What is Innisfree green tea good for?

Our friends at innisfree teach us about the top green tea benefits for skin. Plus: How to shop for the best products that pack this antioxidant-rich powerhouse.

Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks around. It’s championed in both Eastern and Western diets, boasting health benefits that extend to your heart, cognition, and more. But when it comes to skin health specifically, are there benefits to applying it topically?

To better understand the green tea benefits for your skin, we spoke with Michelle Shieh. She’s the scientific communications manager at innisfree, a leading K-beauty brand specifically known for its potent, protective green tea skincare products.

Is Green Tea Good for Your Skin?

You’ve probably heard there are benefits of green tea for the skin. The evidence—both scientific and anecdotal—is strong. Research has found that green tea contains polyphenols (which are phytochemicals that help to neutralize skin-damaging free radicals), which work as anti-aging agents for human skin. Read on to see all of the impressive green tea benefits for the skin.

5 Green Tea Benefits for Skin

From nourishing hydration to anti-aging effects, here are some of the top benefits of green tea for your skin.

1. Green Tea Protects Against Environmental Stressors

Green tea (aka Camellia sinensis) is rich in antioxidants. Why does this matter? Antioxidants neutralize damaging free radicals, which can result from daily environmental stressors such as UV radiation, smoke, and pollution.

Shieh explains that green tea is also packed with amino acids and special polyphenols called catechins. “Catechins are a type of phenolic compounds very abundant in tea, which are recognized to have potent antioxidant activities,” she explains.

More specifically, she says that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is one of the most precious types of catechins in green teas, which solidifies its all-star antioxidant status.

2. Green Tea Minimizes Signs of Aging

Thanks to its robust antioxidant profile, green tea helps stave off oxidative damage, which can lead to premature signs of aging.

Further, studies suggest that green tea may boost collagen and elastin content in your skin, thus promoting anti-wrinkle effects.

What’s more, green tea can also fight against photoaging (including age spots and hyperpigmentation) that results from UV damage.

3. Green Tea Is a Powerful Hydrator

Another major benefit of green tea for skin is that it’s a hydration powerhouse. Shieh calls out green tea seed oil in particular for its high concentration of nourishing and moisturizing properties. She adds that it’s also rich in skin saviors vitamin E and fatty acids, which can strengthen your moisture barrier—leading to glowing, smoother skin.

4. Green Tea Brightens Your Skin

When it comes to the pillars of skin health, can you name a better duo than hydration and glow? Conveniently, green tea amplifies both.

We can chalk up green tea’s glow-getting effects on its antioxidant-rich, anti-inflammatory profile. Things like pollution and UV damage can cause skin cell damage, leading to dull skin. By fighting against this damage, green tea not only protects but also brightens your skin in the process.

5. Green Tea Promotes a Clear Complexion

If you struggle with excess oil or breakouts, green tea is a worthy addition to your skincare routine. Green tea helps to unclog your pores by mitigating excessive sebum production. Plus, since it’s soothing, it’s less likely to provoke irritation or lead to further breakouts (which can sometimes result from using harsh ingredients).

Is Green Tea Skincare Safe for Everyone?

There are no known side effects to green tea skincare. Unless you have a green tea sensitivity, consider it completely safe to use for your skin.

Better yet, green tea can benefit all skin types and conditions (whether you have acne-prone skin, dry skin, or mature skin). Fortunately, it’s gentle enough even for those with sensitive, reactive skin.

Drinking vs. Applying Green Tea for Skin

Curious if there’s a difference between drinking and applying green tea for skin?

While there’s a lack of research comparing one versus the other, there is research to support skin benefits by both consuming and applying forms of green tea. For that reason, feel free to opt for either—or even better, try both!

How to Choose the Best Green Tea Skincare Product

You can find green tea in skincare staples like cleansers, serums, moisturizers, and masks.

However, when shopping around, know that several factors impact how beneficial and effective a green tea skincare product can be.

Go Clean

When possible, look for a clean formulation that’s free from parabens, mineral oil, and other potentially hazardous ingredients.

If you want to be extra conscientious, opt for a product that uses certified organic green tea.

Look for Quality Formulations

On a similar note, it’s worth doing a bit of digging to learn how the product is formulated.

“Not only does the quality and variety of the green teas used matter, but the extraction methods as well,” Shieh shares. “The goal is to maximize the content of beneficial components—like antioxidants and amino acids—making sure they’re amplified through the process and are protected from being destroyed during extraction.”

Similar to fellow antioxidant vitamin C, green tea is difficult to formulate since it’s typically unstable. But as Shieh explains, innisfree follows a special process to reap the biggest benefits.

While other brands create a classic infusion, innisfree uses a special Double Squeeze Method to retrieve maximum nutrients and actives from green tea leaves. Further, Shieh explains, the serum’s 16 amino acids specifically help with the Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF) of the skin for hydration from within.

Some of the most potent green tea skincare products will combine different components of the plant to maximize results. For instance, innisfree’s Intensive Hydrating Serum uses both green tea water and green tea seed oil.

“Green tea water instantly quenches the skin with deep hydration, and green tea seed oil helps retain long-lasting moisture,” Shieh explains.

The final result of this winning combo? Soft, smooth, glowing skin. Try out different combinations to learn which one works the best for you and your skin’s specific needs.

Is Innisfree green tea good for acne?

There are a couple of standout ingredients in the formula, the first obviously being green tea. This is a great ingredient for stressed skin, as it's an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. It offers hydrating benefits and is ideal for skin that has suffered from damage or trauma, including acne.

What are the benefits of green tea in skincare?

Why does your skin love green tea?.
It's rich in antioxidants. Green tea is packed with antioxidants, which are compounds that help fight free radicals. ... .
It's full of caffeine. ... .
Anti-inflammatory effects. ... .
Natural sunscreen. ... .
Natural acne treatment. ... .
Natural skin toner. ... .
Gentle moisturizer. ... .
Great skin exfoliant..

Is Innisfree green tea line good?

This is a good serum, especially for those who are serum newbies; it's a gentle, basic serum that's more on hydration, plumping the skin, and making skin appear more radiant; serums can be scary for beginners, but serums like this can help anyone ease themselves into this advanced form of skin care.

What is the Innisfree green tea seed serum good for?

Benefits: The Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum is a moisturising serum with organic Jeju green tea and green tea seeds that hydrate while creating a strong moisture barrier. Rich in amino acids and minerals, this nourishing serum strengthens and brightens the skin tone while preventing loss of moisture.

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