Lỗi provider cannot it may not be properly installed năm 2024

Getting Error in connecting database in A360 Error: Couldn't connect to database. Provider cannot be found. It may not be installed properly.


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Getting Error in connecting database in A360 Error: Couldn't connect to database. Provider cannot be found. It may not be installed properly.


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Mine is Microsoft64bit, OLEDB provider is also 64 bit, however the Excel VBA connectiont to oracle database is erroring out with the below message.

error message "run time error "3706". Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed"

At a guess - and without your app and probably source that's all it can be - it's a size problem. Was the Win7 32 bit or 64? I'd suspect that the VB app was 32 bit, and you're running on 64 bit now with a 64 bit version of the ACE DB engine, or the app is "any cpu" with the 32 bit ACE engine under a 64 bit OS.

You can't "switch processor sizes" once an app has started - so a 64 bit app can't use a 32 bit engine, and vice versa.

I'd install the 64 bit ACE engine, and rebuild the VB app for 64 bit only, and see what happens.

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