not play ball with his local Australian handlers.
  • I believe this information I picked up in jail contributed to the anxiety of the Australian establishment to see me shut down. END Page 916 of 1018 NEWS ARTICLE TONY SAMI 1 ADVERTISEMENT perth Q359 \ • • • Mining, oil and gas like you've never imagined. SPORT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS LIFESTYLE HAVE YOU HEARD? PLACE AN AD BREAKING NEWS WESTERN AUSTRALIA NATIONAL WORLD TECHNOLOGY OPINION WEATHER GALLERIES Conman Tony Sami fails to stop his deportation Tim Clarke I PerthNow December 20.201810 00AM TOPICS WANews A “cunning and bold” fraudster, who claimed he racked up an $11,000 hotel bill on another man’s credit card because he was hiding from those in charge of the 9/11 terror attacks has failed in a bid to have his deportation cancelled. Tony Sami, 57, who was bom in Egypt, worked in the US and moved to Australia in 2000, was jailed for fraud in 2001, again in 2008, and again in 2011 for offences involving tens of thousands of dollars. In 2007, a Perth court was told that having already cashed in tens of thousands of dollars in dodgy cheques, Sami checked into the Duxton Hotel using the name and credit card of another man, and charged up $11,581.50 onmassages, food, drink, phone calls and valet parking. He also asked the hotel to reserve 20 rooms for friends. The world's most advanced technology in mining, oil and gas. h ADVERTISEMENT FROM AROUND THE SITE lighting up aiRMUMUNOte^, seBonlire . ■ EKTBUW* 3 STADIUMS Riddle of the T2yo' smoking soccer fan Vegan raid 'left 100 rabbits dead' Soccer protests Female soccer fan 'sets Chick magnate New Monopoly pays women more YouTufoers' crazy S150k gender reveal Page 917 of 1018 NEWS ARTICLE TONY SAMI 2 When apprehended by police and asked why he had been at the hotel in another name, Sami said that he feared for his life, after claiming to have provided information to authorities about Mohammed Atta - one of the ringleaders of the September 11 attacks in the US. In a signed statement given to another WA prisoner, Sami said he recognised Atta while watching a documentary. “I recognised him directly and I realised that he used to deal with people I knew by way of financing them directly,” Sami said. But judges and mental health professionals said the account was “implausible” and “delusional” - as was another claim he had also offered information concerning a possible terrorist attack in Perth. “The psychological report concludes that at a simple level your offending appears to involve some form of over compensation in relation to overcoming a sense of inadequacy in not being what or who you dream of being,” Judge Kevin Sleight told him. After Sami had more convictions and jail time in 2011, for false tax returns and cashing more dodgy cheques, his spousal visa was cancelled on character grounds. But years later, Sami is still battling his subsequent immigration detention and potential deportation, having argued his case unsuccessfully all the way to the High Court. Last week, the Federal Court of Australia denied Sami more time to appeal, meaning he remains in detention and faces the prospect of deportation to his native Egypt in the new year. WAG ‘wannabe’ tactics exposed OOO© Page 918 of 1018 FULL HOPSICKER CONVERSATION https://www.madcowprod.com/2016/12/05/what-is-plagiarism/ King Kangaroo ALL drug use is a way of avoiding “legitimate suffering” as Carl Jung was apt to say. Drug use is a medical problem - not a criminal one. I’m sure I am speaking to the choir here. I guess all those 401K plans will fold with no liquid drug money flooding the system. I met many fine, honesst drug dealers in jail. I caught up with several on the outside. As we drove through my home city they would say...’’See that business? See that one? see that one over there? You know that guy...thats all drug money.” From my reckoning, just in my home town, at least 9625-9630 of the thriving businesses are drug money laundering outlets or started and maintained till profitable, with drug money. Thats a low estimate. The state and federal police are up to their necks in the drug trade. There is a biggish case coming up in the High Court of Australia involving a convicted drug trafficker Jamison SANTOS. He has successfully lobbied his appeal into the High Court - not easy. But it looks like he will win. Matters of “jurisdiction”. State police are making clearly federal drug cases, into local state cases. Whv? Because they want to keep direct control of the case. Why? Because they are THIEVING ALL THE F**ING DRUGS! Case in point - Detective SRGT Timothy Richard PAINI. He must explain how the 22kg of Methamphetamine confiscated from the SANTOS piloted light aircraft at Jandakot (Perth, W.A) airport started at 968 o purity - then, became 96 io purity at the chem lab. Under federal law, SANTOS can only be charged for the trafficking of 2.2kg of drug with its purity at 96 io. Under state law, they go by weight with no regard to purity or even if the “drug” is in fact a “drug” - or just caffeine tablets. If your “intent” was to make a belief that the mud/chocolate bar/candy/hand grenade was in fact a “controlled substance” - you are charged as if it was so, by weight. Of course - no cops EVER go to jail. Not in this state. The main man in charge of the states “Meth Task Force” is Inspector Tom CLAY. How is he in possession of a multi million dollar property portfolio? Thrifty with his pay? Maybe he took lessons in investing from Bill and Hillary? Where is the Australian Federal Police “Lifestyle Income Analysis” department? What? They lost their internet connection? https : / / isolatebutpreserve.blogspot.se/2016/11/inspector-of-police-in- Page 919 of 1018 Liidige-ui-iiieiii.iiiiiii - The worst for Tom CLAY is he will be asked to retire. Mena, Arkansas, eat ya heart out. adam “I met Tony Sami in jail. Real name, Tewfik Ali Sourour. Manager and owner of STT Travel out of New York.” A background check on his real name produced interesting results, so thank you. King Kangaroo Let me know if possible. I looked with my limited resources and found little. He left Australia. [email protected] King Kangaroo https://drive.google.com/open?id=oBo5T-ILY9U6RM3NUTG5ZSTl2SVU Toni Sami’s statement to me in Acacia Prison, Western Australia on 25th June, 2011. I have a highly secure computer. But, it did not just stop “them” from crashing it, re-booting it then doing a pile of port scan attacks and other nefarious packet injection crapola. This is a first for this machine - my most secure. Running through a VPN. So, I hope you appreciate the intel because someone does not appreciate it being spread around which confirms for me that Toni is the real deal. adam December 11, 2016 at 12:28 pm Let me know if possible. I looked with my limited resources and found little. I reviewed his address history with advancedbackgroundchecks dot com. He lived at an address in Mercer St in Jersey City. I think he was probably associated with the Blink Sheikh cell at 2824 kennedy Blvd. They did were responsible for the 93 WTC bombing and 9/11 hijackers did indeed visit the area, supposedly obtaining false documents at Sphinx Trading. People sharing the Mercer St address also used addresses on Kennedy Blvd. Other n n n n Page 920 of 1018 interesting characters such as Magdy el Amir lived nearby (on Summit). Given that you say you found him in a jail in Australia making these claims, i think his address history backs him up rather than anything else. He stated he bought in the first WTC bombers. Its in the above PDF of a statement I took from him. Acacia Prison. Head of security there was Bill BOSHE/BOSCHE - former South African Intelligence. When I asked him if he had ever signed off on any death warrants for black activists I was transferred to maximum security Casuarina Prison, Perth, Western Australia - the Management Unit. Mr SOUROUR stated Mohammed ATTA was polite and congenial. He met him twice at dinner, in, I presume. New York. I asked specifically if he had the “thousand yard stare” you hear about. He said no. No cocaine then I guess © SOUROUR stated he was throwing around vast sums of money in plastic bags and was hanging with some rich Saudi sheik. He said STT Travel had 14 outlets. I heard he was back in Egypt. He came to me because they were hammering him for refusing to continue to be an informant. His lawyer here in Perth was top lawyer (Q.C — Queens Counsel) Tom PERCY. Western Australia is FULL of people hiding out. Special Forces base here - Campbell Barracks. SAS - Special Air Service. Alot of Military Intelligence. Australian Federal Police have an entire floor of the old Sheraton Hotel which is now another name that escapes me. Perth is a beautiful city. Abe SAFFRON, Jewish mafia don of Australia had a hang out pad here - The Raffles Hotel. His wife retired here. SAFFRON was bringing in heroin with Australia media tycoon Kerry PACKER into his string of cattle stations in the north of the state. SAFFRON had all of the state of New South Wales political and policing class black mailed via his string of brothels with one way mirrors. SAFFRON was always hanging out in Israel. Jeffrey EPSTIEN eat your heart out. Australia....WAYYYYYY ahead of ya. Look up “Mr Sin” on YT. An ABC documentaiy that has suddenly been removed in its entirety when I linked to it. There are ties way back to 1973 and the dismissal of the WHITLAM government and the CIA’s Nugen Hand Bank. Page 921 of 1018 Perth, Western Australia is a GIANT place of intrigue. Heaps of former South African Intelligence and Special Forces here with strong ties to Israel. Someone needs to do a doco on it... © King Kangaroo Golly gee...no computer backflips... adam Atta was indeed in NYC. Ashraf el Maghraby went to meet him there as early as 1996, he passed a polygraph to that effect. Not sure if Atta was there for 93 bombing or not. He visited New York during the years leading up to the 911 attack also, but if your guy was in Australia by 1999 it must have been before. His address history says he was there until 2001 though. King Kangaroo ADAM: Many thanks for the reply. His 1999 move to Australia never fit the timeline. Maybe he visited - but never lived here. He claimed to have a PHD in economics. Everyone thought he was full of it but it was just to grand to be made up and I knew Perth, W.A was a popular hiding spot for really big fish like him. I gathered his meeting with Atta was not long before 9-11. People ya meet. Thanks again for the reply. B Comments are closed. Page 922 of 1018 ONLINE ARTICLE - "Did Bush Homeland Security Chief Hide Terrorist Ring in New Jersey?" https://www.madcowprod.com/20Q5/01/12/did-bush-homeland-chief-hield-terrorist-ring-in-new- jersey/ Daniel Hopsickcr m.li'Ml I «4- ».»■ 'i liiai HOME ARCHIVE ORDER Q. Did Bush Homeland Chief hield Terrorist Ring in New Jersey? . UMianda jtrutrt tl *r. •» r m a Michael Chertoff. appointed by President Bush to head the Homeland Secunty Department, may have shielded (torn enmmat prosecution a former client suspected by law enforcement of having funneled millions of dollars directly to Osama Bin Laden while in charge of the U.S. Government's 911 investigation Egyptian-born Dr Magdy ef-Armr. a prominent New Jersey neurologist, was at the center of terrorist intrigue in Jersey City. Read the Si*1 chapter now An underground classic • H-Amir git* tnunrs lo a couvpmunr III ihe IN] WtirVI Trade Cmut Boaibing SheA Onul Ablri Kihmia • His brother m Cairo seas caught oc tape attempting to buy wcaponi from an Amencnn undercover (gnu tor liliraic mihuait gro ufu. • Before being inerted In a tenonit deal urreiving oil and heroin lor runs and trauunA arnu smuggler Oita Mohaen wai pmd at least SS.P00 bs one o< Dr. el Amir’s ocenpaniee, NBC s Datetsne reported • And Iuj H MO waa suspected bv law cnlotcerocnt oi being used to tunnel moon- disectlr to Osanu bin laden. Wire Transfers to "Unknown Parties" Chertoff s client caused more than $5 7 mdlion to be paid by were transfers to unknown parties.' said the lawsuit filed shortly before the state took over his failing HMO News accounts about el-Amifs legal difficulties contain unanswered questions about undue political influence and its effect on national secunty. For example, how did et Amir, who only the month before had been granted a state license to operate an HMO, finagle a lucrative contract from the state of New Jersey in 199S7 "Why was this doctor allowed to start a health plan’" asked the October 25,1999 issue of the medical trade journal Medical Economics, "How could this medical entrepreneur, who had no experience running a managed care or health insurance company, receive a license for an HMO that now provides care to 44,000 of New Jersey's most vulnerable citizens?" asked The Bergen Record. "Moreover, how could the state pay such a novice $ 6 million a month in taxpayers money to take on such a responsibility’’ Why did Michael Chertoff even take the case? Page 923 of 1018 Why did Michael Cherioff even take the case’ Skimming for Osama in New Jersey Answers were slow in coming, until it was revealed that at the same time ePArnir was pitching state business he had begun making generous contributions to the governing Republican party, donating nearly S 18,000 to various GOP candidates »n 1996 And a foreign intelligence report made available to the Chairman of the House international Committee alleged that on HMO owned by Or el Amir n New Jersey was •fnnrird hy Ren I mim* and that in lian Or H Amir was skimming money from the HMO to fund "terrorist activities Stuff like that doesn't happen, does H? In New Jersey? Barely three years after enrolling its first patient, APPP Lay in financial ruins, its network doctors and hospitals were saddled with millions of dollars in unpaid claims, and its founder had retailed the services of Michael Chertoff Did Chertoff know where the stolen money was going? 'Frankly, we cam differentiate between terrorism and organized crime and drug dealing, thervAsst Attorney General Michael Chertoff told the Senate Banking Committee looking into the terronsts’ money trail in the aftermath of 9 11 "These groups don't hold themselves independently They work with one another Terrorists get engaged in drug activity They have relationships wrth organized crime.’ Chertoff said Paging Tony Soprano Chertoff was undoubtedly worth every penny Or Magdy paid hm: though doctors and hospitals calculated they were owed more than $45 million. Dr ElAmir foced no cnminal charges When me MndCow Momma News fiT.t rennrted on Mnh flnrt terrorist connection, to

    Page 924 of 1018 ‘Magic Dutch Boy* Rudi Dekkers and the covert operations conducted at the Venice Airport. Michad Chcrtoff was running the official U.S. Investigation. Dekkers remains free Magdy d Amr continues to live and practice m New Jersey Now that Chertoff has been tapped to keep America safe, questions arc sure to resurface about whether he hadn't himsetf been instrumental m hctpmg to make America dangerous. Documents in the d-Anw case remain under seal Fortunately, the following information does not From the Bergen County Record (New Jersey) on January 24. 1999: 'For a while, Magdy Elamir looked like the Horatio Alger of managed care m New Jersey* "An Egyptian immigrant who parlayed a storefront medical practice in Jersey City into a multimillion-doUar health-care empire that served thousands of the state's poorest citizens, he lived in a Saddle River mansion and contnbuled generously to candidates for political office’..

    His health maintenance organization, American Preferred Provider Plan Inc., is about to be sold by state regulators to salvage some money for doctors and hospitals who calculate they're owed more than S 45 million.' in August 2002. NBC's Oatdine reported on the ehAirvr case: 'Last fall, DATELINE obtained information about this man, Magdy d Amir He's a prominent doctor, a neurologist with a practice in Jersey City. Born and educated in Egypt, he moved to this country about 20 years ago and since then has built a fortune' My brother likes tanks, is al. •Well, take a look at Hus document obtained by DATELINE last faR A foreign intelligence report thal makes a startling allegation about the doctor, that he has had financial ties with Osama bin Laden for years The report was given to a senior member of Congress, Ben Gilman, back n 1998 when he was chairman of the House international Relations Committee' "The report alleges that an HMO owned by Dr el A/rur in New jersey was funded by Ben laden,' and that in turn Dr. d Amir was skimming money from the HMO to fund 'terrorist activities -. 'Less than a year after the congressman soys the FBI received the report. Or d Amir's HMO was taken over by the state of New Jersey., according to sources dose to the investigation, more than $15 milhon is unaccounted for iMicre Ad the money go’ dateline has reviewed documents that show at least some of it went into hard-to-trace offshore bank accounts'... Page 925 of 1018 'But the intelligence report suggests one thing that he doesn't deny, that he has donated money to the mosque where the Wind sheik once preached. Omar Abdel- Rahman. who is now in prison for his rote m the 1993 World Trade Center bombing' 'DATELINE has (oukJ another reason why federal investigators might want to pay dose attention to Dr d Amir and Ns family ft's something we learned when we aiterviewed Randy Glass, the con man-turned-undercover operative who helped the government break up an illegal weapons ring allegedly tied to terrorist groups. It turns out that one of the people recorded trying to arrange an arms deal with Randy Glass was Dr el Amir's own brother. Mohamed. an engineer, also a US citizen now living in Egypt And just listen to what he was interested m*. "Mr GLASS: (from tope) OK. They want to ship things like tanks. correct 7 'Mr EL AMIR (From tape) uh huh No. no. no. no. just ammunition, not tanks 'Glass says federal agents told rum to drop the matter',.. That same intelligence report that talks about Dr. |Magdy| el Amir also names Ns brother Mohamed as having ties to Osama Nn Laden' Cherioff for the Defense The el Arm's appear to be intimately taked with Osama bin laden, making the following report from The Bergen Record quite puzzling, dated December it, 1998 'A Superior Court judge on Thursday ordered state insurance Commissioner to take control of American Preferred Provider Plan Inc., a health maintenance organization for Medicaid patients allegedly bled dry by its Saddle River owner, neurologist Magdy Elamir' 'But in a hint of the gravity of his legal predicament, he was represented in court by Michael Cheriotl the former U.S. attorney in Newark and counsel to U S Sen. Alfonse Page 926 of 1018 DAmoto’s Whrtcwatcr investigation * Yes, the soon-to-be Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff represented a known bln Laden operative. Perhaps more troubling. Chertoff also headed the u.S.'s investigation into the September 1 ith attack From the New Jersey Law Journal, August 4,7003: The Sepf 11 investigation was supervised by Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff, head of the U S. Cnnmnal Justice Division, who is now a Third Circuit Judge' More on Chertoff from the New Yorker. November 5,2001 'Since the September tlth terrorist attacks, Chertoffs office has become the fume! for what is probably the most important cnmmal investigation in American history, as prosecutors and F B I investigators pour m to seek the boss's approval. What leads can we use from the search of a hijacker's car in Portland. Maine? Where do the hijackers' credit-card records lead?
    For day-to-day decisions. Chertoff has the last word'- 'Graduating from Harvard Law School, in 1978... he served as a model for an intense and brilliant character in his classmate Scott Turow's book 'One L,_ Intense, brilliant., corrupt? Though el-Amir's HMO was known to be affiliated with bin Laden since the mid 1990s, Chertoff offers an alternate view of the HMO's financial statements From The Record. December 18.1998: 'Elamir's attorney. Michael Chertoff. the former U.S. attorney in Newark, offered the doctor's first <n depth defense to the state charges Thursday, insisting that Elamr had not misappropriated any funds from APPP |<H Amir’s HM0|.' Also from The Record. December 16.1998: 'Michoel Chertoff. a former U.S attorney who is Elarrw's attorney, said the state's papers den t give the complete picture of the company's finances 'it’s a one sided picture of what's going on.' he said It would be unfortunate if the state's approach is to

    find someone to punish, rather than solve the problem." 'Chertoff said Elamr would l*e to work with the state in its effort to rehabilitate the HMO' Chertoff's comments on the case made The New York Tanes on December 18.1998 Page 927 of 1018 Chertoff's comments on the case made The New York Times on December 18,1998: “Or Elarra's lawyer, Michael Chertoff, said that all transactions were approved by state agencies and that his client has done nothing improper ’ The Bergen Record printed a post trial wrap-up of the case on February 22,2000: "A year after a Medicard HMO accused of misusing state and federal funds was dissolved by the state, its founder is stril enjoying a millionaire's income while the hospitals and doctors who allegedly were defrauded delay programs for the poor and fight for restitution’.. 'APPFs founder, Saddle River neurologist Magdy Elam*, continues to practice mcdianc m a Jersey City storefront office and lives in a $ 1.8 million mansion in one of Bergen County's longest suburbs, court records show His car leases alone total $ 65,000 per year. Ihe records show' 'The Egyptian immigrant also operates a chain of MRI facilities in Newark, Irvington, and Paterson, a limousine company, and a medical management company Combined with his medical practice, his income totals more than $ 18.000 weekly, nearly $ 1 million a year, records show’ A Republican voice for the downtrodden “He’s still in good spirits,’ said Michael Chertoff, the former U.S. attorney in Newark whom Elamir hired as his defense lawyer’ ’Public records m the civil case contain no reference to a criminal investigation, but court officials said some documents in the case were under seal The state Attorney General s Office would neither confirm nor deny an investigation The slate's Medicaid fraud division is not involved in the case, a Medicaid spokesman soi<r_ ’Elamir's property and bank accounts arc worth more than S 8.8 million, according to his financial statement, but mortgages and other liens reduce his net worth to $ 760,000* Why would New Jersey's Top Attorney Michael Chertoff represent a person of d-Arrur's relatively modest financial position'’ Though comfortable, el Amir had failed to reach millionaire status Not exactly Chertoff's typical clientele, as reported by The Bergen Record on June 19.2000:

    New Jersey is home to about 65.000 lawyers, some of whom are quite good at what they do But if the state had a firsf Lawyer, or a Lawyer Laureate, it just might be Michael Cherlofr.. Page 928 of 1018 *His counsel is sought by public corporations, politicians, government agencies, and high profile defendants.- 'Columbia/HCA. the health-care consortium is the rwnth largest employer in the united States... As the lead attorney for Columbia. Chertoff negotiated a partial settlement of the case m May for about S 745 million' •When he entered private practice, Chertoff sad he would nol represent drug dealers and mobsters, preferring to work for "decent people " Well, after all, it was only a preference
  • A Crlintft 1*0l If« hrf HJ (VwoojhMrtrflml U*?Tv tUUiw tasi* UOMflHAli »«rr (‘VrflfHiVi Cfecjtoon 11 LauftOB V n ^.^1 n Arm •w* tnawvNvICrj Jtrary CCy lr* jp*wy IMvantd r Arv Ana) Cl iteyed Lwvti^qICjvv Jvrvey QV> tram denary Darnel Hopaackri Kapwaai t» t ic i est tni tta mJt* erf two boo* in tiy aw n ow# tmw.

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    RELATED ARTICLE S MORE FROM AUTHOR w Tlir Uwp Slalr. - Palm iW-Kh. 1 Paul Uaualoit'. Palm [W-ach Cjuk» Slim, Ihr NT T<mn. S Ibr Donald Trump llappy Paid I of trial d D Chapo Cuimaa Page 929 of 1018 SIGNED STATEMENT TONY SAMI (TEWFIK ALI SOUROUR) 2 g s tk OW. 'LOW'- f\cat\h Prison t 6J,A - Ar u -Xfl .l’b )■& (!0 ACCOUNTING flP EVENT'S Sufi. . i-Xid g H AR E/lssrvig/oT nf=- (vne'rpMV'Afvi )' 1 fob/ -s narer — fl/\Jb —FgpgML..J JU. -E:NFOj 2 .Cg/viE:/Mr F/ 2 .PPA . L—LgOft TO T H PBgSgN-p: -XT—LtlAS_ DI CTA ) ED TO (V(Z Qronflon lee.' X Hjl, fa mi DLLnnMA^AhJT) ...Mtj O'C o^a l1 1 HA T St a;g/or>v /Wi/3i t— - i^Hr Eb ii mp . coiz aecrioNs foiz only, Xt is ul ftnrg/M as am "official &rATErv\HAjT / XT IS TO £g ggLEASSP TO Mr <Mg.il -D£—E^kfick ToXn They rviAV -lg—(JliPlTigy giZ THEY PggL MN ASSIST frig /Af STOPP/A/^ —-BM£.A^m_gAjT /IM P )MTEQ_PEC?EN(jT /m MV LfT^Af- IW/TTTET2. /1/MD LlFg ' ■$?
  • fe> OF IS^ Q-f Jqml, 1QII MV MATTETfL IS ftEFogg E , ths sup EAi e r/?L?igr OP uXs-rggN /KJsn 2 /iu/i mv laum ep i||-X—MiLXQn P£ACV_ X AM A W/H TIN U>Q!Zb niH KAI L. X—££NE)|Ni t . jviy A PPEAL- AEJAJt. H£Mn AAAiajht rowicnoM. fgff ND %ZlsrrENCIM v • :, ■'■ j—-Q l .X[a M-S , b fl rn lo. in HfeL jo an E T^ jn^j^aphaa- S_. X_ dmrwfia mu /Tfl/nL IfnaltA in fW- h^i/inin^ rtf innT ML ia “Tnhq lOAM/J ' J on^ advice f/n/vi^+X 'iotdra)hA r ; .E&toL 'P Qli£C^ il. 0....X fl/w/j ()/0 in Eronk an Mnn \brk /Xl X rcnrUsA §hX • ° l&i&L o-f obbtiinlM Ca PHh in E7nnrvniPk Xwi IX-Mflruflr/d Uniw.rsiiu iX &n,s+nn Maf&acfoohu^. fe/tXLXkx JMaMxJm guvk A a WAaMo) fiftQMu i/A IgX Vork - ! 'STT .T7 zUJ rt/vJ XoX- InXfXlX^ Ho - RLE-qmX - EX.X boiU.'mA u/rfU 14 afftr tfr«, >X £X-qiXmi(AS x4'igjs / pX J 7 (X 1 4IX— {L.nQsJ 1 . Vj/ {JJ! t l r i 3 Page 930 of 1018 •f,. . JM fefrflliaA i-i ifr- msq. *a«^sr-n>W h •/••• JZd.-fatkml ■ iuun ... cJrtilrl/M ay a /ssn/i of- Hjl m(\mi. o © £Mam_js£ look T u /a c\oCMme.n)r(\fd £$?\/ zn S &Z mt) if_U2s tfkort M phased AHa ,t(l -/2_ kaUW^L _0214 ffffilbtc (io^Gtzaf mu 4rm\io\ arpneu
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  • . i jp- ..cdnfACM. p~f Vi£A i SSO<L • i ,—:- o ■■ ■ I IBEipx. MftsJL Mr Pfnlfiop till 4 -Up. \r,ir>fmrA\nn bnA ;i gyy • i nr\ ow^_lk<L— QfAm&L ef ila&bp^.pLopln arnri ihrin • Page 931 of 1018 bank ' ml oa m^fUnrhs and kiL pm/nipaL ml tm WhL- m — ul dwm IjM. s^rig^L find ho. U) in IpA mo, Lnou> if . am s Mould Iql . i&kcL ilm 7M fiplQb f\hod 40- da/s later [duL looi) X «?.c\ ujcA (X phoAi all mnn Mr Pfokop ana..ki]L bid m* b 'I mt <DJi(t/\W\m r had omnised . f or M l* Mia and ad ci;mU t v , merhiw a t El Atmicao Cmoldt ih J Perth,UkArejn *Wlr - • m (jj) hiring -fkis mtbnrA Mr Proton bfmh.fi mo. be mu i Lthoris anri ho. w rl ML Ihosr oojpdIl are, Hob vl ffid rbsi 11 . Hr. sAratefl br\Uer Apm \aXU(l )<u<a Lodi (oraan'rxai nmri wm uadi fthnnchl andl UifM ui oil rbJinrAo.iA plftnhinfA AonwAUtr^ hid' Wft ,!
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    •- ... -. 1 Page 936 of 1018 APPENDIX 11 - MY FRIENDSHIP WITH ROGER REAVES Top 'transporter' for the Medellin and Cali Cartel.
  • Roger REAVES served 18 years to life in an Australian prison for the importation of one ton of cocaine into Australia. He was arrested in 2001.
  • I met and read Rogers biography manuscript at Acacia Prison in mid-2011.1 was astounded to learn he was the boss of the notorious CIA drug and arms smuggler Barry SEAL. I knew the history of the involvement of George BUSH SNR, The Pentagons Col. Oliver NORTH and Bill and Hillary CLINTON whom it is alleged - strongly-either knew, or were directly involved in drug and weapons into and out of the United States. The issues are discussed in detail in the book " Barry & The Boys: The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History", by author and investigative journalist Daniel HOPSICKER - https://www.madcowprod.com/
  • A script by Director Doug Liman was lifted from Mr. HOPSICKERs book, but radically changed. Some commentators allege Lehman was "leaned on" not to include details of the high-level operators in the Iran Contra, Mena, Arkansas operation. The movies original title was "Mena". At the end of production, it was changed to "American Made' Tom Cruise plays Barry Seal.
  • I became good friends with Roger Reaves and over three years we shared much time in my cell in multiple prisons, talking and exchanging stories. It was Roger who truly fleshed out my understanding of the drug trade and how it operates at the highest levels. It confirmed for me drug laws were a waste of time and drugs and drug money laundering were intimately mixed up with the clandestine arms trade, private military contractors, prison industrial complex and the banking and financial services sector - to the highest levels.
  • I assisted with the publishing of Rogers biography, "Smuggler".
  • This apparently did not please some people in authority. A quote from the local West Australian Newspaper from May 2016 - “An AFP spokesman confirmed it was aware of Reaves' book but "could not confirm or deny who it is currently investigating". Right hand of drug lords left in WA jail to tell tales https://thewest.com.au/news/australia/right-hand-of-drug-lords-left-in-wa-iail-to-tell-tales-ng-ya-107531 Page 937 of 1018
  • They were allegedly "investigating" me, though in reality, no investigation was in place. It was a shot across the bows. They did not want me profiting from any publicity with regards my own situation. There was no conspiracy as to how the manuscript got out of the prison system. Roger had the Superintendent of Casuarina Prison print up 14 copies of the manuscript at the prison print shop, and post a number out for him to family and friends in
  • This was after Roger was featured in a National Geographic documentary "Australia's Hardest Prisons". He also had some interest from people associated with movie producer and director James Cameron.
  • I also made a video for Roger and published it to the internet in 2014.
  • Roger also received a personal letter from former president Jimmy CARTER stating he had contacted the federal attorney general on his behalf. 194
  • This aspect of my refugee status claim is of interest for multiple reasons. Firstly, it

    embarrassed the West Australian establishment when the manuscript came out in book form. At the rear of the book is a personal thank you to me, from Roger, with my picture. This clearly upset someone. I actually suggested Roger not put any reference to me in the book. He insisted. Secondly, I come under constant accusation I do things for "publicity" from government sources. I have heard this twice. First when I was in Iran, secondly when I was in immigration detention in New Zealand. These were comments from the Australian foreign office who I now know had extremely close personal relations with Israeli PM Benjamin NETANYAHU. "Publicity" came secondary to all my considerations, and as this document strongly suggests, I have tried repeatedly to sort this matter out through all the right channels. If "publicity" was all I was about, I would not have gone to N.Z for asylum and told only one person - no one knew where I was until I rang my friend in NSW. SMUGGLER ROGER REAVES - A MEMOIR MOST WANTED SME1M Jorge Ochoa Pablo Escobar Roger Reaves Barry Seal END 194 You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT-JB3e7i-s Page 938 of 1018 HlailOnline News Home U.S. | Sport | TV&Showbiz | Australia | Femail | Health | Science | Money | Video | Travel | DailyMailTV News Latest Headlines | Royal Family | News | World News | Arts | Headlines | France | Most read | Wires | Discounts A tonne of cocaine and a private airstrip built for him by Pablo Escobar: The man jailed over Australia's biggest drug bust reveals his wild life as a smuggler • William 'Roger' Reaves, 73, has spent the last 15 years in a WA prison • Was caught on a beach 700km north of Perth in 2001 with 987kg of cocaine • It remains one of the biggest drug busts in Australian history • Mr Reaves is also one of WA’s oldest and longest serving prisoners • His friends and associates included the Medellin Cartel's Jorge Ochoa • Also included Pablo Escobar, 'Mr Nice' Howard Marks and Barry Seal • Mr Reaves has penned a memoir titled 'Smuggler' about his experiences By ASHLEIGH DAVIS and DANIEL PETERS FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA and AAP PUBLISHED: 11:16 GMT. 22 May 2016 I UPDATED: 16:59 GMT. 22 May 2016 IE are □ □□ 9 m B (§)site Oweb Enter you' search ADVERTISEMENT Follow @dailymail V Follow DailyMail

    — Follow MailOnline 0 Follow Daily Mail ♦3 View comments A 73-year-old man who rubbed shoulders with Colombian drug lords Pablo Escobar and Jorge Luis Ochoa has written a memoir detailing his life as one of Australia's most infamous drug mules. William 'Roger' Reaves has spent the past 15 years of his life locked away in a West Australian prison after he was caught on a remote beach with almost a tonne of cocaine on July 27, 2001. The Supreme Court found him guilty of importing 987 kilograms of the compressed white powder, after police intercepted his ship, the White Dove, at Dulverton Bay, 700 kilometres north of Perth. DON'T MISS ► 'It’s almost time for home': Final message of Liverpool duo Her’s who died with their manager in fiery head-on crash while driving between gigs in US ► Kim Kardashian embraces her style icon status in skintight black biker shorts and matching jacket as she makes her way to video shoot ► Michelle Keegan sizzles in a tropical cut¬ out swimsuit while husband Mark Wright gazes lovingly at her as they soak up the sun during Barbados break ► Mel B 'brands Victoria Beckham a "b***h" during the same interview where she dropped THAT sex bombshell with Geri Halliwell’ ► Naomi Campbell catches the eye in a VERY frilly yellow gown as she joins glam Alessandra Ambrosio and Izabel Goulart at star-studded Fashion Trust Arabia awards ► 'I look like me, but better!' We asked three women with beauty concerns to test out the skin-loving make-up brand which covers AND cares - and they were blown away with the results! AD FEATURE ► Declan Donnelly makes B yCj a VERY cheeky confession about his If x sex life with wife Ali -I; Astall... following the birth of daughter Isla six A tonne of cocaine and a private airstrip built for him by Pablo Escobar: The man jailed over Australia's biggest drug bust reveals his wild life as a smuggler https://www.dailvmail.co.uk/news/article-3603085/William-Roger-Reaves-iailed-Australia-s-biggest-drug- bust-reveals-wild-life-smuggler.html Page 939 of 1018 APPENDIX 12 - MEETING WITH DR KEVIN BARRETT JL ...
  • KeVm Barrett Dinner
  • I had lunch with Dr. BARRET on the 27 th of June, 2019, in central Kuala Lumpur at a well-known Iraqi restaurant. He stated he had been meeting with high level Malaysian officials and was to meet prime minister MAHATHIR at some stage. He wanted to organise conferences on financial reform and stated he was interested in my subject of Israeli tech domination.
  • Kevin BARRETT has known full well the ramifications of Israeli technology domination for three years. He has ignored the subject because he knows it implicates his favourite countries - Russia and Iran - who are deep in bed with Israel and China on The Belt & Road project.
  • Mr. BARRETT has a close relationship with a low-level intelligence operative Gordon DUFF - his real name is allegedly Robert FOOTE. He definitely has close intelligence contacts and has travelled to Syria in the past and met with President Bashar ASSAD. He has defended the war criminal ASSAD family relentlessly stating they believe in the democratic process and allow free elections. It is utterly laughable - he should try and hold a placard in Damascus calling for the ending of the ASSAD family rule by "free and fair elections." Mr DUFF like so many Syrians will contend with his finger nails being pulled immediately and if he is lucky, that will that. DUFF repeats this line as do many online personalities who are perhaps hoping for a free trip to an Iranian conference and some free publicity from Iran Press TV. Apparently, the complete destruction of Syria so Vladimir PUTIN can have a port on the Mediterranean is just fine for DUFF.
  • DUFF is is a renown "bullshit con artist". His articles are so ridiculous in content he is a laughing stock, along with his laughable dis-information site, Veterans Today 195 .
  • Mr. BARRET had previously asked me to write for Veterans Today, I never answered his email. GORDON DUFF SENIOR EDITOR. VETERANS TODAY NEWSPAPER 195 Veterans Today - https://www.veteranstodav.com/ Page 940 of 1018
  • Both DUFF and BARRET travelled to Iran for a conference in 2018 where nothing of any substance was discussed. Certainly, no commentary on Jewish religious texts such as The Babylonian Talmud and the incessant bleating's of high level Israeli religious leaders stating Palestinians are animals and should be "wiped out" and non-Jews be made "slaves" for "The Jews" such as reported in the Israeli Press on Rabbi Ovadia YOSEF. 5 of Ovadia Yosef's most controversial quotations "Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world - only to serve the People of Israel." "In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With gentiles, it will be like any person - they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one's donkey would die, they'd lose their money. "This is his servant... That's why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew." "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat... That is why gentiles were created." — Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010 https://www.timesofisrael.com/5-of-ovadia-vosefs-most-controversial-quotations/ Israeli chief rabbi retracts comments scorning non-Jews Yitzhak Yosef says remarks about gentiles being unfit to live in Israel were only 'theoretical' https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-chief-rabbi-retracts-comments-scorning-non-iews/ Chief rabbi calls black people 'monkeys' https://www.timesofisrael.com/chief-rabbi-compares-african-americans-to-monkeys/
  • When I broached these issues with my handlers in Iran, they said they did not discuss this vital issue because when Iran press TV did, they lost their satellite for two years. It was an Israeli satellite.
  • None of the mountain of material on illegal technology transfers via Israel to Russia and China and...Iran. Certainly, no discussion on Israel's central role in The Belt & Road initiative which ALL of these online commentators wilfully ignored until very recently - because they were all losing credibility - whatever they had left. Even the legendary Phil GIRALDI 196 , former CIA counter intelligence and US military intelligence has wilfully ignored the issues raised, despite being a world leader on the subject of Israeli espionage and illegal technology transfer. Mr. GIRALDI writes for The Unz Review 197 as does Dr. Kevin BARRETT. When I made perfectly polite enquiries as to why all of the commentators on The Unz Review ignored the self-evident relationship between Israel, Russia and China on The Belt & Road (as well as Iran), my posts were deleted and my account suspended over a 196 Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip Giraldi 197 The Unz Review - http://www.unz.com/ Page 941 of 1018 year ago. I take it they are all big fans of George SOROS and Israeli, Russian and Chinese hegemony in the coming New World Order? Lately, after myself and others completed the "heavy lifting" and moved the issue into the mainstream; places like The Unz Review (three years late) have decided to push the subject. They are forced to do this 198 . They have known for years what the issues are. This loosely affiliated group of grifters, free trip hounds, groupies and 'pay for views' intellectual lightweights have "seen the light".
  • Mr. BARRET also has a relationship with Imran N. HOSEIN 199 . An Islamic scholar who makes regular predictions on world events that never eventuate. Unfortunately, the Malaysian government gave him permanent residency status leaving me wondering about members of the Malaysian governments ability to spot a fraudster on sight.
  • Mr. HOSEIN travels the world living a good life. He is an emphatic apologist to the government of Vladimir PUTIN and PUTINS Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow 200 - real name Vladimir Mikhailovich GUNDYAYEV. Mr. KIRILL was known as "The Tobacco Metropolitan" because of the wealth he accumulated collecting tobacco, vodka and oil taxes for the Russian Orthodox Church - this is well known in the Church and elicits much laughter from those in 'the know'.
  • Partiarch KIRILL is a well-known KGB asset within the ROC who refused to renounce his KGB past. Most of the ROC graduates of the time were KGB assets.
  • I was accepted into a ROC monastery by Father Alexius ROSENTHAL as a guest with a goal to remain as a Brother in training. I am steeped in the history of the ROC and ROCOR - Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. The ROC was nothing more than an arm of the Communist government, just as the official Catholic Church in China is populated by Bishops and priests who work for the Chinese Communist government. 02/03/21 RUSSIAN ORTHODOX MONESTARY - BLUE MOUNTAINS, NEW SOUTH WALES,
  • Mr. HOSEIN trained in Switzerland at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, or the Graduate Institute (in French: Institut de hautes etudes internationales et du developpement (previously known as Institut des hautes etudes internationales), abbreviated IHEID (previously HEI, IHEI, or IUHEI) is 198 The writer "Whitney Webb" took a lot of information supplied by my group and never made attribution - http://www.unz.com/article/former-israeli-intel-official-claims-ieffrev-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-worked-for-israeli-intel/ 199 Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/lmran N. Hosein 200 Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriarch Kirill of Moscow Page 942 of 1018 a government-accredited postgraduate institution of higher education located in Geneva, Switzerland. The institution counts one UN secretary-general (Kofi Annan), seven Nobel Prize recipients, one Pulitzer Prize winner, and numerous ambassadors, foreign ministers, and heads of state among its alumni and faculty. Founded by two senior League of Nations officials, the Graduate Institute maintains strong links with that international organisation's successor, the United Nations, and many alumni have gone on to work at UN agencies. The school is a full member of the APSIA. Founded in 1927, the Graduate Institute of International Studies (IHEI or HEI) is continental Europe's oldest school of international relations and was the world's first graduate institute dedicated solely to the study of international affairs. It offered one of the first doctoral programmes in international relations in the world. In 2008, the Graduate Institute absorbed the Graduate Institute of Development Studies, a smaller postgraduate institution also based in Geneva founded in 1961. The merger resulted in the current Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Today the school enrols close to a thousand postgraduate students from over 100 countries. Foreign students make up nearly 90% of the student body and the school is officially a bilingual English-French institution, although the majority of classes are in English. With Maison de la Paix acting as its primary seat of learning, the Institute's campuses are located blocks from the United Nations Office at Geneva, International Labour Organization, World Trade Organization, World Flealth Organization, International Committee of the Red Cross, World Intellectual Property Organization and many other international organisations. It runs joint degree programmes with universities such as SMITH College and Yale University, and is Harvard Kennedy School's only partner institution to co-deliver double degrees. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graduate Institute of International Studies
  • Mr. BARRETT stated to me he had trained in Paris and liked very much the notorious financial manipulator George SOROS. I like half of what George SOROS has to say publicly - the rest of him is toxic and he is a criminal manipulator of emerging markets, sending millions into poverty despite all his grand proclamations of world peace and good will. Mr. DUFF is also a big fan of George SOROS. And recently, according to former prime minister of Malaysia, Najib RAZEK, Dr. MAHATHIR and George SOROS have grown close over the years. This is disappointing to me personally as Dr. MAHATHIR was always a man who spoke truth to powerful individuals.
  • Mr. BARRETT wanted me to assist with conferences on financial reform and the formation of an Asian backed gold standard in league with Russia and China...and Israel.
  • In particular, Mr. BARRETT stated he wanted to end US hegemony and the power of the 'Petrodollar'. In other words. Dr. BARRETT wanted to declare economic warfare on the United States and claimed he was working with the highest levels of the Malaysian government to do it. "...coz right now Mahathir, the guy who actually wants to help torpedo the petro dollar and change the worlds currency system is back in power, riding high here. " Video with audio. 201
  • Dr. BARRET also wanted to violate US sanctions on Iran. I replied to Mr. BARRET that would it not be better to "rid the US government of the political Zionist movement first?" I could not believe what I was hearing. 201 Mega Drive - https://mega.nz/#!pyxlzSiR!vO-leCY4-aOi aBzdmBpG58HW6Qo6tStCku2CkTi 6c Page 943 of 1018
  • Dr. BARRET meets with the highest levels of the Iranian and Malaysian governments. Dr. BARRET has met Russian intelligence asset Alexander DUGIN 202 in Iran. Mr. DUGIN'S father was Russian Military Intelligence and an avid Communist. Mr. DUGIN has been featured in many mainstream news articles including The New York Times calling for the destruction of the United States by fomenting internal dissent and violence. The ultimate aim - to eject the United States from the Eurasian land mass allowing Israel, Russia and China to dominate.
  • Dr BARRETT was sacked very publicly from his University of Wisconsin academic posting for including "conspiracy theories" in his curriculum. He appeared on Fox News twice and is a regular on Iran Press TV. He is married to a citizen of Morocco, North Africa.
  • Mr. BARRET is notorious for pushing relentlessly his passion for Islam in all his conversations to the point of annoyance. His first words on contacting me were that he hoped to convert me to Islam.
  • I would consider Mr. BARRETT an "Islamic Supremacist". He stated to me Islam should be "in charge" as it would fairly adjudicate between all religions and races while Muslims were busy in prayer and supplication to God - the rest of us would presumably clean the toilets. I am reminded of Rabbi Ovadia YOSEFS similar world view. I stated to Mr. BARRETT his constant referring to Islam in this political fight in which we were engaged was alienating. I did not add, "annoying". I always got the feeling Mr. BARRET was "trying too hard", to show what a "good Muslim" he was. 561 I note a United States citizen in the 1960's who behaved in a similar manner as Dr. Kevin BARRETT. He was a very public "convert" to another world view; he married a foreign woman; he got in a very public political fight; he was allowed to debate his views on multiple television and radio debates - his name was Lee Harvey OSWALD. He was an intelligence asset.
  • Interestingly, Mr. OSWALD served in the same Air Cadet unit as the notorious Iran/Contra drug and weapons transporter Barry SEAL as well as JFK assassination suspect David FERIER. 202 Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr Dugin Page 944 of 1018 LEE HARVEY OSWALD: "I/Ve advocate restoration of diplomatic, trade and tourist relations with Cuba." WDSU Archives: WDSU interview with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=tlnql_3g6vJw
  • I include this to show the high levels this issue operates at. Malaysia, though initially moving away from China towards the US and Japan, is now deeply embedded in the Israel/Russia/China Belt & Road Initiative. Dr MAHATHIR has explained this on Turkish television as an economic survival necessity.
  • Initially Dr. MAHATHIR was glowing with enthusiasm after his election. He was visited by then Secretary Defence MATTIS. He returned from a UK/US tour stating, "Don't mess this up Malaysia!" I surmised massive high technology development was coming to Malaysia.
  • Less than six months later, Dr. MAHATHIR returned from overseas lamenting, "I cannot work with those people! They change their minds all the time!" He was referring to the Trump administration. With Sec. Def MATTIS gone and NETANYAHU and Shelden ADELSON/Jared KUSHNER clique more firmly in charge, Malaysia was forced into the arms of Israel, Russia and China.
  • Currently I hear Dr. BARRETT is looking for support for a conference on similar matters in Lebanon. I look forward to being there to remind the audience of Dr. BARRETTS 'pedigree' and energetic avoidance of my work highlighting the close relationship between Israel, Russia, China and Iran - working on ejecting the United States from the Eurasian land mass. I believe Dr. BARRETT can only be one of two things, an intelligence asset or delusional and slightly unbalanced and in need of money. He may be both. END Page 945 of 1018 EMAIL - "Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare on The United States and Implicated the Prime Minister of Malaysia Is All for It" Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Subject: Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United States And Implicated The Prime Minister of Malaysia Is All For It From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 2/10/2019,1:14 pm To: Brendon O'Connell - Talpiot <[email protected]> Forwarded to myself to reduce image size and make text bigger. -Forwarded Message- Subject:Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United States And Implicated The Prime Minister of Malaysia Is All For It Date:Wed, 10 Jul 2019 18:51:04 -0700 From:Brendon O'Connell <talpiot(5)protonmail.com> To:Kevin Barrett <truthiihad(5)gmail.com> [AUDIO ATTACHED - DR KEVIN BARRETT'S WANT CONFERENCE IN MALAYSIA TO BRING DOWN PETRO DOLLAR - DECLARES ECONOMIC WAR ON THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND CLAIMS P.M OF MALAYSIA IS ALL FOR IT] Muslim Alliance With Rum St The Role Of Russia St China In WW3 Tickets, Sun 15 Sep 2019 at 18:00 | Eventbrite Sheikh Imran N Hosein will expound on the joys of Islam hooking up with Israel, via Israel's best friend, Russia and ultimately China. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/muslim-alliance-with-rum-the-role-of-russia-china-in-ww3-tickets- 62442037816 Kevin, how can I possibly work with you when you have this congenital idiot by your side? Sheikh Imran N Hosein? Do you have the slightest idea what you are doing? I have been pacing for three days deciding what to do. I cannot finish the video. 1 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pin

    Page 946 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... You claimed you would be meeting with Malaysian PM Dr Mahathir Mohamed at some stage and had already met with high level government officials. You made statements that indicated you want to collapse the petro dollar and collapse the United States economically. You are working with Russia and China and Iran to do this with a gold backed currency to replace the petro dollar? You infer strongly Malaysia wants in on this and conferences could be held in Kuala Lumpur. In fact you state specifically in the audio - "...coz right now Mahathir, the guy who actually wants to help torpedo the petro dollar and change the worlds currency system is back in power, riding high here. "The audio is attached to this email. Are you speaking for the Malaysian government? Because you just declared war on the United States of America and made yourself an enemy agent for multiple foreign powers including Russia and China. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU HAVE DONE? A Gold Bloc For Iran, Russia, And Turkey...Oh My! https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevehanke/2018/08/22/a-gold-bloc-for-iran-russia-and-turkev-oh- my/


    How will Iran, Russia, and Turkey react to the plethora of financial sanctions being placed on them by the United States? Well, they will do what anyone being beaten with a stick would do: they will try to escape. You state explicitly in the video that you want to assist with Iran escaping sanctions with the help of Russia and China...and...apparently...Malaysia. I find it hard to believe that any Malaysian official would encourage this. And, my contacts in Malaysia indicate to me that Sheikh Imran N Hosein is considered a "twat" by the majority of Malaysian Muslims. Kevin...do you have "Google" in your house? Why don't you try "Googling" this... https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-and-iran-both-set-to-ioin-russia-led-free-trade-zone/ 2 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 947 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... ■^1 ■ ■ Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone After two rounds of negotiations, Jerusalem close to agreement with Eurasian Economic Union: separately, Tehran also set to sign deal In the Hfuture'l By RAPHAEL AHREN ' r t t s e 1,406 i2F«tt»iyM19,944am | 7 Russian President Vladimir Putm (left) with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as they prepare to deliver joint statements, after a meeting and a lunch In the Israeli leader's Jerusalem residence. June 25,2012 (AP/Jim Hollander, Poot/File) Israel is set to sign a free-trade agreement with the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union in the near future, according to officials in Moscow and Jerusalem. Incidentally, Iran is also in advanced talks about creating a free trade zone with the union, known as EAEU. However, each country would sign its own I cant wait for Dr Mahatir Mohamed, the great statesman, and defender of the Palestinians to explain it all away. Who is advising the PM? He is a busy man. He cannot keep up with all this. Who is advising him? 3 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 948 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... You are dragging me into the world of espionage, plots and above all - assisting Israel lead the Belt & Road project with Russia and China after it murdered 3000 Americans on 911 in a plot to engage the might of the US military to "re-shape" the Middle East for the benefit of Israel (The Oded Yinon Plan) and destroy Pan Arab Nationalism and resistance to Israeli hegemony in the region utilizing the long standing rivalry between the Iranian and Arab people - Sunni v Shia. You are assisting this. Do you know what you are doing? Does the Malaysian government know what it is doing? WHO IS ADVISING Dr Mahathir Mohammad? Why has Malaysia allowed the Bank of China to be put right in the center of the city? Right opposite the beautiful PetronasTwin Towers? Do you find it significant that the "Blood Moon" in July 2018 lined up directly with the Bank of China and the twin Petronas Towers? You noted yourself the "all seeing eye" on top of the Bank of China. Do you find this significant? 4 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 949 of 1018 PETRONAS TWIN TOWERS. KUALA LUMPUR. MALAYSIA BANK OF CHINA “OBLISK" IN BACKGROUND 5 of 29 2/10/2019,1:15 pm Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Do you know much about "llluminised Freemasonry" Kevin? It came out of the same place you studied and the Kibbutz Ayatollah Khomanie stayed at, Paris, France. Page 950 of 1018 6 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Islam is totally against this kind of stuff. As is my idiot, corrupt and stupid Catholic Church. No organization has fought harder against Freemasonry than the Catholic Church. Just like this pyramid on the top of the Israeli Supreme Court building. Do you think the Malaysian government even noticed this? I showed a local Malaysian in oil and gas this and he was shocked. He never noticed it. Just like lawyers in my home state of Perth, Western Australia, never noticed this pyramid on the side of the Perth District Court. The court where I was "tried" because I offended precious Zionist Jews. Page 951 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Kevin, do you think it is wise to be facilitating the ejection of The United States of America out of the Middle East by assisting in plans to collapse the U.S dollar and in turn collapse the U.S economy - an act of war? Kevin, do you think it is wise to be assisting foreign states (including Israel) in the Rothschild long planned Pan Eurasian super state and the giant economic project known as The Belt & Road? Its all in my videos. You should try watching them. Kevin, how many links would you like on the Netanyahu Putin relationship and infiltration of the Israeli high technology industry by serving Russian FSB and GRU officers? And you want to be involved with Sheikh Imran N Hosein? Muslim Alliance With Rum & The Role Of Russia & China In WW3 Tickets, Sun 15 Sep 2019 at 18:00 | Eventbrite Sheikh Imran N Hosein will expound on the joys of Islam hooking up with Israel, via Israel's best friend, Russia and ultimately China. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/muslim-alliance-with-rum-the-role-of-russia-china-in-ww3-tickets- 62442037816 Trump, Fox News - "Putin loves Israel and Bi Bi" https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=bQYosxXNgK0&feature=voutu.be&t=123 Borscht Belt: Will Israel Spurn America for Russia? https://observer.com/2015/01/borscht-belt-will-israel-spurn-america-for-russia/ Israel to lure Soviet Jews from Germany https://www.theKuardian.com/world/2007/nov/27/israel.germany Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country https://www.theKuardian.com/world/2011/aug/17/israel-soviet-immigrants-transform-country Why Russia Needs Israel https://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/russia-needs-israel/ 7 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 952 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Why Russia should take over Israel's defense from America http://theweek.com/articles/562830/whv-russia-should-take-over-israels-defense-from-america Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone After two rounds of negotiations, Jerusalem close to agreement with Eurasian Economic Union; separately, Tehran also set to sign deal 'in the near future' https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-and-iran-both-set-to-ioin-russia-led-free-trade-zone/ As Putin Becomes One of World's Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/55179/how-russian-iews-helped-shape-life-worlds-most-powerful- leaders-iewish-world/amp/ An Emerging Alliance: Russia and Israel https://spectator.ore/an-emergine-alliance-russia-and-israel/ Shin Bet Withheld Iran Secrets from Lieberman [Sec.Def Israel] as Security Risk https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2Qll/ll/10/shin-bet-withheld-iran-secrets-from-lieberman-as-securitv- risk / KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel's Army, Business, and Political Leadership https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2016/12/10/kgb-infiltrated-highest-echelons-israels-armv-business- political-leadership/ 'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died https://www.haaretz.eom/.premium-nostalgic-for-the-ussr-on-the-kibbutzim-l.5233153 The KGB's Middle East Files: 'Illegals' in Israel - Russian agents and assets in Israel and elsewhere https://www.vnetnews.eom/articles/0.7340.L-4869996.00.html Kevin, did you think this through? Did you watch ANY of my videos? ANY? 1 - ISRAELS SECRET WEAPON THE TALPIOT PROGRAM How Israel totally dominates cyber security and has planted high level corporate spys all over the world via their Talpiot Program run under Israeli military intelligence. https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=babgv2qRf4k&t=ls 2 - ISRAELI DRONES WORLD WIDE
  • How Russia China &. Israel work together for the One Belt One Road Project.
  • How Israel steals US technology and passes on to China, Russia and Iran.
  • How this is impacting on the Middle East. 4.1 ring Homeland Security to make a complaint about Jewish Zionist spying in America - it a good one hour watch. htt ps ://www. you tube.com/watch ?v=hfHYJPebq4c 3 - Bl BI'S GOT A KILL SWITCH AND HE LIKES TO USE IT Israel has kill switched the entire planets critical infrastructure. From banking to hospitals to power grids to the Internet of Things and Military Industrial Complex of the United States. Israel is a cyber technology juggernaut. 8 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 953 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... https://www, youtube.com/watch?v=C0Sw-4MsGQI
  • KOMPRAMAT | HOW ROGER STONE WORKED WITH ISRAELI & RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE Detailing how Roger Stones worked with A Wall Street sex worker to compromise targets of interest for the Israeli and Russian state intelligence apparatus. https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=UnPNotP5PHU
  • The Oded Yinon plan was first postulated in the 1970's as a way to "re-shape the Middle East" for the benefit of Israel.
  • What it was really about is long term Soviet era strategic planning to "re-shape" the Middle East for the benefit of The Belt & Road economic development headed by Israel Russia and China.
  • 911 was meant to happen in 1992-3. The Israeli company lost the security contrat in 1988. The 911 operation was over ten years behind schedule along with the Belt & Road Initiative.
  • All praise to the U.S Department of Justice employee who spotted war criminal Avraham Shalom Bendor and Zvi Malkin. htt ps ://www. you tube.com/watch ?v=R7sinGtzodY
  • The Bi-national Industrial Research 8t Development foundation.
  • The greatest security penetration...ever.
  • This is a catastrophe for the United States.
  • The Soviet Union got Israel to set up the Bi-national Science Foundation (B.S.F) in 1973 under Nixon and Henry Kissinger.
  • The B.I.R.D was set up in 1978, around the same time they set up The Talpiot Program.
  • And then they have the B.A.R.D - Bi-national Agricultural Research &. Development foundation.
  • Here it is the relevant legislation forcing the US to send technology to Israel. http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=%28title:42%20section:17337%20edition:prelim%29
  • So when you see Bi Bi bragging about how clever Israeli scientists are, what he's really saying is his Soviet era immigrant scientists are very good at stealing US technology. https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=ZuW0vhn-J9g Israel is a cyber technology juggernaut. They wrote alot of the code for Windows 10 https://www.timesofisrael.com/bill-gates-israeli-tech-changing-the-world/ https://www.israel21c.org/microsofts-bill-gates-israel-is-a-vital-resource-for-us/ Israel was heavily involved in setting up the CDMA, 3G and 4g networks. And now...5G. They lead the way. https://www.timesofisrael.com/aualcomm-founder-a-fan-long-before-start-up-nation/ Israel put all the back doors in Intel CPU's. At the 2006 top level design and fabrication factory in Israel. DEF CON 26 - Christopher Domas - GOD MODE UNLOCKED Hardware Back doors in redacted x86 htt ps ://www. youtube.com/watch ?v=imTwlEh8L7g ISRAEL UNIT 8200 https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/unit-8200/ Did you watch Jeremy and Greg hammering Democrat hopefuls for POTUS on this issue? It is amazing 9 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 954 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... viewing.
  • DEMOCRATS AMBUSHED OVER ISRAEL & MICROSOFT & PENTAGON CLOUD SECURITY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmf64-xEn9M Greg & Jeremy ambush Beto O'ROURKE, Kirsten GILLIBRAND, Tulsi GABBARD, Bernie SANDERS, Kmala HARRIS & Cory BOOKER in Iowa in early June 2019. GREG & JEREMY'S CHANNEL | THE ANTEDOTE - https://www.youtube.com/channel /UCMflqGR8kmlc8vg dtpzzVQ/videos Jeremy blasted them with facts and figures. Amazing job! And the cracks are showing in Israel's facade - the truth is getting out there. Have your Malaysian high level government contacts thought this through? Does Malaysia know it is declaring war on the United States? Do you speak for Dr Mahathir Mohammed? Should I take my recordings to the U.S Embassy here in Kuala Lumpur? What is the penalty for espionage, conspiracy and collusion to bring down the economy of the United States of America? An act of outright warfare. I need to disassociate myself from you completely. I did not want to meet with you initially, I decided to go only because I wanted the company and I liked you personally. I wanted to hear what you had to say. The thought of conferences in Kuala Lumpur on Israeli high technology domination obviously reeled me in, as did Malaysian government support. I do not believe you to be deliberately deceptive - but woefully fu**ing naive. What you ultimately expounded to me was a conspiracy to bring down the US economy. To violate sanctions. And ultimate drag me into some idiot sh*t storm of your groups making. And you are no lite weight . Hanging with some heavy hitters. Traveling back and forth to Iran. Close to players who are close to Russia. Fox News even very kindly gave you air time. Note these simple facts on your buddy Sheikh Imran N Hosein... Hosein was born into an Indo-Trinidadian family Trinidad and Tobago. He studied Islam under the guidance of the Islamic scholar, Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari at the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies, Karachi, Pakistan. He also did post-graduate studies in Philosophy at Karachi University, and International Relations at the University of West Indies, Trinidad, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland. He led the weekly Jumu'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imran N. Hosein Another "Swiss boy" eh? UN? Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies The institution counts one UN secretary-general (Kofi Annan), seven Nobel Prize recipients, one Pulitzer Prize winner, and numerous ambassadors, foreign ministers, and heads of state among its alumni and faculty.15] Founded by tioo senior League of Nations officials, the Graduate Institute maintains strong links with that international organisation's successor, the United Nations, and many alumni have gone on to work at UN agencies. The school is a full member of the APSIA. h ttps://en .wikipe dia.o rg/wiki/Gr aduate Institute of International Studies 10 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pin Page 955 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Just like Iranian foreign minister Zarif. I stayed with friends of his in his home town of Khansar, Iran. Zeeba Lashgari's son worked in Swiss banking. She took off for Zurich while I was there. He is pictured above with Australia's former foreign minister Julie Bishop. She and her office worked night and day to destroy me and ignore me. Iran is full of Swiss and Germans and the bond between Switzerland, Germany and Iran is extremely close - no one talks about it. ajMEGmast?°£t!maa!S^G Julie Bishop is best friends with Australian media mogul and arch Zionist Kerry Stokes - also a high level freemason. $15.5 million Rothschild Prayerbook just a snippet of Kerry Stokes' art collection https ://ww w.smh.com.au/cntertainment/art-and-design/155-million--rothschild-prayerbook-just- a-snip p et-of-kerry-stokes- a rt-collection-20150827-g j 8r53.h tml 11 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pul Page 956 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Kerry Stokes is very close to Henry Kissinger and Kerry Stokes loves China. The place of disappearing dissidents, "black jails" and a two day wait for your perfectly matched "donor" heart. A place where the retarded monkey premiere/emperor of the Chinese Communist Party - Xi Jing Ping - bans "Winnie The Pooh" because the Chinese people mock him with the character. And you want to line up with that? Well, you're not alone. Mahathir has stated openly he wants too. Apparently he forgot about the Malaya Emergency and Malaysians, British and Australian troops pushing back the Communist insurgents that created the conditions for Mahathir and his friends to get filthy rich. He also forgets the fact China's Uighur Muslim minority is being horribly oppressed, their Mosques disappeared and large scale internment in "re-education camps". Its not a joke, it’s not the western media making stuff up. It is well documented and China is THE biggest persecutor of religion in the world today - and Mahathir once to line up with that? He wants to line up with Chinese technology used to oppress Muslims in China that was designed and developed on the Palestinian people by Israel? Does this picture affect you at all [below]? With all your talk about gold backed currencies with Russia and China? Do you fusing get "it" Kevin? A big heap of links to the Israel and China relationship are at the bottom of this email. Being an astute intellectual, I will presume you are capable of Googling ISRAEL CHINA TECHNOLOGY and I presume the Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed can do the same. Mahathir claims China would never invade Malaysia - to late. They already did it via business and...technology. I wonder what the fiercely patriotic Malaysian Military commanders and Royal Malaysian police think about that? 12 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 957 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Kerry Stokes is also a VERY close friend with Benjamin Netanyahu. VERY close friend. As is Australia’s former foreign minister Julie Bishop who worked closely with the Rouhani and Zarif government (students and groupies of the arch Swiss banker bag man, Rafsanjani). I was at the head of the former presidents funeral procession btw in January of 2017. Kerry Stokes hangs in Colorado Aspen alot - just down the road from Shelden Adelson. Kerry is a mentor for James Packer, son of arch Zionist heroin dealer and asset for Australian and Israeli intelligence Kerry Packer. Kerry Packer was sexually black mailed by Australia's top Jewish mafia don Abe Saffron. You can read and watch all about it here -
  • WILL EPSTEIN BRING TRUMP DOWN? https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=uam2YKMa8So Costigan Commission In 1984, the Fairfax newspaper The National Times published leaked extracts of the Commission's draft 13 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 958 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... report which implicated a prominent Australian businessman codenamed the "Goanna" in tax evasion and organised crime, including drug trafficking, pornography, and murder. Australia's richest man, media magnate Kerry Packer revealed himself to be the subject of these allegations, which he strenuously denied. htt p s:// en.vvik i pcdia. org /wik i/Co stigan C ommission Packer and the Sydney Casino In January this year, Kerry Packer did a deal - to take control of Sydney's casino. It was the kind of corporate coup that has made his Australia's richest man. The deal leaves 85% of the Casino's management contracts and 10% of its shares in the hands of the Packer's family majority owned public company PBL. Combined with its stake in Melbourne's Crown Casino, Packer's companies become the single biggest shareholder in Australia's booming casino business. It was only in 1994 that Packer lost the tender to build and run Sydney's new casino. The story of how he won back the casino is a fascinating and revealing study in how Packer does business. For three years, his company waged a relentless corporate campaign, using all of its legal and financial muscle. As we will see, its secret weapon was the Packer camp's political connections with the labor party in New South Wales. Part of the ABC Four Corners programme 7/4/1997 transcript http:/ /ww w. gwb.com .au/gwb/n ews/packe r/packer1.html Kerry Packer knew who stole $5.4 million in gold from his safe https:/ /www.d ailvtelegra ph.co m.au /news / nsw/kerry -packer-knew-who-stole- 54-m illi on-in-g old- f rom-his-sa fe/news- Story/cf7ba8a95b69e586e0afc26430ec0ba9?nk=f5c0716abbca2c66cl7ce660el86a04d-1562740072 14 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 959 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... W*KMi> if <E!U5t Australian© CkgUIdbon 1 njc* jnAd THrvJ#> 24 Ijrur; 3019 H0MC LATEST VKMO CRICKET NEWS SPORT BUSMESS POUTKS OPINION IRESTVU ENTERTAINMENT TRAVEL aa W LIVE: Sft Lanka four down. Jhye had two wickets CRICKET LM rntt AM) w HO NEWS > WA NEWS Kerry Stokes tells how he rescued James Packer from financial ruin at The Price of Fortune book launch Nfefc Buttrtly I Tb* W*»t AuttlllUn VSMnrtdiy. 34 OctobOT Toil KK40AM https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/kerry-stokes-tells-how-he-rescued- j ames-packer-from-financial - ruin-at-the-price-of-fortune-book-launch-ng-b881000761z hiips:/ /www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articIe-6300865/How -billionair e-media-m o gul-Kerry-Stokes- drove-wedg e- lames-Packer-Mariah-Carey.html Soon after, the billionaire received a call from another friend [Netanyahu] at his home in Aspen telling him to trust in Mr Stokes, subsequently putting a wedge between the famous couple. Mr Stokes said he and Mr Packer agreed it would be best if the embattled Crown boss spent time in Israel to receive treatment for his mental health issues. Mr Stokes, who is the chairman of Seven West Media, has also told how Mr Packer had received help from the "highest possible person" in Israel as Mr Packer slumped into depression amid fears he was on the verge of losing his empire. Mr Stokes told an audience of senior business figures how the senior person in Israel [Netanyau] had told Mr Packer that he needed a friend, and that friend was Mr Stokes. Asked later if that person was current Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr Stokes declined to elaborate. Mr Stokes told how, after he had sent Mr Packer to Israel, Carey and her agent sought to follow him, but Mr Stokes blocked their planned use of a private jet and instead offered them economy flights to Israel, which they declined. And then there is you, hanging out in Paris. At a prestigious school who’s name escapes me. One 15 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 960 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Bohemian dude in San Francisco too. And Ayatollah hanging in Paris. Handled by a doco crew who were obviously German Intelligence. Sheikh Imran N Hosein hanging in Switzerland. And yes, the video I made, 56. WHY DO "DICTATORS" LOVE PRIVATE SWISS SCHOOLS? - h ttps ://www. voutube.com/wa tch?v=V jYe04 LhMAO - was aimed at you and your love affair with the Swiss banker loving Iranian state. I look at Iran and Israel and all I see are friends pretending to be enemies. All attending German and Swiss security conferences, carrying on - waving fists, setting up the Belt & Road, excluding The United States from the region. Stealing U.S technology and you [and Malaysia], apparently, are keen to join them in collapsing the U.S economy while Iran, Russia and China (and Europe) all trade together - which is the role of the Bi Bi handled Trump administration. To put on stupid tariffs that don't work, handing BILLIONS in contracts to Israel and forcing Iran and Russia and China etc into a giant trading bloc that will be handled by...guess who Kevin...Israel, the GIANT technology juggemaught. You know, THAT country. That brags it is the "second eye" of the Five Eyes network. Kevin, do you watch ANY of my video's?
  • Kill Switch - Israel & Microsoft "Oh My" Part One https://www.youtube.eorn/watch? v=4ixedtjluqw&t=5s 1 . Using Microsoft's move to Israel as the example, we slioiv how Israel now has full and total access to all home, business, corporate, and soon, military computers - The Pentagon Cloud Contract (]ED1).
  • Microsoft Windows 10 is now fully coded in Israel. The Windows Security Center. Updates. R&D. Its all done in Israel. The NS A has to mess about to get their malware implanted in %90 of the worlds computers. Not Israel, they just include it with a forced update. 3 . It's official, Windows is now officially fully malware in it's own right.
  • KILL SWITCH - UNIT 8200 PARTIES IN NEW YORK, "PWN'ed" - PART 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch7v--8MqBlvYVHY
  • Neiv York is teaming with 5000 Israeli high tech start up l.T personnel. A large portion are graduates of 16 of 29 2/10/2019,1:15 pm Page 961 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Unit 8200 and other Israeli military intelligence programs. A good portion are formally or informally associated with Russian intelligence and pose a huge security risk.
  • We discuss the implications for Israel being the center of the coming Pentagon Cloud JEDI - Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure. Microsoft and Amazon are head to head.
  • This is a looming, embarrassing, gigantic security catastrophe. And WHERE is the discussion on this issue?
  • Assaf Rappoport, CEO of Microsoft and graduate of both the Unit 8200 and Talpiot Program is highly likely to be handling the Pentagon Cloud contract.
  • Israeli R7D centers of Microsoft, Amazon and Google are filled with Russian coders and FSB and GRU assets of Russian intelligence. Kevin, we are done and I wish you well. It has taken me days to come to this point. I hope you carry forward with conferences exposing Israeli high technology, it's theft by Israel to be on-sold to it's fellow builders of the Belt and Road - Russia and China. That is if you are not arrested for treason and economic espionage against the United States first. And, a giant international incident has not taken place where Malaysia, a key point in the Belt and Road with The Straights of Malacca
  • do not suffer some blow back from your comments and high level Malaysian contacts. Things get ever clearer over time - Cynthia McKinney contacting me as I did my UNHCR application with, "You have a body of work to be proud of." And stating she also (like you) has high level Malaysian government contracts and wants to get me permanent resident status. What? So I can plot with the retarded monkey Imran Hosein? You are all affiliated with Europe and the UN aren’t you? Subject: Re: I ley, do you want... From: "I IQ” <hq2600c«gmail.com> Date: 3/30/2019, 6:26 PM To: "Brendon O'Connell" <talpioKnprotonmail.com> Cool, take your time. As long as Mahathir is in place, my connections should be OK. Look, it took 27 years for folks to realize the truth of what I said about Israel controlling every candidate for Congress. Sad thing is, we don't have another 27 years for people to wake up. You have a body of work to be proud of. On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 2:57 AM Brendon O’Connell < [email protected] > wrote: I'll send two more segments and update in next 24 to 48 hours. You ALL behave strangely. You want to criticize me? Cynthia McKinney hung with that self evident fraud lunatic Robert David Steel for how long? The man who says children are kidnapped as sex slaves and taken to Mars? Which he stated on Alex 17 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 962 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Jones - 59. CYNTHIA MCKINNEY - TREACHERY OR STUPIDITY? - https://vvvvw.vout ube.com /vvatch?v=EN7zG|Rg2eE&feature=you tu.be There is nothing more to say after what you did. Something I tried to over look. I just pray the work of Greg and Jeremy is not affected by your apparent idiocy. And as for the conferences in Malaysia? With Malaysia now gloating it is deep in bed with China - and China is deep in bed with Israel, the chances of a conference here on the subjects that matter are...and always were...nil. You have put me in an impossible situation with your bulPh’t and made me an accomplice of your stupidity school boy politics. I wanted to leave here before the end of the year, now that will have to be much quicker. You are a moron who has fu*ed a very good thing, especially the work of Greg and Jeremy. I pray they will both toss you to the curb and that idiot Gordon Duff. You love Russia China and Iran so much - you go fusing live there. I want to fix America, not destroy it. You are literally an agent acting for a foreign power, acting aggressively towards the United States - and yet with all your academic qualifications your are to stupid to even see it. 18 of 29 _ 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 963 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to 'marry Israel's technology with China’s capacity' On second day of state visit, prime minister, Chinese leaders agree on upgrading economic, tech cooperation OOOOOH By RAPHAEL AHREN v 21 March2017.8(Him I Rl 2017^3^210 4 1 S • it j?. Marc VI, 2017 Beij : \ China VV V IV> [Ml i§ 1 - ht- .' / /\ Ik t 19 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 964 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... YOU MISSED ALL THIS... 1 - ISRAELS SECRET WEAPON THE TALPIOT PROGRAM How Israel totally dominates cyber security and has planted high level corporate spys all over the world via their Talpiot Program run under Israeli military intelligence. https:// www .vou tube.com/wateh ?v=b abgv2i]Rf4k&t=ls 2 - ISRAELI DRONES WORLD WIDE
  • How Russia China & Israel work together for the One Belt One Road Project.
  • How Israel steals US technology and passes on to China, Russia and Iran.
  • How this is impacting on the Middle East. 4.1 ring Homeland Security to make a complaint about Jewish Zionist spying in America - it a good one hour watch. htt ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfHYTPebq4c 3 - BI BI'S GOT A KILL SWITCH AND HE LIKES TO USE IT Israel has kill switched the entire planets critical infrastructure. From banking to hospitals to power grids to the Internet of Things and Military Industrial Complex of the United States. Israel is a cyber technology juggernaut. http s://www.voutube.com/w at ch?v=COSw-4MsGOI
  • KOMPRAMAT I HOW ROGER STONE WORKED WITH ISRAELI & RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE Detailing how Roger Stones worked with A Wall Street sex worker to compromise targets of interest for the Israeli and Russian state intelligence apparatus. 20 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pul Page 965 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... https://www.youtube.com/watchTv-UnPNotP5PHLI
  • The Oded Yinon plan was first postulated in the 1970's as a way to "re-shape the Middle East" for the benefit of Israel.
  • What it was really about is long term Soviet era strategic planning to "re-shape" the Middle East for the benefit of The Belt & Road economic development headed by Israel Russia and China.
  • 911 was meant to happen in 1992-3. The Israeli company lost the security contrat in 1988. The 911 operation was over ten years behind schedule along with the Belt & Road Initiative.
  • All praise to the U.S Department of Justice employee who spotted war criminal Avraham Shalom Bendor and Zvi Malkin. https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=R7sjnGtzodY
  • The Bi-national Industrial Research & Development foundation.
  • The greatest security penetration...ever.
  • This is a catastrophe for the United States.
  • The Soviet Union got Israel to set up the Bi-national Science Foundation (B.S.F) in 1973 under Nixon and Henry Kissinger.
  • The B.l.R.D was set up in 1978, around the same time they set up The Talpiot Program.
  • And then they have the B.A.R.D - Bi-national Agricultural Research & Development foundation.
  • Here it is the relevant legislation forcing the US to send technology to Israel. http: //usco de .house. g ov/view.xhtm l?re q=%28 titl e:42%20sec tion:1 7337%20 edition: prelim%29
  • So when you see Bi Bi bragging about how clever Israeli scientists are, what he's really saying is his Soviet era immigrant scientists are very good at stealing US technology. https://www.vou tu be.com/watch?v=ZuW0vhn-l9g
  • Kill Switch - Israel & Microsoft "Oh My" Part One https://w ww.you tube.com/wa tch?v=4ixedtjluqw&t=5s
  • Using Microsoft's move to Israel as the example, we show how Israel now has full and total access to all home, business, corporate, and soon, military computers - The Pentagon Cloud Contract (JEDI).
  • Microsoft Windows 10 is now fully coded in Israel. The Windows Security Center. Updates. R&D. Its all done in Israel. The NSA has to mess about to get their malware implanted in %90 of the worlds computers. Not Israel, they just include it with a forced update.
  • It's official, Windows is now officially fully malware in it's own right.
  • KILL SWITCH - UNIT 8200 PARTIES IN NEW YORK, "PWN'ed" - PART 2 https:/ /www.youtube.com/ watch ?v=-8M qBlvYVHY
  • New York is teaming with 5000 Israeli high tech start up I.T personnel. A large portion are graduates of Unit 8200 and other Israeli military intelligence programs. A good portion are formally 21 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pin Page 966 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... or informally associated with Russian intelligence and pose a huge security risk.
  • We discuss the implications for Israel being the center of the coming Pentagon Cloud JEDI - Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure. Microsoft and Amazon are head to head.
  • This is a looming, embarrassing, gigantic security catastrophe. And WHERE is the discussion on this issue?
  • Assaf Rappaport, CEO of Microsoft and graduate of both the Unit 8200 and Talpiot Program is highly likely to be handling the Pentagon Cloud contract.
  • Israeli R7D centers of Microsoft, Amazon and Google are filled with Russian coders and FSB and GRU assets of Russian intelligence.
  • DEMOCRATS AMBUSHED OVER ISRAEL & MICROSOFT & PENTAGON CLOUD SECURITY https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=Rmf64-xEn9M Greg & Jeremy ambush Beto O'ROURKE, Kirsten GILLIBRAND, Tulsi GABBARD, Bernie SANDERS, Kmala HARRIS & Cory BOOKER in Iowa in early June 2019. GREG & JEREMY'S CHANNEL I THE ANTEDOTE - https://www.youtube.com/channel /UCMflqGR8kmlc8vg dtpzzVO/videos Jeremy blasted them with facts and figures. Amazing job! And the cracks are showing in Israel's facade - the truth is getting out there. Israel is a cyber technology juggernaut. They wrote alot of the code for Windows 10 https://www.tiinesofisrael.com/bill-gates-israeli-tech-changing-the-world/ https://www.israel21c.or g/ microsofts-bill-gates-israel-is-a-vital-resource-for-u s/ Israel was heavily involved in setting up the CDMA, 3G and 4g networks. And now...5G. They lead the way. https://www.timesofisrael.com/qualcomm-founder-a-fan-long-before-start-up-nation/ Israel put all the back doors in Intel CPU's. At the 2006 top level design and fabrication factory in Israel. DEF CON 26 - Christopher Domas - GOD MODE UNLOCKED Hardware Back doors in redacted x86 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= : jmTwlEh8L7 g ISRAEL UNIT 8200 https:/ /www.t imes ofisrae l.c om/to pic/unit-8200/ CHINA htt p://www.china-israel-investment.com/ 22 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 967 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to 'marry Israel's technology with China's capacity' htt ps://www .ti mesofisrael.c om/in-beijin g-netanvahu-looks-to-marry-israels-techno lo gy-with- chinas-ca parity/ Trump must warn Israel on its China trade htt ps://www.wash ington exam ine r.com /opinion/trump- must-wam-israe l-on- its-c hin a-trade Unlikely partners? China and Israel deepening trade ties https: //www. bbc.co.uk/n ews /business-446 9766 2 Public Data Doesn't Capture Extent of Chinese-Israeli Deals, Says Investor Having spent the past decade living and working in Hong Kong and Beijing, investor Amir Gal-Or is one of the early pioneers of the tightening business ties between China and Israel https://www.calcalistech.eom/ctech/articles/Q,7340,L-3740209,00.htm l Chinese investment in Israeli tech is growing, and it's 'quite welcome’ for some https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/19/chinese-investment-in-israel-technology-is-growing-expert- says.html How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China http: //www.newsweek.com/c hina-israel-military-te chnolo gy-beiiing-ierusalem-saul-eisenberg- weapons-607117 Bunting's map and Israel on China's new silk road Israel as key node on China's New Silk Road https://blogs .times ofisrae l.com/buntings- map -and-israel-on-china s-new-silk-roa d/ Chinese Investments in Israel Could Pose Security Threat, Shin Bet Chief Warns Nadav Argaman says Israel needs legislation to supervise Chinese involvement in country's projects - State Looking into tighter control over foreign investment following U.S. pressure (It took over ten years of massive Israeli-China investment to admit this?) htt ps://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/chinese-investments-in-israel-could-pose-security- threat-shin-bet-chief-warns-1.6827146 9/11 Designed to "Pivot East" With China's Belt & Road Initiative https: /u wvv. a be I d anger .o rg/9 - 1 1 -designed -to-pi \ ot-east-with-chinas-belt-road-initiative/ China is hungry for advanced Israeli technology h tt ps://www.globes.co.il/en/article-china-is-hungry-for-advanced-israeli-technology-1001038847 China's tech money heads for Israel as U.S. welcome wanes htt ps://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-mvestment-israel-idUSKBN187080 23 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 968 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... China's Deepening Interest in Israel http://www.thetower.org/articIe/chinas-deepening-interest-in-israel/ Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China https://www.inilitary.com/defensctech/2013/12/24/report-israel-passes-u-s-militarv-lechnology-to- china Scaling Chutzpah by the Billions — Israeli Ingenuity Hits the Ground in China http://bl ogs.timesofisrael.c om/scaling-chutzpah-by-t he -billi ons-isra eli-in genuity-hits-the-gro und-in- china / Israel-China affair blooms even as culture gap weighs on rapport PM says new bilateral partnership on innovation underlines China's readiness to apply Israeli technology for the benefit of its people; also says he discussed Chinese role in rail route from Asia to Israeli Mediterranean ports https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-china-affair-blooms-even-as-culture-gap-weighs-on-rapport/ China's New Generation Sets Its Sights on Israel http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/chinas-new-generation-sets-its-sights-on-israel/ Yifeng Zhou on China's interest in Israeli innovation https://www.t i mesofisrael . com / yifeng-zhou-on-chinas-i n terest-in-israeli-innovation / Israel, China set up first accelerator program in Beijing Program aims to help Israeli tech firms penetrate the Chinese market through training, meetings, guidance https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-china-set-up-first-acceIerator-program-in-beij in g / Mobileye, ReWalk to attend Shanghai conference About 100 Israeli high-tech and startup firms expected at Goforlsrael event to woo Chinese investors https://www.timesofisrael.com/mpbileye-rewalk-to-attend-shanghai-cpnference/ Chinese-Israeli fund to invest $250m in med tech Joint announcement between Neusoft and Infinity Group made at start of China-Israel Investment Summit in Tel Aviv https://www.timesofisrael.com/chinese-israeli-fund-to-invest-250m-in-med-tech/ Yifeng Zhou on China's interest in Israeli innovation Editor of the Times of Israel's Chinese edition speaks about the historical and business links between the two countries https://www.timesofisrael.com/yifeng-zhou-on-chinas-interest-in-israeli-innovation/ 24 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 969 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Israel aims to become world's 15th largest economy by 2025 — minister 'A country's strength depends on the strength of its economy/ Eli Cohen says at start of Beijing trip with prime minister https:// wtvw .time sofisrael .c om/is r ael-aims -to-become-w orlds-15th-largest-economy-by-2025- minister/ Co-hosting trade conference with Netanyahu, China's VP hails Israeli technology 'Our bilateral relations are at a new height,' Wang Qishan tells innovation summit; PM also meets Alibaba's Jack Ma and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt https://www.timesofisrael.corn/co-hosting-trade-conference-with-netanyahu-chinas-vp-hails-israeli- t echnology/ Positioning the Israeli Tech Industry for China 2.0 Last month's congress of the Communist Party of China heralds the nation’s re-emergence as an economic superpower https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/positioning-the-israeli-tech-industry-for-china-2-0/ Israeli AI tech to help avert accidents in China by tracking drivers' drowsiness EyeSight signs a multi-million dollar deal with China's Exsun to outfit trucks with its tech in light of new safety regulations https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-ai-tech-to-he l p-avert-accidents-in-china-by-tracking-drivers- drowsiness/ China Buys Its Way Into Israel’s Tech Scene https:/ /www.bloombe r g.com / news/ 2 014-02-26/china-b u ys-its- wa y-int o -israel-s-tech-scene.h tml China makes massive investment in Israeli lab meat technology $300 million deal sees Chinese partner with Israeli high-tech companies battling global warming https ://www. timesofisrael.com/china-makes-massivc-investmcnt-in-israeli-lab-mcat-technology/ Israeli firm caught up in US-China rivalry over military robots Israeli firm Roboteam battles Massachusetts-based Endeavor Robotics over a series of major contracts to build the US Army's next generation of ground robots https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-firm-caught-up-in-us-china-rivalry-over-military-robots/ Israeli model holds the answers to China's quest for technology and innovation Yasheng Huang says having learned from Singapore's development experience, China should turn to a more tech-savvy nation for inspiration for its next stage of growth h ttp. s://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1919673/israeli-model-holds-answers- chinas-quest-technologv-and From infrastructure to innovation in China & Israel https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/from-infrastructure-to-innovation-in-china-israel/ 25 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 970 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... 15 Israel firms parade technologies to investors in China Life sciences and ICT companies pitch products in Changzhou, Shanghai and Beijing as delegation seeks investments and other forms of cooperation https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-firms-parade-technologies-to-china-investors/ Technion opens Israel's first university campus in China Site includes 13 buildings, 29 classrooms, and over 60 laboratories; 3,000 students expected to attend over the next decade https: y w vvvv.t imesofisrael.com/technion-opens-israels-fi rst-university-cam pus-in-china/ Officials warn of risks in warming business ties with China With Beijing's VP set to visit, observers tell Economist that Israel would be wise to regard attention from the Asian giant with caution https://www.timesofisrael.com/officials-warn-of-risks-in-warming-business-ties-with-china/ Pompeo warns US could curb security ties with Israel over China relations Secretary's statements come as Israel steps up trade and business ties with Beijing, which has made key investments in Israeli economy, including strategic Haifa port https://www.tim esofisrae l.com/pompeo-wams-us-co ul d-curb-se cu rity-ties-with-israel-over-chin a- relations/ Israeli tech set to quench China's growing thirst A joint project brings 'made in Israel' technologies to a water-challenged region of China https:/ /www.t i mesofisrael.com/is raeli-tech -set-to- qu ench -chinas- g r owin g -thirs t/ An Economic Powerhouse and a Rising Hi-Tech Superpower - 25 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between China and Israel This January, Israel and China marked 25 years of diplomatic relations, a move that enabled cooperation in a variety of fields, peaking in recent years with joint activity in trade, tourism, healthcare, academia and technological R&D https://blogs.timesofisraeI.com/an-economic-powerhouse-and-a-rising-hi-tech-superpower-25- vears-of-diplomatic-relations-between-china-and-israel/ Israeli tech to power a robot revolution in China With the establishment of the Sino-Israeli Robotics Institute, Israel is a major part of Industrial Revolution 2.0 https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-tech-to-power-a-robot-revolution-in-china/ An Israeli sunscreen policy towards China? An Israeli colleague recently asked this author an interesting question: to what extent can the commercial relations between Israel and China harm Israel's special relationship with the Trump administration? 26 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 971 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/an-israeli-sunscreen-policy-towards-china/ Chinese Trade Offices in Israel: New Resource to Accelerate Sino-Israel Business http s://blogs. timesofisrael.com/chinese-trade-offices-in-israel -new-resource-to-acce le rate-si no- israe l-business/ After quiet 2017, Chinese investors seen resuming Israeli tech shopping spree Low interest rates, Mobileye, Chinese curbs on investment and US tax reform impacted the local tech world this year https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-quiet-2017-chinese-investors-seen-resuming-israeli-tech- shoppin g-sp ree/ PM lauds 'growing friendship' between Israel, China as he hosts vice president Wang Qishan, the most senior Chinese official to tour the Jewish state since 2000, visits Western Wall accompanied by Israeli officials during trip focusing on economic cooperation https://www.timesofisrael.com/pm-lauds-growing-friendship-between-israel-china-as-he-hosts- vice-president/ Shanghai mayor visits Israel to deepen cooperation in innovation and key industries https://www.shine.cn/news/metro/1806 086024/ Israel-China Relations: Innovation, Infrastructure, Investment https://thediplomat.com/2018/07/israel-china-relations-innovation-infrastructure-investment/ Why Israel is the new promised land for Chinese investors China's total investment in Israel almost tripled last year to US$16 billion, largely in the hi-tech industry. So what's behind the soaring demand? https: //www.scmp.com/week -asiaAuisiness/articl e/2121498/w h y-israel-new-promised-land-chinese- investors China's Vice President to Visit Israel Wang Qishan will be in Israel October 22-25 to head the fourth China-Israel Innovation Committee. He may be joined by Jack Ma, Alibaba’s founder https://www.haareb.com/israel-news/china-s-vice-president-to-visit-israel-l.6534400 'Trump Will Be Furious': Tension Between U.S. and Israel Over China Infrastructure Projects Tightening Israel-China ties have not yet reached Trump's desk, but one U.S. official warns he will not take to it kindly https://www.haareb.com/israel-news/.premium-trump-offidals-furious-at-israel-over-chinese- infrastructure-p ro jects-1.6636151 RUSSIA 27 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 972 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... Trump, Fox News - "Putin loves Israel and Bi Bi" https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=bQYosxXNgKO&feature=youtu.be&t=l 23 Borscht Belt: Will Israel Spurn America for Russia? htt ps://observer.co m/2 015/01 /b orscht-belt-will-israel-spur n -america-for - russia/ Israel to lure Soviet Jews from Germany https: //www .theguardian.com/world/2007/nov/27/israel.germany Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/17/israel-soviet-immigrants-transfoiTn-country Why Russia Needs Israel https://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/russia-needs-israel/ Why Russia should take over Israel's defense from America htt p://theweek.com/articles/562830/why-russia-should -t ake-over -isr aels-defense-from-america Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone After two rounds of negotiations, Jerusalem close to agreement with Eurasian Economic Union; separately, Tehran also set to sign deal 'in the near future' https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-and-iran-both-set-to-join-russia-led-free-trade-zone/ As Putin Becomes One of World's Most Powerful Players, His Surprising Jewish Connection is Revealed https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/55179/how-russian-jews-helped-shape-life-worlds-most- powerful-Ieaders-jewish-world / am p/ An Emerging Alliance: Russia and Israel https://spectator.org/an-emerg in g-alliance-russia-and-israel/ Shin Bet Withheld Iran Secrets from Lieberman [Sec.Def Israel] as Security Risk https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2Qll/ll/10/shin-bet-withheld-iran-secrets-from-lieberman-as- securi tv-risk/ KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel's Army, Business, and Political Leadership https://www.richardsilverstein.eom/2016/12/10/kgb-infiltrated-highest-echelons-israels-army- business-political-leadership/ Like Putting the K.G.B. Into the Pentagon https://www.nytimes.com/1987/06/3Q/opinion/like-putting-the-kgb-into-the-pentagon.htm! 28 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pm Page 973 of 1018 Fwd: Kevin - You Have Declared Economic Warfare On The United St... 'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died https://vvvvw .h aaretz .eom/.pre mium-no stal gic-f or- the-ussr-o n- the-k i bbu t zim-l.5233153 The KGB's Middle East Files: 'Illegals' in Israel - Russian agents and assets in Israel and elsewhere https://w w w.ynetnews.eom/a rticle s/0.7340.L-48699 9 6.00.htm l 29 of 29 2/10/2019, 1:15 pin Page 974 of 1018 APPENDIX 13-COMMUNICATING WITH COMMANDER | ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY
  • John Wilson is an Australian citizen who contacted me sometime in early 2018. He is a former high-level trade union official. He is intimately involved in sailing clubs and has many contacts.
  • Mr. WILSON stated to me his brother was ASIO - Australian Security Intelligence Organization. He further stated he was wounded by bullet fragments in Egypt when then president SADAT was assassinated in 1981.
  • Mr. WILSON stated that he was very close to a famous Australian Communist family, the FINGER family. He was in a relationship with Joan FINGER, the daughter of Alan FINGER.
  • Mr. WILSON stated he was heavily involved with investments, particularly crypto. He sent me $5000AUD over a few weeks which was extremely helpful.
  • We made a video together - https://drive.google.com/open?id=luXtOSo lcngbip7XtithRMTSzTgOlhEb Which discussed the emerging Pirate Party in Australian politics. It's a good video.
  • At 27 minutes in. Mr. WILSON discusses passing on a briefing document prepared by myself to Commander Royal Australian Navy. On Israel, high technology and espionage.
  • Mr. WILSON stated he had a good investment coming in at the end of 2018 and I should relax and he would send me $20,000AUD. There were several incidences whereby I questioned whether Mr. WILSON was dealing honestly with myself. He asked me to "lay off Donald TRUMP," which I refused to do. Mr. WILSON stated that he had many contacts in the US military who were supporters of President TRUMP and he would bring them on side if I "laid off" the TRUMP administration. I did not find this credible. Why would any of his friends be affiliated or watching my you tube channel?
  • I cut off all ties with John WILSON and many others including a Mr. Mike HERZOG. There appeared to be a concerted campaign to get a message through to me that went something like this: "Donald TRUMP is onto all this information. He really does not like Israel and his administration are working towards a solution to the Israeli problem." I did not find this credible. Possible, but not credible. END Page 975 of 1018 APPENDIX 14 - ASSAULT OUTSIDE 'COURT HOTEL' - PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 12 th , 2016
  • This charge - disorderly behaviour in public - forms part of one of three warrants for arrest page 978. Also see case of Professor Robert CUNNINGHAM page 131 for previous examples of "creative" police writing. You'll note in the paperwork there is no mention I have been obviously assaulted and am dripping with blood from wounds that required five sutures. This is standard for W.A police - lucky I am not black/Native Australian/Arab/Muslim, it could have been worse. If I had professed membership of a hate based group labelled a "terrorist organization", I'm sure the WA police would have been much nicer to me - refer page 509: Shooting up of Perth Mosque by Nazi race hate group.
  • It was approximately a month past meeting Detective Justin ROBINSON of the State Security Investigation Group. He had previously called me and he offered a 'truce'. He placed his palms outward and stated, "I'd have no problems apologising to you Brendon, I'd have no problems." Recording of call - Detective Justin Robinson - 5 th January 2016 (This is a very interesting phone call) https://mega.nz/#!gnpTmKla!2RFSAyqsoRLoXNKaR7wgB8FIIFhOZmZrD2sAhDniXR I
  • I was on my usual evening walk and as I passed 'The Court Hotel" I noted people were lined up and having their faces "scanned". Having an interest in databases and security, I knew it would be an Israeli company handling this database. I walked up to staff and politely asked what the machine was for. They replied to keep a database of all identities entering the hotel. I then walked back onto the street and began to film with my back to the line talking about investigating database security. Staff went berserk and a full and detailed recounting is contained in a 29 th March 2016, letter to police demanding evidence be preserved after my assault.
  • 'Court hotel' security staff assaulted me in full view of the line and snatched my camera away. The manager ran inside with it. I was beaten. Photo's below. ATTACKED BY SECURITY OUTSIDE COURT HOTEL AFTER FILMING PATRONS BEING EYE SCANNED Page 976 of 1018 580 . Police refused to take me to the hospital and stated they were taking me immediately to the Police Lockup to be charged...with what exactly? After I told them I was a former 'Comprehensive Registered Nurse' who had worked in the Royal Perth Emergency Department, they relented. It was clear I had been assaulted, dripping with blood. Hotel security never had a mark on them - not so much as a ruffled button up shirt. Again, full details are in the letter to police page 980 The Court Hotel is a major drug distribution point for the W.A police and is heavily protected. The Perth gay community are also major criminal informants for the W.A police. Many W.A police are part of a closeted homosexual community also involved in paedophile rings. 581 . The Court Hotel is run by Bree MADDOX - the ex-wife of organised crime associate Malcolm DAY. In 2016, she received full ownership of The Court Hotel valued at $10 million AUD. There will be an agreement between them. The Coffin Cheater bikie gang had fingers in The Court Hotel pie at one stage through their former Sgt Arms, Troy MERCANTI - featured in Appendix 6. gQ Bree Maddox, who has sole ownership of The Court Hotel after a settlement with ex- husband Malcolm Day. Credit: News Corp Australia Bree Maddox sole owner of The Court Hotel after $10 million settlement with Malcolm Day https://www.perthnow.com.au/entertainment/confidential/bree-maddox-sole-owner-of-the-court-hotel- after-10-million-settlement-with-malcolm-dav-ng-9f69334cfa0242b8a8dbdbd050c7000f
  • I recently wrote an email (page 991) to The Court Hotel demanding my camera back. I CC'd that email to the state attorney general, Corruption and Crime Commission, Minister for police Michelle ROBERTS. We will be sending people to film outside the hotel to make sure The Court Hotel gets the reputation it most thoroughly deserves and other organised crime gangs know where to find the drugs that the W.A police previously confiscated, then on sold to 'The Court Hotel' and its network managed by Bree MADDOX. END Page 977 of 1018 STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS - DISORDERLY BEHAVIOUR Arcmcd copy to retain BRIEF No: 14364191 WESTERN AUSTRALIA POUCP. SERVICE STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS ACCUSED: .Q.'.CONNFXl. Htendon l.ee. AGE: 45 ADDRESS: ') Al'etdccn St, PFRTH WA 6000 SUMMONSED AT: TIME: DATE: DEFENCE COUNSEL: PHONE: A video taped inter view wax not conducted with the accused Interviewing Officer: ... Rank: No: Video Interview Length: SUMMARY OF OFFENCE
  • ACCUSED!: O’CONNELL Brcndon Lee OFFENCE: Disorderly behaviour in a public place Section 74A(2)(a)Criminal Code REFERENCE NUMBER: 120216224114731 VICTIM: N/A At about 10:20pm on Friday 12 February, 2016. the accused was out the front ofThc Court Hotel, located at the intersection of Janies Street ami Beaufort Street. Perth. The accused proceeded to use a hand held camera to record footage of the Scan l ee located at the entry point of The Court Hotel, which shows the patrons private details. The accused was advised to stop Ins actions bv security as tl was upsetting patrons entering the premises. The accused became agitated at the requests and began to shout "Fuck off several times at security. During this time the accused puslied a staff member 2 limes to the chest, attempting to intimidate him and goad him into a physical confrontation. The accused actions continued for approximately 15 minutes to incite a reaction from security. Upon the third push to tile chest, security restrained the accused and detained him until Police arrived. Members of the public who were entering the premises had to clear the area hastily and could easily view the accused’s actions. 'o-onc present wished to make any complaint ol assaull to police The accused was advised he would lie charged by way of summons and conveyed away from the area. PLANA TION: "I'm in a public forum I can do what I lucking want.' This statement from police is so absurd they have not even made an attempt to at least be partially beleivabte. Refer case of Professor Robert Cunningham for a similar case of "creative writing" by police. What is written here has zero bearing in reality. All that is missing is where I raise the dead and levitate and catch a UFO home to bed. Brendon O’Connell : ‘ INVESTIGATING OFFICER PALLR - Rnnk Cljl " ljbk No 14731 TION/SQUAI) ■ - - Surname Initial Regional Operations Group • Central Dale 2V02A20I6 Page 978 of 1018 STRATHS COURT <i| Wl-Trn^-- WESTERN AUSTRALIA prosecution noti CE £L£™™roc fdun Ac , lmi Details of alleged offence Written law 'i ou are charged with the offence described below, or the offenec(s) described .... - -« wv.s.n, sn un, uui.iivk ucKrioca in anv aiiacl

    1 He ehargc(s) mil be deall with by ihe above coun, (Ref: Bail papers for court address) in any attachment to this notice Description Date or period Disorderly behaviour in a public place 12/02/2016 Place Perth being in a public place, behaved in a disorderly manner by causing a disturbance. Act/Regulation Prosecutor Person issuing this notice


    signature \VA Police Criminal Code Work address Section 74A(2)(a) 2nd Floor. 60 Beaufort Street. Perth, WA 6000 Full name Surname Rueben Wayne PAUL !PD 14731) justice of the Peace or Prescribed Court Officer ((«) 92233170 Work telephone Date 25/02/2016 This prosecution notice is signed on

    If required pur>uan< to S2I(3> of 23(5) of the Criminal Procedure Act 2004.

    Please retain this copy for your records Recorded calls showing me attempting to reach Constable Rueben Wayne PAUL to demand access to the camera and memory card. I never got it back over six months of trying before I left the country because it will show a WIPED memory card that has either been wiped by police or the Court Hotel management who are a major drug dealing outlet for the W.A police as a "Gay Bar" in Perth, Western Australia. Malcolm Day. a close associate of organised crime and police in Western Australia was the original owner of the bar. Many say he still is. Though a "cover" for more serious players. Brendon O'Connell Page 979 of 1018 LETTER TO POLICE REGARDING COURT HOTEL ASSAULT - PRESERVATION OF EVIDENCE March 2016 Mr Brendon Lee O'Connell c/o 'The Beacon', Perth Business Centre P.O Box 8034 EAST PERTH, WA 6004 0431 048 594 boc®boc.rocks [email protected] www.boc.rocks ATTENTION : SGT Cannon RE: Requirement for assault photo's taken by police, 12th February 2016 at Royal Perth Hospital - Requirement for preservation and return of evidence. Cannon High Def video camera and memory card. ASAULT OUTSIDE COURT HOTEL Incident Report Number - 120216224114731 Brief Number -1436419-1 Officer Handling - Reubin Wayne Paul - PD 14731 Dear SGT Cannon, CO 1 was given your name to contact some weeks ago. 1 need to ensure the preservation of evidence (memory card) and also I will be requiring police photographs of my injuries after I was assaulted by four security guards from the Court Hotel. I note that despite my protestations, your officers arrested me - the victim of an obvious assault in which my camera was wrenched from my hand and stolen by a manager of the hotel who ran inside the Court Hotel building - presumably to delete the footage. o | mac j e ;t known to 7 of your officers exactly what had happened. They chose to ignore me oa and look at the ground while I was handcuffed, blood dripping from my head and elbow. ho It will be clear exactly what happened because the entire event was recorded by my video © camera. Four Court Hotel security staff waited till a police van came around the corner, on top of me, assaulted me repeatedly with blows to the head and shoving my head

    into the bitumen - then made off with my camera. I olice came to me immediately and hand “^cuffed me and ignored my repeated protestations that I had just been assaulted in the “^middle of the street by four security guards and they had stolen my camera.
  • Page 980 of 1018 1 hat \ ideo evidence is crucial. Whether data is retrievable will depend on how the memory card was erased". If the manager of the hotel that night did indeed manage to erase the tootage properly, then it will have to be explained how it is that footage has been erased in the lirst place. 1 he camera was not retrieved by police from me, it was retrieved from Court 1 fotel stafl. One might ask how they came to possess my camera? One might ask what they were doing erasing the footage that was on there? I believe the charge is tampering with evidence or conspiracy to impede, obstruct or pervert the course of justice? It should be obvious to you how important that footage is. I want to ensure it is preserved. As I will be taking this matter on up to the I >istrict Court to be put in front of a jury, with full legal representation - that memory card should be foronsically examined. The "chain of evidence" kept intact. To support the below statement 1 have included some news reports on the "public interest" aspect of these ID scanners at drinking venues. Clearly, given the many revelations about database security, night club ownership by organised crime figures along with retired police, many people are concerned about where this data is going. I have also included an APPENDIX 1 supporting documentation which details the exact location of the assault utilizing Google maps and street view'. An APPENDIX 2 shows mv injuries. These are screenshots from a video I made where I make a statement about the assault and record mv injuries in case the police photographs, "disappear". 1 am still in need of the police photographs taken at the hospital. N3 CD S e O o> For the record, this is a statement of what actually occurred that night as opposed to the brief and rather lacking WA police report.
  • I was returning home after my usual evening walk. I saw people lining up at the Court Hotel being photographed - putting their faces into some sort of machine. I have never seen this before. 2 I walked up to the Court I Intel staff member operating the machine and asked him what it was for. He told me it was a security measure. 3 I write about database security and Israeli intelligence activity and wondered about who had access to that database of photo's and identification of patrons. I wondered i stored and who had access to that database? This is a if it was properly maintains, store ■ i i:- interest In 2009, Inspector Barry Shelton, head of state counter matter in the public interest. r ' f . , it the time invited me out for a coffee to talk about issues such as this, terrorism < u | led my camera out and began filming. 1 was a I stepped out onw u , rr . , ro d u ction for the camera about data base security and peoples about to do an in <■ Page 981 of 1018 N> CO CO a ho
  • "l ng ; CSS l ° hand OVer their data wil, y nil 'y when one of the Court Hotel security 5 , F Ped aWay from the doorway and approached me in the street e sa-d. "Stop filming! You can't film here!” I replied, "I can film anywhere I damn P CaSC ' ' hlS 1S 3 publlc °P en s P ace ' 1 am not on your property and I am filming an article in the public interest. I know the law." 6 ‘ * h ° secunty S uard approached me, got in my face. 1 warned him to "back off" and that his law ful authority as an "agent of the venue manager" ended at the steps and he was not to accost me on the street. 1 further told him that he could ring police if he liked.
  • A group of staff surrounded me including one of the hotel managers. They were saying continually 1 could not film. I laughed at this and warned them they had no idea of the law. 1 remained well away from the venue, on the road.
  • The security guard got continually in my face and I warned him repeatedly I felt threatened by him and it he continued to force me down the road I would stand my ground and defend myself.
  • I told him loudly to "back off" and palmed him in the chest. He attempted to grab me, I walked backwards down the road. At all times I was well away from the Court Hotel. In fact we were at times in the middle of the street, 30 meters from the Court Hotel and 1 felt the four security guards were trying to force me away from the venue and the CCTV cameras to assault me.
  • I pulled my phone out and tried to call police then realised I did not have the police number in my phone. I repeatedly told the staff to call the police.
  • I was continually on the back foot and 1 was continually informing the staff that they were way out of line.
  • I told them they were fools as 1 would have taken 20 seconds of footage and been on my way. 1 told them that now they had simply made my footage even better.
  • People in the line getting into the venue were hooting and yelling, laughing. I say to them on the camera, "Have a great night!"
  • Two people came out of the line and abused me. They appeared almost fearful. 1 said to them "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt the Court hotels well known Meth and XTC dealing." 15 [ was told in jail by high level drug traffickers that the Court Hotel and the Perth ' .. G Mafia " was extremely powerful and protected by police. I was further told that police will confiscate drugs off "bikies" and Asian Gangs" then get their contacts in th e "gay community" tore-sell thedrugs..
  • community, afe to|d and are smart and astute business people. work closely with police as informants. the "gay community to re-sen ...i
  • , was further told that corrupt police like the gay drug using and distr.but.ng ’• ‘ bccause thcy have high incomes, do not cause problems with regards violence, they 17 . l vvas also told they 0 > Page 982 of 1018 ho CD CO e ho 0 > vv >' s ki i'n for ihi> police 1 to arrive. 1 was not going to back down as the staff were " on I'tw and to be honest, llieir behaviour was quite bizarre, over the lop, irrational. I 1 '. I lie lead up to the arrival of police went on for approximately 5-7 minutes.
  • just as a police van came around the corner off Beaufort street, the four security staff jumped on me, forcing me hard onto the pavement, landing on my elbow. It is extremely tender to this day. Two sutures had to be inserted and much debris removed from it to prevent infection. My head was also rammed into the ground. One security staff member punched me at least twice in the head, causing bruising around the eye socket area and resulting in two sutures being inserted.
  • The fact that the four staff waited until the police van came around the corner indicated to me they were well rehearsed. I hi 1 7 police officers subsequent behaviour indicated to me they knew exactly what they were going to do.
  • As police came to the scene, the four security staff jumped off and police immediately hand cuffed me. I told police 1 had just been assaulted and the manager of the Court I iotel had wrenched my camera containing the evidence of the assault out of my hand.
  • 5 police officers stood to my left and looked at the ground. 2 police officers stood in front of me and calmly, almost surreally asked me my name. I replied, 1 was just assaulted, brazenly. They just stole my camera. Get the names of those security guards and get my camera back before they erase the footage!
  • The 5 police to my left just stared at the ground. They had been told what to do. Their behaviour was not "normal". The 2 police officers in front ot me just looked blankly and said, Can we have your name please?" I replied continuously, I was just assaulted, they have stolen the camera with the video evidence on it. Go and egt that camera! What the hell is going on!"
  • I told them to get my wallet out of my pocket. 1 told them to ring Detective Justin Robinson of state counter terrorism if they thought 1 was some sort of common thug". 26 Police at no time, at any stage of this 5-7 minute period, made any attempt to gather ’ names, witness names or get my camera back. They were literally staring at the ground. 27 I made it known their behaviour was bizarre. 28 I was told I was to be taken back to the Perth lock up and charged. I told them they re trying to cover things up. I told them that 1 was a former Registered Nurse who Cd worked in Emergency Departments and they were taking me to Royal Perth t() have my injuries attended too and photographs taken. 1 could see from hospi a < that they were concerned 1 was a former Registered ,\nd that they were not going to get away with the usual police tricks. Murse an fuse i y from my head wound. My elbow was continuously 29 , I was birr in | leat j had been smashed into the ground twice, dripping blood, i < Page 983 of 1018 CL 'ear 1IS " H ' '' sait 1 w °uld be taken back to the Perth lock up. This is • / \ i \ 'donee that police were planning on minimizing the blowback for security statt at the Court Hotel. ^ ' 1 ' n itia 11 y confident, were now a little less confident. I was taken to the mciguuy Department. My wounds were cleaned and sutured. X-rays were takui of my face. Photographs were taken by police.
  • One older female stated 1 should not have been filming the public. That they had a right to privacy. 1 said. Do you know what the Criminal Compilation Act of 1913 is? Do you know the legislation with regards privacy, public interest and public open space?" She told me repeatedly to "shut up".
  • A police oflicer came in and said that 1 would receive a summons in the mail. As he walked off 1 said, l have no beef with individual police. But the WA police as an institution are an absolute joke and your behaviour today was way out of line." He turned and said, this conversation is not happening."
  • RPH stall stated they wanted to hold me overnight as I lived alone. 1 thanked them for their medical care but insisted 1 leave. I wanted to make sure I kept a thorough recording of events.
  • I returned home and made an immediate recording of events to video camera at approximately 2.30am the following morning - approximately 3-4 hours after the assault. In closing, I require immediately, the photographs of my assault taken by police that night in RPH.
  • us CO a N3 o> I also require acknowledgement that police have my video camera and memory card stored as evidence. I do not want access to that property as the memory card must be examined forensically and the chain of evidence kept intact. As the camera was wrenched from my hand during my assault - it has only been in the hands of Court Hotel staff and police. Therefore, someone will have to explain how it is the data on the memory card is now deleted. I appreciate your efforts to facilitate the slow grinding cogs of justice. Sincerely Brendon Lee O'Connell Page 984 of 1018 Page 985 of 1018 ro co o ? = m n 5 51 i 5 CD 3. 3 ~ 3 mT "O

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o H ° S £ UJ H* W CO o oL 5 § £ r- 5 2 n Q ° £ c § 5 3, o H m Page 986 of 1018 Who has your information? A civil liberties group warns... http://www.couriermail.com.au/questnews/city/who-has... Quest News The Courier-Mail Brisbane City News Who has your information? A civil liberties group warns ID scanners at clubs may lead to personal data being sold • by: Matthew Man. City News • From: Quest Newspapers • October 18, 2012 12 00AM Share Share this story • Facebook • TWitter N5 CD <J> • Google • Email 35 SCAN: Who has intormation on you? Source: Quest Newspapers THINK you're safe having your ID scanned entering a nightclub? Think again. rivacy advocates warn your data could be sold on to marketing companies. -> scanners which scan details from your licence or ID card, have been spotted in several venues across Brisbane. 8ut Queensland Council lor Civil Liberties' Brisbane spokesman Daemon Singer said the council opposed the use o scanners to ollect personal data. The council believes that clubs and other licensed premises should not be held to be competent nor be allowed to either ollect, store or manage private data from clients who trequent the premises." he said. He said customers should be concerned and refuse to provide data it possible. "Loss of security of data, the sate ot that data tor marketing purposes and allowing lull address details ot clients/patrons /customers to be available to staff members (are concerns)." he said. 29/03/16 10:21 Page 987 of 1018 Who has your information? A civil liberties group warns... http://www.couriermail.com.au/questnews/city/who-has... Brisbane City Licensees Association secretary Matthew Jones said, while privacy was important, there was no need to panic "When you're scanning a person's ID you need to be respectful of a person's privacy." he said. "Licensees will have appropriate policies and procedures in place to properly safeguard information." A Liquor Licensing Queensland compliance officer said not providing identification could lead to being refused entry. “That's a condition of their entry," he said. "At the end of the day you've got to follow their rules.” Brisbane resident Chris Rodgers said he'd had his ID scanned and wasn't bothered by it. "I think it's a good idea," he said. "I would like to think that the people collecting the data are using it appropriately and not misusing it. If venues can be made safer by collecting the data of its patrons then that would be something I'd support" Mr Rodgers said the collection of the information may act as a deterrent to troublemakers. What do you think? Leave your comment below • facebook • twitter • linkedin • google + • reddit • email Top Stories The sad life of little Zahra Baker SHE was rejected at birth by her mother, then battled bone cancer, lost her hearing and had her leg amputated all before the age of six. But the worst was yet to come. ho CO The S16m investment we stole from NSW THE Premier has managed to nab a $16 million venture from south of the border, that will deliver much-needed jobs to Queensland. And she's hoping that’s just the beginning. • Visit our homepage for all today's news 29/03/16 10:21 Page 988 of 1018 ID scans raise privacy fears htlp://w ww.smh.com.au/it-pro/security-it/id-scans-raise-p... 11k Sh&wh Mormna TSrr.iU ltpro ID scans raise privacy feai Federal Politics jocu*<ti.Mi2 WAtoday Jane Leo and Georgia Wilkins weather one 0 snr nvestor lid&ier good)! «i iS ubro.t Cm,iif AMide Prim ® I Reprints A pe Newsletters PrNacv Terms & CondHtons ro co co ■ ho o o> A (inaerpnm scanner. Photo: Ben Rushton Click here to see previous The Privacy Question articles PEOPLE who have their licences or fingerprints scanned when entering nightclubs and pubs could be increasing (heir risk of identity theft or fraud. Australia s privacy commissioner says. A number of Melbourne clubs aid bare, Including Chasm aid Crown Casino, use machines 10 scan patrons upon entry to help detect fake IDs, tetain a tecord banned patrons and for market research. Commissioner llmothy Pilgrim said his office had received an incteaslng number of complaints from people uncomfortable widi handing over their personal information to get into a venue on a night out. at personal information lo be digitised, which makes li much easier to copy ot transfer." Mr Pilgrim said, d ur disclosed for purposes that die pcison may not have expected ot wanted. It may also open up die person to an tilths" using the technology to make sure they were handling pctsona) Information responsibly according to their ntial for it u y theft or fn These technologies o [This Increases the po Increased risk of Ident Mr Pilgrim said hr had Investigated jobligations undei the Privacy Act t displayed at point of entry to the venue.' -p^s and clubs must carefully consider wire,he, collecting Identity Inhumation Is -essary lrn ihm finales « aaivUles. I am asklngvenues drey need to collect this personal Information and secondly, how long this Information Is kept lot. jtn Privacy Act because drey had an annual turnove, of less than Si million. Privacy principles were unclear on businesses' obllgadons ,1 the Information Is compromised. Ire said. . . d „ jnd M breached In some way you're not requited to nodfy people that's happened, and If It's something like your been, Uere^s'a^gix^reTsonyoushodd be wiling them and to be taking steps lo helping patrons protect themselves," he said. 1 of 3 29/03/16 10:24 Page 989 of 1018 ID scans raise privacy fears http://www.smh.com.au/it-pro/security-it/id-scans-raise-p.. Sharmalnr Nadesapillai. an IT woikei. scanned her licence at Chasm nightclub in Chapel Street two months ago, But she Is now unsure whrthrr her personal Information Is secure. “ someone who works to secure data ... I can't see the purpose of a nightclub using my information, which Includes my date of birth, where I live and all m> personal details,’ she said. "I don't know what secuiuy they've got on their back end. I would be worried someone could get Into that information " Ms Nadesapillai said It was uncleat why nightclubs needed copies of drivers' licences when they were only legally required to check proof of age for entry. The Victorian warning comes almost two weeks after NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell proposed introducing ID scanners that stored patrons' details and shared rh with other clubs and pubs to combat drunken violence in Sydney's Kings Cross. ID scanner company Scannct gives venues the rights to their own databases, and allows them to share the photos - but not the licence details - of banned patrol other venues. Scannet director Joel Sheehan said it had 45 systems operating in Australia since It began selling them last year. Mr Sheehan said machines were password protected, with patrons generally more willing to scan dieir licences at clubs and pubs now. "Now people that aren't troublemakers that want to go out and enjoy themselves arc all for It," he said. "At the end of die day ihe system's voluntary, they don't to have their ID scanned as a condition of entry but at the same time If somebody's not going out to cause double they shouldn't havr any problems having thei scanned." He said ID scanners had had a deteirent effect In clubs and pubs, as venue owners could pass on records 10 police of violent customers. He credited the machin with Improving the safety of nightlife in Newcastle, where the company launched. "I see how it changes a lot of venues, I see the ctuwd changes, thr attitude of people changes, people become aware that they're accountable for their actions. \ with no ID scanners, they might have 1CCTV1 cameras but they're useless in the dark." While the Scannet website says die machines can help venues "forecasting future business*. Mr Sheehan said that it was up to venues to comply with the Priva and avoid abusing customers' detalls. Australian Privacy Foundation board member Dr Katina Michael, said ID scanners were not effective in detecting fakr IDs or deterring violent behaviour but | majority of people at risk of Identity fraud. "When you’re talking about private entry to pubs and clubs ... they may turn personal information into ones and zeroes at the back end and these stored Idendii the future can be stolen ... How do you reclaim your Identity?" Gaming minister Michael O’Brien would not be drawn on whether the Baillieu government was considering Implementing NSW-style proposals in Victoria. B said police pubs and local councils could Introduce "additional security measures” in liquor accords. The Aqe has launched a series on privacy and wants to bear from you. tm ail privacy(gUheage.com.au. visit us on Facebook at facebook.com.au/thcprivacyquesdon or use the Twitter hashtag ffageprivacy. I Follow IT Pro on TWitter 81 comments N> m .No way should this be allowed Biometric os wellI Whaft next a DNA sample? .n. pauntlal foe mlwae M Hbnwta. b otvkx,, U appear, the lot. might log mmttdmably behind, n oicrtblng meanlngpd tanebon, to dob -ha would mlunedw <-*nmat Gad ^fybtawTwhat obligation, dw operator, o/,he eem.es mmundmbe to .none rguaeanueW ) dm tecuruy and tof, dnpcml a! any mtUeaed Infannaaan. Bnwandwne, data It compromised in BIO corporations • .By oil meant Inmnbce aecountobllIty foe pa,non but find onodtte nay. Blit It limply going way too far . .!al „„tou,l,oumdonthcealldl V o(anyawtne,udu*M,lnloenu.lonl,"aolredtom,tu,erubh,tolc V lal»gumaonwlw,tu r plooUngtom.,lgnog,upoo,d,elnm,ofdH cunbllthmentqaall/ltt at tufflclent In obtaining emten,(Informed etmtentlto collect and ute the li,|b™orkin. - 03 a K> *01,2012. 2-12AM .Jobe honetr. any place that doet ID lean, tt likely a boot, barn overfilled with hid, aged Id and a day I'm a ,u6*rrliwr to the no queue Inghto Manning rule ofputnJclubt ana can't say I've regretted ll yet • o> ktobri 01. 2012.104.1AM •Let’s tee, freedom that bend vanned or aetlino bathed or beaten to death. I know which I would pick In o time when crimlnnl, act ranM, amack. the only XiobctOI.2012.10 51AM 00 2 Of 3 29/03/16 10:24 Page 990 of 1018 RECENT EMAIL TO COURT HOTEL DEMANDING CAMERA BACK Court Hotel Drug Trafficking | Do You Still Have My Camera? Subject: Court Hotel Drug Trafficking I Do You Still Have My Camera? From: Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> Date: 23/10/2019,12:53 pm To: [email protected] CC: John Quigley - Attorney General <[email protected]>, [email protected], CCC <[email protected]>, [email protected], Tim Clarke <[email protected]>, Sean Smith - WA News I was assaulted by your staff on 12th February, 2016. l of 6 23/lQ/2019,2:00pn) Page 991 of 1018 ATTACKED BY SECURITY OUTSIDE COURT HOTEL AFTER FILMING PATRONS BEING EYE SCANNED Attached is my letter to police with details. Are you still dealing drugs for police? Does organized crime associate Malcolm Day still have fingers in the Court Hotel pie? Bree Maddox sole owner of The Court Hotel after $10 million settlement with Malcolm Day https://www.perthnow.com.au/entertainment/confidential/bree-maddox-sole-owner-of-thc- court-hotel-after-10-million-settlement-with-malcolm-day- ng-9f69334cfa0242b8a8dbdbd050c7000f 2 of 6 23/10/2019, 2:00 pm

Court Hotel Drug Trafficking | Do You Still Have My Camera? Page 992 of 1018 Court Hotel Drug Trafficking | Do You Still Have My Camera? So Bree MADDOX, high class prostitute and drug trafficker, drug money launderer is the sole owner of The Court Hotel? Do The Coffin Cheater motorcycle gang have equity/shares/fingers in The Court Hotel? What are the specific links between Masonic Orders in Perth and The Court Hotel? Mr Malcolm DAY has connections to someone well known to me. They have connections to Kerry STOKES. - high level Mason (who has actually done some good work in WA on corruption - ironically) Kerry STOKES has strong links to Israel via his friendship with Benjamin NETANYAHU. NETANYAHU and The Likud Party have strong links to Australian organized crime, drug trafficking and drug money laundering. Any linkages? Do organized crime figures Dominic SUNJIC, Chris MITSIKIS, Anton BILLIS, Michael Mihran SHEMESIAN/Michael Mihran SHMAZIAN, Troy MERC ANTI, Terrence MAGEE or any one of a dozen more organized crime figures have their grubby little red neck fingers in The Court Hotel? How many closeted homosexual police do you have on your payroll? How many of your regular clientele are paid police criminal informants? How many of the above are convicted, or protected pedophiles? Did you delete the footage of my assault by your staff? Looking forward to your reply. Warmest and sincerest regards from Malaysia, Brendon Lee O'Connell P.S - I'll be getting some large Arab friends around with video cameras to make sure we get you in the news. Scorpio's never, ever, ever forget.:-) I repeat, you ARE going to get a bunch of people from Friday through Sunday night recording your hotel, reporting in the public interest who you are, what you do, and your close association with organized crime and the W.A police

  • as well as Federal. Call State Security Investigation Group Detective Justin ROBINSON for any concerns about physical safety. We're here to expose what you are, not threaten your safety, ok? Clear? My little munchkins. |3 of 6 23/10/2019, 2:00 pml Page 993 of 1018 Page 994 of 1018 Court Hotel Drug Trafficking | Do You Still Have My Camera? Re: Hey. do you want... Subject: Re: Hey, do you want... From: "HQ" <[email protected]> Date: 3/30/2019, 6:26 PM To: "Brendon O'Connell" <[email protected]> Cool, take your time. As long as Mahathir is in place, my connections should be OK. Look, it took 27 years for folks to realize the truth of what I said about Israel controlling every candidate for Congress. Sad thing is, we don't have another 27 years for people to wake up. You have a body of work to be proud of. On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 2:57 AM Brendon O'Connell < talpiot(5)protonmail.com > wrote: I'll send two more segments and update in next 24 to 48 hours. The background is a monster to complete. So much has happened with so many twists and turns I feel I have to explain everything. Especially Iran which was bizarre. I have main high court synopsis online. It always grabs the attention. Many thanks. Would work for pennies at UN. Been there a couple of times. Looks like they need some help. I need to get out of this little room with the air conditioner. I've been here two years and don't socialise. Sick of the issue. Sick of begging for money online. Worried about visas and upsetting some government bureaucrat. Found out the asshole government officials in Australia are all close personal friends of satan himself Netanyahu. Ahhhhhh. Now the viciousness all made sense. I have everything recorded. Every phone call. Every bit of assistance appreciated. So, give me till Monday and I'll have a more complete version. Many thanks Cynthia. I'll send you a high profile instructing solicitor telling me on a Skype video call how terrified he is of Israel. Classic. How goes it with you? B Always In The Public Interest 1 of 5 3/31/2019,2:47 PM 5 of 6 23/10/2019, 2:00 pm Page 995 of 1018 APPENDIX 15 - SUSPICIOUS DEATH OF MY SISTER, JACQUELINE ANNE O'CONNELL
  • In March 2010 my sister died suddenly from a massive stroke. She was 42 years old.
  • Approximately three months before in late 2009,1 had received threats against my family over an online forum. The person stated, "You have a nerve taking on The Pound." 'The Pound' is the nick name for Mossad, taken from Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice' and "the pound of flesh." Subsequent threats described leaving me alive and killing off my family with heart attacks and strokes. We traced one of these threats to Herzliya, Israel - the home of The Mossad. I just laughed.
  • We knew the IP of the poster, as the forum was run by a friend. Clearly, the person wanted us to know who they were as they made no attempt to hide their IP.
  • As a former Registered Nurse who has not only worked on Stroke Wards - but also acute care settings like ICU and Emergency Departments - it was clear the bleeding on my sister's brain was unusual. They could not transfer her to the large ICU in Brisbane, Queensland, as she continuously bled. This is highly unusual but indicative of poison, still circulating in the blood stream. Perhaps if the paramedics had not been at the Vet Clinic that day, we would have no idea about this fact.
  • The day began for my sister with the dog being run over - that in itself was a little suspicious. My sister rushed the family's beloved hound to the local Vet. She took her young son and daughter. Whilst standing in the Veterinarians treatment room my sister complained of feeling unwell. She vomited and collapsed in front of my niece and nephew. She was clinically dead. We know this because two well trained ambulance/paramedics happened to be in the waiting room at the veterinarian clinic. They revived her with intensive CPR and artificial respiration.
  • An ambulance arrived. My sister was transferred to the local Harvey Bay ICU and immediately sedated and ventilated.
  • My mother informed me the same day that she was not expected to live.
  • My mother flew out that day to be with her grandchildren and settle my sister's affairs as required. I was immediately suspicious given the timing and the fact four other people with ties to my network had died suspiciously or suffered accidents. People who've died suspiciously or suffered accidents at this time included:
  • The brother of a close supporter based in the US. He died in a suspicious office fire. Totally incinerated. Mid-2009. A month after pleading not guilty in the Perth Magistrates Court to charges of racial vilification and making it known I would be raising issues of Israeli espionage and Jewish institutionalised racial and religious supremacism as part of my defence as to "intent".
  • My best friend's acquaintance, Eddie AL'WALY. My friend was best man at his wedding. They had not seen each other for some time. He died in a home office fire late 2009 in Perth, Western Australia. A Syrian, he had converted to Christianity from Islam and worked from home as an accountant. I found out through enquires that he had a gambling habit and had spent time with the Perth Jewish Community doing Page 996 of 1018 work of some kind. I can imagine what that might be given the Perth Jewish Communities reputation. It was recounted to me that the police report indicated he had been "playing with petrol" in his office and set it on fire. As he tried to vacate the area a "curtain became trapped in the door." This prevented him opening the door. He died of smoke inhalation.
  • Heather GLENDINNING was from Western Australia. She was training as a Nurse. She was involved with a long running legal case involving her husband who she stated was a Mason 203 . Allegations of child sexual abuse were also made. In December 2011, just before the first appeal date for myself, the bodies of Ms. GLENDINNING and two of her daughters were found at their home. They were all stabbed to death. Police had to receive counselling. It was alleged Ms. GLENDINNING had "snapped" and stabbed her own daughters to death, then, stabbed herself to death. According to my sources associated with the WA police, she had stabbed herself seven times. Two of the stab wounds were fatal. Ms. GLENDINNING lived in the same town I used to live in - Port Denison. She was also receiving advice from Mr. Wayne GLEW, as was I (See page 975). I had been to Wayne's house twice and interviewed him on the application of the Australian Constitution to the Western Australian court system. Mr. GLEW gives expert advice based in theory which leads to disaster in the real world - but - he is one hundred percent correct on the unlawfulness of Western Australian courts and corruption within Western Australian legal and judicial circles. Constant allegations of mental illness, paranoia and delusions were aimed at Ms. GLENDINNING. She was clearly traumatised and emotionally unstable, in need of support - not judgement. I know exactly how she feels - or "did" feel. She is no longer with us, and neither are her two daughters. And I'm sure they were hoping for a similar result for me. Please note the reporter for the story, Colleen EGAN. She is an award-winning journalist. She took on police corruption and the courts in Western Australia. She told Mr. GLEW that after the news article (page 1001) she was rung and abused by Chief Justice Wayne MARTIN. You can see my letter to the Chief Justice on page 158 and his response on page 163. I have no doubt my revelations on the STAGNO/NAUMOVSKY murder case led to his resignation. He is well regarded as a, "liar and a fraudster." A dishonest and corrupt individual who used the state of Western Australia as a "personal fiefdom" for he and his friends in high places. Please see pages 122 to 146 for details on Masonry and W.A police and judicial corruption. Quote from a speech, President John
  • KENNEDY - "The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings." Perhaps then President KENNEDY was also suffering delusions like Heather GLENDINNING? Address, "The President and the Press," Before The American Newspaper Publishers Association, 27 April 1961 https://youtu.be/zdMbmdFOvTs?t=386 Mother kills daughters in murder-suicide The murder-suicide has rocked the community and police alike, with many being offered counselling including the officers who discovered the gory scene, which has been described as "one of the worst crime scenes that they have encountered". 203 1 have known several Masons. Each was extremely ethical and moral. Like the Catholic Church, Masonry has become a hang out for criminal activity that needs to be cleaned out. The larger issue of "secret societies" and their usefulness to society at large, is a separate issue which should be debated. Page 997 of 1018 A friend of Ms Glendinning, Lesley Komlos, earlier today claimed Ms Glendinning would not have murdered her children and then killed herself. "I have known Heather for 17 or 18 years and she would never have done something like this. She would have done anything for those girls," she said. She said that Ms Glendinning did not hang on to her anger after her marriage broke down but she was involved in a four-year legal battle with husband Harley Cuzens over assets and custody of the children. https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/mother-kills-daughters-in-murder-suicide- 20111208-lokw4.html Friends shocked by Port Denison murder-suicide She said Ms Glendinning had listed working in the health industry in 2009 on her Facebook profile, but in more recent emails had mentioned she was studying ethics and law at university to help her in her court case against her estranged husband, Harley Cuzens. "Justice and ethical behaviour is what she was fighting for," she said. She said she was angry that her friend's last memory would be in such horrific contrast. "It breaks my heart, it just can't be Heather. They were so close, they weren't problem kids and all the other people who knew her down here say the same thing," she said. "I do feel really, really angry on her behalf and on behalf of the girls. The Heather we knew and the family we knew would never do that." She said that even though she had heard reports that Ms Glendinning was stressed over the ligation with Mr Cuzens, she denied that would be motive to commit murder. "What has happened in the last month to cause a level-headed, professional, completely resourceful person to do such a horrific thing? It's inconceivable," she said. "What on earth happened to happened to make her able to do that? They were a wonderful family. I really did think she was the target. "... I am just shattered; I still hope it isn't true." Another friend Lesley Komlos also said she could not believe it. "No. I just don't," she said before becoming too distressed to talk further. https://www.watodav.com.au/national/western-australia/friends-shocked-by-port-denison-murder-suicide- 20111208-lola5.html Port Denison family deaths 'horrific', inquest told The circumstances surrounding the deaths of two girls at the hands of their mother who then took her own life were "horrific", an inguest in the coastal West Australian town of Geraldton has been told. The bodies of nurse Heather Glendinning and her daughters, Jane Cuzens, 12, and Jessica Cuzens, 10, were found in their Port Denison home, 360 kilometres north of Perth, in December 2011. The crime rocked the close-knit seaside community of Port Denison and even horrified veteran police officers. Some described the gruesome scene as one of the worst they had ever encountered. Page 998 of 1018 For several days police did not rule out a third party being involved in the deaths. But they later determined the incident was a double murder-suicide. Counsel assisting the coroner Kate Ellson told the Geraldton court the deaths occurred in horrific circumstances and the inquest would not seek to examine them in detail. [Because if they did it would become plain to the community the unlikelihood she could have done it-stabbing herself seven times - two of which proved fatal.] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-01/port-denison-murder-suicide-coronial-inquest-begins- geraldton/7129414
  • The owner of Laser-Mail (page 1002) where I had gained employment, was knocked off his bicycle and severely injured less than 5 hours after I was employed. Around March 2010. Why is this significant? This was at the height of the continuing harassment - Laser Mail "mass mailed" out the Jewish 'Maccabean' paper and also the local 'Freemason' paper. These are EXTREMELY sensitive mail out personal addresses. I could have had access to the entire lists. I took home several examples of the publications. They were highly revealing. The Attorney General of Western Australia - Peter FOSS - had this to say about The Maccabean when debating racial vilification legislation in 2004: One of the great supporters of the legislation was MrDoron Ur, who was a leading figure in the Jewish community in this State. I am not sure whether he is still alive. He was certainly an elderly gentleman in 1990. He wrote a Zionist magazine that he distributed quite widely in the Jewish community. During the course of his evidence to the committee, he very kindly gave us a few copies of the magazine. We flicked through those, and it became quite clear that if an amendment of that type was drafted, he would be a prime candidate for prosecution. Anybody who has read Zionist magazines will know that they state fairly unequivocally what should happen to the Palestinians, and it is not nice. I believe it is a well-known problem. Certainly, there would be real difficulties if we tried to suppress those sorts of publications. They probably do not add a lot to the quietness and good order of Western Australia, but if we tried to suppress them, I suspect we would have even bigger problems. Extract From Hansard [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 30 November 2004] p8818c-8834a
  • Farmer Geoff HUNT apparently killed himself and his wife and three children on September 10, 2014. This was not long after my release from jail and publication of videos calling out Masonry and the courts of Western Australia. Master Mason of Perth Mr. Steve JANCEC, Inspector of W.A police, was believed to have resigned over Page 999 of 1018 my video and allegations against WA police contained therein 204 . The HUNT family were from where my father grew up in rural New South Wales, Australia - Booree Creek. Mr. HUNTS wife was a Registered Nurse. The formula of their death is identical to the GLENDINNING family. The tragic deaths/murders, were front page news with huge headlines in my local West Australian Newspaper. Lockhart family, killed in a terrible murder suicide, showed few signs of stress in lead up to tragedy But despite these setbacks, the community of Lockhart says there was little warning of the unspeakable tragedy the family would face last night. Kim, 41, killed on a path at the back of the house. Three beautiful children, Fletcher, 10, Mia, eight and Phoebe, six, shot and killed in the home. And Geoff, 44, described as an AFLfan who had plenty of mates, dead in the property's dam, with a gun, after allegedly committing suicide. "Nobody that I've spoken to indicated that they were aware that anything was amiss," Father Schipp said. "Fie was happy. Fie was making arrangements for events that were coming up, that he was going to be part of. There was no hint or signal of any internal stress factors at all." Wagga Wagga police Superintendent Bob Noble may have summed it up best in his press conference this morning. The family was "well integrated" into the community — social, productive, well-loved citizens. https://www.dailvtelegraph.com.au/news/lockhart-family-killed-in-a-terrible-murder-suicide-showed-few- signs-of-stress-in-lead-up-to-tragedy/news- Story/b34f95fd46e487bl402a286676978085?nk=42967dal62b6848567fccl2630861dcl-1571640959 What led Geoff Hunt to kill his wife Kim and three children? https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/australia/61176472/what-led-geoff-hunt-to-kill-his-wife-kim-and-three- children 591.1 could re-countan endless number of break-in's, car vandalism, break lines cut (documented), hacking of phones, computers and normal landlines - pulling out of cables from exchanges and on and on and on. Suffice to say, the overall impact of the issue; the coming out of the Israeli state directly against me; local and federal law enforcement interest in the espionage aspects to Israel and high technology; it is perfectly "reasonable" to assume the well-known, well documented history of Israeli/Jewish Power harassment and murder of dissidents continued on in my own case - and surrounding events. In the end, I have no direct proof, just "reasonable speculation."
  • I urge you to watch the incredible 7-hour interview with wife of Marine Colonel George GRIGGS - Kay GRIGGS. The unedited video is titled "Kay Griggs Talks". I suggest you watch it and note her statement of "kill squads": "They kill 5-10-20 people, men, women and children. Then they blame it on the Arabs, or they blame it on somebody else." https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=S8ly0c0 Rnk Please note 6.1 million views. I managed to contact this lady to appear at my trial - 2009. END 204 Video - "West Australian Court Intimidated By Israeli Ambassador and Masonry" - https://mega.nz/#!UaZ3ACgZ!gRQikOrDvoXawirCmLLp934eD2xb3CexllBgz-li2UE Page 1000 of 1018 HEATHER GLENDINNING MURDER/SUICIDE ARTICLE Ex-cop: I helped Port Denison mum Heather Glendinning was encouraged to pursue long-running legal cases by a self-taught constitutional ad¬ viser who believes no WA courts have legitimacy and Supreme Court judges are frauds. Former policeman Wayne Giew is part of “a group of like- minded people” who challenge the decisions and powers of courts and governments, claim¬ ing they are not properly formed under the Constitution, Mr Glew, an inventor who has a long-running battle with the City of Greater Geraldton because he refuses to pay rates, this week handed over to regional broad¬ casters GWN7 several emails written by Ms Glendinning. In the emails, written earlier this year to Mr Glew and a court official, Ms Glendinning claimed that she was in fear for her life and that judges and lawyers were conspiring against her. Tlie bodies of Ms Glendinning and two of her daughters. Jane and Jessica Cuzens, were found in her Port Denison home two weeks ago. They had all suffered extensive injuries in an attack that police believe was a murder-suicide by Ms Glendinning. who friends say was obsessed with lengthy bat¬ tles against her ex-husband and his family in the Family and • Supreme courts. Mr Glew said Ms Glendinning contacted him five years ago for help with her legal cases. He said people often sought him out after seeing his many in¬ terviews on YouTube. "I studied the Constitution for a long time and now I’m teaching people about it," he said. “The Constitution is the rule above all rules. Every verdict that comes out of any court in WA is invalid because they do not sit under the crown. “I told her the courts are, in my opinion, corrupt.” Mr Glew prepared court docu¬ ments for Ms Glendinning, who represented herself in the pro¬ tracted cases. o “She sent me documents and I fight Lived In fear: Heather Glendinning rewrote them for her," he said. “I put the Constitution and the Family Law Act in there. She presented it to the court and they just threw it out. “1 do not give legal advice; 1 do not profess to be a lawyer. I pro¬ fess to be a sovereign subject of the Queen. I’ve got a high IQ and a good memory.” Mr Glew said Ms Glendinning was made to “look like a nut” in the legal battles. “I found her to be a very well- spoken and intelligent woman,” he said. “She was very upset that they were trying to make out that she was mentally unstable. “I told her to keep going and get what she's entitled to. “We weren't out stirring trou¬ ble, we were trying to win the case for her. “She was told enough times that she was a nut case I advised her to go to a psychiatrist and get a certification that she was not.” One of WA’s foremost research¬ ers on violent crime, Associate Professor Guy Hall, examined the emails and described them as “paranoid ideas". “The language is odd and that's an indicator of schizophrenia,” he said. "Delusion is a belief system: she misplaced a knife and that becomes someone has stolen the law Victim: Jessica Cuzens Victim: Jane Cuzens knife; she doesn’t remember a court hearing right so she as¬ sumes that the transcripts have been altered. All of us remember things incorrectly but when we are faced with a transcript most of us accept that our memories were wrong, not that the judge al¬ tered the transcript.” Professor Hall said the stress of legal cases and sense of injustice could make delusions worse. Mr Glew did not believe Ms Glendinning was delusional and claimed the entire court system, including Chief Justice Wayne Martin, was corrupt. "Justice Martin is a liar and a fraudster,” he said. Mr Glew said he believed Ms Glendinning was murdered and that he had urged her to go to the police over her fears, including once when he overheard a man threatening her while they were on the phone. “I don’t think she trusted the police and that was probably her downfall,” he said. “I’m convinced she would not have hurt those kids. A man did it. “You can clean a crime scene. I spent 17 years in the police and you can make anything look like anything." Mr Glew has not offered his in¬ formation to police investigating the Port Denison tragedy. Page 1001 of 1018 LASER-MAIL LINKED-IN PAGE Page 1002 of 1018 APPENDIX 16 - CONTACTED BY ASSOCIATE OF STEVE BANNON - ANTHONY POULTER
  • Anthony POULTER first contacted me on 20/02/2019. I did not notice his email. I replied curtly to his first few. He is a New Zealander living and working in Sand Diego, California. 20/2/2019 Hi Brendon, Long time listener and long time reader. I would like to help. I am in the USA and Europe . The scope would include maybe K O'K as well, maybe... No one else , just talking at first to see if we all gel and have same focused vision . Full email page 1008
  • "KO'K" is Ken O'KEEFE. An American political dissident who gained fame in 2010 when he disarmed an Israeli Command on the Turkish ship "MV Mavi Marmara". Rough Passage On May 31, former US. Marine Kenneth O'Keefe was aboard the Mavi Marmara in the Free Gaza flotilla. He witnessed the passengers' preparations for a clash and the confused takeover by Israel troops that resulted in nine dead. https://www.haaretz.eom/l.5117215
  • He re-iterates in subsequent emails that he has houses in both the US and Europe. He went to state that both myself and Ken O'Keefe were invited to talk strategies and live in Page 1003 of 1018 Europe (Italy). I did not take the offer seriously, as Ken O'Keefe, by 2016, had lost any and all credibility with his drunken antics and stupidity. BBC Hard Talk Interview https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=OgKVRtUczRg 21/2/2019 Thanks Brendon, Absolutely I'll hand many out and paste them all over the place . That's very easy. I would like to help more though in a very intelligent and strategic way. So many tainted people out there, that get off topic, or are compromised or have some sort of "issue". Its not easy broaching this subject as so many are frightened of the power of the AIPAC lobby etc and who do you trust!!. As you know, even in the USA, we have no rights, no Habeas corpus, so many are apathetic, gutless, dogmatically brainwashed, mesmerized by the political theatre, narcissism etc.. The justice system as you know in the US is totally corrupt. I want to get up to speed as an expert in this . I think many do to .(and obviously have to become well spoken on this subject). The way i learn is in a graphic visual form with time lines and the who, what, when, where, how and why . IMHO this is what is needed : Visual presentations beautifully presented.(I may be willing to help with funding ). Large banners that get on the News. But I need costs and timeframe. I could provide a place to stay for Ken & you to do the work for a few months in Europe over summer. I have spoken to Ken in depth on many issues. Just reaching out. Full email page 1011.
  • Mr. POULTER went on to clarify he had a "beautiful yacht" and he wanted to sail with banners on the main sail and also strategize in Italy to attend events like the Tour De'France and hang out banners and flyers. Page 1004 of 1018 21/2/2019 HI Brendon, for some reason the flyer you send me will not upload . I have a yacht. A beautiful Yacht (Swan 45) which i want to get sticky back graphics made for the sails (65 ft high). Do you have any Pdfs etc i can get printed out and then put on the sails . (temporary ) that would cover the entire sails.mainsil and gib . I will make cool dramatic drone footage of the yacht sailing up and down the coast of California with commentary. We need to do dramatic banner drops etc IMHO to get peoples attention. I will be in Europe ail summer and maybe we can get you and K O'K together for a few months so we all can work together to get websites etc ideas completed .1 have a cool place , lots of space and very relaxed . no nut cases... very business like , focused , professional. Banners at the giro d Italia and tour de France. on mountains with dramatic drone footage... cool /sexy" ideas that catch the attention of millions of people. Banners strung down El captain in Yosemite national park ? landmarks.... IMHO europeans are far more open to being educated the Americans, especially in France and Italy . 30/4/2019 Thanks for relying Brendon, Thats not good news obviously, and I must say that IMHO maybe the USA is not the safest place for you at present considering the probable pysop in NZ and ramping up of into semitism BS with TRUMP appointing a into semitism into free speech tsar etc... How can people like me help you ? Can we sponsor you ? I own property in Italy. Could I sponsor you to move to Italy? There are well and truly enough of us that support you to raise a substantial amount of money to help you and come up with real solutions, surely . I am trying to put myself in your shoes . Can we all raise enough money for you to buy a passport in another country or buy property so you get residency or a passport etc ? Ancestry ? Set up a business. company, trust in Liechtenstein and satellite into Belgium ... https://www.sovereignman.com/lifestvle-design/four-valuable-passports-that-anyone-can-obtain-6109/ I am just saying if the criminal BS system is not working, then go outside the box . WE NEED YOUR VOICE AND PRESENCE BACK , but more than that YOUR FREEDOM . Page 1005 of 1018 PLEASE Brandon reach out to everyone via YT. open a PO BOX for donations if need be, even through someone you trust regarding raising funds to finance a real solution for you . Your friend Dagny Full email page 1013.
  • I spoke with him on Skype and recorded the video call. I put him off repeatedly with threats of violence, but he just brushed them off. Nothing I said would put him off. I find this a good measure of someone's sincerity. If they are a serious grass roots organic activist in waiting, they will immediately pull up any ideas of violence. He just moved on the conversation.
  • He stated cautiously he had had dinner with Steve BANNON in Rome, and he had visited BANNON'S monastic setting affiliated with the Catholic order Opus Dei.
  • It was then I simply told him that he was too caught up in detail and I did not want his help. What followed was so bizarre it was funny. The most blistering messaging on Skype I have ever seen - disconnected, raving, contradictory. One minute he is fair and decent, wanting the best for all in a "professional" way; the next ranting about "niggers" and "femmonazis" etc. Here is an example of an email. Suspend your disbelief: -Original Message- On 28 May 2019,10:32, DagnyTaggart7 < [email protected]> wrote: Abo half breed ocuck commo parasite, loves the pos mandella too Apes are geocoding whites and occur loves it https://www.dailvmail.co.uk/news/article-7075085/Robbers-execute-couple-ran-petrol-South-Africa.html Heres another beauty for you lol Move to Africa with your own kind „ cuckonnell.. lol https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=hKQ7rBDpX40 ohhh now!!! brendon the ape lover is just like every nog ..he must parasite off whitey.. Page 1006 of 1018 Move to Argintina you communist loser lol or better still, lead your ape people from the outback to prosperity , You can help your ape folk build the abo space programme ..lol this one above is one of your cousins..a real beauty... its available for you for breeding at least a dozen welfare cockroaches lol Full email page 1015 .
  • He sent around 150 emails in total - all recorded. About 130 of them are raving lunacy - from someone who can clearly act relatively normal till challenged. Here is almost the full set: https://drive. google. com/open?id=lw9H3etS15qhosG4CuPGYXMZQY75NVyw 601.1 have no doubt Mr. Anthony POULTER is exactly who he says he is. I have no doubt he has dined with Mr. Stephen BANNON in Rome where Mr. BANNON has a monastic setting he and others have set up to train Catholics - and others - in what they would describe as The Marxist Culture War, which may well be worth fighting. As long as it does not slip into overt racism and nationalistic fervour. These can be described as dangerous times. END Page 1007 of 1018 EMAIL - ANTHONY POULTER - AND MY REPLY, IN REVERSE ORDER FOR CLARITY Re: Possible Real Help On 2/20/2019 8:02 PM, DagnyTaggart7 wrote: Hi Brendon, Long time listener and long time reader. I would like to help. I am in the USA and Europe . The scope would include maybe K O'K as well, maybe... No one else , just talking at first to see if we all gel and have same focused vision . Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. 4 of 4 22/10/2019,9:47 am Page 1008 of 1018 Re: Possible Real Help -Original Message- On Wednesday, February 20, 2019 4:02 AM, Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> wrote: Go hand it out. 2 of 4 22/10/2019,9:47 am Page 1009 of 1018 Re: Possible Real Help LEARN MORE ABOUT ►ISRAEL’S THEFT OF US TECHNOLOGY (THAT INCLUDES NUCLEAR SECRETS] AND ISRAEL^U(Nyjy’{CHNOLOGY TO CHINA ISRAEL SfXTENSLVE SPYING ON*tHE llNlTED'STATES INCLUDING THROUGH SPY RINGS AND BACKDOORID'SOFTWARE'STOLEN FROM THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. •ISRAEL'S KEY ROLE IN CHINA S GEOPOLITICAL STRATEGY TO BECOME THE DOMINANT WORLD SUPERPOWER THROUGH THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE. ®TALPIOTTALK.COM/CHINA 3 of 4 22/10/2019,9:47 am Page 1010 of 1018 Re: Possible Real Help Subject: Re: Possible Real Help From: "DagnyTaggart7" <[email protected]> Date: 21/2/2019,12:03 am To: "Brendon O'Connell" <[email protected]> Thanks Brendon, Absolutely I'll hand many out and paste them all over the place . That's very easy. I would like to help more though in a very intelligent and strategic way. So many tainted people out there, that get off topic, or are compromised or have some sort of "issue". Its not easy broaching this subject as so many are frightened of the power of the AIPAC lobby etc and who do you trust 11. As you know, even in the USA, we have no rights, no Habeas corpus, so many are apathetic, gutless, dogmatically brainwashed, mesmerized by the political theatre, narcissism etc.. The justice system as you know in the US is totally corrupt. I want to get up to speed as an expert in this. I think many do to .(and obviously have to become well spoken on this subject). The way i learn is in a graphic visual form with time lines and the who , what, when, where, how and why. IMHO this is what is needed : Visual presentations beautifully presented.fi may be willing to help with funding ). Large banners that get on the News. But I need costs and timeframe. I could provide a place to stay for Ken & you to do the work for a few months in Europe over summer. I have spoken to Ken in depth on many issues. Just reaching out. Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. 1 of4 22/10/2019,9:47 am Page 1011 of 1018 EMAIL 2 FROM ANTHONY POULTER Resend flyers or give me links etc Subject: Resend flyers or give me links etc From: "DagnyTaggart7" <[email protected]> Date: 21/2/2019, 2:15 pm To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> HI Brendon, for some reason the flyer you send me will not upload . I have a yacht. A beautiful Yacht (Swan 45) which i want to get sticky back graphics made for the sails (65 ft high ). Do you have any Pdfs etc i can get printed out and then put on the sails . (temporary ) that would cover the entire sails.mainsil and gib . I will make cool dramatic drone footage of the yacht sailing up and down the coast of California with commentary. We need to do dramatic banner drops etc IMHO to get peoples attention. I will be in Europe all summer and maybe we can get you and K O'K together for a few months so we all can work together to get websites etc ideas completed .1 have a cool place , lots of space and very relaxed . no nut cases... very business like, focused , professional. Banners at the giro d Italia and tour de France . on mountains with dramatic drone footage... cool ,'sexy" ideas that catch the attention of millions of people. Banners strung down El captain in Yosemite national park ? landmarks .... IMHO europeans are far more open to being educated the Americans, especially in France and Italy . Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. l of l 22/10/2019,11:00 am Page 1012 of 1018 EMAIL 3 ANTHONY POULTER - PROPERTY IN ITALY - 30/4/2019 Re: Great to see you are back Subject: Re: Great to see you are back From: "DagnyTaggart7" <[email protected]> Date: 30/4/2019, 7:00 am To: "Brendon O'ConneH" <[email protected]> Thanks for relying Brendon, Thats not good news obviously, and I must say that IMHO maybe the USA is not the safest place for you at present considering the probable pysop in NZ and ramping up of into semitism BS with TRUMP appointing a into semitism into free speech tsar etc... How can people like me help you ? Can we sponsor you ? I own property in Italy. Could I sponsor you to move to Italy? There are well and truly enough of us that support you to raise a substantial amount of money to help you and come up with real solutions, surely . I am trying to put myself in your shoes. Can we all raise enough money for you to buy a passport in another country or buy property so you get residency or a passport etc ? Ancestry ? Set up a business . company, trust in Liechtenstein and satellite into Belgium ... https://www.sovereignman.com/lifestvle-design/four-valuable-passports-that-anvone-can- obtain-6109/ I am just saying if the criminal BS system is not working, then go outside the box . WE NEED YOUR VOICE AND PRESENCE BACK , but more than that YOUR FREEDOM . PLEASE Brandon reach out to everyone via YT. open a PO BOX for donations if need be , even through someone you trust regarding raising funds to finance a real solution for you . Your friend Dagny Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. l of 2 22/10/2019,10:59 am Page 1013 of 1018 Re: Great to see you are back -Original Message- On Monday, April 29, 2019 3:15 AM, Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> wrote: Hi Danny. No, stuck in Malaysia. I doubt very much I'll be making it to the U.S unless it's a well organized stunt and there will be no after party. B — Always In The Public Interest -Original Message- On Apr 29, 2019, 6:03 PM, DagnyTaggart7 < [email protected]> wrote: Hi Brendon. I hope you made it to the USA safely. If you are in California, my wife and I would love to help you. Cheers Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. 2 of 2 22/10/2019,10:59 am Page 1014 of 1018 EMAIL POULTER - RANTING - 30/5/2019 Re: Adam and I are theREAL DEAL. You area LOSER Ocuckell lol Subject: Re: Adam and I are theREAL DEAL . You area LOSER Ocuckell lol From: "DagnyTaggart7" <[email protected]> Date: 30/5/2019, 3:48 am To: "Brendon O'Connell" <[email protected]> Had a great evening and dinner with Steve while in Italy on assignment at his new launching pad Trisulti. https://www.chroniclesmagazine.Org/2019/March/44/3/magazine/article/10846082/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/steve-bannon-trisulti-italv-beniamin-harnwell-school-bolster- europe-right-wing/ All you need to be preparing yourself for is suicide or the outback & a quiet life :D your choice .. You are well and truly boxed in ..no reach .. You are irrelevant..surely you have worked that you by now .. You have no idea who I am and never will lol Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. -Original Message- On Wednesday, May 29, 2019 3:54 AM, Brendon O'Connell <[email protected]> wrote: Hello Anthony Poulter. I would prefer you ceased contacting me. But, you seem committed to your quest. When will you publicly be announcing your sailing journey with Adam Green and "real men" of which you express a firm and extended fondness? Will Mr. Green be expressing publicly his sailing jaunt with you and the "real men"? Here is the quote: ((((And Adam and I are going to be sailing around the USA along with many OTHER REAL men ..with awesome events Doing WHAT I said I wanted to do !!)))) Any pre-release details on your "awesome events"? 1 of 5 22/10/2019,12:31 pm Page 1015 of 1018 Re: Adam and I are theREAL DEAL. You area LOSER Ocuckell lol A public announcement of your emerging close and personal romance - captain and cabin boy - is much anticipated. Will Mr. Green be releasing a video describing your planned sailing voyage? It is rather anticipated by his Proud Boy fan base. A public announcement of your close relationship now, would be appreciated. Is Steve Bannon and members of Opus Dei included? — Always In The Public Interest -Original Message- On 28 May 2019,10:32, DagnyTaggart7 < [email protected]> wrote: Abo half breed ocuck commo parasite, loves the pos mandella too Apes are geocoding whites and occur loves it https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7075085/Robbers-execute-couple-ran- petrol-South-Africa.html Heres another beauty for you lol 2 of 5 22/10/2019,12:31 pm Page 1016 of 1018 Re: Adam 3 of 5 Move to Africa with your own kind „ cuckonnell.. lol https://www.voutube.com/watch?v=hKQ7rBDpX40 ohhh now!!! brendon the ape lover is just like every nog ..he must parasite off whitey.. Move to Argintina you communist loser lol or better still, lead your ape people from the outback to prosperity, You can help your ape folk build the abo space programme ..lol 22/10/2019, 12:31 pm and I are theREAL DEAL. You area LOSER Ocuckell lol Page 1017 of 1018 Re: Adam and I are theREAL DEAL. You area LOSER Ocuckell lol this one above is one of your cousins..a real beauty... its available for you for breeding at least a dozen welfare cockroaches lol Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. -Original Message- On Monday, May 27, 2019 5:16 PM, DagnyTaggart7 <[email protected]> wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0f3EbhHncA And Adam and I are going to be sailing around the USA along with many OTHER REAL men ..with awesome events Doing WHAT I said I wanted to do I! You are a mentally ill loser Brendon ...you always have been ..lol Why don't you do your Abo ape lineage a favor and the human race a favor and curry yourself lol We are way ahead of you . Your IQ is so low ..all you can do is parrot off like recording machine lol you are sick in the head and everyone knows it.. 4 of 5 22/10/2019,12:31 pm Page 1018 of 1018