Arrange the physiological events from early puberty to ovulation chronologically.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

Richard Y. Hinton, Krishn M. Sharma, in The Pediatric and Adolescent Knee, 2006

Assessing Skeletal Maturity

Puberty is a sweeping process of change that involves alterations in cognitive ability, sexual characteristics, body composition, physiological function, and skeletal growth. There is significant variation in the onset and duration based on gender, genetic predisposition, race, and environmental conditions. On average, chronological age is an excellent predictor of developmental age, but this is not necessarily the case for any single individual.

When we analyze the maturation of a young patient with an ACL insufficiency, we are really trying to determine his or her knee maturity. How much growth remains at the physes? What are the relative risks of physeal injury? A wide array of surrogates for knee maturation is available, some more specific and useful than others. Often, terms that are used, such as “wide open physes,” “postadolescent growth spurt,” “has reached parental and older sibling height,” are all relatively vague. Attention should be given to more tightly defining skeletal and sexual maturation.

Skeletal Bone Age

Two primary methods of determining bone age are the atlas/comparative method and the additive/scoring method. The following factors limit the reliability of bone age estimates: (1) the standardized populations of the past may not be applicable to more modern American children in improved nutritional situations and of multiple ethnic backgrounds73; (2) skeletal age estimates based on one area of the body may not reliably predict bone age at other body areas; (3) subjectivity affects both inter- and intra-rater reliability, and (4) some methods, such as Risser staging, may lack sensitivity during the critical period of early adolescent growth.74

Familiarity, ease of x-ray, and presence of multiple developing bones make hand/wrist radiographs the most commonly used to estimate skeletal bone age. The Greulich-Pyle atlas method75 is the most familiar. However, even experienced radiologists show a mean variability of 3–4 months. Cundy et al.76 reported that in 10% of patients, there was a variance of as much as 2 years. Tanner-Whitehouse is the most common of the additive methods utilizing hand/wrist films.77 It uses 20 specific bone landmarks about the hand and wrist to generate a standard level of maturity score, which is then converted into years and months. There is less variance and subjective error than with the atlas comparative method. Separate scores can also be based on long bones of the hands excluding the carpals. This may be more useful in estimating bone age of the knee. Bone ages obtained with this method tend to be slightly older than values obtained on the same populations utilizing the Greulich-Pyle atlas.78,79 Less commonly used methods may also be helpful in the young ACL patient. The simplified Sauvegrain80,81 method utilizes the unique skeletal maturation of the olecranon and may provide increased sensitivity for determining bone age during the high-decision age groups of 11- to 13-year-old girls and 13- to 15-year-old boys (Figure 24-7). Although seldom used in the United States, there are knee-specific standards available for both the atlas/comparative82 and additive/scoring methods.83 Several studies have investigated the correlations between hand/wrist and knee-generated bone ages.84–86 Average values in large populations are comparable, but select individuals' estimated ages may vary by as much as 1.5 years. Peak growth rate during puberty occurs between 13 and 15 for boys and 11 and 13 for girls. At the conclusion of long bone growth, overall height continues to increase due to growth in the thoracolumbar spine.80 Change in leg length rather than standing height is the marker of maturation more specific to the concerns of the young ACL patient.

Progressive changes in secondary sexual characteristics form the basis of the Tanner scale of maturation.87,88 The first physical sign of puberty in boys is the increase in testicular enlargement. For girls the first sign of puberty is breast budding. Secondary sexual characteristics generally develop in harmony with bone age, but there are discrepancies in 10% of children. There is a significant gender-driven difference in the relationship of skeletal and sexual maturation. For any given Tanner sexual development stage, girls are more skeletally mature than their male counterparts. In boys, peak height velocity is rarely obtained before Tanner stage IV, and 20% do not hit peak height velocity until Tanner stage V. In girls, peak height velocity occurs in Tanner stage III, preceding menarche by approximately a year. Average age achievement of common markers of secondary sexual characteristics and skeletal maturation are presented in Figures 24-8 and 24-9.* Tanner stages are outlined in Table 24-1.87–90

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Assessment of Maturation

Noël Cameron, in Human Growth and Development (Second Edition), 2012

20.3.2 Clinical Evaluations

The assessment of secondary sexual development is a standard clinical procedure and at such times the full Tanner scale is used. There are some practical problems with the Tanner stages, however, in that the unequivocal observation of each stage is often dependent on having longitudinal observations. In most situations, outside the clinical setting, the observations are cross-sectional. This practical difficulty has led to the amalgamation of some of the stages to create pubertal stages. These pubertal stages are on either a three- or four-point scale and combine breast/genitalia development with pubic hair development.31–33 Assessing breast/genitalia development with pubic hair development is obviously much easier than assessing these maturity indicators separately, but inevitably leads to a lack of sensitivity in the interpretation of the timing and duration of the different stages of pubertal development. Indeed, the intrasubject variation in the synchronous appearance of pubic hair and breast/genitalia stages, illustrated in British children by Marshall and Tanner,3,4 suggests that it may be misleading to expect stage synchronization in as many as 50% of normal children.

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Assessment of Maturation

Noël Cameron, David D. Martin, in Pediatric Bone (Second Edition), 2012

Clinical Evaluations

The assessment of secondary sexual development is a standard clinical procedure and, at such times, the full Tanner Scale is used. There are some practical problems with the Tanner stages, however, in that the unequivocal observation of each stage is often dependent on having longitudinal observations. In most situations, outside the clinical setting, the observations are cross-sectional. This practical difficulty has led to the amalgamation of some of the stages to create pubertal stages. These pubertal stages are either on a three- or four-point scale and combine breast/genitalia development with pubic hair development [53,54]. In the three-point technique for instance, stage P1 represents the prepubertal state (B1/G1; PH1), and stages P2 (B2–4/G2–4; PH2–4) and P3 (B5/G5; PH5) the mid-pubertal and postpubertal states. All indicators of maturational change between the prepubertal and postpubertal extremes have been combined into the P2 stage. Assessing breast/genitalia development with pubic hair development is obviously much easier than assessing these maturity indicators separately, but inevitably leads to a lack of sensitivity in the interpretation of the timing and duration of the different stages of pubertal development. Indeed the intrasubject variation in the synchronous appearance of pubic hair and breast/genitalia stages, illustrated in British children by Marshall and Tanner [5,6], suggests that it may be misleading to expect stage synchronization in as many as 50% of normal children.

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L. Martrille, E. Baccino, in Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2005

In girls

The onset of puberty occurs between the ages of 8 and 13 years. The growth of pubic hair or labia majora precedes puberty by a few months (P2 on the Tanner scale, average 10 1/2 years of age); puberty begins with the development of the nipples (S2 on the Tanner scale, average 11 years). Axillary hair appears during stages S3 and S4 of breast development, about 12–18 months after the appearance of pubic hair (average: 12 years of age). Around 13, menstruation begins, about 18–24 months after the first signs of puberty. The transformation of external genital organs can also be seen: the vulva becomes more horizontal due to forward tilting of the pelvis, and the labia minora develop. Internal organs (uterus, ovaries) also evolve. Other somatic changes are also noticeable: growth of stature, muscular development, and fat deposit on hips and thighs.

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Age Estimation in the Living

L. Hackman, S.M. Black, in Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (Second Edition), 2016

Sexual Maturity

The Tanner stages describe normal puberty development in both sexes (Marshall and Tanner, 1970, 1969). As with all aging methods, except those involving the dentition, there are two reference standards, one for girls and one for boys, both of these reflect the different external physical changes that can be observed as children progress through puberty to adult maturity.

In girls the onset of puberty normally occurs between the ages of 8 and 13 years. The onset of puberty for boys is normally between the ages of 9 and 14 years. The Tanner scale describes, both pictorially and descriptively, the external changes that occur in the time period between the onset of puberty and the achievement of full maturity for both girls and boys. Changes described include the development of body hair patterns, changes in breast size, and changes in the testicles and penis. Although the Tanner stages do link each of the changes to a suggested chronological age range, the fact that puberty can be initiated at any point over a 5 year period with developmental changes following on at varying rates after this would give those using this method pause before turning to it as a method of age estimation.

Tanner stages have been used for forensic age estimation, although their use has gradually fallen out of favor in recent years since the methods have been shown to be broadly useful but unreliable as a specific indicator. Indeed the original authors of the method have raised this as an issue in relation to the application of the method to age estimation (Rosenbloom and Tanner, 1998). The method includes no instructions for the application of this method and most use a direct comparison approach, comparing the stage of development of the individual with the descriptions within the stages. The most popular use of the Tanner scales was in the investigation of pornographic images which included individuals who were suspected of being under the age of consent. In these investigations, the physical development of the child pictured in the images was compared to the different developmental stages described in the scale as a way of estimating chronological age. On a number of occasions the results of these analyses were presented in court. This use led to testing of the method as an age estimation method on images of individuals of known age. These tests demonstrated that the method gave a large number of false positives, i.e., identified adults as under the age of consent and the method suffered a large degree of criticism as a result (Cattaneo, 2009; Espeland et al., 1990; Rosenbloom, 2013). Recent demands brought about by the requirements of estimating age in the living has seen the reemergence of this method, although its use is not ubiquitous and for many it is simply used as a method to assist clinicians to screen for possible abnormalities which might affect the use of bone and tooth development for age estimation.

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Normal Adolescent Growth and Development

Jonathan T. Avila, in Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2021

Tanner staging

In the late 1940s, as part of a British government study on the effects of malnutrition in children, pediatrician James Tanner meticulously documented the growth of children at an orphanage outside London with charts and photographs. Tanner's study, conducted over two decades, led to the understanding of the development of sexual characteristics in adolescents in a way that can be objectively described. These data on growth and sexual maturation led to the respective development of the modern growth charts and the sexual maturity rating (SMR), eponymously referred to as Tanner scale or Tanner stages. Staging of sexual development is graded on a 5-point ordinal scale ranging from 1 (prepubertal) to 5 (adultlike) for female breast development (Fig. 2), male external genitals (Fig. 3), and pubic hair (Figs. 2 and 3). While SMR 1 (or Tanner 1) describes all prepubertal children, that is, children without any secondary sexual characteristics, SMR 2 (Tanner 2) refers to the developmental changes seen at puberty onset and which corresponds to the physiologic entry into puberty or early puberty. SMR 3 describes mid-puberty and refers to ongoing pubertal changes beyond initiation. Late puberty is described by SMR 4 when the body is near completion of sexual maturation, but not fully adultlike. SMR 5 describes the completion of pubertal changes with the body having achieved adultlike secondary sexual characteristics and full sexual maturation. For pubic hair in males, a sixth stage has been proposed to describe hair extending toward the umbilicus beyond the SMR 5 pattern, and which is not seen in females with normal androgen levels (Bordini and Rosenfield, 2011b). This sixth stage of puberty in males is not routinely used in clinical practice.

Fig. 2. Sexual maturity rating of female breast and pubic hair development.

From Rosenfield RL, Cooke DW, Radovick S (2014). Copyright © 2014, Saunders/Elsevier. Chapter 15: Puberty and its disorders in the female. Figure 15-31. In: Sperling M (ed.) Pediatric Endocrinology. 4th edn., pp. 569–663.e1. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier.

Fig. 3. Sexual maturity rating of male genital and pubic hair development.

From Palmert MR, Dunkel L, and Witchel SF (2014). Copyright © 2014, Saunders/Elsevier. Chapter 17: Puberty and its disorders in the male. Figure 17-2. In: Sperling M (ed.) Pediatric Endocrinology. 4th edn., pp. 697–733.e1. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier.

As mentioned in earlier section of this chapter, axillary hair growth is driven by adrenarche, which is a gonadotropin-independent process. Therefore, axillary hair development is not scaled according to Tanner staging or sexual maturity rating, which applies to true pubertal development, but can instead be graded using other scale systems that have been used in the evaluation of precocious or premature pubarche. Although the same argument can be made for pubic hair growth – and therefore the presence of pubic hair alone without associated breast development or testicular enlargement is not a hallmark of true, gonadotropin-induced pubertal development – the distribution of sexual hair in adult pattern is usually not achieved without gonadal androgens, especially in males (Bordini and Rosenfield, 2011b).

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Female Reproduction

Juan M. Castellano, ... Manuel Tena-Sempere, in Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Second Edition), 2018

Assessment of Pubertal Development: External Markers

The assessment of pubertal maturation is particularly relevant in clinical practice and relies on specific changes related to body growth and composition, as well as the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Marshall and Tanner were the first to provide a standard frame of reference for such assessment in both girls and boys. This reference method, known as Tanner scale, allows classifying pubertal development into five continuum stages (from infantile to adult) on the basis of somatic changes in breast, pubic hair, and genital development (Marshall and Tanner, 1969, 1970). In girls, the first sign of puberty initiation is often thelarche (that typically occurs at Tanner stage II), which consists of the onset of breast bud development (Snyder, 2016). This phenomenon is usually followed by pubarche; a process that involves the development of axillary and pubic hair and depends on an increase in adrenal androgen production—termed adrenarche—(Bordini and Rosenfield, 2011). Approximately 2 or 2.5 years after thelarche (at Tanner stage III or, more often, at IV) typically occurs menarche, which represents the first menstrual cycle and, eventually, the final marker of puberty completion in girls (Snyder, 2016).

The study of the mechanistic basis of puberty and its eventual alterations also requires the precise assessment of pubertal maturation in laboratory rodents (i.e., rats and mice), which are widely used in biomedical research. External signs of puberty onset conventionally assessed in female rodents are: (i) the complete canalization of the vagina (i.e., vaginal opening; VO); (ii) the first appearance of cornified epithelial cells in the vagina (i.e., first vaginal estrus; FE); (iii) and the presence of a vaginal plug (VP) after mating (Gaytan et al., 2017; Ojeda and Skinner, 2006). However, it is worth to note that those pubertal markers show relevant differences between rats and mice, especially in terms of reliability. For instance, VO and FE are tightly coupled with the first ovulation in female rats, and consequently, the age of VO is a reliable marker of puberty onset for this species (Ojeda and Skinner, 2006). In contrast, VO and FE are not always immediately followed by first ovulation in mice, which the value of these external pubertal markers for accurate detection of completion of puberty in female mice. In this species, postmating VP seems to be the most accurate external sign of first ovulation (Safranski et al., 1993).

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The Human Microbiome

Joanna-Lynn C. Borgogna, Carl J. Yeoman, in Methods in Microbiology, 2017

4.1 Age and Physiology

The composition of the vaginal microbiota is directly linked to the structural and physiological changes that occur in the vaginal environment throughout a woman's lifetime (Farage & Maibach, 2006; Farage, Miller, & Sobel, 2010). While the vaginal epithelium provides an important barrier against STIs and potentially pathogenic bacteria, structural and compositional changes remain poorly characterized, with the crux of our knowledge based upon the seminal review written by Farage and Maibach (2006) and from inferences gleaned from the epidermidis (Blaskewicz, Pudney, & Anderson, 2011). Broadly, it is well established that the physiology of the vagina changes over lifetime and that these changes are most directly linked not only to the production and concentration of oestrogen (Farage & Maibach, 2006) but also the composition of the vaginal microbiota.

4.1.1 Newborn to infancy

It has been long considered that infants are born sterile, and their initial colonization comes from either the vaginal or skin microbiota depending upon mode of delivery (Dominguez-Bello et al., 2010). However, recent studies utilizing 16S rRNA gene sequencing technology have reported the potential for a low-biomass microbiota within the human placenta that is unique from that in vagina (Amarasekara, Jayasekara, Senanayake, & Dissanayake, 2015; Collado, Rautava, Aakko, Isolauri, & Salminen, 2016; Dong et al., 2015; Doyle et al., 2014; Fichorova et al., 2015, 2011; Hecht et al., 2009; Prince et al., 2016; Wassenaar & Panigrahi, 2014). Irrespective of the source, maternal inoculation is a crucial event in the colonization and shaping of an infant's microbiome (Dominguez-Bello et al., 2010) and this is also likely to be true of the human vagina. For the first month, an infant's vulva and vagina are influenced by residual, transplacental, maternal oestrogens that facilitate the temporary stratification of the vaginal epithelium and the production of glycogen, which is metabolized by endogenous bacteria resulting in a low vaginal pH (Farage & Maibach, 2006; Hickey et al., 2015). As the residual maternal oestrogens are metabolized, the vaginal epithelium loses its glycogen content and stratification and there is a concomitant increase in vaginal pH (Farage & Maibach, 2006; Farage et al., 2010).

4.1.2 Childhood

To date, there exists no known molecular-based study investigating the vaginal microbiota of children. Cultivation-based studies have established that the vaginal environment of young children remains similar to that of older infants: the epithelium remains thin, there is very little glycogen and the vaginal pH is alkaline or neutral (Farage & Maibach, 2006). Hammerschlag, Alpert, Onderdonk, et al. (1978) cultured bacteria from the vaginal canals of 100 children aged 2–15 years and found high colonization of diphtheroids (Corynebacterium spp. 78%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (73%) and mycoplasma. Interestingly, the occurrence of Lactobacillus spp. increased from a 45% prevalence in children under 2 to 88% by age 11 (Hammerschlag, Alpert, Rosner, et al., 1978).

4.1.3 Adolescence

During puberty, under the influence of adrenal and gonadal maturation, oestrogen levels begin to rise, the vaginal epithelial thickens and intracellular glycogen is produced (Farage & Maibach, 2006; Farage et al., 2010). To date, there are only two known molecular-based studies examining the vaginal microbiota during puberty. Yamamoto et al. (2009) characterized the vagina microbiota of menarcheal adolescents (ages 13–18) using 16S rRNA terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLP). The vaginal composition of menarcheal adolescents was similar to reproductive-aged women—four major clusters were identified which could be divided into those dominated by Lactobacillus spp. (namely, L. crispatus, L. iners) and those dominated by alternate lactic acid-producing bacteria, Atopobium and Streptococcus spp. In 2015, Hickey et al. (2015) characterized longitudinal changes in the vaginal and vulvar microbial communities of premenarcheal girls in relation to the Tanner scale (stage 1 = prepuberty; stage 5 = full maturity) to track physiological changes as a response to oestrogen levels as these adolescents progressed through pubertal changes. The vaginal microbiota of many premenarcheal girls separated into Lactobacillus-dominated clusters more than a year prior to the onset of menarche, and this Lactobacillus dominance was not necessarily associated with low vaginal pH (Hickey et al., 2015). Lactobacillus dominance occurred during the transition from Tanner stage 2–3 and prior to the onset of menarche (usually occurring in Tanner stage 3 or 4). Interestingly G. vaginalis was also detected in nearly one-third of the perimenarcheal vaginal microbiota and was the fourth most abundant species detected (Hickey et al., 2015).

4.1.4 Reproductive-aged women

In reproductive-aged women, the vaginal environment is considered mature—beyond the regular columnar cell arrangement of the endocervix, surface cells are stratified, squamous epithelium that forms a natural barrier against potential pathogens (Eschenbach, Thwin, et al., 2000; Farage & Maibach, 2006; Farage et al., 2010). The layers of vaginal epithelium include the basal, superbasal and stratum corneum cells, each of which contributes broadly to reproductive health. Basal cells serve as progenitors for the apical layers and are frequently sloughed off into the vaginal cavity, while stratum corneum cells contain substantial amounts of glycogen and mucin and are thought to be important mediators of immune defence (Anderson, Marathe, & Pudney, 2014; Farage & Maibach, 2006; Rose et al., 2012). Additionally, stratum corneum cells lack tight junctions and are permeable to water and soluble proteins (Anderson et al., 2014; Blaskewicz et al., 2011). A study investigating the generation time of vaginal cells provided evidence that a single cell layer is lost from the vaginal epithelium every 4 h (Anderson et al., 2014; Averette, Weinstein, & Frost, 1970; Patton et al., 2000). The amount of time it takes for a single cell to be exfoliated, or sloughed, may be affected by numerous factors including intercourse, use of vaginal products and hormonal status. In addition, fluctuations in oestrogen affect both thickness of vaginal epithelium and glycogen stores (Eschenbach et al., 2001; Eschenbach, Patton, et al., 2000; Farage & Maibach, 2006; Patton et al., 2000).

It is widely maintained that the exfoliation of vaginal cells is an effective means by which to eliminate pathogens adhered to the cell surface (Farage & Maibach, 2011; Hladik et al., 2007). As epithelial cells are exfoliated, their glycogen-rich contents are released into the vaginal lumen providing a nutrient source for Lactobacillus spp. While Lactobacillus spp. cannot metabolize glycogen directly, glycogen is degraded by α-amylase into polymers such as maltose and maltotriose which are then capable of being utilized by Lactobacillus spp. (Spear et al., 2014). Interestingly, women clinically diagnosed with BV are often found to have lower vaginal levels of α-amylase (Nasioudis et al., 2015).

4.1.5 Postmenopausal women

Relatively little information exists about the postmenopausal vaginal microbiome. From a physiological perspective, the onset of menopause is associated with decreased levels of oestrogen and the cessation of menstruation; the vaginal epithelium atrophies due to the decrease in oestrogen, the production of cervicovaginal secretions is markedly reduced and there is an increase in vaginal pH (Farage & Maibach, 2006; Farage et al., 2010; Gupta, Kumar, Singhal, Kaur, & Manektala, 2006). The vaginal microbiota are thought to once again transition from a Lactobacillus-dominant microbiota commonly associated with healthy, reproductive-aged women to one dominated primarily anaerobic and enteric bacteria (Ginkel, Soper, Bump, & Dalton, 1993; Larsen, Goplerud, Petzold, Ohm-Smith, & Galask, 1982). In 2014, Brotman, Shardell, Gajer, Fadrosh, et al. (2014) conducted one of the first cultivation-independent studies characterizing the composition of vaginal microbiota of women classified by “Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop” guidelines (STRAW) into pre-, peri- and postmenopausal groups. Interestingly, Lactobacillus spp. dominance was frequent among each stage of menopause (83% in premenopausal women, 83% in perimenopausal women and 54% in postmenopausal women). However, women who were perimenopausal were most likely to have vaginal microbiota dominated by L. gasseri or be CST-IV and women who were postmenopausal were primarily categorized as CST-IV-A (Brotman, Shardell, Gajer, Fadrosh, et al., 2014). An exploratory study conducted by Mirmonsef et al. (2015) examined the association of free glycogen and Lactobacillus spp. abundance in postmenopausal women. This study is important as it has been demonstrated that the epithelial cells of some postmenopausal women and ovariectomized women still produce glycogen (Ayre, 1951; Willson & Goforth, 1942). Moreover, intraepithelial glycogen content has been reported to be independent of hormonal changes (Gregoire et al., 1971) and previous work conducted by Mirmonsef et al. (2014) suggests that free glycogen in the genital fluid may be more closely associated with Lactobacillus levels in the genital tract than epithelial produced glycogen. Cervicovaginal lavage samples were obtained from pre- and postmenopausal women over the course of at least two clinical visits, and the abundance of L. crispatus, L. iners and L. jensenii within each cervicovaginal lavage sample was quantified using qPCR. Overall, this study demonstrated that free glycogen was present in both pre- and postmenopausal women and was positively correlated with the relative abundance of Lactobacillus spp. (Mirmonsef et al., 2014). This might explain why some studies have reported high Lactobacillus spp. abundance in postmenopausal women. This study was limited due to its small sample size of pre- and postmenopausal women, and postmenopausal women were only sampled twice (Mirmonsef et al., 2015).

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Weight-bearing exercise and bone mineral accrual in children and adolescents: A review of controlled trials

K. Hind, M. Burrows, in Bone, 2007

Maturity status

All studies estimated subject's maturity status using the five point scale Tanner stage assessments of pubertal development in both sexes, based on external characteristics. The technique is non-invasive and effective, although other maturity parameters do exist. Bone age is based on the development of bone maturation throughout childhood and adolescence, and can be accurately assessed by standard radiography of the hand-wrist. Several studies used this technique in addition to Tanner assessments [21,27,34]. However, due to the involvement of ionising radiation, the use of bone age is less common than that of Tanner assessments, and both appear to have a similar degree of accuracy [40]. Physical maturity can also be useful and is assessed according to peak height velocity (PHV). As this requires a collection of longitudinal data over at least 3 years, none of the studies reviewed had measured PHV.

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Advances in Pediatrics

Carol D. Berkowitz MD, in Advances in Pediatrics, 2009

In 1998, Rosenbloom and Tanner [73], in a letter published in Pediatrics, criticized the practice of assigning age-based sexual maturity rating as an “illegitimate use” of the data. Detective James F. McLaughlin [74], in a letter to Dr Rosenbloom, noted that experts did not use the Tanner Scale in isolation but rather in the context of rendering an expert opinion based on “knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education.” Rosenbloom responded to Detective McLaughlin that indeed such assessments were not simply related to Tanner rating [75]. The California Court of Appeals, in People v Thomas Joseph Kurey, determined that testimony regarding age using the Tanner scale was admissible [76]. Defense attorneys, however, continue to use the 1998 letter of Tanner and Rosenbloom to question the validity of the age assignment, and expert consultants should therefore be familiar with both the medical literature and the legal opinions related to these discussions. The numerous studies defining the age range of pubertal development around much of the world have to some extent addressed the criticism of Rosenbloom and Tanner, and have led to a purposeful avoidance of using the term “Tanner staging” and use of the replacement terms SMR or SMI, or the designation with the specific ratings B, PH, G for breast, public hair, and genitals.

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Which transformations occur during the mid puberty stage of a normally developing adolescent female?

The girl's body shape will also begin to change. There may be an increase not only in height and weight, but the hips may get wider as well. There may also be an increase in fat in the buttocks, legs, and stomach. These are normal changes that may happen during puberty.

Whats is adolescent?

Adolescence is the phase of life between childhood and adulthood, from ages 10 to 19. It is a unique stage of human development and an important time for laying the foundations of good health. Adolescents experience rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth.

Which is the average optimal blood pressure of an adolescent quizlet?

What is the average optimal blood pressure of an adolescent? The optimal blood pressure of an adolescent is 110/65 mm Hg.

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