Opengl version must be 2.0 or higher là gì năm 2024

For instance, I'm using GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA to transfer two component data to texture. Someone told me that some internal format constants like GL_LUMINACE_ALPHA are deprecated in OpenGL 3.0(maybe 4.0?) or higher, so use GL_RG or GL_RG8, etc.

However, my target OpenGL version is 2.0 or higher and the specification of OpenGL 2.0 does not contain GL_RG/GL_RG8. In this case, I think there are three possibilities:

  1. Use GL_RG/GL_RG8 if the program can run well even with devices which supports OpenGL 2.0 only.
  2. Keep old constants if the program can run well with devices whose OpenGL version is so high that old constants are deprecated.
  3. Detect the OpenGL version in run-time and swtich the constants for each version.

What should I choose? I don't want to take 3. unless I have to because it makes things harder and complicated.

asked Sep 12, 2013 at 2:27

No, it is not safe to use OpenGL tokens that a driver knows nothing about. Fortunately, the vast majority of API calls will simply raise a GL_INVALID_ENUM error and the operation will fail early on before it has a chance to really screw things up.

Solving your GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA dilemma is going to take much more than simply swapping in the token GL_RG8. You will either have to use texture swizzling or swizzling in your shader to make it so that the color of your texture is (R, R, R, G).

Decide which version of OpenGL you are targeting early on, or write separate code paths. But it will never be as simple as switching enum values at run-time.

OpenGL is an industry standard 3D graphics API. OpenGL 4.1 or later is required to run CityEngine 2022.0. For more information, refer to the CityEngine system requirements. OpenGL drivers are usually installed together with the rest of the graphics driver and support software (such as DirectX).


Follow the instructions provided to check the type of graphics card installed on the system and the version of OpenGL running.

  1. Check the graphics card type (Windows):
    1. Click Start, type dxdiag, and press Enter to access a diagnostic tool listing the graphics card information.
    2. Click the Display tab.

  1. Install the OpenGL Extensions Viewer to determine the OpenGL version (Windows, Mac, and Android mobile devices).

Warning: User discretion is advised when installing third-party software. Esri is not liable for the potential risks involved.

  • Windows: Go to OpenGL Extensions Viewer (Windows) to download and install the OpenGL Extensions Viewer.
  • Mac and Android mobile devices: Go to OpenGL Extensions Viewer (Windows), and click the appropriate link to download the OpenGL Extensions Viewer from the Mac App Store, iTunes Store, or the Android Market, depending on the device and operating system.

The OpenGL Extensions Viewer is a free application designed by Realtech VR. The viewer displays the current version of OpenGL installed, and provides tools to test or update the graphics card driver.

// Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition - Beamdog - Great Games, Easy

If you roll down you can see the requirements.

It tells i would need openGL 2 compatible graphics card.

But when I installed the game, it says:

Unable to load openGL driver.

GL_Version: 1.1.0

GL_Renderer: GDI Generic

GL_Vendor: Microsoft Corporation

So my problem is that: I found no openGL support for HD Graphics 3000 under windows10.

I asked Beamdog (the game developer) what shall i do, and they told me to ask the manufacturer. So i am here and i would like You guys to help me.

The types of old and simple games that we have been running on it appear to work fine and I have noticed that many of the auto-identifying utilities say the machine appears as running Vista?

My hopes were raised by other users who mentioned similar chipsets, in Windows 10, with OpenGL 2.1, which is all I need.

Most people were trying to go higher. But I do not need to go higher than the level mentioned in the supported graphics drivers

here: // Supported APIs and Features for Intel® Graphics Drivers

The machine is only 3 1/2 years old and it seems a shame to have to junk it simply to get up to the last supported level of OpenGL.

I did find this page on the Intel site when I put in my processor:

// Downloads for Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E8400 (6M Cache, 3.00 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)

Also there is this Intel page dealing with just the chipset:

// Downloads for Graphics Drivers for Intel® Q45 Express Chipset

The current video driver on my machine is version and the Intel site shows a driver which is newer.

It appears that can get up to OpenGL 2.1, with this hardware, under Windows 10 and using Intel content / drivers (as noted on their site) - So, any suggestion?

I would otherwise have to buy a new machine for a version of OpenGL that came out in September of 2006.

Ứng dụng OpenGL ES 2.0 là gì?

1. OpenGL ES? OpenGL ES là một giao diện lập trình ứng dụng (API) cho phát triển đồ họa 3D nhắm tới đối tượng là các thiết bị cầm tay và nhúng như điện thoại di động, thiết bị hỗ trợ cá nhân kĩ thuật số (PDA). OpenGL ES là một trong một tập các API được tạo ra bởi Khronos Group.

OpenGL được phát triển ban đầu bởi ai?

Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) Bắt đầu phát triển OpenGL năm 1991 và phát hành nó vào 30 tháng 6 năm 1992; Nó dùng trong các ứng dụng CAD, thực tế ảo, mô phỏng khoa học, mô phỏng thông tin, video game.

OpenGL 46 là gì?

OpenGL 4.6: Phát hành vào năm 2017, phiên bản này đánh dấu sự bổ sung của nhiều tính năng mới như SPIR-V support và khả năng tương thích ngược với các phiên bản cũ hơn.

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