What skills enable managers to visualize the most appropriate response to a situation?

Management skills can be explained as certain attributes or abilities that an executive should possess in order to success the specific goals in an organization. Management skills can be developed through learning & practical experience as a manager. This skills help to manager to know how to deal with their subordinates, which allows for the easy ways of activities in the organization.

        There are seven main managerial skills can be recognize in Management.

        They are:

  1. Conceptual Skills
  2. Diagnostic Skills
  3. Communication Skills
  4. Decision Making Skills
  5. Time Management Skills
  6. Technical Skills
  7. Interpersonal Skills

  1. Conceptual Skills

     These involve the skills managers present in terms of knowledge, ability for crabbed thinking & make solutions. The manager is able to see overall concepts, analyze & determine problems & find out the appropriate solutions. And it is also helps managers to effectively confirm the interruptions in their organization or the department has to face.

     So Manager needs a good mental capacity to understand the whole workings of the organization & it’s environment.

  • Diagnostic Skills

   Managers should have ability to visualize the most appropriate responses to each situation in the organization. And they have to analyze & diagnose the problems to effectively get most appropriate actions for solve them.

  • Communication Skills

     Communicating is essential for managers to effectively convey ideas & information to others & effectively receive ideas & information from others. And also communication motivates the organization with a great confidence to achieve their specific goals.

         Managers need to be able to advocate for their own department or organization & to communicate with other departments or organizations.

The benefits of Effective Communication skills:

  • Good communication Skills in the organization can improve employee morals & engagement.
  • Increase employee loyalty.
  • Be well understood.
  • Create good connections with each other.
  • Improve self confidence of employees.
  • Decision Making Skills

        Decision skills are expected by most companies for many positions. Also it can be define as correctly recognize problems & opportunities & then select most convenient actions to solve those problems. Organizational culture & leadership styles together conclude the possess of decision making in any company/department.

  • Time Management Skills

    Time management is the possess of organizing & planning how to manage the time among specific activities. Managers ability to precedence the work, to work efficiency and delegate appropriately. Great time management enables to work smart without hardness & it also increase the gross productivity of organization.

  • Technical Skills

Technical skills give the managers the ability & the knowledge to use many categories of techniques to achieve their goals & objectives. These skills not only connect with operating machines, software, tools,pieces of equipments etc. but also these skills need to uplift sales, different types of productions, services & and market those products & services. And also technical skills accomplish the specific kind of work being done in an organization.

  • Interpersonal Skills

     Interpersonal skills are the skills that present the managers’ ability to interact activities or effectively connect with people. These skills important for managers to create use of human potential in the organization & motivate the employees for achieving the best result. So managers have ability to communicate & understand  employees well  in their organizations.


By: Robert L.Kartz

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What manager skills do you think are most important to the current situation?

Communication and interpersonal skills Good managers know when to adapt their own communication style to the situation or person. The more successful you are at strong communication, the more likely your team is to complete tasks on time, achieve success and reach the company's overall vision and goals.

What are the 5 managerial skills?

What are Management Skills? ... .
Management Skills #1: Relationship Management. ... .
Management Skills #2: Planning. ... .
Management Skills #3: Prioritisation. ... .
Management Skills #4: Critical Thinking. ... .
Management Skills #5: Industry Knowledge..

What is the best skill that a manager should use?

Managers need to be excellent communicators, which means maintaining regular contact with everyone on their team, providing frequent feedback, and delivering rewards and recognition for excellent performance. Maintain open and excellent communication with your employees.

What are the 3 important skills a manager must possess to be more efficient and effective?

The following are 6 essential skills that managers need to have in order to manage employees effectively and efficiently to get the best from them..
Good communication. ... .
Good Organisation. ... .
Team Building. ... .
Leadership. ... .
Ability to Deal with Changes Effectively. ... .
Domain Knowledge..

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