Called the pending decision a compromise là gì

(Định nghĩa của compromise từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của compromise


The leadership compromised but refused to hold an open primary.

And, so, it is by virtue of this conceptual connection that the failure of the ontological argument is supposed to compromise the cosmological argument.

He suffers early professional setbacks but emerges triumphant by the end of the novel because he has never compromised his own individuality.

Yet a reduction division must precede fertilisation or problems with ploidy will compromise the viability of the resulting embryo.

Since the human samples available for analysis are non-viable discarded material, they are potentially compromised.

Three interviewees, by contrast, said they would seek non-standard work, but only as a compromise to their not having gained standard types of work.

The drawback of this system was that precision was compromised.

A number of factors compromise the precision of previous type analyses with a priori type definitions.

These differences contributed to the formation of a great ideological divide that admitted no compromise, and that soon generated a spiral of political violence.

These overstated positions reassure patients about physicians' primary beneficent outlook while allowing inevitable compromises to accommodate difficult situations or competing principles.

A provisional compromise has been reached in this case, which forms the basis for the future bill.

In exchange for this sponsorship, scholars risked compromising their disciplinary integrity.

The sampling methods were of necessity a compromise.

Alternatively, individual rights and democratic norms of compromise and non-violent conflict resolution flow logically from economic norms governing the exchange of goods and services.

To know, for example, whether the autonomy of potential donors is compromised in practice, ethicists need to engage in empirical research.

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Các cụm từ với compromise

Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với compromise.

Bấm vào một cụm từ để xem thêm các ví dụ của cụm từ đó.

acceptable compromise

This is an acceptable compromise, but it does not describe the totality of their behaviour, nor (crucially) does it provide an adequate explanation for it.

political compromise

He hoped to address pressing economic problems which demanded political compromise: war debts, tariff and quota reductions, exchange restrictions, and the like.

proposed compromise

The proposed compromise is a cautious step towards opening up the market in port services and increasing transparency in ports.

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