Convert list of tuples to list of lists Python

Hey, readers! In this article, we will be focusing on Python List of Tuples.

What is Python List and Tuple?

Python List is a data structure that maintains an ordered collection of mutable data elements.

list-name = [ item1, item2, ....., itemN]

The elements in the list are enclosed within square brackets [].

Python Tuple is an immutable data structure whose elements are enclosed within parenthesis ().

tuple-name = (item1, item2, ...., itemN)

Python List of Tuples

We can create a list of tuples i.e. the elements of the tuple can be enclosed in a list and thus will follow the characteristics in a similar manner as of a Python list. Since, Python Tuples utilize less amount of space, creating a list of tuples would be more useful in every aspect.


LT_data = [(1,2,3),('S','P','Q')] print("List of Tuples:\n",LT_data)


List of Tuples: [(1, 2, 3), ('S', 'P', 'Q')]

Python list of tuples using zip() function

Python zip() function can be used to map the lists altogether to create a list of tuples using the below command:


The zip() function returns an iterable of tuples based upon the values passed to it. And, further, the list() function would create a list of those tuples as an output from the zip() function.


lst1 = [10,20,30] lst2 = [50,"Python","JournalDev"] lst_tuple = list(zip(lst1,lst2)) print(lst_tuple)


[(10, 50), (20, 'Python'), (30, 'JournalDev')]

Customized grouping of elements while forming a list of tuples

While forming a list of tuples, it is possible for us to provide customized grouping of elements depending on the number of elements in the list/tuple.

[element for element in zip(*[iter(list)]*number)]

List comprehension along with zip() function is used to convert the tuples to list and create a list of tuples. Python iter() function is used to iterate an element of an object at a time. The number would specify the number of elements to be clubbed into a single tuple to form a list.

Example 1:

lst = [50,"Python","JournalDev",100] lst_tuple = [x for x in zip(*[iter(lst)])] print(lst_tuple)

In the above example, we have formed a list of tuples with a single element inside a tuple using the iter() method.


[(50,), ('Python',), ('JournalDev',), (100,)]

Example 2:

lst = [50,"Python","JournalDev",100] lst_tuple = [x for x in zip(*[iter(lst)]*2)] print(lst_tuple)

In this example, two elements are contained inside a tuple to form a list of tuple.


[(50, 'Python'), ('JournalDev', 100)]

Python list of tuples using map() function

Python map function can be used to create a list of tuples. The map() function maps and applies a function to an iterable passed to the function.

map(function, iterable)


lst = [[50],["Python"],["JournalDev"],[100]] lst_tuple =list(map(tuple, lst)) print(lst_tuple)

In this example, we have mapped the input list to the tuple function using map() function. After this, the list() function is used to create a list of the mapped tuple values.


[(50,), ('Python',), ('JournalDev',), (100,)]

Python list of tuples using list comprehension and tuple() method

Python tuple() method along with List Comprehension can be used to form a list of tuples.

The tuple() function helps to create tuples from the set of elements passed to it.


lst = [[50],["Python"],["JournalDev"],[100]] lst_tuple =[tuple(ele) for ele in lst] print(lst_tuple)


[(50,), ('Python',), ('JournalDev',), (100,)]


By this, we have come to the end of the article. I hope you all have enjoyed learning this interesting concept of Python list of tuples.

Feel free to comment below, in case you come across any doubt.


  • Creating a list of tuples StackOverflow

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