munking là gì - Nghĩa của từ munking

munking có nghĩa là

To stick only the tip of your penis in a girl's vagina.

Ví dụ

"The vagina was too small so I had to munk it for a while."

munking có nghĩa là

a stupid play of someone in fortnite that results in them risking their whole game to kill someone. Often said when people take storm fights, or land on people for no reason. mostly used in the oce region

Ví dụ

"The vagina was too small so I had to munk it for a while."

munking có nghĩa là

a stupid play of someone in fortnite that results in them risking their whole game to kill someone. Often said when people take storm fights, or land on people for no reason.

Ví dụ

"The vagina was too small so I had to munk it for a while." a stupid play of someone in fortnite that results in them risking their whole game to kill someone. Often said when people take storm fights, or land on people for no reason.

munking có nghĩa là

the act of being drunk, high, and tripping at the same time.

Ví dụ

"The vagina was too small so I had to munk it for a while."

munking có nghĩa là

a stupid play of someone in fortnite that results in them risking their whole game to kill someone. Often said when people take storm fights, or land on people for no reason.

Ví dụ

Jared and Greg are going munking tonight, they are totally fucked up.

munking có nghĩa là

mostly used in the oce region

Ví dụ

what the fuck cunt that guy just full munked me, omg he is munking everyone, get him banned from the pro discord.

munking có nghĩa là

The female genitalia; like 'cunt' only you can say it in the presence of your parents and they are less likely to know what it means and kick your ass.

Ví dụ

I can't believe no-one else has already defined 'munk' as meaning the female genitalia!
Also used as an insult (you're such a munk, gordon)or an expletive (oh, munking hell!, for munk's sake!)

munking có nghĩa là

the act of being drunk, high, and tripping at the same time.

Ví dụ

lets get behind the bleachers and get munked mah nigga so we can see dave and shit.

munking có nghĩa là

The act of two people going out to a grave yard, digging up a female corpse around 1 month old, and then stealing it. Once it is stolen, person A (the smaller person) begins to eat out the corpse, person B (the larger: preferably over 200 lbs.) body slams the corpse and the organs come flying out the vagina and into/onto Person A's face. Jared and Greg are going munking tonight, they are totally fucked up. word meaning cannabis (stoner language) how much munk haave you got left Slang term for the male testicles—popularized by the film Fat Guys Paradise(1999)

Ví dụ

Fat guy: Im gonna kick you in the munks!
Carlos: Ow! Right in the munks!

munking có nghĩa là

A term that is commonly used in the fortnite scene for a player that is making a dumb or stupid play. Whether it is innitiating inside of the zone or whilst the zone is moving. Munking is the action of someone doing something dumb which is often non-beneficial.

Ví dụ

Psyper munked me. Mun-k

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