Minimalist things to buy

Minimalist living discourages us from mindlessly filling our lives with the unnecessary, but encourages us to be intentional with what we consume. Though we want to simplify our household belongings, there's no denying that we will find ourselves in a situation that we'll need to purchase something, even after holding off for a month to make sure we need it. As a minimalist, I do my best to purchase things that fulfill a purpose. This video will go through some of the items I still buy and why I do, which you can find on the left and a summary below.

Though on the surface, minimalism appears to be only about decluttering and getting rid of all your belongings, it’s much more. It’s a more responsible mindset shift, allowing you to have a healthier relationship with your consumption, finances and more. I hope this video helps you navigate future purchases, so that you don’t feel tied to not being able to buy anything, but that you are more empowered to shop responsibly and mindfully. Thank you to Shoptagr for also sponsoring this video, which you can find more details about on at the bottom of this post.

Minimalist things to buy

Shoptagr is a free browser integration that helps you save money and time while shopping online. It can be a super helpful tool if you’re waiting for a good deal on something from your wishlist, and integrates with some great places to shop online, such as EarthHero, Poshmark, or Etsy. If you love supporting sustainable small businesses, it can be expensive to buy new pieces, so tracking pieces with Shoptagr is a great solution. Use their mobile or browser application to create wishlists, find coupon codes at checkout, and get cash back from select retail partners.