Why does my music stop when I open WhatsApp on iPhone?

  1. //forums.imore.com/showthread.php?t=341370&s=bd0f95b71edb59f5512565be415e6d9e&p=2601237&viewfull=1#post2601237

    With previous IOS i didnt had such a problem, please advise. Thx

    09-20-2015 02:36 PM

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  2. //forums.imore.com/showthread.php?t=341370&s=bd0f95b71edb59f5512565be415e6d9e&p=2601267&viewfull=1#post2601267

    It has happened to me before update and after as an example I will be on my MBA or iPhone listening to music and might be opening an app that has an embedded player like a news or some other app and if the player starts the music I am listening to will stop, I am fairly certain this is normal.

    09-20-2015 02:55 PM

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iPhone 11 users are facing issue with iOS 13.1/iOS 13.4 update that the music stops when message or any other app is opened while music is playing in the background. Opening the message/whatsapp/Telegram app will stop the music.

music stops while opening message : iOS 13

Same is the issue with music playing over Blueooth, when listening Apple Music or another music app through Bluetooth an switch to messages, WhatsApp or Telegram, music stops. You will  have to switch back and tap play button.

The issue is not limited to iPhone 11 / XS Max only but also faced on  iPad Pro 2018, it is very annoying to keep switching back and forth to restart music whether it be Apple Music, Spotify or Pandora.  Due to this iPhone user can’t listen to music or podcast. This seems to be bug in iPhone/ iOS 13.4 as audio should not stop playing in just because you opened another app or locked your iPhone.

To fix iPhone stops music while going to message app we have listed some troubleshooting fix below:

If Auto play message is turned on in your iPhone/ iPad this may cause music to stop when message is received. Try disabling Auto-Play Message Effects (Accessibility->Motion) in Settings. This is a troubleshooting step.

  • Fix 2: Reboot your iPhone

A simple reboot or hard reset to your iPhone can also solve software glitches in your phone. Please do a hard or soft restart of iPhone and check if that helps.

  • Fix 3: Turn off “Raise to listen” feature on iPhone

Go to settings -> messages-> turn off “raise to listen” under audio messages. It seems to have fixed the issue for many iPhone users.

  • Fix 4: Use third party browser

Some users are finding Dolphin browser stable in playing music from web on the iPhone. Music won’t be interrupted or stopped while opening other apps. Dolphin browser is able to play media from website using that browser without it stopping when the iPhone locked.

  • Workaround: Turn off Show Apple music setting

It Seems going to Settings -> Music and turning off “Show Apple Music” can resolve the issue in iPhone and iPad. This removes the ‘Browse and For You tabs’ in the music app. Hope this helps.

The first thing that you need to do is to restart the phone. It clears cache and error files from the system. The phone will rebuild the background process.

Why does the music stop when I open WhatsApp? First, check for the software update if new WhatsApp updates are available. Then, download and install it before you start using the Music App.

Why Apple Music stops when opening WhatsApp on iPhone?

 The error occurs when Whatsapp starts using the microphone. In the default setting, Whatsapp uses the Microphone to attend the calls.

 When you access Whatsapp, the application takes over the microphone settings and disables any other background process using the microphone.

It is a bug in the WhatsApp application and cannot be fixed with the setting change.

The only way to fix this problem is to update the software to the new version. Check if Whatsapp has a new update available.

Generally, WhatsApp identifies such issues in the application and updates the application with quick fixes.

It is a common issue experienced by many users. The new update would have the cure for the bug.

 If there is no update on the Whatsapp app, then reboot the phone. The reboot process would delete any background cache and cookies.

If WhatsApp having a problem with the old cache files after the reboot is complete, the problem may disappear.

How can I stop the Music app from pausing when I open another app?

 The operating system is designed to run one app at a time. It does this to save memory usage and offer the user require speed when accessing the particular app. If both apps run simultaneously, it will add strain on the memory.

 Consequently, the phone will slow down, and the users will have a terrible experience while operating the phone due to the slow process.

To avoid that kind trouble, the operating system gives utmost importance to the active app and put all the background process on hold.

 When you shift from one app to another, the app open before will be put on the temporary freeze. As you come back to the early app, the phone will again start supporting its functions.

 You may have noticed that when you move from the Youtube app to another app while watching the video, the youtube app immediately stops the video, and you will not be able to listen to the video’s sound.

The Youtube app will pause the video until you return to the app and hit the play button.

 A similar process is applied to the Whatsapp app and music app. At the same time, you are listening to music when you move to the Whatsapp app.

The music app is stopped while you are using Whatsapp.

 The operating system gives preference to the Whatsapp process. Whatsapp also has video calling and audio calling features, which require the microphone.

 As soon as you move from the music app to the WhatsApp app, the application takes control over all the essential functions to keep the application ready for the audio and video call.

 It does this to enhance your experience and offer the required speed to the users.

So when you try to call someone using the Whatsapp calling features, the background process would not take much time to run the application.

You will be able to connect with the other person instantly.

How to solve the music stop matter when opening WhatsApp?

If you are using an iPhone, you have indeed turned ON the auto-play message. You should turn OFF the auto-play message option in the setting area.

And also, you need to turn OFF the “raise to listen” option on your iPhone.

Click the setting tab, and open the message option. Then disable the “raise to listen” option under the audio message section.

How to listen the music apps without pause while using WhatsApp?

The one way to stop Whatsapp from pausing the music app is to update it with the latest version. The new version of the Whatsapp app comes with predefined settings that allow the users to run the music app in exceptional mode.

 Whatsapp would not pause the music, and you will be able to listen to your favourite music without any trouble while chatting with your friends.

 However, you should note that when you activate the video call or audio call feature, the phone automatically pauses the other audio application such as the music app to prevent the sound from interrupting during the Whatsapp call.

 Also, check for the app setting options if you find any unusual settings applied to the app that may cause the issue.

Every app has a separate setting to manage the sound.

If it allows auto tuning in the background process, then enable the feature to keep the app running in the background, even when accessing other phone applications.

Why do songs stop playing if I access Whatsapp?

 It is a common problem that many users have reported on the online forums and customer support system. The applications are automatically paused or killed in the background process to free up space for other active applications.

 The operating system does this to give a seamless experience to the user while simultaneously accessing multiple applications.

 The app put in the background is not in use, so it should not be consuming the memory.

If all the background applications start using the memory, it would add extra load to the memory, and your phone will slow down.

 In the worst case, the phone will get freeze for a while until the memory blocks are clear. You may have to restart the phone to close all the applications forcefully.

 You may have experienced a similar problem with your computer system. When your computer freezes, it signifies too many background processes putting pressure on the memory.

 Furthermore, the batteries are kept in the optimized mode kills any background process which is not in use.

Please change the setting to optimum use for the batteries, and they try using the music app again.

 Generally, the battery optimization mode automatically decides to stop the specific application kept in the users’ background.

 When you change the setting, the operating system will keep running the maximum capacity’s background process. This may lead to more memory consumption and battery usage.

 You can make custom changes to the memory and battery usage to allow your favourite app to consume unlimited resources without any restriction. This would solve your problem.

 Go to setting and check your music application settings. Apply the required changes, and you will be to listen to the songs without breaking the connection.

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I’m Roshan Sampath from Galle southern province. I am working in the tech product related field, and I am a higher diploma holder in Java engineering. I created this website to share my experience, knowledge, and opinions with the community. I will help you to use your WhatsApp application better than past. Read About Us Here

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