Make a joke at ones expense là gì

Huge downside, including — but not limited to — hurting another human being’s feelings; making yourself look bad; destroying trust with the target of the joke; losing trust (thus influence) with those who are witness to, or hear about, the insult; and being disliked without a principle-based reason for it.

If you MUST make a joke at someone’s expense, make sure it’s at your expense.

And, remember, if say something to someone that you meant to be harmlessly funny and then find yourself having to say, “I was only kidding” then it probably wasn’t funny in the first place.

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Bob Burg


Bob speaks for corporations and organizations internationally, including fortune 500 companies, franchises, and numerous direct sales organizations. He is coauthor of the International Bestseller, The Go-Giver, as well as Go-Givers Sell More, The Go-Giver Leader, The Go-Giver Influencer, and author of the sales classic, Endless Referrals and Adversaries into Allies. The Go-Giver has sold well over one million copies and been published in more than 30 languages. Join Bob in The Go-Giver Success Alliance Online Mentorship Community by visiting

can also be launched from the soil or the sea. they can be reprogrammed or destroyed during the fly by the "sender"

eat one's own dogfood


expression used to describe the practice of a company using internally the marketed products

[Bus.] expression originating from and widely used in software industry; the practice is also known as "dogfooding"


a person paid by the state to work in the interests of the nation who considers it to be a ‘right’ to be able abuse his or her authority to ensure personal gain for himself or herself at the expense of the nation…

neologism ... created on some blog

a taste of one's own medicine


a sample of the unpleasantness that one has been giving other people




When economic outlook remains uncertain, top management complains about the parsimony of expense reimbursements. Shareholders will not look kindly to executives flying helicopters or first-class international flights unrestrained.

to gloat

to show in an improper or selfish way that you are happy with your own success or another person's failure


Web Death


The choice of web suicide or deletion of interactions for one’s own amounts to web death with regard to ones internet life.



a person who sets up and runs a business on their own



money that is paid because someone suffered from a loss of what they own (such as injury)

When you are responsible for someone's serious injury, I think you should pay compensation to that person.


money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because what they own has been damaged

[US] She received a compensation from the government for the damage caused to her property.



Protectionism is the policy some countries have of helping their own industries by putting a large tax on imported goods or by restricting imports in some other way.

murder suicide

when a person kills someone then takes their own life it is referred to as a murder suicide



Abbreviation for "eXamine Your Zipper". To let someone know the zipper on the front of his pants is down.


Pick up artist

a person, generally a man, dedicated to improving his skills in attracting and seducing the other sex

Other spelling : Pickup artist The use of "pick up" in this context comes from American slang and means becoming acquainted with, esp. with a view to having sexual relations

no pain, no gain


expression used to point out that one has to struggle or suffer to achieve his goal

Jason: Damn it! I can't take it anymore. This exercise is killing me! Ray: Yeah but it’ll help you lose weight. Don't you know? No pain, no gain!

digital connections

virtual network linking an user to his or her professional and / or personal contacts


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