Blow a fuse là gì

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‘Blow a fuse’ nghĩa là nổ cầu chì -> mất bình tĩnh, vô cùng tức giận.

Ví dụ

Have you noticed that you get angry more easily when you’re hungry? How can an empty stomach lead you to blow a fuse? We explain the science behind this phenomenon (hiện tượng).

Is your dad fighting with the neighbor? Annoyed that he just can’t seem to get his car working right? How about ready to blow a fuse over a bill? If your dad is mad this Father’s Day, we want to make him feel better with a calming chat with Brad Paisley!

There’s a problem, though. The new F-150 only has one 240v outlet. I’ll need two if I want to use a full-sized refrigerator (which, let’s be honest, we gotta). Luckily they sell splitters for that kind of outlet. They’re like $250, but I guess I need it. I hope I don’t blow a fuse or something.

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