Cách ấp trứng trong Pokemon Omega Ruby

Breeding in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire can be a difficult thing to wrap your head around at first, but once you get the hang of it, you can breed for fun or create an amazing Pokemon with top notch stats and unique moves.

Breeding Pokemon


In order to breed, you must place two correctly matched Pokemon in the Pokemon Day Care. In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, there are two Pokemon Day Cares. One can be found on Route 117, and the other is located on the Battle Resort.

While your Pokemon are at the day care, they will level up and may learn new moves, but they will never evolve or earn Effort Values. If the two Pokemon have compatible Egg Groups and genders, the man outside of the day care will tell you they enjoy being together. All you can do after that is wait. Of course, simply waiting for the time to pass by will not help create an egg. The game requires you to move around to pass the time. The more steps, the better. If you have nothing else to do in the game, ride your bike back and forth along the long, straight Route the Day Care is on. Eventually the Day Care man will face the road instead of the Pokemon. Speak to him to receive a Pokemon Egg.

Note: Legendary Pokemon cannot breed because they usually have unknown genders, and even Pokemon like Heatran who have a gender still cannot breed. However, the legendary Pokemon Manaphy can breed, but the egg will always hatch into a new Pokemon called Phione.

Some Pokemon with unknown genders can breed with a Ditto. Ditto is usually the go to Pokemon for many Breeders who want an Egg with little effort. If you don't want to use a Ditto for specific reasons, you'll have to find two Pokemon that fit in the same Egg Groups, and there must be one of each gender.

Egg Groups

There are 14 Egg Groups that a Pokemon can fall into — 15 if you include Ditto into his own group. As stated earlier, Ditto can breed with almost any Pokemon, and only Ditto can breed with certain unknown gender or Legendary Pokemon. Dittos will always create the other Pokemon it's matched with in the day care, never other Dittos. Even if you place two Dittos in the day care, you will never get a Ditto egg. The 14 Egg Groups in Pokemon are:

  • Amorphous
  • Bug
  • Dragon
  • Fairy
  • Field
  • Flying
  • Grass
  • Human-Like
  • Mineral
  • Monster
  • Undiscovered
  • Water 1
  • Water 2
  • Water 3


Most Pokemon in each egg group look somewhat similar in style, such as Charizard and Dragonite, but there are some weird matches like Skitty and Wailord. After you get a matched pair, you will have to wait for them to make an egg. Sometimes it's quick and sometimes it'll take a long while. Traded Pokemon breed faster than Pokemon you captured yourself. You can find out how long it'll take by asking the Day Care man. He'll usually say things that hint at the time frame for an egg. If he says "They prefer to play with other Pokemon," it means you'll never get an egg from the pair. The more playful they are, the faster they will make an egg.

What's in the Egg?

If you're not breeding two of the same Pokemon -- like two Blaziken -- and instead are breeding two different Pokemon that are in the same egg group, the female of the two Pokemon will be the Pokemon species that hatches from the egg. However, for obvious reasons, it will not be the highest evolutionary form. For example: if you're breeding a female Charizard and a male Dragonite, you will end up with a Charmander of either gender.

There are few Pokemon that can only be male or female. In this special case, you will have a 50/50 chance of the egg being the same species as the father or mother.

Some Pokemon can only be obtained through breeding. To get one of these infant Pokemon, the parent may need to hold a Incense while in the Day Care, but not all baby Pokemon need a special item to be created.

Passing Down Natures

If you like the Nature of one of the parent Pokemon, you can let that Pokemon hold an Everstone. This will allow the Nature to pass down to the child.

Passing Down Abilities


Some Pokemon are born with one of two different Abilities. The chances of getting a certain Ability from a Pokemon in the wild are 50/50. However, there are ways to breed a certain ability onto the child.

If the Mother has one of two available Abilities for that species, there will be an 80% chance the child will know that same Ability.

There are also rare Hidden Abilities that many Pokemon can learn. You may come across Pokemon with hidden abilities if they are in Hordes or are Hidden Pokemon. Use the Honey item or the Sweet Scent move to attract Hordes. Hidden Pokemon are the types you can sneak up on in tall grass or water. Use the DexNav to easily find Hidden Pokemon. If the mother Pokemon in the day care has a Hidden Ability, the ability will have an 80% chance of being passed down to the child. Male or unknown gender Pokemon have a small chance of passing down the Hidden Ability, but Females have the higher chance.

Passing Down IVs

Three Individual Values will be passed on from the parent Pokemon to the child each time you breed. These three IVs will be selected randomly from either the male, the female, or both.

If you like a particular Stat's Individual Value, you can attach a Power Weight, Power Bracer, Power Belt, Power Lens, Power Band, or Power Anklet to either parent to pass down the HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, or Speed Individual Value on to the child Pokemon. If you let both Parents hold one of these items, only one of the IVs will be sent down (it will be random), and the other two Stats will be randomly chosen.

The best option when passing down IVs is to have one parent hold the Destiny Knot. This will pass down five Individual Values from either parent to the child, but the five stats will be chosen at random. That's five out of a total of 12 between both of the parent Pokemon.

Passing Down the Same Poke Ball


The Poke Ball the egg hatches in is solely based upon the ball that the mother was caught in. So, if you´re breeding a female Pokemon you caught in a dusk ball with a male Pokemon in a Cherish Ball, the baby will always be inside a dusk ball.

Breeding Attacks / Egg Moves

Once a Pokemon hatches, it will be at level 1 and may know certain moves that it normally cannot learn at that level. There are three types of Attacks that can be taught through breeding:

  1. A Pokemon can learn an attack from a TM or HM if the father has one in their move set. This only works if the baby Pokemon would normally be able to learn that move.
  2. A Pokemon can learn an attack that is normally learned at later levels if both of the parents already have it in their move sets. There are some instances where this will not work.
  3. A Pokemon can learn an attack that is only learned through specific breeding. A well known example is a male Dragonite with the attack Outrage breeding with a female Charizard to make a baby Charmander that knows Outrage. These are known as "Egg Moves." In generation 6, the gender of the parents don't matter for egg moves.

Now in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, you can capture Hidden Pokemon with a random Egg Move! Hidden Pokemon are the ones that pop out of the grass or water. Sneak up on them to enter battle. After capturing a certain species, you can use the DexNav to find that same species over and over.

Keep in mind, Pokemon will level up while in the Day Care. It is possible a parent Pokemon will learn a new move and forget one of the older four. The move at the top will be the first to be replaced, while the move at the bottom will be the last.

Chain Breeding

Chain Breeding is the act of breeding Pokemon A to get an egg move onto Pokemon B, then breeding Pokemon B with Pokemon C to get the same egg move onto Pokemon C. The reason you do this is because Pokemon A cannot breed with Pokemon C, but Pokemon C wants an egg move Pokemon A can learn. You can also use this to get two different egg moves onto Pokemon C. Let's look at an example:


Say you wanted a Skitty with both Wish and Fake Tears. These moves are both egg moves. Now, no Pokemon can learn both of these moves by leveling up and is in Skitty's egg group, so you have to chain breed. Here's what you do:

  1. Get a male Togetic that knows Wish (learned at level 29).
  2. Breed the male Togetic with a female Plusle and produce a male Plusle with Wish as an egg move.
  3. Level up that male Plusle to level 21 to learn Fake Tears. Be sure not to remove Wish from Plusle's move set along the way, or else you'll have to go back to the beginning. Breed the male Plusle and a female Skitty to produce a Skitty with Fake Tears and Wish.

Do you see how the Skitty got the two moves from both Togetic and Plusle? Pokemon that have two different egg groups are really good for this, as they can breed with many more Pokemon.

It may be a bit easier to breed on Egg Moves in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. As stated in the Egg Groups section, you can capture Hidden Pokemon with a random Egg Move! Hidden Pokemon are the ones that pop out of the grass or water. Sneak up on them to enter battle. After capturing a certain species, you can use the DexNav to find that same species over and over.

Hatching an Egg

Hatching an egg can take a really long time depending on the Pokemon that's inside. Actually, it doesn't depend on time, but the amount of steps you take. It could take between 1,000-10,000 steps to hatch an egg. If you have a Pokemon with the Magma Armor or Flame Body Abilities in your party, the amount of steps will be cut in half. You can ride your bicycle up and down the same route until the egg hatches, or just take it with you on your adventure. Check the egg's status screen to get hints as to how long it'll take to hatch.

Up Next: Amorphous Egg Group

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Cách ấp trứng trong Pokemon Omega Ruby